
m > =0 < o M J O z c? 3 O -1 . 145 Year, CXLV No o ts Established In 1844: Amsrioa’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper In Continuous Publication Friday, July 7, 1989 <0 L U U <0 o ac (/i b- n o < ai t/i a. => => ► ' CD <-» U *■ « 3 0 - ommission: No miracle in Ambridge R eposl By WILLIAM PODIAK Bishop Wuerl releases PITTSBURGH — There is no a statement on the com­ convincing evidence that the mission's report that in­ open eyes of Jesus on a cross vestigated the alleged hanging at Holy Trinity Church in miracle in Ambridge on Ambridge closed on Good Friday, page 4. In addition, the stated a diocesan commission ap­ full report is reprinted pointed by Bishop Donald W. on page 6. Wuerl to investigate the alleged miracle...... Page 4 & 7 "A careful examination of the photographs provided by Holy Trinity Church, as well as those photographs independently com­ missioned. shows no convincing evidence that a miracle occur­ red." the commission wrote in a recently released report. They added that the eyes of the figure of Jesus, as seen in the photograph taken from the video of March 24 (Good Friday) “ do not differ in appearance from the eyes in the photograph identified by the witnesses taken on Jan. 28, when the crucifix was raised to its position over the altar." Commission members conduc­ ting the investigation included Aux. Bishop William J. Winter, chairperson, Aux. Bishop John B. McDowell. Father Robert L. Mc- Creary. OFM Cap.. chairperson of the Diocesan Theological Com­ A w ard mission. and Father Lawrence A. DiNardo, chancellor. Eleanor Stnelko of The commission stated they Freedom is the recipient tried to determine whether the of this year's John Car­ dinal Wright Award. eyes of Jesus on the crucifix, located in the church sanctuary, The award is given by closed during Good Friday ser­ the Pittsburgh Diocesan vices and later returned to their Council of Catholic normal position: and whether Women. Smelko, chair­ Photographic evidence private revelations occurred to man of the International certain persons in conjunction The diocesan commission Investigating an alleged miracle in Am ­ fer In appearance from the eyes in the photograph Identified by the Affairs Committee, has witnesses taken on Jan. 28. uihen the crucifix was raised to its posi­ been involved with tne with the Good Friday event. bridge — where the eyes of Christ on a cross supposedly closed on The alleged Ambridge miracle Good Friday and later returned to normal — stated that the eyes of tion over the altar." organization since the early 50's. (Continued on page 2 the figure taken from the video of March 24 (Good Friday) "do not dlf- ...... P age 7 At cathedral Webster case r M ystery C o u r t t a k e s firs t ste p In this week's "Home 1200 watch as bishop ordains 4 Again" column. Connie By RICHARD INFANTE Vincent Seminary in Latrobe sacrament. Ann Valenti and Father PITTSBURGH — Four new were also present, including the Following a brief examination to overtu rn a bortion Ron Lengwin discuss priests were ordained for the newly-appointed Rector. Father by the Bishop and their promise spiritual phenomena WASHINGTON (CNS) — In its 5-4 ruling July 3 upholding Diocese of Pittsburgh by Bishop Thomas Acklin, OSB, a Pitt­ of obedience to him. the four men and the great physical Missouri abortion restrictions, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to Donald W. Wuerl on Saturday sburgh native. prostrated themselves before the and spiritual powers overturn Roe vs. Wade, its 1973 decision legalizing abortion, but morning. July 1. at St. Paul After the reading of the Gospel, altar in prayer while the litany of that exist within all of many observers and some of the justices themselves saw the new Cathedral in Oakland. Fathers the four candidates were called by saints was chanted. us...... Page 7 decision as a first step in that direction. Charles Christen. 36, Fr. Bernard name. Father Theodore In the most solemn moment of Catholic officials and others who oppose legalized abortion hailed Hebda, 29, Fr. George Moneck. Rutkowski, secretary for Clergy the rite. Bishop Wuerl laid his the decision as a victory for pro-life forces. Backers of legalized 36, and Fr. James Torquato. 25, and Pastoral Life, attested to their hands on the head of each man, were welcomed into the preparation and worthiness. ordaining them to the priesthood. abortion sharply criticized it. priesthood in what Bishop Wuerl Bishop Wuerl's election of the The three other bishops also laid The case at issue. Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services, in­ characterized as "one of the most men was met with enthusiastic hands on the heads of the newly volved challenges to the constitutionality of several provisions of a ancient and timeless rituals in the applause. ordained, followed by each priest 1986 Missouri law restricting abortion. Christian community." In his homily, the Bishop ex­ in attendance, welcoming them Provisions strnek down as unconstitutional by lower federal More than 1200 people attend­ plained to the men (hat with their into the presbyterate while the courts but upheld by the Supreme Court: ed the Mass and Rite of Ordina­ ordination they would be "mold­ people sang the ancient ninth • Declared that life begins at conception. tion, while over 100 priests con- ed into the likeness of Christ" and century Latin hymn, "Veni, • Required physicians to perform various viability tests on celebrated. With Bishop Wuerl in instructed them “ to imitate the Creator Spiritus." (Come, Creator fetuses apparently 20 weeks old or older. the sanctuary were Aux. Bishops mystery you celebrate." He Spirit). • Prohibited public hospitals and personnel from performing John B. McDowell and William reminded them that they were Then the new priests were any abortion not required to save a woman's life. Winter, and retired Bishop Vin­ chosen from among God's people, clothed in the garments of the • Banned use of public funds to encourage or counsel a woman cent Leonard. Along with family as both a sign and instrument of priesthood: the stole worn over to have an abortion not required to save her liie. and friends of the four men, facul­ God's presence, to sanctify, teach both shoulders and the chasuble. In his opinion for the court, Chiei Justice William H. Rehnquist ty members from the North and govern by virtue of their (Continued on page 2) wrote that the appeals court had struck down Missouri's restric­ American College in Rome and St. priestly office conferred in the tions "on the ground that they violated this court's decision in Roe vs. Wade and cases following it. We ... now reverse." In sid e He said the court's decision to accept Missouri's 20-week provi­ Editorials...... Page 4 sion for testing fetal viability goes against "the rigid trimester Letters...... Page 5 analysis" used by the high court 16 years ago in Roe. and to that ex­ Catholic Life Page 7 tent the court now "would modify and narrow Roe and succeeding Classified...... Page 8 cases." Around Diocese But the court did not find sufficient reason in the Missouri ease to ...... Pages 9-11 review the basic decision in Roe, he said. Entertainment Other members of the court disagreed, but for different reasons...... Page 12 Justice Harry A. Blaekmun. who in 1973 wrote the majority opi­ nion in Roe, said the effect of the new decision was to "overrule Roe" and "limit abortion rights." He was joined in his dissent by Justices William J. Brennan and Thurgood Marshall. Justice John Paul Stevens wrote a separate dissent. Justice Antonin Scalia. while concurring with the majority that the Missouri law is constitutional, also felt Roe had been brought in­ to question and argued that the court should have reconsidered its 1973 decision. According to Rehnquist's opinion "because none of the challeng­ Pope ready to send ed provisions of the Missouri Act properly before us conflict with the Constitution, the Judgment of the court of appeals is reversed." diplom at to In discussing the controversial declaration, found in the pream­ ble to the Missouri law, that life begins at conception, the court held VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope that "certainly the preamble does not by its terms regulate abortion John Paul II has been ready since or any other aspect of (doctors’) medical practice." early spring to send a Vatican "The court has emphasized that Roe vs. Wade 'implies no limita­ diplomat to Poland, even before a tion on the authority of a state to make a value Judgment favoring pact on formal relations with the childbirth over abortion, " it said, repeating the language found in mostly Catholic Eastern bloc na­ an earlier 1977 ruling. "The preamble can be read simply to ex­ tion is signed. press that sort of value judgment." In a letter to Cardinal Jozei On the question of public funding for abortions, it said that the Glemp. president of the Polish state may refuse to pay for abortions without denying a woman a bishops' conference, the pope right to have an abortion. said that "it seems possible, and Rehnquist also noted that “ there is no doubt that our holding to­ even opportune, that the B ishop gathers w ith new priests day will allow some governmental regulation of abortion that would Apostolic See could send to War­ Bishop Wuerl is flanked by the diocese's four George Moneck. Bernard Hebda. James Torquato have been prohibited” under the interpretation of some of the saw its representative. and Charles Christen. Top row. fro m left, are court's initial abortion-related rulings after Roe vs. Wade. The pope's comments came in a newest priests and by the bishops of the diocese as they gather on the steps of St. Paul Cathedral Bishop Vincent Leonard. Aux. Bishop William Joining Rehnquist were Justices Byron R. White and Anthony M. letter dated April 11 • The Vatican following last Saturday's ordination ceremonies. Winter and Aux. John B. McDowell. released a copy of the letter July (Continued on page 2 With the bishop are. fron t row. fro m left: Fathers — Photo by John C. Keenan

1 Page 2 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, July 7, 1989 Diocesan/National News High Court decision being hailed as victory for pro-life forces

(Continued from pacepage one) .InHithJudith Widdecombe,WlHHprnmhp founder of the rlinirclinic involved in the deei-deci­ continual _ i pro-abortion expansion in Heits mlincisrulings since Roe v. Wade Kennedy. Like Scalia. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor concurred sion. said in St. Louis, "This is a serious, serious setback for women was decided in 1973. with the majority judgment but wrote a separate opinion. and families in this country. .. This is an outrage." "Finally the court has begun to address the horrible injustices of In a statement shortly after the court's decision was announced, President Bush said the decision marked a start in restoring "to Roe v. W ade," he said. "W e believe that this presents an opportuni­ the president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops said the people the ability to protect the unborn." ty for state legislatures to pass further laws restricting abortion so the ruling "is a victory for life." "W e continue to believe that Roe vs. Wade was incorrectly decid­ that the court will again be forced to re-examine Roe. "And the biggest winners today are the tiniest people of all — ed and should be reversed," he said. Virgil Dechant, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, children within the womb." said Archbishop John L. May of St. A statement released by the Pittsburgh Diocese stated the praised the decision, saying that the Knights consider this to be Louis. Supreme Court has taken the first step to counteract the con­ both an invitation and a challenge to petition their elected represen­ Dr. John Willke, president of the National Right to Life Commit­ straints imposed by Roe v. Wade in our legal system. tatives to cut back on abortion wherever permitted by Webster. tee. called the decision a "major breakthrough" which reflects a "W e must not slacken our efforts to establish the maximum con­ Dechant said it was "no less significant that members of the "return to sanity.” stitutional protection for unborn children." the statement added. high court showed a "clear and apparently growing dissatisfac­ "W e are smiling. We are thumbs up all the way." Willke said. The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference noted the U.S. Supreme tion" with the Roe vs. Wade decision. Abortion backers reacted negatively to the decision. Court "has unmistakably affirmed the authority of the states to "The fact that in its next term the court will hear several new Molly Yard, president of the National Organization for Women, recognize and protect unborn human life." abortion-related cases holds out hope for an early, total reversal of said. "Pretty soon nothing much will be left for a woman in controll­ Michael Andreola, executive director for Pennsylvanians for Roe." he said. ing her reproductive life." Human Life. Southwest Region, said the ruling has finally halted a Contributing to the story was William Fodiak. 4 priests ordained for diocese

(Continued from page one) newly ordained priests, who died men and the faculty members last year. He reminded his friends from St. Vincent Seminary and Father Frederick Cain vested that Robert was with them in the North American College of Charles Christen. Father Timothy spirit, though called to the Rome, where the priests studied. Whalen vested Bernard Hebda. heavenly priesthood with God in Immediately following the or­ Father John Haney vested George eternity. dination. Fr. Bernard Hebda Moneek. Msgr. Joseph Knorr Following their blessing of celebrated with a luncheon for vested James Torquato. Bishop Wuerl. the new priests hundreds at Duranti's Park Plaza Then the bishop annointed the ascended the high altar to give the restaurant, across the street from hands of each new priest with ho­ people their first blessing. the Cathedral. Fr. James Tor­ ly chrism for their work of sancti­ As they greeted family and quato and his family hosted a din­ fying the Christian people and of­ friends on the steps of the ner on Saturday evening follow­ fering the Church's sacrifice to Cathedral, excitement filled the ing his first Mass at Nativity God. crowd. Asked how he felt, an ex­ Church on the Northside. hilarated Fr. Hebda said. Fr. George Moneck celebrated The families of the newly or­ "Wonderful! Just wonderful!" his first Mass at his home parish. dained presented the offertory In addition to the ordination St. Wendelin. on Sunday after­ gifts to Bishop Wuerl who handed itself, the whole weekend was full noon. July 2. followed by a dinner them to the new priests. Each of of ceremonies and celebrations. at the Bradley House of Catering the new priests also read a part of On Friday evening. June 30. with close to 400 guests, in­ the Eucharistic Prayer with the Charles Christen had solemn cluding Mayor Sophie Masloff. bishop and distributed commu­ vespers at his home parish. St. Register ol Wills Rita Wilson Delivering the flnal blessing at the ordination Mass are new priests. Fathers James Torquato. George nion to the faithful. Louise de Marillac. in prayerful Kane. State Treasurer Catherine Moneck. Bernard Hebda and Charles Christen. In a touching moment, the preparation for the next day. Baker Knoll, as well as several — Photo by John C. Keenan bishop recalled the memory of Bishop Wuerl hosted a local judges and law enforcement Robert Barie, the classmate of the breakfast on Saturday lor the four officials. CALL AN EXPERT Commission rules no miracle in Ambridge At g0ur brutee (Continued from page one) Leo. the artist who refurbished Fr. DiNardo told the Pittsburgh Jan. 28. March 24 (Good Friday). | received both national and inter­ the crucifix and was in atten­ Catholic that the commission in­ March 27 and April 10, when j national attention from the media dance at the Good Friday service, terviewed those reporting the viewed from the same angle, con­ MISCELLANEOUS after altar servers James and to examine the statue. Leo also closing of the eyes and he said sistently show the eyes of the j SEWING Thomas Cvitkovich. nephews of stated the opened eyes had there was no evidence of decep­ crucifix to be in the same posi-1 Holy Trinity pastor Father Vin­ closed. tion and the commission found no tion," the report stated. Oravo Markers SEWING PERRY cent Cvitkovich, OFM. said the Fr. Cvitkovich then reported motive for notoriety or financial Bishop Winter pointed out that I Prompt Service and Of Distinction open eyes of Jesus had closed. the occurrence to others gathered gain. the crucifix hangs suspended POINTING I 7 T a m . I T ; I 'The pastor then asked Dominic at the church. “ The commission Judges that from the ceiling of the sanctuary _J z m c u z the persons interviewed and in­ and is at least 15 feet away. Sensible Prices volved in the Good Friday events "Angles and lighting make a REPAIR BRICK ^ D'ABRUZZO are sincere people, filled with great deal of difference." he told Since f«20 CLEANING V 1 M onum ent s faith and love for the message of the Pittsburgh Catholic. A.L.M0RR0NE RESTORATION 123 Beltzhoover Ave Christ and His Church.” the The commission also addressed Pittsburgh. PA 15210 7 3 1 - 4 9 5 9 4 3 1 - 1 1 1 8 report stated. revelations allegedly given to 5 5 3 - 2 5 1 5 Eve. 431-7366 The report also noted numerous members of the parish's youth! people have visited Holy Trinity prayer group and said it found no Church, have been assisted convincing evidence there were Businesspeople: LEE J. MILLER spiritually, participated in the private revelations involved in the | Are you concerned about rising costs in the ELECTRIC sacraments and pointed out that events at Holy Trinity Church. operation of your business. Interested in Insured/Registered reaching a potential audience for a minimal some have returned to the "The locutions or revelations Reasonable Rates cost. For example an ad this size would cost FREE KSTIHATBS Church after many years of appear to arise from a normal | less than... absence. Christian life of prayer and fideli-j 3 3 1 - 8 9 9 0 Photographic evidence shows ty to the Church." the commis­ s27 PER W E E K that a variety of visual percep­ sion reported. "They do not repre­ II you want some more intormation. please call SUPPORT tions of the crucifix come when it sent any revelation that is not 471-1252 ext. 11 OUR Is viewed at different angles and already part of the deposit of faith. ADVERTISERS varied lighting conditions. Fr. Cvitkovich is on retreat and “ In brief, the photos taken on unavailable for comment. TREE SERVICES

