Page Eight ROCKETEER September 3, 1976 Aircraft collide Inkspots to appear during attempt at COM, CPO Club SHDWBDAT on Sept. 24, 25 MOVIE RATINGS to land at night The George Holmes' Inkspots - offspring The objective of the ratings is to Two Navy pilots and a bombardier of the famous 1940's singing group - will inform parents about the suitability of navigator successfully ejected from their make back-t' Fall luncheon meeting ( Adventure Drilma' Set in Northern Africa in Vital contributions of Dr. William B. McLean recalled portunity for a pianist to play solo numbers, 1904, adventure and Americana meet in this film "What an impact and tremendous influence he had on so many to accomplish a certain objective, he would and a serious business. As early as his student days at Eagle Hock scheduled by AAUW based on II true incident involving Pres. Theodore as well as provide the accompaniment for of us. That's really his legacy - the creativity he fostered here." cut right through to the beart of the matter High School in Los Angeles, be was interested in bui1dIng elec­ Members of the China Lake / Ridgecrest Roosevelt. The kidnapping of an American family other members of the cast. by a Berber chietta n prompts Roosevelt to send In a few words, Dr. Marguerite M. Rogers, head of the Systems with a suggested solution that was trical motors, designing and constructing his own photographic Branch of the American Association of U.S. Marines to the rescue. ( PG ) Development Department, summarized her feelings and those of equipment and tinkering with electrical and mechanical gadgets. All proceeds from the tickets sold for remarkable in its simplicity, but lUlerringly University Women have annolUlced plans THURS. 9 SEPTEMBER . counUess others who were close associates of Dr. William B. admission to the American Heritage on target. Following his graduation from high school, he enrolled at the for the group's annual fall llUlcheon " BEST FRIENDS" (8-4 Min.) McLean, Technical Director of the Naval Ordnance Test station Celebration program will be turned over to Innovative, cost conscious and highly California Institute of Technology where be studied physics and meeting. It will be held on Saturday, Sept. Richard Hatch, Susanne Benton for 13 years, who died on Wednesday of last week at a hospital in aware of the need for design simplicity are obtained his BS degree in 1935, his MS degree in 1937 and his PII.D. the Maturango Museum bui1dIng fund that ( Adventure) Two men are d ischarged from the 11, beginning at noon in the clubhouse at San Diego. is being raised in order, eventually, to pay Army and are met by their girlfriends in EI Paso. the attributes others think about when in 1939. He received a post doctoral fellowship for the academic Westwood Manor Mobile Home Park, 801 W. They have different intentions: Pat wants to ditch A major figure in the hislory of NOTS (forerunner to tbe Naval remembering McLean, who was a man for the construction of a permanent Dr. years 1939-40 and 1940-41 at the University of Iowa where both be Ward st., Ridgecrest. the girls, Jesse doesn't. They keep the girls with Weapons Center), Dr. McLean, who was 62 years old at the time to whom gadgeteering was both a hobby and Dr. Gilbert Plain, the present NWC Director of Education and structure for the museum on property them as they travel around in a motorhome in "Two HlUldred Years of Womanhood" of his death, spent a Iotal of 22 years at China Lake. Among his for located within the East Kern RegIonal Park order to see America. (R) a consultant in the NWC Research Department, worked Prof. will be the theme of the meeting, which also FR!. 10 SEPTEMBER many contributions, he was best known for his work as the in Ridgecrest. Alexander Ellett. will include presentations by leaders of "MOVING TARGET" (92 Min.) designer and developer of the Sidewinder air-to-air missile, but Recruiled MIIny Outstanding Employ.. s Further information about the American special int~est groups included within the Ty Hardin, Michael Rennie also left a formidable record of achievements as head of the old Dr. Plain, whose acquaintanceship with Dr. McLean predates HerItage Celebration can be obtained by AAUW. ( Drama ) Jason is an internationally knCM'n Aviation Ordnance Department from 1950 10 1954, and as tbe that of any other NOTS or I\lWC employee, recalled that Dr. calling the chairman, Roae Varga, at 4-46- Any female graduate of an accredited thief. He has just been flown into Athens to be transferred to another prison. Members of a mob NOTS Technical Director through the productive years of 1954 to . McLean accompanied Prof. Ellett (now retired) from the 3939. four·year college is eJigibie for membership aid his escape and fOrce him to do a liMie iob for 1967. University of Iowa to the Bureau of Standards in Washington and in the AAUW. Further infonnation can be them. Jason cannot refuse or hewl ll accused Victorville music gpo be 01 Relired After 33 Fruilful Years later (in 1945) was responaIble for recruiting such charter obtained from either Mrs. Edwin Ives, murder. No rating able. He entered Federal service at Ibe'National Bureau of Standards members of the NOTS scientific and engineering team as Dr. president, by calling :m.aoao, or Mrs. to play at CPO Club .A.. U.S. Go... ..