Frtn 8. F.i Nippon Maru, Jul. 25 2:30 Persia-Hon- o. July 22 Front w w TaacsBTfri . ii ii ff Makura. Aug. 13 I Far Taaeonven liiCilHtlOE 7, ' Niagara, Aug. 12 '

Evening Bulletlnf Est 18S2, No. 5Wl 12 FACES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, Tl'KSDAV, JULY 22,1913. 12 PAGES PRICE FIVE ODOTa Hawaiian Star. Vol. XX." No.. 613. REPUBLICANS ON JAPflfJ WON'T FLOUT AMBASSADOR GUTHRIE THE GUEST OF HONOR John Hughes to o--o o-- o--o O--O o--o o--o o o O--O o OO LIDOKOUTFORA Build Hawaii's The Oft Diplomat And His Family Are Enroute to Far East Fair Building BALKS AT mm , OF .LIED i ' Sons And Daughters of Luncheon at Young And r -- 'u... - " "," ii Legation at Mexico City Notifies Huerta Japanese Cannot Join - Tour of City Taken Revolution Hosts in Anti-Americ- an Demonstration of Any Kind V to Diplomat by Visitors Head of County Committee Says He i Will 'Stick and Assoclatrd Vra Cabll CITY, Mex 22-T- he Japanese legation notified Gen- and I have been able to get at lea3t MEXICO July has Ambassador and Mrs. Grorge W. Fight' Until Convinced anti-Americ- an seme Idea of the place and the peo- eral Huerta that it cannot join In any demonstrations and Guthrie, accompanied by Miss Guth- Otherwise has made it plain that Japan will not flive any sympathy in plains to flout rie, arrived in Honolulu, in the Mongo- ple." . r Th npur nniliassador to "' J aDan America. " lia morning and are being enter- i this f Republican circles yesterday and m talked Interestedly of things Japanese ' tained during the day by the Sons - - 1 today were stirred by the report that ) fAMoclatvd'aPrM Cabl) , and Daughters of the American Revo- with his host and the euests. and a! k J tns-eth- r - Bertram von 22. lution, local Japanese consul, the tho rrmsul eeneral'a receo- Chairman Damm and CANTON, Chins, July As a result of the revolution that t sit- the iK 41 J H. ia Japan Society of HawaJU, and L. L. tion proved a happy break in the secretary John Wise of the ting the southern province aflame, trade here and in thla section almost I publican county committee have about completely paralyzed. - Thousands' are fleeing McCandless. mnrnins " - of made up their minds to resign their f 4 The general feeling In Chinese centers seems to be that Gen. Yuan The chief event In the enlctaln- I Amcne the urominent members - positions, simultaneously Shih-K- al trained army will the revolutioplsta. . - ment line was. the at the the Japanese colony who were pre- and active and his defeat Iunclin -- V" ': party men began. canvassing the situa-mornin- g m i mm m Young Hotel 12:45 thU afternoon, sented to Ambassador Guthrie this : ;'" at possible successors two ': Aitsociatcd Ptm Cable ' Y. ton for to the " ' ' were: Akai. Dr. J. V at which about 70 per sons sat down "v- ' , 22. of :! WASHINGTON, D. July Thomas' Hayden, special prosecutor Preceding 1 . .. - i i : Uchida, Dr. I. Mori. Dr. K. Haida, T. j omciais. - . around banquet board. or the. on says un-Edit- federal department of justice, whose appplntmeni as associate counsel in ,' Sudo, Rev. Okumura. D. Yoflekura. nairman uamm mai the the luncheon a reception was held In Diggt-Caminet- ti Y.;Soga, Ed-- he is convinced that It is for the the cases was criticised because Hayden la a close friend the parlors of the Young, during S. Sheba, Editor McReynolde says a 6 ' f Eood of the party that he resign, and of the CamlnetU family, has resigned. that federal it ' which Mr. and Mrs. Guthnc wt a itor InokuchI, Editor Hata, .Rev. Y. yet i until a successor Is available who trlct attorney for San Francisco has net been chosen. delegation prominent tes-lden- ts lmamura, Rev. G. Motokawg, Rev. Y. Itrge of the can give satisfaction, will "stick of Honolulu. lto, M. Kawaharal' Y. Takakuwa, R. he fight" 1 WJse frankly states that SOFIA,' Bulgaria, July 22. It ts reported that the statement that Tu At the luncheon, besides the guests NikL Y 'Iahil. Rev C Makamura. K. 'and A. I. he is contemplating resigning and that key has occupied Adrianople has been disproved, but that the occupation la head of table Jsoshima, K. Ozawa, Nakasa, '" " of honor, at the the he has never taken the position that expected soon. ' - 'j' v. were-.Perle- y -- Editor Yoshimachi, Y. MikamL L. Horne and Mrs. secretaryship, Horne General and Mrs. Frederick Welcomed on the Mongolia. he would not o.ult the or only precinct him Funston, Admiral C. B. T. Moore, Gov-ern- Bearing a message of peace and har- but that his wishes Prear, the Japanese consul and George W. Guthrie,' Ambassador from mony between the United States and to remain a member of the county John HogrheSf superintendent of Ha-wai- l's BRYAN TELLS AUT01STS hl wife, Dr. and Mrs. Doremus Scud-der- . the United SUtes to Japan, who is a Japan, Ambassador Guthrie was met, committee and he will do so until the building at the Panama Pacific V- V ; , visitor in Honolulu today. mid-strea- m precinct decreea otherwise. 1915. v while the Japanese society of w bile in . by a committee Exposition of Hawaii was represented by its pres- from the Sons of the American Revo- Several names have been suggested J?fter a city C0M-MITT- ident; Prof. M. M.' Scott, accompanied brief tour around the for country chairman since von Damm HEADS EE and to tho Pali by auto, the ambassa- lution, who welcomed the ambassador DR. WILCOX STILL by Mrs. Scott. ; to name of or- announced last. Friday night that he OFEAHG FEE dor was taken to the home of Con- Honolulu in the that OF HORTICUL-- V Reception for Ambassador. ganization and advised him jof the de- was ready to "resign. His statement sul General Eitakl, on Nuuanu street, AGRI-CULTUR- Ambassador Guthrie was entertain- Is generally taken as TURE AND E- where a reception was held to meet tails of the entertainment that had at that time . ed this morning by the diplomatic teen planned party meaning that either now or within a the editors of local Japanese pa- for the while in -- v - representative of the country to which the short time he , will resign from the I CAPABILITY Ki-ta- pers, this. port. committee consisted of kl Japanese , he Is accredited, Consul General and members of the chairmanship Merchants' Association, and the Japa- Messrs, Home, Barnes, Canfield and F. and several members of Meeting for the first time since the of Japan. It has been the orig- - . C. Atherton. ' the committee are known to favor a so- nese Medical Society, of Honolulu. ; leturn of the chairman from tis trip inal Intention of the local Japanese new chairman. " Between 11 and 11:45 Ambassador Upon the docking of the boat former 15. Washing- Business and tprofesalonal ' re en ciety to take charge of all arrange- Among the names 'mentioned for to San Francisco In the Interests of WASIHNGTON, July ments for the reception of the new Guthrie.made the acquaintance of pro- governor George Carter bid the dis- the organization, the members of the ton was Interested chiefly today in goodly numbers have been lnvitci 13 ; . chairman are those of Senator A. F. minent I lonolulu Japanese. u ; , tinguished visitor ses- . Secretary an early ambassador but, the Invitation of the welcome, Judd, L, ;M Judd, present committee- Hawaii fair commission, sitting In developments following attend session cf the real regret my presence : 2 - Sons of the American Revolution was "It's a that first visit The of local Japanese high - sion at ten o'clock in the rooms; of thj Bryan's statement that he had . to rarrat; matinee, the invitation :wt .' man from the' fifth precinct of the ' - to should be bq brief,"; Am- in consular and - on. being confined to. ,excl:lv 3 received flrH by Ambassador Guth- commercial- circles at fourth district,' E. Bishop' promotion committee, this morning spend his vacation the lecture plat a' rather , - i : Faxon and well-know- n bassador; Guthrie- said. "However," it the impromptu ." on delegation of .consequently only a portion reception held on -- ' Hughes, . of the Oahu form hecause he could not live the Ilcnclir-- rle,' and - Norman Watklns. Senator Judd's named John . has been a . great pleasure to have are directed "toward t.- - 2 ; efhla.time here" could be, spent with beard the liner following the berthifts name been most prominently men- Railroad and Land Company as. build- - secretary: of state's salary of $12,000 in. the mala ' acquaintance-with- . has ; subject even this Bhort the - year. owners or drivers of autonot'.k 3. tev "Mikado's 'and their ijg superintendent for the Hawaiian a ' - tioned id the discussion, but he eald : . metnborff of the local Japanese colony, onJ Panama-Pacifi- c ; lobby investigation., tariff Charged ".with speeding, friends. f. (Continued page two) this . morning that : he will not accept building at the expos- The the cstzVrz " - - " and the Mexican situation were forgot- cars without satisfactory numbers, : the position. ' , ition in San Francisco in 1915. Those r; 1 ten, temporarily, least, while every- cutting downtown comers at the '; 1 , "I gives of present at City Engineer y cannot the time it demands members the commission at of. body, talked . about ; the resolution In limb and safety of ped3itrl:r.a z: he said, "and I feel' that In the past the meeting were H. Pi Wood.ch4Ir 1 troduced by Senator Bristow - calling thej variety of allegaticr.s . ire.'crr: few, years I have devoted all the time n,an; A, P. Taylor," . secretary; ; John ; . Given Power to on" the' president to "advise the senate by. police officers, who flu.--j la tL3 to; public service I can, as an of- Hughes, and Cv iWr Ight; .' ; that John Wise R prosecution. , , ' . - . ' what' would; be? a proper salary to en- , ficial.' I expectto do my work in the During his visit to the mainland. J amn- Lfame!Etnnloxees precinct-club- : able present secretary of state to It was a gbodlyhatch of penal. ." ; ; i the TO ' i, the chairman rf the. commission Inter him to ions', that were' turned over to IffilGllETS , live with comfort and to enable nrr It could not be learned this morning viewed the, heads, of exposition ' ; the Ume-to-t- ; ! z x 1 givevhi he dishargof ,his entattyesr tjf ttt e ro! 3 'c . r rt -- that Mr. Bishop; 'had. approached foY ' Legal? Opinion Stops, Mayor been tndj, madeJOpletaJTangemets, - " r ; 1 this morning. The little t!:s cf vitb: -- - Ha- - public duties. r7 -' reference to the' "matter. : The the i location 'and completion of '. J - was are , made vput Ittl.i names of the others been men-- , iWali'a building, appointment 'When the Bristow resolution .returnable have and the - w--. , : Dem- hours.- . ; v, ; BERETUiED tioned casually "of - - read amid Republican laughter.' , ; rather com- ' 1 to J. J. smiddy v and no move Mr? Hughes, as well as the The would do local 1 11111 has been made to see if they would ocratic Leader Kern and other sena- Jlst creilt t.d con- or the a regu- J iiLii Emphatic 1 to the position. - : tors immediately objected to its 'Bradstreet" illseu? at A in his statement. W take (Continued on page, three) what ofScial falls the' right to appoint sideration, and after a few brief s lar reception to a dlstlaruiiaed vlillcr ? fully within thef city.gates.-- ? ; ; : Annlvfifeiry i of First Convent lhe, successor of ; Road Sdpervisor" J. J; K. Brown Will Accompany it went over. It was discussed, "however, lobbies and Here are some who were spcttci J.5 Smiddy, whose resignation takes -- in the Aug. Will . Delegation as: tion Date, 5, Bnngi ; kas Far : ERATE PROTECTIVE of cap!-to- L, by Special Officers Chilton and Ferry ' effect the .last of this month, P. U DUTY cloakrooms at both ends the i : : ID ' s; ; : within the past few days or evenln . Local Bull Moosers. ; Weaver first deputy city and county : Hongkong, China V J " ' ' : Stanley Kennedy, driving . x: 3 ; ! attorney, presented ' Mayor Joseph J. Bryan Answers Critics. tt Together T g; Fern with a lengthy legal opinion to- More than a score of Spanish , ImnJ "When Mr. Bryan's attention . was fast a pacer Harry Von Holt,: a?ec James Quinn, Improper the day, which meets with the displeas- grants, brought' nere on the Ascot, aie AS POSSIBILITY called to some criticisms that had nuier; ; Bull Mdosers will fire, Hawaii ure of the city's chief executive. to be deported. They will be put on been published in regard to his lectur- Roscoe , W. Perkins, alleged t3 hav a A'fisw party campaign in ; first" grin of In his opinion Attorney weaver thfl liner Mongolia tomorrow, and. un-- ing, he replied as follows: r; cut the corners on too clos a mrc'.a-fo-r Hawaii a dinner to be held on th safety; Takamoto, no it - strongiy affirms that the mayor has der the iuDervision of J. K. Brown, of "I am glad to . have the : criticism nrrr.ier . - 5.- . Detailed evening of August , as-- my side lights: Harold Castle,' drivizi are still to not the legal right to appoint an j the custom house, taken as far as By C. brought to attention. I believe In for the affair , - - S. ALBERT unllghted machine; V. Freitai, Frir.'.; ; slstant of the city and county engl- Hongkong arrangements will criticism of public officials. Criticism " the comparatively few where I Special Star-Bullet- in Correspondehce J - Reynolds, C. e riade.but neer, dui, mai me omciai, oy return to Spain. Is helpful. If a man makes a mistake, W. Waller, Chan Wilder, ; Progressives' in Honplulu are already lauer he made for their WASHINGTON, 'to Tjollce' ; July 12. Republi cific results in tL e end but it press correct If failed satisfy, the a3 to the '; virtue of an ordinance passed by the When the Ascot arrived In port here criticism enables him to it; booming" the idea, , can enthusiastically supervisors, has tne autnonty to name Spanish senators have taken a new lease ages a good fight, with a chance of he is unjustly criticised the criticism number .carried : on their machines. a few weeks ago, bringing the : an anniversary dinner. on hope and believe they will be able winning, and that is the ; : James F. Morgan,, cutting corners; 'It twlll be the successor of Smiddy. w immigrants; score were detain- better than helps him. ,i tarty, was born on August 5,, 1912, about a to accomplish some results In the di- hopeless condition heretofore prevail my Sylvester Carrida, rounded corners on The So long as this ordinance is on the ed by the federal Immigration officials. "In devoting a part of vacation - Chi- rection of imposing pro- ('"'-:-: y.-:--- : : Wil- 1 1 Progressive convention in coun-- 1 a moderate ing. lecturing, am doing what I be- a dose margin, while James A. Vv th books, kays the deputy, city and but for a Ume it was believed they to I cago; AtleasC-that-i- the official ty attorney, the mayor will be obliged tective duty on sugar. The same opti- The subject has been carefully dis- lieve to be proper, and I have no fear liams Is wanted on a similar charge. es- -- birth,-thoug- - would be released. It has now. been fea- lynx-eye- d - flat of lta h some politl- mism extends to wool and other cussed, by Mr. Smoot with the five any unbiased person The : officers ran down to keep his hands off the appointments Underwood-Simmon- whatever that ' 1 tablished that, they are suffering from tures of the s bill. Democratic to Alonzo Gartiey, who waa tii cal historians' have contended that of City and County Engineer White-house- 's senators who decline will criticise me when he knows the asked call trachoma, the victims of whlcn disease This conclusion . was so-call- ' Interesting event took place when 'appoint- reached several take a binding pledge in cau facts, v v; : . around at the police station to answer the assistants, ' and his days com- C the Roosevelt forces withdrew, from power, by are forbidden entrance Into the United after the Democratic caucus cus. Their conversation satisfied tlje years sources of to a charge of driving his car too ive restored to him lhe last ':, pleted work, meas- "For seventeen the Republican convention some to States. its and after the Utah senator that they would vote for lec- fast In approaching a street Intersec- the legislature must be confined such deported immigrants ure had been favorably reported Republican my Income have been writing and , week! When the arrive from amendments on sugar and V; - ' 'V. tion. Gartley is also alleged to have earlier. "where 'election or appointment ' turing. " '. United cies in Hongkong, Mr. Brown will leave the finance committee. wool. '. ;. off more nego- Progressives ail over the is not otherwise provided for by this ; "My earning capacity has been large cut than allowable In . Smoot in- " 5 cele-- upon seeing safely Senator made a careful The provision for sugar was drawn . . , will meet on August to by v them them aboard tiating corners. States charter or law'J vestigation of situation sub- ago and I have made not only an Income and the. Hawaii a ship for Spain. The agent or . the the and long by Senator Bristow, acting In the bunch of summons are found trate'lhe annlversarr Mayor Fern Is displeased with the - my Immediate needs, but Immigration department sequently, gave out an interview for. the Republicans. It reduces the sufficient for f will also. the names R. T. Dempsey L. Bull Moosers celebrate opinion, and he has made no attempt! expressed have saved, on an average, something of 'and " wherein he the firm belief present to $1.52 per 100 1 - which .department chartered the Ascot rate pounds. Smith Hlorth, who are alleged as A, L. C. Atkinson, hational commit to 'conceal . his displeasure. That he that enough the Demo- more than $10,000 a yean In accept Hawaii, said may to bring the emigrants here, in Spain, of dissatisfied There is no expectation that this high having cut corners. M. 8. Hammond leeman of the party for will ignore it, however, be crats would cooperate .with the Re- duty will by ing the office which I now hold, I gave arrangements for w.lll see that the deported persons be supported the dissent- is charged with taking the r!git of thla morning that no strongly idoubted. Intimations he publicans to place a duty on sugar ing Democrats. They will insist on up the opportunity to add to my ac . homes.' way preceding machine,1 dinner, have yet been made and made this afternoon bear strongly on i each their Brown, has been wool. was positive ' cumulations, for I do not expect to of a mrchr to ;the and He this could a much lower rate. The duty sug- : - is no way of determining the prediction that he will seek to given a leave of absence. . during my amount the danger of the occupants- of th? that there be done in the senate and the bill sent gested by Senator roth amount to increase term the ' : present. par- giving city fShaf other auto, - ,; ' how many will be "The cause the . ordinance the back to the house for concurrence in about .50 cents per hundred pounds. I have laid aside that is, I am will- said, any- power ap- POSSIBILITY Judge Monsarrat had occasion thU ty is growing fast," ho "and and county engineer the to SEE MORE ; the various amendments added. He Senators Newlands,' Ransdell" and ing to forego whatever advantage I one who believes, in Progressive prin-ciple- s point his assistants to be repealed, was not sure that the house would Thornton, might derive from the acquiring of merning to pass judgment upon sev- " OF OUTSIDER FOR PLACE favor a higher rate than 50 eral local autolsta who had been or who Jwishes to learn more and in that way vest the appointive not later force the senate to recede cents, be- $40,000 more privilege.of serv- but believe it can be fixed for the Dolice ac about the party Is welcome. In fact, power, over the position of the road from its position and have sugar and low the point by Mr. Bris- ing country this office during rounded ud throueh recent Opponents of L. E. Pinkham's can- indicated the in tivity. Draper charged anyone is welcome who will come and supervisor with himself. wool on the free list This would fol- tow, and which he calls an irreducible the coming four years. Frank with dln-ner.- " didacy governorship avc speeding no us. It will be a dollar That the opinion of Mr. Weaver is for the, low the conference on the . disputed ' J. : and carrying numbers on alt wltt minimum. ..S . What Secretaries Were Paid forerunner of more-cit- y and coun- been busily engaged for the past few items. his car was turned over to the mili the In the opinion of Mr. Bristow . the "Therefore, until I see some reason to-b- iays in digging into Pinkham's local tary authorities for trial. ; , Local Bull Moosers, It has been ty, official equabbles also seems In any event, more encouragement dissatisfied Democrats will prepare to bring my Income up to my expens- - time, are preparing opin- record and particularly the circura by Republican Gus Schuman was given more time 'A known- for some clear. Mayor Fern discussed the is extended senators their own sugar amendment. The Re- es,; these lectures will be delivered in the field stances . surrounding the now-famou- s now any in which to answer to a charge of Kf. to put a. complete ticket ion with Supervisor McClellan this af- than at previous time, since publicans will accept it, after that during the time that, other officials election. They expect to Utter ho wrote as president of the the ways and means committee) issu- carrying no number on his car. The at the next ternoon, and though he announced no proposed by Mr. Bristow is rejected, fQSA Ofl ' ! up Ja-- live to their vacations." rrAO avaw tiI1 ThIv be heard from in politics. conclusion aa to what he plans to do, board of health which stirred ed its pronouncement in favor of ffee on the theory that a smalt protective - - Senator Bristow's resolution set out : i panese official circles here. Accord- sugar may spe-- Ed Lord also asked for more time, . IncldenUlly. Progressives -- and wool. It mean no ! duty Hawaii he expressed himself in favor of re-- is better than free sugar. 1799 Jeffer- - post-car- d that from 1789 to Thomas and will be given until Friday to ans- have received an anonymous pealing would - the ordinance: which f on Edmund Randolph held the wer allegations dated tX Buffalo, New York, and bear- Uiis is being used against him there and to submitted by the mean another: bone of contention for fy office of secretary of state at salaries police anent speeding of car through j ing on the blank side merely this:v Senator John Sharp"r.""!Williams, who a the supervisors and city and county 1799 1813, , Stubbs of Kansas, Pro- is backing E. M. Watson for the posi- of $3,500 a year; from to a downtown street. v X "Governor officials generally. ; gressive candidate for president, 1916." tion. ; ; John Marshall, Jamies Madison, Jame3 A. W. Eame8, the pineapple man, Mayor Fern did not wish to give Pinkham's candidacy is still not Monroe, and John, Quincy A1ama paid a fine of five dollar. It being al- out the opinion and justified his re- seriously by majority of served $5,000, from 1819 to 1853. leged that he failed to place a proper making by stat- taken the at TO PLAY luctance of it public those interested in the race for the Henry Clay, Martin Van Buren, Dan- number of his machine. STANFORD ing that he had called for it for his AND THE governorship. SSSt iel Webster, John C. Calhoun and J. H.. Kearney was assessed a fine LOUIS ST. own personal wishi desiring to be A good many comments were made of $25 and costs when found guilty of forearmed in case tie named the suc- James Buchanan served at $6,000; PORTUGUESE TEAM exceeding the speed limit. . . cessor Smiddy. today on the possibility .of President fr cm 1853 to 1911, William H. Seward. of growing , Hawaii ' I do not wish any trouble over Wilson tired of the TR IP TO APAN James G, Blaine, Thomas F. Bayara, Stanford team will situation and asking Congress to J Walter Q. Gresham, Richard Olney. requested. If not Incompatible with the The this," he said. "I only asked for if may public interests, to advise the senate play two more games in Honolulu. for my personal information, and giv rimend the organic act so that he John Sherman, John Hay, and Elibu posi-tio- n. proper Saturday the. collegians will go up nominate a mainlander for the Root served for $8,000, and added: what would be a salary to en at Moiliili, A live wire in the advertising and Banana claimants asking damages able the present secretary of state to against the SL Louis team ' (Continued on page three) publishing field, "During this long period of time. time. Sunday next the and identified with for the destruction of their, banana no one of eminent, statesmen! live with comfort and to enable him for the third the business along the east coast of these give discharge team will play the Portugue?f- - Athlet- AtT;AMEHAMEHA HORNER TO MANAGE was compelled to neglect duties of to his time to the of MORTARS the United States for years, Robert trees, which were cut down by order the his pnblic duties, which he Is now pro-gra- m meagernass for ic Club at Athletic Park. This PINEAPPLE CONCERN Frothingham, a man- of the board of health, filed into the the office because of the PROOF-FIRE- D M. former business '. being paid the sura of $1,000 per .was docided on last night. THIS A. of salary. ; ' ager and advertising expert connected senate chamber this morning : : The Stanford team leaves tomorrow until "Whereas, the 'ereat rommnner' now mcnth." cannery -- 12-inc- Kame-hanieh- a TJie Kapaa pineapple and with Life, Everybody's and the several every was de- to The h mortars at Fort available seat taken and holding Senator Shafroth of Colorado on the Mauna Kea for a flying trip plantation on Kauai, which were pro- Buttrick publications, is a that high office. Honorable d visitor at the rear room crowded players were proof-fire- today by of the with William J. Bryah, in the clared Secretary Bryan had assured the volcano. The will return moted last year by the president of Honolulu pending the stay of the Pa- persons of several nationalities. has stated Saturday morning. ' Captain" ft. O. Mahaffey, department public press that the salary of $1,000 him he. did cot desire an increase of the Canneries Company of California, cific Mail liner Mongolia at .the port. It was the occasion of the meeting " " crdnance officer. One of these mor- per month i3 not sufficient to 'enable salary. . tars was fired a couple of weeks ago who came hereto investigate the pine- Mr. Frothingham, accompanied by of the banana claims commission fol- Secretarr Brvan's home In Wash apple situation, have for superintend- Mrs. Frothingham, is on a tour of lowing the filing of the last, of the him to live with comfort and that be 'by Col. C. W. Waller, formerly of the the cause of the meagerne3S of the salary ington is the old mansion of General the remaining three ent Albert Horner, formerly manager world. claims. In the course of the meeting John A. Logan, for which be pays crdnance Btaff.but an- of $12,000 per annum he is compelled i .mortars in the pit were not ready-t- of Kukaiau sugar plantation. Plans "I have been so completely tied Chairman William T. Rawlins , $40o0 a year. He has the use of cer Ha-waiia- ns to neglect the duties of his office and d operating yet down by my duties with the nounced that the claims of the be- UNDERSLUNG be proof-fire- at that time, and were for the concern are not several go upon the .lecture platform in order tain horses anl etjulpages which . publishing concerns I nev would be taken up first, be- matured, but will be at an early date. that have ; long to department, but he . H. E. HENDRICK, LTD. left until today for the final test. to earn a living. - the state Colonel Rafferty, commanding the The Kapaa homesteaders will plant taken time for a real play," he ad- - ing the largest in number and that often prefers tb drive his own auto--' Merchant and Alakea . " Bryan's Rent is $4,000. - pines for the factory, In addition to ' mobile. , ' . - . coast defenses of Oahu, witnessed the 1 , president De Telephone 2648 (Continued on page eight) (Continued on page eight) "Resolved, That the firing this morning. . the company's own planting. TWO HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- .TUESDAY; JULY 22. 101

