i£ ' EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Ukrainian Independence .Day freedom in saluting the Ukrainian na­ lost a devoted and distinguished public tion, and adding my hopes that the day servant; good causes have lost a notable EXTENSION OF REMARKS will come when that nation will again be and faithflll champion; and a host of 0., free to celebrate a new independence friends have lost a friend they shall day. never forget. HON. WILLIAM B. WIDNALL Mrs. Pepper and I join all Floridians and his fellow Americans in mourning OJ' NEW JERSEY 1 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tribute to Mr. J~ Edwin Larson the passing of this dedicated man who gave inspiration to all in the public serv­ Tuesday, January 26, 1965 EXTENSION OF REMARKS ice of Florida and who contributed so Mr. WIDNALL. Mr. Speaker, on OF much to making Florida the threshold January 22, all true Ukrainian patriots of space. marked the anniversary of the independ­ HON. CLAUDE PEPPER ence of their country, 47 years ago. Al­ OJ' FLORIDA though the Ukrainian Republic lasted but IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congressman Schmidhauser Urges a few short years from its inception in Tuesday, January 26, 1965 Strengthening of Agricultural Economy 1918, the memory of freedom from over 300 years of Russian rule is still fresh Mr. PEPPER. Mr. Speaker, on Sun­ today. day Florida was shocked by the passing EXTENSION OF REMARKS The Ukraine is the largest constituent of one of the State's most distinguished OJ' republic of the Soviet Union, with over and dedicated leaders, J. Edwin Larson. HON. JOHN R. SCHMIDHAUSER 40 million inhabitants and a rich, fruitful He held the post of State treasurer, a land it is. Yet its people were cruelly post second only to that of Governor of OJ' IOWA subjected to the tyranny of communism the State of Florida. He worked his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through the force of arms, not by choice. way up to this merited prominence, be­ Tuesday, January 26, 1965 Economic exploitation, and an attempt ing a dedicated public servant of Florida for over 40 years. Mr. SCHMIDHAUSER. Mr. Speaker, to crush Ukrainian national spirit and after spending the weekend carefully traditions by their Red rulers has failed He came to Florida from Pennsylvania to study law at the University of Florida analyzing the budget, I made the follow­ to diminish the burning hope of the ing strong recommendations: in 1923. ·Soon active in Florid~ affairs, Ukrainian people for freedom. It is fortunate to me that the American Mr. Speaker, earlier in this century he was prin~ipal of the Keystone Heights High School, and later mayor of Key­ system of government provides for final the restated its belief in congressional modification of effective the principle of self-determination. The stone Heights. After becoming a. com­ missioner of Clay County, he was a State budget recommendations. After a care­ hope that this principle would be hon­ ful analysis of the general statements ored in Eastern Europe and on the representative and later a State senator. A stanch Democrat, he was an early which Budget Director Kermit Gordon steppes of Asia has been dimmed by the has made concerning the position of actions of the Communist empire. This supporter of Franklin Roosevelt. Ap­ does not mean, however, that we should pointed collector of internal revenue in agriculture in our economic system, I can blandly sit back and accept the status 1933, he held that post until he ran for only conclude that he does not under­ quo. It is our moral duty to speak out treasurer in 1940. He became the 16th stand the nature of our efficient agricul­ ·against injustice wherever it may be treasurer of Florida, a post he held until ture economy. I should like to strongly found. And the recognition of the right his death. urge the President and the Secretary of of the Ukrainian nation to self-determi­ An honorable man, he received many Agriculture in their current preparation nation can be a symbol of hope to all honors. An exemplary Mason, he served of agriculture recommendations that people behind the Iron Curtain. as grand master of the Masons in Flor­ they include the following proposals: Nor is this the only reason for remem­ ida, and grand patron of the Order of the First. That our total agriculture pro­ bering the bitter struggle for freedom by Eastern Star. The Masons honored him gram shall strive to encourage the fam­ the Ukraine. There is a pragmatic rea­ by conferring upon him the 33d degree, ily farm as a measure of recognition of son as well. Until the day comes that all the highest Masonic tribute. the great contributions that this way of men may taste again of freedom, we Besides being a Mason and a Shriner, life has made to our society as a whole. should work in every way possible for he was also active in the Methodist Second. That our agricultural pro­ the relaxation of their bonds. The very Church, Kiwanis, Odd Fellows, Moose, gram strengthen and improve our suc­ encouragement of a nationalistic yearn­ and Elk. cessful feed grains program. It is worthy ing for freedom and independence forces _The newly arrived Floridian married to note that our feed grains program the Russian bear to accommodate to the Clara Bussard in 1927 in Keystone has now indicated the greatest promise pressures in order to keep up its influence Heights. Today they have three lovely of success in eliminating surpluses and among non-Russian peoples. ·within the daughters, all raising families of their their attendant costs. I would also rec­ Soviet eastern European empire, this own. ommend that improvement of the feed spirit of national independence has al­ Always active in his life, it was appro­ grains program include a program of ready made itself felt and it may priate that he was active until the sufficient duration to enable agriculture eventually be true within Russia itself. moment of his death. Indeed, the producers stability in long-range plan­ It is not my purpose to raise false stroke came as he was delivering a ning in the use of their land. Specifi­ hopes of easy, quick victories in the cause speech opening a clinic for which he had cally, a program of 4 years' duration of freedom. The struggle for that price­ raised funds. will be exceedingly helpful. less commodity has been going on for Ed Larson had been my devoted friend Third. I strongly recommend the centuries within the Ukraine. Sur­ ever since we served in the House of adoption of a sound national defense rounded by hostile nations, subjected by of Representatives of Florida Legislature food reserve program. foreign rulers, the Ukrainian nation in 1929. My wife and I have cherished Fourth. I recommend that we knows full well that the struggle will be his friendship and that of his lovely wife strengthen rather than weaken our agri­ long and costly. It is a tribute to the and we shall ever hold that friendship cultural conservation program and our indomitable spirit of the Ukraine that with him warm in our memories. rural electric cooperative movement. .the heritage of its people has not been Mrs. Pepper and I spent some happy Fifth. In designing a program for ag­ lost, and their faith has not been times with Mr. and Mrs. Larson when riculture, let us recognize clearly that diminished. they were here during inauguration. many budgetary items charged to agri­ I join with Americans of Ukrainian In the passing of Ed Larson America culture actually should be categorized descent, and with all those who cherish has lost a dedicated patriot; Florida has under some other appropriate heading. January 26, 19(J5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1339 And finally, let us recognize that any much to ask the remaining pockets of resist­ the measure is long overdue, there is no ill-conceived cutback in our agricultural ance to the will of the Nation to accept the reason, as I see it, why it .cannot be put economy will not only have a serious di­ inevitable. I trust that from here on all our through in the first 90 days of the Congress. people will move forward to a better and a That is why I have prepared this bill for in­ rect effect upon agricultural producers stronger America. troduction at the very beginning of the Con­ but will set the stage for a weakening of gress. our total national economy similar to the But the bill wlll not breeze through with­ setback suffered during the 1920's. out support from the people who favor it, It is noteworthy that an editorial of Excise Tax Repeal Bill Introduced First and that is why retail druggists who are so January 25, 1965, in a fine urban news­ vitally concerned, as well as the other re­ paper, the Washington Post, pointed out Day of Congress, January 4, 1965-­ tailers, and the consumer groups, too, of course, who are affected, must make their that ''according to the new input-output The Number Is H.R. 7-Vigorous views known early and see how important study recently completed by the· Office of Efforts Will Be Made for Its Passage it is that this legislation is brought to the Business Economics, every dollar of agri­ attention of the public. cultural products that is delivered for as Disclosed in the Speech Made in Removing these Federal taxes will save final demand requires about 78 cents in San Francisco Last Fall consumers about $550 m1111on a year. This the products and services of nonagricul­ will, of course, stimulate consumer purchas­ tural industries. So any disruption in ing power and will contribute to higher busi­ the agricultural sector would be trans­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS ness activity and employment. mitted immediately to all other sectors OF At this point, a word is in order about the general economic situation. We hear a lot of of the economy and would be magnified." HON. WRIGHT PATMAN talk these days about inflation, and in some Surely our economy is diverse enough banking circles it has been suggested that a to continue recognition that our family­ OJ' TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES general increase in interest rates will be farm economy must be preserved in con­ needed. To my mind, this would be a ter­ tinuing its vital productive role in Ameri­ Tuesday, January 26, 1965 rible mistake. Raising interest rates slows down the entire economy and could bring can world leadership in the production Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am of the food essential to promoting well­ on a recession. That is what happened three inserting herewith a report of the speech times during the last Republican adminis­ being domestically and peace in our time made by me before the National Associa­ tration. To raise interest rates because of abroad. tion of Retail Druggists in October of the fear that some prices may rise (I might 1964. The subject discussed has been de­ add a fear that hasn't really shown itself to layed so long that · I have personally be warranted by the evidence) is like trying Civil Rights promised to do everything that can be to kill a mosquito with a sledge hammer. done under parliamentary rules to get OUr present high level of economic activ­ ity, which we all want to continue, will re­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS the bill enacted into law. quire some additional stimulus in 1965, OJ' The statement made at San Francisco according to many competent economic ana­ is as follows: lysts. The reduction occasioned by this HON. LEONARD FARBSTEIN EXCISE TAXES MusT Go-CONGRESSMAN To IN­ excise removal wm help to provide some OF NEW YORK TRODUCE EXCISE TAX REPEAL BILL WHEN stimulus. By itself, it wm not produce a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONGRESS CONVENES major