1 St. Gabriel’s 140 Lawton Road, Alsager Parish Priest: Fr. Tony Grace Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 2DE PerManent Deacon: Rev. Eddie Miller Tel: 01270 877736 27th June 2021 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stgabrielsalsager.org.uk St. Gabriel’s School & Playgroup, Tel: 875770 St. Thomas More Catholic High School. www.st- thomasmore.cheshire.sch.uk Please pray for all the Children from Year 3 and Year 4 making their First Holy Communion on Saturday 26 June at 10.00 am Mass & 12.00 noon Mass at St.Gabriel’s School. Peter’s Pence . The Pope, as Pastor of the universal Church, is concerned both with the needs of evangelization, spiritual, educational, justice, communication, and with the material needs of poor dioceses, religious institutes and faithful in serious difficulties such as the poor, children, the elderly, the marginalized, victims of wars and natural disasters; special aid to Bishops or Dioceses in need, Catholic education, aid to refugees and migrants. There will be a second collection this weekend for Peter’s Pence. It is an ancient custom still alive today... The practice of providing material support to those charged with preaching the Gospel, thus enabling them to devote themselves completely to their apostolic mission and to care for those in greatest need, is as old as Christianity itself (cf. Acts 4:34, 11:29). For more information, https://www.obolodisanpietro.va/en Sts Peter and Paul apostles 29th June. The Feast of SS Peter and Paul is an annual celebration in the Christian calendar of the lives and deaths of the two great saints: Peter and Paul. Commemorating the lives of important Christian saints and martyrs, and especially one of the Twelve Apostles or somebody who knew Jesus personally, has been an important aspect of Christian life ever since the first century. The joint feast day of SS Peter and Paul is of particular importance because of the enormous influence that these two men had on the development of the early Church. The First Martyrs of Rome 30th June. Blamed by Emperor Nero for the great fire which devastated Rome in 64, many Christians in addition to St Peter and St Paul were savagely killed. Victims of cruel jealousy, they are remembered for their endurance and unshakable faith. St Oliver Plunkett, bishop, martyr 1st July. Oliver Plunkett was born in Co Meath and died at Tyburn. Ordained in Rome in 1654, he was professor at the college of Propaganda Fide till 1669, when he was appointed archbishop of Armagh. He held synods and visitations and promoted reforms initiated by the Council of Trent. Imprisoned in Dublin in 1679, he was tried, condemned and executed in London, the final victim of the ‘Popish Plot’ and the last person to be executed for their faith in England. He is remembered for his pastoral zeal and for the friendly relations established with those who did not share the Catholic faith. St Thomas Apostle 3rd July . He was also called Didymus(twin) Ready to die with Jesus, ‘Let us go too, and die with him’ (John 11:16), he was also sceptical about the Resurrection. When the risen Lord was made clear to him, we hear his great profession of faith, ‘My Lord and my God’. 2 Please pray for the eternal rest of the recently deceased Edith Greatbach RIP, Kathleen Briggs RIP, Mike O’Neil RIP, Margaret Boyle RIP , Elsie Turnock RIP, Connie Lockett RIP & those whose anniversaries occur around this time: John Percy Turnock, Tony Philips.PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Especially for Hilary Tantram, John Jordan, Kay Charlesworth, Claire Woods, Dorothy Eccles, Trefor Campbell, Alma Plummer, George Lawton, Annie Shallow, Margaret Pearson, Peter Pulford, Betty Bostwick, Joan Phillips, Ben Thomas, Francis Dockery, Anne Connolly, Sean Fitzpatrick, Eileen Grime, Patricia Capp, Kevin Fox, Ann Hewetson & all in our hospitals & nursing homes. MASS TIMES WEEK COMMENCING 27 JUNE 2021. Saturday 26 June 6.00 pm Adoration & Confession St. Josemaria Mass 6.30 pm Deceased of the Fox Family, Edith Greatbach RIP, Escriva De Balaguer St.Gabriel’s Seamus (Anniv) & Judith Connolly RIP Church John Jordan (sick), Margaret Pearson (sick), Mary Wildman (Sick), For all our families, friends & relatives. Sunday 27 June 11.30am Special Intention, Tony Philips (Anniv), Derek Grime 13th Sunday in St.Gabriel’s (B’day Anniv), Carmel Wright RIP, Daniel Cremins RIP, Ordinary Time School John Percy Turnock & Elsie Turnock RIP, Ann Connolly Playground, Well (sick), Intentions of Joan Philips & Ann Hewetson & Celia Peter’s Pence Lane (Mass) Cremins (sick), Hillary Tantram, Brian Bamford. Please Collection bring your own Garden Chairs for Outside Mass in School Playground. Monday 28 June 7.00 pm Adoration & Confession. Vigil Mass of Ss St.Gabriel’s Thanksgiving for safe delivery of Baby Olive Kate O’Riley, Peter and Paul Church