

A behavior-based framework for assessing barrier effects to from volume 1 Sandra L. Jacobson,1,† Leslie L. Bliss-Ketchum,2 Catherine E. de Rivera,2 and Winston P. Smith3,4 1

1USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Davis, California 95618 USA 1 2Department of Environmental Science & Management, School of the Environment, 1 Portland State University, Portland, Oregon 97207-0751 USA 1 3USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, La Grande, Oregon 97850 USA 1

Citation: Jacobson, S. L., L. L. Bliss-Ketchum, C. E. de Rivera, and W. P. Smith. 2016. A behavior-based framework for assessing barrier effects to wildlife from vehicle traffic volume. Ecosphere 7(4):e01345. 10.1002/ecs2.1345

Abstract. , while central to the function of human society, create barriers to animal movement through collisions and . Barriers to animal movement affect the evolution and tra- jectory of populations. Investigators have attempted to use traffic volume, the number of passing a point on a segment, to predict effects to wildlife populations approximately linearly and along taxonomic lines; however, taxonomic groupings cannot provide sound predictions because closely related species often respond differently. We assess the role of wildlife behavioral responses to traffic volume as a tool to predict barrier effects from vehicle-caused mortality and avoidance, to provide an early system that recognizes traffic volume as a trigger for mitigation, and to better interpret data. We propose four categories of behavioral response based on the perceived danger to traffic: Nonresponders, Pausers, Speeders, and Avoiders. Nonresponders attempt to cross highways regardless of traffic volume. Pausers stop in the face of danger so have a low probability of successful crossing when traffic volume increases. Hence, barrier effects are primarily due to mortality for Nonresponders and Pausers at high traffic volumes. Speeders run away from danger but are unable to do so successfully as traffic vol- ume increases. At moderate to high volume, Speeders are repelled by traffic danger. Avoiders face lower mortality than other categories because they begin to avoid traffic at relatively low traffic volumes. Hence, avoidance causes barrier effects more than mortality for Speeders and Avoiders even at relatively moder- ate traffic volumes. By considering a species’ risk-avoidance response to traffic, managers can make more appropriate and timely decisions to mitigate effects before populations decline or become locally extinct.

Key words: antipredator behavior; barrier effect; habitat connectivity; highways; risk-disturbance; roadkill; ; traffic intensity; vehicle-caused mortality; wildlife behavior.

Received 6 August 2015; revised 20 November 2015; accepted 5 December 2015. Corresponding Editor: D. P. C. Peters. Copyright: © 2016 Jacobson et al. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 4 Present address: Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Juneau, Alaska 99801 USA. † E-mail: [email protected]

Traffic Volume as an indicaTor of and road avoidance behavior by animals (For- Barrier sTrengTh man et al. 2003, Fahrig and Rytwinski 2009), yet a comprehensive approach toward identifying an- Roads impede wildlife movement through a imal characteristics that increase effects has not combination of direct mortality from collisions been developed (Lima et al. 2015). The barrier

