1 St. Gabriel’s 140 Lawton Road, Alsager Parish : Fr. Tony Grace Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 2DE Permanent : Rev. Eddie Miller Tel: 01270 877736 27th June 2021 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stgabrielsalsager.org.uk

St. Gabriel’s School & Playgroup, Tel: 875770

St. Thomas More Catholic High

School. www.st- thomasmore.cheshire.sch.uk

Please pray for all the Children from Year 3 and Year 4 making their First Holy Communion on Saturday 26 June at 10.00 am Mass & 12.00 noon Mass at St.Gabriel’s School.

Peter’s Pence . The Pope, as Pastor of the universal Church, is concerned both with the needs of evangelization, spiritual, educational, justice, communication, and with the material needs of poor dioceses, religious institutes and faithful in serious difficulties such as the poor, children, the elderly, the marginalized, victims of wars and natural disasters; special aid to Bishops or Dioceses in need, Catholic education, aid to refugees and migrants. There will be a second collection this weekend for Peter’s Pence. It is an ancient custom still alive today... The practice of providing material support to those charged with preaching the Gospel, thus enabling them to devote themselves completely to their apostolic mission and to care for those in greatest need, is as old as Christianity itself (cf. Acts 4:34, 11:29). For more information, https://www.obolodisanpietro.va/en Sts Peter and Paul apostles 29th June. The Feast of SS Peter and Paul is an annual celebration in the Christian calendar of the lives and deaths of the two great saints: Peter and Paul. Commemorating the lives of important Christian saints and martyrs, and especially one of the Twelve Apostles or somebody who knew Jesus personally, has been an important aspect of Christian life ever since the first century. The joint feast day of SS Peter and Paul is of particular importance because of the enormous influence that these two men had on the development of the early Church. The First Martyrs of Rome 30th June. Blamed by Emperor Nero for the great fire which devastated Rome in 64, many Christians in addition to St Peter and St Paul were savagely killed. Victims of cruel jealousy, they are remembered for their endurance and unshakable faith. St Oliver Plunkett, bishop, martyr 1st July. Oliver Plunkett was born in Co Meath and died at . Ordained in Rome in 1654, he was professor at the college of Propaganda Fide till 1669, when he was appointed of . He held synods and visitations and promoted reforms initiated by the Council of Trent. Imprisoned in in 1679, he was tried, condemned and executed in , the final victim of the ‘’ and the last person to be executed for their faith in England. He is remembered for his pastoral zeal and for the friendly relations established with those who did not share the Catholic faith. St Thomas Apostle 3rd July . He was also called Didymus(twin) Ready to die with Jesus, ‘Let us go too, and die with him’ (John 11:16), he was also sceptical about the Resurrection. When the risen Lord was made clear to him, we hear his great profession of faith, ‘My Lord and my God’.


Please pray for the eternal rest of the recently deceased Edith Greatbach RIP, Kathleen Briggs RIP, Mike O’Neil RIP, Margaret Boyle RIP , Elsie Turnock RIP, Connie Lockett RIP & those whose anniversaries occur around this time: John Percy Turnock, Tony Philips.PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Especially for Hilary Tantram, John Jordan, Kay Charlesworth, Claire Woods, Dorothy Eccles, Trefor Campbell, Alma Plummer, George Lawton, Annie Shallow, Margaret Pearson, Peter Pulford, Betty Bostwick, Joan Phillips, Ben Thomas, Francis Dockery, Anne Connolly, Sean Fitzpatrick, Eileen Grime, Patricia Capp, Kevin Fox, Ann Hewetson & all in our hospitals & nursing homes.


Saturday 26 June 6.00 pm Adoration & Confession St. Josemaria Mass 6.30 pm Deceased of the Fox Family, Edith Greatbach RIP, Escriva De Balaguer St.Gabriel’s Seamus (Anniv) & Judith Connolly RIP Church John Jordan (sick), Margaret Pearson (sick), Mary Wildman (Sick), For all our families, friends & relatives. Sunday 27 June 11.30am Special Intention, Tony Philips (Anniv), Derek Grime 13th Sunday in St.Gabriel’s (B’day Anniv), Carmel Wright RIP, Daniel Cremins RIP, Ordinary Time School John Percy Turnock & Elsie Turnock RIP, Ann Connolly Playground, Well (sick), Intentions of Joan Philips & Ann Hewetson & Celia Peter’s Pence Lane (Mass) Cremins (sick), Hillary Tantram, Brian Bamford. Please Collection bring your own Garden Chairs for Outside Mass in School Playground. Monday 28 June 7.00 pm Adoration & Confession. Vigil Mass of Ss St.Gabriel’s Thanksgiving for safe delivery of Baby Olive Kate O’Riley, Peter and Paul Church Kate Briggs RIP, Mike O’Neil RIP, Margaret Boyle RIP, 7.30 pm Owen O’Toole Jnr. (Anniv), John Percy Turnock (Anniv) & Elsie Turnock RIP, Daniel Cremins RIP, Sean Fitzpatrick (sick), Frances Dorrian (sick), Intentions of Emma. Tuesday 29 June Mass, St. Anne’s, The Holy Souls Ss Peter & Paul Nantwich 10.00 am Wed 30 June No Service First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church Thursday 1 July St Anne’s In Honour of the Blessed Sacrament. St Oliver Plunkett Church, 10.00 am Friday 2 July 9.30 am Adoration & Confession 10.00 am Connie Lockett RIP, Horst Meister RIP, Edith Greatbach Mass in St. RIP, Kate Briggs RIP, Roger Gifford RIP, Intentions of the Gabriel’s Church Dennis Family. Saturday 3 July 6.00 pm Adoration & Confession St.Thomas Mass,St.Gabriel’s Margaret Pearson (sick),For all our families, friends & Church 6.30 pm relatives & Special Intention. Sunday 4 July 11.30am Tony Philips (Anniv), John Percy Turnock (Anniv), Elsie 14th Sunday in St.Gabriel’s Turnock RIP, Derek Grime RIP, Celia Cremins (sick), Ordinary Time School Hilary Tantram, Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Playground, Well Please bring your own Garden Chairs for Outside Lane (Mass) Mass in School Playground. Please contact Fr. Tony at [email protected] for newsletter items Many thanks for your Standing Orders and Offertory envelopes, last weekend £521.31p Day for Life Collection £80.00p Diocese of Shrewsbury, Registered Charity Number 234025 Parish Safeguarding Officers, Cathie & Tony Smith 01270 879961 3