blaster Guy SheUmanTCeo. H. Teg-- 1 dor, A, C. Watruff. Townsend Walsh, f Mrs. C H. Wllhoit. Miss June Wilhoit. . niiiLMiuu iu m . Miss Janet 'Wilhoit. v Per P. M. S. S. Persia, from Manila .... , via Hcngkong and Japan port?. July Zz. t or Honolulu F. Atkins. Mrs. F ENTERTAIWED ILK K KU riLiUL run Atkins. Master Francis,'-Atkins,-- Mrs. CO. M- It I?av T l T)n-Vt- IT TBAHSFiB CUr . feShJLIUL fktr ln.iv JAS. H. LOVE . L. C. Kellogg, Mrs. E. Sanderson. For San Francisco A. Anderson, ' HONOLULU j Huang Yen Chex. Miss Gertrude IN ; rest, Albert Mechjlng. Chen Yu Soo, Dung Wee Tslac. Mrs. Clara Wil- - - With all the marvels that the Im- Mams, Lau Kcm Bong J. B. Doug-peiat- or (Continued from page one) boasts, the great Hamburg-Am- - lass Jr., P. Hubrecht. Charies Meiss- - o( the Mongolia at Alakea wharf indi ! trican liner and her managers do not ner, Mrs. L. fcenter. Fong kwai Tm, tn la HAWAIIAN STAR. sUBlUhed 113J, and th I D E cated a spirit of concord, while feiici- - which combined the ,IR Of meet the views of her crew; net by a Lu Tsao Chin. Miss Helen Dearborn, EVENING BULLETIN, established 1822. Isaned Dally MdSeml-WecW- y ly rampanl of far ; ight. according to the story that D M. Matteson, G. Ohata, F. G. Smith, tations and expressions : feood will exubriant were features of STAR-BULLETI- comes from New York. Miss Alice Timberlake, Fong Tan: HONOLULU N, LTD ' the meeting between the diplomat now ' 100 of them held a mass : SEAMAN j More than on his way to represent the Ame rloaa P!lj meeting certified that pala- Bookbinders, - and that Printers, S 1 rece- Publishers, Commercial government Japan, and the loi a is anything but a palace to at tial liner HARBOR NOTES ption-committee. ' ' them. In Imperial Hall. Hobokca, Cupid's pierced heavy calling on the Ambassador Guthrie points out with darts the they passed a resolution manifest pleasure the expressions of steel sheathing of the ! Pacific Mail to relieve condi-- R. FARRIKGTON. . . .Qeneral Bnslneaa Manager officials of the line friendship shown him s!nce bis ap WALL.CE liner China to an extent that the little which crew say no human , The. schooner John A. Campbell, tions the pointment - arrows penetrated the abode of As- - which sailed from Kaanapali on June ,to Japan. The friendly tt- should be called. on to endure. ; - BZHHES ASSOCIATED PBISS. -' iscount Chlnda. at Wash- slstant Chief Engineer, Jack Senter, According protest the quar- 24, is reported to have arrived at As- Jitud who willingly capitulated as result to the toria on Sunday, vessel brought' InSton commented upon in FLAT RATE, DISPL1T ADVURTISINO OVER J000 INCHES...... ' crew are overcrowded and The of a brief assault, and is now listed ters of the lumber to Maui importers. Ulat .tne aistmguisned'f7 Japanese tooii (Pr4ierrwl PoaiUm 24) ...... 20c PE31 INCH Insanitary. They say men often ha,ve r : among the latest recruits in the ranks A mass of trunks and baggage was . occasion- to wisn Amoassaaor uuthrie LEGAL AND TRANSIENT RATE. 11 First lniartioa v j to for an hour before .. stand la line good speed on (Jna word-5- par Una per of the benedicts. . removed from the Pacific Mail liner his mission. CULSSIFIED, Cnt par 0 cnU wt2t . get one sinks for ; ; .Miss Estelle Sellner,: a charming they can to of the Mongolia this morning. Several Fed- Ambassador Guthrie is of the opin- . r . and highly accomplished California a wash ; that there are at least forty eral customs inspectors :were kept ion that the peace of the world is MAIN OFFICES ...... V...... 105f ALAKEA BTRTTT heiress,, passed through Honolulu men- - in some quarters where lockers busy In attending to its disposition.' bound to be greatly influenced by the ... ; - i Tphonef Editorial Booms 2185 BastaesijOfflc ICiJ m some weeks ago as a passenger' in are provided for only four. Local TEhipping has been advised peaceful relations between the two big BRANCH OFFICE .v ...... i ...... MERCHANT STIirrr ; ' the Pacific Mail liner China. At that Shifts are worked with one hour that the schooner Cecile Sudden with countries whose shores are washtid by v :r --r, v i. Telephone 23C5 v. ',';---' time it was whispered that the pret- i est, but the stewards, pastry cooks, a shipment of Puget Sound lumber me uruuu racinc, matter or ' ty young woman was affianced of ino - the trimmers and firemen say they , have has been dispatched from. Grays Har- peace or war is not the paramount, is- - BHiSCSIPTIOJr SATZSi ; a rising and popular Manila attorney. no place to rest when the time comes. bor for Honolulu. 'The vessel sailed ue, but on the other hand the brather-loo&o-f DAILT BTARrBULLETIN MIes Sellner was accompanied by a : " And then there is the matter of cn Sunday. V- man Is the greater traveling companion, and the pair ; thinff that Per Month, anywbert In United Statv Tl """" ' food, : Sometimes, asserted, the should the - it is enlist earnest endeavor of PerQuirter, InUnfted EUtea t.Ci were entertained to considerable ex- ' anfwhere r fare is unfit to eat.iwhile the accomo- all. ,.;. ; v . tent during the brief stay of the China MORE TRANSPORTS Per'ear. aoiywiic re in 'United Stxtxa..-.- M ...... 14) - are poor. ,i Thei diplomat : .": dations in the mess is accompanied by postpaid, orelga" .. 13.CJ at Honolulu. , FOR ISLAND SERVICE Per'Tear, ,:t...... ship In port, the sea- Assistant Chief Engineer Senter in While the is ",-'.-- ' -- 8EMI-WE2KL- T BTAR-BULLET- IN v MONGOLIA MAKES the China, appears men say, they are asked to work 16 jThey will remain in this city until to .:V". I' to have made a The war .department at Washing- - f nine-ho-ur ; morrow noon, which Six Months ' .? spirited but very successful conquest hours a day. They want a tnn Ma tiau, nafH tnVnn un at hour the Per hova tho Mongolia resumes the vovaee across Per Year. Aiyurre la United SUtes...... l.C) for the hand and affectidns of the limit, Another complaint is thatthel matter oc a more , frequent govern 1 pretty girl, the Pacific to Jaoan. .v Per Year, acy"ucre in C.4dA L..' ...... S.t 3 -- who now bears his name. present rule of the. company compel ment .'transport service between the .'.. .' Committee Surprised. . : . postpaid, 4. 5 EXTEKOED STAY At any rate when the China pulled in- ling crew to give 14 : . Per Tear, foreigi .....m...... members of the coast and the Hawaiian .islands, and ; A .. surprise was in store for those to the broad expanse, of Tokiq bay, days' . ship notice before quitting the, will not; tirpp. the matter until som . ' " ' who had arranged Ambassador Adifesa Coanaatot!onVto tar.Cal3;t!3tXtl, T. and later came to'an anchorage off l '.. ', Guth all Bonolal? Ccr:!.! r. is unjust relief ron : present congestion of port . N rie s locat itinerary when they learned the of Yokohama, Senter and Under German law, having shipped freight and passenger traffic is pro- this morning L. L. - Miss Sellner . were , the first to step ' - that McCandless v- 1 - for the round trip, men be vided. . . . ' Pltuhurgh a few ; By Latest. Mall the would , timonial dinner in PORT aboard a- - waiting launch, .' and hie had wirelessed out to the Mongolia guilty of mutiny if they struck. But By, the Sierra came a report that asking Mr. Guthrie and weeks agov shortly before Mr. Guthrie ceived that the treasury department themselves .xo the rectory romantic - his family to Cana- i they they their, rights lends much color; to prediction way , Washington has approved a plan whereby the I little church 'located In a picturesque fay are within the De Ms guests .on an automobile ride started on his to Star-Bullet- l-Zone voiced by in jnonths ? customs service will exam- spot on justly famous Bluff in filing s formal protest and they the around the city. The auto ride for his .new post. The pieces machin the at the ago', with . tinge boilers and of expect some Impera-to- to the effect that additional ton- - was given by business men ine the boxes and cases containing Japanese port . relief before the r Mr. McCandless was scheduled dinner the V go to complete a sugar ( for em- ery which will . nage would soon operate between of - city with Guthrie,': Viscount household goods of all American A words parson sails for Hamburg.. y this afternoon. v ' the v ' few from and on making plant now under course of the Honolulu and the coast i Chinda, Japanese ambassador, and ployees of the Isthmian canal coin-mi8sl- Philip-- it was Mr. and Mrs. Senter. The chief engineer is condemned in The the w construction In the southern ' A project Is by 'officers of the v Sons of the and the Panama railroad and Th Pacific Mail liner Persia, the resolutions, which will be handed under consideration Secretary of State Bryan aa the guests being placed aboard the Pa- that American Revolution are President, ; army on pines, are the war department, to inaugurate a of honor. - officers duty as such in tho pulled into Honolulu from the to Ruser, request . hu- vice-preside- nt Mail Mongolia during the Far Capt and a for Francisco-Hawaiia- n Perley L, Home; W. . cific liner morning among San army trans- .In various ways the Wilson adminis- Canal Zone, where the boxes aid . East this numbered mane treatment, of the crew is made R.' Castle; par--son- al stayofUhe vessel at the port. Much port service! entirely"; independent of treasurer, W. J. Forbes; Bhown confidence cases are shipped other than as its little delegation of cabin travelers, secretary, D. tration has. its. in of this freight Is not only bulky "but in the petition. the San Francisco-Philippin- e Ira Canfield; registrar, baggage.. Invoices covering the service, - man exceedingly Mrs. Senter, who is now returning to : the named for the very difficult to handle. In order to nam- Howard C. Mohr. c ; v shipmept will be declared to by the her" estate in southern California. and also to strengthen the last imrortant post at Tokyo. His appoint- give ample time for Its disposition, It ed by new trans- The executive committee is compos- Shipper before a customs officer ' in hinted with Sen-te- r the construction of ment has been heralded by men of Mongolia was ordered held here is that the return of PASSENGERS ABUTTED ports ed of ; F. B. McStocker, Dr. S. . D. sone. and will be submitted to the In his vessel, he will be induced to to. take t$ie place of bne or two all parties as one of tne most happy the. the until noon hour tomorrow. that nowvhave outgrowth their useful- Barnes and A, F.Cooke. , collector of customs at the port "of ar-- forsake the sea in the capacity of of- P. M. S. ' choices made by the president of men The big steamship was an early Per S.Mongolia, from San ness. ) -- Committee on arrangements for the arrival' together with a certificate of 1 5 - ficer, and take J op the role of direc- who will make or mar his administra- rival this morning; bearing :, a large Francisco, July 22. For Honolulu: E. The plan is still in its tentative Guthrie reception: Messrs, McStock- the CanM Zone collector of customs, s. n, One men who, delegations of. travel-.en- tor over the destinies of a handsome Adelseck, Mrs. E. Adelseck, B. E. Bee-ma- er and Canfield. ; ; . ; t. tion.: Guthrie is of the and fashionable stage at present, time, as an ap- ; or his deputy, & to personal examla.. . property Bar-ringe- r, ths declared, will not mar. - ,v - private yacht the of his W. it is make and ' - .- - -- Many Honolulans are returning ' H. Barringer, Mrs. E. J. propriation - Reception committee for Guthrie tion.'- ? : - iy- Congress will ne- . : be sixtyfive years old "from vacations spent on the mainland bride. v, H. S. Blood, Geo. R. Carr, Mrs. cessary party: Messrs. Home, Barnes r and He is almost Under this arrangement, shipments before the.Seeded ships could : honeymoon spent : 1 past, grand In Ma- i The is said will be . . :;: . and a master the and in Europe. ..;; Geo. R. Carr, Ching Quow Chew, Mrs. be secured; but strong pressure, it is Canfield. t of, returned American goods, ' and a cruise of the. islands In the south sonic order. . ". The presence of Ambassador George In B. Clarke, II. G. Dillingham, B. F. said, is being brought to to put Those present at the luncheon to- household goods purchased 'abroad - Pacific .' - bear W.- Guthrie, now Journeying to Japan Donahue G. DuboiB, Miss Louise Dun- the idea through. With the increased day included: Mr. and Mrs. Home, and actually ; used as such by - the The presence of the talented heir- gan. ; - to assume his official duties, drew a Miss NeUie Epler, Mrs. Rosalie i nmmnT,s - representingi the Sons .and Daughters shipper, or flmlly, for. at least 1 1 T7 4 T I fnrria uaflii , Httinn.iw...... wusu.uu.- 7 his ess on board the Persia, awakened I, I.- - r J 111.. : -- delegation of prominent business and t, 8 i r cation with Honolulu Is imperative. of the American Revolution; Hon. one year, will pass the customs with- more than passing interest among the VfJrt! - "..professional men to the ship to greet Jeanne L. Geary. Ben, J. F. Graham, Now thA- otiiv tranbnnrf MrvL Ha. George W:, Mrs. and Miss Guthrie. Ad- mw out further examination on arrival at officers as as the. passengers. Gurney, C. B. the distinguished diplomat Joshua Crozler, Miss Jane wail has" is that furnished by govern- miral and Mrs. T. Moore, General 'mm a port in the United States. $ ...... The Persia called at Manila, on the i - -- Lv ; .The vessel Was favored with' the Harlow Hewett,- Mrs G. - IIick, ment ' vessels en rotit'e to' the Philip- and Mrs; Frederick Funston, Govern- vcyage, 129 Filipinos were M- Consul-gener- al Hi-sakl- chl on voyage from last where James - Hosmer, F. G. Hummel, Mrs. " or Frear, and Mrs. the , best of weather Ha- pines and Japan that stop here. If the cool, bracing air would feel ' : Saft Franciscol Nothing of serious na-- . embarked for the territory, of F, G.. Hummel, A. IL Jones, Miss B. Eitaki. Chief Justice and Mrs. Eufl good you days, look waii.- ;The 10 to these at the vessel arrived here this ; : ture marred -- the pleasure of the trip. Kentner, G. Latimer, J.. M. Levy, A..G. M. Robertson, Professor and W Volcano House ad.' In today's Xtar. & S 2 us : morning with cabin and second Mrs.,' Lindsay Dore-m- ! .Seventy-si- x cabin and second Ly Lindsay L.' Miss G. Mrs. M. M. Scott Dr. and Mrs. Bulletin, and tee the Henry Water, class passengers. . - . ; v Lipdsay,' iA. I Lindsay, B. .r. class passengers left the vessel here. Mrs. iMiss VESSELS TO 'AND - " Scudder, Territorial" Secretary house Trust Co. about ratas by the The , through list , numbers 20 cab- Liniisay Mott-Smit- h,- r . 107 W. ,E Loucks? MrsJ W, E. Mrs.! EJA. Lieut, and ,. The through. list includes cabin, and FIOHT day, week- - and months Ad fertlaa-men- t. in, 16 second class and .13 Asiatic Low-re- y, 10 second-- class and ICC Asiatic steer Loucks, F.,J. Lowrey, Mrs, F. J. 1 FROM THE ISLANDS Mrs. L. M. Stevens, Lieutenant Wil- ; ' K " J. ': ,. steerage. . A. Lowrey, B. Macora-ber- ' An- . age passengerf a. J. Mrs. F. liam G; BalL Judge and Mrs. The Persia met with fine weather Mrs! 'J.-- ; E. Mar-tin- ,- Prof, W- '; ;y , amount of cargo is leaving Mather, Miss T. tonio Perry, and Mrs. - A. LONDON Organized mUitan A small Special Cable to , - for the greater part of the voyage. R. Metcalf,' Mrs. ' C L. Morgan, reliant' Mr. Mrs. B . McStock- bro- the vessel. v Several privately, owned v.' , Bryan, and F. among the. suffragettes hsu heen The vessel Is expected to j sail for Exchange automobiles-wer- e E. a Murdock, Mrs. E.'C. Murdock, er, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Atherton, Mr. ken np, according . to the Dally Mail, included In the list coast at. five this evening, ' o'clock . the V. P. Osburn, Mrs. y. P. Osburn,' A. Mrs. C. H . Atherton, Mr., and . t Mail to the amount of 120 sacks, was and which publishes a . review ol ha six following the discharge of two hun- Pezxie,' B- - Ranger, Mrs.kR. Kipling, " TnesdavJaly 22. . Miss - received. The. through cargo includes F. Mrs. A F, Cooke,' Mrs. and months of . "terrorism' and compares dred tons general cargo and the load- B. Ranger, M. . HILO Sailed, July lU. schr. Malrose Hum- 3700 tons of general merchandise' and Mrs. F. F. Raymond, . Yates, Misses Marsh Seeber. it with the order of things ainc 3 the ing of 400 tons coal lntd the bunkers. Mrs. M. F. Raymond, Mrs. E. B. Sco-vill-e, for Puget Sound. Bradstreet, -- supplies destined for ports throughout mel, Morne; Mesdames recent passage of the "cat and mouse J.- - Sailed, July 21, S. S. Enterprise at V S. Spltzer, Mrs. J. S. Spitzer, Miss Judd, Mrs. . machin-e:- Ambrose, Mrs. and law.-.-- ; , The 6Ugar milling The MaiL which first op4sed the orient. Cavarly Back to the Soil. M. T. Miss Stoner, 6 p. m., for San Francisco. "Davis WS Stark, La Vera Gulick, General Edward and loaded here will be discharged at the , law when it was first proposed, Frank R,, Cavarly, for years a fa- Miss E. Sturgeon, W. B. Thomas; Mrs. HANA Arrived, July 21, schr. Hono- - I D. Canfield, R. Pratt, C --, - v.,: Messrs. J. having np Manila. trans-Pacifi- c Ipu, gives it credit for broken figure, . with trav- from San Francisco. r.-R- . Second Steward. Scott has been pro- miliar W. B .Thomas, Miss May Thomas, Farrington, Dr. S. D.: Barnes, militant conspiracy. - VTog-nazzin- i, SAN FRANCISCO 22, She-b- a, - elers, shipping men and port officials Miss Austina Tuttle, Mrs. T. C. Arrived, July C. A. Brown, W . C. Pa rke, S. dont ma&e the man bat cer- moted to the' position of chief stew- . The law now requires that. when a arcund the big ocean, . who resigned Miss E. Tognazzini, Master noon, S.. S. Wilhelmlna, hence 'July W. Redington, Mayor Fern, W. tainly help him ever roo;!j ard, taking the place vacated through L. suffragette who has been seir.-mce- to tie from the Toyo Klsen Kaisha service Harvey Tognazzini, , T. Warren, 16.. Taylor, Y J Akai spots yen -- death Chief J. J. Forbes, James. T. enable to meet bet. the disappearance and of some ago, blossomed out Mrs. E. YOKOHAMA Sailed, July 22, S. S. Akal, prison falls ill through a strike - Var-- months has Mrs. J. T, Warren, Frances J. Forbes. James T. , Taylor, Y. fer peeple help yet. to Had a Jlarry Donahue. Frank full-fledge- only Ion enough 8teward d Shinyo Maru, . she shall be released - as a realty operator and Warner, M iss Florence Warner, Mrs. for Honolulu A. K. Ozawai Henry Judd and MrsL. better Job , more pay Mall man, ' ty, a well known. Pacific 22 , - to recover her strength and theu be salesman. As office manager, .Frank H. Waterhouse, M iss M. B. White, S. SEATTLE Sailed, July S. S. M. . .." .. capacity . : Birch. Ml-tenc- e. DOAT handicap yonrself by has Joined the vessel in the La-gunlt- to jail to continue' her ' Cavarly is now identified with Wile,-V- F,.Wilson, Mra. V. F. . Wilson. Mexican, for Honolulu. Distinguished Record.; returned i the Hat . Dr.; Dukes, the - making yoar old clothes' do By of second steward. prop- G. . not Mrs. Emmalino ParJ;hurs?, G. W. lony-tine-payne- Development Company's For Yokohama: Albers, H. The Hon. George W. Guthrie is ct ' popular surgeon , in the Mongolia, is who recovering her. nnlng ear? erties, in central and southern Cali Bottomley, H, C. Brinck, Mrs.. H. C. S. S. PERSIA sails ,for San Francisco only one of the: "original Wilson Dem- Is from latest - on shore, Dr. J. to-b-e plan yon can dress well- ax taking a vacation and pre- M. Miss,M. Bull, : today, 5 p. m. supporter hungec strike, is not likely ar- at - fornia. They do say that Frank Brinck, Miss Brinck, ocrats" and a strong Wilson next fellow LaTe'taoney J. Smith, formerly in the Nile, is tak- S. again, said, unless she the and hand- h4 De Muth, J. L. Dobbins, Mrs. L.' S. MONGOLIA sails for Yokohama elec- rested it is - ing his place one trip at least. sides over, the destinies qf a J. In Pennsylvania long before the left over for Other things.- ' for somely equipped, Dobbins. . Robt. Frothingham, Mrs. ; at noon Wednesday. conspicuous fig- tries to participate ia. a militant cam- Chief Engineer R. S. Paul was suite of offices. Iu tion last fall, but a Let us shew yon whit we ean the Commercial building. Cavarly Robt Frothingham, Miss D. Frothing- In and progressive politics. paign. She has already been returned proad of the performance made by the ure clean con- do for t '929 t la" a well-wishe- rs ham, A. Gorman, Gring, Hon. G. VILL three times to Holioway Jail in tou possesses a host of friends and Paul R AILR0AD in Pittsburgh and has Schloss-Balllmo- i: He was bora rr P . .Mongolia as regards speed, the besi W. Guthrie, Mrs. G. W. Guthrie, Miss nection with her last sentence.'; snJL clay's run ranging in neighborhood "here who believe that there spent all of his professional life there the Is nothing too good A. S. Guthrie, MrsF. W. Gage, T; S. edu- The Mail, claiming to have made a 384 miles, while the engines were for him. in the practice of law. He was of , Hamilton, Mrs. T. S. Hamilton, Miss University of special inquiry into the status of mil- ' wot forced to any extent in completing cated at the Western Hawaii Sugar Report. : Marguerite . Hamilton, H. E. Heacock, By Latest Mail Pennsylvania, now the University of itancydeclares that the organization passage. ,.-;- the iV Sugar pile up Mrs. H. E. Heacock, T. P.' Hewitt de- is reduced to a few disabled leaders I A large amount of coal is today go continues to at the WASHINGTON Denver was select Pittsburgh, and later given the n M. M. THS several-plantatio- warehouses on Miss Irwm, Geo. Kennedy, Mrs place of from insti- with their former army of follower, ing steamer. In sailing the - ed on Tuesday as the meeting cree of doctor of laws the into the at Geo- - M; Kennedy, Miss Elvira Ken- scattered and the organization as a - island of Hawaii Product awaiting the next convention in 1916 tution. After attending law school noon . tomorrow, a hundred or more nedy, H. A. ,Kostr( Mrs. H. A. Ros- triennial whole crippled financially.' Subscrip- shlpnTent .Includes the following lots, of of Locomotive in Washington, he came to his home A Blatlc . steerage passengers are ex Knox, T. Kuro- the Brotherhood ter, Miss Emma TI. ; ' ' tions militant cause have been according to report brought to this to. practice. ; ..-.- ".. to the pected to join the vessel for the coast sawa. H. Latham, V. Leach, fJ. B. Firemen and Enginemen. citv warn- ' J J. greatly checked by the official '" ; city by Purser Phillips of the Mauna . of- He became identified early iru life cf Asia... ', Lloyd, Mrs, J.' H. Norton and maid, . The convention elected these are liable to pros- Kea: Olaa 16.000, Waiakea 5000, Hllo 111., with the forces of progressive poli- ing that subscribers W. F. Carter of Peoria. " ; R. Oglesby, Mrs. R. Oglesby, J. A. ficers: - : .Co. 6000, 7138, Pe-eek-eo cam- ecution. 'Mauna Kea With Tourists, Sugar Onomea A. M. prerident; Timothy Shea of Peoria,' as- tics and in 1896 led the reform 1133.1141 Fort Street Returned Piatt, Miss Powell,. Albert J. de- globe-trotter-s, 1424, Honomu 2000, Hakalau paign in a fight for honesty and , A. delegation of who Snow, Mrs A, G. ThompsonMiss G. sistant president; C. V. MeLottghlin of HonoIaluV Largest Cxrla.olre 4000, Laupahoehoe 10,075, Kaiwikl cency in city affairs. Though unsuc- ON "".had arrived here in transpacific C. Thompson, Miss M. Vinson, Miss ! Omaha, P. J.; McNamara of Buffalo, RULES ADOPTED Clothing Store. .. oS6, Kuakaiau 5S00, Hamakua Mill B. cessful in hU election, his element of . steamers, completed a tour to Hawaii Lh wesuyn. ror tvooe: jonn sieginea, George K. Wark of , D. i PANAMA CANAL Ku-kuihae- THE 4150, 7000, 700, le recognized as a strong - Onea. evenings 8:W. and the volcano today, returning to Paahau Honokaa Dr. J. Hunter. Wells, Mrs. J. Hunter Robertson of Youngstown, Oy and Al- citizenship was till - 4000, vice-presiden- Honuapo 7244 sacks. ts. force and the fight begun at that time Honolulu in the steamer Mauna. Kea. Wells, Miss V. W'eUs. Miss H. Wells, bert Phillips of Sacramento, ANCON, C. Z. Advice has been re- - in- 'V ': M. Nagasaki-- : bore fruit later on. vessel also brought freight, Master Wells. For J. ; , continue today The Balloting wilt on several hon- Honoluian Will. Be Heavily Laden. H. vice-preside- Mr. Guthrie served cluding shipments of empties, 174 r.. Babcock, Miss Katherine Ewald, nt the sec- Navigation for another and orary commissions, among them the packages sundries, onb auto, 1781 When the Matson steam- S. Harman, Miss Mabel Hartford, A. retary and treasurer.: er Honoluian sails for San Francisco Kuntz, Mrs. W. M: Rumsey, J. S. Shep-par- d, National Municipal League on Muni- , packages native lumtjer, 20 crates six evening Program, which, in 1900, sub- cabbage and C barrels 'wine. Purser at o'clock this that vessel Jr., Mrs. J. S. Sheppard. Miss to cipal will heavily Colonel Roosevelt seems be the report significant In its "OT; BUT IT Phillips reiorts clear weather, with be found laden with a big Janet Sheppard. For Manila: Mrs. T. cne great principle that divides the mitted a shipment cf sugar, and between twenty-f- P. Ballenger, A. W. Beam, Mrs. A. W. spirit of modern civic efficiency. . smooth seas. The Matson Navigation Republican party and Progressive Honolulu to ive: ; the Thus saith the citizen his fellow citizen. ; and thirty thousand cases of Beam, G M. Cassidy, A. . U. Crook, Meanwhile he wa3 active In national steamer Enterprise was expected to part y Albany 'Knickerbocker-Press- . ONE NIGHTS SAIL FROM HONOLULU THE FIRE BURNS ON v Hilo-fo- preserved pines. The cargo as gath- Miss Margaret M. Cleaves, Mrs. E. K. party politics as a member of the " sail from r the coast cn Mon-- " NIGHT . AND MORNING AND DOUBLE C. Fra-se- r, THE OPEN HEARTH Inter-Islan- ered under the direction' of Shipping Dyers, Miss Eleanor Dyers, H. day. The d steamers Kauai, NECESSARY TO COMFORT. ' - ' ' Manager Drew includes the fcllowing: Mrs. H. C. Fraser, H. E. Gilraore, E!, f some prominence as assistant secre-- : BLANKETS ARE Kaiulani and Ilelene were at Hi'o tak- coercingihe;.JS Conundrum: WHERE CAN THIS BE? . ' Sugar 6000 tons,, pines 25,000 cases. Dr. O. A. Hansen, George T. Koch, tary of the 'national convention of; ing on or discharging cargo. i3 to excite liveliest f coffee, 1200 baks,- 2000. M. P. Lawrence, E. S. Maxson, and senators one Chicago. was Answer: AT THE VOLCANO HOUSE. and bananas Lieut Chi- 1884, held at In 1902Jhe Vol- resentment in their constituents. lieutenant-governo- The following are the highest and lowest temperatures at the Fifty passengers have been .booked for Mrs. E. S. Maxson, Master John E. a Democratic candidate' for r Maui Back With Sugar. cago Reccrd-Heral- d. . July 1st to 12th, froirr Professor Jaggar's Vol-can- o . Maxson, F. McCulIough, Miss Ag- cano House, from taken San Francisco in this vessel J. of the state, receiving the - - Sugar to amount of 10,075 sacks observatory : ; the nes Riley, H. D. Pope, Miss Lillian support of the state con- - record: : unanimous ports -- was. received from Hawaii with Ri8, Claude Russell, Mrs. Claude Rus- crganiza- - Highes- - Temperature Lowest Temperature Ma'i o'f foC'Cca't toni?ht vention, but the Republican ' the arrival of the Thter-Islan- d steamer The Pacific Mail, liner Persia, to sell, Miss Frances Russell, Russell tion in the Keystone, state was then July 1 C6 59 Maui. This vessel called at Kawaihae San Trace. For Hongkong: Mrs. D. Buck- opposition July 2 ...... :: C2 rail for Francisco at five o'clock at its height and the ticket ' ' and secured SO head of cattle. Other - this evening, is tti take a large con- ingham, Miss F. Coombs, Mrs. Mary In 1904 he was a dele-gat- e July 3 ...... C29 was defeated. ' ' I Items of freight included 45.' bales v ; A. Cleaves, Dr. W. A. Fisher, Mrs. ccn-entio- n. July 4 CG signment of mail destined for the Democratic national ' to the ' i 16 empty ' sisal, bales wool, r0 drums mainland. Several layover passengers W. A. Fisher. A. S. Henry; Mrs. A. S. FOR SALE. In 1906 he was elected mayor July u ...... '. 6S S5 - met with 7- - and sundries. The vessel have been booked at the agency of H. Henry. P. J. Halton, D. E. Newell, Jr., of Pittsburgh, serving until 1909, and July C moderate trades and seas. : Mrs. D. E. Newell, E. H. Rankin, Dr. Fine palms, ferns, other 54 Hackfeld & Company for San Fraa-c'sc- o collection cf as chief executive of the big city he July 7 Carl J. Shellman. Mrs. Carl Shell-ma- n, plants: 1616 Nuuanu, School by this vessel. The Persia was J. above made a fine record. j July 8 f 5602-3t- . NEW DANCES suppliedwith a quantity of coal dur- Master Lawrence Shellman, Street Tel. 3917 ' Duftng the last campaign Mr. Guth- July 9 10 C9 53 ing the brief stay at: the port. rie took an active part in the political July ' f. .1 two-ste- p, p, 63 . - Tango . one-ste- July 11 70 Tango. Let your 'judgment guide you-Cons- Wer your pocketbook light in his state and was regarded as ' m t 54 Boston, Hesitation Waltz. Miss White There Is one thing; certain: . The cne of the most influential of the Wil- July 12 r 7I9 of San Francisco will be with Mrs. next ' Republican .congress is going to son men in the north. He holds a Low Summer Rates, See Henry Waterhouse Trust Co. for rates Gunn for the next two weeks anl give tave a lot of undoing to do. Denver 2464 nurrber cf positions of trust in Pitts- and connections. - :. . Smith - lessons daily. sPhone 2575, after 4 Times. We solicit your transfers from a bundle to a carload. burg commercial and benevolent appears :" ' p. m. advertisement Vice' President Marshall at bodies. . . . last to have settled Into his stride for The regard In which the ambassa- Kilauea Volcano House Co., STAR-BULLETI- years X GIVES TOO that four cf silence. Rochester Hawaiian Iixpress Co dor, is held by the. people of his city ; ; T0DAIS SETTS TODAI Post Exxpress. Nuuanu and Queen Streets was significantly shown at a big tes-- ' V -f'- -'..?



- - : - " 1 " " - ' ?; I t . r : '.n"r:. : r. - ' 1 1 i nnt urn rciicnif I - I I Latest cnmese war iews tuw umuitL SKOCK'ING MYSTERY lull J J -- repairs to the Waialae roa l ON WEST SIDE PRESIDENT CONFERS hie also secretly telegraphed to General Vian Shih-Ka-i voicing their opposi- are being made over its entire length. ; WE HflYE UNDERTAKEN: WITH THE MILITARY to stand which ' :Xr2MMmi. tion the has been taken -.-- school-hou- i Mm by Governor Chun. An addition to the Japanese se ; ITS SOLUTION ' - ; (Special cable to the Sun Chung at Moiliill has just been hnish- YOU YiiVr BE THRILL ED, Kwock Co.) SITUATION ed. 'V': ' .;.-rv,-i'.'- DISCUSSED i :: -if: v; PEK IX. China. July 21 A lengthy GnRZED, SOWDRUZED u military officials was Pineapple Comoany tenference of (Special Cable to Nippu The Hawaiian I xWfO FflSCINRTEDf'' l.eld yesterday in the office of the Jiji). running cannery .night and day. here TOKH), Japan, July 21. Premier is its Yuan Shih-Kai- , during present time about one-thir- d President Count Hayashi has held a conference At the hich Chief of staff Chun suggested , of the season's pack has been pre- XtiB WORLD fflrtOUS troop once invade with Baron Makinc-- minister of for that the federal at eign affairs, G. Hayashi, ambassador served.' .'' province of Kwantung. and, if suc- the to Italy now in this citv on leave of f?CRTRflTT fiCTnfSTH; cessful there, carry the invasion into A.'vVan Lean has joined forces with Kiangsf absence, and Ichiro Mctono, ambassa live provinces of and Kiangsu, dor to Rustia, at which it Is reported the Popular theatre In the capacity of the. seat of the present hostilities. the 'situatipa on China formed ' the trombene player., "As a soloist Van Minister cf War Tuan Ki Si suggested principle topic of discussion; The min Loan has an enviable record with tfie that General Lee Shim, who is now utes of the conference, however, have local marine baud; in command cf the federal troops at not been made public. ; iatUSTRaTC Kiangsi, com- regis- Fukao, province cf be Recent arrivals from Hilo, PROGRESS d missioned commander-in-chie- f Of the tered at the Young Hotel include ton invasion. The FEDERALS THE VICTORS Wright, 101' federals to lead the ' harles W. Parsons, C. E. imrrcrllate dispatch cf battleships to K. F. Nichols, Mr. and .Mrs. Carlsmith. (Special Cable to' the Nippu Jiji). .- ('ant n, province of Kwangtung, via Miss Jean Moses and II. . H. More-head- TOKIO, Japan. July 21. is re ' the river Chung Kong, was advooated. It : r 'I Cantcn now being in the hands of the ported here that has been fought in the province of Kiangsi '(M insurgents. It is likely that the fed- Sam- An for the adoption of H-Hl- between the federals the" order s. eral troops which are commanded by and min- insurgents, in which the former troops uel and Harriet K. Miller, both :cno ASTOUNDING General Lung Tsi Kang and stationed ors, was entered in the circuit court Lung Chew, province of Kwangsi. were victorious. The insurgents were at under the" command Lee this morning. S. C. Dwight and Har- SpEVELOPMENTS.' (fL vill be dispatched to the province of of General Wh and have --retreated to the south. riett Dwight, grandparents" of the Kwangtung, and that General Lung children, were the petitioners, will be commissioned commander-i- n chief of those forces. Prince katsura has Ancillarvi letters of administration an . Clothinp; the fight kind of a in the ti . temporarily resigned were erantpd this moraine in the cir-- APPOINTMENTS 0. K.JD cult court to Robert Wallace of Keala-- i kind of a suit -- in nine instances out of ten it . (Special Cable to the Japanese Chfo--' kekua, Kona, Hawaii, over the estate ( ought be, y, in the instance it to sneya-Kynnersie- "BeDiamin:'! tenth Special Cable to the Sun Chung ', V nicle). ' of Clement Gerald TOKIO,' Japan, 21. who died in England where his estate , 'Kwock Bo.) July Prince : (life PEKIN, China. July 22 Another Katsura, leader of the Rikken Doshl-ka- i, is being probated. )4wWwWs conference of military officers has been a recently formed political party, 111 TTnnn the return of Attornev Gen me omce or i uau being too to perform the duties as neia in msiuenu eral .W.AV. Thayer, who ; is now on! Shih-Ka- i, head ' official cf the . organization, has majority those being g the cf his vacation, the long-pendin- fishing present advocating the ppolntment of temporarilj" resigned in favor of Ba- ron Komei Kato,. of right cases on Maui will be settled.' Chung Min as governor the prov former minister Ti of foreign affairs and ambassador to Word has been received fromv Mr, Lung at ince of Kwangtung, and General England. It Is expected that the new Thayer 8tatlng-4h- he will return to Kang as commander-in-chte-f of 2. . 3' Tal party under the leadership of Baron Honolulu. Ausust and will at once the federal troops now stationed in Ml begin the preparation for, the trial ofj Kato; w take a deGnite step toward In abundance that district. Daring the last revolu- probien exist- the now ancient cases. He expects THE and benches a solution:of the now NEW MONUMENT TO and children to rest ar.J tion in China, Chung Min'Tsi held the ing in Middle China.: Prince Katsura, to go to Maui August 12 for that pur - - position ot viceroy of the provinces of Is suffering pose: ". - ;'J""- ;: CITY OF BERLIN mire at leisure. v who from cancer of the BEAUTIFUL 1 Kwangtung and Kwangsi,' and General stomach, Is reported to be daily im Professor HoSman ha adied ' triumph those he hm Lung was commander-in-chie-f of the proving a.nd that he will soon be in a. At a meeting of the board o,f man- . (By Latest Mail) another to ready earned. material ch: troops stationed in the latter prov-- 4 condition, to resume the duties of his ager of Kawaiahao Seminary at the BERLIN. Germany. Berlic, aJready .The office. residence of Mrs. S. C. Allen, Alakea and monumenU used in the. work 13 fine sani -- o rich in fine statues boats. When these surmises were put sculptors and I street,, yesterday afternoon, a resolu- of every descrictinn. Is to receive 'en chalkstono and the to McCann,- he gave the same answer: passeoSwhereby a course of rcn Tasehner, Wrba and Rauch, ti: tion was the forra of a fountain of " ARMORED MOTOR 111 have nothing t say on the sub- BATTLESHIPS EN ROUTE addition in domestic science knd sewing will "be raiqpe? design and great beauiy. It is Berlin. v. ject 111 neither - deny nor confirm SECRETARY WILL be- Introduced Into the school at the the - laerehenbrunnea (fairy , tale anything." (Special cable to the Sun Chung 1913-191-4 tV.o : ginning of the school year. by the eminent More persons make use. of designed -- Kwock Bo,) . fountain) tional. In McCann . has a brother, Ferdinand The resolution was presented by Prof. Prof, I,udwiV Hoff- forests Utah than la BOATS PUZZLE SHANGHAI; China, July 22. The MacCaugliney, president BerUn architect, Nearly 27 per cent cT McCann, who Is a large land holder in -- Vaughan of dis- other state. ; mann, who has just received the federal troops which have been dis Mid-Pacif- ic , ; the neighborhood c Mexico City. Ac- M A the Institute. - the permits for sheep and cattle patched from here to the province of KE DAILY tinguished order Pdur le- Mtrite ut the cording to Warren McCann, he not majesty ing on the forests are taken out Kwangtung are scheduled' to reach hinds of..'the Empefor. His ! expected In San Francisco soon, nor ; ' Funeral services over the body' of the this state. Thi3 does not mean. the outskirts of CantoS withiri three - Las teJicn the ktc3C3t intrestan ever, Utah: one-fov.rt.