Student Learning Center University of Georgia – Griffin Oct. 15, 2019

Hosted and Sponsored by:


Local Arrangements Committee

Dr. Angelita Acebes-Doria Dr. Shimat Joseph

Local Arrangements Support Pamela Halliday Beth Horne Samantha Thompson Donna Lynn Maynard Jenny Granberry Lee Taylor



This conference proceeding resulted from the Ambrosia Beetle Working Group Research Meeting and Planning Workshop held at the University of Georgia, Griffin, GA.

Trade and company names mentioned by contributors are solely to provide specific information and do not constitute a warranty or endorsement to the exclusion of other products or organizations not mentioned by workshop participants or their institutions.

The information published in this proceeding has not been subjected to peer review, but was assembled to facilitate information exchange. Data may be preliminary. Consequently, authors should be consulted before use as a reference citation. The content provided is the exclusive property of the individual author(s) and author(s) must be given proper credit for their ideas if cited.


Table of Contents

Page Ambrosia Beetle Meeting Flyer 5

Ambrosia Beetle Meeting Agenda 6

Abstracts and Papers 8 Ambrosia Beetle , Pest Status and Management in Tree Ornamental Systems 8

Ambrosia Beetle Behavior and Ecology: What We Know from Ornamental Nurseries 14

Ambrosia Beetle Ecology and Management in Tree Fruit Systems in NY 15 Preliminary Studies on Ambrosia in Georgia's Ornamental, Tree Fruit and Tree Nut Systems 17

Evaluation of Fungicides and Biofungicide to Control Phytophthora Root Rot and Ambrosia Beetles on Flood-stressed Flowering Dogwoods 23

Entomopathogens: Potential for Ambrosia Beetle Control 28

Priorities and Critical Needs Identified during the Meeting 30

Conference Attendees 31




Ambrosia Beetle Working Group Meeting

Location: Student Learning Center University of Georgia – Griffin Date: Oct. 15, 2019

Time Presenter Affiliation Title/Topic 7:30 - 8:00 Registration 8:00 - 8:15 Dr. Angel Acebes Univ. of Georgia Welcome/Objectives/Agenda 8:15 - 8:30 Dr. Jiri Hulcr Univ. of Florida Overview on ambrosia beetle systematics and

8:30 - 8:45 Dr. Chris Ranger Agricultural Research Ambrosia beetle behavior and ecology: Service - USDA Ohio what we know so far

8:45-9:00 Dr. Jason Oliver Tennessee State Ambrosia beetle ecology, pest status and Univ. management in tree ornamental systems

9:00 - 9:30 Drs. Art Agnello Cornell University Ambrosia beetle ecology and and Jim and management in tree fruit systems (NY Walgenbach North Carolina State and NC) University 9:30 - 9:45 Drs. Angel University of Georgia Preliminary studies on ambrosia beetles Acebes, Shimat in Georgia's ornamental, tree fruit and Joseph and Brett tree nut systems Blaauw 9:45 - 10:00 Dr. Juang-Hong Clemson University Ambrosia beetle pest status and research Chong updates in South Carolina

10:00 - 10:15 Other state/ Multiple Discussion on the pest status of ambrosia commodity beetles in other states reports ambrosia beetle as a pest 10:15 - 10:30 Break 10:30 - 10:45 Dr. Sara Villani North Carolina State Ambrosia beetles and microbial pathogen University association

10:45 - 11:00 Dr. Fulya Baysal- Tennessee State Control of ambrosia beetles using Gurel University fungicides and biofungicides

Time Presenter Affiliation Title/Topic


11:00 - 11:15 Dr. David Shapiro- Agricultural Research Entomopathogens: potential for Ilan Service – USDA Byron ambrosia beetle control

11:15 - 11:30 Brent Short Trece Inc. Studies on monitoring for ambrosia beetles: an industry perspective 11:30 - 12:00 Grower Multiple Grower/nursery owner issues with Roundtable ambrosia beetles 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 - 1:30 Group Discussion Multiple Beetle activity, infestation behavior and on Current pest status (economic and acreage Knowledge and losses) Knowledge Gaps 1:30 - 2:00 Group Discussion Multiple What worked and what did not work? on Current - Monitoring: traps, lures, etc. Knowledge and - Insecticidal efficacy protocols Knowledge Gaps 2:00 - 3:00 Group Discussion Multiple What worked and what did not work? on Current Management options: Knowledge and - Chemical Control Knowledge Gaps - Biological Control - Cultural Control - Other 3:00 - 3:15 Break 3:15 - 3:45 Group Discussion Multiple Identifying key grower and research priorities, brainstorming 3:45 - 4:45 Group Discussion Multiple - Organizing key research priorities and assigning group leaders for leading research projects - Identifying the most suitable research grant for submission

4:45 - 5:00 Angel Acebes University of Georgia Wrap up and Closing Remarks Snacks, beverages and lunch (taco bar) will be provided.

ZOOM ATTENDEES: Meeting ID: 116 806 169

One-Tap Mobile +16468769923, 116806169# US (New York) +16699006833, 116806169# US (San Jose) Photo Credit: Jiri Hulcr


Ambrosia Beetle Ecology, Pest Status and Management in Tree Ornamental Systems Jason Oliver,1 Karla Addesso,1 Fulya Baysal-Gurel,1 Vivek Ojha,1 Matthew Brown,1 Nadeer Youssef,1 Paul O’Neal,1 Christopher Ranger,2 Michael Reding,2 Alicia Bray,3 Peter Schultz,4 Christopher Werle,5 Blair Sampson,5 Jesse Saroli,6 and Agenor Mafra-Neto6 1Tennessee State University, College of Agriculture, Otis L. Floyd Nursery Research Center, 472 Cadillac Lane, McMinnville, TN ([email protected]). 2USDA-ARS Horticultural Research Laboratory, Wooster, OH. 3Central Connecticut State University, Biology Department, Copernicus Hall, 1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT. 4Virginia Tech, Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Education Center, Virginia Beach, VA. 5USDA-ARS Thad Cochran Southern Horticultural Laboratory, Poplarville, MS. 6ISCA Technologies, Inc. Riverside, CA.

