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.'Vijib: * /iimili| I«s|«tptr—Drooteii hi laral Mws nnii Mrtsts, #wecnl Sotelligwte, Iteatore, politics, %icnltatt, Hk^wim, tjit Sits, ©mention, %x. ^r.—Cstnblisifii. in 1800. •-•m -


Seasonable "Are yon in favor of restoring the secure the blessings of Liberty to our- Dr. Kane. Torejon, who commanded the bfillnftf oaoeswAtLcs; DYING, , j Missouri restriction, or do you go for selvesandour posterity, giving liberty to A iVAi trh by Dr. William Elder. charge of horse at Bnena HE Subscriber would return hi3 thanks for :s A. 1. BYINGTON Editor 8i Proprietor. DRY G-OODS. i the entire prohibition of slavery in all the States to do what they shall think When a man's life is heroic, and his surprise was mutual, but'the Sp3P©6m- the very liberal patronage which the Pub­ The Household Jewels. pany had the advantage of the gredud. 4' HE Subscriber would return his thanks for Tlic have favored hiin with for the past year, the territories of the United States ?" to be' proper within their own localities name has passed into history, the world ,Subscription Rates : . T the very liberal patronage with which bis and would respectfully inform his customers A traveler, from journeying "I am opposed to any legislation oil under such circumstances as to them wants to know him personally, intimate­ At the first instant of the discaTeryrand'"* 5i Village Subscribers by Carrier, per year, $2.00 Store has been favored theyear past, and hopes that he is prepared to execute all orders in a In couutries far away, ' those subjects for reasons already giv- shall seem to be right and just, but ly. The "grave and reverend chroni­ before the rascals ' fully comprehended" BY Mall, Post Riders and Wagoners, 2.00 by constant attention to the wants of the superior manner. Silks, Merinoes. Paramet- Repassed bis threshold at the close claiming no right and conceding no right cler," passing over hi?? beginnings, pre­ their involvementj the Doctor Those lmngout of any Carrier',1* Diitriat, 1.60 trading public and by a system of fair and hon­ t tas, De Laines, Shawls, Ribbons. Gloves, and "Are you in favor of abolishing slave- to them to carry their own peculiar ins in Spanish, "Bravo! thB capital •tfVea-' For fractional parts ol'a year, at the rate of 2.00 orable dealing, to retain his share of trade for Stockings, dyed all colors, every week. Of one calm Sabbath-day ; ?. sents him abruptly in his full grown jSfT- Single copies 5 cents, in wrapper, 0 ' ry in.'he District of Columbia and the titutions beyond the limitations conferred greatness; men render the admiration ture, Colonel, form your lin« the year ensuing. His Stock comprises at all Broche Shawls cleaned, equal to new, Crape A voice of love, a comely face, u times a choice and varied selection of fashiona- Shawls cleaned, and dyed all colors, and the A kis3 of chaste delight, ; United States forts, dock-yards, &c.!" by the doctrine of the sovereignty of earned, but the sympathetic emulation charge!" And down they went'."upon' & Advertising Rates : 1 ble and seasonable Dry Goods, of every quality new China finish put on equal to new. Were the first things to welcome him "1 am not, sir." States. awakened is concerned to know how he the enemy ; Kane and hi* gallunt One Square one insertion $1.00 and price. He is confident that purchasers All orders left at the Subscriber's residence "All that I would now ask upon the No, sir! The Constitution of the grew into his maturity of excellence.— tucky charger ahead. Understanding two do 1.25 will iind every article purchased at his store, at Winnipauk, or at Shepherd's Bakery, at On that blest Sabbath night. do do subject of the tariff is, *to let italone."' United States is an instrument, not of This curiosity is not an idleness of the the principle that sends a tallowfeifadl* *- do do three do 1.50 equal in quality, and as cheap in price, as can Norwalk, or of Joy Sc. Sons, Danbury, Ct., and He stretched his limbs upon the hearth, ; one month, 1.75 be obtained elsewhere. Particular attention immediate, but of ultimate and univer­ fancy, but a personal interest ir. the facts through a plank, and that the motw^''* do do 301 Bowery, N. Y., will receive attention. Mr. Banks, the candidate *f the Re- j; do do two months, 8.00 devoted to the selection of Cloths, vestings, 10 JOHN PICKENS. Before its friendly blaze, , sal Freedom. It was so contemplated that springs out of those aspirations turn of a body is its weight ninftiplie#" { publicans for the Speakership, came up 55 do do three months, 4.00 &c., &c., for Gentlemens wear, which will be And conjured up mixed memories, • * - by the great men who framed it, and the which put every man upon the fulfil­ by its velocity, he dashed through"'the* " 1 do do six months, 1.00 sold at the lowest market prices. Of gay and gloomy days; - |thus: world has so regarded it. The national ment of his own destiny. How came opposing force, and turning to engage * one year,' L. H. RANDLE. To the Ladies of Norwalk. do do 13.00 And felt that none of gentle sou!, - ? j [In reply to Mr. ^ollicoffer's ques- after breaking their line, he found him- Two do do 20.00 FASHIONABLE MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING flag, that is its symbol, that makes the this man to excel—what was in him— Rich additional square, per year, 8 00 ISS F. PILGRIM, would respectfully in­ However far he roam, ' tioris, which were substantially: Do land over which it floats, in whatever what happened to develop it ? "Some self fairly surrounded, and two of the* " NORWALK EMPORIUM ; l t One Column ®ne year, '75.00 M form her patrons that she now occupie s Can e'er forego, can e'er forget, i 1 you regard the Kanzas-Nebraska bill as quarter of the globe, so long as it covers men are born great: some achieve great­ enemy giving him their special' '«itt*B -'- * the rooms over J Advertisers occupying two or more squares, 6$J The quiet joys of home. promotive of the formation of free an American citizen, American territo ness ; some have greatness thrust upon tion. One of these was disposed .of ih are entitled to the paper free of charge. tmssfflst No. 1 and 2 Skiddy's Block, an instant by rearing hia horse, " Who; 8 Where she has added Dress Making in all its Slates from Kanzas and Nebraska ? Is ry, is the banner of ultimate and univer­ them-." How came this man by it ? Is Fifteen lines pf Brevier or 100 words make a " Bring me my children!" cried the sir*, y with a blow of hit fore foot, floored hup ^ square. '..Fractional parts of a square, charged PROVISIONS, FRUITS. branches to her Millinery business. the Wilmot Proviso constitutional, and sal Liberty—its white and red foldssym­ it within my reach also? and by what The latest fashions are received as soon as With eager, earnest tone ; , how and when would you apply it ?— bols of revolutionary trials, of the crests means? History provoKes us with such man; and wheeling suddenly, the DOB- •» for'as airhole. J i'earlf adfertisers have the privilege of chang­ Vegetables, Fish of All Kinds, issued, and her experience and success in the " I long to press them, and to mark Does'the constitution carry Slavery into of victory, and the blood of sacrifice. queries as these . Biography answers tor gave the other a sword wound,itha* business justifies her in believing that she can J ing fiieir advertisements once per month.— Clams. Oysters, &c., How pleasant they have grown ; territories and protect it there?—Mr. May its starry union forever stand as them. opened the external iliac artery, an«lpnt - Adter^.U^fnents changed ofteuer charged as please all who may favor her with their pat­ him hors de combat-. This -snbject ;of' i As good as the market affords,constantly to be ronage. She has just received a large assort Twelve vjeary months have passed away Banks said : || lustrous and imperishable as the golden Doctor Elisha Kent Kane is not trattwaj^'"*'''' * the Doctor's military surgery war th«- i Tranrfefef advertisements payable on the first found at the well known establishment of ment of Winter Goods, Hat and Drena trim­ Since I went o'er the sea, "1 recognize the right of every gen­ fires of God's firmament! (Great ap­ quite 34 years old, yet he has U*ne inSertiOh.' ' Yearly advertisers payable at ALLEN, MEEKER & CO. ming which the Ladies are invited to examine. To feel how sad and lone I was tleman in this House who has been vo­ plause.) more than circumnavigate the globe ; he young Maximilian. Th« ' brief mei#**-® exptititioii of three months. Yearly adver­ Goods of the above description received Without my babes and thee." ting for Speaker during this protracted [In reply to the questions of Mr. has visited and traversed India, Africa, terminated with a cry from the ;i tisers restricted to their regular business. daily, and for sale at wholesale and retail on $260 Reward. contest, to ascertain the opinions of any Barksdale, of Mississippi, which were Europe, South America, the islands of cans, "'We surrender." Two of th« Cards, Resolutions, &c., inserted as Special the most favorable terms. " Refresh thee, a* 'tis needftil." said 1 1 HE Danbury & Norwalk Railroad Company man for whom he casts his vote. Sir, in brief, whether Mr. Banks was a the Pacific, and twice penetrated the officers made a dash for an escape, the Notices^ 25 per cent addition to the above offer the above Reward to any person who The fair and faithful wife, Doctor pursued them, but soon gave'Up ratej.;:_ v , ••. . Lime. T I should claim it as my right to know member of the American party, wheth­ Arctic region to the highest latitude at­ will give information that shall lead to the The while her pensive features paled, the chase. When he returnedjihe fouj^bp .##• ©?ese-terms will be inflexibly adhered to. 100 Bbls. of Lime for sale by T. L. PECK, the opinions of my candidates to such er lie was in favor of abolishing slavery tained by civilized man. He has en­ conviction of the person or persons who have And stirred with inward strife ; placed obstructions upon the Track of their an extent as shonld be satisfactory, to in the District of Columbia, or not, countered the greaiest perils of sea and his ruffians preparing to massacre'--thr>fs Timber and Laths, Road, near to and on the Road Bridge at Wil­ '• Refresh thee, husband of rny heart, myself, at least. But, sir, as a member whether he believed in the equality of land, in every climate of the globe; he prisoners. As he gallopped* pott ; DIRECTORY. AT SOUTH NORWALK. ton, since the 1st July last. I ask it a* a boon; of the Honae, I have other rights. I the black and white races, whether he has discharged in turn the severest du­ young officer whom he had woundedj:b»i.' 8, 350,000 Plastering Laths. H. SMITH, Snp't. Our children are reposing, love; | offer myself as a candidate for no office, was in favor of the entire exclusion of ties of the soldier and the seaman ; at­ heard him ery, Senor, save^father^, d 50,000 Feet Pine and Spruce Timber. Danbury, Aug. 13th, 18C5. tf33 Union Telegraph Office, Thou shalt behold them soon." I solicit no man's suffrage j and I am adopted citizens and Roman Catholics tached to the United States Navy as a A group of the guerrilla guards Danbuty Norwalk R. R. Depot 10,000 Pine Pickets just received and for dashing upon the Mexicans, huddled to--1 sale by THOS. L. PECK. For Sale. She spread the meal, she filled the cup, not, therefore, called upon as a candi­ from office or not, and how he stood on surgeon, he is, nevertheless, engaged at gether, with their lances in rest. He, Messages sent to all parts ot the Union with HOUSE, Barn, &c., with about five acres She prest him to pat-take; date to solve such difficulties as gentle­ the tariff—Mr Banks said :] one time in the coast survey of the promptness and accuracy. of land, located about 1 1-4 miles from the men supporting other persons may find In regard to my position as connected tropical ocean, and in a month or two, threw himseif before them—one of. tbem. _ LUMBER! LUMBER! A He sat down blithly at the board. ; Office Hours on week days from 8 A. M, to !> Bridge on the New Canaan Road. There is a in the existing condition of public af­ with the parties of the country, I wish we find him exploring the frigid zone; transfixed his horse, another gave hint a. J P. M;> and on Sundays from 7 to 8 P. M. ILL & HUBBELL have recently com­ And all for her sweet sake ; ~ menced the Lumber Business at the old first rate orchara, a good well of water, and a fairs. Those who have honored me by to make my statement in my own way, and all the while that his persona- ex­ severe wound in the groin. He killed, 45 t B. P. COAN, Operator. H never failing stream running through the prop­ But when the frugal feast was done, stand lately occupied by Mr. Charles Thomas, their confidence and votes are them­ periences had the character of romantic the first lieutenant, wounded the second / erty." Said place will be sold at a great bar­ The thankful prayer preferred, . inasmuch as it is a matter which par­ and intend to keep on sale f selves responsible for the course they adventure, he was pushing tbein in the lieutenant, and blew a part of the, colo­ a 3 MALLORVS gain, if applied for soon. For particulars en­ Again affection's fountain flowed ; ticularly concerns myself. I will state Timber, Lath and Lime, quire of Mitchell & Camp, or on the premises, have chosen, and, I doubt not, they are the facts, and the gentleman from Mis­ spirit of scientific and philanthropic en­ nels beard off with the last charge of Again its voice was heard. , ' his six-shooter ; then grappling : with . DAGUifiREAN ROOMS, together-with every variety of Lumber sold in of I^EEMAN CURTIS. able to meet the responsibility. It is sissippi, (Mr. Barksdale,) and other gen­ terprise. thin market. We shall be happy to accommo­ Norwalk, July 15, 1854. tf'26 " Bring me uy Children, darling wife, : not for ine to provide for their defense. tlemen may draw their own inferences. As a boy, his instinctive bent impel­ him, and using his fiste, he brought the-:;, Over D. & N. Depot. date customers with any thing in our line at I'm in an ardent mood ; I can only say, as Othello said of his What they may be, it is not for me to led him to the indulgence and enjoy­ party to terms. The lives of the priso^-h NORWALK. liberal prices. M. HILL, ||» New Styles. w*. ners were saved, and the Doctor receipt i 15 J, C. HUBBELL, My soul lacks purer aliment. w ife, they "had eyes and chose me." say. When 1 was elected to this House ment of such adventures as were best Likeneiies n^New Goods & low prices. I long for other food ; I have convictions—convictions of as a member from the State of Massa­ fitted to train him for the work before ed their swords. As soon as General- Gaona could reach his son, who lay *t »:. Warranted to please all Good Judges. SPANG & BARDWELL'S ^ HARLES FIELDS has now on hand as Bring forth my children to my gaze. duty, convietions of principle—upon chusetts, 1 was elected on the nomina­ him. His collegiate studies suffered large and varied an as&rtment of Gentle­ little distance from the scene of the iftt Dry Good «L Clothing Store, C Or ere I rage or weep ; ' * i he great matters in which the country tion of the regular democratic party and some postponement while his physical men and Ladies' Gaiters, Boots; and Slippers, struggle, the Doctor found him sitting D. B. BOOTH, At Westport. Conn as has ever been presented to the public in this I yearn to kiss their happy eyes is interested ; and as a member of the of the American party of that district. qualities pressed for their necessary trai­ House, representing a district in the The American party was very largely ning and discipline. It was almost in by him receiving his last adieus. • Shift-;; HE above firm would inform the inhabitants market. The styles are new ; the.workmanship Before the hour of sleep." ATTORNEY AT LAW, neat and beautiful; while the material is of commonwealth of Massachusetts, I have in the majority. I avowed my senti­ the spirit of truancy that he explored ing the soldier and resuming the sur­ T of Westport and vicinity, that they have geon, he securcd the artery, and put the BASREMOYBD FROM DANBURT TO NORWALK on hand a complete and extensive assortment the finest texture and most durable quality.— " I have a question yet to ask ; no hesitation in responding to any of ments freely and fully on the questions the Blue Mountains of Virginia, as a OFFICE OVER HAIOHT'S STOVE FACTORY. He has some very elegant, plain and fancy Be patient, husband dec-r, the inquiries propounded by the honora­ student of geology, under the guidance wounded man in condition to traveL-r-. of DRY GOODS,READY MADECLOTEflNG, colored, Ladies Gaiters; also, Gent's Patent which are involved in the issue present­ -and every kind and ttyle of goods adapted to A stranger, one auspicious morn, ble gentlemen from Tennessee to the ed by that party, before there was any of Professor Rodgers, and cultivated at The ambulance got up for the ocastion,. Mens wear. Leather Boots and Shoes, with an endless as­ AMOS HUNT, sortment of Boys and Misses Shoes, all of which Did send some jewels here ; honorable gentleman from Illinois. especial cause for me to do so, and be­ once, his hardihood of vitai energy and contained at once the wounded - .MMi- The Clothinp and Tailoring department is milian, the wounded second iieutehaat,; General Pension & Patent Agent conducted by the senior partner (J. Spang,) will be sold very low for cash. The public are Until, to take them from my care. I answer distinctly, that I do not re­ fore it had attracted the attention of the those elements of natural science which are invited to call and examine his stock for But yesterday he came, gard the Kanzad-Nebraska bill as pro­ country ; and as an answer to the fourth were to qualify him for his after servi­ and the man that had prepared^hem; . And Prosecutor of Claims before whose reputation as a cutter is well established. themselves. tf?l There can always be found a better assort­ And I restored them with a sigh ; motive of the formation of free States, interrogatory put to me by the gentle­ ces in the field of geography. But, in for slow traveling, himself on hisititter, the several Departments and ment of Black and Col'd Cloths, Black, and Dost thou approve, or blame ?" inasmuch as it repeals the prohibition of man from Mississippi, after it had been due time he returned to the pursuit of from the lance wound received ill ; ^eT ; Fancy Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Kentucky Janes "HARDWARE." fence of his prisoners. the Court of Claims. the institution of slavery over the sec- submitted to the gentleman from Illi­ literature, and achieved the usnal hon­ When ^they Merinos, Cassimers, Linens, and Cotton Goods VON & KELLOGG, 83 Watet Stree' " I matvel much, sweet wife, that thou reached Pueblaf the Doctor's wtyj^id for Summer wear, than is or ever has been kept lion of country to which that statute ap­ nois, I have only to say that, in the ors, as well as though his college stud- Washington, D. C. Bridgeport, offer to the Trade, Manufac­ Should breathe such words to me ; proved the worst in the party. Hcryaa in the place. Cloth etc., is cut free of eharge Lturers and Consumers, an extensive and well plies. I think it does not tend to the speech which I delivered to this body es had suffered no diversion—his mus­ Restore to man, resign to GOD, taken to the government house, but'the, C. & E. K. LOCKWOOD, & Co. when bought at this Establishment. selected stock of English, American, and Ger­ formation of free States. during the last. Congress, I expressed cles and nerves were educated, and his SPANG & BARDWELL. man Hardware, consisting of all descriptions Whate'er is lent to thee ; ^ I believe in the constitutionality of freely and fully my opinions on the brain lost nothing by the indirectness of o'd General, in gratitude for his gener- NORWALK, CONN., all v •' ... -r1-" of Shelf Goods, Anvils, Vices, Files, Borax, Restore it with a willing heart, ^ that act which is known and generally subject. The record is there, and to it ts development, but was rather corrob­ IOUS services, had him conveyed to^his MANUFACTURERS OF Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods- Glue, Builders Hardware, Mechanics Tools,. ,r Be grateful for the trust; • \i understood as the Wilmot Proviso. I I refer the gentlemen for information. orated for all uses which it has served own house. General Childs, American Springs, Axles and Carriage Goods of all commander at Puebla, hearing a£_li)e Tin, Sheat Iron & Copper Wares, NEW SPRING STOCK! kinds, Leather Belting, Guns, Pistols, Rifles, Whate'er may tempt or try us, ?rife, believe that it is within the power of Let the record speak. I have adopted since. He graduated at the University generosity of his A.XD HEALERS IX THE Subscriber has just returned from &c., &c., and would respectfully call the atten­ Let us be ever just." / Congress to prohibit the institution of the maxim of Junius, that it is an un­ cf Pennsylvania—first, in its collegiate, prisoner, disehitgfcd New York with a new Stock of Fash- tion of the public to their selection and prices him without, making any terms, and'the Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Cutlery, She took him by the passive hand,: f Slavery in a territory belonging to the fortunate waste of time for a man to and afterwards iii its medical depart­ ionable Jewelry, Watches, Plated before purchasing elsewhere. United States Whether I would "ad­ spend any considerable portion of his ment. llis special relishes in study in­ old general became the principal nurse Britannia Porcelain and Wooden % Ware and Fancy Goods, which he offers to his Agency for Old Colony brand of Nails, and And up the moonlit stair, of his captor and benefactor, dividiiigihis customers very cheap. Fairbank's Celebrated Scales, orders solicited She led him to their bridal bed, vocate the passage of such an act in life in commentaTiea on his own works. dicated his natural drift; chemistry and are, and Kitchen Furniture ^ regard to a territory where it was clear­ surgery ; natural science in its most in­ attentions between him and hi»sori,^ho Clocks and Watches repaired. and promptly attended to. With mute and mournful air ; [Laughter.] in general, Pumps, Sheet Accordeons tuned and repaired. Bridgeport, Jan. 3d, 1855. ly unnecessary, where by local, pre-ex­ I come now to speak to the. interrog­ timate converse with substance, and the lay wounded in an adjoining room. 