For Africanicommonwealth
PETER DICKINSON FOR AFRICANICOMMONWEALTH If you are looking for the little extra which has hitherto eluded you, drop us a line. We stock Aden, Ascension, Bahrain, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, British East Africa, British Levant, Brit. Occ. of It.Cols., Cape of Good Hope, Egypt (Forces), Falklands, Gambia, Gibraltar, Gold Coast, GB (Officials only). Griqualand, Ireland (overprints). Kenya, Kuwait, Lagos, Mafeking, Mauritius, Morocco Agencies, Natal, Nauru, Niger Coast, Nigeria, Northern Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, O.F.S., Qatar, Rhodesia, St. Helena, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somali land, South Africa, South West Africa, Southern Nigeria, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanganyika, Togo, Uganda, Zanzibar, Zululand. If you wish to know more about us, ask your Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer or virtually anyone who collects West African postage stamps. "Kufena", IIsington, N ewton Abbot, Devon Ta13 9RW Telephone Haytor (03646) 472 FOR OVER THIRTY FIVE YEARS AUCTIONEERS OF [: ;' r..-:,;'r;~~; -~ ~ _ ...•. ,. ;~~,,:,,:~ ~. " ' ~ " . ' ' , ~ ,-::-~7 RARE STAMPS AUCTIONEE RS OF FIN E STAMPS COLLEC TIONS AND A LL TYPES OF COLLECTIONS PH ILATE LI C MATE RIAL PHILATELIC LITERATURE WEST AFRICAN Stamps and Postal History are usually an irnportant section in most of our sales. If you have stamps to sell contact Geoffrey Manton or Frank Laycock who are constantly visiting all parts of the country while our Southern Representative Mr. Kenneth F. Chapman may be contacted on Telephone No. 049-1 61-2681 . SITWELL STREET, DE RBY DE I 2JP . TELEPH O NE : (0332) 467 53 NO BUYERS PREMIUM r , W. E.. lEA(PHILATELlSTS) LTD. Are pleased to announce the publication of their new brochure VOLUME EIGf n 1,650 rarities from Great Britain, B.N.A., U.S.A., West Indies and selected Commonwealth.
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