Irfe-- THAT ' ' " WOMAN J" ' J E L UA Iluivf
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THE SUNDAY OIM'OOMAX. TOHTLAND, APRIL lf, 1005. NEW YORK POPULACE IS FAITHFUL TO FOUR PLAYS The season of sewing Iq the household Is at hand with an ELECTRIC MOTOR to drive your sewing machine and "The Witching: Hour," "Paid in Full," "The Honor of the Family" and "The Thief" are the Season's Hits an ELECTRIC FLATIRON to do the pressing, the results J II are Economy, speed, no backache from running a ma- chine, and no tiresome trips to the kitchen to get a hot Iron THE JL ELECTRIC RS?-- &&P& ill 1 I jejovarinf zrt !'. .1 V' ' f - . , tfjTJ Vjl THE ' ' " ' -- ' : FLAT IRON - I '! l) ' - - v- - ' r-- i' V A! --ri 'A r, ruPfes.irfe-- THAT ' ' " WOMAN J" ' j e l UA ilUiVf l it v r;; v - II use We Will Send You a Flatiron on 30 Days Trial FUl in coupon and mail to lis the Iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, absolutely free of charge. X'T out coitoji Awn mail to im 'today. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO., Flrat an4 Alder At., Portland, Or. Tou may deliver to me one Klertrld flatiron, whltih0nt1mn:I auren to try, and If unaat Isfaotory to me to rot urn to you within 30 day from date of delivery. If I do not return It. at that time you may chari ame to my aorount at $4. 05. Tt la under t nod that no charge will be made for the iron if I return It within 30 days. Name. A'ldreM . I jiff -- .. ui, jl j jJJf? A .'.V B tt r.,,r,, A. iS.. J.'- . ; . i.,Mf. ...V ": V-- I The thirty days' trial offer applies only to consumers of our Current. BY EMH.1H FRANCKS PAI'KR. ho o mtirh of 8 one that the bnl- - ii f hn y 1' H YORK, April 12. (Spcrlal nnop of t lie play 0 warily dl!tnrbc(h , On Sale in Portland at Company's Supply Department, 147-1- TMito It much In an 13 , .: & - .;, v v , ftfyfax NSW ) Thinpa aro quiet InR birm the work r ' fl 6688, A 5517 of In plclnr- - H ' " " v.:;- 1,1 Seventh Street. Call Telephone Main for information In 'Mm theatrical world. It in thro niit nrsslty bo a t f A, ' of hut It Is tiro- - ' ' ' t pnio thine this sort, n .' " m'ii' i'i'i'm rn hor too ea rl y prohir-tlon- a . ,''1!", - m ffr Summer . , T r t i - min wmm m m i i ii and It Is lato to s(no now plays, althoiish thoro aro a In tho of a flpnro for I still number of nets prosonrf g A RAILWAY, LIGHT Important ones to bo trlod nut this whom one wmihl rathf-- shod tcara than 3SSB15S!!&W!9V?9I4P&&TS Jkj PORTLAND S POWER CO. Kprlna Tho attrnr-tfon- ("' popular whlrh , - TULLY MARSHALL, Include "The Wlfrhlnff Hour." "Paid In ,w..Jaii,i,.i .ii .i .... ... ;. y- CI lo Main at., ORtcr;o ffTY, or. Full." "Tho Honor of the Family" and BRANCH I'ortland Boolevard. ST. JOHN, OR. Tho Thlof" abate not In tho ttllRhtvat OFFICES "1 . W. nr. 9a( nd t'ommerrinl Htn 9 A I, KM, doff reo. P..u, mm Main St- - VANCOUVER, WASH. Otis Skin nor is not a now Mir on tire - - tho Amorh an Mapr, but the hold which i r- "i- .mTTm." 1 ho has gained on Now ;tttI tho York puhllo In this play nuikoa even Fr Mahler's (treat produotlon of "Don Gio- Butler Poat. O. A. R., fiunnyalde, held a the warmest adherents of Rb'har.l Mansfield say vanni.' th part sung before, by Mmft. social meeting after t regular business that t hero has boon no etieh rorniir (Jadskl, and on the closing night of the meeting Thursday afternoon, to which rhnraetorl.atinn as Mr. Skinner's opera ahe was again cast for Ieonore with Caruso r Manrlco. The prophecy the Benjamin Butler Poat was invited. Colonel Hridau since Mansheld's host The women aerved a dainty lunch, after days. Ralxae'n .Houaehold" ' v waa more than fulfilled. h made an admirable vehirle for the 11.7 ;? ' - V"' , I V vf which a ahort programme was much Interesting Am or Iran ator and one firiV w; Ilellef Corps Entertains G. A. It. It la intended by these organisa- wonders why more of the wonderful tions to hold such a meeting once each, Vroneh novel 1st s works are not made TH Woman's Relief Corps, of Benjamin month. to norve tho same purpose. No writer of modern times has loft- - a .larster leiraey to the world : no writer has drawn more toiliuff characters, and as lonp as a !a izae novel has bee. If1 ft iindra ma t izcil t hero should bo no lack of