Agenda Including Addeds Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee 1st Meeting of the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee December 4, 2018, 4:00 PM Council Chambers The City of London is committed to making every effort to provide alternate formats and communication supports for Council, Standing or Advisory Committee meetings and information, upon request. To make a request for any City service, please contact
[email protected] or 519-661-2489 ext. 2425. The Committee will recess at approximately 6:30 PM for dinner, as required. Pages 1. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 2. Consent 3. Scheduled Items 4. Items for Direction 4.1 Request for Delegation Status - Conservation Authorities - Leith R. A. 10 Coghlin 4.2 Consideration of Appointments to the Civic Works Committee 11 (Requires 5 Council Members, one of whom shall be Chair) 4.3 Consideration of Appointments to the Community and Protective 12 Services Committee (Requires 5 Council Members, one of whom shall be Chair) 4.4 Consideration of Appointments to the Corporate Services Committee 13 (Requires 5 Council Members, one of whom shall be Chair) 4.5 Consideration of Appointments to the Planning and Environment 14 Committee (Requires 5 Council Members, one of whom shall be Chair) 4.6 Consideration of Appointments to the Audit Committee 15 (Requires the Deputy Mayor as Chair, 3 Council Members and 1 Citizen with Chartered Accountant Designation) H. Patil ADDED - L. Higgs 4.7 Consideration of Appointment to the Argyle Business Improvement Area 18 (Requires 1 Council Member) a. Confirmation of Appointments to the Argyle Business 19 Improvement Area C. Viglianti M.