Kate Briggs RIP, Mike O’Neil RIP, Margaret Boyle RIP, 7.30 pm Owen O’Toole Jnr. (Anniv), John Percy Turnock (Anniv) & Elsie Turnock RIP, Daniel Cremins RIP, Sean Fitzpatrick (sick), Frances Dorrian (sick), Intentions of Emma. Tuesday 29 June Mass, St. Anne’s, The Holy Souls Ss Peter & Paul Nantwich 10.00 am Wed 30 June No Service First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church Thursday 1 July St Anne’s In Honour of the Blessed Sacrament. St Oliver Plunkett Church, 10.00 am Friday 2 July 9.30 am Adoration & Confession 10.00 am Connie Lockett RIP, Horst Meister RIP, Edith Greatbach Mass in St. RIP, Kate Briggs RIP, Roger Gifford RIP, Intentions of the Gabriel’s Church Dennis Family. Saturday 3 July 6.00 pm Adoration & Confession St.Thomas Mass,St.Gabriel’s Margaret Pearson (sick),For all our families, friends & Church 6.30 pm relatives & Special Intention. Sunday 4 July 11.30am Tony Philips (Anniv), John Percy Turnock (Anniv), Elsie 14th Sunday in St.Gabriel’s Turnock RIP, Derek Grime RIP, Celia Cremins (sick), Ordinary Time School Hilary Tantram, Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Playground, Well Please bring your own Garden Chairs for Outside Lane (Mass) Mass in School Playground. Please contact Fr. Tony at [email protected] for newsletter items Many thanks for your Standing Orders and Offertory envelopes, last weekend £521.31p Day for Life ColleCtion £80.00p Diocese of Shrewsbury, Registered Charity Number 234025 Parish Safeguarding OffiCers, Cathie & Tony Smith 01270 879961 3 St.Gabriel’s hosts an exhibition created by Blessed Carlo Acutis, born in London in 1991, died in Milan in 2006 aged 15, and beatified in Assisi last October. He had a big devotion to the Eucharist and to the Sacrament of Reconciliation; a 26-minute video is here. In the two years in which he was dying from leukaemia, he decided to assemble a collection of the world's Eucharistic Miracles, which he put onto exhibition panels for anyone to download, for free - you can see them all here. For more information, please go to www.carloacutis.com These Eucharistic miracles are to strengthen our faith. Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us, to increase our faith and our devotion to the Holy Eucharist. The miracles are at http://www.miracolieucaristici.org/ There is a youtube video concerning the miracles of the Blessed Sacrament documented by Blessed Carlo Acutis, a 15 year old who died of Leukemia in 2006. He was made Blessed by Pope Francis on the 11 October 2020 in Assisi. Pope Francis said that Carlo was in love with the Eucharist. He did not settle into comfortable inaction, but grasped the needs of his time because in the weakest he saw the face of Christ.” There is a film on YOUTUBE which I have attached that you may want to watch. This film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUOgYiw_OZ0 is 25-minute in length of the life of newly-Blessed Carlo Acuti. The second part (minutes 6:53 - 12:05) shows the in-pew exhibition we are hosting in St.Gabriel’s now. Thank you to all who have made contributions by standing order and by dropping envelopes into the Presbytery. Your generosity is very much appreciated whilst we are unable to hold weekly collections. If you are able, you can continue to make offertory contributions via bank transfer in lieu of collections. Please contact Sue Edge, Parish Planned Giving organiser, on 01270 876090 for Bank details. We have received some requests for offertory envelopes, so we continue to post them out. We are sending them to the parishioners who have had them in the past and for whom we hold an address. Online giving to the Parish. For those Parishioners who normally give in the collection at Mass and wish to help the Parish at this time, an online donation page to allow you to donate to the Parish has been added to the Parish website. Please be aware that a minimum donation of £5 is requested if giving in this way. You can also Gift Aid your donation to help the Parish further. If you want to Gift Aid your donation, please tick the box shown on the screen even if you have previously completed a Gift Aid Declaration form in favour of the Parish for regular giving made by Offertory Envelope or Standing Order. An Online giving page has now been created for the Parish using InvestMyCommunity.com The page can be found at: https://investmycommunity.com/not-logged- donator/page/stgabrielalsagerdioceseofshrewsbury2167 For more information, please contact Sue Edge, our St. Gabriel’s parish planned giving and gift aid coordinator on 01270 876090. Thank you for your support. Attention all Gift Aid Donors. The tax year 2020/21 will be coming to an end on 5th April and the Parish will then undertake the process of claiming back the Gift Aid refunds on donations made in the tax year.
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