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Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-13-1897 Sierra County Advocate, 1897-08-13 J.E. Curren

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Recommended Citation Curren, J.E.. "Sierra County Advocate, 1897-08-13." (1897).

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Volume XV. No. 803. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, N. M FRIDAY, AUGUST 13 , tSy7. Tiirke Dollars I'm Yfar

KINGSTON NEWS. AN INQUIRING WHEELMAN LOCAL IT1-MS- . This letter waa received the Ed. D. Smith writes ns from LEVI & C. N. has struck some other II. J. the bi STRAUSS CO. Lyke very day by Crane, FACTORY-SA- N -- Bisbee, A. T., that be is apt to FRANCISCO CAl. good ore in the Iron King mine. cycle repairer of Hillsboro; drop in on Hillsboro Bny day now Mrs. John G. Wagner and sons of Dear sir: 1 live on mi farm COPPER aud to revel m her prosperity for a RIVETED Las Vegas are here visiticg their near Doming acd am 57 years old while agniu friends. and a little sporta. My nef many just TKOI MARK. few anew The and recitation en- A. J, linger has moved bis mill in Indiana bot iiisselt readiog and aeut ma bis old one tertainment given by Prof. Ben- up near Ililkboro Peak. bicycle by and ive learned to ride sume nett at the Court House last Fri- Ed. Fatter, and Gus Ilammel frate, Its a of fun, but mi bicycle day was well attended aud very were iu town Wednesday night pile OVERALLS AND BOTTOM PANTS. considerable. A feller come much enjoyed. SPRING with their excellent Magniacope jolta EVERY GARMENT OUARANTtBO. with a bisole that Hon. J . M. Webflt'-- r nnd and Phonograph show. Every along yesterday family OIRt-S-. had hollow iuiuu robber tires have moved to to reside EMPLOY OVCR 390 body was well pleased. Kingston stuffed with wind. He leet me try for i;i old r that Mr. Hon, J. M. Webster and family awhile, fore be it. Resolved That the li Hillsboro Mines and Mills Absolutely Pure. bissen and mi it run like a kushin! Webster be nearer his of Los of Hillsboro have moved here to may mining lectois the Angeles Mining Celebrated lor its great leavening He told me sell robber in the of Slock of Los Angelr-- t live the you injuu operations neighborhood Exchange Bros. fc strength and healthfulneas. Annure8 the for awhile. They occupy advise be Fanning Kirkpatrlck of adul- the same as hissin. lLw Tierra Blauea. hereby the public to food gainst alutu and all Jorum residence of John O. just are a considerable nut teration to the brands. Wagner. fix cautious iu the purchaso of milling making put vomnion cheap much will it be to mine up like &. Alert have in Boyal Bakino Puwdib Co., New Yuhk. The Brush Heap mine still con Aragon put stocks unless the mines und thir of four ounce gold ore from their hissiu? Mine is all iron wheels counter for the enso und tinues to be a bonanza. stools, lunnageineut me known, or the lease just north of the main shaft Do the hollow hole stocks listed uu IT WAS SUICIDE. you punch comfort of their patrons. this or some other of the Snake mine, Stephen Reay will give a party threw the injun robber, or will I reputable or long established Ex- Information Las been received Mr. end Mrs. Goodman and Scanlou ,t Co. arn Saturday night on the occasion of have to do it miself? How do you change with strict listing rules, Spencer, which confirms the article publish- children, who have been visiting and be it further, Resolved, That from the I'SO foot level of his nineteenth birthday. stick the ends together after you raising ed id the last issue of the Demiog their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Peter copies of these resolutions bo fur- the Snake, to connect with tin Nixie. got it done? If your iujun robber Headlight regardiog the suicide of Tousend for some time past, left nished lo the press of the country suiTace At the sanm to is boiler will it come any aud its is workings. Edward lieed aud it tarua out HOW'S THIS ! already for their at San Pedro, publication request!. Ed. I can all the time they are sinking and art be, as feared, the same lined cheaper empty? gut N. this week. It is said the original disenv. well in We offer One Hundred Dollars M., down over 100 feet with a good who watt so known this city. wind I want out here iu Doming erer of the famous Nigger Dig Mr. R. Kerr writes from Cali- Reward for case of Catarrh lion. D. S Miller, of Lake streak of ore in both shaft and J. any free. giiig iu this county will shortly fornia that Ed. Heed is dead aud that cannot be cured by Hall's and Isaac of nut limn as a sol- raise. will a carload EliEItSKEZEB Valley Knight, Esq., have served his They ship of information tends to confirm ! other Catarrh Cure the same place, were iu Hillsboro dier of Uncle Sam, aud that on his first class next week, the report that be died by bis own A P. S. How much do yon will return here to look F. J. Chene Co., charge this week. discharge Gonzales A Co., leHsing on th hands. for the doodad stuff the wind up the spot where he picked the Props., Toledo, O. yon up north end of No. Mr Reed was largely in The Black Rango newspaper fabulously iich ore several the Cotupr.uiiiso quite We the have known into the robber with and where do gold terested in the old proposed rail- undersigned at Chloride, in this bus years ago, 2, are taking out oro that i mis uu F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, you start? county, road south from here, having put Levi aont high aa l.'l ounces gold per ton and believe turn perfectly honor anspeuded publication for the pres- Gish, here from considerable money into the scheme Lake to have his Also have determined all well a amount of able iu all business transactions A LOST MAN. ent, owing to the depressed condi- Valley sanity they as as Urge labor, considered Banlz at the to Lis advice a number and financially able to carry out tion of the silver by Judge doubt as where the Opportunity and through A letter from Jamestown, N. V., miuiug industry. lust term of District Court, and of bis friends any obligation made by their him. We not veiu crosses the gulch, and they personal put money . . 'T ' ' to Governor Otero asks for infor- are informed what Editor who was found sane and the venture. It is em x respon. are both from lhe into thought iiuni, O. Thompson proposes doing, but sible by his Honor, left for Lake tunneling ways that these troubles in connection Wholesale druggists, Toledo, mation concerning one John Kemp, center with whatuver be in ho eettain-l- y Valley Gish will short- gulch oie going each with later ones induced bim to end Walding, Kirinau & Marvin, a mining man who was last heard engages yesterday. has the best wishes of TiiK An ly visit h:s relutives iu Kentucky. way. bis life. Deming Headlight. Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. of by his friends in the east at Al W. II has a Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in 18U3. A let- VOCATK for bis success. We ac Maj. II. Llewellyn and Supt. Hughes made clean buquerque March, Mr. Output of Hillsboro gold mines the the of the his friend Murray mado Tkk up around the old Standard mill, internally, acting directly upon ter during that mouth stated that cept responsibility being Adtoi-at- oflie a call for the week ending Thursday out in pleasiiiit ore bins and roadway of forty tons as blood and mucous suifaces of th bo whs about to leave for Socorro, paper puWUhud Siena Tneeday, The informed us August 12th, 1897, reported for Major of dirt that one aud a half system. Trice oo. per Dome but from that time nothing has county with considerable concern, that he thought some of going to samples Thb Advocate; ounces tou. Ton. Sold all Testimon- ever been heard from him. Ho but will endonvor to meet the emer- - the Klondyke regioii next spring. gold per ftfl by druggists. Wicks new Miss II. Williams of fcutler 10 ials free. was supposed to have some proper genciea arising from the houor Esman, from the Manager tha GO m the Misses Wicks mine is look- Kicliinond ty, nud the prsou moat interested thrust upon us and to wear the River, vUiting Kelly. at Silver City, nappy Ja MAN AND MULE KILLED. i'eier Gaiies has a over t!o ot & Hnake lio in his whereabouts is a daughter same sized hat. opened ing s.ii;p!i;.g !rgd Group in the old Opportunity 10 Tuesday morning, about Jlbree 20 of uge. paint shop Cottage cousignment of his ore to tha l.r years Lady Cook, formerly Miss Meat Market Sherman miles south of a man and building. smelting works at that place. Prosper 10 Socorro, Kemp at one time boarded with Tenny C. Clafliu of Woodhull it Eighty-Fiv- e 10 killed south Raymond Fisk was bitten on mule were by the the Martin ai Taos, Mr. Claflin fame of New York or one The Bonanza mill oro biua and ItoK (silver-lead- ) 10 family the cheek some in- bound train on the Santa Fe. by poisonous are crowded with ore from Martin being the pastor of a of ber agents sends TllE Advo sect the other day, and his face yard Total 2w The man was a ride on t lie Snake aud Richmond mines. stealing church at that place. Anyone catk a couple of communications is badly swollen in consequence,. the of the engine, and when of Mesa Oro Total output since Jan. 1, 1897.