St.Gabriel’s hosts an exhibition created by Blessed Carlo Acutis, born in London in 1991, died in Milan in 2006 aged 15, and beatified in Assisi last October. He had a big devotion to the Eucharist and to the Sacrament of Reconciliation; a 26-minute video is here. In the two years in which he was dying from leukaemia, he decided to assemble a collection of the world's Eucharistic Miracles, which he put onto exhibition panels for anyone to download, for free - you can see them all here. For more information, please go to www.carloacutis.com These Eucharistic miracles are to strengthen our faith. Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us, to increase our faith and our devotion to the Holy Eucharist. The miracles are at http://www.miracolieucaristici.org/ There is a youtube video concerning the miracles of the Blessed Sacrament documented by Blessed Carlo Acutis, a 15 year old who died of Leukemia in 2006. He was made Blessed by Pope Francis on the 11 October 2020 in Assisi. Pope Francis said that Carlo was in love with the Eucharist. He did not settle into comfortable inaction, but grasped the needs of his time because in the weakest he saw the face of Christ.” There is a film on YOUTUBE which I have attached that you may want to watch. This film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUOgYiw_OZ0 is 25-minute in length of the life of newly-Blessed Carlo Acuti. The second part (minutes 6:53 - 12:05) shows the in-pew exhibition we are hosting in St.Gabriel’s now.

Thank you to all who have made contributions by standing order and by dropping envelopes into the Presbytery. Your generosity is very much appreciated whilst we are unable to hold weekly collections. If you are able, you can continue to make offertory contributions via bank transfer in lieu of collections. Please contact Sue Edge, Parish Planned Giving organiser, on 01270 876090 for Bank details. We have received some requests for offertory envelopes, so we continue to post them out. We are sending them to the parishioners who have had them in the past and for whom we hold an address.

Online giving to the Parish. For those Parishioners who normally give in the collection at Mass and wish to help the Parish at this time, an online donation page to allow you to donate to the Parish has been added to the Parish website. Please be aware that a minimum donation of £5 is requested if giving in this way. You can also Gift Aid your donation to help the Parish further. If you want to Gift Aid your donation, please tick the box shown on the screen even if you have previously completed a Gift Aid Declaration form in favour of the Parish for regular giving made by Offertory Envelope or Standing Order. An Online giving page has now been created for the Parish using InvestMyCommunity.com The page can be found at: https://investmycommunity.com/not-logged- donator/page/stgabrielalsagerdioceseofshrewsbury2167

For more information, please contact Sue Edge, our St. Gabriel’s parish planned giving and gift aid coordinator on 01270 876090. Thank you for your support. Attention all Gift Aid Donors. The tax year 2020/21 will be coming to an end on 5th April and the Parish will then undertake the process of claiming back the Gift Aid refunds on donations made in the tax year. We are also sending the Boxes of offertory envelopes 4

(2021/2022) for the next year out in the post and you should have received them now. It isn't important if the box number has changed from last year, as these new numbers match the master list that is held. Anyone who wishes to contribute in this manner, please get in touch with Sue Edge (Our Planned Giving Parish Co-ordinator on 01270 876090) and she will arrange to have a Box of Offertory Envelopes or standing order form sent out to you. Also, if you are in the Gift Aid scheme and have moved house in the last year, please could you either let Fr Tony or Deacon Eddie know or contact Sue Edge (876090). Thank you.


Redemptorist Publications is pleased to introduce Celebrate: an initiative designed to help children grow in their faith. Each week we will provide a Children’s Liturgy in the form of a video of the week’s Gospel reading, a reflection and a final prayer. Fun, engaging and practical

worksheets/resources will also be provided to Watch help children continue to practise their faith

during this difficult time. Here

THE BIBLE TIMELINE COURSE. Understand the Bible from start to finish, the Old and New Testament, with this FREE OF CHARGE, worldwide-famous course delivered online LIVE by Mauro Iannicelli. Starts on 7th April 2021 at 7pm (Eight Wednesday evening sessions).Info &

Registration: www.comeandsee.org

BBC Songs of Praise reports on the life and work of Shrewsbury-born Venerable Elizabeth Prout https://youtu.be/ih_pZCbyty4 5

The Logos & Literature: Elaborating the Divine A series of online evening talks exploring some of the great themes of Catholic Christianity in writing old and new, with Catholic scholars and contemporary authors. Every second Thursday at 7:30pm from 29th April. For info and registration: https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/logos-and-literature/

The Well-being at Home programme is a free, 12 week programme aiming to increase activity levels and improve wellbeing of over 55 year olds living in Cheshire. If you would like to find out more about the programme or the Active Waterways Cheshire project, please visit our website www.canalrivertrust.org.uk/activewaterways