-nm... ' Prlntlno Office : in Washington, D.C., in August 1941 where (IUltiJ be came bere in Newton Ward, Arthur Warner, Harry McPberson, Jack Charles McGee, membership chairman, The Desert RaIn, a contemporary music }o( 191' - .., I HCU10 1945) he worked on ordnance research and development projects. Clemente, as well as Dr. Plain himself. uuren Green pbone 375-9053. . group from Victorvtlle, will play at a ChIef At the time of his retirement in June 1974, after 33 fruttful years, Dr. Plain remembers Dr. McLean as a very qul8t, businesslike be earned from Redlands this past May, Petty Officers' Club dance tonigbt frem 9 Dance set tonight at COM From: Dr, McLean was the Technical Direclor of the Naval Undersea individual who took not only his job, but &lao the welfare of those was also in music, with an emphasis on cello IUltiJ 1 a.m. The popular COlUltry and western music PLACE Center in San Diego - a post be assumed after leaving China who worked wilb him, quite seriously. As a result, those who and cooductIng. Dinner specIaJ for the evening will be group known as California Country will be STAMP Lake in 1967. worked with bim were extremely loyal, Dr. Plain said. Thoughts Green has performed for the past two prime rib at a reduced price, served frem 6 performing for the listening and dancing "Dr. McLean had a breadth of knowledge that was incredible, related to ideas that might sohe problems at work were never far HERE years as principal ceJlist with both the San IUltiJ 9 o'clock. pleasure of Commissioned Officers' Mess and was an inspiring person 10 be arolUld," Dr. Rogers continued !rom Dr. McLean's mind, yet be and his wife, LaV, were vffr! Bernardino Symphony and the Riverside George Barnard, CPO Club manager, has patrons tonight from 9 IUltiJ 1 a.m. in her recollections about her fonner boss and fellow worker. "He friendly and loved' enlertalnq friends in their borne, Dr. Plain Sympboay. He has also played with the annolUlCed that a limited number of civilian Dinn~ special for the evening will be kept everyone in a long lope - trotl1ng to keep up with his ideas, To: added. Vista Desert Symphony of Palm Springs, the guest memberships in the club are catfish and hushpuppies at a price of $3.50, but he didn't just toss off ideas, he would take the time to go into Dr. Newton Ward, contacted at his retiremenl borne in .' Hlgb-Desel't Symphony of Victorvil1e, the available for persons in the GS-5 through lind tomorrow night's specials will be roast them and dig out helpful details," the presenl bead of Code 40 Calif., referred to Dr. McLean as "a man who bad a lot of m­ Lema UncIa Symphony, the Redlands Bowl GS,10 grades or the equivalent. Those In­ duck ($6.95) or king crab legs ($8.75). recalled. fiuence on my life for a number of years. He was a tenacious Symphony, the Redlands University­ terested should apply at the CPO Club 0.· Dinner will be served from 6 through 10 FrequenUy after listening quleUy 10 others debate the best way Dr. William B. Mclean (Conlinued on Page 31 Community Symphony, and the West End fice, be added. o'clock. Two ROCKETEER September 3, 1976 September 3, 1976 ROCKETEER Page Seven Promotiona opportunities Over-Hill Track Club ...-----EmploJ•• in the S otligh,w-t ------" Unlnl ...... ,.at... In the M . ....1Ca ...... -I...... ,..... III tItII COl.,... will .. K~ trom to sponsor 11-mile CM"""" NWC ....pleven ...... kI ... filM wfttI ...... ,.. .. 1ft"" N _ All otNn ItKIn ...... ,...... Bob Clapp says that the key fact ahout engineer. There he designed range in­ ..... the N.v.1 ...... c...... - ,...y ~ the ...... ,...... ·w ...... a..tflutMn OMs...... CoM "t- relay race Sept. 11 himself is that "I enjoy the heck out of being strumentation until 1964, when he switched IExt. 2Nt. ....n,...... wln c .... at 4: ...... the Friday ...... Iat their .,...... 1ft tills with my family." to the Special Projects Branch of the coIU ..... HInI ...... Is ...,acHied 1ft"" ...... ,...,...... wen ....t.ry bes net .... br1IuIII' up til An lI-mile relay race sponsored by the da...... tIIIe IbI ...... ,.. •• ee.'...... Rle. F ..... 171 ... 112 in ....r ...... 11ac:1ht . Intoi'm.'*' Over-the-Hill Track Club will be held in A mechanical engineer by trade, Bob is same department, where he first began biB conceraI... tltelMrtt ~,...., .... ~r.... """ ev.... tkIn 1MtIMIds ..... I..... prMMtlonal ."...,.,...... west Ridgecrest on Saturday, Sept. 11. assistant head of the Surface Systems involvement with special forces weaponry. m.y .. _.1 .... fr1Mn your ~ _...... , AdYt .... (Cede 1M ... 657). AdVerttal", poslttonlllt"" P,...... I ~1tI .. cotumn ...... ,.