F all . 2013 Fall 2017 $4.00 The longest running Islamic magazine since 1921

“In the Latter Days, the sun shall rise from the West” Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

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“In the Latter Days, the sun shall rise from the West” Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) upon be Allah of blessings and (Peace Muhammad Prophet Holy West” the from rise shall sun the Days, Latter the “In “In the Latter Days, the sun shall rise from the West” Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) him) upon be Allah of blessings and (Peace Muhammad Prophet Holy West” the from rise shall sun the Days, Latter the “In

Islamic magazine since 1921 since magazine Islamic Islamic magazine since 1921 1921 since magazine Islamic

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“In the Latter Days, the sun shall rise from the West” Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) upon be Allah of blessings and (Peace Muhammad Prophet Holy West” the from rise shall sun the Days, Latter the “In “In the Latter Days, the sun shall rise from the West” Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) him) upon be Allah of blessings and (Peace Muhammad Prophet Holy West” the from rise shall sun the Days, Latter the “In

System of Justice in Islam

The Path to Peace — Just Relations 9 Islam’s Response to 20 System of of System betweenSystem Nations of Misconceptions about of System Justice in Islam in Justice Justice in Islam Sharia Law Islam in Justice

Islam’s Response to 20 20 to Response Islam’s 9 Relations Just — Peace to Path The WhatThe thePath Holy to Peace Qur’an — Just Relations 917 Islam’s Response to 20 20 to Response Islam’s 9 Relations Just — Peace to Path The icnetosaot about Misconceptions Nations between between Nations Misconceptions about about Misconceptions Nations between hraLw Law Sharia Can Teach the World about Justice ShariaIslamic Law Law and Women’s 38 Law Sharia htteHl u’n 17 Qur’an Holy the What What the Holy Qur’an 17 17 Qur’an Holy the What sai a n oe’ 38 Women’s and Law Islamic Justice about World the Teach Can Can Teach the World about Justice Islamic Law and Women’s 38 38 Women’s and Law Islamic Justice about World the Teach Can ihso neiac Inheritance of Rights RightsRights of of Inheritance Inheritance Inheritance of Rights The Muslim Community is a religious organization, international in its scope, with branches in 207 countries in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and Europe. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was established in 1889 by Hazrat (as) (1835-1908) in , a small and remote village in the Punjab province of India. He claimed to be the expected reformer of the latter days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) (The and Messiah).

The Movement he started is an embodiment of the benevolent message of Islam – peace, universal brotherhood, and submission to of God – in its pristine purity.

Hazrat Ahmad (as) proclaimed Islam as the religion of man: “ The religion of the people of the right path” (The Holy Qur'an: 98:6). The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was created under divine guidance with the objective to rejuvenate Islamic moral and spiritual values. It encourages interfaith dialogue, diligently defends Islam and tries to correct misunderstandings about Islam in the West. It advocates peace, tolerance, love and understanding among followers of di erent faiths. It rmly believes in and acts upon Qura’nic teaching:

“There is no compulsion in religion” (The Holy Qur'an: 2:257).

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason.

Community has been headed by his elected successors. The present Head of the Community, Hazrat , was elected in 2003. His o cial title is Khalifatul Masih V or Fifth Successor of the Promised Messiah (as).

www.alislam.org www.muslimsunrise.com Haz rat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (aba) www.muslimsunrise.com

The Muslim Sunrise is published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA, 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905, Phone 301-879-0110, Fax 301-879-0115, under the auspices of Dr. Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad, Ameer/Na- tional President. The views and opinions expressed by individual contributors in this publication do not necessarily reect the views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA

Dr. (ra) was the rst Ahmadiyya Muslim missionary to arrive in Ameri- ca. In 1921, he founded the Muslim Sunrise, which stands today as the longest running Muslim publication in America. The magazine seeks to open discussions on Islam and topics relating to religion in general. It highlights the role of Islam in an ever-changing global society. It provides a platform for public opinion on contemporary issues and presents their solutions from an Islam- ic perspective.

The Muslim Sunrise welcomes letters to the Editor, Questions and Submissions.

Email us at [email protected] or go online to www.MuslimSunrise.com Acronyms for salutations used in this publication Library of Congress Call Number: BP195.A5 M8 sa: Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam Muslims follow the name of God’s prophets with the prayer alaihis salaam or (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ‘may peace be upon him,’ and for the Holy Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu as: ‘Alaihis-Salam (may peace be upon him) alaihi wasallam or ‘may peace and blessings of God be upon him.’ Compan- ra: Radhi-Allahu ‘Anhu/‘Anha (may Allah be ions of prophets and righteous personalities who have passed away are salut- pleased with him/her) ed by radhi-Allaho anhu/a or ‘may Allah be pleased with him/her.” While such rh: Rahimahullahu Ta‘ala (may Allah shower salutations sometimes are not set out in the text for readability, we encour- His mercy on him) age readers to o er these prayers as if set out in full. aba: Ayyadahullahu Ta‘ala Bi-Nasrihil-‘Aziz (may Allah support him with His mighty help)

Verse numbers in the references from the Holy Qur’ān count Tasmiya at the beginning of a chapter as the first verse.

The Muslim Sunrise is published every three months by Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc. , Editorial and executive o ce: 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905

Single copies: $5.00. Subscriptions: $20.00 per year in USA. THE THE THE MUSLIM MUSLIM MUSLIM SUNRISE SUNRISE SUNRISE TEAM: TEAM: TEAM:

P A T R O N N O R T A P P A T R ON NO R T A P Dr. Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad Maghfoor Mirza Dr. Dr. Mirza Maghfoor AhmadAhmad Maghfoor Mirza Dr. The Ameer (National President) (National Ameer The The Ameer (National President)President) (National Ameer The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA USA Community, Muslim Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya Muslim USA Community,Community, USA Muslim Ahmadiyya

Design & Layout & Design Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief Layout & Design Design & Layout Editor-in-Chief Naveed Ahmad Malik Ahmad Naveed Ahmad Mubasher MubasherMalik AhmadAhmad Naveed Naveed AhmadAhmad Malik Mubasher

Web Site Web Editor Senior Senior Editor Site Web Web Site Editor Senior Muneeb Ahmad Muneeb Zirvi Karimullah Dr. Dr. Karimullah ZirviAhmad Muneeb Muneeb AhmadZirvi Karimullah Dr. Dr. Zia H. Shah H. Zia Dr. Shah H. Zia Dr. Dr. Zia H. Shah Editors Editors Editors Women’s Space Women’s Bajwa Wajeeh Dr. Dr. Wajeeh Bajwa Space Women’s Women’s Space Bajwa Wajeeh Dr. Shahina Bashir Shahina Bashir Shahina Shahina Bashir Bashir Shahina Shahina Bashir Bashir Shahina Anisa Bushra Salam Bajwa Salam Bushra Anisa Anisa Bushra Salam Bajwa Bajwa Salam Bushra Anisa Religion & Science & Religion Ahmad Saeed Uzma Uzma Saeed Ahmad Science & Religion Religion & Science Ahmad Saeed Uzma Dr. Zia H. Shah H. Zia Dr. Shah H. Zia Dr. Dr. Zia H. Shah Advisory Board Advisory Advisory Board Board Advisory News, Views & Reviews & Views News, Shams Din Falahud Falahud Din ShamsReviews & Views News, News, Views & ReviewsShams Din Falahud Dr. Luft ur Rehman ur Luft Dr. Ahmad Sajid Syed Syed Sajid AhmadRehman ur Luft Dr. Dr. Luft ur RehmanAhmad Sajid Syed Dr. Waseem Sayed Waseem Dr. Dr. Waseem Sayed Sayed Waseem Dr. Questions & Answers & Questions Hakeem Hasan Hasan Hakeem Answers & Questions Questions & Answers Hakeem Hasan Dr. Karimullah Zirvi Karimullah Dr. Esq. Khan, Mahmood Amjad Amjad MahmoodZirvi Khan,Karimullah Esq. Dr. Dr.Esq. KarimullahKhan, ZirviMahmood Amjad

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Dr. Waseem Sayed

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Falahud Din Shams News, Views & Reviews

Advisory Board

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Shahina Bashir Shahina Bashir

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Dr. Zia H. Shah

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Senior Editor Web Site

Mubasher Ahmad Naveed Ahmad Malik

Editor-in-Chief Design & Layout

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA

The Ameer (National President)

Dr. Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad





In the Words of the Promised Messiah(as) 8 The Holy Teaches Justice based on Knowledge and Understanding

The Path to Peace — Just Relations between Nations 9 Editorial (07) Delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community News, Views & ReviewsSpi (40) Islamic Concept of Justice 13 Poetry Corner (47) Hazrat , Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) Yoy do me no harm Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Justice among the Arab tribes before Islam 15 Promised Messiah and Mahdi (as) Seher Mujeeb Bhatti Translated by Su A. Q. Niaz What the Holy Qur’an Can Teach the World about 17 From the Archives (48) Justice Tariq Sharif A Message of Peace and A Word of Warning By Hazrat (Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam) Islam’s Response to Misconceptions about 20 The Muslim Sunrise, Vol XLI, Spring 1974 Sharia Law Anser Ahmad Questions and Answers (55) Darul-Qadha’a during the Rightly-Guided Khulafa 24 Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal

Justice Administered Within the Ottoman Empire 27 Khalida Jamilah

Dar-ul-Qaza in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 32 Mubarik Ahmad Malik

Human Rights, the Just Law and the Islamic Law 35 Zia H Shah MD

Islamic Law and Women’s Rights of Inheritance 38 Shehla Ahmad

www.muslimsunrise.com1.800.Why.Islam MUSLIM SUNRISE, WINTERFALL 2017 2015

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do.

(The Holy Qur’an: 5:9)

!"#$%!& { 4 } !"#$%! [2014] SAYINGS OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (sa)

Hazrat Abi Sa‘id(ra) relates that the Holy Prophet(sa) said: “On the Day of Judgement, the dearest and nearest in station to Allah among the people will be a just ruler and the most disliked and farthest of all from Him in station will be an unjust ruler.” (Tirmidhi abwabul ahkam bab imamal-‘adil)

Hazrat Abul Hasan(ra) relates that Hazrat ‘Amr bin Murrah(ra) told Hazrat Mu‘awiyah(ra) that he heard the Holy Prophet(sa) say: “A leader who keeps his door shut to the poor, the needy, and the invalid, Allah also shuts His door to his needs.” After hearing this saying of the Holy Prophet(sa), Hazrat Mu'awiyah(ra) appointed a man to take care of people’s needs. (Tirmidhi abwabul ahkam bab imam al-ra’iyyah) MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017

FALL 2017 FALLFALL 2017 2017 From the high echelons of international relations down detail various aspects of Islamic system of justice, and toFrom the the smallest high echelonsechelons domestic ofof international internationallevel, fairness relations relations and downjustice down detailhelpdetail variousremove various aspects theaspects misconceptions of of Islamic Islamic system system about of ofShariajustice, justice, andand and its amongto the memberssmallest ofdomesticdomestic human societylevel,level, fairness fairnessare essential andand requirejusticejustice - helprelationhelp remove remove with the secularthe misconceptions misconceptions law. In Islam, about about justice Sharia Sharia needs and and toits beits mentsamong for members maintaining ofof humanhuman peace society society and harmony.are are essential essential To requiremaintain require- - relationestablishedrelation with with notsecular secular only law.through law. In InIslam, aIslam, legal justice systemjustice needs andneeds judiciaryto tobe be justice,ments for rules maintaining and regulations peacepeace andand harmony. harmony.are developed To To maintain maintain and establishedcourts,established but not it not is only the only throughduty through of each a legal a legal and system everysystem and person and judiciary judiciary in soci - enforced.justice,justice, rules Not onlyandand secular regulationsregulations societies areare have developeddeveloped their own andjudiand - courts,etycourts, to but butremain it itis isthe the dutyjust duty ofdischarging of each each and and every everyhis/her person person obligations in sociin soci- - cialenforced. systems, Not but onlyonly most secularsecular of the societiessocieties world have faithhave their traditionstheir own own judi havejudi- - etytowardsety toto remain remainothers. justThesejust discharging articlesdischarging also his/her shedhis/her light obligations obligations on human theircial systems, particular but religious mostmost ofof thethelaws worldworld according faith faith traditions traditions to their have haveHoly towardsrights,towards speci callyothers. others. These These rights articles articles of alsowomen. also shed shed Onelight light articleon on human humanelabo - Scripturestheir particular and ancientreligiousreligious moral lawslaws practices. accordingaccording God toto theiristheir just Holy Holyand rights,ratesrights, speci callythe speci cally historical rights rights development of of women. women. of One IslamicOne article article law elabo duringelabo- - thoseScriptures who and believe ancientancient in a moral moralJust God practices.practices. try to God followGod is is just Hisjust comand and - ratestherates erathe the ofhistorical historicalOttoman development Empiredevelopment – which of ofIslamic was Islamic one law oflaw duringthe during most mandmentsthose who believe to be fair inin aanda JustJust equitable GodGod trytry in toto dealing follow follow His withHis com comeach- - thepowerfulthe era era of of Ottoman statesOttoman in Empire the Empire world. – which– which Another was was one article one of ofthe deals the most mostwith other.mandments Hindus, to beJews,be fairfair Christians andand equitable equitable and in inMuslims dealing dealing withhave with each eachtheir powerfulthepowerful system states states of justice in in the the –world. “Dar-ul-Qadha’a”world. Another Another article article-- in dealsthe deals Ahmadi with with - distinctiveother. Hindus, moral Jews,Jews, and Christians Christiansethical codes andand to MuslimsMuslims promote have have justice their their in theyyathe system Muslimsystem of ofCommunity justice justice – “Dar-ul-Qadha’a”– “Dar-ul-Qadha’a” to arbitrate in -- some in-- inthe civilthe Ahmadi Ahmadidisputes- - society.distinctive moral andand ethicalethical codescodes to to promote promote justice justice in in yyaoutsideyya Muslim Muslim the Community Communitycourts as allowed to to arbitrate arbitrate by thein insome laws some civil of civil many disputes disputes coun - society. outsidetries.outside the the courts courts as as allowed allowed by by the the laws laws of ofmany many coun coun- - In the present issue of the Muslim Sunrise, we have tried tries.tries. toInIn thecover present various issueissue aspects ofof thethe of MuslimMuslim Islamic Sunrise, Sunrise,system we ofwe justice.have have tried tried The We will appreciate your comments and feedback. Holyto cover Qur’an various gives aspectsaspects a strong ofof base IslamicIslamic to systemmaintain system of of justicejustice. justice. in The Thethe WeWe will will appreciate appreciate your your comments comments and and feedback. feedback. worldHoly Qur’an and it gives is one aa strongstrong of the base base most to to maintain maintainimportant justice justice aspects in in the the of Islam’sworld andmission. it is oneoneIslam ofof thetheis de ned mostmost importantimportant as “peace aspectsaspects through of of Mubasher Ahmad Islam’s mission. Islam is de ned as “peace through MubasherMubasher Ahmad Ahmad submissionIslam’s mission. of one’s Islam will isto thede ned Will ofas God’. “peace Muhammad through Editor-in-Chief submission of one’s will to the Will of God’. Muhammad Editor-in-ChiefEditor-in-Chief (sa),submission the Holy of Prophetone’s will of to Islam, the Will and of his God’. Rightly-Guided Muhammad (sa), the Holy Prophet of Islam, and his Rightly-Guided successors(sa), the Holy demonstrated Prophet of Islam, the andfundamental his Rightly-Guided value of successors demonstrated the fundamental value of justicesuccessors in Islamic demonstrated society. The the code fundamental of Islamic law, value known of justice in Islamic society. The code of Islamic law, known asjustice Sharia, in Islamic is based society. on the The verdicts code of of Islamic the Holy law, Qur’an,known as Sharia, is based on the verdicts of the Holy Qur’an, practiceas Sharia, and is sayingsbased on of thethe Holy verdicts Prophet of the (sa) Holy and IjtihadQur’an, – practice and sayings of the Holy Prophet (sa) and Ijtihad – exercisepractice andof personal sayings judgmentof the Holy to Prophet ascertain (sa) a anddecision. Ijtihad – exercise of personal judgmentjudgment to to ascertain ascertain a a decision. decision. InIn his historic addressaddress atat CapitolCapitol Hill,Hill, Washington, Washington, D.C., D.C., In his historic address at Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., the Head of the AhmadiyyaAhmadiyya Muslim Muslim Community, Community, Hadhrat Hadhrat the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor AhmadAhmad (aba)(aba) emphasizedemphasized that that all all people people Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) emphasized that all people are equal by birth inin thethe sightsight of of the the Loving Loving and and Merciful Merciful are equal by birth in the sight of the Loving and Merciful God. Unfortunately, atat presentpresent time time at at international international level, level, God. Unfortunately, at present time at international level, people living in dierentdierent countriescountries are are not not treated treated equal, equal, people living in dierent countries are not treated equal, and this situation needsneeds throughthrough actsacts ofof justicejustice to to be be correctedand this situation if we wantwant needs toto establish establishthrough peacepeaceacts of onon justice earth. earth. toThis This be IslamiccorrectedIslamic concept if we wantofof justicejustice to establish waswas elaboratedelaborated peace on byby earth. HadhratHadhrat This MirzaIslamic Tahir concept Ahmad of (rh),(rh), justice thethe Fourth Fourthwas elaborated Khalifa Khalifa of of the theby Ahmadi AhmadiHadhrat- - yyaMirza Muslim Tahir AhmadCommunity (rh), the inin aa Fourth short short article articleKhalifa which which of the is isAhmadi includ includ- - edyya in Muslim this issue. Community WeWe alsoalso havehave in a other shortother articles articlearticles whichwhich which iscover cover includ in in - ed in this issue. We also have other articles which cover in


TheTheTheThe Holy Holy Holy Holy Quran Quran Quran Quran Teaches Teaches Teaches Teaches Justice Justice Justice Justice basedbasedbasedbased on on on onKnowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge and and and andUnderstanding Understanding Understanding Understanding

[Four[Four[Four[Four Questions Questions Questions Questions by by Mr.by Mr.by Mr.Sirajuddin, Mr. Sirajuddin, Sirajuddin, Sirajuddin, a Christian, a Christian, a aChristian, Christian, Answered: Answered: Answered: Answered: pp 40-43]pp pp40-43] pp 40-43] 40-43]