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Som e religiou s displays O K News In Brief Supreme Court rules against creche C atechism draft expected WASHINGTON (CNS) — The The Christmas nativity scene, in his first church-state case since menorah. or candelabra, was in­ LOS ANGELES (CNS) — A draft of the universal catechism Supreme Court in a 5-4 vote ruled or creche, had been placed inside joining the court in 1988, stalled by a Jewish group, proposed by the 1985 extraordinary Synod of Bishops will be July 3 that some government- the Allegheny County Cour­ dissented in voting to permit the Chabad, outside the nearby ready in November, with the final document expected in 1991. sponsored religious displays are thouse in Pittsburgh, while the nativity scene. Pittsburgh-Allegheny city-county according to Archbishop William J. Levada of Portland. Ore. permissible if they do not have Hanukkah menorah. or The other dissenters were Chief build in g . Archbishop Levada said the draft would be sent to the "the effect of promoting or endor­ candelabra, was installed outside Justice William H. Rehnquist and The case began when local world’s bishops and bishops' conferences for consultation, sing religious beliefs," but said a the nearby Pittsburgh-Allegheny Justices Byron R. White and An­ citizens upset with the creche and with their responses expected within six months. “ 1 expect the nativity scene inside a courthouse city-county building. tonin Scalia. menorah displays went to court. final catechism, after the observations of the bishops are back, violated that principle. Both symbols were accom­ Blackmun said the nativity The critics lost at the lower to be out and published in 1991," Archbishop Levada said. In the same case the justices panied by other decorations, such scene violated the Constitution court level. However, three judges voted unanimously that a Hanuk- as Christmas trees, poinsettias because “nothing in the display from the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of kah menorah placed outside a and wreaths. Appeals rejected by parishes detracted from the creche’s Appeals then reviewed the case Pennsylvania city-county By a 5-4 vote the court said religious message,” which he said and ruled 2-1 that local govern­ building did not appear to en­ DETROIT (CNS) — The Vatican has rejected the appeals of displaying a Christmas nativity was spelled out unmistakably in ment, in allowing the displays, dorse Judaism because of its 14 Detroit parishes scheduled to close June 30. and a county scene inside the courthouse in Pit­ the display. acted improperly. court judge refused to grant 18 parishes an injunction against "particular physical setting." tsburgh violated the constitu­ ‘“Glory to God in the Highest!’ Chabad last fall then asked the the archdiocese to halt the closures while the parishes pursued The rulings came in the case of tionally required separation of says the angel in the creche... Supreme Court for emergency a grievance process. the County of Allegheny vs. church and state because it ap­ This praise to God in Christian permission to allow the displays American Civil Liberties Union The Vatican Congregation for Clergy, in a June 17 letter to peared to endorse Christian terms is indisputably religious — in 1988, but the high court — not over whether Pittsburgh-area of­ principles. Cardinal Edmund C. Szoka of Detroit, said the appeals of nine indeed sectarian," Blackmun having yet heard the case — ficials could place a Christmas parishes were "lacking in foundation in law or in fact." Justice Harry A. Blackmun w rote. declined. The Holy Name Society nativity scene and a Jewish The appeals of five of the parishes were not considered wrote for the court and was joined But the menorah by contrast in­ did not join Chabad in that re­ menorah at or in government because they lacked the signature of their pastors. in striking down the nativity cluded symbols that support the quest. buildings. Cardinal Szoka announced in January that some 30 scene by Justices William J. nation's tradition of pluralism, he In 1984, the Supreme Court, The lawsuit was brought parishes would close by June 30 because of declining numbers Brennan. Thurgood Marshall, said, because it included a finding that the Constitution does against the city and the county by of parishioners and available staff and increased operating John Paul Stevens and Sandra Christmas tree and a sign not require total separation of a local chapter of the American costs. He said another 25 would be given until Dec. 31 to Day O’Connor. saluting liberty and so did not ap­ government from religion, upheld Civil Liberties Union. "reach viability" or close. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy. pear to endorse Judaism. the constitutionality of a Donated by a local Holy Name Pawtucket, R.I., town-sponsored Society, the nativity scene had display that featured a nativity Repression in El Salvador Bishop m eets w ith pastoral council been placed during the holiday scene but also included such holi­ season inside the Allegheny day symbols as Christmas trees SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (CNS) — Members of basic Bishop Wuerl met for the first m em bers. County courthouse, while the and Santa's house. Christian communities in a Salvadoran conflict zone said they time with the newly appointed The Pastoral Council was are the victims of cruel repression by the nation's military. diocesan Pastoral Council on established in conformity with Lithuania needs ‘rehabilitated’ Community members in the rural department of Morazan June 27 at St. Paul's Seminary. the revised code of canon law recently told Catholic News Service about their experiences of At the meeting. Bishop Wuerl which urges the establishment of WASHINGTON (CNS) — Father Alfonsas Svarinskas has been harassment by the Salvadoran military. They said they have shared with the 27 members of such a body, under the authority politically rehabilitated by the Soviet government. Now he says his been harassed because of their involvement with the grass­ the council his expectations for of the bishop, with the respon­ country, Lithuania, needs to be rehabilitated after years of Soviet roots church movement. the group’s work and pointed out sibility to investigate, consider abuse. its relationship to other diocesan and make recommendations on The 64-year-old priest, a veteran oi 21 years in Soviet prison camps, advisory bodies. pastoral matters. said that alcoholism and environmental destruction are at the top of Bush replies on Lebanon The members expressed their The Pastoral Council includes the list of problems to be addressed by Lithuanians. views of the diocese's greatest representatives of the diocese’s Those problems need solutions or “we will be annihilated," he said. WASHINGTON (CNS) — In a much-belated response to an strengths and needs. John P. 16 geographical deaneries, Father Svarinskas was in Washington to receive a religious freedom April letter from Archbishop John L. May of St. Louis, presi­ Flaherty, director of the diocesan diocesan priests. Religious award from the Puebla Institute, a Washington-based human rights dent of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. President office for research and planning, women. Religious men. perma­ organization, for defending religious rights in Lithuania. The award Bush said in June that he shared concerns of the bishops for a presented factual material on the nent deacons and at-large was presented to the priest by Vice President Dan Quayle June 28. cease-fire, political dialogue and a restoration of peace in deaneries represented by the m em bers. Lebanon. H oly N am e plans fam ily picnic Archbishop May wrote to Bush April 5 pleading for the im ­ mediate "use of any diplomatic measures at your disposal" to PITTSBURGH — The Diocesan Union of Holy Name Societies will bring a cease-fire to Lebanon, then in its fourth week of inten­ hold its fifth annual family picnic Sunday, July 23, from noon to 7 sive new fighting in which nearly 1,000 shells a day were ex­ p.m. at St. Paul Seminary. 2900 Noblestown Rd.. Crafton. Featured ploding in Beirut. will be food, games and swimming. Cost is $5 per family and reserva­ tions are required by July 14. Call 456-3081 for information.

C ardinal suspends priest WASHINGTON (CNS) — Father George A. Stallings in­ STOREWIDE CLEARANCE augurated his breakaway black July 2 w ith a threc-hour-long Hturgy punctuated by vibrant gospel music. African rattles and bells and a passionate homily. “Church, we got a struggle now. but that’s OK (because) we serve a mighty God," Father Stallings told more than 1.000 people attending the first service of his Imani Temple African- American Catholic Congregation. In a letter the next day. Cardinal James A. Hickey of Bishop Donald Wuerl talks with members of his new pastoral coun­ Washington suspended Father Stallings from his priestly cil at a gathering at St. Paul Seminary. They include, from left. duties. Father Kris Stubna, Sister Pat Phillips and Vincent Rodgers. — Photo by John C. Keenan Care given to AID S patients SAVE SAO PAULO, Brazil (CNS) — Citing a severe lack of hospital beds, the Archdiocese of Sao Paulo has begun alternative care MONROEVILLE-NORTH HILLS-DOWNTOWN programs for AIDS patients, despite opposition in some Sao HEARING AIDS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES Paulo neighborhoods. ONLY To avoid protests, the archdiocese is building 12 hom es for $ 4 9 5 0 0 AIDS patients in a wooded area just outside Brazil's largest ci­ (ATC-SD) ty. Another home being built in Sao Paulo for AIDS patients might stir controversy: past opposition in city neighborhoods PRESIDENTIAL CANAL Ultra Small HEARING AID has forced the archdiocese to keep the construction plans for WEAR HOME THE SAME DAY SMALL LIKE A TINY ISC the home secret. Do not be misled by other [i claims. Before buying - BUTTON-MADE TO O n Spring and Sum m er Test trial these small hear­ HELP NERVE DEAFNESS ing aids. You make the final Pallium s presented by pope decision. - Nf« M a k a H ow s« C a lls - Children's Fashions VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope John Paul II marked the feast HEARING AIDS - NO BATTERIES TO BUY of Sts. Peter and Paul by bestowing palliums on Archbishop • Uses a small rechargeable cell • Totally automatic • No volume control Francis B. Schulte of New Orleans. Archbishop William H. For boys: Infant thru 20 and Huskys For girls: Infant thru 14 & Young Jrs. Keeler of Baltimore and 12 other archbishops. IN OFFICE PERSONALIZED REPAIR $1 9.95 • QUALITONE • RADIO-EAR • AUDIOVOX • FIDELITY •ACOUSTICON »ELECT0NE •PHONIC-EAR The pope called the pallium — a white woolen cloth which • MIRACLE-EAR «S0N0T0NE • BEI TONE «TELEX «OTICON «LANG «WIDEX symbolizes an archbishop’s office — a ‘sign of spiritual • DAHLBERG «M AIC0 • ZENITH «SIEM ENS «STARKEY «WONDER-EAR solidarity" to encourage them in their work. After the Mass the pope greeted a delegation representing the ecumenical PITTSBURGH HEARING AID CENTER patriarch of Constantinople. 101 Ivanhoe Prof Bldg Room 201A 1201 Clark Bldg 117 FoxplAn Rd 5000 M cKm ght Rd 717 Liberty Ave Monroeville. Pa. 15146 Pgh Pa 15237 Pgh Pa. 15222 3 7 3 - 4 2 7 0 Appt O nly 3 6 4 - 8 7 4 4 Mon through fn 2 8 1 - 1 3 1 8 Mon through fn MAJOR CREDIT CARDS • NEWMANS CHARGE • LAYAWAY PLAN

Elderly H ousing Reverend John E. Kozar, Pastor on Site Management provided The Staff, Parish Council and Parishioners of by the Sisters of Mercy ST. MARY OF MERCY CHURCH WELCOME HOME “Sir, We Want enturion OUR SENIOR CITIZEN to See Jesus” ommons PROGRAM One, Two, Three TO August 4th, 5th and 6th, 1989 Bedroom Units Starting at LAWLESS HALL e O n O With option to buy unit at SPECIAL FEATURE: v O s /O a fixed price in the future TUESDAY JULY 11th Youth Track: For Youth 13-18 Adjacente to St. Maurice Parish in Forest Hills. Featuring a National Evangelization Team. F R O d R A R Each unit at Centurion Commons has: • Fully equipped kitchens with frost-free refrigerators CHURCH Children’* Track: For Ages 6-8, 9-10. 11-12. a Sell-cleaning ovens, central air conditioning Mass - 10:30 A.M. a On site medical tacilitiee a Free Transportation within borough lor shopping, churches LAWLESS HALL a Intercom television security tysleme, emergency cell buttons. Ribbon Cutting - 11:30 A.M. For more information write:

Do yourself a favor, call for m ore infor­ Reception and Refreshments Catholic Charismatic Renewal m a t i o n b y d i a l i n g 3 5 5 - 0 3 0 0 Mon.-Fri 9 to 5 11:45 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. of the Diocese of Scranton O r 2 4 3 0 6 7 7 all other times. P.O. Box 3306 ALL SENIOR CITIZENS Scranton, PA 18505-3306 WELCOME Rev. Sam Jacobs Sister Linda Koontz David Thorp Phone (717) 344-2214 SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS “A New Beginning” PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, July 7, 1989 Editorials/columns Bishop highlights com m ission’s report on alleged miracle

• « • ( • j ____i l . . r ' U . t v n k 4 k o — the people of Holy Trinity Church, the commission: by the commission along with the over­ EDITOR'S NOTE The following Is the faithful of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and • The commission found no convinc­ whelming response to them, seem to ex­ statement of Bishop Wuerl regarding the indeed all people of goodwill — will ing evidence that a miracle, properly press one of the most fundamental in­ report of the commission studying become increasingly aware of God s defined, occurred at Holy Trinity Church. stincts of our human nature, namely, the events at Holy Trinity Church In presence in our lives and that we will res­ This conclusion was further verified by radical need for God in our lives. Without A m bridge: pond to God with ever deepening faith, photographs which accompanied the God our existence is incomplete: with God, we find fulfillment. unflinching hope and abundant love lor On April 3, 1989 I appointed a commis­ report. The thirst for the Divine in our lives, God and one another. sion to review and to evaluate the events • The commission found no convinc­ the need to recognize the spiritual dimen­ that allegedly occurred on March 24. ing evidence that there were private In conclusion, I express my personal sion of human existence, seem to be at 1,989 at Holy T rin ity Church in Am- revelations involved in the events occurr­ gratitude to Bishop John McDowell, the source of the fervor of those who have bridge, Pennsylvania. It was reported ing at Holy Trinity Church. Bishop William Winter. Father Robert become deeply and personally involved that the eyes of the corpus on the crucilix • The persons involved in the Good McCreary, OFM Cap.. and Father in the events taking place at Holy Trinity in I he church had closed during Good F ri- Friday events and who reported their Lawrence DiNardo, the members of the Church in Ambridge. Our age cries out in day services, and that private revelations perceptions of these events are sincere study commission, who worked so the words of the psalmist: ‘‘My soul had been given later to certain people who acted without intent oi decep­ prudently and diligently to produce this thirsts for God. for the living God. When individuals. tion or desire for personal notoriety or comprehensive and detailed report. To shall I come and behold the face of God?" On June 21. 1989 the commission personal gain. them and to all who have cooperated in (Ps 42.2). presented its report and. after personal • The events of Good Friday at Holy any way with this very important study I Catholic faith is not dependent upon study and consultation with members ol Trinity Church have had a profound extend my pledge ol traternal blessing. unique and extraordinary signs. We who the commission. I have accepted their positive effect on many of the faithful. have freely chosen to follow .Jesus Christ conclusions and ask that the report he The fact that many persons have in His Church find our strength and en­ shared with the clergy, religious and responded with expressions of faith and couragement. our guidance and enrich­ faithful of the Church of Pittsburgh, and devotion is evidence of this. Many per­ ment in participating as fully as we can in with the general public. sons have participated in the Sacraments L the sacramental life and teaching of the & Without repeating the report in its en­ of Reconciliation and Eucharist and this Church that is the Body of Christ. tirety, I would like to highlight some ol is especially com m endable. Bishop of Pittsburgh My sincere prayer is that each one ol us the pertinent conclusions oi the I am persuaded that the events studied

O ffic ia l V Bishop Wuerl announces the following NEWLY ORDAINED PAROCHIAL clergy appointments effective as noted: VICAR P A S T O R S The Rev. George J. Moneck to The Rev. Robert J. Cedolia from parochial vicar of St. Agatha Parish. parochial vicar ol Purification oi the Bridgeville. effective July 10. Blessed Virgin Mary Parish. Ellwood Ci­ C H A P L A I N ty, to pastor ol St. Alphonsus Parish. At the presentation of the Very Rev. Springdale, effective .July 17. Dennis L. Sullivan, TOR. minister pro­ The Rev. J. Francis Frazer from vincial of the Third Order Regular of St parochial vicar of St. Bartholomew Francis of Penance, the Rev. Robert Yet- Parish, Penn Hills, to pastor of St. sko, TOR, as chaplain to the Catholic pa­ Philomena Parish, Beaver Falls, effec­ tients of South Side Hospital, Pitt­ tive July 8. sburgh, effective July 1.

E d i t o r i a l s Job well done The diocesan commission that in­ at Holy Trinity Church, outlined diocesan WHEK CWWCAnON, involvement and reported its iindings in vestigated an alleged miracle in Am­ d o n ’t foi^ et about mass) bridge spent countless hours determining fu 11 detail. whether the open eyes oi Jesus on a Although it found no evidence ol a crucifix had actually closed on Good miracle, the commission did note the sincerity ol the people involved at I ioly Friday. S c r i p t u r e s The commission was chaired by Aux. Trinity and explained that numerous Bishop William J. Winter. Members in­ people have visited and benefitted cluded Aux. Bishop John B. McDowell. spiritually at the parish. 1 4 t h Sunday in O rdinary Tim e Father Robert L. McCreary, OFM Cap., Thousands have visited the Ambridge church since Good Friday, some traveling chairperson oi the Diocesan Theological Isaiah 66:10-14 the "stigmata:" a rather modern Commission, and Fat her Lawrence A. great distances. There are numerous Gala Items 6:14-18 belief I hat some people actually carry Jesus' crucified wounds in DiNardo. chancellor. reports oi people returning to the Church Lake 10:1-12. I 7-20 t heir hands, feet and sides. The ■ They conducted interviews with those and to the sacraments. Their faith has By FR. ROGER KARBAN Especially In the context of to­ Apostle had no exceptional who first reported the event, looked at been restored and tlie Christian faithful day's three readings, we are again Fr. Roger wounds. He needed only look in numerous photographs and reviewed welcome, them back with open arms. reminded ol Father Ed Hays Karbari the mirror to see scars Irom the videos taken of the crucifix both before The Arnbridge incident is the lirst lull- famous comment: “Jesus’ first beatings and scourgings be had and after the alleged closing of the eyes. scale diocesan investigation of an alleged followers imitated him long beiorc received during his years ol following Jesus. The commission’s report to Bishop miracle. Commission members did a I hey worshiped him!” We often think of faith as a Wuerl explained the events that occurred thorough and commendable job. Hail he not imitated Jesus, he rather passive experience. We I would have notliing to show. believe Jesus saved us from our Even the first reading, as con­ sins. So when we sin we need only select few. The dying and rising soling as it sounds, presupposes a go to Confession and he on the which Jesus experienced Is the very active faith. Remember lhat Summer reminder road to heaven again. We know same dying and rising lie wants when Third-Isaiah proclaimed Su m m er is often a lim e for families to main staffed in time ol emergencies — all Jesus loved us. so we leel confl- ids followers to experience. this message about Jerusalem, Paul ends his sharp letter to the carefully plan and orchestrate leisure kinds of emergencies, both physical and dent tii at when we need I lie city was in ruins. And the ma­ something we cart pray to him Galatians by bringing up this very activities. spiritual. Parishes all year long require jority of Jews, recently freed from and he will give it to us. point. Judlazcrs. like many exile, preferred to slay in Babylon Many families (as well as single per­ the financial support of parishioners so A cknow ledgin g that Jesus is so modern Christ Ians, placed lilt le instead ol returning to rebuild sons) will rally their resources to take I hat t hat they can continue their vital emphasis on actually copying powerful, we go through lile with J eru salem . M annual summer season vacation. ministries. a ’’schmaltze” feeling that if we Jesus. They t bought I he only So when I lie prophet ends his Unfortunately, summer is sometimes a Jusl worship him at least once a thing necessary for sal vat ion was Some conscientious parishioners send to keep the Mosaic Law. Jesus’ oracle by proclaiming, "The difficult time for the neighborhood parish week, everything will be okay all their weekly contributions to the parish through our lives. Just lay back, dying and rising was not very Lord's power shall be known to as Mass attendance drops off. Lack of at­ by mail when they plan to be away. I his keep your nose clean, and let im p o rtan t. his servants," he takes for granted lhal only those in his tendance for these parishes can often is a good example of exercising responsi­ Jesus do the work. Paul strongly disagrees. "May I mean a sharp decrease in weekly Fortunately those who compos­ never boast oi anything but the community who agree to die by ble stewardship. returning to the Promised I .and collections. ed tiie Christian Scriptures had a cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!" he writes. "It means nothing will actually experience ‘'the milk Because it is summer does not mean It is only reasonable that weekly Mass much more active idea oi faith. Like Fr. Hays, they believed that whether one is circumcised or of comfort." Lhat the parish you attend closes its attendance should at least take priority the most important thing Jesus’ not. All that matters is that one Is Perhaps the main reason we try over going to the beach. doors. It is imperative that churches re- followers could do was to do what created anew." Then, almost as to find ways around copying he did — not Just pray to him. an afterthought, he adds one of Jesus' lifestyle is that we know P1TTSBURGII This is especially evident in our the most Important lines in all his the jiain such imitation entails. gospel perlcope from Luke. Jesus letters: "Henceforth, let no one Far easier, and less painful, to just Is not the only person who brings trouble me, for I bear the brand worship him or follow a set of the good news. He expects his marks of -Jesus in my body." regulations. The only problem disciples to go out “to every town Some commentators, missing with this kind of faith Is that not and place" and proclaim, “The the point Paul was trying to only do we have no scars to show, make, think he was referring to neither have we achieved life. Serving the Diocese ot Pittsburgh; Allegheny, Beaver, Butler. Greene, Lawrence and Washington counties. reign of God is at hand." Established In 1844 by Rt. Rev. Michael O ’Connor, D.D. Of course, we realize that so­ Annual Subscription Rate: $10.00 In U.S. and $11 In Foreign Countries meone must go out and actually Knights donate $85 m illion Second-Class Postage Paid at Pittsburgh, PA work in the harvest. But through the centuries we have created a ♦ * * rather formal, rigid structure in By Catholic News Service Pittsburgh Catholic Publishing A ssociates which priests and nuns arc sup­ NEW HAVEN. Conn. (CNS) — The Knights of Columbus gave more Most Rev. Donald W. Wuerl, S.T.D., D.D. President Fr. Thomas J. Tobin, Secretary for Communications posed to imitate Jesus — most of than $85.3 million and more than 27 million hours ol service to charitable activities in 1988, according to the organization's annual William P. Fodlak, Editor Carmella Welsmantle,Comptroller the tim e. activities survey. Phil Taylor, Assistant Editor P«fl0y *•«•. Circulation Manager Meanwhile the great majority of Although the survey brought responses from only 77 percent of Patricia Bartos, Reporter J«c k Lee, Advertising Manager Christians Just do a lot of worship­ stale and local units, the 1988 figures were up $6 million and 222,000 Stephen Karllnchak, Reporter Stephen Hursen, C om positor ing. So whenever Jesus calls hours over the totals from the previous year, when 86 percent of the L. E. Antonucci, C om positor Patty Ambrose, Receptionist anyone to actually imitate him In John C. Keenan, Photographer the gospels, we presume he must units responded. Published Every Friday Deadline ■ Noon Every Monday be talking only to priests and The Knights, with headquarters in New Haven, are an international Postmaster A Subscriber: Send address changes to Pittsburgh Catholic, 100 Wood Street. Suite 500, Pittsburgh, PA 16222 nuns. Catholic fraternal organization with nearly 1.5 million members. Allow 3-4 weeks lor change ol address Basically, anytime the Lord Of monetary contributions to charity, more than $75 million was Pittsburgh Catholic (ISSN-032-0323); 100 Wood Street. Suite 500; (First Ave. Entrance) Pittsburgh, PA 15222 tells his disciples to copy him, he donated by state and local councils. The Supreme Council, the P H ONE: (412) 471-1252______FAX: (412) 471-4228 ______Is talking to everyone, not Jusl to a Knights’ central governing body, contributed more than $10 million.