'Thie She turned the cover down, and there, Coffin Plates, Spoons, Rings, &c., neatly en­ isting laws it had been prohibited; or in atory in reference to the equality of the remedial art in its most heroic function, illness of our hero was long and doubt-. - Lead Sf Lead Pipe, In grave-like garments dressed, graved. O. S. CLARK, Tomllnsoii other words, whether I would advocate white and black races. I have to say, He went, out from his Alma Mater a fill, and he was reported dead to: his - Crockery, Glass ^ Lay the twin-children of their love, Cheaper than Ever SPRING & AXLE CO.. a double inhibition, I have^only to say, in this matter, that I accept the doctrine good classical scholar, a good chemist, friends at home. and China MANUFACTURERS OP In death's serenest rest. that if a doubt existed as to its exclu­ of the Declaration of Independence, mineralogist, astronomer, and surgeon. When he recovered and returned;, he At the South JVorwalk was employed in the Coast Survey:-— • Ware, .- " These were the jewels lent to me, sion by valid municipal law, I should that all men are created equal. In re­ But he lacked, or thought he lacked, ro­ GROCERY STORE. SPRINGS & AXLES While engaged in this service, the;go.y- Which GOD has deigned to own ; sustain an act which embodied the pro­ gard to the superiority of races, I am. bustness of frame and soundness of BOTH COBKOKON & PATENT, eminent by HE Subscriber has on hand by far the lar­ hibition known as the Wilmst or Jeffer­ impressed with the conviction that it is health. He solicited an appointment in its correspondence with;I»e- E. Y. A. CHICHESTER/ gest and best selection of Family Groce­ Of all hindi> and sizes, The precious caskets still remain, T son Proviso, in regard to the measures to be determined only by capacity for he navy, and upon his admission, de­ dy Franklin became committed for an., ries and Provisions, to be found in South Nor­ Cannon-st., opposite Tomlinaon's Carriage Manufactory, But, ah, the GEUS are flown; attempt at the rescue of Sir John^sipd1' walk, which he offers to his customers and the BRIDGEPORT, CONN. But thou didst teach me to resign ol 1850, I can only say that, being called endurance. So fai as 1 have studied manded active service. He was ap public, at greatly reduced prices. His facili­ upon here, or elsewhere, I should have the subject, it seems to me to be the uni­ pointed upon the diplomatic staff as his ill starred companions in Arctic dis­ DEALER, It is acknowledged that the above Establish What GOD alone can claim; covery. Nothing could be better-i7ad ; ties are such that he will be constantly receiv­ ment manufactures the best articles in their voted for the prohibition in the territo­ versal law that the weaker is always surgeon to the first American Embassy : ing new and fresh supplies of goods, as the HE giveth, and he takes away ,. dressed to the Doctor's governing NORWALK, CONN, line, to be found in (he market. All orders ries covered by those measures, if I had absorbed and disappears in the stronger to China This position gave him op­ sjsMi- wants of his Customers may require, which will Blest be His holy name." by Mail or otherwise promptly responded to. entertained a doubt as to the exclusion race. Whether the black race of this portunity to explore the Philippine Is­ ments than this adventure. The- en­ always be of the best quality and sold at the terprise of Sir John ran exactly in the WM. D. HAIGHT, very lowest possible price, and he would re­ RUSSEI. TOMLIXSON, Pres., S. B. FERGUSON, JR., The father gazed upon his babes, of slavery by existing municipal law. continent, or any other part of the world lands, which lie effected mainly or. foot cr:: rent of one of his own enthusiasms West Side the Bridge, JVorwalk, Conn spectfully solicit an examination and trial of Treas'r, WM. G. LINEBURGH, Sec'y. tfiS4 The mother dropped apart, I do not believe that the constitution is equal to the white race, can only be He was the first man who descended the same. GEO. W. SMITH. —:!se service of natural science combi­ MANUFACTURER & DEALER IX Let those shine who never shone before, While all the woman's sorrow gushed of the United States carries the instit u­ determined by the absorption and disap­ into the crater of Tael: lowered more F ned with heroic personal effort.;;*nd And those who always shone now nhine the more. From her o'erburdened heart; . tion of slavery to the territories of the pearance of one or the other, and I pro­ than a hundred feet by a bamboo rope ? added to this, that sort of patriotism Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Land For Sale. Jeweller's Rouge, And with the striving of her grief, United States. My understanding is pose to wait until the respective races from the overhanging cliff, and clainbe- ABOUT eight acres of good Land, near which charges itself with its oWlrfuU COPPER WARES, ; S an article now pretty generally known in Which wrung the tears she shed, based on the declaration of Mr. Webs­ can be properly subjected to this philo­ ing down some seven or eight-hundred Main-st., one mile north of the Bridge, is offer­ share In the execution of national en­ Ranges,: Furnaces^ BHtania Crock­ ed for sale upon very reasonable terms. It is I this vicinity as the best polishing material Were mingled low and loving words ter that even the Constitution of the sophical test before I give it a decisive more through the scoriae, he made a to­ admirably adapted for building lots, or for in use for Silver, Brass, Plated Ware, Brittan- pographical sketch of the interier of this gagements of honor; and besides this ery, W~args, Chain Pumps, Lead' ^ nia and Jewelry of all 'descriptions. It may To the unconscious dead. United States itself does not go into answer. [Roars of laughter.] gardening purposes,.having a quick and rich cordial assumption of his country^?debts, ALLEN, MEEKER & the territories until it is carried there by As another question (proposed by Mr. jreat volcano, collected a bottle of sur- and _ Lead Pipe, Groceries, s3 soil, and a large bed of vegetable mould or now be had at the Store of and duties, there was no little force ' in Co., Norwalk, and of ALFRED KNAPP, or of the When the sad sire bad looked his fill, un act of Congress. Standing on the Boyce of South Carolina, directly to Mr nhurous acid from the very mouth of : i compost manure, thereon; or it is well calcu­ the appeal of a nobly brave ' China and Glass Wares,'' ~ subscriber, PHILO PRICE, South Norwalk. He veiled each breathless face, principle of the English law governing Banks,) is the key to the politics of the he crater ; and although he was drawn spiritsd wo- lated for a first rate meadow. It is well fenced mnn to the chivalry of the American na- SfC, Sf c-, 4"c* And down in self-abasement bowed. the same interests, I do not believe that country, I will now give it my atten­ up almost senseless, he brought with and in a very eligible location. For further WE the undersigned would say that we know him his portrait of this hideous cavern, j vy _ particulars enquire at this Office. tf3 of no polishing material equal to Jeweller's For comfort and for grace ; the Constitution of the United States tion. ; J. F, FOOTS, Rouge, for producing a fine and mirror-like With the deep eloquence of woe, carries to any territory of the States any "Are you in favor of restoring the nd the specimens which it afforded. j i1e was .,n Attorney and Counselor at Law, Building Moving, polish upon all Silver and Brittannia Ware in Poured forth his secret soul, riget to hold slaves there. Missouri restriction, or do you go for Before he returned from this trip, he 1-of the Gulf Oi Mexico, on the. lStn.of BY CHARUQB TUBBS. had ascended the Himalayas, and tvian- ! May, 1850," when he received his tele- OFFICE OVER MALLORVS STORE common use ; and indispensable in dressing up Rose up, and stood erect and calm, In order, sir, that my answer should the entire prohibition of slavery in all LL orders for building raising and moving, defaced Jeweliy and cleaning Spectacles. It the National BUILDING MATERIALS. v shortest notice and in the best manner, erty by universal laws of men, and not there shall be made good to the people ing that his constitution was broken,and point. His -'Personal Narrative, pub- E lished early in 1853, recounts the ad­ as cheap as can be obtained at any other es­ Americans, proclaimed the following as that which is property only when it is of the United States the prohibition lor his health rapidly going, he called upon ftorwalk Post Office. . Pressed £ Common Brick Lime, tablishment in the State. Galvanized Chains, ventures of the first voyage, and discov- . his platform on the slavery question : made such by local laws of limited sec­ which the Southern states contracted President Polk, and demanded an op Cement, Calcined Plaster. Hair Chain Pumps,Iron Fence, Posts,Railings, 4c., err. his diversified qualifications fot such Mail Closes.—WKST, 7.30 A. M.. 2.00, P.M. furnished to order. Patterns executed at tions of the country. I will acknowl­ and reoeived a consideration. I am for portunity for servica that might crowd j •'And I hold, in the absence of ex­ an enterprise. do do EAST, 8.30 A. M., 4 30 p. M. , and Marble Dust. I short notice and upon reasonable terms, edge »4I its rights there, accepting for the substantial restoration of the prohi- the little remnant of his life with j press authority, that Congress has no The last voyage occupied two win­ do do D. A N. R. R., 9.00. HE Subscriber havingdissolved hisconnec­ lyl ALEXANDER AUSTIN. that, purpose the charts established by bion as it has existed since 1820. achievemects in keeping with his ambi- j tion with W. C. STKF.ET, ESQ. in the above constitutional right :o legislate upon the ters in the highest latitudes, and twu do do New York City, 4.30. • T Southern statesmen ; but I deny that it Here are several questions in regard tion ; the President, just then embar- j Mail Due.—1). & N R. R. 8.00 A.M. business, will Continue it on his own account, subject of slavery. I hold that the ter­ years and a half of unintermitted labor, and will keep a good assortment of the above NEW MEAT MARKET. U such property as, independent of local to slavery in the District of Columbia raised by a temporary non-intercourse j do do WEST, 9.30 A. M., 5.45 P. M.; ritories are the common property of all with the risks and responsibilities atten­ named articles constantly on hand which will AVING taken the new building adjoining lu

•MMSNum*:* TTVSR*' T-J '.'FLUT.! A Card. New Work. Spring Holiday *f§? Oar New York Correspondence From the Express. Hon. Wm. W. Welch. RKV. F. "OTTOtf b.-jrs to acknowledge We tent and variety of the offices he filled T. 15. Peterson of Philad. have in'prest and This new nnd bcintifnl (Juntata composed ||F -NEW YORK, Jan. 3-VH, 18F>6. substantial complimrnts p«id on tbe occasion Tills prentleman, who represents our Con­ on this voyage. He was in fact the Facts and Figures will issue on the 8th proximo, n. new book by bp C. C. Converse, will bo Riven at Smith's u ot the'lato ''visit" to him by the jaembfi* o? gressional District in (lie present Congress, #; Tile late Enrop an new-? renPi--«d l»j surgeon, sailing master, astronomer and We see from a nnmti£r of sources that Mrs. Sonthworlh, called "indi:', or the Pearl Hall, this Tuesdaj' evening, Jan. 29t.b, at 7 his chnrcbt'and congregation, and osp^r'aliy receives the following' strong endorsement Norwalk, Tuesday, Jan. 29,1856. the Africa, is most. impnnattr in a finan­ for the fraternal expressions pf> Irnnkly given naturalist, as well as captain and leader the consideration of Inhalation a.-* a the ot Pearl River." The thousands who have o'clock. T. M., by H. M. Prowiti'p eHss of rapeutic principle, excites an increased from the Litchfield Enquirer—published near cial point of vii*w. The emnarrass. bv visitors fiotrt other dpaominritions. end of the expedition. read and re-read with delight the former pro­ Yon ng Ladies. Grace unto yon and pence be wnlt?- This man of all work, and desperate attention. No unprejudiced person his home. We are glad to copy so deserving Important to Delinquents. ductions of this gifted'nuthoress neerl only to ments of the Eastern tiRt are rdowlj piie'd."' pr [South Norwaik. -Tan 24. 185G. daring and successful doing, is in height could regard otherwise than with respect a tribute to his manly position, and to add our Superior Court. We dislike to dun anybody for anybody, be told that, this work is pronounced by com­ hut surely undermining the colossal fab­ about five feet seven inches, in weight, the investigation of a question ot such testimony, that his constituents here, also, fnl- Dec. Term, lSof>, Jt/dg* Parks presi­ We are indehW to tion. VT», W. still more to dun a " patron" and for nurself petent. critics tft-snrpass hw the " Lost Heir­ say one hundred and thirty pounds or «o. importance, much less should ir excite ly approve of his course in relation to the ric of Falkland's financial supremacy.— Welch for Congress >na.l PecnmcnJ?. —but our creditors (aye, there's the rub) those ess" or " Diserfed H'ife,^ to oaiw them to ding. if health and rest would but give him the unscrupulous, animosity of those Speakership. We can add, also, our personal- Her prestige of military power has been mercenary dogs, will not let us escape, and in await its issue with impatience. Howarfl Beiden ?>s." ErnsFtft Erwin T!I* foUor/jcsr from ITeury WYod. of leave to fill up his natural measure. His whose duty it should be specially to en­ knowledge of the promptness and alacrity destroyed, her naval reputation ha- their behalf more than our own, we earnestly —Action against the defendant, a physi­ Concord, N. II.. editor of the Ccngrtfjaiionr.l • complexion is fair, his hair brown, and courage and countenance the stu^gles, with which he attends and answers to the thou­ been nerionsly impaired, and-her money TOIHJS* >n favor ofWfntfefSS 3iU.=»TRI: y- his° eyes dark gray with a hawk look. of original research for the enlargement beseech all who owe ns for subscription, ad­ Wo have from the U. S. Patent Office cian, for mal-practice in the administra­ sand demands upon his time, made by his con­ kings can no longer move the exchan­ He is a hunter by every gift and grace of the bounds of science. When there- vertising. job work, <%c., to call at once, with­ a few papers of Cabbage seed, af a choice Eng­ stituents, to enquire into and transact business : tion of over-deses of opium nnd calo Mr. T-. VT. Fowtn : — fore, a principle of this nature is brought out further invitation, ;ind pay up, Don t com­ lish variety, which we desire to place in the ges of the world with a nod. and instinct that marks up the character; for them at the several Departments in mel. Verlict for Defendant. For IVar sir,—Two year." afs,sr.i'.'.paaTiv! Tiniest aAfnri: ao excellent shot, and a brilliant horse­ before a body of scientific men, any as­ pel tin to pursue you into your resting places hands of our Araeteur Gardeners. ington. Without show or pedantry—a " na­ But, if we are wise, England's l»s» upon mr J tings. »» to ay b*! fur amml man. He has escaped with whole bones sertions regarding ir. might be supposed and poke a bill in your face,—dont! Plaintiff, White and Ferry. For De­ week* ; »n men would call themselves invalids, and than that of its novelty. solves of the American Convention.— out reserve to be the best lecture yet given .r.csM nor. truly fonast of onr indepen­ the notes were outlawed, and that Mi- d«c to try a hoti's- '.-1 ~ -<: from ail the aative iliu For the principle of inhalation a wide perversity is in a serious complaint against live on furlough The committee on resolutions at t!:? before the Norwalk IhstituteT""Some dissatis­ dence. The money sceptre still ruled WiSTAR'S BAIA-AX OF OTK2RT' ^ ~ ' ' ties of life; yet he has won the disLiuct- prevalence has been attained, and statis­ the action of the Fairfield County Agricultu­ Defendant had obtained a discharge in c 8 American State Convention which con­ faction had been expressed in certain quarters us as firmly jrrthe edict# of the third leaj* coafHiace fa it* ®f!®i. 7> * ion of being the first civilized ma;: to tics and details as to its practice and re­ ral Society, with reference to its Annual Bankruptcy. Replication, a new prom­ difficulty tlmost sniirelv remoTeS before ons botto w&s vened at New Haven on the 10th inst., at the character of the speakers which have George. Now is the time for onr final atand in latitude 82° 30 and gaze upon sults are now quite accessible. These Meeting. " It has heretofore been customary," ii.s"u up. ilaviog a )wcrt*l av.ersica to ^medicin#, very properly presented, aud the Con­ been provided by the Committee, but all ise. Verdict for Plaintiff $471 and ,v a the open Polar Sea—to reach ih« north vvonld no doubt exhibit like any similar says the Advocate, " to publish the call for Declaration of Independence. Our re­ seldom using it in any iVcia, »yap»tliy " - J vention passed a resolution " heartily quibbling was at an end after the Lecture ol costs. For Plaimift', Ferry and Wm F. sufferers induiea to taake tWs.paWic*t»t«n«Bt, aad ernmoat point of land on the globe—to practice, evidence of more or less vary­ the Meeting in the various papers of the Coun­ sources are unbounded. Onr internal im­ approving of the action of our Represen­ Mr. T. It was characterized by much schol­ ree«anj«n>l the article to otlitrs similarly affl!c.cd. , . teport the lowest temperature ever en­ Taylor. For Defendant, Belden r.nd ing results. We have ourseives become tatives in Congress," £cc., with reference ty, and to notify all the Vice Presidents of arly beauty, and being the result of the Speak* provements are developing the most se- With rojpcct, yours trciy, • dured— the heavest sledge journeys ever Averil!. familiar with a number of cases where to the staud they have taken upon the the Society by letter/-" So far as any fclaae er's own observation possessed an interest be­ eluded valleys and wilds of onr territo­ HEXRi nTCOD. . performed—and the wildest life that the most sanguine assertion? of the in- question of Speaker. This resolution, can attach to any one, it must fall upon us yond what most lecturers conld have attached Sherwood'? e.p?*Tu from Frobate.— Nor® genuine unleis nisssd I- 3UTTd on tfee wrapper civilized man has successfully under­ ry. Our productions are varied, as the AG~N"T? Norvralk, A. WF?3, H. N. SGA-RSR ; . halists have been realised. As such we learn, received the entire vote of the personally as Corresponding Secretary of .the to it. Smith's nevr Hall was beautifully light­ This was an p,pp«»n! >o set as;d° the "•Hi gone ; and to return after all to tell rhp facts cannot, however, be conclusive up­ opposite climes of their birth. Our peo­ Vnrvralk, fi. W. Smith : Vfrsipsrt. J. Tf. Tayler ; ?.%»- Convention, with the exception of two. Society. We inserted in our paper a call for ed, comfortably heated, and altogether pre­ story of his adventures. on the character of the entire practice of of Betsay Knipp oi" Djnbnry, for in­ fiei ?. I.. K. > • - • These two negative votes we presume the meeting, and sent a copy with the adver­ sented an effect which the good people of Nor­ ple are industrious, persevering and en­ The secret spring of all this energy this speciality, it would be evidently in­ competency and undue influence. Ver- to have been given by D. B Booth, and tisement marked conspicuously with ink, to walk might well be proud and happy in con­ terprising. No element of prosperity is his religious enthusiasm—discovered expedient to dwell upon thern. diet, for Appellees, sustaining the will, MAF.Jv'.EOlT ral.VH euros Baa XTnmor-. —j,j-. Oiir.-isa H. P. Harris, Esqrs., who joined in a the Advocate and each of the other papers in templating—particularly as compared with and advantage is wanting to onr posi was afaiot'v'. -.vita a 5iul H:iiaor, which in fjis alike in the generous spirit of his adven­ The chief practitioner ol this treatment 1 minority report conveying an implied the County. This, the Advocate will concede, Pattegonian Hall, where similar entertain­ wi'.li costs. For Appellants, Hawley eyes. H« To-", in 'O' , nn"'. it —r.s i>T.rei he^fvr'i tures in pursuit of science; in his heroic- Dr. Robert Hunter of this city, has him­ tion, and we can soon take the step up ia the otuer : but en r.pplii-r.ti-Ti of't*i» '' censure for adhering to Mr. N. P. Banks, is the " usual course" in all other cases where ments have heretofore been enjoyed. It strikes and E. Taylor. For Apelees, White maintenance of the point of honor iu self ceased to publish the result of inci­ to the throne of the world's money pow­ slalTe,-' his ev:\< -.V' ; - 1*/ r-'-'I Iu iT>eir nrijinal on the ground that he had placed him­ it is desired for an exchange to copy an adver­ ail his intercourse with men. dental cases, as only affording a partial us that the desk savors too much of Town and Beardsiey, eight. It i* at Co ssota'ner boi, and may fc» self in antagonism to the American order tisement. As to notifying each Vice Presi­ er. In his deportment there is that mix­ data for conclusions. There is obviously House scenery—don't let this specimen of old This was the last Jury case tried,— bail »f the Agents— i7. 1.. S>>"ver. Xcrwai'< ;,T. iu the late Massachusetts Election. We dent by letter, we certainly never heard of it fogyism mar the otherwise happy effect, j'.i Oin'.rn(nl Jr.u Pilh, ara a csrtaia Cure fjic American question,as by the record will ciety should not be burdened with censure We doubt whether any town ever en­ adjourned on Tuesday last, after a pro­ Sci;r»y.—Kuward Hope, of Charleston, Sonth Carolina, genius, and the monk of industry. He self, iu the publication of assertions of an most uuequivocally overboard in the same spirit of patriotic appear. But this is due alone to us. We took it for granted that joyed a richer literary repast than was served tracted session, in which a larjje amount auffere'l rjora than inrst pvrnte. from the scurry, ami seems confident in himself but not of adverse tendency, based upon still more the whole or bis body —as covered with thU anight^j not the point to which we would advert, any Farmer in Fairfield County, intelligent at the South Norwalk Congregational Church self-denial which they exercised. We himself. His manner is remarkable for scanty and probably imperfect instances on this occasion. We propose to refer of business was disposed of. enip'ion. he tri#d a grrat number of reputed r?ae£i«9 celerity of movement, alert attentive enough to be entitled to the honor of holding last Tuesday evening. The Lecture of Dr. must learn to cut off the. demand for of pratice. One is snprised to find too, to the action of out own honored Mem­ bet h* v.