1338 Extensions of Remarks

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1338 Extensions of Remarks 1338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January·26, 1965 i£ ' EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Ukrainian Independence .Day freedom in saluting the Ukrainian na­ lost a devoted and distinguished public tion, and adding my hopes that the day servant; good causes have lost a notable EXTENSION OF REMARKS will come when that nation will again be and faithflll champion; and a host of 0., free to celebrate a new independence friends have lost a friend they shall day. never forget. HON. WILLIAM B. WIDNALL Mrs. Pepper and I join all Floridians and his fellow Americans in mourning OJ' NEW JERSEY 1 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tribute to Mr. J~ Edwin Larson the passing of this dedicated man who gave inspiration to all in the public serv­ Tuesday, January 26, 1965 EXTENSION OF REMARKS ice of Florida and who contributed so Mr. WIDNALL. Mr. Speaker, on OF much to making Florida the threshold January 22, all true Ukrainian patriots of space. marked the anniversary of the independ­ HON. CLAUDE PEPPER ence of their country, 47 years ago. Al­ OJ' FLORIDA though the Ukrainian Republic lasted but IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congressman Schmidhauser Urges a few short years from its inception in Tuesday, January 26, 1965 Strengthening of Agricultural Economy 1918, the memory of freedom from over 300 years of Russian rule is still fresh Mr. PEPPER. Mr. Speaker, on Sun­ today. day Florida was shocked by the passing EXTENSION OF REMARKS The Ukraine is the largest constituent of one of the State's most distinguished OJ' republic of the Soviet Union, with over and dedicated leaders, J. Edwin Larson. HON. JOHN R. SCHMIDHAUSER 40 million inhabitants and a rich, fruitful He held the post of State treasurer, a land it is. Yet its people were cruelly post second only to that of Governor of OJ' IOWA subjected to the tyranny of communism the State of Florida. He worked his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through the force of arms, not by choice. way up to this merited prominence, be­ Tuesday, January 26, 1965 Economic exploitation, and an attempt ing a dedicated public servant of Florida for over 40 years. Mr. SCHMIDHAUSER. Mr. Speaker, to crush Ukrainian national spirit and after spending the weekend carefully traditions by their Red rulers has failed He came to Florida from Pennsylvania to study law at the University of Florida analyzing the budget, I made the follow­ to diminish the burning hope of the ing strong recommendations: in 1923. ·Soon active in Florid~ affairs, Ukrainian people for freedom. It is fortunate to me that the American Mr. Speaker, earlier in this century he was prin~ipal of the Keystone Heights High School, and later mayor of Key­ system of government provides for final the United States restated its belief in congressional modification of effective the principle of self-determination. The stone Heights. After becoming a. com­ missioner of Clay County, he was a State budget recommendations. After a care­ hope that this principle would be hon­ ful analysis of the general statements ored in Eastern Europe and on the representative and later a State senator. A stanch Democrat, he was an early which Budget Director Kermit Gordon steppes of Asia has been dimmed by the has made concerning the position of actions of the Communist empire. This supporter of Franklin Roosevelt. Ap­ does not mean, however, that we should pointed collector of internal revenue in agriculture in our economic system, I can blandly sit back and accept the status 1933, he held that post until he ran for only conclude that he does not under­ quo. It is our moral duty to speak out treasurer in 1940. He became the 16th stand the nature of our efficient agricul­ ·against injustice wherever it may be treasurer of Florida, a post he held until ture economy. I should like to strongly found. And the recognition of the right his death. urge the President and the Secretary of of the Ukrainian nation to self-determi­ An honorable man, he received many Agriculture in their current preparation nation can be a symbol of hope to all honors. An exemplary Mason, he served of agriculture recommendations that people behind the Iron Curtain. as grand master of the Masons in Flor­ they include the following proposals: Nor is this the only reason for remem­ ida, and grand patron of the Order of the First. That our total agriculture pro­ bering the bitter struggle for freedom by Eastern Star. The Masons honored him gram shall strive to encourage the fam­ the Ukraine. There is a pragmatic rea­ by conferring upon him the 33d degree, ily farm as a measure of recognition of son as well. Until the day