Operating Characteristics of the Submerged Arc Process

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Operating Characteristics of the Submerged Arc Process Operating Characteristics of the Submerged Arc Process Investigation resolves some of the speculation on how certain variables affect operating characteristics BY B. G. RENWICK AND B. M. PATCHETT ABSTRACT. The influence of flux decrease in heat transfer to the flux suspected (but not conclusively composition, wire diameter and cur­ burden for slag melting as current proved) for a considerable period. rent level on deposition rates, weld levels rise. The transition current is The primary process variables, in bead dimensions and flux consump­ similar to those found in C02 atmo­ order of importance, are (Ref. 1): tion in submerged arc welding has spheres for all fluxes, and the arc 1. Current: polarity and magnitude been investigated. Four flux types characteristics of non-carbonate 2. Voltage representing a wide range of com­ fluxes are likely controlled by nitro­ 3. Speed position and basicity were used: gen and oxygen from the atmosphere, 4. Electrode diameter these were an acid manganese sili­ and possibly oxygen from flux oxide 5. Stickout cate flux; a high alumina "neutral"; a decomposition. Endothermic carbon­ 6. Flux composition highly basic flux; and a basic flux con­ ate decomposition has no effect on 7. Width and depth of flux layer taining large quantities of carbon­ electrically dominated process The process effects of some of these ates. Direct current electrode posi­ characteristics such as electrode variables are clearly established, tive polarity was used with electrodes melting rates and penetration, but while others are still obscure, and the of 1.6, 3.2 and 6.4 mm diam, over a heat extraction from the arc cavity interaction of several at once can be total current range of 150-1000 A. adjacent to the slag wall is re­ extremely complicated. Current, volt­ Penetration and bead reinforce­ sponsible for the observed decrease age and welding speed are the most ment increased with current and de­ in bead width in comparison to the important variables. creased as wire diameter increased at other fluxes. Current type, polarity and magni­ constant current, and were not af­ Flux consumption generally fol­ tude have generally agreed effects on fected by flux composition. Deposi­ lowed bulk density with the exception electrode melting rates, weld bead tion rates, while increasing with cur­ of the highly basic flux, which had a dimensions and flux consumption. Di­ rent, decreased with wire diameter lower consumption than predicted by rect current electrode negative polar­ and were also unaffected by flux com­ bulk density considerations. This be­ ity produces the highest melting rates; position. Bead width and flux con­ havior was associated with a smaller dc positive polarity the lowest, with ac sumption initially increased with cur­ slag bead size. As a result, the ap­ coming between the other two (Refs. rent, reached a maximum, and then parently more expensive basic flux 1-4). Increases in current level for any tended to decrease. The maxima oc­ was in.fact the cheapest flux to use polarity increase electrode melting curred in both bead width and flux per length of weld deposited. rates, usually as a linear function of consumption at a characteristic cur­ current (Refs. 3,4), but occasionally rent for each wire diameter, which investigators plot nonlinear relation­ was similar for all flux compositions. Introduction ships (Refs. 2,3). The average bead width also de­ The majority of published work on There are many reports which com­ creased by an additional amount the submerged arc process has been ment on the effect of current on bead when the carbonate flux was used. concerned with process technology dimensions (Refs.3-7). Penetration The process behavior is explained and metallurgy rather than process and reinforcement increase with in­ in terms of the plasma jet phe­ fundamentals, due in part to the dif­ creasing current in all cases, but in nomenon occurring in an atmo­ ficulties in visually assessing process some work bead width continually in­ sphere, within the arc cavity, having features and in part to the complexity creases with current (Ref. 6), while dissociable gas characteristics. This of flux formulations. In fact, explicit other investigators have found that causes an increase in heat transfer data on flux chemistry have been bead width reaches a maximum and toward the plate and a consequent available only in very recent times. then remains constant or decreases Flux composition is known to in­ (Ref. 3). Flux consumption generally fluence the metallurgical properties of increases with current (Refs. 2,4) but B. G. RENWICK is Director, North East In­ deposited weld metals, and some ef­ can reach a maximum and then de­ dustrial Supplies Pty. Ltd., Victoria, Aus­ tralia. B. M. PATCHETT