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THE KUTZTOWN PATRIOT No •• HOME NEWS Bl V OR SELL Tou can read a big dally for gen­ IS A classified ad costs you little, but eral news, but if you. want to read if you want to buy a wagon or sell of what is near and dear to you, a desk, thafs the way to do it. you get the Patriot. Little fuss, big results. THE KUTZTOWN PATRIOT No. 19 VOLUME LU KUTZTOWN, PA., THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1926 EGYPTLiXS TO INITIATE MRS. ADAM IN HOSPITAL BIRTHS FRIGHTFUL TRAIN KEMPTON ROAD WILL UNIFORMED RANK Isis Temple, No. 15, Benevolent Or­ REORGANIZATIONS The following births were reported Krumsville, Pa.—Mrs. Stella Adam, der of Egyptians, will hold a boom by Dr. XT. Z. Dunkeiberger: the fol- near Krumsville, was taken to the Al­ session Friday, Oct. 1, at 8 p. m. A A son to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Adam, WRECK AT BETHLE'M _ In the BE OPENED OCT. 15 lentown Hospital by Dr. N. Z. Dun­ GOING BY TRAIN class will be initiated. Several of the IN LOCAL SCHOOLS Moselem Church. This is the tenth |County. keiberger, where she underwent an red and grand officers are expected to take child in the family. |5. 1926. operation for the removal of a tumor. part in the work. After the meeting A boy to Mr. and Mrs. George V. i shown: Mrs. Adam resides with her aged par­ To Participate in Parade in Phila­ all will proceed to the Town Hall, Classes Elect New Officers—Pre­ Kutz, near Kemp's Hotel. When Train Strikes Tram at cf the Contractors Broke State Record ents, both of whom are over 80 years signee where a banquet will be served. A A girl to Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hamm, Grade Crossing, Results Are 1926. in Laying 1046 Feet in One of age. delphia in Full Uniform—Must large turnout is looked for. paring for Season in Athletics. Fleetwood R. 2. I. reg. A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Delp, It Com- Work of New Term Moving Terrible—Ten Killed and Thir­ iTaylor, Day—Citizens Highly Appre­ CHICKEX THIEF MYSTERY FOI Quota of 125 Passengers to SENIOR CAKE SALE Richmond township. !6. con- ty-five Injured Get Special Excursion Rate Smoothly A boy to Mr. and Mrs. James Ben­ <_ ciate This Improvement The senior class of the Kutztown nicoff, Siegfriedsdale. When three chicken thieves came High School will make its first efforts A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Ammon in a truck to the lumber yard of John aJP* of the year to increase the amount of The first month of the Kutztown Biehl, Richmond township. >tary. C. Cook, at Topton, they found that Groans of the dying and shrieks of Final arrangements were made by money in its treasury. The house­ borough school year has already- A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spohn, fputy. The pouring of concrete on the new their object was discovered. Cook the injured pierced the peaceful air the Uniformed Rank of the Kutztown wives are always glad for an oppor­ passed and affairs are running along Maidencreek. road from Krumsville to Kempton fired a shot into the air to scare them of Bethlehem at 5.45 Monday morn­ .vas completed Wednesday, .Sept. 2 2, Fire Co. for its participation in the tunity of buving home-baked cakes. almost as if there had not been a re­ Twins to Mr. and Mrs. Monroe LTIHI- and then dropped to the ground. Be­ ing, when a Jersey Central train big parade in Philadelphia Thursday, They will have an opportunity to do cess. Wessner, near Monterey. One of THH marking the end of construction work fore he dropped a bullet whizzed crashed into a Lehigh Valley train at Oct. T, which will be "a tremendous this Saturday, Oct. 2, when the senior The following organizations have these babies has died. \Am IS- on this important piece of highway. through his hat, which was followed the cross-over tracks. Ten persons feature of the state convention in that class will hold a baked food sale in been formed, to be in effect for the The old road had always been poorly by about twenty bullets which decor­ were killed, thirty-five injured and lolders maintained, making travel difficult. city during that week. The intention Slonecker's store room. 1926-1927 term: PREPARE FOR SOCIAL i of tbe ated a nearby lumber pile. One of the wreckage bespattered with blood. This is the greatest public improve­ had been to go by bus. but various Seniors—Bessie Searie, advisor; Ar­ ie fol- the party must have been hit in the It was a horrible sight. Ambulances circumstances interfered and it was SHEPHERDS TO HOLD SOCIAL thur Moyer, president; Carl Scheidt, St. John's Reformed Ladies' Aid .mina- ment the upper section of Berks has exchange of bullets, for he said, with doctors and nurses from St. decided