Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern Consolidated March 17, 1897 T he Courier-Gazette. TWICE-A-WEEK . . . . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY.

Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Saturday December 4 1X97 Vol. 52.. . . No. 86

WITH ROD AND BUN any season except in Ihe Autumn. Then COMMENT ON CURRENT EVENTS the words of inspiration no surprise would be IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY they bang up against the side o f a house like excited. But when the busy, matter-of-fact the blow of a hammer, or perhaps dash and reverent editor of so good a paper ss the Notes >»f Forest nn«l Stream From the Sk ir m is h W it h a Pe t — In few respects “The Changeling” is the title of Sir Walter through a pane of glass into the houie itself. Times announces: “ Paul and I differ,” I Hook of a Local Sportsman. da people of generally good judgment show Beriant's new story. AN OPEN LETTER Oftentimes they are killed in this adventure, feel anxious to find some explanation of the so great variety of taste as in the animals they C. F. Richards states in this paper that for they fly with g»eat velocity. I f you wish disagreement that will reconcile these con­ Gilbert Parker’s new novel, ” A Hundred select ss pets. W hile some brutes more or barn swallows were seen in Rockport on Nov. to know thecflect, start say thirty feet from a flicting opinions but will diminish nothing Years Ago,” is almost finished, and ita aerial less dumb, the dumber the better, are fairly To MOTHERS. 21 st and the previous week. house, close your eyes, and walking rapidly, from the credit of either oracle. I have publication will soon begin. worthy of the food and affection of which their I have noticed every year for a good many whack up against a building. Then imagine not undertaken to prove the inerrancy of the WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE owners have an excessive amount to dispose, Stanley J. Weyman’s forthcoming novel ia years that scarcely* swallow can be seen later your speed multiplied by twenty, ard you will Scriptures ss a general proposition, still I others are naturally unappreciative. O f af­ to be called “ The Castle In n .” The scene is EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “ C A S TO R IA ,” AND than the seventeenth day ol September, in understand the way the paitridge takes it, have not met with the particular instance that fection they seem to have no idea whatever, laid in the England of the eighteenth cen­ “ P IT C H E R ’S C A STO RIA,” AS OUR TRADE MARK. fact the great flight of these bird* is over in many times. They are usually killed, hut is plain evidence that Paul made such rash and they have an innate and indestructible August, and I have wondered many a time sometimes they recover and fly again— as one statements that newspapers of our day are tury. desire to get their food for themselves after a DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, why they should take their departure while did that flew against the house of Frank L. obliged to flatly deny them. H ad the Times Mrs. Julia Ward Howe will contribute to I, of Hyannis, , furtive and expensive manner. The family of the weather was yet warm and there were Weeks thi- fall, startling the family. He was consulted the Revised Version or the Greek early numbers of the Atlantic on reminis- was ihe originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” the same John Vincent of Alden, Kansas, for the sake plenty.of insects in the air for them to feed seen by M r. W eeks to fly away again. Some Testament it would not have rashly charged ences and recollections of notable men and of the novelty of the thing, kept a pet wolf upon. Rut tbe fact ia as I state it. few years ago a partridge dashed through a St. Paul with error. women. that has borne and does now - S / P ’'’ S on everV chained in the door ya*d As is invariably tbe A ll swallows live on insects, which they window into the Leander Weeks house, shiv case, after awhile the pet got loose, and then bear the fac-similo signature of wrapper. catch while on the wing. Although 1 never ering the glass and afterwards disporting Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the negro writer, forgot that he was a pet, simply remembered W e a l t h ok a N a t io n its M o r a l W o r t h . saw the experiment tried, I verv much doubt, about in tbe parlor. I don’t remember what has completed his novel of Onio life, “ The This ia the original "PITCHER’S CASTORIA” which has been that be was a wolf. H e visited the chicken — At this season of the year recurs the temp were a swallow caged and fed with dead flies, end he made, but I think he went into the Uncalled.” His lately gnnted position in the coop first and killed twelve chickens. This tation to value our citizenship according to used in the homes of the mothers of Amerioa for over thirty that he would eat them. I hardly think a soup kettle. Congressional Library will probably give him seemed to get up an appetite that nothing the statistics of material wealth. M ulhall say« swallow would survive more than forty-eight The first partridge I ever owned was many ample opportunities for study and wilting. years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it ia but pork could satisfy, lie began to stick the that “the internal trade of a nation is the best hours without food, as all small birds are years ago. H on. A . F. Crockett picked it up pigs, which aroused Mrs. Vincent’s attention. gauge of national progress because it re ­ Sarah G rand’s new hook has not been the kind you have always bought, 7 - on the delicate, much more so than animals. on his father’s veranda, took him to Mis. Fur* She took a big stick for her tin t weapon, but flects the power, energy and resources of a favorably received by the critics, many of W e have had a very mild Autum n, bu( bi&h’s and left him for me. I put tbe bird in the pet made for her so fiercely that she re­ people,” Our foreign trade averages about whom seem to hold the opinion— in nine and has the signature o f w rap- there was some cold weather and two snow a nice large cage, and 1 remember that he treated to the m ilk house and locked herself $5 000.000 daily, but our internal trade is words— prononneed by “ Ih e Academy” : storms— enough to hill all the insects which used to make some very lonesome sounds per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex- in; Ihe wolf tried to get at her but found it $48,000,000. W ith these figures in mind, if “One half is intolerably tedious, the other half inhabit the air and furnish the swallow’s sole such as I never beard before nor since. The any mind is capable of taking them in, we unpleasant.” oept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher ia food. tones were 00—boo—hoo, corresponding to impossible and returned to make pork of the pigs. Mrs. Vincent watched her opportunity may realize that even in apparently dull times This inclines me very much to doubt that the A, A flu and n-flzt in the middle of the The Marquis of Lom e is, as a writer, even President. to escape to the house hut the wolf bounded there is a mighty throb of business life pul­ there were swallows in any New England state treble clef of a piano— though the middle more industrious than is his father, and quite sating along the arteries of trade from sea to March 8, 1897. so late as the 21st of Noveinbrr, but I may be tone was about quarter way between b flat after her and nearly caught her. She took n sa dull. Tbe latest addition to the list of rifle and fired through the window first, then sea. But It is of vastly more importance to TMI OKNTAUN COMPANY. TT MURRAY ■TRKCT, NIWYORR OITV. wrong. and ^ natural. Anyone can find these notes “ works” emitted by the Queen's son-in-law it opened the door. The wolf, being wounded reflect that all the freights on the highways People frequently send me descriptions of on a piano, and by singing the b flat a quar­ a collection of tales of tbe West Highlands, and very savage by this time, jumped for her. of commerce, all the dazzling yield of Colo­ birds they have seen, or perhaps a dead ter low it will be seen that my bird sang a to be entitled “Adventures in Legend.” She shut the screen door and he lunged nearly rado and California mines, is the poorest ex bird, or the wing of a bird, asking very lonesome and lugubrious tune. Poor hibit of the true wealth ol the country. It is Dodd, Mead & Co. have in press the letters me to identify it. I am always glad to fellow, 1 suppose he felt homesick. But did through it. She stepped back, took a good OP THE aim and shot him dead. Then of course the righteousness that exalteth a nation. One written to the London Daily .Mail by G. W . Policy Holders give any information I can with mv limited ever anyone hear the like? plucky woman fainted away. M r. Vincent faithful conscientious judge is worth more to Steevens from the scenes of the recent Greco- N e w s an d O p in io n s knowledge. Birds can be sent to me by mail. This was in the Autumn. I soon after went the country than a street full of mere wealth Turkish war. The book will be welcome. Recently I hart a description of a bird which to housekeeping, bought some hens and put will have the bide tanned as a memento of owners. It is the greatest blunder the coun­ M r. Steevens proved that he wat worth listen­ OF a man picked up in a feeble condition back of my partridges in with them. The next time bis wife’s bravery. H e was away from home Bay State try can make to be satisfied with the mate­ ing to in bis “ Land of tbe Dollar,” and his East Machias. On hearing the description 1 I went to feed them I found that the hens during the battle. Probably the next pet wolf the Vincents cultivate w ill have his hide rial product, with an undervaluing of tbe war correspondence ought to be excellent. National Importance Association remembered that a few years ago I saw in tbe had scalped my pet, not only taking the feath­ Beneficiary tanned at the beginning of their acquain­ moral quality of the citizenship. W e have all same vicinity, a Mother Cary's Chicken, and I ers, but the skin as well, and he looked very Rousseau’s tomb at Ermeonville was re­ the money that is needed for the good of the at once decided that the man was describing pitiful. So 1 gave him the liberty of the tance. cently taken to pieces in order to have the country if only it were not congested into The Attorney-General of M a n , petitioned the same kind of bird, though if 1 had not wood shed and bis head was soon in fine carving touched up. It was found that the W h a t W il l Congress D o?— There are all banks; we need more men of brains, men of Nov. 6, to the Supreme Court for a receiver myself seen one so far from the ocean I should feather again. I f he was on the floor when space within the tomb waa too small ever to honor, and men of God in every section of the for the association. I f you find yourself in not have been so sure, for I know that they I entered the shed he would invariably fly up kinds of conjectures about the course that leg­ have contained a coffin. Rousseau’s remaios country; we need them to simplify the de­ need of a reliable insurance in an O ld Line are ocean birds. Though I had seen thousands and perch on a beam; but if 1 went to saw- islation will take in Congress, with many con­ were conveyed to the Pantheon during the tails of government; to lead the pe< pie to a > > E company we shall be pleased to correspond of them while on a sea voyage,I did not know irg wood, as I sometimes did, he would come fident predictions that in the important matter French Revolution, hut it was helieved^bad of currency reform it will amount to nothing. freer aocial life; to a life more intellectual., with you. If you want something solid to take that they ever penetrated to fresh water and scratch around in the sawdust, and I been later replaced in the tomb. The ques­ with a more spirited ideal than merely to be the place of your assessment insurance, we ponds. bad often to frighten him away so the stick Congressmen themselves are quite as much at tion now is: '‘ Where is Rousseau’s coffin?” CONTAINS BOTH. rich, so that there will be a less extreme pov­ have got it. Our Term policies cost from e e • might not fall upon him. I became very variance in their prognostics as other guessers. The remarkable Vermont Senator Justin A. erty in the cities and less ignorance among Houghton, M illiin & Co. have just ready 1 7 .3 0 (0 $98.35 per $1000, according to age O f some partridges that I have had in con­ much attached to thia partridge, but thinking M orrill does not think any law will he passed the masses. W e need a country side refor Mrs. Fields’ “Life and Letters of Harriet and plan. W e issue Life, Limited Life and finement. he would be happier in the woods I took him Beecher Stowe,” which has been anticipated Daily, by mail, • - - $6 a year Endowment policies o f ail kinds. W e also that will reduce the chaotic condition of the mation that a man may be valued at the O f all birds in this vicinity I think the par out on the Thomaston road and tossed him United States money to a system. Senator worth o f himself, and not o f his belongings. with much interest; the Cambridge edition of Daily and S unday, by m ail, S8 a year have a large variety of Bonds. Give us an tridge bears the reputation of being the wild­ into the air, and for aught I know his de­ Burrows of Michigan predicts a long debate Burns, which— besides *he complete poems of opportunity to explain some of their attractive est. Almost every kind of bird can be tamed scendants inhabit those woods to this day on tbe currency, and a session that will last Burns— includes the elaborate essay prefixed contracts. except a partridge, and though he may seem I shall have some other partridge experiences M a in e a n d t h e W est I n d ie s — In an In ­ until August. This is perhaps an extreme and to the Centenary edition by M r. H e n le ), and tame in confinement, let him out and he is to relate. teresting speech before the New York Cham­ pessimistic view. I f our choice lay between s the extremely valuable notes which appeared H ALL & HODGE,Gen. Agts. off like a wild bird. • • • bers of Commerce, Governor Black called The Sunday Sun long Congress and free coinage, so far as the in that edition, hy T . F. Henderson,tbe whole Partridges have a queer way of leaving 1 have just been enjoying a very pleasant attention to the fact that during the past being very carefully edited and arranged. Penn Hutual Life Ins. Co. busine s interests of the country are concerned their heme in the woods and flying to the chat with David C. Smith, on topics relating thirty years, while New York has fallen off is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the we had better surrender to the Bryanites at Gilbert Parker’s new story is to be called habitations of man, penetrating even to the to birds, squirrels, etc. M r. Smith regrets the ei fit per ct n in hi r f ireign commerce, Poston Maine Agency, - PORTLAND, flE. once. But in a short time the report of the “Tbe Battle of the Strong.” It is to appear world. center of cities. I have known of numerous marked scarcity during the past two sum has doubled hers. H e accounts lor this by HI Monetary Commission w ill be before the as a serial in the Atlantic Monthly, the first instances of this sort, but never occurring at rners of the beautiful thrushes. They are of Haying that “ Boston has done her best aod country and if there is any virtue in prolonged installment in the number for January, 1898. our most brautiufl songsters Their song, New York has not, and it has often happened Prioe5j a copy- By mail, $2 a year and diligent effort to arrive at the true found* It will he remembered that the Atlantic though not as gay and rollicking as the boho in the world that in time the best efforts of tion of the currency matter we ought to have printed Mr. l’aiker's successful “ Seats of tbe Address TIIK SUN, New York. NOTICE TO THE link’s, is to some ears more pleasing, being the weak surpass the indifferent efforts of tbe a piece of wise and speedy legislation instead M ighty.” W ith F. Hopkinton Smith's serial, at of a more plaintive and soothing nature. And strong.” The principle applies to Rockland of the fizzle that is so generally expected. Caleb West, now running, and Mrs. Wiggin’a they sing late into the evening after all other as well as to New York. This is naturally CIGAR TRADE Penelope’s Progress, the Atlantic is now, and BO Y E A R S ’ birds are quiet. I always listen to catch the distributing point for central and eastern promises to be, particularly rich in good e x p e r i e n c e their first notes in the spring, and am A Q u e s tio n ok Sa n it y — One of the most Maine. I f our shipowners would co-operate fiction. very sorry when their love season is over and, difficult experiments in the management of io establish a transportation company between like some larger bipeds, the cares and vexa* mankind 1s to determine whether a min ia 'fie West Indies, the Gulf Stales and Maine, The large sale of M r. Richard Harding Any dealers offering for sale the uons of housekeeping and children cause sane or crazy. After several thousand years' in due time the entire state would lie profited Davis’s “ Soldiers of Fortune” has induced the >>y the facilities for marketing our agricultural •I. W J. Brand of Cigar are liable their song of love to cease. It is a great pity endeavor to find the border line between the Meiars. Scribner to issue a new edition uni­ that the thrushes are growing less in number. rational and tbe irreaponsible condition of the and manufactured wares. W e need more self- form with this volume, of two of thia author’! atents tn> fine, according to Law, as the P human mind it is still as invisible as the reliance and less dependence on the Nalional I hardly know bow to account for it. It may former successes: “ Gallegher and Chher brand is clearly an iniringment on be that they are shot for the ladies’ bonnets. equator. There is a lawyer by the name of government for developing our trade. Wben Stories” and “Cinderella and Other Stories.” D e s ig n s tho J. W A. Brand, au the following The birds are not of gay plumage, though Creamer confined in the Bloomingdale, N . Y , Cuba is once really pacified there will be a It was with the first-named story that M r. great demand for American agricultural and C o p y r ig h t s Ac. letter will show. they can be colored to suit prevailing styles. asylum for the insane, who has every appear Davis scored his first “ h it” and the tale it as Let us hope the scarcity is only temporary ance of being of sound rnind, and is trying to hardware implements of all kinds, as well aa fresh and vigorous today as it seemed on ita qufoklj i J. W . ANDERSON CIGAR CO. and they will again be with us as plentifully get bis liberty. About six months ago st a for Northern grain, but’er and vegetables; for appearance in Scribner’s Magazine. The Uona^atrtctiy confidential. Handbook on I'atonia as in the past. meeting of the Harvard Club be struck a cer­ in such countries although vegetables will covert of the two volumes have been de­ •ant froo. Oldest agency for securtnapatenu. Patents taken through Munn A Co. reoelro J. W . Ahdkuson Oioar Go., Itockland. Uo. Sometime wben 1 feel like it 1 will tell of tain D r. Rice in the face, and was thereupon grow if cultivated tbe natives prefer to buy signed by A. B. Frost and A . E. W enzell, tperkU notice, without chnrgo. In tbo G bntlbmkn Tour letter otOot. HOih ait. te one of these delightful birds that came and incarcerated in the insane hospital. The bar­ them. respectively. baud Wo have examined both labels and Had the mode bis heme wi h us. tender of the club testified also that Creamer I W. J l« olearly an Infringem ent on your J. W. Writing on “Literary London Twenty Scientific American. M r. Smith told me of some very pleasant had appeared irrational at times, but could A. We have so written Mrs. Hook .oscfll B e R ic h a n d kor I t Be H a t e d — W hen A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest dr- Tourn Keepeotfally, not specify in what manner. It does look as Years Ago” in tbe current number of tbe culatlon of any sclenttOo Journal. Terms. S3 a acquaintances he has made over at Warren a man is building up a prosperous business it TOBACCO I.B lr UKGUTRATfON if a man were unbalanced in his mind to lay Atlantic Monthly, Colonel Higginson offers year; four months. |L Sold by all newsdealers. BUREAU, N. Y | ton. One was a red squirrel which took up behoves him to take care lest bis success out a d d o r , and yet there might be a provo­ fume diverliug sketches of tbe people he met, his abode in tbe chalet, carrying in mateiial manufacture enmities uith bis associates in SUNN & Co.381 New York cation. Perhaps the doctor’s bill was exai- but be gives some queer judgments upon B ru ch Offloe, 83b If BE. W uhlngtou, D. C. and building a nice warm nest. But much to the business world. Tbe more prosperous he perstingly small and he wanted to add a them. Fancy this nugget about Matthew Mr. Smith’s regret some boys destroyed tb becomes the more obligation resit upon him MEDEOKD lawyer's charges to it. As for bartenders they A rn o ld : “ Arnold seemed to me, personally, We are selling ne*t and the little fellows never came back. io secure bis position by making hi» good for­ are forever seeing tbeir customers doing irra­ as he had always seemed in liteaalure, a keen His other experience was still more inter­ tune useful to many others, otherwise a coun­ MATTRESSES tional acts under the hallucination that they but by no means judicial critic, and in no is the kind that housekeep­ esting, and related to a little chipmunk, or ter current of influence w ill in due time not —AU— Hard and Soft own tbe earth and must take possession by proper sense a poet. Th at ne is held to be striped squirrel, which is tbe smallest of tbe only check bis advance if possible but seek to ^MAHRESSES^ ers who want only the main force and fisticuffs. A florist alao tes­ such is due, in my judgment, only to the fact Healthful and squirrels, and very plenty in Massachusetts, reduce him to a worse state than bis first. tified against Creamer’s sanity, but it appears that he has represented tbe passing attitude o l Comfortable C oal best always buy. Packed though 1 have seen but very few in this 1 believe that tbe same prudence should that he bad sent to the wrong address some mind in many cultivated persons.” state. Mr. Smith’s experience with one fur­ actuate us in our national dealings. The ap­ — AT— flowers that the latter bad purchased, where­ in pound and two-pound nished him and his friends much pleasure. Mr prehension of European nations of American W hile the giddy crowd rushes for tbe new­ N . A. & M H .B u r p e r upon tbe irate member of tbe bar

Jamci H. H . Hewett 29 and B. K. Kalloch 7; AMONG THE SPORTS Rvwry Mnther should have It hi the RECENT CUSHIN6 HISTORY h s, colic, croups' 1 or County Treasurer, aewell W . Veane had :ea, hu m .-b n iin cn . 45, Silas Farrington 23, Ephraim D . Gravel The Damariscotta Herald contained this Templara' Ix»d(te Orx»ntv10.000 The rink was too small foofast time. Field Drivers, Frank G. Young, C. A. Fogerty, William H. Robinson, Hiram Young, William September to: For Governor, William L. for her. She will be thoroughly overhauled Vinal Wallace and S. D . H u n t; Sealer of P. Stone and William B. Bradford. It was Putnam had 80; Edwin C. Burleigh 31, Vol- in dry dock before fitting out for her long Sometimes the most careful women are the Weights and Measures, W . B. Bradford. voted that all future town accounts be made ney B. Cushing 8 and W illiam H . Simmons passage. I t is figured that the steamer will most careless. Many a woman bundles her­ I t was voted to raise 8700 for the repair of up to the municipal year close on the first 7; for Representative to Congress, Charles make the run around to Alaska in 60 days. at the otteriiigs mentioned Monday of March annually. The town re­ E. Allen had 80, Nelson Dingley, Jr., 31, self up, to keep out sickness- when she is roads and bridges, 8644 for the support of D r. John Mitchell, who died in Freedom below. The small figures for Suits fused to accept the road running from the William T . Eustis 8 and Ebenezer A . Howard neglecting the very worst sickness that can schools, 8500 for town expenses, and 835° Nov. 20, was formerly located in this city and and Overcoats, lo order, such as we barn of Richard A. Davis to the highway, 7; for Senators, Stephen J. Gushee had 83, come to a woman. She allows a slight disor­ for the support of the poor. Voted to allow had an office in the Sprague buliding Lime- describe, might lend you lo believe also the road from David Thompson’s house Randall J. Condon 81, Edmund P. Walker 31, der to become worse, to slowly sap her vitality. Luther Marshall and Edwin H. Wall to rock street. H is son John W . M itchell was to the highway. Voted not to allow tax pay­ Gershom F Burgess 32, J. Fred H a ll 8, J. The little pain and the other slight indicationa (bat we wero drawing on our imagi­ work out one quarter part of their tax on principal of the Lincoln street grammar school ers to work out their proportional part of Shaw Gu-nee 5, Le.i W.Smilh 4 and Nathan­ of trouble Beem to her unimportant. She nation. We siniplv give facts, which their private way, and to abate the unpaid for a number of years, and removing to tax 00 the estate of Emery H a rt for the year their taxes on the highway. iel T . Albee 3 ; for Judge of Probate, Charles goes on, with increasing suffering, until life will be amply borne out by an inspec­ Augusta to take charge of the state temper­ Our Hand on IT means it's a fact that bargains At a special meeting held Wednesday, K. Millet had 80, Reuel Robinson 31, Alyne itself becomes a drag. Nervousness, “ sinking tion of our stock. This may be con­ 1885. The town refused to tax dogs, and to ance work was drowned in the Kennebec river whlok wo offer September 21, it was voted, after electing Hall 8, and Samuel D. Sanford 7; for Regis­ spells,” digestive disturbances, and fifty other sidered as Ibe opportunity of the sea­ abate the tax on the Vinal Company's ice while bathing. Dr. Mitchell’s daughter Does far excel in stylo and worth the goods which house, wharf and buildings for the yeai 1885, Elijah Norton moderator, to accept the road ter of Probate, Alexander A. Beaton had 90, complications may arise Irom the derangement son as woo'en g o o d * w ill soon feel th e Maria T . Mitchell, was also a member of Ihe othors proffer; as laid out by the selectmen upon application Charles E. Meaervry 30 and Lucius R. Morse ol the organa distinctly feminine. Over thirty working of ihe lariil laws. Hero arc and to exempt the same from taxation for the Rockland school faculty for a time. Dr. Our Jewelry and other things for gifts will suit you ol John F. Burton, Alex Mclutyie, W. B. 6; for County Altorney, J. H. Montgomery years ago, the need for a reliable remedy for some wonderful value-—Suits to order next three years. M itchell was a very capable physician and a well— Bradford and 39 others. Said road is des­ had 77, James H . I I . Hew ett 34, W ilHam B. so-called “ female complaints” was recognized as low as $10. Overcoats $10 lo $12. Traverse jurors drawn during the year: inaa of unquestioned honor and integrity. Call at our store sud be convinoed that these are March term, Oliver Page, February 27; cribed as follows: “Beginning on the wes­ Bradford 7 and M artin Uritto 7; for Clerk of by D r. R . V. Pierce, then, as now, chief con­ H e fell dead while working about the bouse, facts we tell. September term, James O . Chadwick, Sep­ terly side of the town road at a stake near Courts, Lewis F. Slarrett had 81, Ralph R. sulting physician to the W orld’s Dispensary heart disease being the cause. tember 7; December term, Edward F. Edmund H yler’i pasture bars, and running Ulmer 30, II. C. Small 8 and Herbert II.Flint and Invalids’ Hotel, at Buffalo, N. Y. He O . JB1. D A M I E t i S , Bangor News:—The report of the Secretary prepared D r. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription, J. A. BREWSTER, Sherman, November 26. Grand juror, James due north acri ss said llyler's land 35 rods to 7; lor Sheriff, W ilder S. Irish had 81, Nelson THORNDIKE HOTEL BLOCK. Thompson. laud of F. L . Farnham; ibence said course on Hall 30, Jacob B. Loring S and Alpbomo T. of W ar, just out, recummends the appropria­ the most wonderfully effective remedy that Following is the vote of Cushing at the said Farnham’s laud two rods and 23 links to Mitchell 7; for County Treasure', Sewall W. tion o f 8175,000 for the fortifications of the has ever been used lot such maladies. Merchant Tailor state election held this y e a r: For Governor, a stake; thenc* north 24 deg. east on said Veazie bad 80, Edgar Beverage 31, Abbott L. mouth of the Penobscot river I t has long Send 21 cents Id one cent stamps and re­ Washington St., Camden Clark F. Edwaids had 50, Aaron Clark 26 Farnham’s land 20 rods and 6 links to land of Richardson 8 and Alden F. Wooster 7; for ago been decided that in case money is ap­ ceive D r. Pierce’a 1008 page "Common Sense propriated lor the I’enohcsot, Fort Knox will Medical Adviser," illustrated. and Joseph R. Bodwell 16; for Represents Jerry Hoifses; thence same course on said county Commissioner, George W . Payson had U. Q. llAZKLTlNB. O. U. HiZILTINl tive to Congress, had 45, Hofises' land 14 rods and 17 links to a stakr 80, M ark Ames 31, M ial Mossman 8 and be the site selected, and one or two disap­ W . T . Eustis 29, Nelson Dingley Jr., 16 and near a big rock; thence on said Hofises’ land James B. Swan S; for Representative to the pearing carriage long range coast guns will he Tile Greatest Discovery Yet. GOAL HAZELTINE & CO., Joseph E. Ladd 2; for Senators, Stephen J. north 35 degrees east 8 rods and two links to Legislature, Hugh Gotd >n had 81 and W m. the armament. While there is a long distance W . M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111.,“ Chief," aacaivaas xhd dx. lkus in Gushee bad 45, Nelson Thompson 39, Wilder land of widow flannah Robinson; thence E. Sheerer 31. between a recommendation and the actual says: “ W e won't keep house without D r. beginning operations, yet it is not at all im ­ W . Perry 23, J. Fred H a ll 24, Samuel H . same course on said Robinson’s land 12 rods l o b e continued. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Of all Kinds. Free probable that some time there will be lively Butter, Cheese and Eggs. Allen 18, Tbaddeus R . Simonton 16, H iram to a stake; thence on said land north 48 deg. Coughs and Colds. Experimented with many from dust and slate. T. Strout 5 and William H. Simmons 5; lor east 4 rods and 8 links to land of Sylvanus times once more on the silent and deserted others, but never got the true remedy until No. 16 Blackitone St., Boatoo, Maas. H yler; thence same course on said H yler’s old fortification, which will mean a period of we used D r. K in g ’s N ew Discovery. N o County Commissioners, Charles A. Sylvester 80*12 had 45, Franklin Trussell 43, William B. land 16 rods and 7 links to land of Orris J. prosperity 'for Bucksport. The building of other remedy can take its place in our home, Bradford 27, Mial Mossmau 27, Harrison Robinson;thence same course on said Robin­ the fort years agu brought thousands of as in it we have a certain andzaure cure lor F a rra n d , Beverage 16, Alexander R . Rivers 22 and son's land 3 rods and 17 links to a stake io dollars to town, and the people are sure to Coughs, Colds, W hooping Cough, etc. It is H . S. IIobtis 4; for Register of Deeds, the town road near Orris J. Robinson's house; get some of that 8175,000, if it is ever avail­ idle to experiment with other remedies, even Justus E. Sherman had 42, Edw in S. Vose 34 the line to be described to be in the middle of able. if they are urged on you as just as good as S p ea r 'City Marshall Turner of Auburn thinks that and W illiam A . Barker 16; for Sheriff, Ibe highway, and the highway to be three Dr. King’s New Discovery. They are not something should be done to rid the state of W ilder S. Irish had 51, J. B. Loring 24, rods wide.” Land damages to the amount of as good, because this remedy has a record of The Right Shape ! 820 were awarded to Edmund H yler, 88 to tramps. You nutice by the police records & C o. Albert J. Crockett 15 and Robert H . Carey 2; cures and besides is guaranteed. I t never The Right Size ! for County Attorney, Fred R. Rowell bad 47, Rev. F. L.Farnh. m,one cent to Jerry Huffses, said he to a Lewiston Journal reporter, that a fails to satisfy.’* T rial bottles free at W . I I . 815 to Haonah Robinson, 8>5 to Sylvanus great majority of them come from other states; Kittredge's Drug Store. Want to fill your next The Right Flavor > Hyler, and 83 to Orris J. Robinson. A t this vety few give Maine at the state of their order for coal. Try them. The night Price I meeting the town voted .ot to sell the town residence. W hy do they flock to Maine? CHURCH NOTE They guarantee to satisfy. farm. Because our tramp laws are a soap, lu An- [H E RIGHT CIGAR FOR 5 c . The following traverse jurors were drawn droscoggin county Ibis is particularly true. during the year: March term, Enoch C Clark, It is all wrong for the county to be taxed H. C CLARK, Manufacturer The services of Nov. 14 in the So. St. Orders by mall or telephone promptly and HMHLAKD, aa E 1 Febuary 19; September term, Hiram Young, every winter for the support of 75 or too George church were ol a farewell nature, it carefully filled. BABY | August 9; December term, Vinal Wallace, tramps. When arrested they get sixty days, being the last Sunday that their pastor Bro. MEDFORD November 15. Grand juror, Edmund Hyler. ninety at the outside. They have a good Packard was with them. SICK HEADACHE warm place to stop, plenty to eat, work A pril 15, the selectmen appointed the fol­ The attendance both in the morning and Farrand, Spear & Co., MATTRESSES lowing persons to serve on the board of Positively cured by th e s e enough to keep them in good health and evening was very large, and the occasion one health: Samuel Payson for one year, F. C, Little Pills. money enough to buy their tobacco with and long to be remembered. The morning ad­ A#6 Main Street, North End slMarTRESSBjft Healthful and Hathorn two years, and W . B. Bradford three possibly to get drunk on when thzy get out. dress was very earnest and tender. The sub­ T h e y also relieve Distress (rota Dyspepsia, I f the weather isn’t suitable wheu they get Tulephoue o .ll 244. 77 Comfortable HUMORSInstant relief for akin-tortureil babies and years. ject chosen was taken from 2 Cor, 13,11. Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. out, they at once proceed to get back in again. reat to r tired inothur* in a warm bath with In the evening, after an interesting revival It it altogether too much of a good thing and C u t,ouua Boa,*, and a Mingle application of feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi­ service, a loving, practical talk was given by o j x s r o n i A . H. A. ft e will long he remembered, that God's 1888. 1 Ask (or the best and you’ll 1 biasing may rest on tbeir labors wherever whitest floating soap on the m arket. •*»«<« *>» u>» monoiuck silk co letter will ebow. 1 Ib e towu refused Io tax dogs; to allow M. they may be aud that they may he spared for W hite Cloud is the only soap in the world made in Porcelaine J. W . A N D K H S O N C lG A lt CO. L. Wuodcock 83 L ' stone furnished by him used in the construction of Meadow Brook many years of service in the vineyard of the Lined Kettles which is an absolute guarantee of purity, if your bridge; to abate the lax of W .H .S u iltb for the | i: Get Ayer’s. J Lord. AJioausoM O itias tw*.a., Uookiaad. Mt grocer can not supply you send us his name and address. year 1886; and to purchase a road machine. W. C. POOLER, [ Ask (or Ayer’s and you’ll get w a W . eegaainlla--- w ■ w.------It was voted that no non-resident he allowed to Miss Maud Peaselee ol Vinalhsven a grad­ MADE ONLY BY . JA8.. S, KfRK & CO., . CHICAGO. „ * J la clearly as lefriogwoieut o» your J. W ■ dig clams during the curteni municipal year; Pharmacist. uate of Castiuc Normal School it to succeed THE LARGEST SOAP MANUFACTUREHS IN THE WORLD. ESTABLISHEU1832. — have «• wrlUt-L Mrs- Modt Mr s Martha B. May of this city as teacher cf audthat the selectmen be insltuctcd to ascertain Everybody can have soft water to wash with if they will use Kirk’s 1 OBAXJOO l*K l / o q i & T B A T i O M ROCKLAND, ■ MAINE T h e B est. the second primary school in District No. 3 • the intent and incauiug of the statutes regula­ “Rainwater Maker." It makes hard water soft. Try it. bBftMAU. IT* T. ting the taking of clams respecling that pot- Vinalhsven. Miss May begins her duties m 1 W ateivillc the first ol December. * lion which states that auy fishciinau may take Ordway's Piasters Cure Heart Trouble. Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern Maine Consolidated March 17, 1897 T he Courier-Gazette. TWICE-A-WEEK. . . . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY.

Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Saturday December 4 1897 V ol. 5 2 . . . . N o . 8 6

WITH ROD AND BUN any season except In the Autumn. Then COMMENT ON CURRENT EVENTS the words of Inspiration no surprise would be IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY they bang up against the side of a bouse like excited. But when the busy, matter-of-fact the blow o f a hammer, or perhaps dash and reverent editor of ao good a paper as the Noten \>f Forest mid Stream From the Sk ir m is h W it h a Pe t — In few respects through a pane of glass into the house itself. Times announces: "Paul and I difler," I "The Changeling" is the title of Sir Walter Hook of a Local Sportsman. do people of generally good judgment show Benant's new story. AN OPEN LETTER Oftentimes they are killed in this adventure, leel anxious to find some explanation of the so great variety of taste as in the animals they C. F. Richards states in this paper (hat for they tly with great velocity. If you wish disagreement that w ill reconcile these con­ Gilbert Parker's new novel, "A Hundred ■elect as pets. W hile some brutes more or barn swallows were seen in Rockport on Nov. to know the effect, start say thirty feet from a flicting opinions but will diminish nothing Years Ago," is almost finished, and ita aerial less dumb, the dumber the better, are fairly To MOTHERS. 2lst and the previous week. house, close your eyes, and walking rapidly, from the credit of either oracle. I have publication w ill toon begin. worthy of the food and affection of which their I have noticed every year for a good many whack up against a building. Then imagine not undertaken to prove the Inerrancy of the WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE owners have an excessive amount to dispose, yean that scarcely a swallow can be seen later your speed multiplied by twenty, ard you will Scripture* as a general proposition, still I Stanley J. Weyman'a forthcoming novel it EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD AND others are naturally unappreciative. O f af­ “CASTORIA,” than the seventeenth day ol September, in understand the way the pattridge takes it, have not met with the particular instance that to be called "T h e Castle Inn." The scene Is fection they seem to have no idea whatever, laid in the England of the eighteenth cen­ “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADE MARK. fact the great fl'ght of these birds is over in many times. They are usually killed, but is plain evidence that Paul made such rash and they have an innate and indestructible August, and I have wondered many a lime sometimes they recover and fly again— aa one statements that newspapers of our day are tury. desire to get their food for themselves after a /, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, why they should take their departure while did that flew against the house of Frank L. obliged to flatly deny them. Had the Times Mrs. Julia W ard How e will contribute to of Hyannis, Massachusetts, furtive and expensive manner. The family of the weather was yet warm and there were Weeks thh fall, startling the family. He was consulted the Revised Version or the Greek early numbers of the Atlantic on reminis* wee the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” th e same John Vincent of Alden, Kansas, for the sake plenty.of insects in the air for them to feed seen by M r. Weeka to fly away again. Some Testament it would not have rashly charged ences and recollection* of notable men and of the novelty of the thing, kept a pet wolf upon. But the fact is as I state It. few years ago a partridge dashed through a St. Paul with error. women. that has borne end does now S/Tfyx on Gyery chained in the door y a d As Is invariably the A ll swallows live on insects, which they window into the Leander Weeks bouse, shiv case, after awhile the pet got loose, and then bear the facsimile signature of wrapper. catch while on the wing. Although 1 never ering the glass and afterwards disporting Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Ihe negro writer, forgot that he was a pet, simply remembered W e a l t h ok a N a t io n its M o r a l W o r t h . saw the experiment tried, I verv much doubt, about in the parlor. I don’t remember what haa completed h it novel of Ohio life, "The This is the original "PITCHER’S CASTORIA” which has been that he was a wolf. H e visited the chicken — At thia season of the year recurs the temp were a swallow caged and fed with dead Hies, end he made, but I think he went into the Uncalled." His lately gnnted position in the coop first and killed twelve chickens. This tation to value our citizenship according to used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty that he would eat them. I hardly think n soup kettle. Congressional Library will probably give him seemed to get up an appetite that nothing the statistics of material wealth. Mulhall say* swallow would survive more than forty«eight The first partridge I ever owned was many ample opportunities for study and writing. years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is but pork could satisfy, lie began to stick the that "the internal trade of a nation it the besl hours without food, as all small birds are years ago. H on. A. F. Crockett picked it up pigs, which aroused Mrs. Vincent’s attention. gauge of national progress because it re­ Sarah Grand's new book has not been the kind you have always bought, //&> . on delicate, much more so than animals. on his father’s veranda, took him to Mrs. Fur- flects the power, energy and resources of a favorably received by the critics, many of We have had a very mild Autum n, buf bith’s and left him for me. I put the bird in She took a big stick for her first weapon, but the pet made for her so fiercely that she re­ people." Our foreign trade averages about whom seem to hold the opinion— in nine and has the signature o f w rap- there was some cold weather and two snow a nice large cage, and I remember that he treated to the milk house and locked herself >5000,000 daily, but our internal trade is words—prononneed by "Ihe Academy": storms— enough to kill all the insects which used to make some very lonesome sounds per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex- in; the wolf tried to get at her but found it >48,000,000. W ith these figures in mind, if "O ne-half is intolerably tedious, the other half inhabit the air and furnish the swallow’s sole such as I never heard before nor since. The any mind is capable of taking them in, we unpleasant." oept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletoher is food. tones were 00—hoo—hoo, corresponding to impossible and returned to make pork of the pigs. Mrs. Vincent watched her opportunity may realize that even in apparently dull times This inclines me very much to doubt that the b, A flit and n-flat in the middle of the The Marquis of Lome is, as a writer, even P resid en t to escape to the house but the wolf bounded there is a mighty throb o f business life pul­ there were swallows in any New England state treble clef of a piano— though the middle more industrious than is his father, and quite after her anti nearly caught her. She took a sating along the arteries of trade from sea to Maroh 8, !897. so late as the 21st of November, but I may be tone was about quarter way between /' flat as dull. The latest addition to the list of rifle and fired through the window first, then sea. But It is of vastly more importance t« ▼ MS OBNTAUN COMPANY, TV MURRAY STNBBT. NSW YORK OITV. wrong. and ^-natural. /Xnyone can find these notes "works" emitted by tbe .Queen's son-in-law is opened the door. The wolf, being wounded reflect that all the freights on the highways People frequently send me descriptions of on a piano, and by singing the b flat a quar­ a collection of tales of tbe West Highlands, and very savage by this time, jumped for her. of commerce, all the dazzling yield of Colo­ birds they have seen, or perhaps a dead ter low it will he seen that my bird tang a to be entitled "Adventures in Legend." She shut the screen door and he lunged nearly rado and California mines, is the poorest ex­ bird, or the wing of a bird, asking very lonesome and lugubrious tune. Poor hibit of the true wealth ol the country. It is Dodd, Mead & Co. have in press the letters me to identify it. I ant always glad to fellow, I suppose he felt homesick. But did through it. She stepped back, took a good aim and shot him dead. Then of course the righteousness that exalteth a nation. One written to the London Daily Mail by G. W. Policy Holders °^THE----- give any information I can with mv limited ever anyone hear the like? plucky woman fainted away. M r. Vincent faithful conscientious judge is worth more to Steevens from the scenes of the recent Greco- News and Opinions knowledge. Birds can be sent to me by mail. This was in the Autumn. I soon after went will have the bide tanned as a memento of the country than a street full of mere wealth Turkish war. The book will be welcome. Recently I had a description of a bird which to housekeeping, bought some hens and put hit wife's bravery. H e was away from home owners. It is the greatest blunder the coun­ M r. Steevens proved that he was worth listen­ OF Bay State a man picked up in a feeble condition back of my partridges in with them. The next time try can make to be satisfied with tbe mate­ ing to in his " L in d of the Dollar," and his East Machias. On hearing the description I I went to feed them I found that the hens during the battle. Probably the next pet wolf the Vincents cultivate w ill have his bide rial product, with an undervaluing of tbe war correspondence ought to be excellent. National Importance Beneficiary Association remembered that a few years ago I saw in the had scalped my pet, not only taking the feath­ tanned at the beginning of their acquain­ moral quality of the citizenship. W e have all same vicinity, a Mother Cary's Chicken, and I ers, but the skin as well, and he looked very Rousseau’s tomb at Ermeonville was re* the money that it needed for the good of the at once decided that the man was describing pitiful. So 1 gave him the liberty of the tance. cently taken to pieces in order to have the country if only it were not congested into Q H u t j l m t . The Attorney-General of Mass, petitioned the same kind of bird, though if I bad not wood shed and his head was soon in fine carving touched up. It was found that tbe banks; we need more men of brains, men ol Nov. 6, to the Supreme Court for a receiver myself seen one so far from the ocean I should feather again. I f he was on the floor when W h a t W il l Congress Do?— There are all space within the tomb was too small ever to honor, and men of God in every section of the for the association. I f you find yourself in not have been so sure, for I know that they I entered the shed he would invariably fly up kinds of conjectures about the course that leg­ have contained a coffin. Rousseau'* remains country; we need them to simplify the de­ need of a reliable insurance in an Old Line are ocean birds. Though I bad seen thousands and perch on a beam; but if I went to saw- islation will take in Congreas, with many con­ were conveyed to tbe Pantheon during the tails of government; to lead the pe< pie to a company we shall be pleased to correspond of them while on a sea voyage,I did not know irg wood, as I sometimes did, he would come fident predictions that in the important matter French Revolution, but it was believedwhad TV I>< > X E freer aocial life; to a life more intellectual., with you. II you want something solid to take that they ever penetrated to fresh water and scratch around in the sawdust, and I of currency reform it w ill amount to uothing. been later replaced in the tomb. Tbe ques­ with a more spirited ideal than merely to be the place of your assessment insurance, we ponds. had often to frighfen him away ao the stick Congressmen themselves are quite as much at tion now ia: "W here Is Rousseau's coffin?" CONTAINS BOTH. rich, to that there will be a less extreme pov­ have got it. Our Term policies cost from • • • might not fall upon him. I became very variance in tbeir prognostics as other guessers. The remarkable Vermont Senator Justin A. erty in the cities and less ignorance among Houghton, M ifllm & Co. have just ready >7.3010 >98.35 per >1000, according to age O f some partridges that I have had in con­ much attached to thia partridge, but thinking M orrill does not think any law will be passed the masses. W e need a country side refor­ Mrs. Fields* "L ite and Letters of Harriet and plan. W e issue Life, Limited Life and finement. he would be happier in the woods I took him Daily, by mail, • - - $6 a year that will reduce the chaotic condition of the mation that a man may fie valued at the Beecher Stowe," which has been anticipated Endowment policies of all kinds. W e also Of all birds in this vicinity I think the par out on the Thomaston road and tossed him United States money to a system. Senator worth o f himself, and not of his belongings. with much interest; the Cambridge edition of Daily andk mail, $8 a year have a large variety of Bonds. Give us an tridge bears the reputation of being the wild­ into the air, and for aught I know his de­ Burrows of Michigan predicta a long debate Burns, which— besides ‘ he complete poems ot opportunity to explain some of their attractive est. Almost every kind of bird can be tamed scendants inhabit those woods to this day. on tbe currency, and a session that will last Burns— includes the elaborate essay prefixed contracts. except a partridge, and though he may seem I shall have tome other partridge experiences M a in e a n d t h e W est I n d ie s — In an In­ until August. This is perhaps an extreme and lo the Centenary edition by M r. Henley, and tame in confinement, let him out and he is to relate. teresting speech before tbe New York Cham­ iessimistic view. I f our choice lay between a tbe extremely valuable notes which appeared HALL & HODGE, Gen. Agts. off like a wild bird. • a a ber* of Commerce, Governor Black called ong Congresi and free coinage, 10 far as the in that edition, by T . F . Henderson,the whole The Sunday Sun Partridges have a (peer way of leaving t attention to the fact that during the past I have just been enjoying a very pleasant bustne s interests of the country are concerned being very carefully edited and arranged. Penn riutual Life Ins. Co. their home in the woods and flying to the chat with David C. Smith, on topica relating thirty years, while New York has fallen off is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the we had better surrender to the Brvanites al Gilbert Parker’s new story is to be called habitations of man, penetrating even to the to birds, squirrels, etc. M r. Smith regrets the ei ht per c< n in h« r f ireign commerce, Boston M aine A gen cy, • PORTLAND, PIE. once. But in a short time the report of the "The Battle of the Strong." It is to appear world, center of cities. I have known of numerous marked scarcity duiing the past two sum nas doubled hers. H e accounts for this by 81 Monetary Commission will be before the as a serial in the Atlantic Monthly, the first instances of thia aort, but never occurring at raers of the beautiful thrushes. They are of saying that "Boston has done her best and country and if there is any virtue in prolonged installment in the number for Januaiy, 1898. our roost beautiufl songsters. Their song, New York has not, and it has often happened P r ic e 5 j a copy' By mail, $2 a year and diligent effort lo arrive at the true founds It will be remembered that the Atlantic though not as gay and rollicking as the hobo in the world that in time tbe beat efforts of tion of the currency matter we ought to have printed M r. Parker’s successful "Seats ot the Aildreu THE NUN, New York. NOTICE TO THE link's, is to some ears more pleasing, being the weak surpass the indifferent efforts of the a piece of wise and speedy legislation instead M ighty." W ith F . H opkinton Smith's serial, SI of a more plaintive and soothing nature. And strong." T h e principle applies to Rockland of the fizzle that is so generally expected. Caleb West,now running, and Mrs. Wiggin’a they sing late into the evening after all other as well aa to New York. Thia is naturally CIGAR TRADE Penelope’s Progress, the Atlantic is now, and BO YEAR S’ birds are quiet. I always listen to catch die distributing point for central and eastern promise* to be, particularly rich in good EXPERIENCE their first notes in the spring, and am A Q u e s tio n ok Sa n it y — One of the most Maine I f our shipowners would co-operate fiction. x* very sorry when their love season is over and, difficult experiments in the management of to establish a transportation company between like some larger bipeds, the cares and vexa- mankind is to determine whether a man is 1 h« West Indies, the Gulf Stales aud Maine, The large sale of M i. Richard Harding Any dealers offering for sale the 10ns ol housekeeping and children cause sane or crazy. After several thousand years’ in due time the entire slate would be profited Davis's "Soldier* ot Fortune" has induced the by the facilities for marketing our agricultural J. W J. Brand of Cigar arc liable (heir song ot love to cease. It is a great pity endeavor to find the border line between the Messrs. Scribner to issue a new edition uni­ that the thrushes are growing less in number. rational and tbe irresponsible condition ot the and manufactured wares. We need more self- form with this volume, of two of thia author’s atents tin fine, according to Law, as the P I hardly know bow to account for it. It may human mind it is still as invisible as tbe rrliance and less dependence on the National former successes: "Gallegher and Other brand is clearly an in>ringment on he that they are shot for the ladies' bonnets. equator. There is a lawyer by the name ol government for developing our trade. When Stories" and "Cinderella and Other Stories." D e s ig n s iho J. W A Brand, as the following The birds are not of gay plumage, though Creamer confined in tbe Bloomingdale, N . Y , Cuba is once really pacified there will be a It was with the first-named story that Mr. great demand for American agricultural and C o p y r ig h t s A c . letter will show. they can be colored to suit prevailing styles. asylum for the insane, who has every appear Davis scored his first "h it" and the tale is as Anyono sending sketch and description may Let us hope the scarcity is only temporary ance of being o f sound mind, and is trying to hardware implements of all kinds, as well as r opinion froe whether i— J. W. ANDERSON CIGAR CO. fresh and vigorous today as it seemed on its nveniion is pronnoiy piuumunie. iuhiuiuihin- and they will again be with us at plentifully get bis liberty. About six months ago at a lor Northern grain, butter and vegetables; for appearance in Scribner’s Magazine. The Jona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents meeting of the Harvard Club he atruck a cer­ in such countries although vegetables will lent freo. Oldest agency for securing patents. as in the past. covers of the two volumes have been de­ Patents taken through Munn A Co. rooelve J, W . AwnBBSON OlGAB Oo., Rockland, Mo. Sometime when I feel like it I will tell of tain D r. Rice in the face, and was thereupon grow if cultivated the native* prefer to buy signed by A. B. Frost and A. E. Wenzell, ipeciol notice, without chargo, In the U kntlbmkn Tour loiter of Oct. aoih alt. ta one of these delightful birds that came and incarcerated in the insane hospital. The bar­ (hem. respectively. hand We have examined both labela and Mad the made bis home wi'h us. tender of the club testified alto that Creamer •I W. J la clearly »1 Infrlngoia-mt o a y e u r J . W. Writing on "Literary London Twenty Scientific American. M r. Smith told me o f some very pleasant had appeared irrational at times, but could A. Wo have no written Mra. Hook aaaofll B e R ic h a n d kor I t Be H a t e d — When , handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest etr- Yours Reaped folly, not specify in what manner. It does look as Years Ago" in the current number of tbe natio• *Jon n orof any sclentiQoset Journal. Terms. S3 a acquaintances he has made over at Warren a man is building up a prosperous business it ; four months. >L Bold by all newsdealers. TOBACCO I.K lF RKUI STRATI ON if a man were unbalanced in hit mind to lay Atlantic Monthly, Colonel Higginson offers a a r; four m onths BUREAU, N. Y | ton. One was a red squirrel which took up behoves him to take care lest his success out a d ctor, and yet there might tie a provo­ fume divertiug sketches of the people he met, his abode in the chalet, earning in mateiial manufacture enmities with his associates in IUNN...... & Co.i.seiBrcdw,,. hew York cation. Perhaps tbe doctor’s bill was exas- but he gives some queer judgments upon Branch Ofllce,Iflloe, ffi625 F HL. Washington,alngton, D. C. and building a nice warm nest. But much to the business world. The more prosperous he peratingly small and he wanted to add a them. Fancy this nugget about Matthew VIr. Smith's regret some boys destroyed th becomes the more obligation real* upon him MEJEUKD lawyer's charges to it. As for bartenders they A rn o ld : "A rnold teemed to me, personally, We are selling nett and the little fellowa never came back. to secure his position by making his good for­ are forever teeing tbeir customers doing irra­ aa he had always seemed in llteaature, a keen His other experience was still more inter­ tune useful to many others, otherwise a coun­ MATTRESSES tional acta under the hallucination that they but by no means judicial critic, and in no is the kind that housekeep­ esting, and related to a little chipmunk, or ter current of influence will in due time not Hard and Soft own the earth and must take possession by proper sente a poet. That ne It held to be striped squirrel, which is the smallest of the only check his advance if possible but seek to ers who want only the main force and fisticuffs. A florist also tes­ such is due, in my judgment, only to tbe fact squirrels, and very plenty in Massachusetts, reduce him to a worse state than his first. tified against Creamer’s sanity, but it appears that he has repreaented tbe pasting attitude of C oal best always buy. Packed though 1 have seen but very few in this I believe that tbe same prudence should that he had sent to the wrong address sone mind In many cultivated persons." state. M r. Smith's experience with one fur­ actuate us in our national dealings. The ap­ —AT— flowers that the latter bad purchased, where­ in pound and two-pound nished him and bis friends much pleasure. M r prehension of European nations of American W hile tbe giddy crowd rushes for tbe new­ Bf. A A H H . B u r p e e upon tbe irate member of the bar txpreased c h e a p as Smith began l»y feeding nuts to the little fel­ predominance in all profitable Industrie* has est thing in gaudy book coven, it often hap­ tin cans, it comes into himself unpleasantly loud and in certain cur­ low, who gradually was won by kindness in been awakened io atrong exprersiona of fear. pens that a dip into some old-fashioned vol­ sory remarks not reporttd in the papers. It the home with all its nat­ 10 entering the house, and finally becoming It is a short road from fear to hate, and but a ume gives us a richer treat,which is absolutely an yb o d y . was however the effect not of one act but of a so tame as *0 climb up on to Mr. Smith's step from hate to injury. America should newer to us than the latest dilution of tbe ural aroma and strength. combination of aucb proofs that led to ad­ knees, and in fact all over him, entering seek to cultivate the most friendly spirit to­ good broth made by better cooks in tbe past. judging Creamer irresponsible. Moreover he A. F. Crockett Co. boldly into ev-ry pocket where nuts had been ward other nations, and as much freedom of In fact thia ia one of the most piquant relisbea Protected by our Seal, is worth >75,000 which perhaps made tbe bidden for the little guest. trade as tbe necessities of the treasury will in tasting old and forgotten authors, the com­ The chipmunks have pouches in tbeir combination easier to eflect. In ihe days of ing upon so many brig ft things which we, In the consumer knows that allow. F. S. Bic k f o r d . N o rth E nd. cheeks, »hich can be distended so as to hold the Roman Csetari, there being no insane our ignorance, have credited to later writeri its purity and strength a considerable q lantity of nuts. These hospitals lor tbe reception of men of wealth whose gift of subtle plagiarism we h-vc mis­ According to a celebrated anatomist there Orders by telephone have been untampered pouches they fill, thi n scamper to their holes whose absence was much desired, they were taken for original brilliance. In our gentler in the ground where they store the nuts for invited to open their veins. They were a are upwards ot 5,ocopoo little glands in tbe moods it alwaya pay* to draw upon auch an­ witli. Your grocer sells future reference. I don't know whether or not wicked set, those brathen of old. It is only human stomach. These glands pour out the tiquated poets as Goldsmith, Thomson and tlven prompt attention this kind, but be sure our the chipmunk hibernates through all tbe cold Christian countries that have insane asylums digestive j uices which dissolve or digest tbe Cowper, names which cause a smile of make* weather, but they are never seen in tbe win­ aud understand the various uses to which food. Indigestion is want of juice, weakness believe acorn and real pain to contort the self- sea! and name io on the ter time, though tbeir cousins, the red squir they may be put. of glands, need of help to restore tbe health satisfied faces of our legion of living poetry- of these organs. Tbe best and most natural can you buy. rels, are as pleu'iful in winter as in summer manufacturers. If these space fillers for the when there are no nuts. They subsist on help la that given by Shaker uigestive Cor­ magazine de« would copy Cowper’s modest $ 1 0 0 Sanborn, R e v .«B. L . Sh a w , D D — I. notice in dial. N atural, because it supplies tbe ma­ the cones of the pmei, spruces, etc. discretion ant publish nothing untd they turn K os- ,». Zioo'a Advocate an interesting tribute to tbe M r. Smith's exp nences were very pleasant terials needed by the glands to prepare tbe fifty, what a gain to literature it would be, and memory o f the late Rev. Dr. B L. Shaw. and we both bop <1 that next summer I digestive juices. Because it strengthens and 10 their dignity. It ia fashionable, and there­ Someone ought to write the biography of that might have an introduction to his little invigorates tbe gland* and tbe stomach until fore imperative and profitanle, to seek change excellent man and I nominate Dr. Barrage tot REWARD. friend. f Ja m es WtfiUT. (bey are able to do tbeir work alone. Shaker air at timet though nothing ailing, but we the work. A faithful account of D r. Shaw's ot Digestive Cordial cures indigestion certainly bear nothing of change of air t ie reader The above reward will be paid by the City of ministry would take one to many of the lor FREE! W arning lo Grand Arury Fouls. and permanently. It does so by natural tick of the malarious or debilitating effusions Hook land, for evldeuoa that will lead to the arreal moat solid, and some of the most frail Bap'ist In hit laat general order Depait'uent Com­ means, and therein lies tbe secret of its won­ of tbe popular printing press. Allowing for ud conviction of any party or parties setting churches. It need not be a dull book either ON AND AFTER TODAY mander Carleton of the Maine Grand Army derful and unvaried success. all tbe dull patches in the old books they have Inoendary flies within the limits of the City of for it* subject was one of those men who said: A t druggists, price 10 cents to $ijoo per a freshness of style and quaint beauty moat Rockland daring the present uanlelpal year could be exceediugly droll without tbe loss of I ahull give FREE 10 every customer A majority of the posts of thia deptrtment bottle. welcome to the mind gorged on modern liter­ A. J . CROCKETT, dignity. H e was always at bis best in a pluoiug a dwelling house or furniture make their reports promptly and correctly, ary hash.— The American. At City Marshal. group 1 f friends, where be could mingle his Note To Hubocribera policy, with me, u handsome many do not. In erder that i^e dipt' meat Book laud, Sept. 14. 189T. spontaneous wit with the talk, without fear of officers may make up their rep >rts In ih« A large number of changes io and additions W e can supply any of tbe publications A Detective Story oe* hmting anyone's feelings; for it was only partment encampment and to national ♦•••ad- to The Courier Gazette's mailing list has l>een mentioned in ibe above column at or leas through misunderstanding him that any could “ Dwalling House Inventory.” quarters, the reports of posts lor thc erm made during the past lew weeks. It will be a than ibe publishers’ prices. llutrroN, Rock­ take « flense. H e did not care so much tot By Will N. H arben coding Dec, 31, 1897 (adjutants and quar «r special favor to us if subscribe* s w ill look at land, Me. Ladies! Ladies! Oue of these enables a person to keep bit people's belongings as he did for them­ the date printed against their names on the raasterQ, mu hl be in the hands of Ibeara”*- selves. Persons and not things always r a ­ The rising young author The chance you've been waiting for baa arrived; an exact aocouut of all the furniture lant adjutant general on or before the lO'h • 1 margin or wraoper of the paper, and notify earn a Dinner or Tea Bet, Worker. Silver Service or vaged his interest. Accordingly be was a de- they own, each room separate by itself, Januaiy. Be careful in making these reporu us al once if there is any error in the account. YOUK FAVORITE POEM any kind of ( rockery or furniture by selling a few Ughtful visitor as well as moat winning lbs. of our Teas aud thus iu cuhe ot fire, oue cau easily to see that the adjutant's and quartermaster's preacher. As some one said : "You always Write tor catalogue. reports agree as to number in good standing T h e Land of the Changing Sun FORMOSA TKA OO. account for all lost articles. ca nr- away from D r. Shaw with a better opin­ Here will bw prtuUd lb« olg poouis that bate 4o> at close of tbe term; have them signed by ihe W 107 Federal Bt .. Hortiaud. M^ioe. To all those who do uot have a policy ion I vouraeif ” Itis a o rare to meet peo­ lltfiiivd iba woild for gvuviaitoua, aud lh<**o of pr1 per officers, enclose the per capi'a tax, and luodt ru blrtb that train wuilb prvat-rviug. Uaadare expire iu the uear future, who will give ple of 'his description, to common to meet From Clue to Climax send tbe consolidated reports to L . B. H ill, ai« Invited to aaud Io iht-ir favorite poama. U. II. HAZKLTJNB. U. U. U axsltimk me the umouut aud expiration ol their with the contrary experience, that of all the assistant adju taut general, Augusta, Maine. tributes io his ab ilry and heart, I think this Almost Persuaded policy, I shall be pleased lo preseul Make all checks and money orders payable to HAZELTINE & CO., is the m -( notable. H e did not feel con­ them with oue of Ihe above. A. M. Sawyer, assistant quartermaster general, strained t„ anticipate the days of Judgment, Of Friaudaidp. KXCKIVXUM ANO DkALKBM IN Portland. A Elute Confessor even lor notorious ‘die d rn . A W luUr’a eve. dark cold aud c.-wfortkeel M) favliuga eefirb lb** tpirfi of Ibv «igb i: Are all excellent stories and all Butter, Cheese and Eggs. N c r cau a ib* « rfui 11 t>‘v waiui b »u«i >iabl Alfred S. Black, lUapvl fo abodiu* Ibouubta «ud rrall* »»u*M. by Harben. His latest is No. lo BUkkgtooe St., Boston, Mass, Sa id in H aste — inc New York Times 'T 'a at aucb Ifiuaa, drrad vi»tooa croaa our algklj so* 12 INSURANCE MISS BEECHER’S I says: ‘‘ Ih e of money is (be root of all Uuwah oroa pbx I'U»», a i > a d ' > p p a a r , I evil, w i d e tbe up >stle. I'bat is not alto bupp au< ttop* 'a pr»pbio> wlib id a bar. Create, aud our w*Iaucboiy piigbl. 5 Limcrock St. * ROCKLAND AND.... ■ getber true, for rusny kinds of evils spring The North Walk Mystery H A IR I Irom other lus's than the lu't for gold." T**< Board of Health T o tal assets of companies represented Hut. of a auddi u, to y good friend ta bare, j subsequent remarks of ihe rimes are Jrlbu- A a usiai* 1*0*01* Du- auu, ibt-»a dautona mo. The first chapters wiH soon ap­ iu iny agency larger Ibau those of auy WHISKER DYE. 1 dox enough, and very good, but tnis sqa ie U bat u*a l«r inter'a c<»ld, auu »ki a *bova— The Rockland Board o l HeaUb wjll be to araaloo Il contains no aulpbur or Isad. Clear dye otb>r agency iu Kuox Co. coniradiction of >be aot-ient authority a m at b a il la full i f bappiuraa aud cbterl each Friday a/kruouu at 4 o'clock, al Y7 Kim Street. —tWaru *»oU rs. burb aw if 1 I* a< 1 litoi.a tbe) a>on« can Suow, pear in these columns. Start it R II WUEKI.KK. M D. takes our biea'b away. If it were an Inger­ CHAK. A ’O N B 4. S< ON 4AI K AT OMUOOIRTM. Wbo drink aoui-darp ot frt»udabio and Ila ova. soll or a D r. Briggs who undertook to rectify — Waiu* Fiauiia KaatUk, In boatoo Journal. and you will want to finish it. 7 It/ D. C. PERKINS, M. D. Ordway's Pisstsxw Curs Uuus Buck THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1897