-.d..... ,... UN Of .,...... rec:rulHftI MUI'CeS III filii", thHe The " Ridgecrest Rattlesnake Festival" Division in the Weapons Department, and He has stayed with the same group ever posl..... As ,.rt of the r ••I ... procn.I • • ..,....Isory ...... , will be Hflt te ttM (\I"""" supenl .....nd ,... race will begin at 9 a.m. at the intersection also head of its Mechanical Systems since, as it has gone 'through several name mos. reaftf pnVkMtS supervlsor of thoM .,.,nun r ..... as Nslcalty .,.18ied. The N.v.' _ ..... C_ter Is of Mahan Rd. and Syndor St., and continue Branch. changes . • n..,..1 pp '.olly ....ployer." MIKtten WII ...... wltIMM1 dtKrl,..hwtton for .ny .....ftMrl. ru... . ,.... ,..lnI",u... uallflcatlCN'l r-.uINfftMtl .....11 OS,..ttIoM.,.. Clefl .... I. CSC Handbook X-nl, WhUe ...... on a 2.2 mile loop of dirt roads. Participants In the former capacity, he is concerned " My job is very important to me, and a for.n WO, WL.nd WI posIHCN'IS.'" defl.... l. CSC H.ndbook X-11K. are asked to come ready to run. with the division's manpower require­ key source of satisfaction," says Bob, "but Technician, GS·1 411 -3 / 4/ 5, PD. conducts seminars and classroom sessions in solder Teams will be composed of three persons, ments, its funding and proper use of in order to properly raise one's children, No. 7550]017, Code 51311 - Located 1(1 the Specifications ted1nology. Job Relevant Criteria: Knowledge of the each one of whom must run at leas! 1 lap resources, and with maintaining good family life has to be even more important. I Library of the Technical Library. incumbenl chargn elements of missile guidance systems and a5SOCiat~ lesl books. periodicals, and technical reports; m.lnTalns anel evaluation equipment; workino knowledge of the (2.2 miles). Each team is required to run a relations with its sponsors. The main want my kids to become good productive circulation files and Shelves; shelves and re·shelves theory of operation of basic electroniC circuits; ability to total of five laps, and it is up to the teams to sponsor is the Naval Systems Command in individuals. When they leave home, I might publicalions; provldn reference serviCes to the users of technically supervise other technicians . Promotion decide which of their runners will run the Washington, D.C., and one of the major become active in various professional the library. Job Relev.nt Criteria : Familiarity with Potenti.l: GS-11. library circulation methods and procedures; ability to use Clerk-Typist, GS-322-1 / 4, PO No.1l5S014N, Cocs. 5514- other two laps and the order in which the projects of the division is designing mine organizations. I'm not an organization appropriate reference material and to wortt in· This position is located in the control Design Branch, laps are to be run. simulators for countermeasures trainiug. joiner now because I feel a real obligation to dependently. Product Design DiviSion, Engineering Department. In. The entry fee is $1 per person, or $3 per work with my children." File applications for the .bov. with P.t G.unt, Bkfg. 14, cumbent serves as secretary to the branch head and Bob's branch has recently been involved COLLEGE OFFICIALS VISIT NWC - Rear Admiral R. G. Freeman III, NWC Rm. 212, Ph. 2514. performs other clerical work required by the branch such team. Unattached runners are encouraged in designing and producing special weapons Bob says he's ''very pleased" with his Clert.-Typlst, G5-322·1 / 4. PO No. 455017. Code 5521 - Commander, recently extended a welcome to a group of some 25 ad. as typing reports, preparing trave-! orders, maintaining to participate, as teams also will be formed for the Navy's SEAL teams which are kids - Greg, IB, Roger, 17 and Dori, 13 - Position located in the Mechanical and Speci.1 Equlpmenl branch filn and keeping timecards. Job Re~'t'ant at check-in time, which is B a.m. Bob Clapp " and my wife keeps us all in line." The ministrators, instructors and their wives from Cerro Coso Community Coltege who Branch, Eng ineering Design Oivision, Engineering Criteria: Ability to type accurately and ~Iclently. to use '1imited in quantity and unique in ap­ were headed by Dr. Richard S. Meyers (cenler), college president, and Dr. Department. Incumbent provides clerical and typing tact and diplomacy When deallrlO with oth«"s and to meet More information may be obtained by plication." These have in the past included first look at the desert and liked it because Clapps make tbeir home on 10 acres near dulles for branch persomel, acts as receptionist, maln­ deadlines under pressure; reliability and dependability. contacting Frank Freyne, the meet signaling devices and a radio detonator for "it's away from the congestion of large the west side of Ridgecrest, where Dori is Richard A. Dodge, dean of instruction. Through the medium of the fi Ims "Evening lains flies, makes tr.vel arrangements. etc. Job Relev.nt Fileapplications tor the ebove with Janet Thomas, Bldg. Colorsll and " Desert Stewardship," the visitors (many of them newcomers to Criteria : Ability to Iype accurately and efficienTly, to get 14, Rm. 204, Ph. 2f2S. director, at 446-3643. explosives (tbe latter went out on contract metropolitan areas." able to enjoy riding the two horses which the along with others In Ihe work group, and to meeT deadlines Indian Wells Valley) were presented an overview of both the technical and Aerospace l Mechanical Engineer, GS·161·11O-'-11-12, after the branch built the prototype.) This When he left the service he returned to family keeps. In addition, "youth football, under pressure; knOwledge of Navy correspondence and PD No. 76400t9, Code 4062- This position Is located in the Winners declared in California, attended Fresno State College Little League baseball and Cub Scouts have scientific work being conducted at NWC, as well as the Navy's concern for lOCal