-.n not ly the tame, indeed, itttcame quickness of comprehension, ra­ that, such assertions, purely gratuitous as a Vice Presidency in this Society, had intelli­ Parker on "The Divinity of Art," was a mod­ foreign luxuries and superfluities, w« doubtful to his friends, whether he would erer oT«r- ness, ber, who represents this immediate Dis­ For the JVorwalk Gazette. «ome thi# c'-fiiriiremen;. At length lis tried HolloWay's pidity of utterance and sententious com­ it seems, anj certainly without any ad­ trict, and leave it for the press in other gence and publ ic-spirited ness enough to take el of chaste and beautiful thought, uttered in Free Schools. must sell more than we buy, we must pactness of diction, which arise from a vancement of proofs, should be hazarded his local paper, if not, he deserved the omis­ the choicest words and most fascinating dic­ Ointment anil Tills, :'B'i theso medicines quickly pror„' parts of the Siate to discuss the positions The safety of our republican institu­ keep out of debt, and thus preserve our­ liner I r. >"i;ii chanjio, by continuing with thftsc«x- habitual watchfulness against the be­ before a respectable body, s:,ch as .the sion. As to the notice escaping your atten­ tion: The Poem was also a "sermon of itself," of their respective Delegates. The fact cellcnt. rneiiiciac for eight -reeVs, ha was radically trayal of his own enthusiasms. He Academy of Medicine of this city. The tions depends on the general education selves from unnecessary dependence np- that Mr. Banks received the nomination tion, friend Hoyt, we are sorry for it. yet abounding in sparkling thought, and beauti­ cvr<>d- ' hoiol'fi&Str• speaker at the late anniversary of this ou other Nations. To secure this much seems to fear that he is boring you, and of the American Older, and was suppor cannot deem your want of eyes sufficient cause fully turned periods, all moving to the haimo-. and intelligence of the people. Other -I is discovering his unwillingness institution alluded to the fatal results ol r always ted and elected on that is«ue, by those, of complaint against the Society or its Secre­ nies of poetic feet. Altogether it was the en­ Republics have come to an end partly, to be desired position, it is plain that tht W»BB You T>i:t ;.i I .T3?—VTould you lik# tats? "to sit'' for your admiration. If you Inhalation to consumptive patients who who best understood his motives and tary. tertainment of the Lecture seaseu at least, through the ignorance of the first effort must begin with the masses, Wr.uiu you like uiurry the object of your affactian ? had forsaken their regular physicians Would ycu like tn to yoar fccaom, and aoatab from question him about the handsome official actions in the gubernatorial canvass, is As to the " cool note" of Mr. Sherwood, we for the treatment of the Inhaiists. In masses. In Greece and Rome, the ar­ in the village, in the home circle- Self nil ri 'al clv-.rmi the heart and face that you kaja acknowledgments of his services by (he certainly conclusive evidence that no would state that it was sent (as the Meeting Rev. Mr. Purves . stances of an opposite character arp more denial and economy there will beget ycr-rcL ." for so ":or$, cut ftar you cannot winT WLere British and American government, or charge of a want of fealty to the senti­ was held) while we were absent in Washing­ Gives his highly finished and popular Lecture^ istocracy looked down with sovereign in any way endeivor to turn him upon familiar to ns. What the whole result in no fiifneultv abont i* Prefeis'-r RoJSaOThM Bed* ments of that organization can justly be ton. We frankly admit that the'request to •• Sir Walter Scott," before the Ladies' Liter­ contempt on the ignorant multitude, and the same virtues in every department, it M«r. lie has ?iven tii« irbole mysterious procak* ia his own gallant achievements, he hur has been, or will eventually be, from the urged against him. But there is another publish gratuitously the proceedings ol the ary Association, at South Norwalk, this Tues­ trying to enlighten and ele­ and a few years will enable u.» to realize tbr.t rsre bo k of hi», the '• Sl'ss of Marriage,/,^ It is ries you away from the subject to some practice of Inhalation, we will not pre- instead of principle involved in the contest for Mr. meeting, was rather cobl, and would not have day Evening. He gives, also, some rehearsals advert'-»-i in anoiher column. • point of scientific interest which he pre­ sume to assert; but (he facts in (he bills vate them, they only sought to make the independence of America. Banks, quite as dear to the hearts of the been made by ns. Nor indeed, do we believe of the gems of Scotia's Poet Bard—Burns. sumes will more concern and engage of mortality provide a presumption, at them the tools of their ambition. Such The business of the city is seriously •" ' - Her senny locks • teKCJ::-r Freemen of the North, as thau of Amer­ yourself; or he says or does something least, in favor of the more desirably re­ the people of this vicinity would have consent­ H ot. VT t»mplfs 1'Ue a ^olien Seece." icanism, dear as that sentiment may be will be the state of things in our coun­ impeded by the accumulations of snow, SXdktpttrf. makes he is occupied sult. However much the doctors may ed to such an obvious" crowding of the mourn­ very pleasing social gathering oc­ that you think to many. So far as Mr. Banks is per­ try, if the masses are suffered to glow ice, and water in the streets and gut­ To ail who de-ire th<;so " sunny loc'ss,'' ntom. with his own inferiority in some matter dispute, it must be regarded as a cheer- ers." We presume the Secretary was prompt­ curred at the parsonage of Rev. D. R. Austen mend li*- use f-n.voN's v.orlil rene.wne t KjTmraos. sonally concerned, although entertaining which your conversation presents to in? fact that the City Inspector reports ed by a purely honest, but mistaken motive to on Thursday evening last, at South Norwalk. up in ignorance, and without a knowl­ ters. Sleighs are yet running through Its .•'vidfri'ii! "fl't'ct in restoring, prprcrvinjand beau- a high regard for his brilliant talents and him. One is obliged to struggle with his death table, a striking decrease, for subserve the best interests of the Society, in Not the least pleasing indentions of the ap­ edge of letter?. It is, thereforek of vi the warm «nnof the last two days wi'l "'-.e.Hiir, and claaostng from Dandtoff «ad aH high-toned statesmanship, we are free to him to maintain the tone of respect all parlies, in the return of deaths by his request. We inserted the Report and proach of that "good ttme coming," was the soon bring out the wheels. Locomotion other imparities. Together with its delightful perfuae, confess he is not the man of our choice. tal importance that some system of ed- ba re rendered it an indispensable article of the tailat- which his character and achievements consumption. Within the past 3 years, charged for it as an advertisement, as the Ad­ large attendance of the members of the Meth­ He is a democrat, while we are a whig, ucation should be adopted by which the is therefore slow, and business sympa It* fiBrr.rn--.® and -inprPceQentad popalcrity fcave deserve; and when the interview is the number of deaths from tnis deplora- vocate should do. The publication of the odist Society, who by their substantial aid aiampc l it the most beneScial preparation for the Hnir and opposed to him on most questions of thises. All is ready, however, for a fair over, a feeling of disappointment re* ble'disease is shown to have fallen nfl'at transactions of the Annual Meeting is as much gave evidence of their Christian feeling and laegest number of children can Be bro't ever mad.-- ="ld every-.rhere, m large bottlej. for 20 governmental policy, but Mr. Banks em­ mains for the failure in your efforts to corresponding periods as follows :— calculated to promote the interests of the So­ fellowship. May the worthy pastor live to into our Coi^mon Schools. Parents and strong start, *^as soon as the streets cent'. HEATH. WYNSOOV CO., Proprietors. bodies in the present peculiar phase of f-t T !>>Pr'_r-Ft., N'ew-Tort ransack the man as you wished, and to ciety, as the publication of the advertisement are clear, Gold bnrsts its bud3 with 1853. 1854. 1855. political matters in the House, a greater enjoy many such greetings. who are ignoradt themselves, do not see render the tribute which you owed him. September. 224 265 186 r n e amount oj Anti-Nebraska strength than calling the meeting, or holding its Fairs, and the necessity of educating their child­ the Spring, as well as the other flowers .4 Work on the tltstorp. JUrernitttTjt -'. . We wish we could be sure that he October. 261 217 177 should be paid for as cheerfully. We kno'V of The Members and friends of the Rev. Ciiroa!" Disease* of the Inspiratory, r.rc«latory, iu- November, 214 231 174 can possibly be concentrated upon any ren, and if a pecuniary consideration lie of life. : !u« an.! Motor .-'ystoms of the Ifnni us the drama without its hero ; or we in the way, they will fee! themselves A new confidence game is being in­ Economy. 699 713 547 the people of Connecticut have not fail­ interests are to be promoted in anywise, we their annual visit on Wednesday Evening last, Tt.f f hihi-npfix i.f Living, or the way to eojcy „i.ife wish the expedition and its hero had a justified in keeping their children at augurated in and about the eitv. Cer r.nl'. camions, and ti> secure l ongevity. With o-.-- This table shows positive diminution ed to discern that this Nebraska outrage deem it proper, on the broad score of honor, the 22nd inst., in the lecture room of the chronicler as worthy as he would be, m>r- Kr-.-raTinjp> illustrating the Tarious systems ot of the number of deaths from consump­ upon Freedom, is to be the sole card that any such publication should be paid for. Church. A very elegant tea was provided in home. Especially will this be the case fain parties owning land associate osten t;' * k |-' 'i or;r:wiHi!!. i;y-' A. 3. iiEATIi, M. D-, were he not the principal character in :rV. 850 Broadway, Xew Tcrt. tion during the last three months of the played by the administration; that it is As well might Dr. Ayer claim the gratuitous one of the ante-rooms adjoining, to which ad­ when their children are old enough to sibly to build a railroad, agreeably to W'x Introductory wo:1: on Chronic Piiessea nnd ?al- the story. last year, from the mortality of correspon­ the issue on which all its hopes of suc­ insertion of his patent medicines because they mittance was bad by tickets. Upwards of cior.-.ry Ooiwum;:iioc. their Prevention and Treataisat. Dr. Kane's narrative of the Expedi­ begin to earn a living. the provisions of the Genera! railroad is na* r.v-..-y, be *r.~. to ----- :r.d'Jre«s free -.f ding periods of two preceding years—of cess in the next Presidential contest are are of public benefit, as that individuals, Soci- three-hundred persons partook of the cup tion, now preparing, and in process of There are other parents who would Law. The Legislature is then impor­ charge. _ _ |£g| over twenty fiveper cent .'It is but justice staked ; and the fearful desperation with ties or Coiporations should claim the printer's which chesrs but not inebriates. The compa­ Tati-jots at a distance can consult Dr. nSAT2 by Ict- publication by Messrs. Chiids & Peter­ ter stuiin-i their cas-.** f .Kr. OSScs hcsTa fro» S to the practice oi Inhalation, that we which this game is to be played, may be time and muscle, ink and paper, type and ny was most agreeably entertained by music be glad to have their children understand tuned to gram them a ferry privilege, A. ii. t*1l 4 1'. M. • I.'48 son of Philadelphia, will embrace the should add the comment of the Medical discerned by the disgraceful, factious, press, to make announcements calculated for and singing. Prof. Spinning of Bridgeport, those branches of study which will and to permit them to expend their important discoveries made in the fro­ Specialist on this table and dogged stubbornness with which the self profit or agrandisement. and Miss L. Dibble of South Norwalk, charmed zen regions far beyond the reach of all qualify them for business life, who are funds first upon the establishment of itii, .1 v '!*•"> iiAMROiia, '• It is worthy of note in this connex­ administration members resist every In all that pertained to the late Fair, the 3i'rg Dentist, the predecessors of the Alnerican explo­ the audience by their skillful performances on absolutely too poor to pay their term the ferry. This obtained, they make a .-»»i f-.uii :.''.-r);i,nxr.l Trould respectfully ion,that it is chiefly through the last year honorable proposition to organize the people of Norwalk took especial pains that the piano and melodeon. After the parties ann' i ecc that iic hr~* mftide arrangement* to devots l_is ring party, and their perilousadventures bills, and who do, on that account, keep sham commencement of the railroad, who;;- '.ir.. - for the enmin? .season to the practice cf fa:a a half that the treatment by Inhalation 34th Congress, In this view of the profan-iiou i>i norwalk. -H'J may bs found at ail hours crowded with romantic incidents, which everything that was done should be done on a had been plentifully regaled, the pastor of the has become so well known, and so high­ case, it is with no common pleasure that them out of school, But were the sell out their lots upon its reputation, at his residence on Avcr.ne. where all operatioas • in the language of the Secretary of the literal footing. The Committee of Arrange­ Church gave a most unique and apt address, appertaining to his profs-ision will be performed in the ly appreciated, not only in this city, but we can point to the proud position of the privileg s of the school free, they would set the ferry io operatiou, drop the rail­ most approved and scientific manner, and at price* £.*» Navy, ''not only excite our wonder, but ments acted upon the determination that no treating especially on. the social features of throughout the Union ; and considering gentleman whose name stands at the loir as possible, with the use of the best caatartals and borrow a uovel grandeur from the truly " penny wise and pound foolish" action should religion, and on the happy tendencies of such rejoice iu sending their children. road, and leave the lot holders to weep workme.nship. Ail work warranted to give sat'sftoticn. the fact, that during the past year we head of this article. Waiving all per­ benevolent considerations which anima­ characterize their operations, even should it family gatherings to bind christian hearts still It may be urged that the law makes over their inaccessible property. The Alkaline Dentifrice. |i i' tiave treated not some hundreds, but sonal and political preferences, he has Dr. B. manufacture.: and keeps constantly on band ted and nerved him to the task." be necessary to make up deficiencies out of more closely together, while they commended the above preparation far preserving and clcaniirg tls some thousands of cases, a considerable stood from the beginning, manfully bat­ provision for those who are unable to ferry is good enough for the confidence Graham's Magazine. their own pockets, and we have taken some the religion of the Bible to the seeker of teeth. It is unhesitatingly pronounced thaftast prepa­ portion of which were in persons resi- tling for the EIGHT—remaining at his pay for the schooling of their children. man, ration in tlie martst, for the purposes indicated, by ail pride to ourselves in having done ail that was pleasure in a manner at once attractive and who have ever used it. It may be had at all the pritt- dent within the limits of the Incpctor's post, through the day and throughout But there are many who are, and who cipal stores in Town.—Try it. From the Hartford C ourant. done, on as liberal a scale as the circumstan­ convincing. The Rev. gent concluded his Punning Judges used to be frequent jurisdiction, it is most significant that the night, and losing not. a single vote Yiae Watertoury Case. ces would warrant. We believe in this we feel themselves to be, unable to pay, but in the history of England's Jurispu- these reports should exhibit so remarka­ on any duestion bearing on the all-im­ remarks by announcing the " visit'' of his A letter in the New York Herald from had the approval of our captious neighbor. who are unwilling to be considered pau­ ble a diminution in the number of deaths portant results. It. is with no ordinary Brother Minister, Rev. D. R. Austen, which dence. We have but few on our rec­ Waterbnry places the tyranny of the occurring during the present, year.'' degree of pleasure, we say, that we can In this instance your bill was justly earned, ' was to take place the next night, hoping his pers, and theretore they do not send ord. Last week, however, the deco­ In this town, at St. Pauls Church, by Rev. andjwill be cheerfully paid, we can assure yon. Dr. Wm. C. Mead, on the 23d inct. Mr. Leroy Waterbury Romish Priest, and the pe­ point to the proud position occupied by congregation would return the visits made to their children to school. rum of the bench was disturbed'by an Marine.—An iron Beacon, composed them. , W. Fairchild. of New York city, to Miss Sarah culiar character of his religion in a still Mr. Welch. A position, which we Again, as educated persons are not so accidental pun. Judge O. is a magis­ Anna Cholweii of this place. of a shaft inserted in a large boulder, Notice will be found in our advertising Altogether this was the happiest affair of the more striking light. Our readers will think we can advisedly affirm, meets the likely to commit crime as those who In Lewisboro, on the 23d inst. by the Rev. and rising 26 feet above low water mark entire and hearty approval, not only of columns to-day, of the great State Temperance kind we have enjoyed for years. Wehayenot trate of much gravity and dignity. He D. H. Short, Seeley Brown, Esq. of N. Y. city remember that a Mr. Biakely of Water- surmounted by an iron cage-work, has all his political friends, but offour-fifths Convention to coma off in Middletown to-mor­ learned the result. * grow up rn ignorance, it is a matter of is scarcely ever known to laugh, and is to Mias Sophia Raymond of the former place- In Bristol, on Thursday Jan. 24, by Rev. E. bury, brought a snit against O'Neil. a been erected on the west side of the of his political opponents in this county, row, Wednesday. The questions to be answer­ economy to educate the children of a especially noted for his abhorrence of channell near "Plum Gut," north fork 1. Finch, 3. E. Lounsbury of New Canaan, to Romish priest, for improper and violent and were we opposed to him on every ed by the Delegates are important and of the President's Message. State. It will cost legs to educate than two infirmities of human nature, vis : Emma, eldest daughter of llanford Pennoyer of Long Island. highest public interest, and we hope all the interferenee in the burial of his wife", other principle of policy or expediency, President Pierce evidently feels uneasy con­ to prosecute. And as the property of puns and cutaneous diseases. Last of the former place. delegates will go prepared to give a true and The Saturday afternoon freight he should still receive our warmest com­ cerning affairs in Kanzas. On Thursday last and that the priest was fined $150 for unbiased report of the operations of the law in the Slate has to be taxed to build and week a Juror's name was called in hi* w m w m. train from New York, due here about mendation and support, for his unremit­ he submitted a special Message to both Houses i»9. the breach of the peace. At the time, their respective localities. Gdugh, who. it is sustain prisons, and to bring to justice Court. The inan advanced to the Judge's 1 o'clock Sunday morning did not arrive ting and patriotic efforts in behalf of the of Congress on that subject. It was received it was confidently asserted that Mr*. greatand paramount question of freedom, said, has much improved since his tour in In this town on the 27th inst. MivAbraham until 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. and read in the House, by special vote, al­ and punish those who commit crime, it desk and said, "Judge, I should like to and we know we shall but express the England, is to address the Convention. Camp, aged 68 years. , Biakely was a Catholic. The writer of We understand that the delay was oc­ though contrary to strict parliamentary usage. will be found less burdeusome to pay a be excused." "It is impossible,'' said '4^. His funeral will be attended from nearly unanimous sentiment of his con­ the communication in the Herald denies casioned in part by a fire in Bridgeport, The message has not made its appearance yet tax to educate the children, than to the Judge decidedly. "But, Judge, if Pauls Church on Wednesday, at 2 o'clock. whieh destroyed a Foundry opposite stituents when we reiterate to him the Caution; The brethen of St John3 Lodge are reques­ it, and asserts that she, tier father, and —save telegraphically. We append Mr. Gree­ punish the men, aftet the uneducated you knew my reasons." '"Well, sir, ted to meet at the Lodge Roon at 1 o'clock the Stanly House, the engine hose being injunction, " DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP!" One of our citizens has received a circular her grand-father were Irish Protestants. ley's exposition of its views :— children have grown up to manhood.