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Travel Arts & Style Update No. 2 Don’t miss from the St. Det er plass til mye god mat i et tomt kjøleskap. Sangerfest! Olaf Choir! – Nils-Fredrik Nielsen Read more on page 9 Read more on page 12 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 24 June 21, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Find more at blog..com Norwegian spills under fire News The Chinese railway company A new report from MTR, based in Hong Kong, the Norwegian may soon be competing with the Norwegian State Railway Coastal Authority (NSB) over Norwegian clients, shows that oil Norwegian media report. MTR CEO, Johan Söör, confirms spills into the sea to Aftenposten that Norway may be an attractive market almost daily for the Chinese railway giant. The Norwegian newspaper has previously reported that NSB may lose their monopoly of the Staff Compilation Norwegian railways if the EU Norwegian American Weekly gets their way. As of now, the MTR runs railways in Kong Kong, Beijing, Melbourne and The Norwegian Coastal Au- Stockholm, and had a revenue of thority (Kystverket) recently re- SEK 30 billion last year. leased the report “Experiences (Norway Post) from oil spills at the Norwegian Research coast: a summary of environmental A new study shows that people effects,” containing a brief descrip- have less faith in the police and tion of the environmental monitor- public institutions after the terror ing carried out after the four largest attacks on July 22, and that Photos: Anette Westgard – Statoil ASA they feel more unsafe. July 22 See > spills, page 6 Statoil’s Troll platform could be one of the platforms that leaks oil into the sea. affected people’s emotions, but how did it change their attitudes? Researcher Siri Thorsen, who works for the Norwegian Center Heritage defined New York debut for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies, presented the findings How do you define a Norwegian-American? Norwegian pianist from a recent study, which shows that although Norwegians’ faith Definitions have shifted over generations and composer to in the police and justice system perform on June 21 is high, a third of the respondents feel less safe after the terrorist attack in 2011. Special Release (Norway Post) Royal Norwegian Embassy