spurt in consumption, but it will defi­ nitely provide a lift in demand for these Tuesday, January 26, 1965 (By WRIGHT PATMAN, Representative 1n Con­ gress from Texas) items that wm be removed from the tax, and Mr. FARBSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, it af­ it will reverberate down through the retailer, The time has come for repeal of the re­ the wholesaler, and the producer, with a fords me great pleasure to advise thiS tailers excise taxes on a number of items healthy effect on the economy. body that a number of Democratic or­ widely used by consumers. There has been ganizations in my district have adopted talk about it for a long time, but the present ADMINISTRATION STUDYING REPEAL the town of Starksville, Miss., and are opportunity and occasion calls for action. It well may be that removal of other ex­ seeking to raise funds, food, and clothing There is no reason for further delay. cises is warranted, and I am happy that the for this Negro community. In this con­ With that in mind, I am introducing a b111 administration 1s studying the question at to repeal these retailers excise taxes. Spe­ the moment. But there is absolutely no nection I issued a statement lauding cifically, the bill will exempt toilet prepara­ doubt that the excises removed by my bill these organizations for their efforts as tions, jewelry and related items, ladies' hand­ are long overdue. They have been 15 years an "inspiring demonstration of that bags, luggage and furs and fur trimmed coats. overdue, and the time for action ls January unity of Negro and white which will in­ The present ad valorem tax rate on these and February of 1965. To delay would be to sure full civil rights for all Americans, items is 10 percent; they have been subjected run the risk of getting caught up in the regardless of race, creed, or color." to this "luxury" tax for· over 20 years. whole range of legislative activity and lose Following is my full statement: It was first imposed in 1943 as an emergency momentum. wartime measure. After the war, the tax Taxes are necessary for national defense, I was very pleased to learn of the action of was retained as a restraint against infiation­ for the maintenance of law and order, for . a number of Democratic clubs in the upper ary pressures warranted by the tremendous provision of the many services to business, end of my district in adopting the town of buildup of consumer purchasing power dur­ agricultural, labor, and consumer groups re­ Starksville, Miss., and their current cam­ ing the war. During this time, and in fact quired by this complex society in which we paign to raise funds, food, and clothing for up until 1954, all of these items included live. But taxes in a democracy should be this community. It is an inspiring demon~ in my bill were taxed at a 20-percent rate. fair and based on the ability to pay. Taxes stration of that unity of Negro and white Finally, in 1954, the Congress reduced the on consumers, particularly when they fall which will insure full civil rights for all rate on these items to 10 percent. heavily on one group such as the American Americans regardless of race, color, or creed. There was no justification, in my opinion, women and where they are levied on items The complete support of full civil rights for continuing these taxes after 1949. The that are widely necessary for comfort and for all, by the National Convention of the fact is that a wartime emergency tax measure convenience, are in violation of both of these Democratic Party and the total and unequiv­ gained enough momentum to stay on and on principles. This fact makes the case for ocal campaign of President Lyndon B. John­ long after its reason for being had ceased. immediate action a very strong one. son and Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey And the result has been an unequltable bur­ A humorist once defined the retail drug­ for civil rights, made this issue the over­ den for consumers-particularly the ladies. store as the "poor man's country club." riding one of the 1964 campaign. I don't see how anyone can argue that ladles' Like most jokes this ls somewhat exaggerated The overwhelming victory of President handbags are a luxury, or for that matter but there is no doubt that the retail druggist Johnson and Vice President Humphrey was cosmetlcs,'in this day and age. My b111 would is as close to the American consumer as any­ in every real sense a true consensus of the abolish the Federal excise tax on these items one is. You provide him with some of his desire and the determination of the Ameri­ entirely and it would do it effective January fundamental needs and you see him often. can people to wipe out and end discrimina­ 1. There is no reason for deferring the ef­ It is your members who understand thor­ tion now and in this day. fective date. As a matter of fact, to do so oughly the stagnating effect of excise taxes. Now a.Ii Americans must, as good citizens, would merely result in postponement of You are in a position to bring home these work together and on every level to imple­ purchases, with resulting problems for re­ facts to the consumer and to enlist his ment and assist in carrying out the clear tailers. sympathy and enthusiasm in what is really mandate of the Nation. But it must be stressed that prompt action a common objective. As a · sponsor of the I hope that this striking example of co­ is needed not only by the Congress but by excise tax removal I look to your organiza­ operation will stimulate other comm.unities the voters throughout the country who are tion for the kind of support that you have to similar action. I do not think it is too so much in favor of this tax repeal. Since always given me. 1340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 26, 1965 (In his address to National Association of ·improved passenger transportation be­ megalopolis. It already has over 20 percent Retail Druggist members attending the Oc­ tween Boston and Washington, D.C. of the Nation's population and nearly 30 per­ tober annual convention in san Francisco, For the past two Congresses, I have cent of the Nation's business crowded on only Mr. PATMAN reviewed the efforts that had 1.4 percent of the Nation's land. been made in various sessions of Congress to joined in cosponsoring this approach. There is no other comparable area in our effect repeal of the excise taxes which were In the Washington, D.C., Sunday Star country at present where so many people are assessed during World War II, and continued of January 17, 1965, Senator PELL pro­ in competition for channels of communica­ in effect after the war emergencies were vides an excellent analysis of the need tion, although demographers have identified ended. for this new transportation authority. 21 other urban clusters which soon will be '(He suggested that a maximum effort by His position as an observer of the pres­ megalopolitan in their own right. Together consumers and retailers would be helpful in ent problems in this area has been they will contain almost 100 mlllion people repealing such taxes. Contacting Repre­ on less than 6 percent of the Nation's land. sentatives in Congress before the opening uniquely shaped by the fact that his own Some of the centers of these urbanized belts of Congress in January 1965 is needed to travels between his home State of Rhode are Chicago-Green Bay-South Bend; Los assure passage of repeal measures, he said. Island and the Nation's Capital have Angeles.. san Francisco; Pittsburgh-Cleve­ Also, in his convention address, Representa­ provided him with personal experience. land; Portland-Seattle; St. Louis-Kansas City tive PATMAN warned that other tax measures The use of the interstate compact de­ (Mo.) and Dallas-Fort Worth-San Antonio, to were being considered in top level business vice, specifically provided for in the Con­ name a few. quarters. He cited several of these pro­ stitution, has too often been overlooked. In our northeast megalopolis we are al­ posals.) It provides a means, other than the crea­ ready being faced with some hard decisions The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is on rec­ about the future. By 1980 we are told that ord for a general sales tax at either the re­ tion of a new Federal program, for the intercity travel will increase by about 170 tail or manufacturing level. The members, development of a governmental author­ percent and that public facilities will have to of course, are split on it, but in the Wash­ ity large enough to handle the problem, be expanded to meet the increased traffic. ington office they are working for it. yet still responsible to the States them- For example, up to $1 blllion will have to be The National Association of Manufacturers . selves. And as Senator PELL points out, spent on expanding· our airport facilities in are for it. They prefer to call it a broad­ in the case of an interstate transporta­ the corridor unless other alternatives are based excise tax instead of a sales tax, which, tion authority, its costs could be financed presented. of course, is the same thing. without Federal subsidy, short of a Fed­ It was against this background that I put Then the American Retail Federation is forward my proposal in 1962 for development interested, debating it internally trying to eral guarantee of a portion of the au­ of high-speed intercity rail service in the decide whether to change from a previous thority's bonded indebtedness. I be­ Northeast. policy of allout opposition. They seem to be lieve the problem and the proposal merit on the fence about it, and very likely wm the serious attention of Congress. KNOWS THE PROBLEMS come over on the side of the sales tax. I hope The article follows : A number of factors have convinced me they don't, but it looks like they are trying that such a development was badly needed. to get them, and they are considering it. PELL SAYS OWN EXPERIENCES LED TO DISTRICT As a former Foreign Service officer who has The National Retail Merchants Associa­ OF COLUMBIA-BOSTON RAn. PLAN lived and worked in Europe, I have often tion is sounding out department store mem­ (By CLAIBORNE PELL) marveled at the speed and efficiency of Euro­ bers about whether or not they should have A brief 38-word passage in President John­ pean railroad systems. To my mind, there is a general sales tax and whether it should be son's state of the Union message may presage no reason why we should not do as well. at the retail or manufacturers' level, and new developments in public transportation Moreover, as a U.S. Senator from Rhode many other trade groups are doing the same as significant as the flight of the Wright Island, I so often have occasion to travel the thing. brothers or the invention of the automobile. 