••<•:,•&"' The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more Four Page Colored 12PagesTodtf Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Sporting News Page NO. 48. CARTERRT, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1928 PRICE THREE Latin Club G. O. P. Clambake To ! Pre«» To Give Play-By-Play Describes Telephones Be Held September 9 Burlington St. Man I Story of Big Series Opener Two Men injured Foresters Open Drive At a meeting of the (Roosevelt Re- Put Under Bond' A pUy ** PU* deacription of th* Wins In Rally That Reach Across Sea publican Club Wednesday night in , Carteret-Amboy game will appear in At U. S. Metals Plant For New. Mend Fire House No. 1 plans were made Defeats Norway Ship Eleven Giant Glass Tubes Like Radio ... - ., _ , ... : next week's edition of the PRESS for the annual clambake of the club. Explosion Under Furnace Big Meeting of Court 4-1 In Second Half of Woman Says He Pushed Her | ThiB u the 6r WM ne]«i Tuesday night in netted them four gosls, and enabled 1 but infinitely more powerful, are to keep the peace when he was ar- arc in the Rahway City HospiUl as i Fellows Hall when a drivt for n them to score a decisive victory rainegd on a charge of assault and ! the chief medium through which tel- tho result of an explosion Wednes bership w»s launched. There the Norway ShiShi p elevel n at Lei- battery brought by Mrs. Julia Kon- ephoning to Paris, London, Berlin » to be a speakeasypy. The fineforeman, one of them turned on a< Court Jersey, of Jersey City; Coo* Committee Chairman, H. Bertram, { . was imposed on a charge of poses scoreless. standing. Something of what the plainanti They M d that Mrs Kon hose in one of the holts. The ex- \ oilman Walter B. Vonah, Supervising MottMnt.r,. will brinhrinigr fla delegatio^lalaimfinn into|intn ' . .. ^.~ . i.. daughte. ..r ! ijnn In the second half they could not new service has meant already to eho an<1 her 16 year o d plosion followed the generation of Deputy U N. Bradford, Secretary.; keep up the pace they had set inNew Jersey people is indicated, Mr. the county to advance the causey, of attacked Goloaewski and that In pull- Btrak lives in Edwin street and I steam. the first forty minutes of play, and Anderson said, by the increasing the National and State ticket. The| . from ^ woman he ft meeting is arranged for committee' sunn were playing on the defensive. number of transatlantic telephone l h itai -» : Child and members and their friends, and all weeks ago and several gallons of. They were" attended by Dr The locals, now the aggressors, calls originating here, a number ° Sarzillo. 11 • alleged liquor were found thero by s, Mark, of Woodbridge Muged a rally that netted them four ne the Golosewski was given three days J. 'S. OHirlcht, chairman of thai .. ™° County Chairman F. William the police. Mn addition to the fine Kciills. first half-dozen states in the coun- in which to provide a bondsman. drive committee, and Lewis Nyl Hilker. imposed, Borak was given a severe j Five minutes after the first half try in use of the service. Bradford, chairman of a sub-com^l Senator Morgan F. Larson, can- reprimand and warned that he mustj he-gan, the Latiniteg scored their In the earliest days of the tele- mittee, together with Secretary Jotal';f didate for Governor, Senatorial can- keep his place closed. Second Big Auto Race tirst goat. Gonzales, fleet outside phone, Mr. Anderson stated calling Colling and Financial SecretarfJ didate, Hamilton F. Kean, and Con- Mike Bartori, of 14 Warren right, raced through the visitor's de- distance was limited and circuits of Girl Wife Lands William Lawlor Jr., held a meeting ,- gressman Harold G. Hoffman will be street, was fined $5 on a charge of fense and took a shot at the netthousands of miles, such as are in J To Be Held Tomorrow last night with other Foresters in. The ball smacked the crossbar, and use today were impossible. The wife-beating. Mike Warner, l „ ... . *nd his running mate, Dr. Louis ly. Earry Brown and' Linwood Track To Be Scene Of i.n the rebound and drove it into Lewis Street Pair Advised To bership during the course of thai How the power of the voice as it, Belloff( ^ speak> ag ^ Georg6 R Easter, both colored, were dismiss- a corner of the net for the first Get Along In Peace. Wife Another Thrilling campaign. is spoken into the mouthpiece is j Morrigon Joseph H, Edgar and Ar_ ed, fhey had been arrested on renewed at intervals until it reaches f the Was Married At 15 charges of disorderly conduct on Contest Three other goals were marked up nold Kalamall) candidates or I!1'.'