v www.esajournals.org 1 April 2016 v Volume 7(4) v Article e01345 CONCEPTS & THEORY JACOBSON ET AL. effect of roads can reduce dispersal rates and so drews et al. 2005, Lee et al. 2010), although sev- limit demographic rescue and gene flow, increas- eral studies have used taxonomic classifications ing the risk of local extinction (Clark et al. 2010). as high as class as their guide (e.g., Clevenger Vehicle-caused mortality and road avoidance and Huijser 2011). The variables that contribute behavior can create population-level reductions most to mortality risk in the traffic flow model in a variety of species from freshwater turtles to are the animal’s crossing speed and its size rela- Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi, Dickson tive to the vehicle’s killing surface (van Langevel- et al. 2005, Patrick and Gibbs 2010). Commonly, de and Jaarsma 2004). Slow animals have the transportation planners develop mitigation mea- greatest mortality risk. Therefore, species with sures for barrier effects specifically for a given antipredator adaptations that slow them further, population (Jacobson et al. 2010). such as freezing, have even higher risk of mortal- Traffic volume, the number of vehicles passing a ity from vehicles if they recognize and respond point per day, has had mixed results as a predictor to approaching vehicles as threats. Using species- of adverse effects to wildlife (Hels and Buchwald specific behavioral responses to risk therefore 2001, Bissonette and Kassar 2008). Investigators may improve interpretation of traffic effects on initially predicted that effects to wildlife and the populations. number of carcasses present would increase lin- early with increasing traffic volume (Case 1978). PerceiVed risk as The foundaTion of The expectation of a similar and linear response animal resPonse by all species, and using a coarse scale to measure traffic volume (i.e., averaging traffic volume over Combining traffic volume with predictable 10s or 100s of miles) has led some investigators to wildlife behavioral responses to perceived risk conclude that traffic volume is not a useful indica- can improve management efforts to reduce an- tor (Meek 2012). Colino-Rabanal and Lizana (2012) imal–vehicle collisions and the barrier effect of reviewed the plethora of responses by species of roads and root research about effectiveness of herpetofauna to traffic volume and concluded management in established ecological theory. that animals show specific behaviors in response Cook and Blumstein (2013) suggest that species to traffic that reduce the accuracy of models. traits affect animal responses to roads, but they However, the effects of traffic volume on some focused on life history traits and diet not directly species have been predicted reliably by using the associated with response to vehicles. Rytwinski traffic flow model (e.g., Hels and Buchwald 2001, and Fahrig (2012) found large body size, low Aresco 2005). The traffic flow model predicts that reproductive rates and large home ranges to be as traffic volume increases, an animal’s probability important predictors of road density effects but of a lethal collision with a vehicle increases steeply did not consider the effects of traffic volume. at first then approaches an asymptote. The traffic Food preferences and the need to move to forage flow model illustrates why mortality risk does not and seek unoccupied habitat helps explain lack increase linearly with traffic volume. However, of response by some owl species to traffic vol- the model assumes animals will cross with little ume (Grilo et al. 2014). The most comprehensive regard to vehicles, whereas some animals avoid approach to date that directly addresses re- roads or otherwise react to vehicles. Although sponses to vehicle traffic, an approach used in many factors influence animal responses to roads, European transportation guidance, is based on this article focuses on how traffic volume can be a conceptual model that suggests vehicle-caused an effective explanatory variable for the barrier mortality decreases and avoidance increases as effect of roads on species, provided that animal traffic volume increases (Müller and Berthoud behavior is also considered. We hypothesize that 1997, Seiler and Helldin 2006). consideration of species-specific behavioral re- Our framework is based on the risk-disturbance sponses to risk will improve the ability of traffic hypothesis (Frid and Dill 2002) and related re- volume, a readily measured explanatory variable, search showing that risk assessment changes to predict barrier effects on populations. with the type of animal defense system (Stanko- Closely related species may exhibit different wich and Blumstein 2005). The risk-disturbance responses to traffic (Alexander et al. 2005, An- hypothesis suggests that responses elicited from

v www.esajournals.org 2 April 2016 v Volume 7(4) v Article e01345 CONCEPTS & THEORY JACOBSON ET AL.