filing procedures. Structural Medlanics Branch of the Systems Development group also hoasts the only two licensed hot­ protecting the environment of the local area which comes within its jurisdiction. A Instrvmen' M.ker, WG-4712·15. JO No. 44'H, Code 5~2 Department. The incumbent serves as a structural ,n,lyst annualgreenskeeper air balloon pilots on the Center - Jimmy and earned a B.S. degree in mechanical become family projects of ours," according - Position is located in the MechaniCal Prototype Br.nch, and consultant, and as a project engineer. Dulles include tour of a portion of the Center's range area a Iso was included on the visitors' Craig and Duane Powers - hoth of whom engineering there in 1958. " Being an old to Bob. Engine«ing Prototype Division, Engineering Depart. the development of structural design criteria, loads tourney ilinerary. -Photo by Ron Allen ment. Incumbent Is .sslgned to development.1 teams in analysis, stallc and dyn,mic analySiS of structural invitational fly the platform balloons that are used for fann boy," he recalls, "you tinker around Bob and Ramona have been taking a Center technic.1 departments for fabrication ,nd par· components and subsystems, t'xperlmental stress Results of the second annual Greater making measurements on the ranges. with equipment a lot. I read tbe college tennis class together at Cerro Coso Com­ Ticipation In the development of instruments fOr use In analySiS, mooel vibration testing, st,',lctural program Greenskeeper Invitational Golf Tour­ catalogue and that field seemed most ap­ munity College, and recently they returned wind tunnel models and high velocity research. In. Designed ' Swimmer Weapons' Sign up now for Chapman College classes planning and project support, initiation, planning and nament have been announced. struments are normally one-Of-a·kind, non-standard type conducting of exploratory development programs in Prior to assuming his present ad­ propriate to my interests." While going to from a Hawaii vacation - Ramona's first Registration began last Monday and who reside in the local area and meet the of such nature as electrical-mechanical, optical. structural mechanics, and related activities. Job Relevant Held last Monday at the China Lake Golf ministrative duties ahout six years ago, school in Fresno he met and married his plane flight, explains Bob: "Ihad done most will continue on weekdays through Wed­ mechanical, h ydraullc·mechanlcal, and laser -mechan leal. Criteria: Knowledge of methods for the static and Course, the event was conducted by the golf wife, Ramona. of the traveling, and now it was her turn, standards of the college's home campus in Job Relevant Criterl.: Ability to perform the work without dynamic analysis of structures; familiarity with FOR. Bob, as a member of the Mechanical nesday, Sept. B, for Term 1-76 classes that Orange. Classes are held at Pierce more than normal supervision; knowledge of materials TRAN; ability topre-pare formal and informal reports and course maintenance crew in order to Systems Branch, designed some of the Bob was recruited off the campus and too. She thought the flight was very boring will be offered by the Chapman College Elementary School, at the Desert Coun­ used in the machining trade; ability toplan,layout,w up, prnentations and 10 wort. etfecllvelywlth engineering and develop better rapport with patrons of the "swimmer weapons" for the SEALS began working at China Lake in early 1958 once we got off the ground and over the Residence Education Center in Ridgecrest. assemble and tnt; knOwledge of machine theory anet technical persomel. Previous applicants will be con­ facility. This year, 30 invitations were sent seling Clinic, or meet informally In in­ related mathematics; ability to interpret blueprints, sidered and need not reapply. himseU, but reflects that now that be's a for Division 3 of the former Aviation Ord­ water. What was she hoping for, anyway - Hours of registration for Term I classes, structors' homes. specifications and technical data; dexterity and safety. File applications hlr the above with Charlotte out for the event. supervisor his job has changed a bit. " I nance Department as a mechanical the excitement of rough weather?" which will begin on Sept. 7 and continue Note: Supplemenlal qualifications statement necessary Siec:kowski, Bldg. 14, Rm. 204, Ph. 1111. First place honors for the nine-hole round The courses to be offered, and the in­ tor raling. work with people now and I'm not so close to through Oct. 29, are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. structors, are as follows: Supply Technician, OS·2005·5/" 7, PO No. 762.5011-1 . went to Mark Hirschy, who shot a 'n. Tim ElectroniCI Technician, GS-IM-7 1 I I ', PD No. 7655016. Code' 2573 - This position Is located in the Stock Controt the hardware. This is fine when you're Consortium of state uniYersities, Enrollment is being handled by Dorothy Education 310, Principles, Curriculum, Code 5511 - Position located In the SOldering Technology Branch, Control DiviSion of the Supply Department. The Andreason was second with a 30, while the successful in encouraging a person to put Carlo, who can be seen at 21B N. Sanders St., Observation and Participation in Branch, Product