The Townsend Pa P e r s i n T h e h u m a n i T i e s No. 3 Art and Aesthetics After Adorno Jay M. Bernstein Claudia Brodsky Anthony J. Cascardi Thierry de Duve Aleš Erjavec Robert Kaufman Fred Rush Art and Aesthetics After Adorno The Townsend Pa P e r s i n T h e h u m a n i T i e s No. 3 Art and Aesthetics After Adorno J. M. Bernstein Claudia Brodsky Anthony J. Cascardi Thierry de Duve Aleš Erjavec Robert Kaufman Fred Rush Published by The Townsend Center for the Humanities University of California | Berkeley Distributed by University of California Press Berkeley, Los Angeles, London | 2010 Copyright ©2010 The Regents of the University of California ISBN 978-0-9823294-2-9 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Art and aesthetics after Adorno / J. M. Bernstein...[et al]. p. cm. — (The Townsend papers in the humanities ; no. 3) ISBN 978-0-9823294-2-9 1. Aesthetics, Modern—20th century 2. Aesthetics, Modern—21st century 3. Adorno, Theodor W., 1903–1969. Ästhetische Theorie. I. Bernstein, J. M. BH201.A78 2010 111’.850904—dc22 2010018448 Inquiries concerning proposals for the Townsend Papers in the Humanities from Berkeley faculty and Townsend Center affiliates should be addressed to The Townsend Papers, 220 Stephens Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720- 2340, or by email to
[email protected]. Design and typesetting: Kajun Graphics Manufactured in the United States of America Credits and acknowledgements for quoted material appear on page 180–81.