PAGE TEN-B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Fri., June M, 1977

HARTFORD — State officials DiLieto accused a former top aide Carter, echoing Kremlin charged in a magazine interview say an Atlanta-based firm is of "lying to save his own skin" Jai Alai raaulta Plainfield results Plainfield results expected to get the contract next' The top of the news pessimism on the strategic arms released in Beirut today that the Thur*d®y nMUnM »~iB8rirR Thursday svtning when the aide said he warned talks, says changes he made in United States was the architect of week for printing the tickets for DiLieto that his department's s u m MM M e l-ll ID "Instant Match IV" lottery game, Com piled from Unitod Pn$$ International Gerald Ford’s policies may bear the 19-month civil war in Lebanon TasL-rar w ic iM m M t 111 (I) 1 Siwi ntA kp wiretaps were illegal and should 7 SimiMh Imm ia la ta 4 M M TMOtFUl I MIM IN IN IN IN IN UI fruit, but "we have not made any by trying to break up Egyptian- Thursday night WmBbMM lia iM la IM ail IQ IlfelSu UI IN lU llm M lii IIN IN which was supposed to start last i?a ia la Rntllim 3 M riw Way 7a ia 1 »|M la iM l i l t MS stop. additional steps forward toward a la la $ t ZranTM ia l ^ 7 r M ,M II.N 7.N UI I M M l IN IN February. Syrian solidarity. m ^____ liana ia H J l'ita ln IN 2N IM ttll Tkr 11.11 senators will vote on the measure Friday to go back to Southern la ib^iaai la la T M lin TM3H4 kWili: lU p« INN SALT agreement.” lia IN iM aiitaa iu s m in M M U7 phM S27a M M IM pH la a I m Imlir 2.N MMkSUpUI3N.N NEW LONDON — Ceremonies, Michigan Prison. Bailey is trying SJI LM a i4 u a n TlK]l:n MHtrlUpUllUN Mptla: UI piM tllN again Monday. The House has KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent - a s T h K lia MM:7t3piUIUa Malta: 411 pH a ia TriMa: t-M piU i3H.N HARTFORD - Gov. Ella I la il44PI7a SMdE OS pu ma TribclK 742 paU lU K U Triads 4 * N i « lu «.N SpcMMIII) irWpMipp U I IN 2N I N IN IN been served notice they will be prominent American yachtsman 174-1 M7UI 1 iNfiL ?a la SMam la la IN h Bm u i i n M 1 IM MM 2N IN high-speed nuclear attack sub­ state, especial those approaching him when it was found out he was 7PNdMTii sa la la S Ira IMIi «.N 2lISS*!!!! kMa kit «•>N sued for $20 million in connection Friday eluded hundreds of heavily Carl Schuster said today they 4 M I ia ihMiia ia la 7 M p l|M i la • M) Caq« 1I.M ]Mi(;iNii,iip UI IN marine Philadelphia. It is the 66, need the legislation. wanted in Michigan for a felony. tlmjlMm i a iN LN SMMia lansa sa T M a n liK 31:71 I M H S l IN 7M1IN TkrllM with the apparent suicide of a armed law enforcement officers were questioning a 33-year-old I M U i l 7JI l a NMMtiaa Ttelia MMStf iMma I M k 3H U7.W 7M 11:17 aSMclUpiUttN kWM IM piU NIN third of a Los Angeles class sub to and unarmed civilian volunteers i im THbak M4 miM Macia: 3U pH SZKa M M c IM p M m N MMr 2U pUI S21N NriiM U2 piU SlIN M pM III piM lINN man accused of murder in deckhand who reported he found iM ai4$3La MM: M7 pM Ilia 7riMl: U-l piM l33tN Tikcte l-t-2 piU UU.N be built by Electric Boat Division CONCORD, N.H. — A natural NEW ORLEANS - The only TriMs 741 mM Snia TriMk 117 pH M liia TrlMt 2-44 S3UN 7IMC 241 pUI UHN Greenwich last year. who were hampered by bad the victim bludgeoned and hacked MnliMSTLa •Mil lia la sa Mr IhUc SlTpaU s$sa SaiaaS; 111 (I) k h M h uTpil S7I.N SppM : 3-11 IQ DmM l-ll Id of General Dynamics at Groton. gas pipeline from St. Johns, N.B., way LeRoy Menendez figured he TMS33UI im p 'i Cn m i n u i i n weather. The search did turn up to death Friday. Joseph Delisle, M m ia la TNri 111 (B 7TMaa)aai 7M la IM • MIM ir UtlUt tN iM u in 1 *•" could convince people he was 1 TMap 7a iM I S IN IN 3MtC IN IN IN 1.N to Albany, N.Y., will pass through some new evidence, however, the Grenadan, was Schuster’s only M lia 3 M iM lia la la IM IN I NMUk M. M I N 3 fna'i 1kl i u HARTFORD - President t u i i i j i ia 17 laa s M FK M in la HanHSary in IN I N h q l n 21N 7.N CRANSTON, R.l. - A U.S. northern Massachusetts and not dying of cancer was to hold a doc­ nature of the evidence was not companion Thursday on a trip t l a l a fSSS 74 ui7a TM3U2 h w s is i I M • N IN 1M31N IMIIN Carter says there is a "fairly good zsMirinM la tMklUpNSlIN WMk u i piU II7N Supreme Court ruling this week southern Vermont because of tor hostage at gunpoint until revealed. M IIM 7riMi744 5l7ia TM ;3ia M M iu p H s a a SMk IN p« U5.N 7M3UI chance" of equalizing fuel costs in aboard Zigzag II from Grenada to S S M M ta J I MMK34Snui3ia Macta 7tl pH U lia hfM cai piMSaN l*U c U7 piH MLN Piriitlr lU pM SUN MMa: lU pUI SNU that inmates have no rights to problems with mountains and someone listened. Dr. Richard St. Vincent. Mato U USUI TrilM 714 pH Sana TrihilK SM nU S2HN Nripdx UI pM 3U.N ItMc l-M pM im N IitMi: 7-C-l pM MNN New England through his rM i4M $aS JI iia ia ia M M 3ts pM Uin 7riMc S7-I pM »2UI InHIle YiM C m |l) organize may return prisoners state parks and state forests, a Street was held for four hours la la Tr«MtK 112 pM SlCia G H k llld l TnMc IiUm C m |Q BNh talpt C m |C| proposed energy program. In a WASHINGTON - Federal spen­ za tartkllim SDichiM IM la la 7«rtc$-ll|l) rUMFM IN IN IN >«!.*!>«• lUC IN IN "back to a virtual state of Tenneco spokesman said Friday. before Menendez surrendered. He ding exceeded income by $6 l i a u i l a iMbUtaa I Mil la la JK'S* 5a»rt»5 7.N UI 2.N INMiM IN 2N Friday session with 26 Editors and ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — In a i a i a I IM hnwi hip «in iin lia «£• .“SfiL w IN I iM i f IN IN 1 W m fan IN I U'l D Mr IN slavery," according to the wants to convince the Veterans i n hrtKtiMaUI 1 timm in la la 1 SpHH Fma IIM 5 ripi'i Mkitn 7N news directors in Washington, he billion in May, swelling the spectacular sunrise ceremony, TriMi M4 uaa 7Cl‘iZ in TM31J1 IhrNcN ITM m Im im IM Ntll IMNN National Prisoners Reform ANN ARBOR, Mich. - Rhode Administration that he had cancer SiMil4S2ia M M S U p H W a MMe 2U llU 33MI IM llJ l IMM lU piM illN MWe 113 PiM illN cited the federal plan of reducing government’s deficit this year to Ethiopian strongman Lt. Col. TM 3U2 m ic instead of an ulcer for which he F a M U M a lia ia ia M M IM pU siaa MM:$UpH$4ia SisitMK 244-fpM 32HI.N MfeklUpUllMN PliMl: IN piM INN S I U: M-I-lpM tlNIN Association. Island politician William Bailey, $43 billion, the Treasury Depart­ Menfistu Halie-Mariam today dis­ M 144 W in 7 ln in i Trifacte H I pH SlMia MfMc IN ftU IMN ItSicIi: l-t-2 plU ilN-N iMiKk: 1-l-l-C piU NUN imports of oil to equalize prices. tn ia ia M M Ml pM USia SSiSiLl. IJN 7riMc 1-M pM 33I1.N despite his earlier doubts he was getting a 20 per cent disabili­ ment says. s m U i•mm la TriMK l i a pdl S33IM ■■Nk SI7liUt U M m UN played his 100,000-man people’s rZM i i a i a l a la w i i i n i a kM : SN7.NI AUGUSTA, Maine — The Maine Would ever see prison again ty pension. army, the largest such force in l a l a mms 17 tiaa NEW HAVEN - Former New Senate voted, 22-5, Friday to because of cancer, left the i a TM174 ana Haven Police Chief Biagio BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syrian the history of Africa. a z 4 n ia prohibit forced retirement, The University of Michigan Hospital WASHINGTON - President President Hafez Assad has c sM itta M lia la ia Plainfield entries I S-2-7 s a u i m m » sa la Plainfield entries mm la ---rs ■ F r id a y » »S a tu rd a y 11 iia in in aaa utsia J ia la Midi 14 siaa P M T M tU a h M l la T rM T M S U a a m IMLI i* u U I a k M M L k n r k v LfakNiMki M H L k u m ii l-PM kn M S I ® S S M U S K a 11 1 ^ _ L C lIk w k M I U 'l Ilk kp L M ii'i M « 1-1 I IM 1 C11 CHaa M L M k k L N IkH M l M Tht W M Uw r .t M n liM S a a iMssaim I t a r ^ M M L M M k L kM| M IM t i l 1 M M LTkNNiH M IN. Fimk UI Inside today TM il4 SHIM ITaM U I S t i l k M MIS sih IC M ^ M r M IZ iaO im i llM I M ik i M s IM iM U M 2-2 iC a M y M IM VkmS IM I kp k M IkPk^lhi M 12 1 U 'l Ri «i I Fmp 7pM 3-2 i I M m U k i L lH k rkH M lk N iM p I U p IW M ll liT M n l M Cloudy with showers or 1 M H M -1 IISMS Dear Abby...... 13 IM ik a a M 1-1 i . i n S w M 7.1. 7-1 7. M kM I-kkalWip M 74 7. In liafv •ti 7-MknFiM t\ M thundershowers beginning this after­ Area n ew s___—7 7 .M M M # ts i I M Sm IM I km I IM I mki M I k m l k kp U-1 M l A i i l ^ l i n t M noon. High in 70s. Rain tonight with Classified___10-12 Editorial ...... 4 l a a i n M l i r t M* 7M M FHt ItiM I O bituaries...... 14 LI M LNrtrM ii L M I N pr 3-1 L filia H n lows in 60s, followed by partial clearing Com ics...... 13 L IN k M M S ports...... 8-9 1- Cmtt i m M l W kSky; M L M n Spa L 7iU k IM 1 L B M Ib iz it a m n IM p h M M Sunday afternoon with high 70 to 80. FOURTEEN Fa c e s Churches ...... 6 L CM iM IM I M n MIMMC ipUp I kniiipi Uk M ifiS’*" 1 I M y A v 72 1 M h v Nat l U k l M Chance of rain 70% this afternoon, M ancheater~--A C ity o f VUlage^Charm LFNMI H I S M I . IM I ll N M l IMkUnpl IM 1 I M 11 iAHHSHp I IM k k n IM I 'WEEKSJSD INSIDE , Plus television listings in Weekender sec­ Jai Alai entries l U M k m U-l IM I M p i M M i I K Nfe M M i iji3 S i 11 LfiMH lU M k N M 100% tonight, 80% Sunday. National tion I M N NM M I M k i k n M ik a I MNP I t I IT ra iM v 124 i M H SiH IMNikiNn M weather forecast map on Page 10. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1877 y VOL. XCVI, No. 226 PRidfes Pim EN I lU'plaNk I-17-^tlN M 7.1 MI.MINMa i.kpppinpm« M iS'pW, I i In in Caaaa II 7. NHi MB 7. Cnki H k IM F rid a y I.L t- ll ■Him IM- II M lk N M I k m k M 1 Ian Snanp I 7. MU 11 1. N p lv taaa IN n ta n M IT - T ll O p M ik p k tl M lafcM IB III k N k lU M k h M M h U ua OppNkrth IM Clpikpii Ippilpl: M M i I M M I U S k M W M M lIP M I k m i f a m M la M ia r t L ______.... I k ik * M Offers to pay $69000 anyway I tm m M l-l 3 taBl I kik *SkN t-l I k fia ••‘is? 7-1 I> » I Ml Mnpi M I Mn M jkm Ma m Idv^B Al nvtlaa i&L COOL SAVINGS FOR YOUR l-UIMM-CM-l l-M m T i -M 7-I-J M-2 M l 7-1-1 H -l l-U I I I l- ll 1-74 iMirikM m llH r a li^ 42 1 Bvrii Sm 41 i & i i M 41 IM M n k t 41 Sipl 2M U h I 41 71 2 InH M W 41 2Bnh Wb 42 IJm iIM b 41 1 H i m m 41 liM M n iM 74 IM n M n a 41 « S # b M t 41 (M W In 41 < M M i 41 74 Credits wipe out SIm M* 41 SMwJMv 41 I M U i l 42 I Mm i n 41 1 Irafi MrU 41 • MM Thm and 1 W tk m a 74 1 km I m 42 71 41 Itmrnmk 41 7 faUn Mn 41 IH i v M h 41 41 74 1BM M 41 U X . V 8 I Mi Mm MnM M . M M i i IATSL 7-M 744 J41T41 M4 4-M U4 M 414 W 342 344 M i« M l2 « iI42 IkH M M 474 442 742 474 1 hdsk Inan* 41 IM *M i 41 Ibkmrnmk 41 TWA Big 7 Ft. 8-Rib Garden Umbrella 2 kpt 41 I M n i M I 41 2 Jnf SiUiUB 74 1 M lk n M 74 3 M M U 41 2Jm M i Carter tax liability I ln L M r t 41 I k M W M 1 4 In k H ip 41 IM i m I m 41 4 Im i Plan 41 SMUMU 41 Adjust tilt in either direction. SMM 71 41 S Mnr fliiriU M 4 Uf tM n 71 IMMU 41 Combined floral and solid Ilm riM il 42 i s t r * 42 I M M n 41 colors with graceful fringe. nmmmfmim 74 7 M l Mnia 41 7 U U Lm i 42 IM m UU 41 WASHINGTON (UPI) - An invest­ the Best?” as income in 1977, when $6,674 in wages from Carters’ Farms 41 74 I M i M M 41 7 M M 42 ment tax credit of several thousand he had actually received the money. Ml Unk M M 1 Mw hm 41 Our Reg. 34.99 Inc. and $919 in dividends. 144 714 744 714 3+1 L74LW W 247 241 447 24>7 M l Bmk PM dollars reduced President Carter’s By doing so. Carter delayed payment The White House said the m 117 M-7 117 1976 tax liability to zero, but as a of about $29,000 in additional taxes. warehouse income plummeted in 42” Steel Umbrella Table matter of principle, he has offered-to The royalties question prompted 1976 because of a decline in sales of Saturday matinak pay $6,000. Carter to ask for a second delay in farm supplies and services. “Severe Plastic tipped, double braced , It was the second year in a row filing his 1976 return. Powell said the winter weather was a factor in the legs; all white baked enamel finish. Carter claimed such a tax credit. IRS advised listing the royalties as decreased sales volume," the state­ In 1976', Carter’s adjusted gross in­ 1977 income. ment added. Our Reg. 19.99 come was $54,934 with a net taxable Carter and his wife listed 1976 in­ About $122,000 of Carter's 1975 in­ b e a t income of $39,366, Any tax liability come from the warehouse, of which come of $136,138 came from the was offset entirely by a 10 per cent they hold about 62 per cent interest, warehouse. investment credit of $20,864 he of $46,555. They also listed income of Vinyl claimed on $208,649 spent by the M l I II M-l 1-M Wrapped family peanut warehouse for a new storage facility and more shelling laMpbkr M Bnakn lU m ln p Patio I knpn km 7-1 IMN p C and drying equipment. Soweto police chief Stack Having supper at the Fish Fry ■ * In 1975, Carter had a gross income Chairs I t : of $1.36,138, took a 10 per cent invest­ The Jay Stoppelman family of 32 Nye St. enjoy fish fry dinners on a bench in front of the ment credit of $41,702 for new equip­ 1 Bprrtp Hpnp I I issues stiff warning 2 CPU Mnki I-I serving tables at Frank’s Supermarket on E. Middle Tpke. Friday evening. They are Mrs. ment at the warehouse, and paid H m M itp M k k M P k ip H-t I-M 1-M M l taxes of $17,484. M l M2 M-l IM IN p iM n ln M M7 7-MM-IHI $1 Kingsford Susan Stoppelman, Gary, 5, Daniel, 19 months, and Jay. Hundreds bought the dinners. The JOHANNESBURG, South Africa recurrence of race riots last year IM M n l-U M l M l M l 12’x3’ Pool Package Charnber of Commerce and the Jaycees helped Frank’s and Gortons of Gloucester, the fish On Friday — after two delays — the Charcoal Briquets)] Carters filed their 1976 return. In an (UPI) — Soweto Police Chief Brig. that killed more than 600 prsons. hJl* MifeTkkSs M rSmI sturdy steet top frame, steel vertical supports; supplier, to run the event. Proceeds go to Manchester Memorial Hospital and other local Jan Visser says his men are in con­ M IM MlMNibmp 7-1 IBniI 2 BnH M S 7-2 Choice of colors in PVC vinyl 20 LBS. attached letter to John W. Hender­ "If you're looking for trouble, liner with drain plug. U.L. approved wrapping on white enameled 037 trol of the riot-torn black ghetto and 4 kkp km 1-1 cartridge filter; (adder. Our Reg. 129.99 Reg. 2.76 U charities. (Herald photo by Barlow) son, Internal Revenue Service dis­ you'll get it," he said in his warning > iM .i:tL.ti SNN Ilpm M steel frame; plastic arm rests. warned blacks if they are “ looking to blacks. I kn kirn 7-1 Mr. Bar-B-Q Charcoal Lighter Fluid .. 69' qt. trict director in Atlanta, Carter Si I k t a k i N n M for troubl, you’ll get it." Brig. Jan Gerber, assistant police I I k n k i m 7-1 : i m k k M asked the IRS to accept $6,000 I IMIpnkipM SikinMp kprNip — Pringle Rippled “because of my strong feelings that a More than 1,000 heavily armed riot commissioner in the sprawling and M l 3-II U-7 M l 11-7 M l 7-2-11-7-1 Potato Chips police patrolled the teming ghetto of dusty ghetto 15 miles outside M-7 IM U I M l Kransco Kiddie Energy cooperation sought person should pay some tax on his in­ come...” 1.2 million blacks late Friday and Johannesburg, spelled out part of the Swim Training Aids Heavy Cast DIGBY, Nova Scotia (UPI) — New facilitate sales of any surplus of less maintained an uneasy peace hard line police would take. I< k* n ■m'I m r* CvHiNV part in the conferences, only New White House Press Secretary Jody 1691 »m n mag CUM Aluminum England governors and Eastern Brunswick is projecting a lower expensive power generated in New Powell said Carter offered to pay $6,- following a day of hit-and-run clashes “We will not tolerate further trou­ Twin pack, fresh Canadian premiers were searching Brunswick or other maritime between police and rock-throwing ble from rioters. We can stand no SWIM TRAINER ^ 7 0 and crispy. Portable growth rate — 4.5 to 5 per cent a 000 because 15 per cent "is es­ Promotes confidence by keeping T • ” today for more ways of cooperating year. provinces. tablished by law as a minimum tax youths. further robberies, assaults, stonings. child balanced and floating Reg. 2.59 I Planters Gas Grill in thf energy field. Quebec anticipates a 7.75 per cent Earlier Friday, the governors and for certain types of income.” Visser’s warning signaled a get- damage to property and general Peanuts Our Reg. 124.87 Paj^rs prepared for the annual growth rate. Prince EMward Island premiers discussed the boundary Powell also disclosed Carter chose tough attitude by police, who arlier lawlessness," he said. But he did not SWIMMIES conference indicated the projected and Newfoundland 7 per cent and issue for offshore waters and efforts to put almost $70,000 in royalties this year had tried to kep a low specify how police would respond to Fils high on arms, helps keep growth rate for the production of profile in the ghetto to avert a head and face out of water. Nova Scotia 7.2 per cent. to claim mineral deposits on the earned in 1976 on his book, “Why Not future disorder. ,-rrti electric power is higher for Eastern ’The report said opportunities for Outer Continental Shelf. Big 16 ounce tin. Canada than for New England. future exchange of power between Maurice Copithorne, director SWIM-MATE 22” PortableGrill According to the New England the northeastern United States and general of the legal bureau of Fabric covers strong rubber targe cooking area with bladder; deflates for storage. m Nestea 10-Pack Regional Commission staff, the Canada’s Ministry of Internal Af­ permanent coals, stainless 7 7 7 ' Eastern Canada appear to be kedTea Mix steel burner. Complete «.g« f forecasted growth for both winter between Quebec and New York. ’That fairs, said Canada wants a median aO ATING BABY SEAT with LP tank, hose & and summer peak loads for New is the result of different seasonal line between the two countries so Police using team effort 5 position grid adjustments: Foam float, soft cloth regulator. twin side handles. England during the next decade is 5.4 peaks and expanded use of the Maine- Canada can keep part of Georges bucket seat. per cent annually. New Brunswick interconnection to Bank, where it harvests 90 per cent Each pack Deluxe 24" B-B-Q Grill, Our Ret-12-99... 9 .9 7 makes a quart! Of the Canadian provinces taking of its scallops. The U.S. feels Georges Bank is an to bring computer on line [^ 'o d b |M extension of Massachusetts’ Cape Cod area. •Olie Octopus Hi-Back Adjustable "Neither side sCems in danger of The Manchester Police Depart­ Minor and Officer John Hanley, Lt. will also index the microfilm in the •Suzy Pots and Pans Folding Sand Lounger House panel okays being persuaded by the legal ment has been using a team effort to Joseph Brooks, Sgt. James Sweeney, future to help locate reports. arguments of the other,” Copithorne get its innovative new computer Julie Hobin, Mary Reid and Frances The microfilming will be kept •Sand Pail Set Double tubular arms adjust said. He said one possibility being to 5 positions. 7 web pattern. system ready for use. Giblin, plus Patrol Capt. Henry current within a few days. Our Reg. to 1.29 explored was shared access zones. Our Reg. 10.99 gas-guzzler tax A new reporting system based on Minor and Detective Capt. Joseph Sgt. Sweeney is training all the Copithorne said the boundary and the computer will be in use Jqly 1 by Sartor. The captains provide a cons­ police personnel using a manual FInkel Air-Cushioned cars making fewer than 17 miles per resources issues were locked all the police officers, according to tant check so that information being which explains the use the new forms WASHINGTON (UPI) - President together. c h o ic e Patio Folding Chair Carter’s idea of weaning Americans gallon. The committee has changed it Dep. Chief Richard Sartor, who has put into the computer relates to the for the system, I People who want to develop fish from their big cars has been to start with 1979 models getting - headed up the new system. daily police work. Lt. Brooks, administrative and PVC tubing is heat-sealed. fewer than 15 miles per gallon. . and mineral resources want the Non-tilt legs, self leveling. 1 2 4 0 accepted by the House Ways and The new DEC-1170 mini-computer, Sgt. Minor and Officer Hanley are records officer, will oversee the en­ Multi piece take-apart sand play But the tax scale the commute set boundary dispute resolved so they with accompanying microfilm and setting up all the applications to be tire system once in full operation. setsor pail with shovel, sieve, Our Reg. 16.99 Means Committee, but not the way up would get progressively tougher can use both. ’Those who want to recording equipment, is the only one used by the computer on a full-time Another advantage of the new mold and boat. 2 1 4 0 he wanted it. resolve the boundary problems say it Matching ChaiM, Rcf. 29.99 The committee gave final approval than Carter’s scale. A 1985 model un­ of its type in the country. It is serving basis. system is that it will not require an able to make 3.5 miles per gallon would be easier if resources weren’t as a model and its development is “It is a strong advantage to have increase in the staff at the depart­ to his gas-guzzler tax proposal included. Friday, having made changes in the would have a $3,856 gas-guzzler tax being watched closely by experienced police officers who know ment, Sartor said. The department past two weeks that put the tax off added, for example. municipalities and law enforcement police work and the information that will be able to maintain and even in­ Super Scamper Sailboat for a year and considerably agencies across the country. Sartor police need setting up the crease its present work load with (/s' weakened its impact. said. applications,” Sartor said. existing staff. An increase in Our Reg. 224.97 Mias Manchester wins The computer equipment was in­ No computer system experts are reported incidents is expected. Sar­ For example, a Chrysler lobbyist stalled in the police department last needed to operate the computer. It tor said. told reporters as far as he could December. The equipment was allows generation of programs in a Once the new computer is in full $ . figure, the only car to be hit with a preliminary contests purchased with $170,000 in federal very simplified format. use 24 hours a day. the police dis­ tax on 1979 models is the Chrysler funds made available from the Law The system is different than most, patchers will be able to provide New Yorker.. The tax would be $339 Cindy ’Tucker, Miss Manchester of If Miss Manchester wins the state Enforcement Assistance Administra­ said Hanley, because it is a random almost instant information to the per car if the idea lives through 1977, who is vying for the title of Miss title she will compete for the title of tion (LEAA) through the Connecticut access system which allows starting patrol officers on their daily calls. Congress. Connecticut, Friday night was Miss America in ^ptem ber in Atlan­ Justice Commission. from an y point in the information This information will be especially Thermos preliminary winner In her group in tic City. Maintenance-tree Armour i The entire police department records and going in any direction. helpful for medical calls. An officer Six Packer Bunting Fine Wrought Iron The committee turned back a both the swim suit and talent com­ Clad” hull weighs only 49 series of amendments Friday that Miss Manchester’s winning perfor­ records system will be controlled by Mrs. Hobin, office manager, wilt can find out if a previous call had lbs. Aluminum mast and ? Our 4-Pc. Patio Seating Group p e titio n and re c e iv e d a $50 the computer when it is in complete oversee the new records system. been made at the same address and Reg. would have weakened the tax further, mance Friday was a musical comedy 55 square feet oi nylon sail Three seat cushion sola. 2 dub scholarship for each category. use around the end of the year. Sartor Mrs. Reid does the computer data en­ for what reason. 12!99 chairs and coffee table. New including one by Rep. William It is virtually assured that Miss dance routine to Irving Berlin’s “Top 4 S e ts said. tries and Mrs. Giblin transfers the in­ The new system will also be used to Urethaneinsulation; hoids process baked finish, fabric Brodhead, D-Micli., that in effect Manchester will be in the top 10 in Hat, White Tie and Tails." 12 cans plus (oodand ice. supported vinyl cushions. Per Store, would mean a company with enough Many police officers and depart­ formation to microfilm. produce many routine reports to the No Rain Checks tonight’s final competition for the Tickets are still available for .M small models could avoid the tax on ment office employes have been in­ The entire system will be on community and public crime state title which carries a $1,500 tonight’s final competition starting 3 WAYS TO CHARGE its big, gas-guzzling models. volved in setting up the new system. microfilm which will save on space statistics. SALE: FRI. and SAT. scholarship, Rick Lawrence, who, ’ at 8 at the Waterbury Center and also provide better security for Carter wanted the tax to fall first Most of them do the computer work The new records will contain com- MMICIKSTER STORE HOURS: with his wife, Ellen, is her business Theater. Miss America of 1977, in addition to their regular duties. the records. Sartor said. It will Dally: 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the 1978 models, coming later this manager and chaperone, said this Dorothy Benham, will appear in Read Herald Ada Saturday; 9 a.m. to 9;3d p.m. The team involved in the new eliminate the need for index cards Sunday; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. year. He would have started with morning. Tri-Cily SlM|i|iliig Canter tonight’s program. records system includes Sgt. Gary and large paper files. The computer —Sec I’ligi' riiri'c IV 'V.' PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 25, 1»77 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Sat.. June 25. 1977— PAGE THREE Friday’s daily Delinquent tax Manchetter Hospital J Newo for oenior citizeno Theater schedule 3 4 4 list to be printed Ilia Police using team effort Discharged Thursday: Llr*Ml Ardel, 3 Cornwall Dr., Wed., JuM tSM am TUN., Aim Sa HI there, everybody! We had one large bus leave for served. 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., pinochle games. Bus pickup Manchester is the first law en­ Mturday r m w m m r Continued from Page One One of the department’s main con- Minday As of June 15, the Town of M anchester has not received Venters Flmbers, 1097 Main Coventry; Wendy Carley, 6 Newpbrt this past W^esday and we were sorry to have at 8:30 a.m. Return trips at 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. forcement agency, to use this par­ $330,545 in taxes that a re due in the G eneral Fund 1976-77 9 9 * cenis, Sartor said, is the security and Burnside Theater 1 — St.; Ruth Sharp, 98 Chambers FlUngton; Chester Tuesday; 9:30 a.m., trip for shopping. 