I i Friday, July 7, 1989 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Page S Opinions /comments

H e r o i c m issionaries struggle fo r justice

B y MSOR. CHARLES O. RICE In the National C a th o lic shot to death by a hired killer and In 1983 Father James Carney Reporter I read some time ago the mission has to guard Itself, was killed by "Security forces” about another American mis­ Father Rex and his co-director, an L e t t e r s while working with the Honduran Ik- --'ill sionary priest. Father Rex Irish Columban, Sean McDonagh. peasantry of whom he had Mansman. CP. who is not at all a It is a big operation and it Is well become a passionate champion. Msgr. Charles revolutionary but whose life is in known and popular in the Philip­ Until he was radicalized by the O. Rice danger. Father Rex is not trying pines and elsewhere. I chuckled ugly reality of existence and the to overthrow anything but con­ when 1 read that the mission has Priest’s commentary a delight incredible misery of the poor in tinues to do what he has been do­ political power and Father Rex that exploited land, he had been a ing for 25 years in his Santa Cruz knows how to wield it. Thjit To the Editor: normal sports-minded American mission on the Island of Min­ figures. Jesuit, a Chicagoan. Let us have danao. Philippines. Rex is a Pittsburgher from an What a delight, Father Raymond Balzer’s account (Pittsburgh Catholic, June 16) of his 40 years in the priesthood. no doubt that the patrol which The Passionists went there to old legal and political family. W-is killed him had — like all Hon­ Padre Carney’s reflections in To help a tribal people and to mother Is a McArdle. Her lather. duran forces — been trained and Be A Revolutionary. I had heard P.J., was a power In labor ati.d SARA KIRLIN evangelize them and later found Pittsburgh armed by his own countrymen. of him previously but found a r> - themselves in a struggle between politics who made a great run lqr After his death, a Journal and cent piece In the Monthly Review the cnvlronmenl and the people mayor in the days of the eai;ly People over profits spiritual diary was found. especially intriguing. That Is a on one side with exploiters and New Deal. I attended St. Mary's of Without diluting them he combin­ scholarly Marxist review renown­ corrupt politicians in league with the Mount School High School ed his strong Catholic faith and ed for its insights and critiques Ferdinand Marcos on the other. with the family. To the Editor: ardent spirituality with a prac­ and for. what I have found to be, His uncle, the late, great Atty. The habitat of the people is a Current events in China have made us all aware of human tical portion of Marx and Lenin. absolute intellectual integrity. Jim McArdle, was my classmate. rights violations at the hands of an oppressive government. He came to believe that there The distinguished editors have rain forest and it is rich in You may remember that Jim was Human beings who rallied to obtain basic, Inalienable freedoms was a potential for perfection in been fascinated with Liberation minerals. The people and the mis­ the lirst one to sue a tobacco com­ are being publicly executed as a sinister warning to all who enter­ human beings and that, with the Theology and the heroism of sion are in the way of those who pany for the damage its cigarettes tain thoughts of a better life. aid of God’s grace and under the Catholic missionaries in Latin would get rich by cutting the did to his lungs. While he did not While Communism remains the biggest threat to human direction of the Holy Spirit, a sort America and elsewhere struggl­ timber and extracting the win. he pioneered with useful freedom, we must be aware of a more subtle monster that is grow­ of Heaven on Earth, a parousla, ing for justice as part of their work minerals. Careless mining and legal stratagems. ing in the midst of capitalism — the corporate beast. Feeding on would evolve dlalectically. This for God and I he Church. clear cutting of trees will destroy Rex Is not a revolutionary, but a dollars, increased profits, buyouts and mergers, the beast con­ Kingdom of God on earth would, The MR Marxists are uneasy both land and people. tough American priest with a tinues to devour everything In its path. for its achievement, need a two­ with heavy Catholic spirituality, Power flows from the barrel of a streak of idealism and a sense of While profits are important, people are more so. Our greatest fold revolution: one cultural, the but not put off and, since they gun in capitalist as well as Com­ power and its uses, who met evil, challenge for the future will be to take a long, hard look at our other socioeconomic. respect the works, respect (he munist countries. A brother Pas- recognized it. and contends with priorities once again. Harper and Row published Ideology which fuels them. sionist, Father Carl Schmitz, was it fearlessly and imaginatively.

RON MISIEWICZ Alverton W ashington letter Charges ‘passive neglect’

To the Editor: U S C C f a v o r s S e n a t e c h i l d c a r e b i l l I read with much sadness your editorial of June 23. It Is obvious you've never seen a rescue in progress — there is no confrontation unless you call blocking an entrance to a human By LIZ SCHEVTCHUK and various compromises. dards. which is to include abbatoir confrontational, desperate, divisive and dangerous? representation of religious Institu­ Catholic News Service One key concern addressed in dangerous? tions and others involved in child WASHINGTON (CNS) — Short­ the end was whether child care Of course, it is dangerous in one sense — a baby will be care. ly before the U.S. Senate adjourn­ centers run by churches or murdered brutally if the mother crosses the picket line. ed in late June, the head of the religious groups would be allowed The bill adds that "nothing ... If you knew a child was being murdered in the house next door U.S. Catholic Conference asked it Liz to participate. The bill permits shall be construed or applied in to you would you: (a) preach, (b) pray (c) organize a letter writing to support "comprehensive" Schevtchuk parents to use their certificates for any manner to infringe upon or campaign, take up a contribution etc., or would you actively try child care legislation. their choice of child care services, usurp the moral and legal rights to stop the killing, all the while praying. Apparently, the senators paid including church-affiliated care, and responsibilities ol parents or II Is sad that the police (many of whom are pro life) are forced to attention. as long as the Constitution is not legal guardians." protect the huge profits of the clinic owners without the Pitt­ infringed. Although the child care legisla­ sburgh Catholic adding support for passive neglect. On June 23. hours before it Critics, such as some church- tion passed t he Serial e, its began its .July 4 holiday recess, state scparationists, had argued A.J. CHESTER the Senate passed S.5, the Act for ultimate fate in Congress remains that allowing church-related day Pittsburgh Better Child Care Services ol lng, it was sponsored by Sens. Or- unclear, since the House of care to have any role would Representatives is working on 1989. In a letter to senators June rin G. Hatch, R-Utah, and violate the First Amendment’s child care legislation as well. 19, Father Robert N. Lynch, Christopher J. Dodd. D-Conn. ban on establishment of religion. Often the two chambers pass Editorial ‘disappointing’ USCC general secretary, had slightly different versions of bills, sought support for this "vital As provided in the legislation. The bill directs that “ no finan­ requiring the work oi a House- To the Editor: legislation." Congress would authorize some cial assistance provided (herein) It was disappointing at best to see your editorial on Operation $1.75 billion in fiscal 1990 and shall be expended for any sec­ Senatc conference committee to smooth out differences. Rescue (Pittsburgh Catholic. June 23). In his letter. Father Lynch unspecified sums for fiscal tarian purpose or activity, in­ A stranger reading your critique might well believe that the wrote that the USCC had urged 1991-94 lor chlld-care endeavors, cluding sectarian worship and In addition, before becoming members of OR have rcsorled to breaking windows, scrawling "that the nation’s political leader­ primarily based in the slates. instruction." law, the bill passed by Congress graffittl, or bombing buildings. Considering the violent society in ship work to bring together the would have to go to the While The money would fund such But II adds that parents can pro­ which we live, chaining oneself to a parked car hardly seems best elements of the various ap­ House for signature by President proaches to chlld-care legislation. forms of child care assistance as vide their certificate to the day­ "dangerous’’ or "radical.’’ Bush, who has hinted he might certificates for parents to use in care center of their choice, It Is tragic that abortion is such a holocaust. Perhaps if more The Senate ehild-care package Is veto any child care legislation he obtaining day care; extension of whether sectarian or non- people had participated in what you consider "legitimate” pro­ a major step forward in this dislikes. part-time care programs, training sectarian. life activities we would never have seen the killing of 22 million effort." and scholarships; establishment In other religion-related stipula­ The USCC's Monahan said babies. "It Is a comprehensive, broad- of new day-care programs; aiding tions, the bill slates that: June 27 he was carefully review­ based package," said Frank J. public-private partnership pro­ ing the Senate bill, which covers JEAN BRINZER • A child care provider receiv­ Monahan, director of government grams; and renovation ol existing some 20 pages ol small print In ing government assistance is not Verona liaison at the USCC, June 28. "It day-care facilities. the Congressional Record. offers vital and practical to discriminate against children assistance to families in securing Also included are provisions ad­ on the basis of religion, although "Because of all the amendment Questions affirmative action safe, quality child care. And it ding to the Earned Income Tax it may reserve some child rare activity" that preceded its also includes important tax provi­ Credit for low-income families; In­ slots not funded with government passage In final form, "w e haven't To the Editor: sions helping low-income families itiating a new tax credit for money for children in Its own con­ had a chance to fully assess It." Of the three editorials (Pittsburgh Catholic June 23) I read in with children." fam ilies to use In meeting gregation or organization. he said. "But it looks pretty good, that issue, only a small segment of one attempted to view affir­ children's health care expenses; • A sectarian organization especially from the standpoint of Combining some elements of an mative action from the perspective of young white males. and expanding the tax credit for may require employees to adhere parental choice and because it’s earlier largely Democratic Hiring and promotion discrimination against white males does dependent care. Money to make to its religious tenets and focused on assistance to parents, happen both in the public and private sectors. It must be measure, some Republican sug­ up for the tax credits would come teachings. provided through the certificate acknowledged and addressed along with discrimination against gestions. and the recommenda­ from continuation ol the process." • The Department of Health blacks and women. tions of outside interest groups, telephone service excise lax. By not attempting to understand white males' concerns of affir­ the bill won approval on a voice and Human Services is to create a "W e got as good a bill as we possibly could," given the mative action and other quota-hiring practices, many so called vote, after several days of lengthy Senate action on the bill follow­ new national advisory committee civil rights leaders are displaying a strong Impression of bigotry debate. Drawing bipartisan baek- ed months of effort, negotiations. on recommended child care stan­ vagaries of Congress, he added. and hypocrisy.

ANTHONY J. ABATE Ml. Washington N ursing m ore than a job to som e

time and talents to address parish devoted to food, , entertain­ MSGR. PAUL M. LACKNER Holy Name Societies in the 1950s ment, real estate, travel, etc. But This particular column will be Yesterday's H eadlines and early 1960s when the society their is no section allocated for concerned with my comments on here boasted of a membership of religion. And yel there Is a big The following stories are taken from the files of the Pittsburgh several matters which I have some 200,000 In 97 percent ol the market of people who practice Catholic, America's oldest Catholic newspaper In continuous observed or about which I havi parishes and missions. their religions. read recently. Msgr. Paul publication: M. Lackner ük I Thus, according to 1980 10 YEARS AGO One phenomenon of growing statistics in the nine-county area 1979 concern in this country Is the A parish church bulletin in Pitt­ of southwestern Pennsylvania Archbishops get palliums shortage of nurses. I had an op­ sburgh carried the following served by Christian Associates, Three U.S. archbishops were among the 44 archbishops and car­ portunity to discuss this matter at observation about Father's Day we learn there was a population ol dinals who received palliums at a concelebrated Mass in the Vatican. some length with a nurse at St. k J (June 18). "The title of father is 2 .7 0 0 .0 0 0 people. Ol this The pallium Is a white wool stole circled with black crosses and worn Francis Hospital here In Pitt­ the most noble title that a man tant. From all of the foregoing II number, 1.9 million people or 70 at ceremonies by metropolitan archbishops as a symbol of the authori­ sburgh when I was confined can possess, because It is a title should be obvious lhai many of percent were affiliated with a ty and union with the pope. The U.S. archbishops included Benedic­ recently for a couple of weeks and that God has allocated to the nurses today sec their profes­ church or synagogue. tine Archbishop Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee, Archbishop Ed­ where I received excellent nurs­ Himself.” sion not only as a means of ward McCarthy ol Miami and Archbishop Charles Salatka, of ing care. A breakdown of ihc slat istlcs is Oklahoma City. employment but also as a mission very interesting. There were over Parents rights trampled We concluded the shortage Is or a vocation. They truly are a It was my pleasure to recently 1.000.000 C atholics in 546 Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco, president of the Na­ due to several factors: dedicated group of women and attend the Mass held at St. Sebas­ parishes. The United men. I use the term "m en " ad­ tional Conference of Catholic Bishops, sharply criticized the U.S. • The lack of candidates due tian's Church marking the golden Presbyterian had a membership visedly, because a growing Supreme Court's decision that parents do not have to be consulted to a low birth rate. Planned Paren­ anniversary of Father Roy Getty's of some 200,000 In 490 churches? number of men are entering the ordination to the priesthood. The before an abortion is performed on an unmarried minor. thood and other groups have been There were 502 Methodist chur­ nursing field. Mass was rendered so well that It 50 YEARS AGO successful for the moment in pic­ ches and 170,(XX) members. The 1939 turing parents and two children (a occurred to me that It was sym ­ Lutherans had 260 churches and Youth Congress takes stand bolic of the capable and dedicated some 110,000 members. Present boy for me and a girl for you) as The news that Dr. Thomas P. The American Youth Congress, which previously refused to Include priest he has been over a span of day statistics estimate that there the ideal family. Melady, A Duquesne University in Its official creed a declaration placing Communism on a level with these past 50 years. Ad Multos are In the nine-county area 50 • Many new fields of employ­ graduate, has been selected by 'lazlsm and Fascism as contrary to American ideals, adopted by a Annos, Fr. Getty. Jewish congregations with somtj ment have become open for President George Bush to be am­ unanimous vote yesterday a resolution condemning all forms of dic­ 40.000 or more members. • women, offering positions with bassador to the Vatican brought I tatorship and including Communism among them. higher salaries. back many pleasant memories to I have often thought that It Is From the foregoing, it is obi 100 YEARS AGO • Nurses must take their turn me. rather strange that the public vlous that there is, I repeat, a vas( 1889 working three shifts and working Dr. Melady was an active newspapers do not carry a special market for a section of a secular News in brief on weekends and holidays. member of the Diocesan Holy newspaper devoted exclusively to The Religious in New York City teach about 30,000 pupils; the section exclusively devoted to the Name Society speakers bureau. religion — unless, or course, magnificent Catholic Cathedral at Hong Kong holds 4,000 people; the There were other factors which subject of Church and religions In Like many other members of the religion is considered to be of little Sisters of St. Francis are making arrangements for the erection of a came up in our conversation, but (heir Sunday editions. bureau, he gave generously of his They have special sections or no importance. hospital at Rhinelander. Wis. these three were the more Impor- [ Friday, July 7, 1989 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Page 6 Diocesan News Com m ission issues report on crucifix in Am bridge

