Rockland Gazette The I argest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Kastern Consolidated March 17. IHO7 T he Courier-Gazette. : '■— — TWICE-A-WEEK . . . . WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY.

Vol. 52. . . . No. 11 R o c k la n d Maun \\ t-tlncsda) Ma>ch 17 1 » 9 7 Two Dollars a Year

YOUTHFUL LETTER WRITERS and deposited in railr >a 1 car’ , which trans- IN MUSICAL CIRCLES IN THE LIBRARY CORNER p »rt it to kilns, which are on the water front, Rockland Pnplls Carry On an In rrestlng and there unloaded into the kilns where it is M ist Ethel H yde o f Bath, who ia now in Andrew Lang's hobby is fishing, but in the Correspondence With the West. burnt. These kilns are huge ovens holding Europe, will sing with Mme. Nordicn on humaneness of his heart he alwavs throws two to three hundred barrels, under which a Maine day nt the l.cwiston festival. hack intQ the water all he catcher. perpetual fire is constantly burning. The Kennebec Journal: The Augusta Festival The father of biography was Plutarch. M uch interest in the subject of letter writ burnt lime is drawn from the kilns every six ing has been arouse! in the 71b grade of the Chorus had the most successful rehearsal, last Critics are generally agreed that the model hours, and af er a time allowed f ir cooling, i« biography is that of Johnson, by Boswell. M c l/tin school by an interchange of letter* pa ked in barrels and ready for shipping. It evening, of any that has yet been given, un­ between the pupils of this grade and these of a is shippe 1 bv railroad to all the interior der the able direction of Judge W . C. Phil- Chas. Scribner's S tns have in press “ A similar grade in Columbia, M o. A month or points of the New England states and by ves brook of W aterville, whoae earnest work is Short History of Medurval Europe,” by more ago the superintendent of the Columbia sels to all points on the coast as f ir south as the subject of the warm appreciation of all Prof. Oliver J Thacher, of the University of wrote 1 1 M r. Irving, the Rockland super Charleston, S u'h Carolina, more being those who have j lined the chorus which now Chicago. intendent, requesting that tbe pupils be a l­ shipped to New York Citv than to any o’her numbers 84 persons. Judge Philbrook is a A new story by Anthony Hope is soon to lowed to exchange letters. Tne plan was port. It requires a great many vessels to director of much force, and being withal a he published serially. It is of social and not readily accepted and has been ol much bene­ transport this large quantity of lime, which fine singer has been largely responsible for historical character and the bicycle rage is fit. makes Rockland a large shipping city. The the great progress made l»y the chorus. one of its 2hief topics. It was decided to in f >rm the children four kilns of which I have written number be­ A Chicago special to the World says that Professor Henry Drummond, the author or five days b tfire tbe time of writing that tween seventy and eighty, and a re ' spread the Grand Opera stars and other lovers of of “ Natural Law in the Spiritual W orld,” “ The they were to write a letter to a supposed along the water front. music have come to the rescue of Maurice Greatest Thing In the W orld,’’ and other well- cousin or friend in the far west who had nevsr Rockland was made a city in 1854, and is Grau in his troubles. Calve, the two De known honks has just died in London. been in Rockland. -The letter was to de­ the fifth largest city in the state. It has nine Ketzkes and I.aaselle have contributed $10, Ibsen has written a new play called “ John scribe Rockland and vicinity, a d to deicribe churches, a Post Office and Custom House 000 in services and $20,000 in cash has been Gabriel bookman” and William Archer, the the natural land features, the business and built of granite, and a handsome brick edifice contributed bv others to tide over the present English critic, is sitting up nights translating other things that would interest a stranger. for the county courts. It is connected to the disastrous Chicago season. II at the end of tt. The play will he put into the hands of Photographed on Similar instructions were given the children surrounding towns by an electric railroad the season there is a deficit, the artists nnmed English readers some time this month. of Columbia. which carries passengers, freight, mail and ex­ will cut their salary contracts to a figure Th e work was something of a contest, for It is announced that Frank N. D »uble< lay the Mind press. During the summer months Rockland showing a contribution of the sum named. only the six best letters were to be exchanged. and vicinity have their share of the many has severed his connection with Charles Scrib­ O f those who have once brought After the letters were written they were given summer visitors that come to the 9tate of Louis C. Elson gave the first of a series of ner’s Son*, to become Vice President of the toj’ns their old gold and silver, is a to a teacher of a higher grade. This teacher Maine. live lectures Thursday evening in Steinert S. S. McClure Co. and to organize a house for pleasant recollection of having re­ knew nothing of the pupils and her decision And I h p e if you ever visit the State of H all, Boston. There was an appreciative the publication ol hooks under the firm name ceived the highest value, in fact way as to the best letters was in every sense im ­ Maine you will come to the sea coast, and see audience. The aubject treated was “ Shake­ of the Douhledsy-McClure Co. of which he beyond their expectation for such old partial. The successful pupils in Rockland the city which I have tried to describe. speare in Music.” The next lecture will he will be President. aie Aitbur Harrrington, Francis Wight,Arthur Trusting I have not wearied you, a|d Thursday evening, the 18th, When the subject Many readers will regret to learn o f the thing-. If von can't afford to have w illle “Old Scottish History and Song.” yonr watch cleaned bring in a dollar's Sppul, I.eab Clark, Lenora Keniaton and hoping to hear from you before many days serious illness of W . T. Adams, better known Lu ’u ilu n tley. he successful Columbia I beg to remain, yours respectfully, The old Gaelic songs and border ballads will to the literary world as Oliver Optic. M r. worth o f old gold and we would he pupils aie Lizzie Richards, Annie Vandiver, he introduced, leading up to the songs of the pleased to take that for Iho job. F r ancis Pe a r l W ig h t . Adams is widely known in two continents, for Lucy Wadr, Cb s. Evans, Ethel Deane and Jacobite uprisings in 1715 and 1745 1 for the this country has never produced a more pro­ Viletta C ff y. One girl writes: “ It is nearly five years restoration of the Stuarts. lific writer of hoys' works. H ere’s hoping It is only fair to the olber Rockland chil­ DANIELS, The Jeweler, since the electric road was started and our Before leaving for New York M r. Chapman he may speedily recover. dren, whose letters were not selected, to say main streets are paved and lighted by elec­ expressed himself ns much pleased with his Among the school friends of the late Charles that they were excell nt and showed h at the tricity. The water supply is one of the best recent Maine tour of rehearsal for the Musical Dickens the younger, was Henry Augustus children kn »w whit 1* g ‘ing on around them. in the United States. It is brought to the Festival. M r. Chapman met for the first Abraham, who visited the Dickens family, and The judge Lun d that her la k was very diffi­ city in pipes from M irror and Chickawaukie- time several choruses of later organization, thus saw the celebrated author in his most de­ cult, so much so in fact th t another judge Lakes. On a point of land extending out those of Augusta, Bangor, Bath, Farmington lightful relations. His recollections of the was finally called in to asaiat. It would have into the Bay is Bay Point H otel which is vis and Brunswick. M r. Kotzichmar of Port­ novelist he has embodied in a paper, which is been easy to select twenty very good letters, ited every summer by numbers of people. If Charles A. Farwell, of New Orleans. land showed his increasing interest in this one of the features of Harper's Round Table any one of which would have been a credit to you will come and see me next summer 1 will great Maine musical movement by being for March 16. the school. O f the six Columbia letters we show you around the city.— Your loving present at the Brunswick rehearsal. At nil father having gone south from Rockland some Z da has lost his suit for infringement of print the following as typical: Cousin.” CHARLtS A FARWELL of the other rehearsals enthusiasm for the vr-ars before the war ano his uncle, Nathan copv-riglit against the bookseller I.aporte, who Another writes: “ The manufactures are work of the Festival seemed “ to have arrived Harwell, served a’ United States senator many j had printed a selection of the most ultra real­ pants, tools, confectionery and cigars. There on an earlier train,” as Manager Chase ex­ Columbia, M o., Feb. 2, 1897. A recent issue of the American Economist years ago. Mr. Farwell has never been istic passages in his works In n pamphlet Dear F rie n d :— I am requested by Prof. is a great deal of commerce between Rock­ pressed it. Th e success at Bath was re­ contained a line p irtrait of Charles A. Far- m any other business hut sugar, having been called “Zola Against Zola,” which was to he R. H. Emberson, the superintendent of our land and Boston, New York, Bangor, Rich­ markable as there w e.e nearly 100 singers in w«ll of New Orleans, member of the Ameri­ brought up in the office of his uncle (by used as an argument against the novelist’s ad­ public schools, to write you a letter, giving a mond and other places. The natural scenery the chorus at the first rehearsal after the much can Protective Tariff Leagu**, and vice pr» si marriage), Richard M illiken, the third largest mission to the Academy. The court, however, is the Penobscot Bay and the Camden and desired acceptance of Harry McLellan of that full description of my town, Columbia. dent o f the American Sugar Growers' planter and one «f the leading brokers and expressed its disapprobation of M . Laporte’s Dodge’s Mountains. Rockland is noted for city, as local director. John Hyde introduced It is tbe county-seat of Boone County, Association. Through the courtesey of the commission merchants of L"ui«iani), who has proceeding. its fine harbor which protects a great many M r. Chapman to the Bath chorus. The ex has a population o f nearly six thousand, Economist we reproduce the portrait, as of been in the business since 1842,810! is a man W . I) . Howells in his department, “ Life vessels from violent storms.” ceptional musical talent of M r. Hyde as also some of which are colored. especial interest to people in this corner of of mark in every way. Although well under and Letters,” in Harper’s Weekly for March This county is located in the central part of Another says: “ W e march out by music. that of his sister, Miss Ethel Hyde, will he the country, where M r. Farwell spend* his tbe 40 year limit, Mr. Farwell lias the confi 20, wiil review Lonmer Stoddard’s dramati­ M o., bounded on the south by the Mo. It is a piano. Ua boys have more sport at enlisted in the Festival. As a result of M r. summers, and where his friends are scarcely dence of the entire cane sugar community, as zation of Hardy's “ Tess of the D ’Urbervilles,” River, the stream from which Mo. recess than any other boys in the state. Chapman’s visit to Portland, Mrs. Kotzschmar to he counted f »r their number. The is«u» is evidenced by his being chosen president of recently produced in New York with notable takes its name, and was named for Daniel Rockland has a fine polo team and will chal­ has kindly consented lo give an Italian lec­ of the American Agriculturist of Feb. 20, the United States cone growers’ association, success by Mrs. Minnie Maddcrn Fiske. The uro painful and annoy because they detract lenge any polo team in the world to play ture recital on Maine day. Boone, the earliest settler of Mo. under the heading “ A Sugar Expert,” con­ in the service of which he has not hesitated illustrations o f the number will include a from personal beauty. Fortunately, no one them.” Columbia is a school town, and is called tained the follow ing reference to M r. Fat well: to expend time, energy and money. As vice ’The following from the Belfast Age will striking double-page picture of the Central need be troublud with them for long. Our Such work in language is of a practical na­ “ The Athens o f Missouri.” Here are situ president of the American sugar growers’ prove of interest to many of the C.-G. readers Reading-room of the New Congressional L i­ Cold Creum gives u quick an 1 speedy farwell ture and illustrates the work aa carried on ated the State University, of which Dr R. I I . s iciety he is doing much to promote the and es, ecially the musically inclined : to chapped lips and all the discomfort they In­ daily in this line in Rockland schools. brary. Jesse is president, the Agricultural College, “One point that the average farmer, in­ coalition of interests north, south, east and “ One of the most difficult und praiseworthy volve. A fte r a few applications according to W e received some time after the holiday the Stephens Female College, the Christian vestor or other prrs >n interested in the west that is necessary to the largest perma piece) that is plaved by the Belfast Band is directions, chapped lips linger only In memory. season a dainty hook, “ Modern Fairyland,” Female College, the Academy, the High development of our sugar industry needs to nent prosperity of the sugar industry in the “ A Hunt in the Black Forest,” by Voelker, T h e use o f this pleasant healer always leads to School, the Benton and Jefferson graded THE F06 IN MAINE- b yE lcy Burnham of S a c , published by the constantly hear in mind is that to successfully United States which is described in the following synopsis: Arena Co. of Boston. Miss Burnham has the same desired result. There Is also nothing schools and the Excelsior Colored School. operate a factory and manage the sugar busi­ “ Mr. Far well’.* kindly disposition and abso­ Break of day. Singing of birds. Crowing better to give n clear, smooth, and healthful spun a delightful at« ry that will he enjoyed The University is a state institution and both The New Orleans Tiines-Democrat tells this ness requires a practical and scientific expert lute freedom from prejudice, his large and of rooster. Huntsman’s call to arise. Chimes appearance to tho skin. Our toilet and mani­ sexes attend it, although there are more boys story of a former Damariscotta man, who by young and old readers alike. W e partic­ and also a man of good business experience. successful experience in the sugar business, in the distance, Huntsman’s horn in the ularly enjoyed it as the product of a Maine cure sets, perfumes uud toilet waters are Indis­ in attendance than girls. married his wife in Rockland: his e irned public spirit and broad-minded Without these, costly mistakes arc likely to distance to assemble. They mount and start. pen. The hook is beautifully printed and il­ pensable. There are ten large University buildings, “ 1'alk about fogs,” remarked Capt. W right, paino(i*in, combine to indicate that his occur. W ith these qualifications, joined !• Call to halt and dismount as they arrive at lustrated and can he had at any bookstore or namely, Mechanic Arts, Agricultural Hall, of the lighthouse steamer Armeria, which career will continue to he onward nnd up­ other requirements, success is assured. The the forest blacksmith shop. The smith at of tbe publishers. Engineering, the President’s Residence, the makes a yearly trip from Eastport, M e., to industry offers a fine opening for young men, ward. I le is cert.-'inly in a position to do work. Call to assemble. They assemble, A collection of manuscripts relating to the T . H. D onahue Observatory, the Main Building, the Aca­ Brazos river, Tex., and which vessel was in for there are comparatively f :w such experts much to promote the welfare of his state and drink and sing Champagne Song. They Seige of Yorktown has recently been found in demic Hall the Armory Building and the port a day or two since, “ why the fog here is in the country to-day, except in Louisiana country. It is such in*-11 whose life and work mount and start. The hounds scent game. Paris. It comprises a contemporary copy of PHARMACEUTIST, Power House. nothing to what we have down East I re­ W hile foreign experts can be employed, there are obliterating sectionalism and bringing to After game, firing of guns. Barking of Count de Rochamheau's diary from the Tbe Agricultuial College is a department member a few years ago in Bogsport, M e , is a widespread feeling that they may not a l­ gether into harmony of 'hought and purpose hounds, etc. llo m e v a rd hound. T o give Cor. Main and Limorock Sts. fifteenth of August to the nineteenth of O cto­ of the University In which are taught Agri­ that a fisherman started one morning to go ways prove faithful. the people of north, sou h, east and west.” this description in a pleating manner it Telephone t*8-w ber, 1781, and a diary o f the Siege, by one of culture, Horticulture and Engineering out in his boat for a dcy’s work. Before he “ We want home talent to run American brings all the instruments into play, and is the engineer officers, with manuscript map of There are 24 teachers in this department. had time to ship his oars and pull from the sugar factories. This is the kind of stock Charles A. Farwell, fa'her of the subject of rather an unsatisfactory piece if not played by Yorktown and vicinity. These papers, which Prof. II. J. Waters is the dean of the Agri­ shore the fog settled so thickly upon the face that has enabled the cane sugar industry 1 f this sketch, was a niemucr of the celebrated the best talent. But the Belfast Band can were carried over by theCountde Deux Ponb, cultural College, and director of the Agri of the ocean that he could not see ten feet the south to hold its own and make progress Farwell family of Unity. He went to New handle it in good style, as is admitted by all are now In the possession of Dodd, Mead & A Futile Effort. cultural Experiment Station. before his nose. Realizing what a Maine fog in the face of natural and artilical obstacle! Orleans in the ’50s to act as selling agent for who have heard it, in the different cities it has Co. The Christian College is a large brick was and that there was no chance for fish that that would have paralyzed most other indus­ Rockland lime, representing his brother, the visited. M r. John Parker, the snare drum ­ Wo never inuko efforts to induce building. Mrs. L. W. St. Clair is president. day, he concluded that be would do a bit of tries. Conspicuous among these men is late Hon. Nathan A. Farwell, and the late mer, has a difficult feat to perform during the In a little brochure, “ The Origin of the people to visit our store in search of A great many ladies attend it. The Baptist work that remained unfinished about his Charles A. Farwell, a native of New Orleans, H on. Francis Cobh, who were manufacturing rendering of the selection, in handling six­ F lag ,” ex-Lieut. Gov. Jones < f New York has mythical advertised bargains which do College is a large brick building. Rev. Tay­ house. His shed needed resbingling. Grop who c mes from good old M aine stock, his lime in partnership at that tune. teen different pieces to aid in bringing the told what the United States flag meant and lor is president. ing back home, he found shingles, nails and descriptive parts into play, imitating the sing­ the history of Its origin and growth. A pe­ not exist or which are “just out.” The Water Works are situated in the east­ hammer, and was soon seated upon tbe board ing of birds, crowing uf rooster, huntsman’s rusal of the little work is an interesting les­ Such methods are dishonest and are ern part of the town, and a great supply of covering he w lshel to shingle. H e worked PEOPLE YOU KNOW- Francis Lovejoy of the class of ’26 whose call, chimes, smith at work, assemble call, fir­ son in patriotism. Single copies of the certain ultimately to prove futile. What water from this place is used. away for two or three hours, feeling in the noble stand in the cause of freedom has made ing of guns, etc. The music is so good, the booklet can he had for five cents by address­ Near the W orks is a lovely picnic ground fog with some difficulty, for the vapor was im ­ ing the publisher at Binghamton, N . Y .( and w o his name revered throughout the country. descriptive parts so true, that for the time, advertise, we have, aud it is always and a creek, and a great many picnics are held penetrable and he had to push it away from At the seventh annual meeting ot the inter D r. Hanson said that he regarded Lovejoy while listening to the music, one imagines they are furnished at 33 cents per hundred exactly as represented. We are up-to- here. the shingles so that he could put them in national association of ticket agents at San rather than John Brown as the true martyr of that they are enjoying the hunt themselves.” for schools. They could he put in the hands date grocers aud we make careful se­ There are some electric lights here and a place. There was no seeing where to put the Antonio, Texas, Wednesday, Charles C. Ben • the anti-slavery movement. Colby Las given of every school child with profit. great many people have them in their homes. shingles, so he simply felt, hammered in the son of Lewiston, Me., was elected president. 17 missionaries to the cause of foreign mis­ lections o f our stock. Anything iu the The chief occupation of Boone Co. is nails and trusted to his judgment to get them Conspicuous in the crowd that called on sions and among these stands first and fore­ IN THE GRANITE TRAOE- YOUR FAVORITE POEM market can be had of ns. agriculture. The products are cereals, fruits right. His wife called him to dinner, and President M cKinley, Tuesday, were Senators most the name of George Dana Boardman. and vegetables. after the meal had been concluded, he com­ Hale and Frye of Maine, who said they were Dr. Hanson also spoke in high terms of John Business is reported 10 be dull at tbe Here w ill bo printed the old poems llu t have de­ There are but few wild animals here but pleted, as he thought, tbe job. Night fell present to urge the President to appoint W . Foster, ’87, John Cummings and John Dear­ Maine & New Hampshire Granite Co.’*Works lighted 1 im world fur generations; und those of Groceries those that nre here are as follows: mink, and in the morning he was aroused by a shout W . Thomas minister to Sweden. in g ’84, who are at present in the foreign modern birth that aeetn worth preserving. Headers at North Jay, hut better times are confidently coon, skunk, opossum, fox, babbit, squirrel from his wife. H e bundled out of bed and Col. Victor* Brett, Bangor’s city clerk with field.— Waterville M ail. aie Invited to send Iu their favorite pouuu. Canned Goods joined bis spouse, who stood gazing at the expected within a few weeks. and ground bog. the outgoing city government, has completed It ia reported that Owney, the postal dog is The principal wild trees are oak, hickory, roof of the newly shingled shed with amaze­ twenty-one years of service as recorder of the dead. If (bat is so it will be a great relief to The treasury department has awarded the Country. Provisions ment in her eyes and her arras akimbo. To Mj walnut, maple, elm and a great many more. city’s affairs, he beginning his duties in 1875 the reading public. T h e dog was well enough contract for rebuilding and completing the The climate is very moderate. his surprise he found that the shingles exten­ T here Is a land of every land the pride, under the first Democratic mayor that Bangor — all that a whimsical, over petted and infirm St. Albans, V t., public building to Richardson Beloved by heaven o'er all the world beside. Columbia is 10 miles north-east of the M o. ded for a distance of ten feet over the edge of Meats, etc. ever had, H on. F. M . Laughton. old terrier could be— but the rural press and and Burgess of Washington, D . C. They W here brighter suns dispense s-rener light, river, and about 144 miles west of St. Louis. tbe board frame. H e had nailed them to the Aud milder moons Impsradlse the night; some o hers wrote him to death. For years were the lowest bidders o f several, and their Sole Agents for Wickes Electric OH, There are 3 caves in Boone Co., the Roche­ fog, and as the moist support had faded away It is announced that Walter Emerson f f A land o f beauty, virtue, valor, truth. this tan colored canine hobo couldn’t stir but bid was $40,700. T im e tutored uge uud love-exalted youth; port Cave, the Torbit Cave and the Rock tbe shingles hung suspended in midair with a Portland is a candidate for assistant Secretary the kind of Kerosene that Burns. of War. Mr. Emerson is a native of Oak­ somebody would spin out from a stickful to a The wandering murluer, whose eye explores sway in their back liae that in tbe vertebra of It was announced Tuesday that an agree­ T h e wealthiest Isles, the most enchanting shores, Bridge Cave. column on his alleged wonderful travels and There is a distillery at Rock Bridge aud a land, a graduate o f Colby in tbe class of '84, ment as to wages and hours of labor for two View s no' a realm sobnnullful end fair. Apples by the Barrel a forty year-old m u k .” great sagacity, until finally, it appears, the great deal of liquor is distilled and con­ and since bis graduation from college ha* been years his been reached between the Concord Nor breathes the spirit of a purer air. Choioe Baldwins io the newspaper business on the Portland poor dog became disgusted and died. Granite Manufacturers’ Association and the In every clbue, the magnet of his soul, sumed. Requies dog in pace.— Bangor News. Touched by reinerubrauoe, trembles to that pole, Low Prices. Tnere is an undergrobad lake Lere, having Bath launches a four-master the itfth of Advertiser. M r. Emerson is a bright and Concord branch of tbe Granite Cutters’ Na­ charming gentleman. a great many fish in it. this month. Tbe engagement of marriage of Miss Eliza­ tional Union. The new agreement dates Man, through all ages o f revolving lim e, beth Boutelle, daughter of Congressman from March I , 1897, and has been signed by Unchanging man, In every varying dims, I w ill now close. Your Friend, GuV. Powers has appointed H on. P. O. Deems his owu land of every laud the pride, Boutelle, to W illiam W . Palmer, of representatives of both organizations. A n n ie D . V a n d iv e r . Vickery resident trustee of the Maine Insane lieloved by h»r the construction of a breakwater THE STEAMBOATS Quid, Silver and Nickel Plating, the state of Maine, in couaty of Knox. I t is a The ceremony was performed at high noon in Rockland harbor, proposals for which city of about 9000 inhabitants,'and although Rev. j. M . Leighton officiating and was wit­ were opened last week in Portland* His bid not a handsome city can boast ol one of tbe nessed by the near relatives of both parties. ' Steamer Trem ont, Capt. Connors, resumed was 59 3-102. per ton. Proposals for tbe con­ ELECTRIC WORK. prettiest aud fiuest harbors on tbe New E n g ­ After tbe ceremony lunch was served. The her route between Rockland and Green’s struction of the breakwater in Portland har­ Uuvl g served six yours lu iho electric busi­ land c >ast. Tne harbor is three miles long couple left on the J.20 traiu for a short trip to Landing yesterday. bor, rrquiriug 350,000 tons of grauite were ness I cau do uuy class u f * u r entrusted to me. Boston. They will live at the home of the Kstlmutea given for Eln Tic Light, B ectrlc Gas by three miles wide, being a portion of Peu Lou Crockett, s<»n of Capt. Oicar also opened. The bids were: Charles H . Lighting, Bell, Telephone and Annunciator Work. obscot Bay which is an arm of the Atlantic bride. Tbe bride is one of Belfast's esteemed Crockett, has been acting as express manager 5 rather, Boston, 59 3 1 c cents per ton; T . Repairing of All Eiada a Specially. Ocean. The harbor w ill soon be protected by and respected ladies. The groom is ex-mayor on the Bluehill line this winter. W. Kinzer & Sorts, Waltham, 68 cents; Win. a government breakwater (now partly com of the city and senior member of the firm uf ». White, Rockland, 71 1-2 cents; Hamilton The Only Place in the City where Goods The officer list of tbe M t. Desert ibis sea- •re Kept in Stock. pitted) which when finished will extend about Swan & Sibley, and also a director of the 6 Cleaves, Portland, 75 cents. Belfast National Bank. They were the re­ sou is as follows: Master, F. L . W inter- two-thirds its width making it a very safe I hot barn; pilot, Addison W . Sbute; purser, cipients of many beautiful and costly presents. B L. GEORGE, harbor for coasting vessels in the heavy gales I Cbas. r. Mason; engineer, Cbaa. 11. A llen; of the Atlantic coast. h ap pin ess WIL E. Webster of Damariscotta Mills will I assistant e gineer, M elville G. Au>tin; first Somtlhiig lo Conidtr. auccKeaoB to The chief industry of the city has been, And Freedom deliver the memorial address before the I officer, Jobu A. Hosmer.—-T he repairs lately F. W . COVEL PLATING WORKS, from its first settlement, the manufacture of Thomas T . Rideout Post, G . A . R. at Bow­ uudergooe by er medi­ tbe Colby students Thursday night on the POWDER MISS MABEL H. IIOLBU.DIJK. U Csiudeu H l, distance of five to six miles. The stoue ia of subject, “ Colby in Missions.” I t was one of caused by making landings there. She will (reate and cures thousands of cases like yours? Absolutely Pure. w ill level ve pupils iu piauofone luslruotlou, cines We cau supply you with any­ tbe most interesting talks ever given in the uow be able to run on (be lirue-iable which Dr. Greene, 34 Temple Place, Boston Mass., either at her home or w ill go to them. Bspecial a hard, flinty character, being drilled by thing you need, to be obtained iu a alleuilou given beginners. steam drills, and blown out by dynamite. Tbe chapel. Io the short time allotted D r. Han heretofore b baa been m a 1- to make, hav­ is tbe most successful of all specialists aud quarries, on an average, are about one hun­ well slocked drug store. sou told something of tbe work of those Colby ing rather loo many tannings. The tup to has tbe largest practice iu the world. You graduates who have been prominent in state, Castioe will now be made directly fiom Bel­ cto consult him free. Write to him without Celebiatod for Ils great haveolug strength aud OA-flTORIA.. dred feet wide, aud two hundred and twenty- bealihfuIncas. Assures the God agalual alum aud five feet deep at the present time. W. C. POOLER, borne and foreign missions to all of which fast. I l is rumored that steamer Silver Star delay and be will explaio by letter yonr case all forma of udulleraliuu cvmrnou to the cheap The atone after being broken into small departments Colby has contributed her ihsrr will extend her trips to Searspoit during the fully, T tia will cost you nothing and doubt­ brands. pieces ia hoisted from the quarry by derricks Pharmacist. of workers. H e paid a high tribute to Elijah coming summer, but thia report ia not official. less lead to your cure. U O t A L U A K IN U POWltlttt GO , NBW YOUK 2 THE ROCKLAND COUKIKK-GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1807

