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Animal Menagerie 2019 Professor Pigskin enjoyable begins this week 1B 4C ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2019 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 Hearing to dismiss Rogers case set for Th ursday BY HAROLD COGGINS 210 South Main Street. The Order Set- miss was filed for record in the Circuit Prosecuting Attorney Thomas Deen charged with requesting or urging a [email protected] ting a Hearing was filed last Thursday Clerk’s office, the “State’s Response to filed formal charges of two counts of third party “to engage in specific con- afternoon. Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Allege first-degree murder solicitation against duct to cause the purposeful death” In a last-ditch effort to make the Related to this case but not a part of a Crime” was filed for record. In it, the her. of both former Monticello Mayor Joe first-degree murder solicitation case it was a Motion for Reconsideration state cited an Arkansas Supreme Court According to the ASP last October, Rogers and his ex-wife, Debbie Rog- against Stephanie Rogers not only moot filed by former Monticello Mayor Joe case (State v. Watson, 1993) where the officials of the Monticello Police De- ers, sometime between Sept. 12, 2018 but completely go away, her attorney Rogers, Stephanie Rogers’ husband and Court noted, “There is no provision in- partment contacted its criminal inves- and Oct. 18, 2018. If convicted at tri- filed a motion to dismiss all charges one of the alleged victims in her mur- cur law permitting a motion to dismiss tigation division requesting assistance al—should there be a trial— Stephanie against her. Last Wednesday, Pat- der solicitation case, after Ross denied before the State has had an opportunity in a case involving information that Rogers could face not less than six nor rick Benca of Little Rock submitted a his Motion to Intervene on Aug. 1. That to prove its case, and we underscored Stephanie Rogers wanted a particular more than 30 years in prison and a fine lengthy “Motion to Dismiss for Failure motion was filed Thursday, Aug. 15 by that point in an earlier appeal taken in individual or individuals killed. Those not exceeding $15,000 for each charge. to Allege a Crime” document with the Joe Rogers’ attorney, Gene McKissick this case.” individuals were later identified in the At her first court appearance the day Drew County Circuit Court. of Pine Bluff, and filed for record in All this action came about because Affidavit for Warrant of Arrest as Joe after she was arrested in October 2018, That motion, which was filed for re- the Circuit Clerk’s office the following Stephanie Rogers was arrested on Oct. Rogers and his ex-wife, Debbie Rogers. District Judge Bruce Anderson imposed cord in Circuit Clerk Beverly Burks’ of- Monday (Aug. 19). At this time, a hear- 18, 2018 by special agents of the Ar- Special agents presented their find- the $500,000 commercial only bond fice last Thursday morning and includes ing has not been set on this motion. kansas State Police Criminal Investiga- ings to Deen, who had Rogers arrested and instituted a no-contact order in- Stephanie Rogers’ request for an evi- As expected, the State of Arkansas— tion Division. She was accused—at that and placed in the Drew County Deten- volving four people, including a minor dentiary hearing, will be heard before represented by Tenth Judicial District time—of conspiracy to commit capital tion Facility—where she remained until child. Later court testimony uncovered Tenth Judicial Circuit Judge Quincey Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Sandra murder and solicitation to commit cap- two days after Ross reduced her bond to the fact that Joe Rogers was successful Ross at 1 p.m. Thursday in the court- Bradshaw—quickly filed a response. ital murder, both Class A felonies. In $100,000 on Feb. 8. room at the Drew County Courthouse, Just two hours after the motion to dis- December 2018, Tenth Judicial District According to court records, she is See DISMISS Page 6A City Council SEARK men renames senior center called to lead BY HAROLD COGGINS [email protected] BY MELISSA ORRELL challenge from speaker Kim Bridg- On a jam-packed Monticello [email protected] es, who spoke to us.” City Council agenda in its regular Bridges, pastor of First Baptist August meeting Tuesday night, Almost 200 men from across Church of Marmaduke in North- one item near the end of the meet- Southeast Arkansas joined to- east Arkansas, issued just such a ing was almost lost—but it might gether last Thursday at First Bap- challenge—for the men present to have been the most important thing tist Church in Monticello for the “stand in the gap” as they are called