
Squamate ( & ) List

Higher Classification1 Kingdom: Animalia, Phyllum: Chordata, Class: Reptilia, Diapsida, Lepidosauria, Order:

Suborder (sO:) and Family (F:) Scientific Name2 English Name2 sO: Sauria () F: Basiliscus basiliscus Common Basilisk (Casquehead Lizards) F: (Anoles) Anolis altae High Anole Anolis aquaticus Water Anole Anolis humilis Humble Anole Anolis insignis Decorated Anole Anolis limifrons Slender Anole Anolis pachypus Thick Anole Anolis polylepis Many-scaled Anole Anolis woodi Wood's Anole F: Phrynosomatidae Sceloporus malachiticus Green Spiny Lizard (Phrynosomatid Lizards) F: Scincidae () Marisora unimarginata Central American sO: Serpentes () F: (Colubrid Snakes) nubestris5 Talamancan Palm-Pitviper5 Dendrophidion paucicarinatum Cope's Forest Racer Erythrolamprus epinephelus Culebra boba verde Geophis brachycephalus Colombian Earth Snake Geophis hoffmanni Hoffmann's Earth Snake Imantodes cenchoa Blunthead Tree Snake Lampropeltis triangulum Eastern Milksnake Leptodeira sp. Cat-eyed Snakes Ninia psephota Cope's Coffee Snake pullatus Yellow Tantilla ruficeps Striped Crowned Snake3 Trimetopon pliolepis Cope's Tropical Ground Snake Trimetopon slevini Slevin's Tropical Ground Snake Urotheca decipiens Pale Ground Snake Urotheca guentheri Gunther's Graceful Brown Snake4 F: (Vipers) Coffee Palm Viper Bothriechis nigroviridis5 Black-speckled Palm Pit Viper5 Cerrophidion godmani Godman's Montane

NOTES: 1, Higher classification as found on the Tree of Life Web Project (http://tolweb.org/accessory/Phylogeny_and_Classification_of_Amniotes?acc_id=462). 2, Scientific and English names based on current classifications as found on The Database (www.reptile-database.org), unless indicated otherwise. 3, English name as found on SnakeDatabase (http://snakedatabase.org/species/tantilla/ruficeps). 4, English name as found on The (http://eol.org/pages/1055095/overview). 5, Bothriechis nubestris was separated from (an extremely similar species) in July 2016. Prior to that, B. nigroviridis had been identified in the reserve. Photos of some of the individuals of what was thought were B. nigroviridis were identified by the authors of the description account as B. nubestris. As such, while we have confirmed the presence of B. nubestris in the reserve, it is now uncertain whether or not B. nigroviridis is present.

Page 1 of 1 Last Updated: September 4, 2016