And the ALTO SOLO Lowell, Mich., Thursday, July 28,1117 F^E Rt0|, ***>611 R.'^ONS Hon

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And the ALTO SOLO Lowell, Mich., Thursday, July 28,1117 F^E Rt0|, ***>611 R.'^ONS Hon >Mrn n mth wTtmrw NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. P SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE NOTICE y This paper will atop at once if paid to date and i Read tkc date on the addreM label of thia paper. < I It la the date your subHcription is paid to. If it ia ! ho ordered by the aubacriber. Not forced on any ; one who quita aquare. Regular 10*pafe edition ! | a date prior to the date of thiM iiMue, your time ia | $2.00 per year, or 6*page local edition |!3f per < 1 D ; out aad you ahould renew at once. Kindly obaerve year, in advance. Pleaae observe and oblige the ; > and oblige the publiaher. publiaher. Volume Thirty-Five, No. 9 and THE ALTO SOLO Lowell, Mich., Thursday, July 28,1117 f^e rt0|, ***>611 r.'^ONS Hon. Carl Mapes PARNELLCAR- This and That on Mussels Shoals From Around STATIONERY SPECIALS IS SECRETARY to Trade Board The Old Town Business Opportunities The Lowell Board of Trade with The dcsccndcnts of Chester and SCHOOL BOARD REORGANIZES j« members attending enjoyed a ANNUAL EVENT HELPS DEFRAY Jane II. ('.hurch met in the fourth In going over our stock we find WITH LOWELL BUSINESS MAN line dinner served by volunteer la- PARISH EXPENSES FOR annuiil reunion July 24 at the cot- tage of I). J. Frost at Murray lake. AS DIRECTOR. VERN ASHLEY dies at the City hall at (i:30 Monday "LITTLE IRELAND." several boxes of Symphony Lawn, evening with President Harry Day The oilicers elected for the coining TREASURER AGAIN. in charge. LET'S GO. year: President, I). A. Church, Symphony Royal, Lord Balti- We do not believe in the maxim that The Hoard of Educaliun of Low- The Budget committee by N. E. Ada, July 21.—St. Patrick's par- vice president, .1. II. Church; treas- ell District No. 1 met Monday eve- Borgerson, reported pledges to the ish of Parnell will hold its annual urer, Alex Church; secretary, Mrs. more white and tints which have "Opportunity knocks but once," but we ning and organixed for the coining amount of from ^1,800 to #2,000. supper and carnival on the after- Kinm:i Church Meeker. Tlie next become soiled. These we are school year with oilicers as follows: Heport accepted and committee dis- noon and evening of Thursday, meeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. do believe this; The man who does not President—C. H. Hnnciinan, to charged as per request. Aug. II, on the parish school J. 11. Church at ICmerald, Mich., selling at about your own price. succeed hiniWif. 1). G. Look, chairman of the Road ground. Supper will be served July 4, 102S. All enjoyed a sumpt- accumulate a little money is never able Secretary—F. F. Coons, who suc- committee, reported progress on the from 4 p. m. until ail are fed. uous picnic dinner. The young We say this is your opportunity ceeds J. M. Hutchinson. matter of routing M21 through Low- Income from the all'air goes lo de- people enjoyed bathing, boating and to supply yourself with high- to grasp opportunities, though they Treasurer—V. E. Ashley, who suc- ell Main street, which was covered fray expenses of maintaining the strolling in the beautiful woods ceeds himself. by The Ledger's report of the Lans- parish school and high school, and, along the lake shore, while the old- grade stationery. might come every week. A systematic These with J. M. Hutchinson and ing trip last week. with the exception of last year, each er members spent their time visit- Grace B. Walker, complete Iht1 H. M. Shivel commenced the out- succeeding supper has excelled the ing until the good byes were said, method of saving is the surest means of board. fitting of the Hecreation park play- previous one in crowds, means of idl promising to attend the next re- The heat is not nearly as notice- The secretaryshh) was ofl'iTcd to ground and complimented Coiv amusement and receipts. unUpi if possible. preparlpig for business or other oppor- Miss Walker, but oeclined, she pre- gressman Mapes, guest of the evt' The entire coimminity is settled Sunday cullers at the home of able when you use Orange ferring to be free. ning. with fnll-blnoded Irish and their Mr. and Mrs. Roye V. Font. J. II. Blossom Talcum- tunities. WHy not open a savings Mr. Coons has proved an excel- Kdwin Fallas spoke briefly but descendants, who intermarried with Godfrey and son Herbert, of Rel- lent memlier of the board ami his interestingly of Lowell business con- early pioneers of Grattan town- ding, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rrown. of Made of the best Italian Talcum account with this strong bank, today? ditions. promoiion promises further useful- ship. The name "Little Ireland" Owosso, Mrs. Mert Charles and Mrs. perfumed with the alluring Or- We will give you 4% interest and your nesirn.-sv in thmve caustiiuate- oinf locami inl t'liieducationn Liuiuu..T President Day then introduced is popularly applied to the south- Klla Andrews, of Lowell, Wesley The position of High school teach- Congressman Carl Mapes, who west tpiarter of the township as the Sullivan, Clarksville, Mr. and Mrs. ange Flower Odor er , formerl.y. hel.. d by Miss Mary K. spoke upon the subject of Mussels grandparents of the present genera- Reiri Davis. Tom Howard and fam- irtiif ...i. t. • a i money when you need it. Williams, who has resigned to ac- Shoals, in an informing manner, tion were native to the land of St. ily of Moseley. and Mr. and Mrs. large can, 25c. cept another opportunity, at Three holillng the attention of his auditors Patrick. Many of the old folks Fred Ford, of (irand Rapids. thronghont. Rivers has been given to Milford still retain their native brogue in the Kpworlh league members, Finch, a brother of R. W. Finch, A rising votes of thanks was ac- pure Gaelic.