THE YELLOW JOURNALISM NOTES IN MUSICAL CIRCLES The Courier-Gazette. Grave doubts are expressed by the Chicago Tribune as to whether the A Correspondent. Fiends For the Good Miss Blauvelt deposes that her earnings rW /CC-A-W Ef* merchants or farmers of the United Rather Than the Bad. amount to $10,000 or more yearly; the Ban­ gor opinion is that she is worth all of it. States want war with Spain. It argues In perusing the daily papers of the present John Philip Sousa is going to Europe with ALL THE HOME NEWS time one is struck with the array of recorded that both these classes are just begin­ his band. Some of his marches are well crime. Scarcely a city daily that does not set 1 every Tuesday and Saturday morning I known there, and once, while on a visit to 469 Main Street, Rockland, Maine ning to feel the steady influence of a forth in glaring headlines an account of some Berlin, M r. Sousa conducted the brass section conservative administration at Wash­ brutal murder, and oftentimes several in the of the Philharmonic orchestra there. Now he •YTH E ROCKLAND PUBLISHING CO. same issue, together with exciting accounts of ington, and any steps which lead to or is going over to play “ El Capitan,” “The suicides, elopements, robberies, defalcations, even threaten war with Spain would HighSchool Cadets,” and other melodies fa­ NEWBRAPt^ HISTORY and a long list of the various sins, short-com­ miliar— ah, so familiar here. Victor Herbert The Rockland Gazette was establiihed in if <6. In seriously affect the improved condi­ ings, wrongs and persecutions to which hu­ 1874 the Courier was established, and consolidated with . Timely Suggestions of Sensible has been engaged to take M r. Sousa’s place he Gazette in i88». The Free Press was established tions. manity is heir. as director at Manhattan Beach next summer Sensationalism seems be the order of the In i8cc, and in 1891 changed its name to the Tribune. to and the Twenty-Second Regiment band will The Union Times was established in 189?. The three day, so much so that the great dailies have an play there. “Yes, I am going to Europe with papers consolidated March 1,. 1897. Reports of the Government officials Christmas Gifts. army o f reporters, gathering all the deeds of my band next summer,” said M r. Sousa Sat­ crime and rascalities from all over this great Subscriptions $ a per year in advance; single copies in Washington show that the attitude urday, “the trip will occupy fourteen weeks nation, to serve up to their millions of readers three cents. U ls te r s and we will sail from New York on M ay 25, Advertising rates based upon circu’ation and very of the United States Government,with O v e rc o a ts U m b r e lla s every morning. Such corruptible trash grati­ returning early in September. We will open in reasonable. reference to the filibustering expedi­ Inline quality black taffeta silk,with For men, of heavy brownish mixfed fies the morbid class, but is very repungent to Communications upon topics of general interest are Of flue all wool Indigo blue kersey, London on June 3, and will devote five weeks that large number of people of higher moral solicited. tions which have attempted to leave black velvet collar, heavy black stylish, natural wood frieze, large collar, coat cut extra to a tour of England, Scotland, Wales and Entered at the postoffice at Rockland lor circulation tendencies and nobler aspirations, because bandies. Size 26...... W - L v v long, black diagonal Ireland. Then one week in Paris and Brus­ at second-class postal rates. her ports for Cuba, has been one of lasting linings. All sizes o i n they realize so sensibly the evil tendencies of sels, followed by six weeks in the principal the highest honor and closest regard 31 to 44...... JLO Leather covered cano umbrellas body linings...... npJLU such pernicious reading to the rising genera­ cities of Germany and Austria. M y band will tion. The more the young read of such sick­ for onr treaty with Spain. Eight 81.69. consist of 60 musicians, and they w ill form a H o u s e c o a ts ening details of crime the more they want of Circulation 6 ,0 0 0 Each Issue revenue cutters have been engaged in Voung Men's Over­ representative American organization.” All wool tricot flannel in bine, it, and the more their minds become contam­ this work, putting in a total of 129 c o a ts We are showing great values in inated with evil thoughts and led away from A dispatch from Bismarck, North Dakota, brown and garnet, nicely trimmed states that Judge Winchester, of the District There is every reason (o believe that months of active opearations in sup­ In blue and brown worsted chev­ our glove department. Heavy lined the good, the true, the useful and the divine. with satin faciDgs to Many murders and numerous other crimes are Court Saturday afternoon granted an absolute pressing filibustering, cruising 76,- iot, guaranteed fast color and all oil tanned mitts with yarn wrist 25c t r n Congress will promptly ratify the match. Sizes 34 to 44.. V ' J - O v the direct results of reading and dwelling on divorce to Miss Lillian Blauvelt, the prima Hawaiian annexation treaty, as has 768 miles, and captnriug seven vessels wool. A very stylish garment-..— the awful details of brutality, so enticingly set donna, from her husband Royal Stone Smith, Also pretty plaid cassimere gar­ on the ground of non support. The separa­ already been done by the Hawmian engaged in filibustering. for young men. Sizes forth in the public press. It is very strange 15 to 19...... SI ments with fancy cord trimmings, that the Christian ministry and the moral re­ tion was unconditional, there having been no C ongress. 1898 Bicycle Prices 84.00, 85.00. formers of every name and nature, does not question of alimony or other collateral issues The first country to send a com­ cry out against the publication o f such blast­ raised. Miss Blauvelt left at once for St. Hoys' Suits Lcuis, having an engagement there which The country will congratulate Chair­ mission to Washington to plead for Hath Ilobes ing literature. In scotch mixtures, cheviots and Can any great or wise roan in this country prevented her remaining here to learn the re­ man Dinglcy on his new tariff law reciprocity aud a general understand- In fancy eider down flannels sult of her suit. Before the court, when her worsteds, strongly sewed. Pants POPULAR '1 9 YEAR OLD” show any good results likely to proceed from when Congress meets. Neither he ng by which trade relations under the warm, comfortable gar­ a constant feeding on the recitals o f the doings case was heard, she stated that she desired as have double seat and _ a married woman not to be forced to depend nor Congress will have occasion Io be new law should be made as compared ment ...... $ 7 of the vilest portion of humanity? knee...... t|pO Why not recount more of the dee'is of valor, upon her public singing for support: [that she ashamed of its record. l with those under the old law was one of goodness, generosity, and th e beneficial was anxious to study and to sing only when of the hardest “ kickers” against that H r ess S u it Cases effects of the thousands of reformatories in she did so for amusement or for charitable N e c k w e a r purposes, and that she did not care to be Those newspapers which were talk­ law when it was under consideration. In dark olive calf skin, brass lock this nation. When we say that we are showing bound always by pressure of public engage­ and trimmings. Raise People are naturally good. It has been ing of “defeating Mark Hanna” for the The Canadian Government, in sending more neckwear than any two stores noticed in theaters and jother places, that ments, which called her from place to place. 50c a size. Size 20...... $ 4 H er husband, she said, insisted upon her pub­ Senate have suspended that kind of its chief official to Washington to open in Rockland, we nre confident we when a great and noble deed has been wrought the way for negotiations in this line, out, the hero or heroine always receives the lic singing in order that the family purse talk since the sentiment of the country are notexaggerating one bit. String might be swelled by her earnings. The d i­ showed that all of its complaints BICYCLES Ladies' Helts applause of those termed the low and vicious, has been heard on that proposition. ties,bows,tecksand four OK thus showing how much they appreciate true vorce may be appealed by M r. Smith to the la the new plaid leather. We are State Supreme Court, and it is said that this about our tariff and its proposed in hands...... goodness and bravery. List Price. $ 60 . action is being considered. The attention of Mr. Bryan is re­ retaliation were only for effect, and Better quality 50 cents. the only parties showing this nov­ It is far belter to praise a child for bis good qualities than to be forever harping on the This (Friday) eight Mr. Chapman is to spectfully called to the fact that there arc no longer thought of in a re­ “The Highest Ilivh Grade Price elty in this city. Sizes that's fair.” 22 to 28...... bad ones to the expulsion of the good As the meet the members of the Wight Philharmonic are whispered rumors from Mexico taliatory way. Leather Leggings $1 good faculties are recognized and applauded Society at rehearsal. The books of the next Special Size 30 inch wheels 8 70 that its statesmen and financiers are For lads 4 to 10 years of age. The they soon outgrow the evil tendencies, and Maine Festival w ill be used. Rambler Tandems...... 100 A r m H a n d s the child is placed on the road to success and seriously contemplating the adoption INTERESTING POST OFFICE TALK most comfortable article of winter 1897 Ramblers, while they last 50 Insane Hospital Crowded In beautiful silk trimmed elastic, honor. of the gold standard. dress ever worn by the 1897 30 inch wheels...... 60 colors blue, green, pink, old gold. W hy not set before the youth of our land Three o f the trustees o f the Maine Insane Fourth Assistant Tells How Maine Ran' little m en...... 1897 Tandems...... 90 more of the heroism, the virtue, the brotherly hospital, eq Gov. Fiederick Robie, Gen. R. B. in Postal Matters. Put up one pair in g-ass _ love, and the transcendant goodness of thous­ A growing disposition is reported Best quality 81.50. Shepherd of Skowhegan, and J. S. Clarke of The Washington correspondent of the Lew­ BETTER THAN EVER! box. Per pair...... ands of our people whose names are never Calais, made their monthly inspection of the among the statesmen of China to iston Journal says:— One Q alltyOnly! mentioned in print? institution, Monday, and report that they C a p s Let the world hear more of the benefactions adopt the gold standard, aud there is W hen M aine folks care to talk about the H a n dke rch iefs find everything in a neat and well cared for I average intelligence of themselves, they will For men and boys,in blue aud black of the great secret organizations of brotherly condition. The patients are as a rule very reason to believe that the government CHEAPER THAN EVER! Men’s fine Irish lawn in- love and sisterly love, by which tens of thous­ find satisfaction in some recent investigations kersey, neat scotch well contented, but very few complaints were will shortly follow in the steps of ands are reclaimed and transformed into good of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General. One Price Only! itial handkerchiefs ea.. _LOC made to the inspectors. A t the last inspec­ plaids and mixtures---- O t J c citizens. There are thousands of such socie­ Japan,and lay aside the silver standard, The Post-Office Department is continually tion there were 398 men and 328 women, Sample 1898 Ramblers now on Two for 25 cents. ties and clubs organized on the grand basis of under which it sutlers such inconven­ drawing some new information from the gov­ making a total of 763 patients in the in­ S u s p e n d e r s view at Ladies’ fancy embroidered silk brotherly love, both among the male and fe­ stitution. Since that lime there have been ien ces. ernment business of receiving, transporting and delivering the mails. One of the latest In elegant silk webbings, silk ends, handkerchiefs, 50c, 75c, 81.00. male population, which are doing an incal­ added seven males, and 10 females. There announcements is about the liberality with fancy buckles, also fan - <— Men’s fancy silk handkerchiefs, culable amount o f good, little of which is ever have been nine males and eight females dis­ “Secretary Bliss has evidently which people of different states patronize J.F.GREGORY&SON published to the world. charged. Seven males and four females cy embroidered satin.. 50 cents. A ll reading matter has its influence on the have died, leaving 715 patients now remain­ carried his business habits with him to post-offices. ______, K - I Maine is accredited with having about 740,- reader. Scientists declare that thought vibra ing, making a loss of 11 during the month. tho Interior Department. He has i ;nh ,tita n t5 , the thirtieth state in this re­ lions move through the atmosphere and effect succeeded in getting down the esti- gard. The Post-Office Department says this those with whom they come in contact; that W hat Do The Children Drink? mates of his eurbordinales for the ! *s population as computed from the most J . F . G R E G O R Y & SON in some localities where the people are ex­ Don’t give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the over WMarm. Thi. ! 7”= ceedingly bad, the thought vibrations are so new food drink called Grain-(J? 1’ la delicloua and OKTE TOIC3E! C LO TH IE R S , debasing that sensitives nre made very uncom­ nourishing mid takes the place of coffee. The more fortable and unhappy, while in other localities Gruln-O you give the children the more health you is an effective way every time of fight a year for post-office privileges. There are distribute through their system. Graln-0 is mude two other states that have the same average Under Farwell Opera House, Rockland. Branch Store, Warren here the inhabitants are on a high moral of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes ing a deficit.”—New York Commercial plane, the vibrations are cheering and benefi­ like the choice grades of eoffco hut costa about X Advertiser. per capita— Ohio and Minnesota. The gross as much. A ll grocers sell it. 15c. and 25. receipts of all post-offices in the State of cial. Maine for the past fiscal year were $925,653. T h in k of the damaging vibrations set forth by a million readers of the accounts of several Ordway’s Plasters Cure Dyspepsia. That self-appointed “commission” 50. But the interesting part of the announce­ ment comes in here. The whole number of brutal murders in one paper. N o one can es STATE OF MAINE. of silver men who went to Japan in post-offices in the State is only 1,210, in thia timate the evil results. sign of waning popularity. A ll last week the Knox rs. August to find out the real cause of regard Maine ranking as the twenty-fourth NEW STEAMBOAT AGENT OUR BOSTON LETTER It is of vital importance whether the young At a Probate Court an I for said County of Knox, audiences were as large and as enthusiastic as State in the Union. But in the amount ex­ form their characters, or even bias them, by in vucntlon on the twenty-third day of November, in the adoption of the gold standard by they were on the opening night. M r. Rice the perusal of what is low, debasing and pos­ the year of onr Lord, one thousand eight hundred pended per capita the State ranks as the Frank S. Sherman of Camden, who has Merchant's W eek Draws pltikiturie Frt and ninety-seven. has not neglected the slightest opportunity to itively evi’, or whether their finer natures are that country doesn’t seein to be in auy twenty-first. The state of Massachusetts, succeded Fred Lothrop as agent o f the Bos­ Surrounding Country. A certa n iuptrument, purporting to he tho last make “ The Girl” an enjoyable entertainment stimulated and led up to noble endeavor and hurry about reporting. Can it be ranking the thirteenth in (he number of post ton & Bangor S. S. Co. at this port, assumed will and tcHtament of Julia A. Hatch, lute of Thom­ Boston, D io. 2, IMF and even the smallest netail has been pains­ to useful, honorable citizenship. One has aston, in said county, having been presented for offices, which is 851, ranks second in the charge Wednesday and affairs on the big possible that the Japanese gold-stand­ takingly studied and conscientiously worked only to look at the constant readers of de­ probato. amount of money expended per capita, this wharf are already moving along smoothly and M r. and Mrs. Edgar Stackpole spent O rdered, That notice thereof be given, to all ard statesmen have converted them? out. There is really enough fun and frolic in grading literature and compare them with amount being $2.12. Connecticut expended systematically. Thanksgiving with their daughter Mrs. James p *rsons interested, by cauaing a copy of said peti­ “ The Girl from Paris” to stock half a dozen those who read the works of our best authors tion wlih thia order thereon, to be publhhed three Or did they find the facts against Si 76 per capita for mail matter; Vermont, Mr. Sherman entered the employ of the B. Dingley at Roxbury. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. musical comedies, hut manager Rice, with his to realize the effect upon the two classes. weeks successively, in TTv Courier-Gazette, a uews $1.56; New Hampshire, $1.47, and Little & B. S. S. at Camden, Aug. i, 1S90, and in Judkins were guests of M r. and Mrs. Chas, paper published at Rockland, in said county, that them ? usual lavish prodigality, has crowded it all I f the well-wishers of humanity would unite Rhody, $1.41. Southern states spend little, the seven years that have followed bis hand­ Morton at Charlestown. Among those who they muy appear at a Probate Court to be held nt into one. N o wonder, therefore, that the in protesting against ihe constant punlication Koeklaud, In and for suld couuty, ou the 21st day of the lowest average being in South Carolina some countenance has been a fixture on the went from here to spend the day in Rockland Park theatre box office is besieged eaily and o f all that is vile and w icked among our coun­ December, A. I). 1897, at nine o'clock in the fore­ There iB no particular cause for where only 29 cents per capita was paid out Camden wharf, known and welcomed by and vicinity were M r. and Mrs. Frank Russell, noon, und show cause, if any they have, why tho late by people desirous of seeing and hearing trymen, laws might soon be enacted which for postal matter, although the state has 1,277 every member of the traveling fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crawford, Mrs. W. A prayer of tho petitioner should not be granted. ularm over the anuounceineut that Mr. the latest Parisian novelty. would limit these publications within reason post-offices, more than the State of Maine. Previous to this time lie was for four years Healey, W . T . H a ll, Sidney H u ll, Misses 84-84 C. E. M ESERVEY, Judge of Probate. “ Cymbeline” one of the most infrequently able bounds, and thus save the nation millions A truo copy,—Attest: Brvau and bis silver associates, who In her presidential post-offices, however, the in the employ of the American Express Co., Winnie Spear and Mary Hitchcock. acted of the Shakespearean plays w ill b e , of dollars for criminal prosecutions and pris­ Edward K. Gould, Register. recently put their heads together at state ranks eighteenth and it was during his administration as agent The City o f Bangor was the scene of presented by Miss Margaret M ather at the ons, and turn the tide of intellect from the But the Pine Tree State postmasters are there that the first delivery team the express shooting affray which would probably have Louisville, are determined to “ keep up Boston theatre Dec. 6. downward grade to an upward incline, leading Notice of Foreclosure. paid well for their work. There are 1145 folks had ever had in Camden was put on and resulted in murder had it not been for a de the light for silver.” The facts are The play as presented by Miss Mather, it is to all that is higher, better, nobler and more Whereos Charles A . Simmons of Union, in the fourth-class postmasters in the State and the business increased until the Camden office is fective revolver. Geo. W alter and Robert said, well suits the poetry and romanticism o f enduring. F. W . SMITH. County of Knox and Mtatu of Maine, by his mort- that the Republicans mude gains in the average salaries paid them is $189.45 a year. one of the most important in the state out­ Dupree, both of this city who are employed the work, the costumes, properties and auxili­ wage deed, dated the 13th dny of Februaty, A . D. This is noteworthy because the Slate ranks side of the cities. Before entering the ex­ 1H95. und recorded iu the Knox Registry of Deeds, counties whicli Mr. Bryan visited in on the steamer, got into an argument and in ary aids of all descriptions being magnificent, twenty-fourth in the number of fourth-class press business M r. Sherman got well ac­ the course of the quarrel Dupree was wounded Book 9U, Page423,conveyed tome, the undersigned, glittering, indeed, at times in their beauty and a certain lot or parcel of lund with tho buildings Ohio, and all tnado gains in the cities offices and eighteenth in the compensation quainted with the Camden folks ai a retail FOR PARTIES, FAIRS, ETC- in the left breast by a piece of bullet. The gorgeousness, and so well keyed in sentiment thereon, (It being the hninestoud farm of the lute which he visited last year. paid the postmasters. shoe dealer. cylinder of the revolver with which the shoot and art as to accentuate the main motive o f David Ellis Uurdner) situated in said Union, and The department defines fourth-class post- The Boston & Bang jr S. S. Co., found him ing was done was faulty and the bullet split The winter months are here again, and many bounded us follows, viz Beginning in the middle the comedy. The pictures, costumes and of the highway leading from the C. Bongs’ house to offices as the ones where patrons pay less than particularly adapted to their business and how on the barrel, one half remaining in the accessories are superb, and Miss M ather’s folks are planning T. lluHin^s, at the line of land of C. Boggs' heirs; Work on the reciprocity features of $1900 a year for mailing privileges, or where well be merited their confidence and esteem barrel and the other half causing a slight support is such as to insure an evenness and thence N . 44 deg. W . by suld Boggs’ no use lot, the salary of the postmaster for four consecu­ is shown by the fact that in seven years and Some party, fair or sociable to pass a pleasant eight and one-half rods, (on a stone wall); thenco the new tariff law is making splendid wound over Dupree's heart. W aller was consistency in the performance from first to tive quarters does not exceed $250 per quar­ four months he missed but two boats. H e evening; ' H. 68 dtg W. (on said wall), eight rods to land of progress. A dozen or more countries arrested and charged*with assault with intent last. She will play Imogene, a part made M. Wentworth; thence N. 8U deg. W. by said ter. These fourth-class offices are in turn was ever ready to get in a good stroke for to kill. famous by Mrs. Siddons, Miss Faucit, Adelaide And then, of course, they wish to serve the Wentworth aud Jones, on a stone wall, about havejalready indicated a desire toenter divided into three different classes. The first the company and this was one o f the purposes ninety rods to un uuglo of tho wall; thence N. 60 Boston's “ gala shopping week” is a success, Neilson, Mudjeska and Ellen Terry. best refreshments made— class includes money order iffices, where be had in view when he accepted the agency deg. E. three und one-half rods; thence N. 80 deg. into'reciprocal relations with the and the city is filled with out of town visitors George Edwardei’ London Gayety theatre W.sevtnteen rods to a slake and atones; thence money order* are sold for sums not exceeding of Skilton, Foote & Co. of Boston, manufac­ So take their orders to the man who has the United States, and there is every rea­ The down-town streets and the big stores are company, will follow “ Under the Red Robe,” N. »(• deg. E. about elgbty-oiie rods to land of T. $100 for any one order. The nrxt class i* the turers of the Bunker hill pickles. M r. Sher­ leading trade. ilusiings at the town Hoe of Hope and Unlou; crowded with stoppers. About eight o'clock at the H ollis street theatre, Dec. 6. This son'to believe th a t (his feature of the limited money order offices, where money or­ man talked with the farmers of Camden and tbeuce ri. 80 deg. E. eighty-seven uua one-half rods each morning Washington street is so crowded company is now on its annual American tour, on said town line, to tie middle of the highway ders are sold only in sums up to $5. The vicinity about raising cucumbers for this pur­ You all know him by standard goods he’s new law will prove even more satis­ with bargain buyers that passers by the stores and is presenting “ In Tow n,” written by aforesaid; tbeuce southerly in said highway to third class is the nou-money order offices pose and gradually quite an important indus­ brought you many a year, factory than did the reciprocity fea­ are compelled to take the middle of the Adrian Ross and James T . Tanner, with place of beginning, containing iifty-two ucres, more where postmasters have no authority to issue try become launched. Although the past or less; excepting aud reserving the house lot of street. music composed by the distinguished and And bread and cake and pies be hakes, you tures of the McKinley law- money orders to patfons. year has been an off one M r. Sherman has George E. Him toons; und whereas the condition of scholarly D r. Osmond Cair. reliih with »ut fear; the suld mortgage lots been broken, now therefore, Although the successful candidates for these supetiotended the shipping of 1600 barrels of Mrs. C. S. Keene, who has been seriously O f course the first consideration for many by reason of the breach of the condition thereof 1 offices are designated by republican congress­ cucumbers and 200 barrels of cauljfiower. ill at her home in Roxbury the past few weeks, They’re pure and clean— you know it well— claim u foreclosure of said mortgage. of the playgoers who are familiar with the The Democratic statesmen who were m en—or by senators or national committee­ E ich barrell contains about 3000 cucumbers was taken to the Carney Hospital for treat if bought of C. E. K H IN G , Dated at Portsmouth, N H , November 29, 1897. London Gaiety theatre is its qualifications for 88 88 90 G ERTRUDE K. D AG G ETT. men, when ‘here are no republican congress or 4,800,000 all told, raised from 75 acres of meet last Saturday. laughing in their sleeves during the putting on a stately, elegant refined and alto­ His large trade’s due superior skill and liberal men for the districts— the appointments are. land. These cucumbers must be from two to Quite a number of Rockland people who consideration of the Dingley law over gether pleasing “ beauty show.” In that re­ advertising. formally made by the Postmaster General four and a half inches in length and the have been visiting heie left for home last Notice of oreclosure. spect the present organization is said to have the fact that a dozen or more countries This class of cases is made up in the appoint­ growers get contract prices, 90 cents a thous­ Saturday. Among them were M r. and Mrs Whereas Charles A Simmons of Union, in the surpassed predecessors. The beauty-in-chitf For all the dainties in his line and everything Couuty of Knox ami B lateof Maine, by his mort­ ment division of the Post-office Department, and for them. The average farmer finds that A. F. Crockett, Mr. and Mrs. F. R.Spear,Miss had threatened to retaliate by exclud­ is Miss M arie Studholme, who w ill be well that’s new, gage deed, date 1 the 2«Hh day of August. A. D. the chief of which is Carter U. Keene of this pays much better per acre than anything Della Bean, Geo. Copeland, W. T. Cobb, A. 1896, und recorded lu Knox Registry of Deeds, ing our products from their ports in remembered here for her work in “ An Artist’s Freedom, Me. H e has the jackets initialed, he can raise, one Camden man having realized J K . Newbert and Chas. H a'l. I H e baa a reputation which is equaled by but Book 92. l'uge 208, conveyed to mu, the under­ case this country ugaiu adopted a high authorizing the appointment of certain candi M odel.” I few; signed, a certuin lot or parcel of land situated lu $75 an acre in this off year even Mr. and Mrs. Wendell P. Rice and Mrs. Union, as descri ed in mortgage deed of suld tariff against their products laugh no dates. The bond division sends to the The cauliflower was an experiment this I W . W Rice spent Thanksgiving with friends Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. ' And if for fairs or sociables you wish a sump- Churl s A . birntuons to Gertrude K. Duggelt, dated appointee a blank bond and notice of appoint­ the 13th Jay of February, A. D. 1896, deed re­ longer. An examination of the hooks year, only ten acres being laid down. It in Thomaston, returning Saturday to Wollas- Hymptoms— Moisture; iiiluose itching ami eting I tuout spread, ment, and when the bend is properly returned proved even better paying than the cucumbers, I ton where Ihey are the guests of M r. and Mrs. lu g ; most at night; worse by scratcbiug if allowed corded in Knox Registry of Leeds, Vol. 90, Page 423; and whereas the condition of (he said mort- Of the Treasury Department chows sod approved, a Commission IS issued, signed one grower reporting that be realized $90 I J. G. Rice. tp coutluue tumors form, which often bleed and ' Buy C. E . R IS IN G ’S cake* and pies and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Bw ayne's OlWT 1 has been broken, uow therefore by reason of by the Postmaster General. These are the from one half acre. M r. Sbermau hoped to I NEW DOMESTIC BREAD. breach of the condition thereof I claim a fore that our exports to those countries in i rank Jones has accepted a position as mknt slops the itching aud bleed! uv, heal- ulcer­ rules that every fourth class postmaster in have been able to get 2000 barrels of cucum- j ation, and in most cases removes the tum< r» At closure of suld mortgage. the first two months of the Dingley salesman f .r the N ational Cash Register Dated ut Portsmouth, N . II , November 29, 1897. Maine has bad to observe. Successful can d i­ bers this season which would have beeu i druggists, or by mull, for 60 cents. Dr. fSw->su<: k Company in their Washington street store in Sou, Philadelphia. dr.lway'a Plasters Cure Cold Keet. 8d 88-VO GERTRUDE E. DAGGETT. law were fur in excess of onr expor­ about a fair average of what has been raised ■ dates in the futuie will he required to do this city. tations to these same countries in the likewise. during recent years. O fc ju rs e a ll this buti : correepoudiug two months of last year i ness has been of material value to* the steam- j Miss Della Bean and Mrs. E. F. Crockett ship company, which, _r appreciating r . M r. Sher were here last week purchasing goods for the B*441 under the Wilson law, thus justifying i We hca' ol lhrre man's efforts and capabilities has twice volun- | holiday trade -Miss Louise Pitcher, who ti,« i! • ai - i i- X i . possibly four wb»» arc going lo K londike in the Republicans m their belief that the PeblU4' y. Tbey , le ,,4, neighbor. of this tarily iucreased hi* salary. has been visiting here, has returned to her The Boston boats are now running ou the I {V?.01? *n Camden ~ M r. and Mrs. W . K threats of retaliatiou were groundless, office and we shall lie sorry to lose ’em. tw o-tiip management and M r. Sherman re- Witfbt were among the visitors in town dur mains in Rockland on those nights. Ju the ' wce^ -—Miss Mabel Spencer of MATCHLESS BARGAINS FOR IR IS WEEK. spring he will probably remove here from Jb i maston, who has been spending the past Camden with his family. lie is contem- 1 cW wcc^8 has returned home Capt. For weeks we hav had a great sale. Our store is fi.led with reliable mer­ AS TO ADVERTISING. plating a number of changes in his office on | an,J Mrs. G. 1. Harkness c f Rockport are 1 chandise ready fc r the holiday trade, values that enjble us to place before Tillson’s wharf which will provide for more 1 ‘/J Boston and vicinity- -Mr. and room and greater 'convenience. The custom 1 M ^B ird made a short visit here last the shoopers of Rockland and vicinity s Mr. Daniela, the jeweler, tells The Courier-Gazette that lie never lias 4 which he ii troduced at Camden of having eek------Mr. and Mis. F. R. Spear were in signed or authorized any stuteuieut for publication, endorsing auy one, { iucandescent electric lights un the w haif in- town for a few days, rcturriing i»i>me Satur­ day------rMus Bertha Ginn tf Vinalhaven, who A GRAND AGGREGATOR OF GOODS BOTH STAPLE AND NDLIDAY NOVELTIES. or discriminating against auy others, of the Rockland newspapers us ad- d of the ordinary ship's lights will be a z noticeable improvement. has been visiting friends here, went home vertising mediums. He tells us that lie regards all the papers us vain- ♦ ‘ tr. Sherman will have for assistant Charles last week------F. W. Osborne of Camden was Everything new! ver.thing wanted right now! E erything To Be Sold At 1 fnThat capathy io 1 'wn over SlMMUy------Mr. and Mrs. A. T able aud Ids advertisement appears in them all. £ II. McIntosh, vbo has The Lowest Possible Prices on Record Prices that will so indelibly im­ lor the psst cu or eight years aud who ockett, who have beeu visiting in Allston, The old Rockland business houses have been advertisers for many thoroughly acquainted with the routine work ^or Kockland Saturday Mrs. VV. O. press Simonton D / Goods Co. on your mind that you will never pass us by. years. We are couteut to let their wise managers pronouuce upon the i who knows how to do...... it in A I shape, hull :r, Jr., has returned to Rockland after a value of liic local papers. We notice that all such advertisers appear he Boston A Bangor S. S. Co., __ mayt cou stay in the city of several weeks. During We can Save You floney on Every Purchase. tulate itself upon bung well quipped at I ‘alter part of which she was the guest of regularly in The Courier-Gazette, some of them to the extent of hun­ Mrs Thomas Bailey Aldrich, at 59 Mount dreds of'dyjjiiia eaoli year. Lothrop, whu retires fiom the ofhc Vernon street. Ask Use in what they think of ns. We will publish their opinions gru- of agent guiocd hosts of friends in that ca-1 At the Bark tbealie “ The Girl From Paris/ SI/TONTON DRY GOODS CO. parity aud his withdrawal w ill be regretted all j which w ill atari ou its ninth week Mon tu ito u sly . along the hne day *Yrning. shows not the slightest 1 The steamer City of Brngor made her last EVERYBODY’S COLUMN Edwin Libby Post, G. A . R., held its annual TALK OF THE TOWN. trip of the season to this port Thursday. • Toys, Dolls, Games, Sleds, meeting last f Iftiday) night. Col. W A. Kimball, who will conduct the ArtrCTt'«CT»e#*« In thtfl column not to exceed Hereafter the Saturday issue o f The C ou­ Owing to the carpenters l>elng behind in I five Fine® Ineaned once for 25 cents, four tlmen for excursion to Washington, D . C., on Jan. 25, SO oente. rier Gazette will be delivered at the homes of reports that 10 Rockland people have bonked Rocking Horses. their work in remodelling O. E. Davies jew­ the city subscribers on Friday evening. Else­ for the great trip. elry store the opening has been delayed until where the paper will be received on Saturday Thursday, Dec. 9. W a n t e d . There will be an adjourned meeting o f the as usual. R. Anson Crie and family will close their There Are Photographs Rockland Charitable Association in Col E. QPtSw YEARLING BULL. Apply nt once K . Gould’s office at the court house, Saturday pleasant home on Broadway for the winter AND PHOTOGRAPHS ------j o n y MORRIS, Long Cove, Me. 83«86 and spend the cold months in Florida. The A And now for Christmas. afternoon at 3 o’clock. Let there be a large And a Rig Line of Tho excellenoe of n good picture Is anally perceived, hut fow nre capa­ ITT A N T B D —One or tiro first-class parties to Santa Claus is on the way. attendance and a spirit of activity shown. house will be rented furnished. ble of telling why it looks well. Here are a few suggestions for your guidance BOX«12 rd ,n “ prtTB,R ftTn,,y. Address P. O. First sleighing of the season Thursday. The American Express Co. has established There will probably be no more firemen’s In critically examining a Photo. entertainments in this city this winter. Polo KLlABLg MAN to represent an "Old Line” Dealers in sleds and skates report a rush a new local tariff in Maine and it is a source 1st. Is tho person well posed? of considerable satisfaction to the patrons of and other attractions mortgage all the spare life inatrrance company, haring large business this week. 2nd. Is the face and drapery artistically lighted? in force. For ertty of Rookland and vlolnlty. Lib- the company. Prices are reduced to all quatteri and the levees of the past two seasons 3rd. Is tho expression the best? ■oral contract co right party. AddreM P. O. Box 409, W . H . Glover’s residence on Middle street JCMAS GOODS have not served to increase the resources of I Portland, Me. Og points and it will tend to increase business 4th. Is the retouching good? haa been repainted in tasty colors. with the express people. J the several companies. 