REPORT OF THE COMMISSION Wuerl. God’s graces in our lives as Christian men and and the meaning of the messages has been HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 12. Father Vincent Cvitkovich called Father women does not require miraculous events. The oriented toward calling all people to adhere to the AMBRIDGE. PENNSYLVANIA David Zubik on Saturday. March 25, 1989. Father Lord's graces are mostly present and active within teaching o f the Church. A) Introduction Zubik was not available but Father Cvitkovich us through the Holy Spirit in and through the or­ 29. The commission wishes to distinguish bet­ was told that Bishop Wuerl would be informed of dinary occurrences of divine providence, which do ween public and private revelation. Public revela­ 1. The Most Reverend Donald W. Wuerl, S.T.D., the events of Good Friday. not circumvent the laws o f nature. It is possible tion ended with the death of the last apostolic Bishop of Pittsburgh, appointed a Commission on 13. Bishop Wuerl called Father Cvitkovich on that supernatural grace could be working in the witness to God's full and definitive revelation in April 3, 1989 to evaluate the events of March 24. Saturday, March 25, 1989 and discussed the mat­ lives of those connected with the events at Holy His Son, Jesus Christ. Private revelations given to 1989. Good Friday, at Holy Trinity Church. Am­ ter of the crucifix and the events of Good Friday. Trinity Church without those events being individuals after this apostolic time can never add bridge. Pennsylvania. The members of the Com­ Bishop Wuerl informed Father Cvitkovich that he miraculous. anything substantial to God's full revelation in His mission were: Most Reverend William J. Winter. would visit the Church on Monday, March 27, 22. In an attempt to ascertain whether or not a Son. Our adherence of faith is only to God's revela­ S.T.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh. Chairper­ 1989. tion given in His Son. Jesus Christ, as contained in son: Most Reverend John B. McDowell, Ph.D.. miracle occurred at Holy Trinity Church the Com­ 14. On Monday, March 27, 1989, Bishop Wuerl the Scripture and Sacred Tradition(s) and pro­ Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh: Reverend Robert mission has carefully examined the photographic visited Holy Trinity Church. Subsequently, evidence provided by the parish as well as claimed in the Church. Private revelations never L. McCreary, O.F.M. Cap.. S.T.D.. Chairperson of Bishop Wuerl was given a written report and a photographs from an independent agency com­ become an article of faith or dogma in the Church. the Diocesan Theological Commission; and Very videotape showing pictures of the crucifix taken On occasion in the life of the Church, private Reverend Lawrence A. DiNardo. J.C.L.. missioned by the Diocese. We also reviewed the on January 28, 1989, the day the crucifix was in­ written reports submitted and interviewed six revelations have been deemed worthy of pious ac­ Chancellor of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. stalled in the sanctuary and March 24, 1989, Good ceptance by Church authority after careful study. 2. The Commission considered the following witnesses who were most closely involved in the Friday, after the events had taken place. The Good Friday events. Even in these cases, no one is obliged to accept two questions: First, did the eyes of the figure of videotape also included pictures of the crucifix such private revelations. The principal value of Jesus, on the crucifix located in the sanctuary at 23. In the interviews conducted by the Commis­ taken on March 27, 1989. private revelations is that they can deepen the Holy Trinity Church. Ambridge. Pennsylvania, sion, the testimony of the witnesses was 15. On Monday, April 10, 1989, Bishop William faithful’s devotion to Christ and also encourage close during the services on Good Friday. March remarkably consistent in describing the events J. Winter and Father Zubik joined professional which they perceived on Good Friday and during them to be people of faith and prayer, people con­ 24, 1989 and return to their normal condition a photographers, commissioned by the Diocese, at verted more deeply to the Gospel, and to love of few days later? Second, have private revelations the following days. Holy Trinity Church. The photographers took fur­ God's world. occurred to certain persons in conjunction with 24. Although the witnesses testified to what ther video and still photographs of the crucifix 30. The Commission found no convincing this alleged Good Friday event? they had perceived, a careful examination of the from every angle, using every shade and combina­ evidence that there were private revelations in­ 3. The task of the Commission was to evaluate photographs provided by Holy Trinity Church as tion of light available in the sanctuary. volved in the events at Holy Trinity Church. The the physical evidence, and to interview those per­ well as those photographs independently commis­ 16. On Friday, April 21. 1989, the Commission locutions or revelations appear to arise from a nor­ sons directly related to the Good Friday events sioned shows no convincing evidence that a met to review the photographic evidence and mal Christian life of prayer and fidelity to the and report the findings to the Diocesan Bishop. miracle has occurred. The eyes of the figure of develop a process for the investigation. The Com­ Jesus, as seen in the photograph taken from the Church. They do not represent any revelation that B) Events at Holy Trinity Church mission decided to interview the persons directly video of March 24 (Good Friday) do not differ in ap­ is not already part of the deposit of faith. 4. The events of Good Friday evening began related to the Good Friday events on May 1, 1989. pearance from the eyes in the photograph iden­ 31. The Commission wishes to take cognizance when James Cvitkovich, a server at the Good Fri­ Those interviewed were: Dominic Leo, the artist tified by the witnesses as taken on January 28. of the fact that the events of Good Friday have had day ceremony, glanced at the crucifix suspended who refurbished the crucifix: James, Thomas and when the crucifix was raised to its position over a profound effect on many members of the from the ceiling of the sanctuary and perceived Charles Cvitkovich. nephews of the Pastor, altar the altar. faithful. Many have come in good faith to visit Ho­ that the eyes of Jesus, which had been slightly servers and parishioners of Holy Trinity Church: 25. The photographs taken by the agency com­ ly Trinity Church and to view the crucifix. The open, were now closed from the angle from which Joseph Rozman, server and parishioner of Holy missioned by the Diocese show differences in the Commission wishes to note that many people he viewed them. Trinity Church, and the Reverend Vincent eyes from one photo to the other. This, however, is have used this occasion as an opportunity to be 5. James Cvitkovich sought affirmation of what Cvitkovich, O.F.M., Pastor of Holy Trinity Church. clearly attributable to varied lighting combina­ reconciled to the Church and return to its he saw by asking his brother. Thomas Cvitkovich, 17. The Commission met on May 1, 1989 and in­ tions and the various angeles from which the eyes sacramental life especially the Holy Eucharist, who was also serving the ceremony, to verify what terviewed the involved parties concerning the are viewed. All of these commissioned which is the summit of our faith. he perceived. Thomas Cvitkovich confirmed that crucifix and the Good Friday events at Holy Trini­ photographs were taken on the same day. 32. Finally, just as these people found special the eves of Jesus were closed from the angle that ty C h u rch . solace in visiting Holy Trinity Church, the Com­ 26. In brief, the photos taken on January 28, he viewed the corpus. mission prays that all members of the Christian D) Findings of the Commission March 24 (Good Friday), March 27. and April 10. 6. To confirm his original observation James Faithful will visit their parish churches with the when viewed from the same angle, consistently Cvitkovich moved from the right to the left side of 18. The Commission judges that the persons in­ same faith and openness to Christ's grace so that show the eyes of the crucifix to be in the same the altar and viewed the corpus. He perceived that terviewed and involved in the Good Friday events all may find the same comfort and spiritual position. the eyes of Jesus which had been slightly open arc sincere people, filled with faith and love for the growth in the presence of the Eucharist. 27. We believe that the claim of a miracle cannot were closed also from this angle. message of Christ and His Church. The Commis­ be verified. At the same time we believe that the E) Recommendations 7. Toward the end of the ceremony the servers sion found no evidence of deception, desire for witnesses are in good faith. Therefore, we would 33. The Commission believes that no further in­ conveyed their observation to the Reverend Vin­ financial gain or personal notoriety attached to the understand the events to have arisen from the vestigation is necessary in this matter and recom­ cent Cvitkovich, O.F.M., Pastor of Holy Trinity events at Holy Trinity Church or the persons in­ variety of visual perceptions and from the unique mends that the contents of this report be released Church and Celebrant of the ceremony. After the volved in those events. features of the crucifix. to the public either in whole or in part. ceremony Father Cvitkovich examined the 19. We have further learned that many people crucifix. who have visited Holy Trinity Church have been 28. The Commission also considered the report Given at Pittsburgh, this 21st day of June. 1989. of private locutions or revelations to members of F o o tn o te 8. Father Vincent Cvitkovich summoned assisted spiritually by their visitation and par­ the youth prayer group at Holy Trinity Church. Dominic Leo, a participant at the ceremony and ticipation in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and 1 McCraw Hill Book Co.. New Catholic En­ These messages have been reported in the media the artist who had refurbished the crucifix, to ex­ Eucharist at the Church. The Commission finds it cyclopedia. New York. Vol. 9, pp. 890. amine the corpus. Mr. Leo looked at the crucifix commendable that many people have taken ad­ and said: "Oh my God, the eyes are closed." vantage of the Sacraments as a result of this event. 9. After a brief period of time the Pastor went to It has also been reported to the Commission that the basement oi the Church and announced to the some members of the Christian Faithful have people gathered there socially: "It seems that returned to the Church after many years of something has happened. The eyes of Jesus on absence, because of their visitation to the Church. our crucifix are closed." 20. This Commission has spent a considerable When looking for a 10. From that moment many of those who saw amount of time on the question as to whether or the crucifix and examined it closely have main­ not a miracle has taken place at Holy Trinity tained that the eyes oi the corpus changed from Church. The Commission considered the term being slightly open to almost closed. This condi­ miracle in its theological sense, that is, “an ex­ tion. according to certain witnesses, prevailed un­ traordinary event, perceptible to the senses pro­ Senior Care Facility til early in Easter week when the eyes returned to duced by God in a religious context as a sign of the being slightly open. Since that time those supernatural", l that is, as a sign of His presence, witnesses have neither observed nor reported any grace, mercy and truth. This is the meaning of extraordinary events with the crucifix. miracle accepted by the Commission and is the C) Diocesan Involvement basis of the evaluation made by the Commission. there’s nothing more 21. We wish further to distinguish between the 11. Father Vincent Cvitkovich called Bishop meaning of miracle and the meaning of super­ John B. McDowell on Saturday. March 25. 1989 to natural grace. We wish to note that the working of inform him of the events of Good Friday at the Church. Bishop McDowell asked Father SUPPORT Cvitkovich to call Father David Zubik. Ad­ important than someone OUR ministrative Secretary to Bishop Donald W. ADVERTISERS Wills Awareness SUMMERTIME you can trust Workshop REUPHOLSTERING Learn how to protect and pass on the things for which you have worked so hard.

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Friday, July 7, 1989 P a g e Freedom resident involved in DCCW, receives award By DANIEL SAMARIN its centennial anniversary next tional Affairs Committee is to FREEDOM — Eleanor Smelko year. stress helping the missions. has received the 1989 John Car­ Smelko also was president of The work of the DCCW has dinal Wright Award from the Pitt­ the Beaver County Deanery Coun­ been felt around the world. sburgh Diocesan Council of cil of Catholic Women from Smelko said. "Through the coun­ Catholic Women. 1964-66, and has served on cil and of course the changes o f ... The award recently was given various other commissions and Vatican II, it has gotten people in­ to Smelko at the council conven­ committees. volved in many, many areas that tion at the Holiday Inn. Moon The Diocesan Council of they were never involved in. It’s Township. The annual award is Catholic Women includes 16 really opened up a lot of doors." given to a member who has per­ deaneries which are made up of She cited two specific projects formed outstanding service for all the parishes in the Pittsburgh where the DCCW has literally the DCCW. Diocese and includes all the helped save the lives of thousands Smelko. currently chairman of Catholic women's organizations of people. the International Affairs Commit­ in the diocese. One is the Water Tank Project. tee, has been a member of the The Pittsburgh Council is a The Pittsburgh DCCW has raised DCCW since 1954. She has held member of the National Council of over $33,(XX) since 1980 to help numerous positions within the Catholic Women, located in the National Council and the Catholic women’s organization, Washington, D.C. There also is an Catholic Relief Services provide including council secretary, International Council of Catholic safe water to the people of Kenya, historian, consultant for the Women. Africa. Organization Services Commis­ The work of the Pittsburgh Smelko said the money was us­ sion. chairman of the annual DCCW comes under six commis­ ed to install water tanks, pipes business meeting in 1979. and in sions: Church Communities, and pumps in different areas of 1967-1968 she served as alter­ Community Affairs. Family Af­ the country, where the people had nate delegate for the Bishop's fairs. International Affairs. contaminated water. At a price of Eleanor Smelko has been a member of the Organization Services Commission. The Pastoral Council under Bishop Legislative Information and $475 per tank, the DCCW has Diocesan Council of Catholic Women since 1954. Freedom resident has received the 1989 John Wright. Organization Services. been able to pay for the installa­ She has held numerous positions within the Cardinal Wright Award from the DCCW. A member of St. Felix Church Smelko said the motto of the tion of 71 water facilities for the Catholic women's organization. Including coun­ in Freedom. Smelko is president Pittsburgh DCCW is "Joining our people of Kenya. cil secretary, historian and consultant for the — Photo by John C. Keenan of the Loyal Christian Benefit work with the work of bishops." Another project, the Interna­ Association, an interparochial Smelko said the DCCW tries to tional Affairs Commission, helps Chimbote clinic where priests and specifically during the drought worked as a secretary. Smelko group that consists of members inform, educate and serve the the missions in Chimbote, Peru. nuns work. Contributions are also and flood seasons. said that in her spare time she en­ from different areas. The fraternal women in the Pittsburgh Diocese: Since 1977, the Pittsburgh used to help the Chimbote people A retiree of the Bethlehem Steel joys church work, helping out at organization will be celebrating and the purpose of the Interna­ Council has helped support a with their water problems, Corp. in Leetsdale where she home, golfing and the theater.

H o m e a g a i n with family-related cases such Nun-lawyer as domestic violence and child custody. says finances "I tell them I can represent Spiritual phenom ena and pow er w i t h i n them, so the courts will hear keep people their problem, but sometimes By CONNIE ANN VALENTI God are often mocked and ex­ speak with God: and yet that is the cases don't go to a hear­ Father, from what I have been perience much personal suffer­ what we do when we do not from legal help ing," she said. "W e might be hearing from a number of people, ing, but still they continue as develop an active prayer life. able to negotiate a settlement the television program "Unsolved Jesus did all the way to the cross. The word of God spoken silently By KATHY HOAK ROTH that is in the interest of the Mysteries" would have a field day Faith is a source of strength within the heart or mind em­ CARLISLE. Pa. (NC) - client." if it came to Pittsburgh to in- whose great powers we still have powers the gift of faith given to us Financial barriers have kept She said it's not easy to stay ! vestigate the many unexplainable not discovered. by God. It is a source of strength the poor from getting access to detached. things that have been happening from which we can draw the nation's legal system, said "I listen and give them their in our area. endlessly. teacher-turned-lawyer Sister of legal options so they know they In response to the May 26 Pitt­ By FR. RON LENGWIN Sources of great physical and St. Joseph Joan Carey. have choices," she said. “ I sburgh Catholic article written by As a vegetarian and a jogger. I spiritual power exist within us. "Th ey feel that the system is often feel myself getting involv­ Marvis Williams about Blessed try to stay in touch with my Unfortunately, we may not against them ," Sr. Carey said. ed, because I care about them, Nunzio Sulprizio, I received a let­ physical being, knowing when become aware of them until we "I sense their frustration. They but I can’t get involved too ter with a photo in it explaining my body is functioning properly are forced to look deep within can't afford to go to an attorney m uch." some of the events occurring at and when it is not. As a disciple of ourselves during great distress. happens often throughout the who charges $100 an hour." Sr. Carey said she grew in­ that shrine. Christ, I believe that it is just as This power, however, is intend­ world? Is God giving us signs to She’s the only lawyer in her terested in law in 1979 when A woman named Susan wrote: important for me to be aware of ed for our daily use and not simp­ try to tell us something? I know congregation of 1.750 and one she was an intern for Network, "On Sunday. May 7, I visited the what is happening in my heart ly in times of crisis. We could be we should be skeptical about such of only 300 priests, brothers the Religious-led social justice Blessed Nunzio shrine with my and soul. 1 must be as concerned better persons if we relied on it events, but are we to believe that and Sisters in the nation who lobby in Washington. She parents, taking along my camera. about the Spirit of God within me regularly. It never runs out. In everyone is lying or that there is are lawyers. studied at the Temple Univer­ About 10 p.m. just before going as I am about my weight or the fact, it increases through use, as some grand plot to deceive us? After 24 years of teaching. sity School of Law in home. I finally got around to tak­ condition of my cardio-vascular love does. Faith can be described in many different ways, but it is S r. Carey gave up the Philadelphia at night while she ing my pictures. I turned on the Blessed Nunzio seems to be a system. an investment of God's life and chalkboards for legal briefs. taught English for the Ar­ bright overhead lights to insure a saint for our time. He is a patron When I start jogging. I can love in us which enables us to For two years, the 46-year-old chdiocese of Philadelphia dur­ nice clear picture and gazed up at saint for unemployed workers, for usually tell right away how 1 am continue the work of Christ. nun has been working with the ing the day. Blessed Nunzio's face. The statue abused children and for cancer going to feel. My body tells me if I poor as a staff attorney for Although Sr. Carey said she has beautifully carved wooden victims among others. Susan con­ should slow down or if it is ready 1 cannot explain all the spiritual to be challenged. In practical Legal Services Inc. in Carlisle, enjoyed teaching, she sees her features. His face and eyes looked tinued, "The young especially phenomena which have been Pa. work as a lawyer as a more sad, but I noticed nothing could gain strength and refuge terms, I decide whether I will run reported. The question we usually "I didn't know the poor, the direct way to help others. unusual. from their woes if only they would five or six miles that day, and at examine is whether or not God powerlessness of the poor," Sr. "M y thrust is equal justice "A few days later I hurriedly embrace him as a friend and what pace. may have intervened in some A lot of that is determined by Carey said. "I see people who for the poor," Sr. Carey said. "I opened the envelope to see how heavenly companion and not with miraculous way. Perhaps we are just concerned with sur­ keep reading and studying so I m y pictures turned out. I was the usual disdain and cold- the temperature, how much sleep should also examine what role vival. The fact that someone is can present the person's case satisifed with each one as I looked hearted indifference sometimes I got and how stressful the day our faith may have played. Did we helping them just might rein­ in the best light. I don't have at them, in spite of my amateur shown to God’s servants.” has been. I do not consciously see what we wanted to see? And if force their belief in God and any control, so I can’t let a deci­ attempts. But I gasped audibly consider each of these factors: it our faith can move mountains, happens spontaneously, and my others." sion devastate me." when I came to a close-up shot of I spoke with Delphina can it make a statue weep or Legal Services takes only the Blessed Nunzio’s face which was Cesarespada who is promoting body together with my mind give bleed? civil cases of the poor and only When she’s not busy pro­ clear and lovely when the photo devotion to Blessed Nunzio about me the message. in emergencies, she said. That viding legal aid. Sr. Carey is in­ was taken but now there was the blood on his face and she told Being able to listen to our body I believe we should pay much may entail getting public volved in other activities. blood on his face.” me this has happened several can provide us with valuable in­ closer attention to our faith and assistance or unemployment Her experience as a teacher When I examined the photo, times. And when I called Susan, I formation. but being able to listen become as aware of its activity in compensation for someone or helps her supervise students I'm sure I was as shaken as she found her to be a woman who tru­ to the Spirit of God within us is our daily lives as we are of helping fight an illegal evic­ from the law school of Dickin­ was. How do you explain things ly loves God and is not some even more important. For it too whatever part of our being we tion. Sr. Carey deals primarily son College in Carlisle. like this? Why do statues weep fanatic seeking publicity. has much to tell us. Who of us give the greatest attention to and bleed? Is this something that Those who promote love for would refuse an opportunity to today.

Q uestions for Fr. B ober Where can locations of ‘titular sees’ in this country be found? By FR. CHARLES BOBER it s only bishop, Michael Historians indicate that he really office. In November of 1875 he left reunion of the two dioceses was QUESTION Domenec. did not have the full support of for Rome and a month later sent necessary and Bishop Domenec Not long ago you wrote a col­ Michael (Miguel) Domenec was the priests and people. At one word that the Holy See had divid­ resigned on July 29. 1877. and um n about " titular" sees. You born near Barcelona, Spain in point, three priests, the rector of ed the diocese of Pittsburgh and the Diocese of Allegheny was sup­ said that these were dioceses 1816. He Joined the Vincentian the cathedral, the director of the created a new diocese of pressed and the area returned to which were given to bishops who Fr. Charles order and came to the U.S. as a diocesan seminary, and the editor Allegheny (of which he was ap­ the jurisdiction of the Diocese of were not heads of Individual B ober missionary. He was exercising of the Pittsburgh Catholic all pointed bishop). Pittsburgh. Bishop Domenec dioceses. I have no question with priestly ministry at Saint Charles resigned and left the diocese. That decision was a very un­ never returned from Spain and that part of your answer, but you Seminary in Philadelphia when After the Civil War, prosperity popular one and the situation died there in 1878. also said that these Michael O'Connor (Pitt­ came to the Pittsburgh area with within both dioceses deteriorated This brief historical episode dioceses were mostly In Africa sburgh's first bishop) resigned. considerable economic expan­ rapidly. For one thing, the boun­ does not include the many and Asia Minor. I remember The choice of the bishops of the sion. But this good news was dary lines, it was said, were unfair notable accomplishments of reading somewhere that there province was Michael Domenec short lived and it was followed and distributed the wealth to Bishop Domenec (e.g. completing are a few In the ? Is United States. One is Wala Wala, who was ordained a bishop on quickly by a financial crash. The Allegheny and the debt to Pitt­ the construction of the Cathedral that true? Washington, and the other is that Dec. 9, 1860. “ panic of 1873” was a disaster for sburgh. After repeated attempts on Grant Street and the establish­ ANSWER of Allegheny (North Side, Pitt­ The years of his episcopal the local economy as wefl as the at reconciliation by the Ar­ ment of 38 new parishes). It does, You are correct. To the best of sburgh). The history of that ministry were very difficult. The Church and its institutions. chbishop of Philadelphia, the case however, explain why we have a m y knowledge, two such diocese is very interesting and Civil War and financial trouble Bishop Domenec in particular was submitted to Rome. titular (former) diocese on the "form er" dioceses exist in the cannot really be separated from were only the beginning. felt the increasing burdens of his Rome apparently saw that the North Side. Page 8 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, July 7, 1989 Classified ads/diocesan new s