OnceOnceOnce it itit is isitis understood understoodisunderstood understood thatthat that that thethe the best best and andand most most most perfectperfect perfect teaching teaching teaching mentionedmentionedmentionedmentioned in in thein thein the Torah,the Torah, Torah, Torah, nor nor nordoes nor does does itdoes placeit placeit it place completeplace complete complete complete emphasis emphasis emphasis emphasis isisis one oneoneis one which whichwhich which teaches teachesteaches teaches appropriateappropriate appropriateappropriate action actionaction ininin in keepingkeeping keeping withwith with thethe the the ononon on forgiveness,forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, non-violence non-violence non-violence non-violence and and andclemency and clemency clemency clemency as taughtas astaught as taught taughtby theby by the by the the demandsdemandsdemands of ofof oftime timetime time and and andand place,place, place,place, and and expounds expoundsexpounds inin in detaildetaildetail detail allall all the the the Gospel.Gospel.Gospel.Gospel. On On On theOn the the contrary,the contrary, contrary, contrary, it itrepeatedly itrepeatedly it repeatedly repeatedly enjoins enjoins enjoins enjoins Ma‘ruf Ma‘ruf Ma‘ruf (1)Ma‘ruf (1)and (1)and (1) and and points of wisdom, why is it that only the Holy Quran has forbids Munkar (2). In other words, it commands us to do what pointspointspoints of of ofwisdom, wisdom, wisdom, why whywhy is is isit it that that only onlyonly the thethe Holy Holy QuranQuran Quran hashas has forbidsforbidsforbids Munkar Munkar Munkar (2). (2). In (2). other In In other other words, words, words, it commands it it commands commands us to do us us whatto to do do what what brought these two points to perfection and why do the Torah is appropriate and best in keeping with the requirements of broughtbroughtbrought these these these two two two points points points to toto perfection perfection andand and why why dodo do thethe the Torah Torah Torah is isappropriateis appropriate appropriate and and andbest best bestin keeping in in keeping keeping with withthe with requirements the the requirements requirements of of of and the Gospel not possess this distinction? The answer is that reason and the law, and to shun what is forbidden and inap- andandand the the the Gospel Gospel Gospel not not not possess possess possess this this distinction? distinction? The The answer answer is is thatis that that reasonreasonreason and and and the the law,the law, law,and and toand shun to to shun shunwhat what iswhat forbidden is is forbidden forbidden and inap and and- inap inap- - the fault does not lie either with the Torah or the Gospel but propriate. A study of the Holy Quran shows that it requires us thethe thefault fault fault does does does not not not lie lie lie either eithereither with with the thethe Torah Torah Torah or or the the GospelGospel Gospel but but but propriate.propriate.propriate. A studyA A study study of the of of theHoly the Holy QuranHoly Quran Quran shows shows showsthat it that requiresthat it it requires requires us us us with the limited capabilities of their people. The Jewish to believe in its laws, injunctions and prohibitions on the basis withwith the the limited limited capabilities capabilities ofof theirtheir people.people. TheThe JewishJewish toto believe believe in itsin laws,its laws, injunctions injunctions and prohibitionsand prohibitions on the on basis the basis people,with the with limited whom capabilities Moses (as) wasof theirconcerned, people. had The lived Jewish as of toknowledge believe in and its laws, understanding, injunctions and and desiresprohibitions to liberate on the us basis people,people,people, with with with whom whom whom Moses MosesMoses (as) (as) was waswas concerned, concerned,concerned, hadhad had livedlived lived as as as ofof knowledgeof knowledge knowledge and and andunderstanding, understanding, understanding, and desiresand and desires desires to liberate to to liberate liberate us us us slavesslaves under under the the PharaohsPharaohs forfor four hundred yearsyears andand experi experi-- fromfrom the the shackles shackles of of self-imposed self-imposed prohibitions prohibitions and and injunc injunc- - encedslavesslaves undersuch under severe the the Pharaohs Pharaohs persecution for four that hundredhundred they had years years become and and experi ignoexperi-- - fromtions,from the and theshackles spells shackles out of self-imposedits of holy self-imposed Shariah prohibitions in theprohibitions form and of injunc universal and- injunc - encedencedenced such such such severe severe severe persecution persecutionpersecution that thatthat they theythey hadhad had become become igno igno igno- - - tions,tions,tions, and and and spells spells spells out out itsout holyits its holy Shariahholy Shariah Shariah in the in inform the the ofform form universal of of universal universal rantrant of of the the essence essence ofof equityequity andand justice. ItIt isis obviousobvious that that if if a a laws.laws. For For instance, instance, it itenjoins enjoins the the universal universal law law that that one one should should ruler—whorantrant of of the the essenceis essence also a of ofteacher equityequity and and mentor—is justice.justice. It It is is obvious just,obvious his that justice that if a if a laws.dolaws. what For For instance,is Ma‘ruf instance, itand enjoins itavoid enjoins the Munkar universal the .universal These law twothat law termsone that should are one very should ruler—who is also a teacher and mentor—is just, his justice do what is Ma‘ruf and avoid Munkar. These two terms are very willruler—whoruler—who be re ected is is also inalso the a a heartsteacherteacher of and his subjects mentor—ismentor—is and just, theyjust, his will his justice natu justice- docomprehensive dowhat what is Ma‘ruf is Ma‘ruf andand giveavoidand aavoid Munkar rational Munkar. These complexion. Thesetwo terms twoto the are terms Shariah.very are very will be re ected in the hearts of his subjects and they will natu- comprehensive and give a rational complexion to the Shariah. rallywillwill be incline be re ected re ected towards in in the the justice, hearts hearts ofcivility his subjects subjects and decency. and and they they Butwill will natuif natuhe- - comprehensiveThuscomprehensive we are taught and giveand to consider agive rational a rational what complexion constitutes complexion to the true Shariah. to piety the Shariah. on rally incline towards justice, civility and decency. But if he Thus we are taught to consider what constitutes true piety on happensrallyrally incline incline to be towards atowards tyrant, justice,hisjustice, subjects civility will and andalso decency. becomedecency. cruelBut But if and heif he ThusanyThus givenwe arewe occasion.taughtare taught to considerIf tosomeone consider what has constituteswhat wronged constitutes true us, pietyshould true on piety we on happens to be a tyrant, his subjects will also become cruel and any given occasion. If someone has wronged us, should we oppressivehappenshappens to toand be be a mosta tyrant, tyrant, of his histhem subjects will lose will will alsotheir also become becomesense of cruel crueljustice. and and anypunishany given givenor occasion.forgive occasion. them? If someone If If someonesomeone has wronged haswants wronged to us, borrow should us, a shouldwe thou - we oppressive and most of them will lose their sense of justice. punish or forgive them? If someone wants to borrow a thou- Thisoppressiveoppressive is what and happenedand most most ofof to themthem the Israelites.will loselose their theirHaving sense sense lived of of justice. for justice. so punishsandpunish rupees or forgive or forgivefrom them? us them?to If squandersomeone If someone wantson his wantsto son’s borrow towedding, borrow a thou -and a thou - This is what happened to the Israelites. Having lived for so sand rupees from us to squander on his son’s wedding, and longThisThis underis iswhat what the happened happeneddespotic rule toto the of theIsraelites. Pharaohs Having Having and livedsuered lived for for soall so sandcelebratesand rupees rupees it fromwith from uspomp to us squander toand squander ceremony, on his on son’s arranginghis wedding, son’s wedding,reworks and and long under the despotic rule of the Pharaohs and suered all celebrate it with pomp and ceremony, arranging reworks kindslonglong underof under persecution, the the despotic despotic they rulerule lost of the thethe true PharaohsPharaohs spirit and ofand justice. suered suered The all all celebrateandcelebrate singers it with andit with pomp fullling pomp and other ceremony,and familyceremony, arranging customs, arranging reworks then, reworkseven kinds of persecution, they lost the true spirit of justice. The and singers and fullling other family customs, then, even primarykindskinds of ofobligation persecution, persecution, of Moses theythey lost (as) the thewas truetrue to spirit teachspirit of themof justice. justice. justice. The The andthoughand singers singerswe canand aord andfullling fullling to lend other him otherfamily the money,family customs, customs, we then, ought even then,to take even primary obligation of Moses (as) was to teach them justice. though we can aord to lend him the money, we ought to take Thisprimaryprimary is why obligation obligationthe Torah ofcontainedof MosesMoses (as) verses waswas that toto teachlaidteach so them muchthem justice. stressjustice. thoughintothough account we can we the aordcan principle aord to lend to of himlend Ma‘ruf the him money, and the Munkarmoney, we ought andwe to ought consider take to take This is why the Torah contained verses that laid so much stress into account the principle of Ma‘ruf and Munkar and consider onThisThis ensuring is iswhy why the justicethe Torah Torah and contained contained equity. Of verses course, that that there laid laid so soare much much verses stress stress in intowhominto account accountwe are the trying principlethe principle to ofhelp. Ma‘ruf of The Ma‘ruf and Holy Munkar and Quran Munkar and has consider andsimilarly consider on ensuring justice and equity. Of course, there are verses in whom we are trying to help. The Holy Quran has similarly theonon ensuringTorah ensuring which justice justice teach and and compassion equity.equity. OfOf but course,course, on closer there there analysisare are verses verses they in in whomprescribedwhom we weare the tryingare condition trying to help. to of help. Theappropriateness Holy The QuranHoly Quranhas in similarlyeverything has similarly theonly Torah serve which to protect teach compassionthe boundaries but ofon justice closer andanalysis to curb they goodprescribed that we the do, socondition that we mayof appropriateness progress spiritually in as everything well as thethe Torah Torah which which teach teach compassion compassion butbut on on closer closer analysis analysis they they prescribedprescribed the thecondition condition of appropriateness of appropriateness in everything in everything onlyunreasonable serve to protectpassions the and boundaries vindictiveness. of justice But theand purpose to curb materially.good that we do, so that we may progress spiritually as well as onlyonly serve serve to to protect protect thethe boundaries ofof justice justice and and to tocurb curb goodgood that that we do, we so do, that so wethat may we progress may progress spiritually spiritually as well as as well as unreasonablebehindunreasonable the teaching passions passions of andcompassion and vindictiveness. vindictiveness. contained But But in the thethe purposeGospel, purpose materially.materially. behindwhichunreasonable laysthe teachingoverwhelming passions of compassion and stress vindictiveness. on forgiveness contained But inand the the avoidingpurpose Gospel, materially. behindbehind the the teaching teaching ofof compassioncompassion containedcontained in in the the Gospel, Gospel, whichretribution,which lays lays overwhelming overwhelmingis very dierent. stress stress A close on on forgivenesslook forgiveness at the Gospel and and avoiding avoidingshows retribution,thatwhich it addressed lays is overwhelmingvery people dierent. who stress A lacked close on looktheforgiveness virtue at the of Gospeland forbearance avoiding shows retribution,retribution, is is very very dierent. dierent. A close looklook at at the the Gospel Gospel shows shows References: thatandthat it forgivenessit addressed addressed andpeople people it desired who who lacked thatlacked their the the heartsvirtue virtue ofshould of forbearance forbearance not be that it addressed people who lacked the virtue of forbearance References:References: andeagerand forgiveness forgiveness to take revenge and and it it desiredbut desired that thatthey that their shouldtheir hearts hearts exercise should should patience, not not be be References:1. Ma‘ruf: That which is considered appropriate and eagerforbearance,and to forgiveness take revengeforgiveness and butit desired and that clemency. they that theirshould This hearts exercise was should because, patience, not beby acceptable in a society. eager to take revenge but that they should exercise patience, 1.1. Ma‘ruf:Ma‘ruf: That That which which is is considered considered appropriate appropriate and and forbearance,theeager time to of take forgivenessJesus revenge (as), thebut and moralthat clemency. they condition should This exercise ofwas the because, Jewspatience, had by 1.2. Ma‘ruf:Munkar That: That which which is considered is considered appropriate indecent and and unac- forbearance, forgiveness and clemency. This was because, by acceptable acceptable in in a asociety. society. greatlyforbearance, deteriorated. forgiveness Litigation and clemency.and vendetta This had was exceeded because, byall acceptableceptable in a society. thethe time time of of Jesus Jesus (as), (as), the the moral moral condition condition of of the the Jews Jews had had 2.2. MunkarMunkar: That: That which which is is considered considered indecent indecent and and unac- unac- limitsthe and,time under of Jesus the (as), pretext the moralof upholding condition the of rules the ofJews justice, had 2. Munkar: That which is considered indecent and unac- greatlygreatly deteriorated. deteriorated. Litigation Litigation and and vendetta vendetta had had exceeded exceeded all all ceptableceptable theygreatly had completelydeteriorated. lost Litigation the virtue and ofvendetta mercy andhad exceededforgiveness. all ceptable limitslimits and, and, under under the the pretext pretext of of upholding upholding the the rules rules of of justice, justice, theyThelimits hadteachings and,completely under brought the lost pretext by the the virtue of Gospel upholding of mercywere the thus and rules specic forgiveness. of justice, to a particularthey had completelytime and people. lost the But virtue they ofdid mercy not present and forgiveness. the true TheThethey teachings teachings had completely brought brought lostby by the the virtueGospel Gospel of weremercy were thus andthus forgiveness.specic specic to to a a particularpictureThe teachings of time the Divineand brought people. law; by the Butthe Holy theyGospel Quran, did were not therefore, thus present specic came the to true toa rectifyparticular them. time When and we people. carefully But study they the did Holy not Quranpresent and the look true picturepictureparticular of of the the time Divine Divine and law;people. law; the the But Holy Holy they Quran, Quran, did not therefore, therefore, present thecame came true to to rectifycloselypicture them. at itsof Whencontentsthe Divine we with carefully law; an the unbiased Holystudy Quran, the mind, Holy therefore, we Quran realize cameand that look to it doesrectify not them. lay asWhen much we stress carefully on retribution study the Holyand revenge,Quran and as lookis closelyrectify at itsthem. contents When wewith carefully an unbiased study the mind, Holy we Quran realize and that look it evidentclosely atfrom its contents the account with of an battles unbiased and mind, rules we of realizeretribution that it doesdoesclosely not not lay atlay itsas as contents much much stress withstress anon on unbiased retribution retribution mind, and and we revenge, realize revenge, that as as it is is evidentdoes fromnot lay the as accountmuch stress of onbattles retribution and rules and revenge,of retribution as is evident from the account of battles and rules of retribution SUNRISE evident from the account of battles and rules of retribution{ 8 } MUSLIM[2017] SUNRISE { 8 } MUSLIM SUNRISE { 8 } MUSLIM[2017][2017] SUNRISE { 8 } MUSLIM[2017] !"#$%!&#"'(%#)*&+,$$&-./0 !"#$%!&#"'(%#)*&+,$$&-./0 !"#$%!&#"'(%#)*&+,$$&-./0 !"#$%!&#"'(%#)*&+,$$&-./0The Path to Peace — Just Relations The Path to Peace — Just Relations Relations Just — Peace to Path The TheThe PathPath toto PeacePeace — Just Relations betweenThe Path Nationsto Peace — Just Relations between Nations between betweenbetween Nations Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Masroor Mirza Hazrat Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, KhalifatulHazrat Mirza Masih Masroor V (aba), Ahmad, on June 27, 2012) Khalifatul Masih V (aba), on June 27, 2012) 27, June on (aba), V Masih Khalifatul KhalifatulKhalifatul MasihMasih V (aba), onon JuneJune 27,27, 2012)2012) At Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., USA At Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., USA D.C., Washington, Hill, Capitol At AtAt CapitolCapitol Hill,Hill, Washington, D.C.,D.C., USAUSA

