January 2002 CAA News
s CUNY's Graduate Center. From 1969 to gela's Last Paintings (Oxford University CONFERENCE 1971, he was a CAA Board member, and Press, 1975); Borromini's Sari Carlo aIle was appo:inted Benjamin Frankl~ Quattro Fontane: A Study in Multiple Form SESSION Professor of the History of Art at the and Architectural Symbolism (Garland, University of Pennsylvania in Philadel 1977); The Sexuality of Christ in Renais HONORS phia in 1975. He retired in 1991, after sance Art and in Modern Oblivion (Univer teaching a semester as the Meyer sity of Chicago Press, 1983; the second Schapiro Chair at Columbia University :in edition:in 1996 was revised and doubled LEO New York. :in size by a "Retrospect" that responds to Steinberg has published and lectured critics); Ei1counters with Rauschenberg STEINBERG widely on Renaissance, Baroque, and (University of Chicago Press, 1999); and, most recently, Leonardo's Incessant Last he CAA Distinguished Scholar's Supper (Zone, 2001). Other writings Session was inaugurated in 2001 include studies of Filippo Lippi, T to engage senior scholars in the Mantegna, Michelangelo, Pontormo, Annual Conference and celebrate their Guercino, Rembrandt, Steen, VeHtzquez, contributions to art history. But its aim is and Picasso. Nonprofit Organization greater: At a time of great methodologi In addition to a prolific writing u.s. Postage cal shifts in the field, this session will career, Steinberg'S academic life has also foster dialogue within and among the been a full one. In 1982, he delivered the Paid different generations of art historians. s A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts at NewYork,N.Y.
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