Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 14

Report on Ooctonus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) of , with additional new records from some other European countries

Martti Koponen, Serguei V. Triapitsyn and Veli Vikberg

Koponen, M., Triapitsyn, S. V. and Vikberg, V. 2018: Report on Ooctonus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) of Finland, with additional new records from some other European countries. – Sahlbergia 24(2): 14–24.

2574 specimens of the fairyfly genus Ooctonus Haliday, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Mymaridae) from Finland were examined and identified to species, an annotated list of which is given. These were mainly collected by M. Koponen and V. Vikberg while some earlier ones by W. Hellén; the bulk of them are deposited in Zoological Museum, Finnish Mu- seum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, Finland, and a few are in V. Vikberg’s private collection. Most specimens were determined by M. Koponen and V. Vikberg while some also by S. V. Triapitsyn in 2016 and 2017. Ooctonus novic- kyi Soyka, 1950 is newly recorded from Finland, and its previously unknown male is described and illustrated; an updated key to the males of the European species of Ooctonus is provided. Now all six known European species are found in Fin- land; we also include new distributional records of five of them from some other European countries.

Key words. Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Mymaridae, Ooctonus, biodiversity, Finland, Europe.

Martti Koponen, Tuoppitie 5 C, FI-50160, Mikkeli, Finland. E-mail: [email protected] Serguei V. Triapitsyn, Entomology Research Museum, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside,Ca- lifornia, 92521, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] Veli Vikberg, Liinalammintie 11 as. 6, FI-14200, Turenki, Finland. E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction of O. novickyi. The latter is described and illustrated herein; it is a new record for the Finnish fauna of Mymaridae, which Ooctonus Haliday, 1833 is one of the few large genera of My- now includes all six known European species of the genus. maridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) whose world fauna is relatively well known (Triapitsyn 2010; Huber et al. 2010; Hosts of Ooctonus species in Finland are unknown, but else- Huber 2012, 2013). Triapitsyn (2010) revised the Palaearctic where some members of this genus are known as egg parasi- Ooctonus and provided a key to both sexes of its six valid Eu- toids of Aphrophoridae and Cicadellidae (Hemiptera) (Triapit- ropean species, excluding the male of Ooctonus novickyi Soy- syn 2010; Huber 2012). ka, 1950 which was then unknown. The genus is particularly common in northern Europe (Triapitsyn 2010). The following acronyms are used to designate depositories of specimens examined: FMNH = Zoological Museum, Finnish In Finland, Hellén (1968, 1971, 1974) reported four species Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, of Ooctonus and Vikberg (1982) an additional species. Wolter Finland; UCRC = Entomology Research Museum, University Hellén’s specimens are deposited in the insect collection of of California, Riverside, California, USA; VVCT = private col- Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, Uni- lection of Veli Vikberg, Turenki, Finland; ZMUC = Zoological versity of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. We have examined them Museum, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of recently and found his identifications to be mostly correct. Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

More recent extensive, systematic collections of Finnish fairy- Specimens collected by M. Koponen were mounted air-dried flies have been made mainly by M. Koponen and V. Vikberg on points or cards, and labeled; these have been all donated to since 1970s, primarily by sweeping. As the result, more than FMNH. Specimens collected by V. Vikberg are deposited in 2000 specimens of Ooctonus, sorted initially only to genus, had VVCT; these were mostly point-mounted (air-dried) but some become available by the time Triapitsyn’s (2010) revision was are stored, also air-dried but unmounted, on paper layers in published. Then the collectors themselves identified most of plastic Petri dishes. For the massive material from Finland, de- their specimens to species using the key in Triapitsyn (2010), tailed label data are omitted for brevity except for the newly while some were also determined to species by S. V. Triapit- recorded O. novickyi; for the five other taxa, which were pre- syn in 2016 and 2017. Their annotated synopsis is given below viously known from the country, only their distribution in the along with an updated key to the males of the European species different biological provinces of Finland (Heikinheimo & Raa- of Ooctonus which now includes the previousy unknown male tikainen 1971) is indicated. Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 15

Using this opportunity, we also list some recently identified (by M. Koponen and S. V. Triapitsyn) specimens of five species of Ooctonus from some other European countries from several museum collections, including those in FMNH collected by M. Koponen. Those representing new country records are marked by an asterisk (*).

Distribution maps for all species are proviced as Maps 1–6. Dot colours on the maps represent the year of the latest record in a 10x10 km2 square: white < 1901 or year unknown; red 1901–1974; green 1975–1999; blue > 1999.

Annotated list of species of Ooctonus Haliday, 1833 Figs 1–2. Ooctonus hemipterus Haliday, 1833 (brachypterous female from Laurinmäki, Janakkala, Finland, collected 2.11.2013): Fig. 1 – in Finland habitus; Fig. 2 – antenna. Photos by S. V. Triapitsyn.