-5,- 930 pilot knowing anything the misiug for publication. Tenny is now a Charley Anderson, son of Mrs The del Cwuipanjr the mule was struck, was crushed A. Anderson of is has men at work IN LUCK. man will please conimunicute with titled lady of England. All we J. this place, manngemeut ou BELIEVES between the and the animal. sick at of engine Miss Ellen G. Clement. 510 know alout ber personally is that very the residence his the big ditch aud is enlarging tha Senator John J. Jones is a firm From found on the body it at Hermosa. papsre N. Y. we lecture sister, roll week. believer in luck, and claims that be was learned that the man's name Spring St., Jamestown, attended a given by ber pay every Rev- 10 II. J. asaist-an- t was B. 1. but where be was sister, Mrs. Victoria Woodhull, at Andrews, Sixteen tons of ore went out this ia entitled to no credit for being a Smith, MENTION. of the church from or where he was bound PERSONAL about fifteen pastor Episcopal week lease millionaire. I am one of the com Marquette, Mich, at El Paso, will hit here from the Burbank of un- could not be ascertained. The re- Sunday, paratively few who were born ago, at which Tenny was at ti the Sherman mine. In the were taken back to Socorro years August and preach Urn upper der a lucky star," said he. "With- mains Hon. Frank W. Parker has we are thankful for Church ami and turned to the authorities present. Still, morning evening. workings D. Slitell is getting or out luck as an aid I would never over been to legal business in Mr. Audrews will then for and burial. attending the communications aud may pub- spend the that carries over five ounce gold bare been beard of. That's the the inquest Dona must all week. next two weeks aud case of successful Any county lish bits of them from week to hunting fishing ton and generally most men, yoa FIVE DOLLARS REWARD on the Illack Range. per speaking will find, whether they will admit Mrs. Israel of Demmr, week. the mine ia looking well. e King, is it or Dot. I have found for the recovery of an open-fac- It altogether probable that always on has been a guest of Mr. aud Mrs. This has been a week of enter- Hillsboro school Ed. Strickland ia making goo. I that luck was just ahead. I once gold watch, with chain, lost the the public term and Kings-to- n H. at the S. L. C. tainment in Hillsboro with very will not commonce before with bis contract ou th wandered away from my party iu road between Hillsboro Harvey Ringer, October progress the mountains and the intense August 11th. Leave at Advo Ranch, during the past few days. little news. Tuesday evening ltd next. Rex and reports that the ore body Gravso.v. &, cold threatened to finish me before cate office. Rat Mrs. King is Mr. Ringer's partuer Hamrael Patten gave ao Amet The Captain Jack Crawford there is improving wiih every foot under Alaska &, com- I joined it again. I got the Up to 1st there were 1770 in the cattle business, and is very Magniscope and phonogrnph en- Prospecting Milling run. side of a boulder to July pany, says the Santa I'e New friendly escape mineral claims recorded in Fort much with the handsome tertainment at Galles Hall that E. the blasts that came pleased Mexican, has been incorporated at J. Collnrd was cleaning iii icy roaring is of it. waa in its aud mill down the mountain, and about the Steele, B. C, mining district. success he making very interesting way Trenton, N. J., with an author'ed the Bouanxa yealnrday after a first I taw was one drew quite a large audience It is capital of f 2.0,(KK). Captain Jack big run of Richmond ore. thing solitary a k dona cn J. A. Ancheta, Esq., the well match. 1 some brush- Repair oi Furniture, a good show aud well worth pat- Crawford's name heads the Hat of Lindner and Crumrinn huveelcv gathered and at known Silver City attorney, was wood, struck the match and it went Tinware Sewing Machines, ronizing. On the Buna the iucorKrators. and from now on en men on their of the Hillsboro Leave here on business. evening employed portion out. A little disheartened I pro- Repair Shop. yesterday legal the ladies of the M. E. Church the poet scout of San Marciul will the Snake mine and keep three ora on and orders. an ice cream aud cake si.oial dream goldou visions as well as ceeded my way, hadn't Tom Ross, the cattle king, is gave smtets steadily employed. Their before I saw an- at Mrs. Anderson's boarding house, write poetry. iiest ore runs about four ounces gone twenty paces "The Alaska Cynite Co." is send- in town. other match. But it was a wet spreading considerable pleasure -- -J. D. Perkins, formerly of this gold per ton and they ship a car- - letlers to California men claim- csh-ie- one. I dried it on my hair and ing Geo. R. Shane, who was r and sociability in the community place, sends us the arid load of t his about every ten daya an maps track it It sputtered, flickered, ing to control "equanomical of the Percba Bank at Kings- and netting quite a neat little sum pamphlets of the Pacific Coast land they are now sampling their danced, winked and finally blazed system of placer mining," having ton several will arrive for the church. Wvdnesdav even Slaamship Co. on how to raarb the second srado oro to determine) years ago, Mrs. C. a and in ten minutes I was cooking three of the best mines in Klon-dyk- e, ing U. Crews gave very Klondyke. Mr. Perkiui.' namn nf .'whether it will pay letter foi a fire. com here in a few days to accept a iu honor of Prof. before roaring My with to "mine enjoyable party the geueral agents iug or milling. raw the smoke and in a little expectations in the office of tha Met-- a Arthur E. Bennett to which a of rades position the company. TIib Charter mill is while joined roe. Ever since that one million in gold by Sept. I, del Oro large number of young people were 0k running band-"- Company. LETTER LIS T. on ore frm the Wok mine time I have just found a match at which time there will be a invited. It proved one of the m at " in Col. J. S. Crawford, List of unclaimed mail matter js;t abend. Jt ia wnri thn fnllv d:viderd Soppeation formerly enjoyalile iii.'s of the vear. Awarded a man to become d of left California last Mm )..r I ttua voii the and lying in the HilUlmro. .N M., post-ot- h for discoursg-- made that a club be informed in Kingston, cup Blithest Honors as to do with Na- saucer ; Miaa Dona .Nicl. 1 Autzu-- t Khb. 1M.I7. If not World' Fair, Life bad much each aud stock meek for the Klondike gold priz-- success as It "vaciuity" pur- iegi.n woo the fan Johnnie delivered before will be sent to the Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair. poleon's ability. document in Alaska. He says (hit he will pri:; wtt not ability that made chased. The alluring lJiniing-- r won the silver Le!t.T Ollic 10th, surely return a millionaire in a of stamp )ed Spt. bim when 22 meet, when on bis should be circulated in datkeat couple b x pi it", while Harry J. Crane 1W7. R. A. Nil hi f, P. M. 'DR; would be like - way to the river to commit suicide Indiam or Ohio and allied with years. It jut the won the bijoby Chine pnz- A lido, Jcma dead of a friend who Colonel to d so. in the night, Hartzfeldt, I'earce aud other The Los Angelew Mining Si.m k KirU. Carlo. 0 bim a belt full of Frederick gave money Hon W. S. Hopenell if out Bend us th Ilofnian, That friend, and not Napoleon, Exchange following Ixqx z, Joe Mm la. of town to bi extensive renolntions mere at changed the map of Europe, and BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. attending that passed onn Montoya, H A 'la baa hundreds of thousand catlle interests. of its rrcent met linH: Wherein, lioMiero, Al ell. given The best salve iu the world for ia binder, writers, actors, B. It a known fact that cer- Mra. Libbie. CREAKS of printers, S The family of F. Bourne, lingers, acvne soldiers and sailors Cu's, Bruises, ires, Ulcers, H!t tain porsoii, priu painters, of the Mesa d- -I Oro Com U'sciujuons CHURCH NOTICE. a livinsr. was lucky Rheum, Fever !ires, Tetter, Clip- Eq.. ripallv Hon reid ieuis of California, Rhakeapear off--rin- is t thl inin-in- g : Morn- to Lava been such a favorite of na- ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and paoy, exacted arrive are for anl vlulei. Ili!!idoro. August l.'ih all and from tha at-H'- anil, It haa service at MEM rnoft Skin positively Saturday evening ing II, ai.bject "Oir ture as to receive the royal Eruptions, Ett. Yir. " she ever bestowed upon mortal cure l'lles, or do pay required. Mr. and Mrs Bourne aid make ien the pdicy of thin Echango D'l'f to lUod Evening aervice gift -t -- to perf-c- t sat- sine H in 1S:K, to at 8. u j- Fai'h." S K. man a briu of rubies. The three It is guaranteed give HiHsbori their home, organization Saving isfaction or refunded. rwcipying fraida when at H p m The (.uMioi L'a are the great things in tie money npoteauch poitle rrrdlally A WW! the handsome Gravaon reaidence Part Oraaa Creaa at Tartar PsasVr. world: Light, Love and Luck." Price 25c. per bri For sale by and to offer full protection to the muted J A Mriwuj, i? V SrH all drngcisls. which has been tastefully famished patrons of lU members, oow thtre Factor M- - E Church 40 YEARS Tl IE STANDARD which in (ho brtimt of be- banket. The of tho I'AltKKK. . D. DISSIXCER & S0J springs object ropeg FW. at Law anJ Smcittmu Ilillsboro Mines '. fog found among the, ebct which was to prevent the baloon reaching Output Cliantery. lemN to tttakifi nil upon the glit-tfriti- tf n great height. Tho carrier ilillKboro, New Meiico" (Opposite Postoffice,)J B courWof the Ter- t'KIUAY, At Ol'wT 13, Mi7. wlmcl of fortune.' Thin lmve for if the voy-Aer- Will in all the pigsoriB fUed, Advocate's" Annual prnotice to all flu A ...... I 1 .. "The fromntHtterition Kiven LEADING PAR ...iffiu in I lived they could have dia ritory. THE KuUirixl l IIjk I .mtilt.n. t 1IJIuIhi;.i. Statement, Compiled from touiyctire CO. jirr rouiilf, .S..w Wi'tivi, f.,r trNiimiim to the fpriftl of Ittich an exeile-(iiii- i putched birdfi At interv:il, a.nd BERS OF SIERRA Ihruuub tli t'uitwl MhiJu. . , .... Mill and Smelter Hooks Mta 15 . nri4 clnM rnuOi r. nlfrjT. i IIOHNSIiOrf or men H re t J iIjohh Bonf out during tne firAt ten and Accounts. KLL10TT, 0 CJI.UIGE I OK KXTKAS. imbtJHl wi!h fie n ir it of tlionw hi)H fhoold hfive been beard from A. Next! ' AtturHey at Law, Free I Coinage of ,S7w whoohliWnt I hi AiuHiem fron- hi f(B thin, if At fill. K. M. u: in . .onrrt'T ok iwm tons. Hillaboro, tier f.orn the mrip. 