Rockland Gazette The I argest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Kastern Maine Consolidated March 17. IHO7 T he Courier-Gazette. : '■— — TWICE-A-WEEK . WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Vol. 52. No. 11 R o c k la n d Maun \\ t-tlncsda) Ma>ch 17 1 » 9 7 Two Dollars a Year YOUTHFUL LETTER WRITERS and deposited in railr >a 1 car’ , which trans- IN MUSICAL CIRCLES IN THE LIBRARY CORNER p »rt it to kilns, which are on the water front, Rockland Pnplls Carry On an In rrestlng and there unloaded into the kilns where it is M ist Ethel H yde o f Bath, who ia now in Andrew Lang's hobby is fishing, but in the Correspondence With the West. burnt. These kilns are huge ovens holding Europe, will sing with Mme. Nordicn on humaneness of his heart he alwavs throws two to three hundred barrels, under which a Maine day nt the l.cwiston festival. hack intQ the water all he catcher. perpetual fire is constantly burning. The Kennebec Journal: The Augusta Festival The father of biography was Plutarch. M uch interest in the subject of letter writ burnt lime is drawn from the kilns every six ing has been arouse! in the 71b grade of the Chorus had the most successful rehearsal, last Critics are generally agreed that the model hours, and af er a time allowed f ir cooling, i« biography is that of Johnson, by Boswell. M c l/tin school by an interchange of letter* pa ked in barrels and ready for shipping. It evening, of any that has yet been given, un­ between the pupils of this grade and these of a is shippe 1 bv railroad to all the interior der the able direction of Judge W . C. Phil- Chas. Scribner's S tns have in press “ A similar grade in Columbia, M o. A month or points of the New England states and by ves brook of W aterville, whoae earnest work is Short History of Medurval Europe,” by more ago the superintendent of the Columbia sels to all points on the coast as f ir south as the subject of the warm appreciation of all Prof. Oliver J Thacher, of the University of wrote 1 1 M r. Irving, the Rockland super Charleston, S u'h Carolina, more being those who have j lined the chorus which now Chicago. intendent, requesting that tbe pupils be a l­ shipped to New York Citv than to any o’her numbers 84 persons. Judge Philbrook is a A new story by Anthony Hope is soon to lowed to exchange letters. Tne plan was port. It requires a great many vessels to director of much force, and being withal a he published serially. It is of social and not readily accepted and has been ol much bene­ transport this large quantity of lime, which fine singer has been largely responsible for historical character and the bicycle rage is fit. makes Rockland a large shipping city. The the great progress made l»y the chorus. one of its 2hief topics. It was decided to in f >rm the children four kilns of which I have written number be­ A Chicago special to the World says that Professor Henry Drummond, the author or five days b tfire tbe time of writing that tween seventy and eighty, and a re ' spread the Grand Opera stars and other lovers of of “ Natural Law in the Spiritual W orld,” “ The they were to write a letter to a supposed along the water front. music have come to the rescue of Maurice Greatest Thing In the W orld,’’ and other well- cousin or friend in the far west who had nevsr Rockland was made a city in 1854, and is Grau in his troubles. Calve, the two De known honks has just died in London. been in Rockland. -The letter was to de­ the fifth largest city in the state. It has nine Ketzkes and I.aaselle have contributed $10, Ibsen has written a new play called “ John scribe Rockland and vicinity, a d to deicribe churches, a Post Office and Custom House 000 in services and $20,000 in cash has been Gabriel bookman” and William Archer, the the natural land features, the business and built of granite, and a handsome brick edifice contributed bv others to tide over the present English critic, is sitting up nights translating other things that would interest a stranger. for the county courts. It is connected to the disastrous Chicago season. II at the end of tt. The play will he put into the hands of Photographed on Similar instructions were given the children surrounding towns by an electric railroad the season there is a deficit, the artists nnmed English readers some time this month. of Columbia. which carries passengers, freight, mail and ex­ will cut their salary contracts to a figure Th e work was something of a contest, for It is announced that Frank N. D »uble< lay the Mind press. During