Ambrosia beetles are significant pests of ornamental nurseries under the right conditions. There are a number of non-indigenous species that routinely impact nurseries. Two species in particular are the granulate ambrosia beetle ( crassiusculus [Motschulsky]) (GAB) and the black stem borer (Xylosandrus germanus [Blandford]) (BSB). Both of these species have become widespread in the eastern United States since their introductions into South Carolina (~1974) and New York (~1932), respectively. New Scolytinae species continue to pose a risk to nurseries and other forest-related industries due to relatively high rates of introduction via solid wood-packing materials and other forest products. For example, the camphor shot borer ( [Blandford]) (CSB) introduced into Mississippi about 1999 has recently caused issues with dogwood production in Tennessee. The polyphagous shot hole borer ( [Eichhoff]) has been a serious issue in landscape trees in California and Anisandrus maiche Stark now occurs in Ohio, Pennslyvania, and Virginia with reported nursery attacks (Ranger et al. 2016). Many of these species are highly polyphagous because they are not actually feeding on the tree host, but rather on the symbiont that is inoculated in their galleries. Most of these species are attracted to stressed trees, which are common in nursery production systems where high numbers of diverse tree species may be grown in field locations that are sub-optimal or with production practices that are unfavorable for growth (e.g., non- irrigated, over-irrigated, low quality container substrates, excess root pruning, planting too deep, wrong hardiness zone, etc.). Flood stress or freeze damage (from early or late frosts) has become increasingly problematic for some locations due to variability in weather patterns from climatic shifts. Flood or freeze damage are both known to induce the production of ethanol, especially in flood intolerant trees or in trees that are not properly winterized, which in turn often induces attacks by pest ambrosia beetle species that utilize ethanol as a kairomone. This presentation summarized current management options and several research projects that evaluated manipulations of ambrosia beetle ecology and behavior to improve management. A key step in all ambrosia beetle management is the avoidance of plant stress. Although some weather-related field conditions are unavoidable in nurseries, prevention of tree stress and ambrosia beetle attacks begins by planting trees species and cultivars that are adapted to the plant hardiness zone, planting trees in suitable locations (e.g., avoiding flood-prone areas for flood intolerant species like redbud and dogwood), minimizing damage to plants, planting at the

9 correct depth to prevent root oxygen starvation, elimination of fertilization after July to ensure fall plant growth ceases for proper winterization, proper irrigation levels for each tree species, protecting the non-hardy tree roots from winter damage, etc. Since ambrosia beetles are already difficult to control with conventional insecticides, avoidance of stress via proper plant maintenance and protection is always the first step in ambrosia beetle management. A second key management step is determining the activity timing of adult ambrosia beetles, which directly relates to tree risk, scouting, and treatment decisions. Historically, trees in a dormant state when adult ambrosia beetles are active in the spring are more vulnerable to attack. Likewise, certain trees are more frequently attacked like Bradford pear, cherry (‘Kwanzan’), dogwood, crape myrtle, golden rain tree, redbud, purple plum, and styrax; thus necessitating greater scouting activity for early signs of infestation when adult beetle flight activity begins. Tree attacks were closely correlated with the peak trap captures of problem species like GAB, BSB, and CSB (Oliver et al. 2001); and therefore, traps are reliable indicators of tree attack risk. For ethanol-baited traps monitored during 2015-2019 years, air temperatures reaching 67.5oF (19.7oC) during March or April were good predictor of first GAB activity. Over several years in Tennessee, redbud bloom also has been a good phenological predictor of first GAB activity. The diurnal timing of GAB tree attacks on trees injected with 75 ml of 90% ethanol was more common in the evening and morning (1600 to 1000 hours) (84%) than in the late morning and afternoon (1000 to 1600 hours) (16%) (Bray and Oliver, unpublished data). The GAB also was observed to land on the ethanol injected trees even after dark. Several studies were performed to evaluate adult ambrosia beetle origin and movement near nurseries and possible methods to prevent or block beetle access to nursery trees.  Beetle Origin: Ambrosia beetle trap captures were most common inside the forest and declined with distance from the forest during the months of April through July (Reding et al. 2015). The similarity in trap capture patterns from spring (April) through summer (late July) suggests the forest is the likely origin point of adult ambrosia beetles entering nurseries.  Beetle Interception: Another study evaluated ability to intercept ambrosia beetles dispersing from the forest into open field sites (Addesso et al. 2019). In the interception study, soda bottle traps baited with AgBio, Inc. ethanol baits (65 mg / d) were deployed 5 m from the forest edge in trap density treatments of 13 (5-m spacing), 7 (10-m spacing), 4 (20-m spacing), 2 (60-m spacing) or 0 traps. A plastic cylinder covered with inject glue and baited with one AgBio bait was placed 10 m in front of each trap density treatment in the open field to determine if traps would intercept beetles before reaching the cylinder. Later in the summer, glue-covered cylinders were replaced with sugar maple trees injected with 75 ml of 50% ethanol. All trap density treatments allowed a mixed population of ambrosia beetles including GAB to reach the sticky cylinders or sugar maple trees, but the 2 and 4 trap density treatment had significantly lower tree attack rates than the other trap density treatments. Unexpectedly, the 4 trap density treatment allowed significantly more GAB, as well as total ambrosia beetles, to reach the sticky cylinder traps, which was opposite the observed tree-attack-effect. Each interception soda bottle along the forest edge caught ambrosia beetles at statistically the same rate regardless of the number of soda bottles in the treatment. Results suggest too many