Ooctonus hemipterus Haliday, 1833 (Figs 1–2) Hellén 1968, 1971, 1974; Triapitsyn 2010; Huber 2012; Fusu 2013 Madeira, Boca da Corrida (1200 m), 10.12.1991, 5 ♂; Cama- ra de Lobos (Estreito, Levada do Norte, 550 m), 12.12.1994, Finland (1640 ♂♂ 130 ♀♀, Map 1): Al (Eckerö, Hammarland, 1 ♂; Funchal (Old Monte Gardens, 550 m), 6.11.1996, 1 ♂; Kökar, Lemland, Mariehamn, Vårdö), Ab (Dragsfjärd, Lohja, Levada dos Tornos between EN102 and Romeiros (600 m), Salo, Uusikaupunki), N (Helsinki, Hyvinkää, Kirkkonummi, 15.12.1994, 4 ♂ 1 ♀. Russia: Leningradskaya oblast, Vagano- Nurmijärvi, Porvoon mlk. Tammisaari, Tuusula), Ka (Ham- vo, 60°05’24.5’’N 31°02’08.3’’E, 25 m, 15–30.6.2016, A. ina, Miehikkälä, Virolahti), St (Kihniö, Mouhijärvi, Rauma, Knyshov, 1 ♂ 5 ♀ (UCRC, det. S. V. Triapitsyn). Moskovskaya Vammala), Ta (Janakkala, Lammi, Loppi, Ruovesi), Sa (Lap- oblast’: Noginskiy rayon, Fryazevo, 22.7.2002, S. V. Triapit- peenranta, Joutseno, Luumäki, Mikkeli, Pertunmaa, Rantasal- syn, 1 ♂ (UCRC). Pushkinskiy rayon, Pushkino, Mamontovka, mi, Ristiina, Savitaipale, Savonlinna, Taipalsaari, Valkeala), 15–25.7.2001, E. Ya. Shuvakhina, 1 ♀ (UCRC). *Spain: An- Kl (Parikkala), Oa (Kurikka), Tb (Hankasalmi, Karstula, Ke- dalusia, Fuengirola (Los Pacos), 25.3.2012, 1 ♂. uruu, Rautalampi, Vesanto, Viitasaari), Sb (Maaninka, Nilsiä, Pieksämäki), Kb (Joensuu, Kitee, Liperi, Tohmajärvi), Om: Remarks: On very rare occasions, F5 of the female antenna in Alahärmä, Alajärvi, , Pietarsaari, Vimpeli), Oba O. hemipterus bears an multiporous plate sensillum either on (, Vaala), Obb (Rovaniemen mlk.), Ks (), both antennae (Figs 1–2), like in the two brachypterous speci- Lkoc (Kittilä), Lkor (Sodankylä), Li (Inari). mens from Laurinmäki, Janakkala, Finland, or just on one an- tenna, like in the brachypterous specimen from Rotarypuisto, Distribution: Holarctic (Triapitsyn 2010; Huber 2012). Turenki, Janakkala, all collected by V. Vikberg. That is an in- teresting addition to the diagnosis of O. hemipterus given in New extralimital records: *Denmark (ZMUC, det. S. V. Tria- Triapitsyn (2010). pitsyn): Hovedstaden: Allerød, 21.5.1956, O. Bakkendorf, 1 ♀. Dyrehaven (Jægersborg Dyrehave, Zealand Island): 28.7.1929, According to the collections and personal observations of the O. Bakkendorf, 1 ♀; Fortunens Indelukke, 4.9.1959, O. third author, O. hemipterus is by far the most frequent spe- Bakkendorf, 1 ♂. Gentofte, Berstorff [Palace], 20.10.1926, J. cies of Ooctonus in Janakkala and Turenki in Tavastia Proper P. Kryger, 1 ♀. Holte, 4.10.1953, O. Bakkendorf, 1 ♀. Tisvilde, Region. In Turenki there are localities (Vapari, Rälssitie and 7.10.1923, J. P. Kryger, 1 ♀. Midtjylland: Grenå, 5.10.1997, T. Rotarypuisto) which are small parks where grass is cut during Munk, 1 ♂. Sjælland: Liselund, 23.8.1925, O. Bakkendorf, 1 summer, and O. hemipterus (particularly males) are numerous ♀. Syddanmark, Rømø, 24.9.2000, T. Munk, 1 ♂. there from July to very late autumn until snow cover. Similarly, the specimens from Laurinmäki were swept in November at a Specimens collected by M. Koponen (FMNH) unless indi- road ramp where grass and herbs had been cut during summer. cated otherwise: *Estonia: Läänemaa (Haapsalu r.): Karuse, Both brachypterous females and a macropterous male of O. he- 29.5.1990, 1 ♀; Vormsi, Borrby, 9.8.2002, 1 ♂. Saaremaa: mipterus were collected in Rotarypuisto as early as 12.3.2014 Kaali, 30.5.1990, 1 ♀, Küpassaare, 30.5.1990, 2 ♂. Portugal: when temperature in the afternoon was about 10°C. Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 16