10 a.m ., clean-up plete information on all persons who ticular hardware-software combina­ East Hartford Drive-In — WAITDISIIEY to disappoint so many who signed up on the second bus. privacy of the information. The "Cross of Iron," 7:15-9:20 budget. St.: Pierina Bussa, 68 Oak St.; Pkivell, 87K Bluefleld Dr. OOTNCHKS "Carhops." and "Stateline We couldn’t take it because we didn’t fill It. for ceramic class. 1 p.m., Senior ^w ling Leagues at the have been convicted of a crime as tion of equipment. Wethersfield is Burnside Theater 2 — "A The Herald, on Wednesday, will print a list of department has done extensive Motel." Dusk I guess one reason is that we are offering so many one- Parkade Lanes and return trip from shopping. well as all reported incidents, such as the first municipality to have similar Star is Bom." 7:00-9:25 delinquent taxpayers for the 197^77 fiscal year. Taxes on research into the many laws relating Elast Windsor Drive-In — day jaunts that people are selecting the one they like the Wednesday; 10 a.m., pinochle games and Friendship daily complaints and motor vehicle equipment. E^st Hartford Drive-In — real and personal property were due in January and are to this. "Boatniks," and “The Gnome best. Circle gathering. Noon to 12:30 p.m., special lunch accidents. When in complete use, main­ “Carhops." and "Stateline consider^ overdue if they have not been paid. B urnside The privacy restraints are being in­ Mobile." Dusk SIC KMSiCl l«( H i ' NiAfirkO served. 12:45 p.m., bridge games. Physicals by appoint­ The file of a person who has been Motel." Dusk Trips corporated into the system to protect tenance on the equipment is expected Manchester Drive-In — I 64SS401 I f B AUiRI- M R S T e S rh a /S t" Elast Windsor Drive-In — 141 EOT 91-faua tasasuR. a ment and 1 p.m. craft class. Bus pickup at 8:30 a.m., arrested and convicted of a crime to cost around $20,000 a year, Sartor “The Boatniks,” 8:35; "The f MO—iw Speaking of trips, Monday we sign up for the horse against unauthorized use of the "B o atn ik s." and Gnome return trips at 12:30 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. will include such information as an said. Gnome Mobile,” 10:00 liATHEATRES EAST M S M S c o a u a N races at friendly Rockingham Park. ’The day of the races records and to conform to the new Mobile." Dusk Thursday; 8;30 a .m ., buses leave for the Boston Harbor identification number, complete Police Chief Robert D. Lannan, UA Theater I — “Heretic," stN TA iW tan will be Thursday, July 14. The complete package which laws. Manchester Drive-In — Cruise. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., open outdoor shuffleboard physical description, FBI numbers, said when the computer is in com­ 1:30-3:454:004:20-10:30 THI ‘t M S S O F M r PLUS includes bus, ticket to races, dinner after the races, and The laws require erasure of "The Boatniks." 7:35: “The HOKTICr games. Noon to 12:30 p.m., lunch served. No bus state police number, Social Security plete use it will be one of the most UA Theater 2 — "Loves of (R) *7118 948 tip to bua driver, is $12,50, Like always, we sign up on a records for a person whose case is Gnome Mobile." 10:00 Benji," 2:00-3:45-5:30-7:15- cartowfestival scheduled for this day. number, a handwriting sample if modern, efficient systems in use in DA Theater 1 — "Heretic." first-come basis and start around 8 a.m. One person can dismissed or the person is found not 9:00 8Th«tANOh4S Friday; 10 a.m. to noon, kitchen social games. Noon to available, a fingerprint class, infor­ the country. He said the new system l:30-3:45-«:00-«:20-10:30 KMSTOI>ORaON sign up for two people only, and we will not sign up over guilty. The records are also UA Theater 3 — "The 12:30 p.m., lunch served. 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., setback mation on specific arrests, warnings is the culmination of two or three UA Theater 2 — "Loves of the phone until after everyone has a chance. destroyed after 13 months for a case Deep,” 1:00-3:15-5:30-7:45- ■“A STM IS MWr gam es. Bus pickup a t 8;30 a.m .” return trips a t 12:30p.m . about the person’s behavior and years of work by a lot of people. He Benji." 2:00-3:45-5:30-7:15- While on trips, we now have a waiting list started for that has been nolled and there have 10:00 M. SMI aw. raaaas and 3;30 p.m. anything else which m ay be pertinent gives credit for instituting the 9:00 Vernon Dne 1 — "Jaws," the Hyde Park trip scheduled for July 7. been no additional charges during* UA Theater 3 — "The for police information. system to former Police Chief Jam es 2:004:15-7:00-9:10 Before that, of course, comes the Boston cruise on that tim e. Deep." 1:00-3:15-5:30-7:45- Reardon and Sartor. Vernon Cine 2 — "Silver Thursday, June 30. ’The bus will be leaving for this trip at 10:00 S tre a ,” 1:30-3:304:30-7:30- 8:30 a.m., so you folks should report at 8. Vernon Cine 1 — "Jaws." 9:30 2:00-7:00-9:10 Pinochle Vernon Cine 2 — "Silver The action here at the center starts with our Streak." 2:00-7:30-9:30 Wednesday morning pinochle games. We had 10 tables a •w Manehaatar Evoning Harald and the winners were; Sam Schors, 633; Olive S u n d ay ^ I X l e s t a b t s This printing test pattern Is ^ Hougbtaling, 60S; Violet Dion, 594; Grace Windsor, 587; TOM ORROW . part of The Herald quality coo- Suiweye eiw hoiktayTEnlmd eithe Paul Schuetz, 585; Ernestine Donnelly, 578; Rene Malre, Store trol orogram in order to give Mmeneewr. Cona ^ owoe eeSe- 575; Ann Haupt, 565; Clara Hemingway, 564;. Arvid you T n e of the finest “ "b Cm* Mwi Mwwr. K GALLON LIST p r ic e ! V SUNDAY , Peterson, 561. newspapers in the naUon. Suggastad Carriar Rates CARTON *38.95 ^ H ours GAYLORD LEMONADE At noontime we had the nurses from the Public Health — Ptytbtt ki AdvtoM I«^«Mi|ITUnp«M.VHW IIF«l«a mUM. ■#!## UUM# chilled pudding with topping, beverage. A. .MTM I^RISHLY* HoneydewsTK? Green Peppers J * Cooked Horn' KICIO I Friday, bean salad, tuna boat, chilled fruit and a ,M TN i 991 9 beverage. ^ Kif#M#o. I#a MAM ompcaumamu *A M 3 f 1 . 4 0 % OFF Tomatoes:^,*49^ CeleryH.»K.. «,«.59’ ROAST BEEF mmuwuic## ^i. *2.29 Schedule for the week ■ t e # Our Reg. Low Prices k • > ■■■• ■ • ' NOVA SCOTIA LOX .t* >1 .99' Monday through Friday: Registration for the Mai j, ... Rockingham horse races. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ALASKAN LOX "•x u .km '..i, Tj.89 A B R IlX .i: Monday; 8 a.m., signing up for Rockingham races. 10 CEILING & WALL FIXTURES K X ) m i BEEF BOLOGNA "t«i,«ucio , ii,*1 .l9 a.m., kitchen social games. Noon to 12:30 p.m., lunch AND SWAG LAMPS 'i jiViCT PQEVIUM U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF LOIN I LONG JOHN FRANKS > ^**1.19 Choose from our large selection of styles for DEEP BASTED Bu TTEPBALl every room; also outdoor fixtures. FARBERWARE FRANKS & KNOCKWURST'^5!!S‘ ,.,i1.29 The Other Broiler Turkeys UMITEO TO OUR PRESENT STOCK: Hostess Coffee Urn Sirloin Steak"*! NO SPECIAL ORDERS. Our Reg. 59.99 Side of CARANDO PEPPERONI mTmJCn!# LI. ‘1.99 Social Security checks | NOT A a STYUS IN Aa STORES. u M id n i3 h t ’'U.XDA. CHOKt - ailF LOII?\ CARANDO MORTADELU'S.'k’K' ***1.59 Our I.LOA. Onla ■ |M« SknMw Batter Dip Breasts PM Lowfatt WtAVat MTTt# 04* LEAN PASTRAMI l**1.49 Prfc# p l e a s e CAUTHEAmE COLONIAL Porterhouse or LONDON Thighs & OrumsticKs PM MLU8UI# PMMS . POUtM lo increase in July FOR TOUR HOUDA Y IN THE SUN FORSCREBJTMES KIELBASA .JSi. SAUSAGE ,**1.39 Brews 3 cun a minute! Capac 1. : 55; SAVE OVER *36 COOKED HAM T-Bone StGok BROIL Party P^ck tAmiuBw ■ o>. *«#, Sea & Ski Suntan Products :»Y0VAC TRAPPED CHICKEN ROLL ,**1.89 A cost-of-living increase crease, average Social stainless steel, no bitter Chicken Franks ••AVM POTATa'MMMOM ICOL#UA« taste. Keep warm feature. Fine Translucent Dinnerware HANn PCRTlOS B'j'T' PORTION • f B 9 • 1 I S •MIMtT in monthly Social Security Security retirem ent 4 OZ. Lotion or 4 OZ. Oil FRESHLY MADE SAUDS U.49*, 8155A 53 Piece Service for 8 S | O S I S ■ a Ls. ^ Breaded Veal Patties benefits will be included in payments to retired Reg.l.79each...... YOURCHOICE MANCHESTER NONTOTKSUY checks delivered July 1, to w orkers will go from $221 MAKES 12 TO 55 CUPS WALNUT CHEESE BALLX'KJ'.x *1.99 Our DRIVE-IN ROUTES 6 &44A OUCRSO* Boneless Shoulder Roast Beef & Pepper Patties MIT LV8«T L#AU . PIIIMtV luca# 10,500 Manchester area to $234 a month. Average PRE-SUN Sun Screen Lotion LOVITT'S tu-ojk. CI80K# • Star Reg. Beef Patties <»• x " lii: COMBINATION BAKED HAM x.‘2.29 residents according to Sal Social Security survivors for Sun Sensitive Skin 4 Boneless Chuck Roqst » 99.99 Anello, Social Security payments to widowed 4oz„ Our Reg. 3.11...... | Shaved Steak Bon^ess Cure 81 Ham > SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE ;JT. ,**2.09 A selection of beautiful patterns to grace *•2.49 manager in East Hartford. U.S.OA. CHOiei U4.0A. CHOICa mothers or fathers with your table; 6-pc. place setting, 5 servers. asiF aoNiLiis a iir aoNiLtu '/4 POUND BEEF FRANKS , **1.29 The increase will amount two children in their care Pan Oceanic Sunsensor C ( Hormel Wranglers tSSn a*1.39 GIFT DEPT. PMOCtU# to 5.9 per cent for most will go from $517 to $547 a Sunglasses, Reg. 7.88...... 9 , 1 TOR RUDE Meat & Beef Franks “HOT” BAGELS »v«iu*u, 12x**1.09 Chuck Steak people getting Social month. Lenses darken in sun, lighten in shade. GEM FRANKS (UNOIRiLADf) SnA K Hormel Beef Franks i Security payments. ’The automatic cost-of-living Adjustable CHILD MILD OR BEEF • 1 . 2 9 mm a s Hormel Meat Franks i MUITM t KAUrr AIDSI Mm ta. provision was added to the Main STREET Window ___ la Beef Franks , MM iuc«a ntmim H u d I Shoirfdirt tMOPPUIIL, Social Security law in 1972. AUTO ACCESSORIES FOR SUMMER TRAVEL COMFORT Screens MUC Ma#T M#> #OU#8U.C##K«a tu. OA* COIKINTtAr# MirOLTUM - "People getting Social Cold cuts*"-*^uuMi.M*.8picco«»'»«^ pit o9* Colonial Franks i ONMHipOQ M LOTION M n at #eTTLi1 1 .7 9 AU MTURAL Security checks don’t have Reg. 2.49 to 3.19 Perri Italian Sausage hot mo iwatr u.'1.f Center Cut Bacon fufm; 1.49 Oleem It Toothpaste 59* to do anything to get the higher payments,” Anello teiwrwiteMeaMeteliagi a4aite«ams* s”u^-^traorant H(«PPLA#iL 79* said. “The increase will be l.tOt.#OTTL# A M H I M ... added automatically." S A v e y ^ Plus 2nd Disney Co>Hlt Hood's ^ COfiONET ^ ' PEnRPAN ^ Tampax Tampons *1.39 Enjoy cooling, refreshing breezes, Gaylord Hl-C ' FOOD MART " The increase is based on OUR REG. LOW PRICES keep bugs out. Adjusl to fit most windows. ICE New Freedom Maxi Pads S i the rise in consumer prices QUINN'S WALT DISNEY STUDIO PEANUT *1.89 ^ nuunueY POTATO from the first three months ALL STORAGE SHEDS General Electric Lemonode DRINKS ITS MAIN D TM ET CREAM TOWELS of 1976 to the first three 60 or 100 Watt ALLFUVOKS BOUNCE ALLFUVONS BUHER CHIPS months of 1977. - TBL. 64»-4166 Foam Backeo IN OUR STOCK GALLON URTON W 9 CANS m COUNT Roa 1! Bug Lite Bulbs 440UNCICAN f OUNCI BAG I FREE**^** I I With the cost-oMlving in­ Nylon Auto ------EXAMPLE------• 1 1 8 I 25’ off . Auto Snack Tray Seat Covers 2-PACK I 88TT88 HOMII 8 SAROInI I dN A MW OX. our 7 I Big 10x7x7 Ft. Shed $ 4 0 0 i o s « * J l a s H l "J l s a » Or Littarbasket Fit most standard, compact and Reg. 169.99...... 1 0 0 maw cvws 3 7 i suraoD I j l i m CROCKII j Our Reg. to 1.69 foreign cars; assorted colors. l!% APPLE JUICE "JSStr 79* YELLOW POP CORN‘S i-99* SEVEN-UP MW#T* MnLU »•„ 99* Ireadytospr^ d ! Break-resistant, corrosion-proof. Reg. or Tower Bucket Type Assembly required. Not all styles in Color repels flying insects; ILL VI#t#T1«l ITAUAM u8k.#OTTL# I SAUDS ! i use near entrances, 800KLIT Available in various colors. Reg. 6.49,7.99...... E a .5 .7 7 I all stores. No Rain Checks. PRESERVES .t:i1 " “■ ® I N A CAT FOOD WISHBONE DRESSING 69* I WtTN PVICNAM #P If Jl ; FR0STIN6S ! WESTOWNI windows, etc. ' COUPON AT POO# AU#T. I I AU PUVORS I SHORTENING ! I tXCLUtlV# OP COUPON w I aiTN TNII COUPON AT S ■ ■ ■ - “-*1.39 ICED TEA MIX ’*pio!*m* *1.28 TOMATO JUICE *S^ 39* tTOAtt. OOOO SUN.. iUN I pooa Au#T. #aoo iun.. | P l-i A R M A C Y PooecLuiiio ILt. CAN I » TN«U SAT.. JULT t liin n | ■ MINI NTNNUUT.. JULY AMIIZ ■ LUMTONacMPMpfli %i|0ri I L LIMir ON# CAN • ON# USUVI OVE8 23 YtA8S OF CONTINUOUS SE8VICEI manchester community college KIDNEY BEANS a 4 “-*1. PORK & BEANS CIMPMU*! 4£!£89* CRISCO SHORTENING *1.49 I PAAULV. I I COUPON P#R PAAMLT. 455 HARTFORD RD. MANCHESTER Spectacular Pre+tdiday Savings on Sporting Goods! HeweaglanHrelays 643-5230 Heinz BAG GAYLORD Scott WoldoH UptM • lo Cd :Y0U« c o m m u n it y HEAITH SERVICE STORE' SAVE 40£ I 20* off 15* off i Our Reg. Low Prices KOSHER PAPER S A V E ^ U o i . . . a m ajor New England athletic event Relishes Bathroom ICED TEA ON A 41OZ. PKO. SAVE SAVE O O o i Our Reg. Low Prices e v e r y c a n d l e SWfCT.HAMtUlie Napkins I FOOD CLUR 11 Our Reg. Low Prices , Our Reg. Low Prices TOMORROWI Sunday, June 26 OtHOTOOe SPEARS PLAtES Tissue MIX BISQUICK j ManchMiar Hlflh School Track nooz-JAR IN COUNT JUMIO RK«. I ICED TEA I I OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF IN OUR STOCK » OUNCIJAR FKO. or M -l" WHITI 4 ROU PACK 4 OUNCI JAR lu m iM iu I SELECT GROUP OF 134 Eaat Middle Turn^ka, Manchaatar, Conn. Reg. 25* to 3.99 • f 2 8 M IX I j IAKIN8 MU .'I RFLES, SHOTGUNS BO W S, A R R O W S , I VNTN TMI COUPON AT OPEN a 9 ° IPOOOMA#T.#OOaiUN.. Pit'! .Y'*l*.f**LfP* .*^ I FISHING RODS I JUN#MTNtUIATHJUiV 11 ARCHERY ACCESSORIES M track and field eveflttM.finals begin at 11:45 AND R E E LS A N D A M M O n o u n fooos s a io u i n an OAur otiunrsi UiiirSimHMW^MaiM UmDS#Ma«!i#iaimDM J ALL DAY •Winchester •Remington 0 0 ^ ^ OFFOurReg. ‘» “ • Olympic athlalM compaUng In sprlni, jumping and ntsn DAtnr oum ni 15 2 Large Selection of Spinning and SAVE 0 0 Low Prices waight throw avanta. • Martin • Other Famous Brands •Tapers. Spirals. Cofumns MOX 0 0 4 AXELROD , , , TABLE TALK ri i Siiincasting Rods and Reels. • Outstanding athlataa from ConnaoUcut, Naw York, VA' BTIII M A SUNDAY POUHD CAKE «««»» y y SOUR CREAM ‘ 1 7 10* o ff to* o ff Many reels pre-f illed with mono. All 22 calibre and high powered rifles, shot­ ALL GUN ACCESSORIES •Vofives .Scented and Maaaaehusatts, Virginia, Michigan, Canada and P#PPi#tO#i PMIM PIESACAKES To'i;K’l?‘ 9 9 guns and BB's; also black powder antique ! ON A M Ot MO. M A H 01. JA* Outers KHa, Shell Belts, etc. Unscented Styles throughout tha NorthaasL LAYER CAKES v*iiniii pamm# *1.19 replica kits. / 43- HAMBURG ROLLS 2K 3 W '1 Not All Styles in All Stores No Special Orders. Limited to Store Stock. • Haw EnglancTs only moot ottering compatitlon In I FOODaUI HUNTS OPEN 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. No Special Orders • Umited to Store Stock FRIED G U M S 84- Limited to Store Stock saparata divisions tor high school, eollago, opan and H0TJ3OG ROLLS 2SS 3 *1 PRIMA Our Staff Is Here 7 Days mastar'a daas man and woman. TOP FROST PIZZA ■• AU VMIITI#! SAUCE A week To Serve Your Family! SHOIsTFilNG POTATOES Vt 49- POT CHEESE «■«•«* iHf gg. FLAKES Alt VARIRTIiS TO SALE: SNACK CRACKERS I! A L L MEDICINAL CHARGE SAT. and SUN 1IDINSSI0II-$1 - FIMLY (up to 5 membere)-$3.- LEAF SPINACH “,?r 3 a s 89- M A ^ R IN E — mL 56- SERVICES AVAILABLE MMCHESTER 78- II^WPON fsawAn-.S P#» PAANiV^^^^J - jj^0#UP#N- PS# . PAANLT. - ^^. STORE HOUM: Sponaored by Uanchtiter Community Coffaga ONV: 10i.m.ta9:}0D.m. Tri-City Slw|i|iiiig Canter Saturaor: S • JR. la t:30 pjR. lUSTMTuniiiikt Sunday: 10 to 4 410 WEST MIDDLE TPKE. MAHCHESftt PAGE FX)UR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Sat.. June 25. 1977 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manch^ter. ContUSat.. June 25. 1977 - PAGE FIVE

iHaurlif alpr HrraliJ Open forum Manchester — A City 9 f Village Charm MANCHESTER Founded Oct. 1, 1881 S&H STAMPS MAKES US PERSONAL Au IMIKMERVICE mayor of Jersey City. the power to summarily dismiss a begin making strides toward go hungry. M AIN ST. GARAGE nothing in the loudest and most WASHINGTON (NEA) - The Several members of Newark’s city federal prosecutor at any time. MANCHESTER It Mm St, TeL HMS31 getting out from under the headline catching way you can. furor over President Carter’s recent council, Hudson County’s police llig iirN M t dismissal of the U.S. Attorney in Dismissed by Carter 643-1900 chief, Atlantic City’s mayor and That’s exactly what Carter did last I Yesterday | Michigan will fade to insignificance dozens of public officials from if the administration proceeds with month to Philip Van Dam, the U.S. smaller communities met a similar Serving Manchester over 50 yn. its dubious plan to replace the attorney in Michigan, after he 25 years ago fate. federal prosecutor in New Jersey. refused to submit his resignation to Showcase Jewelers Trashing the language The Lombard Bros, piggery is . Most of those convicted were During the past eight years, the allow replacement by a Democrat. penQ604 The Florist Saa Ua For charged with violating local and Democrats, but that’s more a reflec­ Would you believe this bit of U.S. attorney’s office in that state During last year’s campaign. the status of a major project state ordinances. tion of the source of most official.cor- 24 BIRCH 8T. • Expert Witch Rtgih * bureaucratese that is making by listing a summary of sub- Handful of voters turn out at had been headed by a trip of men Carter offered this firm pledge; “ All TEL *43-6247 ruption in New Jersey than the federal judges and prosecutors . Estite Jeaelen the rounds from a report by a project status for those sub- referendum and approve school ap­ whose unimpeachable integrity and Republican involvement in the selec­ *43-4444 F.T.D. propriation. should be appointed strictly on the sewage treatment com­ dedication to the prosecution of tion of the prosecutors. projects in the main project.” Seven Rockville men buy Horton basis of m erit without any considera­ I CM B11 MIN CT.. HUHeHCTUR MM767 mission? corrupt public officials and leaders WORLO WIDE Nothing personal, but Mfg. Co. of organized crime has been un­ GOP doesn’t escape tion of political aspect or influence. iB vutiir sonriCE In th# Now “The purpose of this report someone ought to send it back North End voters approve $5,000 matched anywhere in the nation. In fact, Lacey, Stern and Goldstein We can no longer afford to treat the MANCHESTER MALL is to provide information as to for secondary treatment. for sewage plant. Power abused conducted investigations which led to administration of justice as political 10 years ago the indictment of no less than three patronage.’’ tif tr cm Vi far frit By tradition, senators of the This date was a Sunday; The New Jersey secretaries of state, one We won Herald did not publish. president’s party- from a specific of them a Republican. They also state are the most influential in­ Compare that lofty language tw n e ii . Baar packed off to prison Nelson Gross, with Attorney General Griffin Bell’s RiHa Ratfi CanlaMt «HI dividuals in selecting a federal the state’s Republican party chair-i loniNhNL FROM NOW DSTRINSKY uJpwTju prosecutor from that state. And all explanation of why Van Dam was man. too often senators have abused that fired to make room for a Democrat;^ MANGKITHIAWNIM GO Thoughts Now a Democrat is in the White mWlOTCEIITatT. andPIIH* power by making recommendations “We had an election last November^ parker House and the key man in the selec­ T6l66lmi6i4* 10*1 MATERIALS 731 *T. based not on merit but on friendship, and a Democrat won. You can use tion process is Sen. Harrison A. tHMMed IMS Tal. 643-6735 or 643-6679 past political support or bar associa­ your imagination on that.” , The Peittateuch- Williams, D-N.J. He has sent the Deuteronomy tion politics. Independent observers suggest Justice Department a list of seven that Van Dam was good but not tXDttwr d u The Book of Deuteronomy consists But after Republicans gained con­ CM m M S UniOlSTEB CUANmC , MANCtffiaTER NECCHI men, several of them with unim­ great, thus not worth a major fight to of the final messages which Moses trol of the White House in 1968, Sen. pressive backgrounds and none of Maneheiler’t Only Complete Carpet Servieei imparted to his people as he was Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., one of the remind Carter of his campaign I Sewing Machine them as distinguished as any of 14 High OtrMt, rtar Frank"*8 Super Market^ A Community Minded Store I CCNTIN nearing the end of his life. The most distinguished and respected promise. But the administration’s in­ l KPAICS PARTS sum iis for AU MAKCS Case’s choices. Af^n, MANCHEOTER ^ burden of these messages was that members of Congress, began a defensible scheme to dump Goldstein -■ ------We have an ohligation to serve the people of Manchester and surrounding towns. When we rORCiCN A DOMESTIC All U.S. attorneys technically hold Phon#: 646-S630 g Authorised Sakt A Sertke God had been good to them since He search for the best federal could become a national cause say Service from the Heart, it simply means to give our customers one hundred per cent 7 Him: « u.w took them out of Egypt. He gave a four-year appointment, and I Wg Stl! AR f«««ut Irondl prosecutor he could find for his state. celebre. every day of the week. The customer must be satisfied. People must be proud to have a fi “M em kfofBHtteBuglnmM Ryrmu" them civilizing laws by which to live A ■Membor ot Monehettm CAnmAf ofCommetco" Top choices store whose greatest ambition is to be community minded. Our pledge is, “we will never as individuals and as a nation and He "Serving the area tince 1955” I 649-0545 guided them safely during their forty He selected Frederick B. Lacey, SIDE OUNCES by Gill Fox stop trying.” 146 DHOAS tr. MAnCMITia years of wandering in the Sinai who served as U.S. attorney until mw HOMt '. g l f f ) C n c 4u t aiNcaa SiCTim* desert. And if they will remain true mid-1971 when he was elected to a Dot A PalnUng Problam? Wall Halpl WAlUX)V6RINQ to God and to His laws, they will -X-l CABOT STAI»« judgeship on the U.S. District Court. l*J M MMCKSTO, MCHT ON MM STKn GREENS & THINGS SBfvIct Still moans somothlng to us — ond sorvlco moans sponding OLYMPICSTAINS prosper and live long on the land Succeeding him was another man COMPUn RMIM t COnM $0IWI onouoh timo with you to htip you soloci tho right paint finish for that lob which they were about to enter. 249 BROAD ST. eAS-^IDDS you'ra planning. Saa us tor paint and aarvica whan you plan your noil who satisfied Case's demand for out­ L0WC0*TP*INTIM projact. GOLD “1 call heaven and earth to witness standing qualifications, Herbert J. . WHILE YOU WAIT (PHOTO R6ADV) ‘BAND (®)' m n $ CMK • SUinOT • MHO SIMPS “P/oni People this day, that I have set before you Stern. life and death, the blessing and the 4 Stern served until 1973, then also MINIT-MAN PRINTING Are Nice People'^ EM Johnson PAINT CO. PAINTS curse; therefore choose life, that you 140 MAIN ST. • MANCHEOTER • 646-1777 OPEN DAILY 10-6 and your offspring may live; to love moved up to a federal judgeship. His • SEE US FOR ENGRAVED NAME PLATES THUR8. TIL 0 yDur MANCHESTER WALLPAPER A PAINT SUNDAY 11-6 INDEPENDENT the Lord your God, to listen to His equally capable successor was • TRY OUR NEW 3-M iONO COftEM 188 Watt MIddIa Tpka. voice and to cleave to Him; for that Jonathan L. Goldstein, the man who G/f( Certificates Available is your life and the length of your holds the job today. days. (Deut. 30; 19-20) • 0 I a P.1 T\ |•>» Itiiia ai Frank Arnone Storage anJVoffi*" The list of successful prosecutions UUH To choose life, to affirm it and to initiated by Lacey, Stern and Gods- 619-7901 Proofing on aU winter promote it is the eternal call to man. MANOESTER tein reads like a who’s who of the OVER 30 clotnaaiNoLiMNi And the way to life is through the seamy side of New Jersey politics. YEARS EXPERIENCE laws of humanity and morality which MEMOMIIL CO. Grooms Tux FREE Crime’s wbo’s wbo .a Plus Free Ineuranco religion considers to be of Divine 0pp. E u l Cametary caN 649-5807 Special Prom, Cruise and SA. M m a t u m IS a a.a origin. The laws of truth, justice and Among them were Hugh J. Ad- OKN DAILY ID A.III. - 9 P.M. Wadding Rataa. Wm.Thm.aM.'Mir.M. OVALITY HARRISON ST. love lead to life, to happiness and to donizio, a former congressman and ^ .q x '- 37 o a k s t r e e t i- : , MANCHESTER FURS IN COLD STOljaigV^^L^YAULT fHAtP*****^ peace. mayor of Newark; Cornelius MANCHESTER PARKADE 643-9501 MEMORIALS MANCHESTER, CONN. Rabbi Leon Wind Gallagher, another congressman; 1 ,1 “Now all we gotta do Is drive out of here!" € Ah VI 9MM 10 to 9 Weekdays — 10 to 5 Saturday Temple Beth Sholom John V. Kenney, the powerful .i "Oh daArl Ig it hiithand tlm* alrAsdy?" ^ ' | n V PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 25, 1977 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 25, 1977— PAGE SEVEN - :> LOCAL CHURCHES Strawberry B rl«b \ . ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH, CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF festival E. Middle Tpke. Rev. Philip Hujeey, CHURCH OF THE ASSSUMPTION, putor. LATTER-DAY SAINTS, Woodside St. & Adams St. at Thompson Rd. Rev. Andover Hlllstown Rd. Wendel K. Walton, bishop. Edward S. Pepin,, pastor; Rev. Paul is conducted Saturday Mass at S p.m.; Sunday The state Department of Masses at 8:30, 10:13 and 11:30 8:30 a.m.. Priesthood; 0:30 a.m.. Trlnque. GOSPEL HALL, 413 Center St. Seminary; 10:30 a.m., Sunday School; 3 Saturday Masses at 5 and 7:30 p.m.; Transportation’s Office of p.m.. Sacrament Service. The Community Baptist Church 10 a.m., Breaking bread; 11:43 a.m., Sunday Masses at 7:30,9,10:30 and 11:45 Highway Safety has ^ven PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 43 a.m. Strawberry Festival last Sunday a ^,750 grant to the Town Sunday School; 7 p.m., G oa^ meeting. was the first event in celebration of Spruce St. Rev. Art Kay, moderator. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES, 728 N. of Andover for purchase of ST. BRIDGET CHURCH, 70 Main St. the church’s 25th anniversary year. All Stop & Shops 0:13 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m.. Main St. a heavy-duty rescue tool. Rev. John J. Delaney, pastor. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher Jr. are William J. SUck, Rev. William J. Worship, Nursery provided; 7 p.m.. In­ 10 a.m.. Public Bible discourse "God’s The project will provide formal Worship, study and fellowship. KiUeen. Way Is Istve"; 11 a.m., Group discussion general chairpersons of the anniver­ rescue personnel with the ST. JAMES CHURCH. Rev. James Saturday Masses at 3 and 7:30 p.m., of May 13 Watchtower magaxine article sary committee. Mr. and Mrs. An­ capability to extricate auto Open Sunday Archambault and Rev. Francis m school auditorium; Sunday Masses at "Get Out From Under That Pretty drew Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. accident victims who are 7:30, 0 and 10:30, in church; 10:30 a.m. Krukowski, co-pastors; Rt. Rev. Msjp-. Tree!" William Gilroy chaired the Edward J. Reanlon, pastor emeritus. trapped in wreckage. and noon in school auditorilum. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Strawberry Festival assisted by Mr. Saturday Masses at 3 and 7:30 p.m.; SCIENTIST, 447 N. Main St. 9am-s pm FULL GOSPEL INTERDENOMI­ Sunday Masses at 7:30, 0, 10:30 a.m., and Mrs. Donald Booth, Mr. and Mrs! Bolton NATIONAL CHURCH, 743 Main St. It a.m.. Church Service, Sunday School Horace Brown, Mrs. Nicholas noon, and 3 p.m. for pupils up to the age of 10, care (or Rev. Philip Saunders, minister. Derewianka, Mrs. John Fletcher Jr., The to w n ’s su m m er 10:30 a.m.. Praise, Worship Service UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHUR.CH, very young children,, subject of the recreation program will 183 Woodbridge St. Rev. Robert Baker, Beth and Jan Gilroy, Mr. and Mrs! and Bible study for all ages; 7 p.m.. lesson-sermon: "Christian Science,” run from July 11 to Aug. 10, pastor. Bruce Green, Mrs. Kenneth Harley! ^ aneslTM tiL . I Deliverance Sendee. golden text from the Bible, "Sing, 0 Registration will be on the pwttwu *' I 10 a.m., Sunday School classes tor all Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johns, Mrs! FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, Orange heavens; and be Joyful, 0 earth; and first day of the program. ages; 11 a.m.. Worship; 7 p.m.. Prayer; Richard Kingsley, Mr. and Mrs! Hall 73 E. Center St. Rev. James break forth Into singing, 0 mountains: Details will be announced - 1 ^ Beliasov, pastor. 7:30 p.m.. Evangelistic Service, public For the Lord hath comforted his people, Walter Macllvain, Mr. John invited. soon. 0:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m.. and will have mercy unto his afflicted.” McClain, Mrs. Henry Robert, Mrs. ST. JOHN’S POUSH NATIONAL Officers of the Bolton Worship Service; 7 p.m.. Evening Ser­ Isaiah 49:13. The Christian Science Wayne Sechrist, Mrs. William Smith! CATHOUC CHURCH, 23 Golway St. PTO for 1977-78 are vice. Reading Room, 968 Main St., is open to Mrs. Robert Youngs. — - - - Rev. Walter A. Hysxko, pastor. Michelle Cavanagh and CONCORDIA LUTHERAN the public Mondays through Fridays from The first service at Community Stop&Shop ^ ^ Stop&Oiop SunOw : 9 a.m.. Mass In English; 10:30 a.m.. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and the first a ^ third Ulle Clark, co-presidents; CHURCH, (L.C.A.), 40 Pitkin St. Rev. Baptist was held in the former Harry Burton D. Strand, Rev. David W. Rinas, Mass in Polish aid English Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 except Mary Lou Lemaire and SALVATION ARMY, 641 Main St. iLemonade^ co-pastors. holidays, a free public lending library is England home on E. Center St., Sept. Jackie Cassidy, co-vice 6 ounce can iM istardill Sodai. & 8:30 a.m.. Holy Conununion, Church Capt. and Mrs. Arthur Carlson, corps of­ maintained. 14, 1952. A church dinner and special Yrtlow or Spicy Brown Z8oi.Nn.BoW- ficers. presidents; Gretchen Frozen 9 o unce jar nog.orDM.AoM.Fmon School from Grade 10, Nursery for small CENTER CONGREGATIONAL anniversary worship service will be Wiedie, treasurer, and 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:45 a.m.. MdSMl.June26-Sal.Ju»r2. C I O . Jm 4 chlldroi; 10 a.m.. Holy Conununion, CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF held in the fall to commemorate this Susie Sigmund, treasurer. _ .imoneiMpercvtioner. C I C • ' " ^ 5 t-uMoneM pe*2«*SM. Juf I GoodSuA Jww}*-SM.J\>r2. 0 1 A ning Worship; 7 p.m.. Evening Seiwice. 9 a.m.. Holy Communion, Nursery for 'ia un*iontb*gpt'cu8ioi*6i to «« our cuUomgn. wo (ootfvo tho (IgMIo iiTM uloi fo ttwoo^kigoi »l any Uom ouopt wfioro otharwHt 9:13 a m., Christian education (or all 6:30 p.m.—Judge’s Hours, Probate ta a 12:31 WaMa4l4pM42U4 M M a 1 1 1 piU 44141 Itta M a 14 7. M UMb IM IN ta P iM ir rwtod Rtmi ofterod tor »aio not avaiiabto m ca>o ton or to othoi doaion or whototatort. ^Copirright 197/ try Stop 1 Shop Suprmarkoti A> nehU totorvod- NM issue will wind up in the courts. ’The grace is sufficient for you, for my 2 Ibal M b 1-1 Ih p C h M iiS ’p S f roaponitoiB tot typogtaphicAl oriora ages; 10:30 a.m.. Service of worship. Court. CNUiKH OF GHMST ta M i 3 1 4 pall S21N M ic b 4 4 4 piU M244 Saparfaab 1-14-1 piU 4274424 students claim that prohibiting their power is made perfect in weakness’. Lydall and Vernon Streets M kcb 4 11 SNlN 7 iM a 444 piM 4444.44 477BMM4:2iM CMkr*i SMi U: * * 1 M he IbaWtab b , Phone: 646-2903___ TriMk 4S4 pM N 7IN M M L tlM J lS M h i a .V? PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat., June a. 1OT7 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 25, 1977 - PAGE NINE (standingtj Reggie Jaeksou ^ Chris Evert ‘froze’ Last night’s softball New England Relays National____ I League r ___— __ NIKE East Making every hit count. W L Pet. GB before latest W in Walnut Barbers whipped ICs now official Chicago 32 22 .662 - halts Sox skein WIMBLEDON, Annie when she stepped Sportsman Tavern, 16-4, $373,440 centennial “Next year, no non-realdenlB will be allowed to par- boasts excellent field Pittsburgh 36 29 .554 7 Wimbledon Cham­ onto the famous center last night at Nike. John NEW YORK (UPI) gonna get a hit or England (UPI) — Phila 36 30 .545 7W homer of the season and tieipate in ihe Silk City Slow Pilch Softball League,” something to make your pionships, but admitted; court in front of a capacity Quinn had three hits and By EARL Y08T Two former Olympians St. Louis 36 31 .537 8 — Reggie Jackson, drove in thre runs and Lary Chris Evert, the Carl Silver, program director for the Manrbe»ter presence felt. I couldn’t Sorensen recorded his first “When I got on court I, crowd of 15,000 and the John Ragna, Tom Nash, Reereation Department announeed yesterday. Sports Editor of a year ago in the triple New York 29 38 .433 15 $350,000 per year Florida tennis watchful eyes of millions -Top events- have picked a better major league victory on a felt suddenly nervous. I' Doug Downham and Tom “Non-residents have led to a deterialion of the jump are Max Peters and Montreal 28 37 .431 15 superstar, sat on the machine, is human of TV viewers. All roads will lead to Kollowing lire the srhrduled limes for some of the time.” four-hitter. Jamie Quirk was sick to my stomach for Morse two apiece for league since the rule was invoked seven years ago. Leroy Solomon, both with West bench while the after all. "I was nervous to go on Memorial Field’s kev Siinduv Iraek events. Graig Nettles walked to had two doubles and a the first one or two games. Walnut. Quinn and Ragna Men are playing in several leagues arid on some the star-studded LeMans W L Pet. GB center court for the first Yankees opened a open the 11th against single in Milwaukee’s 15- The seemingly ice-cold But as soon as I heard the homered. Dave Carlson nights teams here have had to play without their ser­ Wigren Track for team of New York. Los Ang. 46 23 .667 - time, but as soon,as I 1:10 120 yard hurdles crucial set with the reliever Ramon Hernandez hit attack. Milwaukee se­ queen of Wimbledon con­ had two blows for vices. track and field buffs Records are bound tq Cincinatti 35 31 .530 91k s ta r ts to play it was okay. 2:03 220 yard run first-place Boston Red and moved to second when cond baseman Don Money fessed Friday she "froze” Sportsman. “ I'm eonvineed the rule has to he ehanged,” Silver when Manchester topple as this year’s field is San Fran. 31 39 .443 15 I wish I could do it over,” 2:30 100 yard dash brok- an American League when she faced her image said. without question far Houston 30 40 .429 16 Sox Friday night. Wimbledon said Austin, who gave the Community College 3:35 440 yard run record for assists with 12. of eight years ago in the ^ ...... INDY The Silk City League has allowed each entry the superior to last June when San Diego 31 42 .425 17 That’s a very expen­ cham pion a far m ore presents part two of 3:30 .Mile, run Twins 7, While Sox 6 shape of Tracy Austin, the crowd shouting for 'h'acy I Scoring aarly and use^of not more than five non-residents on a roster. 750 athletes took part in the Atlanta 25 44 .362 21 Am erican 1 testing 40 minutes than the the New England Field events sive way to keep a Larry Hisle drove in five 14-year-old Califonian wanted to win very badly.” holding on. Bob & Marie's two-day meet. Friday's Results bench waim. -League-.-/ prodigy. score would suggest. got past Nassiff Camera, 9- Relays Sunday star­ Post en tries Will be Chicago 5, New York 0 runs to boost his major Austin, the youngest 11:30 ■ Pule vault “Reggie had his eyes The 22-year-old defen­ She had the encourage­ 7, last night at Nike. Larry ting at 10:15. 12:1.3 - jump accepted today but Sun­ Atlanta 9, San Diego 5 C league-leading total to 70 player to appear at In the nightcap. Blue ding champion beat Austin, ment of winning the Quintilliani had three hits Standings dilated yesterday and he the veteran left-hander and Lyman Bostock Wimbledon in the 100-year Moon got past Vito’s, 8-6. Sixty four events are 12:30 • Javelin day's field is closed. ( 10) 6-1, 6-1, to join six other opening game, but once and Bob Henry, Barry couldn’t even read the was called for a balk. snapped a 6-6 tie with a history of the world’s Rick Nicola and Pete Bez- Rec staged with the heart of the 1:30-Shot pul ‘ The last event Sunday is Los Angeles 3, Cincinnati numbers on the wall,’ said Mickey Rivers was walked Americans in the last 16 of Evert settled into her Silva and Tony Quintilliani W. L. 1:43 • High jump scheduled at 4 o’clock. 3 solo homer in the eighth as oldest tennis tournament, zini each had a pair of schedule starting at 1 Billy Martin explaining intentionally and Jackson, the women’s singles in the rhythm, Austin’s lack of two apiece with the latter Turnpike TV 7 1 2:43 • Triple jump Race officials are Pittsburgh 6, Montreal 5 Minnesota moved one looked like Little Orphan blows for Blue Moon while o'clock. why his moody slugger was who remained in the game experience proved fatal. homering for Pizza. John Thrifty Package 6 I 3:(M1 - National Height throw hopeful that last year's ( 10) game ahead of Chicago in Tom Botticreg, Art Today, at 1 o'clock, the benched. after his ninth-inning Austin had four break Howroyd had three hits Norton Electric 6 2 attendance at Memorial Houston 6, San Francisco the Western Division. Rod Warner and Bob Young Connecticut AAU 12-mile Well, Reggie had no appearance, ripped a fast points all told, but failed to and Clay Hamel and Steve Rockwell Int. 4 3 Field of 1,500 will at least 5 (11) Carew had two hits to up each had a pair for Vito’s. championship and a three- weekend for track Connecticut and UMass problem seeing the right ball to the wall on one hop. follow through on any of Howroyd two apiece for Hartford National 3 5 be doubled. St. Louis 7, Philadelphia his average to .396. mile run will start the long followers. Today s races will compete. Jacksbn again played the Foyt involved them in a match dotted Nassiff’s. DUSTY 2 6 field wall in the 11th inning Blue Java 5, Orioles 4 Beliiveau Paint start and finish at the MCC There are many New ^ Today’s Games with long rallies. Staving off an eight-run when he almost knocked it silent scene in a happy Roy H ow ell’s bloop DeMolay 1 6 campus grounds. England AAU champions Montreal (Brown 4-5) at down with an RBI single Yankee dugout when “1 knew she was very REC seventh inning rally. North Jim's Arco 1 6 More that 1,000 athletes listed and a half dozen single in the ninth scored good so I’m not disap­ Pittsburgh (Rooker 5-5). that gave the Yanks a reporters wanted tojtnow in race feud Behind a 14-hit attack, United Methodist trimmed E a s te r n have forwarded signed en­ former Olympic team Alan Ashby from second as pointed, but I should have North End Fire, 13-10, last Los Angeles (Sutton 8-2) come-from-behind, 6-5 vic­ why he didn't start. Toronto snapped a four- Norton Electric tripped W. L. tries for the two days in­ members, including four gotten a few more games I night at Robertson. Jim at Cincinnati (Fryman 2- tory over Boston. Jackson “If they (Martin and game losing streak and Demolay, 12-6, last night at Looking Glass II 5 2 cluding a num ber of from the 1976 Games in 5). photo by Pinto) think,” said the 90-pound Lapenta and Paul Moyer was inserted in the ninth as Paul) ditki't tell you then I handed Baltimore its sixth MT. POCONO, Pa. (UPI) - A feud brewing Keeney. Ed Kurlowicz had Tierney's 5 2 'name" stars from both Montreal, New York (Zachry 3-8) schoolgirl from Rolling each had two blows and a pinch hitter and was can’t comment,” he said straight setback. Dave between six-time USAC champion driver A.J. three blows and Ken Postal Employes 5 3 the United States and Leigh Priestley at Chicago (Burris 8-6). with a shrug. “I’ve learned Century victory noted Hills, Calif. “She is a lot Bruno, Wayne Rogers, Bill Chappell tripled for 4 4 mobbed by team m ates Lmanczyk went 8 1-3 in­ Foyt and Citicorp Services racing director Fred Personal Tee several foreign countries. represented the USA in the San Francisco (Barr 8-5 stronger and the ball com­ Wally Pocius and Don Methodist. For the 4 4 after the hit. that much. If you'd live in nings before giving way to Dean Machine The top male and female '72 and ‘76 games in the 220 and McGlothen 2-6) at “During the game the my waters for a week The 100th baseball win by a Manchester High Stecher threatens to break into opn warfare. es heavier. But I have had Hensley two apiece for Hosemen, Andy Santini Second Congo 4 4 performers will receive Mike Willis. Reliever Fred a lot of fun. I have never and 440 and Al Lomotey Houston (Richard 6-6 and doctor came and looked at you’d understand why.” baseball team coached by Harold Parks, right, Stecher’s firm makes the USAC. I resent him telling Norton. Eight different had three hits and Russ MCC Vets 4 4 Christie McCormick Holdsworth took the loss. seen so many people come was in the 100 and 200 Andujar 8-4), 2, N him (Jackson) and then In other games, cash awards to top drivers players had one hit each Benevites, Tom Davis, BA Club 0 8 trophies, named after the Royals 3, A’s 0 this season was acknowledged by the me how to behave without to watch a match.” m eters a year ago in San Diego (Shirley 6-7) Gabe (Paul) spoke to Cleveland bopped Detroit in the USAC championship knowing the facts. I don’t for Demolay. John Jenkins and Dave Vi o m e n 's R ec father of the Relays. Home runs by John Manchester High Booster Club. Here, Bill Evert was full of praise Canada competition. at Atlanta (Messersmith 4- Reggie”, said Martin. 4-2, Milwaukee clipped division point standings, a like to get hassled. If Fred Koski two apiece. W. L. Track clubs from New Mayberry and Gorge Brett Hayes, club president, makes presentation of for her opponent. Weightmen Al Hall and 3), N. “Gabe then called me and Seattle 7-1, Minnesota fact Foyt couldn't care less is looking to get out of CANDLELIGHT Tikey Painters 6 1 York, Virginia, supported Dennis plaque to Parks marking the occasion. (Herald “ I was really impressed, Bob Backus have six Olym­ Philadelphia (Carlton 9- said that he could bat if I edged Chicago 7-6, Toronto about. sponsoring USAC, then I'm Outhit 19-15, Holiday W OMEN'S REC Elks 5 2 Massachusetts, Michigan, Leonard’s three-hitter and particularly with her pic berths to their c r^ it. 3) at St. Louis (Forsch8-4), really needed him. We nipped Baltimore 5-4, Kan­ On the eve of Sunday’s the goat.” Lanes had the runs for a 14- Twenty-six hits were EH Racquet Club 5 3 Toronto and relay teams second shutout of the ground strokes,” the cham­ Hall, with four, will be N. really needed him.’ sas City blanked Oakland 3- Pocono 500 mile auto race, Foyt explained that 10 win over Crispino’s last turned into a 32-1 rout by B&J Auto Repair 5 3 from Pennsylvania, Boston season. The A’s lost their pion said. “I was a little defending his National One out away from 0 and Texas topped Califor­ Face leaders zone leader next both parties brandished Alexander told Rutherford night at Robertson. Jim the Elks over SBM last LaVallee Doors 2 6 University, UConn, Central American League seventh game in eight out­ tough on myself because I AAU 56-pound weight defeat, Willie Randolph hit nia 1-0 in 10 innings. verbal weapons over fiery not to move over in the Balesano had three night at Cheney. Ann Savings Bank 0 8 Bob Bark us Connecticut. Southern Al Hall East ings over which span they really did not want to lose throw with Backus the top a fly ball to the gap in left Imliana 4, Tigers 2 issues. safeties and John Wiggin, Kvadas and Maurzen D u slv W L Pet. GB have averaged less than Phoenix race as Foyt made the match to Tracy. I was opposition. center that Carl Andre Thornton raised Stecher said Friday he is Mike Mistretta, Al Noske Mackiewicz each had four W. L. Boston 41 26 .612 - one run a game. his move to lap his fellow not just playing her — I Yastrzemski seemed to his season batting average Legion, Simsbury considering withdrawal of and Craig Pepin two apiece hits, Donna Mlodiinski North United Meth. 6 1 New York 38 31 .551 4 Rangers 1, .\ngrls 0 Texan. was playing a lot of misplay into a triple. Roy against Detroit to .444 and sponsorship because of for Lanes. Mi e Crispino three and Maureen CBT Blue 6 2 Cleveland 33 31 .516 6Vk Ken Henderson’s two-out "When I’m being lapped people.” Houston happy White followed with a two- hit his fifth home run and Foyt’s improper behavior I always move over " Foyt and Mike Coughlin each Schoefield, Simone Suburban Floors 5 2 Baltimore 35 33 .515 6Vk homer in the top of the 10th in 6*6 deaillock In today’s action, Jimmy run homer into the right drove in his 12th run at race tracks this year. had three hits, Mike Riccio Calhoun and Dot and Dotty Trash Away 5 3 Milwaukee 34 35 .493 8 broke’ up a scoreless said. “Fred nver knew Connors takes on Stan Herald angle field upper deck to tie the against the Tigers as There was reference to homered and singled and Brindamour two apiece for North End Fire 3 4 Detroit 29 37 .439 11 Vi struggle and handed Frank what it was all about. You Smith in an all-American score. Cleveland won its ninth Manchester and Simsbury played to a 6-6 Foyt's grabbing Tyelr Brian McDermitt, Dave the Elks. Dot and Dotty Angels 3 5 Toronto 25 41 .379 15Vi Tanana his fourth loss ol know, I hate to se people repeat of last year’s fourth “ I was way overdue,” straight. Jim Bibby, Alxander, Johnny Ruther­ Nibbs and Gene Riccio Brindamour homered. Vittner's 2 6 West 7-4, the season against 11 vic­ inter-zone American Legion baseball stalemate crying all the time. It takes round clash which Connors Earl Yost Pro hockey said White, “and the first fired an eight-hitter to beat ford’s crew chief, after the each had two blows for Robin Bryant had two Belcon 0 7 W L Pet. GB tories. Adrian Devine, whe last night at Eagle Field. the fun out of racing.” won in straight sets. Crispino's. safeties for SBM. Cundleliglil pitch was right there. Fernando Arroyo, 5-5. relieved Gaylord Prry Phoenix 150 last March and In an unusual gesture to Sports Editor Minnesota 39 30 ,565 - Manchester’s next start W. L. Chicago 37 30 .552 1 When you're going so bad Brewers 7, Mariners 1 after the eighth, picked up is Sunday afternoon at 5 at-bats for Manchester in- the booing Foyt got here air his side of the storyx E A ^ iR N Moriarty's 11 3 Texas 33 32 .508 4 you wonder when you’re Sal Bando hit his ninth the victory. against Zone Eight leader eluding a double and Thursday when he Foyt spent 45 minutes dis­ war to end Seven runs in the 10th in­ Crispino's 11 3 dilplayed making his Kan City 34 33 .507 4 East Hartford at Shea homer. Furlong had two cussing the situation with ning lifted MCC Vets past qualifying attempt until Soccer Blue Moon 10 5 Calif 32 33 .492 5 Park. Bruce Ballard, 3-0, hits and Livingston also reporters and explaining Personal Tee, 17-10, last CHICAGO (UPI) — The champagne flowed in about 30 minutes before the Pero's 8 5 Oakland 29 37 .439 8\k gets the mound assign- two. Manchester stole six that “I've done nothing night at Nebo. Ron Dicker- the Houston Aeros front office at the news the deadline. Multi Circuits 6 8 Golf course tops Seattle 32 42 .432 9Vk Seesaw finish Leaders ment. bases with Furlong a wrong. man and Jim Silver each World Hockey Association might be merged "Foyt is a leader and a PEE WEE EAST Blake and Robb Goehring Holiday Lanes 6 9 Friday's Results Simsbury got two runs in defensive standout at se- “He's (Stecher) mad at played best for the had four hits, Barry "The course is in absolutely beautiful condition. It's a hero in sports,” Stecher Bob Monaco had two Gus’s 4 11 into the National Hockey Lague in time for next Toronto 5, Baltimore 4 Batting the third on a two-run Rick cond base. me because I wouldn't put Rockets. Stearns, Bob Klatka and pleasure just to walk on it.” That’s the way Gene Davis seen in Western said. “And that presup­ goals in leading the Indians Vito's 1 3 season. New York 6, Boston 5 National League Duffy homer, one in the his Citicard decals or wear Standings: Oceaneers Rich Lachapelle three described the conditions at the Manchester Country Gub. poses he’ll behave in a to a 2-0 win over the Chiefs (]|iurler Oak The details of the merger merge with the In­ Minnesota 7, Chicago 6 AB H Pet. fifth and one in the sixth his patches," Foyt said. 5-1, Stings 4-0, Comets 3-2, apiece and Russ Mace and No greater compliment could be paid Ken Keliher and his gentlemanly manner.” last night. Hank Stephen­ W. L. plan announced by newly- dianapolis Racers of the Milwaukee 7, Seattle 1 Trillo Chi 229 81 .354 for a 4-0 edge. But “Heck, I said at the begin­ Matadors 3-3, Wings 3-1, John Kearney two each for crew. The course greens superintendent has drawn OAK BROOK, 111. (UPI) - A see-saw finish Foyt, who refused to son played well for the In­ Man. Oil Heat 6 2 nothing but praise from club members since arriving on lected NHL President John WHA, that Vancouver of Cleveland 4, Detroit $ Parker Pitt 263 92 . 350 Manchester, as the ning of the year I wasn’t dians and Larry Deptula Sounders 2-3, Astros 1-3-1, X the Vets. Bruce Hender­ was th best prediction today for the third round carry the Citicorp decal on running for his cham­ Highland Park Mkt . 5 3 the scene several years ago...Anita Murphy has stepped Zigler were inconsequen­ the NHL might engage in Kansas City 3, Oakland 0 Mmphry St.L 150 51 .340 previous night, rallied and Matt Morris for the Apollos 1-3, Spartans 1-3, son, Tom Chisholm and of the Western Opn at Butler National Golf his No. 14 red Coyote at In­ pionship." Jaycees 5 3 in as interim manager of the Manchester Racquet Club tial, Aeros Vice President another merger, and two Texas 1, California 0 (10) Simmons St.L 222 74 .333 from behind. (!:hiefs.------Rockets 0-4-1. Jim Rossillo each had dianapolis, took exception Citicorp is part of the Farr’s 4 4 while pro Jack Redmond is in California...Retired Harrison Vickers said. oher teams from the NHL Tuday's Carnes Club. Griffey Cin 276 91 .330 The Post 102 entry ALUMNI JUNIOR Carl Skoog scored three three hits and John John­ to Stecher’s charges organization that, puts out Annulli Const. 2 6 Swingers at the Manchester Country Club saluted Earl "We will qualify for the and the WHA might com­ Cleveland (Fitzmorris 2- Only three of the 156 67, soared to a second Luzinski Phil 221 73 .330 knotted it in its half of the Army & Navy- won its goals, Mike Chirgwin two MIDGET NORTH son two for Tee. Henderson against him. First National City Klock Co. 2 6 Ballsieper this week when Wednesday's weekly tourna­ Stanley Cup playoffs and bine. 4) at Detroit (Fidrych 4-2) players who started th round 73 but held third Templtn St.L 264 85 .322 sixth with four mns. Pete first of the saason, nipping and Terry Rothman one as Bill Masse scored three homered. Kiro and Frank Livingston Morlarty Juniors, 8-7, last “The man’s a damn fool Traveler's Checks, hi a S ilk Cil> ment was dedicated in his honor. Ballsieper reached his our players will qualify for But Racers oprations Boston (Tiant 5-5) at four-day event on the 7,032- place with 140. The first Foster Cin 246 79 .321 the Cosmos blanked the goals and Gary Wood one W. L. the NHL All-Star game,v’ yard par-72 course could singled and Dave Blake night at Cheney. For the and a liar,” Foyt said in revengeful move, Foyt Fast pitch 85th birthday June 13 and June 2 he noted his golden an­ Manager Brian Conacher New York (Torrez 7-6) day co-leader, Bruce Valentine Mtl 244 78 . 320 Tigers, 6-0. Todd Lukas and as the Cougars out­ Bogner's 14 2 he said. “And all I can say better par on both of the reached on an error with winners. Bob Lebreux, rebuttal. “I’m an indepen­ said, he had just contacted niversary as a member of the Country Gub. Jack Lamen- said he was optimistic the Chicago (Knapp 5-4) at Lietzk, took an 80 for a 147 Bonnell Atl 157 50 .318 Joe Mistretta played well distanced the Falcons, 4-2. CCGKL Allied Print 9 7 is it's the best news we’ve first two rounds. Kiro scoring. Ken Brasa Chris Pennington, Joe dent contractor and have American Express zo, who headed up the program, said a full Swinger Indianapolisteam would be Minnesota (Zahn 6-5) .Vnieriran League for the winners and Jim Mark Coulter and Jim Formal's Inn girls' team Fogarty Bros. 8 8 ever had.” included in the new divi­ They were the midpoint singled to right plating Demeo and Dan O’Brien nothing to do with his con-, Travelers Checks for spon­ membership, plus Club President Nick Carlo turned out Texas (Alexander 6-4) at AB H Pet. Zotta for the Tigers. MacGillvary scored for the upped its record to 3-1 with Glenn Const. 6 8 A merger would end a sion. laders at three-under-par Livingston with Blake win­ each had two hits and Mike tract agreement with sorship of his car. to honor the man who plays golf five days a week. California (Ross 2-4) Carew Minn 275 109 .396 Standings: (Cosmos 4-0, Falcons. an 8-3 duke over Sue Ann’s Frank s Mkt. 5 10 five-season battle for “I believe there are 139, Tom Watson with 70-69 POA ding up at third. Blake and Oleksinski homered. Chris Ballsieper is the only men in Country Club history to win Kansas City (Colburn 8- Bostock Minn 246 85 .346 Tornadoes 4-0, Brewers 4- of Madison last night in Reed Const. 