Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2002 No. 18 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I object then took his scholarly talents and Father Joseph F. Sica, Our Lady of to the vote on the ground that a spiritual determination and continued the Snows Catholic Church, Clarks quorum is not present and make the his education at the Catholic Univer- Summit, Pennsylvania, offered the fol- point of order that a quorum is not sity of America and the Theological lowing prayer: present. College. Father, we thank You for today, a The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum There he wrote his book, ‘‘God So new beginning filled with unlimited is not present. Loved the World,’’ which is one of the possibilities to make wholesome dif- Pursuant to clause 8, rule XX, fur- foremost works in Carl Rhaner’s ‘‘The- ferences in the lives represented by ther proceedings on this question are ology of Revelation.’’ He also published these men and women of our United postponed. many articles in several journals, and States Congress. The point of no quorum is considered Father Joe’s monthly column, ‘‘Mir- Father, by faith we welcome You withdrawn. acle Growth: A Seed of Inspiration,’’ into our lives and accept the love You f that runs in Catholic newspapers have for us. across the country. Your love elevates us as we rise ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER In every assignment at every parish, above our heartaches, hassles, troubles, The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- Father Joe Sica has been involved with setbacks, disappointments by turning tain one 1-minute at this point by the the work of his community. He has or- them over to You. gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. ganized retreats for parishioners, Your love liberates us to let go of SHERWOOD). helped parents and teachers associa- panic, worry, anxiety, depression, low f tions; and while he was in my home- self-worth, and addictions. town, he was a member of the Rotary Your love motivates a desire inside WELCOME TO FATHER JOE SICA International, and a fine volunteer fire- each of us to find a need and fill it, to OF OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS fighter at the Triton Hose Company. PARISH IN CLARKS SUMMIT, find a hurt and heal it. However, one of his most impressive Father, Your love demonstrates You PENNSYLVANIA accomplishments that I have had the care, understand, and forgive, giving us (Mr. SHERWOOD asked and was pleasure of witnessing was Father Joe’s the strength to carry on, casting aside given permission to address the House creation of the Helping Other People our fears, knowing we can survive. It is for 1 minute and to revise and extend Program in Tunkhannock. This pro- perhaps through love that You give us his remarks.) gram coordinated the efforts of several a glimpse of eternity. Mr. SHERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, it is Hold this great Nation of America in local churches and their parishioners my privilege to welcome as our guest the palm of Your hand as we make this to provide transportation, meals, home chaplain Father Joe Sica of Our Lady prayer today in Your holy name. repairs, house cleaning, and many of the Snows Parish in Clarks Summit, Amen. other services to those in need. Pennsylvania. Father Joe was given the Sam Wal- f I would also like to take this oppor- ton Award, and the Tunkhannock THE JOURNAL tunity to thank Father Joe for this Chamber of Commerce gave him a cer- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- wonderful invocation. I have known tificate of excellence for his effort. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Father Joe for a long time. He is a In October of 2000, the Columbus Day ceedings and announces to the House good man, a great friend, and a wonder- Association of Lackawanna County his approval thereof. ful priest. named Father Joe their Man of the Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Father Joe Sica grew up in Dunmore, Year. They commended him for taking nal stands approved. Pennsylvania, and began his service to risks, for being able to dream, and to Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, pursuant the church at a very young age. As a work and make those dreams come to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on child, he donated much of his time to true. agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of St. Rocco’s Church, and it was there he I can say without hesitation that Fa- the Journal. began to realize his dream of becoming ther Joe Sica is not just the Man of the The SPEAKER. The question is on a priest. Year, but a man of the people whose the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. After high school he entered the Uni- good deeds and inspiration never cease. The question