Missio Resources for young people. The parish resources, which include Sunday activity sheets and faith-focused craft activities, can be found here: https://missiontogether.org.uk/calendar/parish-resources/ Missio Home schooling activities for children. https://missiontogether.org.uk/school-closures-home-activities Missio At Missio, we are committed to supporting our sisters and brothers around the world, through any challenges, struggles and hardships. We will continue to work as best we can during this coronavirus pandemic. https://missio.org.uk

Please return your Missio Red Boxes for counting. Please leave in Church when open or on doorstep of Presbytery or in the garage. For More information, please go to Missio.org.uk Many thanks. Other ways people can donate the contents of their Red Box at this time when it's difficult to have them emptied. This includes Text Giving and BACS transfers. Information below: Pauline Jaricot – a Christian Laywoman and a Missionary. Pauline-Marie Jaricot (1799-1862) is well known in our world and is a woman of exceptional quality. She was born into a well-to-do family of silk merchants in Lyon. She experienced a meteoric conversion at the age of 17 and consecrated her life to God with a solemn vow in the chapel of the Virgin Mary in Fourvière in Lyon. With a host of initiatives, she set out to relieve all the misery and suffering all around her. She created the Living Rosary movement, a prayer chain which exists still today. http://paulinejaricot.opm-france.org/?lang=en 6

Fratelli tutti is the title Pope Francis has chosen for his encyclical letter dedicated to "human fraternity" and "social friendship". In English, it can be read as ‘All Brothers’, ‘Brethren all’ or ‘Brothers and sisters all’. The first words of the new ‘circular letter’, or encyclical as we know it, come from St Francis of Assisi. https://catholicnews.us6.list- manage.com/track/click?u=8bfb372c271fbad8a971552fb&id=d1814557fa&e=d5cb67f88d 7

The faithful continue to be dispensed in this national emergency from the obligation to attend Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days, such as Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. Those appointed stewards need to be under 70 years, who are not classed as vulnerable or shielding under Covid-19. We would like to enlist reserve stewards as well as the present team. Please email [email protected] or mobile 07851 376925 if you can help. Many thanks. Can you please let your family, friends and contacts know. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Worldwide Prayer Network of the Apostleship of Prayer

A Rain Meditation from St Beuno's Jesuit Spirituality Centre. https://www.pathwaystogod.org/resources/rain-meditation

Join us each Wednesday for inspirational prayer and reflection at www.rpbooks.co.uk/blog as we are guided by Fr Denis McBride

During this pandemic crisis, please see if you can offer any assistance to any elderly person living on their own. A regular call to an elderly relative or neighbour can break down a sense of isolation.

SHREWSBURY YOUTH MISSION. Shrewsbury Youth Mission Team are now fully online and are producing daily resources, prayers, and activities for young people. Their resources are on the website: https://www.symt.org.uk

Life Helplines and Information can be found at http://www.dayforlife.org/article/helplines-and- information-2020/

There is a link to St Anthony’s website to access their streaming service with Fr.Nick Kern. https://www.churchservices.tv/stanthonyswythenshawe https://www.mcnmedia.tv/cameras. Watch a Mass from home. Some churches will stream masses, so a couple of links have been added to our Website on the Mass Times and Prayer Resources page. http://www.churchservices.tv/shrewsburycathedral/embed#tab-player or Church Services TV : https://www.churchservices.tv/timetable/


The National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham has launched a new website and 24/7 LiVESTREAMING to keep Catholics connected to its cycle of prayer. During the course of the day, there are Talks, Morning/Evening Prayer, Rosary 3 times a day, the Angelus twice a day, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction as well as Holy Mass. For the latest schedule, please visit https://www.walsingham.org.uk

Prayer app - you may wish to try either https://www.sacredspace.ie/ or https://pray-as-you- go.org/home/ or daily reflections at http://ln54.blogspot.com https://www.pathwaystogod.org St.Gabriel’s Catholic School & Pre-school Admissions. We are welcoming lots of new families to our school community. We still have a few places left for our Pre- School Nursery and Reception class in School in 2021. If you know anyone who is new to the area and/or is looking for a place, please let them know to contact us for details on [email protected] or 01270 875770. For school places, parents have to apply through Cheshire East Admissions. Details are on School website. If you know of anyone interested, please let them know & ask them to contact Mr. Byrne, headteacher for a virtual tour of the School. Shrewsbury Youth Mission Team – Online Ministry

Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by searching for @Shrewsbury_ymt Find us on YouTube by searching for Shrewsbury Youth Mission Team – SYMT, don’t forget to subscribe so you know when we go live or release new content. The Collective – This is a group of young adults (18+) who are meeting together for faith and friendship. The meetings run via Zoom by the team the aim is to reach out to young adults who want to grow in their faith. Anyone interested should email: [email protected] Pope Francis' prayer intention for June ‘The beauty of Marriage’ Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of June, and invites everyone to pray for those preparing for marriage, which is “a vocation born from the heart.” https://youtu.be/CbdpTDTZz_k Faith & Reason: A Catholic Integration will run from Thursday 5th to Sunday 8th August. The 3-day course will be led by two excellent and experienced lecturers and tutors, who have taught at the Maryvale Institute for many years and worked with many dioceses and seminaries around the UK and abroad. The course will offer lectures and discussion around common themes related to the rationality of the Catholic Faith, dealing with many frequently- asked questions, for example around the relationship of faith and science. We are offering residential options as well as non-residential, for those more local and wishing to drive in daily. The course will go ahead assuming the lifting of Covid restrictions in July. Any bookings will be fully refunded in the event of an inevitable cancellation.