What’s inside? Norwegian composer and News 2 – 3 pianist Christian Wallumrød (pic- Business 4 tured, right) is performing with his Research & Education 5 See > debut, page 6 Photo: ECM Records Opinion 6 – 7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Bronze for Norway Roots and Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 Italy defeats Norway Arts & Style 12 Photo: Kari in the Under 21 Keeping in touch with their Norwegian heritage is important to the Brekke family. From left: Arune In Your Neighborhood 13 Brekke, Beverly Brekke-Bailey (grandmother), Conner Marchell, Kristin Marchell, Keith Marchell, Championship Norwegian Heritage 14 Katie Hoelzer, Anna Gudjonsdottir, Erik Brekke, Bill Hoelzer, Arne Brekke, Anjuli Brekke (in front). Sports 15 Larrie Wanberg Staff Compilation $1 = NOK 5.7364 Feature Editor updated 6/17/2013 It used to be easy to define that ed to America, and I’m a Norwe- Norway U-21 was defeated In comparison you are “Norwegian American,” gian American. 0-3 by Spain in the semifinal in 5/17/2013 5.8665 that is, when it all started in 1825. A generation or two later, the the Under 21 European Champion- A simple statement would do conversation echoed more uncer- ship in Israel on June 15 and had to 12/17/2012 5.6073 it. “I was born in Norway, emigrat- 6/17/2012 5.9517 See > heritage, page 14 See > bronze, page 15 2 • June 21, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter SAS vurdert mer trygg enn Norwegian SV støtter asylbarn Nye valper En ny webtjeneste hevder å gi den ultimate Hvilken dag på Skaugum! guiden til hvilke flyselskaper som er trygge SV-leder Audun Lysbakken Kronprinsfamilien er – og ikke. I en nylansert kåring av verdens vil gi opphold til mer verste – og beste – flyselskaper, lander de foreløpig – utvidet med syv norske alle trygt innenfor en bra rating. enn 600 asylbarn som firbente familiemedlemmer Samtidig får SAS markant bedre score i ran- har bodd mer enn tre år i geringen enn Norwegian, når det gjelder sik- kerhet. Det er den australske piloten og fly- Norge VG journalisten Geoffrey Thomas som står bak hjemmesiden Airlineratings, sammen med VG Den stolte mor er Milly Kakao. avisen The West Australian. Thomas hevder Kronprinsesse Mette-Marit twitret over- vurderingsgrunnlaget på ratingsiden baserer – I påvente av en ny forskriftsendring vil begeistret om familieforøkelsen på engelsk seg på «to års hardt arbeid», melder den vi gi opphold til alle barn som har ventet i ved 12.30-tiden: «And then there were five». britiske storavisen The Telegraph. Hjem- Foto: VG mer enn tre år, sa Lysbakken da han møtte Neda (12) og familien måtte reise tilbake til Jordan Gladmeldingen ble fulgt av et egentatt, noe mesiden har rangert 425 flyselskaper verden pressen i Stortingets vandrehall mandag et- etter ti år i Norge. over, etter et stjernesystem som tar for seg undereksponert bilde. termiddag. Men det skulle altså bli flere. Klokken to kategorier: sikkerhet og produkt. Sels- – Når et barn sendes ut etter ti år i landet, kapene rangeres fra én til sju stjerner, hvor Her presenterte han i alt tre tiltak som 15.10 opplyser Slottets kommunikasjonssjef er det noe galt, sier Lysbakken. sistnevnte er toppscore og én er skalaens skal sørge for at flere lengeværende asylbarn Sven Gj. Gjeruldsen til VG Nett at kullet er UNE begrunnet utsendelsen av Neda bunnpunkt. Av de 137 selskapene som er gitt får bli: utvidet til syv. sju av sju mulige stjerner når det gjelder sik- ** En ny forskrift skal sikre at hensynet med at foreldrene hadde oppgitt falsk iden- Og fortsatt kan familiens stolte mor, kerhet, finner vi både SAS og Widerøe, sam- til barnets beste vektlegges før innvandring- titet. SV mener det er feil å la dette hensynet Milly Kakao (4), som er en labradoodle men med kjente nevn som British Airways, sregulerende hensyn. veie tyngre enn hensynet til barna. – altså en blanding av labrador og puddel Lufthansa og Finnair. ** Mange av sakene til barna som nå Forslagene deres omfatter rundt 650 (kongepuddel?) – ha flere valper på lager i (VG) står i kø, skal stilles i bero i påvente av for- barn som bor i Norge og som har fått avslag sitt indre. For to dager siden avslørte nemlig skriftsendringen. på asylsøknaden. kronprinsessen – også på Twitter – at det var «» får penger fra Fritt Ord ** En ny behandling skal gi opphold til – Vi må gi en raus behandling til alle ni valper på vei. Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen, bedre kjent som alle barn som har oppholdt seg mer enn tre som står i kø, slik at vi kan begynne på nytt Kronprinsparet har etablert en egen bloggeren Fjordman, får penger fra Fritt år i landet. med et nytt regelverk, sier Lysbakken til VG. «hule» for mor og barn på Skaugum. Ord for å skrive bok om Breivik-saken. – Målet er at vi ikke skal ha nye Neda- Under fremleggelsen av UNE-rapporten – Hundepappaen skal være en snill og Støtten er på 75.000 kroner, skriver NRK. saker, sier Lysbakken. avviste også justis- og beredskapsminister barnevennlig hannhund som heter Snorre. Tittelen på boka er «Witness to Madness». SV presenterer sine forslag etter at UNE Grete Faremo (Ap) at det er behov for ny Det er uvisst om kronprinsfamilien skal – Vi er selvfølgelig enige i at ytringsfrihet mandag rapportere om sin praksis i saker asylpolitikk. beholde noen av valpene, men det er sik- er viktig, men er generelt i mot alt som kan som omhandler lengeværende asylbarn. Her kert masser av venner og kjente som vil ha gi oppmerksomhet til massemorderen. Vi kom det frem at noen flere asylbarn får bli: English Synopsis: After the story of Neda – a maken hund som kronprinsparet. Ja, ukjente prøver å glemme ham og ny oppmerksomhet Andelen som har fått opphold etter å ha søkt 12-year-old who lived in Norway with her family for også, forresten, sier kongeekspert Kjell Arne vil rippe opp i alt det grusomme igjen, sier 10 years and was recently sent back to Jordan with om ombegjæring har økt til 45 prosent fra 30 Totland til TV 2.no. John Hestnes, nestleder i den nasjonale støt- her parents and three siblings – shocked Norway, SV prosent i tidligere år. wants to create new laws to help children of asylum- tegruppen etter 22. juli, til VG. Peder Are English Synopsis: The Crown Prince and Princess’s seekers who have lived in Norway longer than three Nøstvold Jensen ble kjent da Anders Beh- Det holder ikke for SV, som tidligere har family dog, Milly Kakao, recently gave birth to seven years stay in the country. puppies. ring Breivik refererte til ham som en viktig tatt dissens i asylspørsmål i regjeringen. inspirasjonskilde. Retorikken hans har blitt kraftig kritisert, og blant annet forfatter og journalist Øyvind Strømmen mener den leg- Vin på gård? AUF utsetter riving på Utøya ger grobunn for vold. Hestnes er bekymret for at Fjordman nå får eksponert meningen De borgerlige partiene Rivingen av kafébygget og sine i bokform. – Det at han får lov til å pub- lisere vil gi vann på mølla til Fjordman. Han vil gå inn for gårdssalg av pumpehuset på Utøya ble har ekstreme synspunkter og når Breivik så alkohol hvis de kommer i for kontroversiell ham som sitt store forbilde, så er det ikke bra at han får lov til å skrive bok, mener regjering etter valget Hestnes. Aftenposten (VG) VG I september presenterte AUF sine Fant meteoritt i Valle storstilte planer for opprustning av Utøya, En stein på 4,5 kilo som trolig stammer fra der 69 personer ble drept i skytetragedien 22. juli 2011. Kafébygget og pumpehuset det voldsomme meteorittfallet i mars i fjor, Det er spesielt Frp som har kritisert der mange mennesker døde skulle rives, og er funnet i Valle i Setesdal. – Meteoritten er regjeringens manglende entusiasme på om- erstattes av helt nye bygg. Ambisjonen var at Foto: Siv Sandvik / NRK delt i to biter, men er ellers ganske hel. En rådet. arbeidet skulle startes allerede høsten 2012. Eskil Pedresen, leder i AUF. meteoritt av en slik størrelse treffer bakken I forbindelse med at det reviderte jord- med anslagsvis 400-500 kilometer i timen – Arbeidet som oppfattes som følelses- bruksoppgjøret legges fram for høring neste og blir derfor knust dersom den treffer hard messig vanskelig vil ikke bli startet opp før uke, kritiserer Frp stortingsflertallet og men- bakke, sier astronom Knut Jørgen Røed tidligst siste halvår i 2014. Dette har vært til før planene ble lagt frem? er holdningen viser en mistillit til den norske Ødegaard og metoerittleter Anne Mette en vanskelig avgjørelse, som vi har brukt – Det er en erkjennelse av at dette er en bondestanden, skriver Nationen Sannes. Flere kraftige ildkuler og meteor- mye tid på. Jeg håper denne beslutningen vil veldig vanskelig sak, av åpenbare grunner. – Dersom det blir et regjeringsskifte, ittfall rammet Sør-Norge i mars 2012, og bidra til å skape en bedre og mer forankret Det er motstridende hensyn mellom de som får vi igjennom alkoholsalg på gårder, sier en av dem ble sett over store deler av Sør- prosess, sier AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen til ønsker at det skal bygges nytt på Utøya og Torgeir Trældal, næringspolitisk talsmann Norge på kvelden 1. mars. Ildkulen gikk i Aftenposten. de som ikke ønsker at det skal skje noe. I for Frp. oppløsning nesten som en nyttårsrakett, og Da planene for «Nye Utøya» ble lagt tiden fra 22. juli til planene ble lagt frem var Høyres næringspolitiske talsmann biter drysset ned mens de sluknet, beskriver frem i fjor høst, kom det raskt kraftige reak- det så mye som skjedde at det ikke var god Ødegaard. Takket være alle observasjonene Svein Flåtten støtter forslaget og sier at