is Senior Re­ fect on process variables such as crease (Ref. 3). search Otticer, Cranfield Institute of Tech­ electrode melting rates, bead dimen­ The same group of investigators nology. Bedford MK43 OAL, England. sions and thermal efficiency has been found that voltage increases reduce WELDING RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT! 69-S must satisfy, e.g., arc stability, slag re­ Table 1 — Chemical Composition of Welding Consumables (wt. %) moval, bead surface finish, tolerance to rust and protection of the weld Metal C Mn Si S metal from the atmosphere. These BS4360 plate 0.22 1.04 — 0.032 0.014 criteria, and others such as melting 1.6 mm wire 0.11 1.64 0.77 0.012 0.026 temperature, place constraints on the 3.2 mm wire 0.09 1.20 0.09 0.007 0.021 amounts of chemical compounds 6.4 mm wire 0.06 0.42 0.03 0.026 0.025 which can be incorporated into a flux for welding any metal or alloy. Fluxes for welding steels are generally made from combinations of MnO, CaO, Table 2 — Composition (wt %) and Properties of Four Types of Welding Flux MgO, Si02, Al203, Ti02 and CaF2 (Ref. 9). The only common concept used to distinguish among fluxes is that of Constituents Acid Alumina Carbonate Basic basicity, developed from the his­ CaO/MgO — 10 34 torical concept in the steel industry of ( a CaCO 3 ' — — 46 — "acid" and "basic" refractory furnace SiO; 40 5 5 8 linings. MnO 50 15 — — Al203 — 50 — 22 The formulas cannot predict any CaF2 5 15 10 30 physical changes in process be­ Ti02 — — 15 — havior due to flux composition, and 20 Zr02 — — — they are at best a crude representa­ Other(b) 5 5 5 6 tion of the chemical behavior of Basicity 0.75 1.15 2.7 3.0 fluxes. There are several formulas Bulk density 1.83 1.18 1.14 1.58 used to calculate basicity, all of which gm/cm3 tend to give similar rankings. The concept is generally applied to as­ sessing weld metal quality, particular­ (a) Carbonates include up to 5% each of Mg. Sr. Ba. K and LI carbonates (b) Mostly Binder Silicates. ly fracture toughness (within the gen­ eral proposition that more basicity means better toughness). However, no systematic investigations of the ef­ electrode melting rates, especially at Penetration decreases with an in­ fects of basicity on process behavior high currents, while flux consump­ crease in electrode diameter at con­ have been done, despite the fact that tion is increased. Both phenomena are stant current (Ref. 5). However, there basicity is the only generally ac­ accounted for by an increase in arc has been little work done on the ef­ 2 cepted flux classification method length, which reduces l R resistance fect of an increase in electrode diam­ available. preheating of the electrode stickout eter on overall process performance, and increases the arc cavity size. The especially in the presence of a variety A new type of flux using carbonates effect of voltage on bead dimensions of flux compositions. has been found to affect process be­ is not entirely agreed. One investiga­ Flux composition and the width and havior by reducing the total heat in­ tion (Ref. 6) found that voltage in­ depth of the flux layer are the two put in submerged arc welding. This is creases increase bead width while items considered to be of least impor­ due to the endothermic decomposi­ maintaining a constant reinforce­ tance, and are also the two variables tion of the carbonates to form oxides ment, while another (Ref. 3) found that with the least amount of published and C02 gas, which reduces heat in­ bead width increased while reinforce­ data available. No references could put by up to 20% (Ref. 10), and in­ ment decreased. No comprehensive be found which give reliable informa­ fluences Mn recovery and weld metal fundamental explanation of these tion regarding the effects of the depth cooling rates in mild steel (Ref. 11). phenomena has been put forward to and width of the flux layer, and most However, the location of the heat loss account for the changes in process of the information on flux composition has not been isolated, and the effect parameters, particularly bead dimen­ effects is based on speculation. on electrode melting rates and bead dimensions has not been in­ sion variations. Several authors (Refs. 2,3,7) pro­ vestigated. Welding speed has no detectable pose that flux composition can af­ effect on electrode melting rates (Ref. fect electrode melting rates and bead Flux consumption is not known to 7), and while the effect of speed on dimensions such as penetration, but be affected by chemical composition bead dimensions, especially penetra­ no systematic investigation could be or basicity, but can be influenced by tion, is fairly complex, it is accounted found which determined how com­ physical properties such as density for by the decrease in heat input as a mercial flux composition influences and particle size (bulk density) (Refs.
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