3 10 hockey supremacy that and Andy North with 69-70, Brasa then successfully Young and Jim Ferrari every major Men’s Division title at least once - Club more pople locally in­ 7) at Oakland (Norris 2-2) Fisk Bos 230 77 .335 1, Wildcats 3-2, Stars 2-3-1, Rob Maltempo and Chris Madison. Shirley Adams F e lin e Championship, Governor’s Cup and President’s drained talent pools, terested in seeing us in the Toronto (Garvin 7-5 and and 23-year-old Phil Han­ Bailor Tor 209 70 .335 pulled off a double steal for each had two safeties for Lncers 2-3, Tigers 1-2-1, In­ Diana scored as the Toros hurled a seven-hitter to W. L. boosted player salaries and cock, in fourth place with total, blowing his lead on a the third Manchester mn Moriarty’s. Little League Cup...Reed Construction entry has been dropped from the NHL than in the WHA,” he Byrd 0-0) at Baltimore Dade Clev 160 53 . 331 dians 1-3, Chiefs 1-4, shutout the Hawks, 2-0. gain the mound triumph. David's 8 0 generally was viewed as 70-71-141. six-hole stretch in which he and Howie Furlong's Silk City Softball League membership. said. “The question is, will (Grimsler 6-3 and D. Mar­ A.Woods Tor 160 53 . 331 Meteors 0-5. Chris Cavanna was best in Mary Neubelt had a triple Moriarty Bros. 8 2 diluting the quality of play Gary McCord, who clutch two-out single Credit Union and those pople come forward tinez 6-5), 2 went seven over par with Singleton Balt 205 67 .327 defeat. and three RBIs and Lisa Crispino's 5 5 in professional hockey. shared the first day lead at two double-bogeys. chased home Brasa with Liggett’s played to a 4-4 tie AMERICAN AMERICAN FARM Cobb new A.D. to bring it'to reality?” Seattle (Wheelock 3-4) at Poquette KC 179 58 .324 PEE WEE WEST Standings: Metros 5-0, Tilden two RBIs for For­ Tommy's Pizza 2 6 Zieglr’s plan calls for the tying mn. last night at the West Side. Glenn Dubois had four Pounding out 18 hits. Vickers’ wasn't worried Milwaukee (Haas 4-4), N A similar see-saw hit Washingtn Tx 159 51 .321 Dennis Foreman and Toros 4-2, Hawks 4-1, Suns mal's. 0 10 Congratulations are due Dick Cobb, named director of consecutive hits, Jim Kib­ Scruse Paint formation of a WHA Divi­ about reality. After lear­ almost everybody else in Yastrzm Bos 242 77 ;318 Simsbury went ahead in Paul McGuskey had a tri­ Police & Fire belted John Tiilison scored as the 3-2, Warriors 2-2, Falcons athletics yesterday at Manchester High. The former ble and Jim Fralliccardi sion next season, including ning Thursday of the NHL the field. Bill Mallon, after Fairly Tor 192 61 .318 the top of the seventh on a ple for Credit and Mike American Legion, 20-3, last Eagles blanked the Flames 2-2, Cougars 2-1, Olympics SENIOR GIRLS False report three-spoii standout at Manchester High and Virginia two apiece and Todd night at Buckland. John at last six of the nine teams governors' decision to kep a first day 68, slipped to a bases-loaded single by Bill Falkowski had two blows 2-0. Dave Mackey played 2-4, Chieftains 0-4, Stallions DALLAS (UPI) -- The State succeeds Dave Wiggin who resigned. The latter had Whaler chances ^excellent' Mathews homered leading Little, Manny Merisoris Trader World pounded now in the WHA. Within the Cleveland Barons 78. Chi Chi Rodriguez and Sentence delayed Walsh but the locals for Liggett’s. Ligget well for the winners and 0-5. out 23 hits in trouncing Dallas Cowboys said held the post at Illing and Bennet Junior Highs as well. two years, Ziegler said, a alive, the Aeros manage­ HARTFORD. (UPI) — The chances are Bob Murphy were 69-78, Al knotted it in their half on a pitcher Brian Galligan Police & Fire to a 10-1 win and Joel Tinney each had MINNEAPOLIS (UPI)- Corey Carter, John Wein- Veal's, 26-5. Janet Bidwell Friday they had been Each school will have its own D.A. next season,..Non­ complete realignment of ment decided the NHL was “excellent," according to the New England Whalers Geiberger 69-77 and Frank two-run homer by Kiro fanned nine while, his over American Legion last four hits, Wes Willett, John JUNIOR EAST residents will not be eligible to play in any local Rec- A judg.j Friday postponed night at Waddell. Skip baum and Mike Meister for had six hits, Lynd Tsapat- bes-.iged by telephone NHL divisions would be expecting an influx of management, that an NHL-WHA merger is just Beard 69-76. over the right centerfield counterpart Scott LaBrec Tice and Jaques Tardlff the Flames. Standings: Raiders 4-1, sponsored softball league next season and the tax-paying sentencing of Minnesota Zienkowicz had three hits saris four and Leslie callers all day wanting to completed. The final money and signed their top around the comer and the Whalers will be one of Mike McCullough missed fence after a walk to Ray had seven strikeouts. three apiece for the Diplomats 4-2, Yankees 3- know if Heisman Trophy loop hole in current regulations is also slated to be Viking Jim Marshall on a and Russ Smith two for Caouette homered for the details of the merger were draft choice. those teams merged. the course record by one GUha. winners. Tardiff had two Derron Rosano scored 3, Cyclofles 3-2, Racers 1-4, winner Tony 'Dorsett of scratched...Timely book arrived on the desk this week charge of carrying a gun Legion. Winning hurler Antiques. Joan Vallone had expected to come at a July Vickers said players not “I think there will be a merger provided we ap­ stroke with a 66 and tied Manchester had oppor- homers and Tice one. Greg twice and Robert Jordan Earthquakes 1-4. Pittsburgh had been killed titled “Red Sox Forever.” More on this fine book by without a permit until after Rob Roya fanned seven. two hits including a homer 13 meeting in Toronto. picked up in the merger prove,” said Howard Baldwin, managing general the record for the last nine tunites to win it in the ( Softball ) Anderson doubled and and Jimmy Kltsock once in a car accident. Ellery Clark, considered Boston’s top historian, another the 1977 football season. for Veal’s. "No details have been might be the object of a partner of the Whalers. “I would say there is an with a 31. But he had a first seventh after Kiro’s homer Kevin Buckingham and each as the Jets shutout the day...Ray Bidwell of 52 N. Elm St. recently scored a hole- I worked out on anything dispersal draft or an auc­ excellent chance of that happening, judging by what round 76 and the 10-stroke and in the eighth but INTERNATIONAL Mike O'Rourke played well Lions, 4-0. Best in defeat in-one at the East Hartford Golf Club...List of top 10 SENIOR GIRLS Behind a 13-hit attack, except the idea of the tion. I’ve seen. swing left him at 142 for Garner ready couldn’t break through. In for Legion. were Gary Novak, Mike hitters in the American League contains the names of Johnson Paint downed the Lawyers upset the separate division in which The cost of entering the “Within the next week or two it will be decided. fifth place. Tom Weiskopf the eighth, Gliha reached Personal Tee, 19-7, last Morianos and Sean three Red Sockers, Carlton Fisk, Carl Yastrzemski and four of their top teams Five o’clock this morning we arrived at the agree­ to break jinx Oilers, 21-7, last night at NHL was not revealed shot a 69 after an opning 75 on an error and Kiro night at Martin. Karen Completing a suspended O’Donnell, Jim Rice...By the way, whatever happened to Rico would then participate in ment. The two committees were working on it. Our Leber Field. The Oilers, Friday because, Zigler for a five-way tie at even- PLYMOUTH, Ind. (UPI) singled to right center with Wright had four hits and game of June 15, Police Standings: Eagles 5-0, Petricelli as a major league player?...Candlelight Soft- the playoffs,” Ziegler said. players are in line (on the subject of compensation) now 11-2, were charged said, the WHA teams are par 144. — JoAnne Camer is out to Gliha going to third and Debbie Lu* and Nella and Fire downed American Devils 4-1, Flames 4-1, ball Tournament will be staged July 16-17,-23-24 at and they (the NHL) are close to getting it in line. with eight errors. Jamie “ T h ere would be no still being asked for their "it was a wild day, ” break a jinx. Kiro to second on the Leigher two apiece with Legion, 12-10. - Winning Apaches 3-2, Jets 2-2, Lions Robertson Park...Date for the annual Jimmy Fund soft- regular season play “We’ll be playing in our own division, which is Cullen had three hits and reaction, stimates ranged McCord said. “The trees The LPGA’s U.S. Open throw. The throw was wild the latter homering for hurler John Tinney 2-3, Bears 2-3, Kings -3, ball promotion at Fitzgerald Field is Aug. 16...Current good to build up rivalries, and then compete for the Ken Rohr and Dean between the divisions this as high as $3.2 million but a protect the fairways from champion has triumphed 17 and Gliha tried to score but Johnson. Lisa Shea and struckout 15. Tardiff had a Bulls 0-4, Bruins 0-4. issue of Sports Illustrated has an interesting feature on year.” Stanley Cup. I’m very excited about the prospect of Gressman two apiece for more likly figure is the wind and the grass times on the women’s pro was thrown out at the plate Stacey Markham each had homer and single and Tice Manchester's Larry Lisciotti, world champion billiard being in the NHL. The WHA division will probably be the 7-7 Lawyers. Dave The offer of entry for six somewhere in the $2 drops straight down and golf tour, but she has never as the Simsbury hurler two hits and Vicky Mobley tripled and singled. For MIDGET SOUTH champion winning jlO.OOO in one match...New England's WHA teams brought sp- one of the toughest.” Dougan had two of the million range. you look at the green and won the same tourney two backed up the play nicely, tripled for Tee. Legion, Tim Grabowski Jim Patrick's goal gave premier track and field meet for men, women and culation as to which teams Baldwin also affirmed that the Calgary Cowboys Oilers four safeties. “It's an expensive oppor­ the flag is twirling around years in a row. Duffy had four hits in ____ had three hits and Mike the Matadors a 1-0 win oyer children will be the Relays this afternoon at the Com­ would be left out of the new would not be included In any merger agreement. tunity,” Conacher com­ and around the stick. The She is out to change her four trips to the plate for Personal Tee bested Oliver tripled. Ron the Sounders. Angelo Mor- munity College and Sunday at Memorial Field...Have a division. It was spculated “That (Calgary being excluded) is fairly safe,” he NATIONAL mented, “but it’s the only wind was really swirling, luck this weekend in the Simsbury and three RBls. N a s s iff’s, 14-7, la s t Jaworski, Peter Moore and son and Ken Sampson were nice weekend. said. A six-run third frame that the troubled Cleveland one I can see in the swirling, so you try not to $50,000 Hoosier (Classic. Kiro had four hits in five Tuesday. Mark Zikus played well. best in defeat. Barons of the NHL might foreseeable future.” make to many mistakes. I lifted Moriarty’s past Ed's earner won here the last Arco, 10-5, last night at just tried to keep it in two years and went into Tad Gembala scored as play." Buckley. Mike Pallein qpd the Stings blanke the today's second round with Paul Hohenthal each had Legion nipped Modern A comparison of scores a one-stroke lead. She Murphy-Kennison win Janitorial. 9-8, last Rockets, 1-0. Steve with par showed the wind two hits for the 13-2 Michaud played well for fashioned a four-under-par winners. Ned Wells had Tuesday. effect. In the first round. 20 68 Friday, climaxed with a the winners while Rob John and Dodgers beat Seaver, 3-2 to net mixed doubles two of Ed’s three blows. players were under par, 20-foot bifdie putt on the eight in the 60 s. Friday. 12 18th green. Team of Monica Murphy LaBrie-LaBrle 6-1, 6-1; NEW YORK pitched a shutout at Mon­ six-hit pitching of Rick were under par and three and Ed Kennison captured Steve Garvey got the Gary Matthews in the 10th perfect game with a single She had seven birdies but Freitag-lverson def. Atkins- (UPI) The Cincin­ treal in his first start with Reuschel and Wiiiie Her­ in the 60's. the Lipton Mixed Doubles Dodgers two runs in the to'give the Braves a vic­ that touched off a four-run double-bogeyed the par 5, Doucette 61,61; McDermott- the Reds and, for the first nandez in leading the Cubs “The wind was west or Tennis Championship McDermott def. Lewis- nati Reds thought they first inning. They pushed tory over the Padres. Vic eighth inning, singied home 479-yard 10th hole when she time during their two-year to victory over the Mts. north," Watson said, staged at the Manchester Whitaker 62, 6-3; Molumphy- had a pat hand with across what proved to be Correll tied the game Phil Garner with none out drove out of bounds, and reign as world champions, in the 10th inning to give The Cubs’ triumph, "instead of out of the south Racquet Gub as part of Molumphy- def. Boggini- Tom Seaver, but the the winning run in the sixth dramatically with a pinch- she bogeyed No. 6. Schlillng 6-4, 63. the Reds entered a crucial on another Russell single, the Pirates a victory over coupled with or southwest like it was "I was very happy to get National Tennis Week. Los Angeles Dodgers .scries with the best pitcher hit two-run homer ^ fo re Philadelphia's ioss, Second Round - Daigle- a walk to Reggie Smith and Matthews started the win­ the Expos. Twitcheii did Thursday. And they made off the golf course,” she The twosome won by Anderson default over manchester ended up with the in baseball on their side. not aliow a baserunner un­ boosted the Cubs lead to the pin placements said. "I hit terrible. I default against Dave and But Seaver, prhaps un­ ning rally. Kermode-Kermode; Murphy- tnm a card ia Teouny GurilinalH 7, I’hillicH I til Robinson singled to lead seven games in the NL tougher." checked all the fairway Martha Molumphy after Kennison def. McCurry- nerved a bit by the stan­ East. "The winds came up and winning the first, 6-3, JohiL National Two-run singles by Keith off the eighth, but the lots,” referring to her Wiggln 6-3, 6-1; Freitag- ding ovation he received .\Hlnm 6, Giunia 5 I didn't know what to do," losing the second, 4-6. Seaver, making his first Hernandez and Mike Tyson Pirates railied -for four being all over the 6,228- lverson def. Sulllvan-Haslett from the sellout crowd of League Jose Cruz singled home McCord said. “Some of the yarcl Plymouth Country The winners are both 6-0,62; Molumphy-Molumphy start for the Reds in River- highlighted a five-run first 51,864, was not at his best a single by Rick Monday. runs in that inning and tied Wilbur Howard with one pins were cut close to the Gub course. members of the Bennet def. McDermott-McDermott front Stadium, was inning rout of Jim Lonborg in the first inning, and the the score with a run in the out in the 11th inning to hazards so you had to play Chako Higuchi, the lithe 6-2, 62. expected to get second Besides, the Reds that carried the Cardinals Junior High varsity squad. Dodgers took advantage of couldn’t cope with Johns ninth. give the Astros a victory safe." Japanese who won the Results ■ First Round - Semifinals - Murphy- place Cincinnati off to a to victory over the it by scoring twice en route sinkerball, a pitch Reds’ Culm 5, MelH U over the Giants. Bob Wat­ ven Hancock, making his LTOA championship two Kermode-Kermode, bye; Kennison def. Anderson- T ‘ rousing start to make up Phillies.Eric Rasmussen Dalgle 60, 6-0; Molumphy-’ to a 3-2 victory which Mhnager Sparky Anderson Jerry Morales singled, son was the hitting star for first official start on th weeks ago, and four other Daigle-Anderson def. Wilson- ground on the first-place boosted their lad over the went the distance for St. doubled and tripled, scored Wllson 6-0, 6-0; Murphy- Molumphy def. Freitag- Dodgers during a four- insisted was not quite as the Astros, twice tying the tour, commented, 'vThe golfers trailed Camer by a Reds to 9 l/2games. Ix)uis on a five-hitter. twice and drove in two runs single shot with 69s. The Kennlson def. Marshall- lverson 6-0, 6-2. Finals game weekend seris. kosher as it appeared. game with clutch hits and wind was gusting a lot. I Murphy-Kennison def. f I’irulea (», E*|m»h 5 Marshall 6-3, 6-3' McCurry- 248 SPRUCE STREET A walk to Davey Lopes, a BrawM 0, I’uilrcH K to support the combined batting for the cycle for the guessed at what to hit and I others were Sandra Bums, center Seaver, acquired from Bili Robinson, who broke Wiggin def. Marksmarks 6-3, Molpmphy-Molumphy 63, 4-6, single by Bill Russell, an first time in his 11-year guess I'll guess Saturday Signa Quandt, Sally Little the Nw York Mets June 15, Junior Moore smashed a up Wayne T w itchell’s 6-1; Sulllvan-Haslett def. default. infield out and a single by two-out double to drive in major league career. too." and Laura Baugh. r’ f PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Sat,, June 25, 1977 j i A^j^UESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Sat,, June 25, 1977— PAGE ELEVEN H i p W tn ttd 13 H i p Wtnttd 13 Homtt For Sth 11 Homot For S tlo 23 Homot For Safe Tentative okay given Nation^al Weather Forecast * " ...... " H o m m 7 l 8 1 t ...... 23 H ^ 7 m 8 t m ...... 23 OPENIM MANCHESTER - Newer 6 ANSALDI BUILT ExceUent 7 NEW^LERSHIP Room Colonial. 1 fuU, and 2 Room CblonUl + FuU base­ O P E N H O U S E half hatha. Fireplace, ment rec room. FIrepUce, for more rental units S h e H e r a l h aluminum siding, appliances, enclosed porch, patio, exrtra SUNDAY 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. TOLLAND V.W. carpeting and more. $43,900. Urge 2 car garage, pUatered 326 PARKER STREET CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Blanchard & Rossetto, waus, fuU attic, oak flooring, The Manchester Housing Authority has The additional 22 units include 10 one- Innvltwlng For Realtors, 646-2482. Uvlng room and family room received tentative approval for an ad­ bedroom units, 5 two-bedroom units, 4 W H m m waU to waU rug. Large lot, ditional 22 rental units under the Section 8 three-bedroom units, and 3 two-bedroom ANDOVER : Four bedroom city utUitles. EUceUent condi­ PU TS MOL Ranch. Completely insulated. tion Uuoughout. Muit be seen federally subsidized housing program, ac­ units in a building with an elevator. New kitchen, fireplace, game to be apprecUted. Four years cording to Louie Hunter, administrator Ms. Hunter explained that a separate PHONE 643-2711 V. SERVICE MGR. room, oversised garage. old. Mahin School DUtrict. for the program. category is needed for the units with an FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD _ SERVICE ADVISOR Possible 6 1/4% assumahle Owner transferred, anxious to Ms. Hunter said the authority applied elevator because those apartments have a mortgage. $38JM)0. Offers In­ sell. Charles Lesperance, caU vite. O m e r. 742^15. 649-7620. for 25 units and recently received notice higher fair market rent. One apartment FACTORY TRAINED MECHAMCS INDEX iMiti rntniAiKon from the federal department of Housing building with an elevator in Manchester ADVERTISING OFFICE PERSONNa MANCHESTER - Five room and Urban Development (HUD) with the has expressed interest in participating in N O TICIt p u — H * fntarvfawa Waif., Thurt., FrI. Colonial. Central location. tentative approval for 22 units. the program, Ms. Hunter said. 1 — Lott tnd Found RATES City utilities. Aluminum 3 — Ptrtontlt IW Ewi l/«*J—» storm windows, enclosed Houaahold Goods 40 AiVeloa tor 8alo 41 The additional units, if approved, will The Housing Authority still has to sub­ 3 — Announctmvnta TIRE'— porch. $29,900. Hayes Cor- Now nearing completion this charming 7 room add to the present 90 units that HUD sub­ mit more information required by HUD as 4 — Enttrttinm tnt 1 diy — lit word por day 5 — Auctions 3 doyi ... 10« word por day TOLLAND VOLKSWAGEN poraUon, 6464131. aluminum sided Colonial situated on large treed lot form a l d in in g Room set. unwf«Mi>OMXAU« DARK LOAM - 5 yards, $32 sidizes. Of the 90, 77 units are rented un­ well as make out the annual contribution e dayt .... go word por day ROUTE |S3, TALCOTTVILLE has many outstanding features, such as a large Pecan wood, eight chairs. plus tax. Gravel, fill, washed FINANCIAL ze dayi .... aa word por day $30,900. SIX Room Cape. der the program, Ms. Hunter said. contract, which will be a five-year con­ 0 — Bonds-StochS'Mortgtgot KkOO A.M. - SdN) P.M. fireplaced living room, spacious eat-in kitchen with GUssed hutch, 84" table with sand and stone. 6 4 3 -^. 9 — PtrsontI Lotnt IS wordi $2.00 minimum Heatolator fireplace, enclosed She said there is a list of 177 applicants tract with HUD for the program. Happy Ada ...... $Z.30 Inch For period ending 7 a.m., Sunday, June 28. During Satur­ appliances, 4 bedrooms with wall-to-wall carpet, t®® or l>e»t offer. 10 — insurtnct porch, large lot. Good buy. 6494520. AIR TEMP, air conditioner. waiting for the housing subsidies, in both Ms. Hunter said she is not sure how long day night, thundenhowers will be exected throughout moat Hutchins /^ency 646-3166. and much more. Priced at $54,900 and worth it. But EMPLOYMENT of the Northeast and the mid-Atlantic statei. Moatly fair S1840 B.T.U. condition. elderly and nonelderly categories. it will take to get final approval for the un­ 13 — Htip W tnttd FIRST CLASS Engine lathe COVENTRY NEWS don’t take our word for it ------stop by Sunday and BEDROOM SET. Excellent Five pair of Cheney Blue its. 14 ~ Busmtss OpportunitiM weather is expected to dominate the remalndw of the nation. Correspondent wanted for Uie MANCHESTER - Duplex. see for yourself. condition. Includes triple 15 — Situtlion W anltd operator. Able to set and taffeta drapes. 643-70M. Minimum readings include: (approximate maximum operate blueprints. Apply in Herald. Experienced BeautifuUy redecorated. Cen­ FINE raOPERTIES Messer, mirrors, nlghtstand, trally located. 2 car garage. DIRECTTIONS; North on Main Street to East Middle EDUCATION temperatures in parenthesis) Atlanta 70 (88), Boston 60 (78), erson Triumph Manufac- preferred, but not essential. WITH ACREAOE Turnpike, east on East Middle Turnpike headboard, highboy, CLOSING OUT My Booth at 10 — P rivtit Instructions ClUcago 68 (87), aeveland 60 (72), Dallas 74 (91), Denver 86 tring Co., 55 Elm Street, Night meeting coverage Separaate furnaces. $48,9D0. boxspring and mattress, local Flea Market! 19 — SchoolS'Cisssts S Century 21, Jackston-Avante, » BEAUTIFUL MT. SUMNER • 6 to Parker Street, then north on Parker 20 — Instructions Wsnttd FM M HIt (86), Duluth 57 (86), Houston 77 (91), Jacksonville 74 (91), Manchester. required. Coventry resident room exciting Contemporary ^ ^ l l y 11200, asking $550. Everything must go! 50% Two murders baffle desired. CaU Doug Bevins at 646-1316. Street to home, Kansas Qty 70 (86), Uttle Rock 74 (02), Los Angles 64 (75), (dramatically appointed OFF! B i C Flea I^rket, cor­ r e a l e s t a t e ACTRESS SITTER WANTED - 16 or 643-2711. throughout) on 3 picturesque ner Hartford Road & Pine 23 — Homts t(}r Salt Miami 77 (88), Minneapolis 63 (18), New Orleans 63 (— (, BOLTON - New Listing! 24 ~ LotS'Land lor Salt CELEIRATES New York 85 (78), Phoenix 77 (104), San Francisco 52 (77), older. Nights while both acres. Street. Friday 6 to 9, Saturday 25 — investmani Proparty 30ttl RIRTHDAY puents work. Monday Uuu RNs & LPNs - Looking for a Unique and exciting 6 Room □ MISC. FOR SALE 4e Sunday 9 to 8. The Connecticut police 26 — Busmtss Proparty SeatUe 52 (77), St. Louis SO (91), Washington 68 (83). challenge and high pay? We Contemporary situated on 3 Friday. Live In 5 daya, or own ZINSSER AGENCY Carberrys. For further infor­ 27 — Rasort Proparty To JQ acres. Custom designed. • 7 ACRES WITH A MOST unique 20 — flaal Esiata Wantad transportation. Beginning are a new Geriatric b Mental mation, call 568-5311. From p e rtR a qail Oioice Mt. Sumner area. CaU 3 bedroom Contemporary Artlelaa for 8alt 41 By I n itrd Prr»s> In lrrn a liu n a l Monday, June 27Ui. 875-3206. Retarded FaclUty. Iiiunedlate Ranch. Private setting with in- relationship between the slayings. MISC. SERVICES ADVERTISING Connecticut poiice today are baffied by openings for part time 7 to 3, Suzanne or Arthur Shorts, 646- ground poo), bam and pasture. LOMART POOL Filter - D.E. Miss Freer was last seen about 6:30 31 — Sarvicas Olfarad fuU and part time 3 to 11, plus 3233. J. Watson Beach Co., m - S MLS alum inum sheets used as 32 — Painting.Paparing DEADLINE CLERK TYPtST Poslton 6 4 6 1 11 type, 3/4 h.p. motor. Used the murders of eight-year-oid Renee Manchester Office, 647-9139. printing plates, .007 thick, p.m. Wednesday night when she delivered 33 ~ Buiiding-Contractirtg Help WantMl available. For a busy non- 11 to 7 Supervisor. Contact 23x32”, 25 cents each or 5 for only one year. Call 643-6003, Freer in Monroe and a 5fryear-old widow 34 — floolmg-Sidmg 13 H i p WanlMl 13 Equal Housing Opportunity. • FOR THE LARGE FAMILY. home-grown strawberries to a neighbor. 12:00 noon the day before roflt health agency in Mr. Atlas for confidential ap­ SI. Phone 643-2711. Leon Rivers, After 4 p.m. in nearby Shelton. Police said Friday an 35 — Haating.Piumbmg publication. pointment, between 9 and 4, 1971 custom Contemporary with Her mother, Mrs. Felicia Freer, told 36 — Flooring Siebron. 6:30 to 5:00. 10 spacious rooms. 6 private Asking |75. Deadline for Saturday and NEEDED - An experienced 27^1060. EAST HARTFORD - 6 Room autopsy showed the youngster died from 37 — Moving-Tructting-Sloraga ExceUent typing and spelUng acres with inground pool and MANCHESTER - First home, police she and neighbors began a search of 30 — Sarvicas Wantad No4> HTanM 13 Monday la 12:00 Noon Friday. Bindery machine operator. RN’S - LIEN'S older Cape. City utilities, BEDS, BUREAUS, Lamps, two massive blows to the head from a required. (!!aU Hartford 2Sf largp bam. spacious and in good condi­ Convenient To G.E. 4,000 B.T.U Carry Cool the neighborhood about 8 p.m then notified Hartford Bindery, 2M Main minutes from the highway. tion. Dining room, garage. jewelry, glassware, kitchen air conditioner, $75. IVo win­ large rock. Her body, clothed in a blouse MISC. FOR SALE 3273 for an appointment. Manchester Center sets, sofa, secretary, chairs. poiice about an hour later. 40 — Household Goods Street, Hartford. 