The truth is that peace and justice are inseparable—you The truth is that peace and justice are inseparable—you inseparable—you are justice and peace that is truth The TheThe truthtruth isis thatthat peacepeace and justice are inseparable—you cannotThe truth have is thatone peacewithout and the justice other. are Certainly, inseparable—you this princi - - princi this Certainly, other. the without one have cannot cannotcannot havehave oneone withoutwithout the other. Certainly, thisthis principrinci-- plecannot is something have one without that all the wise other. and Certainly, intelligent this principeople- ple is something that all wise and intelligent people people intelligent and wise all that something is ple pleple isis something that all wisewise andand intelligentintelligent peoplepeople understand. Leaving aside those people who are deter- - deter are who people those aside Leaving understand. understand.understand. Leaving aside thosethose peoplepeople whowho areare deterdeter-- mined to create disorder in the world, no one can ever mined to create disorder in the world, no one can ever ever can one no world, the in disorder create to mined minedmined to create disorder inin thethe world,world, nono oneone cancan everever claim that in any society, country or even the entire world, claim that in any society, country or even the entire world, world, entire the even or country society, any in that claim claimclaim thatthat in any society, countrycountry oror eveneven the the entire entire world, world, that there can be disorder or a lack of peace where justice that there can be disorder or a lack of peace where justice justice where peace of lack a or disorder be can there that thatthatthat there therethere cancan bebe disorderdisorder oror aa lacklack ofof peacepeace where wherewhere justice justicejustice and fair dealing exist. Nevertheless, we nd in many parts and fair dealing exist. Nevertheless, we nd in many parts parts many in nd we Nevertheless, exist. dealing fair and andandand fair fairfair dealingdealing exist.exist. Nevertheless,Nevertheless, wewe nd nd in inin many manymany parts partsparts of the world that disorder and a lack of peace are preva- - preva are peace of lack a and disorder that world the of ofofof the thethe world worldworld thatthat disorderdisorder andand aa lacklack ofof peacepeace are areare preva prevapreva--- - coun within internally both visible is disorder Such lent. lent.lent.lent. Such SuchSuch disorderdisorderdisorder isis visiblevisible bothboth internallyinternally within withinwithin coun councoun--- tries, and externally in terms of the relations between between relations the of terms in externally and tries, tries,tries,tries, andandand externallyexternally inin termsterms ofof thethe relationsrelations betweenbetweenbetween various nations. Such disorder and strife exists even even exists strife and disorder Such nations. various variousvariousvarious nations.nations. SuchSuch disorder andand strifestrife existsexistsexists eveneveneven though all governments claim to make policies that are are that policies make to claim governments all though thoughthoughthough allallall governmentsgovernments claimclaim toto makemake policiespolicies that thatthat are areare based on justice. All claim that the establishment of peace peace of establishment the that claim All justice. on based basedbasedbased on onon justice. justice. AllAll claimclaim thatthat thethe establishmentestablishment of ofof peace peacepeace is their primary objective. Yet, in general, there is little little is there general, in Yet, objective. primary their is isisis theirtheirtheir primaryprimaryprimary objective.objective. Yet,Yet,Yet, inin general,general, theretherethere is isis little littlelittle doubt that restlessness and anxiety is increasing in the the in increasing is anxiety and restlessness that doubt Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim Bismillahir-Rahmanir-RahimBismillahir-Rahmanir-RahimBismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim doubtdoubtdoubt thatthat restlessnessrestlessness andand anxietyanxiety isis increasingincreasing in inin the thethe world, and so disorder is spreading. This clearly proves proves clearly This spreading. is disorder so and world, Merciful. Ever Gracious, the Allah, of name the In InIn theIn the thename name name of of Allah, of Allah, Allah, the the the Gracious, Gracious, Gracious, Ever Ever Ever Merciful. Merciful. Merciful. world,world,world, andand soso disorderdisorder is spreading.spreading. ThisThis clearlyclearlyclearly proves provesproves that somewhere along the line, the requirements of of requirements the line, the along somewhere that - rahmat wa ‘alaikum guests—assalamo distinguished All All All distinguishedAll distinguished distinguished guests—assalamo guests—assalamo guests—assalamo ‘alaikum ‘alaikum ‘alaikum wa wa wa rahmat rahmatrahmat--- thatthatthat somewheresomewheresomewhere alongalong thethe line,line, thethe requirementsrequirements ofofof justice are not being ful lled. Therefore, there is an urgent urgent an is there Therefore, ful lled. being not are justice be Allah of blessings and barakatohu—peace wa ullahe ullaheullaheullahe wa wa wabarakatohu—peace barakatohu—peace barakatohu—peace and and and blessings blessings blessings of ofof Allah AllahAllah be bebe justicejusticejustice are areare not notnot beingbeing ful lled.ful lled. Therefore,Therefore, there therethere is isis an anan urgent urgenturgent need to try and end inequality, wherever and whenever it it whenever and wherever inequality, end and try to need all of rst to like would I proceeding, Before all. you upon uponuponupon you you you all. all. all.Before Before Before proceeding, proceeding, proceeding, I wouldI Iwould would like like like to to to rst rst rst of ofof all allall needneedneed to toto trytry andand endend inequality,inequality, whereverwherever and and whenever wheneverwhenever it it it exists. Thus, as the worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya the of Head worldwide the as Thus, exists. to time the taking for all you thank to opportunity this take taketaketake this this this opportunity opportunity opportunity to to thankto thank thank you you you all all all for for for taking taking taking the the the time time time to to to exists.exists.exists. Thus,Thus, asas thethe worldwideworldwide HeadHead ofof thethe AhmadiyyaAhmadiyyaAhmadiyya - observa few a make to like would I Community, Muslim - request been have I say. to have I what to listen and come comecomecome and and and listen listen listen to to whatto what what I haveI haveI have to to tosay. say. say. I haveI Ihave have been been been request request request--- MuslimMuslimMuslim Community,Community, II wouldwould likelike toto makemake aa few fewfew observa observaobserva--- tions about the need for, and the ways to achieve peace peace achieve to ways the and for, need the about tions and vast extremely is that subject a about speak to ed eded toed to speakto speak speak about about about a a subject asubject subject that that that is is isextremely extremelyextremely vast vastvast and andand tionstionstions about aboutabout thethe needneed for,for, andand thethe waysways toto achieve achieveachieve peace peacepeace based on justice. on based therefore, and aspects dierent many has It ranging. wide widewidewide ranging. ranging. ranging. It Ithas Ithas has many many many dierent dierent dierent aspects aspects aspects and and and therefore, therefore, therefore, basedbasedbased on onon justice.justice. it is not possible for me to cover all of them in the short short the in them of all cover to me for possible not is it it itis it isnot isnot not possible possible possible for for forme me me to to tocover cover cover all all all of of of them them them in inin the thethe short shortshort time available. The subject that I have been asked to speak The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is purely a religious The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is purely a religious religious a purely is Community Muslim Ahmadiyya The speak to asked been have I that subject The available. time timetime available. available. The The subject subject that that I haveI have been been asked asked to to speak speak TheThe AhmadiyyaAhmadiyya MuslimMuslim CommunityCommunity is purelypurely aa religiousreligious about is the establishment of world peace. Certainly, this is community. It is our rm belief that the Messiah and community. It is our rm belief that the Messiah and and Messiah the that belief rm our is It community. is this Certainly, peace. world of establishment the is about aboutabout is isthe the establishment establishment of of world world peace. peace. Certainly, Certainly, this this is is community.community. ItIt isis ourour rm rm belief that the MessiahMessiah andand the most vital and pressing issue facing the world today. Reformer who was destined to appear in this age and Reformer who was destined to appear in this age and and age this in appear to destined was who Reformer today. world the facing issue pressing and vital most the thethe most most vital vital and and pressing pressing issue issue facing facing the the world world today. today. ReformerReformer whowho waswas destineddestined to appear in thisthis ageage andand enlighten the world as to Islam’s true teachings has enlighten the world as to Islam’s true teachings has has teachings true Islam’s to as world the enlighten the give briey only will I limited, is time the as However, However,However,However, as as theas the the time time time is is limited,is limited, limited, I willI Iwill will only only only briey briey briey give givegive the thethe enlightenenlighten thethe worldworld asas to Islam’s true teachings hashas However,Islamic as viewpoint the time on is thelimited, establishment I will only ofbriey peace give through the enlightenindeed arrived. the worldWe believe as to that Islam’s the Founder true teachings of our Com has- - Com our of Founder the that believe We arrived. indeed through peace of establishment the on viewpoint Islamic IslamicIslamic viewpoint viewpoint on on the the establishment establishment of of peace peace through through indeedindeed arrived.arrived. WeWe believebelieve thatthat the Founder ofof ourour ComCom-- Islamicjust viewpointand equal relationson the establishment between nations. of peace through indeedmunity, arrived. Hadhrat We Mirza believe Ghulam that Ahmad the Founder (as) of Qadian, of our Comwas - munity, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian, was was Qadian, of (as) Ahmad Ghulam Mirza Hadhrat munity, nations. between relations equal and just justjust and and equal equal relations relations between between nations. nations. munity,munity, Hadhrat Hadhrat MirzaMirza GhulamGhulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian,Qadian, waswas SUNRISE SUNRISE {9} MUSLIM[2017]SUNRISE MUSLIM {9} {9} MUSLIMSUNRISE [2017] {9} MUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL 2017 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 thatthat very very Promised Promised Messiah Messiah and and Reformer, Reformer, and MUSLIMand thus thus SUNRISE, we we ItIt isFALL is important important 2017 to to always always remember remember that that human human knowledge knowledge that very Promised Messiah and Reformer, and thus we It is important to always remember that human knowledge havehave accepted accepted him. him. He He pressed pressed upon upon his his followers followers to to act act andand intellect intellect is is not not perfect, perfect, but but is is in in fact fact limited. limited. Thus, Thus, when when havethat accepted very Promised him. He Messiah pressed and upon Reformer, his followers and thus to act we andIt is intellectimportant is tonot always perfect, remember but is in that fact humanlimited. knowledge Thus, when andandhave propagate propagate accepted the thehim. real real He and pressedand true true uponteachings teachings his followers of of Islam Islam to that thatact andmakingmaking intellect decisions decisions is not orperfect, or forming forming but thoughts isthoughts in fact limited. often often certain Thus,certain when factors factors and propagate the real and true teachings of Islam that making decisions or forming thoughts often certain factors areareand based based propagate on on the the Holythe Holy real Qur’an. Qur’an. and trueTherefore, Therefore, teachings everything everything of Islam thatthat that makingenterenter human human decisions minds, minds, or forming which which can thoughtscan cloud cloud oftenjudgment judgment certain and and factors lead lead to to are based on the Holy Qur’an. Therefore, everything that enter human minds, which can cloud judgment and lead to I willI willare say basedsay in in relation onrelation the Holy to to establishing establishingQur’an. Therefore, peace peace everythingand and in in relation relation that enteraa person person human trying trying minds, to to ful ll ful llwhich his his can own own cloud rights. rights. judgment Ultimately, Ultimately, and lead this this to can can I will say in relation to establishing peace and in relation a person trying to ful ll his own rights. Ultimately, this can toto Iconducting willconducting say in relation just just international international to establishing relations relations peace andwill will inbe be relation based based aleadlead person to to an antrying unjust unjust to outcome ful lloutcome his ownand and decisionrights. decision Ultimately, being being made. made. this canGod’s God’s to conducting just international relations will be based lead to an unjust outcome and decision being made. God’s ononto Qur’anic Qur’anic conducting teachings. teachings. just international relations will be based leadLaw,Law, tohowever, however, an unjust is is outcomeperfect perfect and and and so sodecision no no vested vested being interests interests made. or God’sor unfair unfair on Qur’anic teachings. Law, however, is perfect and so no vested interests or unfair on Qur’anic teachings. Law,provisionsprovisions however, exist.exist. is perfect ThisThis is isand becausebecause so no vested GodGod only onlyinterests desiresdesires or unfair forfor the the provisions exist. This is because God only desires for the InIn relation relation to to achieving achieving world world peace, peace, all all of of you you regularly regularly provisionsgoodgood and and betterment exist.betterment This is of ofbecause His His Creation Creation God andonly and therefore, therefore,desires for His His the Law Law In relation to achieving world peace, all of you regularly good and betterment of His Creation and therefore, His Law expressexpressIn relation your your to opinions, opinions,achieving and andworld indeed indeed peace, make make all of greatyougreat regularly eorts. eorts. goodisis based based and entirely entirelybetterment on on justice. justice.of His CreationThe The day day andthe the peopletherefore, people of of Histhe the Law world world express your opinions, and indeed make great eorts. is based entirely on justice. The day the people of the world YourYourexpress creative creative your and and opinions, intelligent intelligent and minds mindsindeed allow allow make you you great to to present presenteorts. iscomecome based to to entirelyrecognize recognize on justice.and and understand understand The day the this this people crucial crucial of point, point,the world will will be be Your creative and intelligent minds allow you to present come to recognize and understand this crucial point, will be greatgreatYour ideas, ideas, creative plans plans and and and intelligent indeed indeed a mindsa vision vision allow of of peace. peace. you toThus, Thus, present this this comethethe day day to recognizethat that the the foundation foundationand understand for for true true this and crucialand everlasting everlasting point, will peace peacebe great ideas, plans and indeed a vision of peace. Thus, this the day that the foundation for true and everlasting peace issueissuegreat does does ideas, not not plans require require and indeedme me to to aspeak visionspeak from offrom peace. a a worldly worldly Thus, this or or thewillwill daybe be laid. thatlaid. theOtherwise, Otherwise, foundation we we forcontinue continue true and to to everlasting nd nd that that although peacealthough issue does not require me to speak from a worldly or will be laid. Otherwise, we continue to nd that although politicalpoliticalissue doesperspective, perspective, not require but but insteadme instead to speak my my entire entirefrom focus afocus worldly will will be orbe willeortseorts be arelaid. are endlessly endlesslyOtherwise, made made we tocontinue to establish establish to world ndworld that peace, peace, although yet yet they they politicalpolitical perspective, perspective, but but instead instead my my entire entire focus focus will will be be eortseorts areare endlessly mademade to to establish establish world world peace, peace, yet yet they they basedbased on on how how to to establish establish peace peace based based on on religion. religion. For For areare unable unable to to provide provide any any worthwhile worthwhile results. results. basedbased on onhow how to toestablish establish peace peace based based on on religion. religion. For For areare unableunable to provide anyany worthwhileworthwhile results. results. thisthis purpose purpose I Ishall, shall, as as I Ihave have earlier earlier said, said, present present some some thisthis purpose purpose I shall, I shall, as asI have I have earlier earlier said, said, present present some some veryvery important important guidelines guidelines based based on on the the teachings teachings of of the the AfterAfter the the conclusion conclusion of of the the First First World World War, War, the the leaders leaders of of veryvery important important guidelines guidelines based based on on the the teachings teachings of of the the AfterAfter thethe conclusionconclusion ofof thethe FirstFirst WorldWorld War, War, the the leaders leaders of of HolyHoly Qur’an. Qur’an. certaincertain countries countries desireddesired forfor goodgood andand peacefulpeaceful relationsrelations HolyHoly Qur’an. Qur’an. certaincertain countriescountries desired forfor goodgood andand peaceful peaceful relations relations betweenbetween all all nations nations in in future. future. Thus, Thus, in in an an eort eort to to achieve achieve betweenbetween allall nations inin future.future. Thus,Thus, in in an an eort eort to to achieve achieve worldworld peace peace the the League League of of Nations Nations was was formed. formed. Its Its principal principal worldworld peacepeace the League ofof NationsNations was was formed. formed. Its Its principal principal aimaim was was to to maintain maintain world world peace peace and and to to prevent prevent future future wars wars aimaim was was toto maintain worldworld peace peace and and to to prevent prevent future future wars wars fromfrom breaking breaking out. out. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, the the rules rules of of the the League League fromfrom breakingbreaking out. Unfortunately,Unfortunately, the the rules rules of of the the League League andand the the resolutions resolutions it it passed passed had had certain certain aws aws and and weak weak-- andand thethe resolutionsresolutions itit passedpassed hadhad certain certain aws aws and and weak weak- - nessesnesses and and so so they they did did not not properly properly protect protect the the rights rights of of all all nessesnesses andand so they did notnot properlyproperly protect protect the the rights rights of of all all peoplespeoples and and all all nations nations equally. equally. Consequently, Consequently, as as a a result result of of peoplespeoples andand all nations equally.equally. Consequently, Consequently, as as a aresult result of of thethe inequalities inequalitiesinequalities that thatthat existed, existed,existed, long longlong term termterm peace peacepeace could couldcould not notnot the inequalities that existed, long term peace could not prevail.prevail. TheThe The eortseorts eorts of of of the the the League League League failed failed failed and and and this this this led led led directly directly directly prevail. The eorts of the League failed and this led directly toto World World WarWar War II. II. II. to World War II. WeWe are are allall all awareaware aware of of of the the the unparalleled unparalleled unparalleled destruction destruction destruction and and and devas devas devas- -- We are all aware of the unparalleled destruction and devas- tationtation thatthat that ensued, ensued, ensued, where where where around around around 75 75 75million million million people people people globally globally globally tation that ensued, where around 75 million people globally lostlost theirtheir their lives,lives, lives, manymany many of of of who who who were were were innocent innocent innocent civilians. civilians. civilians. That That That lost their lives, many of who were innocent civilians. That warwar shouldshould should havehave have been been been more more more than than than enough enough enough to to opento open open the the the eyes eyes eyes war should have been more than enough to open the eyes ofof the the world.world. world. ItIt It shouldshould should have have have been been been a a meansa means means to to developingto developing developing of the world. It should have been a means to developing wisewise policiespolicies policies thatthat that granted granted granted all all all parties parties parties their their their due due due rights, rights, rights, based based based wise policies that granted all parties their due rights, based onon justice, justice, andand and thusthus thus prove prove prove to to tobe bebe a ameansa meansmeans of ofofestablishing establishingestablishing onpeace justice, in the and world. thus The prove world’s to governmentsbe a means atof the establishing time did peacepeace in in the the world. world. The The world’s world’s governments governments at at the the time time did did peaceendeavor in the to world. some Theextent world’s to try governments and establish at peace, the time and did endeavorendeavor to to some some extent extent to to try try andand establishestablish peace,peace, andand endeavorhence the toUnited some Nations extent was to established.try and establish However, peace, it soon and hencehence the the United United Nations Nations was was established. established. However, However, it it soon soon hencebecame the quite United apparent Nations that was established.the noble and However, overarching it soon becamebecame quitequite apparentapparent thatthat thethe noblenoble andand overarchingoverarching becameobjective quite underpinning apparent the that United the nobleNations and could overarching not be objectiveobjective underpinningunderpinning thethe UnitedUnited NationsNations couldcould notnot bebe objectiveful lled. Indeed, underpinning today certain the United governments Nations quitecould openly not be ful lled.ful lled. Indeed,Indeed, todaytoday certaincertain governmentsgovernments quitequite openlyopenly ful lled.make statements Indeed, todaythat prove certain its failure. governments quite openly makemake statements statements that that prove prove its its failure. failure. make statements that prove its failure. What does Islam say in relation to international relations WhatWhat does does IslamIslam saysay inin relationrelation toto internationalinternational relationsrelations Whatthat aredoes based Islam on say justice, in relation and so toa meansinternational of establishing relations thatthat are are based based on on justice, justice, and and so so a a means means of of establishing establishing thatpeace? are In based the Holy on Qur’an,justice, Godand Almightyso a means has ofmade establishing it clear peace?peace? In In the the Holy Holy Qur’an, Qur’an, God God Almighty Almighty has has made made it it clear clear peace?that whilst In the our Holy nationalities Qur’an, Godor ethnic Almighty backgrounds has made act it as clear a thatthat whilst whilst our our nationalities nationalities or or ethnic ethnic backgrounds backgrounds act act as as a a thatmeans whilst of identity, our nationalities they do not or entitle ethnic or backgrounds validate any form act asof a superioritymeansmeans of of identity, identity,of any kind.* they they do(49:14) do not not entitle entitle or or validate validate any any form form of of meanssuperiority of identity, of any they kind.* do (49:14)not entitle or validate any form of superiority of any kind.* (49:14) SUNRISE {10}superiority of any kind.* (49:14) MUSLIM [2017]SUNRISE {10} MUSLIMSUNRISE[2017] {10} MUSLIMSUNRISE[2017] {10} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL 2017 2017 The Qur’an, thus, makes clear that all people are born equal. tance in maintaining peaceful relations between countries. TheFurthermore,The Qur’an, Qur’an, thus, inthus, themakes makes nal clear sermonclear that that everall all people peopledelivered are are bornby born the equal. equal. Holy tancetance in in maintaining maintaining peaceful peaceful relationsrelations between countries.countries. Furthermore,ProphetFurthermore, Muhammad in thein the nal (sa), nal sermon he sermon instructed ever ever delivered alldelivered Muslims by by theto the always Holy Holy Another requirement for peace between nations based on ProphetrememberProphet Muhammad Muhammadthat an Arab (sa), (sa), is he not he instructed superiorinstructed allto all aMuslims non-ArabMuslims to to andalways always nor AnotherjusticeAnother is requirement givenrequirement in Chapter forfor 15,peacepeace verse between 89 of the nations Holy Qur’an basedbased where onon rememberis remembera non-Arab that that ansuperior anArab Arab is to notis annot superior Arab.superior He to to ataught non-Araba non-Arab that and aand white nor nor justiceitjustice states is is giventhat given no in in party Chapter Chapter should 15, 15, verse verseever look 8989 of enviously the Holy Qur’anQur’anat the resourcwhere where - isperson ais non-Arab a non-Arab is not superiorsuperior superior toto to ana anblack Arab. Arab. person He He taught taught and northat that isa awhite blackwhite itesit states states and that wealththat no no party ofparty others. should should Similarly, everever looklook no enviously country atatshould thethe resourcresourc seek -to- personpersonperson is superior notis not superior tosuperior a white to toa person. blacka black personThus, person it isand aand clear nor nor teachingis isa ablack black of esunjustlyes and and wealth wealth appropriate ofof others.others. or Similarly,Similarly,take over no the country resources should of seekseekanother toto personIslamperson that superior superior the people to ato white a ofwhite all person. nationalities person. Thus, Thus, it and isit isa all cleara clear races teaching teaching are equal. of of unjustlycountryunjustly appropriateonappropriate the false pretext oror taketake of overover trying the to resourcesassist or support ofof anotheranother them. IslamIt isIslam alsothat that madethe the people clearpeople ofthat allof allnationalitiesall nationalities people should and and all beall races racesgranted are are equal. equal.equal countryThus,country on on on thethe the falsebasis false pretextpretextof providing ofof tryingtrying technical to assist expertise,or supportsupport govern them.them. - Itrights isIt also is alsowithout made made clearany clear discrimination that that all allpeople people or should prejudice.should be be granted Thisgranted is the equal equal key Thus,mentsThus, on on should thethe basis basisnot take ofof providingproviding advantage technical of other expertise, nations by governgovern making-- rightsandrights goldenwithout without principle any any discrimination discrimination that lays the or or prejudice.foundation prejudice. This Thisfor is harmonyisthe the key key mentsunjustments should tradeshould deals not not takeortake contracts. advantageadvantage Similarly, of other on nations the basis byby of makingmaking provid - andbetweenand golden golden dierent principle principle groups that that laysand lays nations,the the foundation foundation and for forthe for harmonyestablish harmony - unjustingunjust expertise trade trade deals deals or assistance, or or contracts. contracts. governments Similarly,Similarly, on should the basis not ofof try providprovid to take-- betweenmentbetween of peace.dierent dierent groups groups and and nations, nations, and and for for the the establish establish- - ingcontroling expertise expertise of the or or assistance, naturalassistance, resources governmentsgovernments or assets should of thenotnot trydevelopingtry toto taketake mentment of peace.of peace. controlnations.control of ofWhere thethe naturalnatural less educated resourcesresources people or assets or governments of the developingdeveloping need to However, today we nd that there is division and separation nations.benations. taught Where Where how less lessto properly educatededucated utilize peoplepeople their or naturalgovernments resources, needneed then toto However,between However, todaypowerful today we we ndand nd thatweaker that there there nations. is isdivision division For andexample, and separation separation in the bethisbe taught taught should how how be done.to to properly properly utilizeutilize their natural resources, thenthen between powerful and weaker nations. For example, in the this should be done. betweenUnited Nationspowerful we and nd weaker that nations.there is Fora distinctionexample, in made the this should be done. United Nations we nd that there is a distinction made Unitedbetween Nations certain we countries. nd that Thus, there in the is Securitya distinction Council made there Then, nations and governments should always seek to serve between certain countries. Thus, in the Security Council there Then, nations and governments should always seek to serve betweenare some certain permanent countries. members Thus, in andthe Securitysome non-permanent Council there Then,and help nations those and less governments fortunate. However, should suchalways service seek should to serve not are some permanent members and some non-permanent and help those less fortunate. However, such service should not aremembers. some permanent This division members has proved and to besome an internalnon-permanent source of andbe renderedhelp those with less an fortunate. aim of achieving However, national such service or political should bene not - members.members. This This division division has has proved proved to tobe be an an internal internal source source of of bebe rendered rendered with with an an aim aim of of achievingachieving national or politicalpolitical bene bene-- anxietyanxiety and and frustration frustration and and thus thus we we regularly regularly hear hear reportsreports ofof ts or as a means toto ful llful ll vestedvested interests. interests. We We nd nd that that in in the the anxiety and frustration and thus we regularly hear reports of ts or as a means to ful ll vested interests. We nd that in the certaincertain countries countries protesting protesting againstagainst thisthis inequality.inequality. IslamIslam past six or seven decadesdecades thethe UnitedUnited Nations Nations has has launched launched certain countries protesting against this inequality. Islam past six or seven decades the United Nations has launched teachesteaches absolute absolute justice justice and and equality equality in in all all matters matters andand soso wewe many programs oror foundationsfoundations aiming aiming to to help help the the poor poor coun coun- - teaches absolute justice and equality in all matters and so we many programs or foundations aiming to help the poor coun- nd nd another another very very crucial crucial guideline guideline in in Chapter Chapter 5, 5, verse verse 33 ofof thethe triestries to progress. TowardsTowards thisthis eorteort they they have have explored explored the the nd another very crucial guideline in Chapter 5, verse 3 of the tries to progress. Towards this eort they have explored the HolyHoly Qur’an. Qur’an. In In this this verse verse it it states states that that to to fully fully comply comply withwith thethe natural resources ofof thethe developingdeveloping nations. nations. However, However, despite despite Holy Qur’an. In this verse it states that to fully comply with the natural resources of the developing nations. However, despite requirementsrequirements of of justice; justice; it it is is necessary necessary toto treattreat eveneven thosethose thesethese eorts, nonenone ofof thethe poorerpoorer countries countries have have reached reached the the requirementspeople,people, who who goof go justice;beyond beyond itall allis limits necessarylimits in in their their to hatred hatredtreat even andand enmity,enmity,those thesestage eorts, or level none ofof thethe of developed developedthe poorer nations. nations. countries One One have reason reason reached for for this this the is is people,withwith fairness whofairness go and andbeyond equity. equity. all The limitsThe Qur’an Qur’an in their teaches teaches hatred that thatand wherever whereverenmity, stagecertainly or level wide-ranging of the developed corruption corruption nations. by by many many One of of thereason the governments governments for this is withandand fairnesswhoever whoever and counsels counsels equity. you youThe towards towards Qur’an goodness goodnessteaches thatand and virtue,wherevervirtue, youyou certainlyof those wide-ranging under-developed corruption countries. countries. by Withmany With regret ofregret the though governmentsthough I must I must andshouldshould whoever accept accept counsels it, it, and and you wherever wherever towards and andgoodness whoeverwhoever and counselscounsels virtue, you youyou ofsay those that, under-developed despite this,this, asas a a meanscountries. means to to further Withfurther regret their their ownthough own interests, interests, I must shouldtowardstowards accept sinful sinful it,or or unjustand unjust wherever behavior, behavior, and you you whoever should should reject rejectcounsels it. it. you saythethe that, developed despite this,nationsnations as a havemeanshave continued continuedto further totheirto dealdeal own with withinterests, such such towards sinful or unjust behavior, you should reject it. thegovernments. developed TradeTradenations deals,deals, have international internationalcontinued to aidaid deal andand with businessbusiness such A questionA question that that naturally naturally arises arises is is that that what what is is the the standard standard ofof governments.contracts have Trade continuedcontinued deals, to tointernational bebe processed.processed. aid As As anda aresult, result,business the the Ajustice questionjustice required required that naturally by by Islam? Islam? arises In In Chapter isChapter that what 4, 4, verseverse is the 136,136, standard thethe HolyHoly of contractsfrustrationsfrustrations have andand continued restlessnessrestlessness to be of ofprocessed. thethe poorpoor As and anda result, depriveddeprived the justiceQur’anQur’an required states states that thatby evenIslam? even if ifyouIn you Chapter have have to to 4,testify testify verse against against136, the yourself,yourself, Holy frustrationssegments of and societysociety restlessness have have continued continued of tothe to increase increasepoor and andand this thisdeprived has has led led Qur’anoror your your states parents parents that or evenor your your if most youmost lovedhave loved to ones, ones, testify then then against you you must must yourself, dodo soso segmentstoto rebellion of society andand internalinternal have continued disorderdisorder within withinto increase those those and countries. countries. this has The ledThe orin your inorder order parents to to uphold uphold or your justice justice most and lovedand to to ones,uphold uphold then the the you truth.truth. must PowerfulPowerful do so topoor rebellion people and ofof internal thethe developingdeveloping disorder countrieswithincountries those have have countries. become become Theso so inand orderand rich rich to countries countriesuphold shouldjustice should notand not usurpto usurp uphold the the rights rightsthe truth. of of the the Powerful poor poor andand poorfrustratedfrustrated people thatthat of theytheythe havedevelopinghave turnedturned countries againstagainst not nothave only only become their their own ownso andweakerweaker rich countriescountries countries shouldin in an an eort eortnot usurpto to preserve preserve the rights their their of own own the rights,poorrights, and andand frustratedleaders,leaders, but that alsoalso they thethe big havebig powers powers turned as as well.against well. This This not has has onlyplayed played their into into own the the weakernornor should shouldcountries they they in deal andeal eort with with tothe the preserve poorer poorer their nationsnations own in inrights, anan unjustunjust and leaders,hands ofbut the also extremistextremist the big powers groups,groups, aswho who well. have have This taken hastaken played advantage advantage into theof of norfashion.fashion. should On Onthey the the dealother other with hand, hand, the the poorerthe poorpoor nations andand weakerweaker in an nationsunjustnations handsthethe frustrations, of the extremist andand so sogroups, havehave beenwhobeen have ableable takento to encourage encourage advantage such such of fashion.shouldshould notOn not theseek seek other to to inict inicthand, harm harm the on pooron the the and powerful powerful weaker oror nations wealthywealthy thepeople frustrations, towards and joiningjoining so have theirtheir been groupsgroups able andand to supportingencouragesupporting their suchtheir shouldnationsnations not whenever whenever seek to theinict the opportunity opportunity harm on thearises. arises. powerful Instead, Instead, or bothboth wealthy sidessides peoplehate- lled towards ideology. joining TheThe ultimatetheirultimate groups result result andof of this thissupporting has has been been theirthat that nationsshouldshould wheneverendeavor endeavor theto to fullyopportunity fully abide abide by byarises. the the principlesInstead,principles both ofof justice. justice.sides hate- lledthethe peace ideology.of thethe worldworld The has has ultimate been been destroyed. destroyed. result of this has been that shouldIndeed,Indeed, endeavor this this is isa amatterto matter fully of abideof crucial crucial by importance importancethe principles inin maintaining maintainingof justice. the peace of the world has been destroyed. Indeed,peacefulpeaceful this relations relationsis a matter between between of crucial countries. countries. importance in maintaining Thus, Islam has drawndrawn our our attention attention to to various various means means for for peace. peace. peaceful relations between countries. Thus,ItIt requires Islam has absoluteabsolute drawn justice.ourjustice. attention ItIt requiresrequires to various truthful truthful means testimony testimony for peace. to to thethe rights rights of of the the poor poor and and weaker weaker countries countries inin anan eorteort toto Italways requires be given.absolute ItIt requires requiresjustice. that thatIt requires our our glances glances truthful are are not testimonynot cast cast envi envi to- - preserve their own rights, and nor should they deal with the ously in the direction of the wealth of others. It requires that the thepreserve rights theirof the own poor rights, and andweaker nor shouldcountries they in dealan eort with theto alwaysously inbe the given. direction It requires of the thatwealth our of glances others. areIt requires not cast that envi the- poorer nations in an unjust fashion. On the other hand, the developed nations put aside their vested interests, and instead preservepoorer nationstheir own in anrights, unjust and fashion. nor should On thethey other deal hand,with the the ouslydeveloped in the directionnations put of the aside wealth their of vested others. interests, It requires and that instead the poor and weaker nations should not seek to inict harm on the help and serve the less developed and poorer nations with a poorerpoor and nations weaker in nationsan unjust should fashion. not seekOn the to inict other harm hand, on the the developedhelp and servenations the put less aside developed their vested and interests,poorer nations and instead with a powerful or wealthy nations whenever the opportunity arises. truly seless attitude and spirit. If all of these factors are poorpowerful and weaker or wealthy nations nations should whenever not seek the to inictopportunity harm on arises. the helptruly and seless serve attitudethe less developedand spirit. andIf all poorer of these nations factors with are a powerfulInstead, or bothwealthy sides nations should whenever endeavor the to opportunity fully abide arises.by the trulyobserved, seless then attitude true peace and will spirit. be established. If all of these factors are Instead,principles both of sidesjustice. should Indeed, endeavor this is a matterto fully of abidecrucial byimpor the- observed, then true peace will be established. Instead,principles both of justice.sides should Indeed, endeavor this is a matterto fully of abide crucial by impor the - observed, then true peace will be established. principles of justice. Indeed, this is a matter of crucial impor- MUSLIMSUNRISE {11} [2017]SUNRISE {11} MUSLIM[2017] SUNRISE {11} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 can it ever prove to be a source of improving relations cancanbetween itit everever countries.prove prove to to be be a asource source of ofimproving improving relations relations betweenbetween countries. countries. Due to time constraints, I have only very briey mentioned DueDuethese to to time timepoints. constraints, constraints, In short, Iif haveIwe have desire only only veryfor very peace briey briey to mentioned be mentioned established thesethesein points.the points. world, In In short, short,then if ifwe we desiremust desire forleave for peace peace aside to to beour be established personalestablished and inin thenationalthe world, world, interests then then we forwe must themust greaterleave leave aside good aside our and our personal instead personal weand andmust nationalnationalestablish interests interests mutual for for relationsthe the greater greater that good aregood basedand and instead insteadentirely we weon must mustjustice. establishestablishOtherwise, mutual mutual some relations relations of you that thatmight are are based agree based entirely with entirely me on on thatjustice. justice. due to Otherwise,Otherwise,alliances, some someblocs of mayof you you be might mightformed agree agree in future—orwith with me me that I thatcan due dueeven to to say alliances,alliances,they have blocs blocs started may may beforming—and be formed formed in infuture—or itfuture—or is not unlikely I can I can even that even disordersay say theytheywill have have continue started started toforming—and forming—and increase in itthe isit notisworld, not unlikely unlikely which that thatwill disorder disorderultimately willwilllead continue continue to a hugeto to increase increase destruction. in in the the Theworld, world, eects which which of will such will ultimately ultimatelydevastation leadleadand to to warfarea ahuge huge destruction.will destruction. surely last The The for eects manyeects of generations. ofsuch such devastation devastation Therefore, If despite all these aforementioned measures any country trans-andand warfare warfare will will surely surely last last for for many many generations. generations. Therefore, Therefore, IfIf despite despite all all these these aforementioned aforementioned measures anyany country country trans trans-- the United States, as the world’s largest power, should play its gresses all limits and attacks another country, and seeks to thethe United United States, States, as as the the world’s world’s largest largest power, power, should should play play its its gressesgresses allall limitslimits andand attacksattacks another country, andand seeksseeks toto role in acting with true justice and with such good intentions, unjustly take control of its resources, then other countries rolerole in in acting acting with with true true justice justice and and with with such such good good intentions, intentions, unjustlyunjustly taketake controlcontrol ofof its resources, thenthen otherother countriescountries as I have described. If it does so then the world will always should certainly take measures to stop such cruelty—but they asas I Ihave have described. described. If Ifit itdoes does so so then then the the world world will will always always shouldshould certainly certainly taketake measuresmeasures to stop suchsuch cruelty—butcruelty—but they they remember with great admiration your great eorts. It is my should always act with justice when doing so. rememberremember with with great great admiration admiration your your great great eorts. eorts. It isIt myis my shouldshould always always act act withwith justicejustice when doing so.so. prayer that this becomes a reality. prayerprayer that that this this becomes becomes a reality.a reality. The circumstances for taking action, based on Islamic teachings TheTheare circumstances circumstances detailed in the forfor Qur’an, takingtaking in action, Chapter based 49.* onon (49:10) IslamicIslamic It teachingsteaches teachings that arearewhen detailed detailed two in innations the the Qur’an,Qur’an, are in in disputeChapter and49.* (49:10)this(49:10) leads ItIt teaches teaches to war, that that then when two nations are in dispute and this leads to war, then whenother two governments nations are shouldin dispute strongly and this counsel leads themto war, towards then other governments should strongly counsel them towards otherdialogue governments and diplomacy should so strongly that they counsel can come them to towardsan agree - dialogue and diplomacy so that they can come to an agree- dialoguement and and reconciliation diplomacy so on that the they basis can of comea negotiated to an agree settle- - ment and reconciliation on the basis of a negotiated settle- mentment. and If, however,reconciliation one ofon the the parties basis doesof a notnegotiated accept the settle terms- ment. If, however, one of the parties does not accept the terms ment.of agreement If, however, and one wages of the war, parties then doesother not countries accept should the terms unite ofof agreement agreement and and wages wages war,war, then other countriescountries should should unite unite togethertogether and and ght ght to to stop stop that that aggressor. aggressor. When When the the aggressive aggressive together and ght to stop that aggressor. When the aggressive nationnation is is defeated defeated and and agrees agrees to to mutual mutual negotiation, negotiation, then then all all nation is defeated and agrees to mutual negotiation, then all partiesparties shouldshould work work towards towards an an agreement agreement that that leads leads to to parties should work towards an agreement that leads to long-standinglong-standing peacepeace and and reconciliation. reconciliation. Harsh Harsh and and unjust unjust long-standing peace and reconciliation. Harsh and unjust conditionsconditions should should not not be be enforced enforced that that leads leads to tothe the hands hands of of conditions should not be enforced that leads to the hands of anyany nation nation being being tied, tied, because because in inthe the long-term long-term that that will will lead lead to to anyrestlessness,restlessness, nation being which which tied, will will because ferment ferment in and the and spread.long-term spread. The The that result result will of lead suchof such to restlessness,restlessnessrestlessness willwhich will be be willfurther further ferment disorder. disorder. and spread. The result of such restlessness will be further disorder. InIn circumstancescircumstances where where a athird-party third-party government government seeks seeks to to Inbring bringcircumstances about about reconciliation reconciliation where a between third-partybetween two two governmentparties, parties, then then itseeks should it should to bringactact with withabout sincerity sincerity reconciliation and and total total betweenimpartiality. impartiality. two This parties, This impartiality impartiality then it should should should actremainremain with evensincerity even if ifone oneand of totalof the the impartiality.parties parties speaks speaks This against againstimpartiality it. it.Therefore, Therefore, should remainthethe third-party third-party even if oneshould should of thedisplay display parties no no angerspeaks anger in againstinsuch such circumstances, circumstances,it. Therefore, theitit should shouldthird-party seek seek no should no revenge, revenge, display nor nor shouldno should anger it actit in act insuch inan an unfaircircumstances, unfair manner. manner. itAll shouldAll parties parties seek should should no revenge, be be aorded aorded nor theirshould their due due it rights.act rights. in an unfair manner. All parties should be aorded their due rights. Thus, Thus, for for the the requirements requirements of of justice justice to tobe be ful lled, ful lled, it is it essential is essential Thus,thatthat the forthe thecountries countries requirements that that are areof negotiatingjustice negotiating to be aful lled, settlementa settlement it is essential should should thatthemselvesthemselves the countries not not seek seek that to to ful llare ful ll negotiating their their own own personal apersonal settlement interests, interests, should nor nor themselvestrytry to to derive derive not bene t bene t seek tounduly unduly ful ll fromtheir from eitherown either personal country. country. interests,They They should should nor trynotnot to interfere interferederive bene tunjustly unjustly unduly or or pressure pressure from eithereither either of country. ofthe the parties parties They unfairly. should unfairly. notTheThe interfere naturalnatural unjustlyresources resources or of pressureof any any country countryeither ofshould shouldthe partiesnot not be unfairly. betaken taken Theadvantageadvantage natural of. of.resources Unnecessary Unnecessary of anyand and unfaircountry unfair restrictions restrictions should shouldnot should be not taken not be be advantageplacedplaced upon upon of. such Unnecessary such countries, countries, and because because unfair this restrictions this is neitheris neither should just just and not and nor be nor placed upon such countries, because this is neither just and nor