^!"-'™?™1,-*1^!,,"1^0"1.''-?! Assembly. An orchestra has been complaint of Paul Brown. in rapid order, The locals, who did is a trans-Atlantic call, and there, Louis Denatti, of Lewis street, The Altoona international auto- engaged to entertain between the mobile race did not get all the star till the point making were, Gonzales where the voice is taken off the wire speeches. was arrested Monday night on com- Police Told To Grab drivers for the big meet which will Juan, Angel'o and Vincent. Toward and "jumped" across the Atlantic Accompanying Mr. Mott will be plaint of his 17-year-old wife who KIDDIE CAMP NEWS be held simultaneously with the sec- thr end of the second half, the lo- it is increased 200,000,000 .times in National Committeeman Daniel, E. said he came home from a card ond meet at the Woodbridge board Man Who Struck Sire cals had so completely outclassed power to overcome natural obsta- TPmneFy, National Secretary Frank- game and struck her. In police August JO is to be Service Clubs' track tomorrow afternoon. It's a the visitors that the game turned cles in the ether to its passage, was lin W. Fort, former Governor E. C.court Tuesday night the wife testi- Day at tW Kiddie Keep Well Camp. representative field which the Penn- Recorder Want* To Get At into a farce. The local roster was related by the speaker. Stokes, and Mrs. Elizabeth Oliver fied that she was married when she' All service clubs of the country have sylvania meet secured but no morel iM.imposed pf Bras.il, Jose, Juan, Je- At present the "jumping off j and Mrg Helen M Berry of the was 15' years old. She h&s been a been invited to send committees on Bottom of Unusual Case ban, Pillado, Goniales, John, Mor- so than the one booked by Manager point" in America is Rocky Point, j state Committee. • mother but the baby died, fehe said. that day to visit and inspect the tlo, Angelo, and Frank. Long Island, wtyh the receiving sta- She charged that her husband who camp. Wilbert Hsiites for the half-mile Michael Charipany, Jr., of 15 tion at Houlton, Maine. Shortly, if is 26, frequently beat her. traoi on the highway, Leick avenue failed to appear for; Mike Hickson who won the prize plans materialize which are now un- Asked about the incident of Mon- The Kiddie Damp is to be the I a hearing last night and his bail of, at the opener on the Woodbridge der way, another "jumping off day night the husband admitted scene of two outing parties this $25 Was retained while the polica.||i Tuesday Is Governor's track was offered a car to drive at Biggest Season In potnt" will also be . used a

mobile Is t(Ot>A for tons of thousandseconomically and motor vehicle safety. The tPr of miles of service and it is entirely Governor Moore's prnrinmation the proclamation appears in ant PROCLAMATION safe, in tho hands of a careful driver, rails upon the officials of every r,>m- rolnmn. but rising n piere of marhinery it re- Munity, snd varimiR civic, rnmmer- WHEREAS, Automobile accidents are responsible quires rejrular mechanical inspection rial and industrial orpinizniionn to —Mention thig paper to advertis, at least once a year to keep it in lend their -wholehearted support to it help* you, it h«lpi tn«m, jt 'j. [ for enormous and unnecessary losses of life, injuries to pood running orirr nn4 lb 18c Voted chiefly to the brakes, hurub, Fancy Fatted Fowl ]b lights, steering" mechanism, wind- Large Smoked Hams ' Boneless Pickled shield wipers and mirrors," said (whole or half) ib Pigs