— what are they?" "Why, the fact is—" for the purpose of attending his funeral. laid across the Railroad, Subsequent ly from what purports to be the " People's Asso­ At South Norwalk on the 17tb inst. David She was christened in a Protestant For the Gazette. So shameful, so impndent, so flagit­ As there is property enough in the State and the man paused. "Well, sir, pro- the locomotive got off the track, which • SOUTH NORWALK, Jan. 27, 1856. ciation and Information Company"—which ious a perversion of (he entire political H. son of David and Mary Low, aged about 29. church, married by a Protestant clergy­ prolonged the delay several hours. ends with a request to remit one dollar, for to educate all its -children, education ceed," continued the Judge. "Well, MR. EDITOR :—Your delaying to pub­ history of Kansas, has never been made man, and when she came to this coun­ N. H. Couriei. the agents of said Company to invest as a sub­ Judge, if I must say it, I've got the lish my scrap, led me to believe that you by any Border Ruffian on a Western shou'd be as free as water, light and State Temperance Convention try joined a Protestant Episcopal scription for the N. \\ Sun. It may be a good stump—not even by Atchison himself. air. The property of bachelors, and itch !" "Clerk ! scratch that man out!'» Steamship ,r Vanderbilt."1—This gi- had come to a different conclusion from faith operation, but its whole appearance bears AT MIDDLETOWN/ Church. Rev. Dr. Clark of the Epis­ Every point, is put. against the Free- others who have no children to educate, hastily cried Judge O., drawing his chair gantic steamer, named iu compliment, to that published some ttime since, but strongly a resemblance to those •' confidence" State men in Kansas—the atrocious HE Services will commence on Tuesday copal Church administered the sacra­ ought to help educate other peoples back to the wall in horror. The nn her owner, Commodore. C. Vanderhilt un­ from what I see in your las; number, I schemes with which the country just at present T Evening, the 29th inst., by a Sermon from frauds whereby their repeated elections Bev. J. P. GDLLIVER, «f Norwich. ment to her on her death bed, and ex- der whose personal superintendence she abounds, and we advise all of our friends sim­ were utterly vitiated are slurred over children. As education renders life, controllable laughter of the audience in was constructed, was launched from the suppose you have yonr arsenals well €>n Wednesday, tha 34th inst., at 10 o'clock, plained to her its significance. ilarly honored, to exercise a proper degree of as of no importance—the smallest arts property, and reputation more secure, it formed him of his involuntary pun— A. M., the Convention will organise to receive yard of ,J. Simonson, Green Point, adjoin­ stored, and your guns mouuted and shot Th^.brothers and sisters of the wo­ caution before accepting of the proffered agen­ of the pettifogger are employed to ignore reports from the delegates, and they are re­ ing the Tenth street ferry, on Monday, is just and proper that wealth should horror on horror multiplied. ted ready for fight. Now I do not in­ cy. We shall endeavor to ascertain whether those frauds by showing that- Gov quested to come prepared to answer the f ol­ man had become Romanists, ami tor­ be taxed to pay for education. Our ..... - NORWAI.K. lowing Questions: the 10th inst. She is the large* Ameri­ vite warfare, I simply wish to see a com­ the said institution has a real existence, or is Reeder, or somebody else, has at .some mented "Mrs Biakely with their efforts can steamer yet afloat, and prodigiously State will never reach the highest point 1. Has drunkenness diminished in the parison of opinions in a reasonable and altogether mythical. time overlooked them ; the promoters of Town since the Enactment of the Prohibitory to have her die in the Romish faith.— strong. liberty loving emigration from the East­ of elevation, till she adopts a system of Daring the year 1854, one handred and Liquor Law ? She was towed to '.he new IJallance common sense manner. 1 consider this After Dr. Clark left her bed side, they Hon. Win. W.Welch has effected an ern Stares to Kansas is treated as if it FREE SCHOOLS. And the sooner she sixtj-fivo men were hung in the United States V. Has there been any increase of numbers Dock, foot of Market Mreet, to he cop­ a grave subject, and one that admits of in attendance upon Public Worship on the and their priest surrounded her, urging arrangement with the Smithsonian Institute, were felony ; Gov. Reeder is vilified as for murder. But seven of all lh»*ae could r^nd pered, and will be taken from iheuce to an argument on both sides, but I think comes into this measure, the better for Sabbath ? by which the valuable publications of that in­ if he were a malefactor; the Border- and wrifp. This fact "howa the influence of her to die a Catholic. Says this writer: the Allaire Works, where her machinery her and her children. A CITIZEN. 3. Is th°re moie quiet, and g.itm order in it will require a more severe form ol stitution will be sent to the Library of the Ruffian Legislature is justified and its edncation in forming moral character and ma­ the streets at night* '•The last words she uttered were to is waiting for her. It is reported that government than we are willing to tole­ Norwalk Institute. slave laws upheld as valid; the Free •i. Is the Sabbath more quiet and betu-r call her husband to her bedside to pray when complete she will probably visit king men good citizen?. Connecticut conld State movement is denounced as sedi­ GEORGETOWN, Jan. 25, 1806. observed ? for her. But when he was about to Washington, to be inspected by public rate in this country to enforce it. We have placed no better safeguard over the livos 5. Has the condition of persons and fami­ We have received the January No. of tious in its purpose and treasonable in its collect his children to join in prayer— functionaries. have given it a pretty fair trial these FRIEND B.—" We'll have n ton, deceased, we are informed, has been found in our columns to-day, offering for sale America requires some recreation, and a few minutes she expired. His child­ law of doubtful propriety, if it cannot Speaker of diminished ? the House. Reported weekly for the Gazette by BF.N'NKTT 1 i. Have the sales of the necessaries r.nd ren were cot permitted to enter until opened. He leaves ten thousand dollars be eufotced easily ; and if not enforced the new House of C. N. Clock, Esq., on High- dancing appears to be just the kind need­ T I;NTIN-OTON, Produce Commission Mer­ A . H comforts of life, by the Merchants in jour their beloved mother had yielded up her to P. T. Barnum, as Trustee for his son at all, to be unwise. Of the latter class Street. This is one of the most beautiful lo­ chant?. O 4 Front st., (near the Battery.) XSifGen. Wilson gives notice to the Senate ed ; much more sensible and far prefera­ jY . Town Iwen increased ? spirit to God who gave it. Alter she Charles, (General Tom Thumb) and 1 consider the present prohibitory act— cations in town, and we presume will soon find that he will oppose to the bitter «nd the con­ Flour and Meat.—Common to good State 12. Has the Agency for the sale of Liquors.' ble to evening parties, where " lickjug $8.12'a $8.25 ; F.xtra do $8.26 a $8.37 ; Ex­ was no more, the children came around all the tesidue of his estate, after the if I am wrong, i repeat that I wish to a purchaser. It is offered, too, at several hun­ firmation by the Senate of any Northern mem­ provided for by law, been of any expense to widows dower, is to be equally divided, faces" is practised. Tfie ancients amu­ tra Genea >e $9 a §11.00 ; Common to good the Town 2 1 f so how much ? • their disconsolate father, sobbing and be set right. SILENIOUS. dred dollars less than cost. ber of Congress who voted Tor the Nebraska Western and Canadian $9.00 a $11.00 ; Byt weeping aloud, saying that they had share and share alike between his four sed themselves in this manner, for we 13. Have the prosecutions for violations of fraud, and who has stzice received an appoint­ Flour $6.60 a 7.12 ; Corn Meal $4.25; Buck­ the Law been an expense to the Town ? If s», many things to say to their dear mother children, including his son Charles. oy'r he salaries of the Judges in N. wheat Flour $2.6' To all who want, to see-dancing in ers will be invited to attend. and its bigoted priests from entering the arrested in the act of discharging the fourth 15 1-2 ; Peaches 15 a 16. capital than most people imagine. All filled with the reports of the Burn's Festival, perfection, we would say choose a mate, .foAe*.--Pots.$7.25; Pearls 8.12. AU persons friendly to the Prohibitory I a~ The London correspondent of the Na. barrel. land, is not the correct policy r thats necessary is two shillings to buy which took place at the Tontine, on Friduy and either harness the prancing steed, Heeds,—Clover 12$ a 13; Timothy 3.12 a are invited to attend. tional Intelligencer says the expenses of the # It is not expected that any political action a snow shovel with. People who wish Evening. They had a jolly time of it—entire­ or go by locomotive power to Seek y'a 3.12; Flax 2.10 a 2.12. [£p* It is said that the loss of ;he war have far outrun the estimates, those for Prof. Brock lesoy, Hops.—Western 12$c a 13c ; Eastern 12c a will be tak«>n at this time. to take on airs will please notice. ly in keeping with the well cherished spirit Hall, Georgetown, where every Thurs­ Skculd the interest of the Convention de­ Hudson River Railroad Company in the navy being no less than £6,500,000 in ex Of Trinity College, lectures before the Nor­ I2h ; Old 7c a 10c. •' Scotia's Bard.' - Scranton's supper is highly day evening yon will be sure to find a State 23c prdoz.; Ohio 23 a 24c. mand it. the session will continue through the two late accidents will be $80,000 The English mission has been cess. This great increase will tell with terri­ walk Institute, on Wednesday Evening of this Thursday. B. W. TOMPKINS, & eulogized, and we, though absent, will vouch respectable and agreeable party engaued Venison.—Venison 12 a 12 l-2c per lb. besides what it will have to pay to pas­ tendered to ex-Vice-President Dallas, ble ett'ect on the comforts of the people before week. Subject,—" The Overthrow of the Ro­ in this amusement. * * Poultry. —Poultry 12 15c. Pres. Conn. State Temperance Society. - - he deserves it. * sengers injured. and,will doubtless be accepted. long. man Empire by the Goths." :70 • ..r -P C. loluuoi'i District of Stamford, ss. Probate Court, Jan­ Fer Sale. Norwalklnstitute! Valuable Property For Sale! FOR SALE, uary, &th, 1856. rk ^bcrtisemenls. BAG IHANUTACTOBY, " HE Eighth Lecture will be delivered on HR Subserilter-otfer# for sale on very rea- PORTION of the JVorwa/k Islands STATE of NOAH CRABB and ODLE L. 4 TON, Second-hand, Coal or Hay Scale : 154 Maiden Lane, near South-Bt., JV. Wednesday Evening, Jan. 30th.•1856. at T pr.nabli! terms his Dwelling House and Lot, i\. lcnow.ii as follows ; the East half of Rams E CRABB, late partners in business in A nearly as good as New. Price 50 Dollars. Krora VISCHF.R St SCIifcLL'S at Advertising b.>n.nMfiilly situated on High Street and com- Island, Cop'? Island, and a strip oi laud to­ Stamford, in said District, under the name of Enquire ot ' MALLO It Y & CURTIS. Hcmse, Appleton's0niUling846nml "4S Uroailway. . 122 Xas??;: Street. New York, :- v' >•"<•• 1 Slat* S'vsatl RAIN and Feed Bags of every description ^ TSMITH'S JVEWHALL, by Boston • 5. >1. I'KTTENf.31,1, k V ' . are Agentpfn; i he presence of minerals selling books, we would say that we present a OFFICE AT THE FAIRFIELD CO. BANE, ? Railroad, consisting of 20 acres of land with work left with him will be well and promptly There IS no HUMBUG about the business herein in the system. done, aud every effort made to please and sub­ scheme for money making which is far better, jjyj NORWALE. Jan. 22,1856. - 5 House, Barn, &c. thereon, is offered for sale $5,000 Wanted. alluded to. References of the best class can The remedy is simple in its arrangements than all the gold mines of California and Acs- t • iHEManagers of this Society have this day All persons indebted to soid'Estate are re­ serve the interests of all who may feel disposed be given asiegards its character, and I can and almost instantaneous in its effect, 5 differ­ cheap, to close the Estate. For ljirtber par­ GENTLEMAN, owner of a Patent Ma­ to favor him with their patronage, tralia. euij 1 declared a Divideud of three per cent, for ticulars enquire of the subscriber. chine in extensive demand, desiring to quested to make immediate payment to : also refer to Persons in Philadelphia as well ing far from all other medical expedients, it A tf THOMAS FANCHER. Persons desirous of selling any one the six inohths ending Jan. 31,1855,out of the MARTIN T. CRAW. make Norwalk his Residence, who will put in 4t4 JOHN A. THATCHER, Trustee. s as in this city, who have, within four months simply strengthens Nature in her efficacy by Work alone, and canvassing a certain section T>rofits'tet thnt time. PerPer« order. N. B.—If not sold previous to the 15th of his Patent agaiust the above capital, in carry­ embarked in the business, and who will teetify an agent at once potent and kindred in char­ ,, r District of Ridgefitld,ss Probate Court, Jan­ of the country, or severa Counties, will please 5 « T. WARNER, JR., Sec Sf Tteas. March it will be rented from the first of April ing on the business in this town. The invest­ , New Coal Yard. that they are making from $8 to »15 per day acter, and thus enables ber to expel the mor­ confer with the subscriber, who will cheerfully next. . ment will be shown to the satisfaction of any uary, 12th, 1856. rll Beard and Hill's Wharf, first ivharf above at the same. It is a business in which either bid canses of disturbance and to' restore the STATE of DAVID BURR, late of Kidge- answer every letter, as far as possible, on the s io New Books. Norwalk. January 28th, 1856. IfejJS.s 3t5 one, to be safe and profitable. Address. •' M." the Draw Bridge. ladies or gentlemen can engage, and with per- normal conditions of health. day of itB reception. Address, ~ • - * T • field, in said District, deceased. HERWOOD hasjust received several new care of Norwalk Gazette, or confer with Edi­ E feet ease make a very handsome income.- A large, well furnished and appointed house : 'w - RV ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, •* and popular works ofrengrossing interest The Court of Probate for the District of Prepare for Winter, *m. han been opened at No. 710 Broadway, where S tor; Several ladies in various parts ot Pennsylva­ 39 H 181 William-tt., AV F.^ Also standard and School Books in endless Farm For Sale. Ridgefield, hath limited and allowed six months nia and Maryland, whom I have instructed in the Professor will give his personal attention P.S.—All the capital would not be requir­ from the date hereof, for the Creditors of said ^iCoal! Coal!! Coal!!! If -ariet^Statidnery,' Blank Bobka, Ac; of every HE Subscriber offers for sale at Public ed dotfn. 3m*45 the Art, are now clearing from S3 to ?>b per to those who may require his services. He EAVY Grey Cloths for Ladies Cloaks; description, for sale cheap, T Auction, on Friday, February 8th, (not Estate, to exhibit their claims for settlement. At the following low prices for Cash ; war­ day. It is a Genteel Business, and but a lew will be assisted by an intelligent and compe­ H very cheap: aiso, Cloak and Dress'Trim- ' 10th as erroneously published on Bills,) at 10 Robes, Sleigh Bells, Those who neglect to present their accounts, ranted pure and clean:—Very best Lehigh shillings are required to start it. Upcm re­ tent physician, and for the better convenience minga, at MOULTON'S. ^ Dr. Sanford's Xnvigorator o'clock, A. M., hi0 Farm-of about 100 afcres ; properly attested, within said time, will be Coal, $6,117 per ton 2000 lbs; Red Ash Stove SPLENDID assortment of Robes, Sleigh ceipt of SI, I will immediately send to the ap­ of some of hispatients will continue his branch situated in the town of Wilton, Fairfield Co., debarred a recovery. All persons indebted to and Egg, $5.75 ; Pittston, called White Ash, plicant a printed circular, containing full in­ establishment at No. 200 Sixth Avenue. New Books, ' —S offered to the public as a sure and effect­ Bells, Horse Blankets, A-,c., of our oivn se­ said Estate are requested to make immediate $5.75 ; screened on board, and now being dis­ Conn., on the road leading from Wilton to A structions in the Art, which will be perfectly He begs toginforro the medical profession, : pi*- ual remedy for the cure of the following lections and manufacture and which we will charged from THE old Hornstead, by Mrs. Ann S, Ste­ 5 complaints; all Bilious Derangements, Dys­ New Canaan, abont a mile and a half from the payment to ^y'HEZEKIAH »COTT. vessels at South Norwalk.— nndertood upon being once read. and the publtc. that he has made arrangements phens, Scenes in the Practice of a New - York Railroad Depot, and the Congregational, Epis­ warrant to please both in price and quality.— 3t4 S Si? Executor. Screened from yard 12J cts. additional. iSftl pepsia,. Cholera Morbus, Chronic Diarrhea, Now is the time to purchase cheap. Address, A. T. PARSONS, which will enable him to give the Baths at the Surgeon by E. H.Dixon Editor of theScai- Sour Stomach, General Debility, Female copal and Methodist Churches. The Buildings, Remember last Winter's Prices and quality lm3 No. 88. West 26th Street, New York. houses of those patients who are unable to pel jnst received at KNAPP'6. KM a large two story House, Barn, &c. are nearly WM. B. SWAN. At a Court of Probate, within and for the CHAS. F. RAYMOND. Agent. visit him. Weakness, Ac. For sale by T. B. GRIFFITH. P. S. An excellent assortment and quality of District of Ridgefield, on the 17th day of u;i South NOrwalk and also by SANFORDA CO., new and pleasantly situated.' There is on the LO OKINO-OLASSSS, Several new me hods have been discovered ENTLEMEN'S Heavy Traveling Shawls, place a young Orchard of choice Fruit. ^ The Horse Blankets, which will be sold cheap. -* January, A. D. 1856. ^ A New Map of 3MU 188 Front-it., N. Y. City. • 4m:V Present, HIRAM K. SCOTT, ESQ., Judge. and^applied with great success to local inflam­ G new style and very superior quality, very • -' • Farm is well adapted to the Dairy Business, ft Picture Frame Manufactory. mation. As the application of the Bath, by cheap, at 49 MOULTON'S. and being near the Railroad is well calculated HIS Court dolh direct ABNKK GILBERT and FAIRFIELD COUNTY. ^ iff* Commissioners Notice. Now's Tour Time. RICHARD L. GILBERT, Executors of the last HE Subscriber is now canvassing in the ORACE V. SIGLER, Wholesale and Re­ incompetent or unskillful persons, might result for the sending Milk to New York. After the T in serious injury, instead of benefit, patients UTTER and Cheese of extra quality at HE Subscribers appointed by the Court of LL lovers of that noble animal the Horse, Will and Testament of ABNER GILBERT, various towns of the County for subscri­ tail Salerooms, 64 Forsyth-st., N. Y. I'S sale of the Farm, the Stock, Farming Utensils. will find it to their advantage to visit the T HMr. H. V. S. would call the attention of would do well to apply to Prof. Vergnes direct, B OLMSTEAD'S- Prtthte for the District of Greenwich, Hay, "Ac., will be Sold. ,v^yH. HAWLEY. A late of Ridgefield, in said district, deceased, bers to this new work, published from theSur T it store of the subscriber, where may be found represented to be Insolvent, to give notice to veys of Baker Sf Chase. strangers visiting the city, and especially or at least to thoroughly satisfy themselves as IT Commintigiu!r& to; receive and examine the to the competency of such as propose its appli­ claims6£l&& Creditors of the Estate of the one of the best assortments of Horse all persons interested in the estate of said de­ tf32 . JAMES O. ROOT, Agent. those in the trade, to his extensive Warerooms New Books. i-tt .' FOR SAXiE. and Manufactory. In the possession of une­ cation. GLGOTQ£E.JWQOLEN COMPANY, Insolv­ Blankets, Sleigh Robes & Bells, ceased, to appear, (if they see cause) before NDIA, China and Japan, by Bayard 'Tayici w ent DebUcsof Greenwich in said District, as­ i DWELLING House with Ten Acres of the Court of Probate, to be holden at the Pro­ For Sale. qualled facilities, he is enabled to execute all N. B.—Persons from the country may be ac­ I The Deserted Wife, by Mrs. Southworth. J\. Land, and a variety of fruit trees, with with Whips, Curry Combs and Brushes, (to say bate Office in said district, on the 31st day of orders on the lowest possible terms.^ The Sale­ commodated with Board in the saiye building. The Hidden Path by Marion Harland, author SrJ- signed fo:3!ra&fof the benefit of its Creditors, nothing of Harnesses, Saddles, Bridles, &c.,) HOUSE and Barn suitable for a small A few Students will be received. Special hereby^glte'iiotice that we will attend to the a well of good, never failing water within ten January, 1856, at 1 o'clock, afternoon, to be fami)y> with about an atre of land with rooms are replete with choice specimens and a of Alone. feet of ihe house. The place is on the road to be fonnd in this region of the county. We heard relative to the appointment of Commis­ A full assortment of Department for Ladies. 3m49 Olia or the Old West Room by L. M. M. » businefi^TOr mid appointment at the Pro­ don't want to run opposition to our neighbors, fine fruit trees upon it; formerly owned by iV bate OSoe in said' Greenwich on the 21st day from New Canaan to Stamford, about one mile sioners on said estate, by posting said order of Mrs, NAOMI WHITLOCK, deceased. Situated RICH GILDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Cora and the Doctor or Revelations of a Phy­ *>: from the village of New Canaan. For further but our stock must be sold, and any one will notice on a public sign post in >aid town of Mour.nixGs, RICH GILT, ROSE WOODS, OAK, MAPLH, Prince's Protean sician's Wife. of Febraarjr, 1856,and on the 21st day of find that it will pay to ride ten miles for the near the main road leading from Norwalk to ZEBRA AND MAHOGANY, J March, l8$6, atnine o'clock in the forenoon particulars enquire of the subscriber on the Ridgefield, nearest the place where the deceas­ Danbury, at the foot of Grumman's Hill.— iifk A Basket ol Chips, by John Brougham. premises. ; lt» WYX SEELY. - purpose of getting an outfit. Don't fail to ed last dwelt, and by advertising the same in in every variety and constantly on hand- rOVHTAIN. PEN! Just Published, and for sale by of each.t>Is&id days. give us a call, at Westport, and East Side the Terms reasonable. For full particulars apply Orders from all parts of the ira-Jtaas .A# a newspaper published in Fairfield County. UST the thing for Canvassers, Entry Clerks E. E. KNAPP.'