Assurance Division, E ngine~rlng incumbent Is technically responsible for complete in­ third through seventh places were captured Departmenl. As • cerlifled Category " A" senior ventory managemenl of a pof"tion of Ihe Items controlled out his best effort." colleges oHering degree programs Ridgecrest, or contacted for additional Elementary Education, William Stokes. Examiner, incumbent Inspects and eva lu. tes contr.ctor. by Tom O'Lane (30), Phil Davis (30 ), Capt. by the Cenlet'"; reviews, evaluatn and adjusts computer· Having done a good deal of traveling to The Consortium of California State creditation by the EngIneers Council for information by calling 37s-4416. Education 600, Research Methods submit1ed first .,-ticles; reviews contractor fecUltln lind generated inventory data (this includes slock·level C. B. Olson (31), Kay Someson (32) and tra ining programs ; recommends approval 1 disapprov.1 the nation's capital, Bob says, "A major Chapman College offers upper division Seminar, and Psychology 332, Research and ma intenance, record maintenance and quality control LCdr. Ed Brooks, Jr. (33) . High score prize Universities and Colleges is now offering Professional Development. of contractor proposed devi.Tions; devisn tnls for procuremenl authorlzalion and the administr.tlon of the source of satisfaction which we bave is in degree programs from the Chancellor's 2. Courses may be transferred to and will course work that will fulfill requirements Bibliography Methods, hoth taught by Don solderability. workmanship methods and techniques; Navy Stock Fund). Job R_v.nt Cri"rl.: \Yorking in this event, which was governed by the the close interface that exists between us for a bachelor's degree in social science or Thompson. knowledge of supply procedures and f.m ill.rlty with Peoria system of handicapping, went to Office throughout the entire State of be acceptable in Electronics Engineering Supply DeparTmenT opef".tions; ability to analyze and and the Fleet people who are usIng the psychology. In addition, master's degrees History 437, History of the American John Washington (76) . California. Technology programs offered at several interpret wrlt1en maTerl.l , and To prepare cleerly written items which we have developed. When we Mter two years of planning by a select campuses in California, and dozens of are offered In education, and marriage, West, Bob Cherry. recommendalions and directives. talk with them ahout a product of ours they family and child guidance counseling. Social Work (child weUare and family Fi~ appllcatlonl tor ttle above wi", Terry R_en. Bldg. Golf tourney... conunittee of engineering faculty, and campuses in the Unlted States. SimIlar 14, Rm. 210, Pft. 2171 . like, it's a great boost to our morale." The faculty is composed of instructors law), CecIlia Trieu. (Continued from Page 6) consultants from several government programs will be offered on other Federal EnginHring Technld.n, GS -102·7 / ' 11 , PO. No. Bob describes his ambition as ''taking the agencies, a state-wide program in e1ec­ installations in California. 74170«1, Coda 3721 - This position is locaTed In the Air the pin on hole No . 6, Dan Wagner won a task we're assigned to do and doing the best OperaTions Branch, Renoe OperaTions Division, TesT and case of champagne, and Luke Thomas trooics engineering technology bas been 3. Up to 70 semester hours of course work Evaluation Dep.rTment. The incumbent directs and darn job possible." developed. Officials at Cerro Coso Com­ that will be required in the program may be Labor Da, holida, business hours coordinates Tests conducted on alr·launched weapons fired received a package of golf balls for hitting A native of Boise Valley, Idaho, Bob aT controlled aerial and ground targeTs; will be responsible munity College played an important role by completed at Cerro Coso Conununity of of the longest drive off the tee. FoUowing are the hours operation business and recreation facilities at the tor coor-dinallng and I or controlling the aircraft and served in the Air Force as an armament representing conununity colleges in setting College. The program allows credit for most Naval Weapons Cenlerduring the Labor Day holiday on Monday : Among the distinguished guests entered control technician from 1951-52 at George (Continued on Page 4) in the tournament were Bill Ketchtim, 18th up the program. of the Cerro Coso apprenticeship program Facility Hours AFB in Victorville and at a base in Iceland. Some features of the program are: classes. Hall Memorial Lanes ... _...... 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Congressional District representative; and While stationed in Victorville, be got his 1. It meets all the requirements for ac- 4. Students who complete the prOgram Hall Memorial Lanes Snack Bar ...... 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mason Mallory, vice-president of Western Airlines, and his wife. should be prepared to successfully pass the Golf Course ...... 6:30 • . m.l08:30p.m. Engineer In TraIning examination; the first Theater ...... _...... , ... , .... , ....•....•...... •...... regular hours Summer yolleyball step towards becoming registered by the Fazio's Market ...... 