- :. BUILDERS ; has he any connection with the order N. K: Norita. for the 'past twenty commencement, and that carries days. The battleships wnich now - fountain frem ; are - post-offic- e its , national forest cattl 2 for the boats. "My brother has noth- years, an employe of the local people all. the on their way t'a Canton to aid thye fed- wishes it to be presented to the sheep;- - happens many e ing to do with it,"; he said:; "He is and who died Sunday evening : it that working oa his land near. Mexico City erals are expected to arrive an the following ' a' short IllnessY were held during his jubilee week. . ;' grazing Interests make use of tt? : "Trlu-richshai- n mysterious ' same day troops. Ku-k- ui : The calling for bids on : as the th'o .'catraice to ests and individual flock3 t . and has nothinq; to do with this." fron the. home of the deceased in It Is at the there; construction of flee six. high-powere- d north- the a of fctandard; pas Company; of Oak-- TDy Latest Maill lane at ten oTclock"this morning, park, in the rxtrcme herds are larger elsewhere. motor-boat- s capable cf being Jhe ceme- ' lan yu3 been asked to bid: oa the en-- .FIGURE WITH REBELS : WASHINGTON Reporting the 'first IntermeDt.being in the Japanese east of the city, where the. beautiful .The $15,000 California appropri-- : outfitted with cannon, has caused 'a ' year tery. ' was onost f r the" half 4oze boats. ; It js . , .... '; day's showing of the new fiscal Norita one ot the work will certainly be quite as much to pay. the transportation expez: among jdnsj y shipyard anr " flutter -- Secre-tsf- Oakland melt to-the- cejrevea mac tne vessels win oe omit (Special Cable to the, Sun Chung cf the United States treasury, efficient wid trusted employes of the appreciated, Js inthe. the-reter- Gettysburg r.: r - - and electrical' engineering firms who : a- - in Oakland shipyards,, EpecifiQa-- . . Kffock Bo): V; - MeAJo i , to tasoe- statement local departnTCnanoCTv wst- The basin, which-1- about 165 celebration was declared are among, those asked to bid. The i. ..i rial lllcsl fioBs Tare they are to be sixty XvtiKli China;r July 22. Thi-- for showing the grand total assets and lia- lng him a wife and three children. ; feet long and over 100 broad, is "flack- cause a Caw in the bill. -- Warren McCann of '404 street, ibat of Post fee: long, wkti a fifteen eign ambassadors here have announc- bilities of the, government, and here ed by1 an imposing colonnade. The wat- San .Francisco, - who called "for' the befmlf feet The specifications j ; ed they regard General Wong after he will continue the mettfod of er flows in terraces and cascades and f tenders,' refuses to divulge either the further demand that If. th cool, bracing air would prompt completion of the work. Hing and other military officers as be- making his "daily statement? in budget llie character of the design Is ac.once good to you days, look Identity, of, the parson fcr whom he Is " ' thse ft ing rebels. . form, indicating whether the. govern- visible everywhere. Familiar groups Volcano Houso ad. today's " . - pro- Jn acting as agent or fcr what the ment revenues are progressing on a posed boats are to be used. The boats The Western Pacific Railway "has representing Hansel and GreteV Puss Bulletin, and see th Henry .. 'engineers surplusor deficit basis. ; in Boots, Cinderella, etc., will delight house Trust Co. about rates by ' arc to cost abcut$30,900 each.. instructed its to report COMMANDtR SUGGESTED be y Government assets will shown to ;eyes. Charmingly laid dayf week and monthv Advert 1 H.. Merrick head of. the Franklin fire3 along the right-of-wa- where it the children's he nearly $$000,000,000, against whicir flower beds! surround, the fountain ment - y 'Engineering Coiaptny Plumas (Special - , , . cut ,' of.Oakland, traverses the national forest, cable to the Sun Chung liabilities, including the gold "which is .the" companies asked California. The location" of fires is Kwock Bo.) there are anion? and silver ' trertittcates; aggregating to . offer bids, suggests the boats indicated on a card; dropped by the PEKIX, China, July 22. General 'that about $1,724,000,000, leaving a balance may be for use by the 'Mexican gov- engineer cr fireman to the next sec- Chang Fuir, commander-in-chie- f of the In the treasury of from $250,000,000 to ernment fa .preventing the revclution-ist- s tion crew met after the dire is dis- federal troops now statlo'nea at Chiu $275,0C0,000, including the gold reserve f from smuggling , arms into the covered. It Is then the duty of part Chow, province of Kiangsu, has rec- country along the west coast. Other of the section crew to go back on ommended that General Wong Si of $i5o,ooo,coo. v - secretary his Inten- suggestions are that ore- of the revo- handcars or speeders and put out the Lung be appointed commander of The announced ' the '. adopting lutionary parties is aiming to use the blaze. '.'.V. federal troopB ' stationed prov- tion of the new method when in the report fiscal year ; (Continued from page one) ince of Kwangtun. It is reported that he issued his for the of 1914, June 30. . recommendation has .been" favor- which closed .. lae The report for the fiscal' year 1913 ing it out now might cause hard feel ably received by Yuan Shih-Ka- i. op- President shows counting out the Panama lags: I don't altogether like the . that or canal and the public debt transactions, inion, and it is hard to get head It, long is filled with'. gobd-riatiire- the treasury came through with $40,-083,2- tail to so as it Califeiie, like a d girl, malic 1 FEDERALS AT HANKOW excess receipts over expendi- citations."; J .. A tures. But figuring in tms canal and main point of dispute has been friends wherever introduceti (Special Cable to the Sun' Chung the debt, treasury has a deficit for whether the law 'passetl by the last hosts of the ' ' "- ' Bo.) legislature, giving the c;:-:-;;.- Kwock the year of $2,449,000. Total receipts session of the ;'.'..:: :C r :: V .. - , HANKOW, China, July 22. Gener- amounted to $723,782,921, while ordi- mayor appointive powers, the appoint-m3nt- s al Kecng Kwi Ti arrived here last nary disbursements were $683,699,692. to be approved by the biard First you meet her in the store where her night with a large body of federal Corporation taxes yielded the gov- of supervisors, affected an ordinance .' city ticop3. ( ernment $34,948,870, or $3,365,76S more passed previously by which the Chaperon ' puts her through various 'fancy Cus-tom- county given right than during the fiscal year 1912. e and engineer is the UNDER MARTIAL LAW , receipts reached $318,142,000, an to name his assistants. , ; show what she can do. increase of nearly $7,000,000 over the ;. The; question arose as to whether or paces to you 7 c - (Special cable to the Sun Chung previous year. :. ' not' the word "law" as used in the sta- , Internal revenue receipts were $309,-478.00- 0, tute, where it says that the mayor Kwock Bo.) may CANTON, China, July 22. Govern, which was $16,500,000 greater appoint all city and county off as ivilling 1912. appoint- In ybin: own house she is just tc or Chun of the-- province of Kwang- than in where 'their election or operation pen ment Is not provided by tung, rvho has established his head- Under the of the new otherwise quarters sion law veterans and widows were law, including "ordinance". It was make the tastiest, crispest pastries you ever in this city, has issued a mil- - ; aid $175,143,000, an increase of $21,r contended that- if the law as :, -- - -v :i 'r-':.- l word '''U - ; itary order forbidding too residents of Cantcn to leave the city. r.37.000. used in the statute did not cover or ate, sif you'll follow the simple directions in Governcr The year closed with $144,704,000 in dinances that iiie pity's chief execu Chun is a 'member of Dr. Sun Yat general treasury tive had the right to fill road su Hen's party, the fundof the as the Cook hoo! and the city of Canton is compared with $167,152,000 1912. pervisor job. the Califene now ia the hands of insurgents. inv the The cash drawer of the treasury con In clear and unequivocal language. tains $Gr,523.r)00 as the working bal Mr. Weaver declares that law includes FEDERALS GO SOUTH ance of the government The trust ordinance and therefor the mayor Take Califene home funds include ;.,$ 1,086,727,000 in gold had; no right to appoint, the successor f A I (Special Cable to the Sun Chung coin and bullion. . of Smiddy. v : HONOLULU PRICES. government spent $41,741,000 on with you, or telephone " Kwock Bo). The ; PEKIN, China, July 22. General construction cf. the Panama canal dur- Cah InttaUmcnts Fung Kwock Chang, prominent ing year, making a total of $318,- - CASCARETS SURELY "and the grocer's boy o 1 1 in the i II. Pvwith Magneto 122'J.t i; 230.00 $ 0.00 cash and 0 government nrTiViry 229,000 spent on the date, monthly payments affairs and a canal to of '' KTPduate of which $17:i.2S.00O has been paid out STRAIGHTEN YOU OUT $20.00 the German military acad- ,will be proud to bring of each. emy, has left here for the south with of the general fund of the treasury and 7 II. P. wilh Magneto 5270.t i) !?230.00 ? 130.00 cash and 6 z. htrge body of troops. the balance from the proceeds of bond Xo'r Biliousness,- - Xpset monthly payments federal The Headache, she's Oofetinaticn cf the troops has not been sales. Stomach, Laiy LlTfr or Constlpat-e- d her; the sort that $25.00 each. : made public . - The mints coined during the year Bowels by morning. i ll. P. T. T. Model $37,497,000, of which $30,058,000 was in makes people enjoy life, Magneto 2-- 5 peed and gOld. - you keeping your bowels, liver gear ?293.(.0 JSOp.OO ?15.".00 6 MAY SURRENDER Are jv cash and The 74M2 national now ex- monthly banks in and stomach clean, pure and fresh payments " -- istence have a tctal outstanding circu- $25.00 (Special Cable "to the Sun Chung with Cascarets, or merely forcing a each. lation of national bank notes of $737,' Califene cooks without I Kwock Bo.) . passageway through these alimentary 7 11. P. T. T. Model c6."),or.o. : "A rCHANG, China, July 22. A. body or drainage organs every . few days Manncto and Salts, Piils, Castor butter, and that's econ- gear $343. SJ33.00 $173.00' cash and C cf insurgents under the command cf with Cathartic monthly payments General Au Tong and stationed at MANY CHOIRS' ARE Oil or Purgative Waters. Stop, having bowel wash-da- y. Let $30.00 each. Nanchang, province cf Kiangsi, i:as ENTERED IN CONTEST a omy. been surrounded by a detachment of Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and m regualte the stomach, remove the un- federals which arrived outside, the I Kv Uit t Miiill Side-Car- s, city yesterday. General Au 'ong has digested, sour and fermenting food Br Delivery Vans and PITTSBURG, Pa. ve choirs gases, notified the federal commander that from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois 'and and foul take the excess bile he will Sght, and it is reported Indiana cities were, entered in from the liver and carry out of the iit the sysfem all the decomposed waste Tandem Attachments that he will soon surrender. competitions of the : International Eisteddfod which opened' here today matter and poisons in the intestines and bowels. ALL; MODELS EQUIPPED WITH INDIAN CRADLE-SPRIN- G FRAME and will continue the remainder of WESTERI MEAT CO. - : FOOT-BOARD- ANXIOUS TO FIGHT A you AND FORK?, FREE ENGINE CLUTCH, S, LUG- the week. A male choir of voices Cascaret tonight will make AND' DOUBLE-CONTRO- L feel great by morning. They work Ban GAGE CARRIER BRAKE. CHAIN DRIVE (Special from Wales and a women's choir of Francisco ONLY. FINISH INDIAN RED. Cable to the Sun Chung 50 voices from London are among the while you sleep never gripe, sicken Kwock Bo.) entrants. or cause any inconvenience, and cost CANTON, China. July 22. The for- only 10 your drug- Children's choirs competed in two cents a box from BEST LAU5DRY WOBK AND DRY CXEA5TXG mer insurgent.-.military-- officers sta- events today, with Canonsburg. Pa.; gist. Millions of men and women tioned here have telegraphed to Presi- Lorain; O. : Newcastle, Pa., McKee- - tcke a Cascaret now and then and Shih-Ka- . : E, dent Yuan i requesting that , Pa., and Johnstcwn, Pa., rep never have Headache,-- Byiousness. 0. they be with, FRENiGH LAUNDRY favcred a command to resented. Besides the competitive coated' tongue; Indigestion, Sour the forces of C6 composers AGF-N7- MFOR THE OF HAWAII. attack Governor Chun singing, today submit- Stomach or Constipated Bowels, Cas TERRITORY stationed in the province of Kwang-tnng.'- V ted new 'national anthems in a spe carets . belong in every household. J. ABADIE, Prop. Several 'other commanders cial rrize roTitogt. .. .. BTAR-BULLETr- four HONOLULU N, TCESIiAY. -- Il'LY VM'A. I

- . - r-- - . - - - l .' ' ' i s curnc. when I wa- - eaucM. at iio I tpjtl 5 1 s tit Serve l late. Tui!'s tht' t r a .if'vi Iced Tea EDITOR 0: DILMNOHAM arrUe-.- : RILEY H. ALLEN HAimun c?iig I ' ''',' -; this tooruing freni a isit to the "wfce.h reurl?d hiiJ. w ' HAROLD K. C'ASTU: Distinctively TUESDAY IT LY U2, 1H1 p;irt v :ury otInr jinrty cannot affnnl to adopt M- bj-r- mr t rr J, - LEVi , th.:' Ilf nclj!'i ::-- cv,v;v,.( U r c'o c f int-ii'l- .to h coj.--t - - it It is in oih'ii violation of tin in of tlie men. returned frrm a tri c' ;i;!;I,if ! i- mv m.r' i)i Mail Akrr:'.i L:.t thi , 1o Im-J- h 'in 'the Pacific Walter"' 5:i!i; .gLa::i k3 a great Py : psct-cs- Iscini br i,JaXl irilh ri'Tijthiiitf; iritlt Tin Star-linl- h tin s in using Indivhltial or full lirirt primary. morning. l- Id t'.ie t'VHvi. vviil a i.l-A- cr mo r have Rets, ct the s;ccial Crystal and iccalth, as if make as of In in it to oth-- giving new law a trial, ami to uivo it a " l"ci:f t! far f the fair fast in ' vA uit t'o raif service; we efftr. . .T. th- - erg; trith port rlif. not havia; ' much to not play favorites as T. VAHRKNT ff Iloi; !ii u for fair trial tin' parly must r- s ii :in;! Mrs 'Va - IMCiC rvl'tvLIVAN tak.-- - iPhotn SiMrlv 'Vrrnnnv' It .so care ami trith- t he-,- ; -s jiU'.ke r for.' uhxrimti, for. hniiu tinruririt. lrctwocn candidates tiiiiniiig at ;. j'rriiiiaries. rrn wcreWonvin.'. i as.-- :p t.a th to. fiht. wiiirh is uU'.1 rraion bc-U- r trrta- - wl.y KHiy make a s?iuiw- - Worst Iimiii . didn't I'ltitarrh.. ii utirtv it kiiMi Is .ff until after MtnS0"! . " asMt:'st;Vivi-Iiii- .; If the .frrmer le-lii- '.: the primaries, and then it may put its forces MR. AND MRS. V. i:. SUWV l if in l' t:ovan J.e- w V. Lac more Si-.rr- lie-.- ' r.i tm t J train, sir.a will suiejy l t:t up HAWAII AND RACE PROBLEMS the successful party candidate's. in.tho Ca'ifoi i. U ro they l.ave to'iriii the a Letter :niil. : lcn ' Ex-preside- nt in ; :' lloosevelt, in a lucid editorial ttato for six n'onths. ...''' '.J : WARHKN . iionoluhi George Vj. (Jiitliiir, Unl( Sam's new ami the Outlook on the, present New York"situation. 7 r Xi C. lir.1Mi;!.. rar,r;t-g- f .has yachts and some yachtsmen. DETAILS OF WORIUFUNSTON TO TELL si soire tuiffc Iu wtkicit iwlini hi V Ml') FRKI::nirK Kador to .Tnpnn, is tlw kind of a man ami thr kind of ilio r of the .MutU3 Tclpphone ('(Tipi'.iiy. t nUfh-r- r is not pnoug'-- general inter-- : t!i- g?iu" to rankt it entirely or savs: '',:". . and .Mrs. Huimkc! ;itrivod from the apulilicofficial that Honolulu delights to 'successful. After said and done. prime, simple primaries cca.1t on the Mongolia today. all's - :..' The and reason for direct "rockinR-chai- r honor. , r. ' it's the 'feet" that ON OF EARLY DAYS: ;'. Is that the averago voter must have the right to inakes yacht clubs possible." A lifelong iimmiiImt of u national party, We propose to do MR. ur.d MRS. .1. I . Si lTZKR nn Pffll jjreat choose his own leader.. do not we lark from a business and plc;nuic ho ha tarn of of away with organization or with leadership, but K. a distinctly intlrprnlont turn trip to the mainland. They rcti:mc 1 WALTER ni AW - Times are projHjse to make the orfianization a'nd the lcaitcrship nut so on Tlic're is mind as regards politics, hoin taniml 1y no far thi.3 moraing in the Mongolia.- - bad: the i'oast. CANAL INVUKON msponsiv? to the demands of the average cjtizen. nu'h building in progress iu San fetched tloctrint of partisanship when his own We propose that a leader shall really be a;. leader and Francisco. I..OS Angeles ?ind Fan Ii-pk- o, L. LINDSAY of Ca!., tint the only way to make b Ira a leader Ixs Angles. and lots of people are eoiuirc Rem plots wciv violated. Willing to worker a driver; and by Mrs'.' LindS3y taa com- - i. accomiianicd and A Oy Mi : instead of a driver is to give the average man into the country. Tin re is bis fair J.U't ill .' Karlv l)avs nn the Yukon" wilt U in the ranks, he has been always able to set their daughter, .Miss Gladys Unds:iy, built in San Dieso as ell as in CUU:nilA,.(V Z. Designing ct the plete power within his party organization, which Ycung )jRg Orreral Funstnn'a sahjt;rt at the Y. ry are at the Hotel. ' prancsco pri--ma- registered eaa buildings in whore the ranks were headed, and if unworthily powet can be pecured for him 'through the direct permanent to he used the M. C. A. Thursday nlRut.: Cenerat it. operation and maintenance of ca- direct primary alone. This Jhe Funfon was among, t'ae first who , and throngh the A." KOSTER, out-line- led, he has not hesitatetl to sav so. He is one of JI renreocntin, the JOHN BARLEY rending nal is based upon requirements il made the to Alaska when It was 'would make the leader far more wary than atpres- - , - After rush ' aidt Californjia Barrel Cemnany, is nrak- jV,bect lnrrcrrs, interview rve Wen by heads of departments of the announced that gold had been. dSscov-- - Pittslnirg's feeling; ordinarily he 5 ' fomnost citizens and has heen tn t of disregarding popular tng a tour of the. Pacific a a pa present constructive and admlrtlstra-tiv-e people wonli7 ' y.orin' if Albert k; an insidious ered there, and he will tell of his , to maintain the respect even of ihose he most would lead, just' as at p:ent; but the feer in tne tacinc Aiau nncr Ma:igo!;a. loLby govern- - force,, who used as Indices their among gold and rt snoopin around for the. the tainera have what th"iy do not now have the rower i,td ,as-re- only experie'nee and tentative knowledge Be. vigorously opposed in mil nicipal pol hies. it brship. It seeuft to me that the adventurers who flocked to the their wishes over hint vhenever they became ; W."TS. iLOUCKS.'pfpminent - men. hooray Wilson of the future organization. Within country. . '' " ': ront- who can for the :'.; ;"' ' ; planrf. Mr. (Inthrie Mifficicntly ptirfed. . morn-"polic- y with money In these outlines, the architectural is a shrewd public official, and mcrcial ma is an arrival this are capitalists This will bo the fievonth number on , col-an- ds hting worked out by Austin W. whereby party machinery is ing to make a gsneral tour of the i 1 - the mainland, tanks,, and perhaps are the Thursday night lecture course. Ad- since he was JipiM'iiiUxl to his diplomatic K)st, he Under any plan lA)n firm of llewlett &. before reluming to the coif. II? lego professors who live, move and of the lrd, mission, wtlf bo only by ticket, which one man or set of men at thc-- - Tallent, New York, and his assietant has distinguislifnl himself by discreet si lenco on usel to nominate tiny was a pastcngcr in the Mongolia. have their loing, of. by and for tickets- - may bo procured by members ' Tr-ag- e ": on the istlimus, Mario J. Schiavonl. t t t he a 'v . :.. .VVv-: ory. . r Already details that might, by tin wise revelation, embar the primaries, the hi o ry of ecu rol by new administratioji building, free at the association office. MRS. CLARrt. WILLIAMS. v.Ife of a O The; tickets enough have been called. for to man (is shattered ; the party becomes a par- , the permanent quarters for the white rass his country. There will be no repetition of prominent business niai from Hang-- TOM YELLEK IlawaTi will over-kok- fill Cooke hall and but. few mora will members of the operating force, tho ' ' in deals and trades; the wrongs of the Sia:n, Is a through passenger to look one grand bet if she doesn't fit be given out. . tne Crane incident with .Mr. Outline. ticipant ofSce building for the Balboa termin- . ... ., San Francisco in thsji Pacific Mail v;. a fine arcbipelagan exposition on i als, and the projection of toyn'Bltes .". old system are penH'tuatetl. The people should - 2,570,- - As the sum'ssor of Larz Anderson at Tokio liner Persia. the old fishmarkcr site for tne year portions spending monthv last year, and I are the most conspicuous of 5i)2 May, 1911. have ree and unrestricted Voice at tlie. primar- , 1913. Thousaads of Australasians this work. In addition, the architects cubic yards In 3fr. (tuthrie should be a successful and popular raufld-tfce-worlde- rs month this .. MISS PRISCILLA VERNE, reprV Orientals .and will have designed the general architec- The dry excavation last ies, to nominate whom they wijUOnlyJu -- tdi 1.2S4,0CJ yards, en- represerjrative of the American people at a time senting the Anderson vaudeville-- ,ciN Pass through this port then and wc tural treatment and preparation of amounted cubic who a- - something to-- show tbem. tirely by,steam shorols. The dredg" intrt-nationa- l way wjllvth peop'le come to nominate nu'ir cuit 'id Australia is to make brief should have plans, of of cross- the elevations and details -- unusual tension. As the stay in this city before proceeding to the bid fishmArket could be made into established a new record for ono the elections beeause they are gcrnd - the hydroelectric station at Gatun. and by u win:fit Cal- on roads between the Orient aiilT the Occident,-Honolul- will the Antipodes. just the thiDg something like the of the three control houses for the month's performance the canal : ;.' - yards. men and progressive men aud men responsive to ;. ifornia a'ate exhibit at the Ferry build- three sets of. locks. excavating l,r.2,493 cubic appreciates tlie opportunity to , . jn . : . entertain M, JSTAIIK, representing the Pan- - inS in San Francisco you know. , ; The style'of the buildings of Italian Slides the Culchra cuit section desires of the voters. . - . - On Juno the the government special bus- - '"- - , ;' principal- have been ijfiusually active. ambassador, if onlv for a little while. r.manian on a ' design has been determined upward IIUGIFES I don't seem. to ' - v 12,,, another; , downward and 3Ir.vGuthHe will (!onbtless, new post, ihess mission, is making a flying visit JIM ly by utility and conformation with on at his to the islands as a passenger in the have the knack of making Japanese tropical weather and topography, us- movement occurred in the break American . and of cut, opposite Cu-Iebr- a? hear and see a good deal of jingoism, for there is ThcriMis a difference betwrni Pacific Mail liner Mongolia. statements fit'. We read that the ing arcades or exterior .' colonnades, the east bank the Bhovel No 2t0 - ; ca .' Japanese-condition-in-Ameri- com- - and arched windows where feasible. which overturned of in British law. . A brief dispatch in the American desfroyed two,, and plenty it Japan as vell as in America; and . MRS. RICHARD KIPLING, was "a misstoners state that' the Japanese They will be built substantially of re- and all tracks but possibly there will a good misrepre- press from liondoii states that two ccach driv- paceenger, in the Pacific Mail liner "must stand firm ' for their .rights", inforced, concrete and hollow concrete filled the drainage ditch...... le deal of i ers, convictetl of the really .minor offense jif Mongolia that arrived from the coast, juid also that they (the commission.--' blocks, stuccoed on the. .outside? and ;:The; vhole Cucarachi sJor? in ; sentation of HawaiiVattitude.' 'iit mav therefore this morning. Mrs. Kipling will be ers) will report to the commercial will be covered by.d2rk red tfleroofs.? motion, Vnd som craek3vhavo devet;. pnipeily 1e emphasized hefft' and .now that Ha- "dopinglhcrsesenterrd at shows inorder to the guest of her parents, tIr. and Mrs. bodies of Japan, and will also irge During the month of Mayi the grand oped farther back cn the Vii.' On" the livehvwere given six wreks each J .'A. Magoon. ... , 'that the Japan , government Jjs'e'.its total of canal excavation passed, the side of Gold hilL the rock'buttress ie- - use;'fox:, make the steeds ; - - ; waii has no. the and . cubic-ryar- 1 "Udw'rir talk, "''.- best efforts secure to Us "nationals 200,000,000, 4 nark, the ixaet Vniains firm. The rock shoulder la. Hawaii vtmnty Arrtpri?aTl i. that we of this territory feel, confident "of. work- at hard labor. Last veek two KiliN T1WRKV arrival nn hi f lionmfn! total vto June 1 being 20a.73T.i32 cumc about the center of the face llne bf the? morning,' wc way press-- , ing th( grafters gi)t"thnH? mo theMongolla this returning citizens. "Then, in tle next breath, yards, leaving to be excavated. i,4ui, slide, whlchgave under the out onr raco problenis if national admin- from Harvard tITnlvershy; 'M understand that the Japan 157 cubic yards. - ure a few months ago, is moving with istration will afford us unhampered facilities for spect lyel'; - (.;. Mrs.'F. J. Lowrey, who went on o see government is making every effort to The total excavation for Mar was 2,-- the remainder of the mass, and is now :'r - rdis-hi- m. 80 west original po-- their son's graduation, returned with, keep its- subjects at borne and 779,532 cubic yards as compared . with about feet cf its 4 : working out problems. By ' '.' ' . ; corre-.eltlo- n. , - - -- V - our. industrial the . ". ' courage emigration! , 20b9 16 cubic yards ' for the crippling of 'her great sugar industry, Hawaii The spirit of the political times is to fake MRS. D. GEAR, "wldov the for- - in Denver.' They expect to return to lie to tlie pwple. TlTe IJe- - of " ' will immediately handicapped in the solution clean political methods mer (TircuiV Judge George D. Gear of Honolulu late , in" September. , -- ' ; ; .' is itself city, among . the , ; : v of the vital problems" of rare intermingling ami ptiblican county committee occupying this was nnmhered 1ADIES,---;--;;;-::::- i; tiio discussing the past and too little in passengers returning to fthe city this MR. AND: MRS. L, LINDSAY and progress for all. European immigration, now much in - - morning in the Pacific Mail liner Per- their daughter, Miss . Gladys 'Lindsay, campaign of education on visUe-- extensive- - Los who ar-l- y Let us convert your Watch "Into one of those beautiful, attractlvt held up because of uncertain financial prospects, practical plans for the sia. Mrs. Gear has of Angeles, are, tourists " in the orient rived today on the Mongolia. extension bracelet. Workmanship of the best. , will be stopeil and Filipino immigration en- the direct; primary law that interprets the new couraged .with the reduction in the returns from political spirit. ; MISS JEANNE I, GEARY, daugh W. W. THAYER, attorney general. who now on Hawaii In the vicinity CoV, sugar. Former Governor has said ter of Judge Gcaryof Sari Francino. M Jewelry Jutd. Carter that is Intending to make an extended visit of the volcano, will return to Honolulw Vieira Popular . 11) Hotel St -- Jeweler. underfrec sugar Hawaii wilFlK mluced to a Chariton (la.) Herald-Patrio- t : "Tire sugar to the islands. She was numbered August 2., according to word received office morning. merer military outpost. The truth is that none consumer is not supposel;to get sugar cheaper, among the passengers in the Mongolia at his. this this morning. - ' I .' can tell just what disas er will befall us with the government will lose $5,000,000 revenue and - ; - ! REV. W. D. WESTERVELT, of Ho-- )l. 'na- - i olulu, in company with Mrs. Westcr-tfbna- l the blow Hawaii's vital industry. the. sugar men will 'be much ahead of the JOIIN WILSON. Democratic at that committeeman, for Hawaii, now velL is ' expected to leave for San HawaiLV raeial problems have been worked game. ;Vho is to profit by thtf, transaction and in -- Washington, is reposed to be ' Francisco next week, from where he YOU AVin Journey, down Pacific WHEN WANT REAL , , ;.1 ': slightly iir at the capital. The heat the Coast succt-ss- , whv should they?' .; out. with i remarkable in, large measure ? cf the summer is said to be the cause .&s far as Panama. ' - - 1 dui to the fact that the Americans have assumed of his illness. i I MR. and MRS. JOHN1 LESLIE the reallv tremendous burden of educating the The following rtlitorial paragraph from the Moa-banke- r, V; F."wiLSON. a Dpnver. Colo., I0HIINS are paSSen?frs on the Fresh Crackers childrep of aliens in the public schools of the terr- Chicago Daily News is resiKctfully referred to idtends to vint the-pceni- r golia. cn route to the Ear Last n a noncymcon and Lusincsa trip. Mr, itory.1! The school finances an now strained to the mavor of Honolulu as a tip for his AVaikiki points in the islands. He will spend i some weeks in the territory before re- - f'Of'"is was formerly .Alls.?, Natalie BUY LOVE'S BAKERY CRACKERS the utmost and they" will le totally inadequate if rivie campaign : ' turning to the mainland. Mr. and Vr,f of Alameda, where the couple " One' a bathing is when Mrs. Wilson were passenpers in the were recently married. Hawaii's siigar industry is"hanl hit and the tax can tell how modest suit " ' one sees, a young woman in an evening gown and Pacific Mail liner Mongolia. I : I J. J. BYRNE, - returns' fall off to the extent now indicated. extent southward of her sunburn.. of San Francisco, gtm- marks the DR. W. A. FISHER, is a passenger era! passenger traffic of ic 1. ki ml manaser' the Publ work, of al s; iuu st, im vi tably su ffer in the ,Pacific Mail liner Mongolia Santa Fe railroad and 'who has been by the shrinkage of creilitsand values. The fa- - Kent, most awfully mistaken who is proceeding to the Far East and spending the past few weeks in Ho Either Billy is will locate in India for one yeatVat nolulu, will speak at the Commercial ciiuies mai iiawan nas nao in solving ner race as to what Lane tdd him or else Lane has done least. He proposes to make an ex- Club Thursday noon upon the subject, to, questions must inevitably suffer. . haustive study of conditions in the summer. Travel, Hawaii." Henry Trust Co.; t he unejHH-tiHl- If Lane has not' r'ecommendl tropics., Mrs. Fisher accompanies her Waterhouse This territorv has lcin antlv.'.called the melt .... I Pinkham, tin California congressman will have husband on the tour. F. J. H ALTON, representinc the Pa ,. ,v Limited, :;';;. . ing-po- t of nations. Should the present tariff pol- - some explaining to do. cific Mail .at.? Hongkong, and well ac- : e i. :...t. MR. AND MRS. W. R. THOMAS, quainted with conditions throughout . wi tut fUjiiiiiiii.i.:.i:..i.:liiiiiiii in; i tn itti oui, i in i:..iin-- and Miss May Thomas, are back from the far east, i.s returning to. bis sta- will Indrawn from under the pot. Self-preservati- a three months' stay along the coast. tion after having spent some months (iovernor Stubbs of Kansah is being boomed They arrived in the Pacific Mail liner on vacation in the United States. Mr will demand cheajer. labor, less - Mongolia exiwnd- .as:, a Progressive candidate for president, but this morning. Mr. Thomas Halton is a familiar figure trt travel- ''itute for Clucation, for benevolence, for social while away made a careful investiga- ers in-th- e Orient, having rcsid?d there there's manv a stub 'twixt the man and the job. tion cf the possibilities for increased for a number of years. He is proceed welfare, and part icularly for the hringing-i- n of market for preserved pineapples. jing to Hongkong in the Mongolia. Real Estate for Sale ''immigrants "eligible "iocitizeiisliip' under the (War (la.) Cptimus:' -- 'Free sugar II GEISECKE. vice president of the Don't ticnd ) onr money on a step. ' .' . Kaoids present, laws.. . Thayer Piano Company. Ltd., is among iplochase run to be tlie toIchiio and hack. like free hides means the consumer will the passengers sailing for the ruain- - Stay a steanier or sve . The future intercoursv between Japan and oiPr t,o and b(M)dlel to ; frazzle." land on the Hcnolulan. en route to jtlie hpantips ivnd wonders I of Hawaii. l the United States should be as friend lv as the Denver, Colo., to attend a family re-'S- ee the Hilo Itoard of Trade ad. i;i to Two choice lots .In'" College' Hills on Oaba Ave.'-Wil- sell 1 Star-UuIIet- :"-- ' union. Mrs. Geisecke, who is visit-- day's iii Ring as a whole or singly. ..', past. Hawaii is a connect ingdink and able, to v tf what ran he ! mg m umana win meet nor nusnann .fpn. advertisement speak from experience of the result of close social Let's hope that Ambassador CiUlhrie will Two-stor- y House and. Ivt ?0xl35, Makiki District