Ooctonus insignis Haliday, 1833 Nakkila), Ta (Forssa, Hämeenlinna, Janakkala, Korpilahti, Hellén 1974, 1976; Triapitsyn 2010; Fusu 2013. Jämsä, Kärkölä, Lahti, Lammi, Loppi, Nastola), Sa: (Hirven- salmi, Joutseno?, Mikkeli, Mäntyharju, Pertunmaa, Puumala, Finland (69 ♂♂ 39 ♀♀, Map 2): Ab (Dragsfjärd, Lohja), N Rantasalmi, Ristiina, Savitaipale, Taipalsaari), Kl (Parikkala), (Espoo, Helsinki, Hyvinkää, Nurmijärvi, Sipoo, Vantaa), Ta Oa (Ilmajoki, Töysä), Tb (Konnevesi, Rautalampi, Äänekoski), (Hauho?, Janakkala, Jämsä), Ka (Ylämaa), St (Nakkila), Sa Sb (Maaninka), Kb (Liperi), Om (Alahärmä, Alajärvi, Pyhäntä, (Hirvensalmi, Mikkeli, Mäntyharju, Ristiina, Taipalsaari), Tb Veteli), Ok (Rautjärvi, Vaala), Oba (Ii, Pudasjärvi, Utajärvi, (Keuruu), Om (Haapavesi, Lappajärvi). Vaala), Obb (Kemi, Simo, Ylitornio), Lkoc (Kittilä), Lkor (So- dankylä). Distribution: Palaearctic (Triapitsyn 2010; Huber 2012). Distribution: Holarctic (Triapitsyn 2010; Huber 2012). New extralimital records: *Denmark: Hovedstaden, Ryget, 24.8.1924, O. Bakkendorf, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (ZMUC, det. S. V. Triapit- New extralimital records: Austria: Tyrol, Höllental, syn). *Estonia: Läänemaa, Vormsi, forest meadows by stream Schwarzau, 20.8.1960, B. Petersen, 1 ♂ (ZMUC, det. S. V. Vae, 7.8.2002, M. Koponen, 2 ♀ (FNMH, det. M. Koponen). Triapitsyn). Denmark (ZMUC, det. S. V. Triapitsyn): Hov- Russia: Moskovskaya oblast, Pushkinskiy rayon, Pushkino, edstaden: Dyrehaven (Jægersborg Dyrehave, Zealand Island), Mamontovka, 15–25.7.2001, E. Ya. Shuvakhina, 1 ♀ (UCRC). 26.12.1928, O. Bakkendorf (emerged 25.4.1929 from un- known eggs on Phalaris arundinacea [as Baldingera arundi- nacea, “in copula”]), 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (identified by O. Bakkendorf as Ooctonus notatus Walker, 1846 O. heterotomus). Ryget, 30.8.1925, J. P. Kryger, 1 ♀. Nor- Triapitsyn 2010; Huber 2012; Fusu 2013. djylland: Kielstrup, 7.8.1986, T. Munk, 1 ♂. Krogens Mølle, Ooctonus heterotomus Foerster, 1847: Hellén 1974, 57°21’N 10°19’E, 11–13.8.1986, T. Munk, 1 ♂ 1 ♀. Sjælland: 1976. Liselund, 7.8.1924, O. Bakkendorf, 2 ♂. *Estonia: Läänemaa, Vormsi, Borrby, 9.8.2002, M. Koponen, 1 ♀ (FMNH); forest Finland (297 ♂♂ 315 ♀♀, Map 3): Al (Eckerö, Finström, meadows by stream Vae, 7.8.2002, M. Koponen, 1 ♂ (FMNH). Hammarland, Jomala, Lemland, Mariehamn), Ab (Dragsfjärd, Väike-Tjuka, 8.8.2002, M. Koponen, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ (FMNH). Saare- Lohja, Perniö, Suomusjärvi, Tammisaari? Turku, Uusikaupun- maa: Tagamõisa, 12.6.1996, M. Koponen, 1 ♀ (FMNH). Ire- ki, Vihti, Västanfjärd), N (Espoo, Hanko, Helsinki, Hyvinkää, land: County Kildare, Ballynafagh Lake (near Ballynafagh Inkoo, Lapinjärvi, Nurmijärvi, Porvoon mlk. Pyhtää, Sipoo, and Prosperous), 53°18’20’’N 6°46’58’’W, 87 m, 26.8.2015, Siuntio, Tammisaari, Vantaa), Ka (Ylämaa), St (Kokemäki, S. V. Triapitsyn, 1 ♂ (UCRC). Poland: Podlaskie, Białow- ieża, 9.7.1988, M. Koponen, 1 ♀ (FMNH). United Kingdom: England, Hampshire County, Hollom Down, 51°06’52.5’’N 1°37’02.3’’W, 86 m, 30.8.2014, S. V. Triapitsyn, 1 ♀ (UCRC).

