University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-13-1897 Sierra County Advocate, 1897-08-13 J.E. Curren Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sc_advocate_news Recommended Citation Curren, J.E.. "Sierra County Advocate, 1897-08-13." (1897). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sc_advocate_news/1649 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cotmfn 21$ dfCo HILlsboro qold placers. P, J. BENNETT, Editor and Proprietor. ! A tbuefism i;i. vein hold camp DEVOTED TO THE MINING. RANCH. MERCANTILE AND U F.N KRAI. INDUSTRIAL INTEKFSTKOK SlIUKA Col' NT Y. Volume XV. No. 803. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, N. M FRIDAY, AUGUST 13 , tSy7. Tiirke Dollars I'm Yfar KINGSTON NEWS. AN INQUIRING WHEELMAN LOCAL IT1-MS- . This letter waa received the Ed. D. Smith writes ns from LEVI & C. N. has struck some other II. J. the bi STRAUSS CO. Lyke very day by Crane, FACTORY-SA- N -- Bisbee, A. T., that be is apt to FRANCISCO CAl. good ore in the Iron King mine. cycle repairer of Hillsboro; drop in on Hillsboro Bny day now Mrs. John G. Wagner and sons of Dear sir: 1 live on mi farm COPPER aud to revel m her prosperity for a RIVETED Las Vegas are here visiticg their near Doming acd am 57 years old while agniu friends. and a little sporta. My nef many just TKOI MARK. few anew The and recitation en- A. J, linger has moved bis mill in Indiana bot iiisselt readiog and aeut ma bis old one tertainment given by Prof. Ben- up near Ililkboro Peak. bicycle by and ive learned to ride sume nett at the Court House last Fri- Ed. Fatter, and Gus Ilammel frate, Its a of fun, but mi bicycle day was well attended aud very were iu town Wednesday night pile OVERALLS AND BOTTOM PANTS. considerable. A feller come much enjoyed. SPRING with their excellent Magniacope jolta EVERY GARMENT OUARANTtBO. with a bisole that Hon. J . M. Webflt'-- r nnd and Phonograph show. Every along yesterday family OIRt-S-. had hollow iuiuu robber tires have moved to to reside EMPLOY OVCR 390 body was well pleased. Kingston stuffed with wind. He leet me try for i;i old r that Mr. Hon, J. M. Webster and family awhile, fore be it. Resolved That the li Hillsboro Mines and Mills Absolutely Pure. bissen and mi it run like a kushin! Webster be nearer his of Los of Hillsboro have moved here to may mining lectois the Angeles Mining Celebrated lor its great leavening He told me sell robber in the of Slock of Los Angelr-- t live the you injuu operations neighborhood Exchange Bros. fc strength and healthfulneas. Annure8 the for awhile. They occupy advise be Fanning Kirkpatrlck of adul- the same as hissin. lLw Tierra Blauea. hereby the public to food gainst alutu and all Jorum residence of John O. just are a considerable nut teration to the brands. Wagner. fix cautious iu the purchaso of milling making put vomnion cheap much will it be to mine up like &. Alert have in Boyal Bakino Puwdib Co., New Yuhk. The Brush Heap mine still con Aragon put stocks unless the mines und thir of four ounce gold ore from their hissiu? Mine is all iron wheels counter for the enso und tinues to be a bonanza. stools, lunnageineut me known, or the lease just north of the main shaft Do the hollow hole stocks listed uu IT WAS SUICIDE. you punch comfort of their patrons. this or some other of the Snake mine, Stephen Reay will give a party threw the injun robber, or will I reputable or long established Ex- Information Las been received Mr. end Mrs. Goodman and Scanlou ,t Co. arn Saturday night on the occasion of have to do it miself? How do you change with strict listing rules, Spencer, which confirms the article publish- children, who have been visiting and be it further, Resolved, That from the I'SO foot level of his nineteenth birthday. stick the ends together after you raising ed id the last issue of the Demiog their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Peter copies of these resolutions bo fur- the Snake, to connect with tin Nixie. got it done? If your iujun robber Headlight regardiog the suicide of Tousend for some time past, left nished lo the press of the country suiTace At the sanm to is boiler will it come any aud its is workings. Edward lieed aud it tarua out HOW'S THIS ! already for their home at San Pedro, publication request!. Ed. I can all the time they are sinking and art be, as