anthropogenic stimuli that cause deviations in Avoiders. These categories reflect the interplay behavior relative to patterns without human between avoidance behavior and vehicle-caused influence are analogous to responses to predation mortality that culminate in the overall barrier risk (Frid and Dill 2002). For some species, the cue effect of traffic on wildlife and disruption of that triggers a flight response is not very specific habitat connectivity. We propose that the traffic and therefore could include recent agents of dis- flow model (Hels and Buchwald 2001, van turbance such as vehicles approaching (Frid and Langevelde and Jaarsma 2004) be modified to Dill 2002). For example, the visual cue of an enlarg- incorporate behavior, resulting in four different ing shape or rapid approach is enough to trigger sets of mortality, avoidance, and total barrier antipredator response in a small fish (Dill 1974). curves (Fig. 1). The responses and the traffic We expect that vehicle traffic is likely to trigger volumes at which these barrier effects manifest antipredator responses because of the risk of mor- are species-specific but the species within acat- tality from vehicles (Andrews et al. 2005). More- egory still will follow general patterns (Fig. 1). over, the main predictions of the risk-disturbance The height of the curves and carcass counts hypothesis seem likely to be met with traffic and decrease over time whenever mortality exceeds roads: risk response increases with a direct and reproductive output. fast approach, larger individual or group size, and distance to refuge (Frid and Dill 2002). Risk Nonresponders response increases with direct and rapid ap- Nonresponders do not recognize moving ve- proach because such an approach can convey hicles as threats or are unable to detect a moving intent to kill (Stankowich and Blumstein 2005). vehicle in time to avoid mortality regardless Second, Frid and Dill (2002) predicted risk re- of traffic volume. The Nonresponder group sponses would increase when the approaching includes species that do not respond to traffic object was bigger or part of a larger group. When either because they have limited sensory abilities traffic volume is higher, vehicles likely appear or because the styles of their predators as part of a larger group and increase perceived are not analogous to approaching vehicles. The risk. Consistent with this hypothesis, Tibetan shape of the curve of barrier effect vs. traffic antelope (Pantholops hodgsoni) exhibit more risk- volume essentially follows the traffic flow model avoidance behavior during times of high traffic (Hels and Buchwald 2001, van Langevelde and than low (Lian et al. 2011). The risk-disturbance Jaarsma 2004). hypothesis therefore incorporates ecological and As gaps between vehicles decrease, mortalities evolutionary implications for animal behavior increase at an accelerating rate. As traffic volume toward traffic. and therefore the probability of an individual We hypothesize that individuals perceive in- encountering a vehicle increases, the chance of creased traffic as increased threat based on a risk a successful crossing approaches 0 and the road response that is not a function of taxonomy (Al- becomes a strong barrier (Fig. 1a). Nonresponder exander et al. 2005, Andrews et al. 2005, Lee et al. populations near roads would predictably expe- 2010, Clevenger and Huijser 2011). Furthermore, rience strong fragmentation effects and relatively we hypothesize that species responses to traffic high risk of local extinction. Predictably, Non- are reasonably predictable—individuals avoid responders are likely to be commonly found as roads, speed across roads, pause on roads, or fail roadkill victims, at least until the mortality rate to respond—based on their behavioral adapta- exceeds recruitment. tions in response to perceived risk. Species with the Nonresponder behavior in- clude many invertebrates, some frogs, some four risk-a Voidance BehaVioral snakes, some turtles, and some owls (Grilo resPonses To Traffic Volume et al. 2014). Northern leopard frogs (Rana pipi- ens) were nonresponsive in experiments testing We propose a framework of four categories, response to traffic in Canada (Bouchard et al. primarily based on responses to perceived danger 2009). Western Barn Owls (Tyto alba), common that subsume most observed responses to vehicle victims of vehicles, were found to cross high- traffic: Nonresponders, Pausers, Speeders, and ways without regard to traffic intensity (Grilo

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Fig. 1. The total barrier effect (solid line) from mortality (dashed line) and avoidance (dotted line) for the four response categories. (a) Nonresponders do not recognize moving vehicles as threats or are unable to detect a moving vehicle in time to avoid mortality regardless of traffic volume. (b) Pausers respond to threats with adaptations that slow or stop them. Defenses include crypsis, armoring, or malodorous sprays. (c) Speeders recognize moving vehicles as threats and react with a rapid flight response. (d) Avoiders recognize moving vehicles as threats and respond by avoiding the road at much lower traffic volume than Speeders. The shape of the curves depends on species characteristics, such as animal speed, home range size, seasonality, and motivation to cross. These graphs do not include actual traffic volume values because the response varies across species, but it is not likely that individuals of any species will successfully cross when AADT exceeds 35,000. et al. 2012), and were locally extirpated when a Pausers new highway was constructed (Joveniaux 1985), Pausers respond to a perceived risk of pre- both results suggesting lack of suitable response dation by relying on alternatives to fleeing, to a new “predator” with no natural analog. In such as using crypsis, counter-threat, or an the case of Western Barn Owls, a species with few armored exterior. Pausers respond to the per- to no natural predators while on the wing, their ceived threat by reducing their speed or freezing, undivided attention during foraging especially which increases time spent on the roadway and during food shortages (Grilo et al. 2014) predis- therefore increases mortality risk (van poses them to fail to respond to potentially lethal, Langevelde and Jaarsma 2004). When traffic has yet novel, sounds such as approaching vehicles. reached sufficient volume for an animal to pause Juvenile bats showed greater mortality at high- before attempting crossing, the probability of er traffic volumes (Lesiński 2007). Anecdotally, avoidance becomes greater than the probability orange sulfur butterflies (Colias eurytheme) and of mortality. Complete barrier effects are due California tortoiseshells (Nymphalis californica) to the combination of high mortality from paus- during fall migration exhibited no evasive ma- ing in the roadway and avoidance from halting neuvers as vehicles approached. at the roadside (Fig. 1b). Pausers are abundantly