like our climate eveii witlieut the Pittsburg " and industrial relations betwet 11 the..two nations. House and lot Kalibi...... 220a Under a policy that guaranteed the (f this smeke. peole . i : ,:' FOR; RENT House and Lot Upper Fort St a stable industrial orgahiration, there Punahou 4 bedroom furnished. Tantalus 3 bedroom.furnl(hed. has been friendship and progress. Such "may not Our idea of .needed currency reform right now Ik? the case if that stable industrial organization is a. resumption of dividends on sugar stock. - is shattered. AllKrt.- Horner shtaild 1h awartled the belt as For Rent single-hande- tl FOR SALE THE SPIRIT OF THE DIRECT PRIMARY tht best optimist in Hawaii. rurnihed house,; Manoa' Val".y', for one' year pcro-J- . . DESIRABLE BUILDING SITE near the residence of F. M. SWANZY. It was suggoitod at a meeting of th IiepulK The Hussian bear and the In itish lion are aft lican county committOe the ether evening that r tin Ibilgarinn goat This property has a frontage of 277.5 feet on the Manoa Road ovcrIooving even under t h e nt w d irec t pri m a i y 1 aw j m1i t i t al the Punahou athletic field. Area 3.162 acres. parties might still hold noniinatingconvent ion's,1 Evidently the Swiss )aarguards want local Henry Waterhouse Trust Co. " and thus get the.weight of iarty inflncnce back option at the Vatican, Limited,. ' . - of certain candidates who would go on the pri-- ZOKHtH FCRT AND MERCHANT ffl'REKT ' Ltd, mary ballots. ; Viukhatn will feci iTght at home in the center Guardian Trust Go., V Such a court e is possndr1! Xnn. the ftepubl icfin of a fuss, anyway, V1 ; ttsond floor Bank of HawaU Bulldlnf nONOLULU STAR BULLETIN, THIAY, J lLY 2, K"; ' , FI7E ' ," , , i . i 3 mi n : VI k QUfittT e-- CARR WILL SPEND RHJ ii r n v tnr r r n

H NEYMOON TH 1FAVF MAUI PRQj&QEiJGiSDv Nothing is more disagreeable than home infested jrith termin. Pestroy HERE tJjem with Steams' Electric Rat and Roach raste, ti e standard exterminator for thirty-fiv- e years. "There's no place like Hc.nolulu for-j- . It kills off rats, mice and cockroaches a hf!u-yh- i w.'is the admission AVA1LUKU. Maui, July 21 The res- - in a single nighL Does not blow away ie:uily ofT.rcd byGturg Russell , ignation of- - Rev.1 William S. Short like powders; ready for use; nothing to l. arr. vit jrcslcU-n- t an J grnvral man- - j .from .the parish of the Church of the " mix. Tlie only exterminator sold under agr--r f;f i)e?rhm' TJry? --nd .Chem- j Good Shcnherd came as a great fhock the an absolute guarantee of money back Y".:t8hy of can Frane'sco, w ho j to Maui Vomraunity. The news it- the v '' if it fails. - ; , ''; , tb( --Mail , Raise Your stepped from Pacific Unr , came first on Saturday tnornln?; laft. Mongolia this morning, aerr.r.pcn!t1 , abd all over Maui the regret is unive- Sold by druggists, 25c and $1X0 or f AbsoIutelPura by a bride, and wbp wiil remain in the rsal that the popular, rector is to leav nent direct, chargvs prepaid, on receipt "Batting Average Jsl?.nd3 tor some eefcs. . j j the Island for good. In three brief of price, v " ; years he has won a place few can that Staara' Electric'Paste Co OucajSfc With B. V. D. Fairmont M:ss katnenne .Mortensenor ROYAL the most celebrated win In a life time, nd the affection d Chicago bec-am- e the bride cf G. IL ; cf Maui people for Mr. Short is d?eo Carr, the head of the b.'g drug and of all the baking powders in ; and sincere. P eople could hardly be- rs the game of life and of oil concern which operates an exten- lieve the news, for na indication of It wits, you accomplish sive branch .in this city. the for Its had been ?iven out until it sndt'rn'y what The wedding w 33 attended by San worldcelebrated (n Masonic Tempk day depends liovv ,ame an uneinected way "when SIIss per upon society. ceremony was or-tpan- Francisco Tho Short rent in her resignation as i?t by gteat leavening strength and ou feel by day. Bodily depres perfcrnjf'd at 8:30 o'clock Uev. Qf th? Wailuku Union Church. George N. Luccok, pa3ter cf the Pres- Then for the first time nconlo learned sion is quick to act on a man's 111., purity. It malies your cakes, byterian Church of Oak Park. of to their, dep sorrow that Mr. Short worker which both are members, be- ' mind, and to turn an eager families biscuit, bread, etc,' healthful, it and hb daugBter, Miss Carrie E. " ing the officiating clergyman. He was Ore-- into a sulky shirker. ; - Short 'are to leave In AurM for J assisted by Rev. Dr. W. O. Carrier, gon. where the rector will Wau-kr8ha- . you assun.vri College Insures against alum and , president cf Carroll cf fricn-J- 0?IDAYi cool,- light mar--, rar:sh uodfT a former wl'o li - ''Start the day right" by getting into Wis., .who assisted at the " Chapter 2, bishop. of the tat e. XfiiM 5o. OX. v i aU f parents. . . forms of riage of brlde'ri adulteration that - woven, loose fitting B.V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts , th Duping Mr. ShortV tfirre vcar- of , Jacob Mortensen gave his 'daughter. -- service in Church of the Good TtrzsDf . and Knee Length Drawers. In marriage. .'She was radiant In-- a go withthelow priced the. ii : brands. . ' ; new bnHdinpr. which i of ivory with Shepherd, the robe satjj embellished f "feeling right" and you'll "raise your ' one of great ornament the town cf all .7r : to You'll keep loint lace andVmoroidered In pearls. Hawaiian Lodje. Second. prescription Wailuku and a verv' commc-dlo- an l batting average'r the day. This is the simple of 1 tor lace veil was confined ,by- - a coro- buildlng wa "Doctor Common Scnc". On every B. VYD. Undercarment net of orange blossoms, 'and she car beautiful ln the Interior THI1LHD4T' '''' ried a shower bouquet cf lilies Of tho erected. Through Ma efforts the hand- Regular. is sewed r V..';" - lodge of Tcrfeellon. maid--, some new Ertzy organ- wa3 Instilld '. Thit TU Woven Lai el valley enmeshed with tulle and ' ' i en hair. Attending her as maid ,of Woman Asks Shun and dedicated abont two months aw. FRIDAT. ' V'- - '' ' For Job Others Mem-mori- A few Sundays back the Whjttle al ' MADE FOR THL 'honor was her sister, Mies Margaret llonolnla Cfiaptrr, ILA.'U Mortensen, and -- tho'. bridesmaid was SOS window was placed In pm!tIor.. Master and Ex. I ' Is a beahtlful memorial to Geo. R. rst .- 3It t M iss Marie Brlcker, a niece of the It ccllrnt Master- mm groom: Both attendants carried show- ' Whittle; the flrt jiastor of the Churrii BEST RETAIL TRADE er bouquets of'Killainey roses. 1 Ambitious To Be Juvenile Judge of the Good Shepherd, and his wife. SITTJRDAIi a design Shen-hef-d, ' The is tat of the God ' (TmJ JL'art Reg. iV.&tat. O. CaMtH ; " In W Fri j . Emphraim Martin Numing, son of and Is beautifully executed Mumir original of I onfel-Jow- V E. O'Brien, rome of the finest glas to h of the trood look at this label and insist that your dealer Philip ' th Miss Adelaide Prac rtalnd All rliltlng meaben Get a een in the Territory. The window I eordially to only underwear with the B. WD. label "Village Blacksmith," died at ticing Lawyer, Thinks Wo-- : r. t order are invited t sells you I CambridY Ma3s... aged 79 yars... above the Altar, an. Tvas pelectc-- tend meetings of local lod. IJ. V. IX Coat Cut UnJershJm' and Knee Length Drawe, r. men Should Control scte littlejtime afo.r.Tbl the orga retail at 50c, 75c., 81.00 and SI. 50 the Garment. Deiinquents ; " r; and the beautiful church .have .'all bfeTf A Skin ef Beauty Is a Joy Forever. , r moleted in the pastcrcte of Mr. UOSOLLT.C LODGE, $19, B. P 0. Z, .' " I Short. . . . .,- Honolulu Lodge No T. Felix Qouraud's . T. I.OUIS. An; earnctt ;fcand cf Oriental The' of the who'e My-- i 616, U. I O. Elks, The B. V. D. C ompan y, New York. DR. Cream or Magical Boautlfler. vroinen is tho Woman's' Bar Assccia-- I. wihc cf Remove, - with Mf. Short anl tils fTniK stv meets in their hall, on . Tn, F!iTrpl, tion of St. Louis. . H has long ngo set- 4 Freckle, liutd rmches, ptes is "with deep rejrcti that Maut let-hi- m, mm King St. near Fcrt. -- . Baib, and frkio Disrksea, tied minor matters a3 for i ; erh go. . - Every Friday evening ?h ana ertrr Diemwa women, considering'-th- struggle'- - in I . in on beauty, and ra Ai l6ok Vtjiting Brothers detection. It England much cSurchmbn here ; . ' cordiaHy . tnvlted to katttood tb teet upen of DIED. ..; , -- the Darkest ' oi 6S rears, and Christianiafion attend.-- ' . I to Birmlept wl Africa. . tattelttobesureit 'To sure, they do not vote, but to kHO SHE. wife cf Can Con, mer-'ctsnt,- at ...J. L. COKE. E. It 1 properly made.' te Cn H.DUNSHEE, A wept no counter- cgain .'invoke a parallel, nfitfeor is 99 Northi King aged 41 Sec feit of almilar ' St ; Christianized. . years, She leaves besides her hus-- name. Dr. I A. Missouri definitely; ' , Meeton .the 2n4 Ssrr aald to- - a Th?y lock upon ' the vota as. they look bandAeight children1 to n"urn ' htT ladr of tbe out-to- n ; icd 4tb, Uoa--d a patient): upon the delay of Jwsticp through ju- Jess Funeral from. the. Townsend "As yen i&diet Undertaking par'ors, two m. to- a y of each wUl - use them. dicial error; the .ustion has been t. I recummend presented, in the lower tribunals and day. Interment" Mano.i Valley.- ' month 'at' K. P naritad,a Cnea1 m tbe tntt barmfol of.aU tbt kin preparaitoas." For mi by all drugs' and Tancr there remain innumerable 'appeals t Rail.-7:- 3 J p.:.ra.. 1 Qooda Dealen In the UnlUd State, Canada and Kurop. with the certaity oj Jtvuxph., Th ponnlar 'is very popular these C i d . Members, cf oth-- t r - h L meantime"' woirry? en SSI. Jones :Adverti3- For he IIW.T.Wftl fnjji.tfSrt StjlU In, tne w).. should t days. Take it in tonight f Jfarlne Ec?IneerV r . Associations , Certainly the calm,' wide brows, of the ; i"cnt.' ; ; A ' ricw .lot tT thet famous Voman's Ear, Association "are unruN Uenefldal . are cordially la, ,: to ' just fled. V, : AisoffatloB.;'. rited attend. Broadwaik Sandals have I" Wonld Be Juvenile Judpc n&w Jn : been received all sizes "Thev look forward beyond the ballot Sefe for Woman's Use Vtm. MciimEY LODGE, 5a. 6, . ' ".' : A '- - , beth'black and tan.v y I v'K. I P. , : to the oceppancy, of high office. The Idelaide ho . first effice upon which their covetous L: h Nothing Meets every lsf an4 2d Tuc ;, , FOOTFORM , SHAPES.-- , ouId 'e of JL' eyes rest is one vhich every occtioant tul is more day evening at 7:30 o'clock la hasjled fr of the 'a a noying V m.t O 11.11 ,onf Vnr night judge' of the juvenile court S ,oaA to a refined Beretanla, Visiting Brothers - fiHed by- .. woman . thia The bench .In He CUrt 'tAii.JarisdIctioJn of than jordlally invited to attend. . v of court in ; , the seven judges tbeirrcircuit the cjrcuit courtf the judges of the lat-rotatio- offensive perspi ' A. H. AHREN3, C C : one of them has er ration, o body K. Not ter court in t presiding over the r , U B. REEVES, It 3. t Nu-Buc- k iiii developed such aliking for the enre of . odors. . who A Those . new lot cf White J J,venue court. . SHnVaiiai juvenile off endefs that he asked his . have used Tyree's OARU LODGE, U " Boots; in Gun remain,, much The woman s state Dar association . Button also brothers to let him as Antiseptic Powder V . L O. Ct T. favors the distinct 'of these as an additional day in the juvenile sparatiott know it to be the one remedy which Oahu Lodge, I. 1 O. Calf Calf. occu-- two &nd Metal and Tan Russia rnnrt On. the contrary, each ' courts the esta.blishment of a never disappoints. For general uses will - juvenile open; .O. meet la Jnant has reckoned his. rotatory assign- court. 'First, not and, dependable in all cases it should be "the Central Unica or secona over Dy a woman nsnt there as a time unprotitaDie tpresiaea in every household.; Unequaled a3 a Bible , School - Iltom judge women delinquents especial-Th- e weariness and a strain upon patience. for douche. Recommended by physicians - and third enough, in ly, if not for all youthful offenders, the first Prices to criminal court b bad everywhere, as it contains no poisons. Tuesdays h&li-cas- f $2 00 $3.00 Why have women probation at all conscience, say, they, but deliver officers Orre 25c box makes two gallons stand- seven p. xn. , juve-- . to watch over women delinquents out , us quickly from. the scare of the ard solution. All druggists or write V A. 80ARR3, Chief Templar. ; nile court. j of court, and balk their efficiency by for booklet and free sample. it v I rractlcing Lawyer having, a man as sole mentor within ' J. S. Tjrre Chemist, Washington, D.C, LODGE SC9f i OUR PLEASURE IN PLEASING YOU. E. O'Brien, who court? r. Thus Miss Adelaide the ' L.0.U3T. 5.- initiated the movement among women , "We advccate,the pub- abolition of trill meet in Odd - Fellows, building. a c s ' lawyers of St.. Louis, may find, made lic trials;' such es that witnessed late- Manuf tu rer Shoe . Co:; Ltd.; hand, effective weapon of Fort street, pear King, every Friday ' ' to her the ly in. the trial he youthful Barbara ' eft evening 1QZ1 Fort SL . ; . Xhcnc' 1782 sympathetic advocacy'"by all the emi- at 7:30 o'clock. Arnold, and protective and corrective Visiting brothers cordially Invited nent who have sat on the measures for all offenders of tender c I circuit tench since the children's Enlar o attend years. The public trial is vicious and 4 VL QUINN, court was established. - CLEM DicUtor. I l immoral in its tendency, because - it fig .- JAMES W. LLOYD. Secty. Miss O'Brien is an interesting iveto the child a wholly, false and r'i- - 8 1 i ure in the woman's movement. She is erroneous impression of the - M I - status'of ttAi- i n t a convene - I V. that it leads him to re- g Auer siuay. m ou , Increase the pleasure of snip-shottin- iu ,ard himself somewhat in the lightM by VVCni TX,Cil. VWliVftC .i oiucniu a hero, in place of seeing his true having the small ladies' Panama Hats wa,'1 Wis., where she graduated, dicn pictures enlarged. p'ight as a malefactor, and one who AT REASONABLE through Benton law school into ' rWCES the ' ':' -- ''-- ' needs to correct himself. Thijs is the ' .'v ; ; : state license and practice with, an . r build- specific reformatory purpose cf juve- The . beauties and strong HONOLULU HAT COi offiec in the International Life ; nile work retarded. points of the little photo will Hotel opp. "Bethel SL ing .' social system of the World, .' of the Woman's Bar ."The ' TO AMD FflOM ALL LINES OF TRAVEL. As chairman r'ne,-- immemorial, recognized be strengthened. Association lecialati . c I ureau creat time has tl at-th- e rro'fccr the proper director "The Aristocrat ed on her motion) sli" 'icrgi t n b " W H IT E Wl NC8M 1, f.r the civilfl. The first requisite for We offer facilities and service - " ' resolution, which was Trront.e Stands for v cf the' "n; any judge Is to know his subject; and in Enlarging the equal of V i her sisters to a campaign t which I. Moving of a v.'o-m- an worrf.p Fi'nce earliest aees have had Furniture a law permitting the eitction would be hard to find. . ncrr subjects of "the White Soap ttt Equipment In tha city for thit Line of Work.. Dinner Table" judge of the juvenile court. oxnerif with the 3'ciiile c.urts and chUdren. The Mjss O'Brien made this . All Grocers Sell It. case: ntcessary legal training while iTport-fvnt- This ivare is famqus because of its "The legislative bureau of the "Ac-iron- 's is secondary. - artistic designs andt durability. Has a State Bar Association cf Mi "t'ndpr cur laws a woman may be Union Pacific Transfer i olid silver disc overlaid at; the. wear- swiri the aim ef whic h is to secure elected a judge of the supreme court Honoiulti Photo ing points and is guaranteed for .) legislation affecting women and child- ofMissouri. but she may not occupy years in ordinary family; use. We judicial position. If law- Wall & Dougherty ren, is no w engaged with the problem riiy other the Supply Co. stock 5 patterns complete. of separation of the juvcni'ie court makers see no reason to bar her from f 174 ft. tL court, the eligi- the supreme bench, why is she barred " WATCH REPAIRINO Tat. t?l Klnf from the circuit and Fort Opposite Ltweri d Cocke W W Dimond & Co.; Ltd. bility of lawyers as from ' a court for which her natural otrcet - j immeasurably su- - 'Everything Photographic'1 -- '.. cjualifications Alexander 65 King SV therec. .. .'.- aro Yeuna tultding ! ;'erirr to man's. To Maks Long Campaign. "We do not claim that women would judge juvenile offenders mere lenient ly nor rn ore severely; we are, how- WatchmaKer and Jeweler ever, svre they would judge them with . understanding. SCSlS for Why pay such absurd prices for your irre " 1 f , v . The f'xld little slip in. the law which , . Repairing When you can get the following prices supreme court" bench lies in the em fa- Watch. Cleahing $1. mainspring U : sten cf the words "quaHfiecl voter" Regulating 50c At J. STAR'S IMSShWiS 160 , Hotel SL . Opp. Young Hotel J cjuaJified ' msmmsT other state officers : vr.ters until the legislature removes that restriction. ' i , "We h a ve before us a y e a r an d a .I0RE BREAD TTttTt TIlTli-- " half pf campaigning to create public j sentiment." says Miss O'Brien, 'then the legislature w'll be in session and j ve can cpen our effective campaign i tor a law that will make 1t impossible to publicly srraign a girl, as in the f Barbara Arnold trial and destrov all in stock E. & Son. Ltd. . Carried and for sale at 0. Hall the sweetness of her nature, her na- II I II Ml III w tive nio;lesty and womanly refine- UV k.-- man-conducte- swrnxASAJ ment by a d ordeal as mm LESS FLOUR barbarous" as the trial by fire." I - ' . - 8IX HONOLULU STAH BULLKTIN, TUESDAY, .JVLX 22, 1913. J Stock LEGAL NOTICEC Honolulu Exchange DAILY. REMINDERS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF Tuesday, July 22. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. BanfaMws tint ckeap. TeL 217r Make our e - Wif 51 Lid Asked KKCANTiLG , Pursuant to the order cf Honorable advertisement. Hrcwer & Cu . . I . v 4 City and Nuuanu ''. ' VTr J. fRobinn.i Third. Judge ofthe Auto Stand. Kukul bUGAK Circuit 'Court of -- the First Circuit, streets. Phone 3664. advertisement. Less Worried Ewa I'laiitation Co.... .v n 19U Ceorg Rodiek, Adiatnistrator with the Concrete sld walk and atone curbing Co.-.- , 110 2157. Haiku' aus. iw Will annexed of the estate of W.' Pfo-tenbau- put in reasonable. Telephone J 2 a wv A gri c. Co...... , l . deceesed,t will offer for aale advertisement tiawl & Sug; Co. ;.. i When you buy aak for Green Stampa and do the square by your family by co arranging; mat- rini.' ' and 'will sell.either as a whole or in thins . iia-w- :ug. Co", i . . . .'.. lots at poblic kauetion on Thursday take no other; they're valnabie. ; ters that, IMhc Fire Fitr.d' pays you an: unexpected ca!l, you tionokaa Sugar Co. .... '2' the' Ttn day - of August, 1913, at 12 advertisement. .. --. ' Ht'ncmu Sugar" Co. . 75 llu o'clock; noon, at the auction rooms cf Castmani, for tents, awnings, sails will have a few dollars; between (hat happy., family and desti- ' Hutchinson Sugar' Plant. .. 13 0. A: SteVeri, corner of Fort and Queen and tarpaulins. Fort, near Alien, ' ; : ' Kahuku Sugar Co...... , Streets, Honolulu to the AdvertisemenL , ; tution. YV .''.' ''(.''' '. ' best and ; Kcktia Sugar Co...... v highest bidder, the following real Our Leaders: Hire's distilled water, " Koloa Sugar Co...... '. , y property .towit: and all the others. Consolidated Soda PURCHASE PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. . Mcbryde Suar Co...... v" These two certain pieces or parcels Works. advertisement v Cahu" Sugar Co...... v w 13 13U cf land situate in Nouanu Valley, in Mr. Silva. the Undertaker has two Oiaa Sugar Co...... ivi 1 the City and County cf Honolulu. Ter- auto-car-s for removing bodies to or tincmea Sugar Co...... ritory of Hawaii, and more particu- from any part othe Island. ad ver-tisem- ent j'aauhau v C. Brewer & Co. Sugar Plant. Co. larly described as' follows : . t - Pacific Sugar Co ...... 1. Coromenctng1 at an- - iron pi at Wanted Two moro passenptrs for 100 ... BEFORE the Fire Paia Plantation Co...... the North corner of this piece of land; around - the - Island at $6.80. Lewis Pcpeekeo Sugar Co...... 100 . ... said iron "pin being on the Southeast Stables and Garage. TeL 214L ad- .Mill Co...... ,. .... - Plcnwr ii'. edge of Nuuanu avenue- from which vertisement . '' Waialui Agric. Co. . . . . v., 74 78 4ron pin an Iron bo!t 4 being on the A deep mystery la being solved and Wailuku Sugar Co...... Southeast edge of Nuuanu Avenue and its progress will be heralded daily on .t. Walmahalo Sugar Co. . cn the makai side of a" lane 5 feet page 3 of this paper. A famous car- Waimea cugar Mill Co. . wide, bears 213 40' 300' feet. From toonist will caricature the; principles : MISCKLLAXiSOUS this' Iron bolt the true azimuth and in great mystery, which a this for blFfered Our ; ed by , i; Haiku Fit.. I'kg. Co., Ltd distance to Rosebank Trig. Station is time-threaten- to be the greatest tht3 Security Hawaiian Electritf Co. ... 4 99 30" 1113.9 and to an Iron age. Watch pa e 3 , 'f ,..,v:' '25' feet sensation cf the tiaw. irrigation pin corner A ve-an- d . Nuuanu , 4. Co...... at the west of daily for developments. Deposit Vaults r . I Hawaiian Pineapiie Co.. .. Jack Lane is 211 3 30". 295 feet. Hilo ii. it. Ca, Pld ...... This Iron bonis' at' the East corner of COMMERCIAL ITEMS iiio ii. R.iCo:, Com.:.... 3 4 Land, Court Petition No. 118. Running EiCivc to patrons the advantaircs Hon. II. & M.. 21 22 from-- the ' first mentioned iron pin by Vi Alexander & Baldwin; Ltd yester- of new and modern vaults rein true-azimuth- tV on. Gas Co., Pfd 10 .... s as follows; n i and" Yalp H. R. T. & L. Co., Pref .. 1. 320 10' 534 feet along remaining day afternoon received a . cablegram forced barricaded with '.;; .' - ' H. R. T. & L. Co., Com.. . land of Land Court Petition from its New Yjprk branch, stating ' Deposit Locks. V Inter-Islan- d S. X. Co . . 150 170 . No. 167 to an iron pin; thence that the Minnesotan had arrived, its 20 : 20 The Yale system of Jockinjr is known JIutual Tel. Co...... 2. 43' 08' :1Z2 feet alengr. W C. cargo of sugar getting the basis of t &. 1W ' 112V2 V ., 273 ' - afe Oahu R. U Co...... Award to J. Booth, along 1 the the 3.58.' y ':;.; V.-'- :": r :. around the world most sturdy, Pahang Rubber Co. . .. f . "between strea mand old stone J 7 ' '. .' J J Tanjcng Oiok Rub. .. 25 : 32 ,. (known as Booth'B wall) " - .. mostjmpregnahle. Co:. A ..wall 26.50t BONDS-Hamaku- a . Hawaiian Commercial was bld - ( .'.', ; v , to an Iron pin i 6 set North-'- f Every in is protected by in aan r rancisco yesieruay;-nawau-a- box our vault .- -'. . . ; Ditch west cf wall thence . - f v:. Co...... Sugarr25.2S Honokaa, 3 bid; a-- a Haw. Com. & S'. Co Es . . 3. 131- - 53', 116,7 across Nuuanu bid;. special miard- mechanism , and doubtf feet Paauhau," 13.50 bid; Union, 20.50 ask- ; j Haw. Irrigation Co. . stream and along, L. C. Award tumblers . . ,. . 6s.. ed ; Hutchinson, 16- - asked ; Onomea, set of f ; . . 3 Haw. Ter. 4s, rcf. 1905.... ; 2251, Ap. to Kuapuu, along '. 4 21.25 bid.': ..' J : V; , . , - - Entrust your valuables to us, the Haw: Ter. 4s '' fence up slope to a'niron bolt ..-:- ,..... , ...... 4 ;:. ...A. .'' '1 You are never sure of your AutomobUe, you . but Haw. Ter. ,4s Pub. Imp... "at corner of fence on South Improvement of sentiment caused , will be safe from fire as well as. theft. can be sure of adequate case of Haw. Ter. 4,4s-- ...... v side of auwal; - ; by 'reports of a better condition of the indemnity in Haw. Ter. 4. 47. 36' 37.3 feet along L .C. Award foreign money locs--HU- St, 4's. ' market was manifest . 2251, , Ap. , 3 along on ; ... liberal and prompt by insuring in Haw. Ter. 3 Js ...... fence in Wall street yesterday. : London H.R. R. Co., Issue 1901. . 80 South side of auwai to an iron 5000 -- .... r bought from tOv 10$00 shares, ' - s ! the QTNA, Hilo R. R. Co. Cs...... pin at corner of fence; principally Steel and Union , Pacific, Honokaa Sugar Co. 6s ... SI , 5. r 14036' J17.5 feet crossing auwai and local traders followed the exam-- J Hon. Gas Co., Ltd., 5s. .. . , t 'and. along L. C Award 95 F. pie: The afternoon was marked by a GASTLE & COOKE, LTD., Hon. R. T. & I Co. Cs... L. to Kaluahine and L. C. distinct revival, Union Pacific leading Kauai Jty. Co. 6s...... 100 v Award, 2251 Ap. 2 to Kuapuu a goodly list to hightr levels-- . U. Pi's ' Agents,;; ivohala Ditch Co; ,69...... " .... 100 along , old wall with fence to annual statement showing an estimat- ,i . .. : y U.L V 5 4 ' .pin about South ed surplus of 13 per cent was McBryde Sug. Co. 5s... .. y' an.iron fet ' the 101 ; 101 ''''''',' '.'of auwaijT '. '.'"' '.''' Th e 'market closed stron g. MuL Tel. Co.. y.i, g; stimulant . 1 4? 42' 24a54, ; crossing auwai .to Natomas, Con. 6s ...... ' feet :': & and alohgL. : d 2251 C0IEMV1)FD R. L. Co. Es..... 103 7 .au ..'.. Ap. 2 and h. C. Award 45 F. Sug. Co. -- Oahu 6s...... 102 - ...... ,.-- , s mj i y L. to Kawiliko along old whll oiaa Sug: Co. 6a. . . ; . 7T C .kaabilshedlln Pac Sugar Mill Co. s... 95 withfence to an iron pin at . lf5l - o;-.--. Nuuanu' Avenue (the above In a recent magazine article i Dr sun- .... 100 "-s- rioneer ..,' ays vaialua Agric" ' A ' ' 'old wall is known as Rooke's Voods Hutchinson . "scratches, Co.... ML - wall); 'ihence ;V . pricka- and Insect ; kites shoulcLbe ' Exclusively ...... ' ,J , 218 40' 48,0 feet along , Nuuanu treated withanytliing but' conte'nlpf Sales-r-3- ' to? jesting--maaner- . Between 0 Oahu Sug.' Co.. . Avenue initial point, area And in'this he mikes t fi.--- ; 1 13.00; 40 Oahu: Sug. Co.. 13.00r '10 , ; .0.62. acres! Being Lot 2 of a a most serious "statement ' For Ladies H. C. & 3Co.26.62J4; 15 O R. & U v '"subdivislorf of land, described Some germ or other is ' respongiWe mHomm -- " i BANKERS Co., iW.OO; t ML Tel. Co., 20.15.' -- ' ''; " In original: Certificate of Title for most? fotms of.malignant disease . i germs systems v - Sessicn Sales 20 Qahu Su$. Co., No. 2431 These enter our rl -- 13.C0; Oahu- - Sug;: Co., 10 1,' C. through just such insignificant ave- : 4."., -- Being portion cf Apana L. - . The Writing Room wiich rell-;- i. .0 a' Sjig . ; nues by Unsect Mtes, - - Oahu Co., 13.00 50 Oahu Sug. Award 610 to T.' C. B. Rocke, add bear- as are afforded becomes a . Buaineas- OfCIc fer &o9:-J3.Uu'.;,tQ- or- - : Oahu Co.? 13.00; ing of No. cuts scratches. ,Tordisregardthe Use lxeep yourself in good . town,-l- a - . ' ouf.M Transfer Certificate Title in tie bath and . Ladies who are, ia. esclu- Commercial and .Travelera Let a-o- - DO : Sug? Co., '13.00; possible 'evil, which: might reaulf Oahu lfr: Ewa, 271 In the Court of .'Land Registration - for feminine use. '...."- on ; - - - ::: ' : . ters of Credit issued ths 19.0C; 8 Ewa, 19.00; 1000 Hilo Ex. 6s of said Territory, containing an' area these slight causes- is foolhardy in V vj. , condition;? r. V A v ' ' A bank of ; -- .' California and 79.t'0. . s of 62100 acre, f 'v'- ,; , eecapedj .v Ilervar-- ; - ! And "because yiu havd the There Is stationery, for V. the JLondon Joint Sdgar Quotations 88 deg Analysis 2. Commencing at. the north 'corner 5" a xreo ' ravages of germ flisease up. to.vnow, Safer, thaln drugs Easier than exercisLn loui 'ptirpoftes? there is .' etockt'-- Banki iieets; 8s parity 3.84c; 96 deg. bf thi8 lot atvend of stone wall on you -- you exempt it. -- pulIlc telephone for. Her use. 9d, v running: : don't imagine are Centrifugals, 3.54c. :. . r Nuuanu Avenue and ; liath3 j . - Ltd London have .been . lucky, that's all; v less costly thanryisiting foreign ' ' 1. S. . 29 .30' V. , true" 176 feet along - Notice Ewa stock books closed ... . Don't trust to'luck. Nip trouble in All Is quiet, away from business NuuantrAvenue j noon, July 21, 1913, to Thursday, July - by destroying the germ. The 2. ; S:s23 50' W.- 116 along' the bud , Price $1.00 a'package; 6 for $5.00 noises a nice place to stop dur- 31, tnle feet 'antiseptic! "as 191?, inclusive. . - - daflv use of a Peroxide ing the shopping tour. Correspondents for the Ameri- , ; Nuuanu Avenue. t ; c douche, or applied 3. S.. 20 46' W. 100 feet along a mouth wash, or can Express Company and tnte "or"V Insect tit ' Latest sugar rjuotiilion, 3.51 cents or lneallv to cuts.1 scratches V ' V Nuuanu Avenue, , ef-- .' Thos. Cook & Son v will do promptly. and $7080 ier ton. v .;.'.. 4. S. 48' 50 E. true 201.8 feet alon; bites, this ti ' i' T remaining portion of L. "C. Th hest 'antiseDtic to use is LISTO- - E , 6256. ' flonft of Hawaii, Ltd. Award; '. GEN.. It goes farther than Peroxide Limited. X: : N. SS 5Cr E. true 3J3.5 feet along 0 Interest Allowed , on Term and of Hydrogotf by uniting with that Capital-Surplu- s Over $1,200,000 remaining portions C. . 8avings Bank Oeposita Sugar 3.5'4cts of most efficient germ destroyer the rem Hotel and Fort Streeta. award 6256 to Kaanaana Grant edial and antiseptic properties of iny-mo- l. 2429 to Kamaka, L. C. Award Menthol and Eucalyptol. 3 ' X- Beets 95 F. - to Kaluahine; and L. Thrsi valuable elements take up the 34d Ku-."- 8s9 Award 2251 Apana 2 to .' : HVdrogen ' C Peroxide of - "' work where ... apuu. ' , ; ipnvpi nfr. and with their help LISTO- - 6. W. 41 15' W. 10.8 feet along germs, Ihcreasing Business Is Our ' true destroys but & '"' GEN not only the: 0ur Henry Waterhouse Trust , QueenEmma's land, .; .';;?. some "degree 'Tepairs tn carnage ' in' -- ' MM " "7. along -- ; " W. 35 30' W. true 290 feet that has been. done.' . Best Recommendation.! M " ' " Co.. Ltd. v point. AeV .: fOT LISTOGEN. -- same to initial AmttlAat : , of ' vniir . . . ,i i i ; Ka-wili- kl re- - u Members Honolulu Stock and- - Bond Being L. C. Award 45 F. 'L. to You will delight in the purifying; and Grant 1837 to R. C. Wyllie, : It gives, to Exchange. fteshing sensation thai ' HONOLULU FORT AND MERCHANT 8TREETS also portions of L. C. Award 2251 Apa- cts.. 50 cts. nd $1 a bottle at - , G. YES HOP Q GO. -- C. 95 F: L. Baldwin Telephone 1208 ... v na 2 to Kuapuu L. Award - fc0., a , limited to Kaluahine. L. C. Award 6256 to Ka- BENSON, SMITfti LTD. MEAT MARKET ' ' " Umlttd. s :; anaana and Grant '2429 to Kamaka. Containing an area of 1 98100 '''Th"'Vniy'mar'klt,;fmponlna New Zealand Beef,-- i Sa LODGE IS; N, OHIO NEGRO. - " Issues K. Kj Letters of acres. ."..' ;,' -i: JUICY AND TENDER ,..'" ? Sugar Factor -- Credit and Trarelers Checks And being the" same premises con- FROM ELK INSIGNIA STOCK BROKERS V: veyed to Wilhelm Pfotenhauer .by BARRED No other beef can b compared; V;-- available throughout the world. - Commission Merchants Information Furnished and Loan deed of Elizabeth Renjes and : Hein- - ...... -; - JBy Latest Maill f i , Made. , . rich Renjes dated December 15, 1902, V ' Agents STREETS-STA- DAYTON. O. Judge A. C. Reising1 3451 and Insurance MERCHANT. R BLDG. and recorded in tne Hawaiian Regis- ; Market Telephone O., allowed- - a permaaent ' ' PhOie 1572. - ;:;:;. try of Conveyances at Honolulu in er cf Eaten, lor,-Hawaiia- on Tuesday in the court of Aaents. 249 page 362-36- 3. injunction Cable Transfers at Liber at - or- common pleas forbidding, the- negro ' Sugar TERMS OF SALE : Cash in United Commercial ft Lowest Rates States Gold Coin, Twenty, per cent ganization called the Improved: Benev- (20) of the purchase price to be paid olent and Frcttctive Order of Elks of Haiku Sugar Company ' at the time of the' eale, and the bal- the World from using the name of 7 : Giftard any insignia of ths B. P. O. Meat" We iMi be "Elks," or Th .Ssl Paia Plantation ance eighty per cent (80;;) to ' paid immediately upon the execution E. in Ohio.- - " : Haul Agricultural Company.,'; SPECIE STOCK AXD BOXD BEOKEBS THE" YOKOHAMA and delivery by tfie said administra- Stall-fe- In Hawaiian Sugar Company - Members Honolulu Stock and Bond ' Is from the highest standard. d Island Cattle grain, BANK, LIMITED. tor of the deed tq the purchaser. Deed If the 'coot, tracing air would feel Kaluik'j Plantation Ccuip&ny Exchange fat distribution and tenderness it is without an equal. Also Heat Office f : : Yokohama Htangtnwald Blig 102 Merchant St at the expense of the purchaser, and good to you these days, look at the Star-Bulleti- n, McBrf de Sugar Coa.pany. . Honi'ulu Offioe Fale- - subject to confirmation, by the Volcano House ad. in today's we a superior quality of New Zealand Butter,. - call attention to :-- :::::: Water-Hous-e Kahulul ltailrcad Company : Bthei and Merchant Sta, couYt. ;'r:,:;:...- and see the Henry Yen. Trust Co. about rates by the Kauai Railway Company ' For1" further particulars' apply to' O. Capital Subscrfted. . .48,000,000 RENT A. Steven. Auctioneer, and Thompson, day, week and ; month. Advertise- FOR ' Honolua Ranch , ' -- J -; Capital Paid Up. . . . .30,000,000 ment f , ": . ..- Morliet " Wilder, Watfeon & Lymer, attorneys Metropolitan Meat Haiku Fruit and Tacking Cu . !. ; . . . , . 1800,000 v Re serve Fund. Splendid, new house; screen- for said administrator, at their offices, PHONE 3445 Kauai Fruit ami Land Company - General .. banking business ('ampbell Clock, ed; gas; electricity; . $35. V Honolulu aforesaid. ran ?acted. Javlmsa acccuita Dated,-Honolulu- ,' July: 21 1913. upwards. Fine house; large lanal; tot 11 and screened; gas; electricity; $35. GEORG RODIEK, Fire and burglar-proo- f vaults, grounds, - right AdministrtftoT, with the vVlh ennexed ; Deposit for Lare house and in with Safe Boies town; for stoAge purposes; $20 of the4 estate'of Ptotechauer, de 2 per year and up- ' Fire Insurance rent at Fine new house; $35. censed. - r 'i wards. , ' 'a Aug. 5 Neat cottage; $18. 5603 July 22, 29, 2 WANTED . Trunks and cases to e kept REAL ESTATi THE moderate, Land for sale in all sections, of town. U wustody at rata. agents. YU AKAl. Manager Filipinos To act as Excellent . Bishop Trust Co.; Ltd, B. f. Dillingham Co. J. H. Schnackr propositions. Splendid line 'that the " public requires. Benito. Hustu, Fili-- : LIMITED Represented during 'absence by F. pino Mission, Queen nr. Punchbowl. Attorney-at-laW- , ' Schnack, .5 Brewer ;'-- Agent for Ktwaii: BE AL ESTATE INTEST3IEXTS ,::y: 5603-2"- w ' --V .'.". General - BinSTGALOWS Building. Telephone 3633. . Assurance Company of Atlaa Housewfves Attention ! We furnish "Ion, New York Under-writer- s' ; EST '' r Lor AND REAL ATE HOTEL AND UNION-ST- S. a.11 Ayency; Providence" reliable general Filipino help of SEASON kinds. Best references. Filipino Mis- DURINGTHE;' Insurance ; Co. V E R L NG NuuanuVaiiey Park tract Washinston vli G. ANSI Telephone 4385 sion, Queen nr. Punchbowl. Tel. 4584 Stangenwald Bldj. ' 80 Merchant -- 4th Flior Street 5603-3- m Choice residence lots for sale. '';: closed, HONOLULU COMMISSION AGENCY Desirable roomMn private family pre- While you are away from home and your house 2529. Real Estate Loans ferred, by refined gentleman. Ad- you 'will, find comfort in the knowledge that your valu- ; - Tel. C.E. ' James T. Taylor, AND COMMISSION' BROKERS. D. - Xompahy dress F. C. this office. ' your .Home . are in our vaults. The cost is trifling. sure with ' ;:.--- r.C03-tf- ..;.'. ":' - ables safe 511 Stangenwald Bid g. Phone 2153 Union, and Hotel Sts. Tel. 4586. Reference Bureau, Collections, Voung . man,; college graduate, wants Proniptjy Paid ' Losses y A . twelve-ye- ar boy . old. of Jlonavia, t and flalma. comfortable ; room "preferable ; with -P- Canf.rd.ied- bet-- . Co." Ltd.1 Office, S6GC aoiK'S Res. 2997 after thirteen No fee for registration.. private family.' Address VC. this Hawaiian TrxrstX ; - rfoni irruranc' - : 5603-2- 023 Fort Street. VU 83- Tort Street tle3 of Eola pop. ; , MAE E.McK AY, General Manager. office. . ; ' t BTAR-BULLETI- - 4 HONOLULU N, TUESDAY,- JULY 22; 1013. SEVEN