More information and registration is at: https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/faith- and-reason/ 9


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The River Does Not Divide Us: Novena on the Care of Creation We invite all Catholics in England and Wales to respond in prayer and action to the urgent climate change issues that we all face. The God Who Speaks team offers this Novena of readings and prayers drawn from the Bible and recent Papal teaching. Between Ascension and Pentecost, we are invited to pray these nine days reflecting on the account of creation in the book of Genesis. This Novena can be used on its own or to complement the prayers and reflections of the global prayer movement - ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ with the Care of Creation theme. http://www.dioceseofshrewsbury.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Pentecost-Novena-Creation-21.pdf


27 June 2021 Year B • Psalter Week 1 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27 JUNE 2021 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ENTRANCE ANTIPHON His anger lasts but a moment; his favour Then the woman came forward, frightened All peoples, clap your hands. through life. and trembling because she knew what had Cry to God with shouts of joy! At night there are tears, but joy comes happened to her, and she fell at his feet and with dawn. (R.) told him the whole truth. “My daughter,” GLORIA he said “your faith has restored you to 3. Glory to God in the highest, The Lord listened and had pity. health; go in peace and be free from your and on earth peace to people of good will. The Lord came to my help. complaint.” For me you have changed my mourning We praise you, While he was still speaking > some people Year B • Psalter Week 1 into dancing. THE WORD we bless you, arrived from the house of the synagogue O Lord My God, I will thank you for ever. we adore you, official to say, “Your daughter is dead: why (R.) we glorify you, put the Master to any further trouble?” But we give you thanks for your great glory, Jesus had overheard this remark of theirs Lord God, heavenly King, SECOND READING 2 Corinthians 8:7. 9. 13-15 and he said to the official, “Do not be afraid; SAY O God, almighty Father. only have faith.” And he allowed no one to A reading from the second letter of St Paul to go with him except Peter and James and Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, the Corinthians. John the brother of James. So they came THE POWER of faith. Help me to keep on Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, You always have the most of everything – of to the official’s house and Jesus noticed all you take away the sins of the world, faith, of eloquence, of understanding, of the commotion, with people weeping and have mercy on us; OF TOUCH Amen.” keenness for any cause, and the biggest wailing unrestrainedly. He went in and said to you take away the sins of the world, share of our affection – so we expect you them, “Why all this commotion and crying? MARK 5:21-43 receive our prayer; to put the most into this work of mercy too. The child is not dead, but asleep.” But they you are seated at the right hand of the Father, Remember how generous the Lord Jesus laughed at him. So he turned them all out have mercy on us. was; he was rich, but he became poor and, taking with him the child’s father and DO For you alone are the Holy One, for your sake, to make you rich out of his mother and his own companions, he went you alone are the Lord, poverty. This does not mean that to give into the place where the child lay. And taking Think about how you touch those close to you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, relief to others you ought to make things the child by the hand he said to her, “Talitha, you – your family, friends, schoolmates, with the Holy Spirit, difficult for yourselves: it is a question of kum!” which means, “Little girl, I tell you work colleagues. How healing is your touch? in the glory of God the Father. balancing what happens to be your surplus to get up.” The little girl got up at once and Embrace someone close to you today, let Amen. now against their present need, and one day began to walk about, for she was twelve them feel the warmth of your love. they may have something to spare that will years old. At this they were overcome with COLLECT supply your own need. That is how we strike astonishment, and he ordered them strictly O God, who through the grace of adoption a balance: as scripture says: The man who not to let anyone know about it, and told The story of the cure of the woman with the haemorrhage takes place LEARN chose us to be children of light, gathered much had none too much, the man them to give her something to eat. grant, we pray, who gathered little did not go short. The Gospel of the Lord.< while Jesus is on his way to the house of Jairus, where he restores Jairus’ Jesus’ healing power can overcome all that we may not be wrapped in the darkness The word of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. barriers that isolate and imprison us. Jairus of error daughter to life. Thanks be to God. was isolated by being part of the religious but always be seen to stand in the bright light PROFESSION OF FAITH The woman with the haemorrhage is suffering unbelievably. She has been bleeding for establishment that opposed Jesus. Yet his of truth. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION I believe in God, twelve years. She has gone from one doctor to another, spending all her money on useless love for his daughter triggered within him Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Alleluia, alleluia! the Father almighty, treatments. She is broke and desperate. the courage to cross that barrier and save his Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of Your words are spirit, Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, daughter. The haemorrhaging woman was the Holy Spirit, and they are life: and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, In Jesus’ day, blood was considered to be a person’s life-force. People who bled isolated by her illness. Yet her desperation God, for ever and ever. you have the message of eternal life. were avoided and isolated out of fear of ritual contamination. So, together with the for a life in the community led her to touch Amen. (all bow during the next two lines) Alleluia! haemorrhaging, the woman was socially isolated within her own community. She had no Jesus in faith. Both were freed. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, life and no future. FIRST READING Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 born of the Virgin Mary, GOSPEL Mark 5:21-43 suffered under Pontius Pilate, What are the barriers to freedom in your life? A reading from the book of Wisdom. was crucified, died and was buried; She has heard about Jesus and, summoning up her faith, she touches his clothes. She is What might it mean for you to hear Jesus (For shorter form read between > <) cured instantly. She touches him and she is restored to health. Her life has been given back say to you today: “Do not fear; just keep on Death was not God’s doing, he descended into hell; to her. believing”? he takes no pleasure in the extinction of the A reading from the holy Gospel according to on the third day he rose again from the dead; living. Mark. he ascended into heaven, To be – for this he created all; >When Jesus had crossed in the boat to the and is seated at the right hand of God the the world’s created things have health in other side, a large crowd gathered round Father almighty; each other in many different ways – not shows anger or contempt or impatience. from there he will come to judge the living REFLECT them, him and he stayed by the lakeside. Then one just physically, but through word and Think of the incidents of road rage or of and the dead. in them no fatal poison can be found, of the synagogue officials came up, Jairus esus knew the importance of gesture also. It reminds us that touch can the snarl of disapproval of someone who and Hades holds no power on earth; by name, and seeing him, fell at his feet and I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy , physical touch. Remember how the be positive or negative. It can build up or is perhaps socially inept or that we look for virtue is undying. pleaded with him earnestly, saying, “My little fever leaves Peter’s mother-in-law knock down; it can be constructive and down on. Yet God did make man imperishable, daughter is desperately sick. Do come and the communion of saints, J as soon as Jesus touches her. His touch life-enhancing or destructive and life- he made him in the image of his own nature; lay your hands on her to make her better and the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, alone is sufficient. diminishing. Jesus’ touch gave people life. All he said it was the devil’s envy that brought death into save her life.” Jesus went with him and a and did gave people life. He gives us large crowd followed him; they were pressing and life everlasting. the world, Over and over again in the Gospels, the We can touch someone with a warm hug life even now in the Eucharist and the all round him.< Amen. as those who are his partners will discover. same story is repeated. Jesus meets or embrace or we can touch someone sacraments. Now there was a woman who had suffered The word of the Lord. with a slap or a blow or a beating. The from a haemorrhage for twelve years; after PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS someone who is ill or has a disability. Thanks be to God. statistics tell us that domestic violence And that’s our challenge – to invite long and painful treatment under various O God, who graciously accomplish He touches them, and their health is Jesus to touch and transform us, in the doctors, she had spent all she had without the effects of your mysteries, restored. The blind see, the crippled walk, and physical and sexual abuse are major Eucharist, in the sacraments, in our life of PSALM Psalm 29 being any the better for it, in fact, she was grant, we pray, haemorrhages are cured, even the dead problems in our society. that the deeds by which we serve you are restored to life. All are made new prayer. Response: getting worse. She had heard about Jesus, and she came up behind him through the may be worthy of these sacred gifts. again through the power of his healing We can touch someone with a word of I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me. Our challenge also is to bring the gentle crowd and touched his cloak. “If I can touch Through Christ our Lord. Amen. touch. encouragement or gratitude or love. Or touch of Jesus to all whose lives touch 1. I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued even his clothes,” she had told herself “I we can touch someone with a word of COMMUNION ANTIPHON ours. That all our acts of touch will be acts me shall be well again.” And the source of the Jesus’ words alone would have done the contempt or anger or abuse. We know Bless the Lord, O my soul, and have not let my enemies rejoice over bleeding dried up instantly, and she felt in job but he is tactile. Deliberately tactile. that words have the power to wound as of love and tenderness and affection. and all within me, his holy name. me. herself that she was cured of her complaint. He knows how powerful and healing deeply as any physical assault. Bullying in That all the words we use will be gentle O Lord, you have raised my soul from the Immediately aware that power had gone out physical touch can be. Even to touch schools and in the workplace is endemic, and encouraging and constructive. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION dead, from him Jesus turned round in the crowd Jesus’ clothes, as the woman with the facilitated by social media platforms like That all the gestures we make will be May this divine sacrifice we have offered and restored me to life from those who sink and said, “Who touched my clothes?” His haemorrhage does, is sufficient to be Facebook and Twitter. supportive and uplifting and positive. received into the grave. (R.) disciples said to him, “You see how the made whole again. That all the ways in which we touch fill us with life, O Lord, we pray, crowd is pressing round you and yet you We can touch someone with a gesture others will be life-enhancing and grace- so that, bound to you in lasting charity, 2. Sing psalms to the Lord, you who love say, ‘Who touched me?’” But he continued Jesus’ use of the power of touch is an that shows respect or appreciation or filled, as Jesus’ actions were. we may bear fruit that lasts for ever. him, to look all round to see who had done it. opportunity for us to reflect on how we thanks. A thumbs-up, a smile, a nod. Or Through Christ our Lord. Amen. give thanks to his holy name. touch others. It reminds us that we touch we can touch someone with a gesture that Concordat cum originali: + . Commentary by Fr Gerry Moloney CSsR. The English translation of the entrance and communion antiphons, the opening prayers, prayers over the gifts, gloria, creed, and prayers after communion from The Roman Missal, © 2010 International Commission of English in the Liturgy Corporation. Jerusalem Bible version of the scriptures copyright: Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd., and Doubleday & Co. Inc. Responsorial psalms are copyright The Grail and/or Geoffrey Chapman Ltd. Published in by Redemptorist Communications (www.redcoms.org); Published in the UK by Redemptorist Publications (www.rpbooks.co.uk) 12