Islamic Concept Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) IslamicIslamic Concept Concept HazratHazrat MirzaMirza Tahir Ahmad, KhalifatulKhalifatul Masih Masih IV IV (rh) (rh) of Justice ofof Justice Justice I shall now cite a few important examples of Islamic principles, I shallwhichI shall now perhaps, now cite cite a few needa few important importantparticular examples examplesemphasis of ofIslamicin Islamic the worldprinciples, principles, today. whichThewhich firstperhaps, perhaps, concerns need need particularIslamic particular teachingemphasis emphasis in in intherespect the world world oftoday. today. equity and Thejustice. The first first Other concerns concerns religions Islamic Islamic do not teaching presentteaching in a incomprehensive respect respect of of equity equity direc and - and justice.tionjustice. about Other Other the religions administrationreligions do donot not present of present justice a comprehensive a and comprehensive fair play, and direc direc even- - tionif tion theyabout about mention the theadministration administrationthis at all, it of is justiceof in justice terms and and that fair fair play,can play, scarcelyand and even even be if applicabletheyif they mention mention to us this today. this at all,at In all, itfact, isit inis some interms terms parts that that of can thesecan scarcely scarcely directions be be applicableappearapplicable to to conflict us to today.us today. directly In fact,In fact,with some somethe partsintellect parts of of theseand these sensibilities directions directions of appearourappear age, to conflict toand conflict one directly cannot directly withbut with the conclude the intellect intellect that and and these sensibilities sensibilities teachings of of ourhave ourage, eitherage, and and becomeone one cannot cannot corrupted but but conclude orconclude were thatintended that these these only teachings teachings for local have either become corrupted or were intended only for local haveand either temporary become application. corrupted As or Judaismwere intended presents only God for aslocal only and temporary application. As Judaism presents God as only andthe temporary God of Israel application. to the exclusion As Judaism of everyone presents else, God no as wonder only the God of Israel to the exclusion of everyone else, no wonder thethen, God that of Israel it does to notthe evenexclusion in passing of everyone deal with else, the no fundamen wonder - then,then, that that it does it does not not even even in passingin passing deal deal with with the the fundamen fundamen- - taltal question question of of Human Human Rights Rights as as such. such. tal question of Human Rights as such. AsAs for for Hinduism, Hinduism, it it seems seems outright outright hostile hostile not only only to to the the As for Hinduism, it seems outright hostile not only to the non-Hindunon-Hindu but but also also to to the the Hindu Hindu of of aa lowlow caste, hence narrownarrow-- non-Hinduinging further further but the the also field field to the ofof HinduGod’sGod’s ofmercymercy a low toto caste,aa much hence smallersmaller narrow sectionsection- ingof furtherof the the human human the field race. race. Hinduismof Hinduism God’s mercydecrees: decrees: to a much smaller section of the human race. Hinduism decrees: If aIf Brahmina Brahmin is is unable unable to to return return a a loanloan toto oneone of lowlow caste,caste, the the If aother Brahminother has has no is no unableright right to to to demand demand return aits its loan return. return. to one But ofif onelow of ofcaste, lowlow castethecaste otheris isunable hasunable no to rightto return return to demand a a loan loan taken takenits return. fromfrom But aa Brahmin,Brahmin, if one of helowhe isis caste toto bebe is madeunablemade to to work workreturn as as aa a laborer loanlaborer taken for for Brahmins Brahminsfrom a Brahmin, till such hetime is asasto hehebe is is madeableable toto to workpay pay back asback a thelaborer the loan loan forin in full. Brahminsfull. (1) (1) till such time as he is able to pay back the loan in full. (1) Again,Again, in in Judaism Judaism we we fail fail to to detect detect aa conceptconcept of justice towardtoward • • And And if ifthey they incline incline towards towards peace, peace, incline incline thou thou also also Again,one’sone’s in enemy. enemy.Judaism It It is weis said: said: fail to detect a concept of justice toward • And towards towards if they it. it. (7)incline (7) towards peace, incline thou also one’s enemy. It is said: towards it. (7) AndAnd when when your your Lord Lord your your God God gives gives themthem over to you, andand you you TheThe other other example example I wishI wish to tocite cite of ofthe the eternal eternal teachings teachings of of Anddefeatdefeat when them: your them: Lord then then your you you God must must gives utterly utterly them destroy destroy over to them: you, and you you you shall shall TheIslamIslam other is is the theexample one one concerning concerningI wish to revengecite revenge of the and andeternal forgiveness. forgiveness. teachings When When of we compare Islam’s teachings in this sphere with that of other defeatmakemake them: no no covenant covenant then you with with must them. them. utterly (2) (2) destroy them: you shall Islamwe compare is the one Islam’s concerning teachings revenge in this andsphere forgiveness. with that ofWhen other faiths, we are at once struck by this injunction of the Old Testa- make no covenant with them. (2) wefaiths, compare we are Islam’s at once teachings struck byin this sphereinjunction with of that the ofOld other Testa - I shall now, by way of comparison, cite a few examples of ment: I shall now, by way of comparison, cite a few examples of faiths,ment: we are at once struck by this injunction of the Old Testa- I shallIslamic now, teachings by way in of the comparison, same areas. cite The a Holy few Qur’an examples enjoins, of ment: Islamicand I quote:teachings in the same areas. The Holy Qur’an enjoins, Your eye shall not pity: it shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth Islamic teachings in the same areas. The Holy Qur’an enjoins, Your eye shall not pity: it shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth and• I quote: And when you judge between people, do so fairly and for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. (8) and I quote: Your eye shall not pity: it shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth • And justly. when (3) you judge between people, do so fairly and for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. (8) • And when you judge between people, do so fairly and for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. (8) • justly. Be strict (3) in observing justice, and be witness for Allah, Doubtless, such emphasis on vengeance causes not mere • justly. Be even strict (3) though in observing it be against justice, yourselves and be witnessor against for your Allah, wonder,Doubtless, but also such saddens emphasis our heart. on vengeance However, I causes am not notciting mere • Be even strict parents though in orobserving kindred. it be against justice,(4) yourselves and be witness or against for Allah, your Doubtless,thiswonder, example but such to also castigate emphasis saddens another onour vengeanceheart. teaching, However, but causes to I showam not not that, mere citing • even parents And though let or not kindred. it abe people’s against (4) enmity yourselves incite or you against to act yourotherwise wonder,whenthis example viewed but also in to the saddens castigate light of our theanother heart. Qur’anic teaching,However, principles, but I am evento not show suchciting that, • parents And than let or with not kindred. justice.a people’s (4) Be always enmity just, incite that you is nearer to act tootherwise thisdrasticwhen example viewed measures to incastigate maythe light also another of sometimes the Qur’anic teaching, be justified.principles, but to show The even that,Holy such • And than righteousness. let with not ajustice. people’s (5) Be enmityalways incitejust, that you is to nearer act otherwise to whenQur’an,drastic viewed thus measures helps in the us maylight in following alsoof the sometimes Qur’anic the conflicting principles, be justified. teachings even The such of Holy • than righteousness. And with fight justice. in the (5) Be alwaysway of Allah just, againstthat is nearerthose towho fight drasticotherQur’an, faiths measures thus in helpsa spirit may us of alsoin sympathy following sometimes and the understanding, beconflicting justified. teachings which,The Holy of • righteousness. And against fight you in (5)thebut doway not of transgress.Allah against Surely, those Allah who loves fight not Qur’an,too,other is thus anfaiths exclusive helps in a spirit us feature in offollowing sympathy of Islam. the and Accordingconflicting understanding, to teachings the Holy which, of • And against the fight transgressors. you in the but waydo (6)notof Allahtransgress. against Surely, those Allahwho fightloves not otherQur’an,too, faiths is the an inextraction exclusive a spirit of featureof sympathy full vengeance of Islam. and understanding, was According decreed to only thewhich, to Holy against the transgressors. you but do not (6) transgress. Surely, Allah loves not too,Qur’an, is an the exclusive extraction feature of full of vengeance Islam. According was decreed to the only Holy to the transgressors. (6) Qur’an, the extraction of full vengeance was decreedSUNRISE only to {13} MUSLIM[2017] SUNRISE {13} MUSLIM[2017] SUNRISE {13} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 meet the speci c needs of a particular period. This was neces- and had not yet become one community to which could be sarymeet to givethe speci c heart to needs the Israelites of a particular to make period. them This stand was upneces for- vouchsafedand had not a yetlaw becomethat would one be community nal and universal. to which We could believe be theirsaryIslam’s rights to give after heart they toResponse hadthe Israelitesremained to victimized make themto and stand enslaved up for thatvouchsafed Islam is a that law that nal would law and be nalpresents and universal.a teaching We not believe inu - fortheir a prolonged rights after period, they andhad hadremained as a result, victimized become and cowardly enslaved encedthat Islam by placeis that or nal time law which and Anser presentsfact Ahmad, is amply a teaching Esq. illustrated not inu by its- andforMisconceptions developed a prolonged a period,deep-seated and had complex as a result, aboutof beingbecome an cowardly inferior teachingenced by in place the matteror time being which considered. fact is amply The illustrated Holy Qur’an by says:its people.and developed Obviously, a in deep-seated such a situation, complex it [the of teachingbeing an regardinferior- Rememberteaching in thethat matter the recompense being considered. of an injury The Holy is an Qur’an injury says: the ingpeople. Shariaforgiveness] Obviously, would Law in such only a situation,have made it [the the teaching Israelites regard sink- likeRemember thereof; that but thewhoso recompense forgives ofand an thereby injury is brings an injury about the a deepering forgiveness] into their morass would andonly nothave give made them the the Israelites con dence sink reformation,like thereof; buthis rewardwhoso forgivesis with Allah.and thereby Surely, bringsAllah lovesabout not a anddeeper courage into totheir break morass the andshackles not giveof abject them bondage.the con dence This wrongdoers.Americanreformation, voters (10)his reward and lawmakers is with Allah. are soSurely, fearful Allah of Islamicloves not teaching,and courage therefore, to break was theright shackles and proper of abject in thebondage. situation, This practiceswrongdoers. to propose (10) such bills. whichteaching, then existed,therefore, and was was right indeed and given proper by thein theAll-Wise situation, God. Islam thus combines the best features of both the earlier Onwhich the other then hand,existed, when and wewas consider indeed given the New by the Testament, All-Wise God.we teachings;GivenIslam thusthe extensive withcombines the misinformationvital the additionbest features thatcirculating offorgiveness both what the does isearlier com - ndOn that the otherin contradiction hand, when ofwe the consider previous the NewScripture, Testament, the Old we mendedandteachings; does provided notwith constitute the it isvital likely Shariaaddition to result law, that in it an isforgiveness improvementimperative isthat comand -in Testament, nd that itin emphasizes contradiction forgiveness of the previous to such Scripture, an extent the that Old it theMuslimsmended correction providedand ofnon-Muslims the it is defaulter, likely to alike result that gain inbeing an aimprovement theclearer real objective.under and- in If totallyTestament, deprives it emphasizes the Israelites forgiveness of the toright such toan extentextract that any it not,standingthe correctionthen punishmentof this of the subject. defaulter, is held Outlined to that be beingnecessary, below the real butare objective. notseveral exceed If - vengeancetotally deprives whatsoever. the IsraelitesThe real reasonof the for right this towas extract that prac any- ingmisconceptionsnot, the then degree punishment to (or which “myths”) is heldone aboutisto wronged. be necessary, the Sharia Surely, but law, this not and guidanceexceed the - ticingvengeance the previous whatsoever. teaching The overreal reason a long for period this was of time,that prac the- ispropering in the full explanationsdegree conformity to which with from one human an is Islamic wronged. nature perspective. Surely,and is thisas practicable guidance Israelitesticing the had previous become teaching hardhearted over a andlong ferocious, period of andtime, this the todayis in full as whenconformity it was with revealed, human fourteen nature centuriesand is as practicableago. couldIsraelites only behad remedied become hardheartedby suspending and for ferocious, a certain and period this MYTHtoday as when#1: Sharia it was revealed, is a set fourteen of laws centuries practiced ago. could only be remedied by suspending for a certain period their right to extract vengeance. This is why Jesus admonished universally by all Muslims them:their right to extract vengeance. This is why Jesus admonished them: Sharia means “a path to life-giving water,” and refers to a You have heard that it was said, 'an eye for an eye, and a tooth In the West, Sharia is being portrayed as a source of [Note:dened This path article upon is takenwhich from all God-fearing the book Some people Distinc are- forYou a tooth', have heardbut I say that to it you was do said, not 'an resist eye forone an who eye, is and evil. a Buttooth if [Note: This article is taken from the book Some Distinc- oppression, violence, and tyranny. This misconception of tiveadvised Features to tread. of ItIslam is grounded by Hazrat in the Mirza recognition Tahir ofAhmad, God’s anyonefor a tooth', strikes but you I say on to the you right do notcheek, resist turn one to who him is the evil. other But if tive Features of Islam by Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Shariaanyone stems strikes from you actionson the rightthat arisecheek, from turn an to out-of-con him the other- Headexistence. of theSharia Ahmadiyya presupposes Muslim that there Community is a God. fromGod also, and if anyone would use you and take your coat, let him Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community from textalso, reading and if anyone of the Holywould Qur’an use you and and reliance take your on inauthen coat, let him- 1982-2003;reveals His desire rst ofpublished how the manin 1985 should by shapeIslam his Interna desti-- have your cloak as well. (9) 1982-2003; rst published in 1985 by Islam Interna- tic traditions of the Holy Prophetsa of Islam. While some tionalny, and Publications God’s will is manifested Ltd., Surrey, in theUK] form of certain laws have your cloak as well. (9) tional Publications Ltd., Surrey, UK] politicians claim that European Muslims “want to go by or principles. These laws or principles constitute Sharia Islam holds these two opposing teachings to be complemen- shariaIslam holds law,” theseother twopolitical opposing leaders teachings in the toUnited be complemen States, - and are outlined in the Holy Qur’an. tary, each suited to the conditions and situation prevailing at suchtary, eachas Congressmensuited to the conditions Joe Heck and (R-Nev.) situation and prevailing Louie at the time, and neither, therefore, able to lay claim to being Gohmert’sthe time, and (R-Texas), neither, claim therefore, that ableMuslims to lay are claim trying to beingto The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa further elaborated and universal or eternal. This perfectly stands to reason, for man implementuniversal or sharia eternal. law This in the perfectly United stands States. to (1) reason, for man illustrated these rules and principles through his deeds waswas still still progressing progressing through through earlier earlier stages stages of of development development also called (the practice of the Holy Prophetsa) More disconcerting than the political rhetoric, is the fact and his words, referred to as Ahadith (sayings of the Holy thatReferences:References: nine states in America have already passed statutes Prophetsa). As the Holy Qur’an, Sunnah, and Ahadith are forbidding the use of foreign law, and another thirteen considered primary sources of Sharia by Muslim scholars. states1. 1. have Manu-smriti Manu-smriti such proposed 10:35 10:35 bills pending. In 2010 and But in order of importance, the Holy Qur’an outranks 20112. 2. more Deuteronomy Deuteronomythan two 7:2dozen 7:2 states “considered measures Sunnah and Ahadith. to3. restrict3. The judges The Holy Holy Qur’an from Qur’an 4:49 consulting 4:49 Sharia, or foreign and 4. The Holy Qur’an 4:136 4. The Holy Qur’an 4:136 In Islam, Sharia can be divided into ve main branches: religious5. 5. laws The The Holy more Holy Qur’an Qur’an generally”. 5:9 5:9 (2, 3) As of 2013, all but 16 states6. 6. have The Theconsidered Holy Holy Qur’an Qur’an 2:91such 2:91 a law. “ibada” (ritual worship), “mu’amalat” (transactions and 7. 7. The The Holy Holy Qur’an Qur’an 8:62 8:62 contracts), “adab” (behavior, morals, and manners), “i’tiqa- The8. 8. danger Exodus Exodus with 21:24 21:24such bills is the slippery slope e ect, dat” (beliefs), and “‘uqubat” (punishments). Islam 9. 9. Matthew Matthew 5:35-45 5:35-45 where10.10. initially The The Holy theHoly Qur’an goal Qur’an 42:41may 42:41 be to forbid the implementa- prescribes certain laws or principles that govern all ve tion of foreign rules about marriage and family law issues main branches. At its core, Sharia is intended to develop but may eventually lead to prohibiting everyday religious and sustain a moral and just society. practices. In an early draft of the Tennessee bill (which was subsequently rejected), it would have been a felony for The human interpretation of sharia is called “Fiqh,” or Muslims to perform religious practices such as praying, Islamic rules of right action. Fiqh means “understanding,” performing ablution, giving to charity, or fasting because and refers to how the Islamic laws are to be interpreted. they would be considered as banned Sharia practices. (4) The fact that there are so many di erent schools of While this is unconstitutional because it violates the thought on Fiqh illustrates that scholars have varying religious free exercise clause of the First Amendment and understandings in the interpretation of Sharia. is a violation of equal protection laws, it is troubling that SUNRISE {14} MUSLIMMUSLIM[2017]SUNRISE {14} SUNRISE[2017] {20} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017