v www.esajournals.org 4 April 2016 v Volume 7(4) v Article e01345 CONCEPTS & THEORY JACOBSON ET AL. represented as roadkill and include Pronghorn represent the ultimate Speeder, as (Mephitis sp.), porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum), pronghorn rely on endurance and speed as a (Didelphis virginiana), gray predator avoidance strategy. Pronghorn increase (Macropus robustus erubescens), cryptic snakes, their speed to cross highways, occasionally even some , and some turtles (Andrews racing to cross in front of vehicles (Einarsen 1948). et al. 2005, Mazerolle et al. 2005, Lee et al. As traffic volume increases, however, pronghorn 2010). Armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) are avoid crossing (Dodd et al. 2009). Higher traf- Pausers whose slow movements and inappro- fic volumes inhibit crossing attempts by as priate responses to danger—jumping then curl- well; deer-vehicle collisions are most probable on ing into their armored exterior—increase two- highways of moderate traffic volume mortality risk as the gaps between vehicles rather than high volume interstate highways decrease (Inbar and Mayer 1999). The majority (Huijser et al. 2008). The dragonflyTramea lacerata of amphibians Mazerolle et al. (2005) studied is a Speeder that moves vertically out of the way met our criteria for Pausers although they found of vehicles, but avoids crossing roads with high the stimuli needed to elicit a pause response traffic volume (Soluk et al. 2011). varied. Avoiders Speeders Avoiders, such as (Ursus spp.), cougar Speeders are characterized by anatomical (Puma concolor), and some bats are currently and behavioral adaptations to flee as a pri- known to recognize moving vehicles as threats mary response to threat. Pausers may also and respond by avoiding the road at much temporarily flee, but unlike Speeders their lower traffic volume and further distances from primary defense is not flight. Speeders may the road than Pausers and Speeders (Fig. 1d). stop to gather information on the threat of This response results in relatively low roadkill oncoming vehicles, but otherwise tend to flee rates and suggests individuals more consistently from danger. Speeders can be ungulates, such recognize vehicles as dangerous and avoid in- as mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus; Geist 1981) teractions. Barrier effects occur mostly through and pronghorn (Antilocapra americana; Einarsen avoidance instead of mortality as traffic volume 1948), and are also represented by other groups increases. such as rapidly moving snakes (Andrews et al. Even moderate traffic volume can restrict 2005) and red kangaroos (Macropus rufus, Lee movement of Avoiders. For example, grizzly et al. 2010). The probability of mortality in- bears (U. arctos) avoid roads starting as low as creases slowly with increased traffic volume 10 vehicles/d (Mace et al. 1996). While flighted for a period when speeding allows them to are frequently the taxon most killed by exploit traffic gaps (Fig. 1c). Eventually as traffic despite their ability to fly (Erickson et al. traffic increases to a threshold in which quick 2005), some passerine birds respond to increas- fleeing movements are no longer sufficient to ing traffic volume by avoiding roads and adja- exploit gaps between vehicles, the probability cent habitat (Reijnen et al. 1996), and therefore of mortality increases steeply until the traffic presumably face increased fragmentation and volume elicits avoidance. Individuals may be loss of habitat use. Woodland and grassland hit at lower traffic volumes if they pause as grouse (Tetraonidae) are displaced away from a protective response to young or to update roads, especially when roads are associated information about the threat. Barrier effects with other infrastructure such as oil and gas manifest at higher traffic volume more than extraction sites (Hovick et al. 2014), and are in- the previous groups because their speed can frequently found as roadkill (Räty 1979). When reduce mortality risk at relatively low and vehicles were present, 60% of endangered Indi- moderate volumes; barrier effects occur both ana bats (Myotis sodalis) avoided crossing roads, as a result of mortality and ultimate avoid- whereas only 32% of bats reversed their course ance of the road. With high traffic volume, when no traffic was present (Zurcher et al. 2010). barrier effects result primarily from avoidance Orange tip butterflies (Anthocharis cardamines) rather than mortality. turned around at a motorway and were much