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Classified ‘ ‘ kills” Trains & Old Toys wanted by Holy Land/Rome SUNDAY, JULY 9 cannot be accepted after 11 Cost $ 1 0 9 9 plus tax New York City former altar boy for hobby. Sept. 9-23 July 12-14 Legion of Mary — Comltium meeting. 2 pm. St. Basil church hall. A M Mon. for current week’ s July 19-21 787-2140 787-0731 Christmas Tour Courteous Reply, Free Ap­ $ 1 6 9 7 July 23-25 SI 1 2 9 787-2564 373-7275 Dec. 1-4 $309 praisals. 423-3231, 751-2186. Carrick. July 26-28 Dec. 4-7 $309 001 PERSONALS MEDJUGORJE’ MONDAY, JULY 10 Sept. 19-26; Oct. 17-24 2 Weeks Antiques Wanted WEEKENDS Holy Land/ Theos (for the widowed), St. Albert the Great, Baldwin Borough PREGNANT? $ 9 9 9 ADMIRALTY TOURS INC. D in in g Rooms, Kitchen Sets All inclusive, all meals, Fancy Carved Furniture — Meeting. 7:30 p.m.. parish library. For information call Sister And you didn't mean to be? Accomodations in first July 21-23 8 1 5 9 Grand European Tour 3 night cruise on the Nile For a Iree pregnancy test and class villa, twin bedded Painted Dishes, Glassware Eileen. 884-7744. 21 day escorted tour Sept. 18-Oct. 3 $2,179 Tiffany-type Lamps confidential support. rooms, private facilities. 8 Day Special TUESDAY,JULY 11 7-countries Las Vegas Stained Glass Call BIRTHRIGHT July 24-28 Gold Jewelry Marian Movement of Priests — Cenacle, 2 p.m.. St. Stephen. Lourdes/Fatima/Spain Departs Sept. 5, 1989 Imperial Place Pittsburgh 621-1988 Aug. 1418 $ 2 0 9 Sterling Flatware from $ 1 1 9 9 Sept. 23-30 $409 McKeesport. Sewickley 741-3491 Aug. 28-Sept. 1 $2316.00 do includes air Dolls, W in d -u p Toys Call lor dates Other Dates Available Banks, Doorstops WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 Orlando Fla. Oriental Rugs For Brochure call 4 Day Special 8 days • 7 nights Send for brochure Auxiliary, St. Joseph Nursing and Health Care Center, Garfield A LO N E A PR EG N AN T July 16-19 Mirrors, Clocks 922-2831 Air, Hotel and transfers P.O. Box 98261 Quilts, Doilies Lifeline a eonfldc-nttal — Social. 1-3:30 p.m., 5324 Penn Ave. Aug. 8-11 Pittsburgh, Pa. 15227 Most O ld Things caring friend Free Aug. 21-24 $ 2 8 5 .0 0 pp.do pregnancy test. 1 6 9 OR CALL THURSDAY, JULY 13 Aug. 22-25 Departs Sept. 23rd 1989 Guaranteed Honesty Call Pgh. 862*0543 885-6962 881-3479 Highest Price Paid St. Gregory, Zelienople — Annual lawn fete, through Saturday. Beaver 643*0508 2 Day Special Call for information DOROTHY or PAUL Featuring dinners of meat loaf on Thursday, deep fried fish on Friday. Butler 282-1200 7 3 4 -0 2 0 0 242-0451 Cranberry 776-2550 Oar Lady of Perpetui Help and chicken or ham on Saturday, all from 4:30 p.m. Also booths open Aug. 7-8 88 9 Connellsv 828-5858 nightly at 7:30 p.m.. amusements, rides. TRAVEL CLUB Mon Valley 480-9020 'A ll Atlantic City BUYING ANTIQUE- Furni­ St. Joseph, West Aliquippa — Mass for charismatics. 7:30 p.m.. Fr Special Senior Citixen ture, toys, etc. One piece or Presents Trips Include Trans., entire house. Clean attics, Leo Burehianti, celebrant. Abortion can be a ZONA TOURS Air Parea to/from Lodging, Double Ca­ Etlwood City Transit Inc. garages or basements. Refin­ traumatic experience. ST. ANNE SUNDAY, JULY 16 sino Bonus. Longer ish furniture. Paul 586-7698. It you need help In putting DE BEAUPRE 1989 TOURS Call for detalla! W PXI-TV, Channel 11 — Mass for shut-ins. 6 a.m.. Fr. Joseph your life back in locus... Stays Available. WANTED-American Flyer, Dascenzo. pastor. Purification parish. Ellwood City, celebrant. Choir SHRINE TOUR Dog Race/Dinner/ ATLANTIC CITT Ives and Lionel Toy Trains. Call C.A.R.E. MULTI DAY TOURS Notre Dame Alumnus will and congregation from the parish. Mass interpreted for the deaf. Our Services Are Quebec, Canada Jamboree V U Baa *3 9 .0 0 Aug. 20-22 »155 pay up to $20,000 any condi­ Free and Confidential Aug. 19-26 W ild w o o d tion, anywhere. Collector. Aug. 28-Sept. 1 «259 Aug. 12 Billy C. Craddock Bally Park Place Drew Bauer, 683-4457, 682- 810 RESORTS i (412) 572-5099 728-6606 From $343 pp.do. Casino Bonus »20 coin Sept. 17-21 *229 Aug 19 Jeannie C. Riley 6637. VACATION PROPERTY Price includes: Round Trip ACCORDION ANI) OR-DJ Aug 26 Dan Seals Steeler Football Deluxe Moiorcoach Transporta­ Baltimore/Annapolis Sept 2 Ray Price specializing in WEDDINGS, FREE-Tcnder Spiritual Mess­ tion. One Night Lodging Toron­ Steeler va Bengala Antiques wanted Parties, and Banquets! Light Dinner Theatres Sep! 220ak Ridge Boys Dreaming ot Getting Away On ages to Lift your Heart with to, City Tour And Boat Tour Of Sept. 16-17ppa »149 We will buy any­ show available. Reasonable An Unforgetable Vacation? Simple Faith Prayers. Write: Toronto, One Dinner And One July 21 23 *169 Janie Frickie Deluxe hotel in thing over 40 years rates. 884-3145. Catholic Action, R .D . 4, Box old; one item or com­ Breakfast In Toronto, One Night Oct 28 Louise Mandrell Downtown Cincinnati "D EL RAY’S” -A1I Types of Train to be a Professional 410, Tarentum, PA 15084. B o y S c o u t plete household. Fur­ FLORIDA‘89’ Lodging At The Madonna Nov. 25 Roy Clark Music. Music for all Occa­ SECRETARY House, Cap-De-La-Madeleine, National Jamboree SUPER CRUISE niture, (baby dolls) old (Out Eighth Sunny Year) IN I IM fcS-of need as well as Ponderosa Park toys, dishes, trains, sions. Weddings. Banquets. EXECUTIVE SEC. Quebec Two Nights Lodging At Aug. 5-6 *79 WORD PROCESSOR Consider Spending it at in gratitude pray always and S/S Carla Sea hand painted china, Parties. Nick 653-5323. everywhere to the Sacred Joanne Motel, St. Anne De *2 7 .0 0 Oct. 7th I HOME STUDY /RES TRAININO I Out Home Away from Home at cut glass, music EXPRESSIONS ORCHESTRA- Heart o f Jesus, The Blessed Beaupre, Quebec. A Mystery W illiam sburg July 23 Conway Twitty FINANCIAL AID AVAIL. I Ocean Village on Hutchinson S/S Costa Rtvlera boxes, china cabi­ The Best in Polish and Island. Ft Pierce. Fla. The Virgin Mary and St. Jude, Side Trip, Two Nights Lodging Aug. 21-25 "299 Aug 20 Loretta Lynn nets, clocks, coins, I JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTI Nov. 25th American Music. For your Resort Otters An Exquisite patron saint o f things almost At The Place Dupuis, Montreal, Includes Busch Garden bed sets, dining sets, See Our Large Ad Wedding, Picnic or Banquet Oceanlront Restaurant/Lounge despaired of. G.E.K. Quebec A Visit To The Floral and Jamestown 7 days including airfare fancy carved furniture, THE HART SCHOOL on Page 11 8 Entertainment. 681-3640. tor Professions! Secretane* FREE Golf/Tennis, 24 Hr Security. Park And Underground Mali In fro oil paintings, oriental 8 9 9 I Neil hdqtrs. Pompano Beh PL 3 Pools. 3000' Beach. Sauna. Montreal. One Night Lodging At Canada & Glass rugs.High Prices Paid FLASH BACK-(Formerly Write or Call Discounts available on Jacuzzi, i Maid Service. Our The Sheraton, Hamilton, On­ Celebrity) For your Wedding Corning, Quebec, most cruise lines. Over 443-8090 t BR Villa Sips 4, Has Washer tario, A Visit To Niagara Falls ZONA TOURS 200 dates available. or Special Occasion-Wide Ottawa, Montreal variety o f music. Paul 823- & Dryer. A/C. Color TV. & More And The Floral Clock, Two Ad­ 1846 HOMEVILLE ROAD Richland 1st Floor. Convenient Location. Aug. 5-12 '5 3 9 Romantic 4975. ditional Meals DUQUESNE VILLAGE SHOP. CTR Antiques Available 4/30 thru 12/24/89 15 days/13 Nights Shrines To Be Visited Are: Myrtle Beach W. MIFFLIN. PA 15122 FOR POLISH POLKAS- j Better Than a Motel! Departure Sept. 16 Standards and a bit of Train for careers in Notre-Dame Du Cap-De-La- Aug. 20 26 *429 469-3902 And Less Expensive Too! Madeleine, Sainte Anne De | everything Music for all oc­ •AIRLINES from 8 1 7 9 9 ,><1., casions and places. Call Len­ Beaupre In Quebec, St. Joseph's Ocean City, MD •CRUISE UNES All for only $300/week Fully escorted from ny. 276-3850, l i t ri li- Iteai'h Oratory And Notre Dame Sept. 1115 *249 752-9701 iE «oodCrfy •TRAVEL AGENCIES Pittsburgh MA1TRESS WAREHOUSE! Call 4 3 1 -2 6 1 4 Cathedral In Montreal And Our GOOD ENTERTAINMENT-1 s [ HOME STUDY/RES. TRAININO Sept. 24-30 »iia » Discounted fares to Italy Lady Of Fatima In Youngstown, North Jersey Shore MOVING-Single, Double, important to your wedding •FINANCIAL AID AVAIL. Queen, $28-538-548. Bunk t II incluais V New York, All Baggage Handl­ For information call reception. I know this is a JOB PLACEMENT ASSIST. NYC ft A/C Beds $85, Sofa Beds $99. foni act Herl ing, All Taxes And Tips On In­ 487-5907Ask for Ann special day for you and I want Sept. 25-29 *299 Sofas $118, Loveseats $99. 1-800-327-7728 The Great Golf cluded Features With The Ex­ to make it perfect with the t o a / l l i l 931-4664After 5 PM. Chairs $66; Table lamps $19. American Carssr Training Package 4 3 1 -6 8 4 » ception Of The Busdriver And Music-U-Likc! I offer the Travai School V a B e a c h Dressers, Chests $57; Beds. Tour Escort Snacks, Games finest in entertainment. For Nall hdqtrs. Pompano Beh. FL. For Groups/Individuals o r Sept. 25-29 *299 Frames $17. Dinettes, And Refreshments On Bus • Plus ÏJ O U + S your convenience call Dan Best Western, Newark Inn Includes Busch Garden Recliners, Rockers $75. Din­ 352-3070 A Tour Escort To Help Make Davis at 881-6246. Newark Ohio. 614-349-8411 end W illiamsburg ing room hutches, Buffets The Trip All The More - & Butler Motor Tours | AIRI INKS NOW H1RING- $127; Tables $85, Chairs $23 PARTY TYME BAND- • 2 Nights Lodging Enjoyable!! New York City ATLANTIC CITY I light Attendants, Travel All new, make offer! Delivery Music for all occasions. Wed­ • 2 Breakfasts dings a specialty. Call 344- Note — Proof Of Citizenship Is Theatre Tour Agents, Mechanics, Customer I free. Jacobs-across from 1 MT. WASHINGTON • 2 Lunches 1989 Trop World Service. Listings. Salaries to 4027 for booking. Required When Crossing The Dec. 1-3 «285 Southside Hospital. 481-6444; • 2 Dinners M ld w e e k S105K. fcntry level positions. Housing for the Border Into Canada. Tickets for Jerome Rob­ 10 to 5. SCHENLEY STRING Ql AR- I • Bottle ol Champagne Call ( I ) 805-687-6000 Lxt. I bins, Radio City Music TET-Exquisite and Romantic ELDERLY For Additional Infor­ July 25-25 A -403 3. • 2 Rounds of 18 hole golf Hall, Christmas Show. Music. Classical, Popular, mation On All Dynamite Aug 8-10 $4 CO (Choice ol 8 Courses) " 4 I I t V I lO V L a r n Money Mozart to Romeo and Juliet Managed Dy the Sisters ol Divine Providence Tours Please Call Tom Aug 15-15 *33 ONE DAY TOUR Reading Books! $32,000/year j for Weddings, Receptions, Simpson at A l l. H A U LIN G -an d trash Apartments Extended S109 pp.do. A ug 27-29 Banquets. Telephone 461- income potential. Details. (1)1 removal. Fast, reliable and attention for elderly Tax and Gratuities not included 1-800-327-4334 Niagara Falls 8664 1989 TOURS July 51 Aug 5 *205 602-838-8885 Ext Bk8030.” reasonable! Also demolition and handicapped. Ac­ July 16______»49 comodates Senior Luxurious accomodations sept 21-22 *99 work. Call Walt 687-6928. “ SOUND SENSATIONS” - M ulti Day Tour* “ At 1 EN TION-H ¡ring! Citizens who need a In a quaint rural town just DJ's for all occasions. Call Pgh City Tours Sept 24-27 »169 Government jobs - your area. REl PHOI.STERING-Slip- little extra care yet do 3 hours from Pittsburgh Georgian Bay Am ity Travel wed sat/SunoB *55 Many immediate openings covers, Furniture Repairs. Charlie at 761-1766. not need the medical Discounted Shopping at plus without wailing list or test. 40 Outlets. Tours and dis­ Airline Tickets, Most Reasonable. Discount attention of a nursing G atew ay Clipper MM counts at 2 Golf Equip­ July 16-21 $369 Cruise Specialists, Multi-Day Tours $17,840 - $69,485. Call fabrics. Since 1966. Lou and home. Monthly Rent ment manufacturers Business Travel 1-602-838-8885. Ext. R8030.” John 361-8100. SERVICES *745 includes meals, Baltimore Dinner Theatre Nearby attractions in­ July 29 $ 2 9 Florida Economy | GOVERNMENT JOBS-SI6.040 | laundry, housekeep­ July 21-23 ( i i i Atlantic City CARPET INSTALLATION- EDU-CARE PRE-SCHOOE- clude National Heisey Includes Lunch plus July 22-29 *595 - S59,230/yr. Now Hiring ing and planned social Aug 18-20 1 M ppso Ballys And Sales-Stair shifts, carpet f or 3 and 4 year olds by O c­ Glass Museum. The guided Tour Put in Bay Cali ( I ) 805-687-6000 Ext services. Medical ser­ repair. 30 years experience. tober 1. St. Peter’ s School, vices provided by Mer­ Dawes Arboretum, Buck­ July 25-27 *155 July 28-50 *199 R-4033 for current federal I Northside. Close to eye Scenic Railroad. Western Sampler Marietta Ohio Reasonable rates. Discount to cy Hospital are avail­ Casino Bonus *20 Caspe Peninsula Senior Citizens. 884-0859. Downtown/Transportation. able on premises. Webb House Museum. Aug. 16 *39 Olde Mill Museum. Art Aug 5-19 $949 poo Aug. 19-29 ‘699 | HANDICAPPED-Woman in Part/Full Day Sessions. Resident managers on Nashville EXPERT KOOt RKPAIK- Gallery. Covered Bridges, Ross Township needs help 5 Begins September 5. 7:30 site, 24 hours per day. S e a W o r ld Renaissance Festival md Repair work our specialty: and New England Type Orlando Getaway days a week. 4 hours a day. am-5:30 pm. Call 231-8248, Located at: Sept. 7-10 *299 Aug. 25-27 *219 Downspouts, gutters, chim­ Village Aug 13-20 July 15 *29 421-9555. (Morning) Own Transporta­ ney work. Free estimates; all 215 Lelia Street Oct 22-29 Saulte Ste Marie W ashington DC/ tion. Call 931-0570. (Mt Washington) For reservations call in work guaranteed! 431-7636. 925 PR Pittsburgh. Admiralty Tours Nov 19-26 * 3 9 0 & Machinac Island Gettysburg Pittsburgh, Pa. PP-do P it t s b u r g h | HOUSEKEEPER-Work in Dec 21-28 Sept. 1-4 *209 HANDYMAN-All types EDDING SERVICE Call 381-3986 for 412-734-9200 Sept. 16-20 *3 9 9 Strip District Large Beautiful Home. home repairs: Plumbing, Lake George, New York INVITAT IONS-Al I occa August 19 Housekeeper retiring. 5 day heating, carpentry, painting Octobe rfest/Toronto Sept. 11-15 *299 sions, embossed or engraved week. 5/6 hours daily. Top and electrical. Very stationery; napkins, favors, 01 HOUSE FOR SAL Oct 13-15 *199 Renaissance Festival MD I Wages Paid. Too many reasonable-prompt service. Aug 15-20 s419 * 1 3 missals. Discount prices. Shir­ Sept. 15-17 *219 benefits to list. Must want 621-0176. MILLVALE AREA-Reserve V irginia/Skyline Includes narrated ley Stationery Co. 421-4806, VACATION PROPERTY London, Ontario Bucks County permanent position and have Taxes. Wonderful Buy for the Drive /Montecello historical tours. HAULING-Cleaning garages, 421-2792. excellent references. Write: | "COMPLETELY-equipped con­ Money! 7 rooms including: P la y h o u s e attics, ceilors, houses. Rea­ Aug 28*30 2 1 9 ppbo Pgh. Ethnic Tour Sept 15-17 *249 Pittsburgh Catholic, Box 992. P H O T O G R A P H L R -F or all ges on Lake Erie. Southshore Large Family Room , Eat-in Oct. 20-22 *199 100 W ood Street, Pittsburgh, sonable. 321-9051. Motor Lodge, Dunkirk, New July 15 »14 va Beach/Norfolk/ occasions. Specialty weddings Kitchen, Den, Nice Front Mardi Gras Cruise One Day Trips 15222. PAINTING ID HOB-Special­ & portraits. Call J. Tarr Yorkl4048. Write or call Aug. 26 *14 Porch. Private Yard. Ready Williamsburg izing in interiors. N o Job T oo Photographic, 828-9285. 1-716-366-2822.” Sea World Ethnic neighborhoods. | L O C A L F A M IL Y -On Black for New Owners! $48,900. Sept 1-9 *699 peno Sept. 17-21 ‘ 507 Small! Reasonable Rates! Doree Shields 367-0941. Benefit of Pitt Nationality Rooms. Oak Drive, Scott Township. WEDDING INVITATIONS- | MRYTLE BEAC H-Ocean- C ape C o d / Needs babysitter 3 days a Call 521-2728 for free Petrack & Co. 367-8088. Celebration Cruise Passionist Nuns Strip District. Simulated Engraved. Tradi­ front Condo, 2 Bedrooms, 2 Martha s vineyard week for 3 year old girl. estimates. Aug. 6 tional and Christ centered. Baths, Balcony. Swimming, SAVE $4,000-0ne Bedroom sept. 18-25 *455 276-6572. 3 Rivers Regatta W ALL W.ASHING-House $20 per 100 Includes double Tennis, Security. Call Condo Unit. Fully Equipped Oct 19 29 $1099 pcoo 288-0505. 242-5522. Good *35 Wisconsin Dells 1 LPN-Full-time position in cleaning, window cleaning, envelopes and delivery. Mary Kitchen with Washer and Parade of Boats weeks still available! Vermont 7 M e a ls family style setting. If you en­ paper cleaning and replace­ Margaret 241-3512. Dryer. Centurion Commons. Unsinkable Aug. 3 »32 ment window ropes, grass Sept.18-25 *599 joy working with the elderly, PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO | M YRTLE BEAC H-R oomy $53,900. 243-2649. Molly Brown Includes Dinner cutting. G o anywhere, f ree Aug 21-26 s369 New York City are sympathetic to their RECORDING-Weddings and oceanview condo, minutes to Cruise on Majestic estimates. Call 481-5866. Aug. 6 *33 Sept. 22-24 *299 health care needs, and are Memorable Occasions. 14 I beach, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 Day Tours looking for a rewarding posi­ WOOD FLOOR SPECIAL­ sleeper sofa, indoor/outdoor Amish, Ohio Cedar Point New England years o f professional service. tion, please call Little Sisters IST-Old and new floors sand­ 784-8454. pools, jacuzzi. 655-1026, ADVERTISING Washington DC Aug. 5 »39 sept. 50-OCt. 8 *765 o f the Poor - 761-5373. 653-4250. Sept 13 *27 ed and refurnished. Installa­ All multi days based on tion and sales o f all styles o f 6 0 0 HOME WHO NEEDS II P u t In B a y OCEAN CITY, Ml)-Call July 19-20 $ 89 pp Kenny Rogers double occupancy, pric­ When business was bai wood floors. Call for free IMPROVEMENTS now for Free Summer Rental Aug. 10 »48 ed per person. estimate 793-8017. Kelleys Island REPORTER Brochure or Reservations. he said he couldn't affori Oct. 7 *45 C A R P L N T E R -W o o d Steps, it. When business wa: O h io S ta te F a ir One Day Tours ENTRY LEVEL Decks, Porches. Custom Evening Hours. Shoreline Andy Williams good he didn't need it July 12-13 $125 Aug. 12 »31 Involves some travel and SHOWER & WEDDING Shelving and Closets. Senior Properties, 1-800-492-5832, Apple Hill Playhouse FAVORS A INVITATIONS For the life of us we can' night assignments. Need Citizens Discount. 6 2 !-1749. O C E A N C ITY-N ew Jersey. Bavarian Festival Dec. 10 *36 "The N erd" and DECORATIONS remember his name, o All Multi Day tours prices bas­ dependable, enthusias­ Come enjoy your vacation! ed on per person double July 15 *25 PARTY KINO JAMES V. TORCASI & the product or servici tic, hard working jour­ Birthday Favors, ate. SONS-Home Improvements- Family atmosphere-beach July 27-28 79 pp a< Steeler vs Bengals occupancy. Mountaineer Park, WVA that he sells. nalist who can type stor­ All Types. Call Us First-Free front-large clean rooms- July 25 *27 MIKE FEINBERG CO. xc private bath-parking includ­ Toledo, Ohio Sept. 16-17 *129 ies quickly and accurate­ 1736 PENN AVENUE PGH PA 16222 Estimates. You Can Save CHARTER BUSES Bavarian Fun Fest ly. Good verbal and inter­ Money. 921-6830. 922-8044. ed. Mitchell Guest & Apart­ Steelers vs Lions 471-2922 ment House. 1-609-399-3216. Aug 2-3 *119, AVAILABLE July 29 *25 viewing skills essential, 43 Years Experience. plus knowledge in Classified Rates Sept. 30-Oct. 1 *129 Ohio Swiss WEST Call tor 1989 Group discount GROUP LEADERS! A u g . 5 *5 4 Catholicism. Photogra­ SUMMER Minimum C h a r g e Tour Brochurot available Incentives and Dis­ s e a w o r ld phy skills helpful. Posi­ HILLS SWIMMING Commerical Rates counts for Groups. tion opens Sept. 1. Send POOLS 20 Words...*6.00 Lenzner Tours CALL AMITY TOURS Aug. 19 *52 ELECTRIC HILTON Personals Ask for our resume, 3 references plus Rt. 51 Pleasant Hills Reading Shopping writing samples to Box Quality work at reasonable $699 20 Words...$4.50 761-7000 Across From Eat'N Park Video Busses Aug. 19 *25 prices-registered-insured. HEAD Each additional word 15 canta 777, Suite 500,100 Wood INSTALLATION-FREE! An Additional S1.25 For 1-800-342-2349 88 2-2 7 0 7 Call for free cam fleld Fair Street, Pittsburgh, PA 787-2444 Affordable Condo W W W s e p t. 2 *22 ONLY $62.91/mo.' for 12 $ $ $ Mt. Nebo Road We Arrange Group 1989 Brochure 15222. We are PA's For Six largest weekly news months. 19 X 31 X 4 pool Tours and Cruises. Seafood Festival 510 ENTERTAINMENT Enjoy this famous resort Sewickley, Pa. 15143 M B I T O U R S sept. 16 *52 paper and offer good includes filter, ladders, • • • with fine beaches, golf Bold Worda (Excluding Laad-ln) Leetsdale Station health benefits plus 1989 WEDDING SPECIAL- huge deck etc. ('Based Jennerstown Playhouse and shops. Condo has All Adt Musi Be Pro-Paid 99 Ohio River Blvd. salary. Pittsburgh’ s most requested on selling price of $699. 0 3 0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS sept. 24 *55 A /C , 3 pools, and free Leetsdale, Pa. 13056 talented Disc Jockey. Radio 14.45 A.P.R. Total defer­ DISPLAY RATES CALL EARTH TOURS Personality/Emcee since red price: $754.92.) Don’t tennis and racquetball, Available on Request 266-3111 1973. Special price for Friday 24 h o ur security, 1 block 795-6200 385 WANTED TO BUY believe it? Call BPI: and Sundays Only! Sonny 1-800-548-1923. to beach, Color TV, Deadline 371-0690 Russman 241- 2212. Jl^jM j^M onda^ Penn Hills Shop Ctr ACCESSORIES-Furniture. Washer/Dryer in unit. 11653 PENN HILLS DRIVE Glassware. Linen. We buy AAA-FINEST-Entertain- Fully furnished, *450 per Subscribe today to 4 7 1 - 1 2 5 2 PITTSBURGH, PA. 1523S one piece or complete estates. ment-MATT OLIVER (Ac- P R A Y FO R week. Private owner. The Catholic Call for free Leaving it broom cleaned. cordion-Organ) Hourly The Pittsburgh Catholic Ask for Joe 922-4607. Day 885-5222 471-1252 1989 Tour Brochure Rates-Big Band Sound-Se- VOCATIONS 100 Wood St., Suite 500 429-9222. nior’ s Discount. 921-8278. Eve. 833-9250 Pgh., PA 15222 Friday, July 7, 1989 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Page 9 Around the diocese