Mayor Paige Chase and the eight fi rst-ever Southeast Arkansas to in the book of Ezekiel in the Bi- council members did. Men’s Summit. ble. The Monticello-Drew County The event, organized by the Ar- “To use a man like him (Ezekiel) Senior Citizens Center, located in kansas Children’s Baptist Home to challenge men to be the men we McCloy City Park and managed and Family Ministries in conjunc- ought to be,” Jones said of Bridges’ for 41 years by the late Barbara Ab- tion with the Bartholomew Baptist sermon. “From Ezekiel 2, where ston, will from now on be known as Association—and with support it says the Lord was looking for a the Barbara Abston Senior Citizens from Arkansas Better Dads, was man to stand in the gap. Kim used Center. designed to challenge men in the that phraseology to say God is still Abston, who passed away Aug. community to live as they were looking for men to stand in the 5, handled all aspects of setting up called to by God and to create a gaps.” and managing a Senior Citizens’ support network to help to encour- Jones believes those gaps are program from its inception, includ- age and hold one another account- present today and that men need to ing budgets, hiring and managing able. work together to fi ll the gaps in the employees. She was also a Senior “We believe that there is a big lives of children and wives. Citizens Adult Education teacher need for men to be challenged to “My belief (is) there are gaps in from 1987-94. be the men God has called them to the families where men are absent In other business, the council: be,” said Kelly Jones, ACBH Mon- either physically or absent spiritu- • Heard reports from Dr. John ticello campus director. “We want ally in the lives of their children Davis concerning Parks and Rec- to use events like this to create a and their wives,” Jones noted. reation; Nita McDaniel concern- Melissa Orrell/Advance-Monticellonian moment where men are challenged. “(We need to) challenge men to ing the Monticello Economic De- To let them come together and do say, ‘Hey, if God is looking for a velopment Commission; Police STANDING IN THE GAP The almost 200 men and boys gathered last week at First Baptist Church for the fi rst ever Southeast Arkansas Men’s Summit listen intently to one of the night’s speakers. Eating catfi sh, enjoying music and what men like to do. We like to eat. Chief Jason Akers; Fire Chief But in the midst of that to have a See SUMMIT Page 7A Eric Chisom; City Inspector Brian engaging in prayer—both individual and corporate—were among the activities of the night. Rodgers; Charlie Hammock con- cerning Public Works; and Bettina Randolph concerning the Boys and Girls Club; DCSCD approves architect, construction manager for new kindergarten building • Approved resolutions to pro- pose liens on 134 East Shelton BY HAROLD COGGINS board approved an architect and construction Woodard Architect Firm of Little Rock. Ideal “The construction will start once all the Street and 613 South Borchardt [email protected] manager for the Kindergarten Building to be Construction Company of Crossett will pro- mechanical drawings are fi nalized and ap- Street; built directly behind the elementary addition. vide the construction manager, Rusty Dens- proved by state agencies which is expected • Approved a resolution to in- In a special called meeting Monday night, The architect is Steve Elliot of the Lew- more. Both were approved unanimously by crease the city credit card limit the Drew Central School District school is, Elliott, McMorran, Vaden, Ragsdale and the four board members present. See DCSD Page 6A from $5,000 to $20,000, contingent on bank approval; • Approved a resolution autho- rizing Chase to apply for Arkansas Community Assistance Grant for ANNUAL TRADITION CONTINUES FOR WEEVIL, BLOSSOM FANS Holiday closings repairs to the MEDC building; are announced • Approved a resolution to resur- face runways at Monticello Munic- In observance of Labor ipal Airport; Day, both the city of Mon- • Approved money for boundary ticello and Drew County line surveys; offi ces will be closed next • Rejected generator bids, which Monday. led to a long discussion of how to The Monday city trash purchase three generators and trail- route will be picked up next ers the city needs. That spawned Wednesday, along with the Alderman Joe Meeks’ motion to regular Wednesday route. suspend the city’s $10,000 bid bud- In the county, Monday’s get ceiling and go with Arkansas’ trash route will run on Tues- $20,000 bid budget ceiling in order day, along with the regular to purchase one of the generators Tuesday route. for around $18,000; and Statewide, all state capitol • Accepted Atoka Engineering offi ces and state buildings Inc.’s agreement for Lake Monti- will be closed.