•fW<WWW*gOli mmm m ^•%i)2 IH'"i /,- ,-•• ," 'S.J! I '_ '_: ; t.< S *• ;i'il ±, - : > .;m;'.z'.Si~' IT*. ' }*«.. ,. .;_ .:U0 V 4,• PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING BY A. 11. BYINGTON, AT TWO DOLLABS PEE ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. .'Vijib: * /iimili| I«s|«tptr—Drooteii hi laral Mws nnii Mrtsts, #wecnl Sotelligwte, Iteatore, politics, %icnltatt, Hk^wim, tjit Sits, ©mention, %x. ^r.—Cstnblisifii. in 1800. •-•m - NUMBER 422--NEW SERIES. NORWALK, CONN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1856. VOLUME XXXIX.—NUMBER 5. Seasonable "Are yon in favor of restoring the secure the blessings of Liberty to our- Dr. Kane. Torejon, who commanded the bfillnftf oaoeswAtLcs; DYING, , j Missouri restriction, or do you go for selvesandour posterity, giving liberty to A iVAi trh by Dr. William Elder. charge of horse at Bnena HE Subscriber would return hi3 thanks for :s A. 1. BYINGTON Editor 8i Proprietor. DRY G-OODS. i the entire prohibition of slavery in all the States to do what they shall think When a man's life is heroic, and his surprise was mutual, but'the Sp3P©6m- the very liberal patronage which the Pub­ The Household Jewels. pany had the advantage of the gredud. 4' HE Subscriber would return his thanks for Tlic have favored hiin with for the past year, the territories of the United States ?" to be' proper within their own localities name has passed into history, the world ,Subscription Rates : . T the very liberal patronage with which bis and would respectfully inform his customers A traveler, from journeying "I am opposed to any legislation oil under such circumstances as to them wants to know him personally, intimate­ At the first instant of the discaTeryrand'"* 5i Village Subscribers by Carrier, per year, $2.00 Store has been favored theyear past, and hopes that he is prepared to execute all orders in a In couutries far away, ' those subjects for reasons already giv- shall seem to be right and just, but ly. The "grave and reverend chroni­ before the rascals ' fully comprehended" BY Mall, Post Riders and Wagoners, 2.00 by constant attention to the wants of the superior manner. Silks, Merinoes. Paramet- Repassed bis threshold at the close claiming no right and conceding no right cler," passing over hi?? beginnings, pre­ their involvementj the Doctor Those lmngout of any Carrier',1* Diitriat, 1.60 trading public and by a system of fair and hon­ t tas, De Laines, Shawls, Ribbons. Gloves, and "Are you in favor of abolishing slave- to them to carry their own peculiar ins in Spanish, "Bravo! thB capital •tfVea-' For fractional parts ol'a year, at the rate of 2.00 orable dealing, to retain his share of trade for Stockings, dyed all colors, every week. Of one calm Sabbath-day ; ?. sents him abruptly in his full grown jSfT- Single copies 5 cents, in wrapper, 0 ' ry in.'he District of Columbia and the titutions beyond the limitations conferred greatness; men render the admiration ture, Colonel, form your lin« the year ensuing. His Stock comprises at all Broche Shawls cleaned, equal to new, Crape A voice of love, a comely face, u times a choice and varied selection of fashiona- Shawls cleaned, and dyed all colors, and the A kis3 of chaste delight, ; United States forts, dock-yards, &c.!" by the doctrine of the sovereignty of earned, but the sympathetic emulation charge!" And down they went'."upon' & Advertising Rates : 1 ble and seasonable Dry Goods, of every quality new China finish put on equal to new. Were the first things to welcome him "1 am not, sir." States. awakened is concerned to know how he the enemy ; Kane and hi* gallunt One Square one insertion $1.00 and price. He is confident that purchasers All orders left at the Subscriber's residence "All that I would now ask upon the No, sir! The Constitution of the grew into his maturity of excellence.— tucky charger ahead. Understanding two do 1.25 will iind every article purchased at his store, at Winnipauk, or at Shepherd's Bakery, at On that blest Sabbath night. do do subject of the tariff is, *to let italone."' United States is an instrument, not of This curiosity is not an idleness of the the principle that sends a tallowfeifadl* *- do do three do 1.50 equal in quality, and as cheap in price, as can Norwalk, or of Joy Sc. Sons, Danbury, Ct., and He stretched his limbs upon the hearth, ; one month, 1.75 be obtained elsewhere. Particular attention immediate, but of ultimate and univer­ fancy, but a personal interest ir. the facts through a plank, and that the motw^''* do do 301 Bowery, N. Y., will receive attention. Mr. Banks, the candidate *f the Re- j; do do two months, 