522-4174. All shifts. Part Don’t miss this buy. ^,900. Nice residential area. Only dow fans, humidifier, all in and shorts, was found by police in a STEADY WORK - Reliable, • CUSTOM 1974 STONE & Vinyl Lovely well kept older Used-A-Bit. 679 Main Street, The blood-stained rock believed to be the 41 — Articles tor Salt bard worker, who wants PLEASE READ WANTED - Ebmerienced lathe Century 21, Jackston-Avante, $34,900. East Coast Realty. excellent condition. Clail for 42 — Building Supplies IMEIIE STILL OROWINr sided Ranch. 7 spacious rooms, 2 East H artford. 289-8480. wooded area near her home at 10:20 p.m. steady employment, good in­ RECEPTIONIST - Busy den­ tinie or full time. hands. 50 hours. Paid 646-1316. 528-9868; evenings 646-7603. home. Seven rooms, details, 289-5243. murder weapon was turned up in a search 43 — Pets -Birds* Dogs YOUR AD tal practice in Manchester. baths, Perma-Glass windows, modern bath plus extras. Tuesday through Saturday, 11 Wednesday night, about 3 l/2hours after of the area off Williams Drive and Hatter- ■ — Livestock come. Qill S X ttn t between 9- hoUdays. ExceUent insurance ‘IMENEEir central vac, bam, and 20x40 in- to 5. 45 — Boats & Accessories Public contact, appointmenta, Pleasant working benefits. Metronics Inc; MANCHESTER - Prime loca­ ground pool. 10 gorgeous open MANCHESTER - Cozy three At $38,500 a great buy. she was reported missing by her mother. 2 only. Claaaiflad ada are takan over Part Hi m lonHoriol aupwr- Building Bupplitt 42 town Road, and was sent to a police 46 — Sporting Goods tba phono aa a convanlonoa. phone, bookkeeping, patient Route 6 & 4IA, Bolton. tion. Immaculate 7 room acres. bedroom Cape. Fireplace, for­ 47 — Garden Products viaor, eveninga ter 18 X 33 EH)OL. Five years, The girl, who lived with her mother and a laboratory. The Herald la raaponaibla for linances, light typing. conditions. Garrison. Fireplaced Uvina Builders Own Heine 48 — Antiques NOW accepting applications Maneheeter araa. Salary mal dining room, $36,900. East good condition. New skimmer younger brother, was a third grade stu­ 49 — W a n ta d to Bt^y onfy on# Incorrect Inaartion and Requirements; Maturity, EXPERIENCED FuU Time room, new kitchen, 1 1/2 NATURAL STONE for State police joined Monroe police and for full tune employment. eommanaurala with • CIRCA 1691 SALTBOX. 11 chaf- Coast Realty, 528-9668, 643- Eit;ht Roeni Cokmial and pump. All accessories. dent at the Stepney Elementary School. In then only to tha alza of the poise, 2 years office Benefits. Appiy in Sales clerk, for permanent baths, family room etc. Dead ming rooms, 3 fireplaces, well 9969. retaining walls, veneers, used bloodhounds to search the area for RENTALS Call 52M880 between 9 and 1 Three bedrooms plus Some rust. Best offer. 228-9617 orlglnai inaartion. Errora which experience. Four day week. '" n In M anchester axparianca. Muat hava end street. CaU owner, 649- maintained and modernized, patios, etc. Pick up by the Shelton, the body of Mrs. Janet McKenna, 52 — Rooms tor Rant only. do not laaaon tha vafua of the nursery, 2Vk baths, living after 6. clues. 53 — Apartments (or Rant Some Saturday’s. Salary person. Vernon vahida. 1677. No agents. $53,900. excellent b*level bam. Qtarming pound or deUvery by the ton. who lived alone, was found at 7:15 a.m. advartiaantant will not be cor- S store. 5 day week, MANCHESTER - Reduced The discovery of Mrs. McKenna's body 54 Homes (or Rant negotiable. Sena Resume to Uitu Saturday. Apply CaH village location with ItW roomy four bedroom Dutch, room, dining room, and Bolton Notch Stone Quarry, Thursday in the driveway of a residence 55 — Business (or Rant VEHICLE MECHANIC • No ractad by an additional Inaar­ beautiful acres. 649-3163. tion. P.O. Box 289. Manchester. Manor. Call Mon- in person, Shoor Jewelers, 917 MANCHESTER • Older Two treed lot, extras. $40’s. Ehist large family room with was reported to police by Shelton aider- 56 — Resort Property (or Rant eiperience required. Current CDEML SERVICES MGl Family, S/S, aluminum on Shelton Avenue. Medical Examiner Dr. 57 — Wantad to Rant Main Stm t. Coast R ealty, 528-9668. fireplace, first floor laun­ man Willard Nicholas, who operates a ser­ 649-5334 exterior, city uUUttes. Needs Oscar Rople said an autopsy showed she 50 — Misc (or Rant 2iu^‘,"paid‘’i?2iSSS; S b .... 1 dav through • NORRIS PRENTISS Evenings, 648-7603. dry, central air con- Dogi-OIrdi-Pata 43 vice station on Shelton Avenue. He said a reqiiired^iSSM 17-35. . l^|Uon-Hon^Mper/Com- MAINTENANCE Supervisor - some work, $39,900. Century DESIGNED Rambling Cape. 9 diUoning, rear porch plus had been stabbed to death. The bodies AUTOMOTIVE 21, Jackston-Avante, 646-1316. customer who pulled in for gasoline saw 61 — Autos (or Sale CaU U.S. Army at 843-9482. panion for male, in exchange Frhtay, 9 to 4 p.m. Large Health Care FaclUty rooms. 2 baths, 3 fireplaces. many other features. 31x78 BURGLAR ALARM with DOG-CAT BOARDING were found about five miles apart but 62 — Trucks (or Sale 13 tor room, board, small salary. Peaceful 7Mi acre hillside setting the body directly across the street in the Nalp WaiilMf aeeklng a full time COTWitnr Nm LMIns foot two story barn with 3 Uebt, carry In pocket or purse, bathlng/groomlng. Obedience police said Friday there appeared to be no 63 — Heavy Equipment (or Sale Excellent references. Write Mr. Maintenance Supervisor. MANCHESTER - 34 bedroom with bam, fenced pastures, fruit driveway. 64 — Motorcycles* Bicyclas VOICE INTERCEPTOR - No TEXAS on. Company needs CIRCA 1748 SALTIOX carriage bays. Beautifully laeal for hunters and protection classes. class* Complete Box C, c/o M anchester General knowledge and skiUs Colonial, 1 i/2 baths, garage. trees, brook and pond site. 65 — Campars-Trailars-Mobila experience required. Current person M/F over 40 for landscaped with fruit and campers. Gives out a loud modern facilities. Canine H o m e s Herald. 8 7 1 -0 3 8 5 of mechanical nature a must. Large deep, private lot. N em training openings. Good M T i-m rs exclusive Industrial sales some redecorating. $35,000. Completely renovated and In nut trees. 28 blueberry alarm. Only $3.00. 0. E. Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon — Automoinra Service salary, paid training. Ehilist- We offer exceUent benefits, territory. No relocation. We • FABULOUS ENGLISH excellent condltloo. 7 rooma, 4 G ig u ere C o., Box 205 Road, Manchester. For reser­ 67 — Autos (or Rant-Laasa Century 21, Jackston-Avante, COUNTRY SETTING. Spacious bushes under wire. 674,900. Governors vote to close A m NURSES A K S NOW accepting applications - , and a challanMe for a lireplacea, random width ment required. 17-35. are an expanding AAA-1 firm 6 room, 2 ^ bath residence with Buckland Station, vations please call 648-5971. For full time employment. I candidate. Meadows 646-1316. hardwood floon, carriage shed, Call U.S.■ ■ Army ■ i at 6^»1-9468. COMPMKMS establishM since 1933. We all the luxuries. 27 private acres Manchester, Conn. 06040. Call 672-4515. Equal (Oppor­ BABYSITTER Wanted - Convalescent Center, 333 stooe walla, stone patloa. Meet at­ Under Constnictien offer full fringe benefits. with large pmd, inground pool, WANTEDD - Good home for a Needed to provide nursing services tunity Employer M/F. Three days per week. Nine M ANCHESTER - Con- tractive setting. MUST BE POWER GENERATOR BldweU Street, Manchester, Liberal commisaidas w i^ op­ paddle tennis court, bam. In B olton Springer Spaniel. Good bouse rivite homes and medical year old boy. Your home or dominlmun - fn o bedrooms, SEIENII Call Suzanne or Arthur □ NOTICES Equipment Operator - No 6474193. portunity for advancemoit. Four bedroom Dutch dog. Telephone 646-2161. NERCOM office in Brussels Mties. CUSTODIAN - mine. 75 cents per hour. CaU rec room, central air. Kitchen Sbods, 646*3233. M C FLEA MARKET experience required. Current Conaideration given to Experience, For personal Interview write Colonial, four bedroom 210 PINE STREET •••••••••••••••••••••••••• part time, 6464738. fuUy appllanced. Pool, tennis, • 174 VALUABLE ACRES with 8 DIGBY, Nova Scotia (UPI) - New both the deferred vote and the resolution training openings. Good refereoccoEdavBaodbours-4to ev en in g s. a letter and teU me about Omv li IvtfiN H. Machnlv LHAPSO ALPHSO -1 male, 1 Lost tnd Found 1 £) hours available weekly. Live-in Manchester area. CaU tU - club house facilities. $35,500. room twin chimney (circa 1770) J. WATSON BEACH tXL Colonial, both have family OPEN 0 TO • SAT. $ SUN. England governors have defered voting on because he said it singled out part of the salary, paid training. Enlist­ coftipaniooi also needed. Malprac­ yourself. W.S. Fall, Sales Colonial. Authentic restoration rooms and two car gar­ year. 1 female, IVh years. ment required. Ages 17-35. 5691, 2 to 6 p.m. SARAH COVENTRY ci- ;ury 1 HanehMlw OMo* t47-l1*i ''$omtlA/ng For Eforjfono" Excellent family dog. tice coverage, bonding, and tabllahlna new branch. Manager, Southwestern 1316. almost complete. Open fields ages, large lots. Fir iMkr Vcri lus«uU» Cal a resolution that would have supported a Carter energy plan, instead of treating it LOST - Black Scotch Terrier. workingmen^! compensation (p d M iiW M r Reasonably priced. as a whole. Wearing flea collar only. ______Call U.S. Army at 643-9482. Openings for sales people. C A R R e Petroleum, Box 789. Ft. plus much valuable timber. 924-1$3S portion of the Carter administration provided. BILLS UNPAID? Vacation Worth, Texas 76101. E.O.E. We also have a good Morning! or Evtnlngi Housebroken. 646-5886. unthinkable? Don’t be un­ Full or part time. No in­ VERNON - New Ustlna. Huge energy plan deleted by the House Ways Gov. Meldrim Thomson of New P«rt • 18TH CENTURY SALTBOX selection of Two Family iUB INSStSTMICE nerved. Avon Representatives vesting in samples. 6694196. 4 bedroom Colonial. Formal homes of various designs, Outdooc ap*e* Axllabl* Fw COCKER SPANIEL Pupa - and Means Committee last week. Hampshire, although not present for the ...... P***‘ IKEDED ROOFERS AND Roof dining room. Family room. 2 handsomely restored with tender MANCHESTER - Gean, weU Tlw Sumnw Month*. Phon* of Northoastom make extra money in their Helpers. Apidy In person. Jon- loving care and no expense Only two left! Call 528-8dM 6 The governors also voted Friday to close P ononolt 2 LIVE MECHANIC ^ fireplaces. Hardwood floors. kept two or three bedroom location, and prices. We S24-1BM For .FurUiw Inlor- vote, made his opposition to the resolution commission. No ^^;iJ!ll!f experience Connoctlcut, Inc. spare time. Pay those bills - far Kor Compa^, 199 Strong spared. 66 acres with extensive a.m. or 5:30 p.m, AKC the Brussels office of the New England clear before leaving the meeting. uke that trip. Interested? Experienced in air con- Secluded, professionally, Cape in quiet residential area. can give secondary finance ,m*Uon... ______necessary. Will train. Call us 357 Boat Cantor SL Road, South Windsor. road frontage includes 32 acres New roof, lovely yard with or will trade for single registered. Both parents. Regional Commisson (Nercom), saying The NERCOM Brussels office, original­ RUSSELL’S BARBER Shop - at 5 8 9 ^ . CaU 523-9401. diUonlng, and tranamisiiona Bsfisdkt Dilvs landscaped lot. Asking $76,- of mature apple trees with Good temperament. Will be closed for vacation Manchootar, CL on GM cars. FuU benefits. 900. Century 21, Jackston- exceUent yield. garden. Sm this imique Home. homes, building lots or the experiment in international trade ly opened to attract European investment South Windsor $39,900. East Coa» Realty, SERGENTS 8 oz. Cat Flea July 2. Will reopen July 12th. WINDOW WASHER Wanted - 643-9515 NURSES, RN/LPN - Several Contact Chris Scranton, OTV Oulnott Opportunltf 14 Avante, 645-1316. land. FREE KITTENS to good promotion failed. in New England, recently lost its director Get that haircut this week. 9145. 528-9668, evenings 6454621. Spray, 75 cents. 2 oz. Flea Must be experienced, and permanent openings for oU • MAGNIFICENT (CIRCA 1722) home. Four weeks old. The commission voted, 4-1, to decide and is now operating chiefly as an informa­ SMALL ENGINE Service MANCHES’TER - Prestigious Powder, 25 cents. Merrick 3 reliable. Steady work. Call COCKTAIL WAITRESS, shifts. Challenging new CARRIER center chimney Colonial of 12 FOR SALE By Owner - 8 year Call 1/2 oz. Flea Powder, 55 cents. Available after July 25. Ciall Monday on a resolution by Connecticut tion center, a NERCOM spokesman said. CAREER MINDED Women - Corporation expanding dealer 9 room Ranch. Stone, rooms PLUS superbly designed 6494334. Busboys, waitresses. program. No rotating shifts. old 4 bedroom Garrison Lots more. 649-9520. airtime after 5:15 p.m., 646- Gov. Ella Grasso to urge the regional con­ Experienced only, apply at 35 hour week. Good starting UnUmited opportunity for fuU network. No experience redwood, and aluminum 10 room adjoining office suite. PETERMAN REALTY NERCOM had been paying $120,(X)0 a time manager with Inter- necessary. Complete training exterior. Ceiling to floor Colonial, 1 1/2 baths, A’TTENnON - Party Plan Pmo^ 1^1, Route 30, ^ t h salary, plui exceUent fringe NEEDED No detail overlooked. 52 acres AND BiipiNG (». gressional caucus to seek reinstatement year to maintain the office. The governors 1 NEED A RIDE HOME from oaUonal Jewelry (Company. fireplace. 2 car garage. Cud- with panoramic views. Price has hardwood floors and wall to REESE TRAILER Hitch - Manager & Demonstrators Windsor. , benefits. For interview con­ program. $600. Investm^ DOG OBEDIENCE Gasses: of a rebate on the crude oil equalization voted to redistribute most of the savings Travelers Insurance Com­ Car and phone necessary. Call for required to start your own de-sac street. Owner been drastically REDUCED. wall, front to back living 64e-e404 or e44-ee59 Complete, mirrors, sway pany, Hartford, after 4 p.m., needed in this area! Over 400 tact : Director of Nursing, 0 9 - Call for brochure. room, with raised hearth bars, brake control. $125. Five week beginners course. tax for home heating oil. , to individual states to promote inter­ after 5 p.m., 649-2333. business. Ideal for retired or relocated, $71,900. Centun 21, $10. Experienced Uistructor. to vicinity of Manchester fast-selling Items! Best MA’TURE INDIVIDUAL with 6451, Extension 359, or apply ToNand Strsst Jackston-Avante, 646-1318. fireplace, formal dining room, Small hand Printing Press, Maine Gov. Jam es B. Longley asked for national trade. Hostess Awards! No In­ bookkeeping experience Personnel Office, Mansfield part time. Details on request. Small classes. Also taking Parkade, he^nnlng July 1st. B O O K K EEPER - W ith Woodland School Area Mr. Barker. ESCA Field L WATSON BEAlMCa 14x16 deck off eat-in kitchen, with type, iand inks, $75. Call the deferment so he could consult his of­ They also voted to maintain their inter­ Please call 277-2768 days (ask vestment! Call Collect 1-673- needed as assistant to Training School, Mansfield MmchMtw Olllc* M7-)1N walk-out basement, 1 car gar­ NEW LIS’TING - ’Two family, 64648^ deposits on AKC Collie pup­ bookkeeper and for recep­ Depot, uwn., Monday t ^ knowledge through trial ’Training Division Box 619, NUTMEG HOMES Offers - 7 pies. 649-1103. fice of energy resources on the issue. national trade office in New York, and for Lorraine). Evenings, call 0491 or write SANTA’S TOY balance, typing ability East Hartford Wading River, New York. room Raised Ranch, with REALTORS MLi age, walk to state park, near two car garage, plus many PARTIES, Avon, Conn. 06001 ■ tionist duties. Hours; 9 to 6,5 Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:90 p.m. extras. Asking $42,900. Call UNIFORMS WANTED - Cub Vermont (3ov. Richard Snelling opposed study the possibility of adding staff to that ...... ALM) PAR’I ^ ' needed, experience esaentlal. CnrrIor should 11792. appllanced kitchen, 3 golf courses. $49,M0. Prin­ days a week. Apply Olenders, An Equal Opportunity cipals only. Call 6454834, or how, Paul J. Correnti Real Scouts, Boy and Girl Scouts. CUTE BLACK Female kitten. office. Columbia area. CaU 2254101 havo bike bedrooms, 11/2 baths, knotty Looking for good home. CaU Route 63, Vernon. Employer M/F. for Interview. pine paneled famUy room, EsUte, 643-5363. Brownies, nurses. East □ FINANCIAL COUPLE TO WORK part SERVICE BUSINESS - Local Call success. Net $800 per week. with carpet, and fireplace. We CathoUc School. 649-1225. time as substitute house also wUl custom biuld you a parents In boys group home. Price, $15,000. CaU 872-7926 THREE LITTLE kittens lost Late registration TOWN OF VERNON Bondf-Stocka-MortgagM S between 10 and 3, Monday home, to suit your personal Soiitt 6. Anhoutr. (CDnntcticut Lota-Land for 8alt 24 SCREENED LOAM - Gravel, BOARD OF EDUCA’nON O il 6434320. 647-9946 processed gravel, stone, sand their mittens and each is through Friday. needs and taste. CaU 643-9177, looking for a good home. Harald Circulation or 649-1600. ■LI 190 FOOT FRONTAGE - Two and fill. For deUvery caU open for rec classes INVITATION eoOD NEWS! COUPLE TO ACT as Dapt. JffirEHiiie SealtG Stic. acre treed lot, on Pine Street, George H. Griffing, Andover, Free. Call 742-76C. Home owners can obtain a second superintendent in small apart­ Sltutdon Wtntod 16 EAST MIDDLE TumpUie - Six •47-S1«4~ ^ ^ ROUTE# Columbia. Phone owner 643- 74^7n6. mortgage with best terms In town. 742-1144 ' w i l u m a n t i c FREE PUPPY - 7 week old Monday from 9 to 2:30 there will be late registration for TO BID ment bouse. Maintenance, and room Cape. Rec room, waU- 1770. $6,500. No tafol foot. minor repairs. In Hartford TWO 300 AMP Rectifiers - male mixed Setter. Has had openings in the summer craft explosion. There are a few The Board of Education of CHILD CARE In licensed to-wall cam ting, attached 4 fflullipit Cuting ftmiitea to «trut gou btiftr. the Town of Vernon, Connec­ No area. Please state experience, home. 7 - 6 dally, three meals, mraae, enclosed porch, large BUILDING LOT For Sale - Good condition. Good for shoU. CaU 646-7873. openings in some of the children’s classes. Teen classes family status and age, stricUy ticut will receive sealed bids HOUSEKEEPER - FuU time. laundry outings and overtime lot. Convenient to everything. Henry Street. Near schools. plating, or welding. CaU 649- are offered this summer in patchwork, doll making, A second m ortgue for cocuoUda* confioential. Write Box N, c/o services. Manchester. Deb­ Owner. 646-2315. No brokers. Call 6454528. 3439 from noon tU 6:00 p.m. Uvatloek 44 for Metal Lockers — Boys’ Manchester Herald. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. East Hart­ creative crafts workshops, and stitchery. tion of all your bllu. Easy moothly ford (kwvalescent Home 745 bie, 643-1790. MANCHESTER $ 3 9 # 9 0 0 Locker Room — Rockville paymeoti. First time ever offered. PERSIAN RUGS -10 x 14 Ker­ OUR HORSE NEEDS a com­ These classes include all materials needed per project High School. No legal fees. Write.. Main Street, East Hartford. MANCHESTER - Six Room EXPERIENCED LubricaUon TWO HIGH School Boys wUl Cape. (Kiod condition. Low flotort Proportf 27 man, 10 X 14 Kassan, 9 x 12 panion. Board your horse with and costs can be obtained by calling at the office. Anyone Bids will be received at the B n n Help. FuU Ume. 16 years or Borhara, 8 x 10 Tabriz. Also AMBITIOUS Individual do lawn work and odd jobs. taxes. Low heating cost. (Jood ours. T.L.C, Very reasonable. 13 years old or older may join. office of the Superintendent of older. Aoply Moriarty Have pick up. 649-1828 or 649- few Oriental designs. Bolton. Call after 4, 6498355. c /o needed to work in our shop starter home. Large yard. Reasonable prices. 643-9004. Slimnastics for adults will be Tuesdays from 9 a.m. and Schools, Park and School Brothers, . 31s Center Street, servicing new cars. ExceUent 6506. Owner, $34,500. Offers Invited. Trail available. is free to rec members. Streets, Rockville, Connec- ...... Manchester. benefits. Five day work week. 6454186. LMm Front CottMo ticut until 12:00 noon, S14.900 Registration and classes are at 110 Cedar St., the West □ EMPLOYMENT RNs, LPNs, GNs - Do you CaU Lynch Motors Service TAQ SALES Side Rec building, Mel Seibold, director, said. Wednesday, June 29, 1977 and Department for appointment, □ EDUCATION SIX ROOM Split - Three 7 Uho Ounmora need summer employment? U rg e two bedroom cottage In then at said place and time We need you through July and Monday through Friday, 8 to bedrooms, family room, 11/2 H i p W tn ttd 4:30. 6464321. baths, fireplace, basement, small private lakelront village. pubUcly opened, read, and 13 August for part time work on Furnished, iarge screened-in TAG SALE Fridayriday through GARAGE SALE - June 24th, ...... ■e^^^^»jatiiiahi»NwnniiiriniijiMsuau..i.iujN'*” recorded. all ahifts for vacation. CaU the Prtirtlt InttruoOoni II earage, carpeting, hardwood porch. Can be purchased with 25th, 26th. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. floors, appliances, patio, small down payment. Call So. VI. Sunday. 9 to 5. HoHousehol SpecificaUons and proposal SALES POSITION - Straight Meadows Convalescent AFTLICATIONS are now Rain or shine. 54 Glenwood conunissions, leads furnished belhg accepted for EXPERIENCED Teacher large lot. City uUUties. By U nd Co. Items', kitchen table, car forms may be secured from Center for an interview, 647- S02.2S4.9369 Weekdays h Eves. racks, typewriters, shutters. Street, Manchester. Loads of Public records 1 to homeowners. CaU 242-5402. 9194. experienced machine will tutor Math, GradM 4 - 8 in owner. 66548n. 802.352«52 Weekends nice items. (Off Oak Street). ' I' I I ..... ■■ ...... —a— ------the office of Uie Superinten­ operators at 395 Main Street, your home. CJail 646-1263. 62 Seaman CU'cle. dent of Schools, Park and PRIOR SERVICEMEN - The Manchester. Some openings NEW LISTING. Six room School Streets, Rockville, PHONE FROM home to ser- Just as wine improves with age, so has TAG SALE - Pool table, TAG SALE - 141 Deepwood Air Force recently announced vice our customers in the for trainees available. Apply SWIMMING LESSONS - Colonial, big 40’ garage, new Drive. 10 to dusli, Saturday, WairanlY deeds Connecticut. new openings for indfvfduals in person between 9 a.m. and 3 Emerienced Red Cross Water 200 amp service, newly this charming Cape. Among its many un- Rotl Eitato Wantad 21 linens, toys, ieweUy. Sunday, Manchester area. Flexible ... 10 to 4. 16 Ferndale Drive. Sunday. New and used items, Anton F. Mayer and Carole D. Mayer to Joseph H. The right is reserved to with prior imlitary service. If hours, super earnings. 249- p.m Monday through Friday. Safety Instructor. All ages. painted trim, beautiful yard usual features are a dining room with built- coat with mink colUr. NO you nave been out for less Private pool. Manchester with grape Wnes. High M’s. ALL CASH For your property, SPECIAL SHOWING: new AUard and SaUy J. Allard, property at 72 Eldridge St., reject any or all bids or any 7773. in china cabinet, newly remodeled kitchen within 24 hours. Avoid Rm Mexican jeweUy. PRESALES. part when such action is than 5 years and are looking PART TIME Driver -'Apply area. Starting July 6. CaU 649- Worth ft. Mr. Malthew, 129,400. Hurryl Malt or Bring Your Ad Today! between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. 4403. Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. with abundance of caDinpts, 3 bedrooms, Tape, Instant Service. Hayes deemed in the best Interest of for "A Great Way of Life’ , SECRETARY - personable, TAG SALE - Bunk beds, Raymond D. Patterson and Mary S. Patterson to Melvin contact the Air Force Im­ Monday through Friday. IVb baths, 2 porches, garage. Set on a Corporation, 6458131. TAG SALE • Sunday June the Board of Education. mature woman with telephone 26th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. S PhlU| dressers, recliner chair, over R. Siebold and Myma.M. Siebold, both of Bristol, proper­ mediately. CaU 646-7M. and typing experience for Connecticut Box uimpany, 96 REMEDIAL READING and NEW LISTING. Ten room beautifully landscaped lot. With private P 1,000 books, much, much ty at 107 Tracy.Pr., $48,000. Charles Brisson MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD Elm Street, Manchester. math; individualized work Raised Ranch, 2 1/2 baths, SELLING your house? Call us Road (off Guirter Oak Street) Business Manager apartment complex. Flexible yard. first and we’ll make you a Household Items. more! Backyard, 26 Trotter Louis Genovesi to Robert L. Martin and Linda A. Mar­ hours, 3:30 to 7, three days a P.O. BOX 591 program, (lst4Ui grade) by two car garage, two Street, Manchester. Saturday 0894 l a b t e c h n i c i a n - Master’s degree teacher, 568- fireplaces. Lovely lot, cash offer. T.J. Crockett, tin, property at 107 Strickland St., $11,986. week. Saturday 10 to 6. Sunda' Realtor, 643-1577. TAG SALE - Sunday, 10 to 4. & Sunday, 9 to 4. LEGAL 11 to 6. Every oUn MANCHESTER, CONN. 06040 c L A M in a Qualified and experience 8076. presUge area. Mr. Matthew, BOLTON $30,000 Esther L. Bunce to Richard F. Greene Jr. and Betty s: required for private Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. Multi-family. Furniture, dis­ TOWN OF VERNON Located In Manchester. CaU AOVUmilN phyilclan’s office (In Lakefront Cape. Owner will take first mortgage! IMMEDIATE Cash for your hes, Interesting odds and FOUR FAMILY Tag Sate - Sue Greene, both of Vernon, property at 86 Devon Dr., NOTICE for appointment 528-1300. PIANO INSTRUCTIONS - Corner of Northfield and $27,000. BOARD OF EDUCATION TOWN HALL O tar Sirs: Winimantlc). Responsible for Qualified, experienced TOLLAND BY OWNER - Huge living room, country kitchen, 4 bedrooms, property. Let us enilaln our ends. 60 Coburn Road - one iualtty control and dally teacher. Continuing student. fair proposal. Call Mr. block from Manchester Eastfield Streets. Saturday Ralph A. Mathiau Jr. and Susan E. Mathiau to Janet E. ALTERATIONS SURGICAL ASSISTANTS - Country Uvlng on quiet cul-de- basement, aluminum storms and screens. and Sunday, 9 to 5. Black INVITATION The Town of Coventry, Plaasa run the following ad for 4 days at tha SDsciai Saboratory routine. FuU Ume Registering now for fall. All sac. Three bedroom Ranch, 1 Belfiore, M7-1415 Green. BuUer of East Hartford, property at 258 Hilliard St., $34,- For Orgal Surgery Group permanent poslUon. Excellent velvet riding hat, toddler - 4 Connecticut is requesting bids monsy-aaving rata of *4.001 ^ •P«cial levels. Share the pleasure. 