'J'lio ci.bjn THE PARLOR SALOON " huild'Tit of tllO PKt htlVU Imt1 CANADIAN MINING OUNCKH 70 500 OFFICIAL jTiT'F R OF 10,U:t iOI.I) ; H. FIELDKK, ' the for a new JiKhTltlCTIONM. OUNCKS SII.VIH; H7 TONS JAM. SIERRA COUNTY. Hruuriug hoiimi CO It. It i evident tb Dominion I'll. oullet f.r their enerpieH for mmin that Attorney at Law, in intenda to make thfl nfw gold fieldH TOTAL VAIAJK K OUTPt'T OK y nt. Ibu opportunity NF-- MKXICO. .m-- fr lM!l i CITV. liiv'tion wHh (wriuio uiw mt mjvfi a ponrce of hiryo revenue to itself. wn,'M.m. PILVnt hit nl tlirmsturv hlivlm'k Hgrncl, nl wppfiient'y prewenled in the frigid omi in nr nubm-rij-- t TON OK MKiiiitl triven littly u) wnsteg of thi l ot One pjpgHluri is that a royAlty of AVKKAtJK VAI.l i: SALE. ion rmiiitf li tin in. ciicli', OUTJ'l'T 1K!M, 17 H7. be collected on Hmali Kill f (hone who j;o Miouh know thnt lOjiercent My Ranch and Coats at TOUOLlf nre lit mid well for oulpulH of gold And 20 per cpnt en hKUKKIW. Ihey prepared Value of Ore Produced Dur- Tierra Ulanca, N, M. M yit-ld- i TlJChS UR PH V, xop victor. -- I ho larger This Hi Addition f Of all the fi v 8 which tike men afidortiikiiip. ing the Fast Six Years : tothnflii for registering a claim Ranch has pood house and ofT their ffft on. curry uumnHon. 1891 $253,ooo. rOIHOKI) J.Y KKKLV nnd an annunl licensn fee of 100 wells. A large pasture ing IhoimnndM into hii unknown Till; 1892 354,424 good CUJUC. on eaih producing mine. JJut under fence. Utid, Ihme in noiKi tso irrcfiiMlible llifl J .I Fr iii Paw TitnoH , much larger and novel Goats number 750, snd m the gold mining fever. It mat entirely 1894 5432,680. It. C, IiUck, who hnd for monthg propimif ion in held in renerve. It shear wool of the value of U'rt not that Hi o trnihi to the. Kl 1895 $489,598. been boarding fit the Uedell, died ia that the Dominion nbfill retain IIilllioro, N. M DuriidoH of thfl final pun he fol 1896 428,399. 300 per year. at his room in each itltHi nate to be worked lilt-ache- yehterdny claim lowed by the bonea of Will he sold cheap. sgony. ;ir. jofiek wnn formerly on ltn own Account, J!y thm rule thou who hurried on before, mire In Above Statement Gold is employed in tho Bmbi Fe freight one. half of all the gold territory c. E & of wealth find hnppi-iieHu- ; at $20.67 oz.; nor, CREWS, cnnxoquent this but lout bin will be bell tho Figured per it matter not oIk:e, city, poi by government, Silver at Tierra lilanca, N. M. that dependent , 65c, per oz.; tion on Account of driril-- eon.o and in foieh u way that itn value oneg who wem left (it home etrtitf at 1 2c. lb. PROPRIETORS uiontliH go'. Copper per M. Alter loMi'ng hif job will hi determined by the work of FRANK I. GIVEN, D., m fcled on through penury nnd wiint Ulnck cecuied to give hin.'HcIf up adjicent inifi'irt. If the latter for yenrt, reluct nut to ivo up nil HIKKllA COUNTY LIVERY AND PEED fomph to drink. lant make a rich Mi ike the OFMCERS, N. M. hopn of return for the, ndvenlurer li'ly During government, STABLE, winter hu got into n rn.v with reservation on each Hide will ap- who either went to hi Krancineo I'.oj.jrijili'B i dentil or ce Henry Jlo'ifcholzcr, ninrniiig bur-tend- preciate accordingly, nnd tint the Kolieil VV'.'.a. I (."o.cetnom'HfionerB BfiV-Offi- in Nower's Drug HILLSBORO, N. M. embitured by disappointment, .folin K. Hhcelnr. ) Hours-Fro- m 1 st tho Kcmite. In the row coat and risk of development will Store building. dropped into oblivion. None of luliaii l'liavi'7, 1'rohutn .lielt; to 3 m.. and G:H0 to 8:"0 p. rn. ISI.ick was hhot in the urm, but bo thrown tho p. thenc wnrninK daunt the upon miner. 'linn I'. Hull Probate Cleik niun onflered with the very little inconv nnnco Miner for placer gold Are a AiikiihI Ifeinpirilt Slierifl' Usslon hope of dicing nj Ol Moid from the wound. cIuhh of men who have y Arelrew An8CMHor ppeedy forluuu out of bosom of hardy Kelly Myers IU Will M. ItoliiiiH tho earth. Jiob Illnck w us toilniuHy h very claimed n largo degree of .TreuHiirer umn nd hud iu Augiiil Muyer .Sui.t. of ScIkk.Is tr Th bright young niHiiy their operations PROPRIETORS CHlifornln gold excitement Manuel M,iiletuii . .I'oruner friends who regretted to eee bim and the privilege of dia- - of Hi) whm the in the bin turning gretHt liimsolf n- - OO III throwing Awny, Hv. Mr. coverii'B to their own benefit, - tory of the woild. ti.le X- IE. Little Comer Saloon, The of French Iiiia huececib'd in iilno the burden of fail O. 0. curing euuiing urea. I hiifr'Mi in t HE 1'KltCHA l.ODOK NO.!l,.f).O.K.,OF ARE hardship, djMAppoitit-men- eeverul 1'hmo FINE. TRY men in Kl of their Ap- which are numerous. In oider to IJilMlmro, rne(8 it t It. of 1', 11BI1 evnty N. M. And duMth Krni.-i- Ilillsboro, ulttndnnt Hvinniirf. Vi;ili"K 'othtrB oordi-all- THEM upon petite for utrong drink, ko the collect its nhnr, (Snada will le iiivllinl. tlmtfporh ma now a of our Walk part friemlH of Mr. I'bit k eiilio:d the compelled to mainlaiu a larg ofii KKANK 1. (ilVKN, N. O. fIT in, gentleinen. hnMory, and t tho of otto 1:. v. o. gold (Wi fin-till- (ii:.M.. j. eyinpiithy of Mr. French, w ho y force, and will be ! J4QO.O0 Reward. lnrni in n liliijntioii Nuwera, ocretory. p.irmliHe, And wiim (ilacs of lee Water v. ly ii!ed Mr. Uliick to hike endlewt Tho gold in aecure I I ill pny the fur to b bud fi r piThti by on the niile. umi the, tin) tmkilig ah com m il (,,lX'. the Keely cure. Mr. Fiench took kinking n elmft and thou drifting nnef't e(.i;icii(.,(,f ,nfrn pHied with the gold of Aliokii. nr ii "ii.V of thn iiihi4 nnd in the Hutml ritlum of pHip.i.iin lily HijJ ehergn young giavel. Much IKK II A I,Oi,UK NO 8, K. 1.1F I'. r Allowing fur exMggcriiliniiH due culled on him to mlmin work wiil be Oilllmru, meet lit ('untie llttll evnr V. II. BUCHER, hiiip lli,.t in IjiJ lollnv II jj rcgnhtriy unprofitable done and I11 hi ii idi-- ; hiIhv vi :ih i Hi i,'( lni k . Viniiien tothdenire of trmporlAlioii nun lider thu at if mo nieilieine, nnd Ulnck entirely (lie expen, minern. ltiuliti.'iir'ti,ul invited in ml. 1' M 1.. c v c. v. HGTABY FUBLIC. JH MKSt, in,. piiiiie. iiifiilniiuB and oihiMa to Allowed are to nu ;i:, IE every eigu of doing well They entitled great latitude J V.. K. of K, Jk H. a . . . CoU,.ik!, rep l.HivtM, und HlluwliiK for i ... in ami - New Mexico, ('UK miner inn ircMimeiil wnii'li wh pioHpecting locating claima llilltiboro, IKK N H THM ) the nutunil Hi UHiiiioiiitliHiit ,,f I ti(, begun under Hev. Mr, H'rench'a di- Incidentally they open up vant gold iufectud mind, IImto in no rect loim htrelchia of niiheltied A. K. .1 . M I.OOGK. OK KtSOSTON About liftr n ()nyn Ago. A territory, cc Q question l,ut tliHt AliiHka in otic of i'he MneiR 'I'liuriMliiy on mi lifiiire full moon. few diiya ego, however, tin phtient treiirtuiH they iccioe m poured V lm( torn IliViifil. tr-fitei- s the fivldn of Till . Mt W. M m J the , gold higii of An If, rim' end into tho channeU tf commerce-Traile- hTIIY, give Ir. AseiiKW Posfirfl-ie- world. It doe not fol- Kki.i.y, Peerelmv. Ad(!ie-f- i : ueieHHdrily I! tee, to whom Mr. French report- agi iculmro nnd t ran sport a -- low, however, Unit it in a W. If. .TnNFR. Oik k'fi Vi-fk- . good ed daily (lie condition of bin pa lion fiicililira follow in their wake. ALOYS rKlClSSKK, plnee for to In fact ever) br,y go, Hint medi They have founded pro-.i,.ij- tient, recommended the eplendelly ASS - i ot more than ono in a hundred of AVER AND CIIEM- 111 cine be, d!KCOii!it,!i.d for e dny or tte islo Ouhforcia, thomiwlm will Mart for 1ST, this naw two. This dono nnd then the whose gold yield, while Mill heavy, Kl Durndo would nn exnininn-- t ia iiiHignill-Hi- it lllM.HHORO, N Al. Well, but I do :. pin medicine win Agun given the pu. compaied with the say, on tu dtfteniiiitA their UtijeHs for of orti(! at Laiillaw a -- o tieut, who l;iit Miindiiy evening recoils ite other induMtries. Issay building, FN BEST VALUE the trip. The niuo who Ciimnlu mako went of Court House. ninety. coniphiinod of beinut Very t.iek. will a great mistake for would frtil will fiirniMli tlm your money tri.Li.