8.00 devoted to the selection of Cloths, vestings, 10 JOHN PICKENS. Before its friendly blaze, , sal Freedom. It was so contemplated that springs out of those aspirations turn of a body is its weight ninftiplie#" { publicans for the Speakership, came up 55 do do three months, 4.00 &c., &c., for Gentlemens wear, which will be And conjured up mixed memories, • * - by the great men who framed it, and the which put every man upon the fulfil­ by its velocity, he dashed through"'the* " 1 do do six months, 1.00 sold at the lowest market prices. Of gay and gloomy days; - |thus: world has so regarded it. The national ment of his own destiny. How came opposing force, and turning to engage * one year,' L. H. RANDLE. To the Ladies of Norwalk. do do 13.00 And felt that none of gentle sou!, - ? j [In reply to Mr. ^ollicoffer's ques- after breaking their line, he found him- Two do do 20.00 FASHIONABLE MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING flag, that is its symbol, that makes the this man to excel—what was in him— Rich additional square, per year, 8 00 ISS F. PILGRIM, would respectfully in­ However far he roam, ' tioris, which were substantially: Do land over which it floats, in whatever what happened to develop it ? "Some self fairly surrounded, and two of the* " NORWALK EMPORIUM ; l t One Column ®ne year, '75.00 M form her patrons that she now occupie s Can e'er forego, can e'er forget, i 1 you regard the Kanzas-Nebraska bill as quarter of the globe, so long as it covers men are born great: some achieve great­ enemy giving him their special' '«itt*B -'- * the rooms over J Advertisers occupying two or more squares, 6$J The quiet joys of home. promotive of the formation of free an American citizen, American territo ness ; some have greatness thrust upon tion. One of these was disposed .of ih are entitled to the paper free of charge. tmssfflst No. 1 and 2 Skiddy's Block, an instant by rearing hia horse, " Who; 8 Where she has added Dress Making in all its Slates from Kanzas and Nebraska ? Is ry, is the banner of ultimate and univer­ them-." How came this man by it ? Is Fifteen lines pf Brevier or 100 words make a " Bring me my children!" cried the sir*, y with a blow of hit fore foot, floored hup ^ square. '..Fractional parts of a square, charged PROVISIONS, FRUITS. branches to her Millinery business. the Wilmot Proviso constitutional, and sal Liberty—its white and red foldssym­ it within my reach also? and by what The latest fashions are received as soon as With eager, earnest tone ; , how and when would you apply it ?— bols of revolutionary trials, of the crests means? History provoKes us with such man; and wheeling suddenly, the DOB- •» for'as airhole. J i'earlf adfertisers have the privilege of chang­ Vegetables, Fish of All Kinds, issued, and her experience and success in the " I long to press them, and to mark Does'the constitution carry Slavery into of victory, and the blood of sacrifice. queries as these . Biography answers tor gave the other a sword wound,itha* business justifies her in believing that she can J ing fiieir advertisements once per month.— Clams. Oysters, &c., How pleasant they have grown ; territories and protect it there?—Mr. May its starry union forever stand as them. opened the external iliac artery, an«lpnt - Adter^.U^fnents changed ofteuer charged as please all who may favor her with their pat­ him hors de combat-. This -snbject ;of' i As good as the market affords,constantly to be ronage. She has just received a large assort Twelve vjeary months have passed away Banks said : || lustrous and imperishable as the golden Doctor Elisha Kent Kane is not trattwaj^'"*'''' * the Doctor's military surgery war th«- i Tranrfefef advertisements payable on the first found at the well known establishment of ment of Winter Goods, Hat and Drena trim­ Since I went o'er the sea, "1 recognize the right of every gen­ fires of God's firmament! (Great ap­ quite 34 years old, yet he has U*ne inSertiOh.' ' Yearly advertisers payable at ALLEN, MEEKER & CO. ming which the Ladies are invited to examine. To feel how sad and lone I was tleman in this House who has been vo­ plause.) more than circumnavigate the globe ; he young Maximilian. Th« ' brief mei#**-® exptititioii of three months. Yearly adver­ Goods of the above description received Without my babes and thee." ting for Speaker during this protracted [In reply to the questions of Mr. has visited and traversed India, Africa, terminated with a cry from the ;i tisers restricted to their regular business. daily, and for sale at wholesale and retail on $260 Reward.
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