intercut iiir" material. Alas! too many MEM of the play are deadly dull and have not FROCKS tho sliRhtest reason for existing ex- cept for one or t wo "si t nations" for some foot Mp lit favorite. This sort of thlnjr. however, is far too ephemeral to stand for anything In th world of thin which are worth while and These charming: Suits emphasize the fact that which count. rep- Perhaps the most remarkable atory our styles are absolutely correct, that they la that of "Paid In t nil," which over nicrht ma do the author famous. No resent the best tailoring:, that our goods are of one thought very much about It when qualify, ex- It was announced, and it is doubt f til the most superior and our prices that Wagon ha Is and Kemper realized em- - what they had, although they wore tremely moderate; in fact, clover enough to produce It where al- considering: most every manager in New York had phatically low the to ue a colloquialism "turned it down." It turned up at the Astor high quality standard we and the next morning there was not a dissenting voice as to its merits. resolutely maintain. There is no posslhilit y to got seats within several weeks and the mere that Mr. Walter has an- other play ready for presentation has st i red the managerial world as well as the audiences. The now plsys of the week are "The RohI Mounted." with Cyril fcott in the In these beautiful suits ra- prim ip! role and "l"on Quixote," with economy is Combined K. IT. Sot hern as tho leading spirit tional "Tho Hoynl Mounted" was presented with artistic designing in in- on Mond.iy night and prove! a fine vehicle for Cyril 'ott who won instant terpreting the early Sum- ta vor aa Victor O' Hyrne in a stirring play of the Canadian Northwest, by mer modes. They are in all Voil R. and William C. IV Mille. The shades; light green, larrick Theater was filled with an audi- the new ' ence whoso grew as acts r "THli 11, lav- enthusinm the r i ii ii ii I m i mmm i msv ! 1' 1 J. 1 I blue, tan, linen, brown, moved on. and that melodrama or n l x, ,jm . still holds its own will not ender, etc.; prettily trim- bo questioned by any one w"ho was present. The story deals with a man who med in contrasting linen has lH'en murdered by one who ia un- embroidered col- known for tho greater part of tho piny bands and and who must be u n ea r t bed by Victor lars; there are jacket suits, ( ' Hyrne, Lieutenant in the Royal Mounted. For this he is to be made treat with laughter. Of the play there organization next season but would played it, but "Mr. Conried gave me the overblouse' or jumper suits, Captain and to be reinstated in his Is indeed little to be said, but of Mr. probably accept one of several flattering hope that some day I might sing it and and princess effects. Prices lather's affections, lost through his re- Sot hern's Impersonations, as In all of offers which she has had to go nto light therefore I had the costumes made, said fusal to marry according" to the dictates this actor's Impersonations.' there is opera. sung 6S Mme. Jacoby. During that trip Mrs. s ten- Mme. Jacoby. who has ahe sang not only $60.00 down to $10.00. of his fat her heart. every element of refinement and of times this year in New York and who Homer took sick and At tho moment of uncovering tho mur- derness, which makes this role the more company, will Amneris but also Suzuki in "Madam is now on tour with the In derer he finds that it is the lumberman appealing. Mr. Buckstone as Sajicho be- Butterfly," Nancy "Martha," and the make a concert tour in the Fall, but Gretel," with- brot her of the girl with whom he hast Fan an provided much merriment and fore she will decide whether or witch in "Hansel and and fallen in love, and after being in tho furnished all the laughs in the play. that out orchestral rehearsal, and the per- repre- not to allow one of two composers to the man makes clear to But there was much more in his write an operetta for her, or whether formances following each other almost Me O" Byrne the reason of the act. which was sentation than buffoonery. There was daily. she will go back into concert and ora- e to protect his siater from the hands of a much that was pathetic in his is a strange coincidence to his in torio work.