400-mile trip between Washington and Prov­ The President's statement, succinct and to idence that I know painfully, at first hand, The No. 1 objective of the National As­ the point, said: the problems confronting the intercity sociation of Retail Druggists for 1965, as "I will ask for funds to study high-speed traveler today. stated by the NARD executive com­ rail transportation between urban centers. TOO FAR FOR AUTOS mittee was, "To renew our vigorous ef­ We will begin with test projects between forts to successfully eliminate the retail Boston and Washington. On high-speed The Washington-Boston trip is too long trains, passengers could travel this distance for automobile travel when one has a tight excise tax on toiletries, cosmetics, leather schedule--and yet it is too short, by modern in less than 4 hours." goods, and jewelry." The repeal of these 20th century standards, for the maximum Federal taxes on toilet preparations, PROPOSED IN 1962 utilization of our splendid developments in jewelry and related items, ladies' hand­ Behind those deceptively terse words lies air transp9rtation. So often, the weather bags, luggage, and furs and fur trimmed a bright vision of innovation in transporta­ or air traffic congestion renders flight plans coats will save consumers about $550 tion that ultimately could involve the con­ uncertain, and so often planes are missed be­ million a year. struction of new intercity ground transit cause of mammoth traffic jams on -the way to systems operating at speeds of 200 miles per the airports. Yet the railroads in their pres­ Any Members who would like to join hour or more, perhaps in the form of rocket- · ent state of decline offer only marginal re­ this effort will be privileged to do so. shaped trains operating in enclosed ·rights­ lief. The overnight rail service between of-way. Boston and Washington is so rough that I Until these futuristic concepts can be per­ refer to the cars as "wakers" rather than fected, the administration's program hope­ "sleepers." ·senator Pell Outlines the Need for an fully wm involve maximum improvement But it is the railroads, with their splendid and utilization of our existing conventional exclusive rights-of-way, and with their in­ Eight-State Transportation Compact rail equipment. herent efficiency--one estimate is that one For myself, the President's statement set of tracks can do the job of up to 18 high­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS meant the coming to fruition of 2 ¥2 years of way lanes-which I believe hold the greatest OF persistent and often discouraging argument hope for the future over the intermediate of the idea that Americans should have more distances separating our megalopolitan HON. WILLIAM B. WIDNALL adequate and dependable public transporta­ centers. tion facilities for medium-range intercity HIGH SPEED PLANNED OF NEW JERSEY travel. The type of development I envision would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I first spelled out my proposal in June of involve purchase of new rail cars and im­ Tuesday, January 26, 1965 1962, when I introduced a bill in the Senate provement of right-of-way to allow service to create an eight-State public authority to at a minimum average speed of 100 miles per Mr. WIDNALL. Mr. Speaker, the operate high-speed rail passenger service hour--or up to 200 miles per hour as we plight of our rail commuter transpor­ between Boston and Washington. develop new types of equipment. The serv­ tation was at last recognized by Congress LIKE A SUPERCITY ice should be very frequent--at 15 to 30 in passing the Mass Transportation Act I did not specify the Boston-Washington minute intervals at the busy times of the of 1964, which I cosponsored. While this corridor out of idle sectional political inter­ day-and it should be directly integrated problem is by no means solved, the need est. The fact is that this coastal strip, com­ with local urban tra:r;isit systems. It should · to provide for high-speed passenger rail prising the oldest and most crowded section also be clean, comfortable, and reliable. transportation between cities is also be­ of our Nation, is in many respects the proto­ This type of service would assure a Wash­ type of our complex urban society of the fu­ ington businessman, for example, that in ing noted. A pioneer in this approach ture, and the manner in which we solve the any kind of weather, he could travel in one has been the junior Senator from Rhode problems of the area thus is important to integrated system from downtown Washing­ Island, CLAIBORNE PELL, who has pro­ 'the whole Nation. ton to downtown New York City or Boston posed an eight-State compact to create The corridor already has the aspects of a and back in a timespan virtually equal to a new authority to provide for new and supercity, and scholars have dubbed it the if not less than the lapsed door-to-door time january 26, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 1341 by air carrier. And, with fully modernized points out that whereas only 19 cents of the different levels of our food distribu­ equipment he could use his time en route to the American family's take-home dollar tion system, but he fears we may, instead,. get a haircut in the train's barbershop, or goes for food, the average family in to dictate correspondence or hold a con­ do a very bad job by merely trying to ference in a special business compartment, Great Britain spends 29 cents, in France expose the so-called middlemen as or to place phone calls on the train's long­ 31 cents, in Japan 47 cents, and in the profiteers. distance telephone system. Soviet Union, 50 cents. Furthermore, he Personally, I have no idea in the world To do the job right, even with conven­ tells US, there is a much greater variety what we will end up doing in that Com­ tional rail equipment and with no techno­ of foods here, more convenience foods, mission, for we have only just begun our logical breakthroughs, would require an in­ and-thanks to Government safeguards work, and the first job has been to pick vestment of about $1 billion for the entire and the competitive pressures of Amer­ capable and unbiased staff experts to do Boston-Washington line. But I am con­ ica's free enterprise system....:....Mr. Morti­ the basic research which will eventually vinced that the development would be so mer says the American housewife is fully promising that it might be accomplished guide us in making our recommendations without Government subsidy, short of a protected not only against dangerous and to Congress. Federal guarantee of a portion of the bonded unwholesome foods but also against WE NEED MORE CONSUMER POLITICS, NOT LESS indebtedness. trickery and deceit in the marketplace. But beyond all that, I am certainly Where direct Federal assistance is needed Nevertheless, this food executive the food executive's target because I is in the preliminary planning stage because warns, there is an ominous cloud on the no railroad today is in a position to risk horizon, threatening our best-of-alH>os­ must admit that I am a politician-and money on new techniques and equipment sible food worlds. Mr. Mortimer de­ undoubtedly a vote-conscious one, too. capable of greatly improved, high-speed serv­ Members of the House of Representatives ice. It is for this reason that President John­ clares: · of the Congress of the United States son has proposed a federally financed re­ The machinery of free competition which must win reelection every 2 years in search and development program designed has made ours the best-fed Nation on earth order to retain and enhance their senior­ to stimulate technological breakthroughs is in danger of being tampered with. It is being attacked by certain people in Govern­ ity and thus accomplish their objectives. that could revolutionize ground transporta­ To win elections, you have to get more tion and stimulate the entire economy. In ment who have the perverse notion that the addition, he proposes demonstration pro­ Mary Joneses of America need more Govern­ votes than your opponents, and I have grams to show how existing service can be ment protection than the ample safeguards taken my chances in the ballot boxes improved in the meantime. they already have. of my district seven times, so I am cer­ The fears of the General Foods Corp. tainly aware of the importance of con­ board chairman grow out of the activi­ sumers as voters. ties of what he describes as "vote-con­ Thus, I suppose I must plead guilty Let's Have More; Not Less "Politics in the scious politicians" who are, as he puts to at least some of the counts in the Pantry"-and All Through the House-­ it, "playing politics in the pantry" General Foods Corp. board chairman's by "pitching emotion-charged appeals" indictment in today's Look magazine by Closing Gaps in Consumer Protec­ to consumers. He says that the politi­ against "vote-conscious politicians" pro­ tion Legislation cians are indulging in "headlinemaking moting what he calls the "perverse innuendos" implying that America's food notion" that the supermarket customers marketing system "needs to be watched of this country need more Government EXTENSION OF REMARKS protections than the ample safeguards OJ' and regulated even more closely than it is." . Mr. Mortimer believes we already possess. HON. LEONOR K. SULLIVAN The General Foods executive was di­ If I didn't have such notions-perverse or not, depending upon one's viewpoint­ OF MISSOURI recting his fire primarily at Senator ! would undoubtedly feel a bit silly about IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HART'S so-called truth in packaging bill, which is aimed at the jungle of confus­ putting so many bills into the congres­ Tuesday, January 26, 1965 ing sizes making intelligent price com­ sional hopper to tighten the safeguards Mrs. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, I was parisons so extremely difficult for the which already exist, or to create new greatly honored in the last Congress by average shopper in the supermarket; at safeguards where none exist. the chairman of the Committee on Bank­ Mrs. Esther Peterson, the President's It is not my purpose here to debate ing and Currency, the Honorable WRIGHT dynamic and effective Special Assistant with the General Foods chairman the PATMAN, of Texas, when he named me for Consumer Affairs; and at the possible quality and wholesomeness and com­ to the chairmanship of a newly created recommendations of the National Com­ paratively reasonable costs of American standing subcommittee known as the mission on Foo? M,arketing. food. However, I certainly challenge his theory that there is something ominous Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, a IF THE SHOE FITS- field to which I have devoted so much or reprehensible about "playing politics" · But although he does not mention me on these issues, or that we should, as he of my efforts in the Congress during the by name, I cannot help but feel that I, past 12 years. And you, Mr. Speaker, puts it "Keep Politics Out of the Pan­ too, must be one of his targets in that try." Instead, I would say: "Let's Have frirther honored me for my work on con­ article. The evils Senator HART seeks to sumer issues by appointing me as 1 of More Politics in the Pantry, and All eliminate in his bill proposing readily Through the House." 5 Members of the House of Representa­ comparable sizes of bottles and cans and tives serving on the 15-member bipar­ boxes in easily computed multiples or POLITICS IS SCIENCE OF GOVERNMENT tisan National Commission on Food Mar­ fractions of pints, quarts, pounds, and so Perhaps the whole argument rests on keting, created by Public Law 88-354. on, are also attached in the labeling pro­ what we mean by the. word "politics." I am therefore always interested in the visions of one of my bills, although from As used in the Look article urging us views of responsible leaders of our food a much different approach, and in a less to "Keep Politics Out of the Pantry," industry and in any discussion of legis­ controversial manner. But essentially, it is a somewhat mild and gentle word, lation affecting the consumer and ·the Senator HART and I seek similar goals of implying-in a not too angry fashion­ businesses which serve consumers. Con­ better information to the consumer in hints of self-seeking, of personal aggran­ sequently, I read with great interest an making price and quantity computations dizement, demagoguery, voter deception, article in the current issue of Look mag­ in the stores. and perhaps a tiny touch of corruption. azine-the one dated today, January 26- For a second thing, I think Esther In this connotation, "politicians" are not written by the chairman of the board of Peterson is doing a wonderful job, and I necessarily evil, not bad all through, but one of our greatest food processing cor­ am all for what she is trying to accom­ rather forced by their professions to porations about the fine job the Amer­ plish. I have worked very closely with "play politics" by deceiving the public ican food industry is performing in mak­ her through my subcommittee, and I into wanting things that are not good ing this the best-fed Nation in the world, hope to continue to do so. And, for a for them, so that the politicians can stir and at the most reasonable cost. third thing, I am, as I said, a member of . up enough turmoil in giving these un­ POLITics· AND THE PANTRY the National Commission on Food Mar­ desirable things to the public to make a The article is entitled ''Let's Keep Poli­ keting, which Mr. Mortimer of General lot of headlines and thus get the politi­ tics OUt of the Pantry." In it, Mr. Foods hopes may do a good job in ex­ cians' names in the paper, the better to Charles G. Mortimer of General Foods plaining the necessary roles played by gain attention and win votes. 1342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 26, 1965 'To me, politics is a good many cuts treated with formaldehyde, and revela­ prove an additive is safe before he can above that level. To me, politics is the tions about tonics and medicines