5th. Is tho print toned prettily? Howard Perry Is clerking at I I . B. W ebber’s T o L e t. Bsngor C om m ercialAs the city of Rock­ The Star Soap rebus for 1898 is out and flth. And is it effectively mounted? -AT- store in the latter’s absence on a vacation. land is too poor to build a suitable armory the our puzzlers are busy solving it. Last year’s If a picture meets all of tho abovo requirements it is good; and if you Mrs. John M cInnis fell down stairs one rebus was correctly solved by quite a number want Photos for Christmas built on such specifications tho place to get them urnished house.- i win let my hom e, members ol Co. I I , of that city, are endeavor­ F completely furnished for the winter to desir­ night recently and sustained a fractured hip. ing to raise the means of building one for from this section, among the prize-winners in at Merrill’s Studio. Following our custom in other years wo aro offering able parties. House has all the modern Improve­ T h e mission circle of the Universalist themselves and are circulating a petition lor Copeland’s Bazar being Supt. A. P. Irvin g ,M ts N ellie Prescott, special prices for Xmas, viz., 15 Oabinots (on glossy paper) S2.00. t doz. of ments, with atabie. Bath room, with hot and cold aid from the Companies of the national guard Mbs Grace Wilham and Dr. D. C. Perkins. tho new Mat Surface Cnrbonettes S3.00. Call nnd see our samples before go­ water. Hot water heating apparatus; coal and gaa church met with Mrs. G. II. Clifford, Orange stoves; laundry In cellar,* dumb waiter In pantry; street, Wednesday afternoon. similar to the one issued sortie time ago by the 398 MAIN STREET. W ith Ihe beginning of the winter term ng olsowhore. If you can't como nt any other timo oomo in tho evening. 10 mlnutea walk from I’. O. One of the moat deslr- Houlton company which met with great suc­ Tuesday was the last day of seivice for there will he sorrte Very Important changes nble locations In town. For Information call at my cess, •lore or at 200 Broadway. R. ANSON CRIB. 86 individuals previous to the convening of the in the Eait Maine Conference Hemlnary. All December term of supreme totttt. Miss Orinda D . Marsh, who resides on students, not hoarding themselves, will he re­ MERRILL’S STUDIO, MALL TENEMENT—Throo good fixed rooms Broad street, stepped in front of an electric The 1898 calendars arc on the market. quired to room and hoard in the seminary. with large pa*itry, two closets and cellar; Charles Coombs* who Wits Arraigned M on­ 564 MAIN STREET. S*tfitnbly arranged for one or two persona. Termaday on a search ahd seizure complaint, has car Wednesday forenoon, while coming from City government meeting next Monday This is a change much needed and one that 'oasonable. Call at 32 Cedar Bt. 82 84-80 been committed to the county jail for 120 the house of John F . Singhi on Park street. night at 7.30. should be for the best interest of the students IftThat Krihing novel, "The Gadfly," by E. She was thrown down with considerable force aud the institution.. The price of board has ALF of n new double house of 8 rooms on days. John Langley has taken the position of Voynich, hn gone Into it* third edition. The and sustained a cut on the forehead that re­ been reduced so that the cost to the student Orange street Rockland. Pleasantly located D r. Sullivan the well known eye and ear janitor at Ihe Conffregfitional church. book is original and remarkable enough (o H quired a number of stitches. Miss M irsh w ill be about the same as in the clubs. Prof. ■and a desirable situation. For further particulars O. E. Hahn has moved into Judson B: cause the reader to look forward with interest inquire of G. B. A L L E N ,23 Orange street-, Rock- specialist of Portland, Me., will be in Rock­ suffers from deafness and did hot hear the Hiitchln*on has arranged for a fine course of laud. 86 land at the Thorndike House, Wednesday* Winslow's house on Limerock street. to the author's future work. Try the fierce ringing of the bell or the motorman’s lectures to be given before the students the Thursday and Friday, Dec. 8, o and ID Mrs. Fannie Ulmer Smith is assisting at coming rtintet and spring. A card catalogue OUSE on Stanley Lane, desirable for a small shouts. She attaches no blame whatever to D r. W ood’s Norway l’ine Syrup seems sent Edwin Upton Curtis, who was Recently is being made fof the library. Tb® outlook family. Reasonable rates. Address P. O the electric car folks. W . O . Hewett & Co.’s store during the holi­ as a special provision to little folks. Pleas* H married to Miss Maude Waterrtiati, formerly BOX 154, Warren, Maine. 85*88 The attorneys of the Knox B ar,in common day season. for the coming teim is bright. ant to take, perfectly harmless, abtolulely sure o f Thomaston, has just been renominated for with their brethren all over the state, w ill be to give instant relief in all cases of cold or URNISHED ROOMS by the day, week or Mayor of Boston. M r. Curtis bks once held Mrs. J. C. R. Sullivan is having n special BOSTON month. Rensonablu rates. Apply to Mrs. M. delighted to learn that Chief Justice Peters WITH THE CHURCHES lung trouble. F that position and bids fair to do so again. sale of millioery, offering rare inducements to W. KIM BALL, 6 Middle street. 79 will return this week from Boston, where he the ladies. ESIRABLE TENEMENT on Ourdy Street. II. A.Larrabee slaughtered for Philip Lane, haa been ever since undergoing the critical Schooner Lena Young discharged a fare of Kcv. F. E. W hite will preach at Rockland The Majors, Captains and Lieutenants, the Apply to C. E. LITTLEFIELD. 01 this Week, a hog weighing 475 pounds. The operation upon his eye at the Carney hospital. D 15,000 pounds of fresh mixed lish for the iiig h h n Is Sunday afternoon at 2.30. three polo teams organized from Tillson Light SHOE 'TVENEM BNT TO LET on North Main Street porker was not only an exceptionally large The distinguished jurist is in excellent general Rockland Fish Company, Wednesday. The subject of Rev. F . E, W hite's ser­ Infantry, mixed up in a practice game Tues­ •L Bleeper's Hill; nearly new, In first-class con­ one, but about as handsome a specimen as health and though his eye is yet too weak for dition, convenient, very pleasant situation, ten min­ mon . t the Pratt Memorial M. E . church day night and the Captains are said to have M r. Larrabee was ever called upon to sacri­ constant use, he has been fitted to glasses and Our merchants would like to see about n utes' walk from post office, cars pass tho door. Sunday morning will be "Christian Science vanquished both opponents. When the league fice. is able to read fine print with it. Before the foot of snow on the ground In order to afford Inquire of M. M. PARKER, 89 Warren Stroet, Dissected." is fully organized they will hare a chance to t STORE! Rockland, Me. 69 Meservey’s Orchestra give a mask ball at operation it was sightless. Its strength is fast good sleighing for the Christmas trade. see if they can continue to do so. Limerock H all tonight. No prizes are offered reluming and before many months the jus­ Sea street’s cinder walk is first rate In sum­ At the Free Baptist church Sunday there F o r S a le . for the most picturesque costumes, but a fine tice will have two as good eyes Ss belong to mer) but when the frost begins to Met pedes­ will lie preaching by the pastor at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m Subject of morning discourse assortment of funny figures will be represented. any man of his yeats. trians choose the side with the jilshk side­ H aro You a S k in Disease?— Tetter Salt ACRES of wood land In town of Cushing. And see how much a little The buckboard leaves Limerock street corner Oeotge E. McLaughlin, John M. McGrath, walk. Such was the case this week. "The Mystery of ihe Gospel." Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Eczema, M " liq u lio o f II. II. SIIIBLES, Thomaston. Barber’s Itch, Ulcers, Blotches, Chronle, 86*88 every half hour. John E. Minehart, Lrank Hanrahan and M. M. Genthner, wlo recently retired from Rev. W . M . Kim m ell, of the chur:b of the Erysipelas, Liver Spots, I ’rurigo Psonasis, or money will buy. The pride of Clair & A llen’s factory on Daniel Rooney of Limerock Council, Knights the jewelry business, will engsge in no other Messiah, of Portland, preached at the U niver­ OR SALE CHEAP, all the following articles: St. other eruptions o f the skin— what D r. A g­ Sea street is the handsome tabby cat “ Beauty.” of Columbus, saw the Bangor council exem­ active operation this winter other than that salis! church Sdnday rhorning and evening to Ono A. W. Ladd square piano In perfect con­ new’s Ointment has done for other it can do Fdition nnd tone, with stool; ono Dyer Ik Hughes This affectionate puss tips the scales at 12 plify the third degree in that city Thanksgiv­ entailed by settling up his affairs It has been larg: anti ihtefeifed congregations.— Bath for you— cure you. One application gives large size melodeon nnd stool in good condition; pounds and knows every one of thte firm’s ing night. They were accorded a very warm a dezen years or more since he paid his old Times. ono black walnut dining set; one extension tablo; relief.— 35 cents.— 19. Sold by W . J. ( ’oak- hlx chuirs; ono sleigh; one extension top double customers by sight. W hat would they take welcome as also they were later at the levee home and parents an extended visit and in a Pieathing by the pastor, R e*. Thomas ley and C. I I . Moor & Co. seated surry; ono set new carriage whools, harness; for-that cat? Ask ’em? and hall given by the Union Hose Company. few weeks he will go to Dover and Fcxcrolt Stratton, at Ihe Church of fmmanuel, Univer­ Examine onr Children'll Box Call' one 18 ft. sloop boat. All the above at a bargain If The latter has been entertained in Rockland for that purpose. salis’, Sunday a, 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. sold at once. For particulars and prices wrlto to I L G. H ill of West Rockport was in this Button Boots, sizes fi to K, for 49e, P. O. BOX 203, Camden, Maine. 82 city Wednesday exhibiting the Arctic owl by the Sears boys on several occasions and of Steamers M t. Desert and Rockland are Subject. f morning discourse: "Outgrowing BORN which he caught about bis premises a short course tbey remembered Foreman McLaughlin hauled up at Tillson’s wharf for winter quar­ Creeds.” Subject of evening discourse will Littlbualb—Koeklaud, November 30, to Mr. 9 to 11 for 65o. They nre good V r E W UOUBE OFFERED FOR SALE at a bar ana did everything to make him and his com­ he : "H um an Nature and the Means Used to and Mrs. Lei I Io K. l.tttlehalo, a dnughler. gain. Just built and has never been occu­ time ago. It is a handaumc bird and has at­ tets. The latter steamer has been running on Yotrwd— ' homnuton, Novombor 22, to |Mr. and shape and good wearing. pied. 6 days work will complcto tho house and tracted much attention, as one of this species panions feel at home. George is lavish in his the Rockland-BIuehill, Belfast and Brooklin Perfect II.” Mrs. James Young, a daughter. •make It rendy for occupancy. It will be completed praise ol the Bangor department, which be rarely travel as far south as Maine. route the past season, and there are rumors At the Congregational church tomorrow Seo our Misses’ Kid Lnco Shoes, when sold. It is pleasantly located at 10 Birch St. describes as well paid and thoroughly up-to- that she will be sold. She is a faithful craft there will be preaching and the communion Mize of rooms viz: Parlor 13-3x18-0; sitting room Davis Tillson Command Union Veteran date. thick soles and I’ntcnt Leather Tips, 13x15-10; dining room 12x13; kitchen 12-2x13-4; Union has elected the following officers for and whoever gets her will get a fine piece of •ervice. M r. Moore will speak upon "P re­ KoLLANsnsi—Kinnicut—Itoekland, November front hall 8-6x18-6. There are also 4 chambers, The Morse, Trustell, McLoon Machine Co. property. The “ Monty*’ was thoroughly re­ destination." In Ihe evening there w ill be a 30, by Rev. Robert W. Van Kirk at 7Hhaw Avenue, bathroom, large attic and closets n 1 conveniently the ensuing year. Co,., W . I I . Simmons; at 12 noon. Walter 8. Follansbee, of Warren, nnd sizes 11 1-2 to 2. Tho prico is low, Lieut. Col., M. M Parker; Major J. M. Cur­ of this city has lately completed the wotk of paired last spring, abd will need little if any pralie service with Ihe regu'ar and chorus Maude Kennedy, of Rook laud. arranged Good cellar and well graded lot. A de­ we had them made for us, that’s whv sirable place to 11 vo in. Call on or address J N. rier; Chaplain, I. P. Cilly; O. of D„ W. II. piping ihe new Odd Fellow’s btlilding at thibg in the way of repair! (bis time. choir assisting. Kamrano—IIolmkb — Itoekland, November 20, at the Methodist parsonage, by Rev. F. E. White, KAKNIlAM , 32 Cedar St., for further particulars. Maxey; O. of G., Frank Johnson; Quarter­ Southwest Harbor for hot water. The job Rev. E. G. Thayer of Woodfotds, d member A very successful coactrrt was given by the 3STtf Frank A. Farranil and Nottlo M. Holmes, both of tho price is 9Ho. master, W. H . Smith j C. IL J. P. W entworth; lasted about a month, and required all told, of the New England District fepworlh League King's Daughters at Ihe Advent chapel, Rockland. •rriW C story dwelling with oil and shed, stable something like 4100 feet of pipe, the work OnAVKK—W kavkh— Portland, December I, by D. M., C. O. Wentworth, cabinet, states that it was the intention of the W illow street, Wednesday evening, in spite See our Ladies* Boots in Lace and JL and small carriage house. House has 13 being under the charge of M erritt Morse and Rev Henry Blanchard, Benjamin R. Graves, of rooms besides pantries, halls and shed; olght or W illiam H . Jeffrey, secretary of the Alaska, New England League to unite with the state of the stofro,’ there was a good attendance. Whitinsville, Mass., and Alloe E. Weaver, of War- L. E. Griffin. This firm has ako piped for Button, Coin Too, Patent Leather nine closets. Arranged for two families. Water Yukon, Klondike, Gold Syndicate made a league only where ihe biennial convention is The Two road., to life and death were repre­ roil, Maine. below and above, also on the outside of the bouse hot water the residences of John T . R. Free short business trip to this city Wednesday. held and not to give up the Maine State sented by the children!. The speaking was BbaL— LKVKW8ALKR — Rockport. Novombor 20, Tips,for 98c ,81.23,81.19 and8l.98. and ta the stable. N ew ly painted lust fall. Eloc- man, S. H . Mayo, S. H . Clark and Capt. IL Arthur Leslie Beal nnd Mury Ella Levonsaler, both M r. Jeffrey is going to make a Hying trip to League permanently as has been reported. good and the singing excellent. The children fcrtc oars pans the door. Also a largo lot on Waldo F. Tracey at Southwest Harbor and that of of Rockport. They are beauties and are below all Awnus, overlooking the harbor. Also a small Alaska in about two weeks, making plans for Under the former arrangement the conven­ were very prettily cjslumed in white. A Sm it h —Raymond—Vinalhaven, November 27, John Goss at Stonington. At the branch rail­ Held o f IX acres near the John Jones farm on his expedition which will start from Portland tion would meet in Maine but once in 12 heauliful illustrated bible was presented to Hewell K. Smith nnd Cnrrlo M, Raymond, both of in p ric o . tameson's point. Inquire of C. C. CROSS, of road shop repairs have nearly been completed Vinalhaven. in March. Thi9 company which he represents year*, hence (he impracticability. the pastor, Rev. Mrs. Sarah K . Taylor, at Ihe Vouhran, Baker ft Cross, 406 Main St, Rockland. on the Georges Valley locomotive, and as us WlfBBLBR—H ahn — Thomaston, November 27, 60 is capitalized for I5 0 0 .0 0 0 find w ill send at close of the entertainment, try the president Joseph Wheeler, of Rockland,and Mury Etta Hahn, ual the big plant on Sea street Is running full At Wight Philharmonic rehearsal Thursday See our line oT Ladies’ Rubbers at least 25 men. Tbey will not go through to uf Ihe Christian Endeavor Society. of Tuoinnston. A T A GREAT BARGAIN—A choice farm In blast. The Morse, Truisell, McLoon M a ­ evening ihe music of the 1898 Maine Festival Oabtkii—(JALDBHWOOD-North navon, Novom- (be town of Liberty, about 100 acres, nearly the K londike regions, but will operate on There are some things more expressive of 23c, 39c, all now goods this Fall. chine Co. was organized in December 1894 was discussed, ,ihe selections being “ Lost bor 26, by Harrison Beverage, J. 1’., George A. new buildings, all painted, barn 40x80 feet, about the Peely river where it is thought a large love and appreciation Ilian a vote of thanks Carter and Lizzie B Calderwood, both of Rookland. 75 tons of hay in the barn. A t least 1000 cords of and now employs 16 men. Its work is all Chord,” “ Bridal Day,” “Crowned with amount ol gold can be found. M r. Jeffery or a few resolution!. The arrival in Rock­ ELLewoBTU—IlKALD—Rockport, November 24, Ladies' Rubber Boots while they wood aud lumber standing upon the farm. Best first class and has that reputation everywhere Tempest,” ‘ Martha” and “ Departure.” The William Kenneth Ellsworth, of Lynn, Mass., and stock farm In this region. Would sell ou easy met seven men in Rockland all interested in chorus took hold of the new work with port the other day of a beautiful oak side­ Ella Blanche, daughter of Capt and Mrs. L P. last for 81.15. Misses’ for 98c. Venus or cxchango for village or city property. In­ the expedition. The catalogu-: of Bowdoin college for the board and chairs to match indicate the sub­ quire of or address II. BLISS, Ju., Washington, pleasing readme**, and Mr. Chapman, who Ileald, of Rockport. years of 1897-98 gives the total toll of mem­ Coath—U puam— Camden, Novembei 17, David Children's for 85c. -Maine, Sept 1897. bltfTS. A t the last term of supreme court in this will De present at the Friday evening’s stantial way the pdrish and church of St. bership as 383, the largest in the history of Coat* and Curro E. Uphain, both of Rockport. county, Judge of Probate C. E. Meservey was reh arsal will undoubtedly he deligoted at George appreciate tbeir retiring pastor and \ ~ lamb gasolene engines ii p., in the college, divided as follows: Medical Zv. llrst-class condition, used but Utile Sell cheap appointed auditor to examine tht^bill of H on. the efficiency shown. wife. Thia was a great surprise to Rev. and Yours fo r (food Goods and Low students 140, seniors 61, juniors 61, sopho­ Mrs. S. E . Packard and they most heartily For Information uddress, C. F. BROWN, Pulpit Charles E. Littlefield against G. A. Aines, cer­ Anderson Camp, S. of V , held its annual ZDXIDZD Harbor, Maine. 77tf mores 56, freshman 59, special rtudents 6. thank the donors and reassure them c f their Hart—Tonant’s Harbor, Bt. George, November Prices. tain items which are claimed to be excessive. election of officers Wednesday night, and the The faculty at present consists of 38 profes­ interest and prayers through The Cour'er- 80, Abbie, wife of Capt. Levi Hart, aged 48 years. 71°u SA L E -100 cords fitted Hard W ood; 60 The bill in question is for professional services folloing were chosen 1 Captain, Geo. W . N tk Union, November 80, titlllman Nyo, uged ’ cords fitted Juniper and Pine, Bpbt fine and sors, tutors, assistants and non resident Gazette and any other paper that will copy. covering a period from May 11, 1891 to Young; lit Lieut. 1 Mont R. Pillsbury, 2nd 76 yearn, 7 mo nt bn. Iwell reasoned, for kindling sold cheap us I need the lecturers, but this Inumber Includes the staff The work is opening very pleasantly in Ron bins—Groen’e Lauding. Hionlngion, Novem­ wharf room. C E. BICKNELL.______46 October 1896, and the balance ammounts to Lieut t Arthur L. Orne; Camp Council, Col. of the medical department. A change has Rockport. I-ast Sunday, Nov. 28, there was ber 20, Amos Robbins, aged about 40 years. $717. The hearing occurred at the probate E. K. GauldjlL C.CIark and Arthur P.Irving. Hunt)—Cumden, November 28, Hurry Hurd, aged been made in the requirements for admiision one hundred and twenty-two at the preaching flisvellaneous. office Wednesday, Mortland & Johnson ap­ The installation will occur the first meeting 26 years in Latin and Greek which goes in t . opera­ service and ninety in the Sunday school. The pearing for M r. Ames and W . IL Fogler for in January. A drill squad of 16 men was Hkndkrbon—Appleton, November 20, son of Boston Shoe tion next year, involving different methods of vestry was well filled in Ihe evening and at Aaron Henderson, aged 2 years. C* 1 / k REWARD for the names of the parents M r. Littlefield. Ju Ige Meservey w ill give formed Wednesday night, and they w ill at 1 " / of John Perry of Fox Islands, Mo., who preparatory study rather than an increased Ihe close of a very Interesting service Iwo Hutchins — Waldoboro, November 26, Capt. the matter a careful consideration and make once get into active work, probably under the Frank A. Hutchins, a native of Biddeford, aged 07 died 1834. Ills wife was Hanuah Wooster. Ho came amount of work. These changes have been arose for prayers. 10 Maine from Muss, about 1770. Ills brothers wore his repoit at the term of supreme court which direction of that able drill master. Col. E. K . years. recommended by the commission of the New Clark—Waldoboro, November 26, Mary D., Kphilamund WLdor;his sisters, Hannah nnd Mary. begin* one week from next Tuesday. Store. England colleges on entrance examinations. Gould. This pquad is expected to make a wldowof Major A. W. Clurk, aged 07 yeurs. 11 is believed the information can bo found in town For earache, put a couple of drops o f or old fumlly records. Communicate with TH E The railroad commissioners Tuesday for­ Knox county’s present representation in ihe hne showing. Lovarr—Appleton, November 25, aaonof John C O U K IBR-G AZElTE- 86»90 warded certificates to the various railroads in Thomas Electric O il on a hit or cotton and Lovett, uged 2 years. 7 mouths. St. Nicholas Block. Rock I m id, M e . college is a* follows: Senior class, W illiam If all report* arc true I vo Rockland young Ch andlbr—floulh Thomasiou, November 24, the state, describing and certifying to the place it in the ear. The pain will atop in a T COD HOUSE CAN YASSER wanted at once Winthrop Spear and Ralph Libby Wiggin, men have left heie and ar»* en route for K lo n ­ George W Chandler, a native of Portland, aged 76 84 physical conditions of the roads, which in lew moments. Simple enough, isn’t it? years, 6 mo ths, 21 days. X ’ Apply with references at 43 Park Ht., City. of Rockland; Sophomore class Robert dike, where they will cast their lot with the C most instances is first class. Their annual HALL-Knat Nobleboro, November 22, Margaret, 84lf L. E. S il A W SUPPLY CO, Jewett Farwell and James Frederic Knight of hardy miners wno are trying to attain fortune widow of Perry (1. Hull, aged 8<) years, x months. report will say in relation to local railroads Rockland and Alfred Watts Levvnsaltr <«f at a bound. The young men in question are HMiTII—Worcester, Maas., November 18, Jesse ANTED—Everybody who owns a watch to that the road bed and track cf the Georges DR. E. ALDEN him>imimds 8mhh. a native of Rockland, aged 02 yeurs. know that Daniels toe jeweler in the Thorn* Thomaston; Freshman class, Henry Darenydd Theodore Snow and E. 11. Titus, and when 8avlngs Bank Book Lost Valley are in fair condition and that the MBS. A. M. STOBEIt'S BrKAOtJB — Blair, N ob. November 10, Charles Wdike Hotel block will put in u new main spring for Evans of Camden and Edward Kavanagh last heard fr*>m they had b ught an outfit in . Natbaolel, sou of O. B. Hprague, aged 21 years Nolic.-1. hor»by given iliet Murgnrot A. Crockett, $1, and warranted for two years. 41tf Lime Rock Rail-usd is in good condition. Leighton of Thomaston. Boston and w ire in New York. W . I I . exeeulrlx o f the le.t will ut leuliih A. Crockett, tie Over on the Wiscassei & line the Cough & Croup B alsam eeu eil, lot. uollU."l lliu lloeklanil Having* Hank OYS AND GIRLS desiring profitable homo The Whittier-Maitine Comedy Company is Jeffries of Portland has been in the city the road bed has been improved by ditching and that il. poalt book No. SIS), li.ued by aalil Hunk to employment, spare moments, or full time. the next attraction at the Opera house anrt in past week, irpieseiiting a Maine concern in­ The beet thlutf ever known for Coughs, Savings Bank Book Lost. I.uluh i.Crockett lu lout unit tbul .ho wlahuu.lo ob BPlease enclose stamp and uddtess, W. W. SMITH,widening cuts. The track is in fairly good presenting (his first class organizilion M ana­ terested in Klondike, and has been endeavor­ Colds, Croup and Pnuumouh and ull tho Notice Is hereby given that (J.C. Cross, adminis­ tulu u (tunllcuio thereof Esq , Warren, Mulne. line and surface. Tne bridge near W eek’s Lu g Diseuses. ‘ ItOOKI.ANU HAVtNtiH HANK,- ger Black feels guaranteed in saving that it is ing to get reeyuits to j jiu a party which leave trator of osiato of David Cross, deceased, has uo'.l \ I FANTED.—People to know that I do the very Mills has been renewed and other bridges OM SALK AT lied the Rockland Havings Bunk, tliAl de|>oslt book tty K. D. Hl’gan, Treuu. the largest and nest company that has ever for Alaska in February. Mr. Jt(Tries starts llooklund, U e., Deo. 4,1»9T. 88.00 best of Upholstery and Furniture repair­ repaired. Oi the K> ckland, Thomaston & COAKLEY’S, • The Druggist No. HUd, Issued by said Hank to David Cross is lost ing, old furniture repolisbed and make over mut- played here at popular prices. There are 16 for there in a few weeks and will do a little aud that he wishes to ohtalu a duplicate hereof. Camden Street Railway the commissioners lrousts. N.T. MURRAY, Sea street. people selected from the best repertoire orga­ advance prospeciing f »r ihe benefit o f his Mrs. A. M. Blorer’s English Crrutn for ROCKLAND 8AVINGH BANK, Ordway's Plasters Cure Femule Tft8tfApr20 will say: “Considerable cinder and gravel Chaps, Burns, bos Id a, elo., has no equul. By K. D. Hpkar, Trvaa. nizations now before the public. The star, party. It is understood that Messrs. Snow WetdiueiM. ballast has been deposited. One car. one Rockland, Me., Dec. 4, 1887. 86-20 IRLS for general housework, nbraes aud the Frank L . W hittier, is no new comer to a and Titus will go with these gentlemen. nursery can obtain first-class places by apply­ four wheel and one eight wheel truck, and Rockland audience fur he has been here with Ging at the Intelligence office of,four motors have been added during the year.” A'though no great spread haa been made 7 Grove Street, Rouklund. Oct. 1* both the Lillian Tucker and Nickerson about it of late, the preliminary work of hav­ Skating bids fair to be very popular in Comedy Companies. He is supposed by a LAIN HEWING WANTED—Will be well ing a great Knox Couuty Fair in this city douuat very reasonable rules. Work culled Rockland and vicinity tots winter providing strung company including the well known next Srpteraber is g* ing on steadily. The P for aud returned. Address P. O. Box 658, Rock­the weather conditions are favorable. The 1' and popular heavy rnan, Wilbur S. Christie, Berry Brothers have signified tbeir willingness land. writer knows of quite a number of our who created a most favorable impirssioti here to erect a commodious and suitable exhibition 1_>IANOFORTE INSTRUCTION.-MIBB MA- citizens who haven’t been on skates for years with the Nickerson Comedy Company. There H Do You Intend to Buy BEL H. HOLBROOK, 22 Camden Street, building at Knox Trotting Park and to take I who will essay the “ figger eight” just as soon are specialties between each act by the M a r­ will receive pupils iu nlanoforto instruction, charge of the trotting portion of the three as the ice gets thick enough to hold. Young tines who give an acrobatic novelty, M ile. either at her borne or will go to them. Especial days' program. Trotting, while a prominent attention given beginners. ladies, too, are going into the sport with Nooyah, queen of the silver wire, Chas. W . feature of the fair, and in fact an indispen­ increased zeal, and we shall expect to see Guthrie, with bis illustrated song*, Frank L . sable fixture, will not be the sole attraction by nothing but rosy cheeks and frost tipped W hinier, in songs and dances, and as an any means. There will be the daily balloon noses and ears until next March with its added attraction during the engagement will ascensions, athletic contests, bicycle races, thaws and blusters rolls around. Ice polo he presented a series of 50 views of the trick riding, and a Midway Plaisance on a will be all the rage and the man who makes Klondike region. These are projected upon moderate scale. By a Midway Plaisance we the hickory stick will carve out a small for­ a screen 14 ft. square and are from photo­ If you do you will positive­ ONE WEEK COMMENCING do not mean that there will he auything real tune. W ell, let him go on. Skating is one graphs made by Esther Lyons,a former actress wicked or degrading, but something with of the most healthy amusements in the world and the onl> white woman to cross the You- novel and interesting features, something that and in large cities where there are thousands kon. The engagement is at popular prices you cannot see short of the great Brockton of people to every little pond, everybody and ladies are admitted free Monday evening ly find it to your advantage fair. But of these attractions there is plenty Mondaw Dec. 6th. from the little child to the centenarian goes with every reserved seat. a skating. W ith such places os the Marsh, time to dilate between now aud next Septem Special engagement cf the Biggest Chickawaukie Pond, Meadow Brook and the ber. In the meantime the essential point is -----and Best Repertoire organization quarries, all reached by the electiics, Rock­ to arouse interest among our business men to visit the New England •-----batons tlhe public—tiho land is splendidlj equi ped. and citizens as well as those of every active citizen in the other towns of Knox county. A series of military c u r e s before Tillson New Jewelry The charter members of the old Knox County Light Infantry was 10 mgurated Tuesday night Clothing House. Thev Fair Association have nearly all beeu when Col. W . H . Fogler of this city delivered seen and they express themselves as more WHITTIER an extremely interes'ing address upon “ The Store. than delighted that someone is interested in Duties and Rcsp risibilities of the M ilitia reviving and booming wbat was once the red- Companies of the U ' 1 ed States.” H e traced carry an enormous stock in letter event of all the year in this section. W . the custom of forming militia companies back J. Robbins of Rockville, Joshua B. Adams of to its origin and told ol the important part VJ it- o K. DAVIES of Waltham, Camden, Bradford A. Emery of O w l’s Head MARTINE militia men played in the civil war. The Mass., has purchased tho fix ­ and Obadiah Gardiner of this city all talk en­ companies which were made up largely of all grades, and the prices couragingly upon the matter and are of (be them were conspicu us for tbeir splendid tures and good will of M r. M. M. firm opinion that >1,000 will cover all the in ­ work both as to bravrry and system, l i e re­ Genthner, 41G Main St., Rockland. cidental expenses. It ought to be easy to get ferred to Rockland’* disitinguished soldier. this sum pledged in a five ininutts walk along COMEDY CO. M ajor Gen. Hiram G Berry, who was captain The store will be closed for a few for which they are offered M ain street, to say nothing of having the of one of our city’s f nuer m ilitia companies, days for remodeling and refitting, whole county to draw from. There is in the the Rockland City Guards, before he went to 10 ARTISTS 16. scheme little or nothing to los? aud the pros­ war. The second led are iu the series w ill be and will be opened about Decomber pects of makiug such a success of the event will interest you. delivered next Tue* liy night by Col. C. G. I 9th as an W ith m»re special featured and nncire that Knox couuty folks will wonder why Morton of the U. S I Jan try, whose subject specitMUa than were ever attempte tbey have suffered to let the matter sleep dur­ w ill be “ Discipline.” Col. Morton is con­ . before at popular prices. . ing the last decade. A meeting to discuss the nected with the regular army and what be will situation will probably be held in (be near have to say will be «. f 'he utmost benefit and Up-to-Date Jewelry future. ALL NEW PLAYS. importance to the local company. This lect­ SEE The -Marlines lu llirir enchanted bouae ure w ill be in Grand Army 1U1L through the Store. Mine Noo>ab. queen of the em er wire courtesy of Edwin I.iLby Post. The city offi I f You Are Going l'ue views of tue KLONDIKE Mr. Davies is an expert watch- BURPEE $ LAMB, Tne Illustrated songs. cials, Grand Army P »f, Sons of Veterans to paint, just remember that Farrand, Spear Gamp aud other frien- s have been invited,and j maker and m> experienced optician. Co. are agents for the paint that covers j probably some of the -egiuienUl rffin rs * i!l I erler and wears a* lea8t J3 longer— made by Popular Prices. Watch this column for j>articulsis be picscci. 1 . DiV^e A. Co , New York, the oldest New England Clothing House bailee ire, Monday ■ win. I and prices later. , and largctl paint manufacturers in America. •very recservei teat Ordway's Plasters Cure Cold Kaet Si Ordwtty’k PUalwm Ciws THB ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: SATURDAY. pECEMBER 4, 1897.