Feet, jar 23c-45c Commissioner Dill in announcing the Small Smoked Hams Vinegar Pickled Lamb campaign to reduce automobile acci- (whole or half) ... lb Tongues, jar 35c dents and prevent Tatalities in the All Slice. Ham ASCO Boneless Dainty state. "These are the items' most Meats, iar 2Bc The Electric Grill likely to get out of order on tht) COOKED SOLID MEATS average automobile and statistics Cooked Corn Beef show that they are the most frequent 6 lb can for Informal Meals causes of accidents. Boiled Hams $1.50 "We want no unsafe automobiles (whole or half) Sliced Boiled Hams on the roads in New Jersey and co- Ib49c mt ft lb 33c. Sliced Luncheon Roll To broil a steak or chop, crisp the break' operation of every citizen and mo- Cooked Luncheon Roll torist in getting his car inspected % lb 28c fast bacon, or to perform any other func- free of charge between September (whole or half) Sliced Corned Beef Ib45c ;. ! tion of a top burner, use an electric grill I to 30 will go a long way toward ft lb 15c right at the table. The grill illustrated saving lives and preventing acci- will cook enough food for three dents. "It is perfectly obvious that the PRODUCE SPECIALS people all at one time best driver in the world cannot stop a car that has no brakes, or warn Tender Jersey Corn pedestrians and other cars if the Large Fancy Cantaloupes horn is not wqrking. Inspection of drivers is not sufficient; the vehicle 3k per ear Jc:each they drive mwst also bo in sate con- ®>S dition to prevent injury to them- selves aikd other*. Fresh Green Jersey lima Beans Califorma Plumbs BLICMSERVICE "Fifty-nine per cent, of death* from autoowbu* mtidtsnU in tip 15c lb. 9c Highly Popular Frak 8trawb«rr1ei ar« Brown for homo Hoover in College Masfe Ur CfcaWr II la IOTB lliit Mka. that SMka. r«l anisic It ma*l« writhe la nni) BRASS TACKS I The Little Store rtint Icnockt. thnt flniln, and (hat ti omn)«TCl«Hj In •( !«•»« ho" part*, usually for fonr dlltawt frank Edwnnls fnlthfnl to whni li flmta —St. Ana-tn »olc«a. and performed hj i chom* or of Mother Lore tin*. choir. •iv indmVH In &• - -• 'I Mrrriim Wrhlter, By DOROTHY GAINES (rrnting a Celebrity h it str9gr*pbt Once upon n Time there wan nHimmni i m n f IT »» inaJiail, trtiit nhn, Brnhtim, Mnn whom Nolmdy Knew. Nursing Record '* K/tOTIIEH MINE nnrt Ted wntchfd /ufragnm'f, etc After a While he (rot Tired of be- iv Nrw minei uxt * Son In trip down the jnuilpn pnth plicri are liitrd mch FLIT in? n Cipher in the rlealm, and Went nIT] Into the waiting rondster with In Two Continents u Ctlbtr, HtnJturf, Sulm, l*tvtm, etc DESTROYS Id the Village Oracle, and said: Hirlimsly Interesting expressions in Constantly improved and kept up "I would that I might be a I Ihrlr eyes, to tl»re. Mothsjfoaches [ Noise in the T«and. My soul hanker- Smilii in her wide blue lint RTIII Hard To Equal |rth for the Sweets of Celebrity, and f'urTy lilue frock rp«etnl>l<-<| n hit of Nurse Waite of New Brighton writes: "After fifty-Ave years of tirelewi WKMTKRtNEW Bedbugs.Flies my piilnt.e for the Nectar of Notor- tlio summer sky, and the Rtnlwnrt, labor nursing mankind, I am now retiring. While nuramg in Nrw York, INTERNATIONAL Other Houaehold Insects iety. Tell, me, good friend—" K'IIHI looking mnn at the wheel of the in my early twenties, I was poisoned t>y food, my sister nurse recommended Hut tho Village Oracle eut him minister couldn't help « glenni of tri- your wonderful laxative CARTKKS 1.1 II I. K I.IVKR I'll.l.S. NCTIONAJLT Short, ami said: umph lighting his eji>s ns they "I am n*ver without them nnd have prr* nhed them for thouaanda." CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PIUS All drv.RRists 2f>c and 75c red pkgi. Get The Be* "Get the off to the address I ahal Rklmmpc] from Sonla to the porch W00DBR1DGE (rive thee, and acquaint thy Burning whore his rival Ted wnlched with The "Sujjreme Authority" Dosir.es to the Gifted Gazabo thou Mother Mine. in nurti, rvlUgit. ichtth, and ankonff mceteat there." And because Ted loved Sonla's gtrtnmtnt ejfuialt both Ptdtr*] UM