beetles are exiting the forest or that there are too many access directions to effectively intercept all of the beetles approaching the simulated stressed nursery trees (i.e., sticky cylinders or ethanol injected maples). Likewise, the rate of beetles flowing into the nursery site is fairly uniform based on average trap capture rates in the intercept traps.  Beetle Flight Height: In another study evaluating ethanol-baited soda bottles placed at heights of 0.5, 1.7, and 3 m, BSB were captured at significantly greater numbers at the 0.5 m height than the other higher trap positions. The GAB capture was more variable, but generally had a higher prevalence at 0.5 and 1.7 m (Reding et al. 2010). The trap height study also would indicate successful interception of beetles entering a nursery from a forest site could require trapping at vertical, as well as horizontal positions.  Trap Tree Potential: The use of trap trees to ‘pull’ beetles away from valuable crop trees is another possible management strategy. A 2013 and 2015 study evaluated ability of high dose trap trees injected with 75 ml of 50% ethanol for prevention of attacks on low dose trees (75 ml injection of 1% ethanol) that simulated stressed nursery trees (Addesso et al. 2019). Low and high dose containerized trees were placed in adjacent (containers touching) or widely spaced (15 m) treatment positions. During both years, trap trees had significantly more attacks than low dose trees. In 2013, more attacks occurred on low dose trees that were widely spaced than adjacent to the trap tree, but in 2015 no statistical difference was detected in low dose tree attack rates when adjacent or far from trap trees. The study results did not suggest a strong protective effect from trap trees.  Push-Pull-Block Study: An additional unpublished study evaluated the protective effects of various treatments to prevent attacks on small blocks of trees. Treatments included pull (4 traps baited with AgBio ethanol baits surrounding tree plots), push (AgBio, Inc. BeetleBlock verbenone baits with reported release rate of 50 mg / d at 25oC) attached to each tree trunk), or block (kaolin clay and an experimental compound sprayed on tree trunks). These treatments were utilized in combinations of either: 1) push-pull, 2) block- pull, 3) pull, or 4) none. The push-pull block had significantly less attacks than the other treatments and no differences were detected among the other treatments. Trap captures of GAB, BSB, CSB, and all Scolytinae combined also were significantly lower in the push-pull block, which suggests a possible protective benefit to the verbenone treatment.

Chemical management also was discussed during the workshop presentation as a necessary requirement when other management options fail. Insecticide studies in Ohio, Tennessee, and Virginia studies indicated systemic soil drenches of neonicotinoids (thiamethoxam, dinotefuran) and an anthranilic diamide (chlorantraniliprole) were ineffective (i.e., unacceptably high numbers of attacks that were statistically equivalent to the non-treated control treatment) (Reding et al. 2013). The addition of Pentra-Bark® bark penetrating surfactant to a dinotefuran trunk spray also did not improve ambrosia beetle control. Likewise, trunk sprays of these same products, as well as the anthranilic diamide cyantraniliprole, and a pyrazole (tolfenpyrad) were largely ineffective. Among the pyrethroids tested (i.e., lambda-cyhalothrin, bifenthrin, and permethrin), permethrin applied at the highest labeled rate (1.25 L / 100 L [5 qt / 100 gal]) was the most effective product evaluated, followed by bifenthrin. However, all pyrethroids failed relative to the non-treated control in at least one test. Based on efficacy, permethrin is still the primary insecticide recommended by most extension personnel for ambrosia beetle management.


Permethrin residual activity at 24, 17, 8, or 0 d before ethanol introduction was assessed in another study (Brown 2018). The study found few attacks in the 0, 8, and 17 d treatments, but significantly higher attacks in the 24 d treatment and even higher attacks in the non-treated control. Study results suggest permethrin remains effective until at least 17 d and probably somewhere between 17 and 24 d. Additional studies where permethrin treated trunks received regular simulated rain events indicated irrigation did not remove the permethrin protective effect. A final study discussed during the presentation was the evaluation of an ISCA Technologies experimental semiochemical to prevent ambrosia beetle attacks on zelkova tree bolts hollowed and filled with 70% ethanol. A series of compounds from the company were tested and two compounds significantly reduced trunk attacks relative to the non-treated control. These products will be described at a later date upon receipt of company permission to disclose. In summary, ambrosia beetle management in nurseries begins with the avoidance of tree stress. Adult beetle activity monitoring with ethanol baited traps in the spring is critical to time scouting activities and application of treatments because there is close relationship between adult flight activity and tree attacks. A number of experiments were performed to evaluate manipulation of beetle behavior to protect trees. Studies indicate the forest is the likely origin point for ambrosia beetles invading nurseries. However, interception of adult beetles with ethanol baited traps was impractical due to the large volume of beetles entering the site and the difficulty in stopping all beetle access points from other directions or vertical heights. Trees planted near forest perimeters will be the most vulnerable to attack. A trap tree approach did not completely prevent attacks on stressed trees, even though trap trees received heavy attacks. Treatments that showed promise for preventing ambrosia beetles included verbenone baits placed on tree trunks, permethrin, and two experimental ISCA Technologies products. Permethrin trunk sprays demonstrated resistance to irrigation removal after drying. More research needs to be done with the semi-effective treatments and their combinations, as well as other promising treatments not discussed like systemic fungicides. Presentation Acknowledgements: We thank Tennessee State University laboratory assistants Joshua Basham, Debbie Eskandarnia, Amanda Miller, Shae Mullican, and Joshua Sizemore for project assistance, multiple middle Tennessee commercial nurseries, and funding from the USDA-ARS Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative (No. 58-5082-8-016), USDA-NIFA Evans Allen funding, USDA-ARS Specialty Block Grant, Horticultural Research Institute and AmericanHort, USDA-APHIS, Middle Tennessee Nursery Association, and the Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association.

References Addesso, K.M., J.B. Oliver, N. Youssef, P.A. O’Neal, C.M. Ranger, M. Reding, P.B. Schultz, and C.T. Werle. 2019. Trap tree and interception trap techniques for management of ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: : Scolytinae) in nursery production. J. Econ. Entomol. 112: 753−762. Brown, M. 2018. Prevention of ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) and Phytophthora root rot with stress-mitigating fungicides. Tenn. State Univ. Master’s Thesis. 153 pp.