-; h* Said Court'has limited and allowed two Bridge. ... 51 WM. S.JONES. to AUGUSTUS WHITLOCK. Merchants, Banks, Clergymen. Hotel monthi^-fifcM-t$£ date hereof for the exhibition Gentlemen's Hats. Certified by 2t HIRAM K. SCOTT, Judge. Wilton, Dec. 10, 1855. 3m50 ' ^United States and Canadas J REMIUM Cologne Water alwayaon hand, ot? : * - '*•. nnij ' "IjrifiiV Tl I • V" Keepers, Teachers, ond all who are constantly ' to ua if&lhfms against said Estate. executed with promptness, packed with the writing. The material is incorrodible, made P at KNAPP'S. c* ®!OTefi^.'i)XVENPOliT, iCommis- ^SPRING STYLES. FOR SALE! District of JVorwalk, ss. Probate Court, Jan­ .•vtmkn'- For Sale. greatest of care. ABER'S Pencils by the Gross, Doeen or uary 12th, 1856. under Goodyear's patent. The reservoir is wr' ODLE C. ,CRAB B, v\ sioners. HE Subscriber is now receiving his invoi­ HE Store and Dock owned by the subscri SECOND Hand Engine of about twelve A liberal discount allowed to the trade. filled with ease and rapidity, supplying the F Single. 25 Gross just received, at DatjMtot i^^n^ichVrthR 2.1st day of Janua­ ces of Spring Fashions of Gentlemens ber and occupied in part by Thomas Riley. STATE of DEBORAH RAYMOND, late H. V. SIGLER, KNAPP'S. >vi T T of Norwalk in said District, deceased. horse power, in good order. Also, one pen with ink for from four to ten hours ol' ry, i&C.«2hei vtiriaS,W J! tiarvl9tA,18SK Wm. Church, which would make a good Build­ appointment of Commissioners thereon. They will be sold together or separately at a First Premium Gold Medal . ments to Agents and the Trade. Sent by the Silk Hat of the Spring Fashion is as easy Bargain, at the Tomlinson Spring and Axle mail free of postage on receipt of either of ORDS and Tassells, Hooks and Eyes. STATE pfJAiiES A . WILLIAMS, of Red- upon the head as the Soft Hat. Also, Men's ing Lot ; ORDERED.—That Commissioners to receive PIANOFORTES. Co.'s Worts, Bridgeport. the above sums* Town and County rights on English Pins. Mourning Pins. dirig,ipsaid District, aninsolvent. debtor. and Boys' Caps in endless variety; Umbrellas, -fAlso.:* and examine the claims of the creditors of said TEINWAY & SONS, Manufacturers, 84 and C ETheCourt ofprobate for the District of Red • • rr.' 'ii'J- i'-i..'" -j t. • estate be appointed at the Probate Office in reasonable terms. T. G. STEARXS, gen. agent Embroideiy Scissors. Reticules. , * "*12 Canes, &e., with an immense assortment o( Ten Shares of the stock of the Danbury & Nor­ 8£ Walker-st., near Broadway. N. Y.; re­ ly44 • ' ' 271 Broadway, New York. Fine Port Monnaies. ding,v,h»th limited and allowed two months Soft Hate of every price, size, color and qual­ Norwalk, on the 9th day of February, 1856, in a Cabinet Ware Keeus at Si S Halsey's Extracts, 4c walk Railroad • all of which will be sold on spectfully call the attention of the public to at O. S. CLARK'S. W from the date hereof, for the Creditors of said ity. all for sale cheap for cash, at 9 o'clock, forenoon; of which all persons at the splendid assortment of semi-grand aud vr reasonable terms by the subscriber. m Wi WESTPORT! 5' • Estate, inwhteh toexhibit their claims thereto; H. C.TtANDLE'S. L. L. BEEBE. interest will take notice and appear, if they see square Pianos, which, for volume of tone, elas­ V. STOUT St CO.. and has appointed WILLIAM WEBB, of Wilton, cause, and be heard thereon; and said Admin­ HE Subscriber would respectfully inform .MANUFACTURERS & WHOI.KSAUC DEALERS IN OTASHES of superior qualities, at ^ ^ ^ P. S. Also, Agent for the sale of th Grafen- Norwalk, Dec. 11, 1855. - tf50 ticity of touch, beauty of finish, in short, every­ FITCH'S. and LEONARD KXOX, of Ridgefield, Commis­ berg Co.'s Celebrated Medicines. istrator will give public notice thereof by post­ bis friends and the public generally, that thing that renders a Piano perfect, are unsur­ Boots and Shoes, •--- ing a copy of this order on the public sign post The is still located a few doors north of the sioned to receive, examine and decide upon I.ti- passed. They were awarded the First Premi­ ,vf.\ JVo. 49 Warren Street. J\'ew York, •aid claims. -! Certified by " Wanted. Fertilizers; nearest the place where the deceas'd last dwelt turnpike, opposite the Store of Alva Gray, ums for both kinds, in competition with the Still Later From and within the same town, and by publishing where may be founl a general assortment of fPHEY will keep constantly on hand,acom Zffu&S LEMUELSANFORD, Judge. THOROUOH scientific farmer wishes to hire ERUVIAN Guano, No. 1, with . govern­ most distinguished makers from Boston, Phila­ the same in a newspaper printed in Fairfield 1 X plete stock of Good adapted to the wants f 'ftfcfiSJV a Farm containing from 75 to 100 acres ment -brand and weight uppn each bag, CABINET FURNITURE. delphia New York, and "Baltimore. E TJ R O P ] THE subscribers give notice that they shall A Pprice $56 per ton of 2000 11^. County, at least 12 days before said 9th day of Undertaking in all its departments attended of COONTKY MERCHANTS. lylg of good land, situated in Norwalk ; will take February. * GEORGE A. DAVENPORT, Judge. to at the shortest notice and upon reasonable Y the arrival of the Africa we have receipt meet at the dwelling House of WILKEY W. charge from the 1st of April 1856, for one Ichaboe Guano received by the Brig Wave Xew Trlumpli1 BATTERSON, iti said Wilton, on the liUhdaysof terms. 13 ALLEN RENOUD.P ed news of the death ol the Czar JVich* year, inquire at the Gazette Office. tfl Spirit, price $40 per ton of 2000 lira. STEINWAT & SONS have just been awarded Extensive Piano & Music Pub­ B Februaryand March, 1856, at one o'clock, in Improved Super-phosphate of lime, price District of JVorwalk, sss Pi obate Court, Jan* the FIRST premium GOLD MEDAL (overall las, and the prospects for peace are considers the afternoon, on each of said days, for the C. J. GRUMAN,| $45 per ton ot 2000 lbs. uary 9th, 1856. jp2!" Model Market" competitors) at the late Fair of the American lishing House— - bly strengthened by the event—no doubt will purpose of attending.on the business ofjBaid Bone Sawings, Turnings, and fine-ground, STATE of AARON ABBOTT, late of New Institute, Crystal Palace, for the BEST Piano­ result in a great change of Russian policy .— If appointment. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic EAT, FISH & OYSTERS of the best O A Q BROADWAY, NEW YORK, AGENT* Still there will be no change in the plan of price from $2 50 to $3 00 per barrel. Canaan, in said District, deceased. fortes. 3m46 H B C Delivered at Norwalk at above prices. E qualities may be found at all hours of FOR AINES, ROTHER & UMMIXGS', campaign of TURK—he will prosecute the IJEON^J^KNcfx,} Commissioners. ORDERED.—That the Administrators exhibit Mthe day and evening at the above popular em­ AND BROWN & ALLEN'S PREMIUM BOSTON PIANO, le DRY GOODS, CARPETINQS, Caution—there is an inferior article of Pe­ their Administration account to this Court for War against several thousand Dons this Spring All perrons indebted to said Estate are re­ ruvian Guano, with government brand, &c., porium. All orders filled with promptness HOSIERY AND FORTES, CARHART & NEEDHAM'S MELODKSNS, —with a splendid stock of ' -J*™ -«'3 Carriage Trimmings, Cloths, Cassi- adjustment, at the Probate Office in Norwalk, and delivered free of charge to any part of the WHOLESALE ANI> RETAIL FOR CASH OR APPROVES quested to make immediate payment to upon the bags, which oan be detected on close W meres, Satinetls,t Vestings. and Tail­ on the 2d day of February, 1856, at 9 o'clock, Furnishing Goods. Ready Made Clothing J 4t5 WILKEY W. BATTERSON, Trustee. examination by the figure 2 under the weight village. Oysters shipped to all parts of the PAPER. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO MIISHI W forenoon; and that allpersons interested in said tf45 T or's _ Trimmings, by the Yard, mark. A. LONGETT, country. ' H. & E. H. BROWN & CO.,44Vesey-st., EACHERS AND DEALERS. Being practical mu­ and will follow up the seige he has already Estate, may be notified thereof, the Adminis­ sicians we examine all the new music as re­ Si Dintriet of Redding, ss. Probate Court, Jan- \ -. - Piece or Pac&age.^^f^} 34 Cliff-st., corner of Fulton, N. Y. trators will cause thiB order to be published in T_. w N. Y., Importersand Jobbers of HOSIERY, commenced, until the enemy surrenders, and vary LLFA, 1856. SdffiETWGS, 'SHIRTINGS, JEANS, BATT§*AILI?'WARP. For Sale Cheap. GLOVBIS, & GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS ; Silk, ceived from every quarter of the Union, and every Man, Boy and Know Nothing in this si.. a newspaper printed in Fairfield County, and select the beat to fill orders. Music selected STATE of JAMES A. WILLIAMS, an In­ At the lowest possible prices. post a copy thereof on the sign post in said GOOD opportunity is offered to any per­ Merino and Cotton Shirts and. Drawers; Sus­ County, has one of his suits. A fresh stock' of ii solvent Debtor of Redding, in said District, For Sale. sons desiring to purchase Horses, Carria­ penders, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs and by us may, if not liked, be exchanged within ammunition received almost daily from the •Si E # NORW A UK, CONN. New Canaan, nearest the place where the de­ A whose^fistate is' in settlement in said Court WO PIANOS—good Instruments and in ceased last dwelt, at least ten days, before said ges or Harness, as the subscriber intends redu­ Cravats; Linen and Muslin Shirts. Collars, Bo­ six months for any other nieces. Music Mail arsenal in New York. under the provisions of an Act entitled " An good condition, having been used with soms, ed free of postage. COOK & BROTHER, OODS received this day from Auction.— T 2d day of February. cing hi a stock in trade. Several first rate &c. Act for the belief of Insolvent Debars and the care: will be sold cheap, Apply at the Cloth­ 2t*3 GEORGE A. DAVENPORT, Judge. Horses will be sold much less than their value, Gloves, Mittens, Woolen Yarns, and all the lyll :M3 Broadway, N. Y. STATEMENT more equal distribution of their effects among 15 pieces French Broadcloths, including ing Store of . (51) N.TURK. Bl^ck,G Brown, Blue and Green, of all qualities; if applied for soon. SANDS REED. Goods usually found in a Hosiery Stock. their Creditors." South,Norwalk, Oct. 4,1855. tf41 Being extensive importers and buyers at British Commercial Xiife In­ F the PEOPLE'S MUTUAL FISE ISSUBANOI ii also, Cassimeres. Coatings, &c. For Sale. COMPANY, of Worcester, Mass., on the first Whereas said Insolvent Debtor, having pre­ Wanted. auction, Dealers will find it greatly to their surance Company. O sented in Court on oath, a schedule of his 35 doz. Gingham Cravats. GRIST MILL For Sale at Five Mile Riv­ advantage to examine our stock. 6m47 day of December, 1855. 5 pieces Brocade Alpaca. . Y the Subscri ber, two Journeyman Tailors. property with a list of his Creditors, alledging T. RII,EI. er. Darien, Conn , one of the best stands Coal! Goal !£ STABLISHED 1820, London and America. Name of the Company, People's Mutual Fire 12 doz. pieces Gents Merino Drawers. B forA Custom Work in Fairfield County ; an ex­ Capital with accumulations $5,500,000.— Insurance Company. that in all. respects .he has conformed. to the Norwalk, Oct. 1st, 1855. Immense! Attractive! Cheap 1 E requirements uf the Eighth Section of said Act, 12 dox. Emb'd Silk,Veils, &c.. &c. . cellent opportunity, fo dp'rag a good business ; Life Insurance in all its branches. Applica­ W^iere located, Worcester, Maae, - The above goods were sold'as slightly dam­ $5.75 from the Vessel, • NEW STOCK JUST OPENED AT ....^ novy makes his application to this Court for To Let. on a small capital. Price $800. Terms easy; tion may be made by mail. Date of commencement of bnsi­ the benefits and privileges of the 10th Section aged by being wet on voyage of importation, address NATHAN ROBERTS, 66 Columbia- OR LORD & TAYLOR'S. , GEO. M. KNEV1TT. ness, May 1st, 1847. and are nearly all perfect. DWELLING suitable for a small family, Amount insured by existing thereoftherefore, OKDRKED—That the hear­ st.. New York, if not sold previous to the 1st $6 from the Yard, screened! , We have now completed our assortments for the 3m49 65 Wall-st.. New York. ing and enquiry upon said application be had, SPANG & BARDWELL. A possession given immediately. Apply to of April a good Miller is then wanted. policies. $10,773,354 €5 and the oath or affirmation oi siaid_ debtor as Westport, Dec. 12. the subscriber. ^ GEO.r ^O. STREET.s HE Subscriber is now receiving White and Fall and Winter Seasons, HARLES STARR, JR & Co-, No 117 Fnl- Amount of Premiums and De­ provided in the 9th Section, of said Act be 'Sept.'29th. A Horse and Oz Shoeing. Red Ash Coal of the first quality, at the ANL) ARE PRKPARED TO OFPF R C ton Street, New York. Manufacturers of posits received on sane, 444,780 77 Tabove low prices for CASH ; also, Spring Moun­ and Dealeisin ALCOHOL, CAMPHENE, PHOSGENE Portion of Premiums and De­ made, jat the Probate Office In said Redding, •mg Removal, tj» THH BUSHELS old Rock Salt, superior JEJA THE Subscriber would give notice. on the'9th day of February , 1856, at 1 o'clock , that he still devote3 his entire attention tain LEHIGH COAL, a superior article for DECIDED BARGAINS, and BURNING FLUID—Also LAMPS and CHANDE­ posits received in Money, 146,268 47 I UU quality, jnst received and for sale by family use. THO S L. PECK. LIERS of all binds. 3m49 Portion of Premiums and De­ afternoon, and that public notice thereof be Clark has removed his quar­ " 4 . G. HOLMES & CO. to the Shoeing of Horses and Oxen, at the old in every description of desirable and given to all person* interested therein, to ap­ formerly occupied by South Norwalk, Oct. 8,1865. posits received in Notes, 298,512 80 stand, under Mill Hill, FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, P. A. VREDE & CO , Amount of Assets other than pear, if. they see cause, and be. heard thereon, ters from Skiddy's Block, to the Waterbury & Duncan. He guaranties his by publishing this ofder in two weekly news­ FURS! FURS! ^ Shoeing to be done as well as at any other Plastering Hair » among which may be fonnd Furniture Manufactory and Notes received for Premi­ ' 1 * t | papers printed in Fairfield County nearest the store adjoining George Host's establishment in the County, and warrants en­ F a superior quality, at wholesale or retail, 5 i f At Both Stores, ums and Deposits: place where said Est&te is so in settlement and by CHAS. T. LEONARD. Real Estate, *'16,500^8'^ Shoe Establishment., where he Ladies Victorines and Talmas, tire satisfaction. A continuance of public O Rich Dress Silks, (in great variety.) Broche, 598 Broadway. .'V, }*. Notes secured by Mortgage of ra: posting a copy thereof on the public sign post patronage is requested. J. DEADY. . in said Redding nearest the place where said EURICH & SIEDE, Cement, Plaster, SLC Plaid. Stella, and all other Shawls, Talmas URNITURE of every variety and of the Real Estate. 65,181 00 debtor:resides at least two weeks before said will sell as cheap as ever, his No. 55 JOHN-ST., NKW YORK-, (Up Stairs). EMENT, Calcined Plasteraud Marble Dust, and Cloaks, (select styles,) Merinos, De Laines, best quality, at moderate prices. We Notes with Collateral Security, ,,,86,345 92 Who Wants to be Married. bv the Bushel, Barrel or Load ; for sale Cashmeres, Lustres. Linens, Gloves, Hosiery, Fhave the largest establishment and best assort Notes with Personal Security, •; ,5" j";' 50,712 99 time assigned. LEMUEL SANFORD, immense stock of AVE now on hand and are constantly im­ THR ART OF LOVE MAKIN'G. C Kibbons, Trimmings, Embroideries, Laces. 2t5 ^ Judge. ,,y ' - - CHAS. T- LEONARD ment of really good and substantial Furniture Railroad Bonds, j 5,000 00 * porting and making to order one of the Flannels, Sheetings, Prints, Blankets, Cloths. Interest accrued on Notes, < 6,14002 i richestH aud most extensive assortments of La­ HE most extraordinary book of the Nine­ to he found in this country, to which we in­ Diainffifrf JVorwalk,ss. Probate Court. Jan­ Watches Cloeks, Jetoelry , Sfc. teenth Century ! The Bliss of Marriage. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Cassimeres, Vestings, &c., &c. vite the particular attention of purchasers. Rents accrued, • 386 25 r dies Fur Mantillas, Capes, Talmas. Vicho­ T Cash-in Bank, \:stt ' 80 » uary, '$6f A-,1855. with a large The Way to the Altar. Matrimony made At the Grand Street Store only, r>m42 rine Talmas, Cuffs, Miffs, Sfc., Eat,y: or, How to Win a Lover. One vol­ NDER Clothing, Hosiery, Cravats. H'dkfs, Due from Agents, 7,675 57 * STATE of DANIEL DAVIS,, late of New S-j.^Also in addition assortment-of Sleigh Robes and Gents Furs, Stocks, Collars, Bosoms, Suspenders, Um­ Tapestry, Brussels. Velvet, Three-Ply, and ume of 160 pages, 32mo. Price One Dollar. Amount of Losses paid during the ^; Canaain, in"said District, deceased. of the most beautiful designs anil of the choi­ Ubrellas, Ac., Ac., at Medallion Carpetings (of choice designs.) Rugs The Wonder of the Age! EOBDKK^D.—That the Administrator with the Ladies Dress Trimmings, 500.000 copies already issued. Thirteenth Druggets, Oil Cloths, Stair Carpetings, &c. last 5 years, or since the com- cest quality. Our Sables, Martins, Ermines, SPANG & BARDWELL'S. R. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT is war­ mencement of business, if less Will annexed, exhibit his Administration ac­ Lynxs, Minks, &c., have been selected with edition ready. Printed on the finest paper, The entire stock, being the largest and most ranted to Cure Cholera, Colic, Sea Sick­ count to'this Court for adjustment, at the "In endless variety! Hosiery, and illustrated in the first style of art. attractive ever exhibited, will be disposed of D than 5 years, 283,24.7 great care as to beauty and purity of quality, ACKEREL in Bbls. and half Bbls., at ness, Chronic Rheumatism, Vomitings, Cuts, Amount of liabilities of parties Probate Office in Norwalk, on the 12th day of i' I.ove rules the cotirt, the camp, the grovej' OLMSTEAD'S. at retail at ua Gloves, Ladies' Silk. ..Vests, &£, and our customers can depend upon our Furs For love is Heaven, and-Heaven isLovej;', ,45, > . % M Burns, Old Sores, Swellings, Tooth-Ache, and insured to Assessment, in ad­ FcTSfrftkry, 1856, at 9 o'clock, forenoon; and being truly what they are represented, and A8TONX8HXNOZ.T X.OW PRICES I Pains of all kinds, or no pay- MUfJ that all persons interested in said Estate may Fo sang the Bard : yet thousands pine f j » ' • > , dition to the amount already &c. Call and see; uot those base imitations which are so frequent­ For love—of life the light divine— ^,,4.: . Ladies' Dress Buttons, > Persons about visiting the city are invited Great Cure of Rheumatism.—Capt. Corn- collected, 778,365 64 be notlfiedthereof, the said Administrator will ly palmed off upon the public as genuine.— Who, did they know some gentle charm,• * r™ to call at New Nos. 47 8f 49 Catharine-st., stock. of the Steamer Baltic, (Collins Line) cause this order to be published in a news­ The hearts of those they love to warm, to?- VFiRY variety of styles in Market always Amount of Dividends paid to : Our goods are all warranted and are sold at Might live, might die, in bliss supreme.;,^ ; . , to be found at . O. S. CLARE S. aud 255,257, 259 & 261 Grand-st., New York. was cured of a severe attack of Chronic Rheu­ pnliey-holders during same paper pfantedinFairfleld County, and post a Hosiery! Hosiery !; Hosieiy! wholesale prices, as our principal bnsiness is ; s t 3 E matism, in a few days, by Dr. Tobias, Celebra­ . I "copy thereof on the sign post in said New Ca­ Possessing all of which they dream. f., £ period, - 42,830 57 ALL at CLARK'S new Store in Main-st., to mauufactare for Retail Dealers. An exam- The road to Wedlock would you know V £ Prepared Flour. ted Venetian Liniment. Amount of Policies terminated naan, nearest the place where the deceased last and look at his immense stock of Ladies ination of the prices and qualities of Furs at Delay not, but to RONDOUT go. ***• The beet Remedy for Cholera. Cure of Cholera.—John Wright, of the firm dwelt, it least ten days before said 12th day of C Time flies, and from its gloomy wing? »•S.Jj.f,1 -.f:« ECKER'S Self Raising Flour, and Flour the past year, 8,420,758 34 and Children's Hosiery, Gloves, Mittens, oliher establishments will convince purchasers A shadow falls on living things ; • of John Wright & Co., No. 151 Chartres street, Amount of Policies issued the February: GEORGE A. DAVENPORT, Hoods, Capes. Boas, Under Garments, Ac.— of the truth of all we assert." 4m*48 Then seize the moments as they pasn, .. .. , . ^ „ H in small bags, at FITCH'S. Dr. Blake's Aromatic Eitters. New Orleans, was immediately cured of an at­ 2t5 .. - • „ "" Judge. • past year, 8,276,295 00 He has just received the greatest variety of H. EURICH. C. SIEDE. Ere fall the last sands through the gIas- ;;; - * HIS Medicine is too well tested by the tack of Cholera, by Tobias' Liniment. Amount of Premiuids and De­ these goods ever before offered in Norwalk and At least the present is your own, . • ' ELF-HEATING Smoothing Irons, for sale wide-spread experience of the public, back­ Vomiting and Colic.—Mrs. Josep Nichol:, ifRM TO LET. Enquire at the Gazette While all the future is unknown. : v>'; - ^ by C. & E. K. LOCKWOOD. T posit*] ree'd for said Policies, 316,326 96 invites purchasers to call and examine his Molasses. A happy marriage man or maid s ed by thousands of certificates, to require ar­ No. 16 Essex street, New York, was cured of Amount of Losses paid past yr. P Office- .£> ... 214 ^ 60,203 9* stock, satisfied that no one will go away dis­ NOTHER lot of that superior quality N Can no-i? secure by ftONDOUT'S <•". „ . ,* gument. These •• Bitters" afford never failing an attack of Colic and Vomiting, by Dr: To­ do do ascertained CONTENTS. LARGE lot of Gloves and Hosiery from bias' Venetian Liniment. appointed. T,. O. Molassts, just received. Also, West Auction, at about half the usual price, relief to the victims of Liver Diseases, Dyspep­ do of Dividends paid to Nurserymen, Fruit Growers lie has an assortment of Needles, Pins, A It teaches how to make ladies or gentlemen sia, Costiveness, Indigestion, Languor, Loss of Depot—60 Courtlandt street, New York.