Ooctonus novickyi Soyka, 1950 (Figs 3–8) (new species re- cord for Finland) Triapitsyn 2010.

Finland (1 ♂ 10 ♀♀, Map 4) (all specimens collected by M. Koponen, FMNH, unless indicated otherwise): N: Helsin- ki (Viikki, 6681:3390), 28.9.1982, 1 ♀, (Viikki, 6681:3391), 27.9.1984, 2 ♀, edge of sugar beet field (det. M. Koponen 2015). Nurmijärvi (Kaanaanmetsä, 6704:3381), 17.9.1987, 1 ♀, forest grasses (Fig. 3, specimen identifier http://id.luomus. fi/GL.6254), (Myllykoski, 6706:3382), 30.8.1987, 1 ♀ (det. M. Koponen 2015). Ta: Janakkala (road 131, 6754:3368), 18.9.2009, V. Vikberg, 1 ♂ (VVCT) (Figs 4–8, specimen identifier; (Konttilan kartano, 6757:3373), 8.10.2006, V. Vikberg, 1 ♀ (VVCT); (Kalpalin- na, 6759:3370), 13.8.1997, V. Vikberg, 1 ♀ (VVCT), (det. V. Vikberg 2016); (Rotarypuisto, 6758:3372), 25.9.2018, 1 ♀, 11.10.2018, 1 ♀, V. Vikberg (VVCT) (det. V. Vikberg 2018). Fig. 3. Ooctonus novickyi Soyka, 1950 habitus of female from Nurmi- järvi, Finland, collected by M. Koponen 17.9.1987. Specimen http:// Sa: Mikkeli (Kivilahdentie 6, 6839:3506), 7.8.2016, 1 ♀ (det. Photo by Pekka Malinen, Finnish Museum of M. Koponen 2016). Natural History. Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 17

Distribution: Palaearctic (Triapitsyn 2010). wide. Fore wing 3.1 times as long as wide, truncate apically; hind wing 17.5 times as long as wide. Description: Male (previously unknown, Figs 4–8). Body length of the air-dried, point-mounted specimen (Fig. 4) pri- Remarks: The body length of both females of O. novickyi from or to slide-mounting 1.12 mm (head length 0.23 mm). Head, Janakkala is 1.18 mm; their gaster is mostly pale brownish yel- mesosoma and apical third or so of gaster dark brown; petiole low. and remainder of gaster light brown; pedicel and scape light brown to brown, flagellum brown; legs light brown. Similar to female as redescribed in detail by Triapitsyn (2010) except Ooctonus sublaevis Foerster, 1847 for normal sexually dimorphic features of antenna (Fig. 5) and Triapitsyn 2010; Fusu 2013. genitalia (Fig. 7). Scape minus radicle 4.4 times as long as Ooctonus dovrensis Solem & Sveum, 1980: Vikberg 1982, Silfverberg 1986, synonymized by Triapitsyn (2010).

Finland (43 ♂♂ 53 ♀♀, Map 5): Al (Eckerö, Jomala, Lem- land, Mariehamn), Ab (Lohja, Perniö, Uusikaupunki, Vihti), N (Espoo, Hanko, Hyvinkää, Nurmijärvi, Sipoo, Siuntio), St (Karkku, Nakkila), Ta (Heinolan mlk. Janakkala, Lahti, Lam- mi, Loppi, Sääksmäki), Sa (Juva, Mikkeli, Punkaharju, Ris- tiina, Suomenniemi, Taipalsaari), Kl (Parikkala, Uukuniemi), Tb (Rautalampi), Kb (Kitee, Tohmajärvi), Lkoc (Kolari), Lkor (Kemijärvi).

Distribution: Palaearctic (Triapitsyn 2010; Huber 2012).

New extralimital records: *Denmark (ZMUC, det. S. V. Tri- apitsyn): Hovedstaden: Tisvilde, 7.10.1923, J. P. Kryger, 1 ♂. Sjælland, Liselund, 10.8.1924, O. Bakkendorf, 1 ♀. *Esto- Ooctonus novickyi Soyka, 1950 male from Janakkala, Fin- Fig. 4. nia: Saaremaa, Kaali, 30.5.1990, M. Koponen, 1 ♀ (FMNH). land, collected by V. Vikberg 18.9.2009. Specimen GL.8175. Photo by Pekka Malinen, Finnish Museum of Natural History. Poland: Podlaskie, Białowieża, 3.9.2007, M. Koponen, 1 ♂ (FMNH). Russia: Moskovskaya oblast, Noginskiy rayon, Fryazevo, 22.7.2002, S. V. Triapitsyn, 1 ♂ (UCRC, det. S. V. Triapitsyn). United Kingdom: England, Hampshire County: Awbridge, Beechwood Estate, 51°01’18’’N 1°32’27’’W, 52 m, 30.8.2014, S. V. Triapitsyn, 1 ♂ (UCRC).