salg sjoner fra etterlatte og overlevende etter nok dialog med de etterlatte. Det er en til- kunne en ganske nøyaktig bane bestemmes. av egenproduserte smaksprøver på flaske bør Utøya-terroren. Bjørn Ihler som overlevde bakemelding som var veldig tydelig og som Ildkulen hadde kommet fra nordøst og jaget være mulig for at gårdsturisme skal bli mer massakren advarte i en kronikk i Aften- vi nå har tatt på alvor, sier Pedersen. over himmelen mot sørvest. Ødegaard og lønnsomt. posten mot å «trampe på de dødes grav». - Er det aktuelt med en ny runde om inn- Sannes forteller at steinen ble funnet av Reiselivsdirektør i Innovasjon Norge, Støttegruppen for 22. juli forfattet et brev holdet i planen og hvilke bygg som skal rives Terje Fjeldheim i Valle kommune i Setesdal. Per Arne Tuftin, mener dagens regelverk på- til AUF, der den ba ungdomsorganisasjonen og beholdes? Funnstedet ligger i forlengelsen av linjen virker totalopplevelsen for turistene. ta en tenkepause ut 2014. «Dette innebærer - Prosjektet er blitt endret underveis og som ble trukket opp. – Siden fallet har fun- – Dersom du er på en vingård i Frankrike konkret at riving av eksisterende bygninger nedskalert noe. Jeg tror vi skal fortsette med net sted på snaufjellet og steinen ligger oppå eller et whiskydestilleri i Skottland får du – som kafébygget og pumpehuset – utsettes, et utgangspunkt om at vi skal ha dialog med bakken, må det derfor ha vært snø da dette info om varen, får smake og kjøpe med deg skjedde. Steinen har ikke ligget på bakken og at det samme gjelder for oppføring av nye etterlatte og overlevende. Derfor skal vi ikke produktet, men i Norge får du bare de to i mer enn et par år og det er derfor svært bygninger/anlegg», skrev støttegruppen. låse oss 100 prosent til noen ting, sier Ped- første, sier han. sannsynlig at den stammer fra 1. mars-fallet. Nå har AUF altså valgt å komme dette ersen. (VG) English Synopsis: Some political parties support kravet i møte. English Synopsis: The rebuilding of Utøya, the is- legislation that will make the purchase of alcohol – Er utsettelsen en erkjennelse av at de land where 69 people were killed by terrorist Anders legal at farms, supposedly to boost tourism. etterlatte og overlevende ikke ble lyttet nok Behreing Breivik, will be put off for two more years. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news June 21, 2013 • 3 News Important act Gender neutral conscription This week in brief Princess Madeleine of Sweden weds The Norwegian The Norwegian Princess Madeleine of Sweden married government intends to Parliament has voted to New York hedge banker Christopher O’Neill on June 8 in a Stockholm ratify Nuclear Convention adopt conscription for celebration. The Norwegian Royal women as well as men Family was in attendance. The couple will make their home in New York, where Press Release both currently live. For the honeymoon, Ministry of Foreign Affairs the pair choose the private, beautiful Norway Post beaches of Seychelles; however, Princess Madeleine does not think it is quite private One of the main purposes of the Con- enough. “Sadly, the Swedish tabloid press vention is to prevent terrorist groups from “This is an historic day for equality has taken it upon themselves to destroy gaining access to nuclear weapons and other and for our armed forces,” says Norway’s our privacy and place private photographs nuclear material. Defense Minister, Mrs. Anne-Grete Strøm- of us in their publications today. The one The Nuclear Terrorism Convention is Erichsen. thing we wish is that, if only for these few particularly important, given the serious The vote was cast last Friday, 100 years days, our privacy can now be respected.” consequences nuclear acts of terrorism can to the day after Norway introduced full Photo: Government.no (Staff Compilation) have. The Convention is an important part of voting rights for women as well as men. Minister of Defense, Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen, international anti-terrorism efforts and non- is pleased with the outcome of the vote and be- Geir Lippestad’s daughter has died With Friday’s decision, Norway is lieves it leads to equality. proliferation work. the only European country with an active Lippestad, the lawyer famous for “The prospect of nuclear weapons fall- practice of gender-neutral conscription. defending in a of sex. Secondly, in order to secure our ing into the hands of terrorists has always “This is important for two reasons. high-profile trial last year, has lost his operational capabilities in the future we need been a nightmare scenario. The Nuclear Male-only conscription is out of synch with 17-year old daughter. “Heaven has a new to recruit the best, and we need diversity. Terrorism Convention provides a better and the rest of society. All citizens shall have angel,” he told the press, making no further the same rights and obligations, regardless comments. Lippestad and his wife have See > important, page 7 See > neutral, page 15 responsibility for eight children, two of whom have struggled with serious illness. His daughter Rebekka has struggled India in Svalbard with ill health of a long time, and died Trains at maximum peacefully Thursday afternoon, June 13. India’s interest in the Arctic The lawyer and his family have asked for More travelers in the is growing as the country privacy at this time. (Staff Compilation) summer have put looks to research there Norwegian trains at Both parties to appeal to Supreme Court Rune Øygard, the Vågå ex-mayor who two maximum capacity Press Release Ministry of Foreign Affairs weeks ago was convicted of having had sexual relations with a minor, has decided to appeal the case to the Supreme Court. Norway Post India’s interest in the Arctic is growing. So has prosecutor Thorbjørn Klundseter. On June 12, Indian Minister of External Af- “It’s too low,” says prosecutor Klundseter The train has become such a popular fairs Salman Khurshid and Norwegian Min- about the 16 months in prison that Øygard form of public transit that Norwegian trains ister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide was sentenced to in May. Klundseter are operating at their absolute maximum ca- met Indian researchers in Ny-Ålesund and explains that the basis for their decision is pacity in order to handle the large number of Longyearbyen. the scope of the abuse, and that they think passengers. “Research on the Arctic is important for the convicted has girl taken advantage of “The growth is bigger and faster than we both Norway and India. Indian researchers the girl in a severe manner. The former expected,” says NSB’s CEO, Geir Isaksen. Photo: NSB have been working in Svalbard for a num- mayor of Vågå was originally sentenced As many other Norwegians, Isaksen NSB trains are filled to capacity with the influx ber of years, and India’s interest in the Arctic to prison for four years in fall 2012, but chooses the train when he commutes in to of summer tourists to Norway and the overall is likely to increase further now that it has appealed the case. After he heard that every morning. popularity of rail travel. gained observer status is the Arctic Council,” the prosecutor wanted to appeal the last In Eastern Norway alone, NSB has sold options when it comes to handling the larger verdict, he also decided to take the case 1,2 million more train tickets during the first said Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth crowds of passengers. The Norwegian rail- Eide. to Supreme Court. Øygard acknowledges quarter this year compared to the same pe- ways have limited space, and may not even that another trial will be a burden for riod in 2012, an increase of eight percent. India’s National Center for Antarctic be able to accommodate more trains. and Ocean Research has its own research everybody involved. NSB welcomes the high ticket sales, but (Norway Post) also worry that the company will run out of See > trains, page 15 See > india, page 15 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • June 21, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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Advertise in the Weekly! Business News & Notes Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: Tore Ulstein elected new president of NHO says Ulstein. Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for The general meeting of NHO (The Confedera- Director General of NHO, Kristin Skogen EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color tion of Norwegian Enterprise) has elected Tore Lund, heartily welcomes Tore Ulstein to NHO. • Free ad design Ulstein new president today, 11 June 2013. “I look forward to working with Tore, whom • Support the only Norwegian- Tore Ulstein is Chairman of the Board and I know as a very innovative business leader.” NHO is Norway’s largest organization for em- American newspaper! Deputy CEO in Ulstein Group. “I would like to thank the members of NHO for their trust, ployers in Norway. It currently has a member- and it is with humility that I take on the presi- ship of over 22,000 companies. For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] dency of this very competent organization,” (New York Times) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research June 21, 2013 • 5 Research & Education Smaller, cheaper, better technology Mobile phones that bend, self-powered nanodevices , new and improved solar cell technology and windows that generate electricity are but a few of the potential products from the union of semiconductors and graphene

