Edward Rubenstein, M.D. Associate Dean for Postgraduale Educalion Stanford University School of Medicine Room M204 • (415) 497-7ISS

June 29, 1976

Mr. Irving Paul Lazar 211 South Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, California

Dear Mr. Lazar:

The Office of Postgraduate Medical Education of the Stanford University School of Medicine is producing a program for public broadcast televi­ sion, entitled "To Praise Man."

This documentary deals with the physical basis and the expressions of human uniqueness, mankind's extraordinary achievements, the problems mankind faces, and the reasons to be optimistic about the future.

The participants include some of the world's foremost scientists, artists, and scholars, including: Miss Judith Blegen, Metropolitan Opera; Robert A.Chase, M.D., Stanford University hand surgeon and President of the National Board of Medical Examiners; Mr. Norman Cousins author and editor of^the SATURDAY REVIEW; Ruth Day, Ph.D., Psychologist, Yale University; Rene Dubos, Ph.D., Biologist, Rockefeller Uriversity; Miss Ella Fitzgerald, contemporary vocalist; David A. Hamburg, M.D., Psychiatrist, Stanford University,-and President, Institute of Medicine, of the National Academy of Sciences; Philip Handler, Ph.D., President, National Academy of Sciences; , Ph.D.Physicist, Stanford University, Nobel Laureate; Mrs. Robert Hofstadter; Donald Kennedy, Ph.D., Biologist, Stanford University; , Ph.D.. Geneticist, Stanford University, Nobel Laureate; Yehudi Menuhin, concert violinist; Henry Moore, Sculptor; John G. Nicholls, M.D., Ph.D. Neuro­ biologist, Stanford University; Wolfgang K.H. Panofsky, Ph.D., Director, Stanford Linear Accelerator, Consultant, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; , Ph.D., Chemist, Stanford University, Nobel Laureate; Mrs. Linus Pauling; Arthur Rubinstein, concert pianist; Mrs. Arthur Rubinstein; Miss Frederica von Stade, Metropolitan Opera.

We expect this program will be televised on public broadcast networks in the United States and abroad, and anticipate that it will also be / /

Mr. Irving Paul Lazar June 29, 1976 Page Two

released in the form of video cassettes and as a book

HI UIIUI ixuu»«"«- — ■ on illustrations following page 80 Arthur age 4 Arthur in the Tiergarten Arthur at 13

We shall be pleased to include appropriate acknowledgments and credit lines.

toward Rubenstein, M.D. Associate Dean for Postgraduate Medical Education


I hereby authorize use of the material as described above.

Date Signed

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