Oliver, J.B., and C.M. Mannion. 2001. Ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) species attacking chestnut and captured in ethanol-baited traps in middle Tennessee. Environ. Entomol. 30: 909−918. Ranger, C.M., M.E. Reding, P.B. Schultz, J.B. Oliver, S.D. Frank, K.M. Addesso, J.H. Chong, B. Sampson, C. Werle, S. Gill, and C. Krause. 2016. Biology, ecology, and management of nonnative ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in ornamental plant nurseries. J. Integr. Pest Manag. 7: 1−23. Reding, M., J. Oliver, P. Schultz, and C. Ranger. 2010. Monitoring flight activity of ambrosia beetles in ornamental nurseries with ethanol-baited traps: influence of trap height on captures. J. Environ. Hort. 28: 85−90. Reding, M.E., J.B. Oliver, P.B. Schultz, C.M. Ranger, and N. Youssef. 2013. Ethanol injection of ornamental trees facilitates testing insecticide efficacy against ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). J. Econ. Entomol. 106: 289−298. Reding, M.E., C.M. Ranger, B.J. Sampson, C.T. Werle, J.B. Oliver, and P.B. Schultz. 2015. Movement of Xylosandrus germanus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in ornamental nurseries and surrounding . J. Econ. Entomol. 108: 1947−1953.


Ambrosia Beetle Behavior and Ecology: What We Know from Ornamental Nurseries

Christopher M. Ranger1, Michael E. Reding1, Peter B. Schultz2, Jason B. Oliver3, Karla Addesso3, and Christopher Werle4

1Horticultural Insects Research Lab, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Wooster, OH ([email protected]); 2Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia Beach, VA; 3Otis L. Floyd Nursery Research Center, Tennessee State University, College of Agriculture, McMinnville, TN; 4USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Thad Cochran Southern Horticultural Lab, Poplarville, MS

Ambrosia beetles are wood-boring insects that tunnel into host trees to grow gardens of their fungal symbiont and produce offspring. Both the adults and larvae must feed on the fungal symbiont in order to properly develop and reproduce. Several species of exotic ambrosia beetles are established in North America, but two species are especially problematic in ornamental nurseries, namely, the granulate ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky), and the black stem borer, Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford). Currently, X. crassiusculus and X. germanus are established in 29 and 32 U.S. states, respectively, with X. crassiusculus tending to be most abundant in the mid-Atlantic and the South while X. germanus tends to be more abundant and problematic in the nurseries of the Midwest and the Northeast. Adults overwinter within host trees and then disperse during spring months from woodlots into neighboring ornamental nurseries in search of a new host tree to attack.

Both species are capable of attacking a wide range of host trees, including more than 120 tree species for X. crassiusculus and 200 tree species for X. germanus. Hosts can vary across regions and ornamental nurseries, but thin-barked deciduous trees species are generally attacked. Despite a capability to attack a broad range of trees, both X. crassiusculus and X. germanus preferentially attack living but weakened trees that may appear “apparently healthy”. Both species are poor colonizers of healthy trees. Instead of randomly attacking trees within ornamental nurseries, X. crassiusculus and X. germanus efficiently locate and attack physiologically stressed trees that are usually spatially clustered within individual rows. Ethanol is emitted from trees in response to a variety of stressors, and represents a strong attractant for ambrosia beetles that strongly influences their decision to attack certain trees. While a variety of stressors can induce the emission of ethanol, flood-stress, low temperature stress (i.e. late spring frosts), and impaired root function are among the most common factors predisposing trees to attack in ornamental nurseries. For instance, anecdotal observations from ornamental nurseries documented attacks on flood-intolerant Cornus florida subjected to flooding following extreme precipitation events. Similarly, late-spring frosts following a mild winter were associated with attacks on frost- intolerant species in ornamental nuseries, such as Acer palmatum, Styrax japonicus, and Zelkova serrata. Subsequent studies demonstrated flood-stress induces the emission of ethanol from trees, and X. crassiusculus and X. germanus preferentially attack flood-intolerant over –tolerant tree species. Recent studies also confirmed freeze-stress induces the emission of ethanol and attacks by ambrosia beetles. Additional studies are needed to characterize the role of other stressors in predisposing trees to attack, such as drought stress.


Trees in the early stages of physiological stress can appear “apparently healthy”, but still emit stress-induced ethanol that signals their weakened state to ambrosia beetles. The presence of ethanol within the stems of trees also promotes the growth of the ambrosia beetle’s fungal symbiont and thereby increases the beetles’ colonization success. Thus, both species act as bio- indicators of stressed trees within ornamental nurseries. The predicted increase in extreme precipitation events, or late-spring frosts following mild winters, could result in increased losses to ambrosia beetles. Since X. crassiusculus and X. germanus are poor colonizers of healthy trees in the absence of stress-induced ethanol, maximizing host vigor is the most effective tactic for reducing ambrosia beetle attacks and minimizing their colonization of valuable nursery trees.

(See for additional information)

Research findings described within this abstract were supported, in part, by the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative (USDA-FNRI), Horticultural Research Institute (HRI), and USDA-ARS National Program 305.


Ambrosia Beetle Ecology and Management in Tree Fruit Systems in NY Arthur Agnello Department of Entomology, Cornell AgriTech at NYSAES, Geneva, NY, 14456 ([email protected])

Keywords: black stem borer, Xylosandrus germanus, apples, trunk sprays, methyl salicylate

The ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus germanus has been documented as causing tree death and decline in dozens of NY apple orchards since 2013, mostly in young dwarf apple plantings. Preventive trunk sprays using chlorpyrifos or pyrethroids have not provided acceptable levels of control, nor have topical applications of the repellent verbenone, a component of an anti- aggregation pheromone produced by various species of bark beetles that has been found to repel this and related species of scolytines from traps and attractive host trees. In 2019, we tested trunk applications of different repellents and host defense compounds for X. germanus control in potted apple trees, waterlogged to stress them to produce ethanol, and placed inside wooded areas directly adjacent to orchard sites. Additionally, individual ethanol lures were attached to each tree to increase their attractiveness to the beetles. The preventive treatments included different topical formulations and timings of verbenone alone and combined with methyl salicylate, a host defense and signalling compound, as well as salicylic acid and two SAR activator products, Regalia and Actigard. Trunk and tree damage was assessed among the different treatments in early July and at the begining of September, to determine what effect these treatments had in preventing attacks by this ambrosia beetle. On the September evaluation date, treatments with the fewest infestation sites were the early (May 8) application of verbenone+methyl salicylate and verbenone, followed by the methyl salicylate alone and the salicylic acid. The fewest numbers of galleries containing adults were in the verbenone+methyl salicylate combination treatments.


