Iimili| I«S|«Tptr—Drooteii Hi Laral Mws Nnii Mrtsts, #Wecnl Sotelligwte, Iteatore, Politics, %Icnltatt, Hk^Wim, Tjit Sits, ©Mention, %X
•fW<WWW*gOli mmm m ^•%i)2 IH'"i /,- ,-•• ," 'S.J! I '_ '_: ; t.< S *• ;i'il ±, - : > .;m;'.z'.Si~' IT*. ' }*«.. ,. .;_ .:U0 V 4,• PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING BY A. 11. BYINGTON, AT TWO DOLLABS PEE ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. .'Vijib: * /iimili| I«s|«tptr—Drooteii hi laral Mws nnii Mrtsts, #wecnl Sotelligwte, Iteatore, politics, %icnltatt, Hk^wim, tjit Sits, ©mention, %x. ^r.—Cstnblisifii. in 1800. •-•m - NUMBER 422--NEW SERIES. NORWALK, CONN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1856. VOLUME XXXIX.—NUMBER 5. Seasonable "Are yon in favor of restoring the secure the blessings of Liberty to our- Dr. Kane. Torejon, who commanded the bfillnftf oaoeswAtLcs; DYING, , j Missouri restriction, or do you go for selvesandour posterity, giving liberty to A iVAi trh by Dr. William Elder. charge of horse at Bnena HE Subscriber would return hi3 thanks for :s A. 1. BYINGTON Editor 8i Proprietor. DRY G-OODS. i the entire prohibition of slavery in all the States to do what they shall think When a man's life is heroic, and his surprise was mutual, but'the Sp3P©6m- the very liberal patronage which the Pub The Household Jewels. pany had the advantage of the gredud. 4' HE Subscriber would return his thanks for Tlic have favored hiin with for the past year, the territories of the United States ?" to be' proper within their own localities name has passed into history, the world ,Subscription Rates : . T the very liberal patronage with which bis and would respectfully inform his customers A traveler, from journeying "I am opposed to any legislation oil under such circumstances as to them wants to know him personally, intimate At the first instant of the discaTeryrand'"* 5i Village Subscribers by Carrier, per year, $2.00 Store has been favored theyear past, and hopes that he is prepared to execute all orders in a In couutries far away, ' those subjects for reasons already giv- shall seem to be right and just, but ly.
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