GAPS IN OUR FOOD LAWS to find the listing of ingredients tO make changing world with its amazing new ·So to go back to the thesis in the food sure the contents do not include any­ technology, I would like to list what my executive's article in today's issue of thing to which some member of the f am­ omnibus bill to rewrite the Food, Drug, Look magazine-that the Food, Drug, ily is allergic. and Cosmetic Act of 1938 would actually and Cosmetic Act already fully protects There is not widespread enough viola­ do. Its number is H.R. 1235. I intro­ the consumer of foodstuffs, and that tion of the spirit of the labeling law to duced it originally on the opening day of those who would further tighten con­ an extent that it is a serious national the 87th Congress, in January 1961, 4 sumer protections are cynical politicians crisis, but violations are common enough years ago. Brief hearings were held in "playing politics in the pantry," I would to constitute an unpardonable nuisance June 1962 on the whole range of issues say that legislative history of the Food, to the careful, label-reading shopper­ covered in the omnibus bill, after Presi­ Drug, and Cosmetic Act in the 12 years who must take extra hours to do her dent Kennedy's consumer message that in which I have served, and for long marketing. These violations also vic­ year endorsed most of its provisions,, before that, shows that is overoptimis­ timize the casual shopper who is quickly As originally introduced, the bill pro­ tic, and usually premature, to make discouraged from making the complex vided the procedures later adopted by sweeping defenses of the status quo in price computations to determine the Congress to safeguard prescription drugs, consumer protection legislation. Even more economical among competing prod­ in the historic Drug Control Act of 196·2 if we concede the accuracy of Mr. Morti­ ucts or among different size packages which was enacted after the thalidomide mer's claim that the provisions of the of the same product. So she buys the tragedy came to public attention. act dealing with foodstuffs are generally "large economy size" on faith that it is IT HAS EVERYTHING IN IT, INCLUDING THE adequate-and on the whole they are the better buy-and often it is not as KITCHEN SINK very good-it is clear that other sections good a buy as a smaller size-believe it I revised and reintroduced the bill in of the law are terribly inadequate­ or not. the 88th Congress, 2 years ago, but no dangerously so-and that some of the LOOPHOLES ENDANGERING HEALTH action occurred in the House on any of food sections need modernization, too. Much more serious, however, are the its features. I have now reintroduced For instance, the law we passed in 1960 gaps in the food, drug, and cosmetic it in this Congress, bringing it up to on cautionary labeling of hazardous law which affect not your pocketbook and date once again. It is 45 pages long and household products such as bleaches, disposition so much as your life and covers everything you eat, all the medi­ paints, insecticides and so on, does not safety. I have described the free and cines you use, anything rubbed, poured,' apply to foods, drugs, and cosmetics; in­ easy manner in which cosmetics can be sprinkled, or sprayed on, introduced in­ cluding those packaged in pressurized manufactured and put on sale without to, or otherwise applied to the human containers, which can be dangerous pretesting or clearance for safety and body for the purpose of cleansing, beau­ when carelessly handled. Furthermore, the fact that coal tar hair dyes are sub­ tifying, promoting attractiveness, or the section of the Food, Drug, and Cos­ ject to no regulation, no matter how altering the appearance, to give you the metic Act dealing with informative dangerous, as long as the label warns official definition of a cosmetic; it ap­ labeling of foods-giving the consumer you of the possible consequences of using plies also to therapeutic devices, fake information she is legally entitled to them. The cosmetic and hair dye manu­ cancer cures, worthless ingredients in have-has been held by the courts to be facturers won these special exemptions special dietary foods; over-the-counter too vague to prevent some processors for their products during the battle over drugs, animal feeds, sleeping pills, pep from hiding the information in tiny type passage of the original act in 1938. pills, and other habit-farming stimulant in a cluttered panel, or in pastel inks They have been successful ever since drugs. on noncontrasting backgrounds, defy­ in :fighting off attempts to make them In other words, it has everything in ing the housewife's efforts to find the in­ prove the safety of their products be­ it, including the kitchen sink, along with formation on weights, ingredients, and fore marketing. They apparently want the refrigerator, the bathroom medi­ so on. us vote-conscious politicians to keep cine cabinet, the dressing table, and the I am not a lawyer, so I cannot argue politics out of the beauty parlor. I hope nursery. I am going to spell out some with the judges on whether the present you agree with me that more politics, not of the provisions, Mr. Speaker, so that language on labeling is too vague. It less, is needed in coping with this prob­ the Members can decide whether the sounds clear enough to me. It says the lem. loopholes which this bill would close are required information on a food label must THERAPEUTIC DEVICES seriOus enough to warrant action. I be ''prominently placed thereon with also hope that through publication of such conspicuousness-as compared with Let us look at another loophole in the this material in the CONGRESSIONAL other words, statements, designs, or de­ law. Therapeutic devices-medical de­ RECORD, many citizens, particularly wom­ vices, in the labeling-and in such vices of all kinds-can also be marketed, en, are able-through newspapers, radio, terms as to render it likely to be read and as cosmetics are, without safety clear­ and television programs, magazine ar­ understood by the ordinary individual ance, and can be removed from the ticles, and through their churches and under customary conditions of purchase market only if proved dangerous or clubs and organizations-to learn more fraudulent. In this case, we should and use." require not only proof of safety but also about the need for this legislation, for READ THE LABEL-IF Y9U CAN proof of effectiveness, too-particularly I am convinced that they then will insist As I said, that sounds pretty clear and when someone with a serious illness or and demand that Congress act. straightforward to me. But the courts As I told the women attending the con­ disability delays seeking medical atten­ vention of the National Rural Electric have nevertheless blocked Food and tion in the hope some useless machine Drug Administration efforts to crack or device can cure him. But the prob­ Cooperative Association, along those down on some fiagrant violators. The lem is serious also in the devices and lines, if enough women are made aware law therefore needs a simple amendment of the deficiencies in our basic consumer materials used in good faith by phy­ law and are encouraged to write to their authorizing the Government to issue sicfans and dentists. What a tragedy it regulations specifying-as is done now congressional delegation about these has been for some patients who under­ deficiencies and the need for corrective in the prescription drug sections of the went surgery involving the use of arti­ law-how the required label information legislation, such legislation will be en­ ficial bone material only to have the acted promptly. As I explained, "Con­ must be presented on the label-the lo­ material deteriorate in the body; ·then gress is like the accelerator of your car­ cation of the data on weights and on they have had to go through the ordeal ingredients, the comparative type sizes that is, very sensitive to pressure. You to be used, and so on. all over again-merely because the ma­ make it go." Otherwise, the housewife will continue terial used had not been sufficiently SECTION-BY-SECTION EXPLANATION OP H.R. 1235 to find it difficult, if not impossible, to tested for safety and effectiveness before Now here, in the order ih which they find the net weight on some bags or being put on the market. are covered by H.R. 1235, are some of the boxes, or cans or bottles, if only to try H.R. 1235, AN OMNmus Bll.L TO REWRITE THE things on which all of us, and particu­ to figure out the better buy between dif­ FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC ACT OF 1938 larly the women of this country, must put ferent sizes of the same brand. And she Rather than catalog all of the pos­ their foot down hard. will continue to find it a real challenge sible dangers of living in today's fast- Section 1 is the title of the bill. 1344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE January 26, 1965