Preliminary Studies on Ambrosia Beetles in Georgia's Ornamental, Tree Fruit and Tree Nut Systems Angel Acebes-Doria,1 Shimat Joseph2 and Brett Blaauw3

1 University of Georgia, Department of Entomology, 4603 Research Way, Tifton, GA ([email protected]); 2University of Georgia, Department of Entomology, 1109 Experiment Street, Griffin, GA. 3University of Georgia, Department of Entomology, 353 Biological Sciences Bldg, Athens, GA

Ambrosia beetles are wood-boring beetles that attack several economically important trees in the state of Georgia. In particular, species commonly grown in tree nurseries such as dogwood, flowering cherry, magnolias and redbuds, as well as orchard trees including apples and pecans are susceptible to attack by these beetles (Schneider and Farrier 1969, Weber and McPherson 1983, Agnello et al. 2017). Their attacks are associated with young, stressed trees in water-logged or oxygen-deprived conditions (Ranger et al. 2010). Under high infestation levels, these beetles can kill trees resulting in loss of production in nurseries and future crop losses for orchard growers. Despite these ongoing and potential threats to Georgia ornamental nursery, tree fruit and pecan production, there has not been any recent studies in the state of Georgia that addressed these concerns. Updated information on species composition and their relative abundance as well as seasonal activity are needed in order to develop a more targeted approach to managing these beetles. In response to this situation, we were able to (1) monitor seasonal activity of ambrosia beetles in ornamental nurseries, pecan and apple orchards in Georgia, (2) determine which ambrosia beetle species are present and compare their relative abundance across the three production systems, and (3) dissect infested trees to confirm beetle infestation. Other experiments included (4) comparison of attack rates on logs baited with liquid ethanol vs ethanol pouch lure (AgBio Inc.), (5) compared the longevity of commercially available ethanol pouch lures and (6) investigation of attacks on flooded pecan trees vs non-flooded trees. These studies were funded in part by the Georgia Farm Bureau and Hatch Funds. For objectives 1 and 2, our methodologies included selection of tree nurseries, apple and pecan orchards (three sites each) with less than 5-yr old trees and with previous history of ambrosia beetle infestation. At these sites, we deployed three ethanol-baited traps in the exterior, along the edge of a woodlot adjacent to the study site, and another three traps in the interior area of the study site. The traps were checked weekly from mid-January to end of August, and captured beetles were identified. For objective 3, infested dead trees reported by growers across the state were taken into the lab, dissected and examined for beetle infestation. Objectives 4 and 5 required the deployment of ethanol-baited bolt traps and bottle traps, respectively, for four weeks during which ambrosia beetles were active and attack rates were compared among the different treatments. For objective 6, potted pecan trees were exposed in the field for eight weeks, with half of the trees (8 trees) flooded by placing water-filled container below the pots

17 and the other half unflooded. The trees were deployed along wooded borers adjacent to a pecan orchard block. Trees were checked for ambrosia beetle attacks weekly. We found that overall ambrosia beetle activities were first detected in mid-Feb across all ornamental nursery and pecan orchard sites. Peak activities were observed as follows: for ornamental nurseries in middle GA it was in early April–mid May, and for pecan orchards in south GA, it was in late Feb–mid March and again in early April–mid May (Fig 1). Beetle numbers and identifications captured in apple orchards are still being processed so results were not included in this report as of yet. For the beetle identification, based on the specimens processed thus far, we were able to reliably identify several ambrosia beetle species captured in ethanol-baited traps (Fig 2) but the top two most abundant species captured in ethanol traps across the three production systems were Xylosandrus crassiusculus and X. germanus. Both species are known to infest unhealthy/stressed ornamental, tree fruit and pecan trees. Lastly, as per grower permissions, we were able to dissect infested ornamental and pecan trees to confirm species attacking these trees. Please see results in Table 1. Interestingly, although many species were captured in ethanol-baited traps, only Xylosandrus crassiusculus and sp. were found in infested trees that were dissected. No infested apple trees were dissected during the study period. Our study showed the seasonal beetle activity across multiple cropping systems highlighting the major peak activities, which could serve as a guide for growers to time their management interventions. Our trapping results also established the species complex of ambrosia beetles associated with each impacted cropping systems and re-affirmed that granulate ambrosia beetle aka Asian ambrosia beetle (X. crassiusculus) is the most common species across the three production systems with confirmed attacks on ornamental and pecan trees. This information will be vital in streamlining efforts to develop effective and sustainable management strategies for this particular species. As well, we will be using these preliminary data in designing our future research efforts to address both basic and applied questions for this pest. For objective 4, we found that liquid ethanol-baited log traps worked better than log traps baited with ethanol pouches (Fig. 3). For objective 5, results showed that ethanol pouch lure sensitivity was the same with new lures regardless if they were pre-exposed in the field for up to four weeks (Fig. 4). Lastly, we did not detect attacks on flooded pecan trees, which could be attributed to the flooding protocol followed. The ‘flooded’ condition was inadequate to result in ambrosia beetle attacks.


Figure 1. The seasonal activity of ambrosia beetles based on trapping from mid-January to end of July (ornamental nurseries) and from mid-January to end of August (pecan orchards).


Figure 2. The identification of ambrosia beetle species collected from ethanol traps. The specimens obtained from apple orchards are only partially complete.


Table 1. The tree dissection and beetle identification summary.

Figure 3. The weekly attack rates on log traps baited with liquid ethanol and AgBio pouch lure for four weeks in spring of 2019.


Figure 4. The weekly attack trap captures in bottle traps with different pouch lure exposure treatments. Study was conducted in spring of 2019 for four weeks.