Justice among the Seher Mujeeb Bhatti Justice among the Seher Mujeeb Bhatti ArabJustice tribes among before the Islam Seher Mujeeb Bhatti ArabArab tribes tribes before before Islam Islam

Justice, to render someone their due would be a broad de ni- Justice, to render someone their due would be a broad de ni- tion,Justice, however to render Islam someone goes further their where due would justice be is a concerned broad de ni in- tion,teachingtion, however however that Islam to Islam compensate goes goes further further someone where where justice for justice good is concerned is should concerned by in no in teachingmeansteaching bethat less that to compensateor to fall compensate short than someone someone what forthat for good person good should should has earned.by by no no meansIn meansthe be case less be ofless or issuingfall or fallshort shorta penalty,than than what whatpunishment that that person person should has has earned. earned.not go Inbeyond theIn thecase whatcase of issuing ofis deservedissuing a penalty, a penalty,for the punishment actpunishment committed. should should In notthis not goway go beyondwebeyond maintain what what is a deservedproper is deserved standard for forthe the ofact justice.act committed. committed. Some Inwould Inthis this waygo way as wefar maintainwe as maintainto suggest a proper a proper that standard a standard person’s of justice.of reward justice. Some should Some would wouldnot goexceed go as as fartheir asfar to asdue, suggest to suggestbut Islamthat that a discouragesperson’s a person’s reward rewardthis shouldbelief, should notfavoring not exceed exceed the theirnotiontheir due, thatdue, but good butIslam Islammultiplies discourages discourages itself thisand this belief,also belief, wards favoring favoring away the evil,the notionThenotion Holy that Qur’anthat good good (11:115)multiplies multiplies itself itself and and also also wards wards away away evil, evil, The TheHoly Holy Qur’an Qur’an (11:115) (11:115) “Surely, good works drive away the evil ones. This is a remind- “Surely,er “Surely,for thosegood good whoworks works would drive drive remember.”away away the the evil evil ones. ones. This This is ais remind a remind- - er forer those for those who who would would remember.” remember.” What the Quran here means is that setting a good example WhatwinsWhat the the theQuran hearts Quran here of menhere means andmeans ismakes that is that settingthem setting duplicate a gooda good exampleit, exampleeventu - winsallywins the eroding thehearts hearts away of men of evil. men and Good and makes makes examples them them duplicate are duplicate an ideal it, it,eventu eventuway -of- allyde ning allyeroding eroding and away growing away evil. evil. Goodvirtue Good examples in examplesthis world. are are anRegarding anideal ideal way wayjustice of of de ningwhende ning you and treatand growing growingthem virtue with virtue a in kind thisin deed,this world. world. in Regardingthis Regarding case rewarding justice justice whenthemwhen you their youtreat due treat them or them evenwith with amore, kind a kind deed,that deed, person in thisin this caseis caselikely rewarding rewarding to heed themadvice.them their Intheir duethis due orway evenor spiritual even more, more, elevation that that person person is ensured is likelyis likely whichto toheed heed is a advice.sureadvice. guidance In this In thisway for way spiritualall. spiritualUltimately elevation elevation the moreis ensuredis ensured we practice which which itis theisa a sure guidance for all. Ultimately the more we practice it the suremore guidance we can forbe savedall. Ultimately from evil. the more we practice it the moremore we canwe canbe savedbe saved from from evil. evil. Looking at these teachings Islam has brought, one can only Looking at these teachings Islam has brought, one can only Lookingimagine at what these justice teachings was like Islam before has thebrought, days of one Islam. can Back only in imagineimagine what what justice justice was was like like before before the the days days of Islam.of Islam. Back Back in in thosethose days, days, Arabs Arabs didn’t didn’t have have any any kind kind ofof courtcourt oror judicialjudicial those days, Arabs didn’t have any kind of court or judicial system,system, it itwas was completely completely foreign foreign to to them. them. They They feudedfeuded overover system, it was completely foreign to them. They feuded over trivialtrivial matters matters which which resulted resulted intointo sacrilegioussacrilegious warswars thatthat paying the consequences. A slave could be sold and passed trivial matters which resulted into sacrilegious wars that paying the consequences. A slave could be sold and passed wouldwould last last for for years. years. Tribes Tribes were were ever ever ready ready to to battle battle it it outout andand payingaround, the and consequences. be expected A slaveto work could obey be sold their and owners passed no would last for years. Tribes were ever ready to battle it out and around, and be expected to work obey their owners no wagewage war war against against other other tribes. tribes. There There waswas nono patiencepatience forfor around,matter andwhat. be Hazrat expected Zaid, Prophetto work Muhammad obey their (sa)’sowners adopted no wage war against other tribes. There was no patience for matter what. Hazrat Zaid, Prophet Muhammad (sa)’s adopted resolvingresolving their their issues, issues, vengeance vengeance andand feudingfeuding waswas theirtheir matterwas a what. slave, Hazrat althoughalthough Zaid, hehe Prophet was was not not Muhammad born born one. one. His His(sa)’s mother mother adopted was was resolving their issues, vengeance and feuding was their reexivereexive response. response. It Itwas was during during Prophet Prophet MuhammadMuhammad (sa)’s(sa)’s wastravelling a slave, toto although visitvisit some some he relatives relatives was not far far born away, away, one. Zaid Zaid His who who mother was was only onlywas a a reexive response. It was during Prophet Muhammad (sa)’s teenteen years years that that a abloody bloody ght ght erupted erupted amongamong thethe variousvarious travellingchild was to withwith visit her. her.some SuddenlySuddenly relatives there there far away, was was a Zaid araid raid whoin in the the was area area only and and a teen years that a bloody ght erupted among the various tribes.tribes. It wasIt was a ghta ght to to last last several several years years as as well well as as claim claim manymany childeveryone was with waswas her. attacked.attacked. Suddenly ZaidZaid there waswas was stolenstolen a raid and inand the sold sold area o oand to to tribes. It was a ght to last several years as well as claim many deaths.deaths. When When it it nally nally ended ended a agroup group of of youths youths from from dierent dierent everyoneslavery. Eventually,Eventually,was attacked. afterafter Zaid manymany was masters,masters, stolen he heand ended ended sold up upo with withto deaths.tribestribes Whenrose rose up it up and nally and initiated initiated ended aa a covenantgroup covenant of youthsthat that would would from be bedierent dedicatdedicat -- slavery.Prophet Eventually, Muhammad after (sa) (sa) many who who treated treatedmasters, him him he so soended nicely nicely thatup that withZaid Zaid tribeseded to rose to bringing bringingup and aboutinitiated about peace peace a covenant and and keeping keepingthat would itit maintained,maintained, be dedicat- it Prophetdidn’t wantMuhammad toto leave,leave, (sa) eveneven who when when treated his his family himfamily so had nicelyhad nally nally that found Zaidfound edwould towould bringing also also help help about the the poorpeace poor and andand those those keeping who who were itwere maintained, oppressed.oppressed. it It didn’thim andwant beggedbegged to leave, himhim even to to come comewhen home. home. his family Although Although had this nally this was was found how how wouldwouldwould also work work help to tothe resolve resolve poor matters andmatters those that that who arose, arose, were whetherwhether oppressed. theythey It bebe himZaid and became begged aa himslave,slave, to the thecome dominationdomination home. Although of of peoples peoples this would was would how be be wouldamongamong work individuals individuals to resolve or or matterstribes. tribes. This thatThis was wasarose, to to be whetherbe knownknown they asas Hilful Hilfulbe Zaidsubject became toto aa alifelife slave, ofof slavery.slavery. the domination What What used used ofto to peopleshappen happen iswould isthat that thebe the amongFudul,Fudul, individuals the the same same organizationor organization tribes. This that thatwas Prophet Prophetto be known MuhammadMuhammad as Hilful (sa)(sa) subjectmen were to a killedkilledlife of whilewhile slavery. women women What and andused children children to happen were were sentis sent that o o thefor for Fudul,joined.joined. the same organization that Prophet Muhammad (sa) menthe wereslave killed trade,trade, while butbut womenwithwith thethe and demanddemand children for for were laborers laborers sent owhole whole for joined. thenations slave andtrade, tribestribes but would would with be bethe taken taken demand under under slavery.for slavery. laborers whole ThereThere was was absolutely absolutely no no justice justice for for slaves. slaves. A A master master couldcould dodo nations and tribes would be taken under slavery. Thereas ashe washe wished wishedabsolutely with with nohis his justiceslave slave andfor and slaves. not not have haveA master toto worryworry could aboutabout do “Have We notnot givengiven him him two two eyes, eyes, and and a atongue tongue and and two two lips? lips? as he wished with his slave and not have to worry about “Have We not given him two eyes, and a tongue and two lips? SUNRISE {15} MUSLIM SUNRISE {15} MUSLIM[2017][2017] SUNRISE {15} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUMMER, FALL 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUMMER, FALL FALL 2017 2017 This verse saves women from their su ering that was preva- Thislent verse before saves Islam, women restoring from theirtheir su eringrights to that them. was Allah preva also- Islam’s Response to lentwarns before that Islam,He will restoring be watching their their rights behaviour to them. to Allah see whethalso - warnser or thatnot theyHe will heed be watchingHim. Compared Anser their Ahmad, behaviour to a time Esq. to when see whetha woman- Misconceptions about erhad or not no voicethey heed of matter Him. orCompared opinion, Islamto a time changed when ita completewoman - hadly forno voicethem ofand matter put orthem opinion, at a highIslam pedestal,changed itteaching complete how- Sharia Law ly“paradise for them liesand at put the them feet atof athe high mother,” pedestal, and teaching how they how are a “paradisepinnacle lies of respect at the feet and ofhonor. the mother,” and how they are a Americanpinnacle of voters respect and and lawmakers honor. are so fearful of Islamic practicesArabia hasto propose come far such from bills. a deep darkness, however, some- Arabiatimes hasone come must far experience from a deep despair darkness, to appreciatehowever, some all the- Giventimesgoodness. theone extensive must In this experience casemisinformation we see despair once circulating uponto appreciate a time what when doesall the there andgoodness.was does limited not In thisconstituteor nocase justice we Sharia see that once law, plagued upon it is imperativea the time world. when that Valuable there Muslimswaslessons limited andcan or non-Muslimsbe no learnt justice by that whatalike plagued happenedgain athe clearer world.in the under Valuablepast,- they And we have pointed out to him the two highways of good standinglessonsbecome can ofessential bethis learnt subject. to bythe what advancementOutlined happened below of in our arethe future. severalpast, theyLet us And we have pointed out to him the two highways of good and evil. But he attempted not the steep ascent. And what misconceptionsbecomenot forget essential where (or to society“myths”) the advancement once about came the from,Sharia of our to law, whatfuture. and it theisLet now. us andshould evil. make But hethee attempted know what not the steep ascent.ascent is?And It whatis the propernot forget explanations where society from once an Islamic came from,perspective. to what it is now. shouldfreeing makeof a slave. thee Orknow feeding what on the a daysteep of ascenthunger. is? An It orphanis the freeing of a slave. Or feeding on a day of hunger. An orphan near of kin. Or a poor man lying in the dust.” MYTH #1: Sharia is a set of laws practiced near of kin. Or a poor man lying in the dust.” The Holy Qur’an (90:8-11) The Holy Qur’an (90:8-11) universally by all Muslims We can see here in the Quran that Islam was to change all this. We can see here in the Quran that Islam was to change all this. Sharia means “a path to life-giving water,” and refers to a Not just for slaves, but also for the orphans and the poor. InNot the just West, for slaves,Sharia butis being also forportrayed the orphans as a andsource the ofpoor. dened path upon which all God-fearing people are Women had their hardships too, they were second class oppression,Women had violence, their hardships and tyranny. too, This they misconception were second ofclass advised to tread. It is grounded in the recognition of God’s citizens and were only considered as commodities or proper- Shariacitizens stems and werefrom onlyactions considered that arise as fromcommodities an out-of-con or proper- - existence. Sharia presupposes that there is a God. God textty. They reading werewere of easilyeasily the Holy usedused Qur’an as as a a means means and reliance of of something something on inauthen to to gamble. gamble.- reveals His desire of how the man should shape his desti- ticIt waswastraditions aa terribleterrible of the timetime Holy for for them, them,Prophetsa they they had hadof Islam. no no rights rights While to to inherit,some inherit, or or ny, and God’s will is manifested in the form of certain laws politiciansany say inin claimanyany issueissue that muchmuch European less less their their Muslims own. own. If“want If her her husband husbandto go by died died or principles. These laws or principles constitute Sharia shariaher house, law,” otherherher property,property, political it it leaders couldcould all allin easily easilythe Unitedbe be taken taken States, away. away. A A and are outlined in the Holy Qur’an. suchman couldas Congressmen taketake onon asas many many Joe wives wivesHeck as as (R-Nev.)he he pleased, pleased, and and and Louie in in some some Gohmert’scases, somesome (R-Texas), eveneven marriedmarried claim their their that mothers. mothers. Muslims The The are rights rights trying of of women womento The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa further elaborated and implementwere those sharia thatthat hadhad law to toin be bethe addressed addressed United States. by by Islam. Islam. (1) The The Quran Quran says: says: illustrated these rules and principles through his deeds also called Sunnah (the practice of the Holy Prophetsa) More“O ye disconcerting people!people! fearfear youryourthan LordLordthe political whowho created created rhetoric, you you isfrom from the afact asingle single and his words, referred to as Ahadith (sayings of the Holy soul and of its kind created its mate, and from them twain thatsoul nine and statesof its kindin America created have its mate, already and passed fromThe “Blackthemstatutes Stone” twain Prophetsa). As the Holy Qur’an, Sunnah, and Ahadith are The “Black Stone” (Hajar al-Aswad) forbiddingspread manymany the menmen use and andof foreignwomen; women; law, and and andfear fear Allah, anotherAllah, in(Hajar in Whose al-Aswad) Whosethirteen name name considered primary sources of Sharia by Muslim scholars. statesyou appeal have totosuch oneone proposed another,another, and andbills fear fear pending. him him particularly particularly In 2010 respect andrespect - - But in order of importance, the Holy Qur’an outranks 2011ing tiesties more ofof kinship.kinship.than two Verily Verily dozen Allah Allah states watches watches “considered over over you.” you.” measures Sunnah and Ahadith. toThe restrict Holy judges Qur’anQur’an from (4:2)(4:2) consulting Sharia, or foreign and religious laws more generally”. (2, 3) As of 2013, all but 16 In Islam, Sharia can be divided into ve main branches: states have considered such a law. “ibada” (ritual worship), “mu’amalat” (transactions and contracts), “adab” (behavior, morals, and manners), “i’tiqa- References: The danger with such bills is the slippery slope e ect, dat” (beliefs), and “‘uqubat” (punishments). Islam where initially the goal may be to forbid the implementa- prescribes certain laws or principles that govern all ve Sources: The The ConceptConcept of of Justice Justice in in Islam Islam by by Sir Sir Muhammad Muhammad Zafrullah Zafrullah Khan Khan tion of foreign rules about marriage and family law issues main branches. At its core, Sharia is intended to develop but may eventually lead to prohibiting everyday religious and sustain a moral and just society. practices. In an early draft of the Tennessee bill (which was subsequently rejected), it would have been a felony for The human interpretation of sharia is called “Fiqh,” or Muslims to perform religious practices such as praying, Islamic rules of right action. Fiqh means “understanding,” performing ablution, giving to charity, or fasting because and refers to how the Islamic laws are to be interpreted. they would be considered as banned Sharia practices. (4) The fact that there are so many di erent schools of While this is unconstitutional because it violates the thought on Fiqh illustrates that scholars have varying religious free exercise clause of the First Amendment and understandings in the interpretation of Sharia. is a violation of equal protection laws, it is troubling that MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {16}{16} MUSLIM[2017][2017] SUNRISE {20} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUMMER, FALL 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUMMER, FALLFALL 20172017