Bård Amundsen / Else Lie Research Council of Norway

Semiconductors grown on graphene at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) may be the most im- portant research breakthrough of 2012 in Norway. At the center of the research ef- forts are Professor Helge Weman, Profes- sor Bjørn-Ove Fimland and post-doctoral fellow Dong-Chul Kim. The team is now working on translating the results of their basic research into an initial prototype. Photo: Innovation Norway/Heidi Widerø The research breakthrough by Helge Weman and colleagues would not have been possible without the NTNU nanotechnology initiative in 2005 and invest- ments behind a new clean room laboratory. Just one atom thick In the 1960s, researchers envisioned that graphite (pure carbon) could be cut into Will silicon become obsolete? ing graphene. Graphene can both supplant search. We may already have our first pro- layers measuring only one atom in thick- Graphene is definitely the hottest topic the semiconductor substrate and serve as a totype in place by the end of 2013, but we ness – resulting in the material known as right now among nanomaterial researchers. transparent electrode for a pliable nanowire don’t wish to reveal what it is yet,” Dr. We- graphene. The pure-carbon material is by far the thin- solar cell. man says. In the 1990s, researchers managed to nest and strongest known to exist. It is 200 “Solar cell and LED technology will “The field we are working with – using create a layer as thin as 100 atoms, but there times stronger than steel, conducts electricity be the initial areas to see new products us- graphene as a replacement for silicon and was no progress after that until 2004, when 100 times faster than silicon and is superior ing semiconductors grown on graphene,” Dr other semiconductor substrates in electron- Russian-born Andre Geim grabbed a tape to any other material in conducting heat. It is .Weman believes. ics and solar cells – entails many new oppor- dispenser from his desk at the University of impermeable, yet pliable and transparent at Under-priced fossil-fuel energy is the tunities. But the potential is just as great for Manchester, pressed a bit of tape over a thin the same time. And inexpensive large-scale primary contributor to global warming. Sun- applications using graphene in areas other layer of graphite and peeled it away. When production of graphene is now becoming a light is an alternative source with enormous than electronics, such as in the medical sec- he examined the tape under a microscope, reality. potential, but solar energy will have to be- tor. Graphene can be used in the body with- he discovered a layer only one carbon atom At present, electronics and solar cells come less expensive and more efficient. out causing any harm,” Dr. Weman explains. thick. Graphene was born! are using thick silicon substrates. But sili- Semiconductor nanowires based on gra- “In a world where drinking water is in In 2010, Dr. Geim and his colleague, con has clear limitations, including size. phene may just finally tip the scales in favour short supply, employing oxygen-modified Konstantin Novoselov, were jointly awarded Large technology companies are struggling of solar energy. graphene filters to purify water is yet another the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work in to produce silicon-based electronics that are “If semiconductor nanowires grown on exciting application. It’s a whole new way to demonstrating the unique properties of gra- smaller than those currently on the market. graphene are used in solar cells, the same turn seawater into fresh water.” phene. Another challenge with using silicon is that amount of sunlight can be converted to en- In any case, research and development silicon-based electronics generate a great ergy using one-tenth the volume of materials activities will be needed for many years. Dr Ahead of the pack at NTNU deal of heat. Many people consider graphene used in thin-film solar cells. And that means Weman likens the current state of graphene Six months before Dr. Geim and Dr. to be the prime candidate for replacing sili- we’ve cut down on even more material by research to where silicon was in the early Novoselov arrived in Stockholm to receive con. growing the semiconductors on graphene in- 1960s. their prize, and before graphene had become Large multinational corporations such stead of on a thick semiconductor substrate. an item of interest, South Korean post-doc- as IBM and Samsung have poured a lot of New research also shows that graphene has Research Council funding paved the way toral fellow Dong Chul Kim at NTNU had effort into research on both semiconductors additional unique properties that enhance the The Research Council of Norway suggested to Professors Helge Weman and and graphene. But the real breakthrough in efficiency of a solar cell,” Dr. Weman ex- has been a key source of funding for the Bjørn-Ove Fimland at the Department of growing semiconductors on graphene actu- plains. Trondheim-based researchers throughout. Electronics and Telecommunications that ally took place at NTNU in Trondheim. LED light bulbs are superior in terms Helge Weman makes it clear that funding they should take a closer look at precisely The findings of these researchers in of energy efficiency, but have been more under the Commercializing R&D Results this material. The suggestion came shortly Trondheim may be used to make electron- expensive to produce because of costly (FORNY2020) program and the Funding after the NTNU group already had suc- ics and solar cells that are several hundred semiconductor substrates. Semiconductor Scheme for Independent Basic Research ceeded in growing semiconductor nanowires times thinner than current models. This will nanowires on graphene will make it possible Projects (FRIPRO) is what made it possible made of gallium arsenide (GaAs) on silicon make it possible to produce electronics that to supply the world with LED lamps that are to achieve the unexpected research break- substrates. This led Dr. Weman to wonder if are both pliable and transparent, in addition far cheaper and much more efficient while through. The researchers have also benefited it would be possible to grow semiconductor to being less expensive and more energy- also being more pliable and weighing less significantly from funding allocated under nanowires directly on graphene instead. efficient. than today’s lamps. the Research Program on Nanotechnology The collective expertise of Professor and New Materials (NANOMAT) and the Weman, Professor Fimland and Dr. Kim More efficient solar cells and LEDs Industrialization on the horizon Large-Scale Program Clean Energy for the proved to be a fruitful combination. The re- It will probably not be long before sim- The work on graphene at NTNU has Future (RENERGI). searchers quickly achieved their first break- ple graphene products begin appearing on drawn the attention of many international The professor points out that NTNU’s through of growing semiconductors nanow- the market. Some of them will be based on companies interested in collaborating with strategic initiative on nanotechnology ires on a one-atom-thick base in September semiconductor technology. the Trondheim-based researchers and their launched in 2005 is a good example of what 2010, and in the summer of 2012 they pub- Semiconductors are a main component start-up company, CrayoNano. But the po- future-oriented research policy can help to lished their results in the American journal in almost all modern electronics. Without tential industrial queries so far have come achieve. Nano Letters. them, it would not be possible to have com- solely from Asia and the U.S. Actors in Nor- These active semiconductors normally puters, smartphones, solar cells, LED lights way and Europe have yet to express any in- A three-minute video on is available on grow to be one micron (a millionth of a me- or devices using lasers, i.e. everything from terest. YouTube (www.youtube.com) in which Helge ter) in thickness. printers to fibre communications. All these “We are pioneers in that we are using Weman explains this research. Search for items can be made smaller and better us- graphene for something other than basic re- CrayoNano. 6 • June 21, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion < spills From page 1 An opinion column about current issues in Norway oil spills from vessels in Norwegian waters Join the conversation! over the past ten years: the “Rocknes” in On the EDGE 2004, the “Server” in 2007, the “Full City” An ice-cold place in 2009 and the “Godafoss” in 2011. Then, the Norwegian Conservation By Dr. Steinar Opstad Society, through an access request for envi- ronmental information, received history and photos from the Coastal Authority’s current I have been a few times to Panmun- to have been planned as a military inva- sighted that they challenge the world’s surveillance of oil spills. jeom in Korea, at the border between sion route by North Korea. Each shaft is only super-power. But there is also an- “For the first time, it has become public North and South Korea. Grave looking large enough to permit the passage of an other possible explanation. Each time the knowledge that it is common to have several solders at both sides of the demarcation entire infantry division in one hour. All regime in North Korea uses this style, the kilometers of oil on the sea from oil plat- line on the 38th parallel pointing at each the tunnels run in a north-south direction, Western countries have come to the nego- forms that emit so-called ‘produced water,’” other with guns. I always feel the inter- from North Korean land. tiation table where they have discussed said Lars Haltbrekken, leader of the Conser- national political problem very closely Both the U.S. and Norway have food help and less economic sanctions for vation Society, in a report published on the when I travel up to the the regime. Maybe they society’s website. “Is this what they mean by 38th parallel from Seoul, have the same agenda zero-emission or “minimal emissions”? Is even though I always now? I cannot believe this what comes in to Lofoten and the Bar- have been escorted by they have in mind a ents Sea?” friendly South Korean of- military conflict with the In the past year alone, the Coastal Au- ficials and feel my securi- U.S., a fight they after all thority recorded as many as 40 sightings of ty well taken care of. But are bound to loose. large oil slicks left on the sea by oil rigs. The still I understand the fear Norway and the U.S. Conservation Society has also received tips people in the south feel, have several interests in from oil workers both on the platforms and since it is so difficult to South Korea; ours are ships. predict what the commu- linked to maritime indus- The report states that a number of nistic leaders in north will try and modern digital oil companies and oil fields are involved. do. It is only a few miles businesses. I have visited Among the oil platforms around which the from Seoul to Panmun- South Korea in relation Coastal Authority has recorded visible oil jom, and it will take mis- to such ventures several slicks in the last year are Draugen, Troll, siles seconds or maybe a times, and have some Statfjord, Ekofisk, Alvheim, Gullfaks and a minute or two to travel good friends in Seoul. I number of others. from North Korea to the Photo: Wikimedia Commons hope the ice-cold situ- “This is, according to CPA and PSA, capital in south. The peo- A view from South Korea towards North Korea in the Joint Security Area at Pan- ation ends at the nego- regular discharge, with an official blessing, ple in South Korea live in munjeom. North and South Korean military personnel, as well as a single U.S. tiation table this time as but it should have never been accepted,” said a permanent state of fear. soldier, are shown. well, not to help the Kim- Haltbrekken. Sitting here in peaceful regime, but instead the He refers to this process: with oil pro- and far-away Norway, it suffering North Korean duction, oil comes up from the reservoir is hard to understand the situation. strong ties to South Korea. Norway ran people. along with water. Often, this mixture con- I have many very good South Korean hospitals and orphanages in the country sists of far more water than oil. This water friends, some of them in Seoul, some in for many years after the Korean War, and Norway. And Norway has several South several South Korean children were ad- passes through an oil separator, which sepa- Steinar Opstad, born Korean adopted children who are now opted by Norwegian parents. Today, some rates the oil. 1941 in Sarpsborg, Nor- After this process, the water still con- grown up and valuable citizens in the Nor- Norwegian merchant vessels are built in way, is the retired Vice tains some oil, tars, endocrine and other wegian society. South Korean immigrants South Korea and Norwegian investors President of the Confed- toxic chemicals. This water is often legally are very popular and welcome in Norway. have interests in South Korean businesses. eration of Norwegian discharged at sea, which in the worst case I do not know if we have anybody from One can wonder why official North Business and Industry. scenario leads to the release of hundreds of North Korea here. Korean messages and comments are so During his career, he was gallons of oil every day. During my first visit to Panmunjom, sharp and relentless. They sound so harsh an educator and commu- As an oil well begins to run dry, the pro- I was also in the huge tunnels dug from when I listen to their TV comments. I nicator with positions as a journalist, editor, portions of water and discharge of this ‘pro- North Korea under the borderline into wonder if the style of menace and aggres- teacher, and professor. He has a Ph.D. and duced water’ increases as well. South Korea; a system to invade South sion is for internal use. It is well known Hon. Litt. D. from the University of North Surprisingly, a solution has already been Korea faster. The system was randomly throughout history that focus on an ex- Dakota. He is the author of several profes- developed, and has been an option for quite discovered in the 70s. Upon their discov- ternal enemy can weld together a hard- sional books. He is also the founder of the some time. It is simply to inject ‘produced ery, North Korea claimed that the tunnels loaded population. I find it hard to believe American College of Norway in Moss, Nor- way. water’ into the oil field again. However, were for mining. The tunnels are believed that the North Korean leaders are so short- plants that have been installed with this tech- nology have been performing poorly on mul- The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is tiple oil platforms. not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. “Imagine a freighter along the Norwe- gian coast emitting that amount of oil by themselves. It would have been stopped im- < debut mediately. But the oil industry has been al- From page 1 and church music, influenced by early music Gjermund Larsen: violin, lowed to do this year after year,” Haltbrek- and the post-Cage avant-garde, and liberated fiddle, viola. ken continued. diverse ensemble at the Rubin Museum of by jazz’s freedom of thought. Espen Reinertsen: tenor saxophone. Now, the Conservation Society has Art. The museum is located on 150 W, 17th But in this ensemble, members share the Tove Törngren: cello. called for oil rigs to immediately organize street on Manhattan. Make sure not to miss arranging credits between them, making the Per Oddvar Johansen: drums, vibra- clean-ups and treatment to stop these oil this performance on June 21st. music still more organic and flexible as new phone. discharges. “The Coastal Authority and the The ensemble of Christian Wallumrød – sound combinations emerge. Their new al- Tickets are $18.00 in advance / $20.00 oil industry have set high ambitions for zero making its New York debut – continues to bum on ECM, “Outstairs,” will be released at the door. The special member price is spills for the last 20 years, and technology evolve in its own idiosyncratic way. By now, in the U.S. on August 6th. $16.20. for the management of ‘produced water’ has Wallumrød’s compositional signature is in- The Christian Wallumrød Ensemble been known for many years. It is incompre- stantly recognizable. consists of: For detailed information visit the Rubin hensible and frightening that this technology Nobody else writes pieces quite like Christian Wallumrød: piano, harmoni- Museum of Art online: http://www.rmanyc. is not in place and working aboard oil rigs,” this – multi-dimensional chamber music in- um, toy piano. org/events/load/2184 said Haltbrekken. spired by the sonorities of Norwegian folk Eivind Lønning: trumpet. Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. norwegian american weekly June 21, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, The sold-out event raised $265,000 for the Managing Editor Kelsey Larson [email protected] The 2013 Northern Lights Auktion Nordic Heritage Museum. The nearly 400 held on Sunday, April 28 at the Grand Hy- guests in attendance enjoyed an evening of Assistant Layout Editor att in downtown Seattle was a great success! highlights including rousing silent and live Harry Svenkerud [email protected] auctions of hundreds of Nordic and Nordic- Advertising inspired items (including a new Volvo), an Erik Krippaehne [email protected] elegant dinner, entertainment by the Nor- Subscriptions wegian Male Chorus, and a special tribute Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] to Irma Goertzen, president of the Board of Trustees. Contributing Editors Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Hilsen, Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Nordic Heritage Museum Photo courtesy Mette Gaal Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Seattle, Wash. The Southern California Damekor performed at The Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Little Viking on May 31. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Photo courtesy Nordic Heritage Museum Dear Editor, Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Guests at the Northern Lights Auktion helped Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway raise money to support Nordic heritage in Seattle, Just wanted to share some pictures from Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Wash. our concert. The Southern California Dame- Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. kor, directed by Lynne Bradley, performed a Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Spring / Syttende Mai concert at The Little Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Viking Scandinavian Shoppe in Temecula, Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Calif. on May 31, followed by a wine recep- Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. tion and great fellowship. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. Med hilsener, David Moe Sun City, Calif. Mette Gaal Photo courtesy Mette Gaal Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. The Southern California Damekor performed at The Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. Temecula, Calif. Little Viking on May 31. Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Letter to the Editor Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. Photo courtesy Nordic Heritage Museum Do you have something to say? Norwegian American Weekly CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly The items up for “auktion” included a brand-new Write to us! 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you Volvo. have a question or comment about news coverage or send a note to [email protected] call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. < important • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and From page 3 this kind. Be our friend on letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian The Government decided in the Council American Weekly, and our publication of those of State on June 14 to request the ’s views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, more comprehensive framework for the fight suggestions and complaints about the opinions consent to ratify the Nuclear Terrorism Con- against international terrorism,” said Minis- Facebook! expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed vention. to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is ter of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide. Thirteen international conventions deal- published weekly except the first week of the calendar The Convention obliges states parties to year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks ing with different forms of terrorism have make it a punishable offence to possess or of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • been developed under the auspices of the Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. use radioactive material, nuclear material or UN. Norway is already party to 12 of these. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription nuclear devices with the intent to carry out Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, The International Convention for the Sup- acts of terrorism. The parties are obliged ei- US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. pression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism was ther to prosecute the offences or to extradite SINCE MAY 17, 1889: adopted by the UN on April 13, 2005 and the persons concerned to other countries if Formerly Norway Times was opened for signature on Sept. 14, 2005. requested to do so. The Convention is also Western Viking & Washington Posten There are currently 86 parties to the Conven- designed to promote police and judicial co- For a touch of Norway every day: Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- tion. Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, operation with a view to preventing, investi- facebook.com/naweekly gating and prosecuting criminal offences of Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • june 21, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway God Sommer! A better butter Our summer break is coming! Norwegians are loving herbed butter this summer!