— 4 India Molasses, New Crop, very nice, at O. S. CLARK'S. policy-holders the past year, .4.583 48 ^ and Fanners. -WW* Whalebone, Sewing Silks, Velvets, Dress Trim­ . . FITCH'S. win the devoted affections of as many of the at Appetite, General Debility, &c.,—such relief Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents Amount of Debts owed by the M„ per bottle. 3m4D rm ! mings, Buttons, Thread, Spool Cotton, Cords, opposite sex as their hearts may desire. And Front Brick. as can be found in no other medicine. The Company for money borrowed . TheN.Y. Horticultural Review. Tassel Buttons, Galloons, Tapes, Bobbins, Corn Shelters. the plan is so simple, yet so captivating, that undersigned has never heard of a single fatal or otherwise, 3,148 4ff French Cotton, Embroidery Leather, Linen all maybe married irrespective of age, ap­ SUPPLY of good Front Brick, for sale case of Cholera where the Bitters have been UTS Is one of the largest and most elabo­ OVEY'S, double and single balance OOTS A SHOES for Mens wear, at Highest rate of Interest paid,pDj 6 per cent. and Cotton Floss, Pearl Buttons for Cloaks, pearance or position j and it can be arranged cheap; also,common Hard and Pale Brick freely used. de do ree'd,; . ; 6 per cent. rate works of. the kind in the world. Linen Thread on Spools, Embroidery Silk, wheel Corn Shellers, a superior article, B S. E. OLMSTEAD. TRnral Architecture forms one of the princi­ H with such ease and delicacy that detection is byA the cargo or less quantity, by The " Bitters" are composed of simple ingre­ Amount insured on Real Estate, 6,071,941 32 Italian Black Silk and every article to be for sale by WM.C. STREET. impossible. CHAS. T. LEONARD. dients, and are as harmless as they are effect­ Amount insured on Personal pal features. Each number contains from two found in a Fancy Store. Call and see. Skates. to four engravings of model cottages, from It teaches how to make love. ive. Agreeable to the taste, they may be ad­ Property, 4,701,413 33 REMOVAL. - . It teaches every eye to form a beauty of its Seedless Raisins. ministered with equal safety to children and LATENT American and German Skates, Amount of Expenses of the Com­ designs ty' eminent and skillful architects.— for sale by W. C. STREET. Space is also assigned to the tasteful art of rs New Dress Trimmings|g| UBBELL & CO. have removed to the own. „ . ^ ,. -• AAA POUNDS Seedless Raisins, on adults. They are a delightful tonic, tending pany during the year, 13,727 06 Brick Store adjoining the Pottery, where It teaches how to act when fascinated by a to invigorate the system, strengthen the stom­ Landscape Gardeningengraved plans of gar­ ECEIVED every week, at the new Fancy X\/Vf \/ hand and for sale by the Subscri TUART'S No. 1 Syrup Molasses, for sale Ain't charg'd for Proposals, Pol­ if Goods Store, Main-street, next Door to Hthey are opening an extensive assortment of lady. ber in packages or by the lb., verj nice for ach, purify the blood, and impart a vigorous, icies, Assignments, and other dens in;every style, and adapted to the pecn- R It teaches how to make the wrinkled face s by p HUBBELL & CO. liarities.of different orders of architecture, lieorge Hoyt's Shoe store. Call and see, as I Groceries, Provisions, Ac. TJhankful to the cooking! ' J H. FITCH. healthy action to the Liver. papers, 22616 For cases of Ship Fever, Sea Sickness, Bil­ beautify the work. will not ne undersold. public for past patronage they solicit a contin­ smooth. E. H. HEMENWAY, President. It teaches you the kind of wife to select to ODA, Butter, Water, Graham, Railroad ious Colic, &c., the " Bitters" are a sure relief. OARSE (Gray) Rock Salt, for sale in any I. S. PARISH, Secretary. Engravings of new fruits, new flowers, new uance of the same. quantity, by HUBBELL & CO. vegetablM,^M., are illustrated and described Buttons, Buttons. renderhome happy. ... Boston, Lemon and Fancy Crackers, j ust Every ship and hotel medicine chest should be C Agents for said Company—Gw>. R^COWLK9, • Notice. -< It gives Advice to tuo lover who has been S provided with this valuable specific, and no as soon as their'respective qualities can be RESS Buttons, Boy's Jacket Buttons, Coat received .from the Bakery and for sale by ADIES will please remember the place to Norwalk, SHERMAN & MARSH, Bridgeport. 3) determined,, forming the most complete and and Vest Buttons, Pearl Buttons, Agate HE Subscribers continue to run a Packet once truly accepted, and is rejected afterwards ALLEN, MEEKER & CO. family should be without it, as it is in most D to and from New York for the accommo­ through the interference of friends. cases cheaper and more effective than a physi­ find all the Housekeeping goods, inquan ^legatft'Manual of J?nral Husbandry ever at­ Buttons, Silk Buttons, Whalebone Buttons, T tity and prices that cannot fail to induce pur Notice. dation of the Freighting Public, leaving Pike It gives a remedy for unrequited love. Lime! Lime! cian. L tempted. Paper Buttons, Glass Buttons, Gilt Buttons, ehases, is at C. & E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. FT1HE Copartnership heretofore Minting an- AnExperienced corps of practical writers, Mosaic Buttons, and Buttons, at Slip, N. Y. every Saturday, and Norwalk eve­ Ii gives you instructions for beautifying the LENS FALLS, Wood's and Hill's Lime, These " Bitters" are a certain annihilator of ry Tuesday. Convenient Fire-proof Storage person. • all prevalent '• Spring Fever." _L der the name and firm of Comiltock* Ad­ s even'ih ntiinber.are engaged to fill itscolumns. O. S. CLARK'S. for sale by the Bushel, Barrel or Load, ams is this day dissolved by motnal consent, It contains severity large pages, and is print­ at all times. HUBBELL & CO. How to have a handsome lace and hands. deliveredG if desired, at as low prices as can be Sold by H. N. SEAVER. Norwalk, and by BUILDING LOTS How to remove tan and freckles. SIDNEY A. MERRILL, South Norwalk. and the business will be settled by Q. f. Ad­ ed on.-thevfinest pearl:surfaced paper, manu­ Ladies' Merino Vests, had from the kiln's, by For Sale Cheap & No Humbug! ams. iELISHA COMSTOCK. M Jlpi Dividend. - V A Lecture on Love, or a Private Advice to CHAS. T. LEONARD. factured Expressly. ND the largest assortment of Hosiery and Married Ladies and Gentlemen. ^HE Subscriber offers for Salu, Five Build- :;t£ iG.~ -P. ADAMS.- TERMS $2 per annum, payable invariably . Gloves ever offered in Norwalk, may be HE board of Directors of the Danbury and Fish and Vegetables. South Norwalk, Dec. 12,1855. ' A Norwalk Railroad Company, have this This is decidedly the most fascinating, inter­ I. ing Lots 3S feet front and rear by 72 feel iri advance.- Fifty cents commission on each found at the new Fancy Store, 15 Main-street. T esting and really useful and practical work on Ctolden Age HE Subscribers will receive every evening depth ; situated on the beautiful eminence subscriber allowed to those who act as agents. , O. S. CLARK. day declared a dividend of 3 per cent, from during the season, Fresh Fish and Veget­ the nett earn ings of the Road for the past 6 Courtship, Matrimony, and the duties and de­ rriHlS is the name of a new Cook Stove from T west of Norwalk Bridge, overlooking theSound R. Rodger's Compound Syrup of Liver­ $1,000 will be-distributed at the end of the lights of Married Life, that has ever been is­ X the ware rooms of S. H. Ransom & Co., ables, which will be sold cheap for Cash. and the surrounding country, near the resi wort, Tar and Canchalagua. year among those who send us the twenty lar­ "FEW MORE LEFT" of those Lady*1 months, payable on and after the 10th day of ALLEN, MEEKER & CO. D 1 January next. GEO. W.'IVES, Treas, sued from the American press. The artificial Albany. The unusual large size of the Stove dence of George O. Street, for the uxtremely Hagaman, Clark A Co.'s Ccd Liver Oil. gest lists of subscribers. These premiums will Stockings, at 8s dozen pair, worth I2s. low price of Seventy-jive dollars each. Upon Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ^ be paid in cish. The first premium will be A Danbury, Dec. 27ih 1855. 2tl social system, which in so many instances pre­ and oven renders it a powerful heater and pe­ - O. S. CLARK. vents a union of hearts, and sacrifices to con­ of farmers, burn­ Flour and Feed. the lots are several never failing springs of Radway's Ready Relief. ; S500. culiarly adapted to the use Hay Cutters. ventionalism the happiness and even the lives ing green as well seasoned wood. By intro­ HF. Subscriber keeps constantly on hand pure water. Application (o be made to the Sedding's Russia Salve. : Advertisers will find this an unsurpassed AVE YOU SEEN those 50 cents Clocks and is daily receiving fresh supplies of Daily's Pain Extractor. at O. S. CLARK'S new store, if not. call of thousands of the young and hopeful of both ducing grate and bricks, the fire box is less­ Editor of the Gazette or of the subscriber at medium of publicity, as the HORTICULTURAL ELF-Sharpening Hay and Feed Cutters, the ened and makes an economical coal burner, FamilyT Flour, Meal, Feed, &c., which will be Bardott's highly flavored Worm Sugar Drops REVIEWcirculates extensively in every State andH get one, warranted perfect time keepers. sexes, is thoroughly analysed and exposed.— No. 56 Henry Street, New York. s best in use, warranted and for sale by Every one who contemplates marriage, and still retaining more than common facilities for Hold at the lowest market prices. 3m*35 M. HABIRSHAW. Deahler's Fever and Ague Pills, and all oth­ in the Union. Advertisements inserted at the WM. C. STREET. GEO. W. SMITH. South JVorwalk. rate of $10 per page. HILDREN'S HOSIERY in great variety, 1 wishes for an infallible guide in the selection the kitchen use. These Stoves in common er popular Medicines may be had at >- Those requiring Wood Engraving, can haVe c O- S. CLARIRSJ, 1 of a partner for life, should purchase this with all others, are cheerfully shown, fairly Cabinet Ware Rooms at Ridgefield. KNAPP'S. ™ Remnants. Remnants. I great text book of connubial felicity. represented and submitted to the purchasers Just Published. ; their orders executed in an unrivalled ipanner. HE Subscriber would respectfully inform CASE of Merrimack Calicoes in Remnants, No one will ever regret the price paid for unbiassed judgment. OSE CLARK by Fanny Fern. - Imported Cegars. Special attention. is given to views of ANI­ . at 8 cts. per yard. C. & E. K. LOCKWOOD & Co. the Public that he continues his business MALS ; -an experienced English Draughtsman ATTENTION : such an invaluable secret. Geoffrey Moncton by Mrs. Moodie : and T OME of the Best Brands may be Found at • : ^ ' ' As''. (->. "1 I Case dark Indigo Blue Calicoes at 6 1-4 Bills of any of the specie-paying banks in R as heretofore, at his old stand in Ridgefield,' i3 engaged lor^this express purpose. Persons many other New Books, to be bad at where may be found everything in the Cabinet S KXAHV. HE Subscriber gratefully acknowledges cents per yard. SPANG & BARDWELL. the United States or Canadas received as pay, St. Nich<$las for 1856. v.- KNAPP'S. ' * a dagnerreo- T the liberal patronage which has been ex­ 1 Westport; Dec. 12. gold dust can be sent from California line. Especial attention paid to the manufac­ v Hair Brushes , „ ' wish engrav- tended to him by his friends and the public 1HE unprecedented sale of 3 yeaas experi­ turing and repairing of Furniture, &c., Ac. Fine, article at . * 1 All that is necessary for you to do is to ence in this well merited and now truly OUBLE Extra, Extra and Buckwheat _ ...... r- — guide to obtain a generally, for the last 14 years, and hopes by Just Published. write a letter in as few words as possible, in­ 1 Flour, at HUBBELL & CO'S. Also, Ready Made Coffins kept constantly A KNAPPS perfect fat-mmue. Stock Breeders will be strict application to business, to meet a con­ nolorious Cook Stove, induces us again to of­ D on hand, and funerals attended at the shortest n Aeaifrwitto on very liberal terms. ATE WESTON or to Will and to Do, by closing One Dollar, and write the name, with fer a well selected stock to our customers af­ tinuance of past favors. He has on hand, and the Post Office, County, and Slate, and direct TUART'S Extra No. 1 Molasses at notice. The public will find it to their inter­ ROADCLOTHS and Beavers, Cassiznerea Agricultural Books can be furnished on eve­ Jennie De Witt. ter having fully tested its remarkable combi­ est to call at ray establishment before purcha­ is constantly manufacturing to order, all kinds K to s S. E. OLMSTEAD. and Satinetts, from Auction thisday iad ry useful subject, from both English & Ameri­ of Harness" Having greatly increased hta fa­ The Hunter'.- Feast, by Capt. Mayne Reid. nations of durability, convenience, and econo­ sing elsewhere. for sale cheaper than can be found at any can publishers, by enclosing to our address the Miss Bunkley'a Book. The Testimony of an PROF. RONDOUT, Publisher and Author, my, it has no equal and is sold less than usual B cilities in manufacturing, he^ is now prepared 3m*43 RUFUS H. PICKET. other place in this County and no. mistake, price-of the book.,required. Escaped Novice, by Josephine M. Bunkley. No. 82 Forty-Sixth St.. N. Y. for first class Stoves. Green Coffee. to execute all orders in his line, with prompt­ DB WITT & DAVENPORT. 162 Nassau-St., are the at MOCLTOV'S. Specimen copies will be forwarded on the ness and despatch, and pledges himself to sell ! The Ladies Almanac. &c., &c. For sale at Every stove warranted and reference given URE old Java.Maracaiboand CapeCoffee, District of JVorwalk, ss. Probate Court, De­ Westport, Dec. 24. 3t52 receipt-of 18 cl£. in postage stamps. J KNAPP'S. wholesale agents. 1000 A gents wanted. by the hundred. For sale only at at FITCH'S. any and every article in his line as cheap as 6m2 cember 24 th. 1855. r"vgttrC. REAGLES, PDBUSHF.U. C. &. E. K. LOCKWOOD & Co's. P STATE of SALLY SELLECK, late of LL Wooi French Plaids at 66 ceots per the same article can'be furnished by any tiitni- ADIES and Children's Hosiery! of ever? 5 208 Broadway, New York. lar Establishment in the County or-State. He Umbrellas, E Norwalk, in said District, deceased. A yard, as good as can be found" anywhere NE of the finest, if not the largest stocks ^ 7 Per Cert. Interest. . v To Oyatermen. ^ . J description, at The Court of Probate for the District ol els at 75 cts. Also, a large lot of Fig'd De S&ugatuck Bank. has on hand nil kinds of articles usually kept :V-.t * <5f S? I SPANG & BARDWELL'S by saddlers and harness makers; Harness, O of Umbrellas to he found in this market, ORTGAGE Bonds with conponR attached RINTED Blanks for transfer of 0rounds, Norwalk, hath limited and allowed six months Laines, beautiful styles, at 14 cts., Well worth v WF.STPOKT, CT.. DEC. 26, 1855. . Saddles. Trunks. Valises, Carpet Bag.*, Horse mav be seen at the Hat and Cap Emporium of bearing 7 per cent, interest payable se­ p may be had at the Gazette Office or of from the date hereof, for the Creditors of said 25 cts, at MOPLTON'S. ,SEMI ANNUAL Dividend of Four (4) Brushes, Curry Combs, Cards, Shamois Skiur, ' H. C. RANDLE. Mmi-annually of undoubted security for sale in B. GRIFFITH, South Norwalk. 52 Sausage Cutters; Estate, to exhibit their claims for _ settlement. Westport, Dec. 24. 3152 Aper cent, will be paid the Stockholders of Horse Sheets, Fly Netts, &c., also all kinds j ALSO, A superior assortment of gents Win seems of $500 each at par by £1AST box Sausage Cutters. for_saleJiy_ Those who neglect to present their accounts, this Bank, on and after the 1st day of January, WM. C. STREET. kOWDER and Shot, Patent Fuse, Caps.&c W. C. STREET. properly attested. within said time, will be de­ OSS Trimmings. Moire Antiques/ Velvet r of saddlery ware, Carriage and Riding Whips, j ter Gloves, cheap. i3. >6. B. L. WOODWORTH, Cashier. 4 all kinds all Norwalk, Sept. 25th, 1855. :Sm3!i at OLMSTEAD'S. barred a recovery. Allpersons indebted^ to M Ribbons, Cap and Bonnet Ribbons, just qualities, which will be sold at received and for sale at about half the"' nsaal EVERAL fine Sleighs, made in a strong manufacturers prices. Orders thankfully re­ Alexander's Kid Gloves. ILLERS Waterproof Blacking, whole­ said Estate are requested to make immediate- ceived. Thrms favorable. ASSEL BUTTONS going at 6 1-4 cents NOTHER lot of those VELVETS, of all sale and retail at payment to THEODOR E PRINCE. prices, at V-. < MOULTON'S. S and substantial manner, and will be sold HESE celebrated Gloves for sale in »ny M 3t*i Administrator. ) Westport, Dec. 24. > ; . *3*52 cheap, at WATERBURY & DUNCAN'S. Norwalk. Aug. 11. WM. B. SWAN. T quantity, by O. S. CLARK. T each, at O. S.CLARK'S. A widths, at O. S. CLARK'S. .. C.

•i.r•'O-.•:;= /.

Hit, $l Live^Si^ NEW CANAAN NU M ; OPFjJi ! t i .. i " rpHIS Line of Pacfc&hr :J? heyeafter be LEVENTH edi^^4ufpagi^^iot^Aijtb| HE Subscribers'respectfully solid*' A T THE SOUTH JVjQR WALK X composed of the follor ig shipr>. which nearly seventy-five colored engravings— j . tention of-the public to their large from S. M. Pettengill if Vo.'s Advertising L , Q(piN^ < representing all the diseases Of the genital or­ T MT will sail-ftoW New York or ; • - > md from E ry Stock, consisting of Apple, Pear, Plum, \geney, 119 JVassuu-si., JV". Y. L \"\l Liverpool the 21st of^ach month. gans of the male and female; the most com­ _ V '»-H' -,h •• Peach, Cherry, Quince and Apricot Trees: THE Proprietors wish tojc^li the attunilbn Betweennltew York and I^orwali^ toK 1 plete and practical work on the physiological Raspberry, Gooseberry and Currant Bushes. of their customers and tfie publife-tb tfifeir Cents. Aurora;' ' Captain R. L. Bunting. 1300 mysteries aud revelations oi the u>ale anp fe­ the immense arid plains lying between S The Best Hj.yyDye. choice stock of Fruit aud Ornamental Trees, Constantine, Mackduck . , 1400 the Rotoky Mountains, Ornamental Trees. R. O. M» BALLARD^ (;ue\v article,) re­ H 3;: male sexual systems ever published^ wilh. the consisting of ApjJlG, Pesfr, PluBi,LCnerry, New World, , H. Knight, 1500 latest experiment!! and discoveries in repro­ r Norway Spruce, Balsam Fir. Arborvit® ceived ^he high el t.'premium at the mutt requ^fat?V&t unsettled and un D Peach, Apricot,;Quince, Strawberrie^G<^se-: Albert Gallatin; ' Kelly , .. Io0» ductions It Illustrates anatomically and fully AYER'S- Larch, Mountain-ASbifHorse diestlsiilts. JGlms. World's l'\ur and American Institute, where it , Itoss Ashburton, W-..K. Bradish;. 1000 lev,"-;7c j cultivated-ou accotiht of the scarcity of berries, White, Bl^kberriesi^d;bl«cls7^#l| 3 with the plates! everything pertaining to the Anbw and singularly snecessful remedy ffor.. the v Maples, Weeping Willow, Drafts and Bills of.exchange for any amount, liable; from the secret habits of youth and ex­ the littft'Whefcr of their researches, the growth ami selection ot' varieties, not excelled Broadway, New Yorlt. • ly'l Also, the pure Red Antwerp, which we war­ Dock, South Norwalk, on Mondays, WednesJ drawn on all the principal Bankers of Europe. and Limbs. Female Complaints. Jlndeed.j m-- •lays and Fridays «t 8 A. M., on the arrival ol cesses of mature age, as impotency and inno­ very few ar*"^he diseases in which a Purgative Medir', . 1 by any. rant,! and hold ourselves responsible for its : proap^Mg^ipeafs good that an abundance . the Danbnry Cars. Returning, will leave pier cent or unforseen affections, syphilis (primary nine is not More or less required, and mrtch Reh r Persons wishing to purchase, will do well * Artificial Flowers and Feathers. new and snffering might he prevented, if a hartii' - of co^and'water can be obtained at a to examine our stock or communicate with us Mug th. p»« pl»a^o gjgYMOUR&CO. east side ot Catharine Street, E. ft., on Tues­ aud constitutional) gonorrhasr, blennorrbagie, ( EW STYLES. JAMES, TUCKER, .Im­ " S 87 South-street, .New York, or to etc., with numerous certificates of the most less hnt effectual Cathartic were more freely umd ' •mall outlay of money and labor. before purchasing elsewhere. porter and Wholesale Dealer, 387 Broad­ [OT We wish tojcall particular_ attentiou to days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 12 M. arri­ ? ? ( BOWMAN ,6HlNNfiLL * Co, So person can feel well while a costive habit flt V iy lti STEPHEN HOYT & CO. N ving at Norwalk in timefor the DanburyCarn. l? unparalleled eures ever performed. Every J Successful^ experiments have beeu way, uear White Street, New York- The best our large stock (being the largest in the State) '" » Fenwick Chambers, Liverpool. person, both married and single, should rend body prevails; besides it soon generates serious " a- p.-' terms for Cash. lyll of d\ijarf Pears, of 30 or 40 choice varieties. Farmers and others will find tbfe a most de­ often fatal diseases, which might have been avo! madem> testing the practicability of bo- C O SM OP OLI TAN sirable conveyance for sending their produce P. S.r-Bills of Exchange or Passage Certifi­ this work. Sold by Stringer St Townsend. 222 by the timely and judicious use of a good putgattfi^.'^^f^ riqg auwwfc'walls, and the result ismosi i art association. ; to market. For furtherjtarticulars apply to cates by the above Line may be procured on Broadway, at-the Broadway Post Office 422° lriis is alike true of Colds, Feverish syroptemsjliiidgf wtiiffetoiy * In one instance, near the U. M. KNIGHT & CO , TOMBSTONBS AND Capt. JOSEPH BYXBBE, Ageotv application to the Gazette Office. 31 Broadway, aud by the author, Dr. Larmont, Bilious derangements. They all tena to becoma or Second Year. produce the deep-seated and"fhrnridahle dlsteni|iaii _ IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS [Oct. 8,1855.) South Norwalk. 