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. State of California as a professional Indoor Pool ...... _...... _...... noon to 6 p.m. league standings engineer. CPO Club Pool ...... noonl06 p.m. For each game a team wins, a single point 5. The electronics engineering technology COMPooI ...... lla.m.l08p.m. is added to its total for the season. Below program, when approved, will be a resident NAF Pool ...... 11 a.m. 10 8 p.m. DIVINE SERVICES are the results as of Tuesday, Aug. 31: program located at RidgecreSt. Gymnasium .. _..... _...... _...... 11 a .m. to 7 p.m. PROTESTANT Team Total Points The program has been approved by the The remaining facilities will be closed on Monday. They are the Commissary Sunday WOrship 5et"v ice 1015 loMa n Volleyball Consortium Committee and awaits review Sund. y School - All AgH and Navy Exchange, Barber Shop, Beauty Shop, Child Care Cenler, China Lake D ivision I Noon a ib le Study 11]0 of the California Postsecondary Education Propulsion Laboratories cafeteria, Station Pharmacy, FEDCO Service Station, Whittington ,5 Sunclay School CI.sses are held in Ch.pel Anneus 1. 2, • Commission. (CPEC). California State - CP· SLO ...... 4 Navy Exchange Service Station, Auto Hobby Shop, camping Issue Facility, ( Dorms S. 6, I I located opposite The CenTfl" Rest.urant O 'Cadavers ...... •... . •...... 4 University at Fresno is the campus selected Ceramics Hobby Shop, Communily Cenler, Hobby Slore, Skeel and Trap Range, Communion Service firsT Sunday of th~ Monlh Nice& Mean ...... 1 to direct the program in this area. Fresno Youth Center, liIundromat, Navy Exchange Annex and Men's Store, and the ROMAN CATHOLIC Roberts ...... 0 MASS has been encouraged to begin the program Bennington Plaza, NAF and Michelson laboratory Snack Bars. Neither will the Division II Salurd.y 1700fulf ills Sund. y obliga tion by means of extension courses peoding Its calering lrucks ollhe NWC Employee Services Board opera Ie thaI day. Sunda y 0700 0110 11)0 Canine Corps . . .. 8 Savvy ...... 5 review by CPEC. LUNCHEON SPEAKER - Addressing aLESSEO SAC. AMENT CHA~IEL Kurdeka ...... 4 As a result, this fall CaI..state Fresno will a combined meeting of the American MASS Kovar ...... 3 1135 offer two extension division courses here The Rocketeer SOciety for Public Administration Bowen ... 1 that may be used in the program. They are Iron Men .. , .. 0 the C9NF ESSIONS ~W"IY' til .... (ASPA) and Brown-Bag Seminar Division III Calculus for Electronics Engineering N... I __ _ ~ily 111510 11. last Thursday, Nesta M. Gallas spoke Sa1urday 1530 to 16A5 Finger s ...... 6 Technology, and Advanced Network LaIII,ca ...... Jap anese All Stars . ,. a.... on "Women in Public Administration." Sunday oeoo to OIlS Analysis. VX-S .. ... 3 RAIIIII_ ...... G_ Fr..... III Mrs. Gallas has held a variety of These courses will be taught Mondays and RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASS ES St r ikers . .. 2 responsible positions in the public P ickie Bread , 2 Wednesdays between 6 and 9 p.m., along ' NWCCOmm_ SuncNy Pre.SchOOl thru 6th grades 1015 administration field and is currently Puma ...... 0 with a lahoratory on Saturdays fr,2 per cent of the ezpense. The paratioos, the committee-in-charge was In the fourth quarter, VX'6 tallied on a Signups are now being taken for the Over­ concepts. He feels, Dr. McEwan said, that in the oceans and what lies IUlder them as be Fish and Game recommendations for a split days before his death, Dr. McLean had been one of Dr. McLean's most valuable remaining 12>,2 per cent of the cost will be able to divide merchandise prizes valued at pass interceptioo, but the PAT failed the-Hill Swim Club, designed for persons at assets became the Technical Dire<;tor of what is 46-day season for doves with a limit of 10 per working at home on another invention paid by the users. a total of $840 among the top 33 participants leaving the Dispensary squad out in froot, least 20 years of age with some swimming as a Technical Director was the prestige now the Naval Undersea Center at San day, 20 in possession after opening day, and which he believed would be of some future that came ahout due to the successful in the Hawaii Week Western Airlines open 14-12. The Dispensary team then took the ability. Diego. straight pigeon seasons in the northern and use to the Navy. development of the Sidewinder air-to-air tournament. This was in addition to the first ensuing kickoff and moved ~ length of the Practice will start during the first week of Additional recognition of his steJlar ef­ southern areas of 16 days each with a hag Dr. Ward described Dr. McLean as a man prize of a trip to Las Vegas. field - finally crossing the goal line on October. Interested persons may register missile. " Because of this, he could elPress forts continued as (in 1969) he was singled and possession limit of six birds. that everi a fatal illness couldn't keep from opinions and do a good many things of For placing a drive that ended closest to another rIDI by Jones. The PAT was IUI­ either at the indoor pool or the gymnasium out to receive tbe CaJjfornia Institute of Last year pigeon season was cut b8ck by benefit to NOTS, even though they were nol (Continued on Page 7) successfuJ, and the finaJ score for this game office. (Editor's note : the following