(ly He continued to grow woran until in laying bviivy bmdenn or reatric nlwayn in the IN prefent great pbiy ,,f lyehterdyy morninir wln-- Dm tioriH niou the pold huntera. DRY GOODS. CLOTH- the bunt for ' gold TIioha who c,'i n Scliugt on J It.ico weie cdlcd in tea . ING, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTARY PUBLIC m . fif o . go with nome of 6,ut-(V- A man who Hmt ho pr.tepert and they found the man in piya is the 't GROCERIES, &c. if young H thee murvelouH of richer original Schlatter has been creat-in- g 23 (aim ivitivullHons nnd in fact dyini from And General Ha are true-n- ro utile excitement young, hodiml the effects of fOyebiiiiie and acto great hero, T. V. ? AGENT- - Where)A It AO men ArctiMtuuied to burd lUHiiiiitl which was Snyder, formerly a state Henator, CQLLECTI1IN f&At ON it ALEUTS pia piol ably contained . lnlwr, to the hoin about the ispoNuie ibuomti in the Kudy cure medicine. All walking streets, Ilillsboro, N. M. K.VL'J.KNKH, KIP.HKA CO , N . M. nnd with h nn 'itiil btiovnncv mo, I wah injured twelvn bo be il.'itu to Have tin. yiiun man failed yeArs ago, rciibtiug power to h ta not walked without a A. fa!:y fipml tlot and at 'J:30 o'clock nfter-noo- n crutch or NICKI.K, of their bodies. jotfrd.iy &-- CXPKKICNOE. I'll) fiddly they he brcallied hi hnt. aiio Kince. Without dictation R. muBt bo men whs. .x-tr- from llourioh in The ducea.-ie- nny mm Mr. Snyder viaited wis nlmut twenty-eih- t of cold. Hi, tho hea'er nid ho baa now Justice the Peace, Mentally, y mu! or' thirty er of ae And laid bi men whom fniluni but naidrt bin crutchea and cane. An- - - - n. M. epui waa a brotiier of Jerry Ulaek, the IHM.SHOUO, to further . ITort. in o her nlliKcd i It aIho ii,,,1 (jeneral of cute that of John panenoer A(jent the TRADE MARKS, lesxtowAy tlott thine Abidknn MraiiHi). lie bad a broken and DESIGNS. S.mta Ft. railroad, with he.idijuart-ii- h leg choul i no cmld not walk hbout And, nfter T. C. SMNQ At family Topek i. Tho remaiim were DU. ALJililll' H. W I M behind them Alh.wHnei Schlatter him ill Eli '.".'b u lnMion Ii oi, lurt turned over to KmctAtui & Hcrrien treated be wag en MilMn'.r rh"r Mrtotif and they immt Iihvh in their money and Mr. abled to get up nnd walk, Canton. cash FwIT1 ItUc'tj ut 'li'pcka waa noti-lie- d ;. lailt a thooHHiid giMwl Imid dullarc. Ohio, j'renA nisimti h. 33ontist, .iiS?-'-'- of hirt binltiei't, dealh. SOlEfiTIFIC Rooms 2 aud 3 Wells Hloc-fc- , AMERICAN. in Anierie.ui coin to mc them Farp.) h Natutullv Mr. French feels very GROCER, thrmich th r;!, Attorneys who oppose irriiation ra,:j.t!ia' uiil;,.( had over the of Li El Paso, Tkxas. v.hlch remit eiTotU to in New Mexico havo aooeiibd tn AND DEALER IN GENERAL will confront them on tlnir , r lehtoro tlo 1 1 MUNN & I JMUiiyi man to icallli Office hours 3 to :,;o fh,, ' I I MERCHANDISE, a. CO., rrivid. me oil I, m., fin,j 'ij.Bfou,,nv, New Vork. land biippim.H. Jtfit tb retsiill io 4:00 p. m. 1 m i reveiiie .Jndgn liantz's recent hoe hit Abould lint .in i! ll il'J.llf.l l.u.l . .. . 1 - I .1 HILLSBOliO. n'l noma ik(m1 M will JAMES DALGLISH tin,,ed lo .UHU an, to,, numer and, attempt to prove co. j.;Uue o,. m.tter by bo,. the mtdi. to hew Men ROBINS CHEWS," ou to mention. Thin vlam in tho higher tribui)l that their , i'ini a (..Imiintered. Mr navigation bubble bed been AUGUST ENGF. I.MAN pipped a UVcmh baa , e good' LI ly.t ,,., several N. M. dmnbed. Iha'broke-iudividn.lJ,,,,,,,,,,- exploded. UILLSOUIiO, feat Market whamakeibis way to therm ifie' - -- , T11K TUl'K KCMKDV. coaaI in bene of ome mira. le b,.- - l'UDFFSSt)!: AN ;J!Ki:'S FATF IN' ; - 1 W. M, editor WAGON i Uejiine, Tiekilwa, the uK in.....In. hnU wbich j The of - deti!8 th iif I'l'o- HI., "Chief," : 0' ':!ci: Buii.n,N?P' mil enable bun to cover the re - "V0 w.on', AND feor Audite for tba N'mih l',.c boiiho inmninp ,'i.inki .,ii,. 1 keep without lr. Kint'n ''I'm New li.-covt- flld. i d to for )i.,.,l .lit.App.,iit,nrtt flW (,ut ,!, n , (Vnsoimption, j,;ly ji(r Coughs And Colds. Blucfcsmitii I luniier 1 It man Ui n ntinU l.iI eu KxpiMimented 1 hnr i chi lv four i 1 . . wild many but n. vvr rnioa. jum emmgi, t take him cka tin ft other, got 3 - F ' ht iu steu convesitv the truis :iJa.'1 ' we fr,r. li-n- remedy until used n. ii,i. net.,,!) ii IK i 1,1 I i,.,.il. lr. ilttoar It was ihT N-- King' Picovery. No other the viivie remedyv cui take- - i;. .. t.l... v .. the uf , tu. j in if Oil! ifTitU e.ily sn.iwg an would aite In - j ''Pied. culculat- HH 1 : . . l(ltur.t iu we lutercnmnoln .1 it hv h cert hi n HILLSBORO, N. m. m,m , BORATOR inter, nnd wm-i- jinn ine iiianctd or tbrt return .i,m Y. I .':' ii-- ..' 1 ?L 0 ur ' tifl.i "ro euro for b cold Ci' it cuU a lMU!ll cl.ftl II V iin ll.j. I. r.,f., .. t I,..- ... r .. c.'ii' ...... r i..Mrrii 1(11- HHI I I Iffir. .'.I w i r .,. io.1l.. . .. i . . . ' ,,l"v i uru.r.i.. iBin. . nooping cough, etc." It jdie'i jOncuina'llico thi balocn t imotit 1 hrt tfliuior n.i- r...... 1 ,i...... i . iti.t expei with ether reniedie?, " in" m li'AI H- in" t eoitnmnuv iji tliiit At the I. ,i.,t f... I ...... " even if thry ftr cn u a "i t- -i Se utmost ibo i f it nrgrd yt ) V0T5LD-.Vtr- e of aa l ,:ta few n CIRCULATION., ud no good a a Dr. ' wvniu will be ne-vh-- b-- ynt KuV Nfw nd tnmH ve ,,, Y.'?f ! Illustrate J. .Uy. Iti.c.vcry Jlir v , ,,, fta Twca'.y t y; a. it- - bw-Hu- e .arly I.itry re,e,t , exhausted. The of t! e dr.14? this lH a record alf lh I bg remedy V' fw will of of Mp.-- whuli ban euies and bet.i i(8 in I tOLLATvS ' ,A-- SLOW. PrnnrLi.. uc.fcUad much been fiunmu ) THEXE TtM XtkK. r0STPAI. I Tn. -- f..iM- - ...... 1 ft a.. --, . ,u" d.AA. liev..r ' anfld-r-jnatii- OLD liitteily .lid, waanot a d it.Ht.ter lm. . . i rui rim o in hi, h n , Ar)Vfrr,AT.. cr,t a.iriy. ...1 OoUlea fret. t K. ; uio uope ttcrna caue t her L. N b druj? rTKfljwsjirmFicrEEss, $! n eveniiin. OFFICP V 1 Wllo t.therd,i0)ljeUb,re. by extpfi ll,. ya m r. r.t;.li ..:,.... diu! i ."1 tab,, nl, ai aiivj n, Art .. ft win.. . , """ Holnni,....., KEL:P OFF THE GRASS. SIERRA COUNTY MINES. IERRA COUNTY BANK A iiuhiIht of lazy and improvi- dent workmen devoured a larger HILLSRORO, NEW MEXICO. part of Judge Rock's lavvu last FKIIUY. AV'(ilST 13, 1H7 INVEST- night. The police force iu that GREAT CHANCES FOR PROITTAPI.E section of the city should bo in- MENTS, acixijs of is kept on file atPaperE, C. DA EE'S creased. Judge Rooks had one ( Chi- A General Banking Business Transacted. Advertising Agency, (51 ami the finest lawns iu Chicago. The Nlack looked at from direction, presents Merchants San Frau-cisc- o, Range, any Exchange, cago Tribune. whose timter-cla- California, where contracts a curious aspect, dark and smoky, peaks The rain of w ill for advertising can ho made for it. heavy yesterday cut a serrated Une on the horizon. The name "Hlack Range' bo a great boon to our unemployed is given on account of the heavy forests of pine and pinoit BLACK. citizens. had eaten the of . jr. ZOLLURS, President. THE RANGE. They that grow so thickly all over the country, This range From tin; Ch.Un'iilo limine. grass nearly to the roots on all the mountains extends iu a northerly and southerly direction, W. II. BUCHER, Cashier. distance Mag-drtlen- vacant lots within 1 miles in Frank II. Winston was at a walking and is iu length about 20 miles and about forty of the and wcro to this week attending a ship-me- i city, beginning width. Water and game abound there in plenty, ant' along; show of revolt namst the es t of cattle by the Peer Park signs the eastern llank of the Range belt of mineral gold, lablished order of Two or Cattle company of which ho is tilings. silver, copper, iion and manganese. 1. B. three showers w ill do much to r. NOWESS, president. store confidence. Chicago luter is silver Mrs. M. L. Slieeniui.of Murphys, The first section showing value, the great produc- Ocean . of this section are Calaverpa county, California, would ing mines of Fake Valley. The mines Fed- a lateral and like to know the whereabouts of A ilelegation from the Civic enclosed ami almost entirely surrounded by strata riiggist Stationer, eration walled on the South Park is the location d her boh A. M. Lock wood who is of ouartite resting upon dolomite. This Commissioners and urg- win re worth of HILLSBORO, N. M. supposed to he somewhere in New yesterday the famous " Chamber," 3,000,000 ed that could bo saved and w in faix months. Mexico. Anyone knowing the money almost silver as extracted subserved pi'te ALL ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY whereabouts of the said A. M. the interest of humanity with lawn-mower- two other sdver ATTENDED TO. Lockwood will confer n favor by by dispensing North Pnrha and Ticrra Pl.inra, great unem- 18 miles Hhce-nan- . in the and on this Lake belt, some immediately untitling Mis. parks tinning located Valley wolkmeu loose after mid- cimpp.are has been found in Fine Win,es and Liquors for medicinal purposes. ployed distant. Gold, also, fascinating quantities night. Chicago Chronicle. With this issue, Tho Rlack at both these latter camps. llangB ceases publication. It