—(Grand Rapids Press, nearly lwenl> in number, accom- manual arts ami physical education corded Mr. Mapes. July 21. panied by Rev. and Mrs. Nixon held teacher, who will teach in Junior The handsome flag pole and flag a pienic supper al Campau lake High. gift of tlie Lowell Ranks, now floats Look's Drug Store GAME CLUB ERECTS FISH LAW rimrsday evening. A joll> Hood City State Bank Mr. Riinciman reports an enconr- over the Recreation park play POSTERS. time was had. which may he the last One of the 10,000 Rexall Drug Stores. aging condition of Lowell school ground, a fitting and appreciabh Kent comity anglers who viohite meeting of all members as many Member of the Federal Reserve Banking Syitem, affairs, and an encouraging outlook evidence of public spirit. the tlshing laws will have scant ex- will he leaving for college and plac- for a prosperous year in The Lowell cuse from now on, as a result of es of Imsiness mlside of Lowell. schools. ROSTAND PLAY IS GIVEN ON nosters erected this week by the Twenty-live girls of the Kent The Lowell schools will re-open CAMPUS. West Mieliigan Game and Fish count.N Four II eluh spent the week August 20. With Harold lliincbaugh, of Low- Protective association on all of Hie at Uoslwiek lake with Miss Thorn- ell, ami Miss Dorothy Chinnick, of priucip:il lakes in the county, listing ton. county demonstraling agent, CONG REG ATION A L ("IIUUCII. Grand Rapids, in flic leading roles, in brief a complete summary of all and Miss C.recn. St. club leader A. J. Blair, pastor. the first drama ever to be presented fishing regulations. as their cha|ieron. A mimher of I TO IMPROVE YOUR TENNIS. Next Sunday will be the last ser- (hiring the Slimmer session at Michi- Nearly .'Mill of the posters have parents were with them Thursday vice preceding vacation. We urge gan State college, "Romancers," by been put up by members of the night as this was "stunt night" at upon all to put forth a special efl'ort Kdnnind Rostand, was produced in game club, with the co-operation of the camp. USE A DAYTON STEEL RACQUET. lo attend. There will be no ser- resort iiiul boat livery owners and the Forest of Arden Monday eve- Sunda\ dinner {•nesls of Mrs. Ida Bright Sun vices during August. other persons interested in fish con- They will stand up under all conditions. Its atring- ning. Young were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne It would facilitate matters greatlv servation. Eyes naturally a bit weak are . An audience that filled the bleach- Young, of (irand Hapids. Mr. imd mg will not change its taniion, loosen and sag, or con- if contributors would bring the The posters are in the nature of first to feel the change in seasons— ers to overflowing and manifested Mrs. Orvin Nash, and Mr. and Mrs. tract and snap, with every change of the weather. War- amount of their pledges for the an appeal to sportsmen to obey all especially into the bright sunlight appreciation of the slndenls' dra- Charles Nash and children from anted free from defects in material and workmanship. month next Sunday, or hand their state lish laws, as a matter of pre- of Spring and Summer, resulting in matic ability, viewed the perform- Clarksville. Mrs. .1. li. Yeiter, Mrs. envelope lo the church treasurer, ance. Prof. K. S. King, head of the serving the future of the sport. Dayton No, 7 $ 7.00. dull aching pains with danger al- Harvey Coons. Lenna Anderson attd daughter Dor- ways. that the strain will be too college dramatics department, was Open seasons, size and creel lim- Church school Sunday at 10 othy were afternoon callers.
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    The Museum of Modern Art & ^EDIATE RELEASE HWest 53 Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 Tel. 956-6100 Cable: Modemart FIFTY YEAR OLD WARNER BROS. 0 HAS RETROSPECTIVE OF 207 FILMS Fifty years ago the Warner Brothers, who had started in a storefront exhibiting "flicks" and then began distributing and producing them, became a corporate entity. It was 1923 when four sons of a Polish immigrant, having discovered Edison's Kinetoscope while work­ ing on a fair ground, first undertook to become a major film company that was eventually to supply pictures not only to theatre emporiums over the face of America but in ail parts of the world. Now, five decades later, The Museum of Modern Art, in observance of this fiftieth anniversary, will trace the history of Warners from 1923 to 1973, with a four-and-a-half month retrospective of its films, from July 4 to November 18. The Warner show, pro­ grammed by Associate Curator Adrienne Mancia and Assistant Curator Larry Kardish, in­ cludes 207 feature length films chosen from a selection of 3000 pictures, and, in addition, a number of period cartoons, trailers and other shorts and featurettes. Film historians around the country recommended several of the pictures in what constitutes the longest and most extensive cycle of its kind ever undertaken by the Department of Film. The re­ trospective, besides following Warners' rise, demonstrates the accomplishments of a fledgling film industry and its growth, with its internationally-known stars and directors, its myths and myth-makers, and its technical competence and innovations, most notably the wondrous invention of sound.
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