What the Holy Qur’an WhatWhat thethe HolyHoly Qur’anQur’an Tariq Sharif Can Teach the World TariqTariq Sharif Sharif CanCan Teach Teach thethe WorldWorld about Justice aboutabout JusticeJustice

Have you ever been wronged by another person? Has verse is so signi cant that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) Have you ever been wronged by another person? Has verse is so signi cant that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) Havesomeone you everyou beencare wrongedabout been by anotherwronged person? by another Has versecommented is so signi cant on it as that such: Hazrat “When Khalifatul Hazrat Masih Abdullah IV (rh) bin someone you care about been wronged by another commented on it as such: “When Hazrat Abdullah bin someoneperson? Haveyou youcare seen about examples been inwronged the news by media, another or in commentedMasood contemplated on it as such: on the“When above-mentioned Hazrat Abdullah verse, bin he person?person? Have Have you you seen seen examples examples inin thethe newsnews media, or in MasoodMasood contemplated contemplated on on the the above-mentioned above-mentioned verse, verse, he he youryour community,community, of groups ofof peoplepeople being being wronged wronged by by spontaneouslyspontaneously exclaimed exclaimed that that it was it was the themost most comprehen comprehen- - yourothers? community, of groups of people being wronged by spontaneouslysive verse of the exclaimed Holy Qur’an. that it This was observation the most comprehen by … one- of others?others? sivesive verse verse of of the the Holy Holy Qur’an. Qur’an. This This observation observation by by … … one one of of thethe greatest greatest commentators commentators of the of the Holy Holy Qur’an Qur’an is indeed is indeed of of No doubt, the answer is yes, yes, and yes. As decency, thegreat greatest consequence. commentators (3) of the Holy Qur’an is indeed of NoNo doubt, doubt, the the answer answer isis yes,yes, yes,yes, andand yes.yes. As decency, greatgreat consequence. consequence. (3) (3) morality,morality, andand integrity continuecontinue toto declinedecline in in the the world, world, morality,and even and become integrity ridiculed continue as to outdated decline inold-fashioned the world, The verse is as follows: “Indeed Allah requires you to abide andand even even become become ridiculedridiculed asas outdatedoutdated old-fashionedold-fashioned TheThe verseverse is is as as follows: follows: “Indeed “Indeed Allah Allah requires requires you you to to abide abide values,values, itit isis nono surprise thatthat justicejustice is is also also fast fast becoming becoming an an byby justice, justice, to todo do good good to others,to others, and and to give to give to others to others like like values, it is no surprise that justice is also fast becoming an by justice, to do good to others, and to give to others like “endangered“endangered species”. WhenWhen ourour politicalpolitical andand religious religious thethe giving giving to toone’s one’s own own family family and and relations.” relations.” “endangered species”. When our political and religious the giving to one’s own family and relations.” leadersleaders regularlyregularly lie andand breakbreak promisespromises toto their their own own leaders regularly lie and break promises to their own people,people, howhow can we expectexpect honestyhonesty andand justice justice across across ThoseThose familiar familiar with with the the style style of the of theQur’an Qur’an will willnote note a series a series people, how can we expect honesty and justice across Those familiar with the style of the Qur’an will note a series nationsnations andand communities? TooToo manymany ofof us, us, faced faced with with ofof three three types types of ofactions actions required required of aof person a person by God,by God, nations and communities? Too many of us, faced with of three types of actions required of a person by God, anotheranother actact of betrayal ofof ourour trust,trust, say say with with a awry wry smile, smile, arrangedarranged in ina speci ca speci c order: order: Abiding Abiding by justiceby justice is the is rstthe rst another act of betrayal of our trust, say with a wry smile, arranged in a speci c order: Abiding by justice is the rst “what“what elseelse cancan you expect?” The The Holy Holy Qur’an Qur’an speaks speaks of of this this andand most most basic basic requirement requirement of aof human a human being, being, followed followed “what else can you expect?” The Holy Qur’an speaks of this and most basic requirement of a human being, followed currentcurrent crisis:crisis: “Corruption hashas spreadspread onon landland and and sea sea byby the the doing doing of ofgood good, and, and nally nally reaching reaching a level a level where where current crisis: “Corruption has spread on land and sea by the doing of good, and nally reaching a level where becausebecause ofof whatwhat man’s handshands have have wrought wrought …” …” (1) (1) othersothers are are treated treated as ifas they if they were were family family. . because of what man’s hands have wrought …” (1) others are treated as if they were family. ItIt is is particularly particularly damaging thatthat injustices injustices by by religious religious lead lead- - BeforeBefore expounding expounding on onthese these three three levels, levels, let us let take us take a step a step It is particularly damaging that injustices by religious lead- Before expounding on these three levels, let us take a step ersers of of every every faithfaith have occurredoccurred and and been been widely widely reported, reported, backback and and ground ground ourselves ourselves on onthe themeaning meaning of justice. of justice. We We ers of every faith have occurred and been widely reported, back and ground ourselves on the meaning of justice. We becausebecause theythey have helped obscureobscure the the role role that that religion religion allall likely likely know know what what it is, it butis, but it is it important is important to articulate to articulate it. it. becausecan and they should have play helped in creating obscure a system the ofrole justice that thatreligion is in Thinkall likely back know to those what examples it is, but itwhen is important you or someone to articulate else it. can and should play in creating a system of justice that is in Think back to those examples when you or someone else canharmony and should with playhuman in creating nature. Islam a system has byof justiceno means that been is in Think back to those examples when you or someone else harmony with human nature. Islam has by no means been harmonyimmune with to this. human Hazrat nature. Khalifatul Islam Masihhas by V no (aba) means states: been “I immune to this. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) states: “I immunealso do notto this. deny Hazrat the fact Khalifatul that a veil Masih was put V over(aba) this states: beau “I- also do not deny the fact that a veil was put over this beau- alsotiful do teaching not deny …duethe fact to that the a veilsel sh was putattitudes over this and beau the- tifultifulpersonal teachingteaching interests …due…due of Islamic toto thethe leaders sel shsel sh and attitudes attitudesscholars. Heand and [God] the the personalpersonalsent the interests interestsPromised of of IslamicMessiah Islamic leaders leaders(as), who and and clearly scholars. scholars. expounded He He [God] [God] sentsentupon the the this Promised Promised beautiful Messiah teachingMessiah (as), …”(as), (2) who who clearly clearly expounded expounded uponupon this this beautiful beautiful teaching teaching …” …” (2) (2) What was the beautiful teaching of justice laid out in the WhatWhatHoly was wasQur’an the the beautifuland beautiful re-established teaching teaching of byof justice justicethe Founder laid laid out out ofin in the the HolyHolyAhmadiyya Qur’anQur’an andMuslimand re-established re-established Community? by by Howthe the Founder canFounder it help of of the usthe AhmadiyyaAhmadiyyareclaim this Muslim lostMuslim value Community?Community? in an age of corruptionHow How can can andit ithelp sel shhelp us -us reclaimreclaimness? this this lost lost value value in in an an age age of of corruption corruption and and sel sh sel sh- - ness?ness? The hallmark verse of the Holy Qur’an which illuminates TheThethis hallmark hallmarksubject isverse versefound of of in the theChapter Holy Holy Qur’an16 Qur’an Al-Nahl, which which Verse illuminates illuminates 91. This thisthis subject subject is is found found in in Chapter Chapter 16 16 Al-Nahl, Al-Nahl, Verse Verse 91. 91. This This SUNRISE {17} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {17}{17} MUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIM FALL, SPRING 2017 MUSLIM FALL, SPRING 2017 was wronged. What happened? There MUSLIMareMUSLIM only FALL, FALL, two SPRING SPRING you 2017 2017were to pay back more than what was owed? How options:was wronged.You did something What happened? of value andThere were are not only fully two might you that were engender to pay back love andmore peace than in what society? was Inowed? fact, it How is rewardedwaswasoptions: wronged.wronged. OR You you did What Whatdid something something happened?happened? of wrongvalue There andand areare were were onlyonly not pun twotwo fully- youwell youmight wererecorded were thatto to pay engenderthatpay back thisback more was lovemore thethan and than practice peacewhat what was inof society? wasthe owed? Holyowed? InHow Proph fact, How it- is ishedoptions:options:rewarded beyond You You OR adid didreasonable you somethingsomething did something means. ofof value In short,wrong and werejustice wereand notwerenot is only fullyfully pun -mightetmight Muhammadwell that recordedthat engender engender (sa) that andlove this love hisand was and companions. peace the peace practice in society? in society? Hazrat of theIn fact, InKhalifatulHoly fact, it isProph it is - servedrewardedrewardedished when beyond OR ORa personyou you a reasonable diddid or somethingsomething group means. of people wrong In short, receiveandand justice werewere what pun punis isonly- - wellMasih wellet recorded Muhammadrecorded V (aba) that thatexplains: this(sa) this was and was “Todaythe his the practice companions. practice we ofobserve theof the HolyHazrat Holyat Proph bothKhalifatul Proph- a- ished beyond a reasonable means. In short, justice is only et Muhammad (sa) and his companions. Hazrat Khalifatul due,ishedserved either beyond when as a rewarda a reasonable person for orgood groupmeans. works of In people orshort, as a justicepunishmentreceive is what only ispersonal etMasih Muhammad levelV (aba) as (sa) well explains: and as athis a “Today companions.governmental we observe Hazrat one, loansKhalifatulat both are a served when a person or group of people receive what is Masih V (aba) explains: “Today we observe at both a forserved due,bad works.either when asaThis persona reward justice or for shouldgroup good ofbe works people based or receiveasonly a punishment on what one’s is taken Masihpersonal yet V all(aba) level sorts explains:as of well excuses as “Today at are a governmental presented we observe when one, at it bothloanscomes area due, either as a reward for good works or as a punishment personal level as well as at a governmental one, loans are due,for eitherbad works. as a reward This justice for good should works be or based as a punishmentonly on one’s personaltaken yet level all sortsas well of asexcuses at a governmental are presented one, when loans it comes are actions,for bad NOT works. on anyThis otherjustice criteria, should includingbe based onlythe person’son one’s takento paying yet all it back.sorts of However, excuses arewhen presented we observe when the it comes example foractions, bad works. NOT Thison any justice other should criteria, be includingbased only the on person’s one’s takento paying yet all it sorts back. of However, excuses arewhen presented we observe when the it examplecomes familyactions, background, NOT on any wealth, other in uence,criteria, including country the of person’s origin, toof payingthe Holy it back. Prophet However, (sa) which when in we fact observe is the thetrue example teachings actions,family NOTbackground, on any other wealth, criteria, in uence, including country the person’sof origin, toof paying the Holy it back. Prophet However, (sa) which when in we fact observe is the truethe example teachings andfamily so forth. background, wealth, in uence, country of origin, of theIslam, Holy we Prophet nd that (sa) not which only in did fact he is repay the true the teachings loan before familyand sobackground, forth. wealth, in uence, country of origin, itof wasof the Islam, due, Holy butwe Prophet ndhe would that (sa) not whichreturn only in moredid fact he thanis repay the the true the actual teachingsloan sumbefore andand so so forth. forth. ofof Islam, Islam, we we nd nd that that not not only only did did he herepay repay the the loan loan before before Therefore, the Qur’an establishes the minimum require- ithe was ithad was due, borrowed due, but buthe would duehe would to return his returnbenevolence.” more more than thanthe (6) actual the actual sum sum it was due, but he would return more than the actual sum mentTherefore, of human thethe Qur’aninteractionQur’an establishes establishes as ‘Adl the orthe minimumjustice, minimum meaning require require- -he hehad had borrowed borrowed due due to his to benevolence.” his benevolence.” (6) (6) Therefore, the Qur’an establishes the minimum require- he had borrowed due to his benevolence.” (6) givingment what ofof humanishuman due. However, interactioninteraction the as asQur’an ‘Adl ‘Adl or orlays justice, justice, out ameaning deepermeaning On the ip side, how can a creditor practice the higher ment of human interaction as ‘Adl or justice, meaning wisdom,giving that whatwhat there is is due. due. is However,a However, higher thelevel the Qur’an Qur’anof doing lays lays goodout out a deeper abovea deeper Onlevel Onthe ofthe ip Ihsaan, ipside, side, howdoing how can of cana good?creditor a creditor Here practice practicethe theHoly higher the Qur’an higher andgivingwisdom, beyond what thatthat theis due.there therebasic However, is is limit.a ahigher higher In the levelhis levelQur’an book of of doing laysdoingThe out goodConcept good a deeperabove above of levelspeaks Onlevel theof of Ihsaan,of ip benevolence Ihsaan, side, doing how doing inofcan the good?of a case good?creditor Here of a Heredebtor thepractice Holythe who theHolyQur’an is strughigher Qur’an - Justicewisdom,and in beyondbeyond Islam, that thereMuhammad thethe basic basicis a higherlimit. limit. Zafrulla In levelIn his his Khan ofbook bookdoing explains: The The good Concept Concept “It above has of of speaksgling levelspeaks to of repay benevolence ofIhsaan, benevolence the doingloan. in “Andthe of in case thegood? if any caseof a debtor Heredebtor of a debtorthe be who inHoly iswhostraitened strug Qur’an is -strug - and beyond the basic limit. In his book The Concept of speaks of benevolence in the case of a debtor who is strug- sometimesJustice inin Islam, beenIslam, Muhammad suggestedMuhammad thatZafrulla Zafrulla a … Khan Khanstrict explains: explains: concept “It “Ithas of has glingcircumstances, gling to repay to repay the then theloan. grantloan. “And “Andhim if any respite if debtorany debtor until be ina betimestraitened in straitenedof ease. Justice in Islam, Muhammad Zafrulla Khan explains: “It has gling to repay the loan. “And if any debtor be in straitened justicesometimes demands beenbeen that suggested rewardsuggested or recompensethat that a a… … strict strict should concept concept not beof ofcircumstances,And circumstances, that you remitthen then grant [the grant balancehim himrespite ofrespite theuntil loan] untila time asa oftime charity ease. of ease. is sometimes been suggested that a … strict concept of circumstances, then grant him respite until a time of ease. in excessjusticejustice demands ofdemands what was that that earned.reward reward or Islam or recompense recompense does not should acceptshould not thisnot be beAndbetter And that for that you you, you remit if youremit [the only [the balance knew.” balance of (7) the of loan]the loan] as charity as charity is is justice demands that reward or recompense should not be And that you remit [the balance of the loan] as charity is limitation.inin excessexcess It ofproceedsof whatwhat was was upon earned. earned. the principleIslam Islam does does that not notgood accept accept multi this this- better better for you,for you, if you if youonly only knew.” knew.” (7) (7) in excess of what was earned. Islam does not accept this better for you, if you only knew.” (7) plieslimitation.limitation. itself and It It proceeds hasproceeds the quality upon upon the ofthe principleprevailing principle that thatagainst, good good multi or multi of- -The person whose only balance sheet is materialistic won- limitation. It proceeds upon the principle that good multi- drivingplies away, itselfitself andandevil has…has Consequently,the the quality quality of of prevailing thereprevailing is noagainst, against, reason or toorof ofTheders The person at person such whose advice. whose only Butonly balance the balance person sheet sheet is whomaterialistic is materialistichas developed won- won - pliesdriving itself away, and evilhas …the Consequently, quality of prevailing there is noagainst, reason or to of dersThe atperson such whoseadvice. onlyBut thebalance person sheet who is hasmaterialistic developed won - putdriving a limit uponaway, the evil reward … Consequently, or recompense there of isgood.” no reason (4) tofaith ders and at asuch relationship advice. But with the God, person knows who that has there developed is a drivingput a limit away, upon evil the … rewardConsequently, or recompense there isof no good.” reason (4) to faithders and at sucha relationship advice. But with the God, person knows who that has there developed is a put a limit upon the reward or recompense of good.” (4) spiritualfaith andbalance a relationship sheet as well. with Allah God, Almightyknows that has there prom is- a put a limit upon the reward or recompense of good.” (4) spiritualfaith and balance a relationship sheet as well.with Allah God, Almighty knows that has thereprom- is a isedspiritual to more balance than make sheet up as the well. dierence Allah Almighty of the forgivenhas prom - isedspiritual to more balance than makesheet up as thewell. dierence Allah Almighty of the forgiven has prom - loan.ised God to moresays in than the makeHoly Qur’an: up the “Whodierence is it that of the will forgiven lend loan.ised Godto more says inthan the make Holy Qur’an:up the “Whodierence is it that of thewill forgivenlend to loan.Allah Goda goodly says in loan? the Holy He Qur’an:[Allah] “Whowill then is it thatincrease will lendit toloan. Allah God a goodlysays in loan?the Holy He Qur’an:[Allah] will“Who then is it increase that will itlend multi-foldto Allah for a him,goodly and loan? he will He have [Allah] a generous will then reward.” increase (8) it multi-foldto Allah fora goodly him, and loan? he will He have [Allah] a generous will then reward.” increase (8) it Thismulti-fold reward fromfor him, God and is henot will simply have arhetoric. generous Thousands reward.” (8) Thismulti-fold reward forfrom him, God and is henot will simply have rhetoric.a generous Thousands reward.” (8) andThis thousands reward offrom religious God ispeople not simply can attest rhetoric. to the Thousands worldly andThis thousands reward from of religious God is people not simply can attest rhetoric. to the Thousandsworldly andand spiritual thousands benets of religious of charity people according can attest to Ihsaan, to the good worldly- andand spiritual thousands benets of religious of charity people according can attest to Ihsaan, to the good worldly- ness,and whichwhich spiritual goes goes benets beyond beyond theof the charity basic basic limits according limits of ofjustice. justice. to Ihsaan, good- andness, spiritual which benets goes beyond of charity the basicaccording limits to of Ihsaan, justice. good - ness, which goes beyond the basic limits of justice.