is Mr. James P. Mitchell of Hills- The silver camp of Kingston, at the foot of the GO. not withont regret we make tho an is an for prcat MILLER & boro, applicant appoint- Hbck eight miles from Hillsboro, has produced EUEK, uouncement. the condition of as master at that town. Range, ment post in silver. This camp has experienced two looms, afl'uirB that confront tho nilvor min- of 7,000.000 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Mr. Mitchell is a man ability will no a with fair silver legislation. sectio-.i- , where and doubt enjoy third, ing industry of this and fine reputation and member of upon the prosperity depend the Republican territorial commit The next is the rich I lillsborn gold district. It ia CTIIIll lli:ri'ITI I Tt.l liirin- T Til'. of that metal, camp I.I, in l.n. 1IT f'HO healthy production tee from Sierra county, Santa Fe located the eastern contact of the 'mineral belt of lh are such that we deem it advisable upon i 3 n vssr New Mexican. tl c formation of the district where the rich gold ore to discontinue until range, Itf '.IlillTJ llfl f" ''"""i..rniinir.ii.iiiilhiin.iiBi.iUiLii'iiiii publication The veins are tine fissures. The that lime comes when is ROCKEFELLER'S SACRIFICE found being porphyry. prosperity mine alone'in this district dividends amounting restored the rehabilitat- Ponanza paid Largest stock of Coods in Sierra Count) through Win. Rockefeller, the Standard about Hillsboro also has large and very rich Carry of silver. will to 250,000. ion Oil Company magnet, sell which are at last about to be made to give up. , gold placers, Therp was ft seduction case from worth of at Tarty-town- and Prices properly their vast treasures to the Mesa del Oro Company. We buy from First Hands, (Jnr Defy Competition. Kuss N. for o.'iO.OOO because ho Monticello, before Judge Y., Hillsboro is the oldest camp in Sierra County Oiu Stock of Ooh considers tho assessment for taxa at Fairview last Monday. and lias produced altogether about 9,000,000 in gold,, Fdwardo Tnfoya wanchatged with tlon outrageously high. millionaire the seduction of Miss Constnncia Robert Jionner, the The Black mineral belt again shows richly at Her Boots lab of Maud S. and other fast Range Dry hh ;:i Sk, Caps, Sanchez, a winsome young lady of owner miles from Hillsboro, in a body of limestone o of Westches- mosa, 27 great seventeen. The attorney for the horses, says the name dolomite character. The silver camp of Hennosa ha sskod that the be ter hIiouIJ bo changed to defense prisoner County shipped about 2,000,000 in silver, and as yet has hardly 233 because the said at- because his U one Xjs XT 325 HZ, discharged (as "Yosfrobbor''County," reached its prime. Free coinage would make probably the farm is taxed too much. torney explained ii) that of the most prosperous mining camps in the West. Y GRAIN, FLOUR. POTATOES, PRODUCE "com plaint and warrant issued were A great number of wealthy peo-pi- e at -- faultless," and His Honor sharing have summer Tarry From Hennosa the mineral belt can be traced into The John P. camp tho Hume opinion, the charge town, Rockefellers, the Mining District, of which the town of Chloride BUILDING &C, dis- helmve have Apache MATERIAL, ngaiiitd the prisoner was not and Willism, they the business center. Here great veins of mineralized quarts, missed. After display of been fpeciallv marked as victims the formations. Along the-easter- We orders from camps crop above enclosing country Complete. give neihboricr; prompt lightning shooting by the contest- by the local sssesr.ois Last yeio' contact the amount of work has been done ' William Rockefeller's was greatest Attention.' ing legal lights the case wns post- place at Byers Run. Here the vein in one place at the a valuation of commencing '1 poned until 10 o'clock Saturday, taxed on 1,100,000. Cliff mine shows a width of more than five feet. hence to EL.AKE VALLEY and HILLSBORO Aug. 7th. The prisoner wob put Tho purchase price, according the vein we find, all along, evidences of work was looking along nuder $500 bonds to appear on Mr. Rockefeller's agent, Ipl&V the miner has done, in piles of ore ly ing at the mouths of tun- t iftt date. Miia Sanchez belongs 000, and th improvements cost nels and shafts. These ores are rich in silver, and tarry gold MOUTH to one of the best families in Mon- about IflioO.OOO. Of courso last from 8 to SANTA FE enough to make their working profitable say lie and lias borne a assessment was considered ticello tthvnys good year's gold per tun. The Most Direct Line to. churftct?r. excessive by Mr, Rockefeller, con- sidering the amount the place cost mine has been worked to some, suffi- A man and wife were ejected to The Midnight St, Louis him, and he appealed the courts, value. 1 he Colossal mine is another Ijlansas City, Chicago, a oar in New York Htate cient to prove its great New York, Philadelphia, from bx Pending the prootidinga the lis Boston, bound for the The of equal worth, Denver, Omaha, St, Paul, Klondyko. sessment for this year wns made. on a of her hus- woman had suit of fact that tho im- In spite the On the northern slope of Hagan's Peak is located an Points. bands clothes. assessment was being And All Northern and Eastern portant group of claimsthe St. Cloud, Atlanta U.S. Trcas AN OLD TIMER GONE. fought as too high, tho village as. a in ury and White Eagle. On the Treasury shaft entirely to more ot John F. Dodds, who has been sessors calmly proceeded ore the vein to a depth of 140 feet, showing on the 100-fo- t ii double tho it opens confined in the territorial asylum tin valuation, fixing level an ore body more than 24 feet wide; running high, at is.'J.'W.HOS. As there is no com. Trains, Fast Time. Smooth Track. at L:m Vegas for a year past, died in silver and $10 in gold. Through iu tax, assessments, the as- at that place Tuesday morning nt petition sessors had fill tho benefit of a 10:30 o'clock, aged eighty-si- x years the Silver Monument mine, trust and applied trust Crossing the belt we come to The deceased was well known in agreement, in bornitc methods. Mr. Rockefeller has de which has been sunk to a depth of 400 feet, ores, Pullman Palace Sleepers on all through trains. this county, coming hero in tho Elegant and clared his intention of sidling out rich in siiver, with a little gold.. Dajly Tourist' Sleeping Cars to Denver, Kansas City early SO's. He was bom near semi-weekl- at a sacrifice and to Tourist Cars y to St. Paul where he resided great moving Chicago. Sleeping Dayton, Ohio, ho A of claims are now worked on Mineral Creek,, week Louis and Boston. to New Port. Tho assessors say group being and Minneapolis, and once each to St. until 1871, when he moved of and a small mill is joking. near the town Chloride, stamp operating.. Kansas. He lived in Colorado fur other claims of this district are worth mentioning the cars for 'meals at the New Mex Two All trains not having dining stop awhile and then came to FREE PILLS. ami Nordhausen, both containing good ore. Full information i of the first own- Keadjuster famous Santa Fe Route Harvey Houses, so. He was one Send your address to U. E furnished to of coal hav- qheerfully upon application ers the Carthage lands, Rucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a In the Grafton district, next nn the Black Range,, the existence of mining ing discovered free sample box of Dr. King's New mine. woik con- Gen. El Texas. is the famous Ivanhoe gold Development E, COPLAND, Agent, Paso, coal an one of his surveying trips. A convince class ore of; Life Pills. trial will sists of a 250 foot tunnel on the vein, The lirst He was surveyor of this city city you of their merits. These pills this ! 7 ozs. gold ton. W. II. BROWNE, T. F. & P. A., El Pasa, Texas. afterwards resided property yields per alone time, and are easy in action and are particu- Han in this for which, in Antonio, county, larly iffectivein the cure of con- The Ivanhoe vein enters the Emporia claim, upon I,AS ANIMAS LAND A CATTLE CO T. W. EAGAN, and for some time :oaDy years, stipation and sick headache. For t of work has been done in ore. Shipment returns, lived in Dona Ani where 750 county, malaria and liver troubles they ore show 13 oz. gold ton. He of Emporia per SSlacksniifh he had charge of a grant. bare been proved invaluable. Mason in and was AND a lSl;, They are guaranteed to bo perfect- this vein which has been prospected1, to rest in the Masonic ceme- The next place along put ly free from every deleterious sub warrant an estimation of value is at at Las 8 icorro Adver- sufficiently to Camp tery Vegas. stance and to be purely vegetable. mik-- north of the Emporia mine, at which " Kiivrsbury, three Wagon tiser. They do not weaken by their of mines. Ore Trf conntv.N. is located the Great Republic group pnfflre Polomim. Birr l tuiio camp M RnnRe, Anims ranch, Mrra oonmy. of King- Hi'tion, tut giving Ij i in has been nimcd here in p.accs,. en Wm. Cayzr. formeily worth per pound gold ondorhulf crop ch ear. bowels invig-orat- e .aid Earmark.,' on Repairer, from White stomach and greatly from the whole have Horu brand atne oattle but leli N. M. ston. N. M., arrived and shipments group Hillsboro, the nt& general Shoulder, Mills and departed for Colorado on system. Regular Additional Brandt. box. S old L. E. ShopinJ. E.hmith's building morning's passenger. 