WM ISLAND WILL PRUNING ' - ' lsPOT EXTEND TO lIs.Ii WaslaMe 7V - POLICY RESULTS PUKE KAHANAMQKU IS anKul . B... Bridgewater, editor of the Gar- Some sixty employes of the federal Dress -- IliMlW den Island, whjo it Is reported will customs service in the ..Hawaiian WMJU BREAKING SPEED RECORDS rhortly be replaced, probably by Tu. D. islands are doing some Serious thinki- - Timraons, has the following editorial ng- these days. r speed, comment to make relative, to his ten Their brethren on the Pacific coast THE AVERAGE VISITOR TO HAWAII is infected with the ure in. omce ana ine resultant gooa are bearers o unpleasant tidings, ; j microbe. If he can make a break from the Ililo wharf to the Volcano . accomplished: There has just gone into effect a - v..At. a meeting of the directors of general adjustment of. salaries of cusr ' and back again, spending: one night and a part of two days on the ; ho P.arHcti Island Pnhiishin Co tims officers, inspectors, ; guards. Island, he feels that he has done his duty and got his money's worth. '. !eld Thursday morning, the following watchmen and other employes. The extract was taken from a paragraph chances in stipends have in almost in oiir. lease wiin ine uaraen isiaou. every lostance resulted In a marked Publishing -- Co., with, the presumption employe. . : For redaction to the ; that it be presented to Ye Editor at ; Detail of the sweeping changes ef-lea- st secretary, K. ; - WE VANT OUR VISITORS TO the . newly elected fee led at San Francisco customs cir- C. Hopper, gave It to us, which is cieshave been received here, nd the tufficient evidence to give rise to the question is now t mooted whether the GET THEIR WORTH belief That the directors are not alto- department of Hawaii will yet --come lilOHETS -- gether In favor of the present policy under: the keen edge of the pruning paper. follows: I cf this The extract knife. . , .i "And will always maintain said pub-- In most instances the reductions in licatlon, in'the matter of its policies salary are -- small, and only one job And we know they are not getting one-ha- lf of it when they pnd - '' s m nlnVAfl ap-- V that its subject to the holder of - importance loses his posi spend two days and nights at sea Just to make a steeplechase run to of the directors t of the said I...'..tion.-Th- i8 " is Fletcher L Wooster, .the Volcano tm'd back.'" .;... ' ' '. ' s"f,v'"' ; " rv - Garden Island Publishing" Company." United Statesv weigher' at San - Fran- .''' In view of the attitude of the direc- cisco, whose dismissal was to take tors as to the policy of this paper, we WE EARNESTLY ADVISE VISITORS to stay over at least one trip effect on a temporary appointment; by niUBt be pardoned for making the fol- Durkin, .now inspector. money's by Edward an ' of the steamer and get double their worth seeing: lowing statements concerning what For his new, duties Durkin .wilH re- that policy has done in the .present ceive a salary of $2000 a year.' other editor's time. We are not saying thi3 . ' The wonderful precipice and waterfall scenery along the - changes are as foIlAws: - . - . boastingly by any means, but as the , railroad north of ' V' :At Port Hartford, Doniphan R. policy has been so very helpful to the Jacks, former collector, is: made dep- community at large, we feel that, in s, uty charge, oneU . villages, palms, cocoa-nut- ecllector in class His The unique primitive Hawaiian justice to our own best interests, we -. M salary remains at $1200 per annum. was paid by Mr. Silva, when on his buy- 'warm springs 'and lava trees of PunaS ; give summary attention bur ..'; should our;, readers a v-At'- Eureka, Maximilian t LIpowltz, GREAT of the results of' our policy, and then : - formerly"storekeeper at the Haslett . demands the e- .. needs and, of The Koa forests and pit crater as wonderful as Kila it- to- - also,-b- ing to the East, to the leave them, judge what bonded warehouse in San Francisco, is trip Ifseff. TrTlhe vicinity of 'the Volciho: "would " uea fort of a policy be acceptable made collector in charge, class ; ' to the directors.' The present policy deputy . younger, generation in the clothing line. v say nothing Falls, Boiling two, at a salary of $1400. To of short trips to Akaka the of the paper has been in existence for In San Francisco, Charles H. Blinn, ' - a, PotiV the Onomea Arch, the KaumaW Caves: and1 luto a little more than "two r and half acting (boarding officer at ears, during has been former With the Mother's demand-- for clothing that will both trips of tO to' 100 mlfes toTKau and Kona oVeV good roads j which time it $2400 a year, is made a clerk of the the ' prime and chief agent in the fol- - his salary . and'thfVbeautlful icenery. lowicgi fifth class and reduced to ; look and wear wellf--an- d the Boy's need rjlothing that iits r T H'-CraI- formerly cIerk at Organized Kauai Athletic . '00-- m the 2200 Ig reducea to $1200. - OUR WORD AND TRY IT, If you wUl not thank us Association and loblcs well in the eyes of the other boysclearly in his mind TAKE . and see The following San Francisco cus . ' and for the advice! the first track guards, D, $9G0 a year, -.- tield meet ever held oniKaual. ' toms class at the T' are promoted to Class F, $1095 : Mr, Silva chose only those lines thatwould merit approval of ; (3) 'Agitated some means of chang- at H. M. Crowell, vice W. E. Hamburg, ing the flow of . stagnant . water -- ; C. Gavin, Mc- the Boy and his parents. v gOARD. through Nawillwili.'resnltmg in a ten reduced J, vice Daniel f'v f Neill, reduced;. Edward Skahan; vice thousand dollar; . . , S . OLTPE tunnel T . . n . . 1 . f TI" , f 4) crossings repaired . u " ' Had railroad George Young, ' anc and; caused Lihue Plantation to put up Smith, vice W.' re In the Wfashablc Clothing, and in the Dress Clothing, Parents duced, Vargus, ap- - railroad signs. , , and E.:'E.: anew re- Boys'will find that for which they , have long and wistfully desircdl f (6 ) Exposed teachers salary sche- pofntment Tw6v vacancies Btill customs guards $840 3 7 VT, V dule, resulting In new" schedule for main in the at W . ; per annum, and these will be filled in principals.-;- : ' . : regular mariner." f vj I IM ; ;(7) Was In bringing the j;.. instrumental -- ' about an Investigation of the depart- In Oakland, F W. Cushing, v'now deputy collector class two,r is reduced li 1L I ment of education 1 t - and appointed deputy collector, class i- Raised, Silvas (8) hundred dollars several one, and clerk, at a salary of $1200' a 1 ; .' ; v a: for .the Ohio flood victims.' : ' year. ' ;' . rz: 1 "r. ;. r (9 ) Brought influences to bear upon J' j v .. AND CORRECT TIME AT TIMES AT A SMALL EXPENSE. !The Store for; Good Clothes" '?:.'' ALL. the. department' to .extent-- 1 land, the ef wha it was at the beginning of our r getting eighty-acr-e liomesteads in Ka- - - 'ease, and the 'advertising has increas StVdet one of, new clocks connected with the time system Jaat- - Elks' jkititV Hare the ed- 1,00,0 perT cent.: iFnrthermere, only Building - jrl- (10 ) Advocated, stalled ty The Miituaielepfione dolBsmeAiis of one ot these clocks - janitors ' for: public subsedbere '. v. i - three have discontinued SChOOlS. ' '. : 'I )? aoV buiiuesshouse or residenie 'AayV'foK'i'W the- - paper, arf cases being . where sub (11) Caused sanitary measures to - CORRECT ' - fvr scribers left the Islands.; . With thl3 have the time.H ' . be, butchershop. ' taken in the Lihue excellent showing under the present a po- (12) Advocated postoffice and policy which has existed for nearly lice i protection v 1 - for Hanamaulu. three years, it is difScult to know yust (13) by- - : And lact but no means what kind of a policy .would sui Instalbd Free of Charge least, the policy pf paper has never the 1 Cck the i directors Perhaps they would urefer 1 'Sf i J1'?1 policy, which' many of our JEcjiiiitaiioE f of the community""Itheiformerhave! ie:;rEiflo .' Jjecn readers still remember, with undlsguis- - Ccntq: : the motive, and thtn" the matter . ' rieiital Rfly a r.!qnth amusement. . has beeh. handled , without fear; or 'fav or. The motto of this paper is "hew : ' ;, - ' f to the line, let the .chips- fall -- where . i For a small additional cost, you may have a gong or bell attached Temporary Stables: v . ; they ,may," and if any one basket has . to a clock? and arranged to 'ring 'atTiny 'desired rtfour-"b- f the.:day or t " ; ' received more Its share of chips, tfght. r '' " . .. than Monsarrat Ave., Diamond Head Road . ' ' ':.' : : ; . . : i ' : . : ' Is ., . it an assured fact that the basket ? ; The. company. also' has for rent the best Time Stamp that is made. has but' Itself o blame. , , We have ; Kapiolaui Park ; This Is used for recording to the minute the time of receiving or-- ; spoken rteht out In meeting, and have ders, employes "In and out records, shop costs, and the stamping of not the'4least regret for so doing., I - anything of which the correct , record of ' the time to the minute is i Further Indication- that the policy ' " .. ".V; I" v-;;.- h- Flourishing sound of desirable.' r lias .given satisfaction Is that the sub- and conditions 4 ': ! - scription list at present is four. times the Mutual Building land Loan- So v ; Saddle Horses Boarded and drained . connection with the telephone, but isworked by. electricity ciety .of Hawaii were reported' by Its " ' and all apparatua .cared for and regulated by thetcompany. j t meeting held directors at 'the annual - ,r last' night Incorporated' in . I9p4 with Ijessons in- Hprseba fiFFICE O. Method in UP-N- the ; CALL AT'THEITELEPHONE OR'RING 3411. , I RidingCorredr r J7educelburfeiit a subscribed capital of $5000, of which - a ! $500 was paid up,;- - it .nas now ra sub-- .";:vvi:''':::V:v:; capital of ' $195,400 of ; which; 1 including accrued earnings,; $ 13 6,921.35 Private Class Club Lessons i'elepiioiie Co., $133,?46.44 in cash, with ? gross, earni- Louisehbad fleductionSalt ngs- ac- -"- ! " "- of $11,602, while its expense " v ;v- - : .";. v. ; t " ' , ;: '.' ''.;'. ';:. v' y "".';' - "'':''' -- ' ; " , ': : , .: " V; ''-. ,;' - : : ? Limited. (For the, Bath) "was $1454.85., - "'.- -' ' r - .."- -. ' , count .only It .has a '';'": ,' . , ." : '"V"'-'- ; ,.. ' ; . , ,':f:r It Removes Soperfluons Flesh reserve fund of $3640, against :which .' a- styl-- V and gives slender,' firm J there have- - been no .During Adams Lane " losses. , ' lsh figure. Merely use a little eight consecutive : years - the .; society , ' twice a' week-- in warm water 5 has. earned Interest on the savings of - when taking a bath.' No need Woellworu;. j its members at the rate'of Siper cent von taking'-drug- s : . Baron .of: or starving j per annum, compounded semi-annuall- ', yourself; no need of devoting : Shares of charter members maturing Idding and Drillmaster, hours to' tiresome exercise. Len 1 November 1, 1912, were promptly set-- Cut Out kCitchen Iseabad .Reduction Salt ; enters ! 7 I . . --I . - .1 1.1 M - Young Tel. 123 ; pores In a- ,wayr-pre- -. Office: Alexander Hotel the natural , the owners.. In the' past year the so-- : vents formation of superfluous ciety has acquired thirty lots, which, ii: fat and redaces It where it ex- -. ' under the 'name of the New Makiki fsts by transforming the In- fat f tract, arerbeing Improved with streets, :e to strength-givin- g ; blood and breakfast curbed side walks and pipes for domes-- v AT THE HOTELS. muscle.-I-t brings your own t " to tic '.utilities.- - Possibly the society may at the table. Eat i$ tub'' the salts as found fin the " (erect model cottages on some of the reducing bath springs of Eu- -' Hotel Aubrey, Hauula.; "lots, offering them for sale to members rope - famous . . ' for centuries. ' : Alias 'Kllzabeth Danielson. Miss i on monthly v. Cent FRESH .'Indorsed by the medical pro- - payments. Mrs. J. ne M. Mr 0 j L'mraa Franca' and " :.: ' and directors were re-elec- fes3ion; l Laaw, Miss Adelaide 'Franca,. Miss -- ed for the ensuing 'year, as follows: . WASH AWAY YOR FAT- - .Jean R. Kenney, Mrs. B. M. Oliver, 1 L. McLean, Reduce it- - by James president; J. A. ' r..; ; a 'refreshing, . C. Kincaid, M and Mrs. The Lyle president; TL H. Miss Elsa toning Bath. Give Lonlsenhad i vice Trent, sec C. L. Judge retary; C. Cooke, J. H. Ixjve, ;Mrs. Force, Reduction Salt a fair trial. ; "II. treasurer; Henry An Y a. X y Robinson, Mr. Cook son, Mrs. Hour 6 Davis, auditor; directors. James W.J; j. Price $1.00. per package or L Ccoksori, Ls Moore, Sara 1 Newcomb, $.". ; ; . McLean, J. A Lyle; R. H. Trent, C. H. "G. b. E." GRILL packages for Ncw-ccai- f M rs. J. S. Johnston; E. A. P.' . Cooke, Charles Crczier, A.' D. LK J " For sale it Toilet Good Coun- Castro S. tT. S. - Captain John Johnston. irst-elas- si: G. L. J3eetrid ter of all '. f Depart- and Samson. E. en, That' all It costs t o v . A.; Charles A; Brown. Mrs. Pax ment ;v-- i .. will sure Ughten the nod Drsir Stores. o Miss E. Shinn, M. Norton, M. V. V. perform magical - Beware Gen-- : I Don't go to Hawaii taking the trick of 'substitutes. without Newell and O. V. Steven and party, Ea- In the scenery-alous- r coot wife's labor.' uine bears German "Oonble spectacular t5e Honclulu.. of making places out gle Seal of red, white and black. ; HIIo Railroad's new 31-mi- le $3,000,000 of hot ones. . .BEXSOX, SMITH & CO., Ltd., extension along the HIIo nnd Hamaknft ...... Sle- Dlstrihiitors. coiisL See YVatfrliouse Tfnst. Co' for ; Some nice pictures at Popular The- - Pay cost and connections- advertisement atre. it a visit Advert isemenL Permanent coolness ai One Cent An Hour U cheaper and : ; better than Transient coolness at Fivo or Ten Cents the drink. . Ill I'l 1 1,1 Make us prove It. ;'

; - ' - WM. G1TT. Pronr. An? 1119 Above Hotel TeL 4344 w Fort St, Hawaiian Co., Ltd Electric 1 W6 ai80 GO ail classes 01 couse inh siurp wiring uu icpan uijiuiu South King Street.' for you to inspect our GOODS FROM THE ORIENT Phono 2205 Beaches Hiiotaca-EocZ- Co.Xtd, i - ' STAR-BULLETI- 1EL XIKDSTOF It0CKASb WI FOB COXCfiETH WOBKr- Tort Street, Opposite Catholic church. N PER Eifl FIBHWOOD AJiD COAL. .75 CS QUEEN STREET. P. O. BOX 511 EIOHT HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, Tr CM DAY, A CLY 22, 1!U3.

Straw Hats JOHN HUGHES TO ' Get the the latest out $1.75 to $3.50 Right Films f H. Afohg Co. BUILD HAWAII'S LAY Hotel and Btrtbel.Sts. If You Want Wl Best Results SOON) ""Come on up to the houae far PROMISED EAIRBUILDING TRIP TO JAPAN dinner tonight, old chap!" be-- . And, of Yourso. tbe t ro. I i "Sorry to refuse, my friend, for lnfanto and Chlldron.' suits to:;e from usiiig I ' (Continued page oat) lut Tin wedded to that 50 c?nt from (Continued fruir . iUge one) dinner at The Palm Cafe and ! don't want a divorce." their first hearing will be Thursday d as the tig incr steamed through 'The Effects of Opiaieb. Eastman Kodak afternoon at 2 o'clock. i the channel to a erth t Alakea wharf PZXAT IVFAXTS ara peculiarly susceptible to opium and its Tarioua prtp. At fifieen claimants , that tiire hae this mcrning arations, all cf which are narcotic, is well known. Even In the smallest N. C. Films bet n notified to appear and prove Robert Frothingham Is known by his their loss, and the following day, Fri- of publish doses, if continued, these cpiafes cause changes in the function and growth of . , loet acquaintances in the Closing day, unequal number have been nbti-- ing world as the man who put "life" the cells, which aro likely to become permanent, causing imbecility, znental Out No on lias been able to find lied to appear. When the hearin? on in Life, and "every boJy" in Every- perrersion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later life. Nervous diseases, such Chi-rts- e their supetior. the Hawaiian claims is over, the body's. VV' as intractable nervous dyspepsia and lack of staying powers, are a result ot dowi-wit- h Oiir line of HONG- will probably be heard next, and The advertising expert expects to opiates or narcotics to keep children quiet in their infancy. Tho ru!e amoo pu on until the entire number of per-Koa- s be j THEN, when the pictures are absent from the country for the physicians is that children should never receive opiate In the smallest doses for KONG FURNITURE at taken, have us do the develop- seeking damages for the destruc- greater part of a year, lie will make more a, day at s time, and only then unavoidable. ; Reduced Prices. ing and printingbecause you tion of. their trees has been disposed a leisurely journey through Japan. than it ' want, good workand we ran : taking note of the progress made to ; The administration of Anodynes, Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups and olbrr de. the job to Jour entire satis- No awards will be made by the corn-- i wards modern advertising in that narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot b too strongly decried, a I ' faction. , , mission until all cases are heard a'ld country. the druggist should not be a party to it. Children who are ill need the e.U-U- i they will one Coyne then be announced at China is next In line for a general of a physician, and it is nothing, less than a crime to dose them willfully wit h n . fin e, ft is impossible at this time, tour of inspection. Mr. Frothingham cotics. Castoria contains no narcotics if U bears the signature of Cbas. 1L FletciU . Furniture Co. eay the comrrissicners, to estimate Is yet undecided whether he will, cou- - Ifollister the time it will take to complete the tinwe his circling of the globe by ffixarantect gennlno hearings, but every effort will be. steamship lines, 'la Sue? canal, or made to hasten, so far as possible, the take train in North China by tlie way linaturo V Caitorta Open for business with a larje line of '. :,r Drug Co., Ltd. work. ; j of the grpat trans Siberian route to GOODO GENERAL FUR-NICH1NG- Physicians Recommend DRY AND Meetings of the, commissioners will the capitals of .Europe, ' aToarprcprmtkmkaowaHCtottaIhsT'e4 I "I tare pmcrtbedCastoria.yoar ChUstU ta May caart '" Fort Street : :';' Le held daily beginning Thursday, in Before departure from San Fran for reus in ckUdrM's complaint ud I bw found and bar alwaya farad It as aSciaat sad apaadj - - the senate chamber, They wiH meet cisco, Mr. Frothingham was entertain aot&iog Uttw. Jobs J- Lbita, If. rem3y X. T. Pstna, M. D., Bt LmU, So, :' CtevvlaaJ, Cbio. at 2 o'clock each afternoon except ed by a delfgation of commercial club . " I naed your Gutoria ta y aoaaaao4 stWrsI yean 'CwtorU hT 0w L. CHONG, Saturday, with the' idea of disposing members. At this time he took occa . i For I iwsininendcdroar with good rualta, aad aara ad fined atTtral paUnu to sad ahall always eooUaaa to do ao, aa It baa lava-rlab- lj 15-2-1 King, Bethel- - . Tel. 4493 ef at least fifteen claims at a meeting.' sion criticize the general trend of to um tt for tta mild, laxaUra a?ict aad traa&oa nr. ' prodnoad braeAdai iwalka. . Kvery Friday there will be- - posted on municipalities in regard to their pub- froa harm. Xowaao Paaaai, V. D.. - r I Patota, M. Dn Ktw Tork Oty. . r the senate chamber door a list cf the fi , licity campaign. He.said the trouble tow. ,. .' ?rook!7. If. T. claims to be heard during tho earning with organizations and with munici Caatorla Is a SMrttorioaa boorsoU M Yoar CaatorU hoUa tta aaUam af toadUai it'.- - "Toar tu Week, palities attemptJag ob- lemcdy. Is poialy a solid profaaalon la a manner held by atfotbar proprV--0 and individual notices will, also' 1 i in to gain an It vtfatoUa aad acts as i- - r t- n'-i- i . . la A : OneDollar be sent.';- ' ? ject is that they are long on the talX cathartic. . Abora alt, U does do aana, wbka la pftparaUoa. It tarn and t K 'Iclae fat Geo. A. Martin A large majority of the claimants and" short on the goods. ' kjjm toaa caa b aa!d ot Cm peat majority of can-Aran- 's infanta and children. la fact it lJ tla isiTaaai ramadlaa. hooaaaold remady for iafaaUIa present this morning, were conyinced i "We go to luncheon after luncheon. rt'A DOLLAR) - 1C. JL Ctty, 21a MERCHANT TAILOR (LUCKY that when they left the chamber- - they I banquet after banquet, and we hear Ttotea B. Comix, D. Omaha, Kab. J. Paaxxa, II. On Ziziu ' very inspiring talks," I Moved te Fort Above Hotel St. would have their damages, reduced to Dr. E. V. V'kox, chairman of rotn he said. "We Children Cry for Fiotchor'o Caotoria. gold coin," with them, and some sur-- mit(et of horticulture nnl .agriculture applaud a man's ideas, we say 'go to ONE QUART OF ARNOLD'S prise was shown they were told for the Panama Pacific Exposition of it,, old sport, we will stand back of I whu ' you, n Us e F o r O v er O Y o a r.o WRITING FLUID. that it ( was necessary for the com mis- - 191.V . but when it comes to putting up 3 . our money tor logical advertising sIon to study each case on the evi-- , we INK- are prone to say, 'We do we AND A DOUBLE CLASS dence pressnted, later to reach a con--1 (Continued froa page one) can't, it, i 1 . - ? money in WELL ;:;::.; , elusion and make the- award. "Bana-- i need the our. business; we na Jack" Kalakiela was present with can t help you out.! ; I WITH RECEPTACLES FOR a Iaree number of his client, whnfirsf The organization or the municipal- - a. blom; PENHOLDERS, CLIPS, .v Importer Fort Si PENS ETC.'- I - s.ons plans, feome cranges nave ueeu and here ls the money. to pay for It,' In window and identity of their - LooH the cjaitps- ' inftdo in the original plans, and a new is the organization or the municipal- - eee what the dollar ground ulan including these changea ity which leaves all others in its own n to-b- e - ; REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS j Is soon, submitted by archi- - ; REDUCTION SALE , ; buys. r the dust - - " ; Something for nothing can npt be r Everything' Reduced. of Record 21, of 1 ' - - Entered July 1915 listening to the report .the chairTj had in this world. Pay yon. i . for what 1 ' " ' ; ' :. :'. - r from 10:30 a. in. to, 4:30 n, m. : man .who outlined.- - the . details, of his wantget the price down to as low a AMERICAN DRY GOODS CO. Allen ' & Jlobinson Ltd to George f SL, nrv BttneL i F Rentcn Jr ns nlnn tn have'a ieoar ate' building for! cults will" ho nmnbint- r- - r '.There V .Hotel' Hawaiiqn .?:..... ' ' ' wa$ never; a lirrxeV - - Sarah K Simpson and Mary , un 'aquarium he' Eaid,' was not- favor- . Mr. -- and Mrs. Frothingham will con- - rv ., N Souza ., ...... D. bhly. considered by the exposition of-- tinue to voyage to thelFan East in the i Wheni-lAlNAi- stamped. : ; cum i ru . -- me ui nrcu 4inj ui.h, rivals on accouniroi greai cosi,! jHongona, tncognr tney both expressed 1 fi Young BuUding from 8:30 .i. ru to I0:S0 ai ni. and therefore Hawaii's display of den- - deep cegret that they had, not arrang- - snoe M III - .1 , " f on a meant anyimng t . .'. CUH-IOS- Amelia P Fernandes and hsbto izens of the deep will . be confined to J ed before?' hand for iaff triore leagthy - " ' i Francisco Careiro ;.; . . 'P. ferritory's ; building. . j stay less than the best possible . lP the in;taeslahdsf The advertising f V-.:-- Solomoh'a II Kafcaili and wf to I ; wife . i. JLairtit Tfttltte Soatenir --TlU 'chairman- - kid spoclal emphasis mari;andhis leave, atpooh J. Antone SUvasLi . it ! ." ), Store is the WorU German' Confectionery and UitVory P v,a ,otoVf rithtiaTajtm tomorrow. " aitnaiume; nor nas mere First Bank, of Hilo Ltd to Bank r - ; : i or Ltd AM w improved fllltin i SOUTH r Anton Jtarge & Bro. Hawaii ' " r t t rr fi if fl rr 'I fl ever been an ; process .of shoemakmg dis--. ' . ITt gnaraatoe Best Uaterlal used. , necessary. u,r Alaita ' nr. Keretanli- .- Auto JleUierj. Kaplolanl Estate Ltd to Annie K . nowyer,; e?ycu covered that has not been 'Will well reprjesept- - NEW bAHU CARRIAGE MFG. CO. Caesar pi that Hawaii baas cd- - a': country or terVtory; Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Car Alvlno Fernandez and wf to V Ya- - a other BY 'aaopted bv HAN AN,...... and wih; the . of the branch BARRED 1 rlige and Waron Materials and mada ...... ! " "v" : ' coinrait-"e- r U ' v . Supplies. ; William G Irwin Est Co ( oHJce the local prcmowji no matter how f great? the co:tv; ; r. November, a Carrlsgt Makers and General Repai- Severance .. Rel , tee in Sin Francisco In' ' j G Co Luth- - ( great campaign of publicity wilTb,3 famiKar j rer. . Painting, Blackamlthing, Horses William Irwin Est to Are you with the complete . Woodworking and Trimming er Severance ...... Rcl started which will serveto' attract to To arrive this month from Se of. Ha- - traveling pubiic H" nr. Road r San Ant .Port Bent Socy Hawaii both the' anf .y'xnanner jnwhicK we carry this fambus Queen St. .Prison . '' J attle saddle,, work and driving wail to George Campton-.....- Rel those who will attend the exposition ;;.:v V horses.'' 'v ... . A Brown to Alfred Ma- - j 1915. ; .V y': r make of shoes? No over- - ; Beet Cbas J in .. By Latest detail f Newest and Rev-P- Aj Maill m goon ...... Takine ud the matter cf the Hawaii LOUISVILLE. Chief of Police lookedshape, style and leathers to t Horses "Now," asked teacher. two x.uuaioB-v.- u ..vv.v-v- . r i.inasey louay issueu an oraer ior ine the wuum OB uavo - WHITE tell me what an oyster Is?" Silence ic luauvisiiuie tu hih;a- Krrest oi wearers or silt skirts which' i satisfy every manV shoe fancy. hibit ; on the second ilocr, voting to j,re minus protecting undergarments. 7 for a moment, "while small ; brows reserve that portion tor tne serving "A number of women .have been OAP . were knit in strained effort atremem Club Stables brance Then littlA Tftmrrv's facial :.ICUuu'wu' w0 appealing ypon me streets or imis-- ' So bar eagerly raisad Aoouviauua-u- a "t" Yine in uresses wnicn ico jaws 01 ae-4U4- 0, . the TeL 1109. muscles relaxed and he .01'will have a model : ..W.' his hand. "I know!" he triumphantly in whlcn .it cency forbid, and I believe this is. Mclnerny Shoe Store,;;i sugar mill in operation and also . a wjthout doubt, disorderly says anncunced. "An oyster is a fish built ' a act," sugar plantation. : like a nut,"- - Everybody's. large diorama of a the chief.. "I refer to skirts which above Kin g coffee, sisal, tobacco and pine--; split up Fort St. 4 . CHEMICAL ENGINES AND lhe are the side exposing the V apple growers will each have an ex-- ; ijmb. As long as an undergarment la WATCH MAN'S CLOCKS To wireless to the other h.bit. worn beneath the slit dresses It is all A " v J right, where a flagrant exposure for Sals by Islands or to ships at sea, r.lANGES man, the members of the .commission but r,RS. ! have taken into consideration- - .the Is made it is the duty of the police, to - 1574 - G I A N Call Up :' . A. L H preparing a model of the volcano- make arrests." , . J. . cf ADVERTISEMENT IS BE READ BY Fort Street of Kilauea for display in the. Hawaii-- f Chief Lindsey said that women who THIS TO ESCAPES an building., Q. C. Curtis has been; have the "nerve"to appear on the recommended for .the .work. Mr.',? ur-- streets in slit dresses will not mind ! tis recently spenj. several months in ,a little i thing like a police court Picture Framing For GENERAL OFFICE STA- V Hawaii and while here made It lengthy trial." ' , OPERATION ; dio-j.ram- a, TIONERY and FILING SYS- visit to Madame ' I'eJe,' A huge printing aad enlarg poeslbly of the city of Tono-- I The body of Ensign William D. Blll- - Alio developlnr, TEMS call or write to us and ' ' S Is lLaoiie tng. Axtiiti' materials. we will fill your wants. lulu icwed iVom Punchbowl. . ingsley, who wa3 killed in a hydroaer- - How She Was Saved From among the many? features being con.' mgnivil,,Mon, nrf r.u -. t co., - kW HONOLULU PICTURE FRAMING A ci nir sifply; ltd. , Surgeon s Knife by Lydia swerei tor the building. yiu J, ooo- f0Und floating on the surface of SUPPLY CO. 931 FORT STREET per, a fcrmer niwspaper man ot ueake bay - ' - . Pinkham's Vegeta- nolulii, and who 3 lectured on Hawaii ble Compound. for' the local promotion ' committee ' MONUMENTS during the A. Y. P. exposition at Se- Picture Framing attle; is being considered by the com work, -' and all kinds of marble Mogadore, Ohio.- fThe first two years mission for a like work in San Fran- CRESS GRASS RUGS. N. B. Call and set thsm. Promptly Done by Men cleaned and repaired by expert I was married I suffered so much from cisco. M rs. Cooper has written the Neatly and prices. V Who Know How. workman at readable female troubles and commission applying for the position IMPORTED RUGS. N. B. Call and ses them. Call for Zimmerman at bearing down pains as head of the pineapple and coffee N. B. thtm.-N- . AXT ELL'S A Dele- AXMINSTER RUGS. Call and set CITY M ERCANTILE CO J. C that I could not serving booth. . letter from Bangkok j gate was 24 Hotel St nr. Nuuanu Alakea Street stand on my feet Kalanianaole, which read DOMESTIC RUGS. D. Call and its them, long enough todo my this morning, is to. the effect that it will be impossible the commission ': work. The doctor for t COCOA MATTING. N. B. Call and stt It' DON'T WEAR A GROUCH: IN- said would have to to secure additional fifhds for Ha-- : I . B.-C- all . STEAD, TRY AN 11 wail's exhibit from the present ses-- STAIR CARPETS AND RUNNERS. N. and ttt thtm. undergo .an opera- - j Hats i slou Of congress, the delegate, how- FORCEGROVTH tion,but my husband ever, expressed hopes of being able ' OWIi wanteoVme try to Secure the necessary amount at the j'i ' . R PinVhm' - . A , DO IT "J " lit l CCE31UU. WILL M. A. GUNST A CO.. INC. V 6 a 6 chair-poun- Sa V TC0Zrl ' Upon 'the completion of the d inn's rftrrt Tii tho snpr-ia- l hnsinpc threa bottles and it made me well and tfce folJowiusr chairmen of committees 1 E X C E P T I O N A L strong and avoided a dreadful opera- - the1 weigh 2 ounces and 4518. at Your Res. I vere appointed; to take charge of Phone Treatments I G S - n, E V E N IN H AT tion. I now have two fine healthy chil- uifferent divisiens of Hawaii's ex-dre- H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. ' DR. A MADAME GIRARD AND ORNAMENTS and I cannot say too much about hibit: E. Wilcox, agriculture and I the best for this Successors to Dr. Birch whatLydiaE-Pinkham'sVeeetableCo- hcrticulture; T, H. Gibson, education; pound done me. Mrs. Lnn John Drew, K. A.. Pot- - In rug line, see-o-ur first. Sanitary Chiropodists. MISS rOWEH, BOSTON BLK. has for - transportation; fact, for anything in the call and stock Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Manges, R. F, D. 10, Mogadore, Ohio. ter, nqnarUirn, and W. T. Brigham. old climate. Al&kea SL' Opp. Hawaiian Hotel Why will women take chances with Hawaii. A special system will be an operation or drag out a sickly, half drrwn up for the expenditure of the iunds in possession cf commission, COLO DRINKS AND existence, missing three-fourth-.3 the Investigate the merits of the . FOR ICE hearted the chairman being placed in charge ' the joy of living, when they can find 14 ICE CREAM, TRY THE of of arratigements. now FRISBIE HIGH SPEED MOTOR health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable the From on' un'il t.e opening of the. fair, the com--j THE BIGGEST PLANT V BOAT GAS ENGINE. Compound? Drug Co., ir'siion will meet in the rooms of the ; We are prepared to fill orders f,r eight different sizes of crushed buying your motor boat engine Hawaiian stand- before r. For thirty years it has been the promotion committee at least once a furnish rock : . '. I'' ;'. rock in any quantity from our quarrf, that Is large enough to ills, and hos re? ' WORKS CO. Hotel end Bethel 8treeta ard remedy for female month. for the Hilo breakwater.: V HONOLULU IRON stored the health of thousands cf women who have been troubled with such ail- Teil your sick friend about Stearns' Mclnerny HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION & DRAY1NC CO. 1 k inflammation, Building : . Queen Streti L!n or ments as displacements, Wine of Cod Liver Extract. Perhaps Robinson . Nw ORANGE BLOSSOM CANDIED irregularities, DEL MONTE" CANNED GOODS ulceration, tumors, etc THE STYLE CENTER " Most Popular U . and Vegetables. The Candies Mad, to he dof sn't know wbat a great tonic and Table Fruits on the Coast - If yon want special adfice write lydia X. Pinkham Medicine Co. (conf- tissue-build- er it is. You remember Fort and Merchant KAIMUKI GROCERY. CO. J HONOLULU ORUG CO, LTD VI idential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will STAR BULLETIN PER MONTH 1024 Fort St. Telephone 2364 how it btlped you through your S.75 Cor. Walalae Road and Koko Head U U be opened read and answered by a Avenue ; Phone 3730. 1C 1 woman and held in strict confidence. - J HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1013. KING