:MAKING THE LABEL SERVE ITS FULL PURPOSE PRETESTING OF :MEDICAL DEVICES FOR SAFETY But if Members of Congress are not Section 2 deals with amendments to AND EFFICACY made more aware of the problems, then the required labeling provisions of the Section 4 applies to the pretesting of the piecemeal approach will undoubtedly present law-to make sure the consumer therapeutic devices for safety and proof continue to be followed. · can readily find the net weight and in­ of effectiveness before they can be sold. FAKE CANCER REMEDIES gredients and other information she is I covered that earlier. Section 7· of H.R. 1235 deals with fake entitled to have on food, drug, and cos­ CERTIFICATION OF ALL ANTIBIOTICS cancer remedies, and drugs or devices metic labels; also to require cautionary Section 5 requires the certification by intended for the prevention or cure of labeling on pressurized food or cosmetic the Food and Drug Administration of the cancer. This is an area of widespread containers so as to prevent accidents, and purity and potency of veterinary anti­ trickery and fraud, and it is tragic. On on medicines and drugs to prevent unsafe biotics, similar to the requirement we the other hand, we do not want to dis- · use by children or by adults with wrote into the law in 1962 applying to courage the search for any really eff ec­ pathological conditions. Labels would antibiotics intended for use by man. tive treatment for this disease, on which have to carry instructions for first aid When these powerful, and often unstable, so much research money and time and treatment, when necessary. · drugs are used on meat animals, we effort are now being spent. For instance, in the case of cosmetics should be certain they are from certified This is a section of my original bill of which are frequently swallowed by chil­ batches, tested and approved by Uncle 1961 which I have retained in succeed- . dren, the doctors· just have to guess as to Sam. ing versions of the measure, even after what is in the products. This section the passage of the 1962 Drug Control Act would also apply to hair sprays, which THE MIND-AFFECTING DANGEROUS DRUGS Section 6 deals with the barbiturates, which covered the testing of new pre­ are usually dangerously fiammable-but scription drugs in comprehensive f ash­ you see women using them while smok­ amphetamines, and other habit-forming ing, and in the beauty shops you see central nervous system stimulants-the ion. I left this section in, however, be­ sleeping pills, and the pep pills, the cause I think that in evaluating drugs or clouds of the spray with no one appar­ devices intended to prevent or cure can­ ently aware of the fact that they can be "goof balls" and "bennies,'' and other drugs now so widely bootlegged as to con­ cer, the Government must have every dangerous to inhale. possible assistance-the complete facts­ Section 2 also removes a 27-year-old stitute a national menace. How many deaths on the highways that can be at­ everything about the treatment-without loophole put in by the dairy industry, any holdback of information, so a deter­ exempting butter, cheese, and ice cream tributed to the use of these pills we can never know. They are dangerous, and mination can be made of the circum­ from having to reveal on the package or stances under which it can be tested and label the presence of artificial color. docors who prescribe them treat them with respect. used. This section, by the way, would Every other food label must show the apply primarily to racketeers in health, presence of artificial color; why not but- H.R. 1235 would not interfere in any not legitimate researchers. . ter, cheese, and ice cream? Of all of the way with proper medical dispensing of provisions of my bill, I guess this one on any of these drugs; the targets of the PRETESTING COSMETICS INCLUDING A DELANEY artificial color in dairy products is prob­ bill are the fiy-by-night outfits which ANTI-CANCER CLAUSE ably the least urgent from the stand­ obtain and distribute them in the same Section 8 is the basic foundation on point of health and safety, but I included way that narcotics are· sold and whisky which the rest of the omnibus bill was it because this exemption is typical of used to be sold during prohibition. My originally built 4 years ago: the pre­ how every industry wants to hide from bill uses weapons similar to those we use testing of cosmetics for safety. It con­ the consumer facts which are perhaps a in fighting narcotics; possession itself tains an anticancer clause such as we. little embarrassing-such as the fact would be a crime for any except those have in the food additives and color that the beautiful yellow color which having a legitimate reason for having the additives acts-under it no ingredient butter claims as its own is often put there drugs on hand. could be used in a cosmetic if it could with a chemical. We are dealing here with a vast illicit cause cancer in man or animal. The Some consumers, for reasons of their traffic in death-dealing drugs which are. law on cosmetics does not now say that. own-and sometimes they are good rea­ major instruments of suicide, and major Under the present law, the Government, sons-want to avoid artificial coloring causes of highway deaths, and major as I noted, must prove a cosmetic harm­ matter in food whenever pcssible. The causes of mental injury to youth. A ful in order to block its sale; under H.R. color additives in use in food are proven Presidential Advisory Committee called 1235, the manufacturer would have to to be safe in the manner in which they them psychotoxic, or mind-affecting prove the product is safe to use, and, in are used, but it should be remembered drugs. There is now such widespread addition, that it does not contain any that the law had to be changed several awareness of the dangers from these carcinogens, whether used in a safe fash­ years ago to repeal a previous require­ drugs that the Senate last year passed a ion or not. ment that these colors must be abso­ bill containing most of the features of THE SOAP AND HAm DYE EXEMPTIONS lutely and completely harmless under this section of my bill. This section would also repeal the old any and all circumstances. The Gov­ I oppose the piecemeal approach, how­ special interest exemption for soap, ernment discovered that many of the ever; there are so many deficiencies in which, since 1938, has been held by the coal tar colors were no longer able to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, of law not to be a cosmetic. Soap manufac­ pass this requirement of the 1938 act be­ which this is only a part, that I decided in turers are therefore subject to nothing cause the testing devices, like those used 1961 to seek a single overall solution to all more than their own consciences and the to find pesticide residues in milk, were of them at one time, in one bill. That is risk of possible damage suits for what so much improved and so extremely how my omnibus bill was developed. I they might include among ingredients of sensitive. got tired of the snail's pace at which we a soap, and they do not even have to tell SPECIAL DIETARY FOODS were correcting faults in the old act, you the net weight of a bar of soap. Section 3 of my bill deals with worth­ like putting blowout patches on an old More importantly, this section of H.R. less ingredients in special dietary foods. automobile tube long after it needed re­ 1235 also repeals the hair dye exemption This is a very controversial issue among placement for safety. I am sure we could now in the law. Hair dyes, too, would health food manufacturers. It prohibits quickly pass a bill dealing with the boot­ have to be proved safe for use before be­ the use in a product represented as a spe­ legging of these so-called psychotoxic ing placed on sale. cial dietary food of exotic-sounding in­ drugs, but I am afraid it might be at the gredients which have never been shown expense of early action on other neces­ FULL DISCLOSURE OF COSMETIC INGREDIENTS to have the least nutritive value, or any sary reforms in the Food, Drug, and Cos­ All of the significant ingredients of a dietary usefulness whatsoever. Sale of metic Act, such as on cosmetics safety cosmetic item would have to be revealed the ingredients themselves would not be and so on. Of course it all depends on on the label under H.R. 1235. Actually, touched; the b111 would apply only when the Congress and on the public. If there are few secrets in the cosmetic in­ the products are represented as having enough Americans insist upon a complete dustry; most competing products use special dietary value. overhaul of the entire act, it can be done. similar basic ingredients. But for the January 26, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE .1345 woman who is allergic, there is no way cer-causing feed ingredient in the car­ There is no reason in the world why a but painful trial and error-and some­ cass of meat animals he can order a parent cannot crush half of a regular times it is very painful-in finding suit­ halt to the use of the animal feed re­ aspirin tablet on a spoon, using the able cosmetics. When a 'formula is sud­ sponsible; and it· is on this basis that the bottom of the bowl of another spoon to denly changed in a product she has been growth stimulant hormone stilbestrol do the crushing, and then add sugar and using, she is back in the dark, and per­ is now widely permitted to be used water, or jelly or some other sweetner haps also back in the doctor's office. in animal feeds. But why should we to the crushed aspirin to help push· the Even the Food and Drug Administration permit the use of cancer-inducing color­ medicine down, if the child needs aspirin. sometimes has to guess what is in a ing of animal feeds? The coloring mat­ The child would at least know this was particular cosmetic. The Government ter serves no nutritive purpose, and no medicine, not candy. should be informed · about ingredients, economic purpose. It is certainly not Since adding this aspirin provision to and so should the buyer. intended to make the feed more appe­ H.R. 1235, I have heard from mothers ADMINISTRATIVE SUBPENAS tizing to the steer. It merely helps the from different parts of the country telling farmer to identify different feeds by me of hair-raising experiences in their Section 9 provides for administrative color. But permitting the use of carcino­ homes when children or grandchildren subpena powers, particularly in devel­ genic coloring matter for this purpose is found the :flavored aspirin bottle, pried oping information for the establishment a completely unnecessary and unjustifia­ off the so-called safety cap, and ate the of food standards. Food standards is­ ble additional hazard. H.R. 1235 repeals contents. sued by the Government, in cooperation this glaring exemption. · with the processors, spell out exactly If there were no chance whatsoever of what ingredients must be included in a U.S. INSPECTION OF FOREIGN FACTORIES the product being misused by preschool­ processed food once it is covered by a Section 13 would require foreign man­ ers-who after all, cannot read warnings ufacturers of foods, drugs, or cosmetics on labels-my bill would permit certain particular standard. Subpena power exemptions and waivers under this pro­ may be needed, too, in pesticides hear- who export substantial quantities of their products to the United States to vision, but otherwise :flavored aspirin ings. could not be sold in interstate commerce, CARRIER'S EXEMPl'ION IS TOO BROAD permit on-the-scene inspection by U.S. officials of their plants overseas. At except for stocks manufactured prior to Section 10 repeals an exemption en­ present, only a small percentage of the 1965. joyed for many years by the railroads, food, drug, and cosmetic imports into CONSUMERS MUST MAKE THEm VOICES HEARD trucking firms, and other. common this country are inspected on arrival- · I do not think the aspirinmakers will carriers, which. are now relieved of re­ on a sampling basis, but not necessarily like section 14 of H.R. 1235, just· as the sponsibility under the act for transport­ a random one-to make sure they are cosmetic manufacturers do not like sec­ ing adulterated foods, drugs, or cosmet­ safe, wholesome, uncontaminated, and tion 2 or section 8 and other affected ics even when the adulteration occurred otherwise eligible for admission under interests do not like other sections of as a result of their own actions or omis­ our laws. This spot"."check at the docks H.R. 1235. The big question to me, how­ sions. Under my bill, the carriers would is often concentrated on the exports of ever, is whether the people of this coun­ continue to be exempt only in those cases :firms whose products have frequently try like this bill-enough to join me in where they did not cause the adultera­ reflected a · high percentage of viola- :fighting for it. · tion. tions. Under H.R. 1235, the United Consumer battles can be won in the A TOUGH FACTORY INSPECTION PROVISION States could send inspectors to inspect Congress only when consumers make it Section 11 is a tough factory inspec­ the plants of foreign firms it has reason clear they want