NEW \ORK And the man Did a* he was Told mother nnd because he frit that he Sun. CANDY KITCHEN So it happened that on the morn would not be misunderstood he gave MORTGAGE MONEY 4$2>OOOenu\ti including406,000 Manufacturers and Dealers in ing of a Certain Day there wen voice to the brooding thoughts that nulmUry trtmi, M.OOOpegr*pbk*i hnil been rumbling about In his mind Strictly Pure forth a Smooth Young Artist with PORTRAIT from the family al- UNLIMITED AMOUNTS AVAILABLE lubjecn. Il.OOO /iispa/ibf*/enuitl CANDIES AND ICE CREAM a Bed Cravat, who, having entered bum taken when the Repub- for some time. Over 6,000 litmitralim, and 100 M/- 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES MM> uhh. 79 Main St., Woodbridge. Tef. 41 the news-room of the Town's Bi(r- lican presidential candidate "Mother Mine," he mid noftly—he gest Daily, drew from his pockets was a student at Lelaud Stanford Usi always called Sonla's mother hy that . CONSTRUCTION LOANS SnJfir Fm, *m, ritblj illustftU many pages of Perfervid Palaver, veralty In 1891. dearest of all names since he Inul no ftmfhht rnuhing utmflt f*ge tf and said: mother of his own—"don't think me lit Nrw Intmutinsl GUSTAV BLAUM "Behold, I bring much NewB!". nn awful cad for saying It hut—I DUNHAM - SABO, INC. don't think Sonla would be happy very Q. & C. Merrlam Company But the city editor, full of Ex- 284 Amboy Ave., Woodbridge, N. J. Tel. 639 Wdg. Groceries and Provisions perience and Sarcasnts, looked up- long—If she marries Hnrry. I'm nn Springfield, Mm, •7 MAIN ST. W«odbrWi. on him and said: awful duller at expressing myself— especially when it comes to my love "News, yer Granny! 'Tis a job Some New Books for Sonla, but somehow even my lot of Press Agent's Hokum about masculine Intelligence tells me that gMtrebotry that nobody knows. Ycra'll Atquith—Octavia. Margot Asquith, now Countess Sonla has gsmettitnir We nnd fine about find the- Fire Escape^on your left." her thnt only you seem to bring to if Oxford and Asquith whose "Au- But the Smooth Young Artist the surface. She adores you. What WE F. MURPHY proceeded farther on, and did find ;oblogTaphy" was the most discuss- SHEET METAL WORK Is your mother lore? I want to know many editors who were not Par- ed book of its season has again cre- —I want to learn the secret and to Tin n Coppar n Sh**t Iron ticular in their choice of Stuff to ated a sensation with "Octavia" her Roofing and Hoi Air Heatini help Son I P. to reach that big niche 45 MAIN STREET Print. first novel. Octavia is a spoiled that I can't help feeling will bring her • •. was Luke a busy man Tel. Woodbridge 96 So the next day the Man whom daughter of a rich business man but to happiness." she is clever, gay and eager for life, Nobody Knew jaw his cognomen 97 Mother Mine's eyes lit up with "a times in the Public PrintB, and the so we enjoy reading about her. great flame of love »r Ted nnd the this hot August day ?. •. next week did gaze upon his pro- Galaworthy—Swan Song. regret that had prevailed vanished be- MACHINE WORK file in the Big Time Journals along- John Galsworthy who has pleased fore the big man at her side ceased he was... what with a string of cars lined Repairing Our Specialty side the physiognomies of A. E. hundreds of readers with his "For- expressing his thoughts. Smith, H. Hoover, Will Rogers and syte Saga" has written the last book up at the pumps... a big Marmon on the All Makes of Cars and She spoke with a warmth that Trucks Repaired Andy Gump. about the Forsytes and has most filled Ted's heart with joy. grease rack and a Cadillac waiting .., And the Smooth aptly called it "Swan Song", Fleur Welding and Cutting Young Artist "You've voiced the very thoughts and Michael Mont are once more Luke was busy... even Mrs. Luke was Bitrertci Charted ami Rented with tha Bad Cravat xoeaivsd a that haw teen troubling me of late, check for Numerous Simoleums for the leading characters, fhe story All Work Guaranteed Teddy Boy. Sonla has been drifting doing her tarn at the pump • « « ami Staging the