4 BIG rf 1 HAWAII SWIMMERS BROUGHT HOME "THE BACON" LEAGUE JOY,' AKANA & CO. MADE r now fade s ill&ULU SIIBOT TO POSE AS JACK TARS I CIIAMPIOXSIIIPS n K. :; ...';' Ship Ahoy! Shiver my tiro-her- s Sport. Champion. Itnnoer I'p. STARS' SURE .and douse my toplighLi if " : Harvard Princeton. SHAHK LIKELY TO " Barney Joy, Albert A,kana. Bill s Rowing: Syracuse, Cornell. : . Hampton and all the rest of the fv S Track: Pennsylvania. Harvard. M KL Louis bu.nch ain't jolly Jack X Baseball: Yale, Brown. a TO PERFORM Tars. Just listen to! this from Cross country: Harvard, CornelL tho San Francisco Chronicle 6f Wesleyan. x ' : Cornell. July 15: - v. : 'Harvard. Princeton. li.i-T- "HONOLULU, July he . Wrestling: Cornell. Yal. Aggregation game between the Stanford Harvard. Cornell. MrMike Fisher's baseball team and a team from ft Tennis : Princeton. Yale. - Nine Major League Clubs Are Might Meet Giant-Whi- te Sox the cruiser SL Louis broke up S Gymnastics: Penn., Princeton. After Williams and He Is in the third Inning today and K K .. in Swimming; Yale, Princeton. Crowd Here Battle awarded to Stanford, 9 to. Pi X . . Sure To Be Sold I ' Water : Princeton, Yale. Royal 0, on a forfeit. ' : Golf : Yale, Harvard.; . V . big - managers cer- Play, was continued informal- - . 'Yi i A Soccer: Harvard. Havcrford. The brush are W ac- - tf Mike Fisher's all-st- ar baseball team the final score being! Stan- 4 H Gun: Yale, Princeton, v tainly after Johnny Williams, and. ill . p.fyera will play either three or six games in ford 10 and St. Louis 14." ? X Fencing: Columbia; CornelL;' ' cording to the coast ne will ; v V " : ; ' Honolulu. en route to Australia.' This " i. . . S Rifle: Harvard. Mass. AgrlcnL probably be aoM aoon for a record announcement was mad? this morning Chess: Columbia. Pennsylvania. price. The fact that "Honolulu John" - ' . W blew up . by John Barnes, after several con- ' in Saa Francisco the other sultations with Manager A. Q, Mar day, when h was being piped oCf by callluo, of tho Oahu League. It is now some of; tbe scouts, will probably have a certainty that a series will be play- AUIfl PALO no real bearing on his purchase, as his speaks : ed between the traveling big leaguers W record for itself. . and the local talent, but whether the A Sacramento paper of recent data - v v-. I ' ' 3 .traffic can stand for the longer series v says: . suggested.-remain- s to be figured out. IlElSPORT That Johnny Williams, the wonder- right-hande- A new angle been given to fall . ful r on has .. t1 - ' . 4 i I the' Sacramento , . baseball prospects by chance of corps, , bo the ' - ". ... , I I pitching will sold ta the t the Fisher tourists, and. the Giants-Whit- e majors within a few days, and that Sox being at the ' j - ' t S " f '.''. .' - j travelers here Auto polo, originally a freak exhibi- he will , bring, close to $12,0utf the same time. Although the latter com- tion of lir. juJL : , -- - , record price for the - Pacific Coast guaran- skill and daring, is developing rz j bination asked a prohibitive; into a real game. ; Athletic Prospects, for Coming ieague was admitted last night by tee to play a single game here, The-followin- there g is from a New York Harry Wolverton, Senatorial mana- is a chance that they, would be satis- Year Are Promising for ' ' ' exchange: . ger. ? J , Yesterday and today a good-size- d ' . fied with a good deal less, and with ; Rivalry In auto polo has already - Crimson Jamea McGuire, Detroit scout, is . an all-st- ar team of major leaguers to crowd gathered- about the a manifested itself at the Polodrome on window book on already in the city to get a peep at Co a'gainst them here, , the ,necessity of Thrum's store, ; Hempstead Plains, and four teams" are SOME FAMOUS FIGHTS John Harvard's sons are feeling ami O'Hara, of two teams traveling together and Fort street, admiring the cups and per- the Honolulu twirler, Tm now in daily practice for th Auto Po- pretty and with a Cincinnati-ivory-hunte- r, playing a purely exhibition game, medals brought back by the Ha- joyous Justnow will be here lo Association championship, which waii swimmers." fect right. Not only have they wound Thursday'5 or Friday. CHara tele- would be done Away with. It would starts driv- The lion's share Friday The automobile IN BASEBALL HISTORY of these are the property of Duke up their season of athletics In all graphed Wolverton from Walla Walla be a real contest, and should draw a ers, by.'Caleb expect : headed Bragg, to four Intercollegiate - - ' " rate that would be a' record for the . Kahanamoku,. who now hat a .branches with yesterday. , ' show to advantage owing to their two sectional - , Speaking rows on ballfield hnaill:: large enoughs gold championships and tltks When Informed McGulm had islands. . y'r ability to control the machines,, but of the fielder who liked to thrashed collection :of that - ; credit, but every prospect is concerning "If there ,1s any chance of, the polo, country and Honolulu fans have been speak- Cub Striker one. night fend then went medals to start a jewelry store. to' their ridiculed his' statement the club and aviation ere, of Crimson Sox ; combination being ing of little else for the past week-th- after Chamberlain, whom he found in . In the above picture the cups, tright for the success tho major league . proffers,' Wolverton teams expecU to overcome by : we have been a number scraps a saloon. Halligan crept cautiously to coming college year. There are smiled grimly and yanked here at the. same time as our team, their actual knowledge of polo, r Inter of from left right, are for the la the an' entire gone up and seasoned la-si- de would bo willing to play cither" the est in the. , competition vjs; growrng in the big leagues that have behind Chamberlain, wholly inno- rough water swim at Redondo; enough athletes of tried hstful of yellow missives from an bri down into history. Umpire Stayton, cent of the fact that Elton was watch- the Indoor Yacht Club cup, ability returning to the university in pocket . National or American league cutfit apace, and It is expected that r within for Star-Bullet- in ' a winner take all basis' said Barnes a few days a national organization in a statement printed , in the ing his approach in the big mirror the, team making the greatest the-fal- l to make sure a healthy nucleus Nine Majort Want Williams. this morning. "In fact, ;we'.d ask no- - will be formed to Include auto polo last Saturday, mentioned tbe back of the bar, - Just as Halligan number of points at the Ssn Pran- -' for teamsIn all. . "It is true that McGuire has mad recent row between made ready for spring X.0 go up ; Pitcher Brennan a Chamberlain cisco meet; the cup presented to The crew of course has the latest me no offer and that I. have had no thing belter than a chance clubs as far west as California. flattened', crowd. figure Fish- and John McGraw, and. this recalls wheeled and him with a W, T. Rawlins, manager of the all for notice. although a year mwJ. dealings with Detroit whatsoever," against this "I that Society is displaying keen interest :' f the fact that McGraw has played a bar- mallet. 'v--:' Hul Nala -- team Y. navy cin try said Wolverton, ''"but a squint at er's team "will be stronger than either profes- '; by' Charlea elapse before Harvard's take, in tha tournament because the many Weapon. 1; ;..';-,;- , - conspicuous part Bit Hand . or Sox,' even-I- in battles that Williamson of the British Empire conclusions again with its ancient rival these." . the' Giants tbe White: sional element has been eliminated and : left-hande- d Bill Burns, the pitcher, ' gray-thatche- d cham- compete were somewhat outside the limits of Club, and Al Coney of the South in watermanship. And the Cambridge With that the veteran the former turns out a world's ndne but amateurs will in the - - the game. . leaped for Bob 'Ganley4 one afternoon ' ..' championship End Rowing Club; and the relay , men look-- forward to another victory unfolded sundry telegrams. There pion.; v" . matches for the The and Ganley caught on 'him the ribs the-Thame- In case t)f a local team playing bur demand for seats Indicates a big gath- A dive into the dope shows that cup, won at Sah Francisco by the on for of the squad"1 of weremessages in the batch from nine there have been many scraps on the with a bat, putting Bill out. of com- Hul Nalu of major league owners combination," Barnes continued.- - "we ering at the opening game," and the team. oarsmen wh 6 acquitted themselves so the sixteen ball field and - McGraw, who figured mission for many days! Hobe Ferris, (Vrnn! V"-'- : , Etand ready give- any battery Long Island summer colony will be The medals are for first prize well against Yale all are returning' to and managers, inchrMri? to them set-to- , the . jsejeond ' tL.-r- well represented. The president of he second best in his recent has famous" Boston baseman, i ia th500(V32pr-44O-ya- famfr-th-e Vollege'wTrrihe' eSceptlon'of "six. ICIs ortfiePhflaHeii;riia AtiiieUc3. i y combination they chose. This is what ofE his temperaf'Jack llaydeiT Tne - 'Weather-- 1 played a eopicuowrt?tmaTTtf lest 50 yard back stroke, won . Dooin of tho Philadelphia NatL , Association 4 Hicks Arnold varsity . eight ahat' will lose the :: the we txpoe&tQ do lit Australia; tnxfoT 'V ' . the diamond. . '"' ; v .;v v: day and kicked him in the face; "with : bee, "and the vice presidents include Duke at San Francisco; second Abele3 brothers, Strat-ton- , Shlller Hugglns of the St. LouIj course the locals might elect to use Jack Doyle could right", and would. his spiked shoes, ruining i Hayden's most, as the two .' B. Harmon, Mllbank, prize in the back stroke, won by and C. W. Comlskey cf t;.3 own, "battery, figuring Clifford Jeremiah ; Goodale and Morgan all go from their .that. it Twenty years iagd he had a quiirrel dentistry , completely. Roger Connor D.' ' Chicago Americans, - -- Caleb Bragg and Cyril Crimmins. The Kaupikor third prize in the besides qu:ris3 would bemoro .interesting to local with Eddie Burke; avsturdy little Celt and ' Ji m O'Rourke contracted enmity laat boat, together with Meyer from board of control Is composed of Frank half mile, won by Frederick WII--' : four-oare- "from most of the others. when both were with, Giants,": the d crew. But there's the fans;' areeableto lis, tadl on the Ne York team, and they had the but - , Tilford. Elbert IL Gary, C. K. G. Bil- helm; a gold medal presented by crew returning intact to "I can get my price for hlni tonicr- we will meet the' local management a fearful battle, Burke being In bed never got a fair: chance to settle it till freshman play--- , lings, C, Arnold, Archer M. " Los Angeles Athletic Club row. but I must get a couple of E.W.. more years the ' place in the varsity shell, half way on any proposition. Of course Huntingdon, Rodman Wanamaker, for a week.- Later," when Doyle was than fifteen later: Then, to' take their "Con- Duke; and a first prize medal four-oare-d com- era in the deaL" said Wolverton. we expect a guarantee,; but it will be Harmon, Hick3 Arnold with Baltimore; Johh McGraw tried when both were leaders of little minor and three men of the Clifford B. teams, they met won by Duke at the Los Angeles also be Fresh- nie Mack has offered me two dan- cne in proportion to the drawing Lund, Cyril to steal third and was caught a block. at a railroad station ; bination will available. Weatherbce, Merritt W. . Swimming . ';. dies, they do not fit hi my team. Returning to the bench, McGraw one night and fought with much spirit Association meet. men are not always promoted to the but power of Honolulu," and one that the Crimmins, Louis J. Eh ret, Edward P. The trophy presented to W. T. I must have a good pitcher to replace - money said : "I thought that was a good Uut great feebleness "till the laughing but year's Crimson youngsters locals can make some off of. Kahn, Mortimer Dela ' this Alker, Otto H. ': Rawlins is a handsome loving cup, Williams and that is all that la hold- .We in" holdup plaj just then. "I thought it was players parted them. number some first class varsity ma- are not the business." no, S. H. P. Veil: Jeremiah Milbank, ing up . -- many which was given the' local man at the deal.' ?' brings news Gi- Caleb Bragg, John H. heluva play, snarled Doyle, and the John McGraw had mills. Dick terial, notably in Schall, Lyman and Barnes the that the Sterrett Tate, the Stewart Hotel just before the Good ants and White Sox have chartered a Hanan, William Bruce Brown, Richard lfght lasted fourteen minutos. Harley spiked him spiked him so f Soucy, strong sweep swingers of husky Hawaiian Makes Record. ' badly he had to give up active play team left San Francisco. . Williams "Twas discovered by Hal special Fteainer for round-the-wor- ld R. Sinclair and Clifford A. Punning. Seymour a Scrapper, v build, and in Morgan and Chichester, their and McGraw, rising, bleeding and rag- Danzig at' Honolulu three or four years tour, .they psy - who were respectively captain and for wibch are to, Cy Seymour loved war and had ing, slugged Harley till the umpires ago and " reported Sacramento la 1 1,000 day. He says wiil be be- stroke, of the freshman' boat this sea- lo a that it many scraps, his last of any note butted in. McGraw also battled with the spring of 1911. He wa3 "farmed". '" regular joy John- ing with Arlie Latham, who was too son. : - y ; a ride, and that Ban SCORES Bugs Raymond, winning 'from tho WILLIAMS Wlia- -" out to .Victoria and joined the Sena--, YESTERDAY'S - son boih. old and too small for Cy . and was .1 and a lot of other nabobs of pitcher, and tackled Paul Sentelle. the Football Promotions tors as a regular last season. Ha wca easily - Big Lange squad which raises leagues will be along. LEAGUES defeated. Bill was It is the football j'-- IN THE BIG Italian infielder, then with the Phil- nine and lost sixteen, which wa3 st best-nature- d man on high successful the earth, but lies. Sentelle him handily. Ty-r- us Harvard's hopes for a - beat a trifle lower than tho percental cf Lesgus. when 'Jack O'Brien, the second base- Cobb fought the-- Tiger team, beginning of athletics this fall.. Of ' National half bis team, which finished in the cellar. r- ;. man, cursed him ono afternoon a the team which humbled Yale to the n. l. lvt. his battles with Schmidt and Crawford This", year the Hawaiian has bad . great battle began and lasted until :: being most notable. Bob Bescher and score of 20 to 0. last November and - low-ru- n New York ...... ,M players and umpires interfered. wonderful success. He is- the Philadelphia . .'...... 32 .f00 Roger Bresnahan had a royal fight iff made a' season's total of 176. points to pitcher League, an aver- Tinker- - of the Coast Al ' Joe is a neat boxer and 1911. and, while they mixed it, two Johnny did, the their opponent's twenty-si- x. nine men Pittsburgh dead game. Two of his. best bouts Poor age of only 1.U& runs per game having ll 4 men, Johnny Arnold ac- a veteran line E-BEGfi- - small Bates and wrong time,1 are due to return. With Chicago .... were with DIck Egan and John' Evers, wrong thing at the been poled off his delivery. Hl3 hit DO ; Hauser, fought a much prettier, more Bulle- Crimson should ' be "able to give Brooklyn ... , ...... '12 both being equal, in style and speed, cording' to the San Francisco the average is C.90. He has won eight 47 .1S4 scienced mill alongside,, with nobody ; spade3 any college Boston ;...... to .most encounters. ' Davy tin, which prints the following: cards' and to other games and lost five. Williams 13 laid ring e ven . t. I. I "3 looking p.t them. Wonder if Honolulu John Williams team In the country and still top the ; S Louis .SJl Jones, a- - quick man with a feminine up with a sore' neck at present, but Cincinnati 'Jf.'5r .S7.r was wise to the fact that three or pile more especially because a reserve pitch again soon. voice, is brave, and one afternoon at- mix-u- p will probably ! Another groat fight was the A STAGE STAR American Lcajjce.; McAleer. McAleer, who more scouts were' hidden away In the of twelve men from last year's first He is possessed of a great speed - tacked Jim :: between Iajoio and Flick in the Phil- ' AvV L. Pet. Is mighty fighter, upset Davy and grandstand watching his movements team squad and the material to be ball, sharp breaking curves and has a lies' clubhouse. ; Larry got the worst ' Philadelphia ...... 12:. 25 .75 6 then spanked him. Twenty years back like the proverbial cat, does the pro- gained from the freshman, organiz- the happy faculty of being able ta curl ; to stay out of -- . .C07 of this and had the - gulp fill every " Cleveland ...... 51 verbial mouse she- Is about to ation.' The veterans position It The question' has been raised here McAleer and his boss, Pat Tebeau. game for some time, as did Flick, who, himself around the ball and shoot Washington .'. w ...... M '.3? .57;? down. It may be that some gumshoo In the line with the exception of one body only to stage appearance went to war, and McAleer trimmed in landing a hard punch r to lorry's to the batter with a half as whether the Chicago 'V.v- s ' 51 arUst tipped off to the islander that end, in back field the only va- de- of Robert Kaawa, the Hui Nalu swim .'.'...... '... Pat most merrily. head, badly injured his thumb. Sher- it and the turned toward the batsman. This . v ...... ;4 2 4 f . 4 8 3 being watched, which explains by mer; will Injure his amateur standing Boston...... A. fight of unying fame1 was waged wood Magee, of the Phillies, a few he was cancy Is at .quarterback, . That the livery is extremely difficult to solve. ': i -- 400 sport, general verdict Detroit :K between Fred Clarke and Frank years ago, head completely his dismal exhibition, which bordered way, offers the hardest problem, but it In that and the . S6 38 lost his was in is that it. will not. providing he isn't ttt Iouis ...... 'ia Bowerman and took place in a ball during a game in' Philadelphia-wit- St. on stage fright Williams wild is probable that the position will be advertised as a champion swimmer. New York ...... v.. i 20 5S .310 club box office, Bowerman, .much the Iouis when ordered out of the contest the first .round,' but successfully extri- given at first to Mahan, who was cap- If the local crack is merely doing a taller, winning out One of the best by Umpire Finneran. He swuns hard cated himself from, the "pitfalls." tain and half-bac- k ot the freshmen. PEARL JUS. Hawaiian turn in raudeville, he fs in NATIONAL LEAGUE. fighters of the past was Tony Mu!-lan- e, on the umpire's jaw and the latter Then the second came along and he He wa3 tried out as quarter in spring 6, ' m the same class as any actor who goes At Boston Chicago Boston who had. numerous. mills, his went to the grass for the full count Was bad again. He walked the first practice and showed ability, bnt he At Brooklyn Brooklyn 13, Pittsburg most perhaps, being batter and had three balls on the sec- -. Magee fresh- in for amateur sport, but If he: Is : noted a defeat and ovcY. For .this act drew " will find rivals in Watson,' the using his swimming prowess to se 6.- v:';.v'; of Bob Gllks. Anotner fighter of cold down the heaviest punishment ever ac- ond when Wolverton beckoned his man quarter, and In Freedley and Lo--, TRIfii A1EA TEAL1 At New York New York 8, St. - " icy Chamber- field leader to apply hook. That's cure his stage recognition, he enters ' and waves was Elton corded a ball player ? In the- national the gan, two of the varsity subs, who as- ':' - ' Louis 4. : -- ". big leagues, professional class. lain. Jocko Halligan, a hardy out league. the way they do in the . . the Philadelphia Philadelphia 3, pire to the directorship. - According to ,W.';T. Rawlins, there At no matter, who is in the boxwhether The lineup for the rest of the team Cincinnati 1V '. is no chance of Duke Kahanamoku JOHNSON IN PARIS SEVEN HITLESS GAMES it is a 520.000 beauty or a bad acting as far as can be forecasted shows Capt. Sunday at Tcarl City., there was a falling for the. lure of the lootlights. novice, it is to the clubhouse for him City f OVER-WELCOM- R. T. P. Storer and R. II. Hitchcock. ball game between the Pearl Jrs. AMERICAN LEAGUE. IS NOT E IS RECORD moment, manager he Coast papers have printed the yarn FOR WI6GS the the sees that jr at tackles; Pennoek and Trumbull and the A lea team, resulting in an the champion was thinking of At Chicago Washington 2, Chicago can't get the bail over the pan. Wil- that a v pitching By:.-L- a? guards and Wigglesworth in his easy win for the former. The going into vaudeville, but Rawlins 1. I test IWailJ Wiggs claims the record. of hav- liams was unable to .get the ball up 11, Jim old place as center. O'Brien, who won of the slabster of the winning team very guess. At SL Louis Philadelphia St. negro no-hi- t says that 'this Is a bad PARIS. Jack Johnson, the ing pitched tho most games of to the plate, to say nothing about game, for he had Lcuis 8. - his "H" last fall, Is sure for one of was a feature of the and that Duke has no thought of a heavyweight prize fighter, accompa- any twirler in America. As there- is Iutting it over. Had Williams given mercy, allowing At Detroit Detroit 6, New York 1. ; af-- the ends, and possibly Gardiner, who the Aiea bnnch at his stage career. At 'present he Is visit nied Ly his WifiV and hl.s nephew, ri no record on this score who can dis- a successful; exhibition - the chances In At Cleveland Cleveland C, Boston veil 10, Unit- ' was unable to play last year because only two singles. The Aiea boys were ing friends at Sonoma, and another '' in Paris July from the pute his contention. Wiggs pitchel arc that some other club would have 1. -- by way of an Injury, will go in on the other flow, an J 'many erron were chalked week he will be back in Honolulu. - '': ed States of Montreal. The recently - seventh game. a upon him by now.' From a his hitless claim - Irv-ingto- flank. The- Is fully as strong, up against them. Th3ir pitching staff Duke's great ambition just now is pugilist drove to a number of hotels Pitching for Newark he defeated n, very good source was learned after batkfleld A Jf it Brick-le- y Berlin ST RBITLLirn CITES YOU was to accommo- - ' comprising as it does Bradlee, was knocked ont of the box Gordon to represent America at tlie before he abla find $ to- 1. seven game . was TODAY'S XKWS TODAY . There were the that, a certain scout' being In 191C, and he isn't dation. boots behind him, which accounted for ready to close, for Williams at ; a and Hard wick. The last named Ross. Albert Ro3s. and Alfred, going to take any chances of being Johnson said he intended to make stipu- must take Feltcn's place as the punt- tnable to ston the hard slugging of the - the one run. Tbe only man lie walked mighty fancy price part of the ineligible to compete. Paris his headquarters in the future, scored on two wild and weird pegs lation being four players. But until er, for though be lacks something of Pearl City boys. who were credited any would 12 hom- and that never on account executed by his teammates. In addi- Williams shows more than he did yes- his predecessor's certainty . of place- with hits, of which one was a $33,000,000 In roe-bagge- rs. France has spent . he fight again in America: He added seventeen Irvington terday the scouts 't break their ment, he averages . well on distance. er, and two, tli he had a number of tion Jim fanned that arranged for batters. Even when he was playing necks to tear him away from the Sac- Brickley will, of course attend to the ThU game puts the Aiea bunch at ; fights In Europe the imiortant streams. td take place in Wiggs club. ago drop kicking. ; ; the bottom of the Junior Plantation: : professionally invariably had ramento About three weeks autumn. of. There is reason for encouragpment. League.'. ; forestry to Sentence un- a large strikeout record. But seven Williams twisted the muscles his According to the Canadian Referring his recent arm, also In ?aseball for the spring of 1911. Tlie lineups were a follows: ."0 0113 hitless games by one pitcher is a throwing and this was his first association. per cfnt of Canada is der the "white slave" act to serve three-gam- Keppeler. ; . record that won't Ls beaten right same since that unfortunate affair. The victory""over Yalo fn the e Tcarl City: Herbert, cf capable of growing nothing but tim-- year in the I?avenworth penitentiary, Ah Keppeler, p; ' carry away. Wiggs has a world of sied, Williams was either short of Wdrk serfes brought even more liking Pan! Fran bcr crops. Johnson declared he would the -- - ! for the only cis Xavle flco. iteis, 3b; Harry case to the highest court, fully confi-df- nt and when going right is hard to yesterday, or. else that arm was crimson nineand as four r. lb; wrenched--.wors- ' playr rs ; by c: Siiaion Panikl, 2b? Kapua Ho-kan- o. Ammonia bombs are' bein tried out that a decision ultimately would fathom. than he thought Be depart graduation it ; will Bei?. WQKFOWZm gener- ing a curve ball pitcher, it may take- - not be, materially weakened. :r - If;: Kiyoshi. rf. on seme of the .tnational forests for bo given in his favor. It is not " extinguishing ally believed Johnson will Georges Bciilot won the rrrarid pri7;e much longer before he will come back For the track squad, an evenly bal- Aiea: John rf; Joe, lb; Cordon the punwRe of forest here that Char-l- . p; i. fires. They are said to have worked he deported from France but Ihe cf the. aiitomoliile club of .France to his best form. If that be the case anced set cf men remains in college Ross, George, cf: Alfred. 2b: 'They P'ronch not yet ar- travelling appropriately 370 in the scouts Will have to beat it to the despite the departure of sir of the 17 Jim. 3b; Joe Cabral, .rf; Al- well in the case of brush fires. authorities have mils s; "' to have worked well In the rived at any permanent decision with 7 hours, 53 minutes, 56.-4-5-' sevonJa.' coast again. men ho iwere'fpolnt winners aglnst bert Ross. c. ;."'.-- ' . are raid : ' : : v firo-fighle- rs ' vase of bmsh fires where the regard to that 'status of the case. . Yale. . . ;':- ' find difficuity in getting near ' ' Colonel Roosevelt and his sons, Ar- The figure of Freedom, on top of the Congress has decided to apijolnt a enough to the-- burning .area to beat A Paris head waiter has just pub- chibald and Quentin, are visiting the capitol dome at Washington has just The.National Dental Association is committee to investigate all troubles LOW capitalists and out flamcat. . Kach bomb exploded IN FRONT XiorZSc lished his memoirs in which he notes Grand 'Canyon and later will go to 'undergone" her biennial bath some j to raise an endowment fund of $1,000, end strikes between tho a; I h head waiters in Ixndon and New twenty being in attendance! ti00 for ; - workingmen covering past perl cf will extingui-- fire in a circle of about -- that the desert to witness lnuian snake workmen national research and scienti- ; ' ' " k a've-rag- -' "' iac makers 0 : ,' :'; years. . five yards in diameter. York a week in tirs. dances. . at the ceremony. fic work. -



i )