42 Reade street, corner ot Broadway, New •i§s Pacos River, about the thirty-second RRANGEMENTS for the Second Annual MONUMENTS York, formerly from Paris and London. Price which load the hearses all overlhe land. He*cea*fJ parallel, at the depth of six hundred and Collection of this new and popular Insti­ IN FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS ^r-^Tapscottfg Line 31, mailed free of postage to any address, se­ reliable family physic is of the first importaneate: fifty feet, the greatest abundance of per - A the public health, and this Pill has' been' perfects* tution lor the diffusion of Literature and Art, land Sl,)3 Veaey Street, (up stairs) be- OFUVERFOOL curely sealed. Address all letters Box 844 with consummate skill to meet that ^demand. _A*i _ fectly pure water was obtained. Besides Ir.ive been made ou the most extensive scale. AiOjiween Broadway and Church-st., N. Y- The Norwalk Marble Yard, New York Post Office. Agents wanted in ev­ Emerald Isle, (new) Chimborazo, extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Prate* it' |' •fir this, the operation developed the exist­ Among the works already engaged, is the Combs —Buffalo and Horn Back Combs, in Near the Bridge, JVbrtnalfe, Conn. Danbury « nor ery town. . Iy41 siors, and' Patients, has shown resnlts rorpiMiag^ J' far-famed great' variety, Twist, Dressing and Ivory Shamrock, (new) Philanthropist, Extracts from Editorial Notices of a number any thing hitherto known of aiiy medjehia. • Qtspfjit ence (if teds of coal, easily accessible, EPULCHRAL Monuments* Grave Stonee WINTiEiR ARRAIGNMENT. 3 " Genoa Crucifix," Combs Buttons—Steel, Gilt, Lasting, Mohair S Albion, new) " Forest Ring, of Newspapers:—" We concur with the other have been, effected beyond belief, were they not sirt^- • ~ and, as far as the experiments have pro of every variety of patterns, and of the i €i Commencing JAN. 8, 1856. Cambria, (new) Robena, ' atimtiated by persons of such eialted pojitipn and' Twist, Booe, Metal, Silk, Thread, Agate, Ac. : 3; papers in recommending Dr. Larmont and his 1 : greased; evidently underlying the whole which originally cost Ten Thousand Dollars. Brushes—Hair, Tooth, Nail, etc. Linen thread most.skilful workmanship'. 'The best assort­ Trains run daily, (Sundays excepted,) as fol­ Queen bf Clippers, (n) Houghton, "'' work;"—[Courrier des Etats Unis, German character as to forbid the suspicion of nntruth. ^ i'i ; In forming the new Collection the diffusion ment! of American and Foreign Marble, kept IMlv^Cnew) ltichaydMbl^; Among the eminent gantlenen to ,whwn •» ar*' of thait'immense country. A Spuol Cotton, Needles, Pins, Hooks and Ilyes, lows : • Die Reforms, Sunday Dispatch^StaatsZeitring, allowed to refer for these'faets,-aw/ - , of works of American rt, and the encourage­ constantly on hand. r D^ad Naught, (new) Kossuth: • 13® / The importance of this discovery will HairPins, Elastics, Whalebone, Linen _and BAKSSSV t'0 80UTS ^QBWAtl. 1 /v Natfanal-Democratj-DayBookrllasex Standard, PRO*. Y.M.E*rnrB MOTT, the distingtdttitd ment of American genius, have not been over? Cotton Tapes. Lineu and Cotton Bobbin/Scis­ Eersonswishingto procure.Monuments or —— ^ — -2~~ j-•?; —:t- Northampton (oev.-) Glftnco ; • Baktay Advocate, Emiirff-Cay^-P^iw Ga­ looked. Commissions have been isMied to anv iind of Alarble Works, are invited to call Passenger * 7.00 A. M.—Arriving . at Kolios. of New York City. • \J- / at once be apparent. If rivets cannot great variety of-Fancy Coofsawattee, (new) zette. New York PickTWetf BrtinSWicfc-Timns. Docj. A. A. Haym, 'Raeltoy.<»|Wl^ijyi!|"o?. many of the most distinguished American Ar­ sors, Thimbles, aud a and feive a pCifsoual inspection o/hif. material South Norwalk at 8.10 a. if. and conhecting ' be created by wells, water sufficient may Goods, Fans, &c., all cheap for cash. " • ly ll' Git.y of Brooklyn,(new) < 5onsu i. Port of Boston, and Geoiarst for tha Stat* of Jlaa-i f, ® tist!, who will contribute some of their finest and workmanship, as this will be more satis- with the 7.Q0 a.m. accommodation train on the ; saclmsetts. ; be obtaiiae(d fc>r:all the purposes of irriga­ Wm. Tapscott, .- • Centurion, ON MANHOOD : productions. Among them are three Marble English, French , and German Fancy Goods factory than to purcha*, of Agents without New York & New Havju Railroad from New Benjamin Adams, Am Compromise, §jj| IR«. L. Mooac, M. D., an eminent Sittfai •' ^SS| tion, aiid thus tlie plains may become as Physieinn, of the City of Lowell, who has long Basts, executed by the greatest living Sculpt­ an opportunity of testing the quality of the Haven. Stopping at all stations Arctic, ;* NewHampshire, And its Premature Decline, thickly inhabited, and the land rendered- or,— Hiram Poweks : Win Tasker, 10 Park Place. them in his extensive practice. --f' article contracted, for. _ . . . Antartic, • • Constellation,. H. C. Southwick, Esq., one of the first Bk productive as any other portion oi George Washington, The Father of his - OMBS of every description and style, The Lettering and Ornamental work Connecting at South Norwalk with the 4.30 Empire, Underwriter, ' Just Published, Gratis, 2Gth thousand : r. m. accommodation train from New Haven. chant* in New York City. our country. ^With plenty of coal for Country; M* C French and Chinese Fans, Magic Fans, is executed by experienced workmen, and Progress, West Point, FEW Words On the Rational Treatment, J***1*, M. D., Sup't and Sttrgeoh of tfci'iL, new and very choice Perfumery, Cotton and Stopping at. all stations. Passengers going fuel, thrt wrfntof timber will hardly keep Benjamin Fkanklin, The Philosopher; ;; can warrant it to give entire satisfaction. Andrew Foster, #- •' E. Z. without Medicine of Spermatorrhea or United States Marine Hospital, atChabeaalilili/''^^^ Daniel Webster. The Statesman. Thread, Needles, Pins, Hooks and Eyes, Satin, J. M. SMITH. East from South Norwalk, will take the New Rappahannock. p0 A. Z. «>'«? > a LocalA Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Geni­ Did apace permit, we could gjfe man^at— back the pioneer ; for the materials for. York 4.00 accommodation train to New Ha­ viab, riMnes, from all parts where the Ml-'tttt % A special Agent has visited Europe and made Wax, Coral and Glass Beads and Necklaces, a St. Louis-, .'i#:*; Racer, tal and Nervous Debility; Impotency, and Im­ building are too numerous to admit of l.irge and extensive variety;—Indi* Rubber ven, and all stations East ot Norwalk... Galena, •• zix&vtis Adriatic, beeni usee,.but evidence eren mora convinodRj careful and judicious selections of foreign Hardware and Cutlery. ~ ; pediments to Marriage generally. :he certificates'of these eminent pnbUe & such 'a-'igupppeition. The thorn will works of Art, both in Bronze and Marble; Goods of all kinds • Dress Buttons fine assort­ SOUTH NORWALK TO BANBURf. Charles Buck, « Edward Stanley. BY B. DE LANEY M. D. : jhowa in their effects upon trial. , ment. Reticules very select patterns. Pock-, Mechanic's ToolspFpfim^V^nsUs, doubtless grow ls well there as h<>re, Statuary and Choice Paintings. ls| Passenger and Freight at 9.20 A. M.— The X Line of London'Packets. The important fact that the many alarming : These Pills^ the result of long investigator an*< et Books, Portmonies, Ac. Inbluding a very Receivinjg passengers from the New York and !s itudy, are offered to the public .aa the and liv# hedges', even in sections where The whole forming a large and valuable Guns, Pistols^ Iron 'aOa 'Steel^ t Amazon (new) -"^ Headrick Hudson,• complaints originating in the imprudence and : sost «oa»pletewhleh the present-state collection of Paintings and Statuary, to be large and extensive stock of Fancy ^ooda, the New Haven, 7.0ft "A. M. Accommodation forests are -abundant, are now adopted Gold and Gilt Jewelry, &c. Great induce­ I I Window Glass, Paints Southampton, Palestine, (new) solittideof youth, may be easily ttffloved with- \ idcnce can affonl. They are ccnapounda^astj^r -p distributee! free amdng tbe members of the As­ Trains, and'arrive at Danbury at 11100 A.M. Northumberland, Devonshire, out Medicine, is, in this small tract clearly \ by the farmer. ments will be offered to Cash Buyers. Orders - - ' Stopping at all stations. the drnjp themselves, but of the mi ilii j|inl JtlJWW l I - sociation for the Second Year. .; - < ? by letter put up in the best manner. and Otis Ocean Qneen, American.Eagle, ^ demonstrated'; and the entirely new and high-; ;nly of y egetable remedies, extractedby chiiM^i,. V, The expedition for making ihesf? ob­ 2d Passenger at 6.15 P.M.—Receiv' jgPas­ Margaret Evans. s ^ ly successful treatment, as adopted by the Au­ proceaaln a state of purity, and i iiiiiliiiiiil ' 'Z Terms of Membership. vH- WM.TASKER HE Subscriber has now in store, and is sengers from the 4.30 P. M. accommodation in such a manner as to insure thebest res'™ '1 servations and exp^itffents ou the greai The payment of three dollars constitutes In the foregoing, list will bp found some of thor; fully explained, by means of which every lyll No. 10 Park Place, N. Constantly receiving.direct from the man­ train 'from New Haven, and the 4.00 P. M. 1 svstem of eonaaosition for medicines hast Westetfi 'prairies, was sent ont by the any one a member of this Association, and Tufacturers, a large supp^of Foreign and'Do­ the Finest Ships afloat, their Sailing Qualities one is enabled to cure, himself perfectly, and in the (frerryPeetoral and Pfl&l bOtht"iid !#; accommodation train from New York; and ar­ and Accommodation for Passengers are une­ at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all Government oiily a short tim^ since, and entitles him to either one of the following Millinery Goods mestic Goods, under ;the above denominations, riving atvDanbttry at 7.25 P. M. Stopping at more efficBit remedy than h^d hlthrtt» h»far Magazines for one year, and also a ticket in which makes his assortment ofarticles suited qualled ; and it is intended that two Packets the advertised nostrums of the day. cained By any process. The reason 1%; * " it certainly may be considered, with tlie all stations. shall be dispatched from Liverpool for New Sent to any address, gratis, and post free in tiov,V Wliue by the old success which has attended the experi­ the distribution of the Statuary and Painting*. For rail Sales 185$. " to this .market, equal ja^ny;inches; state, and Stages from Ridgefield Centre run to Ridge- The Literature issued to-subscribers'consists whkjb will be sold eitlier whgi^f>plfi ©r retail York every week. a sealed envelope, by remitting (post.paid) ery Medicine is burdened With-SL ftaa been commissioned. Millions Putnam's, Knickerbocker, Blackwood's, Gra­ tations of Silks, Samns, Velvets^ .'Ribbons, Ne^ York^ For. listarticles; and. prices, the arrival at the Ridgefield Station of the 9.20 sifect is present. All tha inert «B>d < __ ham's, Godey's Lady's Book,-and Houffc&old from England, Scotland, or any part of the ities oteach substance employea y0 acres of the best lands Will thus be open­ Trikminos, Crapes, Laces; EMBRdibiiaiBS, purchasers areireques.te.dT to,.-'tiv: , tries. opening!! on the unrfiwe of: our- bodies. Through these remedy-without knowing its-eemforitwa. its rich >products into tii'e lap of com- The Advantages Secured promptly and carefully attended to. Shaving/ Hair Dr<^Biug, Head cleansing, &£. Persons redding in the country, and wishing this Ointinent, when robbed on the skin,, .is carried to supyKed the accurate F«mnl» hy wl&iht'Mtfc by becoming a memberof this Association, are 1865. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, 1856. any Organ or inward part'. Disease* oi the Kidneys, Pectoral and Pills are made to the w|fdp^bodj ^ ; 76 Chambers St., near Bvoapway, His imany yeWs eXperlenceitt th'ese'branchcs, Commencing Dec. 3,: : to engage passage for or sending ;money to. disorders of the Liver, affections of the heart, Inflaminr - 016FC6 •** ' * • * 1st. All persons receive the full value oj their friends can do so by remitting the amount Practi turners in the United StaSeaaM9gmnJfiters//-jr We shall soon have the Report of the And opposite the Irving House, N. Y. lyll he cleems a sufficient -guarantee'of h£s ability tion bf the Longs, Asthmas, Coughs and Colds, are by ieaa I^svinees. If however there, sfiwd.^ any their subscriptions at the start, in the shape to, please all who may favor him with .-;th61r Trains to. Blew .Ifei^r." &§ ' ro.T. & Co., with full directions, which will Its ^ean* elfeetUally careO. Every housewife knows 1 expedition from the Department at of sterling Magazine Literature. „ f|« From New Hapen. ' immediately be attended to, and a receipt re­ > # Those who purchase Magazines at Book­ lyll : iiti'i-iiM. i 6 Murray-St., New York. No. 40 Fulton Street, New York, and on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when, having to 1 United States is greater than in any pair, at T. B.GRIFFITH'S. port, Norwalk and Stamford. At 8.25. r.,M •ope with the worst cases of sores, wounds, ulcer?, into healthy aetibn — remere the ohetruetiotiasBftq-:.- ^ stores, will observe that by joining this Asso-, i|| Waterloo Road-, Liverpool. .. glandular swellings, and tumors. Professor Holloway the stomach, bowels, liver, and other onjans aftth&ycjc;* other country. Mechanical power is ciation, thty rseeive the Magazine and jrte body, restoring Itheir irregnlarac^On_ to nealthi^id J XSNOZalSH CABPETZNOS. Cheap for Cash. Special Train leaves Norwalfe at 6 a. m. for has,: by command of the Allied Governments, dispatched above all price, and yet the amount giv­ Ticket in the annual distribution, all at the New York. fke 014 Black Star LiaeofParkets t> the hospitals of the East, largo, shipment* of this; oy eorrecting, wherever they exist, such same price they now pay for the Magazine EDALLIONS, Velvets, Tapestry, Brus­ HE Subscriber would offer for sale, cheap Ointinent, to be used under the direction of the Medical menta as.aie the first origin of disease. ~ en 6iit -by inanimate matter that might ['a >v Housatonic Railroad. _ ailing punctually from Liverpool.on.thc 1st. St&ft, in the worst eases of wounds. It will cure any alone. M sels, 3 Ply and Ingrain Carpett; Floor for cash, French and American Window Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant . ^ be used is utterly incalculable. That Cloths, Coir Mattings and Mats of aU kinds, T Passengers for Honsatonic Railroad will (tth, 11M, 16th, 21*t and 26th of each months nicer, glandular swelling, stiffness or contraetipn ofthe and being purely vegetable, no harm cananstffKrai' Beautifully illustrated Catalogues, giving Glass, all sizes ; rich Fancy China and Bohe­ joints, even of 2Q years' standing. *" their use in any .quantity. * which is ever running to waste in water­ full descriptions, sent free on application. and every articlc in the Carpet busihew. mian Ware ; fine German Accordeons and Vi­ take the 9.35 a. m. train to Bridgeport, and comprise the following splendid ships. WM. & THOS. LEWIS, Piles and Fistulas.' ' * * * For mfniite directions, see the wrapper nn ttf— falls "and rapids is inconceivably great. For Membership, address olins. Call -and-exami»» — f % Danbury tf Morwalk Railroad. Universe, Captain Bird, 1700 These and other similar distressing complaints can be Bos. wk. lyll 452 Pearl-st., N. Y. ., , PREPARED BY ' r , It iii Vvithin the range of possibilities that C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A. T. B. GRIFFITH^ Passengers for the Danbury ft Norwalk Rail­ Jacob A.Westervelt,-— Hoodless, 1C00 effectually cored if the Ointment he well robbed in over f c at either of the principal offices— the parts aSected, and ^.otherwise followingthe print­ the ocean's resistless waves may event­ road will take the 7 and 9.35m ,^.^4.4.30 Wm. Rathbone, 'kU Spencer, 1200 ed directions aroond each pot. Si JAMES C. AYBR',^ " Knickerbocker Magazine" office, -S48 Broad­ Parian Ware. ually-be used to aid in the propulsion of Tbe Cheap Cash Grocery Store. m. trains to Norwalk. Ticonderoga, * * Boyle; ;;; 1300 Practical ami Aaalytical CheaiiH^'' way, N. Y., or Western Office, lUfi Water at., HIS rare and most beautiful kind of useful Princeton, Russell, ?- 'i'--' 1400 Both the Ointment and Pills should be used vessels, and to do other work, by corn- 46 HE Subscribers would return their thanks LOWKIJj, M^S8. Sandusky, 0. to the public for their very liberal patron­ T and ornamental Ware, should be seen by I Trains from New York, Irene. Williams, 1200 ' in the following cases: pre»sTng air imo chamberf opened to re­ Tage for the last three years, and they hope that' all who have a taste for the beautiful. It is For New Haven. SilasGreenman, t Spencer, 1500 Bunioun.: Lumbago Sore Legs SwelledGlands Price Sf Cents per Bex. Five Bbxes fer SI. 1600 Burns Mercurial- Sore Breasts Stiff Joints ^Of.D BT 8QQ&:' ceive their impulse—that is. to employ CHARLES DICKENS' WORKS. by strict attention to the wants of the commu­ impossible to describe this ware,,it iniist be Accommodation.—At 7 a.m., 12.00 m. ; 3.20, Leviathan, Knfpp, 1i0, Marshall, 1600 Chapped- Eruptions Sore Heads Ulcers II. N. SEAVER, Norwnlk. them'as rising and falling pistons, in in­ THE BEST AND MOST POPULAR IN TDK W0RI.il. nity, and by fair and honorable dealing, to seen to be appreciated. For sale by and 4.00t. m. Wm. H. Harbeck. Hands Piles Sore Throats Venereal Sores T. B. GR1FFITH. Guy Mannering, Freeman, 1600 Chilblains Rheumatism Sores of nil Wounds of nil verted'Cylinders, for urging it into proper Ten different editions. merit aud receive a contiuUance of their former Express Trains—At 8 a. m. and o p. m. for custom, believing as they do, that they can, Boston, via New Haven, Hartford, Springfield Washington, Page, 2000 Fistulas Salt Rheum kinda kinds reservoirs. Then again, in fields ana ; Funk, >..j. Gout Skin biseases Sprains Scalds HI&EAHA O Library can be complete without a set and do sell all goods in their line, at-as -cheap ' A3EOB. and Worcester; the 8 a. m. stopping at Stam­ Enterprise, • -S :: 1000 forests, what power is lost, though pre­ Knapp, 1000 " *,* Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Houow^t, Brought Home to the Door ofthe Million.31 N of these Works. Reprinted from the last a rate ancLas of good a quality as can be found OLLINS, Tenicks, Hends and other makes, ford and Bridgeport; the 3 p. m. at Stamford, Abeide'en, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, sented in forms more tangible and acces­ London editions, and published by T. B. Pe­ at any other store in the county. They are Richard Alsop. •' Smith, 1000 and' by all respectable Druggists, and Dealers of Medi­ WONDERFUL Discovery has recently * with and without handles, Simofi's boy's Norwalk and Bridgeport. 1000 cines throughout the United States, and the civilized sible than in waves. A plan is wanted terson, No. 102 Chestnut-Street,. Philadelphia. now offering great bargains in Teas, Sugars, C The 8 a. m. train connects with Honsatonic, Niagara, Smith, A been made by Dr. Curtis, of Jthis city," in jj " Pkierson's" is the only complete and uni­ axes and hatchets, all of which are warranted, Funk, 1300 world, in Pots, at 26 cents, 621-2 cents, and $1 each. the treatment of Consumption, Asthm* and aH *. for cbflecting il from swaying boles and &c., and would invite an examination of theii and for sale by . E. VA. CHICHESTER. Naiigatuck, Canal, a New London Railroads. DeWitt Clinton, ;» V;.- ^ There is considerable saving by taking the larger form edition ot' Charles Dickt-n's Works pub­ large aud fresh stock of Groceries and Provis­ The 3.00 p.m. train connects with Naugatuck Marmion, v * Hadley. M 1000 .sizes. diseases of the Lungs. We refer to. '* Dr. Cut- - - branches 5ione possessing the properties lished in America ; they are imprinted from the ions. - G. HOLMES & CO., Sandusky,,' , "£ i ? r . Borland,^; 1200 X. B. Directions for tbe guidance of patients in every tis'Hygeana, or lnhaliug Hygean Vapor apd Teas. and New London Railroads. disorder are affixed to each Pot. Iy25 Cherry Syrup.*7 With this net* method Dip. C. e of an alleged discovery of an old invent­ original London edition, and are now the only No. 4 Skiddy's Block. The 7 a.m. Accommodation and 4.00 r.u. Owego^ Hubbard-5 1500 - #' or, by which, in whatever directions the edition published in this country. No library, HE Subscribers keep constantly on" hand a Robert Kelly, Barstew,. 1400 has restored many afflicted ones to perfect I trains connect with Danbury & Norwalk Rail­ EAD & FULMER'S Croton Metallic Fire 1 U either pnblic or private, can be complete with­ The Wonder of the Age. <. large supply of fresh Tbas, of all qualities New Ship, '.«k& Edwards, 1750 health; as an evidence of which he has fpnti- * prlmum-mobile moved. P and down, out having in it a complete set of this, the 4 andT prices.' Don't forget Co call at road at Norwalk^ Proof Paint.—This article Is acknowled­ merable certificates. Speaking^ of the treat- f ..,.1 sideways and every way, the desired re- XCELSIOR Family Starch, a superior ar­ These Ships are the most magnificent that ged by all who have used it to be superior to greatest of all living authors. Every family HOLMES & Ca's. have been built. They are commanded by able M meat, a physicinn remarks,: It is evideut tkaV " snltrfoJlowed ; a device which, working should possess a set of one of the editions. E ticle, aud as cheap as the common starch Trains from New York to Norwalk.—At any other Paint in use. It is proof against inhaling—constantly breathing an agreeable,*' ^ now in use; it produces a Beautiful Polish 7 a. M.; 12 u. ; 3 (express), 3.20,4.00 and 5.15 andexperienced Captains,fanned for their nau­ the action of the weather and fire, and is day and night, might accumulate power The cheap edition is complete in Twelve Yol- Mexican Gnano. tical skill and kind treatment,to emigrants; healing vapor, the mcdicinal properties jni£t | umes, paper cover ; either or nil of which can without gumming the Iron or Fabric. For P M. cheaper than any other paints.in consequence corns in direct contact with the whole .cf' tte' for planters and others while they slept. sale by the box or paper, by ALLEN, MEE­ HIS celebrated, fertilizer, which is pro­ Trains from-Norwalk to New York.—At and their accommodations for Cabin, Second of its taking less oil to mix, and covering much be had seperately. Price Fifty cents each Cabin, and Steerage passengers^are vastly »n- arial cavity ofthe lungs, and thus esba^ > Trees, ,while in motion, give out more KER & CO., who can furnish it to dealers at T nounced by Agricultural Chemists and 6, 6.4?. 8.15, and 10.52 a. m. ; 2.48 (ex.), 5.45, more surface,*twice as much as some. Give many and varied changes produced apoh ttt^' f power in a windy day than wonld out Bleak House, Factory prices. others who have used it, to be much superior and 9.30 p.m. „ petlor to those of any other Line. it a trial. David Copperfield, The Ships allowance of provisions comprises when introduced into the stomach j atd * to all other varieties, may 1»e had of the sub­ Trains from Norwalk to New Haven.