1/2 baUis, fireplaced living 000. Practice. Manchester and salary and frinte benefits. Gretchen Van Why. 647-9751. MAY WE BUY your home? TAG SALE -183 Croft Drive, clothes, floor lamp, bathroom TO BID for alterations to the Town RockviUe offices. Experience room, hardwood floors, eat-ln COLUMBIA $79,000 sink and vanity and mis­ The Board of Education of Send repUes to w x D, c/o kitchen, appliances. Full ()uick, fair, all cash and no Manchester. Saturday 1-5, First Hartford Realty Corp. to Robert E. McTeman Hall. Plans and specifications preferred. Send resume to CHECK ENCLOSED □ CASH ENCLOSED Spectacular 4 bedroom Colonial. Fireplaced living cellaneous items. the Town of Vernon, Connec­ Manchester Herald. basement with garage. 3/4 roblems. CaU Warren E. Sunday 9-4. Baby furniture, and Alma L. McTernan, both of Glastonbury, property on for the proposed alterations Box B, c/o Manchester room, formal dining room; fully appUanced ticut will receive sealed bids acre corner lot. $36,600. 872- Elowland. Realtors, 643-1106. baby clothes, toys, girls Strawberry Lane, $46,960. are available at the Town Herald. WANTED - Middle aged □ REAL ESTATE kitchen, family room, den, 1V4 baths, carpeted TAG SALE - 103 Greenwood for Chain Link Fence — 8254, or 671-1893. clothes - lUce new, up to size 6, John A. DePasquale and Donna M. DePasquale to Manager’s Office for Inspec­ woman to care for ^ e rly household Item s, sma ll Drive. Saturday and Sunday, Rockville High School. (3) (2) (*) hardwood floors, 2-car garage with efficiency Houthold Oooda 40 tion between the hours of 8:30 (S) couple. Room and board plus H o m tt For Safe appliances. 10 to 4. Rifles, some camping William H. ’Thornton and Annette G. Thornton, property Bids wiU be received at the 23 MANCHESTER-1.28 acres. 6 apartment. Beautiful 20x40 inground pool, patio and supplies, miscellaneous at 57 Horton Rd., $39,300. a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday salary. 872-2456. room (kilonUl. 3 outbuildings, office of the Superintendent of BBQ. Lush 1.3 acres. ELECTROLUX VACUUM items. through Thursday and 8:30 tUttlS WETHERELL STREET - 6 all very well...... kept. Ideal1 Foi for TAG SALE - 324 Woodland Thomas P. Crockett to MaK Construction Co., Inc., Schools, Park and School IMMEDIATE JOB (teportunl- with power nozzle, $125. Rabi- Street. June 2Sth, 26th. 9 to 5. a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Friday. A (6) Room Colonial. Garage. raising family or secluded property off Autumn St., $10,000. Streets, Rockville. Connec­ (7) (1) (t) ty - With benefits,s. Responsl- Large lot. $40s. Shown by ap­ bow water type vacuum. Rain or shine. Four families. YARD SALE - Saturday and deposit of iTo.OO is required (10) Uvlng. $62,000. Must be seen to COVENTRY $30,900 Excellent condition. $150. CaU Sunday, 10 to 7. Older fur­ James R. Spillers and Sarah M. Spillers to David T. ticut until 12:00 noon, 1NE ble,Mi«. deUveryuvuT^y person.i 30 mile pointment. T. Shannnon, Miscellaneous items. for all plans and be appreciated. East Ck>ast Ehccellent 6 room Ranch on 1.5 private acres. Living 875-9190. niture including eight piece Lyons and Susan M. Lyons, property at 32 Kane Rd., $46,- Thursday, June 30, 1977 and rddlus. Apply In person, owner. 5654652. ^ I t y , 528-9668; evenings 647- Juvenile, books, clothing, specifications taken from the Nichols/Manchester Tire, 295 dining room set, rugs, lamps, 900. then at said place and time TME room with floor-towelling fireplace, good working jewelry, small appliances, an­ Town Hall. This deposit will Broad Street. REFRIGERATORS tiques, Avon bottles. . clothes, much miscellaneous. publicly opened, read, and to tarn a IIMa axtra (11) (12) (12) COVENTRY - 40 acre Egg kitchen, 3 bedrooms, family room, h ^ w o o d floors, Washers, ranges, used, Donald D. Girard and Anni Girard to Donald P. Cornell be refunded upon the return of (14) (18) Farm, wiUi Uiree story barn. recorded. MAGNIFICENT Ckistom built ameslte drive. guaranteed and clean. New TAG SALE - Saturday and and Toni E. Cornell, property at 41 Virginia Rd., $44,000. the plans and specifications in monay thia aummar. Butler-type building. Power TAG SALE - Saturday ti Sun­ Specifications and proposal early American Dutch shipment damaged, GE and Sunday, June 25 and 26. Judgment lien good condition no later than Wa naad boya and plant, ana other out buildings, day, to to 6. Andover Texaco, forms may be secured from Colonial surrounded by three Frlgldalre. Low prices. B. D. Spanisn Dinette set, games, Connecticut Bank and ’Trust Co. against Ronald Pinto, the bid date. Bids must be girla 2 avanlnga par lus Three Lovely Homes, wooded acres and spring fed MANCHESTER $61,900 Route 6, rain or shine. the office of the Superinten­ (16) (17) ( ) Pearl and Son, 649 Main dolls, records - late SO's and $3,308 , property on E. Center St. received no later Uian 10:00 waak. Muat ba (16) (16) 20 8lifers Invited. B/W Realty, pond. Beamed celUngs, slate Year-old Raised Ranch. Enormous living room, for­ dent of Schools, Park and 647-1419. Street, 643-2171. TAG SALE - Red Goose 60’s, clothes, miscellaneous. a.m, Wednesday, July 20, praaantaMa, and wide board floors and mal dining room, decorator kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 10 to 4. 591 Vernon Street, Optical Style Bar, Inc. against Robert and Shirley School Streets, Rockville, Farm. Goose Lane, (kiventi^. 1977, at which time the Town more bIghUght Uils unique Manchester. Webb, $55. Connecticut. courlaoua, and SORRY! NO PHONE ORDERS. NO REFUNDS. DUPLEX - 6-3, Fireplace, den, family room with raised hearth fireplace, 3 KENMOREOASRangeov^ Antiques and househo will open and read them out home. EUst Coast Realty, 526- over oven. Sears heavy duty - .. ^ - . . . - . E xeculor’a Deed The right is reserved to raaponaibla. If In- Ad ovtr 20 words - Ragular Fries carpeting, aluminum storms, baths, hardwood floors with carpeting, 2-car gar­ Friday, Saturday and Sunday. loud. The Town reserves the 9668, evenings, 646-2616. washing macnine. 10 to 5. 74^9137. TAG SALE - Glassware, fur­ Louis (Jenoyesi, executor of the estate of the fete reject any or all bids or any laraatad, pioaaa hava 2 furnaces, trees, $445 income. age. Tastefully landscaped with 20x40 inground pool. right to reject any and all MME . . . $M,SOO. Hutchins Agency, 646- refrigerator freezer, end niture, Fisher Price, 343 West part when such action is paranta or guaidlan MANCHESTER, REDUCED Located in desirable area. tables, rugs, miscellaneous. Center Street. June 25,26.9 to Josephine Genoyesi to Robert L. Martin and Linda A bids, and to waive any 3166. ’TWO FAMILY AtUc Sale - deemed in the best interest of ",0001 ImmaciiUte 7 room 228 Center Street. 5. Martin, property at 107 Strickland St., $23,933. irregularities in the bidding contact Both MoLood iUDIIEK...... etty...... I M i ------June 2Sth and 26th, 6 Conway the Board of Education. Zlpl &!ipe. Large tftrit floor family Notice of Lease procedure. at tha Manehaatar BUSINESS ZONE - Near busy Road, near Manchester Green Charles Brisson PHONE NO. Intersection. Large seven room, 1 1/2 baths, garage. CONTEMPORARY 86 inch Fire Station. Antiques, GARAGE SALE • June 26,26, Dennis Meyer to John C. Tepley, Cooper St. Package Frank B, Connolly, Evaning Harald...... CUSSnCATION...... ’Tremendous value. Must see America's No. 1 Real Estate Business Manager room home. Urge loot. $55.- sofa and matching chair. Off household Items, snowblower, 27. 19 Benton Street. Store, 57 Cooper St. Town Manager Phona 847-9946 this one! Only $M,900. East Marketing Network white background brown and 088-6 OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 000. Hutchins Agency, 646- mirrors. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Household goods, books, 0814 8186. Coast Realty, 6284666, 643- green bird print. $260 for both. plants, portable stereo, mis- 9969. F ir m 645J 1WI PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat., June » , 1977 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Sat., June 25. 1977— PAGE THlRTEEN I Rose Coverlet ...... ACROSS Answer to Previous Piizite O M to e * 44 AMtoHM 4 $ fo r H m t U I for Hoot it OMteM-aiorM tor Hoot Si Autoi for Solo I t Haovy egulpmoot 1 TaMaau m n gnm(IlElUUHlIl i Bm™ WE HAVE customersitomers waitingwait! lor Solo 3 Applies / ChariM M. Schultz RIDING LESSONS • Eyllah WANTED - Old toys, post ' RCXncVILLE ■ 5,000 Square 1988 VOLVO • 145 Wagon, 83 6 Sllda frosting □nDnlnnuicri or Western, ell le v e lsT iw , cards, steins, stringed in­ for the rental of i your apart- feet industrial space, 2,000 9 Greek letter nuiQ uaanin ■ (iinaa STD. New clutch, new snow 4 Hurted n C1C3M nflHzi pony, buggy rides also struments, paintings, fur­ ment or J.D. Real square feet office space. Easl- VERSATILE New Tractor - Dear Abby 12 Engine spaed 6 Place EsUte AssocUtes, Inc. 846- tires, radio. 9875. 647-9804 nnraa nniq _ .UJHAT'S,^ .PONT HIT H'OW? BALL available. n$M71, anytime. niture, clocks, advertising ^ ra6divldable. 240(M , 249- after 5. line available to qualified readout 6 New York ball 1980. farm equipment dealers. 33 13 Inner (prefix) k'iL-ii-innn n n n n u u items, outright purchase, con­ club [fiDn niBLici nnnci IN THE WATER,/WA'AM... TWO FLAGS Horse Shoeing - — ...... 1 i ' HP-300HP. 4WD available in 14 CheffllM's signments. MAAm i. 1989 GTO - 73,400. Engine, By Abigail Van Buren 7 Object of nnnra anDD nnn t m a c a iw n o ta Graduate of Oklahoma LOOKING for anything in real moat models. Please reply to workplees worship , LUOKINBI ATTRACTIVE Four room of­ ^ w clutch, brakes. G-60s □ODCoan DDonna Farrier’s College. Soeclal for estate rental - apartments, We offer the largett variety of f 18 One use of 8 Gift recipient 50BMARINE!HAHAHAHA! fice. Ground level, central Cragers. New paint. Body Box DD, Manchester Herald. 0 ( 3 0 D n n n June and July only. IIS a head, homes, muHlpM d w eU l^, no attractive apartments and! location, professional procedure 9 Small UL'JCJ D flin D u u n Wanted to Buy 49 townhoutes In Manchester i excuient. 4 Bbl. Electronic Ig- DEAR ABBY: Why is It that most "plain’’ woman aaera 17 JKkIe’s 2nd for trim j«se ts, or new shoes. fees. Call J g . Real Eitate ftentat office open daily Q4. t ^ d h ia ^ v k ln g and utiUtles. heavenly body □DDd■□BnoanGD Cameil Ehnmbach, M6-7S30. Associates, Inc. 641-1980. weritends. IM. * nlUon. 91050. CaU 6498484. Hotoreyeloa-Hleyotoa 84 to have the best marriages, and most outstanding beauties husband 10 Wild rabbit WANTED - UtUity traUer. are divorced, married again, divorced again, and can’t 18 Change an 11 In the seme □ D o n ■ □ □ n o i D l i l N l CaU 8494930. CENTRALLY LOCATED - 1988 FORD Mustang Conveti- TRIUMPH 1978 Bonneville make a success of.a marriage? Even with the advantage of alarm place (abbr.) DAMATO PROFESSIONAL Office • AU 19 Wiped 30 Brink 47-lslend of ble - Needs tune up. 9560. CaU 750, 8000 miles, oU cooler a ^ having been born beautiful they can’t seem to find 16 Made up Boolt-Aeeoooorlot 4S Three room heated apart­ faclUties. ExceUent location. 21 Employment 31 Comedian Ed saints ment. Second floor. Secimty. 643-4028, aftw 5:00 p.m. rack. 91,750. 2894042. happiness. Why is that? 20 Malicious ENTERPRISES Good projection. Reasonable 23 Poetic 48 Grandson of 1»70 SIXTEEN FOOT Jewel CaU 6464426, 9 to 5. 64t-1021 rent. 351 Center Street. 649 burning □ RENTALS NEED CAR? Credit bad? WONDERING oftpotition 33 More uncivil Adam 8S horsepower Evinrude 1880, 6493549. 24Collw 22 Western show 36 Infection motor, MastercraR Trailer. TWO R(X)M Apartment - Fur­ Bankrupt? Repossessed? 24 Baby carriage 50 Huge •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Honest Douglas accepts if if DEAR WONDERING: BeUeve It or not, natural beauty degree (abbr.) 40 Plays answ 11800. CaU after S p.m., 8W- 26 Pit continent nished. Stove, refrigerator, STORES h OFFICES for HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1973 can be something of a handicap. Some beauties rely 27 Face pert 43 Cotton fabric 1041. Hoorn* lor Hoot St lowest down, smallest 26 Mrs. Roy heat, hot water. Apply ELLINGTON - Three Rent - Manchester, prime FX-1200 ■ EWIt by fa cto r entirely on their “looks” to get them everything they want, 29 Potts^ 61 Goshi Marlow’s, 867 Main St. payments.nents. Douglas Motors, 32 Zoomed Rogers (2 46 Engsgemsnt MIckay Finn — Morris Walts bedroom Duplex. 11/2 baths, location. Heal, air. Parking. engineer. Brancn heads, and they neglect to develop the more durable and 62 Contrary 17 FT. FIBERGLASS Deluxe ATTRACTIVE Sleeping room, SttMain. 34 Murderous wds.) 46 Band spacious kitchen, laundry Janitor. 9100 per month star­ Barnett clutch, aluminum important quaUtles. current Boat - Evenrude Motor. shower-bath, private en­ ’THREE ROOM Apartment - 36 Suggest 26 Recedsd Instrument ^•sr trance. Free parking. Apply hookups, finished rec room, ting. 8494334, 8431393. WE PAY 915 for complete rocker rollers, MUiunI car­ A girl may be able to "capture” a man with her beauty. 66 Insect MastercraR Trailer. A-1 con­ Heat, hot water, appUances, beautiful condition. Large Indlrsctty 196 Spruce Street. junk cars. (>I1 Joey, Tolland buretor, balancisd blue printed Indeed she can capture more than one, if ehe so desires. 37 GrMlous 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 6 9 10 11 dition. Many extras. 10 ft. air conditioning. Storage yard, no pets. Security. FOR RENT - Stores or Auto Body, 5261990. motor and transmission. 646 But unless ehe knows how to give him more than the 36 Fitting raward Hadmell Surf Rod. SOI area, laundry fam ties, gar­ References. 9275 per monIn. professional office space. 1st. 7732. 12 13 14 Mitchell Reel. CaU 849-1183. CLEAN, furnished sleeping pleasure of just looking at her, she won’t keep him long. 39 Raw matarlals age. Security deposit. No pets. 6461806 or 6464776. floor. Buot downtown Main 41 U lr rootroom for responsible working PARTS Department now open 19 19 17 64S48M, 6 4 6 ^ . Street. Will sub-dlWde to 100 42 Lamprey 1988 55 hp CHRYSLER Out­ gentleman.genl in. Call 84M70184T — after ' Saturdays. Complete line of ★ DEAR ABBY: My best friend (I’U caU her "Thelma") met FIVE MODERN Rooms - Two sq. ft. Phone 6431442. •k 44 Prepare copy It board - Parts for sale. QOO, or 8 p.m. FOUR ROOM Apartment, Chrysler parts. Chorches a very handsome dealer in Las Vegas two years ago. (I'd 19 20 bbedrooms. AppUances, aU Motors. 649-38M. 46 Second month best offer. CaU after 8 p.m., Available August 1st. Heat, HONDA - CB 200T - 1976, caU him "Ken.") WeU, Thelma and Ken flipped for each 21 MANCHESTER - Female carpeting. tU O . No pets. ROCKVILLE, RenUl Store - 22 23 649-2748. hot water, appliances, laundry Available July 1st. Call 649 excellent condition, many other and have been practicaUy Uving together ever since. 49 SJ^Ien stop working gal or student to 17 West Main S tm t, 22x80, 1972 TOYOTA Corona Deluxe, 24 29 . faciUties, storage area, gar­ 8350. extras. Exceptionally good Ken told Thelma from the start that he and his wife had S3 Author lirin 7 28 29 30 31 share hoim wiUi same. |2S with full basement. am/fm radio, 30 m.p.g. age. Security deposit. Lease. performance since purchased been separated for about 10 years, but that she was 64 Kind of pistol ■ Garden Products 47 weekly. CaU 8464538,6494006. Reasonable rental. M.I. Ehccellent condition. Asking 32 33 34 39 A ^ U . No pets. 643-4884, NEW 5 ROOM Duplex • 3 new. 9500. CaU 6 4 8 ^ after (comp. wd.| Kaplan, West Hartfori, 232- 91375. CaU 6465144 after 5:30 CathoUc and would never give him a divorce. 846-7288. bedrooms, famUy room, aU 9041. 4:30 p.m. Thelma gave up aU her friends and devoted aU her time 56 Flipper 36 37 STRAWBERRIES - Pick your DESIRABLE SINGLE Room p.m. 87 By Itself own. Free container. No for older person, light appUances. No pets. Security and attention to Ken, who gave her this big story about 36 FIVE ROOM (three bedroom) MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 68 Of equal 39 40 children under 14. Open 8 to 8. housekeeping. 953 Main deposit.. Available August 1st. d e s ir a b l e s in g l e Office how he had to devote two nights a week to "an old girl ' Duplex for rait. Garage. Nice COUCH AND CAR Herculon - Lowest Rates Available! score ■ Clark Street, South Windsor Street. Moderate rent. CaU Call 643-5014 mornings. or suite available. Main hiend” he had known for years. 42 43 44 49 area. Close to center. Rent sectional sofa; and 1973 immediate binding auttiority. 69 Graduate of (off Burnham Street). 6434848. S tm t. Moderate rent. CaU 1190. Write to Box Y c/o H om t Hatchback. CaU and Sunny Day Option. Clarke In­ Thelma is aU torn up because she no longer wants to Annapolis 46 47 46 49 SO 51 !T A beautiful rose design FOUR LARGE Rooms, S e-• 8434848. (abbr.) Manchester Herald. Security make reasonable offer. Must surance Agency, 6431128. share Ken with this old friend. Is there a solution? Priscilla’s Pop — Al Varmaar in rich cross-stitch cre­ cond floor. Heat, hot water, 60 Exlsterice 93 54 99 Anttquee 44 130. PER WEEK - Parking, deposit required. seU, leaving state. 8497463. PUZZLED ates a lovely coverlet. TV, kitchen privileges. Call appliances, carpeting in­ No. 2601 has hot-iron cluded. Lease aM security. 1975 HARLEY Davidson se 57 56 649^)09, between 5 and 8 p.m. OLDSMOBILE 1976 Delta 61 L m o k y 1/1 UWK / WHAT AN OUTRAGE/ OUR W HAT transfer for U motifs WANTED Antioue furniture, ATTRACTIVE TTiree room No chUdren. 9225. Available XLCH. Custom paint job, low DEAR PUZZLED: 1 am puzzled as to why you are OFFICE SPACE - 10,000 miles. Asking 96 60 61 rJ'.lAil/ 1 m o n e y is b u y in g l e s s a n d ARE THEY? and corner buds; color glass, pewter, oil paintings, or Apartment Stove, on or before July 15th. 843 mileage. 92800. CaU 742-9426 trying to help Thelma work out an adulterous dUemma D O W N chart; coverlet direc­ other antique items. R. THOMPSON HOUSE - Fur­ refrigerator, heat, electricity, CaU 2895548. after 4 p.m. with a two-timing dude like Ken. As I see it, aU Ken loves V LESS THESE DAYS” LISTEN- nished rooms. Kitchen 9787. FOR RENT W INIWSRAPIR ENTfRPRiSE AtSNI tions. Harrison, 84M709. references. No pets. $165.646- Is his appetite for variety. So teU Thelma that she can’t win 1 Agitate [Xivileges, centraUy located, |150 feet, center of I Tt omn. leatf TV tir eoc* 3167, 2284640. 1988 CADILLAC ConverUble - TRIUMPH Bonneville 1973 in this game because Ken is holding aU the aces, plus two ten. ttn TV for oottatt atO parking, men or women. CENTRALLY LOCATED - nlr condlUoolnf end IparUnf. Ceil MS4H1. ’ CoUector's item. Leather in­ 650. Good bike. 9900 firm. CaU Maetiat- WANTED - Hummels, Clocks, Deposit. CaU 649-2358. Four rooms, third floor. queens. He’s probably got the deck stacked and Is dealing ANNI CASOT Furniture, Old Toys, Pain­ MANCHESTER - Three or terior. In running condition, anytime 5862316. from the bottom, to b(Mt. Prefer mature working cou­ k : M w B h iH if Ivaalng HaraM tings, Dolls, Stringed four rooms. Convenient loca­ ple. CaU 6494384 between 8 sold “ as is.” 96W. CaU 643 1 1 N A m at Amartoaa Instruments. 648-2890 Apartmoot* for Hoot S3 tion. No pets. Security 4461. 1974 YAMAHA 250 Enduro. Win at Bridge and 10 p.m. only. Ask for Mr DEAR ABBY: When I married my wife 10 years ago I Nav York. N.Y. 10«M deposit." Tit. (Calf Joan, 588-1064 or Hooort Proportf Naait. AMmt vttli ZIP (anytime). Youngdale. Excellent running condition. had a moustache. I kept it for two years, and she never COtl aaO Style Naa*er. ONE BEDROOM - Living 8434797. FOrffwM t t 1970 MERCURY Cougar XR-7 Needs rear shou. A Real 0 complained about it. Then I shaved it off, and she told me Cool play cinches 3NT 3 1/2X8" MOTOR Scooter room, fireplace, large - 84,01)0 mUes, 351 ueveland Screamer! Must seU for 1977 ALBUM with a bound- FIVE R(X)MS - Second floor. W. to please leave it off because she never Uked it. Okay, so I in“ AlI-Season Gift Book" Tires - In good condition, and enclosed porch, washer-dryer COLUMBIA LAKE - Two engine. Elxcellent running CaU Bob, 5666311. M any MANCHESTER - Four Cozy Oak Street Manchester. 9 ^ left it off, but here's the problem: 1 of 24-pages! Price... $2.00. reasonably priced. CaU 643- hook up, storage area. RUt Rooms, appUances, heat, no bedroom cottage. All con­ condition. New shocks and NORTH of adverse cards. plus security. 289-9209 after 5 Rvery year for the last six years we have a celebration ALSO TNESC lOOKS ATSIJS EACH. 4739. and hot water, lease, security. g ^ ^ y 1st, security, $195. p.m. veniences. Row boat. July, brakes. Asking 91960. CaU 643 1974 HONDA 550. ExceUent * 10732 East can't afford to win this in town caUed "Frontier Days," which lasts for a whole No. a-tlt-RUE RIBION QUILTS. 1210. 643-2644. ^ ^ t ^ 13th on. 9125 weekly. 4484. condition. 7,000 miles. Asking V71 first diamond because South Ceataiai tizteea lovehr aaltts. THE PACK RAT - Antiques, 91080. 6492438. month. Nearly every man in town grows a beard, ♦ K J6431 No. QUILTS ON PAIAIE. FOUR ROOM Apartment - can continue by leading a low Oirectieas for sliteea ailits. collectables, decorative and MANCHESTER - Main ’TWO AND 1/2 rooms. Heat, Clean Two bedrooms, two car BUICK • 1971 Le Sabre. Air moustache or goatee just to get into the spirit of the * 6 diamond, ducking in dummy Captain Easy — Crooka and Lawrance COLUMBIA LAKE Water­ conditioning. Power steering, Ni. Q-tlt^UNOMOTVErS FLOW- conversation pieces. Street. Two room hot water, appUances. Uuise, parking, yard, ceUar, first FOR SALE - 1975 Kawasaki celebration. and winding up with four U QUIITS. 10 fttciaatiat Qaifts. Apartments, Heated, hot front - SmaU house, private power bridles, steel belM Turquoise jewelijr. Sundays, security, references. First floor. 9215 monUily including 900Z. ExceUent condition, low Every year I go through the same thing. It takes me WEST east diamonds, three hearts and WHAT'RE T wHATPOESIT THE FUZZ THOU6HT THEY'D m. Q’tlf-AMEIICA'S FAVOlin 12 to 6. 40 Fiore Road, off water, appliances, parking, no boat, no pets. July, August. radials, automatic trananis- *Q654 AJ98 AF6HANS. A teaatlfal seltetlto. floor, $145. TTiird floor, 9140. heat, central location. 643 mileage. Must seU, leering three weeks to get my moustache grown out, and I wear it two spades. YOU eOKIMA I LOOK LUCE? TRAP U5, DIP THByf«.WELUi Route 85, Bolton. pets. Security. 523-m7. CaU after 8 p.m., 6464911. 9801. 9185 W e ^ y . 228-3924, *226 sion, good condition. 9I8OO. county. Asking 92,100. Call for a month be<^se I want to be one of the guys and I VI06342 gJ96 DOT THEY’VE SOT ANOTHER Bo. Q-IM^MAK A QIH. Maay 0602. CaU 8 W ^ . So East must duck that first ims fw FrioaOi laU (aaiffy. 6430211 after 6 p.m. enjoy It. ♦ - 9A1096 THINK COAAINe *A 732 *K64 diamond. Now South has one As soon as I start growing the moustache, my wife diamond trick. He can abiui- refuses to kiss me, love me or have anything to do with me SOUTH (D) «AK don diamonds, go after clubs, at bedtime. VAKQ and make three clubi, one dia­ Well, seven weeks is a long time for a fun-loving healthy 4Q76 mond, two spades and three WHAT I'P (SfiVe R3R A & € r guy like me to go without a kiss. Any suggestions? AQJ1098 hearts. X D O M 'T I 'AOJDeR.IF'yCUC^NSUe MISSING SOMETHING Suppose diamonds break 3 OOUBLB-CHBBSaBUReiSZ CfSEEPV-CRAWLieS N orth-^th vulnerable KN o m i WITH CNIONa,AHP PXCKLBG.. 1. South is now going to make R3P IHVPVSIOJ C F PRlV/iAryi? West North East South four notrump. He will lead a l Y • • • 2N. T. second diamond and go after Astro-graph Pass 3 N. T. Pass Pan clubs after the defend^ with Pass •• o •' SOON ns the ace of diamonds ducks, as By BERNICE BEDE 080L Openlnf lead — 4 tp ' he must. © a • ^ S iM v E N T fD Alley Oop — Dave Qraua IT , I T R 0 U.SO By OtwaM * James Jacoby Junakf, 1IT7 BAaiTTARlUB (Nov. 23000. 21) Good friende will be doing South wins the heart lead so u DIDN’T HAFTA CO A w A y i A friend who has political clout thinge lor you today that you ...TAKINS CAI?E, OF and s e e s that bis contract will A Massachusetts reader THAr,(XOLA/ ICOULBA HIS FRIENDS.' may take a further Interest In you couldn’t poealbly accompileh TAKEN CARE OF HIM.' • 1in8gKA.«ic.TillM»U4.hl(M. be a cinch if diamonds don’t wants to know what action you Uris year. As a reeult, you could youraoll. What’e even nicer — break 44). take with: be Invofvsd In a vary different they won't even tall you. project A careless South will lead a *KQ876V2«AS3*A864. CAPRICO RN (Deo. 22-Jan. I I ) •••••••••••taaeeeeaaaeaaee low-diamond toward dummy You simply overcall with Apartments for Hoot S3 Resort Proportf CANCER (June 21-July 22) Project youraoH Into any altue- at trick two. East will win one spade. A double is almost Autos f o r Sato 87 f o r Hoot 88 Spontaneoua sctivltlee are Uis tlon today that givae you the with the ace and return a surely going to get your Campora-Tratlara ones that will afford you the most chance to moot now peopla. You spade and South will suddenly partner to bid hearts at some ’TWO BEDR(X)M Townhouse - ■ Mob/to Homaa 88 pleasure today. lo se out your could eatabllsh a vary valuable Large kitchen, with SUMMER RENTAL, Water­ 1974 TORINO Four door discover that bis contract level. front Cottage • On Lake wagon. 302 V-8 engine, H78 X schedule. Fly by the east of your future contact. appUances. Washer and dryer 18’ CAMPER traUer - single slacks. Find out more about won't come in. Kanasatka, Mouitonboro, 14 whitewall tires, power AQUARIUS (Jan. 23Pab. It) (For a copy ot JACOBY hook-up. Garage. Nice y M . axle, excellent condition. yourself by sanding lor your Acarefni Sooth will see that UODEBN, send 31 to: “Win al 9260 monthly, mcludiog neat. New Hampshire. Sleeps 5. steering, brakes, am radio, EUeven years old. 91,500. CaU copy of Astro-Qraph Lenar. Mall AVhat you do today, you do quite an immediate lead of the dia­ wall. You really ahina H con­ Bridge," c/o Ihia netnpapar, Immediate occupancy. CaU Completely furnished, fully remote control mirror, power 743893.. 50 cants (or each and a long, mond queen will niarantee equipped kitchmi, screened tailgate window, heavy duty fronted with a chellange and the P.O. Box 4B9, Radio City Slaffon, 6^3328, after 5 p.m. sall-addrasaad, stamped the contract against any New York, N.Y. 1001B) pordi, sun deck, float, dock. suspension. DACAR under­ envelope to Aatro-Qraph, P.O. opportunity to put forth your beet RENT - One bedroom Mobile efforts. liiiTimriTT TWO FAMUY - 5 rooms, 2 Private sandy beach. Great coat, original owner. Low, low Home, Boltoon. Single Box 489, Radio City Station. N.Y. Barry’a World bedrooms. 9250 monthly. fishing. CentraUy located In mileage. 6462049. working adult only. No 10019. Be sura to specify your PISCES (Psb. 20-Mereh 19) R eferences required. Mr. Lakes Region. $200 weekly. children, pets. Lease. 