COMMISSION OR COMMISSIONER P about the matter do you expect a commission *The Courier-Gazette. will be chosen ?” “I doubt it some, snd I regret, I may sty, . THE . rW/Cr-A-WF«TK A PAPER FOR ALL. Hon. D* W. Mortland Gives Hla Views Ob Municipal Gossip as Heard by a Connell very much that this controversy has arisen. b Mutter Mow Before Oar Oltlxene. man.—Interests Tax Payer*. W ith such a feeling the best thing for the ALL THE HOME NEWS people and political party responsible will The t wice-a- week Courier-Gazette presents itself in this first issue and The tie-up in the City Government over the probably not be done. Men do little that is A petition was sent from Rockland to the NEW GOODS election of officers, hinging as it does upon right when governed by passion or prejudice. state legislature last week asking for an IlmY hopes to merit public favor—hopes to merit it by genuine worth. We the disposal of the matter o f street coramis Even though the members of the city gov­ amendment to the city charier in such a f irm sioner, is evoking widespread discussion. The ernment conscientiously believe that a com-1 (hat hereafter a street c immission of three have some knowledge, gained by long experience, of what the people of question is one that should be fully venti­ members shall take tbe place of the street BY THE ROCKLAND PUBLISHINGCO missioner were better than a commission, still ( . FOR . this part of Maine want In a home newspaper. We may not always he lated, not on personal grounds at all, but with I think they should have had respect for the , coinmhsioner anti that that commission be A. H . Jones, President. the interests of the city as the issue that is opinions of the large number of citizens ( appointed by the mayor. This petition was able to hit up either to their ideal or ours, hut every issue o f the paper most vitally involved. The Courier-Gatette and heavy tax payers who have helped elect : the result of the doings of the city council last 0 Edited by W . O. Fuller. Jr. will be the best we can make it and as such will bid for public support. has no partisan position to fill in the matter, them to the offices which they hold, and who | week, but that it does not express th t general Associated with John W . Thomas and George W . Fish but it does believe that all citizens should be saw fit to petition them in respect to this mat­ sentiment is plainly shown by the numerously Spring Some of our features: heard and the evidence and opinions carefully ter. The petition was, at least, ►worthy of signed remonstrance which followed it to weighed by the gentlemen elected to admin­ Augusta, Monday. The remonstrants think NEWSPAPER HISTORY All the home news will he .‘he leading feature as it ever careful consideration. It surely was the duty ister the affairs of the city during the year. of the city government to give such petition that the charter thus amended would place The Rockland Gazette was established in 1846. I n AND 1874 the Courier was established, and consolidated with nas been with Ibis paper. Besides the Rockland field, which z\ representative of our paper waited upon a respectful hearing. It is not to be sup too great a power in the hands of the mayor the Gazette in 188a. The Free Press was established Hon. D . N . Mortland to ascertain his views, posed that this petition was gotten up simply and they believe that the city council as a in 1855, and in 1891 changed its name to the Tribune. will he ably covered, we shall have a corps of more than a knowing that M r. Mortland was of Mr. on account of opposition to Mr. Crockett; whole should make the selection, even as it The Union Times was established in 1892. The three Crockett’s active helpers in electing the lat­ does of the other municipal officers There Sum m er papers consolidated March 17,1897. hundred bright correspondents, representing all the towns but even if so, if there be such an opposition ter gentleman to office, and believing there­ to him as the number o f the petitioners indi­ will be a hearing on the petition and rem on­ In this part o f the staje. In these columns only will such an fore that he would, as one of the petitioners, cates, it certainly then is desirable for the strance at Augusta today and I understand Subscriptions $2 per year in advance ; single copies be in position to discuss the matter from an that quite a delegation will go over to hear three cents. array of Eastern Maine news be found. members totnquire what was the reason of so And a full line of ataplegooda nre now Advertising rates based upon circulation and very entirely impartial standpoint. larKe an opposition. I know, however, that this interesting and perplexing matter dis­ reasonable. A Marine Department will contain all of interest con­ many of those who signed the petition are,like cussed. on exhibition at the tailoring eatab- Communications upon topics of general interest are m>self, personally friendly to M r. Crockett, lishment <>f solicited. cerning the waters that bound this coast. As you have been for several years a rail­ Entered at the postoffice at Rockland for circulation road commissioner and have undoubtedly and that most of the persons who signed the I hear on good authority that the name at second-class postal rates. A Washington Letter will treat of national topics such given the subject of road building and repair­ petition did so for the sole reason that they of Samuel H . Doe of W ard 7, w ill be believe some method different from the one presented when nominations for street com­ as this part of tbe country is particularly interested in. ing of ways considerable consideration,” be­ gan T heC . G. representative, “ I desire to ob­ we are pursuing would be lastingly beneficial missioner are called for at the A pril meeting Knight & Hill Circulation 6 ,0 0 0 Each Issue A Boston letter will contain tho latest news of New Eng­ tain your views as to the controversy that has to the city”. of the city council. His friends claim that he arisen in our city in relation to electing a road is not without a considerable backing in the land’s capital. commissioner or a commission.” Following is the much-discussed petition: two hoards and that if a commissioner is “ All tlio homo news.” Just keep “ I am pleased to answer any inquiry you elected that M r. Due stands a good show. A i The Social Side will treat o f personal topics and the To the Honorable Mayor and City Council for his qualifications, they claim that he is GENERAL REVIEW OF STYLES your eve 011 The Courier Gazette and may make relative to the raattei,” returned of Rockland : — W e, the undersigned citizens doings of socle'y. Mr. Mortland. second to no candidate who has been ad­ Fnshionablo Garments for man will bo of Rockland, respectfully ask that in lieu of a vanced for years. see if we don’t make the motto good. “ You are one o f the petitioners to the city cut, during tlio incoming season, more in “ In a Corner o fth e Library” will be found the latest road commissioner, a board of road Commission or commissioner it becomes government for the election or appointment commissioners consisting of three mem­ hArtnony with tho lines of the figure and gossip on book and literature. of a commission?” more and more evident that the April meet President McKinley doesn't propose bers be chosen for the ensuing year, as pro ing will be marked by some interesting con­ more In accordance with the eternal fitness “ Yes, I am one of the petitioners, but not vided by Sect. 11 o f the City Charter, to /nave of things from the view points of art and flt- to be burdened by the office seekers. Musical matters will be given particular attention. by reason of any feeling o f opposition to the tests. charge of the work and expenditures upon ness to occasion than for a long time; and The whole country will applaud him The Markets will be made a feature aud its reports kept present incumbent. Personally I have always streets and sidewalks and sewers. W e be­ I see by the Ellsworth American that Mayor will generally be made from plnin or mixed in this decision. felt very fiiendly to M r. Crockett, and I may lieve that by the choice of three competent full and accurate. say, if the practice of choosiug a single com Davis, w ill himself act as road commissioner fabrics, or from fabrics whose stripes, checks men to have charge of such work and expen­ this year, serving without pay except in cases missioner every year and leaving it to him or plaids are f>o softly aud harmoniously The granite industry will receive special attention. ditures, more satisfaciory results can be ob­ where he is taken away from his business for The “new journalism” is getting entirely to do as he pleases with the money tained than by the choice of any single com- colored that though they are bright and appropriated prevails, it might as well be M r. the best part of the day. many heavy blows from its opponents Local History, reaching back over the past, is to receive missioner. lively in appearance, they are so neat and Crockett, perhaps, as anybody else. It is not H e proposes to divide the roads of the city quiet in effect that nearly every man of about New York. Will Mr. Pulitzer attention. M r. Crockett that I am opposed to, but to John S. Case John T Berry into four or five districts, possibly by wards. and Mr. llearst reform under the Tho Schools and the Religious interests will be* intelli­ tbe system which has prevailed hereof repair­ A. F. Crockett J S W illoughby In each of these districts he will have n fore­ good taste will admire them, even though Wm. T. Cobb man, who w ill be suggested by the alderm in pressure or will they go right on run­ ing and . constructing ways. During the G L Farrand he prefers flainer goods. Vests, however, gently represented. thirty years in which I have been a citizen of C. A. Crockett N F Cobb from each district and whose duty it will be will frequently he made from fancy vest­ ning their papers to suit themselves? this place, between $250,000 and $31x3,000 D. N. Mortland I I N Pierce to take charge of the work in his district, ings, the weave, coloring and general effect There will be many other special features, such as Dr. W m . H . Fogler with the understanding that be will as far as has been raised by direct taxation and ex­ Fred W Wight of which are so different from those of past E. K. Glover possible give to tax payers who wish to do so Ex-Senaior Ingalls is to report for Talmage’s Sermon, Politics, State Chat, News of the World, pended upon our streets and ways, and yet, A S Littlefield seasons, that, like all new things, they w ill with exception of what was done a few years C. E. Littlefield R R Ulm er an opportunity to work out their taxes. probably bo ridiculed and caricatured for the New York Journal the prize fight Serial Stories, Poetry, and general miscellaneous features. ago under a commission, we have nothing to Charles E. Bicknell W I I Glover The money appropriated for roads will be that occurs today. Had Kansas not This is only a partial compendium o f what our readers may look for. show for it* Our streets and ways, outside of F. M . Shaw True P Pierce apportioned to the various districts in propor­ some little time. But as the new materials W . A . H ill tion to he tax paid by each district. The goue Populistic in the late election the portion paved, are but little, if any, better E R Spear are rich and beautiful they are likely to Not all these features will he found iu every issue of The Courier- than they were thirty or forty years ago, not­ C. G. Meffitt F C K night foreman w ill be required to make monthly re ­ become popular before tho end of the sea­ C. M . Kalloch Mr. Ingalls would have been sent back withstanding the very large expenditure of J D May ports to the board of aldermen of work done son. Gazette (twice-a-week) but not a week will pass without the most of O. J. Conant and money expended in their several districts. to the U. S. Senate. Perhaps,however, money upon them to which I have called at­ Fred R Spear There will he nothing extreme in the cut them appearing. A variously constituted army of patrons will receive C. M . W alker Chas I I Berry Mayor Davis, as road commissioner, w ill ex bis talents will shine even more lus­ tention.” of any garm ent. Coats w ill he neitner loose “In what way do you think three men F. H. Berry N ath ’l Jones ercise general supervision over the roads and the paper and we shall aim, in a great variety of reading matter, to nor tight, will have shoulders of about trously from the ring side. would act better, or expend money upon ways Ephraim Perry Maynard S Bird the foreman. satisfy the tastes of all. From time to lime we shall add new features, more judiciously, than one competent man W ra. A . M cLain H O Gurdy Such in brief is the plan which Mayor natural width and will be of moderate J. F. Gregory The new Secretary of tl o Treasury would?” S M Bird Davis hopes will work a reform in the man­ le n g th ; vests w ill give to the body an ap­ illustrations will be used injudicious fashion and, In brief, wo intend • Perhaps in no way, if all three were in ­ S. W . Gregory R W Phelan ner o f caring for the roads. It impresses parent length that is In haunnny with the says: “ I believe in raising the revenues competent, or had private interests of their A. L . Richardson D M Murphy many who have beard of it as an excellent idea. full height; aud trousers, though they w ill giving you a paper such as you must read every issue in order to make I I . G. H a ll by customs duties so levied as to pro­ own; but if an effort should be made to C E Tuttle be wide enough for comfort and conven­ E. B. Spear life go on with you as smoothly as it should. choose competent men, men who have no Wm II Kittredge I find a great many people who know just mote the general welfare by equaliz­ C. H . Pendleton ience, will have sufficient shape to indicate private interests of their own to be subserved, I C Peterson bow the street department should run. The ing the diflereuce between American Six thousand circulation—thirty thousand readers twice a week— Geo. B. Casey that Nature gave curves to the legs of the they would undoubtedly adopt a system of E D Graves only trouble with turning the office over into L. W . Benner w earer. aud foreign labor.” It is strange that sixty thousand pairs of eyes looking at these columns every seven days- road building and repairing which would be F W Fuller their bands is that they all differ in their George F. Ayers Among the many artistic effects that w ill auy oue can be found to antagonize It behooves us to make a paper worthy o f such a constituency, and carried on from year to year, with a view to E S Bird ideas. durability and permanency to a certain ex C. F. Ayers F. A . Thorndike be conspicuous, are the shoulders of coAts. this doctrine that the superiority of our word for it we mean to do so. tent, such as the appropriations would admit R. Ayers F. C Case which will be built up to form a line of Joseph Abbott The salary committee this year is not likely American wages must be main­ of. The trouble with our present method is E B MacAllister beauty ’rom the side of the neck to the Aaron Howes to be troubled about making many changes tained. that each surveyor or commissioner has a J E Sherman sleeve top; the roll of single-breasted coats, method of his own and pursues it without re G. K. Merrill G M Barney either way. Tbe matter o f salaries was pretty framers of the constitution in evident expec­ which will be wide though the notch will be POINTS ON POLITICS gard to well defined and recognized methods L . B. Keen G W Leadbetter well sifted last year and a scale of wages tation that it would be used seldom, and only small; the literal length of all collars; the This is a greut day in the United o fw a d building and repairing, and perhaps C. M . Blake A J Erskine pretty well adjusted to our city's financial ca­ in rases of political emergency. F. F. Harding pabilities was adopted. The time seems to be tapering body effect of the double-breasted States .Nothing in the past four years, The Chicago Democrats Thursday nomi­ diflering entirely in method from that of his E A Butler J. A. Clough going by when men, aod good men especial­ except the election o f lust November, nated Carter it. Harrison for Mayor. Tbe situation at Washington just now is predecessor. To illustrate what I mean, 1 E S Farwell frock; the ample, small notch roll of the critical. The McKinley Republicans will not have seen here, before M ain street was paved, E. M. Perry O P H ix ly, are w illing to serve for nothing. That “ the single breasted vest, aud the rakish effect Tbe Democrats of Toledo, Ohio, Thursday has been made so much o f by tbe pap­ have a majority in the Senate during the extra a commissioner purchase at great expense Perry Brothers G I I Clifford laborer is worthy his hire” is just as true in nominated ex-PoIice Judge Parks Hone for of thej peaked-lapel roll of the double- ers as the fight that today is to be session o f Congress, and cannot therefore sea shore gravel anefspread it over the street, W . R. Prescott J D Spear city affairs as in anything, and 1 venture Mayor. He came witUn fifty-eight votes breasted vest; and tho naturalness with hope to pass a tariff bill without help either and the very next year another commissioner E. B. Hastings Edwin Robinson without fear of contradiction, to assert that pulled off— we think our phiascolot;y of being elected two years ago, though tbe which trousers will fall over the instep from the silver Republicans or from the gold cover the gravel over with lime rock chips.” C I I Moor Israel Snow none o f onr servants are being overpaid. Tbe is correct—between Mr. Corbett and city is Republican by 2000 votes. without the uid of a noticeable bottom Democrats. If they obtain help from the sil- “ Do you mean to say that road building Fernald Blethen & Co yy E Staples new salary committee consists of Aldermen Mr. Fitzsimmons, the gentlemanly As the result o f a recent conference of Free J ver Republicans it will presumably be as the and tbe care of roads and ways is a science Blackington & Burkett p jj Whitney Harrington and Johnson, Councilmen Achorn, spring or the unsightly front hollow. representatives o f the manly art. Silver Republicans in Omaha, a call has been , result of some concession on the currency that can be acquired by study?” W m B H ills E B Ingraham & Co. Abbott and Blackington— a conservative Among the many garmetits which will issued for a state convention at Lincoln question, as was tbe case when the M cK inley “ Certainly. It is as well settled and de­ S L H all Chas U Keene quintet. be admirable for their fitness to some special Great is Carsou City, Nevada. Geo D Hayden M arch 25, for tbe purpose of naming a pro­ bill was passed. That would be a very serious fined as that of building a house or ship. To Mrs J C R Sullivan I hear much talk about the school board purpose, are the following: The double- visional national committee. error both from a national and Ifrom a parti­ A M Fuller and note with a deal of satisfaction that many fit myself for the discharge of my duties as F E Follett breasted suck for business wear, every p art M r. Watterson says Mr.Cleveland resembles san point of view. On the other hand, it it railroad commissioner 1 gave much time and A C Andrews I I L Johnston people appear to be interested as to who the We think reading aloud is a branch and expression of which indicates comfort Andrew Johnson more than any other of his likely that a sufficient number o f gold D em o­ study to such matters. The same rules are N B Cobb C A Barnard four new members are to to be. The question col venionco and utility, and the same gar­ of study altogether too much neglected predecessors. Tbe Kentucky editor has not crat! might consent tu support a tariff bill laid down for the construction and repair of H I I H all E W Palmer o f lady members serving ou the board is again in the public schools. Ask your girl forgotten how to say pointed things in a con­ if moderate in its provisions, although per­ highways as for railroads, and tbe same scien­ Joshua Bardett G K Mayo the subject of much comment and tbe idea ment so changed for wear at a summer re­ templative way. sonally oppused to it, in order to save the tific principles apply to each alike.” W I I Piston J F Carver seems to have grown vastly more popular sort or for loungtug or for yachting or seme or boy to read aloud some paragraph Setb B Spear among the parents of school children. There H oo. Arthur Sewall, late candidate for Vice Republicans from surrendering to tbe silver “ You remember a commission was tried W W Graves other sport or pastime as not only to seem from a book or newspaper and note men. An arrangement of this nature would Geo A Sherman are many phases of school life that appeal President on the regular Democratic ticket, here a few years ago but was discontinued or S A Burpee perfectly adapted to the purpose intended, Thomas B Glover directly to teachers and mothers and in the hesitant, slip shod manner, the sailed last week on the Atlantic from N ew be both honorable and advantageous. abandoned for some reason?” W m Scott & Co hut to be Inappropriate to any other. The Herbert B Barter this connection the value of tbe latter on any Y ork for Panama, on a pleasure trip. H e Tbe appointment of a collector of customs “ Yes, that is true, but what the reason for F E Burkett loug-waisted, Bliort-skh ted cutaway frock, ohewing of words, the mumbling and C O Glover school board is obviuus. was accompanied by his brother, Frank at Portland, which was the cause of the bitter its abandonment was I do not know. I do C E Dsniels mouthing of sentences. We have Herbert L Farr which has about it an uumistakuhly com­ enmity between President Harrison and know this, however, that all we have to show W J Perry 1 was talking with a fellow councilman Sewall. Chas I I Pressey mercial air, or its still longer-wuisted and made tbe test with several pupils in . / Speaker Reed, is in a fair way to be settled in the way of permanent improvement of our Miss JennieMcDonald about this same thing the other day and was McKinley's accession to the presidency Wm E Brewer shorter-skirted brother, with u wealth of tbe Rockland schools and the result j on a friendly basis. M r. Reed’s famous ex- streets was done under the direction, of that J G Pottle not at all surprised to find him a warm advo­ entitled to tbe remarkable distinction of havii E W Follett oplanatiun l.n ' that ' the ■ row between him and commission.” I F Berry cate of having lady members on the board. flap, which as unm istakably buggests the satisfies us that a diflerent system than afforded genuine satisfaction to a greater pro President Harrison was caused by the fact “But it is reported that they expended a S A Fish F Ernest Holm an “ Women,” said he, "are so quick to divine racetrack. The altout equally length C T Colson that in force ought to be adopted. A protion of the people of this country than any that he only had two enemies in Maine, one large and unusual amount o f money in making D L Howard where the trouble lies.” I have a young divided cutawuy frock of durk material, simitar event of the kind in ils history. As A J Huston daughter who attended one of the primary boy or girl of 10 or 12 years should be of whom President Harrison pardoned out of these permanent improvements.” Frank L Weeks neat of roll aud tuperiug of skirt, which pro­ we figure it out there are just about thirteen “That is true. A larger amount of money F G French A Ross Weeks schools in the city, but who lost three able to read at sight any piece of the penitentiary and the other of whom be claims itself eminently genteel, bu* seems million voters who are pleased, moderately to made collector of customs at Portland, will was raised for highway purposes for a year or W O Hewett E M Stubbs years attendance on account of illness. That W J Wood & Co too small and unpretentious for any social ordinary English composition, and excessively, at the official ceremory enacted soon be recalled by the appointment o f Mr. two than usual, but as 1 remember, a portion F B Hatch period was a perfect blank to the child fuuction. The double-breusted frock with in front of the National Caoitol on the 4th of Reed's original candidate, M r. M illiken, to of it was specially appropriated for paving A P St Clair G II Wiggin and when she returned to her studies finally read it in a clear, distinguishable voice, W M Purington March.— Lynchburg News. that office. The other day, when the Speaker and for constructing sewers. Much was done H M Wise it was without any apparent interest in school its s Ik richuess of roll, its amplitude, ils unmoved by stammering aud involun­ Sam’l M Veazie life or her studies. My wife saw the teacher, Though President McKinley went to Wash­ paid bis regular call of courtesy to tbe presi­ in both respects during those years, and tbe M M Genthner long graceful liues, its fullness of skirt and I I E Brown explained to her the child’s condition and tary tongue swallowing. ington guarded by a corps of detectives, he dent, the visit was prolonged by. the evident abutters on such streets were required to pay, Chas G Kifl its general dlguity, which prou ’ly usserls its J S Moody E W Berry & Co the manner in which she was obliged to treat had sense enough not only to dismiss them desire of the President to have a free and under tbe provisions of the charter, for more thorough fituess for, every conventional re’ Mayo & Rose W T Norcross with her at bouse, and from that hour there as soon as be was inaugurated, but to direct friendly chat. The result was that something than two-tbirds o f the expenses, if all such quiremeut of society while the sun is above The reports that Spain is on the W C Pooler arose a better understanding between pupil ■ bat tbe police guard at the While House be was said about appointments in Maine and were assessed as 1 have been.” Chailes A Moore J W Crocker and teacher. A love for school, for tbe the horizon. Tiie somber eveuiug coat, or point of baukpuptcy come so often removed, and also, which is still better evi­ assurances were given that the nu»n turned “ In view of the feeling which has arisen teacher and for tbe studies at once became iu the vernacular,Hhe "swallow-tail,” with dence of bis good sense, he walks about the down by President Harrison would be at an and with such circumstantiality of manifest and now my little daughter could Its long graceful roll, Its never clashing streets o f Washington with a friend, as any early day appointed by President M cKinley. statement that they are probably foun­ not be induced to miss a single session.” So fronts, its narrow, laperiug skirts and its other citizen of tbe country may do. H e was N ot tbe least significant of the many pro* much for a mother’s ready understanding of ded on fact. Ever since early in tlie a private citizen befure he was Pieaident, and pitious circumstances that augur smooth sail* geueral aspect of high respectability, which the case. w ill be one alter bis term of office shall expire, lug for the ship of state is the friendly atii asserts its exclusive right of sartorial entry reign of Isabella II, the grandmother O f the four new members on the board it and why he shouldn’t walk about unguarded, tude of Speaker Reed, as evinced by bis call to auy occasion of ceremony after dark. o f the present buy monarch, Spain is very likely that two w»l| be ladies. I hear as other people do, is what bis average fellow- upon tbe Presideut the next day alter inaugu­ the names of Mrs. R. C. H all and Mrs. Aud the Tuxedo, that graceful, useful, has been declining morally aud citizens cannot tell. The people w ill like him ration and by the frtquent pledges of un­ Thomas H aw ken mentioned and they seem much misunderstood aud abused sack, the better for doing so.