The Norwegian American Weekly office will be closed July 15 – August 9 for summer vacation.

No issues will be published July 19, 26, August 2 or 9. Regular printing will resume August 16.

You could win this plate! Tickets only $2.50 each! 21st Annual Folk Art Raffle To buy tickets call 563-382-9681, or visit vesterheim.org for a raffle form!

Hand-turned by Paul Loftness Center relief carving by Becky Lusk Painted by Jean Simonson Giese

Drawing on Saturday, July 27 at 3:00 p.m. You need not be present to win. The National Norwegian-American All proceeds benefit Vesterheim. Museum and Heritage Center

Photo: Tine.no The Troll With No Heart in His Body Norwegians are serious about their jams. Get into the Norwegian summer mood by whip- and Other Tales of Trolls from Norway ping up your own! As tall as trees and as ancient and rugged as the Norwegian landscape from which they come, trolls are some of folklore’s most fascinating creatures. In this collection of nine troll tales, What’s all the rage in Norway this sum- fresh herbs or dried spices, in a mixing bowl. Lise Lunge-Larsen brings a combination of childhood memories mer? According to Norway’s top dairy com- The butter should be at room temperature and research to the retelling of each story, while Betsy Bowen’s pany, Tine, the best accompaniment to a de- and soft.

Trolls striking woodcuts are as timeless as the trolls themselves. licious Norwegian cookout is herbed butter. Place the butter mixture onto waxed $19.95 hardcover, 96 pages Create your own herb butter with herbs, paper or foil, and roll it into the shape of a garlic or spices. To serve, melt it over steak, sausage. But it in the fridge or freezer to cool From America to Norway: Norwegian-American salmon or baked potatoes. You can also it until the butter is hard. Cut the butter into Immigrant Letters 1838-1914, Volume I: 1838-1870 spread on smørbrød (bread or crackers) for slices or cubes before serving. a perfect appetizer. Herbed butter can be made as easily as Seeking economic improvement or a fresh start, following family To follow these three recipes suggested 1-2-3 and is the perfect finishing touch to or news of a land of opportunity, Norwegians left their homeland by Tine, you’ll need to mix a good butter grilled food or Hors d’oeuvres. for America in great numbers in the nineteenth and early twentieth with finely chopped ingredients, such as centuries—and they wrote home about it. In this volume, covering 1838 to 1870, Norwegian immigrants relate the successes, challenges, and sorrows of their new life to the communities they left behind. History $50.00 hardcover, 480 pages Herbed butter Sigrid Undset's timeless Norwegian folktales have a story for everyone. Kryddersmør

Recipes adapted from Tine

For garlic butter: 1 red chili pepper 8 oz sweet unsalted butter 1 teaspoon chili powder 2 teaspoons fresh parsley, chopped 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 1 garlic glove, finely minced 1 teaspoon onion powder For pepper butter: Folklore Happy Times in Norway Sigurd and His Brave Companions True and Untrue and Other Norse Tales 2 tablespoons pink peppercorns $16.95 each, paperbacks For chili butter: 2 tablespoons green peppercorns University of Minnesota Press 8 oz sweet unsalted butter Available at better bookstores or to order call 800-621-2736 | www.upress.umn.edu norwegian american weekly June 21, 2013 • 9 Travel The Centennial Tour: 1913 – 2013 Updates from the St. Olaf Choir tour to Norway

The St. Olaf Choir hits Norway’s west coast

Kelsey Larson Managing Editor

After a stop in the southern port city of the sights and culture of this wonderful city. Kristiansand, the St. Olaf Choir headed to is also the hometown of Choir mem- Norway’s west coast. ber Paul Mori ‘13,” wrote Kyle. Arriving in Stavanger on Wednesday, Of course, whilst in Bergen the choir June 5, the choir performed at 7:30 p.m. at visited Troldhaugen, the home of Norway’s the Stavanger Concert Hall. most famous composer, Edvard Greig. The “Several students remarked that the to- choir is currently performing one of Grieg’s pography reminded them of northern Minne- works, Hvad est du dog skjön, in the centen- sota and Canada: an endless carpet of green nial tour program. grass, lush forests, and the starkness of gran- “Visiting Grieg’s home, museum, and ite,” wrote Michael Kyle, vice president for gravesite offered choir members a chance to enrollment and college relations at St. Olaf, connect further to Norwegian history with the the choir’s arrival on the West Coast. each note they sing,” wrote Kyle. “To put it plainly, the acoustic was Choir member Kerry Auer of Savan- stunning. Not only was the sound clear and nah, Ga., a Greig enthusiast who performed Photo: St. Olaf Choir present for the audience, we could hear our- Solveigs Sang as part of her senior recital, The Bergen concert on June 9, performed at Greig Hall. selves – something most halls do not make wrote about the experience on the choir’s possible. This clarity allowed us to sing at a blog. “It was incredibly exciting to see the near whisper, making the quiet moments of cabin where [Greig] wrote so many of his pieces like “Bogoróditse Devo” even more masterpieces, not to mention the actual piano intimate,” wrote choir member Christian on which he played them,” she said. Weeks of the Stavanger performance. On June 9, the choir performed at Grieg The next stop was Haugesund, on June Hall at 7 p.m. 6, at Our Savior’s Church. Then, on to Ber- gen! For more updates and photos, visit the “A longer stay of three days in Bergen choir’s tour blog at http://pages.stolaf.edu/ provides an opportunity for choir members norwaytour2013. to relax, regroup, and take in the some of

Photo: St. Olaf Choir Photo: St. Olaf Choir Maggie and Katie Burk ‘13 pose with composer Kerry Auer ‘13 with Grieg. “Earlier this year Edvard Grieg’s statue at Troldhaugen in Bergen. I fell in love with the music of Grieg as I pro- grammed my senior voice recital,” she wrote on the choir’s blog.

Photo: St. Olaf Choir Jonny Bauman, Kirsten Newlin, Katharine Jenks, Kelsey Hall, Erin Schmidt and Siri Jorstad enjoy the ferry from Haugesund to Bergen.

Photo: St. Olaf Choir Photo: St. Olaf Choir Photo: St. Olaf Choir Katharine Jenks ’13 and Kelsey Hall ’13 with Sarah Lynn Hammel and Rosa Haxton, touring Hilsen from the St. Olaf Choir, here touring Troldhaugen in Bergen, Norway. conductor Anton Armstrong ’78. the fjords with the St. Olaf Choir. 10 • june 21, 2013 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections Norwegian American Weekly Seasons Photo of the Week Puzzles with Sölvi Dolland

Photos courtesy Doriene Howe Milo, full-blooded Norwegian, celebrates his 90th birthday with family and a new friend, the red-headed Viking.

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption.

Ole, Sven and Lars die in a tragic Lutefisk accident. They are met by God on the stair- way to heaven. God says, “There are 3,000 steps to heaven. It’s very serious up there. I’ll tell you a joke on each 1,000th step you reach. If you laugh you go to hell.” So they start walking and reach the 1,000th step. God tells a joke, Lars laughs out loud and goes Community Connections straight to hell. On the 2,000th step God tells another joke, Sven tries his best but laughs Gratulerer med Dagen! and goes to straight to hell. On the 3,000th step God tells the last and best joke, Ole For just $35, you can print a photo doesn’t laugh and proceeds to the gate. Sud- and up to 10 lines of text to celebrate denly, Ole bursts out laughing hysterically. life’s milestones with the Norwegian- God asks, “What are you laughing about?” American community. Commemorate Ole replies, “Oh dat’s funny. I yust got da birthdays, engagements, weddings, first yoke!” anniversaries, baptisms, birth an- Ole and Lena nouncements and more! America’s favorite Norwegians! Each submission will be printed in the “Roots & Connections” page, and we will send you up to 10 copies to 25. juli Klaris Nelson Bellingham WA share with family and friends. Olianna I. Larsen Åheim Norway Gunhild Bjaland Bradenton FL Carl M. Larson Spokane WA For more information, Grethe Bennett Chewelah WA Maren Sather Stone Minneapolis MN call us at (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. 26. juli 21. juli Andrew Bakken Minneapolis MN John Ellingsen Seattle WA Marie Meling Johnson St James MN Erik Johan Redal University Place WA J.B. Kvinlog Volga SD Anne Brastad Williams Bay WI Ragnar Engebretsen Mission Viejo CA Kaare Fornes Manalapan NJ Else Bakke Bellingham WA Puzzle Solution 22. juli 27. juli Norwegian American Weekly Arthur Overlid Sioux Falls SD Robert H. Hvam Fresno CA Trygve Mathisen Seattle WA Nels Nelson Bellingham WA Organization of the Week Thor Daniel Bugge Willow Street PA Bernt Viddal Ferndale WA Thor Martin Bugge Lancaster PA Betty Peary Sarasota FL sons of Norway Paul Scheffel Verona WI Richard Ward Bothell WA Maihaugen Lodge 1-665 23. juli Anna Voltmer Decorah IA Overland Park, Kansas Grethe Foss Echo MN Want to see your birthday in the Iris Berke Hinsdale IL Norwegian American Weekly? Meetings: Second Thursday of the Fred Nansen Johnson Belle Mead NJ month at 6:30 p.m. Magne B. Olson Downers Grove IL Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. First Lutheran Church com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one 6400 State Line Road 24. juli month in advance. Mission Hills, KS 66208-1947 Emma Vatn Seattle WA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed John Viken Sioux City IA For the full list of organizations, Aagot Solheim Tacoma WA away? Please notify us! visit noram.norway.com/organizations norwegian american weekly June 21, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Harold A. “Hal” Moldstad July 2, 1934 – June 5, 2013 Living waters