27 June 2021 Year B • Psalter Week 1 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27 JUNE 2021 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ENTRANCE ANTIPHON His anger lasts but a moment; his favour Then the woman came forward, frightened All peoples, clap your hands. through life. and trembling because she knew what had Cry to God with shouts of joy! At night there are tears, but joy comes happened to her, and she fell at his feet and with dawn. (R.) told him the whole truth. “My daughter,” GLORIA he said “your faith has restored you to 3. Glory to God in the highest, The Lord listened and had pity. health; go in peace and be free from your and on earth peace to people of good will. The Lord came to my help. complaint.” For me you have changed my mourning We praise you, While he was still speaking > some people Year B • Psalter Week 1 into dancing. THE WORD we bless you, arrived from the house of the synagogue O Lord My God, I will thank you for ever. we adore you, official to say, “Your daughter is dead: why (R.) we glorify you, put the Master to any further trouble?” But we give you thanks for your great glory, Jesus had overheard this remark of theirs Lord God, heavenly King, SECOND READING 2 Corinthians 8:7. 9. 13-15 and he said to the official, “Do not be afraid; SAY O God, almighty Father. only have faith.” And he allowed no one to A reading from the second letter of St Paul to go with him except Peter and James and Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, the Corinthians. John the brother of James. So they came THE POWER of faith. Help me to keep on Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, You always have the most of everything – of to the official’s house and Jesus noticed all you take away the sins of the world, faith, of eloquence, of understanding, of the commotion, with people weeping and have mercy on us; OF TOUCH Amen.” keenness for any cause, and the biggest wailing unrestrainedly. He went in and said to you take away the sins of the world, share of our affection – so we expect you them, “Why all this commotion and crying? MARK 5:21-43 receive our prayer; to put the most into this work of mercy too. The child is not dead, but asleep.” But they you are seated at the right hand of the Father, Remember how generous the Lord Jesus laughed at him. So he turned them all out have mercy on us. was; he was rich, but he became poor and, taking with him the child’s father and DO For you alone are the Holy One, for your sake, to make you rich out of his mother and his own companions, he went you alone are the Lord, poverty. This does not mean that to give into the place where the child lay. And taking Think about how you touch those close to you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, relief to others you ought to make things the child by the hand he said to her, “Talitha, you – your family, friends, schoolmates, with the Holy Spirit, difficult for yourselves: it is a question of kum!” which means, “Little girl, I tell you work colleagues. How healing is your touch? in the glory of God the Father. balancing what happens to be your surplus to get up.” The little girl got up at once and Embrace someone close to you today, let Amen. now against their present need, and one day began to walk about, for she was twelve them feel the warmth of your love. they may have something to spare that will years old. At this they were overcome with COLLECT supply your own need. That is how we strike astonishment, and he ordered them strictly O God, who through the grace of adoption a balance: as scripture says: The man who not to let anyone know about it, and told The story of the cure of the woman with the haemorrhage takes place LEARN chose us to be children of light, gathered much had none too much, the man them to give her something to eat. grant, we pray, who gathered little did not go short. The Gospel of the Lord.< while Jesus is on his way to the house of Jairus, where he restores Jairus’ Jesus’ healing power can overcome all that we may not be wrapped in the darkness The word of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. barriers that isolate and imprison us. Jairus of error daughter to life. Thanks be to God. was isolated by being part of the religious but always be seen to stand in the bright light PROFESSION OF FAITH The woman with the haemorrhage is suffering unbelievably. She has been bleeding for establishment that opposed Jesus. Yet his of truth. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION I believe in God, twelve years. She has gone from one doctor to another, spending all her money on useless love for his daughter triggered within him Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Alleluia, alleluia! the Father almighty, treatments. She is broke and desperate. the courage to cross that barrier and save his Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of Your words are spirit, Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, daughter. The haemorrhaging woman was the Holy Spirit, and they are life: and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, In Jesus’ day, blood was considered to be a person’s life-force. People who bled isolated by her illness. Yet her desperation God, for ever and ever. you have the message of eternal life. were avoided and isolated out of fear of ritual contamination. So, together with the for a life in the community led her to touch Amen. (all bow during the next two lines) Alleluia! haemorrhaging, the woman was socially isolated within her own community. She had no Jesus in faith. Both were freed. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, life and no future. FIRST READING Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 born of the Virgin Mary, GOSPEL Mark 5:21-43 suffered under Pontius Pilate, What are the barriers to freedom in your life? A reading from the book of Wisdom. was crucified, died and was buried; She has heard about Jesus and, summoning up her faith, she touches his clothes. She is What might it mean for you to hear Jesus (For shorter form read between > <) cured instantly. She touches him and she is restored to health. Her life has been given back say to you today: “Do not fear; just keep on Death was not God’s doing, he descended into hell; to her. believing”? he takes no pleasure in the extinction of the A reading from the holy Gospel according to on the third day he rose again from the dead; living. Mark. he ascended into heaven, To be – for this he created all; >When Jesus had crossed in the boat to the and is seated at the right hand of God the the world’s created things have health in other side, a large crowd gathered round Father almighty; each other in many different ways – not shows anger or contempt or impatience. from there he will come to judge the living REFLECT them, him and he stayed by the lakeside. Then one just physically, but through word and Think of the incidents of road rage or of and the dead. in them no fatal poison can be found, of the synagogue officials came up, Jairus esus knew the importance of gesture also. It reminds us that touch can the snarl of disapproval of someone who and Hades holds no power on earth; by name, and seeing him, fell at his feet and I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, physical touch. Remember how the be positive or negative. It can build up or is perhaps socially inept or that we look for virtue is undying. pleaded with him earnestly, saying, “My little fever leaves Peter’s mother-in-law knock down; it can be constructive and down on. Yet God did make man imperishable, daughter is desperately sick. Do come and the communion of saints, J as soon as Jesus touches her. His touch life-enhancing or destructive and life- he made him in the image of his own nature; lay your hands on her to make her better and the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, alone is sufficient. diminishing. Jesus’ touch gave people life. All he said it was the devil’s envy that brought death into save her life.” Jesus went with him and a and did gave people life. He gives us large crowd followed him; they were pressing and life everlasting. the world, Over and over again in the Gospels, the We can touch someone with a warm hug life even now in the Eucharist and the all round him.< Amen. as those who are his partners will discover. same story is repeated. Jesus meets or embrace or we can touch someone sacraments. Now there was a woman who had suffered The word of the Lord. with a slap or a blow or a beating. The from a haemorrhage for twelve years; after PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS someone who is ill or has a disability. Thanks be to God. statistics tell us that domestic violence And that’s our challenge – to invite long and painful treatment under various O God, who graciously accomplish He touches them, and their health is Jesus to touch and transform us, in the doctors, she had spent all she had without the effects of your mysteries, restored. The blind see, the crippled walk, and physical and sexual abuse are major Eucharist, in the sacraments, in our life of PSALM Psalm 29 being any the better for it, in fact, she was grant, we pray, haemorrhages are cured, even the dead problems in our society. that the deeds by which we serve you are restored to life. All are made new prayer. Response: getting worse. She had heard about Jesus, and she came up behind him through the may be worthy of these sacred gifts. again through the power of his healing We can touch someone with a word of I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me. Our challenge also is to bring the gentle crowd and touched his cloak. “If I can touch Through Christ our Lord. Amen. touch. encouragement or gratitude or love. Or touch of Jesus to all whose lives touch 1. I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued even his clothes,” she had told herself “I we can touch someone with a word of COMMUNION ANTIPHON ours. That all our acts of touch will be acts me shall be well again.” And the source of the Jesus’ words alone would have done the contempt or anger or abuse. We know Bless the Lord, O my soul, and have not let my enemies rejoice over bleeding dried up instantly, and she felt in job but he is tactile. Deliberately tactile. that words have the power to wound as of love and tenderness and affection. and all within me, his holy name. me. herself that she was cured of her complaint. He knows how powerful and healing deeply as any physical assault. Bullying in That all the words we use will be gentle O Lord, you have raised my soul from the Immediately aware that power had gone out physical touch can be. Even to touch schools and in the workplace is endemic, and encouraging and constructive. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION dead, from him Jesus turned round in the crowd Jesus’ clothes, as the woman with the facilitated by social media platforms like That all the gestures we make will be May this divine sacrifice we have offered and restored me to life from those who sink and said, “Who touched my clothes?” His haemorrhage does, is sufficient to be Facebook and Twitter. supportive and uplifting and positive. received into the grave. (R.) disciples said to him, “You see how the made whole again. That all the ways in which we touch fill us with life, O Lord, we pray, crowd is pressing round you and yet you We can touch someone with a gesture others will be life-enhancing and grace- so that, bound to you in lasting charity, 2. Sing psalms to the Lord, you who love say, ‘Who touched me?’” But he continued Jesus’ use of the power of touch is an that shows respect or appreciation or filled, as Jesus’ actions were. we may bear fruit that lasts for ever. him, to look all round to see who had done it. opportunity for us to reflect on how we thanks. A thumbs-up, a smile, a nod. Or Through Christ our Lord. Amen. give thanks to his holy name. touch others. It reminds us that we touch we can touch someone with a gesture that Concordat cum originali: + Eamon Martin Archbishop of Armagh. Commentary by Fr Gerry Moloney CSsR. The English translation of the entrance and communion antiphons, the opening prayers, prayers over the gifts, gloria, creed, and prayers after communion from The Roman Missal, © 2010 International Commission of English in the Liturgy Corporation. Jerusalem Bible version of the scriptures copyright: Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd., and Doubleday & Co. Inc. Responsorial psalms are copyright The Grail and/or Geoffrey Chapman Ltd. Published in Ireland by Redemptorist Communications (www.redcoms.org); Published in the UK by Redemptorist Publications (www.rpbooks.co.uk)