v www.esajournals.org 5 April 2016 v Volume 7(4) v Article e01345 CONCEPTS & THEORY JACOBSON ET AL. less likely to cross it than an adjacent meadow need, the onset of avoidance behavior would (Dennis 1986). occur at a higher traffic volume for Pausers, Some Avoiders reroute to cross elsewhere Speeders, and Avoiders than otherwise (e.g., or cross roads only when traffic volume is low, turtles; Aresco 2005) but not for Nonresponders. which can reduce roadkill when traffic volume The effects of vehicle speed on animal response is high. -vehicle collisions occurred more fre- and collision risk are complex and require more quently on lower traffic volume weekdays than investigation; for example, vehicle speed may higher traffic volume weekend days in Arizo- affect mortality risk of Speeders because higher na suggesting more crossings were attempted vehicle speeds reduce the response time within (Dodd et al. 2005). Forest bats avoid higher vol- traffic gaps, thus decreasing the effectiveness ume roads even if it involves a longer journey, of fleeing strategies. Within-species variation but fly straight across similar-width roads with resulting from habituation to human disturbance no traffic (Kerth and Melber 2009). may also cause considerable variation in re- (Procyon lotor) attempt to cross lower volume sponse to perceived risk. For example, black roads and avoid higher volume roads (Gehrt bears appear less wary of vehicles in Florida 2002) or use structures such as than Idaho (McCown et al. 2009, Lewis et al. culverts (Ng et al. 2004). Both grizzly and black 2011). Some species conform closely to one type bears (U. americanus) modify their crossing at- of response, whereas others have multiple- tempts to times of lower traffic volume (Waller response strategies as a function of individual and Servheen 2005, McCown et al. 2009). Similar- variation (Fig. 2). Sometimes the variation will ly, (Alces alces) were found to cross roads be predictable, as with immature individuals at night when traffic volume was 33% lower than exhibiting different behavior from adults. For during daylight hours (Laurian et al. 2008). These example, moose can be generally classified as findings are consistent with Seiler’s (2005) find- Avoiders; however, if encountering traffic, in- ing that highway barrier effects to moose change experienced young moose tend to run and older from mortality to avoidance as traffic volume in- male moose may stand their ground and chal- creased, and provide support for the shape of the lenge vehicles in a confrontational form of avoidance curve for Avoiders in our framework. Pausing (Child et al. 1991, Laurian et al. 2008). A few species straddle more than one cate- consideraTions and research needs gory (Fig. 2). Bobcats (Felis rufus) may exhibit a gradation in the Speeder to Avoider categories Our framework is meant as a guide to en- because they flee from danger and also show hance understanding of how and why animals avoidance behavior at relatively low traffic vol- react to vehicles across different traffic volumes. umes. Lovallo and Anderson (1996) found bob- Although behaviors can vary among individuals, patterns of response to various traffic vol- basic ecology can be used to predict the pri- umes consistent with Speeder response, where mary response of a population, thereby pro- they crossed less often than expected on roads viding increased predictive ability about the with higher traffic volumes. Black racer snakes barrier effect of roads based on evolved re- (Colubris constrictor) may represent a gradation sponses to risk. Even with some within-species between Pausers and Speeders because they use variation, recognizing the behavior or behaviors speed to escape predators and move quickly typical of a population will help interpret road- across roads, and also respond to passing traffic kill and avoidance data and determine most with immobilization. Black racers will stop and appropriate mitigations given those behaviors wait several minutes after a vehicle passes, indi- and local traffic volume (see Application sec- cating a barrier effect with traffic volume as low tion). Individuals vary based on their motivation, as 10 vehicles/h (less than 240 AADT; Andrews experience, and individual characteristics in- et al. 2005). cluding gender, age, and body size. At times This framework will be most helpful for prac- the response can be situational; thus, we predict titioners once a variety of traffic volume–species that if an animal is highly motivated to cross combinations are tested across the four behav- to meet an urgent survival or reproductive ioral categories. Testing for each response type

v www.esajournals.org 6 April 2016 v Volume 7(4) v Article e01345 CONCEPTS & THEORY JACOBSON ET AL.