Show and putting his moves rapidly and with spirit bring- Idly on the «ea of a good time and Marjorie, the youngest, was snapping client Over the Footlights. ing the destinies of the characters forgetting that she has a great gift ISHJN GARAGE (Moral: It is the efficient Ameri to a decisive and effective conclu- for writing. Harry Is a fine chap pop bottle tops and playing Hallelujah Lincoln Highway ISELIN can press agent who is causing mos sion, but he will always be content to let on the cash register... and' all of a sudden, in of the Housing Shortage in the Hal Forbea—Mirror for Witche*. Phona MetucVit 91-J-Z Sonla drift and some day I know my she rolls... the family bus... vintage of 1924 of Fame.) Salem in the days of the witches. daughter wtll regret throwing away .., yon can't get better seiO ... everyone present but the family cat... After witnessing the burning of her ber gift in the pursuit of mere pleas- vice than "Standard" service \ parents as witches, Doll becomes ure. She does not realise It now—but Mother herself at the wheel... radiator slxzl- / possessed of hallucinations and she will later.' She will come face Ing and steaming,and the motor going "clank r .. . whether you want just £ thinks herself a witch. She is cast to face with a regret for which noth- —dank"... says she anxious-like to but; •* Standard" Gasoline and / ing can ever compensate." into prison but is delivered from Luke...''please,could you drain my crank- * Standard " Motor Oil, or • \ hanging by a kinder fate. Although Ted looked wistfully up at Mother case?... and my radiator needs a drink" ,'. weird of plot, the story is told in complete "Standard" lubri- Mine. " ...Luke smiled ...he had to smile... "in a fascinating manner. cation job, yon can depend "Is there any way you could lm- • minute Rastus will have your car on Lewiiohn—laland Within. part some of that mother lore to my the ramp and then well fix it up com- Upon tbe quality of all \ The Island Within follows the man's brain? Art there any little H progress of a Jewish family from pointers you could give me BO that I, plete" .. . and fifteen minutes later. Standard" products wher- Poland to its rise to wealth and po- too, could weave the spell of arable Mother, all smiles, was merrily on her ever you way buy them .,, sition in N. Y. Arthur, one of the tlon about Sonla, so that when1 she'i way... clean oil ... radiator ^filled... tons, who is educated in America, not with you I could perhaps keep •nd fifteen gallons of G.O.S.* ia ihV her Interested In her work? I'd work a leading psychiatrist and married tanki ... "that's service," says Luke, to a Gentile reverts to type and re- awfully hard, Mother Mine, to share Introducing! turns to the Balkans. Mr. Lewisohn that side of Sonla with you." wiping his brow, to Mrs. Luke., ."sure shows the workings of the Hebrew "Dear boy," said Sonla's mother, Is,"says Mrs, Luke.. ."but then.we're' mind in this strong wovel with ap- then smiled down at him. "I think used to giving it"... and they were peal to both Jenr and Gentile. If you were to think out plot* for "Alliance" Sheets Salten—Bambi. storlea and Insist on talking them up An exquisite story of the life his- with her—helping her to work out tory of "Bambi", a male deer. Bam- stories and taking a genuine Interest STANDARD and Pillow Cases bi learns all about life with its joys In their development—I believe Sonla and dangers. One cannot fail to ap- would respond at once. You know, V EXCLUSIVE WITH REYNOLDS • preciate the delicate beauty of this Teddy, most men, no matter how much they love a girl, nre not really Inter- GASOLINE splendid story of animal life. |

THE COOLER AWNINGS NQW YA&K-- PARIS For Every Purpose FASHIONS Got good, durable awnings for the windows of your home—at lowest THEATRE] prices. Made of the best material and in all colors and styles, these awnings will give you the fullest satisfaction. Mat 2.30 Eve. ... 7 & 9.00 All orders promptly attended to. Just give us a ring at TODAY and TOMORROW . , . Rahway 944.