Wednesday 23rd June 2021 - A WEEKLY PRAYER CUSTOM

Encountering Christ Prayerfully preparing for the Sunday Mass and praying in

The Parish Version particular for our school families

Preparing for the Mass of Sunday 27th June 2021 - Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1 Relax & Remember

Set aside 10 -15 minutes and create a suitable environment by removing any distractions. Make sure that you are comfortable. Perhaps light a candle. Make the sign of the cross † and remain still for a minute of settling silence. Call to mind the love that God has for you. Remember that through this scripture our Lord is truly present. Then read the Gospel, preferably aloud and slowly, and pay attention to any words that stand out. If any do, meditate on them for a few minutes and be invited into a dialogue with God.

2 Read Taken from the Gospel for 27 th June 2021 (Mark 5:21-43): Two Cures of Women When Jesus had crossed in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered round him and he stayed by the lakeside. Then one of the synagogue of!cials came up, Jairus by name, and seeing him, fell at his feet and pleaded with him earnestly, saying, “My little daughter is desperately sick. Do come and lay your hands on her to make her better and save her life.” Jesus went with him and a large crowd followed him; they were pressing all round him. Now there was a woman who had suffered from a haemorrhage for twelve years; after long and painful treatment under various doctors, she had spent all she had without being any the better for it, in fact, she was getting worse. She had heard about Jesus, and she came up behind him through the crowd and touched his cloak. “If I can touch even his clothes,” she had told herself, “I shall be well again.” And the source of the bleeding dried up instantly, and she felt in herself that she was cured of her complaint. Immediately aware that power had gone out from him Jesus turned round in the crowd and said, “Who touched my clothes?” His disciples said to him, “You see how the crowd is pressing round you and yet you say, ‘Who touched me?’”, But he continued to look all round to see who had done it. Then the woman came forward, frightened and trembling because she knew what had happened to her, and she fell at his feet and told him the whole truth. “My daughter,” he said, “your faith has restored you to health; go in peace and be free from your complaint.” While he was still speaking some people arrived from the house of the synagogue of!cial to say, “Your daughter is dead: why put the Master to any further trouble?” But Jesus had overheard this remark of theirs and he said to the of!cial, “Do not be afraid; only have faith.” And he allowed no one to go with him except Peter and James and John the brother of James. So they came to the of!cial’s house and Jesus noticed all the commotion, with people weeping and wailing unrestrainedly. He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and crying? The child is not dead, but asleep.” But they laughed at him. So he turned them all out and, taking with him the child’s father and mother and his own companions, he went into the place where the child lay. And taking the child by the hand he said to her, “Talitha, kum!” which means, “Little girl, I tell you to get up.” The little girl got up at once and began to walk about, for she was twelve years old. At this they were overcome with astonishment, and he ordered them strictly not to let anyone know about it, and told them to give her something to eat.