Fig. 2. Conformity of response conceptual model. Individual species vary in how tightly they conform to a given categorical response. While behavior between these categories is not continuous, a species can exhibit multiple categories of these behaviors. California tortoiseshell butterfly, turtles, pronghorn antelope, and grizzly bears all tightly conform to one category. The eastern gray , for example, spans a wider range of responses centered in the Pauser category. The species examples given here illustrate the potential variability within a species’ range of response to a given traffic volume response category. Saturation of bars approximate the span of response categories for the labeled species. Notes: 1Huijser et al. (2008). 2Andrews et al. (2005). 3Dodd et al. (2009). 4Mace et al. (1996). 5Position based on observed behaviors: thanatosis in Virginia , contractive behavior in turtles, erratic behavior in eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), and nonresponsive behavior in California tortoiseshell butterfly. would allow researchers to create more exact We recommend several important character- functional relationships between organisms and istics of traffic volume to consider in studies of traffic volume and therefore better predictions barrier effects on wildlife, based partly on the and management. Results are already avail- deficiencies shown in most existing studies that able showing the effect of traffic volume fora could be improved with more accurate and pre- few Speeders (Gagnon et al. 2007) and Avoiders cise traffic volume data (Appendix S1). We fur- (Mace et al. 1996). Data are also needed to veri- ther recommend the use of standardized traffic fy that Pausers consistently stop at the edge of a volume categories, used by the Federal Highway road once traffic volume reaches a certain level. Administration, to make better comparisons It is important to note that the basic shape will across studies. Currently, most studies use terms stay the same across organisms within a category relative only to the roads within a study area. but the traffic volume trigger points of switching Traffic volume along with the risk response from crossing to avoidance and of the cumula- categories does not explain all variation in mor- tive barrier effect will differ across species within tality and avoidance. Some roadkill at low traf- the group. It would be extremely useful for re- fic volume is due to intentional hits by drivers searchers to determine species-specific relation- (Langley et al. 1989). Vehicle speed and road ships of the effects of traffic volume that could be width also likely affect relative barrier strength used to identify traffic volume thresholds above to wildlife, though these are correlated with traf- which mortality or barrier effects are unaccept- fic volume because planners often increase road ably high. Threshold models have been used in width to meet increased traffic volume demands; (Iuell et al. 2003, Helldin et al. 2010) and the increased capacity in turn results in increased have been most useful for large ungulates that in speed limits (Falcocchio and Levinson 2015). Ve- our classification are Speeders. Caution in such hicle speed may affect animal behavior as well, generalizations is needed because of the variance interacting with traffic volume in complex ways in response of many animals even to the individ- that have had little investigation to date. Vari- ual level. ation in mortality within a response category,

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including among individuals of a species, can species and the current or predicted traffic also be due to variations in their experience, volume (Table 1), and helps to identify miti- speed, or processing ability, or in the terrain, that gation options (Table 2). Without such a frame- allows them to differentially perceive risk at lon- work that more carefully describes generalized ger distances, for instance. Our framework does patterns than has been available currently, not apply to species that avoid the transportation planners may miss important due to lack of cover or inhospitable surface con- indications of barrier effects. Low traffic volume ditions, or those that are attracted to the road for roads have been considered benign, but they food or other reasons. These groups face a barri- likely limit populations of some species, espe- er effect independent of traffic volume. Research cially Nonresponders. The framework presented examining such nuances will also be useful for here suggests mitigation will be needed at management. lower traffic volumes for Pausers and Nonresponders than most Speeders. Also, if aPPlicaTion Speeder mortality is unacceptably high, it may be more important to mitigate effects on mod- This framework helps to accurately identify erate traffic volume highways than higher effect type (mortality or avoidance), roads (Jaeger and Fahrig 2004). If an Avoider helps interpret roadkill data, facilitates predic- species cannot access key habitats, barrier ef- tions that indicate the urgency of management fects can be as lethal as vehicle collisions, yet responses given the category of the affected less obvious.

Table 1. Summary of population- level impacts from traffic based on species’ risk response characteristics.

Population-level impacts due to animal– Key barrier effects of traffic vehicle collisions and avoidance‡ Risk response volume (TV)† across risk category Species characteristics response categories Initial impacts Advanced impacts Nonresponder Little sensory capacity to Mortality risk and therefore Reduced population Reduced popula- detect vehicles OR barrier effect increases as a size due to direct tion size, low failure to interpret saturating hyperbola with mortality genetic diversity, vehicles as threats OR increasing TV until the inbreeding high motivation to move barrier is complete depression, and despite risk eventual Pauser Primary predator Mortality peaks at moderate Reduced population extirpation§ avoidance strategy TV while avoidance size due to direct involves slowing or increases sigmoidally, mortality; effects immobilization, e.g., due together creating a barrier manifest at low TV to armature or crypsis effect that quickly increases with TV and levels off at moderately high TV Speeder Primary predator High levels of mortality at Reduced population avoidance strategy is moderate TV when Speeders size due to direct fleeing, evading can no longer outpace mortality at low to predator using greater vehicles; barrier effect is due moderate TVs; at speed mainly to avoidance at high TV, lowered higher TV regardless of fecundity, poor speed condition, or mortality due to lack of access to key resources Avoider Sensory capacity to detect Mortality relatively low and Lowered fecundity, predators at a distance peaks at low TV; avoidance poor condition, or and highly wary of causes barrier effect across mortality due to anthropogenic features traffic volumes lack of access to critical resources † The TV at which mortality, avoidance, and the barrier effect peaks differs across populations, but within a category, all populations follow the same basic shapes and trends. ‡ Population-level effects will vary with quality of habitat, size of the source population, and the degree to which the barrier effect is due to mortality vs. avoidance. § Saccheri et al. 1998.