was taken; and the versity of Pennsylvania and Saint Pius Mr. Speaker, I again would like to Speaker announced that the ayes ap- X Seminary, where he earned his de- thank Father Joe Sica for being here peared to have it. gree in philosophy and theology. He today. His presence and his blessing on b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H563 . VerDate 11-MAY-2000 05:04 Feb 28, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE7.000 pfrm04 PsN: H27PT1 H564 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2002 this House mean so much to me and Dunn King (NY) Rehberg Menendez Ramstad Taylor (MS) Edwards Kingston Reyes Miller, George Sabo Thompson (CA) the people I represent. Ehlers Kirk Reynolds Moore Schaffer Thompson (MS) f Emerson Kleczka Riley Moran (KS) Schakowsky Udall (CO) Engel Knollenberg Rivers Oberstar Shadegg Udall (NM) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Eshoo Kolbe Rodriguez Pallone Stark Visclosky Etheridge LaHood Roemer Peterson (MN) Strickland Weller The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Evans Lampson Rogers (KY) Platts Stupak Wicker from Texas (Mr. LAMPSON) come for- Everett Langevin Rogers (MI) Farr Lantos Rohrabacher ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 ward and lead the House in the Pledge Fattah Larson (CT) Ros-Lehtinen Tancredo of Allegiance. Ferguson LaTourette Ross Mr. LAMPSON led the Pledge of Alle- Flake Leach Rothman NOT VOTING—29 giance as follows: Fletcher Lee Roybal-Allard Baldacci Gilman Norwood Foley Levin Royce Blagojevich Hayes Oxley I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Forbes Lewis (CA) Rush Boucher Jenkins Roukema United States of America, and to the Repub- Ford Lewis (GA) Ryan (WI) Burr Kilpatrick Thomas lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Fossella Lewis (KY) Ryun (KS) Clay LaFalce Traficant indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Frank Linder Sanchez Collins McCrery Waters Frelinghuysen Lipinski Sanders Coyne McKinney Weldon (PA) f Frost Lofgren Sandlin Cubin Meek (FL) Wolf Gallegly Lowey Sawyer Deal Mink Young (AK) MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Ganske Lucas (KY) Saxton Ehrlich Myrick Gekas Lucas (OK) Schiff A message from the Senate by Mr. Gephardt Luther Schrock b 1032 Monahan, one of its clerks, announced Gibbons Lynch Scott So the Journal was approved. that the Senate has passed a bill of the Gilchrest Maloney (CT) Sensenbrenner Gillmor Maloney (NY) Serrano The result of the vote was announced following title in which the concur- Gonzalez Manzullo Sessions as above recorded. rence of the House is requested. Goode Mascara Shaw f S. 1857. An act to encourage the negotiated Goodlatte Matheson Shays Gordon Matsui Sherman settlement of tribal claims. Goss McCarthy (MO) Sherwood COMMUNICATION FROM THE f Graham McCarthy (NY) Shimkus CLERK OF THE HOUSE Shows Granger McCollum The SPEAKER laid before the House THE JOURNAL Graves McGovern Shuster Green (TX) McHugh Simmons the following communication from the The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8 Green (WI) McInnis Simpson Clerk of the House of Representatives: of rule XX, the pending business is the Greenwood McIntyre Skeen Grucci McKeon Skelton OFFICE OF THE CLERK, question of agreeing to the Speaker’s Gutierrez McNulty Slaughter HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, approval of the Journal of the last Hall (OH) Meehan Smith (MI) Washington, DC, January 18, 2002. day’s proceedings. Hall (TX) Meeks (NY) Smith (NJ) Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, The question is on the Speaker’s ap- Hansen Mica Smith (TX) The Speaker, House of Representatives, Harman Millender- Smith (WA) Washington, DC. proval of the Journal. Hart McDonald Snyder DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have the honor to The question was taken; and the Hastings (WA) Miller, Dan Solis transmit herewith the Certificate of Election Speaker announced that the ayes ap- Hayworth Miller, Gary Souder Herger Miller, Jeff Spratt received from the Honorable Mike Hunter, peared to have it. Hill Mollohan Stearns Secretary of State, State of Oklahoma, indi- Mr. SCHROCK. Mr. Speaker, I object Hilleary Moran (VA) Stenholm cating that, on January 8, 2002, the Honor- to the vote on the ground that a Hinojosa Morella Stump able John Sullivan was duly chosen by the quorum is not present and make the Hobson Murtha Sununu qualified electors to the Office of Represent- Hoeffel Nadler Sweeney ative in Congress, First Congressional Dis- point of order that a quorum is not Hoekstra Napolitano Tanner present. Holden Neal Tauscher trict, State of Oklahoma, to fill the vacancy The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum Honda Nethercutt Tauzin in the representation from said State in the Hooley Ney Taylor (NC) United States House of Representatives.