them won, and will work tion amendment, giving to the Food and to believe are not observing proper sani- at it, and, yes, "play politics" at it. That Drug Administration stronger powers in tary or production control practices on is why I say-in contrast to the General inspecting facilities used and methods foods, drugs, or cosmetics sold here. We Foods executive I quoted-let us have used in the manufacture, processing, would inspect on the same basis as we more politics in the pantry, and also in warehousing, packaging, and distribu- . now .inspect American · plants. If the the bathroom medicine cabinet, and all tion of foods, cosmetics; and nonpre­ foreign plant cannot pass our domestic through the house, as H.R. 1235 would scription drugs. The Food and Drug Ad­ inspection requirements, or if it refuses require-more politics in the sense of ministration already has these stronger to permit our inspectors to enter on re- more active citizen interest in more eff ec­ factory inspection powers in checking on quest, its products would be denied ad- tive safety laws affecting consumers and prescription drugs, under the 1962 act. mission to this country. I think this is consumer products. These powers include the right to see a useful reform. There are other consumer issues in all relevant files, including complaint A BAN ON FLAVORED ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN Congress besides those involving the files, and to check on the professional Section 14 of H.R. 1235 prohibits the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, of course, qualifications of personnel responsible sale in interstate commerce of :flavored and I hope the people of this country will for performing certain tec·hnical func­ or sweetened aspirin. This is a new "play politics" on those, too. tions in the plant. Factory inspection provision, just put into the bill this year TIRE SAFETY is a vital area of consumer protection, for the first time. It grew out of a let- In addition to more politics in the even though food and drug inspectors ter from a St. Louis resident on a com- pantry, and all through the house, as ex­ can still touch only a tiny fraction of pletely different matter, but in checking emplified by H.R. 1235, we need more the existing plants in the country each into some facts on household accidents in politics on the highways, too. Passage year. But when they do go in to inspect, connection with inquiries made in that of the provisions of H.R.·1235 applying to the inspectors must have sufficient letter, I discovered to my amazement and the mind-affecting drugs which are such powers to determine whether the prod­ horror that candy aspirin, the special frequent causes of highway accidents ucts are made in a sanitary, wholesome baby aspirin, is far and away the leading will certainly save lives, but so also will or safe manner and if the production cause of accidental poisoning of children another bill of mine on highway safety­ controls are adequate to maintain the under 5. H.R. 688, to provide for Federal stand- necessary standards. Aspirin poisoning is the most frequent ards for automobile tires, to and the mass CANCER-CAUSING COLORING llilATl'ER IN MEAT cause of death among young children murder on the highways from shoddy ANIMAL FEEDS from accidental ingestions. The chil- tires which the consumer purchases in a Section 12 repeals a special interest dren learn to regard :flavored aspirin as jungle of price and performance claims, exemption in the law for cancer-causing candy, and thousands of them each year but with no way of knowing for sure what coloring matter used in animal feeds. risk death by eating an entire bottle of the quality of that tire really is. H.R. I have never been able to get an under­ :flavored aspirin in the belief it is candy. 688 was originally drafted and introduced standable story from anyone on why If the mother or the babysitter discovers in the last Congress by former Congress­ this exemption was written into the law the empty bottle in time, the child's life man Kenneth Roberts, of Alabama, who, or what purpose it is to serve. If the is saved, but in 125 to 150 instances a as we all know, Mr. Speaker, was our Government finds any residue of a can- year, the child dies. leading expert in Congress on automobile _cxr-a5 1346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 26, 1965 safety legislation. Unfortunately, he the tremendous leap in retail prices of we put more, not less, politics into the was defeated in the Goldwater sweep of coffee that year. Since then I have con­ pantry and into our strategy for achiev­ Alabama last November. I cosponsored sistently proposed placing trading in cof­ ing consumer protection. his bill on tires last session, and since he fee futures under the Commodity Ex­ cannot reintroduce it this year, I in­ change Act, as the FTC recommended 11 troduced it on my own and will work for years ago. Investigation in the last Con­ its adoption. The Federal Trade Com­ gress into sugar price gyrations con­ Senator A. S. Mike Monroney Presents mission hearings on tire advertising vinced me that sugar futures trading Important Address "The SST-A Bird earlier this month certainly proved the should also be regulated under that act. need for reliable grades and standards Consequently, I have amended my pre­ for All Nations," to Aero Club Mem­ for tires. vious bill on coffee futures trading to bers and Guests SAFE HANDLING OF INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS include sugar also, and have introduced In still another area of consumer it in this Congress as H.R. 8. Excessive speculation in futures contracts, usually EXTENSION OF REMARKS safety, let's have more politics in job OF safety, too. One of my bills this year, at very low margin-thus, largely on bor­ H.R. 1179, never before introduced, pro­ rowed money-can send prices of any HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH vides for the establishment by the Secre­ commodity skyrocketing, if the futures trading is not properly regulated. OF WEST vmGINIA tary of Labor of Federal regulations for IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES the safe handling of hazardous mate­ THE NEED FOR POLITICAL ACTION TO ACHIEVE rials in industry and commerce. At CONSUMER GOALS Tuesday, January 26, 1965 present, the Secretary of Labor issues Mr. Speaker, I have outlined many of Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, a guides and suggestions for worker pro­ the great glaring gaps in our consumer friend and colleague, Senator A. s. tection, but he has no powers to enforce legislation, and the kind of legislation MIKE MONRO NEY, has been hospitalized safety standards. State laws vary widely which is necessary to close those gaps. at Walter Reed Hospital with a virus in­ in this respect, and few, if any States This legislation can be passed only if fection and a bad case of laryngitis. He have the resources to keep abreast of all a great many more citizens actively "play was to have delivered a speech today at of the new solvents and chemicals and politics," as the chairman of General the Aero Club of Washington. The ad­ bleaches and dyes and other dangerous Foods calls it, on these important issues. dress was given in excellent fashion by materials coming into use each year, But this is no game. Politics is a serious Mr. John Burzio, staff attorney on the sometimes with very limited application. business, beci:i.use the stakes of political Aviation Subcommittee of the Senate The Federal Government can do this job, action-or inaction-are high. Commerce Committee. and should be given it to do. The battles are not won overnight. I was privileged to be present as a FULL DISCLOSURE OF CREDIT TERMS Sometimes it takes years. But often re­ guest of the officers of Lake Central Air­ what about more politics at the loan sults are won even before the legislation lines, one of the local service carriers company, or department store credit is passed. For instance, the food proc­ providing scheduled flights to several window, or the automobile agency's fi­ es.sors do not like Senator HART'S bill on West Virginia cities. It is of interest nance department? As chairman of the packaging-not one bit; but his introduc­ to the constituency I represent to note Subcommittee on Committee Affairs of tion of the bill and the hearings he con­ that Lloyd Hartman, president of Lake ducted in support of it, did a great deal Central, has just been elected chairman the House Committee on Banking and to bring about voluntary reforms in food currency, I introduced on our side of of the Association of Local Transport packaging by the processors themselves. Airlines. ALTA is composed of 21 local the Capitol in the 88th Congress the Many consumers have now begun to do truth-in-lending bill drafted by Sen­ airlines operating throughout the United the same thing I do: that is, try to favor States and our territories. ator DouGLAS to require disclosure of those grocery store products which are actual interest rates and the full costs Mr. President, Senator MoNRONEY has packaged in pounds or half pounds or been involved in so much legislation af­ of credit, and I have reintroduced it in quarts or similar standard sizes in pref­ the 89th Congress as H.R. 155. fecting aviation he is known as "Mr. Avi­ ence to competing products which come ation." He serves as chairman of the UNINSPECTED MEAT GOING INTO OUR CITIES in sizes such as 7%a ounces, or 193¥.12 Commerce Aviation Subcommittee and Citizens of urban areas must become ounces. I just think it gives the con­ in 1958 was author of the Federal Avia­ more aware of the danger to their health sumer a better basis for judging com­ tion Act, which established the FAA and from meat coming into their city from parative values, particularly on the two­ provided unified and independent con­ uninspected slaughtering houses located for-so-much deals, and I show my ap­ trol of air traffic and airspace for both within the same State. If this meat does preciation to the manufacturer accord­ civil and military aviation. In 1961 Sen­ not cross State lines, it is not subject to ingly. So far as this one consumer is ator MoNRONEY received the Wright Federal inspection. Since President concerned, and I think there are now Brothers Memorial Trophy given by the Kennedy first suggested in his 1962 con­ many like me, it is good business for Aero Club and in 1964 his contribution to sumer message an expansion of Federal a firm to package its wares in containers the scheduled airline industry earned inspection to cover much of this 20 per­ using easily understood net weights. him the Award. cent of our meat supply which is not now Senator HART'S hearings have made subject to such controls, I have sponsored many consumers aware of this method Mr. President, I request unanimous bills to accomplish this purpose. In this of fighting back, and increasing numbers consent that Senator MoNRONEY's re­ Congress, my bill on Federal inspection of manufacturers are therefore paying marks "The SST-A Bird for all Nations" of intrastate shipments of meat in cer­ heed-getting the message-changing be placed in the RECORD. tain designated "major consuming areas'' their packaging practices accordingly. There being no objection, the address is H.R. 149. It follows the same prin­ But in many of the situations I have was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, ciple in the designation of major consum­ described today-involving the safety as follows: ing areas as we established originally of the consumer rather than pennies or THE SST-A BmD FOR ALL NATIONS ln the Poultry Products Inspection Act nickels on a grocery item-we cannot I have always been an advocate of