AS TO MERCHANTS' GAYS Maine Central R. R. SHORT MOTES OF THS DAT C flE W D A fl’C Lewiston wants some more Merchants’ Maine hat mure deer than abeep. WORMS IN CHILDREN. Days and the Maine Central under it* rew In Effect Nov. 14. 1807. I Hundred, of children h .re worm., but their parent, doctor them tor Germany has fifty factoriea for making management will doubtless give us special sftHKNGKR train* lesv« Rockland as fol­ I nearly everythin. Blue. The beet Worm Remedy made, and likewl.e M ^KiinnioiL imitation butler. the beat Remedy lor a ll the complatnlaof children, meh a. Fererlah- ates says the Lewiston Journal. The railroads U low* : P8 90 A. M., for Bath, Brunswlsk, I^w bton, The lost of food crop* by injurious insects i nrea, Coatly«neM, Indlgeation, sour Stomach, etc., Is ught to do all they can to promote business Augusta, Waterville, Bangor. Portland,and Bo*ton, it 500,000,000 bushels per annum. n Maine and in Maine cities as well as in arriving In Bo*ton at 4.15 P. M T R U E ’S Pin Worm ELIXIR Boston. Un this subject the Portland Press 1 45 P M.. for Bath, Brnnawlck, Lewiston, Glasgow hat imported American laborers to I Its efficacy In such troubles—and likewise for all stnmsch troubles of adnits W aterville, Portland and Bo«ton, arriving In Boeton lay (he asphalt on her streets. —has never been equalled. It hns been n bonnehold remedy for speaks well and a* follows: '‘Some years ago at 0 25 P. 4(1 yen rs. Purely vegetable and harmless. Price 35 cents. Ask your 'he Maine Central railroad discontinued the X. Two distinct shocks of earthquake were Taatwa arrivb : J Druirgist for IL D R . J . F . T R U K A C O ., A n b n r n , M e. giving of special rates to the larger places in felt at Randsburg, Cal., on Sunday. 10.40 A. M. morning trxln from Portland Law- he state during so called merchant’s week, on lB'on Augnsta and Waterville Mrs. John Boyle O ’Reilly, widow of the 5.10 P. M. from Boston, Portland, Lewietou and the ground that such concession discriminated Bangor. _ „ poet, is dead, at Charlestown, Mass. ur justly against the smaller places. The tta GKO. F. K VA N fl, Gen’ I Manager. FI.Y’R ntF A M BAT.M I, ft positive cure. The City of Fort Scott, Kan., is suflering a son was a good one and nobody could fin-t F. K. BOOTH BY, G. P. A T . A. Apply Into the nostrils. It la quickly tbeorbed. 60 water famine, and the outlook is decidedly | THE TILLSON ORANGE GROVE WITH THE FISHERMEN any just grounds for complaining of the deci­ Portland. Mt. Desert k M arti la * « .S . Go. cents «t I’rif-vi.lf or by m ull; samples too. by mall. serious. sion. The roads running out of Boston ap­ S L Y BBO TII. RS, 66 Warren Bu, New York City. pear to be doing now what the Maine Central Greater New Y ork consumed 68,000 kegs The Jacksonville (Fla.) Times Union of Charles E. Capen’a sardine factory at decided to refrain from doing, and giving 'o Str. FRANK JONES of beer in a single day during the tecent cam­ Nov. 22 ha* tl.e following about “ A Notable Boothbay Harbor, was destroyed by fire Cochran, Baker & Cross, the merchants of that city facilities for mon­ rt will keep your chicken* ----- paign. Orange Grove:” on Friday last. The properly was partially will make young pullers l«J early. fhB ind like if. land 11 00 p m ., Tuesdays and Friday*, and Rock IN S [JKANCE. eral Davta Tillson, situated at Orange Bend, The cold storage plant at Boothbay H arbor given the Lake submarine boat Argonaut at discriminations of this kind. Though they land 5 80 a. m W ednesdays *• d Saturdays for Bar Tbe Oldest Insurance Asency in Maine . Lake County, is a valuable and promising is now running in fine shape. A heavy run Harbor, Mschlasport and Intermediate landing* may not be obnoxious to the letter of the M MAIN BTREKT, BOCKLANI property which it ia instructive to visit. It of fish is all that is now needed to make the Returning, leave Maehl*-port at 4 00 a m. on Russia contemplates the building ol - rail interstate commerce law, they are enti­ I . H. OOCUHSK J. ft. BSKSS 0- 0- O »o»- consists of 150 acres, divided into numerous venture a success during the coming season. Moi.d*)* and Thursday*, arriving Rockland 4 00 way to connect the Caspian Sea with the rely obnoxious to its principle, for the p. m ., leave 4.30 p. ra. and airlve Portland 1100 lots and sections, all on rich hammock land. Persian Gulf. The Vinalbaven Fish Company of Vinal long and short haul clause of the law is aimed p. m., connecting wkh early morning train for WM. H. FOGLER, In the older section of it, an orchard of eight BOfltOB. 1 ® haven, are reported to have brought IOOO at discrimination, the effect and purpose of The output of Montana’s mines during or ten acres, the trees were so large and well matter what kind of food you use, mtx GKO. F . KVANB. Oener.1 Manager. ql«. of cured hake here recently. H ake are which are substantially similar to that effected F. K. BOOTHBT. O. f . » T . A- ATTORNEY IT LAW, 1896 was valued at $62,000,000, and that of protected that they mostly survived the freeze with It d ally Hhendan’s Powder. Otherw lee. your proO* reported scarce in the state ol M aine— Cape by this giving of low rates of fate at certain this rail and winter will be lost when Die price for eggs ,<«> bi AIN ST., ROCNI.ANI- 1897 at $5,000,000 more. above tru buds, and are now fairly well fruited. W very high. It assures perfect assimilation of the food Ann Breeze. seasons of the year. - — -Ute needed to produce health and form e««*- »» It is understood that the arbitration trib­ The crop ia eatimaied by experienced grower* I by druggists, grocers, feed dealers or I Off Far Rockaway not king ago a codfish Boston and Bangor unal in the Delagoa Bay dispute has awarded at 600 or 700 boxes. The fruit is very fine C. B. E M E R Y , was caught trying to digest a fine gold w atih. McMurdo $10,000,000. and sweet, though not all colored up yet; A correspondent from one of the Maine STEAMSHIP CO. Yesterday H arry Evans and Captain W illiam Presoo and Sign Painter The new government of the Republic of not a split orange could be seen anywhere, cities gives this illustration of the way reports Abrams landed a huge cod that had swallowed roCKLlNT' ! tfAlNr and very few drops. Formerly the fruit from start sometimes. Three ladies were callirg Cuba has been constituted, with Senor Bar* a silver garter buckle When the news spread Great Reduction in Fares! these trees was so uniformly bright that no on a friend discussing bargains, etc., one 01 tolme Masio as President. hundreds of fishermen took to boats. They separate classification for russets was provided the number being rather hard of hearing 8. W. JONES, D r. Michael O 'Toole, the distinguished sur* are looking for the rest of the girl.— New Finally one lady asked another if she bad geon and oculist of San Francisco, died of in the packing bouse— all going as fancy or Rockland choice— but «mce the freeze has curtailed the York Piess. traded at a certain store "where ihey’re giv­ IRON-:-FOUNDRY. pneumonia, at the age of 65. to Boston $ 1 .7 5 magnificent spread of the trees and allowed The fi»hing industry of Washington is some ing them easles away.” The deaf la2 50 to at 75 DBALXR IN It is well known that this insect delights In ing last year was $3,000.* 00. The canneries was there today, so was Mrs. Blank and Mrs. consumed 47,217.990 pound* of fresh salmon, Guess-so and several others, and we all got Of all Kinds. Free Fare between Camden and Boston reduced from Hussey Plows, The man who betrayed the Cuban Gen. sunny or at least partially shaded locations. $? 50 lo $1 65 Castillo was captured by the insurgents, and These bearing trees have not been forced i for which 1 he fishermen received $914,360 them,” the deaf lady left the house and started Fare between Belfast and Boston reduoed from Cultivator* and Harrows, from dust and slate. $3 (Mt to $2 25, and a proportionate reduction made Or borne M owing Marhlnee, after a drumhead trial executed. into fruiting, hence they are not over loaded, There »s $2 000,000 invested in the business. for home On the way she got a little con­ in the price of t rough tickets between Boston and Hakes and Tedder W hile the preacher was denouncing horse and little breakage has occurred in the heav­ These fi-heries are capable of being developed fused and told several people that the small­ ail landlrga on ' enob*c »t River. to a much greater ex’ent, and new capital pox was raging down town, and gave tl e A general line o f repair* and fixtures for the above. stealing, sixteen horses bitched in front of iest winds. Not one sprout in five hundred 't he price «»F rooms, accommodating two persons is seeking investment there every year. names of several ladies, who she thought F a r r a n d , each, u ill he reduced from $2.00 and $1.60 to $1 50 SOUTH UNHI.l, MB. a church at Osmond, Neb., were stolen. has broken down, even of those most heavily loaded with fruit. Still the manager, as a The good effects of the io )^ inch lobster should be quarantined. The report spread and $1.00 each The Government of Guatemala, alarmed at measure of prudent anticipation, has had through a whole neghboibood before its teamers will leave Rockland: S. A. PED RICK . M. D. the influx of Chinese immigiants, has taken law on the Maine coast is becoming more For Boston, at (about) 5A0 M-, Mondays, wooden forks set up under some of the and more appa ent, says the Portland Argus. origin was studied out. T. steps to restrict such immigration. Thursday* branches, and with others a single tall pole When first applied the loister fishery was For Bangor,via way-landings, Wednesday*, and Ofticb a n d Re sid e n c e ; Geo. A . P ease House It is said to be definitely settled that an has been run up like a ship’s mast through Saturday* at (about) 6 a. at., or npon arrival o’ about exhausted. Six years ago, the captain "How to Cure All Skin Disease*.” Hours 1»o 4 ana.7 to 8 p. m. aerial tramway will be built from the entrance the center of the tree and the swaying of a certain lobster smack told the Argus that steamer from Boston. Simply apply "S waynk'b Ointm bnt." N o In­ For K»r Harbor, via way-landings, Wednesday of Deva Canyon over Cbilkoot Pass. branches lashed to it with twine. he thought he was lucky t.. get 4,000 lob-tus A ppleton Me . 162-78 terna medicine rcqulr- d Cures letter, ee*em-t Iteh, W a u l to lilt >onr next and Buturrihva at (about; 8 A. M., or upon arrival The five members of the Competitor crew In the course of years the oak timber has a fortnight. This season 7,000 a week ha« all eruptions «>n the fx e , hui Is, nose. &c., lea Ing of steamer from Boston. who were released from the Cuban fortress at been generally cleared away, large heaps of been the average fare. F* riy smacks have tbe skin dear, white and healthy. 11« «r» ai heal Ina order for coul. Try them. RETURNING, and curulive power* are p s-e-sed by no o'h-r 8. P. STRICKLAND, At. D. Havana a week ago have arrived in New live oak logs being scattered everywhere, From Boston, Tuesday* and Friday* at 5.00 p. M. been running to Portland from down the remedy, aax your druggist for Hw a tn b's Oin t - They giiaraiilee to satisfy. From Bangur, Monday* and Thursday* at 11.00 WASHINGTON. ME,____ York. resisting decay almost like stone. But most coast and they all have found steady work. MKXT. As an answer to Capt. Gen. Blsnco’s proc- of the palmettos have been preserved, giving A FromM. Bar Harbor, Mondays and Thursday* at The New England catch of salt mackerel Orders by mail or telephone promptly and lamati n allowing the planters to grind cane, the grove a tropical appearance, though the 10 «0 a . «- HOTEL CLAREMONT, to date amounts to 11,050 barrel*. A t ihe Gen Gomez destroyed seven sugar planta­ palmettos impart a certain cultural (fleet, as carefully tilled. KURD WTHRGP, Agent, Rockland. C« 8. PEASE, Proprietor- same date last year the catch wa* 69 242 bar­ CALVIN AUSTIN, General Supt, Boston. tions. there is much uniformity in their height. rels; at same date in 1895, 2 3 0 5 8 h-urels; WILLIa M U. HILL, General Manager, Boston Co b . Clabemont a n d Masonic Streets, The system of cultivation is very conserva­ The tug Dauntless, which figured so con in 1894, 40.558 barrels; in 1893.57,448 bar tive. The ground has never been broken ex Rockland, Me. spicuously in fillihustering expeditions, is now rels.andrn 1892, 42,136 barrels, ih e im cept in a certain orchard where vegetables engaged in the peaceful occupation of towing ports of new salt mackerel at Boston to VIXALHAVEX & EOlkLAM) were grown some years ago. Each tree is Farrand, Spear & Co., vessels. November 19 amounted to 16,701 barrels this Fred F. B urpee. STEAMBOAT COMP'Y. FIRE AND ACCIDENT INSURAN E planted on a slight mound, the widest around year, against 38 309 barrels i»» 1896; for the S86 Main Street, North End Insure your buildings at actual cost with the A huge St. Bernard dog attacked i4«year- the old treei being not over twelve feet in MAINE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO of old John Fleming io New Y o rk , and before corresponding period in 1895 ,he imPor,R WINTER ARRANCEMENT Augusta, Maine. Insure against accident In a re diameter, and these mounds are kept hoed were 21,559 barrels, against 3 0 9 8 4 barrels in Telepboue call 24-2. 77 liable accident Insurance company. Finest pollole* he could be b.atcn off almost tore the boy’s and mulched. 1894, in 1893, 27»752» and ,n ! 8 9 2* 35-427 BETWEEN VTNALHAVEN, ETOBICANE written by arm from bis body. The abundant grass which covers the mid Practical barrels. The imports of new salt mackerel ISLE A ROCKLAND. t . 0. b o w d e n , The presentation of a handsome silver ser­ dies is mowed and thrown around the trees W ashington, We. at New York la-*t week amounted to 140 bar­ vice on behalf of the citizens of Nashville, once or twice a year. The entire grove had rels from Norway and 310 barrels from Ireland. All The People Tenn., has been made to the gunboat Nash­ been recently mowed with scythes and the The imports at Philadelphia for the same per­ ville at the Noifjlk Navy Yard. Pharmacist W. U. KITTREDGE, hay raked into bunches around the trees iod were 977 barrels of Irish mackerel. Bos­ Are not aware of tho great vailcty of goods we Where these are tall enough to permit it, the P. J. Tuston, a professional diver, dived ton dealers imported 891 barrels of mackerel carry In our store We have many thlnus useful GOV. BODWELL grass is stuffed in among the branches all for th»- household as well us for outsldo work. .Apothecary "!‘ from tne center span of the Eads bridge at during the week ending laat Friday. We have a (urge assortment, ol C a PT.WM. R. CREED, they will bold, and after it has settled a day Rockland, DaineJ St. Louis ou Monday. H e was picked up by A t a meeting of the leading fish dealers in W ill run a* follow* : Drugs, Medioines, Toilet Artioles. a tug, none the worse for his jump. or two more is stufled in. Where the supply Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Thursday* and Friday* of hay ia not ad* quite, large quantities ot Gloucester on November 18 it was unani­ WOODEN WARE leave Vlnalhaven at Ba. n , for Rockland, return­ Prescription* a Specialty. Th e San Francisco Theosophists, who think Spanish moss have been gathered and s'ufled mously agreed that reciprocity with Canada ing leave RocklHnd at 1 3*> p. m , f r Vlnalhaven 300 MAIN -T.. - - HOfKLAND capital punishment is wrong, are circulating a would mean great loss to the country through Monday* and baiurday* leave Vlnalhaven at 8 in and wrapped around the trees. These are petition for the commutation of the death Everything apperalnlng to a a m and 1 p m for nock and, returning leave as thoroughly protected as hay and moss can its fiiberies, and it was suggested that there Rock 1 «nd at lo.50 a ra and 8p. ra, for Vlnalhaven sentence of Theodore Durrant. Palls, Wash Tubs, WINDSOR HOTEL make them, though it is questionable whether should he something done at once to antici First-Class Pharmacy N o t e —The Company r.serves the right to pate any possibility of such a thing; also that Ironing Boards. change the Saturday and Monday schedule without Hltfh Street, Belfast, Me. Gen. Lockhart, ermmander of the British the latter will not be injurious instead of pro­ notice. forces in the Maidan Valley, has ia«ued a tective, on account * f its retention of water the co-operation of the fishermen of Ihe Elm Street. Broom sandthe like Livery Stable Connect* d. Coacbee to and from all proclamation staling the terms o f submission after a rain. The bay is coarse, and soon Lakes should be requested and every effort Train* and Boat* used to defeat the scheme. W e do not think A large assortment of Tinware, the variety of which he is willing to grant the Afridis. dries out. which needs no description. epeclal Rat- * to Regular Boarder*. there is any danger of reciprocity being Haiti pi* Rooms on Ground Floor. Railroad and A dust cyclone swept over the Wimmera It has taken an immense amount of hoeing Inland Route-Portland and Rockland. Steamboat Tickets Bought and Bold. district of Au-traiia, roing untold damage and mowing to cover this large grove, and at adopt'd by the two countries. Th e Fremier One tjw n near Melbourne suffered damage to the present time there are about sixty five of Canada may have had authoritv to propose We bave the Largest and Best Display ol Commencing Monday, July 6,1807, Steamer M. R. KNOWLTON, Prop- the extent oi $250,000 and a number of peo men on the pay roll. This work had been some plan that would sfT-ct the fisheries, but, Baskets to be found In the city. All sizes. pie were killed. belated, hence the urgency; the ordinary even if this were true, Congress would not MERRYCONEAC. W . C. Libbey. force is only about twelve or fifteen hands. consider any proposition coming from that I. E. ARCHIBALD, Mahtbk, The fire io the Smuggler mine at Aspen, They receive seventy-five cents a day. source unless the benefits to this country were Do You E/\j OysiE^s ? Then tor outdoor* wo have— Leave* Portland TUESDAY, THURSDAY and . . DKNTIHT Colo., has at last been subdued. Only a lit * qually, if r.ot more than, as good. It ia SATURDAY, Portland Pier at «30 and Boston tie smoke is issuing from the shaft, and the doubtful if anything will be done. The proper Shovels, Spntles, Hoes, Boat Wharf at 7.00 a. as., for Hocklaud touching at ytrtlflcial Teeth Inserted without, plate ooverlng management expects to begin the work of Boothhxy Harbor. New Harbor, Round Pond, the ioof of the mouth. D wight, Illinois, Oct. 18,1896. thing for th*- fishermen to do is to watch leg- HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM? cleaning the mine of smoke and gas in a day Forks, Rakes and such Friendship. Port Clyde and Teuant'a Harbor, ar­ Gas and Local Anasathetlo used for painless ex To whom it may concern;— J islation at Washington and try to compass the riving In a« ason to corn ed with at amer for Boston or two. traction of t* eth. There is but one Keeley Institute I defeat of any bid proposed that is inimical to On the Half Shell, Leav.s Rock land MONDAY, W ED N ESD A Y 93 MAIN NT., BELFAST, ME The belief that the British ship Taymount things. : : : and Ft* I DAY, Tillson’* Wharf, at 6.80 a. m , for authorized by ns to do business as such the interests of our fisheries.— Fishing Gazette. In a S te w , Portland, making way lanninga a* abuve, arriving Real Kbtatk. Monet to Loan has been lost at sea is strengthened by the in the state of Maine and that one is In searon to con ret with Button and New York CIDER PRESSES and many articles for the ns* fact that she was not sighted by any one of located at Portland, under the manage­ Thu Kush For Klondike. Fried or Soalloped. of Farmer* steumei* same night. GEO. H. TALBOT, the twenty odd deep-water vessels which have Connections made at Rockland the following ment of J. D. Lovett. His pln siciuus Word again comes from Dawson City of The rocm at cur command I* too limited to moruinw with steamer* for Belfast a*tine, Buck*, arrived at San Francisco within the last three are especially instructed at Dwight, enumerate ull that we could mention, but we will port and Bangor; Isletburo, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, days. great suffering and privation in the Klondike gladly show you arouud If you call at our store. Brook in, Bluehlll and Ellsworth; Vlnalhaven, Fire Insurance Agency, III., by Dr. Keeley, in I he correct ad- gold revion, and the probabilities are that A decision has been handed down by the Green's Landing, -w an’s laurad, So. W est Harbor, ministraiicn of the Keeley treatment those Maine men who left comfortable chim ­ North East Harbor and Bar (lurbor The .on'y agency representing the dividend United Stales Couit of appeals, at St Louis, Our Oysters are tbe Very Best paying oompaules. for the cure of alcoholic inebriety and ney corners and firesides for tbe dangers < f Time table subject to change to the effect that a white person adopted into and our customers are always Adams Block, C a m d e n , M e drug using. Cbilcoot Pass are wishing that they bad put one of the civilized tiibes of Indians can not sa'lslied. . . , All Keeley remedies are manufac­ their trust in the good old P i*e Tree state un Chas. T. Spear be restored to American citizenship by the til the winter had gone. United States court. tured by us at Dwight, III., and can Dr. T. E. Tibbetts, 1101 he purchased for u«ein the state of Next spring, however, there w ill doubtless GRAIN MERCHANT BOSTON DENTIST. W ork has been commenced on two large Maine except by the Keeley Institute he a gram! rush. A prominent railway effi iron transports at Roche’s shipyard, ordered at Portland, hence, the genuine Keele) cial says that present indications in the east Rockland, • Maine. Oor Main and W inter ate., Bookland, by the Yukon Company. They w ill ply be­ are favorab'e for a large number ot gold hunt­ tween Seattle and St. Michael’s and will treatment is administered only hv said Lee’s Restaurant, IMERS Institute within said state, all claims to ers to the Klondike next year which w ill be­ JAMES WIGHT, carry 1000 passengers and 3000 tons of gin in February. There are good indication* height. They will make the liip of 2700 the contrary being mude with intent to LIMER0CK STREET Park Place, ROCKLAND, MB. *f a fairly large emigrant travel next year to 3 a.sTonizs.. miles in eight days. deceive. the northwest. Information of the large The fao- limila ^BAOTIOAL OAB AND BTBAM T he Lksi.ik E. Keeley Co. crops the past season has reached the east and JOHN A. LEE, Proprietor r 'I T T K B , A dispatch fr<»m Chattanooga, Tenn , says llgxir.uro (Mgued) Curtis J.thidd, will result in some movement among the agri­ viippi I>ui jr Service Sundujg Exempted that (be Cross Mountain coal mine owners at A id dealer to Pipe and Steam Fittings, Rut be) Jelico, Tenn., are putting in electrical ap 188tf (seal) Secv. and Treas. cultural class. T n s NEW AND PALATIAL STEAMKKH Packing, Hemp Packing, Cotton W aste, and a zjjda pertaining to G ab and Stbab Fittinob. paraius for mining coal, and have notified Steam and Hot Water House Healing. (heir men ihat th y will be paid onlv half the A Brewer boy came near paying dearly for BAY STATU AMI PORTLAND Agent for BLAKE & KNOWLBB STEAM PUMI burner price for mining. A general strike will bis whittle. One evening while driving th* alternately have F hanklin WhaKP, Portland, follow. inmates of the house annuit frantic with hi* every evenh g Ml 7 o'c ock, arriving in m«iod for Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Go. Sir Henry Keppel, Admiral of the British cunm < Hour with earliest lrau t ut » a ro and 2 p ro neiurnlng will GOODS AT 1 he Secretary of the Treasury has issued a castor oil and sent to b*,d. A ll night long ke lr*v. Tl omasion lor \A siren at 11 a. in and 6 00 p circular to employes to the effect that clerks slept peacefully, breathing easily and whistled IIVER m , eirep i Saturdays CENTHNER’S receiving a sta'ed salary who do not pay their continually, making life miserable for bi* SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMLNT, JUNE 30, 1897. St to duys wbileuve Warren at 7-46 a. w 12 46 p i PILLS m ami 5 46 p ro. W li leave Thuroaaiou at 11 a ro., THE JEWELER. ______. del is that are contracted for the necessary sleep-male. The next day, however, a doc­ Aeeptu ...... $97,960 02ft 78 4 and 11 p. ro. support of themselves and families, without tor was consulted and the whistling was SUNDAYS g Labilities...... 76 695,218 92 stopped. Tne boy has a new whistle now, Leatr Wairen at 5 46 a ro and 8 46 p .m . Leave Merwn Ap Rice, presenting satisfactory reasons therefor, will but it i i attached to a stout string. Tht-ntasion at i] a. m and 6 p m ITTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAK pe dismissed from the department. Surplus...... 121,861,778 86 Al» otders to be lefi at Geo N ew b ri’s store at W hile demolishing an old bouse at Yar- Warren and the waiting station for electrics a 407 M ain Street, Tbooa.uo To J. 11 frKYlfch.irop. mouibport, Mass, the workmen discovered The unusual occurred at Bowdoinham Income, 6 months, 1897...... 9.194.920 20 P. O. Bo» 10JI. R(K'k 1 AND. NAJNl a huge lieebive between the walls, there recently. Three wayfarers accepted work SICK HEADACHE Disbursements, 6 muiiibs, 1897 ...... 4.714,072 M Georges Valley Railroad. were myriads of bees, and the workmen discharging fertilizer stock at K endall’s d >ck Positively cured b y these DR. A. W. TAYLOR and by night time are anything hut sweet L aaw Union ai 7 :60 a. ro., 1.20 and 8.16 p. ro. were faced to retreat. One whole side t f Little Pills. Excess Income over Disbursements.. .8 4,480347 6b Arrive at Union I0A0 a m , 2 80 and 6.16 p. ro. Z5EJKTTIST. the building is solidly packed with honey, and scented specimens of the genus hobo. They Connect at Warren Junction with Maine Central OPKKATIVK Ik MECHANICAL DENTWTKY it is expected that hundreds of pounds w ill be were put to bed io the village basilic and T h e y also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Six Months’ Progress train*.___ soon were sleeping the sleep that rewards Indigestion and Too Hearty Ealing. A per- Crown and Brldgework. taken out. Increase in Assets...... $ 6.310,065 62 A J . Ru sk in * E d v a h d A Butler Uold Mod Vulcanite 1-l.te. full or partial. Last week the suburban islands and out­ honest toil if nothing else does. Soon a fcet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, D row si­ tramp came along and applied for lodging. Increase in Surplus...... A, 1 86.).709 12 Opposite Thorndike Hotel. ttncklano lying portions of St. Petersburg, Russia, were ness, Dad Taste in the M outh, Coated Tongue A. J. ERSKINE & CO., H e was put in beside the fertilized somno­ lneroase iu Insurance in force...... 14,416,681 00 FIB 15 INbUKANCR AGE NIB flooded. A fierce wind from the sea drove lent! but no sooner had the key been turned I ’ain in the Side, T O R P ID L IV E R . They <17 Main Btraat, • - Rockland, Main bOWAHu K. GOULD, the waters of the Neva up the stream. At Dividends in ibis Company are unequaled. ‘ on him than be«pleaded to be released and Regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable. Office, rear room over Rockland Nat') Bank. frequent intervals cauoon were fired at the Dividends regulate ihe cost of insurance. COUNSELLOR AT LAW when let out struck across the country under Leading American and English Fue luauranor fortress to keep the ianabitaots alert. Eighteen 8mall Pill. Small Dose. Gem panics -epreaeoUd. ----- ^ABD --- hundred persons were rendered homeless by lh<* a'arlight murmuring to the night wiud The New ANNUAL DIVIDEND Policy of Ihe Norihwesleru GUARAN­ '1 ravel err’ Accident Insurasoe Company, of H»r “ Too rank for me.” Small Price. ord, C-odo. ___ Register of Probate. the flm d. TEES Definite and Staled Cash, Loan, Paid-up and Exteuded lusuiaiice OOUBT HOUdE, BOOKLAWI). Spain’s Cuban autonomy scheme embrace* Wiihout u Peer— Wo»lt« Miracle* — values. . 72 Dll ED mob*t m . read. the f< Bowing points: Identity of political Dr. Agnew’s Cure lor the Heart is without a o .a. i&> t cr * 1 .zv. ■ IL CO (M. D., Hxrvud, l« t) IF . V. UAN tiC O M t JU. J), and civil rights; cieatron of a Cuban Cham­ peer. Tnis great remedy relit v be crea'ed •igaatux* C. H. DUflTON, SPECIALIST — Office and Residence heart disease. It is ihe surest and quickrsi 17$ Treuiuut blroel, Boaton, r on. The moibeiland w ill have exclusive 26 M aao m c S treet, Mock land acting formula for heart trouble known »o 8ofid for Pamphlet- j SansuUaiiobt i/t« control of international sfi'ir*, military and medical science and thousands of tiroes has 189 Exchange Street, Bangor, Maine. Special attention given to dlaeaaus of the eve at naval matters, and the organization of tribu­ the hand of the grim de*irover been stayed ear. nals. The Governor General and bis depu­ “j SS s f i s t u l a to 10 A M- by its use. If there is Fslpitrtion, Shortness I to 6 P. M. ties will be ropoos b e to the Cuban Chamber. of B caih, Pam io Left Side, Smothering S*n- ’The receipts from the penny in the slot TJJXTTIJL j O 2 X T L . Y arte/7 P.M. 17 artiou*, don’t delay or you may be counted io gas machines in London arc reaching an the long Art of ib ote who bave gone over to w i.o o Telephone M.g. (.Jithiii*-! 1 'h o lo s $d..OO |><‘»- d o zen _____ immense figure. Every three weeks 5.0**0.000 the great majority, because tbe best remedy pel Dies, weighing icn ions, arc c«

VASHINSTON PINE TREE CONES R a b o iv il l k .— Sanford Jon el met with a aeriom accidtnt last Tuesday wbi e prying op Bath farmer* receive >1.50 and $2 a load a bnilding. The lever slipped and struck for banking bruib. Mr. Jones on the ankle patting it out of The latent im e ii of green corn thus far PLEASE joint and laming it ao badly that he will be reported, wa* eaten at Phillips, Nov. 21. laid op quite a long tim e------Mrs. M . J. At Bangor lumber freight* have recently Shu’tuck has closed her cottage for the advanced to >2 to Boston and >2 50 to New 1 1 1 1 w inter and has engag'd board with Mrs. TRY York, say* the New*. John GHdden at the village------Charles D. Clark, who has been sick nearly two years, is j Five square-rigged vessels in port at one failing—— Charles Fosset of Bristol, who has : •time made the sea captains about the Port­ been visiting at L . B. Turner’s has ’ eturned land wharves reminiscent Sunday. hom e------Mrs Susie Ooliff and son Albert of An auction sale of a poor old horse which Mansfield, Mass, are visiting her parents finally brought $3 50, was a street scene in Mr. and Mrs. Albert Collini------Miss Addte and one of the Maine cities, this week. H o ak, who has been visiting her father at It is a dull day when Maine doesn’t flash Tenant’s H arbor, has returned home------some new mineral or gem disrovety in the Mrs. Joseph Bean spent Thanksgiving with Heaters. eyes of the world. The latest is a black her daughter Mrs. F. L ig h t------Ernest W e ll­ pearl a* large a* a split pea, the product of a ! man spent last week in Augusta Rev. Georgetown clam flat. Mrs. J F . Hazel preached two very able sermons at the Free Baptist ! Tbe three principal villages on Swan's church last Sunday and w ill continu 1 island, Atlantic, Swan’s Island and M inturn, the revival meetings until December 12. A are all building or preparing to build side deep religions interest prevai's. Meetings | walks, much of which is already completed. IOc. ALL every evening except Saturday and all are Police improvements don't get much more ol invited to come. a boom than that anywhere. 25c. 50c. DRUGGISTS. A Farmington man is kicking himself because he sent clear to Philadelphia to buy The Discovery of the Day. good* sold st a bargain and paid postage on A ug. J. Bogel, tbe leading druggist of them only to And that the same articles were Shreveport, L a., says: “ D r. K in g ’s New sold at the same price* in the village of NORTHPORT Discovery ia the only thing that cures my Farmington. It wa* ever .thus. Farmington oough, and it ia the best seller I have.” J. is not alone. John Shaw went to Boston yesterday to be F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., gone an indefinite period------bch. Kiltie The Cape Elizabeth Sentinel get* this hit writes: “ D r. K ing’s N ew Discovery is all GOOD COOKERY Lawry, Capt. Chapman, called a* the cove WASHINGTON s to n e of its esteemed contemporaries: “ A that is claimed for it; It never fails, and is a Saturday from Bangor for Rockland------Three Portland journal makes a 'scoop' with the sure cure for Consumption, Coughs and deer were in R. A. Packard’s barnyard one following important news item: ‘A new Life Insurance Company. Colds. I cannot say enough for ita merits.” day last week------M ilk paih and dish cloths linoleum carpet ,ba* been laid in Auditor Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, seem to be the weapons used to subdue un Sanborn’a < ffice.’ Let no more be said about Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It rulv persons in tbe east part of the town------the country paper announcing the painting of has been tried for a quarter of a century, and W hat might hove been n disastrous fire was the west side of Bill Smith’s hen pen.” today stands at the head. It never disap­ A permanent, original and copyrighted feature. Please send any suggestions discoverer! at the Northport campground points. Free trial b o ttlft at W . I I . Kittredge’s or recipes to our special editor, addressed According to all accounts D. E. McCann stable by the workmen on the waterworks *»ne Drug Store. GOOD COOKERY, of South Portland roust have dined Thursday morning last week and was by them ex’in (fl a bigger turkey than any other man in guished. Some person or person had filled a Dorchester, Mate, Maine. A friend of his gave a dealer an box with ragn nnd set it on fire. There are LIBERTY (Oopyright). order to procure for M r. McCann the biggest strong cuspicion* of some boys that live not E a s t L ib e r t y .— Elbiidge I I . Davis has re­ RICE OMELET. turkey in Boston, and the dealer carried out lar away------Mrs. A. W. Hanson was called to turned home------Mr and Mrs. Joel Jack My D e a r Kate:— the order literally, leaving at M r. McCann’s Take a cup of cold boiled rice, turn Belfast by the illness of her brother Charles son, who have been visiting in Pittsfield, have I promised you some prescriptions for house a bird that weighed 32.L4 pounds after Marshall,who in in n very precarious condition ever it a cup of warm milk, and ndd a returned home------Geo. Daggett is working the first meal of the day, and my first In l being dressed. ------Capt. C E. Drink water went to Bangor tablespoonful of melted butter, a level for his father, Allen Daggett, in Morrill------this—a cheery manner and a kindly Thursday------The people at the Christian En teaspoonful of salt and a dash of pepper. A man who would a wooing go stirred up Mrs. Ada Newhall is staying a few weeks smile; these will do much toward a no end of excitement in Topsham, last week. deavor had quite a fright Sunday evening Mix well and add three well beaten eggs /—\—I with Mrs. O. W. Newhall------Mis. R. F. happy day. > ntv you know I believe In Not wishing to be seen by the lady’s family, when newn was brought that two lit le girls, Put a tablespoonful of butter In a hot Howes and son Herbert Bowler passed the first meal being an appetttlsing and be went up to the window to signal to her. daughters ol Mr.Nealy,were lost in the woods. 