Teaching as Jesus

P r e p a r e y o u t h t o t a k e rightful place in C hurch, w orld

B y S R . ELIZABETH ANN awareness, or spiritual formation. young people. There are many more and more difficult. inextricably linked with it. It is a council and the expanded role of STOCK, S.C. It is the responsibility of those shifts in direction, as well as a Adolescence is a time when time pregnant with potentiality the laity as described in the recent Director for Secondary School who work with youth to help questioning of anything and young persons, reaching for and possibility. It is a teachable document. “The Vocation and Catechesis them develop as far as they can in everything, even Faith. Add to adulthood, are most vulnerable moment when the young can Mission of the Lay Faithful" from Persons who work with youth these critical areas. this the physical, emotional, in­ and most impressionable. It is a learn that they have a viable place the Synod of 1987 would be very today are faced with a great tellectual and spiritual matura­ The original baptismal commit­ time when they are experimen­ in the Church community, as lai­ helpful. challenge: they must prepare tion which is occurring ment for these young people was ting with acting and being adult. ty and as adults. Law does not hold a strong ap­ them to expect and accept a simultaneously, and the but a seed which has been loving­ It is a time when they are asking No field can be planted before it peal to this age group. It would be responsible role in the Church. In challenge of leading the adoles­ ly tended first within the for more freedom and are is cleared and tilled. The minds of interesting, however, to identify order to do this, youth ministers cent into adulthood becomes domestic Church, the family, and discovering that responsibility is youth, particularly their attitudes some of the canons which relate and catechists must recognize has been consistently nurtured toward the Church, must undergo to the laity and which clearly “where the young are coming within a parish community .7 I some “ rooting out" of misconcep­ state what are their rights and from" and “where they are tions which have grown up like going.” through liturgy and catechesis. responsibilities. Too often Canon The struggling plant, as it grows, weeds. Conversely, there must be Law is used to describe restric­ Our young adults cannot needs some very special care if it a transplanting of new tions rather than to elucidate assume a role for which they have is to grow strong and vibrant. understandings. freedoms. The young may be sur­ no foundation in faith, religious The misconceptions of the prised at what they find. understanding, cultural Adolescence is a critical time for young are, sadly, shared by some A historical overview is another adults in the Church. It is often way to till the soil. The Church is Cursillo retreats at Gilmary said that laity have "no role or anything but stagnant. The position in the Church," that young often do not see beyond the CORAOPOLIS — A Cursillo retreat for men will be held at Gilmary "clergy alone have all the power," present moment. There are many Retreat Center Nov 2-5. A session for women will be held Nov. 16-19. that persons are only Church creative ways to help them For information call Monsignor Paul Lackner, 331-5538. “ when they are in the Church broaden their vista when they building." that the Church has view the Church. It would be Bridgeville bazaar set nothing to offer those people who helpful to identify the various lay are vibrant and alive ... that it is a movements which have occurred BRIDGEVILLE — St. Anthony Church in Bridgeville, located off Church of the very old and the throughout the history of the 1-79. will hold its annual bazaar Wednesday through Saturday, July very young, that it is “ out of sync Church and some which are cur­ 12-15, on the church grounds at 179 Millers Run Rd. with the American culture." rently active, e.g. The American 7 Dinners will be served from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. and feature kielbasi These are all misconceptions Catholic Lay Network, the Na­ and sauerkraut on Wednesday, ethnic foods on Thursday, fish on Fri­ which must be weeded out. tional Center for the Laity. Pax day and beef on Saturday. Also, potato pancakes, funnel cakes and How is the soil to be prepared to Christi, to name a few. relreshments will be featured each night from 7 p.m. Diamond jubilarians accept new and hybrid The age of the laitv has arrived. Other attractions are booths, kiddie games, entertainment by the understanding? One possibility is While not diminishing the role of church choir on Wednesday, a button box band on Friday and the Eight members of the School Sisters of St. Francis celebrated the the sharing of the lived ex­ the clergy and religious, such a Southwest Delta Dance Team on Saturday. 60th anniversary of their profession at a liturgy held in the perience of many laypersons in movement is enriching to the motherhouse chapel at Mount Assisi Convent in Bellevue. Marking the Church. Some comparison whole Church. The young must their diamond jubilees are, seated: Sister M. Loretta Balínt. Sister could be made between the role of be prepared to take their rightful Bible school in W ilmerding Francis Marie DeLac and Sister M. Jerome Krajci. Standing are laity before the Second Vatican place in order to make the dif­ WILMERDING — The Wilmerding Ministerial Association will spon­ Sister Ann Marie Sabol, Sister M. Eymard Papso, Sister M. Vincent Council and its expression today. ference only the laity can effect sor a vacation bible school Monday through Friday. July 10-14, from Dzurenda, Sister M. Henrietta Kucan and Sister M. Geraldine Pavlik. A simple explanation of the Lay both in the Church and in the 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. St. Aloysius parish will hold classes, along with — Photo by John C. Keenan Apostolate Movement before the world. other churches. All children from pre-school through eighth grade are welcome, regardless of denomination. To pre-register call Kathy Lang. Redem ptorist CALL THE EXPERTS 823-0273. or Linda Stovrich, 823-5867. m arks 50 years St. Michael to hold fair B e a u t i f u l M o m z (S u tò e ELIZABETH TWP. — St. Michael Parish will hold its annual “ In­ door/Outdoor Fair.“ Thursday through Saturday. July 13. 14, 15 and 16 in the parish hall and on the church grounds, 101 McLay Drive. PAINTING REMODELING Hours will be 7 to 11 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday; and from 7 to 10 p.m. on Sunday. 0 & R PAINTING ; Interior MOSES REMODELING Commonest — Residential PAINTING The event will feature games for adults and children, food and Fr. Gaugler • Porches interior - Eittrtor Punting Interior * Exterior PAINTING • Any Kind of Carpenter Work refreshments, a garage Sale, plush animals, etc. Exterior • Concrete Sidewalks • Wolmanized Decks & Steps Home Remodeling DRY WALL A fish fry will be held on Friday. July 14 from 4 to 7 p.m. 25 years Experience • Concrete Driveways • Roofing & Chimneys Free Estimates — Insured FREE ESTIMATES VERY REASONABLE • Any Kind of Walls • Flat Roofs & Gutters DON HAZLETT DANIEL BARR Insured Free Estimates • Block Work • Soffit & Fascia & Downspouts a • Stone Work • Alum, & Vinyl Siding I Irish ‘feis’ in Squirrel Hill 655-0551 621-4644 673-5163 • Concrete or Wood Steps • Ceilings & Floors • Fireplaces • Additions • Painting In & Out ’ PITTSBURGH — The Irish Centre of Pittsburgh will hold its 18th an­ E & E PAINTING 3-Star Painting • Railings & Hauling • Bathrooms & Tile Work JIMMY CECERE • Game Rooms & insulation a Block & Brick Homes nual “ feis“ or festival on Saturday. July 15 on the centre's grounds, Interior Interior/Exterior The Poor Peoples Champion Sr Citizen Discount B886 Forward Ave. in Squirrel Hill. Activities will begin at approx­ Our Speciality m£eeaE2timitg/Fjj^^ CALL 884-4336 SAN JUAN. P.R. — A Pitt­ • C5 0V/ labofiveracje room • Rooting t Painting FREE ESTIMATES imately 9 a.m. and will continue approximately until 11 p.m. sburgh native recently celebrated Free Estimates/Insured • Brick 1 Chimney Pointing , The event will feature music competition, both instrumental and Insured 10 year experience the 50th anniversary of his priest­ Sr. Citizen Discount Wallpapering • Gutters 2 Downspouts Vocal. The instrumental contest will include violin, flute, accordion J.P. Remodeling ly ordination at his parish here. 5 6 3 -3 4 3 0 call don 884-0837 672-9746 and tin whistle. The vocal competition will be contested in both the Redemptorist Father Robert Complete Home Remodeling Quality Work at Unbeatable Prices English and Gaelic languages. Those interested in competing may do Gaugler, originally from St. so after 11 a.m. on the day of the feis. Philomena Parish in Squirrel Hill, REMODELING Bathrooms Our Specialty . In addition, there will be competitions in Irish step-dancing, bring­ marked the anniversary with a Without Inconvenience ing together contestants from the U.S., Canada and Ireland. Mass on June 11 in San Augustin, DAVE GIEL CABINET REFINISHING 384-4364 678-0335 That evening, a ceili — a relaxing evening of music and dancing for the Redemptorist parish where he Samuel Billante listening and dancing — has been scheduled. Garage Doors & BY BILL BONURA GENERAL CONTRACTOR is the pastor. Father James • KITCHEN CABINETS Auto. Door Openers Guaranteed Lowest McSwigan, CSSR. the pastor of e REFERIGERATORS Sales & Service Prices on Top Quality TEMPSTAR FURNACES the Redemptorist parish in e OFFICE FURNITURE Installation included e FURNITURE Thermolized Win­ and AIR CONDITIONERS dows and Doors. Mayaguez, P.R.. and also a native with purchase FOR ESTIMATE CALL Dailey’s Heating & Air of Pittsburgh, was the homilist. FREE ESTIMATES 793-6790 2 7 9 - 7 7 8 9 24 hour service Reasonable Rates FR 1H0IHHS F In attendance was the ar­ WORK GUARANTEED AIR CLEANERS/HUMIDIFIERS Repair Work Roatonable chbishop of San Juan, Cardinal LCHUBA> P a t r i c k 731-7278 731-9472 Luis Aponte Martinez, and four 4 8 7 - 7 2 9 5 other bishops. Pgl M a s s u n g The son of the late Alphonsus BOWERS Construction and Emma (Schwinderman) HEATING & Brick Pointing W E DO IT ALL Gaugler, Fr. Gaugler graduated Brick Cleaning REMODELING from St. Rosalia High School in Chimney Work Please see Small or Large jobs Greenfield and Duquesne Univer­ Roof Work our large CATHOLIC FAMILY AIR CONDITIONING sity, receiving a bachelor of arts Gutters & Honest Dependable f t L S A L E ! degree from the latter in 1932. Downspouts advertisement Very Reasonable Senior Citizen Discount $250 Entering Religious life from St. on page 10 of REBATE Free Estimates 0.» 672-1370 Philomena Parish, he was in­ Financing Available this weeks AiR..c°N.DIri0NIN0 $ 2 9 95 Can meBLE vested in the Redemptorist com­ 531-7914 431-7350 Catholic Evening 823*7451 CHECK-UP for details! munity in 1934, professed his Regular'49.95 first vows in 1935 and made his J&J perpetual profession in 1938. Construction/ ROOFING After attending the seminary at Remodelers CHUCK WILLIS CO. HEATING S COOLING • RESIDENTIAL S COMMERCIAL Esopus, N.Y., he was ordained a Free estimates. We do it SALES a SERVICE • ALL MAKES • SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS priest for the Redemptorist order all, no jobs too big or none to small. WELTE ROOFING CO. FREE ESTIMATES • WILL HANDLE URA * IMPACT LOANS on June 18. 1939 at Esopus. Carpenter work, in­ Fr. Carey honored He has served in parishes in r- . 366-HEAT 882-0873 terior. exterior, doors, 4 8 7 - 6 2 0 0 SS. Sim on & Jude parish in Scott Twp. recently honored former , New York City. Suf- windows, roofs, soffit, F r e e F u lly E s t i m a t e s I n s u r e d long-time pastor Father Thomas Carey by naming the parish gym field, Conn.. West End, N.J., fascia, siding, porches & after him. The event included a concelebrated Mass and the dedica­ Brooklyn, and Fredericksted and decks, concrete work. WINDOWS Reasonable, no over­ tion. From left at the ceremony are: Jim Walther, parish dedication Christiansted, both on St. Croix, head so you save. Dis­ Serving the Community Since 1946 chairman. Fr. Carey holding Maura Schwab, 3, and Father Richard U.S. Virgin Islands. In addition, Father has design­ count of 10% Senior REPLACEMENT Ward, holding her brother. Stevan, 6. Citizens. 771-2332. THERMO WINDOWS ed and built churches and Commercial & ALMOST 20 YRS. fffl — Photo by Jim Herrmann chapels. Residential INSTALLING WINDOWS VINYL ROOFING LOWEST PRICES 2 0 % TO 5 0 % ALL STYLES O FF LIST 510 S. Main St. WINDOWS ARI CUSTOM MADE W hy not invite the entire D iocesan Fam ily House Pointing Pgh., Pa. 15220 9 2 1 - 8 2 5 2 50% OFF Chimney Repair ANDERSON • Q UALITY • BAYS Roofing, Siding, 35% OFF • EXPERIENCE • BOWS to your Parish Activity. ★ Shingles * Tile * Slate INSTALLED IN • PRICE • GARDENS Free Estimates GUARANTEES * Gutters & Downspouts ★ Siding DON CWIKLIK FREE * Soffit & Fascia DAD WINDOWS 241-8080 431-1570 341-2292 ESTIMATES ★ CARNIVALS

★ FESTIVALS THIS C & M ROOFING Businesspeople: SPACE Commercial A Residential ★ B A Z A A R S Are you concerned about rising costs in FOR e REPAIR ANY ROOF the operation of your business. In­ SALE • STOP ANY LEAK terested in reaching a potential au­ ★ SPECIAL EVENTS e NEW ROOFS INSTALLED dience for a minimal cost. For example ★ * ★ ★ • GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS an ad this size would cost less than... The Best and most economical way is through the pages of the s17.88 e CHIMNEY WORK Pittsburgh Catholic. We cover the entire diocese at the # ALL WORK GUARANTEED s3 6 PER W E E K lowest cost per thousand of any quality newspaper. Special rates A WEEK # 14 YEARS EXPERIENCE II you want some more information, please call apply. Check with your pastor or give us a call at CALL 10% on all Roofing Needs 4 71-1252 Call for 471-1252 ext. 11 412-471-1252 FREE Estimates 4 3 1-4 5 9 1

i i i Page 10 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, July 7, 1989 Around the diocese

