III. TITLES OF ARTICLES DRU[TVO ANTROPOLOGOV SLOVENIJE The journal of the Slovene Anthropological Society Titles (in English and Slovene) must be short, informa- SLOVENE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY Anthropological Notebooks welcomes the submis- tive, and understandable. The title should be followed sion of papers from the field of anthropology and by the name of the author(s), their position, institutional related disciplines. Submissions are considered for affiliation, and if possible, by e-mail address. publication on the understanding that the paper is not currently under consideration for publication IV. ABSTRACT AND KEYWORDS elsewhere. It is the responsibility of the author to The abstract must give concise information about the obtain permission for using any previously published objective, the method used, the results obtained, and material. Please submit your manuscript as an e-mail the conclusions. Authors are asked to enclose in English attachment on
[email protected] and enclose your contact information: name, position, and Slovene an abstract of 100 – 200 words followed institutional affiliation, address, phone number, and by three to five keywords. They must reflect the field of e-mail address. research covered in the article. English abstract should be placed at the beginning of an article and the Slovene one after the references at the end. V. NOTES A N T H R O P O L O G I C A L INSTRUCTIONS Notes should also be double-spaced and used sparingly. They must be numbered consecutively throughout the text and assembled at the end of the article just before references. VI. QUOTATIONS Short quotations (less than 30 words) should be placed in single quotation marks with double marks for quotations within quotations.