the summer months Rockland showing a contribution of the sum named. only the six best letters were to be exchanged. and vicinity have their share of the many has severed his connection with Charles Scrib­ O f those who have once brought After the letters were written they were given summer visitors that come to the 9tate of Louis C. Elson gave the first of a series of ner’s Son*, to become Vice President of the toj’ns their old gold and silver, is a to a teacher of a higher grade. This teacher Maine. live lectures Thursday evening in Steinert S. S. McClure Co. and to organize a house for pleasant recollection of having re­ knew nothing of the pupils and her decision And I h p e if you ever visit the State of H all, Boston. There was an appreciative the publication ol hooks under the firm name ceived the highest value, in fact way as to the best letters was in every sense im ­ Maine you will come to the sea coast, and see audience. The aubject treated was “ Shake­ of the Douhledsy-McClure Co. of which he beyond their expectation for such old partial. The successful pupils in Rockland the city which I have tried to describe. speare in Music.” The next lecture will he will be President. aie Aitbur Harrrington, Francis Wight,Arthur Trusting I have not wearied you, a|d Thursday evening, the 18th, When the subject Many readers will regret to learn o f the thing-. If von can't afford to have w illle “Old Scottish History and Song.” yonr watch cleaned bring in a dollar's Sppul, I.eab Clark, Lenora Keniaton and hoping to hear from you before many days serious illness of W . T. Adams, better known Lu ’u ilu n tley. he successful Columbia I beg to remain, yours respectfully, The old Gaelic songs and border ballads will to the literary world as Oliver Optic. M r. worth o f old gold and we would he pupils aie Lizzie Richards, Annie Vandiver, he introduced, leading up to the songs of the pleased to take that for Iho job. F r ancis Pe a r l W ig h t . Adams is widely known in two continents, for Lucy Wadr, Cb s. Evans, Ethel Deane and Jacobite uprisings in 1715 and 1745 1 for the this country has never produced a more pro­ Viletta C ff y. One girl writes: “ It is nearly five years restoration of the Stuarts. lific writer of hoys' works. H ere’s hoping It is only fair to the olber Rockland chil­ DANIELS, The Jeweler, since the electric road was started and our Before leaving for New York M r. Chapman he may speedily recover. dren, whose letters were not selected, to say main streets are paved and lighted by elec­ expressed himself ns much pleased with his Among the school friends of the late Charles that they were excell nt and showed h at the tricity. The water supply is one of the best recent Maine tour of rehearsal for the Musical Dickens the younger, was Henry Augustus children kn »w whit 1* g ‘ing on around them. in the United States. It is brought to the Festival. M r. Chapman met for the first Abraham, who visited the Dickens family, and The judge Lun d that her la k was very diffi­ city in pipes from M irror and Chickawaukie- time several choruses of later organization, thus saw the celebrated author in his most de­ cult, so much so in fact th t another judge Lakes. On a point of land extending out those of Augusta, Bangor, Bath, Farmington lightful relations. His recollections of the was finally called in to asaiat. It would have into the Bay is Bay Point H otel which is vis and Brunswick. M r. Kotzichmar of Port­ novelist he has embodied in a paper, which is been easy to select twenty very good letters, ited every summer by numbers of people. If Charles A. Farwell, of New Orleans. land showed his increasing interest in this one of the features of Harper's Round Table any one of which would have been a credit to you will come and see me next summer 1 will great Maine musical movement by being for March 16. the school. O f the six Columbia letters we show you around the city.— Your loving present at the Brunswick rehearsal. At nil father having gone south from Rockland some Z da has lost his suit for infringement of print the following as typical: Cousin.” CHARLtS A FARWELL of the other rehearsals enthusiasm for the vr-ars before the war ano his uncle, Nathan copv-riglit against the bookseller I.aporte, who Another writes: “ The manufactures are work of the Festival seemed “ to have arrived Harwell, served a’ United States senator many j had printed a selection of the most ultra real­ pants, tools, confectionery and cigars.
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