Animal Menagerie 2019 Professor Pigskin enjoyable begins this week 1B 4C ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2019 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 Hearing to dismiss Rogers case set for Th ursday BY HAROLD COGGINS 210 South Main Street. The Order Set- miss was filed for record in the Circuit Prosecuting Attorney Thomas Deen charged with requesting or urging a
[email protected] ting a Hearing was filed last Thursday Clerk’s office, the “State’s Response to filed formal charges of two counts of third party “to engage in specific con- afternoon. Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Allege first-degree murder solicitation against duct to cause the purposeful death” In a last-ditch effort to make the Related to this case but not a part of a Crime” was filed for record. In it, the her. of both former Monticello Mayor Joe first-degree murder solicitation case it was a Motion for Reconsideration state cited an Arkansas Supreme Court According to the ASP last October, Rogers and his ex-wife, Debbie Rog- against Stephanie Rogers not only moot filed by former Monticello Mayor Joe case (State v. Watson, 1993) where the officials of the Monticello Police De- ers, sometime between Sept. 12, 2018 but completely go away, her attorney Rogers, Stephanie Rogers’ husband and Court noted, “There is no provision in- partment contacted its criminal inves- and Oct. 18, 2018. If convicted at tri- filed a motion to dismiss all charges one of the alleged victims in her mur- cur law permitting a motion to dismiss tigation division requesting assistance al—should there be a trial— Stephanie against her.