643- birth sign. This day Is one where you should The Flintstonea — Hanna-Barbera Productions BisseU, Philbrick A ^ncy, 646 CaU CromweU, 6330457, after 1973 MGB GT - Good condi­ 2880. LEO (July 23Aug. 22) Cir­ be with Irlende who Ilka to do 6:00 p.m. 4200. tion. Low mileage. CaU 569 cumstances may develop today thinge which are daring and In­ 33 BuHdlng-Cootroetlog 33 3219, after 5, 8491573. FOR SALE - TraUer, 1971 20 so aa to enable you to tie novative. You thrive In such SanrfcM Offarad 31 Sarvfeea Offarad 31 PalnUng-Paporlog company. SON-HE'S A ....ARROW ? ...T R Y A ’THREE ROOM Apartment - MISQUAMICUT - Three foot Shuta. No reasonable something down that has NICE ONE ./..WHAT DID bedroom Cottage. Qose to TRUIMPH SpiUire, 1974. 29,- Kn i f e ? . . . HOOKED-DRIV'E C&M TREE Service - Free LONG RIVEUl Contractors - Heated, stove, refrigerator, offer refused. Can be seen at heretofore sludad you. If the A R IE S (March 21-ApiE II) It YOU &KING Hl/ri DOWN INTERIOR & EXTERIOR CARPENTRY - Repairs, beach. Large private yard. 000 mUes, am/fm radio. Sharp OFF THE NINTH estimates, discount senior Give us a shot. House painting near bus Une. 6499(181. 135 Spruce Street. 6466602. chance arissa. lump on IL you’ve winted to gat the atten­ W ITH -A GUN f - C L U B ? Painting - Insured. Good remodeUng, additions, gar­ s weekly. M34)918 after car. Asking 9 ^ . 6464938. TEE./.. citizens. Company 922 tion and consent of the lamlly work. Reasonable rates. Free is our business. L«w, low ages, roofing. Call David 5:30. riROO (Aug. 22-8apt 22) You’ll 7 ^ Manchester owned and prices. Free estimates. 846 FIVE ROOM First Floor - ARE YOU SELLING your be welcome today II you declds about a change you'd Ilka to estimates. CaU Ed Dascanio, Patria, 6461796. 1978 HORNET - 4 door. make, this le the dty to broach operated. CaU 6461327. 6494985. 9313, 6567442. apartment. Two family house. mobile home? Buyers to visit an old friend without an Gyi^^e, large yard, no pets. EAST BEACH, Rhode Island. Automatic, power steering, waiting. Please call Plaza Invitation. Hall be as glad to see the subiact. Three bedrooms, surf bathing, air, 2 new snows. 93800 or best ED’S LIGHT Trucking - CARPENTRY - AU types of Q U A L ITY P A IN T IN G - Hootlng-tUIng-CNmnof 34 Homes, Broker. 1-8260369. you as you are him. TAURUS (Aprs 20-May 20) Not Cellars and attics cleaned. private beach. Open month of offer. 2897035. car|rpentry; Remodeling, Interior or exterior. LIBRA (Sept 22-00. 22) Be only era you a last thinker and July. CaU 649936S alter 5 p.m. A SUPER HOUSE - And the Trees cut. Free estimates. roofmg,ifmg, siding. No job too Reasonable prices. Best price BIDWELL Home Improve­ THREE ROOM Apartment - alert today lor unique oppor- the possaaeor o( axcallem Judg­ 6461943. 1983 RAMBLER Ambassador price is right! Front kitchen, ment today, you’re a parson who smaU. Free estimate. 646 in town. 875-4848. ment Co. Ehcpert installation Second floor. Stove and tunhlea One could pertain to .... ^ - 8 cyUnder, power steering, knows how to Implement your \ z //„///,y 3079. of aluminum siding, gutters refrigerator. 9130. Heat not in­ Wantad to Hoot 87 bow window, fully furnished. finanoea, the other to the ed- power brakes, automatic Idaas. HIGH ACRES Lawn Care - BulUIng-CootraeOng 33 and trims. Roofing installa­ cluded. 8492271. wall to wall carpeting, vancement of your carser. transmission, air con- matching Usndscaping, mowing, trim- WINDOW C LEA N IN G - tion and repairs. 6tt4496,876 MORMON SISTER ,11.1 . ■„ matching appliances. 15 OBMIHI (May 21-June 20) dlUoning’ Ugh i^ eage, runs minutes from Hartford. 98,- SCORPIO (O e l 24-Nev. 22) You glj^^^^lSing.tnicking. Commercial & Residential. WES ROBBINS carpentry 9109. Missionaries looking for two You’re exceptionally dsvar to­ room apartment to rent. good. l^chanlcaUyMcellem^ 950. Trades welcomeif. have the happy (acuity of saying FuU insured. Free estimates. remodeling specialist. Ad­ VILLMERAFTS. things today that have an upin- day at draaming up Ideas that Carpetii^. foil basement, IMi Ule Manchester area preferred. & m e body rot. XskingAsking 9200. ExceUent financing available. CaU QuaUty Maintenance In­ ditions, rec rooms, dormers, HORACE Tetrault - Siding, llng offset. You may not be could make money. There are ALUMINUM SIDING does bat^ appliances, beat, patio, air Tom Stringfellow, 646^943. For information caU Broker! corporated, 6464845. built-ins, bathrooms, roofing, storm windows, aw­ Phone 6493727 brtore 9:30 aware of the Impact of your dollari In your tool box end In Born Loser — Art Sansom conditioner, no pets, adults. need cleaning. Free kitchens, 6494448. nings. QuaUty workmanship, a.m. or after 9:30 p.m. 16260369. words till later. your gray matter, 1968 CADILLAC Convertible - (NimPAPOl DrrERPRBE ASSN. I ilemoostration and estimate. free esUmata.^" ••••••••••aeeeaeaaaeaeeeee CaU O.K. Cleaning Serrice, CHARLES ilSraU U W E Loaded with options. 61,000 1972 STARCRAFT Tent 1977 can be a big year CUSTOM CARPENTRY - 8724187, 6494417. MISSIKJ6 Coventry, a . 7 4 2 ^ . S4S-7620 mUes. OveraU very good con- trailer. Sleeps 6. Stove, sink, H fO O ? HfU-O.THERe'- lor youl Tell our Homes, Additions, Repairs, □ AUTOMOTIVE Cabinets. CaU Gary Cushing. dition. Mechanically ice box, wardrobe, awning. PERSONS 'fJUn readers about your SPECIALIZING cleaning and exceUent. 423-9716. Bugs Bunny — Htlmdahl and Btoffal 1977 by IS gi/EMRXX EXPEIRIENCED Bartender - 3462009. repairing chimneys, roofs, Uke new. 91150. 6439618. 54 □ Available for your wedding, service with a Auto* for Bala SI new roofs. Free estimates. 30 Homaa lor Hoot S4 1974 PONTIAC Boimeville - T m lookin'lor a tasteless silver jubilee souvenir anniversary or party. Call Classified ad. LEON CIESZYNSKI buUder - AIRSTREAM TRAH,ER • 22 Years Experience. Howley, FuUy equlpp^ clean, extras. to go on our mantel with a tasteless bicentennial evenings, 7C-50I2. new homes custom built, 1969 CHRYSLER 300. foot, 93900, Immaculate, RCSCOE'S 60IN TD THE 6434381. VERNON - Three bedrooms, THATfeENOJGH remodeled, additions, rec ExceUent condition, no rust. 93195. 1969 D ^ e engine. 273 clean. At Manchester M0V1E8,„I DONt souvenlrl" two/baths, large famUy room. (XJTO’TtXl TYPING DONE in my home - rooms, garages, kitchens New tires, exceUent interior. cu. in. Disassembled, Oldsmoblle parking lot. ROOFER WILL InstaU roof WeU cared for home in lovely SEE WHV I CANT O C E T O - Neatly and accurately by Painting-Paportng 32 remodeled, bath tile, cement Asking 9900. 644-3079. reworked. $96. Call 6466311 Privately owned. Reese Our Boarding House — Carrol ft McCormick siding or gutters for low dis­ residential area. Up-top con­ evenings. experienced work. Steps, dormers. Hitch. Elasy tow. Single axle. o o r v E R count price. CaU Ken at 647- dition. ^ plus utilities. CaU ^Ist/stenographer. PAINTING - interior and Residential or commercial 1974 VEGA Hatchback - 8493635. ROOM/ MY SCOIST6 HOW PIP HEH-HEH! THEJ 1588. 8735485 or 8738011 after 5 Reasonable rates, prompt ser­ exterior, paperbanging, CaU 6494291. Excellent condition. 1972 LINCOLN Continental - CLAIM VeUR TtlUME- PRIGfJNERG OVER- □ vice. CaU 8464139, an^m e. p.m. Automatic, transmission, Loaded. Has to be seen. excellent work. References. GUNSLINGER' ROUGH PlTWEREP THE Free estimates. Fully in­ radio, 31,000 mUes. Extra rim ExceUent condition. Asking TIMOTHY J CONNELLY HaoUng-PlumUng 38 OU&Tlce WAG EXaAlN CAR CLEANING Service - sured. Martin Mattson, 646 THREE BEDROOM Ranch, 1 and snow tires. 91595. John 93200. CaU 6492057. FW EP PETECTVEli Carpentry and general c o n ------IT WHEN Exterior, interior. Wash, wax, 4431. 1/2 baths, air conditioned with Kriksciun, n Micheal Drive, iO CONVINCING tracting Residential and SEWERLINES, sink lines, vacuum, vinyl roof, seats appUances, family room. In Vernon. 0492266. 1973 CHEVY Wagon - Nine OK, We’9 BMke TriAT ATTY. UT OF THE commercia . Wlwther it be a cleaned with electric cutters, cleaned. Low prices. 8334525. (JUALITY PAINTING and nice neighborhood. Available passenger, new tm s, recent CRUMWELL COULPNY COUNTRY! THE ’ sriwll repair job, a custom ^ professionals. McKinney w an ted '|C^^ Paper Hanging by Willis July 1. Call Dubaldo- 1973 c u t l a s s S - Bucket tune-up. Good to exceUent Uwfitstinove! PBOPUCE CHAGE COHTiNUEG) Heathcim UWNS MOWED - CaU after 5 Schultz. Fuiry Insured, Les^rance, 6460506. seats, vinyl top, 4 speed, 55,- condition. See for yourself. TO CO-AUTrtOR THE IN THE This Funny World p.m., 6494783. references. 849-4M. 000 miles. Am/Tape. Best CaU 6499390. A BOOKl HERO AUSTRALIAN, •3 FOR ALL your Dry Wall SIX ROOM CAPE - a ose to offer. 875-6007. SSNOFF X T aiSH.'i BRICK, BLOCK, Stone HAVE YOUR Cape / Ranch NO JOB TOO SmaU - Toilet shopping, bus, schools. 9325 1972 DATSUN 1200 Coupe - 40 needs - Drobiak Dry Wall repairs, plugged drains, any horn# In atook i Fireplaces, concrete. painted for lliO-9200 by Company, 575 Center Street, monthly. Security and 1973 DUSTER - 6 cylinder mpg., very good condition. FEEU BU liay ABOUT MAKING Chimney repairs. No job too scheduling now. Professional kitchen faucets replaced, references required. Mr. standard. High mileage, Phone 568-3«l, after 6:00 .Ovar 80 homaa to Manchester. Call 6468882. e s s u k e small. Save. CaU 6 4 4-m for considers anya lob. 2894287, repaired. Rec rooms, Blssell, Philbrick Agency, 6 ^ exceUent condition. 643-9897 p.m. ME STAY IN A M bathroom remodeUng, heat ehoooo from! All priootl estimates. evenings or weekends, Don. 4200. before 2:30. ----- THIS? N EW TON SM ITH - modernization, etc. Free to toll from $3,898. Remodeling, Repairing. Rec PONTIAC Firebird Esprit, EXPERT TREE Removal - PAPER HANGING Expert. Estimate (dadly given. M & M HOUSE FOR RENT In 1972 FORD Pinto Wagon • 1971, 350 automatic, exceUent Tradoa woleomo. rooms. No job too annul. 6 ^ Plumbing VHeidlng. 6492871. Free estimates. Insured. Your average paper, in 3144. Marlborough. No children. Good shape. Asking CaU condition. Good tires, good Working Manchester area for average room , 930. Mr. Phone 296-0711 evenings. anytime, 875-8063. running condition. 70,500 Now it’s Your over eiftt years. Reasonable. PLUMBING and Heating - Richman, 6463864. CARPENTRY, Custom miles. 91300. 8738702. Call, All-State 'Tree Expert Fast service. Reasonable Houses ■ Addditlons, garages, TH R E E ROOM House - 1969 VQLKSWAGEN Fast- Move! Co., 7424591. PROFESSIONAL Painting - rates. Licensed. CaU Roh, 643 Utilities paid for. Near back. Autonutic, fuel Injec­ 1972 FORD GRAN Torino roofing and aiding, futchens, 8667. ^ H A T S >- Interior and Exterior. bathrooms, and repair worli coUege. 9185 monthly. Can be tion. New tires, good condl- Wagon - Air conditioning, HOW HE ODD JOBS, Geanlng cellars Commercial and residential. oof all kinds. CaU Robert Jar­ seen in rear of 248 WethereU Uon. 9600. 6466391. power steering, power brakes, and attics. Moving large HIRED Free estimates. Fully In­ vis for estimate, 6438712. StTMt. luggage rack, very good con­ PUOK THUMBGCROUGH- appliances, also stone or loam sured. 6464879. flooring 38 1970 CH ALLEN GER - 6 dition. 91400. Call 6»7393, or deUvered. 8461775 or 644-9532. CARPENTRY li Masonry ~- FIVE ROOM Single Family cylinder, new snow tires, Mag 6490650. HOHS J.P. LEWIS & SON - Interior Additlons and remodeling. FLOOR SANDING It house. Located on busline, wheels, 4 extra rims. CaU 1348 Wilbur Croat VINYL REPAIR - We can fU close to schools, church and and Exterior Painting, Free estimates. CaU Anthimy RefinIshing. Floors Uke new. after 6, 6494256. 910OO. Trueka for Bala 82 HIghwty, sofas, chairs, cars etc. No Paperhanging, and SqulUacote, 846-(l611. No waxing. (SpeciaUzing in stores. 9250 monthly. Security Short Riba - Frank Hill need for expensive remodeling. Fully Insured. and references required. 6tf- Btrlln Tpkt., older floors). Staining floors. 1973 CHEVY VEGA 1968 CHEVY - 307 engine, 1/2 JE eT B R I-IASNY recovering. 5865878. 6499858. 3189. Hatchback • Automatic, very Berlin, Conn. SIRE.ABANDOFVIKINSS THEY WANT 10,000 N O W T H A T fA A K S S CARPENTRY, RemodeUng, CeUings. In-outside painting. ton with Insulated cap. Good H W E k i d n a p p e d . 0OLCOOLPEN DUCATS M S l a u g h HO.HO/ Additions ■ Roofing, siding, Morso Stove Dealer. John good condition. Automatic, condition. 91200. New brakes, 1-828-0369 m o n t h s . THE aESTBR.'v7_-Y pQO - g g T -u R N . REWEAVING bums, holes. INFLATION FIGHTERS - and painting. No job too VerfalUe, 6464750, 8732222. ONE BEDROOM - 46’xlO’ . j ^ ^ o o d condition. 91200. shocks. 6492091. Zippers, umbreUas repaired. Save 20 to 50%! Quality smaU. Free estimates. 646 Mobile Home, Bolton. Single Window shades, Venetian interior-exterior. Painting. In­ 3079. working adult only. No 1952 FORD Flatbed Truck bUnds. Keys. Tv for rent. sured. Free estimates. CaU children, pets. Lease. 643 1972 MATADOR - 4 door. 360. with power-Uft tailgate. 1946 J1|9nM«N«i«kt5y»4..U». 6-25 Marlow's, 867 Main St. 649- 6431809, 742-9423. Saraleoa Wantad 38 2880. Air. Runs good. 981)0. CaU 646 OUver Bulldozer wlin traUer. *****••••••••••••••••••••• 5ni. CARPENTRY It GENERAL "HecheatsI” Contracting. Residential- 1072, after 5:00 p.m. Sold seperately or togeUier. AulomoUra Saraloa 86 TEACHERS, Experienced Commercial. Repairs, ad- ODD JOBS DONE - Cellars, MANCHESTER - 6 room, 3 CaU Phyl Gagnon, 6466852. *N0 YOU POkt HEKn4CUW/...1)CnU.K N0N$ OF Exterior - Interior Painters. ditions, complete buildings. attics, garages, yards M room Ranch. Rec room, 1971 PINTO 2000CC engine. ELM MOTORS - Toyota. Dat- Have we helped you Quality work reasonable Free estimates. Call mn cleaned, moving trucking. flreplaced living room. Automatic transmission, good 1974 JEEP • CJ5. Many sun specialists, factory latoly7...eall 643-2711. rates. Free Estimates. CaU ChurchiU or Mike to g a n , Loam for sale. Lawn service. Available September 1st. 9400 running condition. New extras. ExceUent condition. 4 trained, one day service, 114 N ^ o b too big or small - 586 6495873, or 6338796. 6434139. monthly. Plus security. brakes and exhaust. RadUl new'tires. Must be seen. Call East Main Street, Rockville. s2il Merritt Agency, 6461180. Ures. 7436320. after 5, 8739406. 871-1617. \ PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Sat., June 25. 1977 Mrs. Charlotte F. Matheson TOLLAND—Mrs. Charlotte Fire calls I Obituaries Franklin Matheson, 90, of 177 Shenip- Four hurt in crash sit Lake Rd. died this morning at a M anrhntrr Four' persons were treated and victims who were trapped In the car Vernon area convalescent home. She Thursday, 2:10 p.m.—gas washdown for released from Manchester Memorial and applied first aid. The Vernon Hospital after the car In which they Paul H. Anderson was the widow of Frederick accident, 1-84, Main St. exit (Town) Fire Department ambulance Ralph C. Parmenter Matheson. Friday, 10:10 p.m.—grass fire, rear of were riding on 1-86 Friday about 8 transported the victims to the Ralph C. Parmenter, 8S, of SOUTH WINDSOR - Paul H. Mrs. M atheson was born in 284 Broad St.(Town) p.m. struck a guard rail and rolled hospital. Sprin^ield, Mass., died Friday at Anderson of Meryl Rd. died Jamaica, BWI, and had lived in Friday, 8:01 p.m.—medical aid for over. Manchester Memorial Hospital. He Thursday at Higgins Hospital, Wolf- Tolland for the past 10 years. motor vehici accident. 1-86, exits 94 and The driver of the car, Lois F. was the husband of Mrs. Arllne Mor­ boro, N.H., where he had a summer She is survived by a son, Uriah 95 (District). Latina, of 270 Hill St., East Hartford, ton Parmenter and father of Mrs. home. He was the husband of Mrs. Matheson of Tolland, with whom she Today, 4:53 a.m.—water flow alarm, suffered bruises, according to state Manchester Modes, Pine St.(Town) Elizabeth Frankenberg of Jane Bullard Anderson. made her home; two brothers, police at the Hartford barracks. The About town Manchester Mr. Anderson was born in Joseph Taylor and Emmanuel East Hartford three children in the car received Mr. Parmenter had taught at Worcester, Mass., and lived in the Taylor, both of Jamaica; two sisters. Friday, 2:18 a.m.—Medical call to 43 minor injuries. They were Catherine Commerce High School in Hartford area for 50 years before Miss Rebecca Taylor of Jamaica and Main St. Foley, 7, of 266 Hill St., and Antonia The Podium Players of Hebron will Springfield from 1921 to 1943 and had coming to South Windsor 10 years Miss Agatha Taylor of Corona, N.Y.; Friday, 12:05 p.m.—Medical call to 19 Yost, 7, of 123 O'Connell Dr., both hold tryouts for "Red Shoes” Mon­ also been an instructor at ago. Before retiring, he was an office two grandchildren and two great­ Chapman St. East Hartford, and Debra Lancaster, day and Wednesday from 7 to 8 p.m. Northeastern University, manager at the National Biscuit Co., grandchildren. Friday, 1:16 p.m.—Medical call to 133 10, Delphi Rd., Staffordville, at Rham High School auditorium. Springfield. Hartford. He attended the The funeral is Tuesday at 11 a.m. Shadycrest Dr. State police said the car was The cast calls for males and females. Friday, 2:37 p.m,—Medical call to 133 Other survivors are a son, six Manchester Church of the Nazarene. at the Rockville Baptist Church, 69 traveling west on 1-86, east of exit 94, The play will presented in early fall. He is also survived by a daughter, Shadycrest Dr. grandchildren and three great­ Union St. The Rev. Robert L. Friday, 3:49 p.m.—Medical call to 35 and struck a guard rail and hit nine Mrs. Shirley Corcoran of South Wind­ grandchildren. LaCounte, pastor, will officiate. Plain Dir. posts before it rolled over. Cause of Sunset Council, Degree of sor; two sisters, Mrs. Thyra Johnson The funeral is Monday at 3 p.m. at Burial will be in North Cemetery, Friday. 5:59 p.m.—Medical call to 347 the accident was attributed to a Pocohontas will meet Mondhy at 8 of Holden, Mass., and Mrs. Edith South Congregational Church, Tolland. Main St. steering linkage failure. The car was p.m. at the Zipser Club. Springfield. Burial will be in Fairbanks of Shrewsbury, Mass.; Friends may call at the Burke- Friday, 6 p.m,—Medical call to 860 demolished. TTiere were no charges. Hillcrest Park Cemetery, and three grandchildren. Fortin Funeral Home, 76 Prospect Main St. Fire fighters from Manchester’s Springfield. The funeral is Tuesday at 2 p.m. at St., Rockville, Monday from 2 to 4 Friday, 11:43 p.m.—Minor fire in a Eighth District Fire Department and Manchester Chapter, Parents The Byron’s Funeral Home, State Samsel-Bassinger Funeral Home, 419 and 7 to 9 p.m. store at 228 Main St. the Vernon Fire Department Without Partners, will have a dance St., Springfield, is in charge of Buckland Rd. Burial will be in Wap- Today, 12:19 a.m.—Medical call to the responded to the call. The Eighth tonight from 9 to 1 at Piano’s fire station at 304 Main St. arrangements. ping Cemetery. In Memoriam District fire fighters removed the Restaurant, Bolton. Friends may call at the funeral In loving memory of John S. Today, 12:44 a.m.—Medical call to There are no calling hours. Haberera, who pau^ away June Columbus Circle. The family suggests that any home Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. Mil., im. Today, 3:44 a.m.—Auto accident with Vernon There will be no meetings Monday The family suggests that any afternoons at Weslhill Gardens for memorial gifts may be made to Eacb leaf and flower may wither. minor injuries at Famham Dr. and Oak Friday, 8:01 p.m.—Auto accident near South Congregational Church, memorial gifts may be made to Ihe evening sun may ae; St. Exit 95 on 1-86. See story in today’s senior citizens during the summer Springfield. WIHS Radio, Middletown. But the hearts tha loved you dearly, Today. 7:06 a.m.—Medical call to 541 months. The meetings will resume Are the ones that won't forget. Herald. Burnside Ave. Today, 1:54 a.m.—One-car accident on after Labor Day, according to the Sadly missed by wife. Thelma, Today, 8:11 a.m,—Medical call to the Reservoir Rd. Rev. Kenneth Gustafson, pastor of and Family Ramada Inn on East River Dr. Calvary Church. Manchester police report

A 17-year-old Hartford woman was teing held today in lieu of a 8S0O bond in connection with reported thefts at the K-Mart store on Spencer St. Friday night. She is Lauraine C. Page, charged with second-degree larceny, threatening, and fourth-degree larceny (attempted). She was processed at Manchester Police Beach Headquarters and transported to the women’s detention center in Hartford. Finest Supenmarkets Open Sunday for your shopping convenience

Three young persons were arrested early today in con­ nection with a complaint of a fight in the Purnell parking lot off Oak St. They were Susan M. O’Rourke, 18, of 22 Green Hill St., charged with breach of peace and in­ terfering with a police officer; Peter M. Weiss, 21, of 71 Lakewood Circle, disorderly conduct, and Horace Cook, 23, 411 Burnham St., breadi of peace. Police said O’Rourke was involved in a fight with !- Charcoal an unknown male when they arrived. She was un­ ' cooperative and started to strike out at the the police of­ Finest ficer attempting to stop the fight. The two men tried to 201b. get involved in the incident, according to police. Jfbefl All three were released on written promises to appear f «*thfiscakeen4 ptf(t«Mt7S0 eimert in court July 11. Fina^ In another incident today abot 12:15 a.m., Janis K. Hietala, 24, of 45 Wellman Rd., was charged with breach Charcoal Lighter Fluid 59* Cains Relishes 3'^ 1.00 of peace. The charge was in connection with a dispute Blue B W Plates. . . . a-OO* Rnast Fancy Ketchup .. 31iSf 1.00 between Hietala and the management of the Other Horse, 10 E. Center St., police said. She was released on a Cott Regular Mixers «air3 1.00 Kosher Dill PicWesF™.ww... S 79* promise to appear in court July 11. Francis H. Mickewicz, 30, of 120 Avry St., was charged You get more meat with operating a motor vehicle while under the influence plastic of liquor ewly today on Tolland Tpke. He was also later for your money on charged with breach of peace in connnection with com­ Meat Street, U.S.A.! ments to police after being released on the other charge. He was released on a promise to appear on both charges and scheduled for court July 11. Turkeys Charles S. Lathrop, 41, of Coventry, was arrested on warrants Friday charging him with failure to pay wages, two counts, and failure to appear in court on the charges. He was released on $1,000 surety bond for court July 11.

Ian C. Mills, 24, of West Haven, was arrested on a re­ arrest warrant Friday on charges of operating a motor vehicle while license is under suspension and operating a motor vehicle at unreasonable speed. The original sum­ mons was March 25. He was being held today in Ueu of $500 bond. Fresh Hen Turkeys P « I Mr. Dell Favorites I Buttermilk Biscuits r.».,.. Befit Yogurt' James R. Prue, I7. of 12 McLean St., Rockville was W a te m ^o n Beef Franks arrested Friday and charged with violation of probation FInast Frozen Food Valuesl Morrison lO and interfering with a police officer. He was being held tSchlH today on $5,000 surety bond for court Monday. Summertime Kosher French Fries Favorite! Gary J. Fluckiger, 18, of 31 Village St., Ellington was Imported Cooked Ham.. Richmond arrested Friday on a court warrant charging him with .» 1.99 Prozon 51b. third-degree burglary and fourth-degree larceny. The Imported Swiss Cheese. . it> 1.99 pkg. charges stem from an incident May 19 at Paul’s Pizza on Imported Chopped Ham . . 1.39 Fried Chicken Ha...... 1.99 Rt. 83. Bologna or Livenvurst... . »1.09 Birds Eye Cool W hip ...... ?^5 59* Fluckiger was being held today on $5,000 surety bond Hot Italian Ham ...... r 1.29 for court in Rockville Monday. Rnast aiced Strawberries.. 'iS'69* Hillshire Farms Kielbasa. 1.39 East Hartford Romaine Lettuce - • • 3 Hoods Frozen Yogurt froatv • 6conl* 59* Northwest Bing Cherries. «6y Fresh ^ lio n s ...... Fresh-made Salads "IScJSsir «. 49* Patricia J. Cosgrove, 30, of no certain address was Fresh Lemons ...... 6 i» 5 y A n / lt U t only In fln n o l Slaras with Ssryfcs Doll Dapti. For Your Health S Beautyl arrested early today on a warrant charging her with Fresh Peanuts .. vw Fresh Cucumbers...... 3 ,« 3 y In-Store Bske Shop Features I > third-degree larceny. Rubber Plants . • M 3.79 Colgate Toothpaste '5iSr____ m'; 89* The charge stems from her alleged taking of a room at Large Green Peppers ... aJtr Assorted Iced Uyer Cakes. . ,1.99 1 Fresh Cake Donuts. ,, .-69* TekToothbru^es ...... 5,»99* the Madison Motor Inn on Main St. June 2 as an American Rapid Shave y i f f ...... 69* Airlines stewardess, police said. She left the next day Rnast Italian B read ...... 41.00 r Avallabld only In Storaa with in-Btora Bake Shops W ilkinson R azor OtpoMbir ■ a . . 2 k'' 33* without paying the motel, police said. * Prices effecttve Sunday June 26 thru Saturday July 2. 1977 in Manchester. Venmn, and East Hartford She was being held today on a $500 surety bond for We reterve the right to Hrrvt quantities Not Responsible for Typographical Effori appearance in Common Pleas Court 12 in Blast Hartford Monday.

V s Mon- o 8 p.m. itorlum. Females, riy fall.

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phg W 9 •■^i59« Page 2 -.WEEKEND - Juneg, m i Forum of the arts Television programs: Pull out and save LTM casts for ‘Cabaret’ ‘Trinity Alive’ Final castings for “Cabaret” will be The Trinity Alive Summer Arts Festival ACROSS held by the Little Theatre of Manchester in Hartford has something for everyone TV movies this week Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the LTM this summer —drama, films, art and 2 Mystsry star’s tsrist workshop, 22 Oak St. The cast of 30 in­ music. Summerstage presents “Sleuth” m m 6 Cocfcrt^ rabbit nfM>vt 9:00 ( 8-40) “ The Paper 8 Big— (hsmburgsr) cludes seven major roles. There are parts tonight at 8:30 in Uie Goodwin ’Theatre, Today 9:00 (3) “A Warm 10 QasoUr>« Chase” (1973). Timothy Bot­ December” (1973). Sidney 13 U s for both men and women. All cast Austin Arts Center. It will be followed by 1:00 (8) “Caitie of Terror” toms, Lindsay Wagner. 14 Avs. members will be required to sing. “Twelfth Night” June 28 to July 16. Poitier, Esther Anderson. IS Ma ar)d — Ksttia (1963). Barbara Steele, 9:30 (2622-30) “ How to 11:30 (3) “ Hello Down 16 Qarroway The play will be presented in November Classical pianist Peter Armstrong will George Revere, 18 Atop Break Up a Happy Divorce” There” (1969). Tony Randall, 10 Swim with rehearsals beginning in early perform for the opening of the 'Trinity 1:00 (0) “Genius at Work” (1976). ^rbara Eden, Peter Janet Leugh. 2 2 ------100 (1946) . Bela Lugosi, Anne Jef­ 23 TImapartod September. Alive Gallery Recital Series Sunday from Bonerz. 11:30 (9) “The Bedford In­ 25 Lika freys. 11:00 (9) “Shake Hands 27 Saats 4 to 6 p.m. He will include the 24 Preludes cident” (1965). Richard Wid- 28 Foraxampla of Chopin in his program. During each 6:30 (9) “Target Earth” With the Devil” (1959). James mark, Sidney Poitier. 29 Ortcamora (1985). Richard Denning, 30 Exptoalvadavica Soloist competition recital, sherry, tea and petite Danish will Cagney, Don Murray. 12:30 (5) “The Affairs of Virginia Grey., 11:30 (3) "The Couple Takes Susan” (1945). George Brent, 33 Capooa The 1977-78 Hartford Symphony Young be served. 6:00 (9) “Fort Apache” 34 Navar tha twain shall — Asylum Hill Artists CoK>|)erative art a Wife” (1972). Myma Loy, Joan Fontaine. 3 7 ------tima (navar) Soloists Competition, wiUi ^,000 in cash (1948). John Wayne, Henry Robert Goulet. 30 EHhar exhibit will be featured today and Sunday 40 Alright awards, will be Friday, Nov, 11, in the F