message Technology Distinguished Service award. two weeks and the daily bag and possession always popular in Washington circles," Dr. limit was reduced by two birds - this Fall Tennis Classes was sent on Wednesday, Aug. 26, from Three years later (1972), the Institute of McEwan recaJIed. Electrical and Electronics Engineers because the kill had fallen off significantly Classes for beginning and intermediate the Naval Weapons Center to the Naval Maximum Fedll Award Received presented Dr. McLean with its Harry in Washington, Oregon and California in tennis players will begin on Tuesday under Undersea Center in San Diego.) In 1956, when the Navy revealed the Diamond Award for outstanding leaders\lip recent years. the instruction of Fred Hagist. On behalf of the military personnel Sidewinder to the public as the newest in development of guided missiJes and Dove hlUlting season opened on Sept. 1 Classes for beginners will be held at 10 and civilian employees of the Naval addition to the Fleet arsenal, Dr. McLean undersea exploration. In 1973 be was elected and will run through Sept. 3il, reopen Nov. 20 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and at 5 Weapons Center I request you convey received the maximum Federal govern­ a member of the National Academy of and continue through Dec. 5 statewide. As is p.m. on Wednesdays. Instruction for in- our deep sympathy to Mrs. McLean and ment award of $25,000 and that same year &iences. generally the case, white-winged doves will termediate players will be given at 5 p.m. her family on the death of her husband, was presented the L.T.E . Thompson Award, be allowed in the bag only in hnperial, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fee for the Dr. William B. McLean. (NWC's highest honor), in recognition of his Survivors Listed Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Tuesday and Thursday classes is $14 for 12 Dr. Mclean's many contributions to leadership efforts with his project. Dr. McLean's survivors include his wife, Norbert Rillieux - a Negro from Dates for band-tailed pigeons are Oct. 2-17 sessions and that for the Wednesday class is operational readiness of the Navy and Two years later, Dr. McLean was the LaV ; three grown sons, William Robert, New Orleans - perfected a vacuum in Butte, Del Norte, Glenn, Humholdt, $7 for six sessions. Marine Corps, highlighted by his recipient of the President's Award for Donald Malcolm, and Mark Allen; a pan in 1846 that revolutionized the sugar Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Plumas, Classes will be limited to tbe first eight outstanding personal efforts in Distinguished Federal Civilian Service, brother, the Rev. Robert N. McLean of refining industry. Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Tehama and students who sign up. Registration may be development of the AIM-9 Sidewinder, which was presented by President Dwight Sacramento; his stepmother, Mrs. Robert "RillieuK's invention is the greatest Trinity ColUlties, and Dec. 11-26 in the made at the gymnasium between 9 a.m. and will always stand as a tribute to his D. Eisenhower, and in 1960 the American McLean of Pasadena and two grandsons. in the history of American chemical haIance of the state. 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. unparalleled leadership and devotion Ordnance Association honored Dr. McLean No flUleral services will be held for Dr. . engineering, and I· know of no other to duty. by presenting to him its Blandy Gold Medal. McLean, but there are plans for a memorial invention that has brought so g ..... t a College building 2 new tennis courts, lighting All members of the Navy's Stili other honors received by Dr. McLean service honoring .him that will be held saving to all branches of chemical 4 old ones; all will be open to public soon laboratory community share the deep were election to membership in the on Tuesday, Sept. 14, at 3 p.m. Those engineering," SIIys Dr. Charles Browne sense of loss. National Academy of Engineering in 1965 wishing to do so may contribute to the of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Six lighted tennis courts will be available The courts will be available to the public RillieuK also published numerous spending time thinking ahout new things. and the presentation to him by Vice Wi11iam B. McLean Memorial FlUId in care in late October at Cerro Coso College for the at any time that instruction or intercolleg­ scientific IYpers and hIId an adive He was an inventor-type who believed in President Hubert Humphrey of the of !be Westminster Presbyterian Church, instruction programs of the school, as well iate sports are not scheduled for them. They Rockefeller Public Service Award for 3598 Talhot St., San Diego, CA 92106, where career as a teacher of applied ~, ..,. - ';:""' ,.. 