—At E. YA. CHICHESTER, Agent. jected to tbe process of digestion. The'Hwre-; . f them down when at rest; and in all ca- Nicholas Nickleby, RITTANIA, Japan'd and Silver Plated 9.15 a. M., at 2.20,5.00 (ex), 5.33 and 6.15 P.M. flour, oat-meal, bread, potatoes, peas or beans, ses topWef proportioned to their magni­ scriber in any quantity „ ana is for. sale at all the druggists' tarou®Ba¥| Pickwick Papers, Wares, English and American Knives and E. VA. CHICHESTER. See'large bill of advertisement at theStation rice and vinegar, which is. dealt out to the : 1 Dombey and Son, B passengers once or twice a week during'the Zinc Paints. the country.—N. Y.Dutchman. y tudes* . IDoubtless the idea of using snnh Forks,at: '. F. H. NASH'S.. Houses and Hotels, The' Inhaler is worn on the breast undftth#" "* powe^Flll appear to many puerile and Martin Uhuzzlewit, v.. .3.-vis* . South Norwalk. JAMES H. HOYT, Sup't. voyage, at the rate 10 1-'-! lbs. per week for HE Subscriber offers a full assortment of Barnaby Radge, each adult, and half allowance for children the celebrated Zinc Paint3, comprising lineu withou t the least iaconvenieiice—M|Kt '£ visionary; but for all that, it is practice- Old Curiosity Shop. UGARS—very cheap and handsome, at FINE Assortment of Pumps, consisting under ,12' years; and in addition to the-above, Tsnow white, white, pearl and brown, ground in of the body being sufflcient to evapoqtel'jkhe' g: c FOR BOSTON blei at|d 'some day, if not in ours, will, Sketches by " Boz," s OLMSTEAD'S. of Well Pumps,.Weather Proof for Wells a further allowance, according to a late act of oil, manufactured by the " New, Jersey Zinc fluid. . . - irr* we'think, be turned to account. F r- Oliver Twist, " ofA any depth, both Force and Suction, Hose EGULAR MAIL LINE via Stpnington the British Parliament,two oz. tea, half lb. Company," and for sale at theirlowestgrices. Hundreds of Cases of Cubbs like thofcltei^H Christmas Stories and Pictures from Italy, con­ Lime, and Pipe attached, if wanted; Cistern Pumps for Boston, Providence. New Bedford and sugar,'and half-pound molasses, to each adult, ing might be named. One package of |: i mere then will pot neglect long swing­ ana has cared me ofthe Asiiuia of rix. ing levers radiating from poles around taining a Christmas Car )1. The Chimes, Y the Barrel or small quantity, at do. varioussizes ; Brass and-Iron Cullenders, Taunton—Inland route, without delay, change weekly, with three quarts water daily. In all Cricket on the Hearth, Battle of Life, at F. H. NASH'S, South Nortoalk. .cases where any of the persons paid for de­ standing.. Jas. F. Keeseberry, P.M.'t GEO. W. SMITH'S, of cars or baggage, carrying the Eastern Man. of Duncann«n, j^a^. . their "homesteads, but make them serve Haunted Man, Tbe Ghost's Bargain, See. B The new steamers PLYMOUTH feOCK, cline coming out, the full passage money is v as pump-handles for raising water for South Norwaik. LARGE Assortment pf Note, (something I am cored of the Asthma of 10 years . Dickens' New Stories. Containing The Seven Nails. Capt. Joel Stone, and C. VANpiERBILT, returned without any deduction. new and very beautiful,) Bath, Letter and their families and cattle, and for other Poor Travellers, Nine New Stories by Capt. W. H. Frazee, in connection'witb the Fersons residing in the country that desire A ing by Dr. Curtis' Hygeana. Guns. Gun?. N quantities to suit purchasers, at lowest Cap Paper, at KNAPP'S. Margaret Easton, Brooklyn, NV, '; p purposes. Movable wind mills have at the Christmas Fire, Hard Times, Lizzie rates, at CHICHESTER'S. Stonington and Providence, and Boston and to send money to their friends in the OJd Leigh, The Miner's Daughters, Fortune NEW supply of fine and low priced double I Providence Railroads leaving New York daily Country, and wishing to save time and ex­ Mrs. Paul of No. 6 Hammond-st7 N.lr^ w*v. t great expense been put to do what a Wildred, &o. and single barrel Guns, just received, by cured ofa severe case'of Bronchitia bjL AiC*. A MINNESOTA! MINNESOTA I! (Sundays excepted,) from pier No. 2, N. R., pense, can have it done in a satisfactory and — SiedfM and , single stout Stem, or two or more united, A complete set of the above will be sold or WM. CI STEET. first wharf above Battery.place, at 5 o'clock, correct manner, by enclosing by post, to the TCfNE and Blacksmith's Sledges and Ham- Hygeana. j * sent to any. oije to any place, free of postage, My Sister has been cored of a p ooh1 BOYD * PA8E»Ot£l» est enl8 1 < X^ROM the Editors of the Philadelphia Post. 149 Chambers-st., N. Y.; H. N. SEAVPTR. ^ so much talk and anxiety; While lie Edition, and comprising over four thousand Feed, Feed. ritory. : Money :Loau#d»jny ® ? a le Monday, Wednesday and Friday From Sto­ p. S.—Bills of Exchange, or Passage Certifi­ very "large double eohimnoil pages, handsomely Lto the best-advantage : and Land Warrants nington—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. J? " We think we may safely pronounce this Norwalk.—4 Packages sent ft*c by ?ilfiSlt*J. , was quietly and persevering!y pursuing HE subscribers keeps constantly on hand cates by the above Line may be procured on to be the most thorough %nd .valuable work on any part of the United-State* for Ten Dollars . printed, and bound in vnrious styles. every description of Feed, which it will- Bought and LWated. The PLYMOUTH ROCK, firom New York application to the Gazette Office. his labors, unprincipled men in the. da- Volume 1 contains PI'ikwick Papers and Old T —Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. From the Empire of Russia that has has yet appear­ N. B. Dr. Curtis' Hygeana is the OusiNii. ' guerreotype business hovered around him be a pleasure to sell to his customers at all REFERENCES: ed in the English language.". and Onlt GsNinss AMxcurisud' o^MA«a^» ' Curiosity Shop. times and no growling. Give us a fall. Stonihgton—Monday, Wednesdayand Friday. iKOC&r *o obtain the secret, if posible, Volume 2 contains Oliver Twist, Sketches by Minnesota.—-Govt'Wv A. Gorman; Hon. W. Passengers on: arrival at Stonington,. pro­ BUILDING LOT From the Editor ofthe American Philadel­ base imitations or vile and iujUrJnus^ciilri'tdf HOLMES & CO. H. Welch, Chief Justice of Minnesota; Hon. 14 feits. fehnn beforeitcame legitimately from the great " Boz,'' and liarauby Rudge. ceed immediately per railroad to Providence, - FOR.SALE. phia Courier.— Truly a valuable Work—the them as you would Poison. - H. M. Rice, Delegate to Congress; Rice, Hol-< and" New Bedford, in the great Book of di^UVerer; but failing in this they went Volume 3 contains Nicholas Nickelby and 7" The Building Lot recently owned and the day." Martin Chiizzleu'it. Saddle & Harness EstabUsljisaerit linshead& BeckM, Attorneys at•Law, ; .Messrs. Mail Train, reaching said places .it; a^r&ith! disappointed hopes, and then [ occupied by Capt. Wm. Allen, on Flax Send for one copy and try it among Another Olorioiu ?ict#y< : 'ii. Volume 4 contains David Copperfield, Domby Borup & Oakes, Baukersij J. T. Ro^er, Secre- fi ^ i j,onra ;D advance of those by other £ Hill, is offered for sale on very reasona­ AT WESTPORT, ur Hmds f-. 3 •*l»o»ted-their bombast in pronouncing and Son, and Christmas Stories. tary orthe ^Wr-ATnes^ Van F.tten, and in an,pie time for all the early ble terms. It consists,of about l; 1-4 aeres ol I SksS y° f - SEBASTOPOL it a humbug. After years of untiring Volume 5 contains Li leak House, and Dickens' riiHE subscriber would inform h is friends and Attorneys at Law; Rev, T.M, Fullerton, Reg- -' Line8 cohnecting North and East — Work for all and work that pays^-In selling good land, with numerous thrifty and well-' HE STRUGGLE IN EUROPE is UlTST- riplfoation and almost unexampled per­ New Stories. X the public, that he has now ou band at ister U. S. Land Office^; W.m,.H. Holcpaibe, p^s^neers that prefer it, remain on board the grown fruit and shade trees standing.thereon; 'in every County in the United States, our new Price of a complete set. bound ift black his establishment,cast side the Bridge, one of Receiver!?. S. Lai^d Office j T. Marijr; M,D, ^t.eamer) cnjoyinga night's rest undisturbed, work on the. " Rdssun Empire," and other T tag tbe attention of the civilized-irorld, severance, he is about to realize a re­ New York.—Gilbert Davis, Esq.; Daniel a well of good and never failing water, with and while till are speculating asto the p>i».v cloth, full gilt back, $ 7 50 the largest and best assorted stocks of Harn­ breakfasting if desired, and leave Stonington the cellar and foundation of the former build­ popular Pictorial Books. Terms, Cataloguer, ward for his toil, both in a pecuniary Price of a complete set, bound in scarlet esses, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, carpet-bags, Curtis, Esq,; Capt. A.'DePeyster; Messrs. S. in the 7.00 A. M., train, connecting at Provi­ -hnd Canvassing Circulars, forwarded free o! ble victor, here in .Vorwalk,wheie wearejair*- Thompson & Nephew; Messrs. Williams & ing, flag stone walks, a newly creeted picket tually acquainted, cooneforainOmeatdaiflrfa mamw, and by the satisfaction of hav­ cloth, extra, 8 50 blankets, whips,fly-nets, Saddlers Hardware, dence with the 11 A.M., train for Boston, fence fronting the same, &c. It is eligibly postage, on addressing, ing accomplished a scientific discovery Price of a complete set. library Sheep, 9 00 and Saddler's Goods in general, ever before Guion. TaUnton and New Bedford. • ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. that ' Phii.adei.phia.—Joseph Patterson, Esq., situated upon the main road leading froin 181 Willianw"t., New York. in his-jwy generation. He has al­ Price of a complete set , half turkey mo­ offered in Westport, and he would respectfully : A Baggage Master accompanies the Steamer South Norwalk to Darien, and but a few min­ TURK has Conqnered! ^ rocco. 11 00 solicitan examination ofhisstock. Repairing President Western Bank; Messrs. Di-exel & Co., and Train through each way. Sknd for Onk Copt. . Single copies of ready reoeived an offer of thirty tlious- utes walk from the Depot Any person wish, For whereelse in theState ofConnecticut?c..u Price of a complete set, half calf, antique 15 00 neatly,cheaply, and promptly done. Allor- Bankers ; R. Taylor A Co. • Freed, Ward & Through tickets on Mondays, Wednesdays ing a retired location, both pleasant and the Work on " RUSSIA," (the most elegant Clothing for the coming winter be obtained s.o_ and dollars for the Hillotype, providing ders executed with care.and work warranted. Freed ; Bingham & Dock ; Siters, James & Co ; and Fridays, for Nantucket, Holmes's Hole and healthy, will find this a rare opportunity to and useflil Volume of the Tear,) carefully en­ cheap? be will go to Europe arid obtain foreign ILLUSTRATED EDITIONIN 12 VOLS. WM. S. JONES. fiailey & Co; Edward Hurst, Esq., Notary Wood's Hole*, via New Bedford, connecting veloped in stout paper, and forwarded at our Public; H. Messchert. Attorney at Law; James purchase at a very low price, a most beautiful pfainfti,:; This he does not deem a snf- This edition, is printed on very thick and -with the new steamer Eagle Wing. _ and desirable location lor a connlry residence. risk and expense to any Post-Offiee, on the re­ OLOTHI 100,000 copies sold! Kitchen, M. D.; William Stoever. Esq. i For passage, berths, state rooms or freight ceipt of the Retail Price, Threr Dollars.— fici+ltf'consideration for so brilliant a dis- fine white paper, and is profusely illustrated, New Oblbanh.—Messrs. Brotan, Johnson A For further, particulars inquire of Mr. John FOR THE MILLION! - . I with all cf the original illustrations by Cruik- application may be made at pier No. 2, North Knapp nearthe premisesror of the owner. Early application is necessarj to seenre the f ; eovery, and.considering the immense a- LOYD'S great Steamboat work will be Co., Bankers. Cotnfort, Beauty •and Economy Qorn"'* shank, Alfred Crowquill, Phiz, etc., from the ready ou or about the twenty-fourth of River, at the office, No. 10 Battery-place . , JOHN S. WILLIAMS. most beautiful and perfect copies. mount of money which can be realized original London edition, on copner, steel and L Vicksburoh.—Messrs. Brown & Johnson, • ..:^v No. 40, Fulton si,. N. Y. ^efi- Persons wishing to act as Agents, and bined. October. , ^ Bankers. 0m32 for it two orthriee hundred thousand dol­ wood. Each volume contains a novel com­ Contents. ' New York and Liverpool U S; do a safe business, can send for a specimen The Public are cordially invited tocsapart lars would probably be a fair equivalent, plete, and may be had in complete sets, beau­ First, application of Steam. LOUR by the load or legs quantity, at volume, and a well-boond Subscription Book, onr Stock of Goods, A New and Valuable Discovery. (price of.both $3.25, sent free of postage,) and -wiu. * Saugerties Telegraph. tifully bound in cloth, for Eighteen Dollars a Life of John Fitch—Engraving of his first MAX£ STEAMBir F S. E. OLMSTKAD'S. Ready-Made aal Made ta OHI*- cf pet, or any volume will be sold seperately, as Boat. rTVHE Ships composing this line are tlie J obtain from one to two hundred subscribers, ,'-"iV.¥ ^ ]) R, H A M' OODEN Ware and Mats, Sheet Lead and to be delivered at a certain time to be agreed, with any or all, similar Stores la Morttelk, follows: ( + , Life of Robert Fulton—Engraving of his either as to quality, quantity or price. The Capacity op the Great European first Americau Boat on the Hudson river. ATLANTicf Capt. WeBt. Pacific, Eldridge. Lead Pipe, al ^ F. II. NASH'S.' on, say in thirty or forty dayB from the time Bleak House, -.i • Price SI 50 Aromatic Invigorating Spirit W of signing. Address as above. 39 best stock of Edifices.—St. Peter's at Rome will hold Pickwick Papers, ' .'w ; , 1 50 Robert Fulton and Livingston's first Ohio Baltic. Capi. Cornstock. Adriatic. South Norwalk. river boat.—Correct likeness—full particulars. rjlHIS delicious beverage is superior to all COATS, PANTS, AND VKSTS, 54,000 persons; the Cathedral at Milan, Old Curiosity Shop, 1 50 These ships have been built by contract ex­ EXPRESSLY FOR THE SEASON, k AI.T.THE ®TCETEI? AS Oliver Twist, *150 Latrobe's First Boat. J. invigorating cordials, schnapps, nervines, pressly for Government service. Every care OILS! OILS! Fall Trade, 1855. 37,000; St. Paul's at Rome, 32,000; St. First S'teubenville Boat. .< Ac.. In nse, fbr the cure of Dyspepsia, Ner­ has been taken in their construction,asalso in ofa Gentleman's Wardrobe, can be fucliased Ifeul's et London, 25,000 ; St. Pet renin, Sketches by "Boz," ; , : : ^1 50 OILED and Raw Linseed Oil, warranted HE Subscriber has in store, and is daily there cheaper than at any other Stoic in tha ^ Barnaby Rudge, 1 50 First Explosion on the Western waters from vousness, Heart-burn, Drowsiness, Kidney their engines, to insure strength, and speed, receiving, Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Bblo^a, 24,000 ; St. Sophia's, Const an- an Eye Witness. B_ pure. T State. And as for variety, style,, and excel­ Nicholas Nickleby, ,150 Complaint, Melancholy, Delerium Tremens, and their accommodations for passengers are Bleached, Elephant Whale, Lamp Oil. Feed, Ac., which he will sell at the lowest tinopJe,i?3,000 ; Cathedral at Florence, Martin Chuzzlewit, , « , 1 Maps of the Western waters, Towns, Cities, Intemperance,, etc., as it will invigorate and unequalled for elegauce and aomtort. Price of market prices. Consumers are invited to call lence of workmanEhip, one trial will mrtiio and Distances laid down correctly. nassage from New York to Liverpool in first Rosin, Lard and Machine Oil. the patronage of the most fastidipui. ,. 24,OOOY Cathedral at Antwerp, 24,000 ; David Copperfield, • • > '1 50 strengthen, but will not intoxicate or stupify. Pure Neats Foot Oil, for sale l>v the barrel and examine for themselves, before purchasing Dombey aiid Son, ^ *"'• - ' 50 List of Steamboat Explosions since 1812, Persons who have become habituated to tbe class cabin, $130, in second do. $75, exclusi ve elsewhere. Goods delivered free ol charge PARENTS, this is the place to bring, your ^ St. John Lateran, 22,000 ; Notre Dame. Names of Killed and Wouuded, WVW.M useHOC Uiof 1UUBWV)Tobacco, Opium and .SpiritudiisLiquors,•»»*"« — j-" i WM. C. STREET. within a reasonable distance from the Store. Earis, 2>lv000.; Cathedral at Pisa, 13,000; Dickens' New Stories, 1 50 boats>ats now afloat. willsii a.jfindspeedy nM.wl«r oniland permauentreliefnArmhviont rplitkt' fromthetVnm the erpool to New York, 30 and 20 guineas. An H. FITCH. king np into ^ ' St.^Stephen's, Vienna, 12,000 ; Cathe. Price of full and complete set of the Il­ Correct views of Piitsburg, Wheeling, Cin- desire to use these .destroying agents,"By ta­ta- experienced swrgcou attached to each ship. cinnati,n MnAt 1Louisville, All IdtTI I1A St.Cf LouisI Alllfl andfl n/1 %Ty.ntNew Or­ . .1* ' « ' ' * Al. 9_ UTLERY.—A splendid a sport men t of A- Boys, Youths and Ohildren's* T dral at Vienna^ll.lOO ; St. Peter's, Bo- lustrated Edition, bound in 12 king a bottle or two of this No berth secured until paid for. mericnu and English Cutlery, bolli *a^e EW Buckwheat Floor at r* WINTER CLOTHING ' |f volnmes, in black cloth, gilt back $18 00 leans in 1855, Sketch of each place, Popula . For freight or passage apply to EDWARD S. E. OLMSTEAD. logna, 11,400 ; St. Dominic's, Bologna, tion, Business, &c. Delicious Medical Beverage. Cand pocket,. Please call ond examine, at N IS INDEED DMA ijTIFVt ! ? Price, bound m Library Sheep, 24 00 k. COLLINS & Co.. No. 56 Wall-st., N. Y.; CHICHESTER'S. ll.OQflUJSlJVlark't, Venice, 7,000. " Halt'Turkey Morocco, 27 00 Fast Time of Boats on the Ohio and Missis­ Weak and sickly families will find Dr. Ham's Brown, Shiplt & Co., Liverpool; E. G. Rob- Crockery, China & Glass Warte. Couto, Farmers, Merchants, Tradesmen, e«»< > sippi rivers. Invigorating Spirit a quick and sure cure for itRTi & Co.. No. 13 King's Arms Yard, London " " Half Calf, Antique, 36 00 kURE Silver Lead for stm r? and machinery Mechanics leave you work; §?' List of Steamboat Officers on the Western all female difficulties, it being a regenerator John Mcnrok A Co., Rue Notre Dame de* NE of the largest, richest and best selected Go, lawyer, Rend that olieat home = jfigs? yjr „ t ihPouitry under Plum, Trees.—We All subsequent works by Charles as well as strengthener of the htaman system. at P F- IL NASH'S, stocks of Crockery, Glass & China Wares, waters. Victories, Paris, or Geo. H. Draper, Havre, 1 O . And get a suit of TURK 1 • hive '.been, presented with some speci- Dickens will be issued in uniform style with - The uew Steamboat law, with comments, Each complaint that the Aromatic Invigora­ - .SV. .Wo vmlk, Ot. to be found in Norwalk, can now be seen at the above. j The owners of these ships will not ^ be ac­ Its all as clear as day, you £ee, ; " ^ iS mens, of . very fine plums raised in this life boats. ting Cordial is calculated to cure, is named countable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jew­ the store of the subscriber at South Norwalk, r Copies of any one, or any set, of either edi together That no other rule will w> rk, , " city: Until last season, the fruit upon : Disasters on the Lakes, names of lost, killed on the wrappers accompanying each bottle, elry, precious stones and metals, unless bilb Grow Bars. with a general assortment of Groce­ 3 tiou of the above works will be sent to any and full direction'sfor nse ate also minutely ries Ac. all of which will be sold at exceeding­ So long as people have their wits !' *§§ these-wees-was very imperfect, owing to person, to any part of the United States, and wounded. - , . of lading are signed therefor, and the valu« OLID Steel and Steel pointed Crow Bars, They'll buy their clothes of TURK! "> The high water in 1810, 1832, 1847. given. • thereof therein expressed. S for salebv \YM. G. STREET. ly low prices. . G.W.SMITH. ratfage»i>f the curculio, but for this of postage, on their remitting the price of tlie List of Plantations on Mississippi river. edition they may wish, to the publisher ir a Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Shippers will please take notice that th»- *»s0niand tbe past, the fruit has been Important United States Supreme Court Linen Thread on Spool*. Wholesale t( Retail Clothing J r •; ur-Tr,i, letter post-paid. PREPARED BY DR. DARIUS HAM. ships of this line e.^not carry any goods eon Plated Ware. gppd. owing, undoubtedly to the fact Published and for sale by ,v- ! Steamboat Decisious. ^dof war^^^-':;-;»y LACK, Brown and Fancy Colors, a supe- Unf er Connecticut Hotel.. K«.»"'t.. s Principal Office, No. 2 Liberty street, New COMPLETE assortment ol PlatedCastors, <:si!Sll§l# thatpoultry had been kept under the : ; T.B.PETERSON, Three hundred pages, with one hundred en­ B' riorarticle. O.S.CLARK. f gravings, handsomely bound. By remitting York, where wholesale orders should be ad­ a NEW assortmenlof Crockery .China and A Cake Baskets, Spoons, Bntter Kni res. Ac., It is an experiment easily tried. ' No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. one dollar, (post-paid,) you will receive a copy dressed. For sale by Druggists throughout fee., at O. S. CLARK'S. Window CHms. HartfordComant. To whom all orders must come addressed. A GlassWarejustrec'd,by Iron and Steel. A AA BOXES American, French aaAEn^- •HJUi ;a/. $8F Booksellers, News Agents, and all of the above work. the United States. _ . ALL EN,MEEKER, & CO. Orders from the trade solicited, and agents For Sale by John A. Weed, H. N. Skaver, AMPHENE and Burning Fluid, the best FULL assortment of Iron and. Steel snit 'lish window glns?,^as8orted,_ftom •MtStgjjP' It "you 'wish to cure a scolding others, will be supplied at very low rates. wanted in every town and city to canvaas for Norwalk ; T. B. Griffith, South Norwalk ; A ed to this market, just received; and for, 6s8.Ja26x32,for sale ALIFOR NIA, Fancy, BpatoJ^SodaTBut- C manufactured, for FaU'by _ sale by - .aiwA'WM. C. STREET sJ S«9ver-fail to laugh with all your EDDiNG CAR1)S arid rngraved Plate the work. Address, Jas.-T. LlotdA Co., J f L. M. Munro¥, New Canaan ; J. W- Tatlor, ter and Picnic Crackers, at FITCH S. _ g. & B. K. LOCKWOOD. Hp *4 Hi# 1,4* Westport; S.PikE, Southport, lyi^ C lp #Hght until she ceases ; then—kiss her! w furnished to order, by Knapp. 44 ft v.P. O. Buildings; Cincinnati.,.0.

mi--- : ft