Today, June 25 ^ twee . ce Daytime programs r? • fli «4i A CM ^ f* N P * ^ O HARNESS RACING FROM 1:00 MORNING 6:00 AFTERNOON 2:00 e NEW MICKEY MOUSE BELMONT © VARIOUS PROGRAMMING fj) THE CBS CHILDREN’S (CAPTAIN KANGAROO (EXC. WED.) © a 820,000 PYRAMID CLUB ffl.M FESTIVAL MAYOR ANTHASON 6:00 (BUGS BUNNY 12:00 2:25 © LITTLE RASCALS STUDIO SEE a f u r y OO m ovie © VARIOUS PROGRAMMING ) GOOD MORNING AMERICA © © N E W S © NEW S © M O V IE OPEN DOOR 10:30 M DICK VAN DYKE SHOW n m n \ © N EW S (TODAY (PRICE IS RIGHT © 12 O’CLOCK LIVE 2:30 0 GONGSHOW § 6:30 i i m © VARIOUS PROGRAMMING ® CHAMPIONSHIP 6:15 8:30 (ALFRED HITCHCOCK ® © a SHOOT FOR THE (GUIDING LK3HT WRESTLING ) CBS NEWS © DAVEY AND GOLIATH (BRADY BUNCH STARS IMONKEES (EXC. WED.) IBESTOFGROUCHO [lu liiil ) EDGE OF NIGHT M LILIAS YOGA AND YOU 6*24 ( VARIOUS PROGRAMMING a SECOND CHANCE © a ONE LIFE TO LIVE a ©SESAME STREET 5 NEWS @ a HOLLYWOOD « KIDSWORLD ■a m o r n in g PRAYER 9:00 12:30 , □ © DOCTORS a^HVGRIFFIN I MOVIE a JUAffiS ® GARNER TED ARM­ 6*25 (THIS MORNING © SEARCH FOR TOMORROW r) VARIOUS PROGRAMMING a MIKE DOUGUS (ANIMAL WORLD a l e a v e IT TO BEAVER STRONG a VARIOUS PROGRAMMING (GREENACRES 10:57 ©LASSIE 2:57 4:30 1:30 i @ aI ^ NBC NEWS 5© P H IL DONAHUE SHOW a NBC NEWS UPDATE n DINAH (ZOOM a NBC NEWS UPDATE a © a CHICO AND THE (T) MAKE IT REAL READY OR NOT (MON.) (JO E FRANKLIN SHOW 11:00 MAN 3:00 j BRADY KIDS a TRAVELOGUE ) ALL-STAR SOCCER VARIOUS PROGRAMMING MARY HARTMAN, MARY (ALL IN THE FAMILY pMUNSTERS 7:00 ©M OVIE a RYAN’S HOPE ® WALL tTREET WEEK 6:50 3ARTMAN © a h a p p y DAYS 12:57 (BUGS BUNNY i ® AGRONSKY AND COM- 21] a BLACK PERSPECTIVE S©PRAYER a FLINTSTONES ©STRAIGHT TALK a NBC NEWS UPDATE (IRONSIDE PANY I PTL CLUB-TALK AND ® FURY 6:55 . PTL CLUB-TALK AND O WORLD VISION REPORT 9:25 a p a WHEEL OF FOR- 1:00 ARIETY a TODAY’S WOMAN Variety ® EDUCATION: PROBLEMS a WEATHER VIEW (TATTLETALES 5:00 ® IN THE NEWS 7:00 0 © a a n o th e r WORLD AND PROMISE I 9:30 I MIDDAY (FLINTSTONES 2:00 i (CBS NEWS p a r tr id g e 3:15 ) LAWRENCE WELK SHOW 'FAMILY - ( a a l l MY CHILDREN (BIG VALLEY ® SOUL TRAIN (QUICK DRAWMCGRAW NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY II^ V IE © a g e n e r a l HOSPITAL I ASK CONGRESS 11:30 ( VARIOUS PROGRAMMING ® MOVIE 5 CARTOON CARNIVAL STRUM ’N DRUMMERS (FESTIVALOF FAITH 3:30 ) ETCETERA © LO V E O F LIFE VARIOUS PROGRAMMING a a GRANDSTAND (NEWS § 9:55 © a f a m ily FEUD I VARIOUS PROGRAMMING © MATCH GAME 1 REBOP XC. WED.) @ BASEBALL ( a t o d a y h e r ita g e ©ARCHIES IHEE HAW a s a CORNER a © a IT’S ANYBODY’S (a C O N G SHOW 5 MISTER ROGERS a WASHINGTON WEEK IN I (GOOD MORNING AMERICA 10:00 1:30 a HODGEPODGE LODGE I THE CHAMPIONS GUESS MERGENCY ONE REVIEW 7:30 (HERE’S LUCY 11:55 © AS THE WORLD TURNS ©LILIAS YOGA AND YOU @ ROOM 222 7:30 5*30 ©FLINTSTONES (I LOVE LUCY © C B S NEWS 0 © a d a y s o f OUR LIVES 3:57 (PARTRIDGE FAMILY 2:10 ) THIS WEEK f a NBC NEWS UPDATE ) CONNECTICUT WOMAN © DUSTY’S TREEHOUSE (RYAN’S HOPE 11:57 1:58 (CHRISTTHE LIVING WORD O BASEBALL © PTL CLUB-TALK AND ©ABCNEWSBRIEF 4:00 I NASHVILLE ON THE ROAD (ROMPER ROOM a NBC NEWS UPDATE 5 CANDID CAMERA (FRI.) 2:15 VARIETY ©GILLIGAN’S ISLAND ) AS SCHOOL MATCH VKITS ( a SANFORD AND SON (©ELECTRIC COMPANY a a MAJOR LEAGUE (^ W S BASEBALL ( © ONCE UPON A CLASSIC Sunday, Juna 26 2:30 8:00 ® THE MARY TYLER MOORE Q I LOVE LUCY a LATINO V/SSIETY THE NEWS Monday, Juna 27 ^AMERICAN ANGLER SHOW MORNING ©SESAM E STREET a LUCYSHOW ® a WONDER WOMAN ©FRENCH CHEF a BLACK PERSPECTIVE ON 10:30 3:00 FRIENDSOFMAN Q MOVIE 6:00 7:58 6:00 10:00 THE NEWS ® BEST OF THIS MORNING © © © M O V IE © a ABC MINUTE Tine for a Labe ( © a a N E w s CANDID CAMERA © THE SONNY AND CHER ® WILD WILD WEST a PROGRAMMING UNAN- ® CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP © JUNIOR ALMOST ^U N C E D 6:20 a a M m b l e d o n t e n n is MAGAZINE (M YTHffiEEE SONS PHOTOGRAPHY...HERE’S SHOW 3:00 ^YTHINGGOES © JAMES MICHENER’S 8:00 Job? See O i ... (IT TAKES A THIEF © N E W S Ask Kleiner ® ARA’S SPORTS WORLD a ® ® EMERGENCY! ONEWS © PO IN T OF VIEW WORLD t © UNDERSEA WORLD OF a TOW ELL THOMAS 6:30 (BOZO © M E E T THE MAYORS O K IN G OF KENSINGTON a JEWISH HERITAGE 3:30 JACQUES COUSTEAU (© ZO O M a HOLLYWOOD SQUARES © A U S T IN CITY LIMITS By Dick Kleiner g| GREATEST SPORTS REMEMBERS ©CAMERA 3 10:45 a SPANISH INSIGHT © AUSTIN CITY UMITS O REV. CLEOPHUS O UWRENCE WELK SHOW (GUNSMOKE a POLKA FUNTIME ©AMERICANA LEGENDS a JEWISH LIFE a p r is o n e r © MACNEIL-LEHRER 8‘30 TOBINSON © a t h e SIX MILLION 6:30 10:30 aWOMAN 10:55 4:00 ® THE BOB NEWHART SHOW © TH IS IS THE LIFE DOLLAR MAN (I LOVE LUCY REPORT ©NEWYORK REPORT 3:30 ©SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK ©W ESTERN OPEN ©M OVIE (ABC NEWS 8:00 © W O M A N DEAR DICK; What would my chancei be of getting a job at ® CALL IT MACARONI a COUSTEAU: OASIS IN 6:59 11:00 a secretary or receptionist bi one of the major recording SPACE a liv in g FAITH a a n im a l WORLD (U S S IE ©THEJEFFERSONS 11:00 OMYTHREESONS a MORNING PRAYER ©FLINTSTONES © NATIONAL GEIXiRAPHIC 8:57 7:00 a ® a NBC SUNDAY a a NBC NEWS © CR O SS WITS (NEWS studios? Are there any age requirements? Which state would 0THRILLMAKERS © a ADVENTURES OF 4:30 MYS’fERYMOVIE 5 l^ E UPON A CUSSIC ® a t h e ABC MONDAY RY HARTMAN, offer the best chance — New York or California? DONNA a DOCUMENTARY a NBC NEWS UPDATE ® INTERNATIONAL ZONE GILLIGAN © a WORLD INVITATIONAL ® © CHICAGO SYMPHONY (CAPTIONED) COMEDY SPECIAL MARY HARTMA^Ra r t m a n SHOWCASE 9:00 O WONDER WINDOW (REXHUMBARD WELLS, Sumter, S.C. ® ALL IN THE FAMILY ©TURNING POINT TENWS CLASSIC ORCHESTRA © V I L U ALEGRE © ORAL ROBERTS CRUSADE © N .Y .P .D . Jobs in any sector of the entertainment business — movies, ® MY PARTNER THE GHOST ( REVEREND AL © GREATEST SPORTS 8:30 6:55 0 @ a little house ON g® LIVING FAITH 4:00 ® ® STARSKY AND HUTCH @ JIMMY SWAGGART TV, recording — are hard to get, because they are considered (CELEBRITY BOWLING LEGENDS a jim m y SWAGGART a NEWS theT rairie 0 DICK VAN DYKE SHOW ® WESTERN OPEN a @ a NBC SATURDAY a RING AROUND THE glamorous and everybody wants them. (They really aren’t IMUNDOREAL ©WIMBLEDON TENNIS 8*58 7:00 © © T H IS FAR BY FAITH a ABC CAPTIONED NEWS O HOGAN'S HEROES NIGHT AT THE MOVIES WORLD (ELECTRIC COMPANY Regular lube jobs are glamorous at all,.of course, just jobs.) Because of that, your a JAMES MICHENER’S 5:00 ©aABCNEWSBRIEF (CBS NEWS 8:28 11:30 a PTL CLUB-TALK AND 11:25 ( MISSION IMPOSSIBLE chances are slim. Why not try Nashville — it’s closer to home WORLD OPRAYER 9:00 vital to car care — ( BRADY BUNCH ©aABCNEWSBRIEF © T H E C B S U T E MOVIE VARIETY © SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK [ARA’S SPORTS WORLD 8:30 and there are many studios there. As with all jobs, it helps.if © PBS MOVIE THEATRE 7:30 ©SW ITCH they restore special (CONCENTRATION © LOVE AMERICAN STYLE ® SESAME STREET 11:30 ( ANYONE FOR TENNYSON? you know somebody. There are no age requirements that don’t 9:30 8 WILL ROGERS-U.S. A. ( BOWLING FOR DOLLARS © SHIELDS AND YARNELL ® a t h e s t r e e t s o f SAN 4:30 ) ARTHUR AND COMPANY © F A C E THE NATION greases to all mov­ ® ALICE (YOGI BEAR (GRANDSTAND ® a t h e ABC SUNDAY (FESTIVAL OF FAITH © M ERV GRIFFIN fflANCISCO-TOMA apply to any job. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE © a ANIMALS, ANIMALS, INTERNATIONAL a OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR © WORSHIP FOR SHUT INS NIGHT MOVIE ing parts. I JOURNEY OF THE MIND ® a ABC’S MONDAY NIGHT © M O V IE DEAR DICK: Has Donny Osmond got bis driver’s Ucense GREATEST SPORTS ANIMALS iim a T ion f e s tiv a l 9:58 (CHRISTOPHERS a a t h l e t e s a n d lis te n (NEWS BASEBALL 0 @ a t h e t o n i g h t s h o w yet? Some say yes, some say no. Who’s right? S.R. BARONS, LEGENDS a MOMENTS OF COMFORT 5:30 a © MASTERPIECE MACNEIL-LEHRER 9:00 © ABC CAPTIONED NEWS gaAGRONSKY AT LARGE ®@ABCNEWSBRIEF _ CATHEDRAL OF a GREATEST SPORTS BROWM’S Lethbridge, Alta., Can. (CELEBRITY BOWLING theatrT © M AUDE 12:30 ®DRAGNET 10:00 TOMORROW EPORT DEAR DICK: I am a great fan of the Donny and Marie Os­ LEGENDS (FAITH FOR TODAY 9:27 TIRE SHOP a CROSS WITS ©NEW ARK AND REALITY Q MOVIE 5:00 ® THE CAROL BURNETT ( MOVIE aAD ELA N TE mond show. I’d like to know if they are man and wife or SHOW I PROGRAMMING UNAN- a NBC NEWS UPDATE a ABC NEWS a PTL CLUB-TALK AND 1:00 ®CORAL JUNGLE (OLDTIME GOSPEL HOUR © STUDIO SEE OUNCED 333 MAIN ST. brother and sister. Have many different opinions on this. QNEWS 8:00 9:30 © ERICA VARIETY 0 © a t o m o r r o w ® a ABC’S WIDE WORLD OF 11:55 8 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL MANCHESTEJ^ a ©THEPALLISERS MRS. R. VELCOFF, Medicine Hat, Altt., Can. SrORTS ® a THE FEATHER AND )WE BELIEVE (ORAL ROBERTS 7:15 1:15 © a SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK (UNKNOWN EIFFEL © MAKING THINGS GROW 9:27 © J O E FRANKLIN SHOW I’m surprised' that there’s any question about the VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM RTHERGANG (WONDERAMA I a NBC MOVIE OF THE . 646-3444 ( ^ ^ o 11977 PATSY AWARDS 7:30 a NBC NEWS UPDATE 2:15 relationship between Donny and Marie. Everybody ought to OF THE SEA a PBS MOVIE THEATRE ) CELEBRATION OF THE KrtriMN >, ■srcT AFTERNOON 5 B U C K PERSPECTIVE ON © PRICE IS RIGHT 9:30 © N E W S know that the kids are brother and sister and have been for a WIMBLEDON 10:30 JCHARIST 10:00 HE NEWS © W H O 'S WHO © A D AM 12 © A L L ’S FAIR 2:30 .years. Both of them have their driver’s licenses, and both Q WORLD VISION REPORT I MR. MAGOO 12:00 CONTINUES (VOICE OF FAITH © N EW S © G O N G SHOW © N IN E ON NEW JERSEY 0BESTOFGROUCHO drive ’75 Chevettes. a n o v a (CAPTIONED) (FACE THE STATE EVENING 0 © a NBC MONDAY Q b illy g r a h a m c r u s a d e DSESAME STREET ©FIRING LINE © JO K E R ’S WILD DEAR DICK; Recently I beard Buddy Hackett, the come­ ® MISTER ROGERS (MOVIE NIGHT AT THE MOVIES 5*30 a b e s t o f t h e f e s tiv a l OF 8:30 a PTL CLUB-TALK AND dian, referred to as “the late." Is this true? If so, when did he ( a ISSUES AND ANSWERS 6:00 VARIETY O t i 28.000 QUESTION WITH ) MY NEIGHBOR’S RELIGION (TOBERT SCHULLER die? R.H.Y., Galena, Mos. 11:00 (© N E W S a BOOK BEAT ©ELECTRIC COMPANY (INSIGHT (JIMMY SWAGGART (© M O VIE No, Hackett isn’t dead. Maybe he was just tardy. ____ I NEWS I DAY OF DISCOVERY ©THEPALLISERS Tuesday, June 28 (INSTRUCTION (BRADY BUNCH 11:00 EVENING rVAN DYKE SHOW (ORALROBERTS 10:30 8*56 DEAR DICK: I would like to know if the landlady on (WILD KINGDOM (HUMAN DIMENSION 6:00 © JO Y C E CHEN COOKS I)©©a®NEWS © BEST OF ERNIE KOVACS ISACRED HEART © SPORTS EXTRA news ©aABCNEWSBRIEF Laveme and Shirley is the same woman who plays Doc’s wife (WHAT ABOUT WOMEN [ © CONSUMER SURVIVAL ai^lRINGLINE 3C B ® ® j 7:30 9 © MARY HARTMAN, 6:00 11:15 8:45 ( ^ THREEESONS on Doc. HELEN STRADER, Toledo, HI. (FIRING LINE 11:00 (ISSUE 9:00 MRYHARTMAN NEWS a SECRET AGENT a DAVEY AND GOLIATH IT TAKES A THIEF No. Pat Carroll was the landlady on Laveme and Shirley 12:30 a CONNECTICUT ) ® a ® N E W S (ADAM 12 © M .A.S.H. BREAK THE BANK 11:30 9:00 BOZO last season (she’s been replaced by Betty Garrett this year, in­ ©M OVIE NEWSMAKERS (TEN PIN PICK-UP © a t h e ABC SUMMER ® ® MOVIE (VILLA ALEGRE (LIVING TOGETHER © ZO O M © DIALOGUE. WITH LAUREL a p r o te c t o r s (MOVIE (JOKER’S WILD MOVlf © N .Y .P .D . cidentally) and Elizabeth Wilson played Doc’s wife (and, § H HARNESS RACING FROM (A NEW DAY ^ O C K (^NSM OKE ® LIVING FAITH 6:30 $100,000 NAME THAT ® PTL CLUB-TALK AND another incidentally, she’s been written out for the coming ROOSEVELT RACEWAY (ORAL ROBERTS (LIVING FAITH 6:30 0 DICK VAN DYKE SHOW aaa^BETTHE pr ess ) CBS NEWS PTL CLUB-TALK AND J N f URIETY year). a ® a WEEKEND (DAY OF DISCOVERY I LOVELUCY a ABC CAPTIONED NEWS a ^NVERSATIONS WITH (NEWS ^RIETY a p a in t ALONG WITH 0 © a POLICE WOMAN DEAR DICK: I’d like to know if Christopher Mitchnm, who BRAKE 12:00 (CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP ABC NEWS 11:30 1:00 I THIS IS THE LIFE © D UCK JOURNAL i^NCYKOMINSKY 9*30 Q CHAMPIONSHIP ) MISTER RCX3ERS USSIE © T H E CBS U T E MOVIE s ta r r ^ in the movie, “ATTme for Love,” is Robert Mitcbum’s © © a m o vie 3 a NBC NEWS 11:15 aO O N G SH O W © O N E DAY AT A TIME WRESTLING 9:15 © a NBC NEWS © LOVE AMERICAN STYLE son. M. CARNIEL, Port Albemi, B.C., Can. CENTER © •fHANK YOU, CON­ CROCKETT’S VICTORY © C B S NEWS © MACNEIL-LEHRER a b e s t OF ERNIE KOVACS 12:30 © DAVEY AND GOLIATH © a TUESDAY MOVIE OF Yes, he is. ALL 4 WHEELS NECTICUT lARDEN 11:20 STlflBlOSEE REPORT © STAGES OF PRESTON OBESTOFGROUCHO fl-Tn @ PRO FAN REBOP TH E WEEK DEAR DICK: Can you tell me the whereabouts of the great 1:00 UP FRONT ' aSUPERM AN © N E W S 6:00 JONES . M9** Mo«c«a a SMILES ©W ORLD PRESS 11:30 6;$5 (COMMANDERS MOVIE Russian-born movie actress, Naiimova? SARA JERSON, e MOVIE CARTi on 1:55 a g o s p e l SINGING JUBILEE aSECRETAGENT a c h e a t DECISIONS coln Continental Mark IV on his show? My brother says he I MlMi MS* or vfriMV«rM* * CifclevMcie . ' LET US CELEBRATE BULLWINKLE BOWLING FOR DOLLARS 0 © a to m o r r o w ® MOVIE a © a t h e WONDERFUL ©ATTHE.TOP © ORAL ROBERTS CRUSADE © LOWELL THOMAS INSIGHT § 2:00 FESTIVAL OF FAITH 1:30 used to drive a ’Thnoderblrd. DEBBIE M., Mobile, Ala. 3:00 i WORLD OF DISNEY 11:50 a ® WOODY REMEMBERS ©©BASEBALL SOUNDING BOARD © J O E FRANKLIN SHOW The Mark IV has been Cannon’s car since the series began — O N EW S ©W OM AN © BA R ETTA 8:30 10:30 NETWORKS AND STATIONS CARRASCOLENDAS a ® d a n c e IN AMERICA / NEWS Q M E R V GRIFFIN 2:18 except on certain episodes where he was away from home and 3:20 10:00 © CROCKETT’S VICTORY 1:30 aCO O D IES 0BESTOFGROUCHO RESERVE THE RIGHT TO aiTONEYMOONERS GARDEN MACNEIL-LEHRER © a LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY © CONSUMER SURVIVAL KIT had to rent a car. He could conceivably have rented a ® MOVIE (BARRIO . © N E W S iPORT 2:30 MAKE LAST MINUTE a m o vie 7:30 3*30 8:57 10:40 ’Thunderbird one week, and perhaps that’s what the know-it-all 5:00 I SUNDAY MASS 2:30 a CROSS WITS © N E W S CHANGES ® MOVIE a D U C K PERSPECTIVE ON © THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL aNBCNEWSUPDAJE ©KINER’SKORNER is thinking about. (OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR a PTL CLUB-TALK AND a ABC NEWS 5 CHALICE OF SALVATION (SACRIFICE OFTHE MASS WEEKEND - JurieTS," flW p « g ± WEEKEND - June 25, 1977 - Page 7 Saturday, WMlmscIty, JutM 29 ahitys h m a frash atsortnent Mary Cheney Library adds books 6:00 New books at Manchester’s 7:30 10:00 July 2 Manners— Cardigan Square Conn — The possible dream Kroc — Grinding it out * (.31 ( f ) ® ® NEWS C3l $25,000 PYRAMID © NEW S Mary Cheney Library: ^ ©STYTHREE SONS MORNING Marlowe — The winnowing Crouch — Directory of state Libraries and the life of the I ADAM 12 ® @ CHARLIE'S ANGELS ifflU pg batteries winds © ITTAKES A THIEF O GARNER TED ARM­ 6:00 Rctlon and local history periodicals mind in America (BREAKTHE BANK Melchior — The Haigerloch D’Amato — Italian crafts l| BOZO I JOKER'S WILD STRONG ©AGRICULTURE U.S. A. Ambler — ’The siege of the McCullough — The path ® ZOOM ^ for your IlMhUgM, tap* project I ® WILD KINGDOM (29 NBC REPORTS 6:20 Villa Upp Danziger — Interviews with between the seas ^GlJNSMOKE 10:30 © N EW S hUedaner — Soul of Anna master photographers 6:30 ) BIG MONEY rocordor, radio and Anderson — Mirkheim McDonald — Guilt-free I AMERICANA O REV. IKE 6:30 Klane Denholtz — How to save Malickson — Advertising — © I LOVE LUCY ©SUM M ER SEMESTER Arrlghi — Turkish white I SUPERMAN 11:00 Paul — Nobody home your teeth and your money how to write the kind that ;8'ABC NEWS ®Cf)®®®NEWS cticulitof ©PATTERNS FOR LIVING Ashley — Stalking blind MACNEIL-LEHRER Quinn — ’The limbo connec­ Eisenhower — Special peo­ works LASSIE EPORT © W A R Y HARTMAN, MARY 6:45 Bennett — Insanity runs in ® ( 3 NBC NEWS tion ple 6:00 HARTMAN lee have © A NEW DAY our family Meade — Eleanor of g i HUMAN RELATIONS AND 0N .Y.P.D . 6:59 Rubin — Hard sell Elliott — Northeastern bass Aquitaine CHOOL DISCIPLINE (31 GOOD TIMES every Boles — Mississippi run ©CROSS WITS 55 LIVING FAITH ® MORNING PRAYER Seifert — ’The doctors on fishing CROCKETT'S VICTORY l i a i m y lin k Burman — High treason at Midnight specials ® THE BEST OF DONNY ® DICK VAN DYKE SHOW 7:00 Eden Place Ellmann — The con­ Millman — Our like will not ARDEN thing! ©RANGER STATION Catfish Bend AND MARIE 11:30 Stewart — ’The gay phoenix sciousness of Joyce be there again 7:00 ^ 0 dradtam mmtku/ttejf ©UNDERDOG Burnley — ’The wife ©MOVIE ® THE CBS LATE MOVIE Straub — If you could see Feinman — Live longer — col CBS NEWS ® ® ® THE LIFE AND TIMES © LOVE AMERICAN STYLE ©CARTOON CARNIVAL Butler — Uon of (Christ New voices in science fic­ © BRADY BUNCH me now OFGRiS lY ADAMS ® ® - @ HOWDY DOODY SHOW control your blood pressure tion (^CONCENTRATION Butler, R. — The men that ® @ N O V A I^STfflYOFTHEWEEK ® CONSULTATION Taylor — ’The godsend Fitch — ’The complete book The Other persuasion O BOWLING FOR DOLLARS God forgot 8:30 © MOVIE DEAR DICK: Coold you tell me the ages of Charlie Rich and 7:25 Tremain — Sadler’s of miniature roses 55 FESTIVAL OF FAITH Cadell — Parson’s house Ovington — ’The trout and (3) MARILYN McCOO AND ® ® a THE TONIGHT SHOW Doris Day? DEBBIE BORES, Stratford, Wis. ©PRAYER birthday PRO FAN Calvlno — Castle of crossed Goodell — ’The visible scien­ the fly t BILLY DAVIS, JR. SHOW a ^CCAPTIONED NEWS Yes — Rich is 43 and Doris is 52. It is a curious combination, 7:30 Vliet — Solitudes tists igNEWS @ MARY HARTMAN, MARY ©HUCKLEBERRY HOUND destinies Peck — ’The joy of the only ^ MACNEIL-LEHRER ©MERV GRIFFIN but that’s your business. Whittemore — The 9:00 HARTMAN © N EW S Cohen — 330 Park Gyllenhammar — People at child REPORT messenger (X) t h e CBS WEDNESDAY 12:30 0KIDSWORLD Cooper — Rich people work Pierot — What can I grow in M CROSS WITS DEAR DICK: What was the name of the TV show where the Woolley — Time and place NIGHT MOVIES © MOVIE father got frozen in Alaska and when he thawed out he was ® THREE STOOGES. Cormier — I am the cheese Hackett — 80 years of best the shade? ^ ABC NEWS ® @ B A R E TTA 1:00 ® JETSO N S Yates — The Easter parade @ MAGGIE'S PHYSICAL younger than his own son and caused quite a few problems. Crosby — Company of sellers Schulz — The street of @ PTL CLUB-TALK AND ®®®TOMORROW 8:00 Hentoff — Does anybody crocodiles FATNESS PROGRAM 1:30 MRS. JEANNE ANDERSON, Tuscaloosa, Ala. © B U G S GUNNY friends VARIETY give a damn? Taylor — Zoo vet 3 GIRLS 3 © J O E FRANKLIN SHOW I can understand you forgetting that one — it was one of ® ® TOM AND JERRY Davis — ’The sheik Nonfiction @ HONEYMOONERS 2:30 TV’s most forgettable shows. ’The name was “The Second MUMBLYSHOW Day — Journey of the wolf Barnes — Inside American Hersey—’The Woman’s Day ’Thomas — Bud & Lou SPECIAL ©BESTOFGROUCHO • Hundred Years,’’ starring Monte Markham and Arthur © DAVEY AND GOLIATH Elliott — Blood on the snow Ballet ’Theatre book of annuals and peren­ Van Dersal — Why does 0 (g) THEATRE IN AMERICA © NEWS O’Connell. ® @ ® WOODY WOOD­ Feiffer — Ackroyd Bracken — Your window nials your garden grow? PECKER Grau — Evidence of love greenhouse Hill — Fruits and berries for Weaver — Persuasive 8:30 the home garden writing © B IG GLUE MARBLE Jakes — ’The warriors Bulkin — Dollar wise guide © DENNIS THE MENACE Larson — Academia nuts to California and Las Vegas Krenov — The fine art of Williams — Psychology of women Thursday, Juna 30 ®®>JAGBERJAW Lem — Mortal engines (barter — A government as cabinetmaking 11:00 6:00 ) CROSS WITS 8:30 ©M OVIE Linzee — Death in Connec­ good as its people Sales & Service © M ERV GRIFFIN ® ® ® ® ® N E W S ®@®PINKPANTHER r ® a NEWS ) ABC NEWS © @ M ^ Y HARTMAN, ticut Cath — Love and hate on the lY THREE SONS ® ® WHAT'S HAPPENING! 8:55 ) JOYCE CHEN COOKS MARYHARTMAN © ® SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK Lupoff — Sword of the tennis court I IT TAKES A THIEF 7:30 ® N O , HONESTLY! DIRECTORY ©N.Y.P.D. 9:00 demon Chan ^ Better vegetable I BOZO ) DOUBLEPLAY 8:57 ® NBC NEWS UPDATE ® U V IN G FAITH ® M R . MAGOO McRvanney — Laidlaw gardens the Chinese way ^ZOOM (CAPTIONED) I ADAM 12 ® DICK VAN DYKE SHOW aiNSMOKE 9:00 ©FLINTSTONES RENT-A-CAR CONSUMER SALES ® MUPPETSSHOW ® ABC CAPTIONED NEWS ® ® SCOOBY DOO Manchester Parkade SHOP 6:30 I JOKER'S WILD ©HAWAII FIVE-0 ® @ BARNEY MILLER 11:30 DYNOMUTT US LAST. Name brand 0 1 LOVE LUCY I POP GOES THE COUNTRY ® THE CBS LATE MOVIE ® ABC NEWS ® PTL CLUB-TALK AND SESAME STREET New at Whiton appliances, televisions ) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES VARIETY © LOVE AMERICAN STYLE RECENT DEVELOPMENTS a LASSIE _ PAINT ALONG WITH Lowest prices in town ® ® NBC THURSDAY NIGHT ® ® S.W.A.T.-THURSDAY f MASSACHUSETTS LAW guaranteed. Service after the i a ® a NBC NEWS NANCY KOMINSKY NIGHT SPECIAL New books at Manchester’s Masterson — Hunter of the ®TOiraNON AT THE MOVIES 9:25 sale. ® $64,000 QUESTION MOVIE Whiton Memorial Library: blood (g) ONCE UPON A CLASSIC @ THAT GIRL @ @ AGE OF UNCERTAINTY ©SCHOOLHOUSE RCCK Q’TO 0 ® THE TONIGHT SHOW 9:30 Mitchell — Watson’s choice BARLOW'S TV • Zenith Sales (CAPTIONED) ® MACNEIL-LEHRER § ABCtAPTIONED NEWS 6:55 ffiPORT ® @ F IS H ©MONKEES ' Fiction • Service on Standard Brands 12:30 10:00 Nonfiction a NEWS 8:00 9'58 Blagowidow — The last 805 Hartford Road. ® ® ABCNEvi/SBRIEF ©M OVIE © BRADY BUNCH Caputo — A rumor of war Manchester Telephone 643- 7:00 (D THE WALTONS 1:00 ; train from Berlin ® C B S NEWS ©CROSS WITS 10:00 © MOVIE Fischer — Growing old in 5095. ®BARNABY JONES ® 0 ® TOMORROW ® 0 ® S P E E D BUGGY Burnley — Judith America I BRADY BUNCH ® ® WELCOME BACK, 1:30 (CONCENTRATION © NEW S @ ONCE UPON A CLASSIC Cartland — ’The wild, un­ Gill — Lindbergh alone TWENTIETH CENTURY KOTTER © J O E FRANKLIN SHOW I BOWLING FOR DOLLARS © MOVIE ® ® WESTSIDE MEDICAL 10:25 willing wife Greene — How to start and 'Television, Inc. 176 Burnside ©M OVIE 2:27 , ® ® SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK I FESTIVAL OF FAITH ® ® N O W ©BESTOFGROUCHO Gibbs — The tempestuous manage your own business Avenue, ^ s t Hanford. 528- (FREEDOM IS AT THE TOP 10:30 ® BASEBALL 2:30 petticoat Hentoff — Does anybody 1554. Sales and Service, Zenith (NEWS ® ART AT THE ATHENEUM 10:30 ) ADVENTURES OF BATMAN © LA TIN NEW YORK © N EW S Holland — The deMaury give a damn?: Nat Hentoff on and Quasar. MACNEIL-LEHRER @ MASTERPIECE THEATRE (DOLLY EPORT IKROFFTS SUPERSHOW papers education J ® MONSTER SQUAD McCloy — ’The imposter Keating — Agatha Christie; (ZOOM At Pine Brook Mackintosh — Balloon girl first lady of crime 10:56 Manners — Cardigan Square Friday, July 1 © IN THE NEWS Wright — American hunger 11:00 Louis Esposito as Caliph and Renee Stevens ® IN SEARCH OF THE REAL 6:00 ® HOLLYWOOD SQUARES ©SHAZAM ISIS as Marsinah sing a lovers’ duet in “Kismet” C 3 l® ® a N E W S g CONSUMER SURVIVAL KIT AMERICA © S O U L TRAIN ©MYTHffiESONS MUPPETSSHOW 10:00 ® 0 ® SPACE GHOST- in production at Pine Brook Dinner Theatre © BASEBALL ® MACNEIL-LEHRER © NEW S FRANKENSTEIN.JR. ©BOZO REPORT @FORSYTE SAGA ©INFINITY FACTORY in Higganum. @(g)ZOOM 8:00 @ DOCUMENTARY 11:30 643-5135 24 HOUR TOWING @GllNSMOKE ® THE CBS FRIDAY NIGHT SHOWCASE © ® SUPER FRIENDS 6:30 MOVIES 11:00 ©M OVIE Here’s next schedule -> I LOVE LUCY ©CROSS WITS ® ® ® ® N E W S 0 0 ® BIG JOHN. LITTLE ABC NEWS ® @ THE ABC FRIDAY NIGHT g ® MffiY HARTMAN, ARDWARE CO. JOHN LASSIE MOVIE DOUBLE FEATURE MARYHARTMAN @REBOP for town bookmobile MORIARTY BROTHERS, @ a NBC NEWS a @ ® SANFORD AND SON ©N.Y.P.D. 11:55 VILLA ALEGRE @ ® WASHINGTON WEEK IN 51 LIVING FAITH M0N.-ni. 8-9:30 MNLTON NOTCH, CT. © SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK Ig) STUDIO SEE REVIEW ® DICK VAN DYKE SHOW SAT 8-4:49 6 4 M 2 0 1 11:56 Next week’s schedule for 2:50 p.m.—Galaxy Dr. 6:55 8:30 ® ABC CAPTIONED NEWS © IN THE NEWS th e Manchester Public 3:30 p.m.—Squire Viliage. 315 CENTER ST.. MANCHESTER, CONN.* Phone 643-5135 ®NEW S ©MERV GRIFFIN 11:30 U brary bookmobile: 7:00 ® THE ROCKFORD ® ® ©MOVIE AFTERNOON Thursday FOR PROFESSIONAL QUALITY DEAR DICK: Whatever happened to movie star Uzabeth Monday C3) CBS NEWS © LOVE AMERICAN STYLE Scott? I had heard she died many years ago. She was one of 12:00 9:10 a.m.—Saulters Pool. ©BRADY BUNCH CONTROLLED AUTO RODY REPAIRS WALL $TREET WEEK ' ® ® ® THE TONIGHT SHOW my favorites back in the ’40s. B.C.T., Tucson, Ariz. © FAT ALBERT 9:10 a.m.—Verplanck Pool. 1:30 p.m.—Green Lodge ® CONCENTRATION 9:00 ® BARETTA ©M OVIE Uzabeth is still living, but hasn’t been active in show 1:30 p.m.—Maple St. Rest Home. on all makes... IIJ FESTIVAL OF FAITH a i PTL CLUB-TALK AND ® ABC CAPTIONED NEWS © ABC SHORT STORY 2:20 p.m.—W. Carter St. aJOURNEY TO ADVENTURE WRIETY 12:30 business in some years. I see her occasionally at Hollywood SPECIALS 2:10 p.m.—Avondale Rd. 2:50 p.m.—Blue Ridge Dr. ®NEW S @ CHICAGO SYMPHONY ©MOVIE affairs and she still looks stunning. 0 ® LAND OF THE LOST 2:50 p.m.—Evergreen Rd. @ MACNEIL-LEHRER ORCHESTRA . 1:00 § TV GARDEN CLUB 3:30 p.m.—Finley St. 3:30 p.m.—Loomis St. LOAN and RENTAL CARS REPORT ® MASSACHUSETTS THE MIDNIGHT DEAR DICK: Has there ever been a book written about CANDLEPIN BOWLING ^ Tueaday Friday I Available by Appointment... I ® CROSS WITS 9:27 Miss Jane Pittman (Cicely Tyson)? If so, where can I find one. 12*26 a ABC NEWS 1:30 9:10 a.m.—Camp Kennedy. 9:10 a.m.—Swanson Pool. @ NBC NEWS UPDATE Also Is she stlU Uving? MRS. I.M. JACKSON, Corsicana, Tex. © IN THE NEWS ® PAINT ALONG WITH 9'28 © J O E FRANKLIN SHOW 10:40 a.m.—Globe Hollow 1:30 p.m.—McKee and I’m not sure if you’re referring to the character or the ac­ 12:30 NANCY KOMINSKY ®®ABCNEWSBRIEF 2:30 © A R K II Pool. Summer Sts. tress who played the part. ’The memorable ’TV film, “The 7'30 9:30 © NEW S ©AMERICAN BANDSTAND Wadnaaday 2:10 p.m.—Pine Ridge Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittm an,” was based on a book b)r STAN OZIMEK, Manager ® MATCH GAME ® a THE ABC FRIDAY NIGHT 3:00 0 0 ® l (<