Credits Wipe out Carter Tax Liability

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Credits Wipe out Carter Tax Liability PAGE TEN-B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri., June M, 1977 HARTFORD — State officials DiLieto accused a former top aide Carter, echoing Kremlin charged in a magazine interview say an Atlanta-based firm is of "lying to save his own skin" Jai Alai raaulta Plainfield results Plainfield results expected to get the contract next' The top of the news pessimism on the strategic arms released in Beirut today that the Thur*d®y nMUnM »~iB8rirR Thursday svtning when the aide said he warned talks, says changes he made in United States was the architect of week for printing the tickets for DiLieto that his department's s u m MM M e l-ll ID "Instant Match IV" lottery game, Com piled from Unitod Pn$$ International Gerald Ford’s policies may bear the 19-month civil war in Lebanon TasL-rar w ic iM m M t 111 (I) 1 Siwi ntA kp wiretaps were illegal and should 7 SimiMh Imm ia la ta 4 M M TMOtFUl I MIM IN IN IN IN IN UI fruit, but "we have not made any by trying to break up Egyptian- Thursday night WmBbMM lia iM la IM ail IQ IlfelSu UI IN lU llm M lii IIN IN which was supposed to start last i?a ia la Rntllim 3 M riw Way 7a ia 1 »|M la iM l i l t MS stop. additional steps forward toward a la la $ t ZranTM ia l ^ 7 r M ,M II.N 7.N UI I M M l IN IN February. Syrian solidarity. m ^____ liana ia H J l'ita ln IN 2N IM ttll Tkr 11.11 senators will vote on the measure Friday to go back to Southern la ib^iaai la la T M lin TM3H4 kWili: lU p« INN SALT agreement.” lia IN iM aiitaa iu s m in M M U7 phM S27a M M IM pH la a I m Imlir 2.N MMkSUpUI3N.N NEW LONDON — Ceremonies, Michigan Prison. Bailey is trying SJI LM a i4 u a n TlK]l:n MHtrlUpUllUN Mptla: UI piM tllN again Monday. The House has KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent - a s T h K lia MM:7t3piUIUa Malta: 411 pH a ia TriMa: t-M piU i3H.N HARTFORD - Gov. Ella I la il44PI7a SMdE OS pu ma TribclK 742 paU lU K U Triads 4<ia pH SlUn S M k lU lM m M ItIMc 1-3.1 pM SllIN today at the U.S. Submarine Base already approved it. It was to gain his seat in the Rhode LOCUST GROVE, Okla, - The Police investigating the slaying of a w tiS J i SMt THm Cam (a THk 111 (A) rim t SM pM M iui SMk S-ll III 7lM l-ll III Grasso and other officials have a 74 »t7JI TriMiK 144 tm STaa mark the commissioning of the- argued the senior citizens of the Island House, which was denied accused killer of three Girl Scouts iia la la S«MillClQ 3 a Qha 47a lia la ! * r * > * N i « lu «.N SpcMMIII) irWpMipp U I IN 2N I N IN IN been served notice they will be prominent American yachtsman 174-1 M7UI 1 iNfiL ?a la SMam la la IN h Bm u i i n M 1 IM MM 2N IN high-speed nuclear attack sub­ state, especial those approaching him when it was found out he was 7PNdMTii sa la la S Ira IMIi «.N 2lISS*!!!! kMa kit >N«• sued for $20 million in connection Friday eluded hundreds of heavily Carl Schuster said today they 4 M I ia ihMiia ia la 7 M p l|M i la • M) Caq« 1I.M ]Mi(;iNii,iip UI IN marine Philadelphia. It is the 66, need the legislation. wanted in Michigan for a felony. tlmjlMm i a iN LN SMMia lansa sa T M a n liK 31:71 I M H S l IN 7M1IN TkrllM with the apparent suicide of a armed law enforcement officers were questioning a 33-year-old I M U i l 7JI l a NMMtiaa Ttelia MMStf iMma I M k 3H U7.W 7M 11:17 aSMclUpiUttN kWM IM piU NIN third of a Los Angeles class sub to and unarmed civilian volunteers i im THbak M4 miM Macia: 3U pH SZKa M M c IM p M m N MMr 2U pUI S21N NriiM U2 piU SlIN M pM III piM lINN man accused of murder in deckhand who reported he found iM ai4$3La MM: M7 pM Ilia 7riMl: U-l piM l33tN Tikcte l-t-2 piU UU.N be built by Electric Boat Division CONCORD, N.H. — A natural NEW ORLEANS - The only TriMs 