Ooctonus vulgatus Haliday, 1833 Hellén 1967, 1968, 1971, 1974; Triapitsyn 2010; Fusu 2013

Finland (16 ♂♂ 66 ♀♀, Map 6): Al? (Eckerö?, Finström?, Jomala?), Ab (Dragsfjärd, Lohja?, Perniö, Uusikaupunki), N (Espoo, Helsinki, Nurmijärvi, Tammisaari), Ka (Ylämaa), Ta (Janakkala, Lammi?), Sa (Joutseno?, Mikkeli, Mäntyharju, Pertunmaa, Punkaharju?, Ristiina, Taipalsaari?), Kl? (Parikka- la?), Tb (Keuruu), Kb (Tohmajärvi), Om (Pyhäntä).

Distribution: Holarctic and Australasian: New Zealand (appar- ently unintentionally introduced there) (Triapitsyn 2010; Huber et al. 2010).

New extralimital records: Denmark (ZMUC, det. S. V. Tria- Figs 5–8. Ooctonus novickyi Soyka, 1950 (male from Janakkala, pitsyn): Hovedstaden: Ryget, 30.8.1925, J. P. Kryger, 1 ♀. Tis- Finland, collected by V. Vikberg 18.9.2009): Fig. 5 – antenna; Fig. 6 – mesosoma; Fig. 7 – genitalia; Fig. 8 – fore and hind wings. Photos by vilde, 7.10.1923, J. P. Kryger, 2 ♀. Midtjylland: Samsø Island, S. V. Triapitsyn. Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 18

Vejrø (7 km E of Samsø), 22.8.1997, T. Munk, 1 ♀. Sillerup Graham, M. W. R. de V. 1979: The Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) of (12 km SW of Silkeborg), 25.8.1986, T. Munk, 1 ♀. Sjælland: Madeira: a preliminary list. Entomologist’s Gazette, 30(4): 271– 287. Liselund, 7.8.1924, O. Bakkendorf, 1 ♀. *Estonia, Vormsi: Heikinheimo, O. & Raatikainen, M. 1971: Paikan ilmoittaminen Suo- Väike-Tjuka, 8.8.2002, M. Koponen, 1 ♀ (FMNH). Greece: mesta talletetuissa biologisissa aineistoissa. — Annales ento- Peloponnese, 5 km S of Monemvasia, 27.11.1983, G. Chris- mologici fennici (Suomen Hyönteistieteellinen Aikakauskirja) tensen, 2 ♂ (ZMUC). Russia: Karachay-Cherkessia, Dombay, 37(1a): 1–27. 19.7.2003, E. Khomchenko, 1 ♂ (UCRC, det. S. V. Triapitsyn). Hellén, W. 1968: För fauna nya Mymaridae (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae). — Notulae entomologicae 48: 34. Stavropol’skiy kray: Mikhaylovskoye (“Aviator farm near Hellén, W. 1971: Verzeichnis der in den Jahren 1966-1970 für die Fau- Stavropol’ airport), 19.10.2002, E. Khomchenko, 1 ♀ (UCRC, na Finnlands neuhinzugekommenen Insektenarten. — Notulae det. S. V. Triapitsyn). Spain: Canary Islands, Tenerife, Agua- entomologicae 51: 73–91. mansa, 12.12.1997, M. Koponen, 2 ♂ 76 ♀ (FMNH). Unit- Hellén, W. 1974: Die Mymariden Finnlands (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoi- ed Kingdom: England, Hampshire County: Hollom Down, dea). — Fauna fennica 25: 1–30. Hellén, W. 1976: Verzeichnis der in den Jahren 1971-1975 für die Fau- 51°06’52.5’’N 1°37’02.3’’W, 86 m, 30.8.2014, S. V. Triapit- na Finnlands neu hinzugekommenen Insektenarten. — Notulae syn, 1 ♀ (UCRC). entomologicae 56: 109–120. Huber, J. T. 2012: Revision of Ooctonus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Nearctic region. — Journal of the Entomological Society Acknowledgements of Ontario 143: 15–105. Huber, J. T. 2013: Revision of Ooctonus in the Neotropical region and comparison with Boudiennyia (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). — We thank Juho Paukkunen (FMNH) and Lars B. Vilhelmsen (ZMUC) Zootaxa 3701(1): 1–23. for the loans of specimens to S. V. Triapitsyn, Pekka Malinen (FMNH) Huber, J. T., Read, J. D. & van Noort, S. 2010: The genus Ooctonus for taking digital images of the female and male of O. novickyi, and Haliday (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Afrotropical region, Vladimir V. Berezovskiy (Entomology Research Museum, Depart- with comments on other southern hemisphere species. — African ment of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, California, Entomology 18(2): 221–234. USA) for slide-mounting the male of O. novickyi. Silfverberg, H. 1986: Additions to the Finnish insect fauna during the years 1981–1985. — Notulae entomologicae 66: 131–152. Triapitsyn, S. V. 2010: Revision of the Palaearctic species and review References of the Oriental species of Ooctonus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), with notes on extralimital taxa. — Zootaxa 2381: 1–74. Fusu, L. 2013: Mymaridae. — In: Mitroiu, M.-D. (ed.): Fauna Euro- Vikberg, V. 1982: Additions to the chalcid fauna of Finland (Hymenop- paea. Version 2.6. tera, Chalcidoidea). — Notulae entomologicae 62: 129–142. cd Key to males of the European species of Ooctonus, modified from Triapitsyn (2010)