v www.esajournals.org 8 April 2016 v Volume 7(4) v Article e01345 CONCEPTS & THEORY JACOBSON ET AL.

Table 2. Interpretation of carcass evidence and priority mitigation approaches across traffic volume levels and risk response categories.

Relative carcass evidence expected across traffic volumes (TV)†,‡ Priority mitigation approach Relative traffic volume§ Risk response category Low Moderate High Low Moderate High¶

Nonresponder Moderate More carcasses Many carcasses Reduce Where high Fencing and carcasses due than at low over short mortality by mortality is WCS‖ to few TV time until fencing then greater vehicles; population reestablish concern than impacts may size reduces, connectivity connectivity, be sustained then few to with Wildlife install fencing; over time no carcasses Crossing where access when Structures to key habitats reproductive (WCS); limits rate exceeds reducing population, mortality # fencing and may be WCS effective Pauser Carcasses Carcasses peak Fewer carcasses Fencing reduces Fencing keeps WCS restore increase at moderate than at mortality species off access to rapidly with TV as animal moderate TV until road during key habitats TV, starting pauses in because connectivity occasional at low TV as traffic thus pausing can be traffic gaps to Pausers maximizes begins prior reestablished reduce exploit traffic risk to entering with WCS mortality, and gaps road WCS restore connectivity Speeder Few to Most carcasses Fewer carcasses Rare species WCS restore Fencing less moderate as speed no as avoidance may need connectivity; necessary; carcasses as longer reduces fencing; simultane- WCS Speeders suffices to mortality reducing ously install maintain exploit traffic cross as gaps speed limit to fencing access to gaps decrease the animal’s key habitats speed may be effective Avoider Few to Carcasses Carcasses WCS impera- Fencing less Fencing less moderate reduce as remain few tive for small necessary; necessary; carcasses avoidance as avoidance populations WCS maintain WCS before begins continues and ones access to key maintain avoidance blocked from habitats access to response key habitats; key habitats begins fencing minimizes mortality†† † Carcass quantities will vary with quality of habitat, size of the source population, and other factors (see main text). Large populations will produce relatively more carcasses than small populations relative to risk. Carcass quantities will vary for categories until local extirpation occurs. ‡ Assuming sufficient population size (see Table 1). § Values in table are relative. See Appendix S1 for standardized traffic volume terms (Low Traffic Volume LT 500 AADT (Average Annual Daily Traffic); Moderate Traffic Volume = AADT between 500 and 4999; High Traffic Volume = AADT between 5000 and 9999). ¶ For Very High or Extreme Traffic Volume roads (above 10,000 AADT), fencing is most likely to reduce mortality for ter- restrial Nonresponders, and crossing structures are most likely to reduce barrier effects from both mortality and avoidance for all four response categories. # Speed limit reductions are unlikely to be effective unless they are lowered to be approximately equal to the animal’s speed. ‖Ascensão et al. 2013. †† Fences may not be advisable, or may need to be marked, where grouse are vulnerable to fence collisions (Wolfe et al. 2009).

Management options to mitigate effects Nonresponders and Pausers, mortality is the are suggested by understanding the prima- primary barrier effect, whereas for Speeders and ry barrier effect of each category (Table 2). For Avoiders avoidance is the primary barrier effect.

v www.esajournals.org 9 April 2016 v Volume 7(4) v Article e01345 CONCEPTS & THEORY JACOBSON ET AL.