feared, the same lined cheaper empty? gut N. this week. It is said the original disenv. well in We offer One Hundred Dollars M., down over 100 feet with a good who watt so known this city. wind I want out here iu Doming erer of the famous Nigger Dig Mr. R. Kerr writes from Cali- Reward for case of Catarrh lion. D. S Miller, of Lake streak of ore in both shaft and J. any free. giiig iu this county will shortly fornia that Ed. Heed is dead aud that cannot be cured by Hall's and Isaac of nut limn as a sol- raise. will a carload EliEItSKEZEB Valley Knight, Esq., have served his They ship of information tends to confirm ! other Catarrh Cure the same place, were iu Hillsboro dier of Uncle Sam, aud that on his first class next week, the report that be died by bis own A P. S. How much do yon will return here to look F. J. Chene Co., charge this week. discharge Gonzales A Co., leHsing on th hands. for the doodad stuff the wind up the spot where he picked the Props., Toledo, O. yon up north end of No. Mr Reed was largely in The Black Rango newspaper fabulously iich ore several the Cotupr.uiiiso quite We the have known into the robber with and where do gold terested in the old proposed rail- undersigned at Chloride, in this bus years ago, 2, are taking out oro that i mis uu F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, you start? county, road south from here, having put Levi aont high aa l.'l ounces gold per ton and believe turn perfectly honor anspeuded publication for the pres- Gish, here from considerable money into the scheme Lake to have his Also have determined all well a amount of able iu all business transactions A LOST MAN. ent, owing to the depressed condi- Valley sanity they as as Urge labor, considered Banlz at the to Lis advice a number and financially able to carry out tion of the silver by Judge doubt as where the Opportunity and through A letter from Jamestown, N. V., miuiug industry. lust term of District Court, and of bis friends any obligation made by their him. We not veiu crosses the gulch, and they personal put money . 'T ' ' to Governor Otero asks for infor- are informed what Editor who was found sane and the venture. It is em x respon. are both from lhe into thought iiuni, O. Thompson proposes doing, but sible by his Honor, left for Lake tunneling ways that these troubles in connection Wholesale druggists, Toledo, mation concerning one John Kemp, center with whatuver be in ho eettain-l- y Valley Gish will short- gulch oie going each with later ones induced bim to end Walding, Kirinau & Marvin, a mining man who was last heard engages yesterday. has the best wishes of TiiK An ly visit h:s relutives iu Kentucky. way. bis life. Deming Headlight. Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. of by his friends in the east at Al W. II has a Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in 18U3. A let- VOCATK for bis success. We ac Maj. II. Llewellyn and Supt. Hughes made clean buquerque March, Mr. Output of Hillsboro gold mines the the of the his friend Murray mado Tkk up around the old Standard mill, internally, acting directly upon ter during that mouth stated that cept responsibility being Adtoi-at- oflie a call for the week ending Thursday out in pleasiiiit ore bins and roadway of forty tons as blood and mucous suifaces of th bo whs about to leave for Socorro, paper puWUhud Siena Tneeday, The informed us August 12th, 1897, reported for Major of dirt that one aud a half system. Trice oo. per Dome but from that time nothing has county with considerable concern, that he thought some of going to samples Thb Advocate; ounces tou. Ton. Sold all Testimon- ever been heard from him. Ho but will endonvor to meet the emer- - the Klondyke regioii next spring. gold per ftfl by druggists. Wicks new Miss II. Williams of fcutler 10 ials free. was supposed to have some proper genciea arising from the houor Esman, from the Manager tha GO m the Misses Wicks mine is look- Kicliinond ty, nud the prsou moat interested thrust upon us and to wear the River, vUiting Kelly. at Silver City, nappy Ja MAN AND MULE KILLED. i'eier Gaiies has a over t!o ot & Hnake lio in his whereabouts is a daughter same sized hat. opened ing s.ii;p!i;.g !rgd Group in the old Opportunity 10 Tuesday morning, about Jlbree 20 of uge.
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