1 frying pan and when it boils peur In the Thanksgiving with relatives in Palermo------nutritious one, and I send you a list of But, ala* I he aroused the rest of the house- The men ami boys far and near turned out in ( omelet and set the pan in a hot oven. Ernes’ and Rosa Davis have re'urned from j proper dishes for every day In the week. h< Id, who took him for a burglar and gave search o l them. A l'er searching lor a while « As soon as It Is cooked through, Washington / 5 j in 1894-5- K e n t’s H ill where they have been attending They are all easily prepared and inex­ chase. Furthermore he was caught and they were found ot a neighbor’s. fold It double, turn it out on a hot dish school------M r. and Mrs. W m . Pottle •’pent pensive. rather roughly bandied, one man even Thanksgiving wi>h M r. and Mrs. N . D. Qaigg Monday—Peaches, oatmeal, with sugar >nd serve at once. threatening to shoot him. — Jam j s Levett, who has been at work in WARREN Brd cream, broiled chops, fried sweet One of the agents of a Chicago beef con­ M«is»a' husetts for the past year, is at home on APPLE DUMPLING. potatoes, radishes, rolls and coffee. cern is reported to have recently said to an H ig h l a n d .— Mrs. l i a-. Spear is quite ill a short visit. Mrs. Emma P. Ewing. Tuesday—Plums, farina with sugar Eastport merchant: “Our company has in­ this winter------Hanson Floras is recovering Sift together two and a half cups of r.nd cream, broiled liver and bacon, tended erecting a cold storage in your city from his recent sickness------Elder Charles flour and two teaspoonfuls Cleveland’s ’ . 1 creamed potatoes, rice cakes and coffee. for more than a year, but now that the W. C. Morse of Gnuldshcro preached ot Ihe hall lant baking powder. Add a cup of sweet milk Wednesday—Pears, cracked wheat R. R. is a sure go, I can assure you tbe build­ Sunday evening------Mrs. Alice Butler of ,‘ U X T CASTORIA with sugar and cream, dried beef and a tablespoonful of melted butter. ing will be put up early in the spring along Gloucester, Mass., who spent thenummer with creamed, potato puffs, omelet, cornmeal Stir into a batter. Half fill a buttered the track.” Everything good is coining to her mother Mrs. B. Carr* 1, has returned home baking dish with quarters of pared sour ------Jennie Godfr* y ol Spruce Head, who 3 ; | X C For Infants and Children. cake and coffee. * the downcast towns and citiea aa soon as the Thursday—Grapes, oatmeal mush with apples. Pour the hatter over them and railroad is done. has been the guest of Mis. B. J. Dow, has re­ bake three-quarters of an hour, or until turned home---- John Cates, Lyman Randal sugar and cream, veal croquettes, During the last trip of the Kennebec to nicely browned. Serve with a h a rd or and Silas Watts went to Rockland last Friday hashed and browned potatoes, Johnny Boston, a dove flew aboard just < ff Cape •oft sauce. to go on a “ down east” gunning trip, but as 1 1 a ? cake and coffee. Elizabeth. I t Boon became frightened and the boat didn’t go they returned home------i Friday—Granges, hominy with sugar flew < fl only to be met by a flock of sea gulls Packard Bros, have purchased a wood lot ol and cream, broiled mackerel, scrambled WHEAT FRITTERS. which drove the trembling bird back to the Duncon htarrett and will toon have choppers eggs, broiled potatoes, waffles and cof­ Take three egga, one and one-half cups steamer. Thia was repested at intervals chopping to keep their chops chopping------fee. of milk, three teaspoonfuls of baking until evening when the dove decided that a A buck, doe and fawn were seen near Pack Saturday—Bananas, hasty pudding, powder, salt, and flour enough to make prison wa* preferable to a continual light for ard'a m ill last week. One of the men chased w ith cream, codfish in cream, baked po­ It, stiff, thicker than batter cakes. Drop existence. So the tired bird crawled under a them but didn’t get near enough to put salt j Into laid and fry like doughnuts. lifeboat— an appropriate beith— and tucked tatoes, radishes, graham gems and cof­ on their tails------Miss Delia Keating, at the Sauce for above—One cup of sugar, its head under its wing and quietly waited fee. close of the term of school in this place, gave two tablespoonfuls of butter and one j X T Sunday—Grapes, wheat germ, with till the Kennebec reached Boston. Then it each of the scholars a nice little present teaspoonful of flour beaten together, watched ita chance and escaped. XX sugar and cream, baked beans, brown which didn’t lessen their esteem of their half a cup of boiling water; flavor with bread, codfish balls, pickles, mufflns and • Greenwood Fields of Auburn is interested teacher in the least------B. J Dow has pur lemon and boll until clear. This may be ch o co late. in a new scheme for extracting gold from chased another wood lot. H e will soon be varied by serving with maple syrup. Among the useful as well as ornamen­ salt water by means of quicksilver, and be­ monarch of all he suiveys and we Highland tal English dishes that appeal to the lieves Ihat it can be done. H e ha* in mind ers w ill bave to move out. Our place is for XX? XX American housekeeper’s heart are the BEEF PATTIES. the openir g of a plant near Brunswick and sale. “mince” or hash dishes, which are Chop fine some cold roast beef or ten­ Ilarpsw ell. The scheme is to flow salt water equally good for serving oatmeal. The der bite of broiled steak; beat two eggs over beds of quicksilver, and thus extract the new dish is of silver, supported by four and mix with the meat; add allttle milk, gold from the w attr. Provided it can be SMITHTON well turned legs. Underneath the cov­ melted butter and a teaspoonful of Bell’s done and there is golo enough in the water Lorin Stewort was in town Sunday------1 Spiced Seasoning. Serve on a platter where it plays back a id forth in the tides ered service dish is a hot water pan, C B. 11 ustuu and Geo Choate are here thresh- X kept to the proper temperature by hji a l­ with a garnish of parsley. over beaches where there is gold, it will ing------F. N. Sylvester is laid up with a cohol lamp. One will find a dish of this prove a cheap way of mining, and would be lame back and llaxis* n Overlock with a sort a boon and in it one can serve morn CORN MEAL PUFFS. fully as comfortable as K londiking in this lame hand------Severs*'? are hick with gevrie Afmrt Ihat h»a be-n by every psraon things than hash. Into one quart of boiling milk stir weather, he thinks. colds, your bumble scribe being one of the who has used one. Our apace will not ullow ua to Now the mere mention of “hash” will eight tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar A Caribou woman had a “cleaning up number D. T. Dow thinks of going describe It. We have one In our store. Cornu In and a teaspoenful of nutmeg. Let the away this week to be gone all winter, tl In XX and see It. bring a look of contempt to some faces, spasm” the other day and you know that in but I have eaten the pleblan dish m any. whole boll flve minutes, stirring con­ the face ol an attack like this the proudest can get w o ik------Mr. and Mrs Ihoma- Jonathan Crockett, I times and Liked it. Care should be taken stantly to prevent Its adhering to the poaaession* of the members of the household Carr spent Thanksgiving with their dnugh'er to have all the hard or dried bits o f m eat sauce pan. Then remove It from the Are are not safe. This time she happen* tl to and husband M r. and Mrs. D xter Turner MAIN ST., ROCKLAND. put to one side, and only the soft parts and when cool stir in six eggs, beaten as find a bag con’ainirg something similar in ------Mrs. J as. Pevs, who has been sick and used; then chop the potato and meat light as possible; mix well and pour the appearance to fl >ur. Knowing that it could confined to her bed a large part of the time Goods are the Best evenly, add a little cold boiled beet, a bit mixture into buttered teacups—nearly not be flour she concluded to get rid of it and for a year or more, s making rapid strides of onion and fry a good brown, letting filling them. Bake in a moderate oven poured it down the sink spout and turned the toward complete recovery. Mrs Pl va for tbe past two or three month* I a* been taking a Prices are the Lowest it form a crust; turn out on a platter half an hour and serve with sauce. water on. She toon began to realize, l»y the medicine prepared by Dr. I . A. SI* cum, 1 b* like an omelet, garnish with parsley, or thickening ol the substance, that it was Variety the Largest throat and lung scientist of New York, an* or else serve it from the mirce dish. If EGG RELISH. plaster t f paris and there wa* a hustling lor hot water ar c! a long wire. Quick work her gain in htabh has been great. This is hash only masqueraded In America un­ (Miss Wister.) proved effective and soon all danger of plug no “ puff” for a patent medicine but are ph as der an assumed name It would he more One cupful bread crumbs, one cupful L B. BRACKETT, Mang’r for Maine: E. J. BRACKETT, Asst. Maog’r. MEATS, ging up Ihe pipe was over and the woman ant facts to Mrs. Peva and her family and a OFFICE ISO MIDDLE BTREKT, PORTLAND. MAINE. * generally liked. The fruit for the break­ cream, flve eggs. When the cream has breathed easier. But the stuff w ill never be laige circle of friends------The boys tba’ fast table should be cool and perfect, as been absorbed by the bread crumb** and allowed to fool her again. have been attending school at Pittsheld aud PO VISIONS | indeed it should be for all meals. Melons the eggs well beaten, with pepper, salt, Castine have get h* me. are utterly Insipid if not properly and a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, Kennebec Journal: A young lady recently G O C E IE S , chilled; berries should be kept In the fry In Cottolene as an omelet. went Into one ol Ba'h's grocery stores and NOTICE: ice chest until the last moment; pears ir quired if tl ey had any nice mo'asses cookies. CUSHING and peaches become soft and tasteless If JOHNNY CAKE. On receiving a reply in the sffvmalive she H a t h o m n ’s Po in t — Frank Hupper of ------AND ------kept in a warm place, and grapes wilt said she would t a ^ a d< zen. The grocer BELDING BROS. & Co.. Take two-thlrds of a teaspoonful of took the cookies out and put them in a puper Friennatnp is slopping at W m. Carter’s------ro JAS. S. KIRK & CO., a n d d ry- •oda, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, one bag, but what was his surprise to bear her Cora E. Wing rtlurntd from Charlestown, S1U Manufacturers, W hatever cereafl dish you serve have teaspoonful of cream of tarter, one egg. Soap Manufacturer*. General Household Supplies. say: “I gutss I won’t take thrm now y< u Mass., Sunday, where she has been vbim g it hot and properly cooked. I know of one cup of sweet milk, six teaspnnnfuls nothing so disagreeable In taste and ap- | have handled them.” Fastidious people relatives and friends----- Fu*ness Seavey ba- Mesa. Jaa. S. Kirk Je Co., of Indian meal, three tablespoonfu’s of should turn their baiks st such a critical te'urned from Malden, Mass., after a two pearance as pasty oatmeal, unless It bt flour and a little salt. This will make a time. Then the co* kies u< uld seem a* clean we< ks virit with relaiives------Mr. and Mr* Chicago, /tu. G e n t l e m e n :— McInnis & McHamaa, poor coffee. thin batter. Bake eveniy and he sure a* ihe molasses that goes into them. I Irving Harrington and family Ed. Lthbv went Around the fish served for breakfast that the oven Is hot when you are ready Wa liuvn kIvcii your“WhltoCloud1’ .oapu tlioruugb Cot. Main & Myrtle St!.. Rockiard won’t do to let ihe imagination dwell on such to Thon.asion Sunday. Mr. Harrington wern put a few sprigs of parsley, not so much I to put In the cake as Johnny cake never things in this age when so much of what we to Bath Monday morning where he is to ha* e tost in washing pieces of linen embroidered with our “N hw PriH-i.M.” Wash Embroidery Hllka unit llnd It for taste as for appetitizlng appearance falls to he a success If the oven Is care­ eat most be handled by others, some of whom empl* ym rnt in the sail I* ft------Miss Flora L. entirely Natlsfuetory. We take pleasure In recoin- Really much of the enjoyment of a mea> fully looked after. are not inclined loeonduct the pnfoim ance ac­ Gr* ves was home la**t bund, y ------Mr-. wending It u# u euperlor article for laundering lino THE NESTOR OF THE MAGAZINES Is due to the looks of the food. A poor cording to ibe latest approved dictates of the Cyrus Groves is at Friendship for a L w wetk» euibruidery. appetite may be coaxed Into good be­ “SCALLOPED” POTATOES. germ theory. ------Miss Blanche G tycr is in Friendship foi Y outh truly, havior by a dainty dish. 1 want you to Prepare in this proportion: Two cups a few days. The Y< uth’s Companion tejls this story of (digued) liEi.niNo H uoh. A. Co. try these breakfast dishes, and som* of mashed potatoes, two tablespoonfuls the Isle Nci I Dow ss a fixe chief; “ When The North American Rtviei day. not a hundred years hence, I will of cream or milk and one of melted but­ M r Dow wa* a ycung man, be wa- chit f *f ST GEORGE Has been in tliw van of American thought send you some hints on acceptable sup­ ter; salt and pepper to taste. Stir tbe po­ the Volunteer Fire Depariment of Portland, Referring to the above, we deem it important to state per dishes. tatoes, butler and cream together, add­ K. B. Fillm ore i, at (he Port Clyde Bazar fo more than tbren-qiiartera of u century, Me. Ilisscrivtty in temperance reform made Yours cullnar ly, ing one raw egg. If the potatoes seem wbb a nice line of winter cloak., .bawl,, that this letter was unsolicited by us. W hite Cloud ranking al^ay* with tbe beat and most in­ him unpopular with the liquor sellers and COMFORT JONES. too moist beat in a few flne breud mackinloabea, boy. suit., etc., purchaaed from fluential periodioalti in the world. they tried Io get him removed. A» a hearing D o c to r o f C o okery. crumbs. Bake In a hot oven for ten min­ 'he well known fiirnol builtr dtCcbb, Ruck Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as It ia t*e mouth-piece of ihe tueu who m the matter, one witness lesnfnd (bat Mr. utes, taking care to have the top a rich land. kn o w ruoNt ab >ut tbe great to by tho recognized authorities on both sides Brown in the oven. When done put a being dried. When soft and the water and told me Io clear out.’ ‘W hat ehe?' 'H e close to the bladder and f >r that reason any Largest soap manufacturers In the world. trust therefore read the North American knife under them and slip on to the plat­ has become hot (not boiling) take It off. took it into the fiie himself.’ A t that point distress, disease or inconvenience msmfesitd Review, the Nestor of the magazines. ter. Garnish with parsley and serve pour off the w ater, and pour on a cup of tbe case against tbe Chief broke down.” in (be kidneys, hack, bladder or urinary pas­ l | l l | J T C n UNEMPLOYED YOUNQ MEN. wbooo education baa boon immediately. cream; a pinch of pepper comes next, This tntg tzln« has lor mors ihiu eighty years, , F< llow irg the P >rtl*nd agitation over tbe sage ia often, by mistake, attributed to femah u N I ► II HiiLbIii-iI In Public SehoolH, Aradtjiiilea aud CollegeeL and then let it corne to a boll. Thicken wltblu h» d -li i d li'i<-e, atoo'l lha bead wf Gaiety theatre, which, by the way, is reported wesknea* or w* ml) trouble of amue sort. ■ H to writer for publication, explaining our oouroud of SNOW PYRAMIDS. with a tablespoonful of flour wet up in a moutbly pub lcailo - C ricazo lt«cor>l. a* having been sold by Alderman Rounds, The trio r is easily made and may be a» • • btudv. Bookkeeping, Banking, Penmanship, Stenography, Type­ Tbe H«*vl<-w iu»y well be proud of he e'vhly- , Beat to a stiff froth the whites of half Little milk. to s< me person whose name ,was not given, easily avoided by setting urine aside for two >s>re, f r uul> It tuuy bu aulu of it ihat •• a- a dozen eggs, add a small teacupful of writing, Telegraphy and Preparatory De|zartrueuts. If you want a oaoo v wither tlm- rial ha lo'lnl's verlrl) currant Jelly, and whip all together Rev. E. P. Woodward preached a sermon, twenty four h>ur«; a sediment or settling 1* position und aru willing to study, send rive two-cent stamps for ttvuensy leaaotM evidence that your kidotys and bladder need Form ate >s the cue who li]led 1‘lmuztic Shurthaml io upon th*- wo »-l >b uga furoien d hv (h b-»*t dlu'ary doctoring If y* u have psiu dull aching have guests, half full of cream, dropping lately uiincsted on a round ol Portland’s or oaUrors lu tbe world - Or aud Rapid- Duiuocrat. in the back, pas* water too frequerr ly, or la the center of each saucer a table- bar rooms. Judging from bis reports, be If any ou»* hums- In tatwazi u literature elnnde | found no difficulty in finding a chance to get scanty supph, with smarting or burning— N e w Y ork for wht< la iuib u th I uann< ia ibe spoonful of the beaten eggs and jelly in . these arc al-o convincing proof* ot kidnty Am<’ilc*t" K« vl w wbiffb h»r mor thuuHghiy y e n s the shape of a pyramid. A very pretty, a drink, though, bom diligent ii qui>y, he be s b te r»-m *|*mmJ at ibe be mJ oi ihe moulbly p> rl^dlcala. c< me to 'he condusi* n that t' e county atior trouble. If you have doc'O'ed without ben as well as a very tasty dish. t h e B u s in e s s —Boa ou I'o4 rey and judges of the courts would really like tfit, try Dr. Ki'mei’s Swamp Root, the great The l<*-v|. w la til ed each mo'ilb with arih'he j kidney icmeriy. The mild and extra* rdinaty w b 'h -buu> 1 b** read h every true enixeu — Odd- , CREAM WAFFLES. j io are a rigid enforcement *>f the liquor law. M r. W ordward also hnds guile even arm ng * ff.ct will surprise you. It s'snds the bights' fellow* uevl w. tit P ul. Take one p nt of sour cream, two eggs,. The Original and Only I n s titu te so-called hmperancc pe< pie, and reports for i>s wonderful cures, if you take a medi The lt<-view b is done more for the b>*'iur a use one pint of flour, one tablespQonful of; 81 E. I26tk St.. Near York. of rt u^t-r-ill >o any ;her pobhcatl »n of till* kJud f t F I I Spiced bring told by one viciualler that when fore < ine you should take the best. At dtuggi*i> cornmeal, one teaspoonful of soda and D E L L 3 Seasoning iu tho couulry — i urlatiau Advouatu. tit. Louie. ’* sw ed by ibe owner < f his building not to fifty e m it and one dollar. You may have a The matt celebrated Praclical 8chools in America. We train for practical work half a teaspoonful of salt. Beat theeggs, Hue been tbe Sta n d a r d engage in tbe 1 qu<»r bu«'ne»», he replied: sample bottle and pamphlet, lx oh sejjt fie* and .obtain salaried positions tor all worthy idualcs ot our Busiuent and separately, mix the cream with the F l a v o k j-su lor u gooeru- tiou. Grocer# awl market “ N ‘‘, 1 won’t sell rum unless I am compelled by il. Meution ihe C« urirr-Grzel’r and tibortbuud Court olfe 00 Cents a Numbet;. S3 a year. beaten yolks, stir in the flour, cornmeal men a 'I veil it. Prepared ! lo in order get a lining.’’ Whereupon ibe sn, N . Y. The proprietors o f d promiu* nt patrnru cv**rvwU«re. titudeuts «sier AwSlOJt. beaten to a stiff froth. I man is a well-known temperance advocate, unv um c. N ovucuU oua. Afxpcutteu modtrwtu. J U u i t r o o d AddroiM | ku/xri. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, N. V. I tbe speaker added. O rdw ay's PIamuhw C u rt WaaJc BacM. cxKMifjrr c. a a imm, v. r. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1897.

WARREN THOMASTON CAMDEN I-ewiston Sun: Mrs. Annie A. Kris’, wife D r. G . E. Oonld, who has been practicing A birthday party was given in tbe Baptist SPECIAL SALE of George Keist died very suddenly Sunday medicine here about four years, has trans­ vestry last evening, at which there war a night at her sister’s, Mrs. Haley I’uisifer of ferred hil practice to Dr. F. W . Morse of So. large attendance. Q uite a rubstantial rum SOME LEADERS. Aubnrn, where the was visiting. Mrs. Keist Carthage, M e., and w ill soon leave for New was netted which goes to help pay for Sun­ Of COLLARS, CUFFS AND NECKWEAR. Mexico where he expects to locate. Dr. Morse was 43 years old and wts loved and respected day music. by a large host of friends. The funeral took was formerly bouse rurgeon of the Maine Henry Evans returned to Bowdoin college place Dec. iat at 10 a. m. in Warren. General Hospital. He is well recommended, Monday— Miss Mabel Barstow hat returned 15 Cent Collars. 10 Cents. and w ill doubtless prove a valuable addition A . T . Jeanneas o f Cambridge, Mass., was in to Exeter, N . IL , where she has a position as OUR S7.OO FRIEZE ULSTERS to the medical fraternity. town Monday------Adam Stores ol North teacher in Robinson academy. 25 Cent Cuffs, 17 Cents. Frank E. Carr has resigned his position Waldoboro visited his sister Mrs. M argate’ M ist Edith B. K night returned to Portland OUR S5.5O ALL WOOL SUITS Montgomery last week. with the Ticonic National Hank of Waterville Tuesday where she is attending Miss N orton’s 25 Cent Ties, 19 Cents. W. F. Wight and wife were in Union Sat­ and accepted a position with the Rockland kindergarten— John N olan is now employed OUR 39c FLEECED UNDERWEAR urday and Sunday. National Bank of Rockland. Mr. and Mrs. at the Bangor Exchange— Sherman Perry bat FOR TWO DAYS-FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Carr will reside in Thomaston. They are teturned to Colby— William Griffin hat gone L . C. Mathews and Ellis Stahl of Georges favorites in society and Thomaston people are OUR $1.00 SOYS’ SWEATERS to Boston on a visit. R ivet Lodge K . of P. and Alton Spear ot St. jyH R E E TICKETS Given with $5 Cash Purchase to Polo Games. pleased to have them make their home here. George lodge of Masons accompanied the re­ E. D . Crockett has purchased tbe bowling A pair of Steel Club Skates with every Boy’s Short mains ol W . H . W hitney to Solon, Monday. Mrs. A . A . L im c o lt, who has spent the alley and w ill move it to Washington street. ALRRED MURRAY, 446 Main St- summer and fall in town, left for her home in It w ill be used for bowling, billiards and pool. Pant Suit. Your money back for the asking. A . W . Fowles and wife, W . C. W altz, C. B. Chicago Tuesday------Dr. Gordan of Portland Bowling might be made to pay in Camden and Jones, E. F. Gorden.W .G.Robinson and C .H . was in town Tuesday night and left for Ban- no doubt it will under M r. Crockett’s manage­ Blackington spent this week in Boston. HOPE THE RETAIL MARKET got Wednesday------Frank H ills has had ment, who will devote his whole time to tbe J.H.Payson went to Gardiner Tuesday with Burton Quinn and sister, Mis3 Carrie the ice house at Beechivoods made ready for bntiness. the household goods o f Fred Brown. Quinn of W orceiter, M a n ., passed Thanks­ Under this heading The Courier-Gazette storiag a supply o f ice------Mrs. H. B. Shaw H arry H urd died Monday at his home on Harry Moody is in Dover. N. II. giving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. purposes to give current market prices in entertained friends Wednesday at her home J. Q uinn------W ilder W ellman is recovering each of the Saturday issues, treating the local Sea street of consumption. H e was 25 years E .W .H in k le y is visiting relatives in Beverly, on Pine street. from a badly sprained ankle------Miss Delia markets snd those o f Boston. Rockland old and a young man with many friends, who Mass.------A new floor is being laid in tbe fin­ The Ladies’ Circle of the Congregation11 Torrey of East Union is making a short stay figures this week are as follows : deeply sympathize with the parents in their ishing room of the shoe shop------Nat. Allen, church held their regular meeting Wednes­ with friends in this place------M r. and Mrs. affliction. boss spinner at the woolen mill, is off duty B u tte r— O ream ory 27c, country b all 28c, day. The usual supper was served. Frank Conant were in Rockland Friday, M r. and Mrs. Adelbert Salisbury celebrated Main St., Foot Limerock. ONEJT^ICE (L9TJ1IER$. with a touch of the grip------country tub 18 to 20c. The boss dyer at called there by tbe illness of their ton Mer­ Choose—P la in H to 16c, sage Hi to IRo, Miss Lelia M ille r is visiting friends in tbeir crystal wedding anniveraary Monday the woolen m ill has moved his family into the rill Conant. Mrs. Conant has spent some hogshead cheese 12c. Portland------Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stimpson evening, entertaining quite a number of their Crawford tenement. time there during her son’s illness------Mr. Eggs—Cass 26c, co u n try 30c. went to Boston Tuesday------Mrs. Susan friends. M r. and Mrs. Salisbury were the re­ More new houses are to be built next and Mra. A lbert Gushee and two children Beef— Ru m p steak 28c, sirloin 20, chuck Watts went to Waterville Wednesday where cipients of a goodly number of useful and val­ roasts 8c, rib roasts 12 to 18c, veal outlets 12 spring. were tbe gueats of his uncle Joseph Board- ibe will remain for the winter. uable gilts. to 18c, veal steak 18c. WASHINGTON ------A card party at The class o f ’98 were unfortunate in having ROCKPORT Mrs. George W illiam s is able trxhc out man Sunday the home Mutton—Lamb chops 14c. Frank Fuller of U nion was tbe guest this again after her recent illness. of Richard Moody last Tuesday evening was a stormy evening for the appearance of A. Mrs. Enos Pressey and family hove moved John Luce and wife visited Mrs. Martha Poultry—Western turkeys 20c, cltiokeus week of bis sistet Mrs. W illiam Hosmer— A much enjoyed by all present------Arthur liar 15o, ducks l«c, geese 16c, fow l 12c. Lincoln Kirk, the impersonator, at Watts into the L. K. Morse house------Dr. and Mrr. Sherman of Union Thanksgiving------R . R. Be sure and attend the fair in charge of the cottage prayer meeting was held Thursday wood was in Rockland Monday------1’he Sausages 10c, frankforts 13c, bologna 12c. hall, Wednesday. A small audience greeted Ludwig is home from Roslindale, Mass., for Ladies social circle of the Congregational evening at the borne of Henry Cross, Summer H . B. Eaton have returned (tom Swampscot, schools will begin next M onday------.Mia* Potatoes—Iris h 30o peck, Jersey sweets, the entertainer as he was presented by E. M . Moss.------S. L . Barlow is in Gonldsboro on a few weeks------Miss Emma Johnston re­ church to be held Dec. 9-10 in Glover H a ll. street— D r. and Mrs. W . F. Lockwood, who M innie Barrett has returned to her sch iol in 8 lbs for 25c, eastern shoro sweets, 10 lbs O ’Brien esq, The receipts did not cover the business------Rodney Witherspoon has gone turned from Castine Wednesday------A . E. Opening Thursday evening followed next day have been guests of M r. and Mrs. S. G . R it- Tenant’s H arb o r------Miss May Bills visited for 25c. expense to the class. to Brqoksville and Batter Island for a weel Poland and wife were in Belfast Wednesday by a dinner served in lower hall and close A pples 30 to 40c peek. terbush, have gone to Lewiston for a few days her parents M r. and Mrs. S. L. Bills during ------Miss Evelyn Bridges has gone to K e n t’, ------Joseph Bryant and wife and Cyrene Dag­ Friday evening with a unique entertainment. Cranberries 8 to 10c. The managing owners of the scb. C. S. before returning to tbeir home in Boston— the vacation o f her school in Castine— -M rs H ill for a special course of study------W illi, gett and wife were at J. F. Bryant's Thursday Admission to entertainment 15 cents; dinner C elery lOo a bunch, a Glidden, which recently went ashore at Port Oscar Dow of Monroe is tbe guest of M r. and L . P. True and son Elm er visited a few days E. Carleton is doing decorative work in Lynn ------Miss Grace Ludwig it home from Cas­ ticket 15 cents. Flour $5.50 to 0.50 Tampa, Florida, were notified Tuesday that Mrs. A. F. Beverage— Miss Mary M ullen is this week with her sister Mrs. W illis Piper in Corn 75 to 8,'e. ------The weekly meeting ol the Baptist tine where she has been attending tbe state the efforts ol the M erritt W recking Company home from a visit in Boston—Mrs. Mary N o . W a r r e n — Mts. Edison Morey and Oats 37o. normal school------W ill Morse of Friendship Rockport. to float the vessel bad been unsuccessful, and Cleveland has gone to Boston for tbe winter sewing circle was held Wednesday afternoon. daughter have been spending the past week H a y — Pressed $11 to 12, loose $10. W est H o pe.— The families of Jessie H ilt that the schooner had been abandoned. The — Everett Curtis has returned to Technology A fine supper was served in the evening. was in town Friday------George Hall and W. with her m other------Albert Mank came home Straw SO to S il. M . Staples have bought a large herd of cows and George W ellm an attended the funeral vessel had filled with sand and was badly — Mrs. Lizzie Piper Mason ol Somerville is Mrs. B. F. Carleton entertained the Con­ from Portland Friday------There was not a Coal SB to $6.50. ------Will Light has connected the water from of Mrs. Emily Harden of Warren Monday strained. Tbe C. S. Glidden was built at this tbe guest o f M r. and Mrs. George Burd— gregational circle Wednesday afternoon. very large attendance at the sociable last a well near by with his bain. H e now has ------Calvin Taylor is confined to the house place in 1894 by Dunn & Elliot. She regis­ Miss Edna Upton and Miss Lena Elwell ente; Tuesday evening, but a good time was had— M r. and Mrs. R. N . M illett are visiting in as handy and convenient a ham as any in with a severe cold------James Payson now BOSTON PRICES tered 933.84 net tons. She was one of the tbe Castine Normal school next week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malbeus went to Gar­ Bangor for several weeks------Miss Grace town------Frank Poland returned from Cas­ has water running into his house, besides best built and most thoroughly equipped ves­ diner Saturday------Miss Isa Cummings is visit­ In Small Lots o a Quantities Othbb Tbe Soldiers’ Monument Association was Pendleton, who has been the gnest o f Mts. tine Wednesday------1. W . Johnstone was in making other improvements on his place------sels belonging to this port. H e r master was ing at her sister’s in Rockland------Ed M ank THAN Bill WHOLESALE ORDERS. entertained WeanesJay evening by Mra. E. W. Pendleton, has returned to her home Belfast Wednesday------W hen S. S. Bartlett Through the kindness of Smith Maxey of Capt. James Fales of Boston. The Glidden and mother was at Llewellyn M ank’s Sunday Flour—Wlnlerolear Michigan.New York, Erastus Wilson. in U nity------H . J. Tibbetts went to Boston went into his barn one morning recently he West Rockport Mrs. Theora Gould has re­ cost about $50,000 and in the three years she — Geo. Libby has finished his work at Aden Ohio. Indatia Illinois and St. Louis M r. and Mrs. W . P. Hcald of Searsmont Wednesday------Miss M ary L,yncb is visiting found his scaffold had collapsed with several ceived her lost horse blanket------Miss Emma has been afloat has paid in about $18,000. Feyler’s------Mrs. Isaac Kalloch and son Ofiie 81.25 to 4.50, straights 84.55 to 5, are guests of M r. and Mrs. Josiah Hobbs, in Vinalhaven------D r. and Mrs. H . B. tons of pressed hay, into his hog pen. There Hastings o f So. Hope visited Miss Cora H e r principal owners were Messrs. Dunn & Austin Kalloch and wile spent Thanksgiving patents 85 to 85.45, spring dear Minne­ Mountain street— Mrs. Sarah Haskell left Eaton have moved to Rockland, where the were several hogs in the pen at the time, but Wellman Sunday------Evander Wentworth sota, Wisconsin and Dakota $4.25 to 84 60, E lliot whose loss w ill probably be some at Clifford Counce’s. Wednesday for a visit in Newburyport and Doctor intends to practice------Ralph LaFolley and sister were in Rockland Monday------straights 84 75 to 85.10, patents S5.30 to $20,000, for they bad but small insurance. It all escaped uniojured but one, which had to Cambridge— The town schools closed yester­ has returned to Boston------A meeting of the F. M . Taylor came near losing a valuable 85.70, speoial brands 85 75 to 85.90. is understood that the Boston owners were be killed------N early all the schools in town day— Tbe Thalia club will present “ Clover W . C. T . U . was held yesterday afternoon calf one night las week by its getting hung in C orn— Steam er yellow 37o, steam er insured. The amount realized from the wreck­ commenced Monday Nov. 29------C. II. How­ APPLETON Farm" at the Rockport Opera House Tuesday with Mrs. T. E. Brastow. ard is working for W . W . L ig h t------M r. and the crib. W hen found she was too weak to 36 1.2c. age w ill not likely exceed $2000. May Dunton, Bennie Keller and Clarence Oats— C lipped fauoy 301 2 to 31 l-2 s . No evening, Dec. 14. The sch.Fted A . Emerson, Kim ball, sailed Mrs. W ill Trask have a boy baby. stand and minus one horn------We are glad to Simmons have returned from Castine where 2 white 30 lo 30 l-2c, rejected white 29 1-2 Mrs. M . R . M ills has gone to Newton Thursday with lime for Boston from J. H . wriie that Mrs. Horace Wentwoith was able Center to spend the winter------Mrs. Eliza Tbe Baptist sewing circle was entertained they have been at school------Everett Meser­ to 30c. Eells------Sch. J. W. Hammond, Mitchell,from to be out Thanksgiving day after having met Hay—Fancy 815, prime 814 to $14.50, Mathews went to Cambtidgeport Thursday Wednesday alternoon Ity Mrs. S. E. W ood— vey of Boston University, Boston, spent Tbe Congregational circle was entertained Addison, discharged wood for S E. & H . L PALERMO with a serious accident choice 812 to 813, fa ir to good $11 to 12, ------Mrs. Acorn of Waldoboro, who has Tbanksgiving with his cousins, M r. and Mrs. common 89 to 10, clover m ixed 89 to 11. Wednesday afternoon by the Misses Stetson Shepherd Co. this week. W est Pa l e r m o .— M r. and Mrs. Gustavus been visiting at Mrs. Chas. N ew hall’s, left for Jacob M cLain------Miss Grace Shc-tman is S tra w — Rye 810 to 11, oat 86.50 to 7. home Thursday, — Mrs. F. O. Clark entertained the Rebekah Ed Bobndell has returned from a visit of Brown went to Augusta Monday to attend home from Boston------Mrs. Statria Keene still Y M C A NOTES ' Butter—Creamery, northern extra 211-2 sewing circle Wednesday evening. several weeks in Newton, Mass.