October 23, 1900
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EES PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. E5S ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18G2-VOL. 39. PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1900. PRICE THREE GENTS. STILL HOBSON SPEAKS AGAIN. Some week ago he deeded this valuable ing in publio affairs and for the mainten- ROOSEVELT AT IT. JOHN SHERMAN IS DEAD. property to Mrs, McUallum. ance of the right. He was a type of that The Sara Sampson la Dying of a Broken secretary was a large holder of real vigorous statesmanship which America estate In this Conservative esti- had Heart. .. city. produced. mates of his wealth places It at a million THE PRESIDENT’S PROCLAMATION dollars most of which Is believed to con- Atlanta, Ga,, October 82.—During his The President this atternoon issued He is Now his sist of Washington real estate. Other in- Campaign- present visit to home In Alabama the following proclamation: vestments consist of securities and it is Malt and wherever he has appeared before the “Death of the Honorable John Sher- in New York. stated that the old famiy home at Mans- ing publio, Lieut. Richard P. Hobson has Yesterday Morning. man. been as iield, Ohio, remained In his possession quoted saying that Admiral “By the President of the United States a notwithstanding the report that he had Sampson Is dying of broken heart of America—a proclamation. disposed of it prior to his return to Wash- owing to the Sampson-Sohley controversy 8 “To the of the United States:— last People which was the outcome of the naval bat- ington month, In the fullness of years and John for be honors, tle of He Is as follows: Arrangements the funeral will At Nevvburg Ho Effectually Silenced Santiago. quoted His and Able Service to the Sherman, lately secretary of state h a Sreakfas “When last Long completed today. It is expected that Mo- Saturday (October 18), I passed away. saw In the that Aumlral Kay Smith of St. John’s Episcopal a Hoodlum. papers Sampson “Few among our citizens have risen to was I next Country. churoh, or Rev. Dr. Shlnwall of St, 111, took the train to Boston greater or more dess rved eminence in the and Thomas Episcopal church of this oity, spent Sunday with him. His health national councils than he. The story of will be asked conduct the funeral ser- is His are baffled to declining. physicians his public life and services Is as It wex-a at his vices here. malady. His organs are right but the history of the country for half a cen- his health does not PRESIDENT HEARS THE NEWS. Food Some of the Apt Replies improve. President McKinley Is- tury. In the Congress of the United “We talked on one or two subjects. The news of Mr. Sherman's.death was States he ranked among the foremost in For a little while he could not of the Governor. speak. sues Proclamation. communicated to the State Department the House and later in the Senate. He Soon he had carried to room to be his and by Mr. E. J. Babcock, for many years was twice a member of the executive I did not see him Mrs. again. Sampson private secretary and clerk to Mr. Sher- cabinet, first as secretary of the treasury, told me that this man was brood- Delicious great man in his various capacities as secre- and afterwards as secretary of state. ing, was breaking his heart at the tary of the treasury, United States Sena- Whether in debate during the dark hours that his fellow Digested A Day of Many Speeches and thought countrymen were Tribntes to Sherman’s Character tor and secretary of state. The President of our oivil war, or as the dlreotor of the Easily so unkind.” was at once informed by the department oonutry's finances during the period of and the on the Id or as a trusted councillor Large Crowds. CABINET CRISIS IN SPAIN. and Services. flags public buildings rehabilitation, Washington were lowered to half mast, in framing the nations laws for over Madrid, Octobre 22,—The pre sent crisis so to remain until after the funeral. forty years or as the exponent of its In the oablnet Is an outcome of the con The President, as a mark of especl a) foreign policy, his course was ever flict between the civil and military ele- The gives delicious flavor honor to the deceased,who was not at the marked by devotion to the be3t interests ^Talt ments. Since their return from* Cuba Kingston, N. Y., October 22.—Gov- Washington, October 22.