1 Metanotum and propodeum with reticulate sculpture; fore wing markedly rounded apically ...... O. hemipterus Haliday, 1833 – Metanotum and propodeum without reticulate sculpture; fore wing usually at least slightly truncate (occasionally just slightly rounded) apically ...... 2

2(1) Frenum of scutellum mostly smooth except for weak sculpture at lateral borders and sometimes also at anterior margin ...... O. vulgatus Haliday, 1833 – Frenum of scutellum entirely with reticulate sculpture ...... 3

3(2) Body length usually more than 1.3 mm ...... O. insignis Haliday, 1833 – Body length usually less than 1.2 mm ...... 4

4(3) Propodeum with a large median areole extending to or almost to anterior margin of propodeum, thus median carina very short or absent ...... O. notatus Walker, 1846 – Propodeum either with a distinct median carina extending to anterior margin of propodeum or with median carina incomplete, not extending to anterior margin of propodeum or almost absent or, sometimes, median areole incomplete anteriorly and median carina absent ...... 5

5(4) Propodeum with a distinct median carina extending to anterior margin of propodeum and shorter than median areole (Fig. 6) ...... O. novickyi Soyka, 1950 – Propodeum with median carina usually longer than or sometimes subequal in length to median areole, or, often, median carina incomplete, not extending to anterior margin of propodeum or almost absent or, sometimes, median areole incomplete anteriorly and median carina absent ...... O. sublaevis Foerster, 1847 Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 19

The Finnish10 Expert 15 Group 20on Hymenoptera 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

775 775

770 770

765 765

762:52 1 record 1989

760 760

755 755

750 750

748:41 748:46 748:48 1 record 1 record 1 record 1983 1983 1983

744:48 1 record 745 1993 745

742:46 1 record 1983

740 740 XII I

735 735 XI II

730 730 X III Observations: 227

724:56 1 record 725 Adults 1989 725 (max 38 d.periods) Bar heights: 1-7 records

720IX IV 720

716:49 1 record 1982

715 715 VIII V

711:42 2 records 1995 710 VII VI 710

707:28 1 record 1981

705 705

702:28 1 record 1995

701:35 701:43 701:55 2 records 1 record 1 record 1985 2004 1950

700:34 700:36 4 records 1 record 1985 1985 700 700

698:47 2 records 1983-1991

697:40 1 record 2004

696:25 696:48 1 record 3 records 1999 1983

695:63 1 record 1994

694:48 1 record 695 1983 695

693:64 1 record 2001

692:46 692:65 1 record 1 record 2009 2011

690:30 690:37 690:50 690:66 690:67 1 record 1 record 3 records 2 records 1 record 2014 1928 2009 1982 2001 690 690

688:66 1 record 2015

687:56 1 record 2013

686:34 686:62 1 record 1 record 1985 2013

684:50 684:51 4 records 20 records 685 2008-2012 1987-2015 685

683:28 683:50 683:51 683:63 1 record 45 records 13 records 3 records 1993 1981-2015 2010-2015 1945

682:27 682:47 682:50 1 record 2 records 14 records 1993 1982-1983 1980-2010

681:63 1 record 1990

679:19 679:53 1 record 1 record 680 1986 1981 680

678:50 678:55 1 record 1 record 1981 1949

677:39 677:58 1 record 1 record 1981 1949

676:37 676:38 1 record 1 record 2010 1983

675:19 675:36 675:37 3 records 1 record 8 records 1923-1936 2013 1995-2010

674:34 1 record 675 2013 675

673:52 1 record 2009

671:37 671:38 671:51 671:52 671:54 8 records 1 record 1 record 1 record 1 record 1982-2014 1994 1981 2009 2002

670:09 670:13 670:37 670:38 6 records 1 record 3 records 7 records 1953-1984 1984 1985-1992 1985-1995

669:08 669:34 669:38 669:42 1 record 1 record 1 record 1 record 670 2007 1949 1992 1982 670

668:10 668:38 668:39 1 record 1 record 14 records 1953 1981 1980-1987

667:11 667:25 667:35 667:38 1 record 1 record 2 records 2 records 1953 1982 1975 1960-1962

666:25 1 record 1982

665:35 1 record 1991

664:32 1 record 665 1986 665

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Ooctonus hemipterus Haliday, 1833

12.12.2015 Copyright: Anders Albrecht (FMNH), Veikko Rinne & The Finnish Expert Group on Hymenoptera

Map 1: Distribution of Ooctonus hemipterus Haliday, 1833 in Finland. Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 20

