Working Papers MMG Working Paper 12-19 ● ISSN 2192-2357 JIN-HEON JUNG Some Tears of Religious Aspiration: Dynamics of Korean Suffering in Post-War Seoul, South Korea Religious and Ethnic Diversity und multiethnischer Gesellschaften Max Planck Institute for the Study of Max Planck Institute for the Study of Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser Jin-heon Jung Some Tears of Religious Aspiration: Dynamics of Korean Suffering in Post-War Seoul, South Korea MMG Working Paper 12-19 Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity Göttingen © 2012 by the author ISSN 2192-2357 (MMG Working Papers Print) Working Papers are the work of staff members as well as visitors to the Institute’s events. The analyses and opinions presented in the papers do not reflect those of the Institute but are those of the author alone. Download: MPI zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen Hermann-Föge-Weg 11, 37073 Göttingen, Germany Tel.: +49 (551) 4956 - 0 Fax: +49 (551) 4956 - 170
[email protected] Abstract This paper aims to demonstrate urban religious aspirations that articulate Protestant churches’ socio-political location in the Seoul landscape through analyses of some prominent Korean church founders’ conversion narratives. By historicizing and con- textualizing religious accounts that have mobilized a series of massive conversions in post-war South Korea, I want to shed light on a nucleus of Korean Christian prac- tices that arise out of the aspirations that inspire a war-scarred people in search of a better life in this world and the next.