'doing things simply, cleverly and inex- . ... as for the recreational use of tbe community will also be open for weekend use by access &ience, Technology and Engineering. The the memorial service is to be held. mechanics. BURROS PREPARE FOR GRID SEASON -A squad of morelhan 60prospeclive at large . through a personnel gate located in a fence pensively, Dr. Ward said. . varsity football players began workouts in full gur this past Monday in Two new tennis courts with lights are now along the lower service road. H. G. " Hack" Wilson, a fonner NWC preparation for the 1976 gridiron season. In the photo above, David Bens, offensive under construction at the college in the area Individuals using the courts have been Technical Director who is now retired and Drive Safely - Don't Make It Your Last line coach, watched as Mark Alden (No. 741 and Mark VanDevender (No. 711 originaJIy used fo r outdoor basketball, and requested to use the regular college parking living in Oceanside, remembers Dr. practiced t heir blocking technique. Both Alden and Van Devender saw action as lighting will be added to the four courts lot and walk to the courts from their cars. McLean as a scientist whom people trusted offe nsive tackles last year. The Burros will travel to East Ba kersfield for a 10 a .m. already in use. The $39,200 project was Information on class schedules and tennis because of his very high integrity, and a scr immage on Sept. 11, and then open a me schedule against Chino High, a authorized by the Kern County Community matches can be obtained by phoning the man who had the innate ability to clearly non-league opponent, at 8 p.. m. on Sept. 17. -Photo by Ron Allen College hoard .of trustees. college at 375-5001. state what he thought the essence of a LJA\J :'3®ill 10"J/NVJ* Page Four ROCKETEER September 3, 1976 September 3, 1976 ROCKETEER Page Five Congressman speaks at meeting here... • (Continued from PAge 1) personnel. In reference to one point that Seabees of NMCS·5 rough it In field exercise on desert was granted last year, as well as some was raised on this matter, Congressman (Editor's note : Among the numerous Weapons training played a hig part in the estate tax reform, the Congressman stated. Ketchum was able to point out that the activities conducted in the Naval Weapons training schedule. The 8lmm mortar crews "We should be concerned about the fact request for diminishment of the Com­ Center's B range area are military training received hard-to-come-by "hands-on" that, over the years, more and more people missary Store program had come from the exercises carried out by active duty Seabee training, actually firing both high ezplosive have access to our income tax returns. At Department of Defense - not from units. During the period of Aug. 19·26, more and illumination rounds into tbe desert least five agencies can request and obtain Congress. than 400 personnel of Naval Mobile Con­ hillsides. The largest weapon in tbe Seabee copies of your tax return, but Congress is Other questions fielded by Congressman struction Battalion S were here for a con­ arsenal, the l06mm recoilless rifle, also was committed to get this sort of thing stopped," Ketchum ranged from inquiries on tbe densed, but highly concentrated, period of given a workout by its Alpha Company Ketchum said. subject of optional retirement and what is such training. What follows is a write-up by crews. A portion of the meeting was then turned happening to the money in the Federal a Navy iournalist member of NMCB-S about For the month preceding tbe field exer­ over to questions from tbe audience. The govenunent employees' retirement fund to simulated ground combat conditions in the cise, the Seabees underwent intensive first such inquiry was in regard to the the increased use by Federal agencies of desert). training on the M-16 rifle, .45 caliber pistol, erosion of benefits to retired military contractor personnel rather than Civil By J03 Douglas M. Sanford the M~ machine gun, and the M-203 Service employees, as well as what to ex­ Special Mass slated Leafrung to live in a hostile environment rifle / grenade launcher. There was keen pect in the way of a pay increase this year. was the aim of U.S. Naval Mobile Con­ competition to decide the best marksmen in for mothers Sept. 8 Sa lanced· Budget Needed struction Battalion FIVE (NMCJl.,';) when it the battalion, based on both classroom and Nellt Wednesday, Sept. 8, which is the In his responses to these questions, the returned after a year's absence to the live-firing competition. birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, will be local Congressional representative spoke Mojave Desert surrounding -ton trucks for the ride Assistance Progr..n CoordiMtor, OS.)01 . Christopher Wayne is the name of a son the fall season nellt Thursday evening, Sept. the few rattlesnakes that made tbe mistake Em.....,. wise harassed the batallion in an attempt to 7 1 " 11, PD. No. 1M5OI5, Code 6504 - This will be a WAE born on Aug. 24 to Mrs. Isabel Carsoo. 9, at the Commissioned Officers' Mess. of trying to live within the camp perimeter. to tbe stretch of blacktop road where or temporary position. Tills position is locall!'d In the infiltrate the camp defensive perimeter. Two of the infants, Kurt Carmeron Mc­ A social hour at 6:30 p.m. will precede a On Monday and Tuesday, the line com- charter buses were waiting to take the Personnel Department, Progr.m Devt!lopment Division. The battalion was on full alert from 6 a.m. troops back to Port Hueneme and the good The positlon's primary responsibility Is to c,,;ordlnate .nd Corkle and the only girl, Robin Lyn Shue, dinner that is to be followed by a talk by panies - Alpha, Bravo,