comes that all the highest Masonic tribute. the great contributions that this way of men may taste again of freedom, we Besides being a Mason and a Shriner, life has made to our society as a whole. should work in every way possible for he was also active in the Methodist Second. That our agricultural pro­ the relaxation of their bonds. The very Church, Kiwanis, Odd Fellows, Moose, gram strengthen and improve our suc­ encouragement of a nationalistic yearn­ and Elk. cessful feed grains program. It is worthy ing for freedom and independence forces _The newly arrived Floridian married to note that our feed grains program the Russian bear to accommodate to the Clara Bussard in 1927 in Keystone has now indicated the greatest promise pressures in order to keep up its influence Heights. Today they have three lovely of success in eliminating surpluses and among non-Russian peoples. ·within the daughters, all raising families of their their attendant costs. I would also rec­ Soviet eastern European empire, this own. ommend that improvement of the feed spirit of national independence has al­ Always active in his life, it was appro­ grains program include a program of ready made itself felt and it may priate that he was active until the sufficient duration to enable agriculture eventually be true within Russia itself. moment of his death. Indeed, the producers stability in long-range plan­ It is not my purpose to raise false stroke came as he was delivering a ning in the use of their land. Specifi­ hopes of easy, quick victories in the cause speech opening a clinic for which he had cally, a program of 4 years' duration of freedom. The struggle for that price­ raised funds. will be exceedingly helpful. less commodity has been going on for Ed Larson had been my devoted friend Third. I strongly recommend the centuries within the Ukraine. Sur­ ever since we served in the House of adoption of a sound national defense rounded by hostile nations, subjected by of Representatives of Florida Legislature food reserve program. foreign rulers, the Ukrainian nation in 1929. My wife and I have cherished Fourth. I recommend that we knows full well that the struggle will be his friendship and that of his lovely wife strengthen rather than weaken our agri­ long and costly. It is a tribute to the and we shall ever hold that friendship cultural conservation program and our indomitable spirit of the Ukraine that with him warm in our memories. rural electric cooperative movement. .the heritage of its people has not been Mrs. Pepper and I spent some happy Fifth. In designing a program for ag­ lost, and their faith has not been times with Mr. and Mrs. Larson when riculture, let us recognize clearly that diminished. they were here during inauguration. many budgetary items charged to agri­ I join with Americans of Ukrainian In the passing of Ed Larson America culture actually should be categorized descent, and with all those who cherish has lost a dedicated patriot; Florida has under some other appropriate heading. January 26, 19(J5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1339 And finally, let us recognize that any much to ask the remaining pockets of resist­ the measure is long overdue, there is no ill-conceived cutback in our agricultural ance to the will of the Nation to accept the reason, as I see it, why it .cannot be put economy will not only have a serious di­ inevitable. I trust that from here on all our through in the first 90 days of the Congress. people will move forward to a better and a That is why I have prepared this bill for in­ rect effect upon agricultural producers stronger America. troduction at the very beginning of the Con­ but will set the stage for a weakening of gress. our total national economy similar to the But the bill wlll not breeze through with­ setback suffered during the 1920's. out support from the people who favor it, It is noteworthy that an editorial of Excise Tax Repeal Bill Introduced First and that is why retail druggists who are so January 25, 1965, in a fine urban news­ vitally concerned, as well as the other re­ paper, the Washington Post, pointed out Day of Congress, January 4, 1965-­ tailers, and the consumer groups, too, of course, who are affected, must make their that ''according to the new input-output The Number Is H.R. 7-Vigorous views known early and see how important study recently completed by the· Office of Efforts Will Be Made for Its Passage it is that this legislation is brought to the Business Economics, every dollar of agri­ attention of the public. cultural products that is delivered for as Disclosed in the Speech Made in Removing these Federal taxes will save final demand requires about 78 cents in San Francisco Last Fall consumers about $550 m1111on a year.
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