Harold A. Mold- while raising his two sons Erik and Kirk. A I recently preached a children’s ser- served signed up for the Stephen Ministry. stad (Hal) was born true handyman, Hal built his own homes on mon on the subject of the Ten Command- In this ministry the pastor trains caregivers July 2, 1934 and Bainbridge Island, and later in Chelan and ments. I began by asking the children if to call on people with special needs in the raised in Mount Ver- Wenatchee, showcasing his designing skills. they knew what a commandment was. My congregation. Over the several years that non, Washington. Hal lived the last 20 plus years of his hope was that there would be at least one I taught the class we had over 50 people Hal graduated life in East Wenatchee with his current wife, child who could recite a commandment or commit to the 50 hour training course. from Mount Vernon Donna. It was there that he finished some of two. A young boy raised his hand. When I The importance of learning when it High School in 1952, his biggest architectural projects and gradu- called on him, he began to recite the intro- comes to the life of faith cannot be over- where he was an out- ally retired. He and Donna enjoyed travel- duction to the Ten Commandments and all emphasized. When we take the time to standing football and ing together, painting, and decorating their but two of the Commandments by heart. grow and mature in our understanding, our tennis player. Often, he would drive the ten- home. Hal was an accomplished painter, The congregation was so impressed they faith becomes stronger and more impor- nis team to practice in his Chevy convertible. both in oils and water colors, and displayed applauded his efforts. tant in our lives. Churches provide many You could find Hal fishing for steelhead his Art from Bainbridge Island to Sun Valley, This experience reminded me of the opportunities for this to happen by offer- on the Skagit River or hunting ducks and Idaho, and recently had a large showing in temptation to aim too low when it comes ing Bible classes and forums throughout geese in the farmlands before school. Wenatchee for family and friends. to learning and the life of faith. We tend the year. In addition many Seminaries now Hal graduated from the University of If there is a word to describe Hal’s life, it to underestimate the possibilities of what offer Bible and theological training on line Washington with a degree in Architecture would be “gourmet.” If something was to be people are willing and able to learn when for lay people. My own Seminary has a in 1956, became a member of the AIA, and done, it was to be done right. When it came it comes to their spiritual life. Throughout new Bible Study program called Enter the went on to become a very successful archi- to his work, Hal designed homes that became my ministry, I have been amazed by how Bible (enterthebible.org). This has helped tect. renowned for their high quality and ground- lay people respond when called upon to many people grow in their understanding In college he was a member of Phi Gam- breaking creativity. When there was food to learn. In my first congregation, a dozen and knowledge of scripture. Every time ma Delta Fraternity (the Fiji house) where cook, it was to be done “gourmet.” Every- members volunteered to devote 2 years of we commit to learning more about our he made lifelong friends. After college, Hal thing he ever purchased was “gourmet.” study to become Bethel Bible Study teach- faith, our faith will grow stronger. served as an officer in the U.S. Air Force at Throughout his life, Hal was generous ers. Several years later a congregation I Amarillo, Texas. He had many memorable to everyone he met. fly fishing trips to Canada, especially Lake Hal passed away peacefully Wednesday HiHium, where he, his brother Kelley, and evening, June 5 in his East Wenatchee home, close friends enjoyed fishing, playing cards less than a month before his 79th birthday. and telling stories. Hal made his own fly He was preceded in death by his parents, The Scandinavian Hour poles and tied his own flies. He was the cook Liz and Bill Moldstad of Mount Vernon. Celebrating over 50 years on the air! on these trips and everything was always He is survived by his loving wife, Don- gourmet! na; his son Erik and wife Terri and grand- KKNW – 1150 AM Hal moved to Bainbridge Island in 1962 sons Kirk and Derek of Seattle; son Kirk, shortly after married his first wife Sylvia. and his stepchildren Brock and Jesse Neff Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST After briefly working for a small architec- of Pittsburgh, Penn.; his brother Kelley and Streaming live on the internet at: tural firm in Bremerton, he started his own wife Karen of Mount Vernon, Wash. and his business. With this visionary talent and hard brother Nels and wife Marlene of Mukilteo, www.1150kknw.com work, he became a well known architect. Hal Wash. and many nieces and nephews. lived on Bainbridge Island for over 20 years

Mary Louise Monroe Join our community! March 18, 1932 – June 12, 2013

Mary Louise Monroe, age 81, passed Her second home in Vermont was a favor- away peacefully on June 12, 2013 at her ite destination for all of her friends and their daughter’s home in Hillsborough, North families. Generation after generation learned *** Carolina. Mary was born on March 18, 1932 to ski on the icy slopes of Stratton Mountain in Elizabeth, LA. The older of two children, while spending nights by the fire in a house Just $59 for 47 issues she spent most of her childhood in Louisi- filled with conversation and laughter. Mary ana and earned her Bachelor of Arts from the was a talented financial planner managing Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details University of Louisiana at Lafayette and a investment accounts for a number of clients. Masters of Education from Louisiana State When she wasn’t researching a new industry University. Prior to graduating from LSU, or analyzing a company profile, Mary could she married Archie L. Monroe and together be found tending to her beautiful gardens and they raised four wonderful children while pond or visiting New York City with close living in Baton Rouge, Caracas, Venezuela friends. Though her family was spread from Advertise in the Weekly! and Weston, Connecticut. Mary had an ex- Utah to North Carolina and beyond, she held tensive network of close and loyal friends. each member of her family close to her heart. Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: Mary was an avid world traveler and Mary is survived by four children; and Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for bridge player. Her summers were spent driv- six grandchildren; her daughter Vicki (hus- EVERY week! ing the kids across country, playing tennis band, Peter Boehm), and her three sons Lee B&W, $15/col inch for color at the Weston Field Club or touring the Ca- (wife, Christi), David (son Evan and daugh- • Free ad design ribbean. She visited six continents and over ters Asher, Korin, and Cassie) and Gary • Support the only Norwegian- 50 countries including Ecuador, Argentina, (wife, Carelyn and sons Drew and Jeffrey). American newspaper! South Africa, Egypt, the Czech Republic, She was preceded in death by her moth- Norway, Russia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Cam- er Alma, father Louis Mills Sr., and younger bodia, and Australia. Mary also loved to ski. brother Louis “Buddy” Cunningham. For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] 12 • June 21, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Sangerfest will dazzle Calendar of Events The 104th Sangerfest Grand Concert will take place on What’s going on in your neighborhood? June 28 at Pacific Lutheran University in Parkland, Wash.

California and dancers. Norwegian Glee Club and Trollfjell Camp Daughters of Norway bring songs, Leroy July 7 – 20 Larson and ensemble bring Scandinavian Alta, Calif. music. For more info: (612) 861-4793. Sons of Norway – District 6 Camp Email: [email protected]. Trollfjell Language & Heritage Camp for children ages 8 – 13 years at Camp Norge Pennsylvania in Alta, California. A 14–day Camp from NE Penn. Regional Sports for Health July 7 – 20; $750.00 — postmarked by July 21 – 28 May 7th; $800.00 — postmarked after Sherman, Penn. May 7th. Learning & Living Your Nor- Do you enjoy the outdoors and like to wegian Heritage through daily activities hike, canoe/kayak, ride a tandem bike, or such as: Rosemaling, Viking History, do some fishing? Would you like to share Crafts, Folk Dancing, Language Lessons, your love of this activity with someone Foods of Norway, and Building Lasting who is blind or visually impaired so they Friendships. Scholarships are available too can know the joy of these activities? from District 6, Southern California Past Do you know an adult (18 and up) who Presidents’ Club and many local lodges. would like to experience these activities? For more info: (530) 677-2006. Email: At the Sports for Health program at Land [email protected]. Web Site: of the Vikings you can do all of that. http://www.campnorge.com. Sports for Health is the summer equiva- lent of the winter program, Ski for Light. Iowa It is a unique, week long program where Photos courtesy of Sangerfest Lagerquist Hall at Pacific Lutheran University is known for its great acoustics and beautiful organ. Trollfjell Camp visually impaired participants and sight- July 25 ed guides work together as a team to en- Decorah, Iowa joy the summertime activities. Can’t stay Vennskap 1-554 and District 1 Sons of for the whole week? Sign up for part of Norway sponsored motor coach tour from the week, or a few days, whatever your Special Release Marshall, Minn. to Spring Grove, Minn. schedule allows. You won’t be disap- to visit the Giants of the Earth Heritage pointed. Visit our website, www.nepasfl- Center and to the annual Nordic Fest at sfh.org for more information about our Decorah, Iowa. The $190.00 fee includes group, contacts, and application forms. A Grand Concert featuring 125 male “It’s always fun to have that number of round trip motor coach ride, two nights singers will be presented at the Lagerquist voices – when we’re all together, it’s a much lodging with breakfasts, Nordic Fest but- washington Concert Hall, Pacific Lutheran University, bigger, fuller sound,” says Malmin of the up- ton and program guide, the entrance to 104th Sangerfest Friday, June 28 at 7:30 pm. The concert is coming concert. all Nordic Fest exhibits, workshops and June 28 sponsored by the Pacific Coast Norwegian Malmin’s wife, Jean, will be accompa- musical events; admission to the Vester- Parkland, Wash. Singers Asso- nying several of heim Museum, an evening Smorgasbord, The Norwegian Male Chorus of Tacoma ciation and will the songs on the guided tour of the Seed Savers Exchange is hosting the 104th Sangerfest at La- also include per- program. Both & Lillian Goldman Visitors Center and gerquist Concert Hall, Pacific Lutheran formances by are PLU alumni Gardens in Decorah and admission to the University, an event featuring 120 sing- the Evergreen and are proud Bily Clock Museum in Spillville, Iowa. ers from 10 choruses of the Pacific Coast Brass Quintet and to keep the con- Celebrate your heritage with other SONS Norwegian Singers Association. The the magnificent nection alive OF NORWAY Members. For more info: music will be Scandinavian/American sounds of the between the uni- (507) 296-4566. Email: dorothyzim- and will include selections accompanied Hall’s pipe organ. versity and its [email protected]. by the Hall’s magnificent pipe organ and Choral selec- Norwegian roots. the Evergreen Brass Quintet. Tickets are tions will be both “We have Maryland $20 and are available from Pick Perkins, Scandinavian and an interesting Rosemaling Exhibit (253)272-7286 or [email protected] American. program which Opened May 22 for summer Join us in concert June 28! The Norman- will utilize the Havre de Grace, Md. na Male Chorus resources of the Summer exhibit will feature rosemaling Wisconsin of Tacoma is the Photo courtesy of Sangerfest hall, including by Lise Lorentzen, formerly of Staten Is- Vennelag 513 Kaffe Stue host chorus, and The Normanna Male chorus of Tacoma, the host chorus two numbers land, NY. Find the exhibit at Bay Gallery, July 20 this year marks of Sangerfest. specifically ac- 500 Warren St, Ste. B Harve de Grace, Mt. Horeb, Wisc. its 125th anniver- companied by MD. For more info call (410) 409-1336, If you hanker for some good Norwegian sary. The Tacoma the organ,” says or (410) 939-4441, or visit the website at food, come to the Community Center chorus is one of eleven Malmin. Dr. Jeffrey High- www.artsbythebaygallery.com. where Vennelag Lodge 513 hosts their west coast choruses of the land will be the organist 42nd Annual Kaffe Stue. You can sample PCNSA and throughout the for these pieces. Minnesota genuine foods of the old country, such as year, under the direction of The Evergreen Brass Norway Day lefse, rommegrøt, sandbakkle, smørbrod, Jon Malmin, it performs Quintet will also perform July 14 sotsuppe and more. Once again they will at senior centers and vari- special music for the pro- Minneapolis, Minn. offer their popular Troll Roll sandwiches. ous organization events in gram, and will accompany 82nd year of this Norwegian Heritage For more info: (608) 437-5468. Email: the Tacoma area. The cho- three numbers, including and Cultural Event held on the second [email protected]. Web Site: ruses of the PCNSA come the grand final, Landkjen- Sunday in July each year, July 14, free http://www.vennelag513.com. together each June for the ning. and open to the public. Program book annual Sangerfest. Concert tickets are $2 containing ads and church service Jon Malmin will serve $20 and can be purchased at 11 a.m. Ethnic foods, vendors and as the director in chief this from Rick Perkins, (253) craftsmen, barnetog children’s parade, year, along with Bob John- 272-7286, erperk@com- and entertainment from Norway – Fu- ston as the assistant direc- cast.net or the door before ruleiken Spel og Danselag – musicians tor in chief. Dr. Alf Knud- the concert, Friday, June sen, former editor of the 28, 7:30 p.m. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Western Viking, will serve This year’s Sangerfest as the director emeritus, di- Photo courtesy of Sangerfest Grand Concert is an event to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! recting one song. Jon Malmin, director in chief of that shouldn’t be missed! Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Sangerfest. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us June 21, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood Bestefars hjørne Fun at Scan Park Celebrate in Oslo Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP, in South Elgin, Ill., celebrates The American Coordinating Council of Norway invites all our A feature column by Leslee Lane Hoyum the 60th anniversary of Vasa Park in summer/fall 2013 friends to the 28th celebration of the U.S. Independence Day