3 Reflect After spending a few minutes considering this Gospel, continue by reading Fr Henry Wansbrough’s re!ection. The author of the Gospel of Mark likes to combine incidents to show their joint significance, often, as here, sandwiching one story between the two halves of another. In this instance it is surely significant that both recipients of Jesus’ healing love are women. Only a minority of Jesus’ miracles concern women, and the bringing together of these two, one a girl and the other an old woman, serves to stress their importance to Jesus. It is unfair to accuse the Bible of being male-dominated. A mother’s devotion is a frequent image of God’s love. There are plenty of feisty women in the Old Testament, who put their men-folk to shame by their courage, enterprise and initiative: Rebecca, Tamar, Deborah, Ruth, Esther, Judith. Jesus’ own relationships with women seem to have been easy and even humorous. One need only think of his playful bargaining with the Syro-Phoenician over the cure of her daughter, or the jokey exchange between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, not to mention his delicacy towards the woman taken in adultery or the sinful woman who showed her love by weeping at his feet. Paul also clearly relied in many ways in his apostolate on the ministry of women. Why are these two stories interlocked? What is common to the two people healed? Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB

4 Respond & Request

Now slowly and prayerfully read the Gospel once again but this time in silence. Consider how this Gospel could apply to your life in general. Then thank God for any insight you may have received. Conclude by asking God to bless you with one of the following spiritual gifts to help you act on any resolution you have made: love, understanding, wisdom, faithfulness, peace, self control, patience, or joy. Please remember to pray for the Church and particularly our school families. Then conclude by requesting the prayers of Our Lady & St Joseph.


WEDNESDAY WORD PLUS Fr Henry’s re!ections on the "rst and second readings of Sunday 27th June 2021

First Reading: Immortality

Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 Death was not God’s doing; he takes no pleasure in the The first reading, as so often, looks towards the gospel reading, where extinction of the living. To be - for this he created all; the Jesus raises the little girl from death. It takes the opportunity to reflect world’s created things have health in them; in them no fatal on death in God’s scheme of things. For those who have no faith, death rules everything. It is the absolute end, perhaps a release from suffering, poison can be found, and Hades holds no power on earth; but always a tragedy for somebody, the awesome end-point from which for virtue is undying. Yet God did make man imperishable; he there is no return. The Book of Wisdom was written at a time when belief made him in the image of his own nature; it was the devil’s in immortality and the resurrection was emerging in Israel. Earlier Israel had envy that brought death into the world, as those who are his believed that the dead dwelt in a sort of powerless half-life in Sheol (not partners will discover. unlike the Greek Hades), where it is impossible even to pray. But Israel came to realise that the love of God for every person was so strong that it could never be broken off by death. As Jesus was to say, God is a God not of the dead but of the living. This reading is wonderfully positive and ebullient, for God is a God of life in all its positive forms, and these are all a reflection of God’s own life. The fullest of all these reflections is the life of each human individual, created in the image of God. How should we imagine life after death?

Second Reading: Generous Giving

2 Corinthians 8:7.9.13-15 You always have the most of everything - of faith, of eloquence, Paul’s Letter to the Galatians shows that there was a major disagreement of understanding, of keenness for any cause, and the biggest in the early Church between those who held that Christians must still share of our affection - so we expect you to put the most into obey the Jewish Law and those who did not. The Law-party was led by the Church at Jerusalem under James, brother of the Lord. After this work of mercy too. Remember how generous the Lord all, he argued, Christianity is the fulfilment of the promises to Abraham, Jesus was: he was rich, but he became poor for your sake, the fulfilment of Judaism! Paul set about healing the breach by making to make you rich out of his poverty. This does not mean that a great collection from his gentile Churches to take to the Church at to give relief to others you ought to make things dif!cult for Jerusalem as an act of homage and friendship. There seem to have been yourselves: it is a question of balancing what happens to be many poor people at Jerusalem, whom the people of such a bustling and your surplus now against their present need, and one day successful harbour-town as Corinth could help. Paul writes in this letter, giving the basic principle of Christian generosity: the imitation of Christ, they may have something to spare that will supply your own who gave himself wholly in love. Yet he also gives the invaluable principle need. That is how we strike a balance: as scripture says: ‘The that each individual’s conscience is the only yardstick. Not all of us can man who gathered much had none too much; the man who reach our human fulfilment by living in the destitution of St Francis of gathered little did not go short’. Assisi, and each must judge their giving by their own conscience. Some Christian communities prescribe one tenth of their income in giving. Paul avoids any mathematical formula, for circumstances and obligations The basic principle of differ – as well as generosity. Christian generosity: the imitation How could we respond in generosity to the needs of the poor and of Christ, who gave himself of the Church throughout the world? wholly in love.

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