------Mrs. J. the funeral of Mrs. F. II. Colby------N . W . Tbe papils o f tbe 7th grade in the gram­ remains quite feeble. Her daughter. Miss to 22o, western e x tra 21 to 211-2 firsts 19 to D . Rust returned Wednesday from a visit in Brown and M y rtie M . Boynton visited Miss Rev. C. A . Moore will address the men’s 4 20c, seconds 10 to 17c, storage Juno e x tra mar school building bad a curio hour W ed­ The George S. Cobb Relief Corps will cele­ Lilia of W altham , Mass., is eating for her------brate tbeir 14th anniversary Thursday evening, Boston------A special meeting of the W . R. Caro Lewis Saturday evening------A singing Miss Annie Stevens is teaching at South o’clock meeting Sunday. The noys* meet­ 20c, d airy e x tra 18 to 19c, tirsts 16 to 17o, nesday afternoon. They brought from their I im itatio n cream ery extra 14 to 16c, firsts 18 Dec. 9. There will be an entertainment fol­ C. will be held Saturday evening. school has been organized at the Palermo M ontville------There was a large attendance ing w ill be led by H I I . Blaisdell. homes many interesting and curious articles Center school house, commencing Monday to 14c. ladle extra 13 to 14o, box creamery lowed by the tale of refreshments. Rev. T. W. Weeks of China, Me. and Rev. at .he Willing Wnrkert meeting Tuesday and Tbe gymnasium clashes are doing well which bad been gathered in many lands. Nov. 30, under the tuition of Prol. Z. S. Par­ extra 22 te 22 l-2 c , dairy 19o, p rin t cream ­ M r.and Mrs. E. A . Jones, who have been A. D. Farnam of Searsmo-t have commenced all seem anxious for tbe work to go on just under tbe management of Alva Staples. Miss Dow succeeded in making the hour ker ot H allo w ell------Miss Lulu Swilt spent ery 22 to 23c, d a iry 19c. guests of M r. and Mrs. J. W . Achorn, have a series of revival meetings at the Advent as when our pastor, Rev. C. E. Harden, was Classes are held on Wednesday and Friday Cheese—New York and Vermont extra profitable in bringing out many geographical Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. facts. As each article was shown tbe pupil, returned to Belfast------Miss Lizzie Pendle­ chapel. Tb e meetings w ill be held as long with us. Tb e circle meets at tbe same place evenings. '.I to 9 l-4c. firsts 8 to 8 l-2c, seconds 6 to7c, as interest in them holds out------The W . R. John M . Turner of Somerville------C. F. part skim 4 to 5c, western tw ins e x tra 8 1-2 who bad brought it, gave a brief statement of ton is visiting in Boston------M r. and Mrs. and supper is served as usual. It is hoped all Said a man the other day: “ 1 thoroughly C. will give an entertainment Friday evening Brown was in town on business recently------to 9c, ’ Hilo flat e x tra 8 1-2 to 8 3-4c, fa ir to i t Many stories relating to Gen. K nox were W . D . Lewis and daughter Miss Jessica have those interested in sustaining preaching in believe in the Young M en’s Christian Associa­ Dec. 17 under the charge of Mrs. C. D . Jones. Miss Lottie M. Turner returned from Castine the place w ill lend their aid----- H. G. Well­ good 7 to 8o, sage 8 to lOo. related. Probably one of the best informed taken rooms at the Bay View for the winter tion because it appeals to all sides of a young Eggs—Suburban and cape fauoy 30 to 32o, Wednesday, Nov. 24, where she has been at­ ington, who has been here the past week, persons in town in K nox lore is Master ------The annual meeting of the Business SIMONTON.— The many friends ol Mr. and man’s nature. I f ja.bletics are an attraction eastern choice fresh 25c, fair to good 17 to tending the normal school------M r. and Mrs. had meetings every night and made fifty-four George Curtis, son of Harrison Curtis. M en’s Association w ill be held Monday Mrs. Geo. Brown extend congratulations and to him be can find them there. I f he is in ­ 20c, Verm ont, aud N ew H am pshire choice S. H . Bowler went to Bethel Monday to visit calls. H e came to this place hy an invita­ Among the articles exhibited were a shark’s evening------George Norwood, who has wish them a long, happy married life------tellectually inclined, a reading room contain­ 'resh 25c, M ichigan seleoted 23 to 24c. their sons, W ilfred and E. C. Bowler. The tion from tbe late pastor who wished his ser­ backbone, the sword of a sword fish, a knit­ been the guest of bis mother Mrs. William Mrs.Robert Thorndike is reported a little bet­ ing the last papers and magazines is always , western choice fresh 20 to 21c, fa ir to good last named is editor o f the Bethel New s------vices in conducting meetings. M r. W elling­ 117 to 18c. refrig erato r 12 te 14. ting needle dug out of the ground in Callao, Norwood, has returned to Boston------Miss ter in health at this w riting------J. G. Annis open to him . In addition to this a very good Schools in Palermo are in session with the ton returned to bis home inIRoxbury, Mass , Beel— Choice heavy 8o, lig h t 7 1.2c, good sample of the shoes won by the men of Inez Bradford of Low ell will spend the was at Joe Simonton’s Sunday------M r. and library is at his disposal. These with the lit­ I heavy 6 1-2 to 7c, lig h t 5 1-2 to 6 l-2o, lrind- following teachers: W. Ridge, Earl Nelson; on Monday------Rev. M r. Norcross, who is Howe, one of the first postage stamps issued winter with her sister Mrs. F. P. Hoffses. Mrs. P. E. M iller of West Rockport visited at erary society are capable of giving good train­ Carr’s Corner, Viola J. Turner; Fay school, canvassing this town for the Maine Bible I quarters choice 10 to 10 l-2c, common to by the U . S. Government, Egyptian clam W. F. Brown's Tuesday------W e think there ing to any man no matter what his previous gund 7 to 9 l-2o, forequarters choice 5 1-2 to Merrick S. Tibbetts; Center, P. G. Brown; Society, preaches at tbe church every Sunday shells, a napkin made of seeds, a sword and must have been at least one enjoyable Thanks­ education may have been. The religious meet­ ti *, common to good 4 to 5c, veal choice 8 to SPRUCE HEAD 1 Nutter school, Blanche E. Boynton; Greely’s morning and evening. sheath, star fish, fans made of grass from the giving dinner in this place, for Master John­ Corner, Preston E. Bovnton; Bowler school, ings are conducted on a non-denominational 9c. fa ir to good 6 1-2 to 7 l-2c. Jake Grant, as be is called m these parts, E l m w o o d .— Robert Keen and family spent M u tto n — E x tra 7c, common to good 5 to west and south coasts of Africa, Japanese nie Marshall was seen wending his way home­ Lottie .M. T u rn er; East Palermo, W . L. basis and men from all churches can come* and bis good wife visited friends here last Thanksgiving with William Hall and wife 6c. yearlings 5 to 7c, spring choice 8 l-2o, fans ol sandal wood, sea fan, sea moss cucum­ ward with a goose over his shoulders, about Boynton------C. R . H atch lias go e to H a rt­ together without friction and worship the God bers, hearts manufactured from glass, dolls week. M r. Grant was landlord of tbe Summit ------Rev. M r. Norcross called on Mrs. Vinal fair to good 6 to 8c. Thanksgiving. ford, Conn., where he has it p isition in the we al! honor. If he has a love for music the Poultry—Turkeys, choice large yonng dressed in the costumes of tbe Roman peas­ House on tbe H ead over twenty years ago Messer last Tuesday------Miss Blanche Butler, retreat for tbe insane. piano stands always ready and with the sing eastern 15 to 16, common to good 12 to 14o, antry, gourds, sea beans, cedar bud from and has only made two visits here since. who has been stopping with relatives and mg at the meetings, chon* rehersals and musi­ western tlry packed choice 13o, western Tennessee, a piece of tbe rock of Gibraltar, L ittle Jabil, that tbe boys of those days will CUSHINB friends in Rnckland, has returned home------cal entertainments he has a chance to improve iced 11c, chickens, choice large 14c, com- a chip from the Washington monument, remember, is a large man now and is engaged Pl ea sa n t Po in t .— Among those who par­ MORRILL Miss M ae Lamson, who has been visiting himself in that pleasing and elevating func >non to good 9 to 12o, fowls, e x tra ohoicu United States three cent scrip, and confed­ in doing tbe thrashing for tbe farmers up took ol* a Thanksgiving dinner at E. S. Orris Vickery and Misses Gracie Simmons relatives in Liberty, returned home last Wed tion.” 11 tu 12c, common lo good 8 to lOo, ducks erate state currency bills, specimen of lava, river. Miss Grant that was, has three grown Stevens Thursday w eie Mrs. W illiam Newbert and Yoradie W eym outh are spending their nesday------Miss Rosilla Mitchell, Mrs. Wes­ 8 to 12c. petrified potatoes, ancient quadrant, a Knox up daughters. It makes us feel old to think and daughter, Mrs. John Dodge of Jefferson, ley Butler and Mrs. Frank Lamson were the J. II. Gardner, formerly of Martinsville, Potatoes—Aroostook hehrons 70 to 75c, vacation at home from Kent’s Hill where bit. w h ile stars 70 to 75o, green m o untain of the little children in M r. Grant's time be* guests of Mrs. V in al Messer Sunday. now of Worcester, Mats. writes to The Cou­ tray, Mexican coin, Italian slippers. So. Capt. Albert Cook and wife and Eugene they attend school------Richard Merrian is at 75 to 90c, western w hite 65 to 75c, P. E . rier-Gazette : “I am io the granite and soft I. American insects, silver ore, etc. The whole ing fathers and mothers now. Grandpa and Cook and wife of Friendship------Mist Nellie borne from Orono, where he has been attend­ <15 to 7Oo, stveet 81.50 to 82.50 hbl. made a unique collection. Grandma Grant are looking fine and tbeir Bartlett of Port Clyde visited her grand­ stone business and a few words regarding ing college------Mrs. Am y Vickery has rented NORTH WALDOBORO Apples—Gravenstein S3 to 4, jonatliaa, many friends here were pleased to take them mother M ts. O rvilla Bartlett last week— — her place to A. B. Hatch and hat moved to affairs here may be of interest to your readers. 8.3 to 4, king 82.50 tu 3.50, Hnow$2 50to by the hand and talk over old times. Hervey Maloney visited bis sister Mrs. W ill Providence, R . I., where she has employment The squirrel bunt didn't materialize Thanks­ The W ebb Granite an I Construction Co., 3 50, pound sweet 82.50 to 3, baldwin $2.7. Fossil Pills.—Tbe demand is proof of giving D ay------Capt. Irven Barbour and aon with which I am employed, has quite a large to 3.25, seconds 81.25 to 1.75, davis 82 50 to their worth— D r. Agnew’s Liver Pills are W illiam Griffin called on friends here M on­ Perkins in W arren last week------R. B. Fill dressmaking------Mra. Rhoda Adams of Whit- more is spending a few days at borne------of Deer Isle spent last week with W . Burn- amount o f work on hand. Among the jobs is 3, greening $2 25 to 3 mixed $1.50 to 2.50. beating out many fossil formulas at a quarter a day. W illie has been to tbe Hub since he man, Mass., is in town visitiug relatives------Samuel Rogers has moved his family to W a r­ heim er------Mr. and Mra. W. R. Waller and a hotel for Boston to cost about £400,000; a box— Tbey’.-e better medicine— Easier d .ses moved from among us but didn’t desire to W illiam Smith has gone to Boston------The ren— The sing at E. S. Stevens’ Thursday daughter Ruby went to Rockland Monday— lire department building for Worcester to cost , and 10 cents a vial. A thousand ailments take up bis abode out of Maine. Grid was Advents will hold the r quarterly convention FATALITY AT GREEN’S LANDING evening was largely attended. Mrs.JobnDodge G. B. Waller ia in Manchcater, N. II., work­ £100,000; two apartment houses for Brook- j may arise from a disordered liver. Keep the mixed up in our pleasures and business trials here beginning Dec. 2d, and will bold over gave some fine selections on the piano. A ll ing for the N ew H om e Sewing Machine Com­ line and several smaller contracts. The liver right and you’ll not have Sick Head­ so much tbe year he was with us that it is not Sunday. There w ill be a school exhibition Amos Robbins, aged 40, employed in the pany. M r. W alter may permanently locate above jobs are mostly s if' stone. About all ache, Biliousness, Nausea, Constipation, and natural not to see him about the stores and enjoyed the occasion. here Friday evening, Dec. 3 Admission to granite quarry of John L . Goss at G reen’s there as he has a very lucrative position------of the cutting on loft stone is done by ma­ Sallow Skin— 20. Sold by W . J. Coakley and streets. W e hope that N et and W ill will cents. The money w ill be expended for Landing, received injuries Monday afternoon Thomas Chester K aler was in Rockland one chinery. Very little hand labor is necessary C. H . Moor & Co. wander back here again when the glass starts Doan's Kidney Pills fur sale by all dealers. necessary articles for schoolrooms------Miss from which he died shortly after. A heavy day last week------Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Burn- to complete the stone for the building. Three in tbe spring. There w ill always be room in Price 50 cents. Mailed hy Foster-Milbnrn Emma March of Belfast spent Tbanksgiving block o f stone was being hoisted out o f the heimer ot Massachusetts are visiting relatives electric overhead traveling cranes, with a the village for you friends. Co., Buffalo, N . Y ., sale agents for the U . S. with her mother Mrs, Lottie Murch. quarry, when one ot the corners to which the in this vicinity------W . I I . Sidelinger was in lifting capacity of 15 tons eacn, are used to SOUTH THOMASTON The Bodwell Granite Company discharged Rememhtr the name Doan’s and take no ••dogs’ ’ were fastened gave way and (lew a Rockland Monday------Mrs. Tibbetts of Au­ convey the stone from one part of the cut­ Mrs W ill W ade, who has been visiting M r. nearly fifty cutters last Monday. We under­ distance of ahout 20 leet, striking Mr. Rob­ substitute. UNION . gusta is tbe guest o f her sister Miss Cassie ting shed to tbe other, nud for unloading and and Mrs. Frank W ade, returned to South stand tne masons stopped setting the stone bins in the head. T h e skull was fractured and So. U n io n — Work commenced in the pants W aller------Mrs. W . I I . Stahl is quite sick------loading cars. T ake it on the whole we are Braintree, Mass., Thursday------John Ingra­ and as the company was ahead of their con­ although M r. Robbins was given prompt sur­ factory this week Bfter a shut down of four As Elntus Shuman was going from the Corner quite busy at present.”— [L e t us hear from ham went to Providence, R. I., last week tract and had quite a pile of cut stone on ALBION gical aid aud everything possible done for months—1— Miss Lizzie Pendleton ot N o. to his home, one night recently, and when you oftener.— Ed. The C.-G.j ------Capt. George Dow of Thomaston is visit­ hand they decided to hang up a few months M c D o n a l d .— I t seems late to speak of him, be died shortly alter. The unfortunate W arren is at work in the mackintosh factory. just passing tbe Grange huiidlng, a large owl ing relatives in tow n------Miss Adelia Butler and give tbe boys a rest. A small crew will Tbanksgiving but we who live so tar from matt leaves » wife aud five children in desti- She boards at Mrs. Burkett's------M r. and pounced upon bis head. M r. Shuman was Put an and to misery. Doan’s Ointment conducted tbe Epworth League meeting Sun­ be kept going throughout the winter------Rockland can not get our items in for Tues­ titute circumstances and sympathy for them Mrs. A . W . Tenney of Stoneham, Mass., spent somewhat dazed but captured the old fellow will cure the worst case of Itching Piles there day evening------Roswell Allen recently Capt. Butman was in here Sunday in his day’s paper. Mrs. M artha C lark and sister goes out from every direction. Thanksgiving week with Mrs. Tenney’s sister, and now has "M in e rv a ’s bird" a captive. M r. ever was, aud do it almu«t iiiitaotly. Years visited bis sister in Rockland------Benjamin steamer picking up lobsters------We received Mrs. Temperance D rake spent the day at Mrs. S. W. Ames, returning Monday morning. Shuman is no “spring chicken” and the owl of suffir'ng relieved in a single night. Gel Ames of Melrose, Mass., was here this week a letter from Montana last week stating that their old home with their brolher and family. Mrs. Tennev has not visited her old home for made a mistake. I ) >an’s O intm ent from your dealer. Ordway’s Plasters Cure Heart Trouble. on business------Mrs. Leroy Allen and child­ it bad been so dry out there (be past season Edwin Robiniou spent tbe day at home with six years------School will commence next Mon­ ren of Colorado are visiting her husband's that tbe gardens were paitiai failures. Too his parents Mr.and Mts. IL G . Robinson,Jona­ day------W illis Luce has built a new hen parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen------Arthur bad we couldn’t knve let them had a few of than Moody were with them, Edwin Moody Consumption Positively Cured. house. Norton is home from Redstone, N. H.____ those big showers of ours------Dan Coaaley and wife with her patents in Whitefield; Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Chiltowie Master John Ed Miller of Vinalhaven recently continues in poor health hut is always ready Mr. aud Mts. James Hussey entertained her “ For three years I suffered from SaltRbeum. V a ., certifies that he had consumption, was to receive old friends and talk over old times visited his grandmother------The Methodist mother Mrs. Mary Batchelor and brother C. It covered my hands to such an extent that I given up to die, sought all medical treatment fair occurred Tuesday afternoon and evening. ------W m. Jackson is on tbe road again and I I . Batchelor of Palermo, also her uncle could not wash them Tw o bottles of Bur­ that money could procure, tried all cough The enter'ainm ent consisted ol selections will resume work in the near future. M r. George Hussey. They all had a fine snow dock Blood Bitters cured me.” Libbie Young, remedies he could hear of, but got no relief; Jackson was obliged to submit to an opera­ spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was PICTURES! rendered by members of the “Miriam Quar­ storm to return home in, but it was of short Pope's M ills, St. Lswrence county, N . V . tet” and also very pleasing recitations by tion for appendicitis several months ago. His duration------School in Ibis district com­ induced to try D r. K in g ’s New Discovery, J. Walter Burpee of Rockland. many frienda are pleased to see him on deck menced Nov. 28 and is taught by Frank Carr aod was cured by use of two bottles. For At the probate office Thursday George E. again------Lottie Elwell, Helen Meservey, of Albion------R . Lee Hussey was home LIBERTY past three years has been attending lo busi­ Luella Maker and Blanche Adams are taking ness, and says D r. King's New Discovery is Mason, insolvent debtor, was examined upon from Waterville Saturday night and Sunday H o s t il e V a l l e v — Miss H attie Kane was lessons in music o f Maggie Godfrey------Mrs. petition of his creditors as to tbe conditions ------Cbailet Brown went io Liberty Sunday the guest o f Miss Jennie W hitaker Sunday— tbe grandest remedy ever made, as it has PICTURES ! Kirkpatrick has a piano just purchased from of relating to previous conveyances of real ------Augustui Runnels of W aterville spent John Richardson was in Waterville recently done so much for him aud also for others in our friend Leach and we expect that Minnie’s -state. M r. Mason’s wife, H attie A . and Sunday in town------Celia Smiley was call- on business------W . L . Boynton is teaching his community. D r. King's New D scovery friends will all call now------Good skating brother, Charles Mason were included in the ing on friends one day last week------Joseph si bool at East Palermo------M rs. Martha Bel- is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds aod Con down here Wednesday morning but the mud examination. Philip Howard apueared for Whittaker of Waterville spent Friday night ai din spent Thanksgiving wilh her parents at sumption. It don’t fail. Trial battles free froze tbe rough side up and the roads are just M r. Mason and C. E. Littlefield'and R. I. James Hussey's------George Moody has North Washington------Myrtie M. Boynton is at W. II. Kittredge's Drug Store. horrid------Quite a number of the ’Keag boys Thompson for the creditors. been spending a few days w ilh his father------visiting friends in W est Palermo------M r. and PICTURES! got tbe bounce from tbe Head in the last dis­ Mrs. Elsie Carter has returned to Winterport. Mrs. W illiam Clark of Bar Harbor visited charge but it will soon be time to punch for friends here and at Level H ill last week------•:1s and tbe boys will not mind it much. Muckiest'* Arutcu Salve. Miss Blanche Boynton is teaching school in JUST RECEIVED! A t a friendly raffle on tbe Head Thanksgiv­ the Nutter district. ing Uncle C. carried away 28 pounds of T h e B est Sa l v e in (lie world fur Cuts, fowl. The folks on the main took a corner Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever NORTH HAVEN Men s Snag Proof Storm hut didn’t get a smell— Good time to cut fire Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, G IVEN A W A Y wood now; no snow, no water, or Hies to Corns and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively Chas. W . Turner has been on a short visit Best King Rubber Boots,pr., bother— Kockweed is in good demand these cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar­ to bis North Haven home. H e was a pleas­ days. They do say it is better than brush, anteed to give perfect sattafaction or money ant caller at The Courier-Gazette office then one has it for dressing io tbe spring to refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Wednesday. M r. Turner has becu teaching In Our At the $ 4 .5 0 in Boston for the past year and has now goue raise turnips on. by W . IL K ittredge. tu Chicago, which be w ill make his beadquar- M en stS n ag Proof Knee b r i, tiaveling through Illinois for tbe sale of Line Ordway’s Plasters Cure Dyspepsia. the school publications of Silver.Burdett & Co. Boots, 3 .5 0 Ordway's* Platter* Cure Khoum&tlam. Thousands sutler from Catarrh or cold in The Best Tobacco Ibe head and have never tried tbe popular Best Brands of Cigars BOSTON CLOTHING STORE, Tho Best Weiring Boots Made. 1 remedy. Thcic is no longer any excuse, as a Best Quality of Pipes to cent trial size of Ely's Cream Balm can Best Assortment of Goods J be bad of your druggist or wc m ail it for 10 Best Kind of Treatment 26T Rockland, Maine, j —You C»u Buy Them at— cents. Full size 50 cents. , I ELY BROS., 56 Watren St., N. Y. City. TRADE [CENTRE, A friend advised me tu try Ely's Cream 1 . Balm aud after usiug it six weeks I believe Howard Cigar Co. J myself cured of catarrh, it is a most valu- sl le remedy.— Joseph Stewart, 624 Grand -404 M A I N S T R E E T . Come in and See Them. L evi Seavey Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. THOMASTON MAINE THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1897,

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ness and in securing him to succeed the late in Portland and Augusta 10 far the present F. B. Hatch, the Rockland National Bank season, because of two reasons. In the first force have made a wise choice. M r. Carr’s C. A. Packard hai been in Button tbit ^FULLER <& COBB> place the two teams have been weak and los­ return to this city will be warmly welcomed week. ing games steadily and in the second place by his many friends. Have you seen our M rt. Belle H unt is visiting in Boston and the polo craze appears to have died out in N ew V o tk. Ladies’ night at the Central Club, Thursday Rugs ! Rugs ! Augusta. In Portland, however, the people night, was an event in that popular organ­ will patronize the game, if there is a winning M . A . Rice has been in Portland this week ization’s history that will long be remembered team. Said one man in discussing the situa­ bn legal business. Crockery Dept. bv the 200 or more guests. Instead of danc­ tion: ‘The Augusta team will be disbanded G. E. Mason and wife were guests of Capt. ing, card playing and billiards, which have Rugs ! or transferred to some other city before the which ie located on the first floor. A large Don’t forget that we are Dunham in Bath early this week. formed the program on previous occasions first of January, and the prospects are good Mrs. Fred Healey of East Boston is the tbe management secured tbe services of the A large lot of MANUFACTURERS SAMPLE assortment of that Bangor will be asked to accept the team, for it is the general belief that Bangor is the guest of Capt. and Mrs. A . J. H a ll, Gay street. famous Tuxedo T rio which is traveling FANCY CUPS and SAUCERS. Miss Anna F. Roberts of Burlington, Vt. through the state, furnishing music for club only city in which polo w ill pay outside of Smyrna Rugs PLATES, tlfhse now supplied. In fact I firmly believe is the guest of Miss Sanh M . H all. gatherings and the like. The program in­ • Upholsterers cluded twelve instrumental and vocal numbers that Burnham would be glad to transfer his Mrs. W . O. Fuller, Jr., who has been in FANCY VASES. which were received with such evident delight 30 inches wide. 63 inches long. Regular price Portland team to Bangor, for he certainly has Boston for several weeks, arrives home today. ICE CREAC1 SETS. a weak team and unless he braces it up be­ that the Trio readily consented to sapplement J LOO for the same rug. During this sale Wc have M r. Nick Murray working for us and Mrs. M. E. Farrington of Philadelphia,who the entertainment with extras, heartily appre­ fore long must certainly quit a loser, for the has been visiting friends in this city,returned to ciated and applauded. The members of the W c wish you would lock at our wo can make old furniture look as good as new. people there won't patronize the game unless her home Tuesday. trio are possessed of rare musical abilities and $ 2 .2 p the home club is winning a fair percentage of M rs. D . E> Carleton and Miss Flora Wise in getting them here the management Tho prices are low for the work. W c will call the games.' The man who said this has This is the best quality made. studied the situAtion and is in a positiory to were housekeepers at the Univcrsalist circle of the Central Club took a step which was very Dinner Sets • at the houso and make prices. Wo also make Wednesday evening. □leasing to the Club’s members and lady For $8.00, $12.50, $15.00 speak with certainty. Miss Adams of Camden and Mrs. Plummet friends. Right along this line we take pleas­ mattresses over. We call for all work and de­ Bangor Commercial: “Mr. Chris Toole is Another grade, same size that sells for 83.00, negotiating for the purchase of the franchise of Philadelphia are guests o f M r. and Mrs. F. ure in repeating what has come to be an and $20.00. liver the same free of charge. of the Augustn polo team and if lie succeeds J. Simonton, M iddle street. ixiom that the Central Club never does things we will sell during this sale for by halves. It is ar. organization that our city in the transaction, and there ia not much S. H . Burpee celebrates his 8oth birthday could ill do without, and every young man GAME SETS. CUT GLASS AND CLOCKS- doubt that he will, the team will be trans­ next Tuesday, with a dinner, at which tbe should be enrolled in its membership. It has ferred to this city next week. The Augusta employes of the N . A . & S. H . Burpee Co. $ 1 .8 9 This is a good department to look through elaborate and cosy quarters, and anything that team is not drawing ns well as it should at w ill be special guests. savors of immorality is nd more tolerated These Rugs are on show in our windows. while waiting for the cars. the Capital city and its backers are said to be Arthur Sidney Potter, son o f Flora Grant there than it would be in a church. losing money. M r. Toole has written M an­ Potter, has joined the Boston Corps of Cadets ager Smart regarding the purchase of the M r. and Mrs. I L M . Lord were guests of and will take part in the cadet theatricals franchise and he looks for a favorable answer honor at a party given by M r. and Mrs. F. B. during tbe coming winter. MAINE IN NEW YORK were cheated out of the game with Hath from the Augusta manager. If Mr. Toole is Whitcomb at tbeir home in Thomaston on Trunks, Wednesday night. Bath secured one goal successful he w ill probably engage City hall Mrs. Flora Grant Potter was the guest of Wednesday evening last. During the evening by the hall going through a bole in the side for the games to be played here. There is friends at the Waldorf Astoria Horse Show they were presented with a choice cut-glass Indians have never yet failed as a show at­ no doubt but what n good polo team would week and sang at two private musicales there berry-dish from the original members of the traction and the presence of red skins and of the cage. O f course the goal lend could Dress Suit Cases, not get at the ball but Referee Wakefield pay in thia city. The Augusta team has three with Mrs. H . H . Sawyer, contralto, Miss First Baptist choir whose names are at pres daughters of the forest will add to the at­ counted the goal. Again while White, Lew- crack n.jack players and M r. Toole thinks Gilman and M r. Bruce of Boston. ent enrolled on tbe association’s active mem­ tractiveness of the coming Sportsmen’s Show, that be can get two more equally as good. M r. and Mrs. Frank E. Carr w ill reside in bership list. The gift was a token o f appre­ which will open Jan. 13th at Madison Square D n n - c To Suit the Host islon's goal tend, was crying halt, on account of an injury hy the hall hitting him in the H e will not put in a team here unless it is n ’the Burkmar house on Limerock street. Mrs. ciation of M r. and Mrs. Lord’s constant help Garden. M ils Cornelia T . Crosby, “ Fly Rod’,* D d g b Fastidious. throat, Mooney caged the Hall which Referee winner.” C arr (formerly Miss Frances W ilson) has to these members and also a reminder in turn of Phillips, Me., w ill, as usual, be on band Wakefield also counted. The Lewistons are There is something very dramatic about the been a frequent visitor to Rockland and social of the charter members honor and love for with a big exhibit representative of the state of W E T A K E PLEASURE IN SHOWING THEM. mad clean through for a victory would have polo situation this year. circles w ill be delighted to receive her as a their director and his wife. Maine as a huge fishing and shooting resort, prolific of game and easily accessible to the landed them in first place. permanent member— the same of course ap­ Benjamin Blackington and daughter, Miss The standing Friday was as follows: plying to M r. Carr. Jennie Blackington are in Portland, where metropolis. Miss Crosby w ill have a pictur­ The Rocktands teem to he poor finishers, not because they are quitters but because .o f Won Lout l ’o. Won Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Allen entertained at M r. Blackington will receive treatment at the esque hunters’ lodge with all the parapher­ Reduction Sale ()£ ^ the extra amount of fat some of the men B ath ...... 10 .A2A whist Tuesday evening at the St. Clair & AI Eye and Ear Infirmary. Mr. Blackington, it nalia of the chase scattered about and an Indian encampment with braves, squaws and carry. What is that old adage about "a lean G aitllnor...... 10 .6SH 1cn establishment on Sea street. Four tables will be remembered, recently sustained severe Rooklnnd...... /..10 .666 GOLF CAPES THIS WEEK horse for a long race?” McGowan for in­ were set for whist in the cosy office, in which injuries to the eye9, caused by lime falling in­ pappooses as an accessary. M aine folks take Lowlaton...... H a great interest in the Spottsttien’a Show, and stance is ten pounds overweight. It is a long game the company enjoy ably devoted several to them, while be was working beneath a A ugusta...... 7 ways yet to the end of the season. Porttnnil...... ft hours. Refreshments o f clam stew, fruit building. there will be other exhibits besides the big BIU DISCOUNT SALE OF ODD pudding, cuke and coffee were served. M r. one made by Miss Crosby, to which railways, hotels and guides will contribute. It is pro­ and Mrs. Allen are prime entertainers and on Rockland won from Augusta Thursday MARINE MATTERS- Tuesday evening were at their best. WILL MEET IN NORTHPORT posed to locate Miss Crosby’s camp on a night and took another step up the ladder to specially constructed platform on the iyth FUR CAPES AND JACKETS. Wlmt Our Homo VonnoIm Ar« Doing.—Gos­ Cyrus W . H ills gave a turkey dinner at his tbe pennant. Rockland lost one goat on street side of the Garden; where her exhibit sip of Quarfar-deok unit Fo'cnlc. home on Beech street Wednesday evening, The cabinet of the State Epworth League fouls and when tbe game ended had hut one will be one oF the rhost prominent features of met in Portland Monday afternoon to make You will Und in this let of Capas greater* values than ever goal to the good. According to accounts it Sch. S. M . Bird, M errill, loaded with plas­ an exceedingly pleasant affair, in which the tbe show. following young gentlemen participated as plans for the coming year. It was decided to before offered in Maine. We have rV9ry cape mentioned in was a rough game and the audience was ter from Chivari, N . S., for New York, was in A feature of tbe Sportsmen’s Show, which guests: Elon Gilchrest, C. F. Packard, Er­ hold the state convention at Northport camp­ this list. Send in jour orders by mail if you can't coma small, only 300 turning out. The Augustas the harbor a few days the first o f the week, opens Jan. 13 at the Madison Square Garden, nest Doe, Frank Veszie, Frank Pierce, Harry ground in September, 1898, exact date to be played a strong game but the Rocklands sailing Thursday. which will be much stronger than ever before, yoursolf. (We pay express one way.) Dunbar, Woodbury Snow, Arthur Hayden decided later. A program was outlined which played stronger. will be the exhibits of boats. There will be a Sch. Nautilus, Tolm an, arrived 'Tuesday and Charles Pillsbury. The turkey was a includes some of the most prominent apeak- Now Old The summary 1 variety of the craft generically classed as from Charlottetown, P. E. I., with potatoes majestic 2 1-pounder and there were all sorts ers in New England, and much enthusiasm Size Length Sweep Price Price ROCKLAND AUGUSTA launches which will show novel lines and for Bicknell and Farwell. of delicious fixings to keep it company. After was manifested. These conventions have 1) Black Conoy Capes, ■Wandas, 27in.,, 82.70, Campbell flrut niHh Turner construction as to hull and new wrinkles as Sch. Louisa Francis, Petersen, arrived full justice had been done to the spread music steadily grown in interest, the meeting in 2 Black Coney Capea, as, 27 In ., too in ., 3.08, 7.50 Murphy second rush Hchofleld to motors, power and boilers. McGowan center Perry Tuesday to load from Cobb Lim e Co. for and whist were indulged in and Mr. Hills’ 1896 at Rockland and the one in Portland last 1 Black Coney Cape, 24 in ., 140 In., 8.80, 12 no One new type of boat to be shown is run 30 In ., 85 ill., 4.50, 8.50 Maynard half back Malone Boston. guests voted it a very jolly evening. summer being the largest of the series in at­ 1 Black Coney Cupo, O’Malley goal Murphy by an engine moved by explosions of kero­ 1 Black Coney Cape, 38 , 24 hl., 100 in., 1.00, 0.50 tendance. The president, L . S. Robinson, of Gnats Won by Made by Schs. Columliia, Kitty Lawry anti W m . I I . T h e M iriam Quartet, comprising Misses sene. The manufacturers of this boat have 1 Black Coney Cape, 30 in ., 115 in., 4.50, 8.50 Time Rockland, reported that the leagues through­ 1 Rockland McGowan 2.6ft Jewell discharged lumber during the week for Sarah M. Hall, Jennie F. Ingraham, Aimee filled several orders for boats to be used in 2 French Coney Otipes, i«l and 40, 30 in , 115 in., 0.08. 