Photo: ACCN The color guard detachment at the 2012 ACCN American Independence Day celebration at Frogner Park, Oslo.

Special Release Special Release ACCN Scandinavian Park, Inc.

The ACCN is pleased to invite the in- victims of natural disasters. ternational community to be a part of Oslo’s The ACCN is a non-profit council of 60th Anniversary Celebration the Swedish American Children’s Choir, The most anticipated summer event – ID2013, American organizations founded in 1985. In 2013, Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP Nordic Folk Dancers of Chicago, Leikar- the biggest, and best, American Indepen- The ACCN facilitates networking and col- celebrates an exciting year with the 60th ringen Heimhug Norwegian Folk Dancers dence Day celebrations outside of the con- laboration amongst its member organizations Anniversary of Vasa Park, the beautiful 25- of Chicago, Folk Dancing Classes led by tinental United States. ID2013 kicks-off at to promote their shared goals of strengthen- acre park located on Route 31 in South El- the two folk dancing groups, Bjornson Male 12 noon until 5 p.m. featuring live music, ing American-Norwegian ties. gin, Ill. along the Fox River. Chorus plus special entertainment ABBA children’s games, BBQ food, amazing prizes Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP celebrates Salute. and more. For more information, follow the ACCN the culture, heritage and traditions of Den- • Saturday, October 5, 2013: The on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/Am mark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Swe- 13th Annual Fish Boil & Harvest Festival at Entertainment ericanCoordinatingCouncilofNorway),Tw den. The Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP board Vasa Park Our entertainment line-up is stacking up itter (http://www.twitter.com/accnorway), is led by President Judy Seifert of Bartlett, • Saturday, October 26, 2013: Annu- to be one of the best ever. Frognerparken will or Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ Ill., Vice President Tom Cleveland of Syca- al Scandinavian Park Membership Meeting groove to 2012’s Blues Music Award winner accn_oslo). Visit the website at www.accn. more, Ill., Secretary Jackie Moline of Ever- and Complimentary Breakfast Johnny Sansone, Local cover band Airbuzz, no/id2013. green Park, Ill. and Treasurer Jack Grandin • Saturday, November 2, 2013: End Line-dancing with Kelli Haugen and the tal- of Darien, Ill., along with five elected Class of Year Clean-Up Day at Vasa Park with Vol- ented Ms. Anne Lee. Kids can hitch a ride on “A” Trustees and a group of Class “B” unteer Lunch horse-back, play baseball or take part in the trustees who are appointed by their respec- craziest watermelon eating contest ever! We tive Scandinavian lodges and organizations. 2014 Scandinavian Park Events: won’t even begin on the great food. These lodges and organizations include • Saturday, March 1, 2014: Scandi- the Swedish Vasa Order of America’s Aus- navian Park, Inc. NFP’s 11th Annual Spring Raffle Prizes tin Lodge, Bessemer Lodge, Hagar Lodge, Dinner Dance & Fundraiser at the Des For 20 NOK you can enter the raffle Kronan Lodge, Siljan Mora Tuna Lodge, Plaines Elks Club, Des Plaines, Ill. Info: drawing for a chance to win several round- Viljan Lodge, Norwegian National League, www.vasaparkil.com trip tickets to the U.S., romantic “weekend Finnish American Society, Danish National • Spring 2014: Valborg Day “Spring get-aways” throughout Norway and tons Committee and the Icelandic Association of Clean-Up” at Vasa Park with Volunteer of fantastic prizes, too many to mention. Chicago. Lunch Increase your chance of winning the grand prizes, buy as many tickets as you’d like. The scheduled 2013 Scandinavian Park, More information It’s a win-win-win as the proceeds are put Inc. NFP-Sponsored Events include: The historic 25-acre Vasa Park is lo- to good use. • Saturday, June 22, 2013: Scandina- cated along the Fox River on Route 31 in vian Midsommar Celebration at Vasa Park South Elgin, Illinois, 7 miles south of the Beneficiaries • Saturday, August 10, 2013: Steak I-90 Northwest Tollway and 5 miles north The ACCN receives no public funding, Fry with Crayfish Sampling at Vasa Park of IL Rt. 64 North Avenue. For information, relying solely on the generous support of our • Sunday, September 8, 2013: The call the park hotline at (847) 695-6720 or sponsors, advertiser and the hard working 34th Annual Scandinavian Day Festival visit the websites: www.vasaparkil.com and army of volunteers; and of course, you, the Photo: ACCN at Vasa Park featuring Scandinavian food, www.scandinaviandayil.com. Look for the public. The proceeds of our raffle sales are Ready, set, go! The watermelon eating contest at crafts, booths and entertainment, including Scandinavian flags at the entrance! earmarked for deserving organizations and last year’s celebration in Oslo. Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. 14 • June 21, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage

< heritage Norwegian Language Corner From page 1 That’s a lot of genetic hunger for many that want to explore a part of their roots. NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS tainty. Assessing heritage from a qualitative “I married a German – actually a Ger- view, Arne Brekke, a Norwegian American man from Russia, and one of her parents was linguist and specialist in Norwegian place French-Indian (Métis) from Canada, and my names) tells about one of his granddaugh- children are, I guess, American.” ters that is one-half East Indian, one-quarter As time went on, definitions became English and one-quarter Norwegian. Al- With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, though she honors her Indian and English “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- complicated. lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes In frontier days in North Dakota, many heritage, she currently, as a student that car- Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri immigrants intermarried with Tribal mem- ries the Brekke name, is perfecting her flu- publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. bers. Names on the Tribal rolls were often ency in Norwegian, working summers in of Scandinavian origin, German or English, Norway, and fully practices her Norwegian and sometimes French or Spanish. The rea- heritage without diminishing anything from son dates back historically when Dakota Ter- her integral East-West culture – a future ritory was fought over and declared under the global citizen. sovereign rule of British, French and Span- Two of my sons, Erik and Lars, are ish until the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Of- first generation Americans by virtue of their ten early explorers Norwegian-born and militia inter- mother. They mar- married with tribal ried sisters with women. Native American The practice ancestry, which of “blood quan- means seven of tum” – defining my grandchildren cultural heritage are descendants by percentages of of Chickasaw and ancestry – even- Choctaw Indians tually got too that walked the complicated from “Trail of Tears” Dei to Friarane The TWO SUITORS dividing cultural from Mississippi identities into to Oklahoma in Det var ein gong ein konge som Once upon a time there was a king multiple fractions. the 1830s during hadde tre døtrer. Dei to eldste gifta who had three daughters. The two eldest Some immi- Andrew Jack- seg med kvar sin prins. Men den tredje — each married a prince. But the third grant-descendents son’s forced Indi- ville gifta seg med son til smeden. one wanted to marry the blacksmith’s found the easiest an removal policy. Dei to hadde vore venner sidan dei son. solution to just Even though my barn, og var svært glade i kvarandre. The two had been friends since they say, “I’m Ameri- grandchildren can claim fifty percent Men den strenge kongen ville slett ik- were young children, and loved each can!” Photo: Wikimedia Commons Norwegian heri- kje vita av eit slikt giftarmål. other very much. But the strict king The Depart- Northwood, North Dakota has the second highest per- centage of Norwegian American ancestry in the United tage, they have Prinsessa var van med å få det som would not hear of such a marriage. ment of Interior changed the blood States, 55.5%. an equal appre- ho ville, og då ho aldri gav seg, lova The princess was used to getting percentage policy ciation for their kongen å gje guten ein sjanse. — Er her way, and when she would not give for American Indians in the 1970s. To be an small percentage han flink, skal du få han, sa kongen. in, the king promised to give the boy enrolled in an Indian tribe today, one must of Indian heritage they are now discovering Neste dag køyrde kongen til one chance. — If he is talented, you can trace one’s genealogy to an ancestor that was through genealogy research. smeden, og bad om å få tala med son have him, said the king. a tribal member of one of the 565 recognized Questions can arise from shifting la- hans. — Om du greier å gjera eit skik- The next day the king drove to the tribes, with proof of birth certificates that bels of heritage, such as, “I spend the winter keleg arbeid, skal du få gifta deg med blacksmith and asked to speak to his match historic Tribal rolls. months in Solvang Calif., a Danish town that dotter mi, sa kongen. son. — If you manage to do one good Initially, Norwegian cultural associa- seems more Danish than Denmark, and if I — Eg vil du skal snauhogga skog- job, you can marry my daughter, said tions were restrictive by “communities” that wanted to join the Danish Men’s Club, could I choose to self-declare my Danish ancestry teigen eg har borte i lia, og leggja opp the king. had boundaries of a specific “place” of heri- from one ancestor because one of my great alle tømmerstokkane i ein lunne nede — I want you to clear a patch of for- tage. “Bygdelags” had strict rules governing grandfathers was Danish?” ved elva innan sola står opp i morgon. est that I have on a hill, and pile up all membership that were limited to only peo- ple from a designated area in Norway, their It’s complicated how far the self-de- — No slepp eg å høyra meir om the timber in a stack down by the river children and descendants, but progressively clared ethnicity can be applied. dette giftarmålet, tenkte kongen då han before the sun rises tomorrow. these heritage groups opened membership to Maybe we should consider ethnicity the for heim, — for ingen greier å hogga — Now, I won’t hear any more fill ranks to any self-declared individual who way we declare our selves to get a driver’s den store skogteigen på så stutt tid. about this marriage, thought the king as was engaged with cultural interest. license. In America, drivers must declare a he went home, — because nobody could According to the 2000 U.S. Census, state for an official license, yet one can drive manage to cut down that large patch of three million Americans consider Norwe- in any state. If you want to drive freely else- forest in such a short time. gian to be their sole or primary ancestry. It is where in the world, you can get an Interna- estimated that as many as a further 1.5 mil- tional Driver’s License, which is authorized and linked to your declared state. By en- Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng lion more are of partial Norwegian ancestry. However, if one follows the U.S. policy couraging people to learn more about one’s Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com for establishing one or more ancestors from composite heritage, even the small percent- Norway, the number could be ten times the ages, we can unofficially “license” people to population of Norway itself. These are pro- self-declare the one that is most practiced in jected numbers – quantitative data – but do day-to-day life. not consider qualitative inputs like values, To make it simple, in my opinion, the attitudes or beliefs. definition of ethnicity evolves from a mix in Lars Øyane, a bygdebok writer, trav- a genetic pool, and people have the freedom eled to the U.S. to inventory descendents in to self-declare their dominant cultural heri- his family genealogy from Luster (formerly tage because they own it. Lyster). Because immigrant families often For people that have one or more Nor- had very large families of sometimes a doz- wegian ancestors and that declare their en children, he estimated that up to 50 de- heritage with pride and practice, that’s what scendents could be attributed to each origi- makes one a Norwegian American. nal 900,000 Norwegian immigrants from the On the next application form that asks three historical waves of immigration from about my ethnicity, I’m considering check- his area in Norway. These calculations proj- ing the “other box” and stating “Norwegian ect that upwards to 40-50 million people in American.” the United States have one or more Norwe- gian genes. norwegian american weekly June 21, 2013 • 15 Sports < bronze From page 1 Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League settle for bronze. results Standings Spain led the match from the start, and 05/24 Strømsgodset 2 – 1 Ålesund Tippeligaen pld PTS won deservedly, despite a number of wonde- 1. Strømsgodset IF 12 29 ful saves by Norwegian keeper Ørjan Nyl- 05/25 Molde 4 – 0 Hønefoss 2. Rosenborg BK 12 24 and. 05/25 Vålerenga 1 – 2 Rosenborg “In the second half it was great – we 3. Viking FK 12 23 really tried, we had two or three chances to 05/26 Lillestrøm 3 – 0 Haugesund 4. SK Brann 12 21 score and get even but it was not our day to- 5. Ålesunds FK 12 20 05/26 Odd Grenland 3 – 0 Sandnes Ulf day,” said Nyland to UEFA.com. 6. FK Haugesund 12 17 “It was really difficult, the way they 05/26 1 – 1 Start 7. Tromsø IL 12 16 pass the ball is absolutely fantastic, they 8. Sogndal IL Fotball 12 16 have some world-class players,” said Stefan 05/26 Viking 2 – 1 Tromsø Johansen, Norwegian midfielder, about play- 9. Lillestrøm SK 12 15 05/26 Brann 3 – 1 Sarpsborg ing Spain to UEFA.com. 10. Sarpsborg 08 FF 12 14 In the other semifinal, Italy defeated the 11. Hønefoss BK 12 13 Netherlands, and will meet Spain in the fi- To read more about football in 12. Vålerenga Fotball 12 13 nal. It will be a heated game; Spain goes into 13. IK Start 12 13 the showpiece with a 100% winning record Norway, visit www.uefa.com 14. Odd Grenland 12 11 in Israel, and a determination to complete 15. Molde FK 12 10 back-to-back triumphs after winning the Next games will be played June 23 Under-21 trophy in 2011 in Denmark. Yet in 16. Sandnes Ulf 12 10 Devis Mangia’s Italy they will be up against Photo: Wikimedia Commons opponents unbeaten in the competition and, Marcus Pedersen, Norwegian forward. moreover, eyeing a record sixth U21 title. < neutral The Norwegians return home with pride Europe, so I am very proud as I go home to From page 3 they may be,” says the Defense Minister, after playing very well in the tournament. Norway now,” said Marcus Pedersen, Nor- and adds: “High-tech equipment alone does Therefore we cannot limit our recruitment “We’re one of the four best teams in wegian forward, to UEFA.com. not make for a modern military; we also to the male half of the population,” says the need a modern and diverse organization with Defense Minister. different people, skills and perspectives.” However, this does not mean that all Norway’s goal is to have 20 percent < trains women must serve in the military. Norway’s women in its armed forces by 2020. Today From page 3 timated,” says Isaksen, who challenges the armed forces have an annual requirement for the share is nine percent. Over the years, politicians to find new solutions that can help 8 – 10,000 conscripts out of a total of 60,000 a wide range of measures have been taken “I am worried that the growth is bigger increase their capacity. men and women in the relevant age group. to increase the number of women, but they and faster than what we have previously es- Recruitment is already high and increasing, have yielded limited results. and the number of applicants each year “Today, women who join the military exceeds the needs of the Armed Forces. are asked why they do it. It is my hope that < india “We do not adopt conscription for the natural question to ask in the future is From page 3 eration with India in 2013. women because we need more soldiers, but why they don’t want to serve,” says Mrs. “We are living in the Asian century, because we need the best, no matter who Stroem-Erichsen. station in Ny-Ålesund. In addition, there are and we are noticing this in the Arctic, too. Indian PhD students at the University Cen- In addition to Indian researchers, institutions tre in Svalbard (UNIS). Svalbard provides from China, South Korea and Japan are also unique opportunities for studying global cli- active in Svalbard. This provides opportuni- Notable Norwegians mate systems and climate change. Research ties for other forms of cooperation with these With David Moe activities in the north are enhancing India’s emerging countries, in both commercial and understanding of the changes taking place in research contexts,” said Mr Eide. the Himalayas. The Arctic landscape and the interna- Greta Gynt was born Margrethe gomery and gave him a big kiss. The The foreign ministers also visited the tional research community in Ny-Ålesund Woxholt in 1916 in Oslo. At the age of photograph was sent around the world. Svalbard Satellite Station (SvalSat), where provided conducive conditions for discuss- three, she moved to England with her The following month, she turned up the combination of Svalbard’s geographical ing Norwegian–Indian interests in a broader engineer father, who worked for Vick- to meet the Queen of England, at the location and Norwegian technology provides perspective. ers Armstrong royal command almost continuous access to data from Indian Among the topics discussed were devel- and her brother, film performance, Earth-observation satellites. opments in Syria and Myanmar, and regional Gil Woxholt, who wearing a sil- The activities in Svalbard are just a security in Asia. The Indian delegation was later became a fa- ver lamé strap- small part of Norway’s growing research also interested in opportunities for increased mous underwater less gown, silver cooperation with India. The Government has investment in India on the part of the Gov- photographer. hair, silver osprey allocated NOK 50 million for research coop- ernment Pension Fund Global. She took her feathers and a sil- last name, Gynt, ver fox coat. during the late She may 1930’s, while have found a new Our summer break she was listen- career in comedy ing to a piano if she had pursued player doing the it, but she re- is coming up! Peer Gynt Suite tired to become a by Grieg at the homemaker. “I’m Chiltern Hotel in utterly bored with London. She ap- this femme fatale peared in several business,” she Photo: Wikimedia Commons post World War Greta Gynt in 1940. said in 1955. She II English and was married four The Weekly office will be closed July 15 – August 9. Hollywood films times, her last in the late 1940’s husband being and 1950’s. a plastic surgeon, Frederick Moore, No issues will be published July 19, 26, August 2 or 9. Regular printing In 1951, she made an off-screen who died in 1983. She spent the last splash on two occasions. The first years of her life living in a Mayfair will resume August 16. was at the 8th Army Alamein reunion flat as Mrs. Moore. She died in April at the Royal Albert Hall, when she put 2000. God sommer! her arms around Field Marshall Mont- Happy summer! the COPENHAGEN Hearthstone JUST GOT A BIT CLOSER New Route from San Francisco

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