2'w.. per by on id yesterday jjjjjjjjj on hare aaioe r Nower's Noweis and all druggists. a nt hows lef,hipjj early opposite Kingman Mineral Wealth. A wooi now to Investors or those looking for routdry tl W 22 . ami O left aids. riht hip. drug store. much has enllicient to warrant the in of money with a fair reasons riKbbiu. lonth animal "Lives of HKr men oft remitid Sj far alsjut as, gold putting on 1 llinr work done in a satisfactory a reasonable Ibe 23 riabt thiph. fjSfhW as able asaurancn of being successful in reaping profit toil don't stand a been hkftt into the Klolidyke of Hierra hav , W. 8. HOPEWELL. Manager. ammicr. us, honest cLanee; money placed. The different miuiuK sections County d been carried out. the more we work there giows has been developed to that eiteut a to leave uo question us to thin ulti" McPherson & McPhcrson, us bigger patches ou our Christ's Church Mission. mate great value. pants on our pants once new and ore Church, Hillsboro, N. M. There is an abundance of gold ai.d silver here awaiting ti e comitg-o- f ship your glossy, are many stripes of difTW. Episcopal Proprietors Services are held rooming and those wlw hive tho means to bring it to the surface. It is also truSi To the ent iiu", all because subscribers of audi evening on alternate Sundays, at that many of theae eampa are remote from centers reduction, w is J I linger, and don't pay us hat the Union Church. Union Sunday therefore the necessity of having some means of handling La loMr Silver City doa Let us all be up and duic, j School is held at 10 a. rn. on every grade ores near whers they are wined. Koductioix send your mite, Loevrr small, or Sunday at ll Union Church. L K. NOWKIIH, but come with Under tHse K1I.VFR N. M. when the eoows of winter strike J Com to Sierra Conoty, money. CITY, Church Warden aud Culd awaits N. we shall Lava uo pants at all." rich proutable you. W Correspondence solicited. Hillsboro. M.. us, t N-- N-- TlliS PillLOSOPHEK'S HTONK. one-- 19 f E W E '4'. section of Opening it, La Admitted a famous of one per cent of anti- Jot A, section 7, township 8., ran ten H. ment with the title Icdasfrisi 7 w., 40 acres; b-- i4 N-- sectiuu 3J, township 10 s, ranue 0 W, with Thers is each a a tho Indian Lewis is taken the rotation of Commiaeioner, headquarters; thing fighter, Wbetzell, mony op by 2U, 111 a., ranifs 8 w., 40 mw tax iH'J', tux 7.7y, ioterent 'Z.'M, towna'iip), at and ot IM'.I.-- "JI ; 90.H4 VAa 10 05. Chicago. philosopher's alouo. It comes a companion, Jonathan Gates, it at once becomes worthless. I'y tux '94, '!;, 'W, Ui so as V- This department will, far from the earth. The known as ritic if interest 4i -' totul $137.18. PKECINCT EiariT. earth is th commonly ''Long Arma," ores, free, will work raw, Nun, tax 60e., in it seems with Henry It., residence; house snd lot, tax of compatible propriety, arce of all material good, but the "Friend said otherwise they must le roasted. tcrest .14c, totul i4 Baca, Miijuel, 1S95, take a paternal interest in tb Lewie," Wank, S-- 'M2, tax 7 interest Nun, T. W. 8-- !4', K. '04, '03, 2o, 3.47, philosopher's stone is the. The solution has for M., S ,4' totul 10.72. pevelopment of the towns and ter only "where have thee and our friend great aflioity section 8, 19 a., rutin w township j Chavez, lternardn, estate of, houne snd served our and thing it yield that endures for- been, and whore bound?'1 chloride of silver. I'iO Keren; tax 5.30, interest 1.44, total ritory by Company, lot, tax of 1S05, tax 3 00, interest 0c, it will to all ever and $.7. 3 respond promptly f.,revir. Of the 8-- wheat, "I want to out of at W. J. of a 15. F.. 10 totul 00 estab- get here Arkell, proprietor fat ku, section N-- W calls for iu the . )i, Head section the corn, tho or I ho flesh ft-.- "4 N-- ft-- N-- M r. k llowetl.WM cotton, aaid New York illustrated 'i, '4 '4. 10 runne 4 t,K N-- lishment of factories, location of once, Vhef2ell, "and Long City ft-- t IS, a, w, i paper, 4 :, wi ioii township 18 s township that grew from the. it can be i , section 13, 10 s, ranue mills and of grasi, Arma is of the same not wholly devoid of nerve. On rnir K w., 1o0 acres: tax of H'J5. ".'4 township 5, the development any aid opinion, w. 100 acres, tux of 115, 'yl, tux 14.71', All be die "of dust thoo art and unto the of "Xi; tax i!.H3, interest 10.63. total and resource that may This Switched, and strength an allpged "expedi-lion- " interest 0.01 , total O 73. dust country's :i7 ri . ccvered. thou hhalt return ;' but the to Alaska in t Long Arma and I are nearly scared "JO, he lays KuHmiissen, K. M,, residence, tax of rilECINCT NINE. It will endeavor, where neces- atons J 31 philosopher's neither rota to death." claim to 4100 of Is'tf. '94; tax 3.4.1, interest , total American and Flacstuir .Mine, tax square miles "gold 14 74. Flan sary, to place prodace in touch Dor of 1SD5, tax 4.75, interest 1 38, total decays. fields" on the Yukon and now an- KiiiK, adorie 1. with markets, and in a way "friend Lewis, thee roust not tell On, house, tax 78, interest $0.13. general total W 21). The miner's product is the phil- nounces that be will "euforcn" his 4Je., S F Culver's one-eigh- it will undertake to bring about audi stories to me," said old Elins. Tate, Tims. and Antelope Mine, A., dwelling, ccrrul of 1S'.)5, tax 1.4S, interest conditions all over our osopher's stout. It lies at tint claim. He will Lave a hlucksmith tux of ltt'l.l. 'H4 and interest, tat improved "Thee knows I am happy time shop, totul (1 11. aM thy fricud, tux 12.70. 6 total 43c, System. taais of activity, wealth and of it. "; interest I0, K residence in Eagle Camp, and I have saved thee when a price $l'J3li. I'oran, J. It will not attempt to boom any power, lake th of the In the DeaiH house iu Hermosa. tux of 1SI5. '04, '03. product 1 now ocas $13.56-Emorv- , one town aa was on thy head. know thou art proces, PRECINCT TWO. tax 9.ZM, interest 4.7, tgtal against another; ia mines from the world, and human ioning considerable notice' in Colo- - Clark, J T N-- N-- '4' N-- house and lot, tax of fact, it will not in favor a man of courage, and friend Jon ,S. t4, '4 Haliie, any way ity would into the furnace section 14, township 17 s ranne 1SII5, '04, '03, tax 1S31, interest 913, booms, but will proceed on the rtdapso barbarity ' a rado, consists of a U'O 1 i .. . .. than Gates, whom some call Long w., a res, tax i.f isd'i, HM: tax totul Il'7.47. T...I- - ... . r i i that a solid, continuous ami osrw-- lane the series of of l:j.7.ri, interest 5 14, tola' .MrH. house and tax of theory 4iuo wgujj feara ou a in rouflles, constructed ill) ;!). .Stumor, f.ila, lot, Arma, nothing earth, of 7 G growth is better than a boom, and place of the commerce of today firebrick and The ore is Cox, Frank, part lot 0. and H, blork 115, tax 2.3S, interest total $3 07. I'm fearful nothing anywhere ele tiling. i'4, and oiiproveiiiuntu, tax of 1H'.", '91 Stroiiif, Mrs Anna, honxe, tux of 1SU5, its efforts will be in that direction. that has carried civilisation to first cruidied to a forty-mes- h the and thou tellcal mo he and and tax4i!.O0, interest hl.'i'i. total 05 tax 17S, interest 53c, total i'31. It will not take any financial yet that I 1 of uttermost part of the earth. Pov then put in the m utiles, from which Darrah, AWred, J interest In lota and Vounii, E1, residence, tx 1895, tux interest in proposed industries, aa thee are seared even almoat unto 2, lil's-- tax Mo., interest 17c, 05c, interest liSe, total $11'3. would N-- N-- 1 will have no to eity take the of the air has been 70" H ! K K W it money iuveat or place wealth, neaiii. rsiiutne on tnea so to tie excluded. The total U'yser. Simon. '4'. )i HUi the world of is Fuuan, F. W., house and hlackatuitli section SJtl, township ranim n caoli to contribute. l,k. th. savages roasting then begun and is kept VI:: lis, chtre ,,,,furfl ,y friM1(1. wi() ,VCH shop, in street, Kint'ston, tux of 100 ucres; K.'jS-- '4, section 20, F. The Industrial Department will nil K' WOUId 1)0 the tux 1.14. ') 00 N-- 11 CUUIllS, lioth as he were father!'' up until chemical combustion 1H!l; 3.!. interest total 2 section 35, township s, not assist iu the location of cream- ye thy 8-- Hillsboro Mcrcatililti Co., huy room, tax rung H w, 100 acres ; K li sec struggling only to gaiu food and takes place when hot air, eries where there are no cows, nor ''No, no, Elias," said Whefzell oroxygpn of IS',).) ; tax Ti.HH, uitercHt 1.01, total tion Si, township lis, raue 8 w, h 'o raiment. and N-- a Invention, progress, into the is introduced, which changes the 17 4'.l. '4 section 2, township 12 s, ranite rolling mills in country without dropping Quaker speech Mrs. B 100 8-- '4" N-- N and literature, and the arts have n I.. I, -- ..l.,!. ,i Kinsey, Mary, ranch at Kingston w, acres; , either iron ore, fuel or coke, nor ia We " K 8-- 8-- 11 ''I tell thee no lie. are ecaretl ."" . ""'1"' t.ix of 1',)5; tax 3.60. interest 104, total i section will it ils flourished only in tho nations saves me oo. 12 H 100 any way knowingly latd afternoon we, were in vuiuo. j ue tt.uo of the It township s, runL's w, acres; Yesterday k 8-- support to a that where activity has been stimulated roast runs from one to three Paiker. F. V.. lots 4. 