741 mM Snia TriMk 117 pH M liia TrlMt 2-44 S3UN 7IMC 241 pUI UHN Greenwich last year. who were hampered by bad the victim bludgeoned and hacked MnliMSTLa •Mil lia la sa Mr IhUc SlTpaU s$sa SaiaaS; 111 (I) k h M h uTpil S7I.N SppM : 3-11 IQ DmM l-ll Id of General Dynamics at Groton. gas pipeline from St. Johns, N.B., way LeRoy Menendez figured he TMS33UI im p 'i Cn m i n u i i n weather. The search did turn up to death Friday. Joseph Delisle, M m ia la TNri 111 (B 7TMaa)aai 7M la IM • MIM ir UtlUt tN iM u in 1 *•" could convince people he was 1 TMap 7a iM I S IN IN 3MtC IN IN IN 1.N to Albany, N.Y., will pass through some new evidence, however, the Grenadan, was Schuster’s only M lia 3 M iM lia la la IM IN I NMUk M. M I N 3 fna'i 1kl i u HARTFORD - President t u i i i j i ia 17 laa s M FK M in la HanHSary in IN I N h q l n 21N 7.N CRANSTON, R.l. - A U.S. northern Massachusetts and not dying of cancer was to hold a doc­ nature of the evidence was not companion Thursday on a trip t l a l a fSSS 74 ui7a TM3U2 h w s is i I M • N IN 1M31N IMIIN Carter says there is a "fairly good zsMirinM la tMklUpNSlIN WMk u i piU II7N Supreme Court ruling this week southern Vermont because of tor hostage at gunpoint until revealed. M IIM 7riMi744 5l7ia TM ;3ia M M iu p H s a a SMk IN p« U5.N 7M3UI chance" of equalizing fuel costs in aboard Zigzag II from Grenada to S S M M ta J I MMK34Snui3ia Macta 7tl pH U lia hfM cai piMSaN l*U c U7 piH MLN Piriitlr lU pM SUN MMa: lU pUI SNU that inmates have no rights to problems with mountains and someone listened. Dr. Richard St. Vincent. Mato U USUI TrilM 714 pH Sana TrihilK SM nU S2HN Nripdx UI pM 3U.N ItMc l-M pM im N IitMi: 7-C-l pM MNN New England through his rM i4M $aS JI iia ia ia M M 3ts pM Uin 7riMc S7-I pM »2UI InHIle YiM C m |l) organize may return prisoners state parks and state forests, a Street was held for four hours la la Tr«MtK 112 pM SlCia G H k llld l TnMc IiUm C m |Q BNh talpt C m |C| proposed energy program. In a WASHINGTON - Federal spen­ za tartkllim SDichiM IM la la 7«rtc$-ll|l) rUMFM IN IN IN >«!.*!>«• lUC IN IN "back to a virtual state of Tenneco spokesman said Friday. before Menendez surrendered. He ding exceeded income by $6 l i a u i l a iMbUtaa I Mil la la JK'S* 5a»rt»5 7.N UI 2.N INMiM IN 2N Friday session with 26 Editors and ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — In a i a i a I IM hnwi hip «in iin lia «£• .“SfiL w IN I iM i f IN IN 1 W m fan IN I U'l D Mr IN slavery," according to the wants to convince the Veterans i n hrtKtiMaUI 1 timm in la la 1 SpHH Fma IIM 5 ripi'i Mkitn 7N news directors in Washington, he billion in May, swelling the spectacular sunrise ceremony, TriMi M4 uaa 7Cl‘iZ in TM31J1 IhrNcN ITM m Im im IM Ntll IMNN National Prisoners Reform ANN ARBOR, Mich. - Rhode Administration that he had cancer SiMil4S2ia M M S U p H W a MMe 2U llU 33MI IM llJ l IMM lU piM illN MWe 113 PiM illN cited the federal plan of reducing government’s deficit this year to Ethiopian strongman Lt. Col. TM 3U2 m ic instead of an ulcer for which he F a M U M a lia ia ia M M IM pU siaa MM:$UpH$4ia SisitMK 244-fpM 32HI.N MfeklUpUllMN PliMl: IN piM INN S I U: M-I-lpM tlNIN Association. Island politician William Bailey, $43 billion, the Treasury Depart­ Menfistu Halie-Mariam today dis­ M 144 W in 7 ln in i Trifacte H I pH SlMia MfMc IN ftU IMN ItSicIi: l-t-2 plU ilN-N iMiKk: 1-l-l-C piU NUN imports of oil to equalize prices. tn ia ia M M Ml pM USia SSiSiLl. IJN 7riMc 1-M pM 33I1.N despite his earlier doubts he was getting a 20 per cent disabili­ ment says. s m U i•mm la TriMK l i a pdl S33IM ■■Nk SI7liUt U M m UN played his 100,000-man people’s rZM i i a i a l a la w i i i n i a kM : SN7.NI AUGUSTA, Maine — The Maine Would ever see prison again ty pension.
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