Sr. Elaine Hromulak named Zelienople law n fete set ZELIENOPLE — St. Gregory parish in Zelienople will hold Its annual Golden Jubilarians principal of St. Scholastica lawn fete Thursday through Saturday. July 13-15, nightly from 7:30 p.m. MR. AND MRS. JOHN BRADLEY ASPINWALL — Sister Elaine Also set are daily dinners, served from 4:30 p.m. and featuring meat loaf on Thursday, deep fried fish on Friday and chicken or ham on Hromulak. a member of the GLASSPORT — John and School Sisters of St. Francis of Saturday. The lawn fete will also Include booths, rides and amusements. Cecilia (Pater) Bradley of Bellevue, has been named prin­ Glassport will celebrate their cipal of St. Scholastica School. 50th wedding anniversary A native of Barnesboro. Cam­ M ass service in F in leyville Wednesday. July 12. with a bria County, Sr. Elaine is FINLEYVILLE — A First Friday Mass and prayers for healing will be Mass at 9 a.m. in St. Cecilia presently finishing a four-year held on Friday, July 7 at 7 p.m. at St. Francis of Assisi Church here. Church, where they were term on the provincial council Father Jude Mill. OFM. will be the celebrant. originally married. Officiating of her congregation, where she will be their son. Father Paul serves as educational consul­ Bradley. tant and as director of B azaar slated in M cKees Rocks A reception and continental ministries. She has taught in McKEES ROCKS — SS. Cyril & Methodius parish in Mc Kees Rocks breakfast, hosted by their the Diocese of Pittsburgh as will hold its summer fun bazaar Wednesday through Saturday, July children and grandchildren, well as in the Archdiocese of 12-15. nightly from 6 p.m. on the church grounds at Island & Cutler will follow in the church hall. Sr. Elaine San Antonio. Sts., one block from the McKees Rocks Bridge. The couple also marked the Featured will be ethnic foods, baked goods, amusements, Jubilee with a cruise and family Benedictine professes vows refreshments and other attraetions. celebrations. They have eight children: Sister Roberta, principal of St. PITTSBURGH — Sister Polish clergy to m eet in O akland Mary School in Glenshaw; Patricia Stoppling professed OAKLAND — The members of the Fraternity of Polish Clergy will Sister Mariella. principal of St. her vows as a member of the hold their next meeting on Monday. July 10 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Elizabeth School. Pleasant Benedictine Sisters at a recent Hyacinth Parish. Craft Place. Hills; Fr. Paul, d io cesa n Mass In St. Benedict Plans will be formalized for honoring Mary. Queen of Poland In a secretary for human services: J. Bucyrus-Erie Foundry o f Monastery, Perrysville. para-llturgieal service and solemn vespers during Polish Day at Ken- Francis of Library: Sheila Glassport after 35 years of ser­ Officiating was Father nywood Park on Tuesday. Aug. 1. Silbaugh of Beaver: Michele of vice. He also was secretary- Robert Clarke, with Sister Memphis, Tenn.; Adele Strutt of treasurer of the Bucyrus-Erie Michelle Farabaugh. prioress, f . *v Elizabeth: and Susan Hodgson Federal Credit Union. accepting the vows. St. Ferdinand to host ensem ble ►V* -V 1» ' ' j o f G la ssp ort: and 11 Mr. and Mrs. Bradley belong Sister is the daughter of • »-v**. f % CRANBERRY TWP. — St. Ferdinand Parish, located at 2535 grandchildren. to St. Cecilia Church and arc ac­ Donald and Catherine Stoppl­ Rochester Road, will host Jon Stemkoskl's "Celebrant Singers" on Mr. Bradley Is retired from tive In parish organizations. ing of St. Mary Parish in m . Thursday. July 13. The 25-member ensemble will minister through Gelenshaw. music, song and testimony The ensemble will sing at the 7:30 p.m. She is assistant chaplain at Mass and will give a concert at 8:30 p.m. There is no charge. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS JOYCE the Kane Regional Hospital in Ross Twp. Sr. Patricia Steppling Thomas and Mary Joyce St. B ede series to begin celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary recently with S t . Vincent alum ni lunch PITTSBURGH — St Bede parish in Point Breeze will begin a "Life in the Spirit" seminar series on Tuesday. July 11. at 7 p.m. in the school renewal of vows at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Church. PITTSBURGH — The monthly alumni luncheon of St. Vincent Col­ library. For Information call 262-2351 or 621-0635. lege and Seminary will be held Tuesday. «July 11. at noon in Whitehall. Their son. Father Tambelllni’s. 7th St.. Downtown. Graduates who attended the school Thomas Joyce. C.P. officiated. are welcome. For reservations call 242-0945. ‘ F r o m M ission to M inistry’ A family dinner reception was hosted by their children at the PITTSBURGH — The parish social ministry office of Catholic Carlton. Fam ily picnic i n C a r n e g i e Charities will sponsor a two-day workshop on "From Mission to The couple was married May Ministry, A Parish Response" Thursday and Friday, Aug. 10 and 11. CARNEGIE — Holy Souls Parish will hold its second annual family 25. 1939 at Corpus Christi at the Harley Hotel. Penn Hills. picnic on Sunday. Aug. 6 from 1 to 7 p.m. on the parish grounds on Church. Keynote speaker will be Fattier Eugene Lauer. director ol the Center Mary Street. They have four sons. Fr. for Continuing Formation in Ministry at Notre Dame. The event will feature food, refreshments, games and entertain­ Thomas, John. James, and Workshops will focus on the handicapped, evangelization, parish ment . A donation of $3 for adults and $ 1 for children ages 3 to 12 is re­ Kevin and one daughter. social ministry, singles and family values. quested. For reservations, telephone 429-8074. The deadline for reser­ Patricia Klein. They have 12 To register at $35 by «July 24 call Teddie Miller or Sister Carol vations is Sunday, July 23. grandchildren. Sukltz. 471-1120. One-day attendance is also available. Mr. Joyce Is retired from the U.S. Postal Service.

South Side Scripture w orkshop ALL-IN-EAR HEARING AID MR. AND MRS. JOHN S. PRINGLE. SR. . Wear Home The Same Day • | PITTSBURGH — A Scripture workshop on "In the Footsteps of St. i I nothing outside the ear! Paul will he conducted at St. Paul Retreat House. South Side. July Mr. and Mrs. John S. Pringle. Fret hearing teat S demonstration call 28-30 by Father Michael Salvagna. Fee Is $65. For reservations call S r. o f Stanton Heights H i for appt...don't delay. This offer endsj 381-7676. celebrated their 50th wedding Sat. July f 3. Our office or your home.| anniversary with a Mass and renewal of their marriage vows ONE OF THE SMALLEST HEARING AIDS DESIGNED East M cKeesport s u m m e r f e s t recently in St. Raphael Church. FOR NERVE DEAFNESS Mornirigside. 30 DAY TRIAL PERIOD EAST MeKKESPORT — St. Robert Bellarmine parish on Fifth 1 0 8 MODEL L-60-UP TO 40 D I Avenue. East McKeesport, will hold its annual summer festival A reception and dinner “Superfest ’89" Thursday through Saturday. .July 13-15. on the followed at the Pittsburgh n . PENNA. HEARING AID SERVIDC FREE PARKING AT school grounds beginning nightly at 7 p.m. Athletic Association. Oakland. L OUR DOOR Foods will include stuffed cabbage, iialushki. pizza frita and many Mrs. Pringle is the former I 975 Greentree Rood at Parkwoiy TOLL FREE INFO other foods. Mary Agnes McEvoy. | 922-3901 REPAIR ALL MAKES S18.95-IN OFFICE 1-800-445-7574 Also set are socials, a flea market, baked goods and other The couple were married May attractions. 27, 1939 In Holy Rosary Church, Homewood. They have five children: Mary Support group to m eet at M ercy Lou Dickerson of Ml. Lebanon. PITTSBURGH — "Help Us Recover Together." a support group for Linda Kudziuski of Centerville. lamiiy and friends who have lost loved ones in a fatal accident, meets Ohio. Cvnthta DeFilippo of Oak- the fourth Tuesday of the month to offer support and comfort during mont, John. Jr. of Orlando. the grieving process. Florida; and Dr. Jacqueline Mr. Pringle Is retired from thi The next meeting ol the support group will be on Tuesday. July 25 Pringle-Harris of Shadyslde. Union Switch and Signal Co. it from 7:30-9 p.m. in the 7 Mercy Tower conference room. They also have nine Swtssvale. where he was super For more information, telephone 232-8375. grandchildren. visor of the plating department What’s The

JIM DRONEY & MIKE SILVESTRE SELL News In The Streets? A.J. VATER & CO., INC. Aug. 29 ■ Sept. 5 EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Rooms in guest homes with private bath irITI r isIMU ili kgiKÜI i-l<| <1 DESKS, FILES, TYPEWRITERS, PITTSBURGH, PA within walking distance to church. Non stop CALCULATORS, SUPPLIES flight direct from Pittsburgh to Yugoslavia. (412) 921-2258 Limited Space! Many extras. FAST DELIVERY DISCOUNT PRICES Since 1928 T h e Call Kathryn MT. LEBANON OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE BEEN THE PAINTING KAM TRAVEL 412-373-7275 c a t h o l i c 1*17 Banktvllle Rd , Pittsburgh, Pi. 1121« 344 4300 AND DECORATING CONTRACTOR FOR THE RENOVATIONS TO ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL What Are People Reading Each Week? "Modern Banking with Old-Fashioned Courtesy" Main Oirice e Informative National and International Church News 5137 Butler Street WE OFFER A WONDERFUL ARRAY OF e Current Diocesan News e Enlightening Columns e Book Pittsburgh. PA 15201 DURANT/’S 781-0318 and Movie Reviews • Interesting Features s and much morel Penn Avenue Office PARK PLAZA RESTAURANT LAMPSHADES' 401 Penn Avenue 128 Craig St. Oakland near St Paul's Cathedral Pittsburgh, PA 15224 To Subscribe, Return the Coupon Below Silk, linens, parchments lolls, shells 621 -6626 WEDDING RECEPTIONS In i rut variety ol sizes and styles. Shaler Office Also custom made shades or we 900 Mt Royal Blvd New Subscription New Gift Subscription IN KLIQANT DINING ROOMS can recover you present frame Pittsburgh, PA 15223 Subscription Renewal 486-4245 Gift Subscription Renewal ALSO Blawnox Office O n e Year (52 Issues) Two Year (104 Issues) DINNER MEETINGS 201 Freeport Road e LUNCHEONS Pittsburgh, PA 15238 *10.00 •19.00 3 828-8030 e PARTIES Frederick Blair Co. Monroeville Office Name e PARKING 6 8 2 - 1 1 5 5 257 N Craig St Oakland 2688 Monroeville Blvd 7 \ O t i \ y Monroeville. PA 15146 Address Open 7 Deyt 11 to 8. 856-4022 City Zip Member: FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION GIFT SUBSCRIPTION FOR Name DON’T DO ANYTHINGL.untii you IN THE CENTER OF OCEAN CITY. MD Address MADISON BEACH MOTEL City Zip COMPLETE UNE OF HOME REMODELING • FREE ESTIMATES Family owned t operated by The Jenkins FREE Refrigerator in every room. NOTE: Add $1 00 tor foreign subscriptions CHUBA COMPANY, INC. Close to churches RETURN CHECK AND COUPON TO: HEATING • COOLING • REMODELING •Very Reasonable Rates •Sparkling Pool t Patio 271-6246 •Color Cable TVHBO -Spacious Sundeck The Pittsburgh Catholic, 100 W ood St., Suit# 500, Pgh, PA 15222 •Air conditioned •Nearby Fishing 678-7010 •V i Block to Beach •Ample Free Parking Bdwk. and Restaurants •Major Credit Cards 882-4324 Honored 682-7465 Free Brochure Upon Request 462-5779 9 Balto. Ave. at 1st St Ocean City, Md. 21842

PATIOS • KITCHENS • BATHS LOW SPRING AND GARAGES • PLUMBING • PLASTER SEPTEMBER RATES Remodeling Planner W t F M Iclp iti Ik U.K.A. i 301-289-6282 IMP AC Sorimment Protrim s


Workshop in Adult Learning 5 to profess solem n vow s LATROBE — Two local men are among five members of the Benedictine community at St. Vincent Archabbey who will profess scheduled from July 17-20 solemn vows on Tuesday, July 11. Brother Jeffrey Scott Nyardy, originally from Natrona, and Brother PITTSBURGH A Workshop In Adult Learning will be of­ Cuthbert (Alan) Jack, originally from Monroeville, will make their pro­ fered by the Office for Adult Religious Education of the Diocese fessions at a 10 a.m. Mass in the archabbey basilica. from July 17-20 from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The son of Lucile M. (Naplerskoski) Nyardy and the late Nicholas The four-day program will be held at the Diocesan Building Nyardy. Sr.. Brother Jeffrey graduated from St. Joseph High School in and is designed for parish teams, including staff, parish council Natrona Heights in 1978. He received a bachelor of science in educa­ members and persons interested in establishing parish pro­ tion degree with a specialization in reading from Duquesne University grams for adult learners. in 1975 and a master of divinity degree with highest honors from St. Entitled ADULT LEARNING: Principles and Practices, the Vincent Seminary in May. workshop will examine ways adults learn and at what stages in At the archabbey. Brother has served on the staff of the retreat pro­ life adults are interested in and open to various kinds of learn­ gram, as assistant to the director of vocations, as assistant to the ing. Parish teams will be guided through an assessment of the academic dean, as an assistant in the seminary office and as a member nature and needs of their respective parish communities, and of the seminary strategic planning team. led to develop an adult learning program which will address Brother Cuthbert, the son of the Claude E. and Eleanor (Wheeler) those needs. Jack, graduated from Gateway High School in Monroeville In 1969. Practical skills on developing questionnaires, eliciting in­ Brother also graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy volvement. designing promotional pieces and creating focused from Duquesne University in 1973 and from the Mercy Hospital of Pit­ processes and programs will be taught. Participants will have tsburgh School of Nursing in 1980 receiving a diploma as a registered hands on experiences and by week’s end should have designed nurse. Before entering the Benedictine community, he was a critical a workable plan for use in their own parishes. care nurse in the Burn Trauma Center of Mercy Hospital. "S o much is happening today in Church and society," said Within the St. Vincent Archabbey community, Sister Jacqueline Ketter, CSJ. director of the Diocesan Adult he served on the staff of the monastic infirmary Education Office. "W e need to reflect on our lived experiences in and as food liaison for the monastery. Brother light of the Word of God and the teachings of our Church. Adult Cuthbert also served as an advisor/tutor and as a religious education helps contemporary women and men attain, lecturer in the religious studies department and as our bishops have reminded us, a faith that is living, con­ a baker for the community. scious and active.' This faith needs nourished by new insights Both men will be ordained to the transitional and new experiences.” diaconate on Saturday, July 15 in the archabbey In addition to Sr. Jacqueline, presenters in this Adult Learn­ basilica. Greensburg Bishop Anthony Bosco will ing Workshop include Father Frank Sokol, director of the Office be ordaining prelate. Brother Cuthbert will serve for Religious Education CCD. Sister Jean Ortenzo, CSJ, director his deacon internship at St. Maurice Parish in of the Crosspoint division of Communications, Inc., and Forest Hills. Brother Jeffrey will serve his intern­ Rulhann Valentine, director of Community Education at Pitt­ ship at Holy Family Parish in Latrobe. Bro. Jeffrey sburgh Pastoral Institute. Persons or parish teams interested in attending the workshop may register by calling the Adult Religious Education Office at B lessing crypts at R esurrection ‘ K i d ’s D ay’ at Etna school 456-3117. A $20 registration fee will enable a parish or team to attend the entire program. ETNA — All Saints School will hold its fourth annual Kid's Day on Aux. Bishop William Winter blesses three new crypts at Resurrec­ Saturday, July 29 from noon to 4 p.m. in the parish parking lot and ac­ tion Cemetery In Moon Twp. in recent ceremonies. Leading the pro­ tivities building. The theme for the day will be "A Day at the Circus." cession is Robert Barth, a permanent deacon. E ntertainer to sin g at parish Designed for children ages 3 to 12 and their parents, the day will in­ SCOTT TOWNSHIP — Entertainer Jan Lewan will sing at the clude a parade of clowns, crafts, games, story time, faccpainting. kids' weekend Masses. July 22 and 23. at St. Ignatius Parish. 125 Finley M t. C arm el feast in Brushton flea market, circus playground, haircut-a-thon, pony rides, and a Ave. PITTSBURGH — Mother of Good Counsel parish in Brushton will magic show. In addition, snacks and refreshments will be available. Lewan will sing at the 6:30 p.m. liturgy on Saturday and at the 8:30 hold its annual ceremony in honor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Monday. There is no general admission: many areas are free but some have a and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. In addition, he will perform in concert at July 17, at 7 p.m. Homilist will be Father Louis Vallone. with music by slight charge. For more information, telephone 781-5044 or 782-4855. noon. the Mazzei family. A procession will also be formed. All are welcome.