References: Agnello, A. M., D. I. Breth, E. M. Tee, K. D. Cox, S. M. Villani, K. M. Ayer, A. E. Wallis, D. J. Donahue, D. B. Combs, and A. E. Davis. 2017. Xylosandrus germanus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) occurrence, fungal associations, and management trials in New York apple orchards. J. Econ. Entomol. 110: 2149-2164. Kovach, J., and C. Gorsuch. 1985. Survey of ambrosia beetle species infesting South Carolina peach orchards and a taxonomic key for the most common species. J. Agric. Entomol. 2: 238- 247. Ranger, C. M., M. E. Reding, A. B. Persad, and D. A. Herms. 2010. Ability of stress‐related volatiles to attract and induce attacks by Xylosandrus germanus and other ambrosia beetles. Agr. Forest Entomol. 12: 177-185. Schneider, I., and M. H. Farrier. 1969. New hosts, distribution, and biological notes on an imported ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus germanus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Can. Entomol. 101: 412-415. Weber, B., and J. McPherson. 1983. World list of host plants of Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford)(Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Coleopt. Bull.: 114-134.


Evaluation of Fungicides and Biofungicide to Control Phytophthora Root Rot and Ambrosia Beetles on Flood-stressed Flowering Dogwoods

Fulya Baysal-Gurel, Matthew S. Brown, Jason B. Oliver, and Karla M. Addesso

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, College of Agriculture, Tennessee State University, Otis L. Floyd Nursery Research Center, 472 Cadillac Lane, McMinnville, TN, USA ([email protected])


Trees in ornamental nurseries are often exposed to a variety of stressors including flooding. Flooding or high levels of soil moisture increase a tree’s susceptibility to Phytophthora root rot caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. Flooding also is an important stressor that induces ambrosia beetle attacks in ornamental nurseries (Ranger et al. 2013; Frank and Ranger 2016). Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are pests of ornamental nurseries, often associated with stressed trees that release ethanol (Ranger et al. 2013, 2015, 2016a). The purpose of this research experiment was to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides and biofungicide for control of Phytophthora root rot and ambrosia beetles on flooded dogwood seedlings. Treatments used in this study were selected partly based on a previous greenhouse study that screened fungicides and biofungicides for efficacy against Phytophthora root rot on dogwood seedlings exposed to flooding (Brown 2018).


The study was conducted at the Tennessee State University Otis L. Floyd Nursery Research Center (TSU-NRC), McMinnville, TN. Treatments were assigned to flowering dogwoods in a randomized complete block design at four nonadjacent locations (four replications) along a wooded border at TSU-NRC with 50 cm spacing between plant containers. Four synthetic fungicides, a biofungicide, and a biofungicide plus fertilizer program were evaluated in two field trials (Table 1). The trials took place from 21 May – 25 June 2018 (Trial 1) and from 9 July – 10 August 2018 (Trial 2) on containerized flowering dogwoods. All products were applied as a sprench application to the lower trunk and potting substrate surrounding the base of the plant either preventatively 7 days before flooding or curatively 24 h after flooding. Control treatments included non-treated, P. cinnamomi inoculated (positive control) and non-treated, non-inoculated (negative control) plants. All treatments, including the positive and negative controls were flooded to above the root crown for 1, 3, or 7 days using well water. Flooding conditions were imposed by placing plant containers in buckets with black plastic trash bags. After 1, 3, or 7 days of flooding, the containers were allowed to drain. Plants were removed from the field, and the roots were washed to remove container substrate debris at 21 (Trial 1) or 18 days (Trial 2) after the last flooding period ended. Plant

23 height and width (maximum width; the widest part from leaf tip to leaf tip) were recorded before and after both trials. Tree caliper also was recorded at a height of ~10 cm from the base of the plant before and after each trial using a digital caliper. Shoot dry weight and root dry weight were recorded after oven drying at 55 ℃ for 7 days at the end of each trial. Also, the severity of Phytophthora root rot was assessed using a scale of 0−100% roots affected at the end of each trial. Ambrosia beetle entrance holes were recorded throughout the trial and circled with wax pencils to avoid duplicate counting. After the trial, trees with ambrosia beetle attacks were dissected to recover ambrosia beetles in galleries. Ambrosia beetles were identified to species using available keys (Rabaglia et al. 2006; Wood 1982).


There were no interactions between flooding duration and treatments for any plant growth parameter (plant height, plant width, caliper, dry shoot weight) in either trial, so data were pooled across flooding durations. There were no differences among treatments for any of the plant growth parameters (data not shown). In Trial 1, there was an interaction between flooding duration and treatments for disease severity. Significant differences among treatments were observed in disease severity at flooding durations of 1, 3, or 7 days. Plants preventively-treated with Subdue MAXX or Orkestra Intrinsic had lower disease severity than the positive control plants at 1, 3, or 7 days of flooding (Fig. 1). Preventive treatments of Pageant Intrinsic or RootShield Plus+ and curative treatments of Empress Intrinsic or Orkestra Intrinsic reduced disease severity compared to the positive control at 1 or 3 days of flooding, while preventive treatment of RootShield Plus+ + ON-Gard 5- 0-0 N-P-K treatment was effective on plants flooded 1 day (Fig. 1). In Trial 2, there was again an interaction between flooding duration and treatments for disease severity. Disease severity was different among treatments at flooding durations of 1, 3 (, or 7 days. As in Trial 1, Subdue MAXX-treated plants had lower disease severity than the positive control at 1, 3, or 7 days of flooding, as well as curative Empress Intrinsic treatments (Fig. 2). Preventive treatments of Orkestra Intrinsic, Pageant Intrinsic, and RootShield Plus+ + ON-Gard reduced disease severity at 1 or 3 days of flooding (Fig. 2). Preventive treatment of RootShield Plus+ and curative treatment of Orkestra Intrinsic reduced disease severity on plants flooded 1 day, while curative Tartan Stressgard treatment reduced disease severity at 3 days of flooding (Fig. 2). In Trial 1, disease severity of inoculated plants increased with longer flooding duration. In Trial 2, inoculated plants flooded 1 or 3 days had lower disease severity than plants flooded 7 days. Because Trial 1 had few ambrosia beetle attacks, only Trial 2 data were used for analysis. Ambrosia beetle attacks were different among treatments. Orkestra Intrinsic (preventive and curative), Subdue MAXX (preventive), Tartan Stressgard (curative), and the negative control had fewer ambrosia beetle attacks than the positive control (Fig. 3). Plants flooded 1 or 3 days had