— Alexandria Gxzette wavering loyalty and support which tbe financially. That country has tried to meet with ready favor. Both are ladies of whose proper ahidiug place is the border­ Speaker has frequently given of late. Those several sorts of governments since it culture and refinement, the one a mother land hr tween evening dress aud aristocratic H ad tbe election of 1896 resulted iu a who know tbe broad measure of theSpeakei's and tbe other a recipient of a Normal School drove Isabella out twenty-nine years Democratic victory Mr. Cleveland's pocket conception of patriotic duty and tbe unfalter­ negligee, which sometimes usurps the place training. ago, but none o f them has made it a vetoes would have been in good form; for it ing devotion to his party, which has always of the "swallow-tail” aud ha" recently con­ For tbe other two vacanciei the names o f would have been a fair inference that tbe been a marked characteristic of tbe sturdy spired with the faucy vest aud 'lie boldly modern state. Next to Turkey, it is L. F. Starrettand Rev. Thomas Stratton have verdict of 1896 was a reversal of that of 1894. aibamentarian, needed no assurances of this been mentioned. The) are gentlemen whose ornamented trousers, to wiu for Itself the the most reactionary nation in Europe. O r, bad tbe Republican majority whose appro- ind. Tbe stories of an alleged intention on t intellectual ability caunot for a moment be right of existence independent of auy part Whether lids condition is the cause or iriaiion bills were distasteful to M r. Cteve- the part of the Speaker to assume an un­ questioned, while they would bring to tbe of eveuiug dress. aad been a body that was to continue, as io friendly attitude toward tbe administration is tbe cousequeuce of its political t board not only valuable ideas but a w illing­ an of), -year, - still subject to bis veto, . bis . act were maliciously inspired io many instances weakness is doubtful, but there is a would have been justifiable upon tbe theory >nd bad nu baii| in anythmg that tbe Speaker ness to serve our city's educational depart­ OVERCOATS. practical certaiuty that adverse fate of party occeaaity, however amendable to | b„ „ id O[ done. On the contrary (he Speaker ment, that is in tbe highest degree beneficial. j ou what kind o f clothes Mayor Butler, who becomes mayor ex-officio, I t is hard ly necessary to say that the criticism upon higher ground. But, as matters has given his personal pledge o f hearty co has greater troubles in store for Spain has bad previous experience as a member of Cheste field or tty-front oversack w ill be stand, tbe President is chargeable with intent operation io the work of speedily enacting we sell, vou know it's “THE the school board and in addition to presiding the uj"St popular overcoat during the in­ than auy she has yet encountered. to embarrass tbe incoming administration. into federal law tbe economic policies which com ing season. No other overgarm eut GOOD KIND.” But we do with dignity and grace will be a valuable ad This is tbe more to be regretted since the tbe people have demanded with no uncertain ever became so popular or retained ha popu­ personal altitude of tbe late President to the want to tell you that never before have we sold good clothing at such junct to tbe board. voice. lar or no long, The outgoing Mayor Hanson, of new chief executive has been extremely cour­ low price*. 1 bear many favorable comments upon that T h ere are good reasons for this. T h e Belfast, iu au extraordinary address to teous. I t is a pity that M r. Cleveland's dis­ portion of Mayor Butler's inaugural treating majority of tailors cau make it more like of a Congress that he could not control The bill relative to the examination of Good Caasitnere Sack Suit* in Brown Plaid Cassimeres, goods of tbe school department. aucces^jplly than auy other overcoat; those the city council, took occasion to who are unusually ski ful aud artistic cau has led him into an undignified abuse of a teachers has passed the lower branch of tl • Plaids aud Plain Blue Cheviots manufactured by the Vassalhoro attack in a most hitter aud astouish- Tbe election of City Marshal will be a satisfactorily devote their beat ability and power that was vested in bis office by the Maine Legislature. with good wearing lining*. All Mills, equal to moat twelve dol­ taste to ita produclio . aud it ia as com forta­ iug fashion the editor o f the Itepuhii- sizes, ] lar suits ou the market. Sizes three-cornered contest this year, the candi­ ble, convenient aud becoming au overgar­ dates being the present incumbent, Capt. A . cau jJouruai, because of that paper's 84 to 42, m eu t as wa« ever designed. .1 TT.a S5.OO J. Crockett, Hiram F. Ulmer and Capt. F. G. The popularity of the oovert coat for street jxjsitiou ou municipal mallei* during CIRCULATION THAT TELLS. French. This contest keeps some a guessing, wear has so greatly increased duiing the tbe Hanson regime. We dou’t know Single Breasted Sack Suits made 910.00 but 1 find tbe friends of one of the three past few seasons th at it w ay now fa irly be from the famous Pittsfield wool­ The best Scutch Plaids and Chev­ geutlemcn named more than ordinarily c in­ considered a rival of the Chesterfield for much about Belfast politic* hut we’li What luerchsut i* there who doesu’t want hi* advertisement* o dent. Co u n c il m a n . th at pur|>oae. ens. Strongly sewed aud per­ iots in all the latest colorings aud The 'overt coat for itreet wear, which by bet a cookie tbe editor of tbe Jourual reach the largest number of readers possible? The Courier Gazette fect Utting. All sizes, patterns. Make, fit aud trim­ the way cau correctly he wo n only over a 1* ou tbe l ight side else tbe Mayor mings first-class, “ The Keeley Institute of the East,” for the sack or * abort business cutaw ay frock, is' a (twice-a week) with its 6,000 circulation is the (treated advertising 9 8 .0 0 cure of the Liquor and Morphine habits, is half-box. I t ia moderately loo e ihroughout, would have bad belter taste ibuu this 912, 915, 918 located at North Conway, N. H. We have no hangs from the shoulders with a slight farugo o f words show him to be medium this part o f Maine ever has known- Six ihoiisaud circulation branch Institute. , Jne 1, 97 t waist shape, has a liberal but not au e x ­ possessed of. Tbe Journal mau passes —two times a week—twelve thousand papers—sixty thousand people We’ve just received au elegant liue o f Junior Suits for lads 2 1-2 to 7 cessive amouut of bottom fullness aud is years of age that we’il be plea ed to show you. Don’t he afraid of about 34 inches long for a wan of average tbe personal refereuces iu tbe mes-age having a sight at your advertisement. Our circulation hooks are open TRY GRAIN-0 U R Y GRAIN-0! h e ig h t6 feet 8 inches. bothering. That’s what we're here for. with coulempt, but cheerfully promises Ask your Grocur to day Vo show you u psck- toali. We cau show you at a glance where these six thousand paper* ugo o f U l t d N - H , thu n t # fuo>l driuU thut to make it iuierestiug in discussing lakes lhe place o f c -flu* The child'eu luuy go- Our circulatiou is genuine, our readers are geuuiue aud the ad­ drluk it without Injury a* will u» (he adult some of the city afiaiis which tbe J. F. Gregory & Son, All a ho try it, dkv It. GU bu» tbs' rich vertiser who wants his money's worth must have bis anuouucemeuls iu seal brown of Mocha or Java, bui h l» uiadu Mayor brings forward. Aud from from pure grain*, ou4 the urn*i dedcutvatoiuucb Knight & Hill, our acquaintance with bis peu w eg n css these col' mu* One Price Clothiers, Under Farwell Opera House recciv s li wlihou; diairen* | ibe price of cof­ fee. ibcls. aud Z&els- per package, bold by all kOCKLANU, TIE. he'll do it very neatly. grocers. ROCKLAND CO I KIKE UAZETTE. WEDNESDAY MARCH 17 1W»7

PERSONAL MENTION THE LEGISLATURE Buying Shoes TWO DAYS ONLY! - TWO DAYS ONLY! Robert Walker and wife of Warren are The Doings of Onr Ntsto Capital Briefly visiting at Arthur Shea’s. snit Conrlsely Rammed Cp. MARCH Is qui e a sciious matt< Senator F. S. Wall* and wife of Vinalhaven were in this city Monday, en route for Vinal you haven’t, money t , burn. I' pays In the senate, Friday, the resolve in favor haven. of Maine Relief Corps S tidier*’ Home at and 18. Miss A la Purringt >n, who has been the Newport was assigned for tomorrow, on mo­ WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY,,: to be cartful— to to k about and And guest of her uncle, W . M. Pordngton, has re­ tion of Billings of Waldo. the best place—even in buying shoes. turned to her home in New York. On motion of W all* of Knox, the resolve in favor of Castine normal school was passed Some one tlioe dealer must have Mayor and Mrs A. W . Butler left last **eek tor a southern trip, as lar s rttlh probably as to be engrossed under suspension of rule. Mackintoshes, Dress Skirts and Wrappers. better shoes than the others— must the Carolines. They will be gone several Walls of Knox presented a resolve Friday, weeks. providing that $4,750 be appropriated to be have better prices. He's the one you expended by the adjutant general under di­ WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Miss Grace A. Cox o f Boston, is the guest rection of the governor and council for the want Look around .until you find of Miss Josephine A. Bradbury. Miss Cox purchase of uniforms and camp and garrison Beginning at 10 o’clock sharp for is here to attend the wedding *of her brother quipage and for building of mess houses W< shall sell for HALF PRICfc Edward to Miss Bradbury. him. It. won’t do any harm lo s'arl and cook houses on the campground for Our Entire Stock nf l.adlcs and Children’s 5 hours only, we sh t I sell 100 Capt. A. A Norton, first assistant keeper Company M , 1st Regiment, at Westbro ok Ladies' Black Ores* -'kirts, here. of the light on Matinicus Rock, was in the nd Company M , 2 I Regiment, at Machias. city last week jn a vacation, visiting his Regular $2.50. for 5 liujjrs only t.aughte*, Mrs Horaiio Hall, Maverick « MACKINTOSHES.® 1.39EACH- A fea’ure of Thursday’s session was the street. WENTWORTH <&. CO., 338 Main S’. original spectacle of Major Dickey, the vet­ ALL l\EW OOOOa ANU SURB VALUES. E. N. Lord, who is working in Stoughton, eran member of thirty sessions, voting on an Also for the same period we shall F t O C 'K ti AKTE, M A IN E . Mass., has been home on a short vacation. $4.00 Mackintoshes $ 2 .0 0 . appropriation bill. H e always votes for all sell Percale and Pri it Wrappers 7 5 g. ------James R. Small is working at his trade appropriations, fend generally speaks for them $5.00 Mackintoshes $ 2 .5 0 . of joinering in Dorchester, Moss.------Arthur also, and in return he not unnaturally expects that have been selling for $1.25, Tomorrow is the 93 ! birthday of the Cushman is in Pejisacola, Fla , in the employ kind treatment (tn the resolves affecting $6.00 Mackintoshes $ 3 .0 0 . of a drug firm All New Styles, for great leader and advocate of Prohibition, Northern Aroostook. Thursday the house HACK. Gen Neal D »w of Portland. The W C. T. U. Miss Mary Woodside has returned to Bos­ gasped with astonishment when the maj »r voted $7.50 Mackintoshes $ 3 .7 5 . in commemorati »n of the event w ill hold ton to resume her musical studies.— Miss against the Newport home resolve. The rea including butter grades. Tteg-Re.hember 5 H >urs O nly. services of an appropriate character at the Carrie Kirk has returned from Worcester, son is found in the fact that the pet scheme O live* have advanced io cents a quart as Y. M . C. A. parlors. Mass., where she has been visiting several ot Major Dickey, a small resolve for the pre­ P LA cE the result of the war in Greece. F . Ernest Holman, who has been clerk in weeks.— George Tobey of Norwood, Mass., is servation of the old block house at Fort K ent, SIMONTON DRY GOODS CO.’S STORE. Rev. F. M. Preble of Camden and Rev. the N orth National Hank for several years visiting at Mrs. Patterson’s, Chestnut street. had just been voted down by the house, and H. E. Thayer of Warren exchanged pulpits past, has resigned and will devote hts time to M r. and Mrs. C. Vey H olm an arrived in he was feeling a trifle spiteful. Sunday. the bond-selling business. H e will be suc­ Bangor on Thursday night from Washington, showing the number and nature o f such WHY SOUSA IS SUCCESSFUL J E. Steven* has moved into the Mayo ceeded in the ba..k by bis brother, W illiam where they have been attending the inaugural The committee on railroads were in execu­ books of record in their custody, and where Holm an, late business manager of the ceremonies, for a visit with Mrs. H olm an’s they are kept. house on Masonic street, recently vacated by tive session all of Thursday afternoon. They One of the secrets nf Sousa’s success is his parents on Grove street. Before leaving The town of Deer Isle has been divided Ernest A. Perry. Taunton News. have some very important bills to report on happy faculty of catering to the taste* of all Washington on Monday, they were tendered and the new town of Stonington created. C. A. Hamilton and Alonzo M. Newbert and the general public is getting anxious, es­ classes of people. H is programs are marked a private reception by President M cKinley. pecially in relation to the proposed West­ Th e salary of the recorder of the municipal MIGHTS OPJUV have lately been admitted to membership in by the largest catholicity and that is the rea AMUSEMENTS ANO ANNOUNCEMENTS. court of the city of Portland has been in­ Mrs. M. S. Kim ball and daughter N etia are brook, Windham and Harris »n road and the son why everybody goes to hear them. In COMMENCING the Central Clnh. creased from seventeen to eighteen hundred home from Boston.------Mrs. A . I I . Jones is Bangor street railway matter. They talked M r Sousa’s travels abroad, he ha* picked up Rev. A. W . Taylor preached at the First dollars and the salaries of the county com­ Th e Riddle reading under auspices of the in New York after a week spent at Boston, over many bills, but in case of only three did much new and striking mnsic, which he has Baptist church, Sunday, Rev. M r. Parsbley missioners of Cumberland county fixed at Monday. March 22 Shakespeare Society is now arranged] for the guest of Mrs. M ary H a ll.------M r. and they decide upon a report. It w voted arranged and presents in hi* concert* being in Boston. $1050 for the chairman and $950 each for the May 17. Mrs. R Anson Crie are home from Boston. ought to pass on the bills extending the given on his long Trans-continental tour T h e N ational Granite Co. at Leadbetter’s other two members of the boad. The Canadian Jubilee Singer* are soon to ------E. C. Davis is in New Y ork making charters o f the Small Point and Pupham which began in Philadelphia on Jan I. This First tlmo In this city of tho world's greatest Island is getting ready to start up again as A bounty of $2 a head will now be paid visit our city under auspices of the Epworth spring purchases for Fuller & Cobb.------Miss Beach railroad, and the Deer Isle Telephone city will be included and its citizen* can look soon as the ice and snow are out of the for every wildcat killed in the state. Carrie A. Barnard has gone to New York. Company. The petitioners for a law regu­ forward to a happy musical treat. There will quarry. League. The provision in the dog law exempting She was accompanied from Boston by Miss lating freight rates were given leave to with appear with him. in addition to his matchless The las* number in the People’* L -c ’ure dogs covered by the kennel license from the HYPNOTIST, E. C. Comstock is acting as station agent Course will be a concert by the First Baptist Lucie F. Winslow of this city. draw. band, two beautiful and superior artist*— Mrs, at the Maine Centra, depot in place of A. S. ______. a law has been repealed. Choral Associati n ’ under lea lership of James Elizabeth Northrop, soprano, and Mis* M a r­ Buzzell, who was quite severely injured last The sum of $75,000 annually has been ap­ W ight, next month. Miss Sib’ey, a Boston with pupil ano teacher* Mr. Gurnsey of Dover has introduerd a bill tina Johnstone, the Swedish violinist. week by a fall. propriated to the state penison fund. Prof. Carpenter reader, will take part. to establish traveling libraries. It provides The close time on beaver has been ex­ Rev. J. E. W hitm ore, who has been visiting Presenting to you thu most marvotous and laugh­ The Le-vi«ton Sun «ivs of Prof. Carpenter, The Tree of Knowledge Has an Abundance of that the state librarian shall be authorized to tended six years. A. C. Moore, piano tuner, is building up a in Lincoln lor some weeks past, is now much ablele performanceno ever seen on anv stage. More the hypnotist, who will -open a week’s en lend books and documents from the state li Piisoners discharged from the state prison large business in this section of the state. lie improved in health and will probably fill bis Fruii For All Who Wish It* i lha farce comedy. Don’t miss it. gagement at Farwell Opera House next hrary to any responsible citizen, on written will be paid $10 instead of $5 on their dis­ has issued a nice circular giving instructions pulpit hereabout the first of May. application and on payment of all express and Prioos 10, 20 and 30 cents. Monday evening: The matinee and this The city schools close Friday for a short charge in the future. a* to the proper way to take caie of the piano Miss Aim ee Marsh sang as a solo “ Nearer carriage charges. Books and documents in evening’s performance closes Prof. Carpenter’s Spring vacation. The term of office of the city marshal of together with a very complimentary list of My Home,” Sunday morning at the First series of entertainments vand those who have tbe library for reference use only shall not be Auburn has been fixed at two years and the references. M r. Moore receives orders at the Miss Ethel Heal, Camden, has returned to Baptist church, giving a very artistic render been fortunate enough to have seen him feel so loaned. Free libraries or an association of remainder of the police force at three years. Maine Music Co’s store. ing of an admirable arrangement of the song. amply repaid for their efforts. It is certainly Farmington Normal school. five persons in a town where there is no li­ The penalty of a person convicted of Thursday night occurs the last quarterly the most laughable performance it is possible Miss Mabel Hodgkins of the Grammar brary on app ication and on payment o f 10 fogery has been limited to ten years’ im ­ conference for the church year at the Metho* to witness and there is no end to tbe ludi School faculty will spend her vacation in Bos cents per volume in advance shall be loaned prisonment. dist church. The reports of the various offi­ crous situations the professor places ibe ton. sets of books for friends not exceeding six A court, when decreeing a divorce, may cers w ill be rendered and new officers cho unfortunate subjects into. H e takes volun­ Young lady graduates aremow beginning to month*. Those to whom books are so loaned change the name of the wife by an amend­ Do You sen. teers from the audience and those who turn their attention to graduation gowns and should he liable for full value of the books, ment to the divorce law which has been A handsome summer residence is to be prove susceptible to this mysterious influence essays. and they shall loan them to their patrons free adopted. of charge. The governor shall appoint a li­ erected at North Haven for Prof. Chandler he makes think they are orators, acrobats, Miss Bertha H all and Miss Edith Kalloch, brary commission of four persons, the term of Know wlnit .you hnvo for of the Institute of Technology. song and dance men, ballet dancers or any of this city, have returned to Farmington COL FOGLER FOR SPEAKER one to expire each year, who shall serve with­ T h e W . I I . Glover Co., has the contract dnd thing else he wishes by simply making a few Normal school. an Accident Policy? Did passes before the eyes of the subject. 1 onight out pay and whose duty shall be to encourage will have the work completed by July. The Rockland Courier Gazette nominates w ill be his la^t performance here and the The teachers meeting, South Thomaston, the establishment of free public libraries and you ever hour o f the The steamer Castine broke her shaft while Col. W . I I . Fogler for speaker of the house in only chance to see this wonderful and which was postponed on account of sickness to aid in selecting the hooks. The state on her way fiom Castine to Belfast Wednesday, was held at the high school building, Satur the Maine Legislature o f 1899. W e second company until tho agent laughable scenery. librarian shall be ex-officio a member of the a n d she was towed into the latter port by the day, March 27. commission and secretary thereto. H e shall the nomination.— Republican Journal. told you. . . revenue cutter Woodbury. This is the second The Camden town schools have closed a purchase book* for the traveling libraries and Col. Fogler is one of the brightest men in tim e this W inter that her shaft has been CARPET CLEANINti- week ahead of the time appointed on ac keep an account of all money expended. The the present house, and if he wishes to have W e Sell Travelers’ Accident broken. count of sickness among the teachers and commission shall make an annual report to the Courier Gazette’s motion put to vote there Herbert E. Emmons of this city, who has Ila v e your carpets cleaned by steam power. scholar*. The sessions w ill begin again the governor and council. W ith the bib was will be a good many “ ayes” heard.— Portland . Policies. been acting as telegraph operator for the Monday, March 29. a resolve of $1,000 for each year of 1897 and Express. W e guarantee perfect work. Special prices COCY-v Postal Telegraph office in Gardiner, severed for big jobs. Team will call and deliver. Honorary graduating part* for the class of 1898 for the purchase and equipment of trav­ his connectian Saturday and left for N ew ­ SIAhT, Leave orders with F u l l e r & Cobb. ’97, R. I I . S., have been awarded as follows eling libraries. The Shakers have made a discovery which buryport, Mass., where he has a similar po­ Valedictory, Miss Eleanor Flanagan; saluta is destined to accomplish innch good. Real­ sition tory, Fred Veazie; essay, Miss Vina Black­ izing that three-fourths of all our sullerings Th e people of Rockland will be pleased to Bird Barney, II. A. Monroe, formerly of the Pullman ington. The class historian, prophet, poet, The committee on taxation have to report arise from stomach troubles, that the country learn that the bakery formerly occupied by Did It Ever Strike You now runs between New Orleans and Atlanta, and ode writer are to be elected by the class. ought to pass on the bill to enlarge the pow­ is literally filled with people who cannot eat W . T . H ew ett has been thoroughly cleansed OVER FULLER & C0I1B. which makes him travel 2000 miles a week. ers of tax collector* to reach bank stock and digest food, without subsequently suffer­ T b a t IJ fe Insurance Is thu enalest and safest nd renovated and during the Summer and Supt. Stetson’s annual report for 1896, owned by non-residents, and ought not to way of saving money. Besides, every man Mr. Munroe is sorrowing over the death of ing pain and distress, and that many are should nrotr ot hh fam ily lu esse of death. his five year old daughter which occurred a Fall months will be opened by that ever pop­ gives the f llowing interesting statistics in pass on the bills to tax the estate of deceased starving, wasting to mere skeletons, because IlliiN trationsof different policies gladly sunt ular baker, C. E. Rising. This bakery w ill be relation to W arren: Number of children in few days ago. persons, to tax real estate mortgages differ­ their food does them no good, they have de­ under the charge of Mrs. Geo. Young, who the town between the ages of 4 aud 21, 658, ently than now, and to exempt old soldiers voted much study and thought to the subject, ALFRED S. BLACK, Governor Powers' latest list of appointments SAVINCS SANK BOOK LOST has been in M r. Rising’s empl y for the past number registered in Spring and Summer term from paying a poll tax. and the result is this discovery of their Diges­ (lan ’l Agt. New York Life. includes the following: J. F. Stetson of Cam ­ few years, which is a guarantee o f the mari­ 316, number registered in Fall and W inter 247, Nodoe is hereby given iliat Grorire K Iw lu Gil- tive Cordial. chrest of Itocklu d, Me., h»H notlfled tbe Rockland 5 IJmerock Street. den and O . P. Cunningham of Belfast to tie ner in which it will be managed. This percentage of average attendance .47 nuin A little book can be obtained from your Having* B«nk that deposit book No U2tl, l»siiud lo notaries public; F. M. Shaw of Rockland and bakery will be conducted just the same as his ber of different pupil* registered 387; average The act to regulate the admission to the him by aitid bank. Is loot, and that ho wishes to druggist that will point out the way of relief I. P. Starrett of Warren to be justices of the South-end bakery. Everything-up-to date in length of Spring and Summer terms, 8 weeks; bar of attorneys and to provide for a board of obtain u duplicate 'hereof. peace and quorum. his line will be baked fresh every day, and average length of Fall and W inter terms, 8 examiners has been presented by M r. Stearns at once. An investigation will cost nothing ROOKLAND HAVINGH BANK, and will result in much good. By U. I) Hp k a r , T rets . O. E. Blackington and E. B.Hastings spent M r. Rising will do everything to make this weeks; aggregate number of weeks of all schools of Aroostook. Under its provisions attorneys Rockland, Mu., Meh. 10, 1k«7. 11-1315 KEEP Monday and a part of Tuesday at Alf.rrd’s bakery a leader as is his South end bakery, 304; number o f school houses in the town 15, of other states may be admitted on motion to Children all hate to take Castor Oil, but Lake, fishing. Comparatively little angling which he will still continue to use. The in­ in goud condition9 ; supplied with flags 3; try any case in court, but shall not be admit­ not Laxol, which is palatable. WANTED. has been done of late, but a two-pound sal­ crease of trade demands this extra store. estimated value of all the school property in ted to the general practice of law without COOL mon and an eight pound salmon are among M r. Rising will put on a very nobby new town $6,653; number of male teachers em­ complying with tbe provisions of the act. T o hire $1,000 (One Thousand Dollars) on drat BORN class security. Address “ U ,” C o u r ie r G a z e t t e the catches. bakery wagon from this branch store, which ployed in spring and Summer term I; num­ The hoard of examiners are to be appointed A l e x a n d e r —North Haven, March 8, to Capt Otttcc, Rockland, M e. 7if is a dandy. Orders will b t received by tele­ and Mrs Guorgo Alexander, a son. T h e Bangor papers state that the Grand ber of male teachers employed in Fall and by the governor on recommendation of the This lim y h o iiih I a little bit oil for this phone or otherwise and will receive prompt W inter terms, 4 ; number of female teacher* chief justice and shall consist of five compe­ Sim m o n s —Friendship, March 0, to Mr. and Mrs. Array encampment will be held April 15 and Albert Simmons, a daughter. CIRLS WANTED. Housoii of the year hut wo wish to In­ attention. M r. Rising's bread has become employed in Spring and Summer term 12; in 16 at Rockland. This is a mistake Lewiston tent lawyers, the board to meet annually at W a I.LAOa— Friendship, March 6, lo Mr.and Mrs. Girls for general housework, nurses and the Ul/ssi-a Wallace, a dtuuhter form our old frionds tlmt wo Imvo pur­ being the place of the forthcoming gathering. celebrated through this section o f tbe state Fall and W inter terms, 9; number of teachers Portland in January, at Bangor in April, at nursery can obtain flrsl-alaaa plaoos by applying at and is easily recognized by the patented who are graduates of normal schools, 2; Augusta in October, during session* of the BiiADroKD—Friendship, M art h 8, to Mr.and Mrs. the Intel Igent offlee of MRH. R. C. IIK D G U H . Arrangements are being made for what pro­ Utley Bradford, twin daughters chased of 0 . VV. Perry tho wrapper which encloses it. The bread is all 7 Grove Htreel, Rockland. 48 mises to be the largest encampment for many number of teachers whd have attended supreme court and at such other times a* the I)ort, 5 miles from Rockland, OBITUARY MENTION- change for property lu oily, IK story house with RETAIL sident; Mrs. Soseph York, 4th vice president; A total of 165 acts and 57 resolve* had ell. lu good rep tlr, and 8 acres tillage land, good Miss L illian Baker, secretary; J. L . Stevens, been passed by the legislature and signed by orchard,------never falling we'i of------water. Enquire at Address Orders to Maluu Music Co., Rockland, M e. XDXS1XD 1U3 R ANKIN HT., land. 11-18 treasurer; Mrs. T . J. St. Clair, superintendent Elbridge F. Haskell, a native of South the governor up to last Saturday. Among C a b l e s —Rockland, March 7, John I I. Cables, a of Junior League. The cabinet consists of uaitve of Lincolnville, aged <*>2 years, 2 months. Thomaston but for tbe past year a resident them might be noted tbe following, as of OrriCES 273 MAIN ST. ANO SEA ST. the first three officers snd the follow ing: of Camden, died at the residence of hi* H o f f e r s —Camden. March 10, Floyd Willis, ton TENEMENT TO RENT. especial interest: , 388 Broadway. 