IcAAVORD DOCTORS' DIRECTORY FURNISHED COTTAGES ROOM AND BOARD Dr- - V. Mitamura, SpeciaUn Surgery - Nicely' furnished rooms with board. ifMty'a 2011 2S4&. r.; Gynecology, 9 a. m to 12 m.. 7-- 8 p. kiki beach. Kalia rd. TeL 2030 Nuuanu Ave. above Bates St ' ' m. " Beretania nr. Nuuanu. Tel. 3743. ; ; ; - 5376-t-f . Beautiful' shady grounds. Pleasant &:.S3-l- y surroundings; cool breezes; wltbtn For light housekeeping; Ganxel Place, walking distance of town. Cars pass WANTED PROFESSIONAL CARDS Drs. U and Kong. E;xcialists surgery. Fort and Vineyard. Tel 154L the door. For particulars telephone 8-- 12 ; ; 6513-t- f. Gynecology. a. m!, p. m. 3924. 5197-2- W Everyone with anything for sale to CIVIL ENGINEER. Kukui near Fort Street Tel 1S18. "Play Safe." Considering '.the fa 5592-3r- a : ;, ROOMS The Argonaut Rooms and board. tors of sales, sucess In planning R. Munch Civil engineer, surveyor FURNISHED ' Terms reasonable. Phone 1203; an ad la more satisfactory than and draughtsman. Alakea and King Dr E. Nlshizima. specialist Surgery. New , furnlshe, electric 627 Beretania Ave. J. A. Doyle, knowing "bow It happened" after- Streets. Telephone 3255. Gynecology. 8.--1 2a.m. 7-- 8 p.m. Sunday lights; bath; all conveniences. Rates Prop. 6277 tf. Star-Bulleti- 635-tf- . 8-- n 12 r; ft ward. Want $ Ads, a.m. Kukul nr. Fort. Tel. 4037. nr. KukuL Apply Reasonable! Fort Wil-klk- 1 "Bring Home the Bacon" every .v. 5592-6- m Cleaning. 1276 The Hau Tree. 2199 Kalla Rd7 L :. Oahu Clothes Fort. ' - , 6399-t- L HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. - First-clas- s private Beach Ho- time. TeL 1436. : D3S5-- tf teL kS372 6ia. aa. Taylor, 511 Stangenwald Bldg., REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. " Everybody toknow that the ITALIAN J T. rooms ou beach and car-- If consulting & hydraulic Furnished GRILL, Pauahl St. near Fort, makes civil engineer. sec- bathing very The Roselawn, 1366 King. Beautiful k5375-6m- ' For Real Estate Bargains In all line; surfing and the a specialty of home cooking served .. .' up $10.00 up; 2 grounds, running water every room. ; tions of Honolulu, call J. ,C best; rates also house with fresh vegetables. Italian chef Sousa, Phone 1884. 103 Stangenwald keeping rooms. Beach House, 2ol7 k5342-- m. . In charge. Dinners for occasions ARCHITECTS. - ; .' 56)0-2-- . all Building. Kalakaua Ave. - served at popular prices. Try us. The- "Alcove."' room and board ; also bath.-Te- l. 72-lyy- ,- -- 0. BERNARD, ARCItlTECT All arch- cottage 1007. : ,., Bargains In estate oa seashore, Large, mosquito-proo- f 88.00 with v v.v real rooms.". ". ; drawings, . . itectural and mechanical plalis and hills. Telephone 160X month; by week. 12.50. 546 3. King. including those for patents. 175 Ber-etan- ia The public to know we can quote on i "Prmtt," 101 Stangenwald Bldg. '. . ...5484-tf- . s Good, cooking, rooms; .' magazines 'the best prices obtain-- St. cor. Unions Phone 3643. home pleasant . : SS38-t- f Ap- $30.00; central; phone 1579. able. . Resident agent. Honolulu ' Furnished house, 134 Klnau SL 1 5523-t-L -- . Subscription Agency. Cv 261). ply MonsarraL 6558-t- f. P. Box , to W. T. 6522-t- f. j MUSIC LESS0N8. . i ' : I FAMILY HOTEL. A first class tinsmith. Good oppor; Private lessons by Prof. L.A. de Graca. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER - Violin, mandolin, guitar, zither, ban-- , FOUND i iuuii n&ub man. Appij The 'Cassfdy. only home hotel. Wal-kl- kl - iw Hiuti jo, Hawaiian songs. At "Alapaf; ros and Mattos. King St. nr. Thomas ukulele and K. Nakatan!,' King and ,TeL ; I, '.t Beach, consists of lndivl Jual n5 A small amount of money on Fort pupil's" his studio or at residence. 3149. Building, painting and pape cottages-an- d' single rooms. CuLjins ". street Party name .the amount and Arrangements made for all persons I "hanging. guaranteed. Work: pieces can get ; same by excellent '1.005 promenade pier All lovers of music to develop desiring lessons after office hours. number of ft talent calling on C. F. Kraber, patient at at 'the end of which is spIenJU by taking lessons v from Ernest Ki Terms moderate. Studio 424 Bere- - hospitals 5602-l- t bathing pool and beautiful view. i opp. Augur's. . Tel. 4178. S. contractor and builder; e Fort Shafter Kaai, 69 Young Bldg.; Tel. S689. tania Dr. Sasaki, 2003 Kalia road, TeL 2879. Terss k5381-6- ' 1506 Young Tel. 4179. free; koa furniture to or- Residence St, tlmates reasonable. k'237-Cn.- .. C516-- m der; Smith SL near; HoteL Couple want large, cool room, down FOR SALE FOR RENT ;,. ;': 6529-6- ",; town; must be reasonable Address Domingo,' teacher of violin, man- - id L.-1- Star-Bulletl- ni L Cello, nku L. &602-3- dblin. Mandola, Guitar, Two bedroom house, large living room. Desirable houses In various parts of Yokomlzo FukamachI Co., Beretania, 3986,- - 3167. lele and clarinet. Also furnishes , kitchen, etc, old fruit trees, 62 fL the city, furnished and unfurnished nr. Maunakea; tel. home CLOTHES CLEANING. A Japanese cook, to cook for twenty Hawaiian music In any occasion. 134 ' front, fL deep; 1313 Maklkl SL. - at 115,118, $20, 25, $30, $35, $40 and k536m. men. Apply at Quartermaster's of- Cor. Beretania and Union Btreets. on the park. Inquire of Philip Wea- up Uf $125 a month. See list in our Suititorium. genu' and ladles' 5602-lw- . : 2034 CLEANING AND PRESSING fice. Ft, Rugcr. , Phone 2643. ver, 602 Stangenwald Bldg. " Y. KobayashI, general contractor. clothes, neckwear, glores; work - office. .Trent Trust Co, Ltd Fort 5356-6- s 3365; v 6500-tf- . 1 S. King phone reasonable. prompt attention; Ala-- V SL, between King and MerchanL guaranteed; . . .k5361-ly- . Quick Dealer Co. Ladles and g?sta, Ladles', Gents', soiled hats. ROMAN 6462-tf- ? S, Prop. . 5; pal nr. Hotel SL Itaoka, - 69 Young Bldg TeL - ;;"1;;v:. f your clothes need cleanlns, presilg cleans them. Beretania nr. Fort. Ernest K. KaaL Billiard table in- good condition, with ' - ' 6541-6- l s--"- 3687, ban- K. Tochlbatta builder, paperhanger, anddylngv-Cal- cn ui.'Wcrk "-' guitar, ukulele, mandolin, set of Ivory, balls, at a bargain. See fyjnlshed,. two-bedroo- : " Coolv.nicely nr.-.Nuuan- Panchbowl, ; cor. King SL up-to-da- te Deretanla MCLPWANTED jo, cither, violin, cello and vocaL or write. Captain GIbbs, Signal - mouito-pToo- t bungalow, ; 15 painter;' The Eagle, establishment; anteed.r min ; -- 5581-ly t 5525-6- kC381-6m- ; V, work-manshlp;- :: - . "Corps Camp, F'ort'. Shafter, T.' n; dyeing, repairing, etc skilful White, glri,. address nurse, j H. utes' walk 'from P. p.; desirable Jiurse .this 5602-3- L ' v .work:rguajanteed;sTet ' B595-tf- . v mu- - : . no children." Address "Bun-- kinds of building; work ) office. t Bergstrora Music Ca Music and ' V Usui, all CLEANING AND DYHINO. r; '., vV; 5602-- 1 2575. Fort near Kukul StreeL si galoy 1 ' iwzw-iu- thi9ffice... guaranteed; Beertanla, nr Aala. . . - sicai instrument. non 8pecial Sale: Floor coverings, Chl--; 6518-t-f. . ' 5560-ly. ; :; j- ; SL ' - . 5277. r: ";,:.:. Royal clathee ''Cleaning and dyelrs nese grass rugs, mattings, and lin- Twc-roo- bungalow; " neatly furnished; -- ; ' - . 1 ,1 oleums. Tel. 1261. y August. ; A: B. O, clean! Ag, repairing; satlsfac- shop. Call and deliver. Tel. 3143. .uo children'acanL, 1st . aur T. Suzuki; all kinds of building work " - HAWAIIAN ORCHESTRA. Lewera Jk Cooke, LtdL, King 8L , tlon guaranteed : call and . deliver ; Okamoto. Beretar !a .nr. Alapal t. ' Td'Mtfiijr "Magazine "pry F.;Lee,"l5?4 reasonably. Liliha nr. KukuL 533."-l- y t ;:,v;.- - V k5398-tf- .' Maunakea Tel. 4148. ANNOUNCEMENT. y. nrr'Pauahl. per RK7t-l- .-. M I Honolulu Glee Club, A Tim Sin, St.;.; Pdn1463.:RenC$40.00 ' 63335-iy- . J i TeL 41C6,. HotelCDelmonico. ,5587-tf-. ....-r.- Ilats cleaned and tl6c1ced. We sell i Msr. Adelina Pattr, Inventors, La Natlvidad, - CLEANING AND REPAIRING s, - CONTRACTOR AND PAPERHANGER ; the latest styles-t-n Panama and 'J- Music furnished lor J inner dances, and the finest Manila smokes at MaWki; facing- park 2 bedroom ...... 'J The Alert, Masonic Temple,. Tel. 4380. - - receptions. Hawaiian melodies. mr ' woTki repair-je- Felts.- Work, called; for .and ...dellT . Fitipatrick Bros., Fort SL nr. Me- " totfagej fesjhl renovated; large liv- pa Cltlaen labor only r IntelHent Clothes.' Gowns,' fcleaneJ, (Jyed, d Contractor, carpenter, painter and for-an- d . BU. FC1L1 X 111 I U. U1U1UCII ' i ... : 5277-t- - manshlp. call deliver, delivery. tl DlUki rchant v f ing room, garden, fruit; P. L. Weav - Okl, 'We at short notice. Wajoa perhanger; work guaranteed! T. 6495-t-f. J. - Cleaning Co. J' er,- owner, 02 '.Stangenwald bldg. , i Oahu Caretanla nr.Fort cow TeL 1012. Beretania nr. Alexander. y PIANO INSTRUCTION. Horse and manure tor garden. . . , .. '.. 5iS5-l- - , 6599-3- y . ; i Yokomizo-Fukumac- hl . K. Sato, . 2 S. Beretania SL Co., Beretania The Toklwa. j Ladies'. and Gents' JS.OO-pe- r CONTRACTOR AND PAINTER. Agent for the famous English bicycle, Beginners on piano, month: & Maunakea. Phone 3986. At beach, cottages clothes cleaned "and 'dyed la all the furnished and ? Barton-on-Humbe- r; ' 8 lessons; Mrs. Mackle, 1521 : 5494-t- 7 made at brake U , ,,T. t unfurnished good bath--- colors. Emma nr Vineyard 8L i- ifiri. car line; S. Awana, house painting of all kinds; - pedal Fort, nr. School St; TeL 2683. v - t - - 6553-l- y - t on frpnt and rear wheels; Ingv ,Trent Co- - or L. B. Kerr, Work, guaranteed. : Finest qualities Japastsa Crepes. 6569-ly-.; - ' Laidy8 bicycle, Jrust rates reasonable. I 5468-610. j; . . almbst new. 'Just the " ' - 1213-For- t. coaster."..' ; 5602-2- L ' ZZZh ; H. Ulyaks, tTcI. thing lor small boy. Write "Bike," Love BuIldl'ngFortj St. , 117 Kukul nr. Nuuanu SL Sunrise Dyeing House, 1346 Port; Tel. By " 5563-6- " - . Mrs. Dudley. Terms reasonable; . 5602-tf.V-; press,. mend And, silvering '.'home. In n. . 1027... ,Weclfiaiv Learn talrTor at StarBulIetin.' ;V New cottages ppa , Port: street exten,-sio- No. 9 Tregloan Place, : 5264-3n- f. , spare time. . ifty;. cenja for Beretania St. 3 deliver. Enclose.! ' - reaaonablei Young 5541-6- - ' Ap- Rent Kee - CARPENTER AND PAINTER CARBONATED VATEHS. practical and Household furniture; almost new. tel-445- complete' instructions Grocery store, 1220 Emma 6. ho- ply Mr. Miller, 14th Ave. Wala-la- e St; formula. "Marcelle Blalsdell and . - 6566-ly-. Works, 34A N. E:retis!x; ; Contractor, Carpenter and Painter; all Pacific Cleaning L Dyeing Hon. Soda 5591-tf- . MASSAGE. , : 5597-t- The tel - v ' road. f 3022. Chas. Fraaher, 1 kinds of jobbing reasonably. Work Works, 1253 Nnuanu SL TeL 3063. TeL E. mjr. - For 2 gentlemen, and - : ' k53S0-ly- . Hashimoto, 178 S. Beretania; TeL Cocoanut plants Samoan va- lare bedroom guaranteed. 8. MaM, 1321 Liliha. ; 6525-6- ,, . Ladles', and Gents' s jEboe repairing for sale; -- : kitchjen, furnished for housekeep- ' .': o- '. 6571-l- y. ' jL s 2637. Masseur, baths, manicure. riety. Apply A. D. Hills, LIhue, neatly - done; guaranteed Try 71 - ' j k5329-3- ; : ing. Apply Young, near Kapio- Togawa, ladles, gents clothes clean- CIGARS AND T03ACCO. KauaL V 6277. ' lanL ; - v ; 5602-2- L ing; & deliver. Fort nr. KukuL x 5593-ly.- :. : ; CONTRACTOR AND JOBBER. . call .l g y. Chong deal- Oshlma, facial and body massages. The Transo envelope time-savin- . 5575-l- Nam Co.. Importers an! ' 2 16 46 .8. Beretania, nr. Nuuann SL Invention. No addressing necessary office rooms, second floor, Mer H. Mlrlkltanl, general contractor and Hokamura, . clothes cleaned, pressed; ers in Manila cigars; totacco and AUTO FOR HIRE ' sup- ' 5521-6- In sending out bills or receipts. Ho-- chant SL' Apply J. M. McChesney. carpentering; real estate agenL call and deliver; Liliha nr.. King. cigarettes of all klnii; new ' 6541-t- t Star-Bulleti- n :r- 1164 Nuuanu, nr.. Pauahl v 6568-l- y. plies; 1050 Nuuanu. nr. Hotel V 19l4Pierce-Arro- w noluhi Co, Ltd, sole Street :' St Comfortable and stylish y. 6530-ly-. fhibata makes , a! specialty . of all agents patentee. 5566-l- . your service:, for tf. Bungalow at Kaimukl. Tel. 1345. at reasonable. massages; 820 . - 8hop; all work neatly done. J kinds of IwIleL Diamond ;. 5602--1 ' Driver'Suyetsugu. 5551-6- Inter-Islan- d W. RlngT3196, car 876. . . and Oahu Railroad ship- CARPENTER CONTRACTOR King, nr. Kalakaua Ave; Tel. 52S6. CAFE. Star-Bulleti- 5542-6m- . ping books at n office, tf v ' . - MODISTE.' Lee Lup it Co., Planing Mill Con- Boston Cafe, coolest place la towa. N. Oka, clothes cleaned, pressed and After the' show drop in. Open day AUTO SERVICE, , PIANOS FOR SALE. tractor and .Builder; carpentering of Miss Nellie Johnson, lilt Ualoa St. all kinds. Estimates free; work i repaired; Nuuanu nr. Vineyard St and night Bijou theatre. Hotel SL 6525-6- - 5529-6- 0. Behn & Behford,; TeL, 2$99. Best Evening Gowns, lingerie dresses, James Sheridan,' tuning and repair- - Queen, R. R." , ' candies. guaranteed; nr. depot rent cars. Reasonable' rates. Leave i k5341-3m- . :. ing; 522 Hotel SL,nr. Punchbowl St. 5561-C- ' - ' 1182. press, Nu for trip around the Island. . - 5565-6- Try the "Star"; TeL We Chong Chat, meals at all hours. orders - ' ' Just arrived ex Sierra, fresh shipment 6277-tL-- : . v clean, mend, deliver, within 24 hrs. uanu, near Queen St Reasonable. .; : of our fine San Candies . CABINET MAKER ' .Francisco ; ' k5375-6m- . : .,: ;'' 6528--6 m. "round-the-Island- ". The Fern, Emma and ineyard. TTwo more passengers for - 1 Rodrigues, cabinetmaker, furniture ; J. guar- - - Mer-cha- nt Livery, 1326. ' - K. Nomnra;" gehtsV ladles' work The McCandless, Alakea, sr. Auto Tel. Beretania ! nr. Alapai CANDY MAKER. repairer. St. 1389 Emma, nr. Vineyard. Regular meals ct a la carte. BAKERIES . 5594-3- m anteed; - - k5282-6a- . ii AUTO FENDERS. 6525-6- ; :r- Vienna Bakery borne BUILDER AND JOBBER Wholesale and retail dealer in Amer- has the best candy. CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER. Riveted or without reasonably;- - also i made bread, German Pumpernlckle, ican and Japanese Yasuda, Chi Wan Yo, clothes called for and New Orleans Cafe. Substantial meals n tlnsmlthing work guaranteed. ana uonee Builder, House Painter, Contractor, No. 426 King, near Liliha Street delivered;' Kukul SC moderate. Alakea cor. Merchant St tretzeis uie. iu 6561-3- " New Paiama Garage, carriage, auto re : ' - - 5 5566-ly.1- ' - 2124. Paper Hanger and Job Work. Reas- - - ' ; , 5589-2- m Ichloka,- King nr. Punchbowl St Fort above Hotel SL Tel , reason- ." 4 ; pairing. Work guaranteed 6574-3- m i , :- 5472-t-f. Yamamoto, opp. . v enable. Fort Kukul. TeL 3320. 6577-3- m CARD CASES able. N. King nr. Desha. y Bakery, 212 Beretania, nr. Em 5589-l- ARTIFICIAL BUILDER Home visiting cards, engraved ! Business and ma, and - doughnuts fresh BLACKSMITH Cakes ' printed,' Russia CARRIAGE MAKERS. L Takata, general contractor, Japan- every day. Boston baked beans or in attractive IL Koeuga Co.; In general; leather, cases, patent detachable : on Saturdays. repairing ese artificial builder, sculptor and and brown bread Star-Bulleti- high wagon manu- cards. n office. 6540-t- f. Lee Ran Co., class gardener, work guaranteed. 1435 ; ; k5382-6- V. carriages; horseshoeing; work guaranteed; facturers; repairing," painting, trim- ii .Nuuanu ar. vine yarcu ei. asss. Pauahl nr. Nuuanu. ming; and Aala Sts. home-mad- e c 5550-6m- . AND BUILDER cor. Beretania it 6525-6- v Bakery, fine, bread CONTRACTOR .. Asahl 5538-l- y. i pastry; every and freh day; test George ' general contractor. " materials used. Beretania nr. Alakea BED MAKERS Yamada, . . ARTIFICIAL LOWERS, 203 f . ' 6531-3- Estimates furnished. McCandless CARRIAGE REPAIRER. so-fa- s, Bldg.; Phone 2157. Hiss Mlyal, artificial flowers. made to Makao & FuJIL Wire spring beds, Repairing and horseshoeing, efficient ' New Bakery, Fresh, homemade bread, order; King nr. Dowsett Lane. J Koa furniture, made to order. King. opp. Keeaumoku i Y. Miyao, contractor and builder. men. Keklto, ' cream; -- v : ..- - 6573-ly- . ' ' , pies, cakes and ice M. Inu Guaranteed. Nuuanu nr. Kukul 3L '. 5564-ly-. : kaL propv Nuuanu nr." Beretania. : 6554-l- y. and cement work. Esti- Mc-Cul- ly . 5540-6- mates furnished free. Between and Isenberg Sts. Phone 3516. CLOTHES CLEANING. I BARBER SHOP ' '"' 5521-6- m ' BAMBOO FURNITURE. Up-to-da- te IS. Katayama, first class tonsorlal The Greater Honolulu Cleaners, K. Segawa, contractor and builder; establishment; satisfactory BICYCLE SUPPLIES, The ideal furniture for the tropics. We . parlors, 19 N. King St nr. Nuuanu. I carpenter, all guaranteed; suits cleaned and submit designs or, make from your 5527-6- .mason, paperhanger; work e; dyeing specialty. Phone K. Okahlro, wholesale dealer In , bl- - plans. Picture framing done. S. work guaranteed; reasonable; pressed; a AlapaL , 4200. will you. j cycles," tires and motorcycle sup- Saiki. 563 Beretania; phone 2487. BUY AND SELL. Beretania nr. A trial convince 6569-l- y. I .. 75 Pauahl St, Keven Bros Props. plies. King SL opp. railroad depot. v V. 5245-m-. - 551g-fi- m I .v , 6546-l- y Diamonds, watches and Jewelry bought house-paintin-g, L Ohtanl. 1286 Fort, TeL 3745. Bam old and exchanged. J. Carlo. Fort St Nikko Co., contractor, builder, S, Miyamoto N. King' nr. River SL; boo furniture made to order. . paper-hangin-g and general The Pioneer, Beretania and Emma " " 1826. 203 3125. cleaned, Tel. 2656. Bicycles and Goldsmith. .. 5S16-3- works. TeL Beretania 3L Sts.; Phone Clothes 5523-6- Baseball goods. Old wheels taken.' . pressed and dyed. Work guar- k5333-C- m v , anteed, called for and delivered. N. Kanal. contractor, builder, painter, -' 5277. ' " S. Komeya," wholesale and retail CROCKERY AND HARDWARE. paperhanger; koa, calabashes and bicycles and accessories, made to order; 1358 The Lion, dyeing, cleaning, repairing dealer in furniture" Fort King near Punchbowl streeL Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, of all ; ; 5437-i- y. of all kinds. Refinished like new. E542-- y kinds, at reduced prices. Y. Akau, 691 Beretania nr. AlapaL TeL 2743. North King Street cor. Desha Lane. Sanko Co. 1346 Nuuaun; TeL 3151. : 5521-6- " paper-hangin- BICYCLES REPAIRED. 659S-2- m Contracts for building, secent work, cleans vacant lots IL Yoshlmura. clothes neatly pressed; H. Takafuji. Dealer In bicycles, sup- CLEARANCE SALE. ; k5327-3m- . .." repairing, washing; call and deliv- plies. Repairing neatly and reason- er; King opp. Kawaiahao, Tel. 2535. - ONE VIEW. ;:-- :. Beretania near Piikoi. Reduction Sale. Exceptional Bar 3. Mcguro, 'contractor; building, paint " 55196m. ' ably done. - m ing, guaranteed second or the third. . r.C01-2- gains In Bicycles, Tires and Sup- carpentering; work Fourth Is not a Joy to me; Upon the dyed. . Yee The I go wnere me noise plies. IL Yoshinaga, 1218 Emma St Beretania near Alakea Street. Clothes cleaned and Won I do not like the day. to PAINTER. 5432-l- y 5541-l- y. Myang, 1030 Aala, nr. King. see, Of tannon craclters Is not heard BUILDER AND Before it comes around, you boys-- ;t 5571-ly- . And loved by ehoutlrig . H. King Kaplolanl. I always go away. (1- S. Nlshll we guarantee, all work; Hardware of all kinds and mechanics' NakanlshL and very reason-abl- e. phone 3256 ; general Owl; pressed; builder, houseoalnter; tools going cheap. Y. Alama, Bere- contractor and suits cleaned and - ' TO YESTERDAY'S PCZZLE. opp. ANSWCH 1 . N. King nr. Liliha St, tania nr. King St Good bargains. poiider; painting;, paperhanglng. .Ikemoto, King, Liliha. '6519-6m- . 5565-6- 6i721y. - - t 6561-3- m ...... '.'



H. Fujikawa; all kinds of plumbing first-clas- H. Miyake, 1248 : Fort St, Tel. 3228. W. K. Chung, s suits made to - Unqualified approval . Secretary Lovely ' Kimonos $15 , to- - $18.44. work, Nuuanu nr. Beretanla St order. Perfect fit guaranteed. cf ::-:'- . 6525-m-. :r-- ;'s by purchasing 6453-8- m of State Bryan's plan for the Ualte1 ... iClng North Street near Llliha St States ; to' extend a protecting wing W-- Loul Co., 76 N. Hotel St TeL 6587-l- y over Nicaragua was voiced today by 1033. submitted. : Wilson. ; ; 1 Estimate Un-to-da- President tirotA Cramer. te styles. ft The ! President said that the first Made to order. Cleaned and repair principle of the protectorate plan now 1131 nr. FURNITURE DEALER. PICTURE FRAMING. ed. Union Hotel street pending In. the senate contemplated CAFE. 5554-l- y. LUAUS. . obtaining ah option to build a trans-- , Royal second-han- Shoppe. Ar- ' from Cafe, everything best at We buy new d ; Ye Arts ft Crafts Ltd. general the and sell and Hawaiian Cafe luaus a specialty; rea-aonable- G; Ozaki. Latest style sulta made to oceanic canal. The scheme, popular prices; cooking; : tists, material; artistic , picture fine home furniture, chairs and household Maunakea, nr. HoteL reasonable prices. Work is he said; constitutes a broader policy prompt 655 framing made to order; prompt ser order at Amer-ica- nice; Beretanla, nr. Fori goods. J. Hayashl, King, Palama. v in all the republics of Central i opp. 6560-3- 1122 guaranteed. Beretanla near King. bt, fire station. K. Nakano, vice; Fort St: TeL 2152. , i y , J', j Pr 5597-C- m i". 521-- 65i8-t- f declared' fav-- LEGGINGS AND BELTS. The President that he ! te; ; FURNITURE MOVING L Nakatsukasa, tailoring, up-to-da- bred Secretary Bryan's proposal that Columbia Lunch Room; quick service AND Leggings, belts, canvas and leather, PICTURES FRAMING. work: guaranteed; reasonable prices. the Piatt amendment under which , uu open Union 174 8. King. ' cieannness our motto; Pac Transfer, - 1063 the United States becomes . the vlr ; cay MghL TeL 1875. Moving made to order; guaranteed. Ichika- Imported ' mouldings. : River Street near Hotel Street Hotel. Opp Bethel St household goods In Hawaiian 5536-ly- . protector 1542. opp. Athletic v , tual of Cuba, be inserted Phcss 518-6n-v a specialty by reliable men only. wa, Beretanla Park. woods; made to order; Sen Kim 5596-6- m In the Nicaraguan treaty. This amend 5411-3m- . ,- f: Ying, King street, near Bethel SL Sang Chong. 35 S. King, cor. 3etheL ment empowers to occupy The Eagle- Bethel, bet. Hotel and America King. LEGGINGS AND HARNESS. Best quality material and workman Cuba If conditions warrant such a- A nice place to eat; fine FIREWOOD ship." guaranteed. ,; vw, home cooking. Open night and day Perfect fit ction. All styles of canvas and leather leg PRINTING , 55513m. IX. was emphatically denied by the k5338-3m- . Yokomizo, Fukamachl Co Beretanla gings made to order reasonably; also President that any "Joker" exists in jiear Maunakea We do not boast of low prices 'which first-clas- Contractors. Ya-mamot- s " street o, K. Mesuhashl, tailoring; ; Pacific Cafe. Nuuanu opp. Te harness repairing neatly done. the Piatt measure. . ? . Street, TeL 3986. Residence TeL 3167. usually coincide with npor quality, latest fashions; guaranteed; made $ weeny k5382-6m- . Beretanla near River St. life,' Theatre. Home cooking - -- but we "know how" to put I 1 , 6572-ly- . to order. River nr. Komeya hoteL 'I uest ,.' ' The government of Provisional Pre- materials are used. Try ua. hustle and go Into printed matter. 5536-7- m. v '. .,?. G519-C- - . ; , and that Is, what talks loudest and sident Huerta of Mexico is doomed Mm LAUNDRY. Star-Bulleti- n Up-toda)- expected hourly. longest Honolulu Fujii, merchant tailor. : te and his overthrow is Th Hoffman," Hotel SL, srt the This Information, furnished from an. I G Wo Laundry, First class establish Job Printing Department Alakea fashions : satisfactory "work guaran 25c fe!!::) encore. Beat tneali for price Id Lai Office. ' authoritative source is vIn the hands p2? ; xnent; good werk; guaranteed; call St, Branch Merchant St teed; Beretanla. cor. Maunakea St tows. Open and might 6399-tf- government to- da? GLEE CLUB Vineyard r . ' .. 6533-l- y. of the United States . ::'r-:.- and deliver; 1393 Emma ft i..,--- , . ... k53356m. day. - This, It is stated, from a per- 5623-6- m. 69 e, Kaal Glee Club, Young Bldg.TeL O . OkaxakL up-to-dat- tailoring; son In authority is the reason the 3687, furnishes music, any occasion. gents try us. shirts; pajamas; reasonably; made Wijson administration has not recog- Kwong Yuen, laundry; learn- deUver. 538 Kftg. to order; 169 HoteL nr; River St nized Huerta. It could not be . y 3; Call and Palama. ' i ; 5539-6- " if 5588-3- m Y ed, however, whether the information ' DRY GOODS. GROCERIES AND VEGETABLES was received from, American consuls ' ' ' : Htr.z'..'.;, T. 8am Kee, washing and Ironing neatly RED STAMPS S. Miyaki, up-to-dat-e, perfect fit suits In Mexko ort from private sources, Kwooi Hlng : Chong ; Co. English, Dealer In Groceries, Vegetables, Ha Vineyard made to order reasonably. ' P. O. believed came from the 1 done. 1342 Nuuanu nr. St Coupon , Exchange. but it Is it - Honolulu Cash : American, Chinese dry goods, grass "waiiatt Rice' and Sugar. Moderate E525-6i- n, Box ' .. . ,'. - stamps. 899; Kukul nr. River St consuls." Long Chew Kee, Everythlag free for red - linens, silks, matting, camphoi Beretanla nr Alapal . 'j'v. a : 1311 m Ask your dealer for red stamps. wood trunka. 1024 Nuuaau, nr King. 6586-3- - Hip Lee, first. class . work done rea- Mrs! Emmellne Pankhurst the mili- Nuuanu near Beretanla up-to-da- te n. Street , , 552S-x- AlapaL. Hook On Co, Merchant Tailors; sonably; Beretanla nr. . i 5524-6m- .- tant suffragette leader, was rearrest- : GROCERIES AND FEED. -.- f:- - 6569-l- y. : establishment; cleaning and ! ed while . attempting to. attend the Am:iicciil:r:!::: DRESSMAKER. repalrlaj, 163 King, cor. Bishop 'SL weekly suffragette meeting Sing Loy Co REPAIR ' at the' wholesale and retail LIVERY STABLE. SHOP. y. . 55l8-6- ' um- dealer In American ' ; London Pavilion. Armed with .1.U' iui bun, iaaies .cresses: men' and Chinese brellas, a mob of suffragettes battled shop, aWs-- "Up-to-Dat- e" groceries, hay, First-Clas- . Matsubara's carriage .and shirts; kimonos; pajamas; made to feed, canned goods s livery turnouts at reason-- Tong Sang, 22 8. Hotel; desperately with the police to prevent -- of all kinds. Aala, ' gon repairing; King ft Robello lane. Tailor. Imported woolen suiting. order;. Nuuanu St, opp. Te Liberty, Beretanla nr,' able rates. Territory Llverv 8tabl, ' 6559-6- m. Mrs. Pankhurst's arrest Six women 6573-l- y. 348 King, nr. PunchbowL TeL 2535. Fit guaranteed; near Bethel St :1 ' : were arrested. After order was res 6518-t- - V ; k5301-6- m. . t . detectives guarded Pavilion Wo Son dressmaking our specialty. GENERAL CONTRACTOR tored the fearing possible that . the suffra- 645 Sing . Tal, . Merchant .Tailor; . werk it KInf, near Punchbowl street. might have been ar- 5542-m- . K.( Nekomoto & Co. We guarantee all guaranteed: clothes cleaning, repair- gette's double D rested again. It developed later, how work; experience and reliable men; ing; 1021 Nuuanu. near Hotel J ' rSt ever, that It was Mrs. Pankhurst boatbuilders, carpentering, v house . 6529 3m. DRESS PATTERNS. SILK GOODS. developed the woman cap - J t painter. Jobbing of all lines; furni- It that MADEIRA EMBROIDERY v y.. IL Ulyake, 1248 Fort Phone 3238. ture bought and sold In exchange Oshima' Shoten. Exclusive line, of Jap Sang Chan, McCandless Bldg. High tured 'yesterday closely resembled zz St guaranteed. Mrs. Pankhurst and the mistake was All latest styles. for all Jobbing,., repairing and uphol- - anese silk and cotton goods at re . Class work; White - CM CXHICITIC.1 Mrs. Carolina Fernandex, Union St woman-wa- s 6453-l-y. j . not discovered until the . ' stering. Work promptly attended embroidery, sets, duced prices. King near River St. duck and flannels a specialty. NOV. READY FCn C LI Vr.Y Madeira luncheon ' - , . v..;.;-v- , 5601-3- m k5337-6- m. . ? taken. to JaiL ... to. Prices . reasonable. TeL .4438; baby caps and dresses. Specialty of r u - DISTILLED WATER. King, opp. Pawaa Junction.,Try us. hemstitching. Reasonable. ,GD C Initial and Golden Wong, Up-t- o- ; denunciation of the Under- "L -!- ';-,' 6550-ly- . i--- . ' Merchant Tailor; Bitter . . ; . . . ,: SHIRTS AND, PAJAMAS Jinx Coda Works, 34A. N. Beretxxla; date- - styles. Fit guaranteed. Em wood Bill was made In the senate to- Fhont :::J:,:;c;:j ::. XCIX.:, ' ma, vineyard. , 3245. . day by: Senator Theodore" E. Burton, TcL Chas. E. Frasher, Mgr .GENERAL JOBBER. Shirts and Pajamas made to order at near Tel. MILLINER. " 6525-6- m. Ohio, a . first of ;.3CMy...... ,."... reasonable prices. Work guaranteed ; Republican of in the 'r' .rr predict- , ; Tamamoto,' Beretanla. series of three speeches. He Honolulu Painting ' Co.. House and T. Oka, ladles' and gents, hats; latest Nuuanu ieart Sang Loy, tailor; ma cign: painting; tinting; . brushes, merchant best ed' complete, failure for the new meas- i styles; cleaning, aymg; reasonanie; terial and workmanship guaranteed. so. reducing high cost paints, oils; Smith nr. Beretanla. opp. ure far as the 64 Beretanla, Smith street 164 Maunakea. nr. KIng.3L - : V B 6556-l- y. A- BHIRT MAKER.' of living is concerned.- - m. 5543-6- 6527-3- u'- . "On this result, said Burton, "the EXPRESS. to y': GENERAL CARPENTER. Eblsuya, all kinds of shirt made bill must stand or falL Unless a Very .MASONRY. WORK,. -- ta-Tp-r ifnttedl-ately- Kalihi Express orfteri Teaonawpestmajejoat materUl "reduction' ices " Stand. Beretanla and oraer. . neretaiua, .. cor. pi. ? , 142, Beretanla. .nearRAve street ruaoi follows the r enactment of tAe t?5x:mi C:rr:.-- C , L: 2 emith 6t.; Tel. 2C9rAirkfndaOf us when you require efficient and 5600-l- y. - wamura, will go on record as one of the express and draylng. Charges nr. men. build- - bill it, jest 6574-ly.!f!:l;Wreliable Contraetor and policies "a' responsible party of te worst V k52S5-6ni- - Rea- ' K. Matsuki, up-to-da- tailor, er.Plastering and cement work. B. Yamatoya, shirts, pajamas; kimo- cierchant a representative ' government ever Hotel. - 1210 . Nuuanu nr. sonable. J. Correa, Union nr. nr.- Pauahi. t Beretanla st ;'- ' - nos to order: Nuuanu - ' ' : ' adopted." , , - GENERAL " " . m. People! Express Gov telephone 2550; MERCHANDISE. ; 6579-Iy- ,; : j533-ly- . 6525-3- '.v , . - unable "to "believe," continued goods handled with care. Prompt "I am' v ; Lr Fook Kau ft Co., wholesale and ; The Ex:!u-sl- A;:,-- f. 133 Jir.-For- t. - - s Lung, Burton,: "that the reductions in. this . aerrlce;. 'Merchant t MISSION FURNITURE TAMATOYA J' ; Fow Yuen famous HACYCLC CU;;!: -. - . :. retail dealer In groceries; Hawaiian will permanent The duties ; 3 36xx ' reasonable prices, Aala nr. King. bill be - ot - - 1250 Fort; Shirts, Pajamas Kimonos. St King, opp-dep- - '. : Hawillan Islands.- salt; 364 ' 5561-l- m. - must be Ueda, 544 King, nr. Punchbowl; m ' ' . ., Under the existing' law kwr " ' S. W327-6- r 6561-m- . ' ; '. Ca. Union Pac Transfer. 174 3. King. - . Mission or,goa furniture to order. ered, others must be removed entire- : Kin ct Ti'. -- 1875. busy 1874.- - . k5322-6m- . n earing more com- Tel. If this rln ; v:'-- .t - SEWING, MACHINE8 Wing Chan, suits made to order; at ly; for we are a reasonable prices.: 150 Hotel plete and more symmetrical develop- ; '' St en-Joye- d, . 6539-3- ... v. .. Industries which have for-Fly- MOSQUITO STICKS. R. TANAKA, 1266 ; FORT .STREET ment and Agents ir5 Gomes Express. Tel. .2298. Reliable, protection may need it in a less llericl lz! Sewing machines bought or exchanged - Luxe, Motor Supplies. reasonable, prompt and efficient your grocer a stick; kills K. NakabayashL taflonng. dry clean- degree not we wUl err and ' -- Ask for It Ring 3209 we will send man to or at all. but ; ; ; m. , 'k.5347-6- . Alapaf HAWAII'S MUSIC all insects. S. M. Ilda, agent cor. look at old machine; nr. Beretanla, in, repairing. King . nr. St if we take the radical steps propos- ' ' 5551-6- m. ( ; :;- - - Beretanla near Smith 5252-6- : .. . Island Co, 229 Merchant Street ' ed." v v Transfer St Ernest K. Kaal, 69 Young Bldg., Tel. .; 5556-ly-. '': ' QlyT.zlc Day 2SC3, 1126 Merchant - ihcme night 389L 3687, teaches vocal and lnstrum'tt Tal Chong, Nuuanu, Neal, one of wit- Skilled - Mechanics for- k5347-m-. ; SHIP CARPENTERS' TOOLS Christine the star til V - Tailor. Satisfaction guaranteed. ; nesses in the recent vice investiga-- - . wcrkv ; . '. v ' . i tlon on Los Angeles made PauahThrrrbrt EXPRESS AND DRAYING. Market Hardware Co. All .kinds of trial at t T;v:::i . HAT CLEANERS ship carpenters' tools. Hardware of good a threat' and escaped from the Very State Reform School at Whittier some All kinds of expressing and draylng. . dyed all descriptions. reasonable. Sato, cleaned, and blocked; midnight daybreak i Ex-pres- s, OPTICIAN. Loo Chow, King near River street. time between and .. y ,v Charges reasonalle. Manoa call and deliver; Kamanuwal Lane 5578-l- y Two' girls, Dorothy South cor.. King. 1623. today. other Tel. near Beretanla St. Telephone 2723. 8. E. Lucas, eyes examined, tested;' Swentsen and Madeline Hagen. ac- 6536-l- y. ' Gold, Silver, Nicker and . . 1107 Alakea, nr. HoteL TeL 2719. UNDERWEAR companied '' '" " Cc;;:r Hz: SHOE REPAIRING. her.. - Inj"" Oxlilzlnj a - . C;:;::iy. :V.Vi; 6521-6- Miss was committed to Whit- y . ; - :: Neal : EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. lats cleaned and blocked. C Maldona- Sing Yuen, , 'repairing neatly Ladies' and gents' underwear made to HONOLULU ELECTrw'C CO. -- shoe tier upon her refusal to testify against Ur.;-rpi;- do, , Merchant St . nr PunchbowL nr. Also dressmaking. Reason- pro- Rates Moderata, Work ;s Employment Office. First-clas- s y done;. Beretanla Aala fit order. J. PHardigan, a motion picture, ' Echigi - 5579-l- . Experience 6560-2- ? able. Fook Tai, Nuuanu nr. Hotel St ducer, who was charged with contri- lied. Japanese help; servants, maids, - ' 1 Cor. ' 6579-- 1 y 1"' 'Bishop and Kirs C.3. yardbova.: Best references.,. F. Urata, Hats of all kinds cleaned and blocked. buting to her delinquency. ..-"- i Repairing heels special- Hardi-gan,- Prop. TeL 254 L Emm r, Beretanla. P. Santo, river, near Kukul and rubber a won't testify against Mr. " ' St ty, Y. Jong, St., corner Union. UMBRELLA MAKER T ;. 5558-i-y. ; PINECTAR. Hotel - y girl then, declared, "because ' ; 5591-l- ,- , !, the . 5595-3- m I love him. I'll go to Whittier first, Hon. 34A N. R Mlzuta. Umbrellas made and re- TAISHO VULCANIZING CO, LTD. Employment "Office," ,Tel. 1420. . Soda Works, Beretanla; they won't keep me there long for Union HARNESS REPAIRER, Mgr. paired. 1284 nr. Kukul. TeL but Aats,: Motorcycle C!:y:! T1.;j. t)f help. G. Pro-- -' TeL 8022. Chas. E. Frasher, 8HOE3 Fort escape." ,; ani .AH. kinds Hiraoka, 5553-6- m I will V .' 6360-l- y. r-- , 3745. Also jTuba Repalrlrj. prietor, 208 Beretanla St nr. Emma. Kashlwara; old harness repaired like Superintendent Nelles of the reform ; k5329-6m- . Fook Loy Co. We manufacture shoes new; Beretanla nr. King . street-- .' school believes that male accomplices - Repairing a i 180 y. to suit our- patrons, i UMBRELLA REPAIRER. Merchant nr. Alakea, TeL 2137 5561-l- .. - PAJAMAS. took the girls to' Lds Angeles In" an 123 : ; Kinau Employment Office 1249 KInau specialty. Hotel St nr River'St ' s; I 8. 8AIKI, M;r, 5531-6- m cheap. automobile. 