D. W. Griffith's Also Tom Mix in "DRUMS OF LOVE" "HELLO CHEYENNE" BOWERS 86 Irving Street Rahway, N. J. SUNDAY . . . Continuous Performance . . .

Tom Moore in Al Wilson In "THE SIREN" 'WON IN THE CLOUDS" A Friendly, Reliable Service Resulting from 37 yeari' experience. MUMUAl Unduplicated in Newark or NeisffT^rk. Surgical Appliance* The "ELITE" Boiler Alice White in Also John Gilbert in Trusses, Belts, Elastic Stocking. Arches, Crutches, Wheel Chairs, any Special Article. "HAROLD TEEN" "SHAME" Artifical Legs, Arms, ets., made by us. in Mandarin Red Your Doctor Knowt U»—Reeommendi Us f arc agreed llial lliisi New Thatcher WEDNESDAY . . . THURSDAY . . . Boiler in one of the mosl powerful nnd efficient heating plnnta created for tho modern home. Bebe Daniels in Also George Bancroft Henry Frahme Elizabeth Ita design in entirely new. The boiler has a hand- "HOT NEWS" "THE DRAG NET1 some jacket of steel—enameled a Mandarin Red. 3 Broad Street Its cost is low enough to make it available for THIS betag th< sewon at !]>• yuar Hours 8 A. M.-8 P. M. Near Renent Theatre when brand now fashions \v;iH for even the most modest home. Phone Em. 9108 0)9 early fall BhowlnifH. ihc shops ami dressmakers benii every effort to Klve Stnd for our Frre Itnott new lite to what we already have. in color tit Lehigh at Wilkes-Barre They rive (Trent attention to evening New Ctillar Dttignt costumes, and quite rlgtuty, for this If the season when country club danc- THE THATCHER COMPANY es and summer dance parties are of 3941 St. Frsncli St., Newark, N. J. COAL THE much Importance. Nno York 21 We* Mlh St. , Wt allow SOc per ton redaction if paid for The lateBl vogue la to combine s Chicago 311 N». Clark Si. in 10 days or Cash very simple white chiffon evening frock with a brilliantly colored wrap, preferably In one of the Jewel tones Paulus Dairy suoh a* sapphire, or ruby, emerald or ICE and WOOD topaz. The arrived at effect Is stun- Main Office: 189-195 New St., New Brunswick, N. J. ning and looks very fresh and new at Girt Us A Call 1313 Perth Amboy the end of a Jaded July. These wraps Phone 2400 Established 1890 are Invariably made of transparent ILERSiEURNACES-RANGE rayon velvet, for no fabric achieves RYMSHA & CO.. Inc. auch a brilliance of coloring a» does 4ULUS' .his gossamer velvet. Nf State St MAURER.N.J. OSIT1VELY The one shown In the sketch has he very new tied at the back cape USE ERFECTLY MILK with the essential uneven hem-line ASTEURIZED ha» flutters when the wearer moves nd mingles with the uneven hem- P Ine of the frock. The white chiffon rock, the cape Is sapphire blue., has Walker-Gordon Certified Milk he immrt -Jenda- trailing silhouette. MORTGAGE MONEY Wendmese Farms Raw Golden Guernsey Milk We can take care of any loan, whether large or small, Suydam's and Rutger'a Special Raw Tuberculin I THE PERTH AMBOY I Tested Milk anywhere in Middlesex County. DISTRIBUTION COVERS REASONABLE CHARGES WANTED! I GAS LIGHT COMPANY New .Brunswick. Highland