The Finnish10 Expert 15 Group 20on Hymenoptera 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

775 775

770 770

765 765

760 760

755 755

750 750

745 745

740 740 XII I

735 735 XI II

730 730 X III

725 Observations: 80 725 Adults Bar heights: 1-4 records

720IX IV 720

715 715 VIII V

711:42 1 record 1995 710 VII VI 710

705 705

702:33 1 record 1984

700 700

695 695

690:37 1 record 1928 690 690

686:50 1 record 2015

685:41 1 record 1991

684:50 684:51 1 record 4 records 685 1996 2008-2014 685

683:49 683:50 683:51 1 record 11 records 3 records 2008 2007-2018 2015

682:49 682:50 1 record 1 record 1981 1985

681:23 1 record 1992

679:55 1 record 680 1949 680

676:36 676:38 7 records 2 records 1978-2017 1979-2015

675:36 675:37 2 records 2 records 2017 1997-2010

674:55 1 record 675 1987 675

671:34 671:37 671:38 1 record 7 records 2 records 1987 1983-1992 1992

670:37 670:38 1 record 4 records 1987 1985-1987

669:34 669:38 1 record 1 record 670 1949 1981 670

668:33 668:37 668:39 668:40 1 record 1 record 7 records 3 records 1950 1981 1956-1982 1982-1983

667:24 667:28 667:37 667:38 667:39 2 records 1 record 2 records 1 record 1 record 1952 1982 1983 1982 1982

666:37 1 record 1982

665 665

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Ooctonus insignis Haliday, 1833

23.11.2018 Copyright: Anders Albrecht (FMNH), Veikko Rinne & The Finnish Expert Group on Hymenoptera Map 2: Distribution of Ooctonus insignis Haliday, 1833 in Finland. Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 21

The Finnish10 Expert 15 Group 20on Hymenoptera 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

775 775

770 770

765 765

760 760

755 755

750:41 750:48 1 record 1 record 1983 1983 750 750

748:41 748:46 748:48 1 record 1 record 1 record 1983 1983 1983

745 745

740 740 XII I

735:38 1 record 1982 735 735 XI II

730 730

728:38 728:40 1 record 1 record 1982 1982 X III

725:42 1 record Observations: 258 1982

724:47 1 record 725 Adults 1982 725 (max 38 d.periods) Bar heights: 1-14 records

720IX IV 720

718:47 1 record 1982

716:49 716:50 1 record 1 record 1982 1982

714:56 1 record 715 1982 715 VIII V

711:47 1 record 1982 710 VII VI 710

705 705

703:35 1 record 1982

702:28 1 record 1995

700:51 1 record 1962

699:34 699:35 1 record 1 record 700 1984 1982 700

697:26 1 record 1999

696:33 696:48 1 record 1 record 1984 1983

695:62 1 record 1993

694:42 694:46 1 record 1 record 695 1982 1986 695

690 690

688:55 1 record 1941

687:42 1 record 1986

686:40 686:41 1 record 2 records 1991 1991

685:41 1 record 1991

684:50 684:51 684:52 4 records 5 records 1 record 685 2000-2012 2008-2014 2011 685

683:49 683:50 683:52 683:56 683:63 1 record 18 records 1 record 1 record 1 record 1983 1981-2015 1976 1981 1943

682:47 682:49 682:50 1 record 1 record 9 records 1982 1981 1981-1988

681:23 681:46 681:48 681:51 1 record 1 record 1 record 2 records 1992 1981 1981 1981

680:26 1 record 1992

679:38 679:50 679:53 1 record 1 record 1 record 680 1956 1981 1981 680

678:39 678:55 1 record 1 record 1984 1981

677:36 677:39 677:43 1 record 2 records 1 record 1992 1981-1984 1980

676:31 676:36 676:37 676:38 676:43 1 record 1 record 2 records 2 records 1 record 1992 1981 1981-2010 1979-1982 1987

675:19 675:40 21 records 1 record 1914-1923 1981

674:34 674:55 1 record 1 record 675 2013 1987 675

672:24 672:38 672:45 1 record 1 record 1 record 1996 1981 1981

671:09 671:23 671:37 671:38 2 records 1 record 24 records 10 records 1953 1981 1981-1995 1990-1995

670:08 670:09 670:30 670:31 670:36 670:37 670:38 670:47 5 records 2 records 1 record 1 record 1 record 5 records 15 records 1 record 1953-1961 1955 1994 1981 1990 1984-1994 1984-1996 1980

669:10 669:34 669:35 669:42 1 record 4 records 1 record 1 record 670 1926 1949 1956 1982 670

668:10 668:27 668:38 668:39 668:40 12 records 2 records 1 record 20 records 6 records 1926-1955 1982 1981 1980-1984 1981-1983

667:10 667:25 667:28 667:38 3 records 1 record 1 record 3 records 1926-1984 1982 1982 1960-1982