5, 7,8, td.s W i '4 section 13, S ig 8 E J4 proposition about a tiole from hours, Iota '2. A, , k 4.1, sm-tm- 14. 12 S w seems either atorea hiding I)unkar 1, 4,5. 0, 7.M, hl.s township s, ranpe wrong, geographi- by of gold and which of 100 8-- N-- W S-- silver, an' in the wo and the cost in claimed to be less tract 72, tax 115. '!)4, '!:i! tax L'l.O'.l, acres; '4 t cally, commercially or Creek, evening built N-- N-- financially. alone have furnished the money than oO cents n ton. A low interest 10 05, total ;2. 04 section 2, l4 U section U, Manufactories that consume na a fire under tho bank careful degree Wiley, W. II.. two houses West Main 12 s, runi! 8w, 100 acres very township live raw en- that has tho of of heat not of '114 ".Ki ; 10 of 147-50- , materials will be quickened pulses we more than 400 to 500 street, taxes lSO'i, tax U, tax 1SII3, 01, I5; tax inter ly, and got some black rocka to , an acquisitive people. Wherever is interest 7 34, total J3 47. est total $224.05. couraged. For example, in the a little and degrees Eahr. required. After corn belt does and whenever that of prop up kettle, put rUKUlXCT TI1KEI3. I'll EC IX Of TEN there not appear to store money the roast tho ore is pulverized to a be them boaide the fire rather than in (!. resi Icim-- uud lots l'J and .'!, Maver. 2. 3. 14. 15. h:ock any reason why hominy mil!?, has decreased, poverty, and crime, 70 or 80 mesh and I'arr, T., August, lolg it, and the black rocks took fire is then treated Ifhs'k H, tax of ISO.), tax U.3K, interest 15, lots 3, 4, 5. 12, 13, 14. block 19, tax glucose, syrup, sugar and starch and 3 " mlaery have gained. What by pan amalgamation. The own 00c, total 07. l.S.n', interest 4 oil, total f 17.82. factories, if properly managed, aud burned with a tax w N V money does for an individual in fiercely, filthy liiunou, Joseph, oera house, of 181)5, Olnev, J. P . '4', section 23, should not thrive. ers' claim for the process is that 04. tax 13.75, interest 5 04, totalf I !..'i!l. 8-- ' S-- fine smoke and bright light, and 4, fecuon lownsnip These factories should all buying pictures, and books, the ordinary fire does not c'l4rH""' J"l,n lr Crazier Fraction, II a, range 8 w. 120 acres, tux of 1805 begin Ijong Arma said tho devil would assay '. '04, tax 10 8.1 interest 4 81. total 115.04. iu a small The in- and statuary, in show way. capital erecting grand come if we and we the value of the ore, while ' 7:1. SotlcH, Mrs. Fhza, house and land, lux vested should not all be into houses stayod, grabbed ; 1 .1 of put and beautifying grounds the Roam loss bv t''"1"'1'"-- W.C., house and ,,u 1S95, tux 7.13, interest 2 07, totul process prevents - I working It takes money our kettle and poured out the . ... . oliH'k , h iiiHi) and lota 7. 8. block 2, 19. LU plants and parks, it docs for a to a after ia community. volatilization. i .,(. iwir.. 'io. 'i:i.. , 10 . Scales, Thomus, two houses in opeiate factory it Jiiat iu water, and made our way here, inicrt tSrafton, the proportion dots ..1 7"), total l.r).lll tax ft 10, interest ;,ue, total built, and the primary essoutial is leaving the black rocka to burn." Alr,.l ,til.. Chester, Miss Jennie, residence and lots 7 poverty in moi.ey affect com l'RECINCT ELEVEN. good management. Nothing cue Eliaa Dlunk waa much interested. aro leaving Sun for the Mild 8, block A., tax of IS!)5, ".)(, '03, ceeds with munity as it does an individual. tax 13 03, inten-s- t 7 OS, totiil f.'l OS.'r, Anderson, John A., eshite of, adobe poor management. He did Kloudyke, while the number of ho'isn uiel lots 10 und bi s k I write at oil and which not tell Whefzell what the Fia.ier, i. 11., house and garden, tax of stable, 12, you quite length (lold tilver, have ever of hecaui-- e smaller cruft headed 1S'I5, ''.).', lux 1LV73, Interest 0 2H, total 4, lax ls.15, tax 4.39, interest 127, this subject, it seems very black rocks but he found out northward is - been were, 111 total 5 (id- Th the money of tho world, have 01, to me 1 ( t The 8-- important everybody exactly where the men hud mado increasing. same statement W. It., Iioiihc on Pine street, ni.iine. .lames !., of N. beeu the life blood of Harper, . town-hi- alone our line to know how progress to of 1SII5, '1)4, 2 '4. section 21, p ) Hi ought their fire, and when went upplies northern porta. Tour lax tax Utc, we leel about Money alone in pot wealth, but it they total 3.'.'3. ran8 w, Silver (dill" .Mining Cluim, this matter. We steamers left tax of 1S!I5. '94. be away he t'ftve them each a new Heattlo, Wash., this liaae le ne Hi d lot Cedar Ave '03, tux 23 08. interest want to in touch with the peo- ii the philosopher's stone that Hilly, I, 10 0.1, totul .::( 17. Ezra a week with 1.200 and nue, loin on .Main street, tax m ih;i.i ple we seive. mid wtt want them to, Kiltie rifle, knife and a passengers Iteesnn, .lohn , t, (,ha-- drives wealth to do it needed tux 4.10, inleresl 1.21, total $.37. 3. 2. lots 4 know we about 700 homes. Tho will and 5, bl ck 10. t of that appreciate that any-thi- tomahawk, with four pounds of crush Johnson, W. S , tea'denco I'uilioii slrei lx 1895, ')4, '93, work, and without which, in the 7 we do i 1 make terrihlo House, Virtue i venue, tux tax 49, inleresl 3 4S, total towards build c io (mwder and a of lead. bar lehip for thona Springer t '. slow tmrter of savages, it could not supply 10 S3, interest total 13.!7 Putiker, K., improvmeuts on ranch, and enriching the towns and amis this fall aud but ap-peu- rs la 2 30. iutoresl 95.-- Then he hunted their camp-ing-croun- winter, it I Mrs. hou-- e on Perch t.itul $3.25. we be done, up eesinaii, Carrie, HiiMki' 8 country traverse builds up and of little use to out the Creek, tux of lSH.'i.t.tx 1 10. interest , esl.itn of, improvements, found thn "black point tax of 1S95, enriches this Company. Tho inventive, i 55c, t.,t;il 45. '94, '3. '92, III, tux 14.27, nergies of man inevitable to t.' 7 Air. wul Im rocka" and opened a coal bank in- result those nlllicted McArdle, Mi. cUctlimr hoine, tax interest 41. total 2I 08. clad, stiit y would find no I ties A lois 3 and .V to place for work if with the lS!l,"i, 'U4. tux 0 50, interest 3.W, lay Wilson, 4, block time, bear from Boaidn if to one of thn river hilla; and this present crag. lots 4 und .5, block of the product of the miner was blot- totul ft, lax 1H9T, '94, Irmle, Commercial Clubs, Farm- coid bank In si ill in existence in a Musterson, Mount.iin Pride II '03, '92, tax 10.91, interest 531, total ted out of NOITCi; OK MEIO UNO TOl! trunk, 10.22. er's Alliances or any oihiuzmJ riihtenoe. The steam tel. tux ol lS'.l.i, '111. P.., lux .').' no, in twelve foot vein of coal that is ab Kruse, house and lot bodies, as well as firms and ind- EXAMINATION UF '.'5.40, total 7S 11 . bonis, 24. block 4. iq.ii.fl, th telegraph, all the ma. lerest tax of solutely free from slate and bums TEACH E US. Mci'Jvuine. llurvev, house, lux 1S!I5, tux 2 38, interest. 7V, totul ividual, And will make it his bnsi. t and 3 OS. hineay comnioneat utensils of , . interest total l 54. to visit and like .... 35c, Mn nes advise with m y pitch. iXOUCO house ft, ,.,.,lr uereny Civen lllllt there M.m.hv. llionms. Riddle- lt..ek liestunr.- liaclis, Sam, and lots 7, 8 , day life, are from the pro-.- i I ...... , ... - to tvery il w, . 19,20, block 4. tux of 189.5, tux community wishing estnbheU . i win 00 a uietilllig ot Hie Hoard Of anl, lax ol 1H9., tax 2,,'iS, interest t9 21, unci oi mo nunea. I he 11 88, intercut 3.45, totul nianufactoiiea or in any de. iron age la J 1C J IC 1 1 I School ,0,h1 :' 7. $15.33. way MlNINw NKWrt. Eiauiiiifre of the Countv? of' I house lot ( Otto, I.. J., house and lots 3 and 4, block to their cumliiion. inn ami nn-ti- M. Myers, Initio, and 3, Mock siring improve preset", it never came l Sierra, N. for the examination 8. lotsfi and block tax from 1SSS . i . ta 1.1 n, 0, A3, Circular Mr I Oliughoiiee canyon, Nevada, re .ti-ii- tniLt, iua uiieresi ou, loiai to announcing Davis man ha. learned to mine and 01.. ni Ji J 30 1895, inclusive, Ux 05.37, intcre?t lencners, niaooro, .!.,..I appointment will be issued to utili.u ami ports "dirt f 100 to the shovelful," on the loth and davs of Noel. Arnmnd. cabin, ltullion street, tax 34.12, totul 199.49. duy, ore ita products. Ore lith Kilchie, K.. nnd 1 think it would bo well lSu7. of IS05. '!M, '93. Ux 5 07. 2.22 tieorgo rioxliouse, lots 9. 