24 fewer ambrosia beetle attacks than plants flooded 7 days. While plants were experimentally flooded, 84% of ambrosia beetle attacks occurred, while only 16% occurred within 3 days of plant removal from simulated flood event. No ambrosia beetle attacks occurred after 3 days post-flooding. Only the granulate ambrosia beetle (Xylosandrus crassiusculus [Motschulsky]) was recovered from ambrosia beetle galleries. Ambrosia beetles attacked containerized flowering dogwoods with a caliper as small as 8.7 cm, but most attacks occurred on plants above 10.0 cm (89%). Effective treatments are needed for management of Phytophthora root rot during flooding events in woody ornamental nurseries, because of the associated risk of infestation and spread of the pathogen. Longer flooding periods require higher demand for effective treatments, but also impair control of the pathogen. Indeed, longer flooding periods increased Phytophthora root rot during this study. Likewise, longer flooding periods and Phytophthora inoculation of flooded trees increased ambrosia beetle attacks. Preventive or curative fungicide treatments have potential to be included as part of an integrated management strategy for Phytophthora root rot on woody ornamentals. The biofungicide RootShield Plus+ was only effective against Phytophthora root rot at shorter flooding durations. Mefenoxam was particularly effective as a preventive treatment for P. cinnamomi and also reduced secondary ambrosia beetle attacks.


Brown, M. 2018. Reducing nursery tree attractiveness to ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) by using stress-mitigating fungicides to target biotic (Phytophthora root rot disease) and abiotic (flood stress) factors. Tennessee State University Master Thesis. Nashville, TN. Frank, S. D., and C. M. Ranger. 2016. Developing a media moisture threshold for nurseries to reduce tree stress and ambrosia beetle attacks. Environ. Entomol. 45: 1040-1048. Rabaglia, R. J., S. A. Dole, and A. I. Cognato. 2006. Review of American Xyleborina (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) occurring north of Mexico, with an illustrated key. Ann. Entomol. Soc. of America 99: 1034-1056. Ranger, C. M., M. E. Reding, P. B. Schultz, and J. B. Oliver. 2013. Influence of flood‐stress on ambrosia beetle host‐selection and implications for their management in a changing climate. Agricul. and For. Entomol. 15: 56-64. Ranger, C. M., P. C. Tobin, and M. E. Reding. 2015. Ubiquitous volatile compound facilitates efficient host location by a non-native ambrosia beetle. Biol. Invasions, 17: 675-686. Ranger, C. M., M. E. Reding, P. B. Schultz, J. B. Oliver, S. D. Frank, K. M. Addesso, J. H. Chong, B. Sampson, C. Werle, S. Gill, and C. Krause. 2016a. Biology, ecology, and management of nonnative ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in ornamental plant nurseries. J. Integ. Pest Management 7: 1-23. Wood, S. L. 1982. The bark and ambrosia beetles of North and Central America (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), a taxonomic monograph. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.


Table 1. Fungicides, biofungicide, and fertilizer used in this study.

Application rate Treatment Product group Manufacturer ml liter1 g liter1 Empress Intrinsic 0.47 Strobilurin BASF ON-Gard 5-0-0 5 Fertilizer Bioworks Strobilurin, succinate Orkestra Intrinsic 0.78 BASF dehydrogenase inhibitor Strobilurin, succinate Pageant Intrinsic 1.35 BASF dehydrogenase inhibitor RootShield Plus+ WP 0.60 Biofungicide Bioworks Subdue MAXX 0.16 Phenylamide Syngenta Tartan Stressgard 3.12 Strobilurin, triazole Bayer

1 day 3 days 7 days

Orkestra (preventive) * * * Pageant (preventive) * * RootShield Plus (preventive) * * RootShield Plus + ON-Gard (preventive) * Subdue MAXX (preventive) * * * Empress (curative) * * Orkestra (curative) * * Tartan (curative) Positive Control Negative Control * * *

20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 Mean + SE Disease Severity (%) Fig. 1. Disease severity (mean ± SE) of flowering dogwoods preventively- or curatively-treated with fungicides, biofungicide, or fertilizer and flooded 1, 3, or 7 days (Trial 1). For root rot disease severity, each plant was evaluated using a scale of 0−100% roots affected. Control treatments included the non-treated, P. cinnamomi inoculated (positive control) and non-treated, non-inoculated (negative control) plants. Asterisks beside bars represent significant differences in disease severity within a flooding duration compared to the positive control.


1 day 3 days 7 days

Orkestra (preventive) * * Pageant (preventive) * * RootShield Plus (preventive) * RootShield Plus + ON-Gard (preventive) * * Subdue MAXX (preventive) * * * Empress (curative) * * * Orkestra (curative) * Tartan (curative) * Positive Control Negative Control * * *

20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 Mean + SE Disease Severity (%) Fig. 2. Disease severity (mean ± SE) of flowering dogwoods preventively- or curatively-treated with fungicides, biofungicide, or fertilizer and flooded 1, 3, or 7 days (Trial 2). For root rot disease severity, each plant was evaluated using a scale of 0−100% roots affected. Control treatments included the non-treated, P. cinnamomi inoculated (positive control) and non-treated, non-inoculated (negative control) plants. Asterisks beside bars represent significant differences in disease severity within a flooding duration compared to the positive control.

Orkestra (preventive) bc Pageant (preventive) abc RootShield Plus (preventive) ab RootShield Plus + ON-Gard (preventive) ab Subdue MAXX (preventive) bc Empress (curative) a Orkestra (curative) c Tartan (curative) abc Positive Control a Negative Control abc

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Mean + SE Ambrosia Beetle Attacks Fig. 3. Ambrosia beetle attacks (mean ± SE) on flowering dogwoods preventively- or curatively-treated with fungicides, biofungicide, or fertilizer and flooded 1, 3, or 7 days (only Trial 2). Data were pooled across flooding durations. Control treatments included the non- treated, P. cinnamomi inoculated (positive control) and non-treated, non-inoculated (negative control) plants. Different letters beside bars indicate significantly different mean ambrosia beetle attacks among treatments.