While the management options for all behavior 2013), strong avoidance, or displacement. Ge- categories mainly include fences and crossing netic differentiation may provide evidence of structures, they vary in three key components: an advanced barrier effect from avoidance when priority, siting, and design. Pausers and Nonre- carcasses are rare, and such evidence may sup- sponders suffer high levels of mortality across port or refute our framework. many traffic volumes, so installing fencing isa Few mortalities will occur independent of traf- priority to immediately reduce population-level fic volume after the onset of avoidance behavior impacts of vehicles on these species (Jackson and in Pausers, Speeders, and Avoiders, or if popula- Fahrig 2011). Populations of Speeders in areas of tion abundance is low for all categories (Fahrig high traffic volumes, and Avoiders at relatively et al. 1995). For example, Rudolph et al. (1999) moderate to high traffic volume, conversely have noted that some snake species may be so suscep- a greater need for reestablishing connectivity tible to vehicle-caused mortality that roads can because they are limited mostly by the avoidance remove nearly all individuals in an area. Such barrier effect. With regard to siting, passages for extirpation, consistent with the expected result Nonresponders and for Pausers will likely be of the behavior of Nonresponders or Pausers, the most effective when located in places of rel- prevents evidence of a correlation between traffic atively high traffic and good habitat, and more volume and mortality. In response to TV increas- frequently for animals with smaller home ranges ing beyond a daily average of 8000 vehicles, mule (Bissonette and Adair 2008). Avoiders may need deer, a Speeder, rerouted their migration, locally passages to be sited where topography decreases reducing collisions with vehicles but causing the the reach of traffic effects, and may need passag- deer to parallel the highway for 45 km until they es installed at sites even with low traffic volume. reach an area with lower TV (Coe et al. 2015). In real-life applications of these mitigation mea- Resource managers could fail to foresee an sures, some solutions for one group or species imminent threshold of population risk if risk can increase adverse effects on others. For ex- response behavior is not used, or if the range ample, fences may reduce mortality for some of traffic volume investigated is too narrow, or species while restricting movement for others. traffic volume categories too broad to detect re- Response to predation risk can also inform de- sponses. For investigations on Nonresponder, sign and barrier effects of structures and fences Pauser and Avoider response categories, precise as is discussed in Kintsch et al. (2015). traffic volume is needed because small numbers Our framework is valuable not only for de- of vehicles per day can affect these species (see termining appropriate mitigation measures but Appendix S1). For example, European toads also for diagnosing the problem accurately. Con- (Bufo bufo) experienced a 30% mortality rate at sidering risk response along with traffic volume an equivalent of 240 ADT (van Gelder 1973). Our helps reduce the chance of missing or misinter- conceptual model suggests that the range of traf- preting data about barrier effects from mortali- fic volume that needs to be measured is species- ty and avoidance, and helps identify the type of specific; therefore, the point at which the road risk a population is experiencing given current becomes a complete barrier varies even within traffic volume (Tables 1 and 2). The nature of one response category. For rare species, research the increasing barrier varies across the catego- to indicate the exact shape of the response curves ries, with Nonresponders experiencing direct as well as likely thresholds could be of critical mortality across traffic volumes, and the other importance in developing mitigation measures categories switching from mortality-induced to reduce barrier effects. To determine the road to avoidance-induced barriers (Fig. 1, Table 2). threats to a species and how to best mitigate them, Behavioral responses to risk can be used to de- both the risk response category and the animal’s termine effects of traffic on wildlife populations speed are needed as they both affect the shape rather than attempting to interpret the problem of the animal’s response to traffic volume (Fig. 1, from roadkill data. Interpreting roadkill data can Hels and Buchwald 2001, van Langevelde and be misleading because few carcasses can indicate Jaarsma 2004). In fact, 1000 to 12,000 ADT must either no problem or an advanced barrier effect be measured to detect changes in the behavioral resulting from near extirpation (Eberhardt et al. response to traffic of most large Speeders (Seiler

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Fig. 3. Diverse behavioral response to traffic by closely related taxa. Species response to traffic is driven behaviorally rather than taxonomically, and closely related species can fall into different behavioral response categories. Photo sources: ring-necked snake, timber rattlesnake, western barn owl, bobcat, moose from USDA Forest Service. Meadow pipit courtesy of Ruud Foppen, taken by Menno Hornman. Gray and red kangaroos courtesy Enhua Lee. Grizzly taken by K. Mueller and Hine’s emerald dragonfly from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Pronghorn and silverspot butterfly taken by Steve Hillebrand. and Helldin 2006, Gagnon et al. 2007). Pooling This framework encompasses many species data for even closely related species in different and highlights the important concepts that spe- response categories may mask traffic volume cies do not respond to traffic volume linearly or effects. along taxonomic lines (Fig. 3). Child et al. (1991)

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