15 PilkoL E. Iyeda, pajamas, shirts, kimonos of . Umbrellas made and repaired St, between Keeaumoku and HARNESS MAKER. t "YoshlzumL Beretanla nr. Alapal. Telephone 1914." First class help, all kinds; made, to order; wdrk " " 6569-3- The following statement was Issued ; :: 6591-l- y i S. Morinaga. harness repairing of all guaranteed.; King nr. South. STABLE. em- 5547-6- this afternoon from the Mexican reason- ' kinds; work guaranteed; City Stables; animals receive best of bassy: -- ;: 4 y. NakanlshL ?4 Beretanla, nr. Smith able; 271 Beretanla, nr. Aala All kinds Wrapping Papers, ' St , stabie boys. H. "In spite of the alarming reports tzi for good cooks,' yard boys, 5559-ly.- PAINTER care. Reliable Street J PunchbowL circulated by well known agents about Twines, Printing snd Writing Tapers. 4511; phone 4511. Tanna, Beretanla nr. AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- ' I Phoae residence N PAPZ.l A i : 5525-6n- u precarious of Federal 5 2 46--6 m. S. Shirakl. 1202 Nuuanu; TeL 4137 W the situation I J HOUSEHOLD MOVING troops In Northern Mexico, the em- SUPPLY CO, LTD. I Painting and paperhanging. All work Queen yard boy. Mot SIGN PAINTING WATCHMAKER. bassy is in. receipt of official and ac- Fort and Streets Honolulu Japanese cook, waiter, Gomes Express, TeL 2293; furniture-- guaranteed. Kids submitted free. Geo. O. anmoto, 1124 Union. TeL 1754. curate information from its consul at Phons 1416. OuEd. Ceo. l.'jr, piano moving; storage facilities. 1874, Lum Deep, watchmaker; Jewelry re- W7Q-t-f Geo. 174 S. King. ;TeL Rear Laredo, Texas, that important columns' V , k5354-ly-. Talt pairing; King St, nr. BetheL V Hop 646 Union Pacific Transfer, near Fort -. Tellez and Ruo Navaretta Lee, N. Beretanla. House - 5566-ly- . :.- of Generals In) k5333-6m- . pacific ENGiriEEni:;G painter, contracter, paper hanger. : have effected a. Junction, rendering it HORSE SHOER. y 5560-l- certain that at an early date railway COMPANY, LTD. . F WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER - be- A. King Alapal, 24 and . telegraphic communication Consulting, Designing and Con. "f: Nuaes. and FURNITURE. yean experience PAINTERS SUPPLIES tween Laredo and the City of Mexico . struetlng Engineers. in these Islands. All work guaranteed satisfactory or J h : , 6506--tt f - will be reopened." Bridges, Buildings, Cpncrets Etru T. O. Murata, new and seeond hand Hee Kau Kee, dealer in paints, oils, money back, Lum Po, King op. depot It was announced at Constititution-alte- t Cys ..: tures. Steel Structures, Sanitary fuaiture, crockery for hiria. 650 S. N. Mlwa, blacksmith; horseshoeing of wallpaper; houseptlnting of all TOWELING, 5587-3- m - headquarters that the rebels at terns. Reports sna Estimates ca Pro- King and Kawalahao Sts. TeL 1695. 'kinds, 1320 Nuuanu nr. KukuL had received two hundred ' all kinds; Beretanla nr. Aala Lane. Matamoras jects. Phone 1045, 5555-l- y. 6517-3- ; ." ; '. - 6569-6m.- ? t Japanese Toweling and Table Cloth's. WASHING thousand rounds 'of ammunition and H. Miyake, 1248 Fort," TeL 3238. 'five hundred arms from abroad.. ' .' -- we carry Fnjlkawa, new and second hand m. Wo Lung, first class laundry; We the most compUts'ls G. PLUMBER AND TINSMITH. .. .v.'- '. . 5453-6- ct furniture bought and sold. ; Very guarantee 'all work; call and de- Martin M. Mulhall resumed his .: HOUSE FURNISHING CCCZ1 . - reasonable. King, corner South St H. Yamamoto, plumbing, tinsmith, roof TINSMITH liver. Emma." nr. Beretanla. St testimony today before the senate "in- - y--- la. the-- city , , y 6519-6- repairing. Experienced men. Best of 5575-l- y. - v sidious lobby" probers. At least three work guaranteed. King 1044 2990. - JAPANESE SILKS references; ' Lin Sing Kee, Nnuai'd; Tel. more days will required, it is 'believ- Min Haa Ohte All kinds furniture r opp. South Street Telephone 3308. Tinsmith, plumber, hardware, etc WASHING AND IRONING ed by thej committee members, ' for paired. Miller nr.. Punchbowl St Scarfs, Doilies, Table Covers, Ets. V 5594-- 1 y ' : the witness to complete his direct JAUES GUILD CO. ! : 6523:6m . H. Miyake, 1248 TeL S238. guaranteed '- ' ' Fort, Work reasonable. Call strry. ; " - ? . 6453-6- m PLUMBER-CONTRACTO- Won Lul So, 75 N. Hotel St, TeL and deliver. See Wo, River nr. KukuL The witness offered but little new AND UPHOLSTERER. 5577-l- y FURNITURE 1033. Estimates submitted. evidence today, -- merely amplifying his i Sanitary Plumber and Tinsmith; roof k5391-6- JEWELER story. al- New and 2d hand furniture bought repairing and Jobber; tinware made WAGON MATERIAL8. earlier Mulhall Identified an and sold. Upholstering done reason Pun Wo, Gold and Silversmith; ma to order at reasonable prices. M. leged black list he says Watson pre- Victor Records TINSMITH AND REPAIRING. pared the. Association of ably. O. Fujii. Nuuanu cor. KukuL terial and work, guaranteed.' If not : Tanaka, 1015 . Llliha, nr. King H. Kamimoto, repairing, painting lor .National. St . ;.y 6593-ly- . 5571-ly- . . - Manufacturers containing names of . satisfactory money will be refunded. Plumber, Tinsmith," roof re- blacksmlthlng, trimming, etc- 977 " t N. Hara, congressmen who 4ught to be defeat- BERG3TROM IWZIZ CO. 1121 Maunakea. nr. Hotel St pairing, etc. Estimates furnished Prison rd opp. depot teL 4445. - ' 6531-6- :: 5557-6- : ed The- Included ,the names of FURNITURE MAKER PLUMBING AND HARDWARE. free. 1328 Nuuanu nr. Kukul St . u : :.'v: list Odd Fellows' Clock Fcrt'Ct. - .' yr Nicholas' and Wilson of Pennsylvania, - ..- 5552-l- Ebony and koa furniture of every de- U. Ogato, gold and silversmith; work Sang Yuen Kee Co., hardware, crock- WAGON REPAIRER Morse, Nelson Lenropt and Cooper of ; g; Wisconsin. Hansen Iowa. Rtrrnpf t scription made to order reasonably. guaranteed money refunded if not ery, cutlery, etc.; plumbing, TAILORS. 'of Fong & Co., Nuuanu nr. Pauahi. satisfactory; River St nr. HoteL estimates., 1014 Nuuanu. Wagon, ' carriage repairing; horse Champ Clark.. .. 1 - Inn ' li 5581-6- m 5536-l- y. 5530-6- - : M. Matsuda Reasonable price tailor. shoeing; blacksmlthlng; K. Masu- 1282 Nuuanu nr. Kukul St TeL 2249. da, Beretanla. nr Aala Lane. I The' IIIo Board'ef Trade says that - ; FURNITURE REPAIRER. JUNK DEALERS. PLUMBING AND REPAIRING. . 6552-6- Vv;;.';'; 6668-l- y. ; ; travelers 4o; Hawaii are not getting ysizsv.Sr- fhalf their Konfy''wcrti. See their ' and oTHzn pia:;:d and N. up-to-da- te ) Siar-Eillet- F: Lee Kwan Slav furniture repairer HoriuchL dealer in bottles, bags, Plumbing; roof repairing; reasonable. Fook Sang, styles, ad In UZdfs la showfas :1M Hotel Street. ll',".' -- - painter; River nr. Kukul St Panahl street near Smith. , Chee Hoon Kee, Nuuanu nr King. ably; cor: Nuuantf and- Pauahi Sts. STAR-BTJILET- Ilf GITES TOU bow travelers UonLle TUNINO CUARANTf ' 6563-ly- . tzi jrl t'ulr 6534.3m. 5585-6- m 5536-6n- L . TODirS NEWS TOD1X r ' monej's worth advertisement V 1tt

TWELVE HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1913. mm LEGAL NOTICE. MOVEMENTS OF v. - .1. .ir '.i.iv'-aV"- ' mt IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE MOT OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. MAIL STEAMERS mm First 'Judicial Circuit,. Territory of HawalL At Chamber. In Probate. SYDNEY SHORT LINE" In of Estate of Elisha 4h the Matter the VESSELS TO AEMT1 OE OF H. Allen. Deceased. Order of Notice FOR '8 AN FRANCISCO FOR SYDNEY, N. 8. W. t lE'M of Hearing Petition for Letters of 8. 8. 25 4 Sierra ...... July 8. 8. Sonoma ...... Aug. Wednesday, July 23 Ancilliary Administration With the L 8. S. Ventura 8 1 Lx J ' ... w j L ...... Aug. 8. S. Ventura ...... Sept. Kauai ports W, G; Hall, str. Will Annexed. . k.. J 8. S. Sierra ...... Aug. 23 S. S. Sonoma ...... Sept. 29 ' On reading and filing the petition Cary wtreet, abore UrJcn Thursday, July 24 ; City. County y ' BlISSIOPI cf Julia IL Fisk of the Earc?n Pita 513 a ports-Claudi- ne, ' TO SAN FRANCISCO, $65.00; ROUND TRIP, $110X0 Maul str. and State of New York,- - Administra- American PUa C3 D a day x:p i V Friday, July 25. & Es- , TO SYDNEY, $150.00; ROUND TRIP, $225.00 trix with the Will annexed of the ITw steel and - crick structure. C. A CO San Francisco Nippon Manir T.K. pub- tate of Elisha IL Allen, deceased, and Sailing Lists and Folders on application to BREWER Members . of the commission of Third adiitioa cf hue ire i rccrus LTD General Agents." V:J v; K. S. S. ' lic archives yesterday passed a reso- the alleged authenticated copies at- now tuHdis Every confert Saturday, July 28 will, j. al i tached thereto said decree convenience. A class hotel porta Korea, lution in memory of the late Prof. of hih Ilonekong via Japan - 1 admitting , said will to Probate and at very moderate rates, la ctntsr V- Wm. DeWitt Alexander. a former P. M. S. S. .. - Chainnan Certificate as to the Issuance of Let- of iheatrs and retail district.. Ca way porta Manna Kea, member of the commission. Administration with Will Hilo via Mott-Smit- b, Gov. ters of the car lines transferrirj to ail pjrti T.T " E. A. former Geo. If'it makes jott abort of breath H. ' ATT, CO. Sunday,v July 27. ' K. Carter and Chief Justice A. G. M. annexed to said Julia Fisk. said cf city. Electric omuiiui xnctta PACIFIC STEAUSHE? ' to go upstairs, you neeU no other ". Maui Molokal and Lanal porta commis- petition alleging that said Elisha II. all trains and steamers. Sailings from Honolulu on or about the following dates: ''- Robertson, members of the " ;.: ' proof that your blood is thin and of City. County and iiikahala, jsL i'X sion; and IL - Lydecker, librarian, Allen the said Itot1 Slwrt recBJ ITtwHaa - C .watery. pallor is FOR THE ORIENT FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Maui ports Claudine, st. iext to this the State of New York, died testate at IUdqrtn. Ckl Ad irmm were present t.the meeting. commonest symptom of ansmia. Tnw.ti' A U C J. U. Lvr. Kauai ports Kinau, str. resolution is as follows: New Yok aforesaid leaving property CJ. Mongolia (via July 22 The Every woman who fails to pass In necessary Manila).. Persia L.;.;....Vi..;July 22 Tuesday, July 29. "Whereas, By the death of William the staircase test should build tip the Territory of Hawaii 1 upon, pray- Persia (via Manila out Korea "...... July 27 Hongkong via Japan porta Hong- Alexander, D. Sc and LL.D., her blood once Wil- to be administered and In) 12 DeWitt at with Dr. ing Ancillary Admin- and ...... Aug. Siberia ..Aug. 9 kong Maru, Japanese str. one of the first commissioners of pub- liams' 'Pink Pill. Mrs. Q. E, that Letters of Aug. 18 istration, Will annexed Is-iu-e: Korea (via Manila).... China ..Aug. 19. Kona and Kau ports Manna Loa, lic archives, this board, has in obedi- Leadbetter, of 2o. 1&4 Oak street, with the Siberia (via Manila)... Sept 1 26 -- j.' .'; - Manchuria ...... Aug. Btr. , ence to the Divine 'Win."' been deprived Lewiston, Maine, recovered her Manila out 6 - ; Is Ordered Tuesday, the China (via Nile ...... Sept. Kona and Kau ports Mauna Loa, of the cooperation and. counsel of one health in this way. It that in) 11 14 be- 19th day of August. 1913, at 9 o'clock WmAW If and ...... Sept. Mongolia ...... Sept. of Its most valuable members, and ".While attending school I v. Manchuria (via Manila). Sept. 16 4 run-dow- n a. m. be and hereby Is appointed for Persia ...... Oct. San Francisco Lnrliae, M. N. S.,8. sustained a loss that must be perman- came in such a . cond- 12 ' - : :- she says, was obliged the hearing "of said petition in the Korea ...... Oct. Hilo way ports Mauna Kea, str. ; ition," Vthat I Comer Geary and Tay!:r Cia. via ent felt; - -- v to give' up my studies. I had court room of this court at Honolulu For general 'Wednesday, July 30. . . "Therefore, Be Resolved, That the - Information apply to It dreadfully sick-headach- which aforesaid.: at Which- time and place ; Alex- Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str. death of the late sCommissioner ? ; ' made me sick to my stomach. cJlpersons concerned may appear S:n Co., 31. board, sin- I Eaokfold s Ltd. - Accnta Thursday, July ander has created in this was pale and so weak that Ibad to and show' cause if any they have why Salina Cruz via San Francisco and cere feelings of deep and unaffected be assisted in going up stairs; said petition should not be granted. A refined housa cf "unusuil ex- ports A.-- S. one so pure In life, Sound Mexican, S. regretregret that My lips and gums were j)lue and Dated, Honolulu June 30th. 1913. cellence. Withla the sbcrpI-- 2 ; - gifted' generally Maul ports Claudine, at.' , fo and so esteemed my hands seemed almost trans- .v JOHN MARCALLINO. and theatre districts. Positive- Friday, August 1. for his many virtues, should be called parent. no desire for food. ; ly fire-proo- f. Every with, I bad Clerk of the Circuit . Court, of the rocra San Francisco Tenyo Maru, Japan- from among us,, depriving this board The doctors said' tliat my blood First Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, bath. , ese str. cf the benefit of his kindly advice and was impoverished but they did not 5586 July 1, S, 15, 22. Hongkong via Japan porta--Shin- yo wise counsel which It can ill af'ord to give me much benefit.' ' 1 also tried American plan, ll.CO a day tp. rr will cod-liv- er hypopbosphites Maru, Japanese str. :" lose, and the full value of his life oil and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE European plan, a day Lp. ' ; ren- effect they failed f U Monday, August 4. not be appreciated until time has for their tonic but First Circuit, Territory, of Hawaii. At Steamers of above Company will call at aad leava Honolulu cm Francisco-Sonom- a, of per- to help me. Then I be?an to take ) Special Monthly Hatts, the San O. S. S. dered a better perspective the Chambers. In Probate. . In mat- v : -- the v " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and was or about the dates mentioned below; f' Tuesday, Au g ust 5." 'r: iod in which he Jived; of the Estate of Clio S. Kalelopu, soon entirely K'-- n , , ter For furtber lsfcrr.atlsn San Francisco-'-WiJhelmin- a, M. N. "Be It Further Resolved, That this weli": :? Hear- afircn FOR THE ORIENT FOR 8AN FRANCESCO Deceased.' Order of Notice of Arnold Veibsl, Ilcr.olla r?pr S. S. ;. ;.' board tenders its sincere condolence ing petition, for Administration. . 8. 8. Nippon Maru .....July 25 8. 8. Shlnyo Maru . Av...Aug. t V Dr. Wmiams' Pin! Pflb . sentatlve. 2GC3 KaHa T.caJ, Tel- Manila via Nagasaki Thomas, U. S. to the family of our late colleague. ? On Reading , and Filing' the peti- 8. 8. Tenyo Maru 1 6. S. Chiyo Maru Aug. 29 I ephone 23T9...... Aug...... A. : whose affliction we can understand up i Reginald 16--. T. , for Pale Pcopla ; tion of Lawrence Maunaala . 8. 8. Hongkong Maru.. Aug. 18 8. 8. Nippon Manl .....Sept; 1 on the removal of a loving father; and Kalelopu of .Honolulu, Territory of 8. S. Shlnyo Maru .'Aug. 22 Tenyo . . . 23 Friday, August 8...... 8. 8. Maru J. .Sept. Pago Pago Ventura, It Further Resolved, With a build up the blood and in this way Hawaii, aUeging Clio &.Kalei-opu,- - Sydney via VBe' ' -- that O. S. S. view Of Us being put on record. : the strengthen every part of the bodyy of Honolulu aforesaid, died - in- deep sorrow with which his loss has This improvement goes on until on Calls Manila, emitting call Shanghai August 9 testate, at' said Honolulu the 1st at at Hongkong ports filled us,r that these resolutions be perfect health results. Every pale, day of June 1913, leaving property via Japan Siberia, urped nci: : placed on the minutes of the board anaemic woman is to send HAUL) , & P. M. S. S. . with the Jurisdiction of this court LA, CA1.J, CASTLE COOKE, LIMITED .Agents, Honolulu ' end a copy of the same be forwarded for the free booklets, "Building Up necessary to' be administered upon, DidtlnulaL:! fw? Monday, August 11. Blood'?, and Talks, to ili c to the family of our lamented associ- the "Plain, and praying Letters of. Adminis- appclntmcuts ) Central and South American ports ' that z.:.l V;.-- : Women.' ate.- '.f .v. tration Issue , to Chamterlala. tD Buyo Maru, Japanese str. ,WiUiamsr.Knk Pills are sold, WW. Euilly attractlvs ; Dr. is Ordered, Monday, the 11th monthly trar.:'.--.k- . Tuesday, August 12. '. v 4 by all druggists at 60 cents per box It that cr r PASSENGERS DEPARTED day August, A. D. 1913, at 9 o'clock fa-i- ly, San Francisco Persia, P. M. S. S. or six boxes for $2.50 or they will of select 4 M.; be hereby 13 appointed for 1 Sydney Via Auckland and Suv-a- be sent, postpaid,-- upon receipt of A. and, aul z ' atr Hlftiidine- - for Maul norts, ; 7 O-- Tr hearing said Petition la the Court c Ciatson Navigation Company Niagara, S. S. iP; Hall, L. E. price by the cthictly. i;: - July 21. MrslR. Miss ' " room of this Court In the Judiciary . EaJJIa hcrs:3 c:.'.; San Francisco Honolulan, M. N. - Di. WiSIkms Jledlctoa Comcsay, r.I Hall,- Miss Florence Davidson; Miss Building In" the City and County of : S. S. .. 1 " ; " Ttzl Ervlce. r:.:.;t r : ; Schenecuaf, Irene Davidson, A. Shortt . Honolulu, at which time and place all Ir.s. NO c-r- -1 t ) San Francisco Sherman, U. S. A. T. ' persons concerned . may appear and Modersts H;t:3 , Wednesday. Aiiaust 13. v any why Irect Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu, Makura,' PASSENGERS BOOKED shoWi cause, If they have, Vancouver and .Victoria I cald petition should not be granted. C.-- A. - FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR 8AN FRANCISCO S. S. FerstrrKlnau, for Kauai ports, July FERRY SUIT FAILS Witness the Honorable " Wm. L. - t Monday, 18. August 22. Miss G. Purcell, Mrs. G. L. Sam- Whitney, Second Judge cf the T'rst 16 22 ; San Franqjsco Kotea, P, M. S. S. , T0.V0RRY ATTORNEY 8. 8. Honolulan ...... July 8. 8. Honolulan ...... July son, Walter Samson, . Hazel Sam son, Circuit Court" thU 1st day or July, S. 8. Lurline.. July 29 8. 8. Lurline ...... Aug 6 G. White'man, Miss G. Wong, 1913. ,; Miss ' 8. S. VYIIhelmlna ...... Aug. 6 8. S. Wiihetmlna Aug. 13 fr TESSE1S TO DEPAET I Mrs. jL TtDaker, Mr. and Mrs. A. B; (Seal) JOHN MARCALLINO, - : Hills, J. P. Cooke, Admiral Moore, Sued for fifty thousand dollars for . Clerk. i ' ; VI" Tuesday, July 22. ; - Mr. Mrs. M. Stevens, N, ima-fug- l, defamation of character on the eve of SMITH. WARREN, HEMENWAY & 8. 8. HILONIAN aalls from Seattle for Honolulu on or about JULY 28 Klrwin. - V San Francisco Persia, P, M. S. S.. vacation, Carlsmlta, an attor- ; Attorneys for Petitioner. v' '' J. E. Sture, Mrs. W. F. CoomLs. his Carl. SUTTON. . i , : :'y',-..- '. ?' .. 1 1 . rcr further particulars apply to. 5 p. m. . , V Per str. 'Mlkahala, for Maul and ney of Hilo, will leave with his fam- 5586 July 1, 8..1:, 22. .i San Francisco Honolulan, M. N, ily Sah on; Hono- Molokal ports; July 22. Alice Hoogs, for .Francisco the :. ' CASTLE c; COOKE, LTD., ; ':,::---- -r ;':-- Ntwly :!:-- ! C:n:rd A::nt CriE s. s., 6 p. m. v .- Cyril Hoogs; Miss . Kemp, - Miss. V. lulan today His vacation "will last - T:':I . sixty UY AUTHC UTY Kona and Kau porta Mauna Loa, Mutch, Miss D. ftlutch.' : ' - y for" daysnio6trhl'time ' ' spent In mountains, prob- .,.,Tcur!:t Tr. '5 r J str., noon. y"; Maunu-Loa,- : Kona and will be the - Per str. for v Ml-kahal- AMENDED r.3TlCn.-- MauL ports a, Cars-ten-, ably on the Russian river of, Califor- Molokal and Lanal Julyl ; ports, 22. Mrs. IL J. mf . " Kau -' J CANADIAN - AUSTRALASIAN ROYAL MAIL LINE 5 ; str, p. m. . nia. Hose, Miss Keawa; " ..:'f Mrs. E. a Judge Joseph S. Ferry, is plain- Sealed tenders for furnishing all Kauai ports Klnau, str., 5 p m. Mrs. E. Haal, Mrs. IL Keawa, "Mlsa C. the For' Cuva, Auckland & Sydney: . For Victoria e Vancouver, O.C.? tiff damage, suit filed against material, tools and labor necessary to , in the ' Wednesday, July 23. T George J. T2 J. Harrison, W; Roseman, ('Abut- C.-1- 8. C Makura Aug. 13 8. S. Niagara1... .V.i'r.Auov 12. Carlsmlth, and Is said to be construct the'Waiawa BrlIse : : . . : ; v the suit c. v. i : Hongkong via Japan ports 'Hon Campbell.'.-'- ; 8. S, Niagara ...... Sept. 10 8.' S. Marama ...... Sept. 9 y - outcome of charges ments, EwaiTJity ' and County of Ho golia, P. M.;S. S. 23. Mrs. the 'the latter's ' S. 8. Marama ...... Oct. 8 S. S. Makura ...... Oct. 7 Per str. Mauna Kea. July. against the judge. The action is bas- nolulu, as called for in the' Honolulu Salina Cruz . island ports Co- - via C. Bubbett and- child, Mrs. Aurana, ed on the alleged remarks in the cir- Star-Bulleti- n, July to be re A.-H- .; ; : ? Single-hurs- C lumbian, S. S. r Mrs.;Goo"Kim,iMr. and Mrs. up-t- o v" ' cuit and district t courts of Hilo, when ceived 12 noon on the 21st day THEO. H. DAVIES &X0.. LTD., GENERAL AGENTS ; Hilo via way ports Mauna Kea, v.- U a t' t Carlsmlth is alleged to have asserted, cf July, 1913, at the office of the str 10 a. m. ::";r"- Per O. S.cS. lSierra, for San Fran- in the course of an argument,,that the Clerk of the City and County of Ho- . Thursday, July 24. 26. Mrs. Geo. W. cisco, July Mf. and Puna, over wliich hereby postponed until 12 . 1 court of Judge nolulu, are .. FOR COLF, TZNNI3. , .AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N STEAMSHIP COMPANY; v.; Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str 5 p.m. Bailey Dr., J. Hi Leimbach, Mrs. Leim-bac- h, Ferry presides, was "tainted." ; noon on. the 29th day of July, 1913. - rrca New York to Honolulu t!a Tcnuantepec. every :' alxtli day. Friday, July 25. - Mrs. Walter Scott,, fnfant and Carlsmlth arrived here on the Ma- Corrected plans and specifications Frelbt received at. all times at the company's wharf, 41st Stmt, Hongkong via Japan ports Nippon maid,, the Misses.', Scott (4) Mrs. una Kea. He stated this morning that to be obtained at the office of the TRAINS TO THE DCCn. ; ' " Ccuta Drooklrn. ." Maru, Japanese str. - , James A Wilder, Ulss A. R. Capen, the case was not giving him worry, City and County Engineer, upon re- 4 FROM SEATTLE OR TACOMA TO HONOLULU DIRECT x Maul ports Claudine, str., 5 p. m. - Miss. Alice Claypool, Miss A. Holt, and that it was one of the-expecte- d turn of former ones. - 8. S. MEXICAN to sail about...... :... ..JULY 22nd -- , Saturday, July 28. Miss A Wilcox, N. S. Wakefield, Mrs. acts of Ferry. D. KALAUOKALANI, Jr, . c y Hilo way ports I and-Count- 8. S. ARI20NAN to sail about...... v.AUGUST 2nd via Mauna Kea, Wakefield, Miss J. Ingersoll, Mrs. C. C. .r.:. tm v , City Clerk. ; S. S. VIRGINIAN to sail about...... AUGUST 13th 6tr 3 p. m. - A)brlght two children, Mr. and 5602 July 21 22,' 23, 24, 25. ; ME, FOR A CV1M AT 7HZ ' and MARCONI COMPANY IN H. Hackfeid & Co Ltd Amenta C P. Morse, Gen'L Freight Agefnt San Francisco Sierra, O. 8. S, Mrs. J. J. - Byrne, Miss Constance noon. ; .; Byrne, Miss Beatrice Byrne, Mrs. H. F. ; V TROUBLE ON MAINLAND SEALED TENDERS. San lYanclsco-Korea- V P. M. S.- - 8. Hill, " Lewis, Donald' Lewis, Miss J. Monday, July 28.' ' John Hill, Mr. and Mrs. GE. Ramer United States Radio' Inspector R. R. Sealed tenders will be received by;:;rAY Kauai ports 5 p. m. the Superintendent of Public Works OahuBailvay Tims Noeau,'str and two --children,'-, Mrs. "J. Bradley, Woelverton at Sah Francisco, has" filed tcbfe Maui ports Claudine, str., 5 p. m. - Secretary Com- up to. 12 m. of Saturday, July 25, 1913, F r ' ' ft. Miss LC: Strehl; D. B. Denton, Miss complaint with the of " . - pipe Tuesday; July 29. - for, constructing a line and I- ' ' Hazel Denton, 'Miss F. Witcher, Mas- merce against the Marconi Wlreles3 -i OUTWARD.' : , - Valley, Honolulu. i San Francisco Hongkong Mafn, ter J. C. Byrne," A. Haneberg, Mrs. Company and Charles T. Simms, wire flume, Palolo Walanae, Walalua, Kahuku and Japanese " - -- Specifications blank form of A REAL CHANCZ Cr CLIMATE For str. S. A. Chase, Master Irving Chase. Mrs. less operator on the steamer Hyades. and Way stations!): 15 a. m., S:20 p. to. Maui, Molokal and Lanal ports Ml-kaha- la, proposal are on file In the office of the can he had. at tho new bcordlr? Lou: 3 Vv. L. Frazeej Miss Violet Glalsyer, alleging. that Simms was employed by ' For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and. Way str, 5 p. m. Superintendent of Public Works, Cap- la - E. G. Sharon, W. J. Cole, Mr. and the Marconi Company in that capacity Stations 1 7: 30 a. 9:15 a. nu, ' Building. - Kauai ports Kinau, str 5 p. m. : itol " ; Mrs. A. T. Silver and infant, Mrs. when he had no license, as required by 11:30 mH 2:15 p. 3:20 p. 30. v ; The Superintendent of Public Works r, el, Wednesday, July ; Web- A. S. Webster .'Master Robert law. Simms presented himself for ex e 5:15 p. tx.t9:30 p. tll:15 p. in. Hilo via way ports Mauna Kea, ; reserves-th- right to reject any or all ster, Miss Sarah R.-- Heath, Mr. and amination to Chief Woolverton a short ' "; ' ' . For Wahlawa and Leilehua 10: 20 8tr 10 a. m. .;',w:. tenders. :" '. Nearly 10C3 feet elevation, Mrs. A. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. time ago and surrender Tils certificate, a, mH t2:40 p. hl, 5:00 p. xtL, 11:00 V" Thursday, 31. ; , . J. W. CALDWELL, near depot,, grand scenery, fine ba33 July Cockroft, Miss Thoda Cockroft Miss which expired on December 13th of ; Kauai ports W. G. Hall, stc, 5 p.m. Superintendent of Public Works. fishlns. For particulars, ad Jress E. - D. H.! Gilmore, ; Charlotte Cockroft, last year. Indorsed on the certificate -- 4C3. f "INWARD. Honolulu, July 15. 1913. . L. Kruss, Wahlawa, Phone ': - C. 'A Bostrom,.- A. Gartenberg Jr., statement 6597-lO- t, - was the that he had been , r V. ! Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Waljj CAIL9 , . alua and Walanae a. 5:Sl 3 James Irvine I St. James Irvine Jr., acting as operator up to a month ago. sl, - '8:36 Miss Kathryn Irvine, M.- Irvine, Fred- regulations Mails are due , from the following The penalty under the to CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. NEW SHIPMENT OF erick Mueller, Mrs.' Alma Reeves, Dr. be assessed against Marconi Com L. LTD., 'Agents. Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and points as .ix....:...:.;, t ,. - t the FRED VALDRON, follows: Mrs. G. E. Pearl City f7;45 a.:mH 8:36 av m San Francisco Nippon Maru, July 25. F. Quenzer, Mrs. Quenzer, pany and Simms is a, fine of each This Is to- - certify that the Pacific Miss G. M. Mattingly. Mrs. 11:02 a. 1:30 p. xa, 4:28 p. m. Makura,-Aug- . ;. Cleveland, Bank, Limited, a banking corporation Victoria 13.. ... - - ; Just Arrived. 5:32 p. m., 7:30 p. m,i- Colonies Ventura, Aug. 8. P. P. Hyatt, Miss Ramona Radcliffe, duly organized and existing under the j .' - NbTICES. ITHV7 GOODS Arrive Honolulu from Wahlawa Yokohama Korea, July 27. ' Dr. and Mrs. F. Lv Morong, Miss CORPORATION laws of the Territory of Hawaii, has NEW YORK SHOE CO. ; OPENING 4 - and Leilehua 9 as a. fiw p. m., Malls will depart for the following Myra Morong, Master Frederick Mo- complied with all the provisions re- Nuuanu. St. nr. HoteL - fl:5- ELECTION OF OFFICERS, 4:01'p. m., 7:10 p. m.- l v '.. points as follows: V rong, Mrs. IL, J. Johnston, Miss Sybil quired to be complied with before The Halelwa Limited, a two Johnston, Miss Grace Johnston. Mis3 commencing ' tanking business, Yco Chan Co. hour Vancouver Niagara, August 12. meeting t the :" train (only first-clas- s tickets honored) 4. ituth Johnston, J. Marshall, Miss At the annual of the stock corporation Is authorized to r Colonies Sonoma August Tf Llmlt-ted,- and such Kin A C'sthtl Cta. ' holders of "Pacific Bank, " : " leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:35 Yokohama Mongolia, July 22. i Margaret Hamilton W. R." Riley. A. the commence such business. - . a. ; ar- Coyne, A. Turpin, Miss held in Honolulu, on July 1st, in., for Haleiwa Hotel returning San Francisco Persia, dly 22. Mrs, W. Ruth ' Given under my hand and the seal r"B6 : 1913, 8 m., ; following of Pccd,, rives in Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. The Turpin, Mrs. Otto Wix, Mrs.: F. A. at a. the fir of treasury department, this first Go to Ye Regal Coct Chcp and were ' to the Fine Line of Dry Goods Limited stops only at Pearl City and Mitchell, Mrs. L ' C. Vonsar. Miss cers and directors elected day of July. A. D. 1913. 7 - v TR1XSP0ET SIBYICB ; Get ths f.iw : ' ' ' " r J ensuing year:-- V Waianae. ' Ruth ; Ainsworth, Mrs. F. H. Kanne, serve for the (Seal) D. Li CONKLING, "only iTesident and Director, D. Yonekura SPECIAL 8H0E3 FOR COY Daily tExcept Sunday Sunday Logan, sailed from Honolulu for Ma- Miss S. G. Silvester, Miss E. Carrille, Treasurer, Territory of Hawaii. ' ' ; Vice-Preside- nt ' Chong Co. ; . . 5594-g- SCOUTS Ying G. and Director. .... ol lch P. DENISON, ' ': F. C. SMITH, nila July 14. John Scott, M rs. Scott, C - M. Coster, . - ...... 'i . Superintendent G. P.' A..' ; P. O. Riley, Mrs. RDey Edw. Hop- ...... T. Sumida i Evya Sherman, from Honolulu for San Director,'. Ktngj SL Flshmarket Francisco, "arrived July 13. kins, L. A. Kl Evans, James K. Evans, Cashier and ... . .1. Nasaka NOTICE. Warren, stationed "at the Philippines. D K. Lemon, Mrs. A. W. Ashburn, Secretary, and Director.. A. K. Ozawa --THE- k . . '. . Thomas, from Manila for Honolulu, M iss Catherine Donahue, Mrs. H. P. Director . .vr.'r.: . Y. Takakuwa Irrigation hours until further notice X. Kuraftaini Shoten sailed July 15. O'Sullivan, Mrs. J. B. Barrett, John Director, ...... T. Odo will be from 6:00 to 8:00 a. m and CcDliSlrp, V . . . . M. Kawahara Crossrqzds PARCEL DELIVERY PHONE! Dix, from Stone, J.- Evans, , Rev. O. B. Director ...... from 4:00 to 6:00 p: m. daily. ' -- ; Honolulu for Manila, sailed T. K.. ; Importer and Dealer ' ...... R, Niki In July 10. :. , Smith, Miss A. Hopkins, M. V. Souza, Director ...... J. M. LITTLE, Director ...... I. Nakamura JAPANESE DRY and FANCY GOODS Sheridan, sailed, from Honolulu for Albert K. Lucas, Mrs. D. A. Helblng Superintendent, Honolulu Water F.1ESSENGER 3461 ...... Iwanaga - ' ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING San Francisco, Jan.: 25. two C.f O. Auditor . ... i .T. Works. PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, Etc arrived and daughters, Buttlar, Me Auditor ...... K. Sayegusa Everything In Books' 32-3- 4 ncar-Nuuanu- . Honolulu, July 12, 1913. . dici dj Maringo,' Aiau AIna, H. L. -. LAUNDRY PHONE! Hotel Street. 4 .- YOUNG Asst. Cashier ...... ; . K. Tanaka - 5595-10- Bethel near HoteL PASSENGERS Sny-ber- g, L Su t IXPECTED Holstein, Mrs. A. Snyberg, Miss Advisory Committee: Baron E. A.' W. Neeley, H. H. Morehead, Shibusawa, B. Naltano, - K. Ima-nish-L Per M. N. S. S. Lurline, from San Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hickman, child J. New Styles in W. Motoshige, S. Kojima. IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN -- S-- Francisco, to sail July 22. Mr. and - H A M. and maid, Mrs. F. J. Kelleghan, Albert A. IC OZAWA, - -- - T Minioto, Mrs. B. F. Bryan and two children, E. Bechert,-- IL ohirley Mr. NEWSPAPERS AND C L O T H KEE LOX Bush, and 5594-2W- . .:..:;.;; Secretary. PANAMA C; Rhodes, Waldo Heinrichs, MUs - Anywhere at Any Time, Call on or Mrs.- D. Mannix and infant, Master - Mainland Prices. In' J. ' ' At i of-fi- cc Wholesale & Retalf Dealer W-- . Carbon Paper what your Maud "Manning, Mrs.' J, Manning, David Mannix, A. ,Lorey, ' Rey- Write .. ENGLISH AMERICAN WOOLEN, N..J. NOTICE. force has been hoping you'd A Mr. and Mrs. W. Merrymon, Ralph nard, Mr. and Mrs.: H. Dannberg. E. C ., DAKE'S ADVERTISING r - "AND : CO. SILK COTTON GOODS Manning, Manning, Mrs. .. FUKURODA buy. ... J. W. Jno. Notice is hereby given that on the AGENCY Corner Nuuanu & Reretania Ambrose, Miss Booco, 124 - " on Hotel street. Sts. F, I. Mr. and Sansome Street San Francisco , t ARLEIGH'S d 18th day of July, 1913, the under- Hotel St.,' cor; DIjou Lane. Mrs . Cundell, Mr.-an- Mrs. R; J. P. signed have formed un- A. Hardy,' J. Rosecrans, Dr. and Mrs. CCLD-i- " " " TO CORE A n OMDAY der the name Of Odo Shoten for the p. Herbert , . . v : h: burnette Y. TAKAKUWAp1 Take Laxative Brorao Quinine purpose of dealing in Dry Goods, Pro- Commissioner of Deeds for California Every Kind of Too 1 : GEORGE V JAKINS visions and General Merchandise in and New York; NOTARY PUBLIC; Don't go to Hawaii without taking Tablets." All druggists refund r : .:. LOMMISSIONMERCHANT ; Honolulu, T. H. - : : Marriage Licenses, Draws all Trades -- ' Grants For ...... In upccfijcular scenery Along the ' ' the th money if falls to cure." atod Commission . 34-mi- it Dated at Honolulu, July 19th. 1913. Mortgages, ' Deeds Bills of Sale, iwrtlonccr Japanese Provisions and HI1 Railroad's new le $3)00JM)0 General Merchandise E. W. Grove's signature is on T. ODO. ' Leases, Wills, etc' Attorney for the LTD. ..extension alone: the Hilo .tad Hamakna : LEWERS & COOKE, V ' -- each box ; -'- '4 A. ODO. lrirTl- - 76 Heretania St Nuuanu S Near King SL cpasL t ee Waterhouse Trust. Cefor PARIS UEDICXNS Lews, V. a aV '5602-2- L HONOLULU, Phone 1845. . , cost and connections advertisement. CO, St. . j