666:25 666:33 666:34 666:37 1 record 1 record 3 records 2 records 1982 1981 1949-1983 1982-1983

664:27 664:29 664:30 664:32 1 record 1 record 1 record 2 records 665 1931 1925 1925 1986 665

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Ooctonus notatus Walker, 1846

12.12.2015 Copyright: Anders Albrecht (FMNH), Veikko Rinne & The Finnish Expert Group on Hymenoptera Map 3: Distribution of Ooctonus notatus Walker, 1846 in Finland. Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 22

The Finnish10 Expert 15 Group 20on Hymenoptera 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

775 775

770 770

765 765

760 760

755 755

750 750

745 745

740 740 XII I

735 735 XI II

730 730 X III

725 Observations: 33 725 Adults Bar heights: 1-2 records

720IX IV 720

715 715 VIII V

710 VII VI 710

705 705

700 700

695 695

690:66 690:68 1 record 1 record 1982 1982 690 690

688:65 1 record 1982

685:62 1 record 1982 685 685

683:50 683:63 4 records 2 records 1983-2018 1945-1960

679:38 1 record 680 1956 680

676:36 676:38 1 record 2 records 2017 1979-2015

675:36 675:37 3 records 5 records 1979-2009 1997-2018 675 675

671:36 671:38 1 record 2 records 1981 1994-1995

670:08 670:37 670:38 1 record 1 record 2 records 1955 1992 1987 670 670

668:39 668:40 2 records 1 record 1982-1984 1982

666:34 1 record 1981

665 665

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Ooctonus novickyi Soyka, 1950

23.11.2018 Copyright: Anders Albrecht (FMNH), Veikko Rinne & The Finnish Expert Group on Hymenoptera Map 4: Distribution of Ooctonus novickyi Soyka, 1950 in Finland. Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 23

The Finnish10 Expert 15 Group 20on Hymenoptera 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

775 775

770 770

765 765

760 760

755 755

750:38 1 record 2012 750 750

745 745

739:54 1 record 740 2003 740 XII I

735 735 XI II

730 730 X III Observations: 63 725 Adults 725 (max 38 d.periods) Bar heights: 1-3 records

720IX IV 720

715 715 VIII V

710 VII VI 710

705 705

700 700

696:48 2 records 1983

695 695

690:66 1 record 1982 690 690

685:65 1 record 1983

684:51 684:53 4 records 1 record 685 2011-2014 2014 685

683:50 683:51 683:52 683:63 5 records 3 records 1 record 3 records 1987-2015 2013-2015 1981 1945-1960

682:28 682:50 2 records 2 records 1952 1981-2008

681:23 1 record 1992

680:45 680:51 1 record 1 record 1983 1981

679:34 1 record 680 1921 680

678:55 1 record 1949

676:36 676:43 1 record 1 record 1979 1984

675:19 675:36 675:37 1 record 1 record 1 record 1922 2010 2010

674:34 1 record 675 1993 675

671:37 671:38 4 records 2 records 1987-1995 1992-1995

670:08 670:09 670:38 4 records 1 record 1 record 1955-1961 1983 1987

669:33 669:34 1 record 2 records 670 1992 1947-1949 670

668:10 668:27 668:37 668:40 4 records 2 records 1 record 1 record 1926-1955 1994 1981 1981

667:11 1 record 1939

664:27 1 record 665 1931 665

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Ooctonus sublaevis Forster, 1847

12.12.2015 Copyright: Anders Albrecht (FMNH), Veikko Rinne & The Finnish Expert Group on Hymenoptera Map 5: Distribution of Ooctonus sublaevis Foerster, 1847 in Finland. Sahlbergia 24.2 (2018), 14-24 24

The Finnish10 Expert 15 Group 20on Hymenoptera 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

775 775

770 770

765 765

760 760

755 755

750 750

745 745

740 740 XII I

735 735 XI II

730 730 X III Observations: 39 725 Adults 725 (max 38 d.periods) Bar heights: 1-3 records

720IX IV 720

715 715 VIII V

711:47 1 record 1982 710 VII VI 710

705 705

700 700

695 695

690:37 690:66 1 record 1 record 1928 1982 690 690

684:50 684:51 2 records 4 records 685 2011 2014-2015 685

683:50 6 records 1981-2012

682:49 682:50 1 record 1 record 1981 1981

681:46 1 record 1983

680 680

675:19 675:37 1 record 1 record 1923 2009

674:55 1 record 675 1987 675

671:38 1 record 1994

670:38 3 records 1987-1996 670 670

668:27 668:39 1 record 7 records 1994 1980-1985

667:24 667:37 667:39 2 records 1 record 1 record 1952 2011 1982

665:30 1 record 1925

664:32 1 record 665 1986 665

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Ooctonus vulgatus Haliday, 1833

12.12.2015 Copyright: Anders Albrecht (FMNH), Veikko Rinne & The Finnish Expert Group on Hymenoptera Map 6: Distribution of Ooctonus vulgatus Haliday, 1833 in Finland.