The Greatest Blessing

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The Greatest Blessing Sunday Edition May 12, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER $1.50 Adairsville Commissioner approves special City Council needs fi eld for Hamilton Crossing approves BY JAMES SWIFT this kicked off.” [email protected] Representatives of Shaw Sports Turf said the planned fi eld would be virtually identical to the sewer use Bartow County Commissioner Steve Taylor adaptive fi eld at Burnt Hickory Park in Dallas, approved an agreement with a Shaw Indus- albeit with slightly different outfi eld specs. The ordinance tries Group, Inc. subsidiary to install what he proposed fi eld in Bartow County would make described as “miracle fi eld” turf at Hamilton use of TruHop turf, an artifi cial surface com- BY JAMES SWIFT Crossing Park at a public meeting held Wednes- prised of sand and rubber infi ll — the same [email protected] day morning. material used for fi elds at LakePoint Sporting The artifi cial turf fi eld is designed to accom- Community. The Adairsville City Council modate children with disabilities and reduce the “Everyone can play on it,” said Jim Watts, voted unanimously to approve risk of injuries during sports activities. a Shaw Sports Turf representative on hand for a new sewer use ordinance at “We’ve worked on this project for quite a Wednesday’s commissioner’s meeting. “It’s not JAMES SWIFT/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS Thursday evening’s public meet- while and we’ve realized that we, as a commu- the one we build over in the corner that nobody Bartow County Commissioner Steve Taylor approved a slate ing, which seeks to create uniform nity, should support these children with special wants to play on.” of agenda items at Wednesday morning’s meeting, including requirements for the local govern- needs,” Taylor said. “This is going to be great an agreement authorizing the acquisition of property for a pro- ment’s treatment facility users. for this community … we’re proud to fi nally get SEE COMMISSION, PAGE 2A posed roundabout near Cass High School. “It’s basically incorporating into our ordinance the City’s local lim- its,” said Adairsville City Manag- er Pam Madison. “We will now be Planning issuing a pretreatment license for those industries that come into the City that are required to have that THE GREATEST BLESSING commission kind of a permit.” The nearly 40-page ordinance takes no became effective immediately Children’s after being signed by Adairsville Mayor Ken Carson. The ordi- action on nance, among other things, “pro- shelter director vides for monitoring, compliance Carter Grove and enforcement activities, estab- celebrates fi rst lishes administrative review pro- cedures and requires user report- rezoning ing.” Mother’s Day The ordinance allows the city manager to develop “best manage- BY MARIE NESMITH request ment practices” and creates two [email protected] classes of building sewer permits BY JAMES SWIFT — one for industrial users and one Serving as a surrogate parent to numer- [email protected] for residential and commercial ous youth at Flowering Branch Children’s services. Shelter, Lyndsey Wilson is excited to cele- At most planning commission Under the ordinance, indus- brate her fi rst Mother’s Day today. Directing meetings, agenda items are ei- trial users would be required to FBCS since 2015, the 30-year-old resides ther recommended for approval install continuous fl ow monitors in Cartersville with her husband, Glen, and or denial before proceeding to and recorders, as well as moni- their 7-month-old son, Reed. the next step in the bureaucratic toring stations with “necessary “I think being a mom is one of the greatest process. meters and other appurtenances.” blessings yet one of the greatest responsibilities But at Tuesday evening’s Car- It also establishes new wastewater that I have,” she said. “As Reed’s mom, I have tersville Planning Commission discharge fl ow rates and outlines the privilege to care for him while instilling val- meeting, the board refused to the protocols for the City to issue ues and helping develop his character. It’s my make recommendations — either emergency suspensions and dis- responsibility to ensure he is safe and all of his for or against — not one but two charge terminations, as well as needs are met, but I also get to walk alongside orders of business. civil — and if need be, criminal him, watch him grow and enjoy life with him. The fi rst involved a special use — penalties for noncompliance. “I’m still new to this, but one of my favor- permit request from Acworth- “There should be no impacts to ite parts about motherhood has been watch- based Four Points Church to any of our customers as a result of ing Reed learn new skills. I still remember open a “religious institution” at that,” Madison said. “As a matter the fi rst day he said ‘mama.’ I was so excited 920 North Tennessee St., which of fact, it’ll just make our sewer that I screamed and jumped up and down. is currently zoned for multi- system more effi cient and our ex- I startled him, and he started crying. I was ple-use in the City’s commercial pansion will be able to go further.” afraid he’d never say mama again! Fortu- zoning category. Speaking of the City of Adairs- nately, that hasn’t been a problem.” “There’s a multi-tenant build- ville’s North Wastewater Treat- Looking forward to spending time with ing on the site and the church ment Plant expansion plans, the her family, Wilson’s Mother’s Day plans in- is looking to move into it,” said council also unanimously ap- clude attending church and possibly embark- City of Cartersville Director proved a motion authorizing the ing on a hiking adventure. of Planning and Development city manager to enter into an “In some ways, it’s hard to believe,” Wil- Randy Mannino. “There are ad- agreement with IHC Construction son said. “There were a few years that Glen ditional standards that go with Companies, LLC, to begin up- and I didn’t think we would be able to have special-use permits for church- grades — pending approval from our own biological children. I feel so blessed es, and the applicant has gone the Georgia Environmental Fi- and grateful that the Lord gave us Reed. through those particular stan- nance Authority (GEFA) fi rst. “We will be celebrating together,” she dards and made comments in “The GEFA board’s meeting said, referring to Mother’s Day. “We are their application.” on May 14,” Madison said. “I will spending some time with my parents to cel- Mannino said he’s heard some then be able to issue a notice to ebrate my mom this weekend. After church concerns from a commercial proceed, and we expect that the on Sunday morning, we will spend the rest property owner, who has wor- construction of the new plant — of the day as just the three of us — hopefully ries about the permit impacting and the potential decommission- outdoors if it’s not raining. Reed loves to be future businesses’ ability to sell ing of the old, south wastewater outside just as much as Glen and I do. There alcohol in the vicinity due to pro- treatment plant — will take about are so many great hiking trails nearby, and visions barring the sale of such a year and a half.” we enjoy exploring them together.” beverages within a specifi ed dis- RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS tance from churches. SEE ADAIRSVILLE, PAGE 3A SEE WILSON, PAGE 8A Lyndsey Wilson reads to her 7-month-old son, Reed. “We basically follow the State requirement on that,” he said. “That is a 300-foot or 100-yard requirement from the front door of the establishment that sells HCES students travel around packaged beer or wine.” But as Mannino explained, the City’s guidelines for determining world during Tour of Nations such isn’t as simplistic as it may BY DONNA HARRIS structures. seem. [email protected] “I wanted the students to have a culminat- “We measure it on the route ing task for our unit of study that was exciting on the ground that is traveled, Students and parents at Hamilton Crossing and engaging,” fourth-grade GATEWAY teach- basically, from the front door to Elementary were able to take a trip around the er Shelly Abernathy said. “Having an end goal the driveway sidewalk,” he said. world that didn’t cost them anything but about an and something meaningful to work toward gives “And from the sidewalk to the hour of their time. their learning purpose. They take ownership in crosswalk — if there’s a cross- The 36 third- through fi fth-grade GATEWAY their learning when it is something of interest and walk across the street — or the students wrapped up their yearlong world geog- meaningful to them.” nearest cross street, and back raphy unit on countries by presenting a Tour of “The students compared and contrasted the down to the sidewalk to the Nations parade May 3 in the old gym. different countries to our own country, and what property front door. So depend- Students completed extensive research, be- they learned is that while there are many differ- ing on how the site across the came an “expert” on a particular country or con- ences, there are also many similarities,” said Jen- street is laid out, I can’t tell you RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS tinent and created a display for their travel booth nifer Colston, who teaches third- and fi fth-grade if it defi nitely would meet the re- Bartow County School Board member Derek Keeney listens that highlighted the cultural and physical aspects GATEWAY students.
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