—Hon. John time of his death connected in any official of his beloved land, and by able and Generals Teyler and Linares have and Renders the nutritive ele- ernor Roosevelt finished the first of gath- Sherman, who for a period of forty years with the of the — » day capacity government ered aroundlthem a group in defense of his flying campign through the State in oooupied a prominent place in the legisla- United States, resorted to the unusual men of the interests of the army and, in spite of g the wheat easily Kingston tonight after trevlling 89 miles tive and administrative branches of pub- course of personally preparing an expres- the budget’s economies which have been and making eight speeches, the longest lic affairs in the United States, died here sion of the nation’s grief In the shape ol universally demanded, they aim to re- digcible. Malt Breakfast being at Newburgh and Kingston. At at 6,45 o'clock this morning of brain a proclamation descriptive of the persona: and Bond’s construct the army and navy. The first the former place, the home of Republican exhaustion. qualities and civic abilities of the de step in the direction of this plan was to Foo<- has become the favorite candidate for Governor, he talked to a Death came to the aged sufferer peace- ceased stateman. proclaim the Independence of the minis- vast assemblage, having to speak In t wo fully after almost 86 hours of nearly At [the State Department also a mes- ter of BUCKSTONE war among the members of the brcaKfast cereal, and is widely plaoes. complete unconsciousness, During the sage was framed to be transmitted to the cabinet and General Linares appointed In a sense t he campaign took on the last 15 hours of his life he was all the United States ambassadors, ministers ucuoiai wj ut) IWaitt neyier captain general CIGAR. used by all who work under form of English political meetings, spec- time unoonsclous and passed away while and charges abroad, officially notifying of Madridas part of this policy. General tators interrupting the speaker with In this condition. them of the demise of ex-Seoretary Sher Our sales on No firm now, adhered to the severe Weyler,who recently liber- 1 or mental and nervous questions, in every Instance eliciting A number of relatives and friends who man. The department will be closed foi „, in the past al party, which he hoped eventually Blackst one a reply. At We6t Nyack a man close to have assembled in Washington In re business during the funeral services here ten years, has would enable him to get the portfolio of strain. Get a trial package of the car cried and reiterated: The news of Mr. Sherman’s death Cigars equal the come within war, announced that he accepted the post “Hurrah for Hryan,” and Mr.Roosevelt greatly affectsd the President, He imme- flv0 m511ions of as a military man and not as a politi- sales of any ether replied: “Why don't you hurrah for diately directed that the White House be our yearly sales your grocer. cian. Nevertheless it is thought his pres- Altgeld and Agulnaldo?” closed to visitors, and the flag over the three firms in on ent action will cause him to be aban- Blaekstones. The cheering ceased. Another called: executive mansion placed at half mast. doned by the liberals. In the meantime or New “What about the ice trust?” and he After ordering some flowers to be sent WAITT&BONO, General Weyler retains his past, saying answered: “This election will be decided lroni the White House conservatory he England com- he was nominated by the government of by the patriots anl men of sense In the went in person to Mr. Sherman’s late LAM tne Queen Regent and apparently he be- bmed, on ioc CARL SON, country who outnumber the Junker residence to express his grief and oiler 53 St- THE WEATHER. lieves no one dares remove him. Blaokstona he shouters of your type. The Ice trust will what consolation could to the bereaved cigars. totem. General is to _ Azcarranga seeking form Teacher of the be attended to In a proper legal way.” family. Mrs. McCullam informed him a conservative cabinet in which several Violin. A man In the crowd at Newburgh, said of the provisional funeral arrangements th«- School of Music of Senor Sllvela’s colleagues will have From Royal U*gh In a low tone of voice: “Why did you and the President decided not to delay Berlin, Germany. ‘call Democrats cowards and dishonest ?” portfolios. his departure for Cauton tonight if they Call or address, LAMSOX STUDIO. 5 Tem- ple St. sepU5eodtflstp Roosevelt heard him and flung back ERiFFLlT TOLD. were adhered to, but to attend the fun- The quickly the reply: “It’s a lie. I never eral service e at Mansfleld on Wednesday. said such a thing. It Is Democrats, good Mrs. McKinley later drove to the Sher- NEWEST Democrats,who will swell our majority.” The strikers in the Wyoming valley be- man residence and left her card.