Entomopathogens: Potential for Ambrosia Beetle Control David Shapiro-Ilan

USDA-ARS SE Fruit and Tree Nut Research Laboratory, 21 Dunbar Road, Byron, GA ([email protected]) Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) used in biological control consist of two genera (Steinernema & Heterorhabditis). They are safe biocontrol agents; commercially produced and applied against a wide variety of insect pests (Shapiro-Ilan et al. 2018). There are currently > 110 species described (> 80% steinernematids), with about 12 of these commercialized. The nematodes kill the host with the aid of symbiotic bacteria (Xenorhabdus bacteria spp. are associated with steinernematids and Photorhabdus spp. are associated with heterorhabditids) (Shapiro-Ilan et al. 2018). Entomopathogenic nematodes have been applied extensively for control of various wood borer pests (Shapiro-Ilan et al. 2018). For example, successful targets include the peachtree borer, Synanthedon exitiosa, and lesser peachtree borer, Synanthedon pictipes; in both cases levels of control were equal or superior to chemical insecticide standards (Shapiro-Ilan et al. 2009, 2010, 2016). For peachtree borer, high levels of control (88−100%) have been observed when applying the nematodes in a preventative or curative manner (Shapiro-Ilan et al. 2010). For lesser peachtree borer, issues of aboveground application presented a challenge, yet a gel formulation (Barricade firegel) facilitated use of the nematodes while protecting them from harmful UV and desiccation (Shapiro-Ilan et al. 2010, 2016). The gel formulation may be useful in other aboveground borer applications. Entomopathogenic nematodes have not been tested against ambrosia beetles but based on success against some other insects that bore into trees there is promise. First one would want to screen for the most potent and promising entomopathogenic nematode strains and species. Then one can consider several avenues to improve efficacy including strain improvement, formulation, and “boosters”. Strain improvement can be achieved via direct selection or hybridization of nematode populations. This has been accomplished for S. carpocapsae to improve virulence and environmental tolerance for pecan control (Shapiro-Ilan et al. 2005). Once an improved strain is obtained it should be genetically stabilized through establishment of purebred homozygous lines (Shapiro-Ilan et al. 2018). Formulation technology can be improved as indicated above via protective materials such as gels (Shapiro-Ilan et al. 2016). Improved application can be achieved via the novel technology of adding “boosters” to the EPN mixture. For example, Oliveira-Hofman et al. (2019) recently demonstrated that EPN pheromones can greatly enhance efficacy when mixed with the nematodes during biocontrol applications. These approaches can be applied to other systems. Therefore, in summary, improved biocontrol of various borer pests can be achieved by improving and stabilizing EPN strains and by enhancing formulation and application methods.


References Cited

Oliveira-Hofman, C., F. Kaplan, G. Stevens, E. E. Lewis, S. Wu, H. T. Alborn, A. Perret- Gentil, and D. I. Shapiro-Ilan. 2019. Pheromone extracts act as boosters for entomopathogenic nematodes efficacy. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 164: 38–42. Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., R. J. Stuart, and C. W. McCoy. 2005. Targeted improvement of Steinernema carpocapsae for control of the pecan weevil, Curculio caryae (Horn) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) through hybridization and bacterial transfer. Biol. Control 34: 215−221. Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., T. E. Cottrell, R. F. Mizell III, D. L. Horton, and J. Davis. 2009. A novel approach to biological control with entomopathogenic nematodes: Prophylactic control of the peachtree borer, Synanthedon exitiosa. Biol. Control 48: 259–263. Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., T. E. Cottrell, R. F. Mizell III, and D. L. Horton. 2010. Efficacy of Steinernema carpocapsae for control of the lesser peachtree borer, Synanthedon pictipes: Improved aboveground suppression with a novel gel application. Biol. Control 54: 23–28. Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., T. E. Cottrell, R. F. Mizell III, and D. L. Horton. 2016. Efficacy of Steinernema carpocapsae plus fire gel applied as a single spray for control of the lesser peachtree borer, Synanthedon pictipes. Biol. Control 94: 33–36. Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., I. Hiltpold, and E. E. Lewis. 2018. Ecology of invertebrate pathogens: Nematodes, pp. 415−440. In A. E. Hajek and D. I. Shapiro-Ilan (Eds.), Ecology of Invertebrate Diseases. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.


Priorities and Critical Needs Identified during the Meeting

Priorities Preliminary Ranking Section Leaders Potential Team Members/Subsections Biology Pathology Group: Sara Villani, Fulya Basyal-Gurel Beetle and symbiotic fungi relationship/interactions (factors affecting fungal establishment in galleries) Beetle Symbiont Group: Jiri Hulcr Regional differences of symbionts

Behavior and Ecology Infestation patterns (temporal and spatial) commodity- and location-specific Medium Chris Ranger Influence of surrounding habitats on AB populationsm(risk analysis) Factors affecting flight into cultivated areas from wooded areas (abiotic factors such as wind?) Overwintering behavior Dispersal behavior/ecology (MRR) Medium Population modelling?

Damage Can trees recover after attack? High Sensitivity to attack by ambrosia beetles/Factors affecting attack (age? size?) Medium

Monitoring Monitoring stress or determinants of stress? EtOH production monitoring? Medium Karla Addesso Cues for flight and attack? Degree days? Heat Index? location-specific study Rapid detection of infestation sites? Use of drone imagery to locate low-lying areas understand relationship (in terms of attack timing and management needs) between bottle traps and bolt traps. Medium Management Trichoderma as a repellant? Microbial Biological Control: David Shapiro Biological Control: EPNs, nematodes (with pheromones?), fungi High Tree Nut Group: Ted Cottrell, Will Hudson Mites: phoretic or parasitic? Tree Fruit Group: Brett Blaauw Chemical control: other options? Organic options? Tree Nuts (Angel Acebes-Doria) Ornamental Group: Shimat, JC, Karla Use of host defense compounds (tree fruit, other systems as well?) Medium Tree Fruit (Art and Jim) Water management regimes/programs? Ornamentals (Jason Oliver) Testing of repellants in other concerned systems Optimizing already working management options High

Extension/Economics Tree Nuts (Angel Acebes-Doria) Economic impact on production (commodity specific) High Tree Fruit (Art and Jim) Regional trapping for AB for flight activity (data to be available for public) Low Ornamentals (Jason Oliver)


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