1P18 Mrs. Susie H eald; Chairman of Social D e­ a daughter, M r*. Currier, and a sister M r*. enable the Boston & Maine Railroad Co. to H a b iu m —Martinsville, Ht Otorge, March U, Mary THORNDIKE & HIX. partment, Mrs.Joseph York; Chairman of Lit 0. E. BLACKINGTON Hanson Gray, of Bangor. Tbe funeral ser sell it* stock and purchase stock of t Qe Maine K. Harris, aged 41 years, I I mouths, 5 days. 1,e a t u » m u a r r o W—Thomaston. March 8. John HOUSE FOR SALE erary Department, Miss Isadore Robbins. vices were held Tuesday afternoon and were Central railroad is one of the important I^eatherbarrow, of Portluud. Thu remains were At Vluslhsveu, story aud half house on Grauits Tbe membership of the Epwoith League s largely attended. Rev. T . S. Ross officiated measures of tbe session, which has passed taken to Portland for burial. street, uear salt water. t p p l j lu A K N It Y W . about 160 aod the institution is entering upon assisted by Rev. V . P. W ardw ell. T h e in T oLMa n —Owl’s Head, Houlh Thomaston, March HM1TH, Viualbaven. Apr. I8M1 and been signed by tbe governor. fl, Capt. 1. 11. Toim au, aged 48 years, 7 months, 10 1897—SPRING SCHEDULE-1897 its 6tb year. O pening Sale of 1897 term ed was in Mountain cemetery. The salary of tbe judge of probate of days BL.TJEHILG LIN E Knox county has been increased to $500. M a r t in —Bauiugor, March 0, Mina B , wife of FOR 8A t E. A Hohooner’s M »ln«ali, worn: hoist 38 fool, ----for---- The salary of the judge of probate of George G. Marti-lio. a native of Bridgton, formerly of CUt ALLEN'S PROSPECTS- Kocklaud, agedd 34 . >ears,------V months, _ 4 days. The foot 41K ft. Guff, 28 ft. Leach, 49 ft. Addreas CHANGE OF TIME Lincoln county has beeu increased lo $400. remains were taken to Bridgton for burial II.K ddgarlowu, g Men, Boys and Children. Tbe divorce law has been amended so that H a m l in —U alb. March t>. H'leu 'Taylor Hamlin, 8TR. CATHERINE A Washington despatch o f late date con­ tbe libellee is required to be a resident o f the of Wise .aael, sister of Joseph Ham lin of Rooklaud, aged 13 years, 8 mouths. VESSEL FOR SALE. CAPT. <». A. OUOCKETr, vey* this interesting bit of intelligence : Fishing ach. (J Ik R Tarbox, 87 tuna register, state. Ron EMM Owl’s Uead, Houlh Tbomaalou, March W ill leave Rockland on arrival of sletm er frous Il is a speeial sale for reason o f it rlth trawls, duriua aud cahls. 'i'huruughiy rebuilt, Col S. 11. Allen of Thomaston, Maine, for­ Ragged Island, ia tbe county of Knox, has 4, Lois (Marshall), widow of Robert Roger*, a HosloUj < very Wednesday end Haturday, for N o rth iew satis aud lu first-class enudIlion. W ill sell being tbe first and containing all the merly warden of tbe state prison, is in Wash­ been empowered to organize a* tbe plan­ native o f Hopewell, N ew Bruoswiok, aged M5 years, West liar h r, Peer Isle, Little l>e*r Isle, HsrgeuL newest ideas of the leading custom ington for a few days. H e nas been sug­ 2 months vllte, Hedgwtck Brookiiu, Ho. Blue fllil, Blue hili, tation of Ciiehaven. M a o u n k —Rockport,March 6, Herbert U Maguue, H urry and K ilsw o itb tailors iu ready-to-wear perfectly made gested by some of bis frieuds as a candidate Tbe salaiy of the treasurer of Waldo aged 4o years. Returning «very Monday and Thuisday. leaving apparel. for tbe governorship of the Soldiers’ Hom e at county nas been raised from three to four M cG r a t m —Friendship, March 4, Mrs. Louise Hurry at 7 o'clock s. ra., loucblug at above landings (Hbumau), McGrath. The remains were lakeu to Leavenwortn, Kas., in cose of the removal of buudred dollars. HOUSE FOR SALE. and cousocllug at Kocklaud with sU-aumr for Waldoboro for burial Boston. (be present governor, who has been criticised The governor and council have beeu Ht a u t —Boston, March 4. Rev Wm. A.Hlart.of For aals, two story dwelling w ith ell ftud shed- F A SH IO N A B L E . . in a report of a congressional investigating authorized to contract with tbe Cainden snd Medford, Maas., a native o f Camdeu, aged 80 years. suhle aud stnai carriage house. Ifouaa baa 13 committee. Rcckland W ater Co. for water for tbe slate 8 days. rooms besides pantries, halls aud sh d ; sight or P a in e —Camden, March I, Hattie I. (Coombs), uine cloaeta Arranged for two families. W aL-r i Suits, pi isou for ten year* at an annual reutal of wife o f A r bur C Palue, a native o f IsUgboro, aged beldw sod at*ovs, also ou the outside of the bouse list of T etters $2,51x7. 88 years, 8 mouth*. i aud lu the stable. N ew ly ii luu-d last fail. Klee Whoever over 21 years of age has carnal R iv k r s —Ou board brig A rlington, ou passage trie cars pass the door tlso a Urge lot on Wa>do Spring Overcoats. Remaining in the Rockland P. O. tot the from Bostou lo Lisbon, Portugal, W illiam M Rivers, Avenue, Overlooking the bare or. Also s small NURSERYMEN knowledge of tbe body of any unmarried week ending Match 13, 1897: »ou of Capt. and M e. C ears, 2 months, T days. M Km plo>m ani the year around $»r hour si, vnsr> Hats and Caps. Buturau, John H all, Miss Annie ing $500 or by imprisonment for not more I iNNERRN-Jeif raoo, March 8, of pneumonia, “ Seeing is Believing.” I'unMtu. Wtrrva Hall. Mr*. Ague than two years. This docs not apyly to tbe getlc un u lossti Nursery Mock Fu 1 instructions Kat t>, u U tu , uu V iL ,N i( lunUNSOAL -Tbom psou Miss Uslsu and Mrs Fred C Hwau. it. Car fare paid for out o f town cun what thev are worth to you. My T y le r, Miss May ei. M .ith ism, i»bt. a«u A. 3. ERSKINE, ...... prhea are lower lhau same qnalitv cau |I ba* been adoped by tbe city. tomera, who put chase a reanoliable U right, Mrs Kruma In cities aud town* of more than 1300 be bonlight for elsewhere. Seeing ia | Hllverwrare, WaLuhea aud Jew elry ak CSCHRAN. BAKERStCROSk -: Fire ln»urenee Agency, :• amount. inhabitants tbe municipal officers shall p ro ­ ui maim diuerr, - ■ hockland ms proving. vide fire proof safes or vaults for tbe preser­ . What's tbe u»c of asking a mau where he K U. Uucbns. J H. U*Aw. O. O.Uhim Oftlce, rear room over Rockland N at’l Bask. vation of all records of such ciUes and towns. Step iu if only to see what Spriug Styles for got that cough? H e can’t tell you. Aod what’s Fire, Life A iutdeut iiuuruuee. 1 Aiadlug Kugiisa and American Fire Insuransw Clerks of all cities and towns shall in De- HAIR Dunn & Additon, . . Me a are. . . • the diflereuce aoyway. T ell him to go aud Vieras or an cues sau vowu. .u - frowu no bald beads; send 25 ceels lo Ge *a represented- buy a bottle of Adamson’s Botanic Cough ccmber of each year make a return to the -ur vaTuabi« HpauUh recipe that never fail*, Che Oldest Insurance Agency tu Maine. Travelers’ Aoeldsnt Insuranse Company, of Hart. 413, Mala Street. 430 MAIN STREET. Balsam and use it. clerks of courts in their respective counties, p. o bva 8881, Boaum, Maas. H*" MAIM MTRMirr. - . ROCKLAND Cord. Conn. «> t’liifi ROCKLAND CUURlhih-uAZETTK; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17. lni»7

1897 MARCH. 1897 CHRIST THE CAPTAIN ever made t better world than this. It east ont, while there remains still one like the confounded worshipers of Baal: In unguarded moments turn terribly is magnificent in its rains. Let us stop in the lx ;tt—the devil of avarice, the "The Lord, he is tlie Godl The Lord, upon us and under their heels if venge­ Ministers Should Use talking so much ngainst the world. devil of lust or the devil of pride. -Men he is the Godl" ance grind ns to powder. Rejected Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. Su. M o. T u . We. T h . F r. Sa. REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES A SER­ God pronounced it very good nt the be­ of the world, if yon v or.lrl be trans­ We go not alone to the field. We have blessings are sevenfold curses. We can­ MON OF MARTIAL ELOQUENCE. ginning. Though a wandering child ol formed nnd elevated I v the power of the invincible allies in tho dumb elements not compromise this matter. We cannot 1 2 3 4 5 6 God, I see in it yet the great Father'? gospel, new is the time to come. It i? of nature. As Job said, we are in league stand aside and look on. Christ has de­ The SavlfWir Is th e lea d er , th e Cross the lineaments. Though tossed aud driven no mean ensign I lift this hour. It is a with the very stones of the field. Tho clared it, "All who are not with mo V Standard, and All May Serve In the by the storms of 6,000 years, she sail? time honored flag. It has been in ter­ gun by day and tlie moon by night, di­ are agninst m e.” Lord Jesus, we sur­ 9 10 11 12 13 render. 8 Great Army — Fighting For a Glorious bravely yet, and ns at her launching ill rific battle. Draggled in the dust of a rectly or imfireetly, shall favor Chris­ the beginning the morning stars sang Saviour’s humiliation from Bethlehem tianity. The stars in their courses are The prophecies intlmr.te thr.t there, Cause. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 together nnd nil the sons of God shouted to Calvary. Kent l.y In Il’s onslaught, marshaled for us, as they fought against shall before tho destruction < f . !-e v.crl I Washington, March 14.—At this for joy, so at last, when coming intc tho spears of a mat.ornetl soldiery nnd Siscrn. The winds of heaven are now ns he one great battle betuu n truth and time, when rmr national capital has the calm harbor of Gen’s mercy, she the hands of men who said, "Let him certainly acting in ftivor Of Christ ns in unrighteousness. We shall net probably 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 lor ten days been ablaze with onr na­ shall be greeted by the huzzas of glori­ be crucified." With this tir ign in hi? reformation times the invincible arma­ see it on eurth. God grant I t v.e may tional flag, the imagery of this sermon fied kingdoms. It is not tho world bleeding band th e t-ovit ur . Ilia da iu its pride approached tlie coast ef see it, Lending front the ba:-lenient- (I 28 29 30 31 of Dr. Talmage seems very vivid and against which we rout nd, Hut it? heights of our sin. With this l.r mount­ England. As that proud navy directed heaven. Oil the side < f sin 'lull be ar­ appropriate. The text is Psalms xx, 5, transgressions. Whatever isobstinnte i t ed the walls LOCAL WINTER 8 HR VICK rejoiced now plunged in tlio great sor- bling with old age has grasped tho ar­ have been those who have hud a faith A d lo u in id te rrio i , F< b !6.(lKb7 J Steamer •ROCKLAND.” Capt. K. W. Curtis, tows of widowhood aud orphanage— row of truth, and with a dim eye dost that was almost equal to sight, looking Passion shall answer to tho control ot w ill uttnek nmu, but he prefers a call On tbe foregoing petition, OiiDiitrD, Ih a tjh e will leave Rockland, weather and Ice permitting, that is prose. to it, taking aim, has sent its shnrf througli persecution und reverses with reason. Scoffers shall bo changed intc or sheep, and the farmer’s table is often petitioner give i otlce to the aaai kS'^ra ol the auld for Camden, Belfast, Castine and Bucksport, on No Quarter Will lie Given. worshipers uud skeptics into Bible lov­ short nt sundown. townof A ppkton, Maine; that aiiatlig will be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 a. in. point right through the heart of tin us much expectation ns through pulpublo g in n by tbe raid Bouid of ( ounty C tn m haknera But there is now on the earth a king­ King’s enemies, Many of you have long achievements. There have been men for ers. Christ shall begin his reign on But, as I liave said, when wintci on auld application, at O ia id A u n t H ail in the R E T U R N IN G from Bucksport at 8.46 a .m ., or town of Appleton ufonauld, on the l8d day of upon arrival of train from Bangor, on Tuesdays. dom which haa set itself np for conflicts ago had your names written on the roll Christ who have acted as did tlie favor­ earth. Whether ho shall descend on tc overtakes him lie sets about to fiud s M arch, lb97, ut 10 o'cltek a. m. A t wh ch time Thursdays and Saturdays, for Castine, Belfast, without number. In its march it tram­ of celestial troops, and yon liko the serv­ ite troops of Bricii, attacked by Fitzpat­ tho eartli iu person aud establish a gov­ winter home. He lias very likely during uud place the aald aaieraora ure r< quirt d Io pro* Camden and Rockland. duce the valuation b> which the raid arrettmtnla FRED LOTHROP, Agent, Rockland. ples no grainflelds; it sacks no cities; it ice well, although you now bear tbe rick of Osscry. ’ lie wounded soldiers ernment ut Jerusalem, I cannot say, bul the summer, when poking his nose iutc of the raid taxes were made, or cold, a o f the ai me W M . H . H IL L , General Manager, Boston. impoverishes no treasuries; it fills no scars of multitudinous conflicts and cal! begged that tiny might enter the fight it w ill be an era of more than Augustan hollow trees looking for tho honey ol Said notice to be given by publication lo r three contecutive wetka In the t oubiEit O a z i t t k , a hospitals; it bereaves no families. The recount many u long murch and tell ol with tho others. They said, "Let stakes splendor. That is enough. Knowing wild bees, seen some place that will newspaper printed at Rockland, In auld county, the courage and victory of Solferino and siege guns opened on you thnt you bo stuck iu tlie ground aud suffer each this, we can never despair. But us we suit him, uud to this he goes straight- la ri publication to be riv en <'ujr p ilo r to raid Maine Central Railroad. wuy. The tree must bo u large one, und hearing, ur d a'ao by cuualDg a c< py ol aald i pp11ca­ Magenta without carnage—the kingdom thought never would be spiked. Bnl of us, tied to and supported by ouo ot seo the church of Christ putting on hei tion or petition with thia order theieon to I e rt-ned of Christ against the kingdom of satun there may be some who have not yet en­ thesti stakes, to battle iu tlio ranks by beautiful garments und arising to shine ho w ill not select it unless thero is I upon aald uareraoia of aald town of A n p etou by In Effect Ootobor 4, 1896. — that is tho strifo now ruging. Wo will listed. Vour being here implies that tho side of a sound muu. " It is said wo will say, with the enthusiasm ol space witli plenty of room, where til? an officer authorized to mnke reivice o f tlv il pie- ci pta in tbe pluce where ai rvlce la made Passenger Train s leave Rockland as follow s: offer no armistices. Wc w ill make no you are seriously thinking about it, aud tliut 700 or 800 men, pale nnd curaciutcd Oliver Cromwell, who, standing before snow or rain cannot reuch him. Tliui Witnera : M B. Cook, B. W . Joins and Thomas 8.-20 a. m. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, treuty. Until all the revolted nations yonr attention niukes me hope you are from former wounds und thus supported his sick und famine stricken soldiers at secured, he bundles himself together, 8. How-den, County Con mlaaiut-eia of auld County Augusta, Waterville, Bangor, Portland and Boston, of Knex, at Rockland, in raid county, thia six­ arriving in Boston at 4.16 p. m. of the earth shall submit again to King only looking for the standard to be by the stakes, straggled through tlie Dunbar, saw the sun rising out of the bis lieud ou his paws, closes his eyes, teenth day of Febiuary, A. I) lfc«7 1 £0 p. m. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, Emmanuel “ in the name of God we w ill hoisted. Will you not, 100 of you, with combat. Thus lias it been tliut multi­ morning mist and, pointing to it with and remains iu this posture till “ thosi (Beal) AttestRALPH R. ULMER, Clerk. W ate rv ille , Portland and Boston, arrivlug In Boston A true ccpy of petition and order tbeieou. S t 8 £ 0 p . m . set up our banners. ” all the arcused enthusiasm of your uu- tudes of the children of God, though his sword, uttered a prayer which hurled blind iiuitious of the Bpring" tell that 0 Altert -RALPH R. ULMER, Clerk. T r a in s A r r i v e : 10:46 a. m. morning train from Portland, Lewis* Every army has its ensigns. Long be­ ture, come bounding into the ranks, feeling themselves weak und wounded— his men upou the crashed foe like a sky "the year has turned." Then he dragi ion, Augusta and W aterville. fore the time when David wrote the text while “iu the name of God we set uf perhaps in body, perhaps iu estate, per­ full of thunderbolts: “Arise, O Godl himself ont uud begius bis straggle foi 6:20 p. m. from Boston, Portland, Lewiston and STATE OF M A IN E . Bangor. they were in use. The hosts of Israel our banners?” haps iu soul—supported by the staff oi Let tbiue enemies bo scattered. With existence. GEORGE F. EVANS. Gen’l Manager. displayed them. The tribe of Benjamin Through natural modesty do you hold God’s promise, have warred it up to the tbe eur of faitli 1 catch the sound of the Sometimes, however, when lying it K nox. as. F . K. B O O T H B Y , O . P. fc 1*. A . back und say, "I w ill be of no advan­ hilt iu tlie subjugation of a world oi latter duy glory. Church of Christ, uu- this stupor, loud sounds startle him, and To the B oard o f (o u n ty C otim intiontt •>: W. L. W HITE, Dlv. Bupt. carried a flag with the inscription of a wolf, tho tribe of Dan a representation wickedness. sheath thy sword and this moment intc his tree castle shakes. This is when tin ' '1 Iw uhderaignea,a citizen of tbe town of Apple- tage to Christ. I am too uwkwurd It ton, Enox County uud Bute of Maine, reipicdully A M ighty Cause. Vinaihaven di Rockland Steamboat Co. of cherubim, Judah a lion wrought into learn the step of the host or to be oi tho buttlel In tlie name of Christ, march lumbermen have found him aud ure aa rip rt scuta thut on the flrrt day of A p ill A . D . the groundwork of white, purple, crim­ any service iu the shock of battle?" Tc Wo are mighty in this cunse, for wo onl Upou every school and hospital, sailing the tree with their axes. He sel­ IrVti, he wur and uow ir a c ltiz in of raid town of Appleton, uud wua then liable totiixaihm theieln; 8pring Arrangement. son and blue. Such flags from their you I make the reply, Try it. One bout have tlie help of the pious dead. Mes­ upou every bunker’s desk und mer­ dom escapes, and if ho does ho w ill sure­ that he prermicd a nue lirt of his pioperly ua folds shook fire into the hearts of such under Christ's drill, uud you would sc sengers of salvation front high heaven, chant’s counter, upon every chemist’? ly die iu tlio snowy forest unless In required by law to auld uarerroia: that u tax waa TW O TRIPS DAILY ! uraeaaed agaiuat him for the year U M by tbe a»a?a------BET W E EN ----- numbers as were in the field when Ahi- well understand 'his rules that the first they visit tlie field. They stand behind laboratory und astronomer’s tower, upon can fiud another home.—Our Anirnul aora of raid town upon hla real eatute and upon b a jab fought against Jehoram, and thero step of your march heavenward would ns to keep us from ignominious retreat. shepherd’s but aud woodman's cnbin, Friends. peraoual property ; that he believe a be waa unjustly Vinalhaven and Hookland. taxi d by auld aaretaora and wur ta n d for p u p . rty were 1,200,000 soldiers, and more than make tho gates of hell tremble on theil They go before us to encourugo us in tlio upou ship's deck und sailor’s hummock, thut he did not own, have uud purr? aa on kuio tire I Commencing MONDAY.MARCH 1st. 1BW7. 600,000 were left dead on the field. hinges. „\Ve may not be as polished and strife. Tbe MeCheyues, and the Puy- far out ou tho sea uud high up iu the A Northumbrian Woman's Diet. day of Ap'll, and that he waa uniuaily taxed on the Steamer property thut he did own have und poetess ut that These ensigns gave heroism to sueli trim us many Christians we huvl sons, and tlie Martyns, and tlie Bruin- mountain, before tho gaze of nations, A Northumbrian woman whose work time, and thut bo has in raid aaaerrment I een tax? d numbers us were assembled when Asa known, and wo may not as well under­ erds, uu uncounted multitude of tho under the applaudits of heaven; "iu the lay iu tlie fields, who came of a big race more lhau hla proporilouul puit of the tax charges GOV. BODWELLL! glorified, are our coadjutors. Have you of hia town; lual he duly appdtu to the »»►»aaoia UAPT. WM. R CREED. fought against Zerah, and thero were stand shurpshooting, but there is rough name of God we w ill set up our ban­ and allayed lnr own hearty appetite of said Lown of Appletou in writing, giving his •V U leave Vinalhaven for Rockland every week 1,680,000 troops in the buttle. The work which we cun all accomplish. W< heard the Bwiss tradition? The herds­ ners. ’ ’ with oatmeal porridge und milk, wa? giounda therefor for a just und io u 'u ie- day, at 7 :00 a. m. and 1 p m. Athenians curried an inscription of the muy be uxinen und liew a pathway men say that three great leaders of tho My subject has taught you that in naturally buxom und blowsy, und irad e ment in his raid tax und wua given u beuring on the R e tu riia g , w ill leave Rock laud, Tillson’s W harf, auljeet mutter thereof by tho uareasota of auld town for Vinalhaven at 0 :80 a. m. ULd 3 :00 p. m , laud­ owl, which was their emblem of wis­ through the forests. We may bo spades Helvetic nation, though seemingly dead, this contest we are not without ensign? gait und manner that belonged to hei ou the bUth of Jauuury lual; ui d ruid uraeraora then ing at Hurricane Isle, each trip both ways. dom. The flags of modern nations are men aud dig the trendies or throw u{ are only lying down under tlie ground and colors. All we want now is men to vocation. You could not expect much und there refuaed und alill nfuao to multi- uny W. H. W HITE, General Manager. abut* ment iu my raid tax. uud a Hi refun* ro to do. Rockland, Me , Feb. 22, 1807. familiar to you all, aud many of them the fortificat ions. We do not cure where, iu their old time dress, refreshing carry them. Before I sit down I must delicacy or n liuenieut there. Yet many '1 hereforo, I. the ui d< raigind, taieby muk?* ap­ themselves with sleep, aud that if at plication in w tilirg to your bonoiufcle bourd for a so inappropriate for the character of tho wo do not care what, if we can only propose to each of you this great honor. of these ^:g, strong, awkward women Juat uud n uaonuble uhut» merit In my auld tux und IINALH4VEN STEAMBOAT CO nutions they represent it would be im­ help in the cause of our Kiug und shout uny time tbe liberties of tbeir country Becoming a Christian is not so ignoble bad u simple kindness and affectionute- jrereby ark that your bouid upp? Int a lime und us loudly us uuy of them at the comple­ are iu danger they w ill immediately a tiling us many have thought it. "It ness that belonged, equally with theil pluce for a beuring thereon uad duly notify ruid politic to enumerate them. These en­ town to uppeur and pioduco the Valuation by which CHANGE OF SCHlDULE signs are streamers borne on the point tion of the conquest. spring to their feet und drive back tho makes a nran stoop," you say. I know faults, to an unsophisticated nature. 1 auld uracakiueut wua made or a copy theie? I of a lanee and on the top of wooden There are uouprofessors who have s enemy. May I not have the thought it, but it is only tlie stoop of an heir ol speak of the old style—change has been O. W . CURRIER. IN SFFEOT MA It H l Ut, 1807. that if ever the church of the blessed royalty who ou his knees is to receive a proceeding rapidly during tbe last den­ shafts. They are curried in the front very correct idea of what Christiani BTATK OF MAINE. and rear of armies. They unroll tri ui ought to be. You have seen members ol Christ sliull be threatened with destruc­ crown of dominion. We want standard ude or two. The gangs of women now K n o x sf. Str. VINALHAVEN the main topgallant masthead of an ad­ the church who were us proud as Abut tion by the foes which seem too great bearers iu ull pulpits, iu ull places cl to be seen are paler iu color, more stunted Court of County Con mlraiouers, i ▲l v a b B a r r k u , Captain. * " • ----- « December Term, J8U6 > aud lied as badly us Ananias aud wli< for her strength the Lord himself will business—everywhere. I do not ask you in size, uud, 1 urn told by those who Adjourned Bear ion, Feb. It), lbt)7. ) W D . Bk m r k t t , Clerk. miral’s flagship to distinguish it among On above dale, wind and weather permitting, were as foul hypocrites as Judas. You not only come to the deliverance, but how old you are nor how young, how employ them, less capable workers than On the foregoing petition, O b d i h x d , 'I hut the other ships of the same squadron. They petitioner give n iltee to the urueuroiu of the raid will leave Swan's Island every week day at 6:46 those great ancients who have seemed weak or bow strong, how dull or how their predecessors. And this, by a kind a. in , Green’s Landing at 7 a. in., North Haven at are the objects of national pride. The abhor ull tliut. You say followers oi town of Appleton, Maine; that u bearing will be given by tbe auld Hoard o f County Cim miaaloueru, 8 a m , Vinalhaven at 0 a. in., arrive at Rockland loss of them on thefield'is ignominious. Christ ought to be honorable, bumblt to be sleeping among tlie dead shall im­ sharp, nor what your home, nor wh< of paradox, is uu effect of better times. about 10:16 a. in. ou auld upp icatlou ut (Jraud A irn y H ull in tbe and self denying and charitable and pa­ mediately hear the trumpet blast of the your ancestors. Without uny condition, It is to a large extent due to diet. Sines town of Appleton uloierald, on 28d day of R E T U R N IN G , w ill leave Rockland every week The three banners of the Lord’s hosts the 3:80 p. in , North tient and forgiving. Amen. Bo they church militant, and, full armed, spring without uuy reserve, in the name of tbt wheat Iras fallen so much iu price fioui Murch, 1807 ut I I o'clock, a. m . A t which lim e uud day at 2 p. m , Vinalhaven are the banner of proclamation, tbe ban­ pluce the auld uareraoia ate r. quin d to produce the Haven 4 aO p. m ., Green’a Lauding 6 :80 d in. ought Come into tbe kingdom oi tuck to their old positions iu the ranks God of Israel, I offer you the houor ol has supplanted oatmeal, and milk hue arrivin g at Swan's Island about 6 go p. in ner of recruit and tbe banner of victory. valuation by w biib tbe raid urresuun nt - of tbe auld tuxea were mude, or conieu of tbe same, buid Connections at Rockland with 1 p. in. train of When a nation feels its rights infringed Christ, my hearer, and be just that of God, with tbe battle-cry, "More than carrying the church’s ensigns. Do not been ousted by cheap tea. The new notice to be given by publication for three consecu­ M. G R . R ., arrivlug In Portland at 6.-20 p. in., glorious Christian that you have de­ conquerers through him that loved us?" be afraid of the assaults of a world food may be more genteel, but it is not Boston at 8 £u p. m ., same day. or its honor insulted, when its citizens tive weeks In the CouuJKH U aSHTTC. a newspaper have iu fereigu climes been oppressed scribed. Every church has euougli stingy Although we have already much to en­ whose ranks you desert nor of devils so nourishing us the old.—LongmanT priLled at Rockland iu said county, the lust publi­ tUf Round Trip Tickets, between Rockland and courage us in the work of the world’s cation to be teveu dajs prl> r to »sld hearing, uud Vinalhaven, 26 cents and no indemnity has been offered to men iu it to arrest its charities, uud who w ill oppose you with infernal Magazine. also by < uuslui u copy of uaid u pplkulion or petition J. R- FLYE, Gen’l Agt., Rockland. the inhabitant of tbe republic or king enough proud men iu it to grieve uwuy evungelizutiou, yet we must confess that might. It were more blessed to full here with this order theieon to be reived upou ruid much of our time has been coimumed iu Ttw Wolf Dotf of Ireland. uraesuoia of said town of Anpletou by un tfib e r dom, a proclamation of war is uttered. the Holy Ghost, uud enough luzy men than stand unywliere else. It were more authorised to make service o f civil precepts Iu tbe On the tops of batteries aud urseuals in it to hang oq behind till its wheels, planting our batteries and getting ready of an houor, engaged with Christ, to be Dublin has sustained a serious loss in placej v here a* rvlce L made. for tbe conflict. We have not yet begun the death ef a splendid specimen of the U itnera M. H Cook, B- W. Jones und TLowus aud custom bouses and revenue offices like Pharaoh's chariots, drug heavily, trampled underfoot with this army of B. Bowden, Couuty Comuiiraloueia of said County Men Wanted flags are immediately swung out. All and enough worldly men to exhaust the to preach. We have not yet beguu to banners than, opposing Christ, to be Irish wolf deg. Geugal was of the purest of Eu< x ut Rockland in said County, this sixteenth Fori the Hawaiian Islands. pray. Wc have not yet begun to work. buried, like Edward I, in Egyptian por­ breed of this almost extinct brand oi day of Febiuary, A- D, 1607. who look upou them realise tbe fact patience of the very elect, and enough (Beal) Attest:-RALPH R. ULMER. Clerk. nauuu, ivi tuc viuuruip ouriueaa iu IU u a that uncompromising war is declared. snarly men to make appropriate the B i­ On the coast of heathendom are mission­ phyry. dog, uud, though the slaughter ef the A true ccpy of petition and order thereon wolluu Irion da, evusting, four young men who buy* ary stations. They have scarcely yet be­ The Surrender. last Irish wolf 100 years ago might have 0 Attest:-RALPH R ULMER, Clerk. Mwtw* UerUtiouU-r, (1at, 2ud, or 8rd), wages from Thus it is that tbe church of Jesus ble warning, "Beware ol dogs." If any A6b to doc per mouth. u. a. Quid. Christ, jealous for the houor of its sov­ of you men on the outside of tbe king gun to accomplish what they propose. You know iu uncieut times elepbunts been expected to deprive him of his con­ Also four young m cu oa QuortermoaUra, wages i It takes some- time tei dig tlie trenches dition und ferocity as of bis raison from >30 to |4O per mvnth and board. ereign and determined to get back those dom expect to make such Christians at were trained to fight und tliut ou one N o fog. no hot w?s ;her, no cold w eather; (her who have been carried off captive into that, we do not want you to come, foi uud elevate the standard uud direct the oceusiou, iusteud of attacking the ene­ d'etre, he was as tine a beast us any ei momeUr langts from Y O R K S A F E 06 to 86 ui J through the year tbe bondage of sutan and intent upou tin- church bus ulieudy a million mem great guns. From what 1 bear I think my, they turned upou their owners, uud his more forluuutely situated ancestors A il uppJt?«n«a for th ru positions must be could lruve been. It is related that tin tU yoora of age. oil uuat ptcaent flrut ciuua tbe destruction of those mighty wrongs hers too many of just tliut kind. We dc they me about ready now. Let but tbe thousands were crushed under the The Best in the Wo'ld. aa to aoorirty, •haracte/and ahirlty. ihoae 1 which have so long curst d the earth aud not want our ranks crowded with serfi great Captain wave tbe signal, aud the strokes of their trunks und the moun­ laie Professor Huuglitou, a eonsluut vis­ ahvwiug the uquiatL itor to tbe zixi, used to say that if he •yhrg l y w o por bent upou tbe extension of tbe Saviour's when we cun iiuve them filled with ringing of celestial wcapoury shall tain weight of their step. These mighty Always Reliable. s o o th . A u Vkcep'i iroung reign of mercy iu the name of God sets zouaves. quake every duugeou of hell uud sound opportunities of work for Christ may were wulkiug iu tbe gardens uud u keep­ er told him that tlie royal Bengal tigei F o r further parUcuh up its banntr of proclamation. Thero are men now, as iu Christ’! up among the thrones of heaven. Pago­ accomplish great things iu overthrow­ Sure Protection from Fire L . W J G U l , Auault Ag-iu.l Silt. time, possessed of seven devils. In some das uud temples shall tumble under tlie ing the sin of the world und beating to bad broken loose he would answer de­ LomshJp Co , Honolulu, The church makes no asiault upou instances it stems us though at conver­ shock und besotted nations flying from pieces its errors, but if we do not wield voutly, “ Thank God, it is nut the Irish EPH. PERRY, Agt., Manage wolf dog. ”■—Westminster Gazette. the world. I do not heliete that God sion only six of these evil spirits vert their idols and superstitious, sboutinj them alight these very advantages will Rockland,'Maine. K(K K LAN li COURIER GAZETTE .W EDNESDAY MARCH 17 1897