butlding depend merely upcn the manufacturer's airplanes-the more the better. And the air­ of 1957 for poultry moving only in intra­ craft manufacturers in the United States state commerce but burdening or affect­ sense of intelligent self-interest to pro­ have always built the finest aircraft in the ing interstate commerce in wholeso111e vide us with the protections we should skies. Whenever the m111tary or the airlines poultry. have. We have had consumer protection laws for many years, but the laws always said we needed a new type of plane, Ameri­ PRICE GYRATIONS IN SUGAR AND COFFEE Ji'UTt1RES can ingenuity and technology provided it. need updating, because the products they But I must confess that at the conclusion In 1954 an investigation by the Federal regulate are constantly changing in com­ of hearings before the Senate Aviation Sub· Trade Commission revealed the part position and in manufacturing tech­ committee on the development of a U.S. SST played by unregulated speculation, and nology, in October of 1963, I thought perhaps we abuses in trading in coffee futures con­ As consumers we are far from helpless were expecting too much too soon from our tracts in bringing about and accelerating in solving these problems if-if, that is- manufacturers. After 6 months of sonic January 26, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE .1347 boom testing in my hometown during 1964, Those in Government participating in this this problem. Considering the indirect ef­ I was even more pessimistic. The booms project have not been inactive. The (Jom­ fects on related industries, failure to go bombarded my constituents and my con­ merce Depar,tment has been making inten­ ahead with an SST would probably chokeoff stituents sonic boomed me. sive studies on the economics of this plane 375,000 job opportunities a year over a pe­ I am happy to report, however, that after and studying financing plans which would riod of years, and our airline profits would an extensive review of developments and im­ be workable and acceptable to Government suffer, probably to the tune of a billion dol­ provements in the state of the art during the and industry. The McNamara Committee, lars a year less by the year 1980. last year, my gloom has been dispelled. I am composed of the able Secretary of Defense, In broader terms we could lose our tech­ now more enthusiastic and optimistic about other Cabinet members and other very com­ nological superiority and invaluable skills. the SST than ever before. petent Government omcials, is giving its If history repeats itself, we would lose the I talked to the engineers and scientists who concentrated attention to the SST. Those spill-out which past advances in science have designed and built supersonic aircraft now of us in Congress interested in aviation have given to the U.S. economy. We would have being tested and fl.own. Ten days ago, I been constantly seeking new approaches and a second-class air transportation system, just talked to the test pilots who have been fiying ways to resolve the impasse between Gov­ as we now have a second-class merchant ma­ these planes. I saw the colored movies on ernment and industry on financing arrange­ rine and second-class railroads. And we sound film of takeoffs and landings. And I ments. would be well on our way, in the opinion of talked to the executives of the companies I have spent a lot of time worrying and other countries, to being a second-class na­ who make the decision whether to risk many thinking about this plane. I have known all tion as the other countries of the world sur­ millions of dollars of their stockholders' along that it should and must be built. ·The passed us in industrial technology, scientific funds in the development of a commercial United States must maintain its leadership and productive capabilities. SST. in aviation. We must continue to build the What we must do now-you in industry These highly competent teams of engineers, best, the safest, and the fastest aircraft in and we in Government--is decide on a mu­ scientists and management have solved vir­ the world-and it must have growth capa­ tually acceptable approach and get on with tually every technical dimculty which con­ bility. It is important to us as a nation­ the business of building our SST. We must cerned me only a year and half ago. Work­ important to our domestic economy and im­ talk with each other and discuss frankly our ing with titanium is no longer a black art. portant to our position in foreign affairs as ideas to discover those which are alike and Recent announcements by scientists give us the mightiest nation on the earth. those which are divergent. I have concluded every reason to hope there may be an allevi­ We in Government have been slow to rec­ in my own mind that we must build an ognize the full significance of this. We did SST-the best one the state of the art will ation to the sonic boom problem within permit. I want to tell you my own personal reii.ch. recognize it in the field of communications when we launched the Communications Sat­ ideas on what I think the proper approach I am convinced that it is now time to get ell1te Corp. We recognized it in the should be. I reiterate, I speak only for my­ our SST off paper and off the drawing board. field of space when we launched our vast self, one Senator. And there are some 99 We now have available our own supersonic space program and devoted it to peaceful other prima donnas-I said other-in the test bed-the XB-70. We will probably see purposes. But we have partially defaulted U.S. Senate. it fiy at mach 3 no later than April 1. The in the field of transportation. In our chang­ The development of an SST is a national XB-70 will be able to give us invaluable ing world of rapidly advancing technology program. When I speak of development, I information on the characteristics and effects and soaring costs we are just coming to real­ mean the design, engineering, construction of ma.ch 3 fiight. ize that some tasks are of such enormity and testing of experimental prototypes-soft The pilots who have fiown the XB-70 so far that the Nation through its Government tooled and hand-knit. For until we fiy and are enthusiastic. Of course, this is not the must share the responsibilities in advanc­ test our paper theories in the air, we will not SST and it was never designed as a trans­ ing the state of the art. It is the cost of have the knowledge upon which to make an port. The XB-70's old nickname, "Savior,"­ progress. In the long run the cost of abdi­ intell1gent decision with respect to produc­ and I am sure you have heard the irreverent cating such responsibilities greatly out­ tion-neither the Government, which wi11 story behind that nickname-is no longer weighs the costs of meeting them. The over­ be investing taxpayers' dollars, nor the cogent. This bird now is more like John all impact on our economy, our balance of manufacturers or the airlines, who will risk the Baptist; it can lead the way into a new trade, our employment and our prestige with stockholders' equities. era of fiight. other nations because of these defaults, is We must proceed without delay-pru­ I am convinced that the use of the-XB-70 beyond estimation. dently, but deliberately-to test our ideas, for a test bed can result in savings on both The most modern ocean-going fieets do to refine them, to improve them so that we development and construction costs for the not fiy the U.S. fiag. The best commercial will arrive at a safe and economical aircraft. commercial SST. One model of the XB-70 fishing vessels are not built in this country. We no longer face the spur of earlier de~ is already fiying and a second is nearly com­ The fastest, smoothest trains in the world liveries by foreign competition, which added pleted. We perhaps will need a third to com­ do not run on U.S. roadbeds. a sense of urgency to the program in 1963. plete the research that is required. What the Other technological contests exist. You I believe the best way to do this is to build XB-70 can tell us about titanium already can get into an argument almost any time, both of the competing prototypes and two has added a great deal and can add much anywhere, in this country over the relative copies of each. We have two existing con­ more to our fund of aeronatical knowledge. merits of U.S. versus foreign-built small cepts to be tested. One airframe prototype Based on economic studies recently made, automobiles. The arguments are almost al­ would be complex, but offers the advantages the SST's being designed in this country will ways started by the owners of Volkswagons, of flexibility. This is the variable sweep­ not only break the sound barrier, but will Fiats, or Renaults. Small automobile en­ wing design proposed by the Co. also break alltime earnings records for the thusiasm seems to be the mania of the Amer­ The other prototype would perhaps not be airlines. I am convinced we can build an icans who own the foreign-made models. as flexible, but would offer the advantages aircraft that will land and lift off as easily We can't afford to be smug or complacent in of simplicity and time-tested design. This as our present subsonic transports and with any field of endeavor. · is the swept back fixed-wing on double Delta sound levels as low as our present 707's, I have traveled some 35,000 miles since design proposed by the Lockheed Co. DC-B's, etc. We can produce a bird that Thanksgiving, mostly abroad. I have fl.own Seldom in the development of new air­ wm land as gently as a dove-both on the on many airlines of the world. It has given craft have such diverse designs been pro­ balance sheets and on the runways. me the greatest sense of pride and security posed. Both designs offer great promise. We cannot ignore the race that exists be­ to fiy into Saigon on a 707, Tokyo to Hono­ But until they are built and fl.own, we cannot tween our aeronautical industry and the lulu on a DC-8, to see DC-3's flying into the know whether the promises will come true. combined forces of Britain and France now deepest parts of Latin America, to see 727's In a project as complicated as the SST where working on the , but we can be running shuttle service in Japan. the tinest refinement can mean the differ­ confident that if we proceed in good order, These shining, silver-winger machines are ence in economic success or failure-where the race will be comparable to matching often our best ambassadors and the most the addition of 1,000 pounds of payload or a plowhorse against Kelso. With the XB-70 graphic symbols of our might, our wealth, a.n extra 300 miles spells profit or loss-we as a test bed, we can have at least 2 years' and above all our record of always advanc­ cannot afford now to make a 1 billion dol­ experience fiying mach 3 before the British ing the frontiers of aeronautical science. lar decision on insumcient information. Al­ and French begin fiight testing the Concorde, The latest available estimates show that though the development costs are enormous an airplane that may be obsolete before it if the United States does not build an SST, and competing prototypes would add to the is born. our balance of trade would be adversely af­ cost, this is one situation where the old adage There is only one obstacle remaining-the fected to the tune of almost $10 billion. A "penny wise and pound foolish" applies. lack of a firm commitment by the U.S. default by the United States at. this stage Speaking of decisions based on insufficient Government. The decision last year to make would flt in perfectly with General De information, we have already noted regret­ more studies, do more research and im­ Gaulle's dream of transferring our gold fully one or two goofs during the process