at the special meeting of the vice president; Howard Dietrich, Society will hold a social Wednesday, ever received and the public heartily whilst his pals loaded him into their Luke's Hospital, Bethlehem, and the Rank Tuesday evening to go by spe­ Fidelity Lodge, Xo. 102, Order of treasurer; Helen Bear, secretary. Oct. 20, in the church. Further par­ appreciates the result of the action truck. "Er hut mien grickt." Two Allentown Hospital, and undertakers cial train. The committee on trans­ Shepherds of Bethlehem, are making Juniors — Herbert Schlenker, ad­ ticulars will be published later. |2000.0» of County Commissioners Savage, men from the vicinity of Walnuttown with their hearses soon appeared on portation includes 11. P. Boger, arrangements for a hallowe'en social, visor; Arthur Zimmerman, president: Kingler and Blimline. told Mr. Cook a few days afterwards the scene and attended to the wound­ 600.00 George Ettele and Irwin P. Kemp. to be held Wednesday evening, Oct. David Kline, vice president; Mildred LEVAX'S BIG POTATOES that the wounded man died and his ed and the dead. The trains were in It is claimed that the principal The booking committee consists of 2 7, in the F. O. E. Hall. A program (Stichler, secretary; Marie Baver. 13000.09 comrades buried him. Neither the full sight of each other while bearing reason that the Krumsvil'e-Kempton John H. Miller, chairman; Charles will be arranged for the affair and treasurer. ' William Levan, Kutztown R. 2, is coroner nor any other county officer down and who blundered must be re­ 500.00 road was completed in such '-rood time Meitzler, A. J. Seidel, W. A. Dries, many prizes awarded. Plans are be­ Freshmen — Claude Bordner, ad­ a champion potato grower. His po­ knows anything of such a death or a vealed by a thorough investigation. was the fact that whenever the offi­ .Martin Gressley, Harry Reed and ing made for a large class initiation visor; Max Fenstermacher, president; tato crop yielded specimens of un­ 1000.00 burial and. the case is a mystery. Among the dead were several Allen­ cials higher up lost their temper or Frank Griesemer. to take place some time in December. Willard Serfass, vice president; Viola usual sizes and shapes. He brought 7000.00 The community congratulates Mr. town men. suffered an attack of "Epizoolik," The train will leave ^Kutztown at 5 The committee in charge of these af­ Hoppes, treasurer; Olive Biehl, sec­ several to the Schlenker Motor Co. IS OF Cook on his courageous reception of The awful wreck occurred near the E RE- they hunted up Capt. Hinkins, fore­ a. m. Thursday and leave Philadel­ fairs is desirous of the cooperation retary. garage, where they are on display. the intruders. new Union station at Bethlehem. The est In man of the state inspectors, and gave phia at 10 p. m. The railroad com­ of all the members of the order. Sophomores—J. Xevin Lu.ckenbill, The largest measures ten inches at the him a good kick properly placed. In advisor; Carl S. Fisher, president; around the largest circumference and Scranton Flyer of the Jersey Central, ! First pany requires that there must be 123 true army fashion Hinkins took it out Roland Moyer, vice president; War­ weighs two pounds and seven ounces. running from Binghamton to Phila­ itation passengers to provide the special delphia, ploughed into the Lehigh on those beneath him. The result was train. The Uniformed Rank and the ren Rothermel, secretary; Mildred edness READING HOSPITAL Limited. The big Central engine that they broke the state record. On band will number eighty-five men. BOYS' DAY IN .RACE Schaeffer, treasurer. __. for one day during the construction pe­ struck the third car back of the Le­ . 1926. It is desired then by the firemen to riod they laid 1,046 feet of concrete. Teachers* Assignments ROTARY CLUB HEARS high Valley engine, throwing the steel certifi- have as many other citizens of the Ilolders The new road will be opened on Fri­ ENTERS NEW ERA The teachers organized as follows. coach on its side and its occupants community to go with the excursion THE COMING SUNDAY Ithere- day, Oct. 15. Bessie Searie will have charge of all were the victims of the terrible [edness as can arrange to do so in order to To Opes Stretch Friday literary work, debates, dramatics, lit­ FINE ADDRESSES slaughter. People at the station and after make up the required 125 passengers. others nearby were horrified when Ind all Work is well under way in placing Did Excellent Work from Begin­ A special excursion rate will prevail. erary societies, etc. lof ln- the head walls and conduits on tlie Girls' Day Was a Success, With Clayton Levan will be in charge of they saw the impact and turnover.
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