R aw W inds X DECEMBER IN SOUTHERN C1LIF0RRIA SEPTEMBER CASH ANO GIVEN FREE 7 To Mr. and Mrs. John A. I. Hughes, Chapped Hands Companion piece to “December in Maine/ a f’sughter. A re You SKINS published in the Union Times, Jan. 2, 1897. $3,400.00 PRIZES EA CH M O N T H 25. T o M r and Mrs. J is«p*i Jones, a son. . . . AND . . . The skies are bright, the days are fair, As follows: OCTOBER First raids came In November; 4 First Prizes, each of $100 Cash - - - $ 400.00 10. To Mr. ami M»» F. » s id A Moi re, a U sin g And soft and balmy fa the air 20 Second “ “ " SlOOspf ciAlBlcjcles-2,000.00 ria u g h't r Sheerer’s Toilet Cream This beauilful December. 40 Third ...... $ 25 Gold Watches 1,000.00 The hills are clothed In freshest green 23. I o Mr. and Mr». F ward Harris, a Tho bent hrnixl o f cRiinotl In vales the grain Is springing; Cash and Prizes given each month - - $3,400.00 d tu g h er. gnotlH Hint nro put up. ON FIRE Ptieh lovely days and plenslng scenes 24. To Mr. and Mr«. Geo \V. Hall, a son Ars joy to glad hearts bringing. Hoods that you ran roly There in a connection here. Ton w ill discover Bkln, on firo with torturing, disfiguring, 25 To Mr. and Mia < hst. z\ Simmons, a there la something about It that la lacking In other Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and pimply The little birds upon the trees 011 ns holuir wiirrniiloil. Total given during 12 mos. 1897, $40,800.00 WRAPPERS a »n. toilet requisitrs. Ita delicate odor, cooling and e humors, inBtantly relieved by a warm bath T h eir sweetest eonift are singing, Hoods that will stand tho And butterflies and^oncy bees HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. NOVF.M BFR. freshing propertlea and action, medicinal virtues with C t’TK i u ■ S o a p, a single application of Competitor* to save ns tunny SUNLIGHT lost o f use—Ihoir best combine to make It the Ideal remedy for C v T in it.A . >be great skin cure, In open air are winging. 8O A P W rappers nw ttiev can collect, t ut off tho top p onton o f curia 2. To Mr. and Mis. Granville Miller, a ami a full dn.v ... - v iic iir a R eso lvent. The Ivy and the columbl- e recommend n 11 o n . X o Ars o’er the porches climbing, tliocfistrlot'in wlitolr ho or e'he resides housekeeper should he Chapped Hands, Face it I merit o 8 1 0 0 < o sh f i And rosea rare, and rlinging vines The - ~ ho send In the 5. To M r ami M i* Frank O . Ripley, a without them. Wo refer and Lips. . . rw «>f coo* daughter. O 'er trellises are tw ining. Sheer of paper slatlna < onipet- pnns fr Ln«t Dny of ■l.trlcl K n c h M o n th during 1RP7, Oonnoininnns received too late 15 To Mr. ami Mrs. Chas A. G. Sim- The ripening fruit la growing, New York UllY, Brooklyn for one month’s competitionoompetiiion will ns put. Into the nezt. W. E. SHEERER, Among the green and glossy le»ves 8 . Competitors who obtain wrappers from unsold m ns, a son. G old C oin soap in (tsalnr’s stock will be disannulled. Kmployees Tenant’s Harbor, Me. In golden brightness showing. flroot/ys, Lo n g anti fllaltn Tilttnda). of I/ever Brothers. L td ., and their famlllnn, are de­ 23. To Mr. and Mis. R Herbert Hager, s barred from competing. son. « Goods - e the Best The kitchen garden too supplies 4 . A printed list of Winners In Competitor’s district . PUT UP BY . . Ahundanoe for our eating; will be forwarded to Compel it ora in about 21 days alter 27. To Mr. and Mrs. James F. Morse, a Prices are the Lowest T ho New Knfflnnd Hlntes. each competition closes. Green peas, string beans and radishes A . Lever Brothers. . will endssvor to award the <1 lUghter. Variety the Largest And other things In keeping. •The Bkyeles ars the celebrated Pierre K pccjole fairly to the best of their ability and Judgment, USE MISS EEECHER’ WP7 Pattern, m’Pd by Geo. N . Fierce A do., of Buf­ n t tt Is understood that all who compete agree t« ac­ Thorndike <& Hix It was but yesterday I found, falo, Bn.ton and New Y<»rk. Filled with Hartford Ecept the award of Lever Brothers, Ltd., ae final. DECEMBER. Tires, First Class Nickle Lamp. New Departure ROCKLAND. HAIR Out In the garden growing, Bell, Standard Cyclometer, ana Hunt Lace Saddle. LKVEIt HUGS.,* New York. 2. To Mr. and Mrs. Willis Norwood, a Fresh, ripe tomatoes, good and sound, son WHISKER DYE. On vines o f last year’s sowing. Weals, Provisions, Groceries 25 T o M r. and Mrs, Joi n W halen, a son. It contains no anlphnr or lead. Washing la Ripe strawberries we have with cream; FRED R. SPEAR not required AFTitn dying as In other dyea. . . . AND . . . SHIPPING ANO FISHING SOME VITAL STATISTICS JANUARY. Wholesale druggists who have handled all the Rare dish when we remember Th at though like June the days may seem 9. To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L Jones, a H ssw Oim K»«ordF«»r «hv Pnal Year Rlanda aratlon ever brought to their notice. Largi General Household Supplies. It truly is December. Sch Julia Decker it on the way to Glouces­ bottle and best dye In the m arket. Bold |n Union Korn Harried and Died. daughter. s And certainly it Is quite true ter with fi«h trimmings from Vinalhaven. all druggists. Wholesale agents, Geo 15. To Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Smith, a son. Goodwinuuouw in ft« Co.,vxj., Boston,nosiwii, M to o k * ,K ~ v c rc tt W e scarce appreciate Georges halibut are bringing 1 a n d io C-O-R-L! A Pennell, Portland, Me.; John W . Perkins These blrsslnga, coming as they do cents per pound for white and gray, in Herew ith find list of marriages, births and RECORD OF MARRIAGES, TOW N OF UNION, 8t Co., Portland, Me 80 early and so late. Gloucester. The only dealer In the city who has at {the McInnis a McNamara, deaths for 1896. Number of marriages, 22; 1896. present Ime the . . . . Sch. M nticello was on the blocks at M a r­ Rut as the Christmas time draws near births 34; deaths 26. quand’s yard, East Boston, March 3, to have JANUARY Cor M ain and Myrtle Sts., W ith mistletoe and holly, FIRE, bottom examined. DEATHS. Genuine; Franklin ; Red Ash ROCKLAND. Bo springlike la the time o f year 1. Austin K. Kdloch and Emma Knight­ L IF E and It hardly eeems qalte jo lly ; The P >rtland bark Isaac Jackson which JANUARY. ly. MT STOCB INCI.UDKS . . , For Christmas scarcely Christinas seems, went ashore on Paujue Island,has broken upand the wreckage is strewn for miles along the 5 Frank Jones, aged 67 years, to months, FEBRUARY. All alias Free Rnrolna White ACCIDENT With flowers all round us growing, A eh, Lehigh Kkk anti Broken »f. F. If nr ton, W hen we’ve been used to other scenes— shore. 5 Hay». 16. Christopher Y. Peabody and Aggie E* 4S W hite Ash, Franklin Btove Rod Aeh (the only genuine). Georges Sch. Helen Montague, 387 tons, was re­ 10 Charles E Brown, 26 years, 2 m onths, INSURANCE Like sleight bring and snowlngl I la rd in g . 4^ Greek Cumberland Coal, un­ M O N U M E N T A L W O R K S :• ceiving new ligurc head, rudder stock, main equalled for smithing and steam Rut Han,a Claus Is Just the tamo 12 days. W e represent only good and reliable companies must and other general repairs at Brooklyn, 18. Cyrus A Brazier and A nnie C. Rich­ purposes. which enables us to give entire satisfaction to all General Cemetery Work. As though the Hays were colder; 12. W illiam Going, aged 74 year«, 11 patrons Call and examine the great accumulation N . Y , March 6. ards. also a rm.L stock or . • 80, year by year, he comu« again, months, 21 days. policy and see how It compares with others you Granite and Marble, The Bath schooner James II. Dudley, Capt. Wood, Hay, Htraw, Lime, Ha ’ W ith pack upon his shoulder; MARCH Brick, Hand, Drain Pipe, Itoeeni nave previously examlued. THOM ASTON. MB. Near M. C. K. R. Depot 27. Elden C. Gleason, 42 years, 13 days. We are alao Agents for the New Home Sewing And from hia never-ending store H ogan, Irom Sabine Pass, Texas, for Port dale ami Portland Cement. Order* Hcllcitcd. Fsrisfbctlou Gunraiiteid Barrios, is ashore at C zumel and will be a 28. W m . B Matthews ami Etbelda Suke. Machine and keep a few of them constantly on O f sweets and toys ho sratters FEBRUARY. band to sell on very taay terms and each machine total loss. The crew was saved. Joy all around fr< in door to door, forth. is also fully warranted. Give us a trial. 17. Maynard B. Bowley, aged 11 months, Fire Clay chimney Pipe and Tops 80 weather scarcely matters. T h e new schooner \fchlch is now nearly D. H . & E. L. G L ID D E N , APRIL. This pipe la mado from Pure Fire Clay ex- ready to launch at Palmer's ship yard, Bath, 7 days. H. B. Eaton, M. D., I icssly for chimneys, and Is the safest and Vinalhaven, Maine. w ill be ihe largest schooner ail >at, her carry 22. M o ryJrn e Overlock, aged 75 years, 13. Harry I I . Stevens and Ka te C. Felt. cost diiratde of any Chim ney Pipe In the Office on Main Street Over Dry Goode De­ market. It le easily put up by any tnUtll Anon the towering clouds say rain ing capacity tiring 3,500 tons, 500 tons great­ 11 months. 27 days. MAY t partment of Itodwell Granite Co. 1ft Old Ocean too Is roaring; er than lhat of the lam»u< Governor Ame«. gent person. Homeopathic Phyiicia j a Snraeoi! And when the m orning comes again H er lower masts ate 118 leet long and 30 APRIL. 2 James F. Morse and In»z Butler. . . W O O D I . . Office Hours 0 to 11 a. m ., 4 to 0 and 7 to 0 p. in. Th e rain comes down apourlng. inches in diameter. She will be launched , 14. Harvey W . Cline and Susie M . Butler, 3. M ary J. Tobnan, aged 85 years, 9 I have an Extra (load Trade In W ood- Aek about March 18. Farmers . . But tho* the rain comes sweeping down months, 24 days. 19. Joshua E. Mitchell and Grace Strong. •boat it. 320 Main St.. - Rockland, Me. Th e gruss still keeps a growing; N ot one vessel bearing the American flag BW Night calls w ill be answered at the office. 14. Eleanor Titus, aged 87 years. JUNE. Insure your Buildings And where, before, were spota of brown, passed through the Suez Canal during 1896, Family Safeguard Kerosene Oil at Actual Cost. . Green now Is plainly showing. though four men-of-war and yachts had fl uth. 10 Per Cent. Dividends. And many hi arts feel Ik h te r, The Right Size ! naturally show in the canal reports if it went months, 5 days. That thus some < Vila w ill be cured AUGUST. LARGER DIVIDENDS EXPECTED. the Right Flavor » in American ships, the evidence is unpleas­ 8. Ves ina A. Pease, aged 62 years, I And prospects be made bright, r. ant.— M arine Journal. 8. Otis N . Bills and Dora F . Hannan. We z»re Selling month, 8 days. A pply to Tne night Price I Wherever o 1 the earth we dwell A Globe special says : Gloucester will have 20. Mrs. W m . K . M illay, aged 67 years, 11 SEPTEMBER. T . S B O W D E N , Agent, W e read G od’a w a ji with wonder; nothing to fear from the present administra­ THE RIGHT CIGAR FOR 5 c. months, 16 days. 5. W arren IL Smalley and Rose A. Gro‘- Washington, Me. And of ihiu^s round ua, strange to tell, tion as far as adverse action against the fish­ H. C CLARK, - Manufacturer Our hearts grow fond and fonder. eries is cuncerned. The fisheries tarift sched­ 24. Samuel Norwood, aged 79 years, 3 ton. H A R D C O A L SOFT nni'KI ABD. ME. In every ellrne, in every land, ule has been practically agreed upon, and is months, 12 days. OCTOBER. S. W. Jones, Nature knowa what her part la; all that Gloucester could ask for. On the bait AUGUST. And home cun choaen be, by mau, question, or the importation of foreign herring 5. John L. Hilt and Lizzie B. Hamlin. . IROV VO1JXDER . Since homo Is where the heart Is. alone, there will not he such freedom as has 8. David G. Pease, aged 76 years. NOVEMBER. M annfacturar of the What We Keep M ita. C. B. Bowdbn N oybh, bet n accorded in the pas', and a duty on her­ Cheap as anybody. Ban Luis Obispo, C alif., Deo. 24, 1800. ring will be imposed. That w<>Ball that Con- SEPTUM BF.R. 25. Everett M. Grinnell and Mary A. Ba:- D O E PLO W S To M ake grestman Dingley of Maine asked in order to 5. Cephas Hemenway, aged 51 years, 1 nard. Agent for the Ilussey Hard Metal and Steel Plows FtORTH CAMOEN pr« tect a large interest in his own state, and month, 23 days. 30 Benson Meservey and Louise C> the Gloucester interest ma le no opposition and Cultivators. 21. Gladys May Butler, aged 3 months, 15 The school in the Mansfield district closed Sec. Sherman ban been fully advised of the Brown. last Friday after eleven veiy successful weeks, Osborne Harrows, Rakes, Mowers, Hens Lay a Lots of Eggs needs of the fisheries, from the standpoint of days. DECEMBER. taught by Walter Williams < f Topsham. the state department, and is in thorough SO. UNION. MK. OCTOBER. 2. Cyrus Bennett Fogler and Fannie T. Bowker Animal Meal E. T . Payson has moved his family to So. touch and accord with the interest, so that A. F. CROCKETI CO , Thomaston.------Robert Wentworth of Simon­ those eDgaged in the businais would seem to 11. Louis O. Going, aged 14 years, 7 Tolman. Ground Beef Scraps A. M. AUSTIN, ton worked for G. E. Harkness last week.------be assured of their ground for the next f tur months, 27 days. 23. Ernest Leroy Hilt and Lizzie Ella Oyster Shell Sea Shell Miss Lou G. Woster is helping her sister, years, notwithstanding the fact that the Cana­ r.'ORTH END Suronon and Mechanical Dentist. 26. Deborah M . Beverage, aged 75 yean* Luce. Cracked Bone Bone Meal Mrs. J. W right in Hope.------Daniel Ile a l of dian commissioners are striving so actively Hl MAIN ST.. ROCKLAND, MK 5 months, 26 days. 23. W . C. Fossett and H attie M. Bowes. Wheat Barley Hope has been hauling wood for R. G. Carle. for reciprocity. >♦< 24. Harry F. Daggett and Lena Messer. Ground Oats Cracked Corn Quite a number of the young folks went to DECEMBER. OR F. E. FOLLETT. the drama and hail at Camden the 4th. AH 3. Margaret Gordon, aged 79 years, 11 27. Leo E. Howard and Phosa M . Dor* pronounced “ Brae” a success.— — Mrs. E. I I . NORTH WHITEFIELD. Oraers by Telephone Dental Surgeon. months, 3 days. D in. Montgomery was in So. Thomaston last week. A .T . Braun lost a valuable heifer last week. 30. Elden B. Smith and Lida M . W ent­ A. K. SPEAK BLOCK-Cor. Malo and 1'wh FI. Sunflower Seed ------W t understand there is to be a wedding ------Mrs. II. L. Munsey is spending a few 6. Florence E. Tolman, aged 48 years, 7 given prompt attention in No. Camden in the spring. days in Pittston with her brother, M r. H unt. months, 4 days. worth. DR. J. H. DAMON, Miss Daisy M arriner, who has been work* The East Scnnehec reporter warns bis readers 19. Joshua W . Wentworth, aged 82 years, 31. Irville Elston Luce and Mary Lunetta against a stationery peddler who “ found a Snreeon and Mechnnira Pratt’s Food for Poultry ing at Ralph K n ig h t’s, has returned to her 10 months. Andrews. BURN THE BEST Duplex Food for Poultry home in Lincolnville. Mr. K.'s mother, Mrs. nice pair of gold bowed spectacles that you Lizzie Knight of Searsmont, is with him at can nuy cheap.” Said peddler passed through 28. Julia E. Messer, aged 52 years, 2 HPBAR BLOCK, Sheridan’s Condition Powder this city last week; but those of us who read months, M I present.------C. M . Woster was in Rockland WEST ROCKPORT. Nutriotone The Times were prepared for him .------John recently with a luad of pop corn.------G. I I . I 29. Annie D. Hunt, aged 29 years. It is quite sickly here. Comrade Andrews Bryant has lumber on the ground for the Cleveland’s team of Camden bus been hauling 31. Nathaniel G. Lothrop, aged 74 years, has had the grippe, which left him in a poor W. V. HANSCOM. M. D. erection o f his store near the depot. The fitted wood from his farm, recently cut by condition.------Glad spring is so near so the building w ill be started April 1. M r. Bryant 9 months, 8 days. Physician and Surgeon, I ’earse & Robbins o f H ope.------Everybody sidewalks will thaw out and citizens of this Imperial Egg Food will keep grain and feed besides a fine line of has la grippe here at the present lime. RECORD OF BI K IT IS, TOWN OF UNION, 1896. place won’t have to take the street to walk in Offlcel—30S MAIN ST, Over I’.l.non A groceriea and general merchandise.------Bar­ Tapley'a More. and be in danger o f fast driving.------Hiram F o p Healthy Poultry. rett Potter has tented the north side o f his JANUARY. W hitten has a new horse.------John Maxey is O rn es Hours—0 to 10 a. m , 1.30 to 4.30 p. m., Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. house to Ambrose Boggs, who comes here 29. To M r. and Mrs. Fred S. K cnniston.a coopering for John A ndrew s------Mrs. M . S. 7 to 0 p m. with bis family from South Jefferson. M r. - USE— T h e B est Sa l v e in the world for Cut*. Leach is in feeble health.----- Ben Cleveland, Boggs succeeds Jos. H all as stable keeper foi daughter. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever who has been helpless for so long, died Wed- DR. E. H. WHEELER, Drs. Smith and Sukeforth. Mr. Hall will con­ Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain* FEBRUARY. nesday morning. — Uncle Sam gladdened DEATH TO LICE, Corns, and all S k in Ernptions, and positively tinue to reside south of the city and will sup Physioian and Surgeon. 10. T o M r. and Mrs. Chas. A. M ille r, a the hearts of the old soldiers as usual ihe 4th cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar­ ply our denizens with fish, oysters, etc. j OFFICE AND RESIDENCE 32 SCHOOL ST. Only lOo per Paokage. daughter. of March with a check for their quarterly pay. anteed to give perfect sa tisfaction or money Nearly every lake and pond in Maine is at- ! ------The cooperage company have made Telephone 01-11 refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale tractive to the tourist and nitnrod. Large | MARCH. another reduction on making lime casks, Also have a few nice S. C. Brown by W . IL Kittredge. numbers of people from southwestern New 36 cents apiece.------T . 11. Bucklin, cruelty I. T o Mr. and Mrs. Flavius V. M atthews, J. C. HILL. Leghorns, Light Brahmas, Black England resort toother waters for sport. But agent, was called on to teach a man a lesson Cupid breaks his bow at (he sight of a face Breasted, lied, Irish Grey and Ginger not so to Pleasant Pond, or waters up the a daughter. of kindness in behalf < f his burse a few days FOR HAI.K BY Physioian and Surgeon. full of pimples. H o llow cheeks, sunken e) e» Sheepscot and branch, because the men who 8. To M r. and Mrs. Ren. C. Leach, a ago.------Oscar is 011 the mountain yet, start­ Night c a lk (ham reelileoce, 0 Ckrem uot Street. Bed Cockerels and Pullets for sate. and a sallow complexion will defy b's best in* control the water power at King's Mills ignore ing wood. (entions. Beauty is more (ban skin deep. daughter. A. J. BIRD co >j and (bat all of said property in Ixritle at W. II. Kittredge Drug Store. a son. .. . FIRE INSURANCE Law yers, For Over Fifty Years excess of such amount be exempt from taxa­ DR. K. C. W E8T-8 Office with Rockl.ud Loan and Building Awe. I “ AIN BI KEXT, ROCKLAND ,M. tion for five years. MAY. Mas. W im sl o w ’i S o o t m mo S v a u r baa been Marveloua Keaulls. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT la tlo u . Agents for German American Fire Iusurauoe <4o. used for over fifty years by inllltoua of 10. T o M r. and Mrs. John F. Upham , a From a letter written by Rev. J. Gundcrs 388 Main 8t. - Rockland Mo. J_N Y.anl V.« b ogtoa Life, N . Y. mothers for their children while teething MORSE'S CONNER daughter. IH E ORICINM, AU. OEHERS IMIIAIIOMS, w ith perfect auoceaa. I t soothes the child, mau, of Dimondale, Micb., we are permitted Is sold under poMUve W r ltlr u 44uiaj softens tbe gum s, allays all paiu, cures Mrs .Otis Eugley and Mrs. Joseph Wiley were ■ 9. To Mr. and Mi). Henry T. M illay, * to make (bis extract: “ I have no hesitation by uuthoriz»»l ugonU only, to euro W»»uk 1 wiuf colic, and is tbe best remedy for in South Hope Sunday.------A. B. Ripley and Dizxinoos. Wukofulnubrf, Fits, lip , ton a, I daughter. in recommending Dr. King’s New Discoveiy uesa, Niaht Loeana, E v il V * “ THE OLD HARDWARE STORE. Diarrhoea. It will relieve tbe poor little wife of Searmont were the guests of J. P. as the results were almost marveloua in the deuce, norvouanma. sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists In JUNK. ful Errors, or Exeoaafvo U m» o f Tobaooo, Opiuxn, Colburn recently.------The many friends of case of my wife. W hile I was pastor o f the every part of tbe world. Twenty-five cents Mrs. W in. Moody a>e pleased to learn that n . To Mr. tod Mi). C. liu lle r, a or Liquor, which louds to Mleery. Couaumndon, Good bargains always to be obtained on Bai a bottle. Be sure and ask for “ Mrs. Wins­ Baptist C hurch at Rives Junction she way Insanity and Death. At atoro or by uuul, fl a low's Soothing Syrup,“ and take no other she is greatly improved in health.------Frank daughter. brought down with Pueutnuuia succeeding La box; six for F; w ith written guarantee to Iron and Steel, Horse Shoes and Nails. M artin is having quite a serious time with a kind JULY. Gnppe. 'terrible paroxysms o l coughing carbuncle on his hand.------Richard Moody's would last hours with little interruption and ------We can tit out- children are sick with whooping "ougb.------9- ( ‘ 895) To M r. and Mrs. C b u . F. it seemed as if she could not survive them. George Mahoney and wife were the guests of Ross, a son. A friend recommended D r. K in g ’s New Dis« 3TRed Label A B lacksm ith, M r. and Mrs. Allen Heal, Saturday night and C A S T O R IA 8. To Mr. aud Mrs. Fred A. Gleason, a covery; it was quick in its work aud highly Extra Strength. j A Carriage Maker, Sunday.------Mrs. E. Young with her sons La satisfactory in results.” T rial bottles free at H. H. CRIE& CO., too. For Impotouny. tAiea or A Sihp Chandler, Forest and Guy of Camden are visiting her W. II. Kittredge Drug Store. Power, Loat Manhood, For Infant* and Children. parents M r. and Mrs. Warren Simpson------10. To M r. aud Mrs. Morris W . Leach, a Dtorility or Bari A Quarrvman U t a boxi six for i 466 Main Street, F. E. Wiley and wife were in East Knox ton. ^written auaa A Fisherman, recently.------1. M . W iley now drives a pair. O J Y B T O n i A . « - to turoiniMJdttj is OB AUGUST. bvniujl. A C arpenter, ROCKLAND, MAINE. •»try ------Mrs. Dolham who has been vbitiog her tbEFORtor sister, Mrs. Belie W iley, has returned to hei 3. T o M r. aud M is. Chas. D . Carroll, a I H HAMMOND. Cor. Free und Outre SU A Painter, Portland, Agent for VVhlto'o Nv» home in South Hope. son. A G lazier. Hair Grower. Send for circular. THZ KOChLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17. 1897

CURRENT CAMDEN COMMERT. UNION- THE RED SEAL REORGANIZATION The Republican caucus, which met last COUGHS, COLDS AND LUNG DISEASES -1- ♦ You Can’t AWtek's H*bpp*nlnga In A I.Ire, Wide) Friday evening, nominated as follows: E. E. A IVesr Board of Officers Klertcd —Indi­ cations of Renewed Prosperity. — 'JIJRKD n r U r IN O Z twain Down best T o w n . Light, moderator; W . A. Bessey, town clerk; Fred E. Burkett, Wm. E. Hilt and Jason M. Go A m iss Robbins, selectmen; B. Burton, towti agent; In the Lowell (Mas«.)Citizen of recent iner’s Canadian Balsam Spruce Gnm and Wild Cherry | A boiling alley, billiard and pool room,1 if you get a package like IL L . Robbins, town treasurer; E. II. Clarry, date we find the following: 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE AT DEALERS. ♦ ha* been opened in the second story of the George Hawes and Lysander Norwood, D niels building. this. It contains the genuine members ot school committee. Town com­ »»»»*»»»»»*»»»»»>»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»>»♦»♦»»♦»»♦♦ I'h*re was a large attendance at the M eth ­ mittee chosen for ensuing year: S. W . Jones, The Red Seal Company of this city prom od • church, Tuesday evening, to heir Rev. chairman; Lysander Norwo’od, W. E. Hilt, ises to be one of the largest and most success THOMASTON MARTINSVILLE F. M. Preble deliver his lecture, “ The Hero R. B. Robbins and I L A . Hawes. ful industries of the state. It has just elected E. S. J n ts a n d Watson Barton have g t ol the lluguenots,” m the Monday club course. an entirely new board of directors, prominent The annual reports of the town officers . B. Burton was home from Augusta over home from sea, having been with Capt, lo ti among whom are F. M . Bill and Orrin B. are in the hands of the printer and « ill pr ha- The Monday club have secured Miss Char­ Sunday, remaining to vote town meeting day, Barter in the C. V. Balano on a tup from Ranlett, too well known in Low ell to need bly be given out thia week. This will give lotte T . Sibley of Belfast as the next attraction Monday. New Y> rk to Savanah and back to New York. special comment. M r. Bill and M r. Ranlett each volet a chance to inform himself f the I in the lecture course. Miss Sibley's subject J. L . Burns of W ashington was at the Capt. Barter is g«ing to Savannah again. hold the offices of president and treasurer re­ needs of the town the c ming year. He will will be “ The Brownings under Blue Italian Burton House, Saturday, leaving in tbe after­ spectively, and propose to devote consider­ also have an opportunity to examine the The number was not very largest the Mon- >kit»,” and the date is Tuesday evening, noon for Portland. able time and energy to the promotion of the accounts of the officials for the past year and I «;s) night meeting o f the Puritan Rebekah March 23. Washing Powder The public teleph me will soon be removed company’s interests. They have shown lodge but the entertainment and refieshments pass judgment upon them. W e submit a few f The ladies of the Baptist circle met with from the Burton House to II. L. Robbins’ marked ability as business men and bave won were “ great” and “ Jim ” said he did not like j It cleans everything and items of interest. It has cost the town $1025 Mrs. William Smith, Wednesday afternoon — store, probably. the confidence of the entire community as lor the salaries of the officials the past year. ice cream. Fhe ladies guild of St. Thomas church will cleans it quickly and cheaply. Miss Bessie Paine of Camden has been men of the strictest integrity and honorable The police and truant officers have made lite It is quite sickly here now, gripp, mumps meet this, Wednesday, afternoon with Mrs. visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. B. Robbins, for dealing. With their abilities and methods safe and kept things running smoothly at and whooping cough. Largest package—greatest economy. W . G. Alden. several days. and assisted by such men as comprise the rest a cost of $148 50. Our hustling tax collector The Odd Fellows and Rebeckahs an hav­ Setvices were held in St. Thomas church, THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, of the board, there can be no question as to has gathered in about ninety-three per cent « f Elden Smith starts up his grist mill this ing surprise parties on many of the mem­ Sunday, the first for several weeks. Rev the result. Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia. week. the taxes for which he has received >260 bers this W inter which are very enjoyable Ham ilton B. Phelps of Thomaston officiated. Charlcs'II. Tappan of Attlebbro, Mass., is Watts block was re-insured at an expense of occasions. Mrs. R. B. Robbins returned from Camden one of tbe firm of D . F. Briggs Co., large jew ­ Miss Elizabeth Hosmer entertained the $337.50 an amount exceeding the income from ST GEORGE WARREN- hut week. elry manufacturers. M r. Tappan has ac the ball by $137. Fluker street extension Miss M ary Harris is quite sick having three Ruskin Club, Wednesday evening. N o whist party was held last Friday eve­ quired his great wealth in his business, and cost $260 which sum might justlv be col- 1doctors in attendance. Po r i C l y d e — This place inx:ommon with A good number of our people have at­ A very enjoyable social was given Tuesday ning on account of the rain. has proven himself to be a keen, wide-awake lected of the marketmen and peddlars since others has felt the effect of the hard tended and enjoyed the Gale meetings in Since writing the above Miss Harris has evening last at the home of Miss H attie An- The Democratic party held no caucus this man. H e and his brother and partner, W il­ they are chiefly benefited by it. The assess os times. There have been no vessels built here rhomaston. died. W e understand that she was sick only nis as a benefit for the Y . P. S. C . E. Games year. A call was out to those opposed to a liam C. Tappan (w ho is a large stockholder have abated taxes amoun’ing to $326 23 and but very little repairing done. The M yra E. H ilt has been studying dress­ a little over a week. She has not been very were played and a musical program rendered. gold standard and last Thursday evening a in the Red Seal Com pany) are highly re­ The total bonded debt of the town is $29,300 canning factory has done but a small amount making in Boston. well for some time and w9s not very strong. goodly number met and nominated F. A. spected citizens of their town. bearing 4 per cent interest. The reduction Miss Alice D rake has rented the vacant o f business and the lobster fishermen have It seems sad and she will be missed very much M. Emma and D >ra E. French leave their Alden, F. E. Littlehale and O. N. Butler as Arthur L. Smith of Providence, R. I., one in the debt was $93,600, which was paid from store in the M ills building an I will open a had rather a poor year for business; still as she had a large circle of friends who sym­ home for a short visit before making the vic­ selectmen; Warren Hills, moderator; Sam’l of the large stockholders of the company, is a proceeds of sales of Penobscot Shore Line millinery store about A pril 1. Miss Drake there has been something doing all the time pathize with her mother and other relatives inity of Boston their permanent home. M . C. Hills, clerk; A. Shuman, treasurer. The bright, active young man of rare ability and bonds. The net debt is $25,522 61. The largest will be assisted by her sister, Mrs. T . A. for those who wished to work. Franklin that mourn her loss. E. French has been an invaluable helper in meeting was reported as harmonious and the pleasing manners. H e is one o f their sales­ number at the poor farm for the y e n was f «ur- W right, an accomplished milliner of 12 years Trussell has built a large new store; Capt. M. J. Harris’ little daughter Lizzie who has our W om an’s Reading Club, and Miss Dora men, and during the few months be has been experience. J. W . Balano has built a stable and an ell to organization strong. teen, the present number nine. The provisons been so sick is very much butter. has taught with universal success a Sunday thus employed has proven himself an honest, bis house; John Teel has built a nice cottage Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Montgomery have cost $550.77. Income for the farm including school class besides other useful services in conscientious worker, and they ate to be con­ Elijah Wilson formerly of this town, died Rev. C. C. Phelan, a former pastor of the house; Herbert Marshall has built a barn; been on the sick list for several days past. labor on cemetery and use of hearse $327 26. the Baptist church. T h eir many friends regret gratulated upon securing his services in this in Boston last week and was drought here Methodist church of this town, now of West­ F . H . Marshall has bought the A . B. M a r­ The outside poor have cost $658.80. I he brook, has been engaged to deliver the M e ­ their eparture, but wish them great pros- John M itchell has been station agent, con­ double capacity. H e was previously con­ dogs pai I lor the privilege of barking $175. the 9 ’h for interment. shall property and converted the stable into ductor, brakeman and express messenger morial Day address in Westbrook. perity. nected with one of the largest houses in The state refunded the dog tax of 1895 w’hich Chas. W iley has been in the house three a store, and now has one of the cosiest little durning the illness of Conductor M ontgom ­ Charles F. Underhill’s impersonations were Rhode Island. amounted to $139 50. The fact that the dogs weeks, laid up with an absess on his foot. M r. and Mrs. H . L. Alden visited Boston grocery itores in town, and is doing a snug ery. one of the greatest treats which we have ever Walter A. Griffith of Providence, of the are a source of income should entitle them to last week— Miss M ary A. M cKay is visiting little business. There have been several Bert Clatk is very sick of relapse after had in W arren. His task is a very difficult Ziba Simmons made a business trip to A u ­ large jewelry firm of R . L . Griffith & Son, is tome consideration. One circus company in Fall River— Mrs. W . O . Decrow has re ­ families moved away during the year, but grippe. one, but he is a grert artist. Most people gusta and other towns in Kennebec County, renowned in that city fi r his successful finan- increased the town’s revenue by the payment turned from a long visit in Somerville— M r. others have moved in to take their places, so Daniel Rivers, W ill Harris and wife, Far- preferred the Rivals. If another course is last week. ccring. H is services will be very valuable to of $5 for a license. One bicycle rider paid $2 and Mrs. Fred W . Osborne of Bath visited that the tenements are now all or about all ring H art and wife, Mrs. F. O . M artin are held in Warren, M r. Underhill w ill be in Our representative at Augusta, B. Burton, the board. for riding his wheel on the sidewalk contrary here last week— Miss Grace H . Bass returned occupied. There have been no contageous and have been tick with the fashionable demand. is a busy man these days. As Secretary of D r. Franklin M . Eaton, also o f Providence, to a by-law. The state paid into the town to Gorham, N . H ., Thursday— Miss Annie diseases in town during the year, and but controls an immense fortune. H is social and sickness. The W arren lecture course has now become the Committee on Salaries, and other im­ treasury $50.50 for sheep destroyed by dogs. M . Nolan has gone to Rochester N . H . three deaths. There has been but little financial standing in that city are beyond all Albert Teel, Herbert Teel, Watson Barter a part o f our town history, and it is a matter portant work, he has but little leisure time. The summary given below presents a con­ sickness until recently and now there are question, and be has agreed to devote con­ and Chas. M cLellan will soon go to Eagle of pride that it was supported by so many of Socially, Mr. Burton is spoken of as a cise statement of monies raised and expended. several down with the grip. Among the siderable of his time to the performance of island for the season’s fishing, lobster catch­ WARREN our citizens. It has been thoroughly success­ success and entitled to a cordial reception, Expended sick ones are Capt. Samuel Trussell, Mrs. his duty as a director o f this company. ing. Simon Teel, Mrs. L. L. Marshall, Willie E. ful in its aim to give a thoroughly good course which is always accorded him. Colds in every form are very prevalent in B. W . Carlow of this city is a young man Pukharo, Edward Obin and wife and Hiram James M itchell was in town for a brief Roads, |4700 00 >6098 87 Although we have not had much snow the community at present.------A social camp at a very reasonable price. of extraordinary ability, whose long and suc­ Schools, 6327 00 6116 18 U lm er------H . L . Skinner who has been visit last week. about every one has got their fire wood out, fire was held at G. A . R. H all on Tuesday Edwin II. Vaughan and Lawrence F cessful experience would make bis services D ebt, 92800 00 93600 00 teaching school at Rangeley the past W inter Interest, 2467 81 2275 02 and now you must cut up all your neighbors evening. A number were present from P. Mathews have resigned their positions on Frank Laughton is home from a five months o f untold value to any company with which was home for a few days last week. H e left Sewers, 660 00 521 87 wood before you cut up your own (i. e.) Henry Tillson Post and Corps of Thomaston the school committee. The remaining three job in the woods, down east way. he might be connected. H e was bookkeeper Cem etry, •200 00 208 97 for Farmington Monday to attend the school chopping bees. also from Union. The inclemency of the will choose two members’to take their places Rev. T . P. Gales preached on “ Anxiety” and purchasing agent for one firm eight W »U ’.H a ! l, 200 40 674 78 there------Clyson Wilson is at Rockland at F ire Companies. 750 00 ”50 00 The ladies of the Second Baptist sewing weather prevented many from attending from till next town meeting. at the Congregational church, Sunday. years, and traveling salesman seven years for Knox llo ie House, 600 00 554 09 •ut of town.------Mr. Boring of London, Ky., tending court. Mrs. Wilson is on a visit to circle w ill give an entertainment at the vestry Superintendent A . A. Badger has accepted Stated meeting Union Lodge, F. & A. M., some of the largest wholesale houses in Bos­ Fluke r 01. 25000 260 0o has been here lately, disposing of mail routes, her folks in W aldoboro------Mrs. Bucklin is T e x t Books, 30000 403 77 in the near future. a position as superintendent of schools in Thursday evening, March 18. There will ton. For the past two years he has been to the lowest bidders. H ighland is to have quite feeble------M yrtle Skinner is quite sick with the Red Seal Company as their principal W ater rates, 1200 00 1150 00 Skowhegan. H is services will begin there at be degree work and other business of im ­ llu s ic , 60000 3H5 74 one mail every day, we learn.------Marcus with the mumps------The Advents held their the close of the winter term here. Miss Luce, portance. salesman, daily winning the increased confi­ Electric Lights, 120" 00 120J 00 SOUTH THOMASTON. Starrett entertained company last week, at his quarterly meeting at Brown’s H a ll last week. dence and respect o f the late board, which F ire Hose, 300 00 276 00 who taught at Malcolm’s corner with accept­ So u t h T h o m a s t o n .— The high school be­ residence it being the occasion of his 86th Considering the weather and traveling there Extensive preparations are being made for P. Henry Tilson Post, 60 00 60 00 ance, has also accepted a position in Skowhe­ was composed of some o f the most noted men 18 00 gan Monday morning after a vacation of two birthday. Friends and neighbors were pres­ was a very good attendance------Mrs. J. W . the dedication of the new Odd Fellows Hall, H ydrant Gates, 20 00 gan. Miss Chancy, of the grammar depart­ of Maine, financially, politically and socially, Tow n Expenses, 326865 2023 33 weeks, owing to the sickness of the teacher.— ent to congratulate him on this occasion. Balano and son Fred, have gone to Phila Wednesday of next week. A full report will ment of the H igh School, has resigned. among whom were lion. C. E. Littlefield, No services were held at the chapel Sunday Refreshments were seived, and a pleasant delphia to meet Capt. Balano. appear in this paper. T otal 1115,674 18 >116 369 92 ex Attorney General; Hon. A. F. Crockett, on account of the storm.— Mrs. Henry Allen evening was passed.------Mrs. M ary D oty is No one deniea that the work of Mr. Badger Excess, 1750 98 1025 54 T e n a n t ’s H ar b o r .— Ernest Hawkins is at O n page five of this issue w ill be found a W . T . Cobb, esq., H . L . Shepherd and others and Miss Chancy in our H igh School has ------Unexpened------and Benj. Ames arrived Sunday night, being visiting friends in Cushing, and attending the Bath learning the machinist’s trade------Capt. complete list o f marriages, births and deaths o f equal prominence. The fact that these >117,425 16 >117,426 16 been o f a high order. The pupils especially called here by the illness of their mother, Mrs. meetings io Thomaston. D. W . Giles, wife and two sons, Claud and for this town during the year 1896. “Fathers of the State” were trying for leveral Messrs. Dunn & Elliot have just com feel that they are not only losing good teachers Bathia Araei —Mrs William McKay who has M . B. M ank will have an opening of Eagle Rupert, left for Boston last Tuesday------A pple buyers were plenty about town the months to induce M r Carlow to sign a five- but warm friends. pleted sails for ship A. G . Roper and schrs. been on the sick list is improving.— Capt. bicycles this week in Brown Block. Fred Keen left for Boston last week where past two weeks. Prices continue very low. year contract, which he finally did, proves Ella M. Willey and Phineas W. Sprague John Allen is confined to the house by sick­ Rev. F. M. Preble of Camden preached at he has obtained work------Edward Harris has The saw mill at H ill’s M ills, as well as beyond question their opinion of his ability. F. H . Tobey o f Boston is visiting his sister, ness.— William I ’ert of Blue H ill is the guest the Baptist church last Sunday in exchange returned home from Portland------James Lenfest & G rinnell’s stave, heading and H e is possessed of undaunted courage which ------Samuel Robinson of his bro'ber I. C. Peit, — W . J. Caddy and NORTH UNION with the pastor. M r. Preble is a popular Mrs. Samuel Robinson Smith is ft Portland where he will learn the shingle m ill, are very busy with several enables him to accomplish anything he is spending a few days with his family oh son of W iley’s Corner called on friends here preacher in Warren. Oscar Bryant cut ice in Jefferson last machinist’s trade------George C. Farrar is weeks work ahead. The recent snow made undertakes, tlis services to this company in Eliott street------Several drunken men belong­ Saturday. — Albert Snow, Jr., who has been week------John Oakes is confined to the painting his house------Mrs. Delara A. Wall Messrs. Burgess and Smith of Portland the lumber move in rapidly. the past have been valuable beyond all ing out of town made quite a spectacle of confined to the house for the past week by house------Bert Thurston accompanied W ill left for Boston last Tuesday------Henry addressed a large audience last week Sunday estimation and have won for him his newly Capt. E. A , Watts of St. George was the themselves Saturday driving about town. the grip is out again.— C. M . Graves, who has Bowley to Boston. They are trying to get Dwyer has obtained work as cook on a evening at the Baptist church. acquired honors as director and general man­ The horse was taken away from them and been at home sick for two weeks will return guest of his sister, Mrs. F. A . Alden, over ager. H e will still devote a portion of his work------Mi9s Sadie Bryant is at work in Brooklyn yacht. H e left for that city last There will be a mask ball at Glovei H a ll, one of them locked up, two others having to Spruce Head, Monday, where he is at Sunday. Capt. Watts goes to N ew York, time to selling goods to the more important Union for D r. Spencer------Lydia Howes, who Tuesday------Take my advice and buy a Friday evening, March 10, with music by gone away before the officers came upon work.— William Wiggins and wife of Ash Tuesday, and as commander of bark Lottie and difficult trade, but the greater part of it is working for M r. Messer, is quite sick------bottle of Sheerer’s Sarsaparilla. It is a Singleton’s Orchestra. IL N. Hilton will be them. Point who have been visiting friends here re­ Moore sails im mediately for Zanzabar, with will be spent at the laboratory, where every­ Elmer Messer was in Rockland last week on reliable medicine and will prevent as well as floor manager and the grand march is stated turned to their home Friday.— Mark Tripp oil. thing will be under his personal supervision. Henry Elliot returned to Portland, Monday business------News was received at this village cure sickness------Mrs. G. C. Snow spent a to begin at 8 o’clock sharp Two prizes are and wife visited friends here Thursday. I. C. Thurston is off on the road, down In a social way, M r. Carlow is a great suc­ ------Miss Helen Case and friend returned to last week of the death of Mrs. Abbie Morse few days in Camden last w eek------Mrs. to be given away, one to the lady wearing the Farmington way, this week. cess. His geniality wins for him many Boston, Saturday, to resume their studies at of Searsmont. She will be greatly missed by Harris' Mathews returned home from best looking costume and one to the gentle­ friends, while his unbounded generosity and the conservatory of music------Elbridge W in- FRIENDSHIP* a large circle of friends------Lowell Bowley Thomaston, Thursday------Geo. E. Allen has man wearing the homeliest costume. Ad The Eastern Star dinner, town meeting kind-heartedness bold them. He is greatly chenbach has purchased the Ira Nortbey has in his possession a gold watch and chain made many improvement in tbe interior of mission to dance 50 cents, spectators 25 day, was heartily appreciated. ’Twas an ex­ The selectmen have been in session and respected by hia employes, to whom his wish pLce on M ain street for $1650. which was found near his residence. It was his store ----- Rev. M r. Foss of Rockland is in cents, ladies in costume free. Masks and tra good meal. closed the town books for the year and is law, and it is evident he is the right man A controlling interest in Sch. Etta A. lost by H arris Lenfest some weeks ago------town. costumes at Newbert’s. Conductor Montgomery resumed his posi­ called for the annual meeting March 22------for the place. Stimpson has been sold to Herbert H all of Mrs. A . J. Sukeforth has returned from the tion on the train, Monday. He is rapidly re­ The Forest Lake Ice Co. have a crew of men W est W a r r e n .— Miss Angie Jameson The office is equipped with experienced Boston at the rate of $5000. The Stimpson Eye and Ear Infirmary at Portland but re­ covering his health. under the charge of Charles P. Redman of GLENCOVE. went to h'armington, Monday, where she at­ help, who are also stockholders, ana every has been commanded the p«st two years by ceived no benefit to his eyes. Thomaston busily engaged in filling their tends Normal school.------The steam m ill shut one is working fur one end— the prosperity of Capt.Israel Thorndike of this is under­ Capt. John Merrill arrived home Saturday bouses with ice. They will finish work this down, Friday night, for awhile. They have UNION TOWN MEETING- the company. stood that Capt. Thorndike will have command from Boston where he left sch. S. M . B ird.— week------R. L . Thompson our efficient post­ had a good run this Spring.------The Odd Fel­ of another vessel sailing out of Boston------C. WEEKS MILLS- Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Carroll and son Walter An ideal day was Monday, March 15. master and general merchant anticipating a are again here after a visit at S. H . Tolm an’s, lows around here report an excellent time at H . Washburn went to Boston, Monday------Mrs. V . R. Neal passed peacefully away Clear bracing atmosphere and a bright suu. change in the postmastership, has made Rockville.— John M . M errill has been sick.— W arren Lodge, I. O. O. F., last Friday even­ Rev. M r. W illiam s who has been assisting Sunday, March 7, after an illness of five Tbe attendance at the annual town meeting calculations to make business rum this Sum Mrs. Bert E. Maxey returned Saturday from ing Waldoboro Lodge came over and was larger than expected and the excitement Y o u a r e r u n - Evangelist Gale returned to his home in W in days. She leaves a husband and . four chil­ ning a terrible risk it raer. It is bis intention to raise hia store Waldoboro where she attended the funeral of worked the rst degree and in a manner all that could be desired. Conservative judges slow, M unday------Capt. Wilbur Wilson ha< dren------J. E. and A. K . Jackson o f Poor’s • you don’t heed some of tl another story, and thus have his large and her uncle.— B. S. Gregory, A. T . Carroll and worthy of commendation. Supper was served had predicted a sweeping Democratic victory gone to Boston to take command of scb. J increasing business under one roof------Mrs. Mills visited their parents, M r. and Mrs. V . warnings nature gives. Loss o f W. W. Gregory begin repairing a kiln for the at 6 o’clock and again at close of ceremonies. all along the line and the result as shown by W . Balano------Scb. E lla M . W illy, W illy has R. Neal, Saturday------Mrs. Abbie Sherman Charles Albert Simmons who has been very Cobb Lime Co.,at Rockland, Monday.— Frank ------The McLoon & Stover Lime Co. have figures below causes Republicans to smile memory, headache, backache, sour -chartered to load at N ew York for Cape ill is slowly recovering------Mrs. Charles is working for Clarkson Jones of D irig o ------H . Ingraham has returned from a trip to Port­ three kilns afire and are getting ready for with pleasure. The vote follows: D T | F Q 7 © sto,na<-'h» and freq- Town»Aftrica------Sch. H enry J. Smith arrived Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Collins of Howard, R. I., Sampson of Freedom who has been visiting land.— Mrs. J. T . H a ll of Rockland was at Spring business.------L . M . Staples of W ash­ o uclU dcsirc to urin. • at Philadelphia, Thursday, from Port Tama came Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. MODERATOR. her sister Mrs. W . H . Sampson, returned W. T. Gregory’s lately; her mother, Mrs. ington was here Monday. KIDNEY ate show the kidneys 4 ------Scb. John K . Souther arrived at Cieu Howard’s mother, Mrs. V. R. Neal------W e E. E. Light, Republican, 92 home Wednesday. Sarah Packard, who has visited at M r. fuega Wednesday from Norfolk------Scb. Warren H ills, Fusion, 76 learn that M r. and Mrs. Dean Estes con­ Gregory’s for some weeks, returned home with p il l s Phineas W . Sprague, Strong, is loading at SELECTMEN. template moving to Branch Mills. W e wish her.— A good Sunday school concert was held MONHEGANS PLIGHT- Bright’s Disease. Dr. Buker w Bootbbay and Portland for Demora------Win. WASHINGTON- them much success------Marcia Sprowl was F . E. Burkett, Republican, 117 Sunday, the 7th.—N. T. Clough is making ( give advice by letter free# Norton has returned from Togus and is now the guest of Mrs. C. A . Bowden, Tuesday F. A . Alden, Fusion, 101 St ic k n e y Co r n e r .— Mr. and Mrs J. B. some improvements about his dwelling.— Pills 50u. from druggists Q located at his residence on Knox street------At Last a Place Haa Keen Found Where F . E. Littlefield, Fusion, 120 sent postpaid for prioe. Luce entertained a number of their friends at and Friday. Jeremiah Ham ilton left Thursday for Boston Ned Leighton returned to Fryeburg, Monday No One Wants an Ottlco. W . E. H ilt, Republican, 113 >ak«r M i l C o .. their home last Wednesday evening and it where he visits his daughter.— Among those Baag«r,Ms. ------Miss Lou Comery went to West Somer­ J. M . Robbins, Republican, 119 must be said that they did it royally, regard­ recovering from the grip are W. T. Gregory, ville, Monday------Capt. J. W illey left for STOCKTON- O . N . Butler, Fusion, 113 less of expense. The evening was spent in Mrs. Susan Ewell and Mrs. S. F. L u fk in .— Monhegan island, known m unicipally as Boston, Monday, to join bis vessel------M ab tl Selectmen also serve as assessors. music and feasting. For music there was The diamond ring in the Searsport-Stock­ A large number from Glencove were preient Monhegan plantation, is confronted with a Hewett returned to Farmington, Monday------TOWN TREASURER. organ, cornet, bones and three violins, which ton contest was won by Miss Susie M erri at the funeral of Herbert H. Magune,at Rock­ unique condition. The inhabitants number Capt. Horace Thorndike and Win. Hallowell A . Sherman, Fusion, 127 rendered excellent music. For a treat, was thew who had 4275 votes. Miss Lucy port last week. M r. Magune bad many friends 120 souls, and are industrious, honest, kind- left for Edgarton, Monday. They will pre- H . L . Robbins, Republican, 85 provided candy, ice creamj nuts and a new Sargent of Searsport came second with 3936. at this place who can testify to his integrity hearted people, drawing their support from ceed to New York in sch. Silver Spray and TOWN AGENT. brand of cigars called “ Hoorahs” which were Other contestant! combined had 4187. Total and noble character.— Capt. W. R. Hall and the briny deep and summer tourists. Closing Out Sale! load coal to Thomaston for J. A . Creighton First Ballot. A 1. Among those present were M r. and vote was 12,398. The ring has been sent sons Edwin B. and Bennie IL left tbe latter The laws direct that the “ annual town & Co.------Andrew Lam b has recovered from B. Burton, Republican, 47 Mrs. Robt. Sukeforth, Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Miss Merrithew. part of the week in sch. C. and R . Tarbox. meeting” shall be held in M arch and, that Going out of business an attack of la grippe. E. H . Wolcott, Fusion, 47 Keen, M r. and Mrs. Chas. Chapman, M r. and Harry Newman of Rockland is also with Capt. certain officers shall be chosen to serve for Second Ballot. April 1st and will close Mrs. Horace Moores, M r. and Mrs. Charles H a ll.— The K ing’s Daughters met with Mrs. tbe year. The warrant was duly drawn, HORSE THIEF WANTEO. B. Burton, Republican, 50 Finn, Geo. Weaver, Fred McDonald, Frank Parks Buker last Thursday.— Chas.W. Studky signed and posted, but at the first meeting out my entire stook of APPLETON E. I I . W olcott, Fusion, 70 Ca gill, Linn Luce, Paul Sukeforth and F. B. tbe clerk and two selectmen otaly appeared at A it l e t o n R id g e .— H . M . Bean of Cam­ has finished the chambers in tbe bouse re­ The opposition to the Republican nominees Groceries at Cost den bought a cow of Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, last Colgrove. A good time was bad and all Detective Ira M. True of Hallowell is look­ cently purchased by him of John Barrett.— the polling place. Since then, by adjourn­ went home feeling well satisfied that Gilbert were placed in nomination at a caucus call­ week------M r. and Mrs. W illiam Pitman visited ing for a horse thief, J. N . Livingston alias S. Edw in J. Ksllocb has returned from a visit at ment, two other days have been appointed on ing for those in favor of free coinage of silver G . I L Clark and wife in Searsmont, last F ri­ and bis wife were very genial people and H . Brown, the same who escaped from W is­W arren.— F . M . Shaw conducted the services which the voters should appear and elect and opposed to a single gold standard and FO R C A SH day------Charles Browu, butcher, of Searsmont know bow to cater for an evening’s pleasure. casset jail, March I I , 1897. All necessary ex­ at the schoolhouse Sunday. Esten W . Porter p la n ta tio n officers, but there was no in ­ the call brought together People’s Party men was on the Ridge buying veal calves one day ------C. R Flanders, who has been a travelling penses for his capture will be paid. of Rockland w ill next lead. crease in the attendance, and a third adjourn­ and Democrats principally. last week------J. C. Fuller was in Belfast, last salesman for a whip firm, has been studying The following description of him is given: ment followed. dentistry at the College. Mr. It was voted to eiect a new schoolhouse in Thursday, rn business.------Mrs. L . E. Sprowl Born South Thomaston, Me. Birth Amer­ Th e present officials declare that they “ have the Hibbard district, to be erected by citizens Look at These Prioes: is on the sick list, grippe. Flanders is now at home on a visit to his ican. Age 26 H eight 5 feet, 54. W eight LIBfcRTY- steered their trick,” aud decline a second family------Be sure and come to the baked 140 pounds. Complexion light. H air brown. tour of duty until the watch below have been of the town. Pure Lsrd, per lb., At the town meeting held March 8 the fol Pork, “ W est APPLXTON.—John Ripley of Elm­ bean supper and ice cream social at Mrs. W Eyes gray. Moustache light. H ad a beard “ turned to.” The absentees refuse to allow The school committee were granted the lowing officers were elected : Moderator, J. O . 6 lb. pull pare Lsrd, 36o wood was calling on old friends here last A. Rackliff's at the Corner, Saturday, March on bis face about six weeks old, may have their names to be placed on the ticket, and privilege of going outside their owu numbers Good Moliisses, pur gul , 25o Johnson; clerk, G. II. Cargill; selectmen, week------Mrs. Fogg entertaiued the club, 20. Good supper, good music and a good shaved it oft and left his moustache, or may hence this sea girt municipality is io peril of to choose a supervisor. V e ry bent Uolasseo, per gal.. 85o J. C. Sherman, S. T. Young; P. E. Boynton; Pure «'Ider Vinegar, “ — Thursday, very pleasantly------B. W . Fogg time, all for 10 cents.