Obituaries ------

Sister M. E thelreda W ard Sr. Arcadia Skorupski $3.95 LUNCH BUFFETS Tuesday - ITALIAN A Mass of Christian Burial was offered on July 3 in the chapel of Mer­ A Mass of Christian Burial was offered on July 1 in the provincialate cy Hall, the infirmary of the Pittsburgh Sisters of Mercy, for Sister M. chapel of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in West View for Friday • SEAFOOD Ethelreda Ward, who held supervisory positions in hospitals in Pitt­ Sister Arcadia Skorupski. a professed member of the Religious com­ Find out why we were voted Pittsburgh’s #1 for our Sunday sburgh and Fort Lauderdale, Fla. munity for 65 years. Brunch Buffet. Sister Ethelreda, 78. died June 29 at Mercy Hall on the motherhouse Sr. Arcadia. 85, died June 29 in Holy Family Manor, West View. grounds in Oakland. The former Stephanie Skorupski. she was born in Pittsburgh on Have you ever tried our EARLY BIRD SPECIAL? The daughter of Joseph M. and Mary L. O'Neill, she entered the Pitt­ Dec. 5, 1903, the daughter of the late Peter and Mary Bunda 3:30 to 5:30 Monday through Friday. Complete Meals plus sburgh Sisters of Mercy in 1934 from St. Brendan Parish. Elkins, Skorupski. Dessert and Beverage from *4.95 to *5.951!!! W.Va. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth on Aug. 15, A registered nurse. Sister Ethelreda held a bachelor's degree in nur­ 1919 from Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish on Polish Hill, made her sing from the Catholic University of America and a master's degree in first profession on March 25, 1924 and professed her final vows on I n a n i ï 1 w 0 guidance from Duquesne University. Sister began her career at Mercy March 25, 1930. Hospital in 1937 and, for the next 30 years, served as a supervisor on i / ' m m r As an elementary school teacher, she taught in the schools of the 1 various floors as well as in the emergency room. From 1968 to 1971. Pittsburgh, Erie, Cleveland, and Stuebenville Dioceses and of the Ar­ 5641 FORBES AVENUE * SQUIRREL HILL • 521-8710 Sister was administrative supervisor at the Holy Cross Hospital, Fort chdiocese of Detroit. In the Pittsburgh Diocese, she taught at Holy Lauderdale. She returned to Pittsburgh and became a patient visitor Family School In Lawrenceville, twice, from 1924 to 1927 and again at Mercy Hospital. from 1950 to 1953 and at St. Philomena in Beaver Falls from 1961 to Surviving are one sister. Helen Coffman, and one brother. John 1964. After retiring from teaching in 1974, Sister served as a ■HEY LLJtm ! Ward, as well as nieces and nephews. seamstress, receptionist, an aide at the Mount Nazareth Learning Burial was in St. Xavier Cemetery in Latrobe. Center Day Care Center and as a live-in companion. She is survived by nieces, nephews and a cousin. ZONA’S 1989 TOUR LINE UP Burial was in St. Joseph Cemetery on the provincialate grounds. N e c r o l o g y 752-9701 or 469-3902 (Ellwood City) (Pittsburgh) July 10 Fr. Stanislaus M. Dembinski...... 1975 Notre D am e Club theater night July 11 MOTORCOACH TOURS PITTSBURGH — The Notre Dame Club of Pittsburgh will sponsor a Fr. Vincent A. Beyma...... 1952 night at the theatre to see the musical "Les Miserable," on Saturday, ONE DAY EXCURSIONS ONE DAY EXCURSIONS Fr. John H. Schonhardt...... 1973 July 22 at Heinz Hall. Fr. Stanley F. Idzik...... 1978 Tangier-Supper Club $ 0 7 Christmas Shoppers Delite c/%n Tickets for the event are $75 each, and includes a gala dessert buffet July 12 July 11 Patti Page O / Nov. 11...... 2 0 reception in the grand foyer following the performance. Fr. Theodore J. Schultz...... 1942 Seaworld or Geauga Lake c o c Christmas At Oglebay Park e o f t All proceeds from the event will benefit the Notre Dame Club of Pitt­ July 12...... J O Nov. 18 30 July 13 sburgh Scholarship Fund. For tickets, telephone Rick Gobbie at Fr. John Rethy...... 1946 Ohio Dutch Tour c o s y 469-9550. Christmas At Hartwood Acres S O f t Fr. Francis J. W ivell...... 1954 July 15...... 39 Nov. 25...... 30 July 14 Kings Island e » r* Christmas At Oglebay Park $Q/% Fr. Alvin W. Forney...... 1948 July 19 45 Nov. 25...... 30 July 15 BRUSCO-FALVO FUNERAL HOME Idiewild Park S O 4 50 Christmas At Oglebay Park c q /% Fr. John Doerfler...... 1970 ALBERT J. BRUSCO GREGORY F. FALVO July 28...... Z 1 Dec. 2...... 30 Fr. Michael F. Carmody...... 1973 Lake Erie Island Cruise S O O Christmas At Oglebay Park e o f t July 16 “A Family Owned Firm Serving Catholic Families since 1937" July 29...... 30 Dec. 9 Fr. Francis J. White...... 1987 ^OFFERING PRE-NEED iO/lR I 'J'X'J'X 30 FUNERAL PLANNING" Jil Cedar Point Park S O C Christmas At Oglebay Park en/% Aug. 2...... O O Dec. 16...... 30 ADVERTISING Reading, PA S O Q 9 5 SAINT VICTOR CHURCH Aug. 5...... 4157 W N 0 MULTI DAY TOURS Bairdford Road, Bairdford Pa. 15006 NOVENA Bavarian Fun Fest S 4 C NEEDS IT? New York S 4 O f t July 14-15-16 IN HONOR OF Aug. 5...... I O July 20-21-22 1 09 When business was Conneaut Lake and Cutters e/%*« Gatlinburg — Nashville e O A A bad he said he Friday - Fish Fry 4-7:30 PM Aug. 9...... 2 7 couldn't afford it. Saturday - Spaghetti Dinner 4-7:30 PM Aug. 2-6...... 329 St. Anne & St. Jude Ohio State Fair When business was Sunday - Chicken Dinner 2-7:30 PM Aug. 12...... 30 Catskills e/% ^ a good he didn't need it. JULY 18 — JULY 26 Sept. 4-8...... 249 For the life of us we GAMES for all ages PRIZES, BOOTHS & STANDS Seaworld or Geauga Lake e o i ~ can't remember his FLEA MARKET 8:00 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. Aug. 16...... v O BINGO (Every night 8-11 PM) Sept. 10-15 $2 6 9 name, or the product AT THE HOME OF ST. JUDE SHRINE Lake Erie Island Cruise S Q Q or service that he REFRESHMENTS & FOOD STANDS Aug. 26...... O O Bahama Cruise — Daytona, Florida sells. H A Y R ID E S ST. DOMINIC’S CHURCH By Land and Sea e*v/>P\ Linden Hall e/%/% BUSH & STEINER ST., SAN FRANCISCO Sept. 7-17...... 729 Sept. 9...... 29 Excellent Availabilities IF UNABLE TO ATTEND Yankee Peddler Festival S 4 f t Wildwood §4 f t ft * WEDDING GIFTS Sept. 17-21...... 199 AND SUPPLIES Sunday through Thursday PLEASE SEND PETITIONS TO: Sept. 9...... 19 SHRINE OF ST. JUDE Seafood Festival S O Q 5 0 Colonial Williamsburg S O C f t * CRUCIFIXES Sept. 21-24...... 209 * PRAYER BOOKS iZUre ftenljart c/o Thomas J. Hayes, O.P. Sept. 16...... 29 Facing on tha shore of Washington, DC e r n Nashville e/%^ /% * CHILDREN’S EASY 2390 BUSH ST. ROOM 6 Oct. 5-8 2 1 9 READING BIBLE Sept. 16...... 50 LAKE CHAUTAUQUA SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115 Bavarian Octoberfest * RELIGIOUS JEWELRY Kinzua S A Q 5 0 Only 170 miles from Pittsburgh PREACHER Sept. 23...... 4 0 Kitchener, Ontario e/%/% a * ROSARIES ROOM AND MEALS Oct. 8-10...... 204 Fr. Thomas P. Kane O.P. Apple Festival e/% m MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN Florida Special S O Q O Ü Oct. 7...... 34 COCKTAIL LOUNGE,SUNDAY SMORGAS- Nov. 5-12...... 209 Precious SBORD, MUSKIE FISHING, GOLF, SWIM­ Springs Folk Festival e n p MING, TENNIS, BOATING, (Free Docking Priv- Oct. 8...... ?.25 Reading, PA S Q Q 9 5 Moments Nov. 17-18...... ledges for own boat) CRUISE RIDES, SHUF- Blueridge Shopping Outlets e f t c .09 Available FLEBORD, SCENIC RIDES. SPACIOUS Oct. 14...... 20 Christmas In New York City S 0 7 f t VERANDA FOR RELAXATION. RESERVA­ Niagara Falls e i p Dec. 7-8-9...... 279 1812 Route 286 (Golden Mile Highway) TIONS REQUIRED. Pittsburgh, Pa 15239 Oct. 21...... 4 5 Christmas In Next to Molyneaux Tile and Carpet Write P.O.Box 449 Halloween Fall Foliage Tour Colonial Williamsburg S O C Q Christian Video Rentals Available 7 3 3 * 4 9 8 8 Phone <716)-386-2715 Bemus Point, N.Y. 14712 Oct. 26...... 30 Dec. 29-30-31...... 259 Page 12 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, July 7, 1989 Entertainm ent

M ovie review s M ovie ratings

The classification for the moral Siege. A-II S equel blahs and original blues suitability offilms Is determin­ Rain Man. A-III ed by the United States Road House. O Catholic Conference's Depart­ Scrooged. A-IV By FR. PETER HORTON the young bride who is swept up troversial performer. Still, the rehash of the first installment in m ent o f Communications. See No Evil. Hear No Evil, A-III in the hurricane of emotional energy of Jerry Lee and the the series. Daniel and Miyagi. Theatrical Movies: She's Out Of Control, A-III "Great Balls of Fire": an Adam power Jerry Lee is able to cyclone he created deserve a little fresh from their triumph over the Batman. A-II1 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Fields production of a Jim unleash. The rest of the suppor­ better than this. All in all, "Great worst bullies of Japan, return Beaches. A-1II A-II McBride Film starring Dennis ting characters are competent if Balls of Fire" might be better titl­ home to find themselves hated by Bill And Ted's Excellent Adven­ Troop Beverly Hills. A-II Quatd and Winona Ryder from unexciting. ed "Little flickers of light." the people they demolished in the ture. A-IH Vampire's Kiss. O Orton Pictures rated PG-13. The major problem with the first installment. Will Miyagi Cousins. O Who's Harry Crumb?, O film is the weak screenplay from Columbia Pictures presents a coach Daniel? Will the bullies Criminal Law. A-III Jerry Lee Lewis, the rebel of Jack Baran and Jim McBride. The Welntraub production of a John beat up Daniel countless times? Dead Poets Society, A-III • A-I. General Patronage. rock and roll, was the heir ap­ story — which covers only two Avlldsen film. "The Karate Kid. Will Daniel re-enter the tourna­ The Dream Team. A-III • A-II. Adults and parent to Elvis until he made the years — glosses over the issue of Part III." starring Ralph Macchlo ment? Will Daniel win? Do we Earth Girls Are Easy. O Adolescents. mistake of marrying his 14-year- Lewis' vulgar, sometimes violent and Pat Mortta. rated PG-13. really need to ask these dumb Field Of Dreams. A-II • A-III. Adults. old cousin. personality as well as his questions? Ghostbusters II. A-II • A-IV, Adults with reserva­ A career soaring toward the marriage. Daniel and Miyagi. two very Yes, if you saw the first one. you Harold and Maude. A-III tions. An A-IV classification heights was suddenly on a crash Very little human insight is ap­ special friends, have come to have already seen the third one. Honey. I Shrunk The Kids. A-II designates certain films that, course. Jerry Lee is a survivor, a plied to the forces behind the mean much more to each other Ralph Macchio, who is getting too Indiana Jones And The Last while not morally offensive in performer who overcame his ill- wildness which Jerry Lee ex­ than just student and teacher. old to be a kid, and Pat Morita. Crusade. A-III themselves, require caution fated marriage, drug and alcohol pressed in his lifestyle rather than Over the years, they have better here than he is as the Col­ The January Man, O and some analysis and explana­ addiction and a near fatal heart through his rock music. developed a father-son gate Wisdom Tooth, are a great K-9, A-III tion as a protection against attack. Far from your typical The film relies on the musical relationship. deal of fun together. They even The Karate Kid. Part III. A-III wrong interpretations and false hero, it is difficult to Imagine a heritage of the man rather than From the magic of "The Karate have a few magic moments Major League. A-III conclusions. film biography which idealizes on the man himself. Whenever an Kid" and through the over pro­ together. John Avlldsen. who The Naked Gun. A-III • O. Morally Offensive such a self-destructive individual. uncomfortable moment arises, duced hype of "Karate Kid II." directed the original "R ocky" and No Holds Barred, O The word "Recommended” Yet, here It is. "Great Balls of the writers turn to comedy to Daniel and Miyagi have done then let go of the series, should Pet Sematary. O appears after the title of those Fire." relax the audience and to calm quite well. They will also outlast have let go of the kid as well. Pink Cadillac. A-III films that merit such Thanks to a very credible, their own fears. "Karate Kid III," but II will be due "Karate Kid III" is best left to Police Academy VI: City Under designation. energized performance by Dennis It can be argued that the pro­ to the chemistry between them cable television where it will be Quaid as Jerry Lee, "Great Balls ducers of "Great Balls of Fire" and not to the originality of this shown over and over again. Here is the best proof for Hollywood of Fire" almost succeeds. Winona never set out to do an authentic late summer sequel. T V Program s of Note Ryder is perfectly cast as Myra, cinema biography of this con­ "Karate Kid III" is a shameless that enough is enough. Sunday. July 9. 9-11 p.m. EDT comic (Brian McNamara), into the (CBS) "Pure Blood." Filmed on ranks of the police force and they T V r e v i e w location in Hungary, this power­ become partners. This farfetched, ful drama focuses on a New York lighthearted New York drama is a casting director (Lee Remick) who rebroadcast and was filmed in returns to her homeland in Ger­ Toronto. ‘Who Killed Vincent Chin?’ to air on PBS many to investigate the death of Wednesday. July 12. 10-11 her student son, only to find that p.m. EDT (ABC) "China Beach." ment of Asians on the part of at By HENRY HERX AND JUDITH and his unemployed autoworker trial found Ebans guilty of the his death and her roots may be Repeat of a special segment in civil rights charge while clearing least some autoworkers. TROJAN stepson. In a plea bargain tied in with the Nazis' infamous which real-life Vietnam vets ap­ However likely this was as a Catholic News Service avoiding a jury trial, both men pl­ his stepson. SS Lebensborn program. With pear and tell their stories. NEW YORK (CNS) — The se­ ed guilty to the charge of But on appeal Ebans was found motivation for Chin's grisly this project, the Nazis hoped to Friday, July 14, 8-9 p.m. EDT murder, just as significant is the cond season of "P.O.V.." a series manslaughter and were sentenc­ not guilty. He never spent a day in engineer their master race. (CBS) “ Beauty and the Beast." social environment in which It showcasing documentaries made ed to three years' probation and a Jail for Chin's murder. Rebroadcast. Vincent (Ron Perlman) comes to by independent producers, fine of $3,750. Produced and directed by took place. The incident that led the aid of a Russian sailor (Adrian Tuesday. July 11.8-9 p.m. EDT premieres with a program that The Chinese-American com­ Christine Choy and Renee Ta- to the baseball-bat killing occur­ Paul) who wishes to defect from (CBS) "Elysian Fields." A profes­ raises some troubling questions munity in Detroit immediately jima. the documentary makes red in a topless bar where the par­ his ship, but is carrying the dead­ sional problem-solver (Jeffrey about racial tensions in contem­ charged that this was such an ob­ telling use of TV news footage as ticipants were clearly less than ly pneumonic plague virus which DeMunn) facing a mid-life crisis, porary America. Nominated for a vious miscarriage of Justice, it well as interviews with those in­ responsible for their actions. threatens the health of the Tunnel moves to New Orleans to take 1988 Academy Award. "W ho Kill­ could only be explained as being volved in the case. The context of A group of autoworkers were in World. Rebroadcast. over a newly created crisis center ed Vincent Chin?" airs Tuesday. racially motivated. The story was what was happening in Detroit at the bar when, according to the Friday, July 14. 9-11 p.m. EDT and takes an apartment in a boar­ July 18, 10-11:30 p.m. WQED, given national media coverage the time of Chin's murder is inter­ testimony of one of the dancers. (CBS) "Th e Murders in the Rue ding house run by two eccentric Channel 13. and others across the country woven throughout, thereby pro­ Ebans directed some racial Morgue." George C. Scott stars in sisters (Frances Fisher and Judith The 1982 murder occurred In joined in the protest. viding a larger frame of reference epithets at Chin, a brief fight en­ this rebroadcast from 1986 about W. Hoag) in this CBS Summer Detroit where Chin, a 27-year-old Over the next two years, a na­ for answering the question posed sued and after Chin left the bar he a retired police inspector who Playhouse comedy-drama. Writ­ Chinese-American, was beaten to tional campaign was organized by the program s title. was pursued and killed. unofficially investigates and ten by Joan ("Nashville” ) death with a baseball bat by seeking federal prosecution on In 1982 the Detroit auto in­ Ebans. Interviewed at length solves a grisly double murder in Tewkesbury. Ronald Ebans. a middle-aged the grounds that Chin's civil dustry was experiencing massive with his wife, insists that the at­ Paris circa 1800. Based on the foreman in an automobile factory. rights had been violated. A federal layoffs caused by the challenge of tack had nothing to do with racial Tuesday, July 11. 9-11 p.m. Edgar Allan Poe story, this fine foreign cars manufactured largely prejudice, though he was too EDT (CBS) "Sadie and Son." Pro­ adult drama also stars Ian I in Japan. As seen in the drunk to remember clearly what blems arise when a New York City McShane, Rebecca De Mornay I documentary, there was resent- happened. policewoman (Debbie Reynolds) and Val Kilmer and was directed COLEMAN maneuvers her son. an aspiring by Jeannot Szwarc.

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T h e y a r e -NATIONAL AWARD & A G I N G W a i t i n g ! ‘STAINED CLASS -M U R A LS They are a Pitt­ sburgh Catholic “ Then he said to his disciples, ‘RESTORATIONS Founded and directed by advertiser, who The harvest is ready but the '‘WOOD CARVING has just publish­ laborers are few,"ask the harvest SILIANOFF CATHOLIC LAY PEOPLE. ed their advertise­ master to send out laborers to STUDIO ment in the Pitt­ gather his harvest. Mt. 9:37-38 I RT 22 - RO 4 sburgh Catholic VOCATION OFFICE Greensburg Pa YOUR $15 MONTHLY PROVIDES A NEEDY because they 928-5836 668-7705 CHILD WITH. NOURISHING FOOD, MEDICAL want to offer a CARE, the chance to GO TO SCHOOL and special invitation HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. YOUR CHILD WILL to you to favor them with your Solem n Novena to St. Anne GROW IN THE DAILY KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S business. LOVE AND YOUR LOVE. Little Conchita lives in a small village in the moun­ We hope you do. July 18 thru July 26 tains o f Guatemala. Her house is made of cornstalks, Not just because You will receive a photo of your child, description of with a tin roof and dirt floor. Her father struggles to it will prove to suppon the family as a day laborer. Your concern can v r your child’s country, family history, translated letters, them that adver­ $■^'"’*1 r-*i & quarterly newsletters! make the difference in the lives o f children like Conchita. tis in g in the “Catholic" con­ FOR THE CHILD WHO IS WAITING stitutes a good in­ Plus you will receive the personal satisfaction of You can make visible GOD’S LOVE. vestment, al­ helping a child in need. (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, though it will, not Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Colombia, just because it Let the little children com e unto me. Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Philip­ will help us to — Mark 10:14 pines, India, Kenya). sustain adver­ tising sales, alth­ ough it will do I would like to share my blessings with a this too, and thus YES needy child. provide revenues A CHILD WHO MOST to help maintain I would like to sponsor a □ boy □ girl EH NEEDS MY HELP and enlarge upon our reader ser­ I am enclosing [El $15 for first month Ell $45 for three months. vices. EH $90 for six months □ $180 for the entire year We hope that ST. ANNE’S CHURCH you wilt favor □ I cannot sponsor a child at this time, but I enclose my gift of them—and all the 400 HOODRIDGE DRIVE CASTLE SHANNON, PA 15234 Pittsburgh Fr. DONALD P. BREIER, PASTOR (531-5964) $______to be used for the EMERGENCY FUND for Children. Catholic adver­ tisers with your OPENING • Tuesday, July 18, 1988 - 8:00 a.m. Mass CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION EH) Please send me more information on sponsoring a child. pm. 070789 patronage prin­ DEVOTIONS - Daily at 8:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. (Sat. 7:00 p.m.) FOR CHILDREN cipally because Sunday, July 23th • 7:00 p.m. Mass. & AGING NAME______you will find them SOLEMN CLOSING • Wednesday, July 26th at 7:30 p.m. Ann: Robert Hentzen ADDRESS. eager to please, Solemn Dedication of new St. Anne Shrine by President reliable to deal BISHOP WILLIAM WINTER 13001 Wornall Road CITY_____ STATE. ZIP. P.O. Box 410327 ,J!t with and ap­ Homily & Outdoor Benediction (weather permitting) Mato chacks payabla to: CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION FOR CHILDREN & AGING (CFCA) Kansas City. MO 64173-0158 preciative of the Member: U.S. Catholic Mission Association • National Catholic Development Conference opportunity to lo ven a Conducted by Fr. Thomas Prior, C.M. (816)941-9100 • Catholic Press Association • Financial report available on request L. J serve you. ALL CORDIALLY INVITED

t Y I