Park, South River, Sayreville, Consult , Parlin, South Amboy, Perth Amboy, Woodbridge Your Job Printing Business Carteret, Fords and Metuchen, N. J. 206 SMITH STREET MARGARETTEN & CO.,Inc. IF We Can't Please You 1 "SUPER-SERVICE" Don't Come Again Heating and Cooking Appliances Realtors and Inturort GOOD DENTISTRY Top Floor, Raritan Bldg — 175 Smith St., Perth Amboy MIDDLESEX PRESS Ruud Automatic and Storage cannot be valued in dollars and Tel. P. A. 900 - 901 cents. Modern and Antique Water Heaters Our Dentistry is GOOD. FURNITURE Repaired, Refinithed and Upholster*1' New Process Gas Ranges Our Dentistry is Painless. Painless Extraction lho A1R Metn WOODBRIDGE HOTEL ,,^r.™ . mT, , "7 " " - Slip Covers Made to Order , From $20 Up CHARLES VON FICHTNER, Prop. Our prices are MODERATE and pdFre. e Examination Box Springs and Mattresses within reach of the ordinary wage Made or Remade JCon-Den-Rit Radiant Logs BOARD AND ROOM BY DAY OR WEEK earner. Carpenter Work,- Screens, Garages and Porches Odorless—Efficient—Inexpensive SPECIAL RATES FOR TRANSIENTS DR. SCHWARTZ Painting and Paper Hanging 87 Broad Street, Elizabeth CHARLES SERMAYAN Cor Green St. and Rahway Ave. Tel. 49 , 1 Fifth Avenue, Arenel WOODBRIDGE, N. J. 9 A. M.^6 P. M. Mon. Wed. And Fri. 'till 8 P. M. Tel. Woodbridge 1217 Telephone 143 Perth Amboy

THOMAS JARDINE & SON R. A. HIRNER RABINOWITZ HARDWARE Funeral Director aad MONUMENTS MOHAN BROS. Expert Enbalmer n u "If It's Hardware, We Have It!" And Cemetery Work of Every Full Line of- Description GARAGE The only fully equipped and up-b data Undertaking Establishment i HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES * Dunlop Tires and Tubes .^ , town. WORKS: Tire and Tube Repairing Fair Treatment to AIL HOUSE FURNISHINGS St. George's Avenue, Near v OSce Phone—264. 563-555 Roosevelt Avenue CARTERET, N. J. Grand Street, Full Line of Auto Accessories Residence Phone—289. RAHWAY, N. J. Cor. Aiaboy Ave. and Second St. WOODBRIDGE Tel. Carteret 312 and 1018

—Jfcntion this paper to •4TirHnji|| A Question Out of the Dark FINNEY OF THE FORCE 666 Cure* Malaria and quickly reli fUftBOME CWWIEI OH Biliousness, Headaches and Okifil, nen due to temporary- Comtipada^kaj Jh ^i[SMACKIM«2QMTOFOLD |Aids m eliminating Toxins and si vS&\ » —• highly eiteemed for producing •us watery evacuations.

Painless Extractions Dr. Mullaa' "Sw»»**j Air" method maaM i scientific and palaVn lew way in whidt to ilo i-xLracti»g, T!II>IISHIK|4 can t«>, tn'v tu tins. CkarfL i's iHuilcrutu for sJI

Fillings, Bridges and Crownfl inaerted Most Painlett DyOibome They Ye That Way X-RAY YOUR TEETH/ THE FEATHERHEADS FREE EXAMfNAllQN AND~ ADVICE ANYTIME SOLLVDAV. See Me First! MUST WINK A CLOMT FUJ. OF I What I Have I ~ \|HAT? BUNKfrTS HAS ftSr | to Offer I Our well appointed and ly muderu ullii'ts t-nablo un ti> ] form any kind of dental with ease and cum fort to the P*W'j tient an

c CARTERET PRESS .'.'•''4.

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