15 00 Anguata Perry 4.6ft out the state are nourishing and aiding heart­ 12.50 W. II. Glover Co. Marsh and Lizzie M . Perry, assisted by J. S. the river and lake waters of the Klondike re­ ‘I French Conoy Capes, 3S and 40, 20 in ., ]lo ;in ., 8 50, Limit ily in the revival work now being conducted 3 French Coney Capes, 30, as mill 10, 30 in ., 120 In., 8.50. 12 50 Sch. Sardinian, Halverseu, arrived Tues­ W . Burpee, dialect reader, furnished a very gion, and now have more orders than they 3 Rockland 3.0ft by the churches. The secretary, Miss L o w ­ Black Asttnclinn Cape, 38, 24 in., lit) in., 8.50. 4 Rockland 2.07 day from Boston. pleasing program in connection with the I can iil). Several of the boats are either now ell, of Dexter, reported that there are over Black Astrachah Cape, 38, 28 in. 120ln ., 7.50. ti Auguatu Turner .6ft Methodist fair in South Thomaston, Tuesday at their destination or are well on their way tl AugQNta ’Turner 0.07 Sch. Georgie Berry, Tuttle, arrived from 10,000 members of the league in the State, in ­ Tjjack Aslraolian Cape, 30 in ., 110 In., 4 08. night. Solo, duet,trio and quartet numbers fol­ to it. There will be new specimens of naptha 38, 28 in ., 120 111., 12,80, 25.00 7 Augustu Turner 2.28 Boston Tuesday. cluding the juniors. It is believed that North- Black Astrrtehan Cape, Limit lowed in succession and the delight of the aud­ and electric launches exhibited and canoes 2 China Seal Jackets, 31 and 30, 30 in ., .18.00, 75.00 Sch. Eugene Borda, Greeley, is at H u rri­ port will be an ideal place for a convention, H Augusta ience was fully shown by the enthusiastic ap- and swift small sail boats, besides the usual 1 Astrnchan Jacket, satin lined, 30, 30 in., 10.00, 10 00 9 Rockland Campbell .4ft cane discharging coal from New Y o rk. being easy of access and with natural attrac­ 50.00 p'ause which greeted this talented delegation complement of boats for fishermen and 1 Astrachan Jacket, 30 in., 25.00, 10 Rockland Murphy 1.46 tions unsurpassed. F u ll details w ill soon be 12.50, 20.00 11 Itocklund McGowan Loft Sch. E. Arcularius, Brown, arrived W ed­ o f Rockland vocalism. M r. Butpee’s readings gunners. Astrachan Cape, 40, 24 in ., 120 in ., furnished to all tbe chapters in the state. 2 Astsachan Capes, 38 aud 40, 30 in ., 120 In., 10.00, 10.50 12 Rockland Carapbull 1.07 nesday from Damariscotta. were also given an ovation, and, although he Heoro— Rockland 0, Auguata 6. Rushes—(.'amp- President Robinson is determined that the 1 Astrachan Cape, fancy lining, extra line, 30, 27 in ., 120 ill., 18.50, 30.00 Scb. Chas. R. Washington, Collins, arrived had only arranged for two numbers, owing as 25.00 bull II, tiohofleld 1. Htnps—Murphy 29, O’Malley line of spiritual work shall figure prominently FREE INFORMATION 1 Astrachan Cape, fancy lining, extra Hue 38, 20 in ., 120 in., 15.00, 22. Foula—Mnynard 2, O'Mnllay. Rufureu—Long. from Boston Wednesday. heaaid, “ to his limited repertoire,” the audi­ 31, 30 in., 125 in ., 25.00, 42.00 in the program and prayer meetings led by Astrachan Cape, Timur—Murpby. Attendance, 300. ence would not let him down without twice Astrnchan Capo, 38, 30 i n , 115 in.. 12.50, 20.00 Sell. Ella Francis, Foster, arrived Thurs­ live, enthnsiastic speakers, as well as a genu­ that number, these being the selections: “ K e l­ That Every Ounrryinnn and Unie-llurner 2 Pleoed Persian Capea, 12and38, 30 iu , 120 III., 10.00, 18.00 day from New York via Portland. ine Methodist love feast may be looked for. The sports in this city who believe that the ley’s Dream,” “Long Handled Dipper Dot la lloolcland W ill Appreciate. Astrachan Cape, 34, 21 in ., 125 111., 7.50, 15.00 Sch. A. Heaton, W hitten, sailed Thurs­ W hen the convention of 1898 dissolves it will 30, 20 in ., 125 In ., 25.00, 35.00 polo games are bought and sold got sadly left Hangs Py Der Sink,” “Dot Baby of Mine,” Careful research in Wales, Scotland and Astrachan Cape, fancy lining, day front A . C. Gay & C o. for New York. then carry away ano disseminate spiritual food Astrachan Cape, 88, 30 in , 120 In., 25.00, 15.00 Wednesday in betting, every team they had and “ Teaching H im the Business.” Refresh­ England hy government, health commii&lon- for the good of the order. Astracliuu Cape, 38, 20 In ., 110 in , 12.50, 18.60 picked out for a winner losing. This belief Capt. Chas. Torrey is in command of sch. ments and fancy articles were on sale during 3 ley at-couil ruah Murphy did not play tbe U. of M. but your Bates cor­ The annual meeting of tbe Knox A: Lincoln during the game that (he audience gave out a Pmilb center McGuwun W indward there continues a moderate in­ of all our goods. These sales are usually held respondent admits that Bates put up a much Railroad Company was held Wednesday real old Bath polo yell during tbe game. For D uhtily bull back Muyuard quiry for coal, lumber and general cargo ton­ goal O 'M alley stronger game against Colby when tbe game after the season is over, but we have decided to N morning in the banking room of the Lincoln the visitors Murphy and O 'M alley were tbe nage, but shippers do not raise tbeir limits, Won by Made by resulted in a tie than she did when she won National Bank in Bath. Of the 3634 shares stars. Murphy was in the game every m in­ Limit hence vessels are not readily obtainable. from U. of M. and equally ’competent judges hold ours During the Millinery Season, to give 2719 were represented. Among those pres­ ute. Gardiner lluugbtou 18 88 Coastwise lumber freights remaiu (juiet, with Limit of football* wbo have watched the progress ent were John T. Berry, this city; E. C. Tbe summary: rates rather favorable to shippers. N o quot­ our customers the benefit We have a arge as­ I - Gardiner Hulib of football this fall, assert that Colby played Clark, Waldoboro; Eben Haggetr, Newcas­ 11 ail ley able change, however, has occurred. Coal ROCKLAND Ba i 11 Gardiu* 1 her weakest game against Bates. I f Bates sortment of Stylish, Seasonable Millinery, in ­ tle; A. S. Bosworth, Portland; Chat. Daven­ Campbell first runb .1 Moouuy Rock land McGowan rates hence to the East are decidedly stronger, lays her claim on the ground of a larger per­ port, Geo. Fisher, Chas. E . Patten, D . T. McGiivt ry Gardiner Houghton though not quotahly higher. From Baltimore cluding the latest styles in K. Mooney Gardiner Houghton centage of games won, '.be claim has no foun­ Percy and W . L. W hite of Bath. The follow­ and Philadelphia advanced rates are being May nurd half back Murtaugh Gardiner Roughton dation, as neither Bates or Colby has been ing directors were chosen: John T . Berry, 0*41 allay goal Burguas Ruckluud Murphy paid, with the demand quite brisk. defeated. As the matter stands, Colby does BIRDS. WINGS, PHEASAN'S, AIG­ thia city; E. C Clark, Waldoboro; E. Hag- Goodreau sub Fhtflau Gard I no j Roughton CitAMiKMs—Scb. Florence, Wiscasset and Goal* Madu by By Time not claim the championship because while gelt, Newcastle; Geo. Fisher and W. L. Portland to Deruarara, ice and ahouka p. I.— Hock laud Murphy 10.20 bill 11, Rougnlou. tilopa- Luahiuuu, 14; O'Mall she has not been defeated, she has not RETTES, and COQLiES, kIBBON W bi'e of Bath. The Directors organized by RockItod Murphy 4.10 22. Foul —Maynard Kv/aroo, Long Timer, T Sch. Ella G . Eells, W ilm ington, N . C., to San defeated all tbe Maine colleges, and on the tbe choice of John T . Berry as President and Limit nail. Attendance, 40u. liotuingo aud back, lumber $5.50 and port und ORNAMENTS, Hock land Murpby same grounds Bates has no right to tbe title. F. I L Low, Secretary and Treasurer. .40 Io regard to the report that the /Xugusta charges for the round— Scb. E. M . Cook, Ba', h 6.80 If Bates has a clear titL* to the championship, franchise is going to be Iransfgrred to Bsngor Jacksonville to Barbadoea, lumber at or about Which we will sell at very low figures nyone in need Limit it will be a great favor to Colby and the other Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured in 3 Bcoro—Rockland 8. Bath I. Stops-Burgees 10, the Kennebec Journal says: “ There is £6.50— Sch. Laura M . Lunt, hence lo St. O'Malley 26. Fouls —Burgeas, McGowan Hefei cm Maine colleges if she will show how she has cf articles in our line will save money b/ giving us a D ays. simply uo truth in tbe report. Manager Smart Thomas, general cargo, >2,300— Sch. M. A. — W if. Long. Tlmer—G. Field. Scorer—d. C. won it.” call before the assortment is broken. Morton L . H ill, of Lebanon, lnd., says: Green. Altcuduuce, 450. says he has had no communication whatever A choin, hence to Jacksonville, fertilizer M y wife bad Inflammatory Rheumatism in wilh Mr. Toole. Tbe Augusta team is play­ loaded aod tree wharfage— Scb. Carrie* E. :very muscle and joint, her suffering was ter- From Bath tbe Rocklands went toGardioer ing good polo, it is drawing well at home. Baugor bas hopes anew o f polo there this Ixiok, same, p. t.— Sch. Isaiah H art, Taw pa rible and her body sudfacc were swollen al- j Wednesday night and in a game that was Manager Smart is not tbe one wbo is losing seasou judging from the following items to Baltimore, phosphate rock >I-8o. Coal Mrs. J. C. R. Sullivan most beyond recognition; had been in bed for • more than rapid fur two periods lost to the money, the team is uot to be sold or iraos- which have recently appeared in the p a |« s : out from Philadelphia, p. t.— Sch. Grace An­ six weeks aud bad eight physicians but re- j green suited “ boys.” The hard work of tbe (erred, and it is about time that some of tbe Bangor News— ” According to s’orics told drews, Satilla River to Portland, >5.25 BW<^ 340 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND. I 1 coved uu benefit until she tried the M Y S T IC first two periods wielded tbe Rocklands while rattle brained, unsuccessful manipulators of the writer during a recent trip lo Portland, river towage— Scb. C. A. Donnell, Pbiladcl* ( U R E F O R R H E U M A T IS M . I t gave im- . the Gardiners were fresh as daisies and won public opinion and schemes slopped tbeir there is likely to be a bieak iu the ciicuit of 1 phia to port Tampa, coal, >l-3O —-Scb. Isaac mediate rebel aud she was uhle to walk sluict j handily. The limo cf ibe goals w ill give inoukeyiug. The gun might kick, you ku lUe Maine Polo league and that, too, before j Orbeloo, Philadelphia to Saugus, 3^— Sch. in three days. 1 am sure it saved her fife.” j some idea of bow bi easily the goals were Imany days have passed. According to these : McFarland, Philadelphia to Adyu si’oinl, Sold by W. J. Coakley, Druggist, Rockland | made. storifi, polo bas Ixjen a financial succesa ceiRa. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1897,

AROUND THE COUNTY. AN INCIDENT AT THE CITY HOSPITAL. THE EMER6ENCY HOSPITAL A MODERN COTTAGE Colds Chaps Colic A Itnfltaa Instttntlnn A. Been by n Friend The large cottage now in construction at ------The finishing toadies on the Hotoe for A W oman’s Life Barely Saved by a Critical Operation—Her Health of The Conrlrr-Otttrttr, Camden for Justus C. Strawbridge of Phila­ D e s tr o y e d . Coughs Chafing Croup Aged Women in Camden are now being put BotYon IIairo r Ifor. it, IBS?. delphia is of colonial style of architecture, lo­ on and the Home will soon be ready for occu- A few y e .n ago I used to fiod pleasure cated on the highest point of the “ Heights” and commanding grand views of the bay, Catarrh Chilblains Cramps pancy.This institution is going to be just what There was a hurry call for the ambulance of the City TTospitaL In the in lending to The Courier-Gatetie a few Are ills to which nil flesh Is heir. You can relieve and speedily cure all of these by the free its name implies and yet it w ill by no means be course of an hour a very sick young woman was brought in on a iiemi that I thought might intereat many of mountain* and the beautiful lake* Megunti- a charitable institution except in a limited way. cook which charmed Mr. Strawbridge and in­ use of our old reliable Anodyne. Generation after generation have used it with entire aatla- stretcher. She was pale as death and evidently suffering keen agony. my friend! and acqnainlancei in their family faction, and handed down the knowledge of its worth to their children as a valuable inheri­ duced him to build here his summer home. Each occupant w ill be called upon to provide There was a hasty exam C ination and a consultation. In less than a circles. O f late I have had on my mind tance. Could a remedy have existed for eighty years except that it possesses great merit for family use? It was originated to cure all ailments attended with inflammation; afleh as a stipulated allowance. This is much better the writing up of lome o f my trips ashore The cottage is surrounded on three sides by a than living alone for the old ladies. In this quarter of an hour the poor crea­ twelve-foot veranda. asthma, abscesses, bites, burns, bruises, bronchitis, all forms of sore throat, earache, head­ ture was on the operating table to and what I hare teen. Before me comes ache, la grippe, lame back, mumps, muscular soreness, neuralgia, scalds, stings, sprains, institution they not only have all the comforts 'he Emergency ambulance, that like the fire In the rear of the first floor is a large re­ stiff joints, toothache, ton si litis and whooping cough. The great vital and muscle nervine. undergo the operation called frigerator capable of holding two tons of ice of home but they have all the enjoyments of engine, toshes on in m inion of humanity. each others company. This sweetens th e , ovariotomy. Yet the ambulance with its rubber tire, aud next comes the large kitchen, laundry bitterness of their declining years W o u lo , There was no time for the rsual might p an by quietly and almost unnoticed and store room. Beyond there are the aer that there were more institutions of this kind preparation. Her left ovary was on were it not for its gong that calls for Ihe rants’ dining room and the butler’s pantry. Johnsons Anodyne Dniment The main hall tunning through the house is scattered throughout the country. the point of bursting; when It was re­ right ol way— and gets it fat more willingly It soothes every ache, every bruise, every cramp, every irritation, every lameness, every •fr 15 feet by 45 feet in dimensions and contains swelling everywhere. It is for INTERNAL as much as EXTERNAL U9e. It was originated moved, it literally disintegrated. If i t than the police patrol, or as the boys call it, in i8to, by Dr. A. Johnson, an old Family Physician. Every Mother should have it in the house. ------The inhabitants, especially the ladies, of "the hurry up wagon.” a large fireplace. On the side of the hall to­ had burst before removal, she wards the kitchen is the dining room looking N orth A pp’eton are complaining because It was my fortune to he standing near an “Best Liver PiU Made.” I use Johnson’s Liniment for catarrh. I had would have died almost in­ out upon tbe bay, and a bed room, coat and clergymen seem to give them the cold shoul­ unfortunate man whose injury called for Ihe toilet rooms. On the opposite side are the der. We do not know whether this is inten­ stantly! That young woman emergency ambu'ance. It soon came along library and sitting room, the latter having a uperior to anv. I use it ns you direct tional or not. The North Appleton people had had warnings enough in the terrible pains, with a fine white and well trained horse to J. K. W u ip p l r , South W indham . VL large semi circular window of bent plate arsons’ P ills are very law abiding and we have every rea the burning sensation, the swelling low down pull it. Quicker than I can pen tbe report a glass, and both rooms looking upon tbe lake P Our Book “Treatment for DIseaHes” Mailed Fr4tk son to believe that they are good Christians. on her left side. No one advised her, so she doctor, trained nurse and a third man were and mountains. All the rooms adjoining the Doctor’s Rlrnnture and Directions on every bottlau It is seldom that we ever hear of any wrong by ibe prostrate man. A hasty but tender All Druggists. I. S. Johnson A Co., Boston, Masa. suffered tortures and nearly lost her life. I hall are connected with it and each other by doing in this section of the county. Perhaps examination was made by tbe doctor, who, wish I had mot her months before, so I could large sliding doors and every room has a fire­ the clergymen realise this and think it more have told her of the virtues of Lydia E. finding ita need, sent for tbe ambulance cab important to labor where they can do more with a nice soft bed and everything aa clean place. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. As It The front doors, as, in fact, everything else good. However, here is a grand opportunity as could be. W hile the attendants were about the cottage, will be furnished with old for some bright, struggling young clergy man. is now, she is a wreck of a woman. prepsring this the doctor gave the man aome- If the people of North z\ppleton, or in fact ! Oh, my sisters, if you will not tell a ihing to strengthen him. Tenderly, yes, with colonial leaded glass. On the second ft »or over the kitchen aie any other community, feel that they need the : doctor your troubles, do tell them to a woman who almust a mother's care, they placed him in services of a clergyman they certainly should I stands ever ready to relieve youl Write to Mrs. the cot, then to the ambulance. In a moment the servants* quarters containing four bed have one for no person,especially in a civil zed I he was flying to a better place, a Christian's rooms and a bath, while over the dining room Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., confide freely to her all and facing the bay will be M r. Strawbridge*! community, should be deprived of heating the home, the Emergency, followed by more your troubles, and she will advise you free of own chamber with bath attached, a large fire- j gospel preached. charge; and if you have any of the above symp­ lhan one "God blest the Emergency.” To place and eastern exposure. The balance o f 1 4* me it meant a great deal. O what a contrast toms take the advice of Miss Agnes Tracy, who from seeing this and what I had seen in my the fl >or is taken up with two large guest ------This is the season of firemen’s levees and speaks from experience and says; unlortunate expeiience in N ictrsgua and chambers, two small chambers and a bath if those already held are criterions then those “ For three years I had suffered with inflamma­ Guatamala in '84 and '8 6 —white men dying room. of the future will be eminently successful. and buried like dogs, with no hand to aid, no The large attic w ill be finished into cham­ And why shouldn’t they be? Th e firemen of tion of the left ovary, which caused dreadful pains. will enter the coming year prepared to give to the reading public that which has made it famous foi voice to speak for them, but all anxious to bers throughout and on the roof o f the main Knox county are ever ready to respond to the I was so badly affected that I had to sleep with the past quarter <>f a century—contributions from the pens of the great literary men and women of til know, “ Has be a dollar and where is it?” house is a railed “ captain’s walk,” from which summons of the fire alarm at any time of day pillows under my side, and then the pain was so world, illustrated by leading artists. A brief glance over its prospectus announces such reading I Yet even in tbir grand work there are not only the surrounding scenery, but M t. or night and the fervice they perform in sav­ OUR PACIFIC PROSPECT great It wan impossible to rest. tome strange features. The police will keep Desert, Rockland, Monbegan, and many other ing property, and often times lives, cannot be pruuKcrfl m u a NirtnAurAN canal THE. ( OUMKIU IAI, IHPOItTANCR OF AN IRTIIIIIAN CANAL “ Every month I was in bed for two or three days. distant places, can be viewed. nv Iten. DA VID TURPUt /»r WORTHINGTON C. FORD estimated from a monetary point of view. The an unlortunate person being almost at the I took seven oottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege­ door of tbe Emergency, until tbe City The chimneys in the house contain 75,000 BASTKn* HinEHIA AND TIIK PACIFIC TIIK DKVKLOPMRNT OF OVR PACIFIC DOMAIN money they get from these levees often aids w Uf STRPIIRN RONBAL Ry CHARLES F. LUM MIS table Compound, and am entirely cured I think hospital ambulance arrives there. It don’t brick and all the fireplaces up stairs and down some deserving firemen in times of sickness, lake a very sharp eye to see the absence of a have separate flues through which the ashes RODEN’S CORNER—THE NOVEL OF THE YEAR accident and distress. None of the money is there is no medicine to be compared with the Com­ doctor with his tender care. But politicians are dumped to pits in the cellar. < by H knrv S rton Mkkkiman, author of “ ’i he Sowers.” Striking novelties in short fiction will squandered. Too much-consideration cannot pound for female diseases. Every woman who suffers from any form of female are seldom tender when on top. Call and The interior is to be finished throughout in 9 be contributed by such author.-, as W. D. Ilowells, Richard Harding Davis, Brander Matthews, be given the firemen and it behooves all public weakness should try it at once.” Miss A o n k s T r a c y , Box 433, Valley City, N. D. jA Frederic Remington, Ruth McEnery Stuart, and others. There will be a series of articles on aee the Emergency. See the lesson of pine and painted white; the fl >ors are to be spirited citizens not to negatively shake the A THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE EUROPE. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ART AND THE DRAMA humanity in reality in Boston streets. Yours all bard wood and the hardware of cast brass. head when solicited hv a fireman to purchase Th e halls, library, sitting room, dining room J ARMIES AND NAVIES STUDIES IN AMERICAN SOCIETY AMERICAN CHARACTER SKETCHES Christmas trees to New York and other large BATHING IN ICE WATER as ever, Ba t t y . a ticket for a levee. Then again those who and pantry are to be finished with paneled » Postage /te e to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. centers. This vicinity probably furnishes atterd these levees always get good returns wainscoting. The stair9 are to be of hard \ Sub. $4 a year Addret! HARPER A BROTHERS, Pub’s, N. Y. City. Send for free proipecfut more trees than any pait of N ew England. for the money invested for there is generally Dr. Crockett Takes a Tlinnknglving Plunge Disturbance of the nervous system, and wood with mahogany rails and white balus­ an entertainment followed by a dance. The The supply, however, is fast giving out for tbe In Zero Mercury. grea sorrow often cause the hair to blanch demand increases eveiy season. These trees ters. entertainment is by local talent— firemen be­ Boston, N ov. 25, 1897. and fall. Counteract thia and restore the A bowling alley and billiard hall will be have taken many a generous slice off the lieve in patronizing this kind— and if this hap­ W e have been having some severely cold color with Hall's Hair Renewer. built on the east tide of tbe road to Mans­ farm mortgage, given country bred boys a pens to be poor, which is seldom, then all can weather and snow enough to make sleighing field’s Corner, and when the cottage is com ­ college educaiion, purchased musical instru­ have a good time dancing. The deeds and quite comfortable within the immediate cities pleted it w ill be one of the finest on Penob­ ments for the home enjoyments, or in other WHAT THE SPORTS SAY the needs of the firemen should ever be fresh about Boston. Yesterday morning opened scot Bay. ways aided in making life worth living. in our memory. with temperature 10 degrees above in the W . E. Schwartz of Camden is the architect •F •F city. W ithin ten miles there was a record of President Richards of the Maine Polo and builder. League acoffi at the idea that there is any ------Vinalbaven again arises to the occasion ------Tbe season of dancing aod card parties 2 above. This raornig it was several degrees movement on foot to drop two of the present and not only unanimously votes to exempt the is now with u«. Nowhere are these pleasures warmer, still much below freezing. clubs and have Bangor substituted. M ana­ H o w 's T h is net factory from taxation but some of her c iti­ enjuyed to a fuller extent lhan in Knox county, I have kept up my sea baths through the gers Burnham of Portland, D onnell of Bath W e ofler One Hundred Dollars Reward for zens organized a local company for the purpose fall, taking my last swim (preceding today) and the owners of tbe local franchise know any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by of erecting a larger building which the in ­ ------Ten million dollars is a large sum of on the 17th. Feeling as if I would like to H a ll’s Catarrh Cure. creasing business o f the factory called for. money but this is what the summer visitors test the water today I pocketed a towel and nothing about it and it is quite safe to say that the others do not. Evidently tbe Bangor F. J.CHENE\ &CO.,Props.,Toledo,O. There is nothing slow about Vinalbaven if it left in tbe state of Maine last summer. Knox started for South Boston. Leaving tbe car Special correspondent of the Boston Herald was bard We the und 1 got a tattle of Mrs, A M, te past and people throughout Knox county 4* to me, and w ill see that they are made com­ Rockland, it is safe to say that no team ever Htorer'e Cough Balsam, and I cau tbuukfaily say It e now turniog their attention to Christmas, -Tbe men in Burkettville, a suburb of fortable, provided they care to give me the received meaner treatment than was accorded cured me in no time in other words, when b fashion* A nd h iw ALLKN, 80 Main HL, through having teeth tilled.4 he latter day is br ught home forcibly in the Appleton, who do not own a razor and who opportunity to introduce them. the Lewiston boys by Referee May. Actually Uockland, Maine able man meets a fashionable man, inds of many of the farmers for every year a do shave, are much put out because the local W . E C r o c k e t t . ibis man called May knows so little about the No InJuryUoiTeethlln Any x>d revenue is derived from the shipment o barber is charging twenty cents a shave when game that it is an outrage to employ him. He I here testify to uqlnv Mr*. A. M Htorer’a Cough there is suro to be a comparison of in other places tbe cost is but ten cents. Tbe roasted the Lewistona indiscriminately and al­ Balaam f r my two children. One had the croup . . W a y . . . tailors. Our customers need fear no and tbe other w»« threatened with pneumonia I Knight of the Kazor evidently figured out lowed almost assaults to be committed on think Mrs. A . M. Slorer’a Couch Balaam bus no It works so satisfa«torily that it makes the criticism of their clothes. Not only that his customers would be but few anyway them without calling 2 foul, and aa a conse­ equal. D avid Mitchell, Pleasant Ft. operation of teeth tilling a tiling not to be Uockland. Maine. dreaded In the least No extra ebarue. ’ • are the main points of cloth and fit and decided that tbe few must pay. Per quence returned borne sadly crippled. F itz­ The tavlng of broken down natural teeth haps, however, he gives a Parker House gerald was struck in tbe face twice and carries eondtmnod by other dentists a specialty. Dis­ well taken care of, but Ihe details of a cut on his proboscis an inch long, while tbe For years I had a bad, backing cough and could colored iroutu-etb restored to natural color. shave with a drop of perfume on tbe not get anything to he'p me; but I got a bottle of linings, seams, button-holes and gen­ skio is knocked iff tbe cbisuf Windy Walton. All operations pertaining to modern dentistry ustaebe and re 1 bay rum on tbe hair. Mrs. A. M. Storer’s Cough Balaam and now I am performed in skillful manner. eral finish show the hand of an expert Then again, perhaps he collects tbe extra ten Such treatment is not on the square. M ay’s free from It. Yours, rHereeing was to bad that the Rockland Ma. U yam. Brick 8 t , tailor who knows the Ix'eet in every­ cents for the privilege of loafing. Uockland, Maine manager had to go to him and ask him to th in g . give the Lewiston boys some semblance of One year ago I had a v»rv had cough, I thought I A WELL WORN COIN fair treatment. Tbe best thing to do with would atraugiu »omeiUui-n 1 got a bottle of Mrs. A. F.E.FOLLETT. D.D.S. M.titorer's t ough bal-am, and II not only helped, this May is to tie a stone around hia neck and The Rockland letter in tbe last Sunday but It uured me right off. Very sfucerely, ROCKLAND. (figuratively speaking) drop him oft tbe wharf. Globe contained tbe following interesting I u se K Biiay, Waldoboro, Maine. A. K. BPBAB BLOCK. OvuO. T. J. A. BREWSTER, H e is no good, never was any good and gives item; no promise of ever being anything more than “ An animated discussion regarding old M erchant T ailor • blooming nuisance on a polo suiface. Let him coins worn as charms or used as pocket go quick.” W hile there is no question but there Washington St., Camden pieces has been going on in the state papers Ou Sale at W. J. Conk It y’s, The Druggist. Bright - faced, happy, rollicking, playful wa» ro»gb playing in the Thanksgiving Day for some weeks past, in tbe absence of more babies, thousands of them all over the sensational matter. Allison Shuman, janitor games, the call down which tbe Suu gives For croun, nothing la known that work* so ad­ broad land, have in their bodies the seeds Rtferee May is altogether too hasty and un­ mirably. Phasaut to take gives Immediate relief, in the Rockland posioffice, thought he could of serious diseases, and while they laugh Burn the Best! called for. Had M r. M ay called all the fouls aud eventually d as 1 pates his dreaded uffliotion. discount all the records thus far, and, to back and play are facing death. The mother, in 'I bis preparation has atlaiued a wide reputation, Health is Wealth! that were made both aides would bave lost his assertion, produced a Spanish quarter the m ajority o f cases, is unconsciously re ­ solely upon Its superlative merits It has many goals. The Lewistona evidently played rough would be-rivals. but has never been < qu now nine inches in diameter, Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, as (be foul making doesn’t violate the laws of “ Kngfish CHum,” Insist ou getting ii. not some­ and weighs 105 pounds. This ball has af thing just ss good ' 01 som<- deud or unsalable Brain Treatment N. Y. It is a medicine that acts directly decency. But a polo public is fickle and af­ Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral forded him a great deal of amusement on ac and only on those delicate and important stock * bieh the shop keeper wuuls to palm off on ter the somewhat fractious and undignified you Don't be fooled 1 count of tbe ridiculous look which would organs that bear the burdens of maternity. exhibition of last Thursday be fouud it nec­ la the standard fam ily remedy overspread tbe countenance of everybody who It makes them stroug, healthy and elastic. TH E 0B1UIXAL ANU UENUINE1 essary to rise to a point of order. “ N ow ,” of the world lor colds, coughs attempted to pick it up, and tbe wild guesses It allays inflammation, heals ulceration, stops debilitating drains and soot Ires pain. j says Referee May, “there will be no more >bat would be made as to its weight. The and lung diseases. It 1b n o t a It gives rest and tone to the tired nerves. It r>>uvb playing if fines and fouls will put a stop $100 Package for 7 J o work of getting so much tinfaii into so small \Phonography, by Benn palliative, and is not therefore fits for wifehood and motherhood. It does to it a bulk required much care, and very addt- away with the discomforts of the expectant Teach-Pitman and Jerome B. 6 Packages for $ 4 0 0 put up in sms* cheap bottles. ion had to be h turuered thoroughly. The period and makes baby’s coming easy and Y 0U R 50F Howard. A perfect self* It is put up in large bottles ball is as bard as iron.” Comparatively painless. H onest druggists “Paiulesg and Delightful ('ufarrlial instructor. Over 350.000 w ill not offer aai inferior substitute for the R em ed y” is the good word which John Mac­ copies sold. For sale by Uuaruuteed to be tbe Genuine (or the household. They cost OOA.U1 George |£. B u d A p p o in ted . sake of a little extia profit. hine*, Wtfthsbtck Bridge, N S , has lossy of all booksellers, or we will more but cure more. Dr. Aguew’t Catauhal Powder, alter having send it, by, FOR SALE BY In the U »itrd Stales court Monday, before “ I suffered for vears from d isplacem ent.d eb ili­ Pads come and go but no tating drains, inflammation and weak back.” suffered from Catarrhal Deifuess for years with ihe Phonographic ludge W ib •, Hon. George E. Bird of Port- ON LY BY w rites Mrs. Bessie M cPherson.of sttSo. Maiu St., Io 10 minutes from the first application he R eader and tire Phono­ theory or fad can overthrow lam*, who was district attorney under C ieve- Providence. R. I. “ I traveled with ray husband, nari rcli f, and af'er using but one botrie his graphic Copy Book, for £1.25. the fact, that the greatest cure and's first administration, took the oath of and first noticed my weaknesses coming on when the jolt of the cars lx came unbearable. 1 stop heaiing was restored in all its natural acute­ THE BENN PITMAN SYSTEM AJ.BIRO&CO. for all oolds, coughs and throat ffice. M r. Bud has temporarily filled tbe ness. Not an excuse for despairiug of a cure has for 43 years been the standard Called Telephone 3B-2. W. J. Coakley and lung diseases, is Ayer's flier la'ely during Col. Bradbury’s illness and with such a remedy witbin reach of you.—-18 by the U. S. Bureau of Education “ A m er­ in comequeoce of Col. Bradbury's rcuiguatiun ed for death I took only a few bottles of Dr. BUCKLAND, MK. CAerry Pectoral. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and was perma­ Sold by W. J. Coakley and C. ii. Moor & ican System." First prize, W orld’s Fair. Full hga been reappointed by Attorney General nently cured.” Co. ______information and complete catalog free. ROCKLAND. ME. Kcona to fill tbe position until January I, Ordway’s Plumers Cure Female THE PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE COM M a li Orttoxrs P ro m p tly utteudwd bo. 50 Years of Cures. 1898. Ordway's Piasters Cure Dame Back. Ordway's FlaaUra Cura Neuralgia. CINCINNATI, OHIO Wtskaaas.