------Walter Merrill has have shaved both oft, or may wear both. His losing its autonomy. This is tbe more strange, treasurer, A. I. Skidmore; school committee, Ca n n e d G o o d s —Squash, Pumpkin,Tomatoes, has nearly recovered from the grippe. H is let bis estate to a M r Page from Rockland, hair slightly curly. H is right name is L iv ­ since the island is free from debt and has a Peuches, Pears, Corn, Beuus, eto , per can, 80 C. M. Howes chairman, P. E. Boynton, Frank HIS INVESTMENT PAID- wife is now fighting the disease------Mrs. Julia who will carry on blacksmiibing at the Corner. ingston; be claims be has a mother and child tidy balance in its treasury. Best Alaska Salm n aud T 6t Ulx Miure Meat, 10c Sherman; truant officer, A. L. Norton.— Robinson still remains very sick. M r. M errill has moved his family to Gardiner in W are, Mass., also claims he has worked in These are tbe town officers now serving: Best Currants, per package, 8c Nellie Cargill is home for a short vacation Dunhum's Cocouuut, per package, 8c and 16o where he has hired a shop for the same busi­ a fish m arket in Worcester, Mass. H is dress Assessors, Reuben Davis, W . S. H um pheiy, Nathaniel Kenuey of Bangor, the well from Pittsfield— John M. Wellington died Electric Lustre and Guru Btarcb, package, 8c ness. was a gray mixed, uudercoat, pants and vest George E. Smith; clerk, I. T. Stanley; known Kenduskeag Bridge grocer, was one boapiUM a d > earllue. 8c quite suddenly at his home,March 12.— Theie Go d Wushiug Powder aud Scrub Brush, l*2c all alike, and when be went away be wore a collector and treasurer, Alonzo I. Fierce; of tbe Maine Grand Army men who attended w ill be a temperance concert under tbe aus­ Soap, per bur, *0 light-colored overcoat and a stiff brim bat. constable, Frank C. Pierce; school com the National Encampmeut in Miuueapolis in VNALIHAVEN pices of the Y. P. S. C. E . Suuday evening. 0 polio, •• 80 miuee, George E. Smith, W illiam S. H um ph­ 1896. While in the west he bought apiece of Spices. 6c; 6 packages for 86c 'I be Thistle concert and ball to be given in eiy, F. W . Davis. land in North Dakota, being urged to do so Beat Catsup, per bottle, ‘Mo So. L ib e r t y .— O . B. Fuller is on the sick •• Pickles, “ 80 Boys' Suits! Memorial H a ll, Friday evening, promises to THE »• M C A. list------J. W. Ramsay and Geo. Lawry went Representatives from tbe island have by bis own conviction that it would be a pay­ *• Olives, •' 10c be one of the most enjoyable social events of to Waterville, Saturday------In some cases sailed over and consulted Judge George B. ing venture. He left the matter in the hands Price s Extracts, l&o the season. A n interesting— and it cannot Kenuiston of Boothbay Harbor, regarding of a friend who has just written him that tbe “ Vanilla, Tbe adjourned annual meeting of the Rock­ whole families are sick with the grippe------Jellies, 8c aud lbc W e have a large stock of Boys help bciug enjoyable— program o f musical their curious plight, but the voters of the is­ laud has been sold and that tbe snug little land Young Men’s Christian Association will Arab peddlers bave been unusually thick the and literary selections has been prepared and land are dodging town meetings and town suiu of $700 was realized by tbe investment. 2 piece Suite, among Uem 30 Suite, be held on Monday, March 29. past week------Franklin Leigber, who had his ibe participants will be the best talent of leg broken, is able to ride out— The family of offices. Age 4 and 5 years. which Vinalbaveu can boast. The concert The gymnasium boys have provided them­ E. Prescott aie ail on the sick list------Try and The schooner Mary E. H. G. Dow, which will be followed by daucing to music by ibe selves with roller skates and are now to be keep your eye on Jesse Overlock and call on narrowly escaped a total wreck on the ledges Orion orchestra. The attendance will un­ found at all limes skimming gracefully over COOPERS MILLS. him. H e w ill not let you go away without outside of Rockland last fall, w ill be ready for L. H. SNOW, Price SI.OGto S5. doubtedly be large. the gymnasium floor. buying something if he has anything you Rev. M r. Dunbar preached bis farwcll sea the first of next week in as good condition There will be another meeting of ‘he Liter­ want------Geo. Malay has bought a monument, sermon iu this place, Suuday, tbe 281b ult.------as (he day she was launched. Ingraham’s Hill. Your choice for just Oue-Half HOPE ary Club next Thursday evening. The sub­ to be set this season, of W . Turner ofC iioton, Olive Woods aud brother Morrill bave re­ Telephone 47-2. 10-11 of regular price. I O ur town is not so small and out of the ject will be: “Resolved, That Lincoln did M e.------The many friends of Geo Light turned to Castine Normal School after spend­ turned out aud gave him a chopping bee, way place but what grip can find us and tbe more to promote American success, civ ilia a ing their vacatiou at b ‘m e ------Berton Moody, x> t n . .4 I <*»*•**« has shown but little partiality.— lion and liberty than did Washington.” Thursday------E. G. Turner is moving bis Inez Kennedy, Arthur Mason aud Mamie W. a. 8I1OHK1, Remember thfl “ n e b IS G U I a (|u a r © . j , SpCttCcr yf Boston brought aruoi Messrs W . R. Prescott, George O . Coombs, goods to Appleton------Joseph Light and Avery were the guests of Miss H attie H arlo w WfS . . BNB| °(f Chas. Ludwick were in this place Thursday THERE IS A CLASS OF PEOPLE fc£Book Binder,; in T w o . other things the mumps aud has been very W. E. Staples, W. O Holman, A. J. Tolman, o f K lu g ’s M ill’s, one day last week. W ho are Injured by the u«e of coffee. Ite------Robert Ludwick, who works in Massa­ i sick; aud now O m ugton Cross has them. Pnilip Howard, Frank B. Miller, aud True P. oculiy there ha» been placed in all the grocery B ath. M e. chusetts, is ou a visit to his family io Wash­ storvs a uew preparation cal ed S. L Bills is afflicted with tbe “ shingles.’*------Pierce will affirm the statement and Messrs. ington------Mrs. Chas. E. Overlock and u>ude of pure grain- that takes tbe place of Mi»s May Bills and Mi»* Gertrude Duubar S. T . K im ball, A. E. Bruoberg, E C Payson, coff e The most dehcute atointu h receives it daughter were in town Thursday------Mrs. have gone to Castine to Normal School— Harrison Curbs, L. R Campbell I. P. Cilley, without dUtrvss. and but f w cau (ell II from LEVI 8EAVEY, Geo. Overlook is 00 the sick lial— — The NOTICE. E. T. Payson has moved to Rockland.------Harvey Additon and Fred M. Davies will ’ U OB coffee I t does uo< ooat over as much. Guild Mrs M- K. (^arsou, Busiuess and Test Medium, H ig h school closed Thursday until Monday reu may drlu k II with great benefft 15cts aud J >bu B. Duulon who has been at work in endeavor to prove that Washington's public srsry w ill give private siltings, >1.00, at her home, Beech Trade Center, Tkomaeton ou account of sickness of the teacher. *25cU. per package. Try It. Ask for G lt^lN-O ■tieet. Bwckoorl. M aluv. 0-11 W oicislcf, is at home for a season. services were of a higher value. vrsiH^ T H E KOCKbAXh COURIER-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1897

THE SOCIAL SIDE The Rubinstein Club met Friday afternoon mot were invited but unable to be prerent, i A NI8MT TRAIN marine m atters. with M rs.E.M ontPerry,K nox street. The study The evening wee principally devoted to a dii- | coition ot Rockland acenei and people, in You’re clipping coupons Mrs. Emma Frohock and Mrs. J. S. W . was Dudley Buck and an interesting paper Rockland Have It Ry Waking The The Movement* of Voaeola, Chnrtara, which the yonthlol pranki of the gentlemen j Kotos s a d tho lelfce. Burpee will be tbe housekeeper! at tbe Uni- treating of that composer was read by Mrs. Fart Known toMannffrr Evans. hen yon use Pearline. Isn't every saving, present figured prominently- ▼erulist circle this evening. James W ight. The musical program inclu­ big or little, a coupon that's clipped Arrived Thursday schs. Idaho, Jas. R. Tai- The class of *97, R. I I . S., holds another ded the following nn mbers: Mrs. Arthur S. The merchants of Rockland, as well as the bo*, Florida, H om e, J»s. A. Brown end and paid ? And where's a more social dance in the city hall, Spring street, Littlefield, soprano; contralto, Mrs. W. C. A QUARTERLY REPORT citizens generally have often complained be­ Yankee Maid. Boston. Friday night, with music by Meservey. Pooler^ piano, Mrs. F . B. Adams; mezzo cause ol the poor train accomodations. In satisfactory way of saving than by Sch. M . 11. Reed, M ills, arrived Friday soprano, Miss Sarah H a ll. The Club meets The Riddle reading under an pices of the Showing the Condition of the See Street the Summer time we have had the Pullman, from New York via Salem. nex with Mrs. Louise Furbish, Beech street, washing anti cleaning with Pearl Shakespeare Society is now arranged for the Sunday School-Good Work Dene. hut by the Frank Jones changing its port to Sch. Nevada, loaded with bricks from Announcement is made of the marriage week beginning May 17, probably on Mon Portland, we will be deprived of this train for ine ? That saves on both sides. Castine for Boston, was in the harbor over day evening. in East Boston, M ass, March 31, of the few weeks in Summer. The first quartetly report showing the con­ Sunday, sailing Monday. Z. F. Brewster and Miss Inez Harding both Manager Evans of the Maine Central how­ Saves exertion anti hard work anti The Monday Club met this week with Mrs. dition of the Sea Street Sunday School has of this city. Th e ceremony was performed ever i« willing and desirous of doing every­ Sch. Onward, K allock, whh iline from G . M . Hicks, Camden street------The North been prepared by Fred S. Mills, secretary and drudgery for you yourself— while it's by Rev. M r. Naples of East Boston and took thing possible for the best interests of the Rockport for Boston wa« in the harbr r Satur­ Breeze Whist Club met Friday afternoon with treasurer of tbe Rockland Sunday School place at the home of the bride’s aunt, Mr«. people d Rockland and towns along the line saving actual money to your pocket, in day. Mrs. E. C. Kenniston, Warren street. The Association, and is found to contain much Mary Harding. M r. W ill Harding, cousin of of the Knox & Lincoln. Sch. Edward Lameyer, Beal, with coal from meeting this week will be with Mrs. Gurdy, information of interest. clothes anti time and health. It’s by just such the bride was best man, and Miss Evelyn E. L has been proposed that the train which New York for Cobb Lim e Co., arrived Sun­ Rockland street. It is now three months since this school Files of Charlestown, bridemaid. The con­ leaves B rston at one o’clock in the afterno in savings as these that genuine coupons come day. The Wednesday afternoon Whist Club met was organized w ith A . B. Clark as superin­ tracting parties are well known here and run through to this city, arriving here at about Sch. J. R. Bodwell, Speed, with coal to last week with Miss Mabel H aines and prizes tendent. It necessarily took some time to to every wise anti thrifty woman. the congratulations which will pour in upon 8 o’clock ,n the evening. The train will then Cobb Lime Co., arrived Saturday from New won by Mrs. D . J. Stryker and Mrs. M . S. arrange the work, secure teachers and to them are o f the heartiest charac er. turn round and leave here, running through Bird.------The Thursday Afternoon Whist procure the necessary Sunday School supplies, York. A reunion of former Rockland people re­ to Boston. Club met with Mrs. W . B. Nash when prizes but now with a superintendent and corps of Sailed n t h .— Schs. Sardinian, Halversen, Such a train would run through the year were won by Mrs. W . V . Ilanscom and Mrs. cently took place at the home of Capt. and teachers thoroughly irifbued with the re­ from A. J. Bird & Co., f »r Boston: E. G. WiL Mrs. Walter G. Tibbetts in Alameda, Calif., and would give us the necessary accomoda­ M . S. Bird. sponsibility of their work, good progress is lard, from Granville Carleton ; John J. Perry, tions. But before putting on such a train, the occasion celebrating the visit of Alber’ C. being made. There are 9 teachers and 75 G ilbert, from Perry Bros.; S J. Lindsey, The I2m o Club was entertained l/isl even­ Manager Evans would like to get the senti­ Tibbetts, who was down from Eureka the scholars. The average attendance has been McFadden from Joseph Abbott; Geo. Bird, ing at E. L. Moulton's. Supper at 6 30 was ment «;f our people. A generally signed first time in seven years. The guests were 54 and the amount of collections to Feb. 28, Gray, fr< m A. F. Crockett Co ; Morris Cliff, served by Misses H ope and Faith Green- Mrs. Helen Everett and daughter, M r. and petition would have the desired effect. race that was not overcome although the is >5 82. FROM THE SPORTING WORLD. and Lottie, from Perry Bros.; A. Heaton, halgh. The evening was devoted to “ Holmes,” Mrs. John Earles, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mer­ H e r: is the opportunity our people have Lewiston’s came within three per cent of The officer* are: A. B. Clark, superin­ Whitten, from A. C. Gay A Co.; Freddie W. opening with a paper by A . P. Irving. At riam, Melvin Hemingway and Edw. Collins. been looking for and there should be no de­ reaching us. tendent; H attie Clark, organist; Miss Effie Koeklanri Winn Polo I’rnnnnt W ith n Wife Alton, Candage, from Cobb Lime Co., for the next meeting M. A. Rice will have the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hills, Mrs. Louise lay in taking a lv nta »e of it. O ’Connor was the first to leave and Foster Sylvester, chorister. Margin To '‘pare. New York. paper on “ Dumas.” (Paine) Horan and Mrs. Isabel (Paine) Der- O f course the in and out trains would carry was secured for center and E Gay became The teachers are as follows: F. L. Cum­ Sch. James A. Brown, Simmons, from Perry The Methebesec Club met Friday afternoon the mail. substitute. Then towards the end of the mings, Mrs. R. C. H a ll, Mrs. George Storer, Bros., for New York, sailed 13th. and the following interesting papers were Quite a delegation of our local sports ac­ season after Rockland had lost a number of M. L. Hills, Mist Katie Grant, Mrs. W. S. read: “Cultivation of Literary Taste in companied the Rocklands to Lewiston, games, that should have been victories, Sch. Maynard Sumner Dobbin, with ice Hemingway, Mrs. Edw. Moore, Miss Roberta Early Life,” Mrs. J. F. Fogler; “ Responsi­ SUPREME COURT Tuesday. They returned the next day well through indifferent playing the Gay brothers from Rockport for Richmond, Va., was in Stubbs and Miss Sadie Larrabee. bilities of Parents,” Mrs. Abbie B. W ent­ Ladies StfouLo ffcpEpBcq satisfied with their trip. and Foster were allowed to seek pastures the hArbor Saturday and sailed. The treasurer received and disbursed d u r­ worth; “After the Diploma— What?” Mrs. T h e county will not realize very heavily The R icklanfh were strengt hened by new and their places were filled by Murphy ing the quarter, the sum of >25.01. Sch. Helen, Batchelder, went to Green’s Oliver L. Hall; “Dues it Pay to Educate the - T H A T T H E - from liquor fines at this term of court, less H ipson, W iley and Bartlett of the Satems first rush, Gendreau center and Phil Jason Landing Monday to load stone for New York. Indian?” Mrs. Walter Mayo.” than >1000 having been collected up to and these three played a star game. Bu‘ no second ru.h, Capt. Campbell being confined Sch. Lugano, Watts, from J. U . Cushing A The Pachisi Club met last Thursday eve­ yesterday. more »o than did Murphy, Mavnard and to the bed with a serious illness. Campbell's Co., sailed Monday from Thomaston. FRATERNITY FACTS- Tw o divorces were granted Monday as O ’Malley. sickness coming when it did necessitated the ning with Miss Florence Thomas, Spruce Hark Down Sale! Schs. Charley W oolsey, from A. F. Crock­ follows: George L. Hilts of Auburn from This game decided the pennant and it also engaging of 11 ipson of the Salems for a lew street.------The Mystic N ine met last evening ett Co., Nile, and Hume, from Cobb, Lime Addie M Hilts of Rockland, for utter de­ forced Lewiston into third place. games, hut had it not been for the captain’s with Mins Mellie Creamer.------It was ladies’ Mrs. Jennie M . Stewart, Past Grand C o , for New Y o rk; Florida, for Boston, —AT— sertion, Sawyer of Portland for libellant; The summary: illness the Rockland management would night at the Central Club, Friday night, an­ Matron, assisted by Mrs. Etta Marsh, in­ from Cobb Lime Co., were loaded and in the other of those pleasant social functions stalled the officers elect of W iwurna Chapter, 1 Thomas O. Long from Nora Long, parties ol ROCKLAND LKwiflTON never have gone Outside for assistance. first rush stream last night. marked by good music, dancing and card O. E. S., at W aldoboro last night. St. George, for cruel and abusive treatment, Hipson T arrant The league was started in November as an THE LADIES' STORE W alker for libellant M urphy •eeond rush W alton Schs. Carrie C. Miles, Rockland, and Cat­ playing. Refreshments were served by W ile y | centre Fltzgiiruld experiment and a schedule for a month made Golden Rod chapter, O E. S.had no meet- . alina, Rockport, arrived in Boston Sunday. caterer McLaughlin. D r. Prince E. Luce, indicted f »r assault M a\uard | < ’m ill..Ily out. Had it been known at that time that Still continues, where ex­ ing Friday night owing to the rftorm. with intent to kill, upon M . A. Johnson, was lU rilo lt h a lf hack Furhuah polo would he successful a constitution would Brig Manson, with ice from Rockport for W e are very pleased to learn that W . L. O 'M alley cellent bargains may be found guilty of simple assault. The jury Z goal ticnnlon have been adopted that would have prevented Richmond, Va., was at Dutch Island Harbor Allen of 23 Grove street has been tbe recipient D. D. G. M., F. M. Richards of Camden 1 Ooala Made by stood 11 to 1 in favor of a verdict of guilty as W on by the Maine managers from hiring National 15th with badly split mainsail. of one of the $100 Pierce Special Bicycles o b tain ed . makes his official visit to Aurora Lodge to- J Lewiston Fitzgerald charged in the indictment, and the county league players for a game or two. I he ex­ out of the 20 which are given each month for night. W ork ia expected, and a banquet is 2 Lewlaton Furbush Schs. El!a Pressey, Jordan I.. Mott, Lena attorney so notified the court. 8 Kook land W iley 8 0-1 Sunlight soap wrappers. This bicycle has assured. periment was successful from every point of W hite and Druid arrived at City Island Sun­ 4 Rockland II Ip-mi 06 view and polo is assured for next season. been on exhibition in Farrand, Spear & Co.’s The American Benefit Society had its 1 5 Kook land Bartlolt 2 06 day. There has been considerable talk of Rock­ window, 586 Main street. We hope the $100 MRS. E. F. CROCKETT. Propr. Tbe Corbett Fitzsimmons fight in Carson 6 Rockland Murphy The schooner W yer G . Sargent, built in stated meeting last night at Knights of Honor ' Rockland Hipson 1 60 land being frozen out of the league next sea­ cash and some of the gold watches as well as today, w ill he witnessed by two highly inte­ Sedgwick, Me., has had rather a remarkable Spofford Block, Rockland. H all. This is the society recently organized H Rockland M urphy 6 01 son but this is all bosh. Rockland w ill be in more of the bicycles will come to our city rested Rockland men— Edward A. O’Neil and t» Lewiston W alton 1 02 career. She was abandoned at sea March 31, here and its membership is gbout 40. it with both feet and w ill make the o’ her next month. John S. Randlett, Jr. 10 Lewiston Furbush 1891, in latitude 34 42, l«mg. 74 40 and has 11 Rockland Hipson team-1 hustle for first honors. W hy, Rock­ 12 Rockland lllpson 2 87 land has been the best drawing card in the been cruising on h tr own account ever since. After battling with the storms of the 18 Rockland M urphy 00 league and it stands to reason that the pen­ 14 Lewiston Furbush 10 10 Atlantic for nearly six years she has drifted nant winners of this season will be the draw­ Our Carpet Dept. Underwear Dept. The snore-Rockland 0, Lewiston awhorc on the uninhabited island of Concep­ ATTENTION, PEOPLE! Rushes, Tarrant 8, Hip 7. Slops, O ’M alley ing card of next season. tion, nne of the most dangerous of the Ba­ Has ail of the new Spring Carpets 1 lot Men’s All Wool Drawers and 19, ticanlon 16 Kouts, Kurbush 2. Referee, Long The members of the Rockland team have Timer, llurtwoll. Hcoror, lluydon. Attendance hamas and there will end her days. She is done well and we congratulate them. They now on exhibition. AND SEE WHAT S h irts 97c ea< h , w hich sold for 800. shattered ano covered with barnacles. H er have given us nice sport and have helped us 81 50. Sizes in drawers 82 to cargo of lumber has long ago been emptied forget the dreariness of W inter. into the sea through her capsizing, hut her 40; shirts 34. From Lewiston the Rocklands went to The management likewise deserve much Gardiner and although they made a strong stout hull is still held together as firmly as the Cloak Dept. 1 lot Men’s Cotton Fleece Shirts and praise for they put their money into an ex­ bid for the game they were defeated by the day on which she was launched at Sedgwick, Drawers sizes : shirts 38,40, 42 ; periment and have given us a winning team. close score of 3 to 2. The Gardiner t-am Me., in 1881. H er courses about the A t­ We hope they have made money for they drawera, 32, 34, 36, a t 39c each although Coming into the league at a late lantic were for months most accurately LADIES’ & CHILDREN’S JACKETS FULLER & COBB deserve it. Children’s Scarlet Pants and Vests, hour has been a very important factor in the plotted on the pilot charts issued by the hy­ pennant race. They have been almost in ­ drographic department at Washington. Her We cannot enumerate these but will HAVE TO SAY ABOUT 29c each. Sizes in vests 16, 28, Tne Lewistons closed the season by wallop­ vincible in their own rink, which is the drift was indeed more singular than that of hay that you can buy a nice 32 ; pants 20, 28, 30. ing the Portlands, Saturday night, to the time largest in the state, and the majority of their the famous old schooner W . L. W hite, which, of 15 to 5. Jacket at just 1-2 the regular Ladies’ French Balhriggan Vests,high home games have been chalked up as although abandoned in the same locality, p rice. neck, ribbed arm. sizes from 28 victories. Wednesday night’s game was drifted ashore ten months afterwards at the Corbett appears to be rather the favorite Hebrides islands, off the northwest coast of 1 Lot of Black Jackets 82 39, all this DRY GOODS, CLOAKS & CARPETINGS. to 40, former price 81.25 each, saved for Gardiner by the cxcellen' goal now selling for 25c each. Call tending of Cashman. among the sports, locally, but considerable Scotland. The Sargent iu about three months Fall garments, all sizes Fitzsimmons cash is current in the market. from the date of her abandonment, reached and see this great bargain. These The summary: O ar d in bh Rockland the center of the North Atlantic. Here she We have just finished stock taking and as in every large Hock there is vests will beur examination. Houghton, Spenoor, first rush M urphy Odd lot Muslin W rappets and House The final standing in the league race is as drifted about in a most peculiar manner for One-half dozen Men’s Wool Vests, Hponcer, Bchofield second rush Jason, Marley some time until October 13. Dresses,SI.25 to close. Odd Yards, Odd Pairs, Odd Pieces and Odd Lots, which must be sold center Gendrt follows: very much below cost, »e will enumerate a few of the many harguins sizes 34 and 36, that sold foi half hack Maynard, J a* THE LEAGUE HTANDING. Odd lot Duck Suits, 49 cents each. goal O ’M alley we intend to close out before March 20th. 81.25, now 50c. W on by Made by Time Won. Lost Per Gent FREIGHTS ANO CHARTERS 100 Print Wrappers, 49 cents each. Do not wait for a second invitation but come at once and get your Kook laud Morphy 1.40 Rockland ...... 40 26 .606 Unrdlnor Hponcer 8.18 Rath ...... 87 28 .669 Itnported from Mrown A (Jo .'r W eekly 5doz Children’s Lill putian Suits4 to share of the bargains. We cannot afford to carry goods from one season W aist Dept. Gardiner Bpenoer 1.00 Lew iston...... 86 20 .647 Freight. Circular. 14 years, 2.50 and port Goods and Infants’ Wear. No Also with 2 pairs pants,for 81.98. Maynard halfback Perkiua We Want You Dress Goods. 10 doz. Ladies* Grey Hose, 17c pair. O’M allay goal Hackett charges; Macoris to New York, sugar, >2 50 department in our store oilers Goals W on by Tim e To read this adverlUeineul. It and port charges.— Scb. Olive Whittier, Phil­ New Blouse W aist just received. Children’s Hose All Wo I 2 pairs for L im it greater Bargains. Kockiund Jason 2.16 will be to your interest to do so, for adelphia to Cienfuegos, coal, and back North 25 c e n ts. Rock laud Jaaou .41 of Hatteras, sugar 18, 19 and 20 cents for Mark Down in Ladies’ Cotton Rockland J uboii 04 it will save you • money. You must the round.— Scb. Mabel Hooper, Pensacola 2 40 Kocklsud Jason buy groceries. Where do you gel to Boston, lumber p. t.— Scb. Maggie G. Underwear. Rockland Jaaou 8.10 L im it them? If not from us you are making Hart, Brunswick to Noank, lumber, >4.50.— Auguatu T u rner |1.25 Gowns for 98c. Corsets <5c Cotton Scb. Olive Pecker, Port Royal to Boston, S h a w ls . Rockland Jaaou a mistake. Borne dealers may be as >2,000 net.— Scb. Ebenezcr flagged, hence Rock laud Jaaou 81.00 Gowns for 75c, 8150 Gowns Hcore, Rockland 7, Augusta 1. Rushes, Mstrpbv cheap, olhers may keep as flue goods, to New Orleans, general cargo, p. t — Sch. 8 1 .0 9 . U n d e r w e a r . 150 13 Wool Shawls, 81-29 6. Jason 4, Geodrrau. P erry; stops n goal, O ’ M al­ but no bouse iu town can duplicate our Isaac Orbetou, Philadelphia to Bridgeport, ley 16, Hack> It 66; Fouls, ltooklaud 2. Unturtm, coal, 65 cents. 81.25 Umbrella Skirts, now selling 15 extra Heavy Shawls, 82.89 Dr. C. T, buul. Timer, A T. Uiacklngtou. prices and quality combined. This may for 97 cts. New Fairy Corsets, iormer price 88c Call and we will convince you that sound like boasting, but it is uot. It is reduced to 50cts Sizes 24, 25, Campbell, Maynard, Gendreau, Murphy THE PENOBSCOT ICE CROP One Umbrella Skirt reduced from we have ail of the above men­ and O'Malley will wear Rockland uniforms a demonstrable fact, aud these prices 81.75 to 81.49, also one'at 82.50 26, 27, 28, 29, 80, drab only. next season while Jason will probably be one prove it: tioned Bargains. Ib e lit. ice b u v e tle d this ye*, on tbe for 81 .7 9 . Queen Bess Corset, price 81.25, re of (he substitutes. 10 lbs. Fail Pure Lard, .75 Fenobwut only ainuunl. to ■ little o.ei loo,- One Skirt with Hamburg ruffle, for- duced to 50 cts, sizes 19, 23, 25, 10 lbs. F airb an k s “ .70 000 ton. end it b e . ell been eold, to be A t tbe close of tbe National league season 6 gal. Best White Oil, .60 shipped during tbe .uuiincr. Tbe icetone m e t price 83 50 now 82,49, also 27, 2 8 . F u rs . next Saturday, tbe Pawtucket# and N ew Bed- Best Pea Beans per bushel, 1.30 ol tbe tinall bervett (bie ycei eie Ibet e con- one at 82.50 now selling 8*.89. | fords will make a tour of Maine. They will W. C. C. Corset, style 660, former Best Bio Cottee per lb., .25 udcieble .mount of old ice we. dried o.t, Five pairsof Ladies’Drawers,open, play here Friday evening, March 26. T hese lioin leal yew end tbel it bee looked unlit e price 82.00, now selling 81-25, 1 lot Black H air Muffs, 19c. two teams are leaders iu the h'atiooal league Formosa Tea. “ “ .26 24 lbs, good B lue, 1.00 lecent dele et tbougb tbcic would be e Hamburg trimmed, 25 cts per sizes 22, 24, 25. race and it is a Loss up who comes out ahead. 15 Natural Opossum Muffs, 98c. G o o d Smoking and Chewing good sited ciop on Ibe 11 udtuu. 'Fbe Itud- p a ir. kuu river bervett bee however, not tamed out Also sizes 19, 24, 26, in Thomson’s 10 Children’s Fur Sets, 81.25. A Great Run Tobacco per lb., .25 Six pairs of open and closed Drawers, , Rockland is again a oenuant winner. Nice Bipe Pop Corn, 4 lbs. for .25 cepeciaUy well, being only .bout e bvc- Glove Fitting Corset, white, 5 Ladies* Imitation Seal Caps, 83.50 eigblb. crop. Tbie lect ceuecd tome ol the with fine tucking and beautiful T he Maine roller polo league came to an M ixed N u ts 2 lbs. f o r .25 style E. price 81.76, now selling On Ladies’ Black Figured Briilian- Ueugor dealer, to coulinuc cutting e> long Hamburg edge, former price 17 French Coney Fur Capes, 22 and I end Saturday night. tine lb ess Skirts. All lined | Rockland led in at tbe finish with Bath Also Pillsbury Heel, MaguiBcent aud e . possible aud bit up tbeir buuec*. W ith 81.25 reduced to '.he low price of for 81 25. 24 iu. loug, 82 9 8 . throughout wi h extra good quality second, Lewiston third, Gardiner fourth, Norman R. Flours at bottom prices. ibe uew ice eu toon dupoted of it look, e, A few 28 iu. and 30 in. Black Coney Ibougb there urigbt eieo be e market for Ibe 75 cts per pair. Children's Sleeping Garments, Cot- Cambric. Velvet Bindings (4 yds) , Portland fifth and Augusta bringiug up the n Flannel, with and without Csoes, to close, at 85.00. GIVE US A CALL old ice. Odd sizes iu 50o Corset Covers, 39c Perfect in fit and hang, j rear. et, somethin g nice for Spring Fur Collars sud Collarettes at big I The Rocklands started with Campbell, first each, also 81.25 sud 81.50 Cov­ ! Levi T. Petlcraou of Freeport, well end educed from 25c to 18c,2 for25u reductions. . rush, Char he Gay second rush, E lio tt Gay ers selling for 99c. 81 .6 9 . | ceutei, Maynard halfback aud O’Malley goal John H. McGrath t popularly known in local harebell circlet, it . tend. Eugene J. O'Connor was manager and president end one of the director* of the substitute player. The team won twelve 80 SEA STREET. I em .tcur elate beecbell association recently l'riJJCN COBB, Koekloiul straight games aud secured a lead io the r«L pltuue eonueiU »u <44-8. ■ formed. THE KOGKLANl) GOURIEH-UAZ.ETTE. W EhNBbDAY, MAKCH 17,1897.