of prove designs was right. The progress made hoard at Fort Knox wholesale to the Paris getting ready for the big decision to go ahead. during the last year is the best evidence of mint. The number of jobs available in the For instance, sonic boom tests were sched­ that. It would have been a grave error to U.S. aircraft industry would be reduced by uled last year over a metropolitan area in have gone ahead at that time ·on the coi.irse at least 25,000, and employment in related Oklahoma to obtain the reaction of citizens that had been charted. areas of the U.S. economy would compound to these noises. Then the cart was placed 1348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 26, 1965 squarely before the horse by scheduling sonic But the economics of the plane must be In addition to being a national program, boom studies in the desert of New Mexico to designed so that there wm be eventual re­ the development of SST prototypes must be obtain more precise data on what happened coupment over a period of years. Of course, an all-industry project. Just as the financ­ structurally to the homes of Oklahoma citi­ if the decision is made not to go into pro­ ing is beyond the capacity of any one com­ zens. It may be that the human eardrum duction, the question is moot anyway. I pany, so are the solutions of technological will tolerate more boom than ordinary win­ am confident this will not happen. problems. The best research and design dow glass. The FAA should have had better Therefore, discussion should continue dur­ teams from all the major aircraft manu­ data on sonic boom structural effects before ing the development period as to the most facturers interested in the program must be it launched its Oklahoma experiment to ob­ practical way to repay the Government. used. This could be achieved through prime tain data on human effects. I believe that some means can be devised contracts awarded to developers of the two Actually, the competing prototype ap­ where the Government--the taxpayers at competing designs with substantial subcon­ proach could result in only minor added large-would bear the los.s if production fell tracts being let by them to other major program costs, plus a much more economical short and where the taxpayers would share manufacturers. I have talked with repre­ aircraft, which in the long run would be in profits or revenues if sales exceed a yet sentatives of the companies involved and more profitable to the airlines and which undetermined break-even factor. In any feel they would welcome this type of ap­ would assure a quicker and surer recoupment event, taxpayers would benefit in the long proach. Not only would we be assured of of Government investment. run. The program should not flounder now, the best knowledge and skill available, but A computer analysis of added cost for com­ though, simply because a proper formula we would also temper opposition to the pro­ peting airframe prototypes shows that added has not been agreed upon. gram by those who oppose what they call cost through 100 hours of testing would be Since the Government will bear virtually monopolies at Federal expense. about 98 percent greater. But through cer­ all the development cost and be responsible In this connection the most recent studies tification, this would raise costs only 49 per­ for the procurement of the prototypes, it on market potential are much more opti­ cent. The added cost for production of 200 must have a voice in the crucial decisions mistic than in 1963. Then, we talked about units would be not quite 10 percent greater. to be made. Because this is a national pro­ a market for 200 of our SST's. One of the The increase in airplane total opera ting costs gram of immense proportion, these decisions '"Y\anufacturers now conservatively estimates over a 15-year period would only be 1.4 per­ must be made by the highest officials of the the market at 400. Other studies being made cent greater. When you stack the possibili­ Government. indicate the market through 1980 to be as ties of obtaining a much safer and a more And since the program cuts across many large as 600, with an additional 400 needed profitable plane against only 1.4 percent segments of our national interest, the deci­ by 1985 and another 500 by 1990. This is a added cost spread over 15 years, I believe sions must be made by a representative total market through 1990 of 1,500 airplanes. · we would save money in the long run by group of Government leaders. The Presi­ This bird, if it is as good as I think it will spending a little extra now and letting com­ cJ.ent's appointment of the Cabinet level be, will rival the veneraple DC-3. petition do the rest. committee, headed up by Secretary McNa­ With a market potential thts large, we The figures I have seen lead me to believe mara, was a wise move. Much of the progress don't need to worry about monopolies. There we can build and test four airframe proto­ made in the past year is directly attributable would be plenty of room for production of types-two of each design, including en­ to the fine efforts of this committee. With a two or even three competing U.S. SST de­ gines-for about $1.2 billion. The engine, cross section of our top leaders working on signs. The projections on revenue pas­ if one estimate prevails, costs $400 million the program, the proper decisions are as­ senger-miles by 1980 and 1990 are fantastic. of this amount. The outlay on appropria­ sured. A committee of this type is necessary I believe the airline managements, who tions would be spread over a 5-year period, to make the broad decisions inherent in a plan ahead for only 2 to 5 years, must take so that we would not need to fund the total national program. Such a committee serves a longer. look at the future and get some cost in any one year. Thus, the funding essentially the same functions as a board of the optimism and enthusiasm which we requirements would be about $250 million of directors for a corporation. senior citizens, I mean senior Senators, ·on a year. The willingness and ability of the There must, of course, be other Govern­ Capitol Hill have. Often we spend so much manufacturers to share this cost with the ment officials to execute the broad decisions time looking backward we don't realize we Government should be a consideration. I and supervise the details of the program. have made progress until it knocks us down. think it would be in their interest to do I personally (again) feel that some way Aviation progress has been remarkable. so. But prudent management could not al­ must be worked out to insure the fullest Sixty-one years ago the Wright brothers low, and the Government should not expect, active participation of the other aircraft made the first powered flight. This mo­ them to bear the proportion envisaged a manufacturers and the airlines, who will be mentous flight covered 120 feet. The fuse­ year and a half ago. If need be, the Gov­ the purchasers. The most tragic mistake lage on the domestic version of the Lock­ ernment should pay for all development we could make would be to establish a Gov­ heed SST is over twice that distance. I think costs through the stage at which an intel­ ernment procurement officer as czar of the we are just now beginning to build airplanes. ligent decision can be made with the help program and come up with a plane he likes, There will be a continual need for short­ of the airlines (the final buyer) on produc­ but one the airlines will not buy, or long haul, intercity aircraft. tion. distance travelers will not use. The SST will satisfy for 20 years to come The idea of Government funding for devel­ It is at this stage-the detail design of our long-haul and intercontinental flights oping of technological improvement with the plane-that Government should fade needs. We are just now building the stable commercial benefits for private companies into the shadows and private enterprise as­ of different types of airplanes we need--de­ should not frighten anyone or even come sume responsibility. Adequate provision signed for specific missions. as a surprise. There are many past prece­ must necessarily be made to insure against Some of our military people are beginning dents. Bae~ in 1844, the Treasury Depart­ waste and exorbitant cost. But with com­ to take off their blinders and recognize the ment subsidized the building of trial lines peting prototypes, we need have no fear urgent need for a new manned supersonic for the Morse telegraph. The State Depart­ about inefficiency or poor effort on the part bomber. When they see what the new en­ ment funded the building of a transoceanic of manufacturers or airlines. gine for the SST is capable of, they will bf'! cable between Newfoundland and Ireland in I understand that the Commerce Depart­ crying for a new bomber. We must, I re­ 1857. We gave millions of acres of public ment is working on a plan which would per­ peat must, build a supersonic bomber. As a land to the transcontinental railroads after mit the full engagement of private manage­ cornfield engineer, I believe the new bomber the Civil War. In more recent times the ment working in cooperation with Govern­ and our commercial SST can utilize a com­ Maritime Administration has funded the ment project supervisors. This is a vital mon engine, even though the boys in blue development and operation of the nuclear essential to the success of this program. shout their opposition to any such mundane ship Savannah. Since the early days of The manufacturers and the airlines must thing as a powerplant designed for civilian aviation, the · Government has funded the design the plane-not Government officials. use. But when the engine for the SST is airlines through mall payments and direct The Government agency which certifies the ready for production, I will wager that the subsidy. plane cannot become deeply involved in its idea of building it into an Air Force super­ Only yesterday the President, in his budget detailed design or designate the selection. sonic bomber wm suddenly become an exam­ message, asked for funds to study the de­ As we must avoid arbitrary decisions by a ple of Air Force wisdom-as was the Lock­ velopment of a high-speed express train Government czar, we must also avoid de­ heed C-141. from Boston to New York. This could be tailed decisions by a committee of too many These comments I have made today and a $2 billion project in itself. The Congress cooks. This is an area where Government the approach I have suggested are necessarily has appropriated funds for mass transit and industry must sit down together and broad and unspecific. Many of the specifics systei:ns. All these projects provide commer­ find a workable approach-and I might add must be filled in later on. cial benefits to private companies, but are one with sufficient flexibility to permit also in the national interest and for the change as the program progresses. This may I would welcome your comments on it and benefit of the public. require full- or part-time assignment of air­ any potshots you care to take. Now is the Some provision must be made for the re­ line officials tp work directly with Govern­ time for us to get together across the table, coupment of the Government's investment. ment officials -responsible for the execution maybe pound on it a bit, and discuss our I do not think it ls necessary at this time of the program. I am sure the details of problems and our dreams. to work out a detailed plan, because again delegation of authority and responsibility As in the song from "Damn Yankee," · we do not have suftlcient knowledge about can be agreed upon once the funding im­ "You gotta have heart,'' and let's make the what the end product wm be. passe 1s resolved. start.