10. baa been thua discounting Kloudyke. August, interest 11 to fr the tonchatoii by which total 7 20. and 12, block 9, tax of 1835, '3t, t.iX yon advise all your snhordale W. II. niMIKIl, 0.8(1, iutorest 2 all has been The firet best evidence of en in I'urcell, Kitiio, house. Virtue Avenue 81, $9,117. officers as to what we desire to progress meiiHtiied un A. H. Skillniiiii, two tax of Elliott, lax of 1S95, '94, tux interest Jt,,, II., cabins, 111 til our ternntional bimctalho 4.59, 189, 1805. tax interest order that we may greenback frimids do away agreement At'Ol'HT Maykii, CO. total fii.lS- - 3.50, 1.02, total $4.58. Hupt., T. s hi hie inleresl in L'et the results from tht with need for will be a rise in the price of silver Uoard of Examiners. O'l'iryun, J r., residence and small Steel, N., lots 2 greatest mental money, and 3 block 10, tax of 1889 15 Industrial house, tax of IS',14, tux 3.W, interest undo, to 18' Department. the metallurgist cauaes an alumi In the next two or three years 2 09, total 5.77. inclusive, tax 04.21. intercut 33 5l, THE ME FA I, MARKET total $07.74. Yours truly, Hum to succeed the will drift south from Keay, (ieore, house near I ake Valley imu ae. prospectors Har silver. Ml Kee, Hop, lot 7. blo-- k 3. tax of (Signed) Vm tax 1S9 ), tux 3.92, interest 1.14, totul Is i5, t.ix l Moarov, the and north from Cari- Lead 2. 38, inleresl 70c, total $.! OS. Third Vice the miner digs each day the Kloudyke 3..' 0 So.lW. President. boo, over that entire north Sufety Nitro Powder Co, niajtar.ino, tax I'l'iECINcr TWELVE. s atone, and as it going 1 .. . . .1 philosopher yields lwir. 10 ii Ki Armstrong, T. K., Iiouho and er n .NO IK h l'OIt HUHLICATION. lot, tax of up its hidden wealth it stives country. Sydney, U K., houso on Cedar Avenue 1895, tax 2 38, Interest 70c, Iota) $3.08 countless The Uxof 18!t,), '94, !);, .ij, ux 42 21, in Pransan, David, house und lots 1 and H thousands of purposes, Kloudyke crae, unfortun 18. tux Land Oflice at Es Cruecs, N. M i teiest 90, total tol.ll 1895, '94, tax 1341, interest tti;0 sud enters into the alely, adds to the too Whitham, Mrs. M. N-- N-- . IUIUI U, , constitution, already large 18H7. j J, f.0 July 0th, M- - sud the veins and bones of our Hat of llioi-- who assume to add i. 4, . N 1.. '4, section riiKClNCT THIRTEEN. NOTIiK is hereby n'wf.n Hint the 15, township 10 a, range 8 w, tux of and N-- Livery social structure, and refines and .Alining Migineer niter their followinit named settler has filed notice 1S95, tux 0.52, interest 1.89. total Stevenson, Nicholas M, F '., W of his inteutioii to make Una! S 41. section 30. 17. Strengthens and ImutifjeH it. names without ot the proof in 4, townshin possession support of his flu, in, and Unit said proof Wright, II J., house and lot k C. ranne. 8 w, 100 acres, tax of ISS9 to Feed fStabl e will Iki r Ju the necessary qualifications, striving to made lleiisti-- or Receiver Mam street, tux of 1S95. tax 143, in- 1895, inclusive; tax 50 81, jnUrest Almighty's work I. as N n 28.32, total $H5. 10. jjreat better themselves aud best otheis. si Cruces, M., August 2Sth, terest 41c, tolul tl 84. shop each calling, 1SP7, v!s : PAHI.t) MFNlaiSA, who Kangaroo Mine, hoistcr and ech occupation, made hiiihling, PKECINCT FIFTEEN. E. Teaford, From comes a homesleud enlrv No. lH3ti for the tax of 1895, tux 5 94, interest 1.72, formerly of f,.r. or trade Milford, I'tah, re. . $i profession has its place, Lots 8 and II, Sec. 6, Tp. IS a., K. 4 w. total $7'00. Barka, Frank, ranch fci.i m.iHS, has started a firs of new in runt 1 u . . . . and forms a port something that lo He Failev tax of It:.. M-oie- necessary part of the names the following witnesses to Ilowun, Mike, houaes, 18!)5, " i,p' m Emi- - -t- Ids tax 2 interest il9e, totul $3 01 . i..,,Mv,.,.,;,:;.v.,;.::"'","nM,,ir'7 vast Hut he tied of an ancient lake prove continuous residence upon and 38, 31 ' H""' machine. some are cality .r interest 3 .'.lal .iVfi t',,r,, illsU,ro, and solieita parla cultivation of said vix : dilTflt-h- t land, PRECINCT iOUR. iorivs. I.iiit. himI in a of of to U ullll.d in (O S l.,t f'.l.' share the of wore than othets platr 5:k-- , i,ie patronagt hs importance of . Apodaca, U.irhVId, N. M. I'ulo-iim- tux inleresl 7,1.-- of ft Ilillinio, Chavex, improvement in h, 17c, toial people, (iood horses and vehicles. lavauae they form a of the depth feet, on the mpt ion Kicmite Sunches, of tiurtield, N'. M. in portiou Poliio house I'uloma, houso in Al'til'sr KKI.Mj.tlthr, Morses Ismrdetl and well lli'it lionmilca, 0 Uuili. ld. N. M. tux of 3 l cared for. foundation bal-lunc- s beneath the will llillsboro, 1895, tux inter- Shenrt'un upon which all tho haidpan gold Adiiun Uoi M. 31, Collector of tules, ol tiurrteld.N. est POc, totul 14 27. Sierra New 'J he found. Counlv, Mexico MRS N:DI 8-- aTa rests. he N-- philosopher's FIiWIN K. SI.CDFK, Welch, Andrew, of 1. 1. Tj7 k sovs N-- 8-- 8-- I stone is much of the foundation A Hoston dispatch says "fourteen IU(!isler. '4 4.K, ',.KMi GOOD OR JUIJ.snoiU) 15, township 14 , range 5 w, si) acres, end is portion of the vast social win I men out of led tax of tux employment, I8i5, 7.05, interest 2(14' A NEW DEPAETl'IiE. machine that could not lm iniiov by a social isilc politician, have DELINQUENT total 09. ------oard sr W rm. c-" 1T.KCIXCT FIVE. ed without w st.irted to to THcr disaster to thn hole wi'k the rich mines of cr. r Santa Fe U.vid Establishes In- Uouxales, Serufis, house and piece of an AND furnishes fn. I which illus-th- e , Ihemiuer the for Kloudyke," painfully laml, tax of lS'.i,", tax 5K-- interest l.V, dustrial Department. totul lUlc. great niachine ; he f u niflus tiatcs the iiMiltti.t iticonvenience NOIICK is Kiven hereby that I, Jone house and I I Maitincx, Jesus, lot. tax the oil that causes its to f di stitute t.f brains iu ui;iist Keiiiirntdt, Sherilf sn.l x tllli. io of Development of Wal Busiuei-- s parts run leing of 1k:'5, tux 1.13, interest 33c, totul Lodging ' Collintor Sicir Ciuintv. New Mexico. to be futnishi-- s or Enterprises Fostered. snil ha Hie ton rlt here, ill, 1111 the lit st Momlnx m Seiiteintx'r. Villi. 1 in-h- i r, ruKtMNcr material which essential Hesidt-- lie sume iH'iti o Out ol .v.ieoi-We- six. HOUSK, tf parts the present Alaska , James A. ituMs Coni-inissiou- A. I. 1S97. al the hour of 10 o'clock rpte;ro-e- Nel)ti, house, tax 2 3S, Appointed of the machine are j 111 Turi-l- made. His "tush," there is ako a stamped in s id Ihut d iv. st lh. l'iit front dsr 00c, total f t 07 with ilead.piai tt is Block, Hilblwro, N.M. of the Couit in lldlstmitt. in said cupatiou is honored by sg.i snd IVru to iliscovered Hoiim, rilECINCT SEVEN. iu Chicsgo. ieee..tiy gold j County, oiler at public smI.i I lie following (I.wd I bo Cur-trins- , 1 Tsbles, NMt utility, aud sh.uil honored by fields iu the Andes foothills and to ccfi nisM lo'ul i'.wiatt', lor the t.f Motttoya, le acres lund. tux, sod urp,e of 4 home the favor and cie of those uhohhe maiuUnd of New satisfying tho cluinis of the Territory of Hili, H. tux iiiteresl t ti2 Chicago, No, 20, 18. comfort (luinea. 0 31. C - New Mexico 'id the County of Sierra total t, Mr. F. O. F- A , an N-- iy. Topeka, grant in necessities. Eulhusotin Hiitish scientists as- - Uxea due hii. I new ilehropietit upon sn I Motit.iya. Frsncisrts S N 's Kau 8- W 't 4, aifHiiist the s.dd pr.s-rl- up to and !4, mi ti.m t. township 12 s, range st :t there is , T the . Mr. E. - s'i.t gold in stare, is-.r,- I will w. i'.i'i on Km J J. Folk, G. F. A., ilves- TM.ACK iiiclu.liiig ihe e;.r and llmt acre, ranch ramie, (i ROCKS" put travel in that direttioti is Lec- - continue to etl'cr Hie n.tine fvx.tht from 10 acres, hoim irl Moiitiivllo and 5 ton, Tcis. Crano, A day to iluy ainl inonih to numih unld all acres, t.ix of 1'4. ''XI, tax Mr. E. Ls-- REPAIRS in Forest and Stream limited. 1S, Chamber. (5 F. A , s snfr essarily s.4d or 1 t 23 .s;. interest is the u l.ixt, mien-s- snd IOC',, tola) ,4 21. Cn tt s I l Monti-ell- Angeles, K.i.s t tie of I Montova, .loan, oi in Si)stuat IlUnk, the If in "e : copper ore, carloate fotm, t.ix ..f '94, 0 :, Ux S in CiENTtFMtN lr. On All Kinds of of ls5. 14, pursuance' I settlers whst is naw the 1 r.. . 1. . 1 Machinery. esrly v. .1 I 1 h huppens t tut in the gold or silver nci.i.xi.1 tercut it. Int.,1 f S.t wit... ll. J heirs of, town-hi- p S j ne uneasy grttat Connellsviile in Foster,,'ise. tion 34.!.o, 8 V . ool i.ente, section talked region, ores it will 17 4 4, ab .u?, ot asfisliin; in even-wa- treated, require sixty s.. rne 7 .. lt. a. res; taxes 12, N K i4 N U '4. s., ti..n 13, town- westero IVnusylvsuia, was t f lsi.ri. we ran iu locat- among pounds of ca aids solutiou to each 'm. M!. V2; tax 4 "7, interest ship II , latVi'O w. Il acres, tux of consibtrntly Vt "O, i;ti s7. 3 33. uew t s the tint Ameiicaus to bum soft cent of t..;,! lax ii.ter.t 97c, $4 NO ing uieipii,, aud k nie per copper it coutaios liauwe, Jwell-in- S N-- ooaU How the Chailes, tdscksmitlisliop, Torres, J,tm l.ennar h. purt of same time fosteiing industries came 8-- thing slsjut house mu-re- N W N-- W ha-ate- d Salphuret of tine iu ore always (Janes house), if in l4. '4 V'eclioti 11, slready on out line of AND IS thus described: stone house, shop nesrdemt. one small N-- '4 N-- K '4 aecti.m II ioad, REPAIRS causes trouble, snd if al- adobe 10.tosnhip e have established an antimony, Iiouno; tax of IWi, Ml and 'Kl ; s. runeft m.ii e ui.d lot Industrial Ooe Mr. Elsuk was aroos-k- -- tax 01 '!M t. night i loyed with gold jreven'i the V, iu(em Stit.'. I.Jul S77.SI. Ux of ISHV 'st;;, ts 2vl.Vi, interest Departure Jan.s, Mis N. N K. t.-- t ii Mr A- - by a rapping at his djor- - tractioo of the latter metal. Sutuh, 8.74, $2!'.2:. Jas. !Nvia h bon Specialty. If IS, S-- 4 Charges tostmhip ISs., rn7 s0 acres, Truiilij, Juuu, pit ol N t ,i4 E placed io charge of this depart' otuble.