THE LAW MAKERS. TODAYS BREAT FI611T at Cook’s Ranch and M artin Julian declared that in hit opinion Corbett had a talk with Siler and induced him to issue the letter. ack your strength, simmons above all things, insisted that no matter with majority ol legal voters of the Newspaper Money and bet, 8,500 acob H yler, Moses Robinson, Thomas C. energy and youthful vigor. agreement should be made bef.ire the men town came up for action and Mr. Pike o( bear evidences in looks and feelings of old ago ? Keniemlier that I)r . Greene’s Nervura blood Formosa Oolong,sold everywhere for Ulleran, Thomas Seavey, Isaiah Bradford entered the ring. This was his strong p >int York said he hoped the amendment would i It ought never so to l»e. Strength and vigor and nervo remedy is a physician’s prescription, Total, 833.5°° and Alexander Robinson; Surveyors o f H ig h ­ and he stuck to it with all the obstinacy with 50c a lb.; our price 85c a lb.; 3 not pievait. He felt that the committee on should 1x5 ns perfect as in youth. I f it is not indorsed ami recommended by tho ablest doc­ “ O f course, the £10,000 stake belongs to way, Jacob H yler, Moses Robinson, Edward tors everywhere. D r. Greene s Cathartic Pills which he was capable, and that is saying a towns had carefully considered the matter. so, something is wrong his backers, Messrs Warren Lewis and Jack lbs. for 81.0 0 . K illeran, John Freeman, Moses Fcgertv, John are the only perfect pills great deal. Th e amendmrnt was lost and the bill passed with yon. You have McDonald, of New York, and George Con- S. Young, Charles Robinson and W illiam for biliousness and con­ The personal feeling between the two big to be engrossed. weakened Yourself in sidme, of Detroit. The best Country Butter 20c n lb. Parsons, Jr.; Fence Viewers, John Lewis, your mode of life or oc­ fighters at Carson is so great as to be some­ “ The expenditures in training for a battle Tuesday was principally devoted to the George McIntyre and Edwatd Killeran; cupation. There is no times laughable. Corbett was examined by a of this sort are heavy. Board at Shaw's, H ot Spices 4 l-2c a package. State College,, and after a hot discussion in Field Drivers, W illiam Parsons, Jr., Daniel sight so lieautiful as vig­ medical man the other day. W hen it came Springs, for the Corbett party will cost £600; the House, it was voted {25,000 for ten years, Payson and James Young; Pound Keeper, orous m aturity,and fresh Fitz’s turn to go through a similar process be "and hearty building the handball court £450 more. Trans­ Best bulk Soda, same as you pay 7c and students from other slates must pay {30 Samuel Payson; Surveyor of Lumber, John asked under what conditions the doctor had ace; nor portation from New York and back again is per year tuition. It is thought it will pass Montgomery; Tythingman, Harrison Brasier. passed upon Corbett. H e was told that Jim a package for, 5c a lb., 6 lbs. for one so sad £1,000 more; incidentals, etc., add £500 to the Scnaie. It was voted to raise $500 for the repair had been examined at midday after his exer­ ns a pre­ the sum. 25c. of highways, one fifth to be worked out in maturely cise and rub down. “ Then I want to bp ex “ Then there were eight men on M r. Cor­ Senator W allr o f Knox pre tented a resolve winter, $240 for the support of schools, and decayed amined at exactly the same lime. A fellow bett’s staff— Billy Delaney and Charley W hite, Fresh Eggs always on bind, by the appropriating {too for the Maine Pedagogi­ $340 for town charges. Voted to pay each youth. If feels al, warmed up and at his best after his who are training him, and Bob J« (fries,Conny cal Society. soldier 20 cents on days of review, and to Spring­ rub, and 1 don’t believe in taking the short case or dozen. M cVey, Billy Woods, Joe Corbett, K id Egan allow nine shillings and nine pence per day time verd­ end of it, even in a medical examination,” The committee on inland fishtries and ure, Sum­ and Mr. Hampton, the handball expert. I for labor on the highway, 50 cents for a yoke said Fitzsimmons. Lard by the pail or tubs at very low game had a long and busy executive session, mer bloom don’t know what they will receive from the of cxen, 50 cents for a plough, and 30 cents H e is going to have the flag that he re­ Thursday afternoon, and acted upon a large and Au­ champion, but I know that he will give each p rices. for a cart. This year the town again refused ceived trom Yale in his corner. Some one number of im portant bills. The committee tumn ripe­ one a handsome present. to raise any money for the support o f the ness, arc sent him a four-leaved shamrock, which he voted to refer to the next Legislature the “ These fixed receipts and expenditures,how­ Call and see at gospel. I t was voted not to unite the fourth, the fitting will wear, and Yhe other day some girls, actu­ bill providing for a private fund for the better ever, are a small part af the money involved fifth and sixth school districts so as to form tyi«s of ated by a questionable feeling of religion, sent enforcement o f the fish and game laws. Leg­ in a championship battle. The greatest item 89 aEA STREET. two districts to be known as the fourth and the year, him some religious emblems which he says he islation inexpedient was voted on the hill of all is the money to be made by exhibitions fifth districts. so arc tho will wear at the fight. regulating the number of pounds ol white freshness in big cities and on the road. Darius Norton was appointed to serve as perch and pickerel to be taken; on the bill of youth “ On the way to Carson City we played once traverse juror at the Supreme Judicial Court prohibiting non residents from hunting and and the at Salt Lake City and twice in San Francisco, held at Wiscasset on the fourth Tuesday of strength IN THE INTEREST OF LAW killing fur hearing animals; on the hill en­ clearing about £1,400. That is credited to May at a draft held at the Broad Cove school vigor ant! couraging the culture of fish in puvate bonds; the training account and deposited in tne S.U. Prescott e house, Tuesday, M ay 18. A t a draft held m aturity A Movement to Arouse Public Sentiment and on the bill preventing the trapping of bank." Tuesday, August 15, Enoch W entworth was of age the From Its Condition of Ltxlty. foxes. “ In training for the fight with M itchell we Rockland, Me, drawn as traverse juror to attend the August fitting in­ cidents of a stipation. D r. Greene of 34 Temple Place, spent in the neighborhood of £7,000, all of term of the Court of Common Pleas at Tops­ Teibphone 43-2. The committee voted Wednesday to report proper life. Boston, Mass., is the most successful physi­ which we cleared by giving exhibitions on the ham on the fourth Tuesday of the month, and A Christian Civic League Convention has favorably on a resolve of {750 for views of Nothing makes these cian In curing diseases, way to Jacksonville. scenery, game, etc., to be paid by the Gover­ on Monday, September 11,Thomas C. Killeran possible so surely as a sound body, strong been called to meet at W aterville, Monday, aud can lx) consulted “It cost us £15,000 to train for the late nor and Council to whatever photographer was drawn grand juror to attend the Supreme nerves, and rich blood to make the body March 29th. The committee has issued the fizzle with Fitzsimmons, counting our ex­ Goods delivered to all parts of the Judicial Court at Wiscasset on the third healthy; nothing Is so certain to make this following c a ll: they may select. Thus the report is not dis­ penses at Ashbury Park, Dallas and H ot Tuesday of September. condition as D r. Greene's Nervura blood and oity Free of Charge. tinctly in favor of either Gay or Gerrity. Springs. W e m ale £5,000 dear knocking A t the state election, re­ nerve rem­ edy. Thou­ around the country on our way to those W a t e r v il l e , M e ., March io, 1897. ceived 38 votes for Governor, the entire num­ By M r. Walls of K nox, an act in relation sands who places, but we are still £10,000 behind. A growing spirit of lawlessness in our State ber of votes polled. For Senators, Edward AN to the Bath Military and Naval Orphan Asy­ have taken it “As to what Fitzsimmons will make out of has developed a feeling of alarm . This alarm Kavanagh had 31 votes, Thomas Eastman 25, lum to amend section 6 of chapter 165 of the testify to its this match I cannot give you any official esti­ is manifest in the organization of “Civic Joseph H all 26, Ebenezer Delano and Steph­ potent influ­ OPEN private and special laws of 1886 as amended mate, but I can make a close guess. The Leagues” in many of the largei centers. en Parsons 3 each, David C. Burr 4, Joel ence as a by chapter 405 ot the private and special laws mere fact that Fitzsimmons is mentioned as More than eleven hundred liquor sellers M iller and Payn Elwell 2 each, and Edwin sonree of j>er- SECRET of 1893, which provides that the asylum likely to fight Corbett is worth money to him. are doing business in our State in defiance of Smith and Josiah Stebbins one each; for Rep­ l«tual youth shall continue the exercise of its corporate From the moment his challenge was accepted our Constitution and Statutes. The consti­ resentative to Congress. had 36 and strength. It is an open secret that there is a powers as an institution for the education It is the true he was sure of a good living. For the last tuted authorities, with few exceptions, are and Edwin Smith 4; for Register of deeds- good deal o f adulteration in groceries, and support o f poor and neglected orphan regenerator year he could easily have made from £500 to making no eff irt to suppress this lawlessness; W arren Rice had 34; for County Treasurer, and it therefore behooves the careful children residing in this State. Referred to of the body, £1,000 a week merely because be was but are directing their efforts solely to a William Boyd had 39 and Warren Rice one; making housekeeper who lias some considera­ the Committee on M ilitary affairs. matched against Corbett. moderate replenishment of the county for Representative to the Legislature, W il­ strong nerves, rich, tion for the health o f llto pcoplo at treasuries through fines imposed, and so, in liam Rice of Cushing had 39. red blood, aud restor­ “ O f course he will lose all that when Cor­ home to patronize such houses as aru Representative McIntire of Rockport has effect, are perpetuating the saloon. After the voters of Cushing bad exeicised ing tho snap, energy and bett beats him; but remember 'hat in the known to linudle only “Pure Food” presented the remonstrance of F. U- Brown their suffrage at the state election, they vigor of renewed youth mean ime he has made at least £30,000 out The statutes already enacted are amply and 52 others of Thomaston and E. C. Curtis to the nerve-weakened, sufficient practically to banish the saloon; and products. Wo handle none others. turned their attention to town affairs. After of Corbett’s name. By the way, M r. F itz­ and 44 others of Camden against the amend­ exhausted and run-down a disposition faithfully to enforce these That does not mean, however, that our electing Edward K illeran moderator, it was simmons is easily making his training ex­ ment to the lobster laws allowing the catch­ system. I t makes the penses by charging an admission fee to see statutes on the part of the proper authorities prices arc high. In fact, hero is the voted to accept the road laid out by the select­ old and middle-aged feel ing of lobsters nine inches in length and over, him at work training. H e has only three best evidence that they are not: men as follows: Beginning at the center of young and vigorous. It is the present need. from A pril 15 to June 15. Representative the road on the bridge at or near the head of restores to youth the vigor free, personally or by letter. Nothing to pay men on his staff. Other la vs are in like manner being vio Burton of Union has presented the remons­ fo r consultation, examination or advice, and Extra Fancy P. R. Mol. per gal., $ .45 Broad Cove; thence running in the center of lost by excesses and indis­ “ Suppose Corbett should be so unfortunate lated with impunity. Twelve murders were Very “ “ “ “ .85 trance of F. E. Burkett and 43 others of cretions; it gives strength, the low price of his wonderful curative medi­ as to lose the fight, which I think is impossi­ committed in our state last year; and seven­ Union against the same, and Representative the road as it is now travelled to Enoch Went­ cines places a sure cure within reach of every­ A nice cooking “ “ .25 worth's corner, so called, and to be three rods energy and power to those ble unless an earthquake overwhelms us. teen persons were sentenced to the State Littlefield of Vinalhaven has also presented who work. It makes strong men and vigorous body. But suppose be should lose. Then Fitz could Prison at the last term of the Superior Court 1 lb. Cream Tartar (any of tho the remonstrance of John H. Stacy and 46 wide, and the one-half of said three rods to leading brands) .33 lie on each side of said center line.” Voted travel around the country exhibiting himself iu Cumberland county. Lawlessness is others of l’opham Beach. in a boxing show and in vaudeville houses. rapidly increasing in our state; and for Ibis 3 lbs. 3 crown California Raisins, .25 not to unite the fifth and sixth school dis­ modera'or. It was voted to receive the list of WALOO TOWN MEETINGS. 3 lbs. Currants, .25 tricts. jurors prepared by the selectmen, and to revise H e would have to associate himself with that increase the saloon is largely responsible. Representative McIntire of Rockport has Licenses to retail spiiituous liquors were the jury box Licenses were issued by the sort of entertainment because he can do noth­ The saloon and its sym pathizer are thor­ Pea Beans, band picked, per pk., .45 presented the petition of F. S. Philbrook and L incolnville . Town meeting was held granted this year to W illiam Rice, Richard selectmen on the io h of September to W ill­ ing as an actor. M r. Julian tried him once oughly united and organized to perpetuate Nice Now Walnuts, 2 lbs. for .26 17 others for the enactment of a law to regu­ Monday, March S. The following town Davis and Moses Robinson. A special elec­ iam Rice and M< ses Robinson to dispose of in the south, in a little play called ‘The and extend their illegal traffic. On this ac Pure Apple Jolly, homo tnude, 2 late the sale and analysis of concentrated t fficers were elected : Moderator, A. F. H ahn ; tion was held, Friday, September 22 to vote spirituous liquor* by retail for the term of one Blacksmith,s V ow ,’ and it soon met with a count they secure toleratiori and protection at tumblers, .25 commercial feeding stuff. clerk, A. W . K night; selectmen, z\ S. for a Representetive to the Legislature from year from the date of the license. disastrous end. the hands of the authorities. A very fine rich flavored Oolong Hahn, F. M . Russ, F. I I . Levcnseller; S. F. the legislative district of St. George and At a jury draft held Saturday, September “ But, at all events, should some miracle en­ The present peril can be met, the righteous­ Tea, per lb., .50 Wednesday the following business in which committee, J. B. Noyes, F. IL Levenseller; Cushing, the voters having failed to elect at 22, Arthur F. K illeran was drawn to serve as able Fitz to win, he could exhibit himself ness of law can be vindicated only by thor A nice Oolong Teu, per lb., .40 this locality is especially interested, was tran­ collector, F. L. G ay; treasurer, N . D . Ross. the annual state election. A t this election, grand juror at the United States Circuit Court around the country and make perhaps £50,000. oughly organizing and unifying the friends of sacted. Representative Littlefield of Vinal- A . J. Knight has been drawn as traverse juror A very good Oolong Tea, per lb., .30 William Rice of Cushing received 5 votes, at Wiscasset on the first day of October. The Meantime the American spirit would assert law and good government. haven presented the remonstrance of Benja­ to serve at the Apr 1 term of Court. 5 gals, best White Oil, .50 and John Watts of St. George 8, and was last draft for the year was held Saturday, D e­ itself and a dozen ambitious fellows would To this end, a committee originating in the Stocks Best Patent, per bbl., 6.00 min F. Hinckley and 60 others of George­ elected. cember 15, when Isaiah Bradford was drawn L ib e r t y . At the annual town meeting challenge Fitz. He would either have to de­ various churches has met and formulated the town against any change in Ibe present lob­ A t a jury draft held at the Broad Cove to serve as traverse juror at the Court «»f Com March 8 the following officers were elected: fend his title against every one of them or he accompanying constitution, which clearly ster law. Representative Lane of St. George school house, Tuesday, December 19, Rich­ mon Iheas at Wiscasset on the fourth Tuesday J. O. Johnson, moderator; G. II. Cargill, would lose his drawing power at once. sets forth their views as to the best plan to H. H. FLINT, presented the remonstrance of C. R. Hotter ard Davis was drawn to serve as grand juror, of December. C lerk; J. C. Sherman, S. T . Young and P. E. “ With Corbett the case is different. In the meet the present great need in our state. and 18 others against the same. Senator and John Lewis as traverse juror for the A special town meeting was held at the Boynton, selectmen; A. J. Skidmore, treas ten days immediately following the John L. It is desired that a delegation from every Walls presented the petition of J. F. Bryant Court o f Common Pleas at Wiscassett on the meeting house, Wednesday, October 17 and urer; school committee, W . F. Sherman; Sullivan fight Corbett cleared £23.000. In town and city in the state shall meet in I 17 Park Street, Rockland of Washington and 31 other, and that of 11. third Tuesday of December. Edward KUIeran elected moderator. It was collector and constable, A. P. Cargill. Madison Square Garden he received £6,600 Waterville, Me., on Monday, the 29th of Telephone 28-2 I I . Payson of H o p e and 16 others for the 1827. The annual town meeting for 1827 voted to unite the fifth and sixth school Politics cut no ice in town affairs in this town, net for one night's perfomance. In the year March, 1897, organize formally the Christian inspection of grass seed. Senator W alls pre­ was held at the Meeting House, Wednesday, districts. but all are Republicans except the treasurer Corbett made from all sources between Civic League of Maine and to elect the re sented the remonstrance of John T . Young and ‘March 14, and made choice of the following To be continued. and constable. £150,^00 and £200,000. quired officers. 29 others against any change in the lobster Corbett is singularly fortunate in being able You are hereby invited to be present at aftcers: Moderator, Edward Killeran; Clerk, Searsport. At the annual town meeting G. Thomas Saul, law. H e also presented the petitions of L. 'Darius Norton; Selectmen, Moses Robinson, the following town officers were elected: to olay in the finest theatres in America; this meeting, and to induce others interested D. Carroll of Union and 31 others; of R. Joseph Gilchrest and Isaiah Bradford; NOTES OF POLO. Moderator, E. J. W entworth; clerk, J. H . theatres in which such stars as Joe Jefferson in the cause to be present also, and to take Grinnell of Union and 50 others; of B. A. Assessors, John M cIntyre, Joseph Gilchrest. S ullivan; selectmen, assessors and overseers and Nat Goodwin play. One of the biggest part in the organization. Emery of South Thomaston and 13 others; .and Thomas Jameson; Treasurer, George Kennebec Journal: The members of the of the poor, John W . McGilvery, James G. and best theatres in N ew York is holding its It is proposed to' hold an evening mass of Alden Robbins of Appleton and 24 others .McIntyre; Constable and Collector, Edward Gardiner polo team received quite a surprise, Pendleton, James A. Colson; town agent, dates for Corbett's company for the rest of meeting on the day of organization, to be for the enactment of a law to regulate the K illeran, and voted four cents and two mills after the game, Wednesday night, when D . S. Goodell; town treasurer, C. O. Sawyer; ibis season in anticipation of Corbett's victory. addressed by prominent speakers. sale and analysis of concentrated commercial on the dollar for collecting; Superintending Manager Bird of the Rocklaud team, invited town auditor, C. E. Adams; constables, G . A. “ W hat helps Corbett is the fact that be is The convention w ill be called to order at feeding stuff. School Committee, Rev. Isaac S. Smith, them to a “ spread” at the restaurant of G. Bowen, E. S. Cyphers, H . 11. Crockett, Alfred not only champion, but that be is a sober, three o’clock p m., in the Baptist church W illiam Rice and Thomas K illeran; School M. Williams. The two teams, with a few in­ Stinson; fire wards, A. L Mosman, G. E. decent, good citizen whom nobody need be W aterville is selected as the most central BELFAST’S CREAMERY PROSPECTS- Agents, W illiam Vose, Haunce Robinson, vited guests, were highly entertained, and Mr. Marks, F . A. Curtis. Free high school £500; ashamed to see; also the fact that he has railroad point in the state. An early answer Thomas Killeran, Joshua Rivers, Samuel Bird expressed his thanks to the Gardiner text books, £100; schools, £1,360; highways learned to act. H e can be and is presented will greatly aid in the work. Address Rev. The outlook for establishing a creamery in Elw ell and George Young; Road Surveyors, boys fcr the kind treatment the Rocklands £1,500; support of poor and other expenses, in a comedy that is put on in the best A. T. Dunn, Waterville, Maine. Belfast looks brighter from day to day, and it theatres and draws the best audience. Jacob Hyler, Joseph Gilchrest, Rwbert M c ­ had received in this city, anti complimented £1,500; memorial service, £25; repairs on A .T . D u n n , j Opthalmic now rests almost wholly with the farmers to say Intyre, John Freeman, Moses Fogerty,George the players on their good work. During the schoolhouses, £250. “ I tell you positively that if James J. C or­ G . D . B. P epper, > Committee. whether or not they shall have such a market Young, Cornelius Davis ano Dr. Cyrus Hills; whole season these two teams have been on bett goes on improving in the next four years W. F. Be r r y , J for the products of their farms as this will Fence Viewers, John Lewis, George M cIntyre the best of terms, there not having been one as be has in the last four years, he w ill be one fler. T h e name of the company has been and John Freeman; Field Drivers, Martin occasion when there was anything but friend­ TOWN MEETING TIME of the very best light comediaus on the stage. The purpose of the leagues is to organize changed from Belfast Creamery Co., as first Hyler, Arthur F. Killeran and John Young; liness during the game. Vinalhsven tax payers cast their ballots for Remember that he was a crude beginner four the moral sentiment of the slate o f Maine proposed, to Creamery Real Estate Co., the Pound Keeper, Daniel Payson; Surveyor of the following officers: years ago, knowing nothing about elocution against the present alarming tendency to latter name being more appropriate to the Lumber, John Montgomery; Culler of Hoops Sunday Telegram : When the Maine polo or stage technique, and the advancement he changed plan of operations. The company Moderator— L. W. Smith. nullify law, which exists in Maine as well as and Staves, Robert M cIntyre and Samuel league was started there was little thought has made thus far is wonderful. proposes to buy a lot and erect upon it a suit­ Clerk— D II. Glidden. throughout the country. It is the purpose of Allen; tythingman, William Burton. given to a proper constitution, at least, that “ 1 know he is not a college-bred man or Office: Spear Block, corner Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers o f the the League to organize the counties and able building, st an expense o f about {2,ooo, It was voted to raise £620 for the repair of is how 1 understand it, and the result is that anything of that sort; but then neither John Main and Park Streets. Poor— D. H. Glidden, T. M. Coombs, E. M. towns in auxiliary leagues. The movement the necessary apparatus, machinery, etc., to there is no rule that would prevent the clubs McCullough nor Lawrence Barrett nor any bighways, and that £20 of the sum be expen­ H a ll. has the backing of friends of law and order cost about {2 ,0 0 0 mure. Messrs. W . D . that are a financial su.cess from securing one of a score of great stars 1 have named ROCKLAND ded on the county road, so called, leading Treasurer— W . S. Carver. in all parts of the state A mass meeting Eaton and A. C. T. Wilson of Bangor will from Cushing to Waldoboro; £254 to defray players from the national league for one or was a college man. lease the plant for a term of years, at a A uditor— F. S. Walls. will be held in W aterville on the evening town charges;£240 for the support of schools; two games to |ielp win a game. It is very “ Upon whipping Fitzsimmons Corbett can Kxamlnatlons of the Eye Free ol Charge. Members of School Board— F. S. Walls, after organization of the State League is guaranteed rental which will net 6 per cent £25 for the support of the gospel; and that unfortunate that such a practice bad to be leave the prize ring forever. on the cost. Th e lessees are to have Ibe sole T. I. Lyons. effected. (ilassus made Vo oorreot all errors of refraction. twenty cents be paid each soldier on days of resorted to, especially 'as was the case at “ I f he will do so he need not pay tne Over three hundred references tn Rockland and management o f the creamery business. M r. Truant Officers— D. E. W hite, W . Norton. review. Mark Gay and his property with the Bath the other night, when three of the best slightest attention to Sharkey or Maher or vicinity. Wilton will start today in company with Appropriations were made as follows: For Office open day and evening, 19 remaining part of Gay's Island were annexed men of tlx* Salem team were secured to de­ any of those fellows, H e can go right on Walter Cooper, one of the directors of the support of poor, £2,coo; salaries, £1,200; to the sixth school district. feat Lewiston. 1'here is but little glory in uiakiog £40,000 or £50,000 a year as long as new company, to canvass the towns in the incidental expenses, £(xx>; common schools, Saturday, A pril 14,W illiam Vose was drawn winning games by outside assistance and 1 he chooses to do so. vicinity for cream and to give the desired in­ £3,000; free Highschool, £950; text books to serve as traverse jurdt at the Court of Com­ think that the patrons of the game would be “ 1 think he will do this, and not only prove formation to farmers in regard to milk and £500; repairs on roads and biidges, £1,500; mon Pleas at W arreu ou the fourth Tuesday more pleased with the result even if the borne himself the greatest fighter the world has ever S L E I G H S I cream. H e w ill also solicit subscriptions to clesring roads of snow', £100; tire department, of A pril, and on Saturday, M ay <2, Boice team in either o f, the cities lost. Supposing seen, but one of the best light comedians £500; building and repairing sidewalks, £400; 1 have in stock a lino lot of new uud second hand Ibe stock of the company. Copeland was drawn as traverse juror to at­ that one game would decide the champion­ America has ever produced.” sleighs for su'e at prices that w ill make It uu object Farmers who expect to furnish cream to Public Library, £400; payment of town for buyers to call. tend the May term of the Supreme Judicial ship between Lewiston and Rockland and Referee George Siler has given his inter­ the creamery should make provisions for ice debt, £1,000; observance of Memorial Day, court at Wiscasset on the fourth Tuesday of that either city would engage one of the na pretation of the Marquis of Queensberry Also G’AKttl SUKS at Great Uaigains now, on the basis of 15 tons for each 10 £75; enlargement of almshouse, £600. the month. A t a jury draft held at the school tional league teams to come down and wiu rules, uuder which Corbett aud Fitzsimmons A committee consisting of T. G. Libby, Also Double Uuuuer FUNGN sultubls for cows.— Belfast Journal. bouse at the head of Broad Cove, Thursday, the championship for them would there be are to tight on March 17. H e decided that milk aud delivery work at S30-a Great the same pride among the patrons as there George W. Vinal, Robert Wiley, C. E. the men shall be allowed to strike in a September 6, Thomas Jameson was chosen as I Bo man and L . W . Smith were chosen to B argain. Deafness Cannot b: Cured would if their own team won? I do not clinch with one arm free, and in the breaka­ a petit juror to attend the United States Dis­ I ascertain the cost of a water supply for the by local applications as they cannot reach the ways. This is generally considered to be L. W. BENNER, trict Court at Wiscasset on the second Tues­ think there would. Lewiston has uot done diseased portion of the ear. There is only ibis thing aud that club deserves credit for town aud to report at a future special m eet­ more to the advantage of Fitzsimmons' style 2 North M ain St. day ol September. The third county draft for ing. one way to cure deafness, and that is by con­ the great up bill fight they have made and 1 I | of fighting than to Corbett's. Fitzsimmons the year was held Monday, September 10,and stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by W illiam Malcolm drawn to serve as grand think that if there was some way of prevent­ has long declared that be did not desire to have NOTICE. an inflamed condition of the mucous lining ujf ing the hiring of players from the big league any hilling with one arm free and demanded Know all mvu by these presents, T h at 1, Charles juror at the September term of the Supreme the Eustachian Tube. W hen this tube gets the Spindle City would come very near land­ F L I N T ’S that the breakaways should be clean aud with W. Brewster, of Rockport, Knox Co., Maine, Lav Judicial Court at Wiscasset on the third Tues­ this day given to iu> sou, A rth u r W . Brcwsier, hl inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im­ no punishing. This is generally thought to day of the mouth. ing the championship. SICK HEADACHE time during his miuorliy, aud that 1 shall claim perfect hearing, and unless the inflammation A t the annual state election held on M o n ­ be a ruse on the part of Fitzsimmons’ crowd. none of his wuwt-s or pay any debts contracted by Positively cured by these him after this date. can be taken out and this tube restored to its day, September 10, the several candidates re Ebenezer Emerson, one of Biddeford’s old­ Domestic Milk Bread On the other band, Corbett's friends claim Rockport, Feb. 23d. 1697. normal condition, bearing w ill be destroyed that billing him with one arm free w ill ex­ hittlo Pills. ceived the following vote; For governor, Enoch est citizens aud a familiar figure at the Repub­ 9*11 C H A R L E S W . B R K W 8 T K R . forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by actly suit him. Lincoln 23 votes; for senators, Edw in Smith lican county, district and state conventions, IS A LEADER. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, catarrh, wbicb is nothing but an inflamed con­ died suddeuly of heart trouble, Saturday n ig h t,1 Duplicate copies of Siler’s letters were 22, Edward Kavanagh 21, William Richardson Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per­ Tta slaipo apnwsow. dition of the mucous surfaces. made and a copy was sent to both Corbett 16, Halsey Healey 14, Ebcuerer Herrick 5. while riding in a sleigh with his son Stillman. We will give One Huudred Dollars for any H e was 83 years of age. H e was at one time and Fitzsimmons. Corbett read the referee's fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. WAYNE’S Stephen Parsons 4 and Joel M iller 3; for Rep­ case of D ia ln e ts (caused by catarrh) that Ask jour Grocer] for it. letter through with great care. H e then tress, Bad 1 aste iu the Mouth, Coaled Tongue resentative to the Legislature, Joseph Gilchrest a member of the Biddeford police force, aud OtNTMENTj cannot be cured dy H a ll’s Catarrb Cure. Send folded it up, sayiug: “ I do not care to make Pain in the Side, TO RPID LIVER. They bad 10, Robert McIntyre 6, William Malcolm for many years was keeper of the lighthouse W atch for their bake wagon. for circulars, free. 2 , and WiJlism Rice i ; for county treasurer, on W ood island. any reply to this today. I will talk it over Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. _ itch, all V with my trainers tonight and will write a ___ oa U s F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. William M. Boyd had 2 1 . 270 Main S treet. — —. aoss, Ac-. Uaviug Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. 'I be usual town meeting was held at the close The youngest soldier at the Tog us Soldiers' formal letter to Mr. Siler tomorrow.” Small Pill. Small Doao. •bin olear, whits aud hsaiuhjr ▼ J, w Mbt b» atsU fw M cu. Addtwa Da. Hall's Family Pills are tbc best. of the election, and Edward Killeran chosen Home is 42 years old. Toluphww W-2. T he receipt of Siler’s letter raised a storm Small Price.