ChaudhariChaudhari Muhammad Muhammad Zafrulla Zafrulla Khan Khan Chaudhari Muhammad Zafrulla Khan ThisThis principle principleChaudhari is illustratedis illustrated Muhammad in in the the Holy Holy Zafrulla Qur’an Qur’an Khan – – specically, specically, thatthatThis good goodprinciple does does not is notillustrated simply simply substitute substitutein the Holy for for Qur’an evil evil but but – specically, actuallyactually Thisworks principle to overcome is illustrated it: “Surely in the good Holy works Qur’an drive – specically, away evil worksthat to good overcome does not it: “Surely simply goodsubstitute works for drive evil awaybut actually evil thatworks. good This does is a notreminder simply for substitute those who for would evil butremember.” actually works.works This to is overcome a reminder it: for“Surely those good who workswould drive remember.” away evil works(5) to overcome it: “Surely good works drive away evil (5) works. This is a reminder for those who would remember.” works.(5) This is a reminder for those who would remember.” (5)Therefore, the basic level of justice, ‘Adl, would require one Therefore, the basic level of justice, ‘Adl, would require one to,Therefore, for example, the basic pay back level a of loan justice, in full. ‘Adl, But would God Almightyrequire one to,Therefore, infor the example, Qur’an the basicholdspay back levelup a a higherof loan justice, instandard, full. ‘Adl, But would namely God require Almighty “doing one of in theto, Qur’anfor example, holds payup a back higher a loan standard, in full. namely But God “doing Almighty of to,good”in for the example, Qur’anor Ihsaan, holds pay essentially back up a ahigher loan asking in standard, full.what But would namely God happen Almighty “doing if of good” or Ihsaan, essentially asking what would happen if SUNRISE ingood” the Qur’an or Ihsaan, holds essentiallyup a higher asking standard, what namely would “doing happen{18} of if MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIMSUNRISE good” or Ihsaan, essentially asking what would happen{18} if [2017]SUNRISE {18} MUSLIM[2017] SUNRISE {18} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUMMER, FALL 2017 MUSLIM SUMMER, FALL 2017 Then, in the Qur’an, Allah lays out the highest standardMUSLIM SUMMER,of justice FALLhistory. 2017 The plot is as old as mankind, and only the most unjust Then,and ingoodness the Qur’an, – treating Allah lays others out the as thoughhighest theystandard were of your justice own history.person The would plot deny is as it.old Yet as ifmankind, the more and powerful only the nations most unjusthad any andfamily.Then, goodness inThe the depth Qur’an,– treating of Allah wisdom others lays outin as this thethough concept,highest they standard called were yourIitaa-e of justice own Dhil history.personreal fear wouldThe of plot God deny is asand it. old Yetalso as ifmankind, trust the more in God, and powerful onlyhow the dierent nations most unjust ourhad worldany family.Qurbaaand Thegoodness in depth the Qur’an,– of treating wisdom could others in ll this asvolumes thoughconcept, andthey called is were extraordinarily Iitaa-e your ownDhil personrealmight fear would lookof God today!deny and it. Not alsoYet ifonly trust the wouldmore in God, powerful they how have dierent nations justly had compensatour any world - Qurbaarelevantfamily. in The inthe ourdepth Qur’an, world of wisdomcould today. ll inHow volumes this many concept, and times calledis extraordinarilyhave Iitaa-e we seen Dhil a realmighted fear these look of God weakertoday! and Not nations,also only trust butwould in God,they they howwould have dierent have justly soughtour compensat world to help- Qurbaa in the Qur’an, could ll volumes and is extraordinarily might look today! Not only would they have justly compensat- relevantdierent in standardour world of today. justice How applied many because times have it is we the seen “other”, a edestablish these weaker them nations,on the butsame they infrastructure, would have soughttechnology to help and relevant in our world today. How many times have we seen a ed these weaker nations, but they would have sought to help dierentbecause standard it is “someone of justice else’s” applied family, orbecause community, it is the or nation, “other”, or establish nancial them systems on tothe empower same infrastructure, their independence technology and growth. and dierent standard of justice applied because it is the “other”, establish them on the same infrastructure, technology and becauserace? To it beis “someone provocative, else’s” the family, moment or community, we are more or soft-hearted nation, or nancialRather systemsthan the to strongerempower nations their independence ‘missing out’, and think growth. of the race?because To be itprovocative, is “someone theelse’s” moment family, orwe community, are more soft-hearted or nation, or nancialRather thansystems the to stronger empower nations their independence ‘missing out’, and think growth. of the towardsrace? To our be provocative,own children the than moment to someone’s we are more else’s, soft-hearted thus apply - Rathermoney than and the lives stronger that would nations have ‘missing been savedout’, think from ofthe the lack of towards our own children than to someone’s else’s, thus apply- money and lives that would have been saved from the lack of ingtowards a dierent our own standard children of than justice, to someone’s the moment else’s, thethus seeds apply -of moneyconicts, and liveswars, that and would weaponry. have been Think saved of the from great the lackminds of and ing a dierent standard of justice, the moment the seeds of conicts, wars, and weaponry. Think of the great minds and discourseing a dierent and moral standard disease of arejustice, sewn the in society.moment That the isseeds the stan of - conicts,innovations wars, thatand weaponry.entire nations Think andof the continents great minds could and have discoursedarddiscourse that and absolute and moral moral diseasejustice disease requires. are are sewn sewn in in society. society. That That isis thethe stan- innovationsinnovationscontributed thatthat to the entireentire future nations nations of mankind. and and continents continents could could have have darddard that that absolute absolute justice justice requires. requires. contributedcontributed to to the the future future of of mankind. mankind. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) quoted an example from the life Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) explains this state of mind: “You HazratofHazrat the Khalifatul Holy Khalifatul Prophet Masih Masih MuhammadV V(aba) (aba) quoted quoted (sa) an an in example example his Friday fromfrom sermon the life of HazratHazratshould Khalifatul Khalifatul not consider Masih Masih ‘AdlV V(aba) (aba) and explains Ihsaanexplains [justicethis this state state and of mind:ofdoing mind: “You of “Yougood] ofMarch ofthe the Holy 13, Holy 2009:Prophet Prophet “Once Muhammad Muhammad a woman (sa)named (sa) in in his Fatimahis FridayFriday who sermonsermon belonged of shouldshouldto be not notthe consider considerultimate ‘Adl ‘Adlstage, and and rather,Ihsaan Ihsaan [justicegiving [justice likeand and kindreddoing doing of [Iitaa-e good] of good] Dhil MarchtoMarch a wealthy13, 13, 2009: 2009: tribe “Once “Once committed a awoman woman theftnamed named and Fatima Fatima the Holy whowho Prophet belongedbelonged (sa) toto Qurbaa] bebe thethe ultimate ultimate should stage, alsostage, berather, rather, kept giving givingin view, like like kindredand kindred you [Iitaa-e should[Iitaa-e Dhil aordDhil topassed ato wealthy a wealthy judgement tribe tribe committed accordingly.committed theft theft Some and and Companions the the HolyHoly ProphetProphet approached (sa) Qurbaa]Qurbaa]sympathy shouldshould to othersalso also be bewithout kept kept in inanyview, view, personal and and you youmotive. should should Youaord aord should passedthepassed Prophet judgement judgement (sa) foraccordingly. accordingly. concession. Some Some This Companions Companionsangered the approachedapproached Prophet and sympathysympathyfeel the pain toto others others of others without without as if any it any is personalyour personal own motive. pain; motive. such You You isshould the should condi - thehethe Prophet said Prophet that (sa) even (sa) for forif concession. his concession. own daughter This This angered angered Fatima thehadthe Prophet Prophetbeen the and one feelfeeltion the the that pain pain will of of othersmake others youas as if ifita ittrueis isyour your believer own own pain; (Mo’min)” pain; such such is (10)the is the condi condi- - hewho hesaid said committedthat that even even if the hisif his owncrime, own daughter daughter he would Fatima Fatima have had had passed beenbeen thethe onesame tiontion that that will will make make you you a atrue true believer believer (Mo’min)” (Mo’min)” (10) (10) whojudgement.”who committed committed (9) theIn theshort, crime, crime, wisdom, he he would would mercy, have have and passedpassed justice the themust same form I would like to close this brief explanation of the Qur’anic judgement.”thejudgement.” basis of (9) every (9) In Inshort, action. short, wisdom, wisdom, Whether mercy, mercy, someone and and justice choosesjustice mustmust clemency, form II wouldwouldconcept likelike of totojustice closeclose withthis this briefa briefprayer explanation explanation by our currentof ofthe the Qur’anicHead Qur’anic of the thepunishment,the basis basis of ofevery every or somethingaction. action. Whether Whether in the middle,someone someone it canchooses chooses never clemency,clemency, be applied conceptconceptAhmadiyya ofof justicejustice Muslim with with Community, a aprayer prayer by Hazratby our our current Khalifatul current Head Head Masih of theof V (aba): the punishment,withpunishment, bias or or inconsistently orsomething something in in thebecause the middle, middle, of itfamily it can can never never ties or bebe any applied other AhmadiyyaAhmadiyya“May God Muslim MuslimAlmighty Community, Community, enable us Hazrat allHazrat to Khalifatul develop Khalifatul suchMasih Masih sympathy V (aba): V (aba): for with bias or inconsistently because of family ties or any other “May God Almighty enable us all to develop such sympathy for withreason. bias Rather,or inconsistently all situations because should of be family treated ties in orthe any interest other of “Maythe Godwhole Almighty of mankind! enable Each us allperson to develop should such try tosympathy develop for this reason. Rather, all situations should be treated in the interest of the whole of mankind! Each person should try to develop this reason.serving Rather, God and all situations society, and should all must be treated be treated in the as interest extensions of the[sympathy] whole of accordingmankind! Eachto the person standards should and try capacity to develop of his this own servingserving God God and and society, society, and and all all must must be be treated treated asas extensionsextensions [sympathy][sympathy] according according to to the the standards standards and and capacity capacity of hisof hisown own ofof one’s one’s own own family family rather than thethe “other”. “other”. emotionsemotions and and feelings. feelings. Instead Instead of heading of heading towards towards destruction, destruction, of one’s own family rather than the “other”. emotions and feelings. Instead of heading towards destruction, maymay the the world world save save itself itself by byunderstanding understanding the subjectthe subject of of may the world save itself by understanding the subject of WhenWhen we we start start toto looklook at the worldworld aroundaround us us with with these these “new” “new” justice,justice, and and the the doing doing of good of good to others, to others, and andgiving giving like kindred! like kindred! When we start to look at the world around us with these “new” justice, and the doing of good to others, and giving like kindred! eyeseyes ofof thethe Qur’an,Qur’an, we can quicklyquickly seesee wherewhere societies societies and and MayMay God God Almighty Almighty also also enable enable the theworld world to understand to understand this and this and eyesnationsnations of the have have Qur’an, deviateddeviated we fromcan quicklyjusticejustice and andsee goodness. goodness.where societies Fundamen Fundamen and- - therebyMaythereby God make Almighty make the the world also world into enable into a heavenly a the heavenly world abode, to abode, understand and provideand provide this also and also nationstally,tally, when whenhave peopledeviatedpeople un-tetherun-tether from justice themselvesthemselves and goodness. from from trust trust Fundamen and and fear fear of -of thetherebythe means means make in thisin the this world world world for into thefor atheheaven heavenly heaven that abode, thatlies in lies the and in hereafter!” theprovide hereafter!” also tally,God,God, when all all bets betspeople areare o,un-tethero, so to speak, themselves andand sel shnesssel shness from trust becomes becomesand fear the ofthe (11)the(11) means in this world for the heaven that lies in the hereafter!” God,orderorder all of betsof thethe are day.day. o, WithWith so to trust speak, andand and fearfear sel shness ofof God, God, the the becomes standards standards the of of (11) orderAbsoluteAbsolute of the Trust, Trust, day. Goodness,Goodness,With trust andand Kinship Kinshipfear of (‘Adl, God,(‘Adl, Ihsaan, theIhsaan, standards and and Iitaa-e Iitaa-e of Ameen.Ameen. AbsoluteDhilDhil Qurbaa)Qurbaa) Trust, Goodness, becomebecome new and standardsstandardsKinship (‘Adl, thatthat Ihsaan, fosterfoster andpeace peace Iitaa-e and and Ameen. Dhilcollaboration.collaboration. Qurbaa) become new standards that foster peace and collaboration. ForFor example, example, thethe numbernumber of timestimes moremore powerful powerful nations nations have have Forattemptedattempted example, totheto subjugatesubjugate number ofweaker times nationsnations more powerfulwho who possessed possessed nations natural naturalhave attemptedresourcesresources to such such subjugate as as gold,gold, weakerdiamonds, nations and and oil oilwho is is well-documented well-documentedpossessed natural in in resources such as gold, diamonds, and oil is well-documented in References:References: References:1. The Holy Qur’an (30:42) 1.2. The True Holy Justice Qur’an and (30:42)Peace, p.15-16, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V 1. 2.3. The True Absolute Holy Justice Qur’an Justice, and (30:42) Peace, Kindness p.15-16, and Kinship: Hazrat TheMirza Three Masroor Creative Ahmad, Principles, Khalifatul p. 15, MasihHazrat V Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV 2. 3.4. True Absolute The Justice Concept Justice,and of Peace, Justice Kindness p.15-16, in Islam, and Hazrat Kinship:p. 1, Muhammad Mirza The Masroor Three Zafrullah Creative Ahmad, Khan. Principles, Khalifatul Note: italics p.Masih 15, in Hazrat Vpassage Mirza added Tahir for Ahmad, emphasis Khalifatul Masih IV 3. 4.5. Absolute The The Concept Holy Justice, Qur’an of Kindness Justice (11:115) in and Islam, Kinship: p. 1, Muhammad The Three Creative Zafrullah Principles, Khan. Note: p. 15, italics Hazrat in passageMirza Tahir added Ahmad, for emphasis Khalifatul Masih IV 4. 5.6. The The Ibid, Concept Holy Khalifatul Qur’an of Justice Masih (11:115) in V, Islam,p. 27 p. 1, Muhammad Zafrullah Khan. Note: italics in passage added for emphasis 5. 6.7. The Ibid, The Holy KhalifatulHoly Qur’an Qur’an (11:115) Masih (2:281) V, p. 27 6. 7.8. Ibid, The The Khalifatul Holy Holy Qur’an Qur’an Masih (2:281)(57:12) V, p. 27 7. 8.9. The The Friday Holy Holy Qur’anSermon: Qur’an (2:281) True (57:12) Commemoration of the blessed life of the Holy Prophet (pboh) by Khalifatul Masih V at https://www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/printer-friendly 8. 9. The Friday-summary-2009-03-13.html Holy Sermon:Qur’an (57:12) True Commemoration of the blessed life of the Holy Prophet (pboh) by Khalifatul Masih V at https://www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/printer-friendly 9. 10. Friday-summary-2009-03-13.html Ibid, Sermon: Khalifatul True Masih Commemoration V, p. 21 of the blessed life of the Holy Prophet (pboh) by Khalifatul Masih V at https://www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/printer-friendly 10.11. -summary-2009-03-13.html Ibid, Ibid, Khalifatul Khalifatul MasihMasih V, p. 36-721 10.11. Ibid, Ibid, Khalifatul Khalifatul Masih Masih V, p.V, 21p. 36-7 11. Ibid, Khalifatul Masih V, p. 36-7 SUNRISE {19} MUSLIM[2017] SUNRISE {19} MUSLIM[2017] SUNRISE {19} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL 2017 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 Islam’sIslam’s ResponseResponse toto Islam’s Response to Anser Anser Ahmad, Ahmad, Esq. Esq. MisconceptionsMisconceptions aboutabout Anser Ahmad, Esq. Misconceptions about ShariaSharia LawLaw Sharia Law AmericanAmerican voters voters and and lawmakers lawmakers are are so so fearful fearful of of Islamic Islamic Americanpracticespractices votersto to propose propose and lawmakerssuch such bills. bills. are so fearful of Islamic practices to propose such bills. GivenGiven the the extensive extensive misinformation misinformation circulating circulating what what does does Givenandand does thedoes extensive not not constitute constitute misinformation Sharia Sharia law, law, circulating it it is is imperative imperative what does that that andMuslimsMuslims does not andand constitute non-Muslimsnon-Muslims Sharia alikealike law, gain gainit is aimperativea clearerclearer under underthat -- Muslimsstandingstanding and ofof non-Muslimsthisthis subject.subject. alikeOutlinedOutlined gain belowabelow clearer areare under severalseveral- standingmisconceptionsmisconceptions of this (or (orsubject. “myths”) “myths”) Outlined about about the thebelow Sharia Sharia are law, law, several and and the the misconceptionsproperproper explanations explanations (or “myths”) from from an anabout Islamic Islamic the perspective. Shariaperspective. law, and the proper explanations from an Islamic perspective. MYTHMYTH #1: #1: Sharia Sharia is is a a set set of of laws laws practiced practiced MYTHuniversallyuniversally #1: Sharia by by all all is Muslims Muslimsa set of laws practiced universally by all Muslims ShariaSharia means means “a “a path path to to life-giving life-giving water,” water,” and and refers refers to to a a InIn thethe West,West, ShariaSharia isis beingbeing portrayedportrayed asas aa sourcesource ofof Shariadeneddened means pathpath “a uponpathupon to whichwhich life-giving allall God-fearingGod-fearing water,” and referspeoplepeople to areaare Inoppression, oppression,the West, violence, Shariaviolence, is and beingand tyranny. tyranny. portrayed This This misconception misconceptionas a source of of of denedadvisedadvised path to to tread. tread. upon It It is iswhich grounded grounded all inGod-fearing in the the recognition recognition people of of God’s God’sare oppression,ShariaSharia stems stems violence, from from actions actions and tyranny. that that arise arise This from frommisconception an an out-of-con out-of-con of -- advisedexistence.existence. to tread. ShariaSharia It is presupposespresupposes grounded in thatthethat recognition therethere isis aa God.ofGod. God’s GodGod Shariatexttext reading readingstems fromof of the the actions Holy Holy Qur’an Qur’anthat arise and and fromreliance reliance an onout-of-con on inauthen inauthen- -- existence.revealsreveals His His Sharia desire desire presupposes of of how how the the man manthat should shouldthere isshape shape a God. his his destiGod desti -- texttictic readingtraditions traditions of of theof the the Holy Holy Holy Qur’an Prophetsa Prophetsa and reliance of of Islam. Islam. on While inauthenWhile some some- revealsny,ny, and and His God’s God’s desire will will of is ishow manifested manifested the man in in should the the form form shape of of certain certain his desti laws laws- ticpoliticianspoliticians traditions claim claimof the that thatHoly European European Prophetsa Muslims Muslims of Islam. “want “want While to to somego go by by ny,oror and principles.principles. God’s will These These is manifested lawslaws oror principles inprinciples the form constituteconstitute of certain SharialawsSharia politiciansshariasharia law,”law,” claim otherother that politicalpolitical European leadersleaders Muslims inin thethe “want UnitedUnited to go States,States, by orand andprinciples. are are outlined outlined These in in thelaws the Holy Holyor principlesQur’an. Qur’an. constitute Sharia shariasuchsuch law,”asas CongressmenotherCongressmen political JoeleadersJoe HeckHeck in (R-Nev.)the(R-Nev.) United andand States, LouieLouie and are outlined in the Holy Qur’an. suchGohmert’sGohmert’s as Congressmen (R-Texas),(R-Texas), claim claimJoe thatHeckthat Muslims Muslims(R-Nev.) areareand tryingtrying Louie to to TheThe Holy Holy Prophet Prophet Muhammadsa Muhammadsa further further elaborated elaborated and and Gohmert’simplementimplement (R-Texas), sharia sharia law law claim in in the the that United United Muslims States. States. are(1) (1) trying to Theillustratedillustrated Holy Prophet these these rules Muhammadsarules and and principles principles further through through elaborated his his deeds deedsand implement sharia law in the United States. (1) illustratedalsoalso called called these Sunnah Sunnah rules (the (theand practice practiceprinciples of of the throughthe Holy Holy hisProphetsa) Prophetsa) deeds MoreMore disconcerting disconcerting than than the the political political rhetoric, rhetoric, is is the the fact fact alsoandand called his his words, words, Sunnah referred referred (the topractice to as as Ahadith Ahadith of the (sayings (sayings Holy Prophetsa) of of the the Holy Holy Morethatthat disconcertingnine nine states states in in thanAmerica America the have politicalhave already already rhetoric, passed passed is the statutes statutes fact andProphetsa).Prophetsa). his words, As As referred the the Holy Holy to Qur’an, asQur’an, Ahadith Sunnah, Sunnah, (sayings and and ofAhadith Ahadith the Holy are are thatforbiddingforbidding nine states the the inuse use America of of foreign foreign have law, law,already and and passedanother another statutes thirteen thirteen Prophetsa).consideredconsidered As primary primary the Holy sources sources Qur’an, of of Sunnah,Sharia Sharia by by and Muslim Muslim Ahadith scholars. scholars. are forbiddingstatesstates havehave the such suchuse proposedofproposed foreign billslaw,bills pending.andpending. another InIn 2010thirteen2010 andand consideredButBut inin orderorder primary ofof importance,importance, sources of Sharia thethe HolyHoly by Muslim Qur’anQur’an scholars. outranksoutranks states20112011 havemore more suchthan than twoproposed two dozen dozen bills states states pending. “considered “considered In 2010 measures measures and ButSunnahSunnah in order and and Ahadith.of Ahadith. importance, the Holy Qur’an outranks 2011toto restrict restrictmore thanjudges judges two from from dozen consulting consulting states “considered Sharia, Sharia, or or foreign foreignmeasures and and Sunnah and Ahadith. toreligious religiousrestrict lawsjudges laws more more from generally”. generally”. consulting (2, (2, Sharia,3) 3) As As of of or 2013, 2013, foreign all all but butand 16 16 InIn Islam, Islam, Sharia Sharia can can be be divided divided into into ve ve main main branches: branches: religiousstatesstates have have laws considered consideredmore generally”. such such a a(2, law. law. 3) As of 2013, all but 16 In“ibada” “ibada”Islam, Sharia(ritual(ritual can worship),worship), be divided “mu’amalat” “mu’amalat” into ve (transactions (transactionsmain branches: andand states have considered such a law. “ibada”contracts),contracts), (ritual “adab” “adab” worship), (behavior, (behavior, “mu’amalat” morals, morals, and and(transactions manners), manners), “i’tiqa “i’tiqaand -- TheThe dangerdanger withwith suchsuch billsbills isis thethe slipperyslippery slopeslope e ect,e ect, contracts),dat”dat” (beliefs),(beliefs), “adab” (behavior,andand “‘uqubat”“‘uqubat” morals, (punishments).and(punishments). manners), “i’tiqa IslamIslam- Thewherewhere danger initially initially with the the such goal goal bills may may is be be the to to forbid slipperyforbid the the slope implementa implementa e ect, -- dat”prescribesprescribes (beliefs), certain certain and laws laws “‘uqubat” or or principles principles (punishments). that that govern govern all Islamall ve ve wheretiontion of ofinitially foreign foreign the rules rules goal about about may marriagebe marriage to forbid and and the family family implementa law law issues issues- prescribesmainmain branches. branches. certain At Atlaws its its core, orcore, principles Sharia Sharia is is thatintended intended govern to to developall develop ve tionbutbut of may may foreign eventually eventually rules about lead lead to marriageto prohibiting prohibiting and everydayfamily everyday law religious religiousissues mainandand sustainbranches. sustain a a moral moralAt its and core,and just just Sharia society. society. is intended to develop butpractices.practices. may eventually In In an an early early lead draft draft to ofprohibiting of the the Tennessee Tennessee everyday bill bill (which (whichreligious was was and sustain a moral and just society. practices.subsequentlysubsequently In an earlyrejected), rejected), draft ofit it would thewould Tennessee have have been been bill (whicha a felony felony was for for TheThe humanhuman interpretationinterpretation ofof shariasharia isis calledcalled “Fiqh,” “Fiqh,” oror subsequentlyMuslimsMuslims to to perform performrejected), religious religious it would practices practices have been such such a felonyas as praying, praying, for TheIslamicIslamic human rules rules interpretation of of right right action. action. of Fiqh Fiqhsharia means means is called “understanding,” “understanding,” “Fiqh,” or Muslimsperformingperforming to perform ablution, ablution, religious giving giving to topractices charity, charity, or suchor fasting fasting as praying, because because Islamicandand refers refers rules to toof how righthow the theaction. Islamic Islamic Fiqh laws laws means are are to“understanding,” to be be interpreted. interpreted. performingtheythey would would ablution, be be considered considered giving asto as bannedcharity, banned orSharia Sharia fasting practices. practices. because (4) (4) andTheThe refers factfact to thatthat how therethere the Islamic areare soso laws manymany are di erent di erentto be interpreted. schoolsschools of of theyWhileWhile would thisthis be isis considered unconstitutionalunconstitutional as banned becausebecause Sharia it itpractices. violatesviolates (4) thethe Thethoughtthought fact that onon FiqhFiqhthere illustrates illustratesare so many thatthat scholarsdi erentscholars have haveschools varyingvarying of Whilereligiousreligious this free freeis unconstitutionalexercise exercise clause clause of of becausethe the First First Amendment itAmendment violates the and and thoughtunderstandingsunderstandings on Fiqh in inillustrates the the interpretation interpretation that scholars of of Sharia. Sharia. have varying religiousisis a a violation violation free exercise of of equal equal clause protection protection of the laws, Firstlaws, Amendmentit it is is troubling troubling and that that understandings in the interpretation of Sharia. is a violation of equal protection laws, it is troubling that SUNRISESUNRISE {20} MUSLIMMUSLIM[2017] {20} SUNRISE[2017] {20} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL 2017 2017

“Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; MYTHMYTH #2:#2: AllAll MuslimsMuslims believebelieve thatthat ShariaSharia “Verily,“Verily, Allah Allah enjoins enjoins justice, justice, and and the the doing doing of of good good to toothers; others; MYTH #2: All Muslims believe that Sharia and giving like kindred, and forbids indecency and manifest shouldshould bebe thethe lawlaw ofof thethe countrycountry inin whichwhich andand giving giving like like kindred, kindred, and and forbids forbids indecency indecency and and manifest manifest should be the law of the country in which evilevil and and transgression. transgression. He He admonishes admonishes you you that that you you may may take take theythey reside reside evil and transgression. He admonishes you that you may take they reside heed.”heed.”heed.” (7) (7) (7) While often thought of as a legal system, Sharia is much While often thought ofof asas aa legallegal system,system, ShariaSharia isis muchmuch ThereThereThere is isis no nono mention mentionmention of ofof religion religionreligion in inin this thisthis verse. verse.verse. Pluralism PluralismPluralism and andand broader and covers personal and collective spheres of daily broader and covers personalpersonal andand collectivecollective spheres spheres of of daily daily religiousreligiousreligious tolerance tolerancetolerance are areare Islamic IslamicIslamic values. values.values. The TheThe Qur’an Qur’anQur’an stresses: stresses:stresses: life and has three components: belief, character, and actions. lifelife and has three components:components: belief, belief, character, character, and and actions. actions. “There“There“There is is is no no no coercion coercion coercion in in in religion.” religion.” religion.” (8) (8) (8) OnlyOnly a a small small portion portion of ofof the thethe “action”“action” “action” component component relates relates toto to law.law. law. In fact, only about 80 of the Qur’an’s 6,348 verses are about InIn fact, only aboutabout 8080 ofof thethe Qur’an’sQur’an’s 6,3486,348 verses verses are are about about MYTHMYTHMYTH #3: #3:#3: Sharia ShariaSharia law lawlaw is isis interpreted interpretedinterpreted the thethe same samesame speci cspeci c legal legal injunctions. injunctions. bybyby allall all Muslims Muslims Muslims and and and is is is unique unique unique to to to Islam Islam Islam AccordingAccording toto IntisarIntisar Rabb,Rabb,Rabb, aaa membermember ofof thethe lawlaw faculty facultyfaculty at atat BostonBoston CollegeCollege LawLaw SchoolSchoolSchool wherewhere sheshe teachesteaches advancedadvancedadvanced Historically,Historically,Historically, Sharia ShariaSharia was waswas systematized systematizedsystematized between betweenbetween the thethe 8th 8th8th and andand constitutionalconstitutional law, law, criminal criminalcriminal law, law,law, and and comparative comparative and and IslamicIslamic Islamic 10th10th10th centuries, centuries, centuries, some some some 200 200 200 to to to 300 300 300 years years years after after after the the the Holy Holy Holy Prophet Prophet Prophet- -- law,law,law, “There “There is is a aa religious religiousreligious aspect aspectaspect and andand a a state state aspect aspect toto to practicpractic practic--- sasasa received receivedreceived his hishis rst rst rst revelation. revelation.revelation. Over OverOver the thethe centuries, centuries,centuries, Islamic IslamicIslamic eses in in all all faiths. faiths. ForFor example, example,example, just justjust as as Christians Christians have have weddingsweddings weddings legallegallegal analyses analysesanalyses and andand opinions opinionsopinions were werewere compiled compiledcompiled in in inbooks booksbooks that thatthat ininin aa church,church, MuslimsMuslimsMuslims oftenoftenoften havehavehave weddingsweddings in in a aa mosque, mosque,mosque, or oror judgesjudgesjudges used used used in in in deciding deciding deciding cases. cases. cases. somesome otherother venuevenue presidedpresidedpresided overover byby anan Imam,Imam, butbutbut thethethe marriagemarriage isis alsoalso solemnizedsolemnized byby thethe state.”state.” (5) (5) In In this this instant, instant,instant, InInIn the the the modern modern modern period, period, period, there there there is is iseven even even more more more diversity diversity diversity of of ofopinion. opinion. opinion. oneone could could call call Sharia Sharia law lawlaw and andand State State law law overlapping. overlapping. SimilarSimilar Similar--- NotNotNot onlyonly only do do do scholars scholars scholars claim claim claim to to to have have have the the the authority authority authority to to tointerpret interpret interpret ly,ly,ly, inin lawslaws ofof inheritanceinheritanceinheritance andandand divorce,divorce,divorce, therethere areareare aspects aspectsaspects of ofof ShariaShariaSharia but butbut other otherother popular popularpopular individuals individualsindividuals who whowho provide provideprovide Islamic IslamicIslamic ShariaSharia law law overlapping overlapping with withwith the the state’s state’s laws. laws. legallegallegal opinions, opinions, opinions, are are are also also also laying laying laying claim claim claim to to to their their their interpretation interpretation interpretation of of of ShariaShariaSharia law. law. law. AsAs forfor applicability,applicability, opinionsopinionsopinions dierdier aboutabout howhow IslamicIslamic law lawlaw shouldshould bebe implemented.implemented. AccordingAccordingAccording toto aa 20132013 PewPew report, report,report, InInIn countries countriescountries with withwith classical classicalclassical Sharia ShariaSharia systems, systems,systems, Sharia ShariaSharia has hashas ocial ocialocial “Muslims“Muslims dierdier widelywidelywidely ononon suchsuchsuch questionsquestions asas forforfor whetherwhetherwhether statusstatusstatus oror or a a ahigh high high degree degree degree of of of inuence inuence inuence on on on the the the legal legal legal system system system and and and polygamy,polygamy, divorce,divorce, andandand familyfamilyfamily planningplanning are are morally morally accept acceptaccept--- coverscoverscovers family family family law, law, law, criminal criminal criminal law, law, law, and and and in in in some some some places, places, places, personal personal personal ableable andand whetherwhether daughtersdaughtersdaughters shouldshould bebe ableable to to receive receive the thethe beliefs,beliefs,beliefs, including including including penalties penalties penalties for for for apostasy, apostasy, apostasy, blasphemy, blasphemy, blasphemy, and and and not not not samesame inheritance inheritance as asas sons.” sons.”sons.” (6) (6)(6) According According to to the the same same survey,survey, survey, praying.praying.praying. However, However, However, each each each of of of these these these areas areas areas is is isdebatable debatable debatable with with with room room room thethe percentagepercentage ofofof MuslimsMuslimsMuslims whowhowho saysay theythey want want sharia shariasharia to toto be bebe forforfor varying varyingvarying interpretation. interpretation.interpretation. For ForFor example, example,example, the thethe punishment punishmentpunishment for forfor “the“the ocial ocial lawlaw of ofof the thethe land” land”land” varies variesvaries widely widely around around thethe the world,world, world, apostasyapostasyapostasy may may may range range range from from from no no no action action action in in inone one one country country country to to toa a stricta strict strict form of punishment in another Muslim country. fromfrom fewerfewer thanthan one-in-tenone-in-tenone-in-ten ininin AzerbaijanAzerbaijan (8%)(8%)(8%) tototo nearnearnear formform of of punishment punishment in in another another Muslim Muslim country. country. unanimityunanimity inin AfghanistanAfghanistan (99%).(99%).(99%). The The surveysurvey also also nds nds nds that thatthat Therefore, historically, Sharia in many ways, is similar to eveneven inin manymany countriescountries wherewherewhere therethere isis strongstrong backingbacking for forfor Therefore,Therefore, historically,historically, ShariaSharia inin manymany ways,ways, isis similarsimilar toto Anglo-Saxon and American common law, in that it developed Sharia,Sharia, most most MuslimsMuslims favor favorfavor religious religiousreligious freedom freedom for for the the peoplepeople people Anglo-SaxonAnglo-Saxon and and American American common common law, law, in in that that it it developed developed of other faiths. In Pakistan, for example, three-quarters of organically over time through decisions made by judges, who ofof otherother faiths.faiths. InIn Pakistan,Pakistan, forfor example,example, three-quartersthree-quarters ofof organicallyorganically over over time time through through decisions decisions made made by by judges, judges, who who Muslims believe that non-Muslims are free to practice their usually render judgments on a case-by-case basis without the MuslimsMuslims believebelieve thatthat non-Muslimsnon-Muslims areare freefree toto practicepractice theirtheir usuallyusually render render judgments judgments on on a a case-by-case case-by-case basis basis without without the the religion, and 96% of those who share this assessment says it codi ed universal statutes found in civil law countries. religion,religion, and and 96% 96% of of those those who who share share this this assessment assessment says says it it codi edcodi ed universal universal statutes statutes found found in in civil civil law law countries. countries. isis “a “a good good thing.” thing.” (6)(6) is “a good thing.” (6) Because Sharia is based on religious principles, it is not BecauseBecause ShariaSharia isis basedbased onon religiousreligious principles,principles, itit isis notnot This follows the tradition of the Holy Prophetsa who was unique to Islam. Every faith has its form of Sharia. In the ThisThis followsfollows thethe traditiontradition ofof thethe HolyHoly ProphetsaProphetsa whowho waswas uniqueunique toto Islam.Islam. EveryEvery faithfaith hashas itsits formform ofof Sharia.Sharia. InIn thethe known to apply the Talmudic law in resolving disputes United States, for example, the legal system permits some knownknown toto applyapply thethe TalmudicTalmudic lawlaw inin resolvingresolving disputesdisputes UnitedUnited States,States, forfor example,example, thethe legallegal systemsystem permitspermits somesome among the Jews living in Arabia. True Islamic teachings, as narrow civil matters to be settled through alternative dispute among the Jews living in Arabia. True Islamic teachings, as narrownarrow civil civil matters matters to to be be settled settled through through alternative alternative dispute dispute amongpracticed the by Jews the livingProphet in Arabia. of Islamsa, True Islamicpromote teachings, a secular as resolution. Among such alternative mechanisms is the Bet practiced by the Prophet of Islamsa, promote a secular resolution.resolution. AmongAmong suchsuch alternativealternative mechanismsmechanisms isis thethe BetBet practicedgovernment by with the equalProphet rights of andIslamsa, privileges promote for its a citizens secular Din, or rabbinical law courts. American Jews routinely go government with equal rights and privileges for its citizens Din, or rabbinical law courts. American Jews routinely go government with equal rights and privileges for its citizens beforeDin, or Bet rabbinical Din to arbitrate law courts. real Americanestate deals, Jews divorces, routinely and go and a separation of mosque and state. before Bet Din to arbitrate real estate deals, divorces, and andand a a separation separation of of mosque mosque and and state. state. businessbefore Betdisputes. Din to In arbitratesome circumstances, real estate deals,where divorces,a favorable and businessbusiness disputes. disputes. In In some some circumstances, circumstances, where where a a favorable favorable The Qur’an itself does not specify any speci c form of outcome is not achieved, they then proceed to the American The Qur’an itself does not specify any speci c form of outcomeoutcome is is not not achieved, achieved, they they then then proceed proceed to to the the American American Thegovernment Qur’an itselfother doesthan anot bene cent specify oneany thatspeci c is based form on of courts. government other than a bene cent one that is based on courts.courts. government“Adl” (absolute other justice): than a bene cent one that is based on “Adl”“Adl” (absolute (absolute justice): justice):


AsAs therethere areare nono IslamicIslamic courtscourts inin thethe UnitedUnited States,States, judgesjudges States.States. As there are no Islamic courts in the United States, judges States. sometimessometimes havehave toto considerconsider IslamicIslamic lawlaw inin theirtheir decisions.decisions. ForFor sometimes have to consider Islamic law in their decisions. For example, a judge may have to recognize the validity of an example,example, a ajudge judge may may have have to to recognize recognize the the validity validity of of an an MYTHMYTH #5:#5: ShariaSharia LawLaw PrescribesPrescribes HarshHarsh PunPun-- Islamic marriage contract from a Muslim country to grant a MYTH #5: Sharia Law Prescribes Harsh Pun- IslamicIslamic marriage marriage contract contract from from a aMuslim Muslim country country to to grant grant a a divorce in America. ishments.ishments. divorcedivorce in inAmerica. America. ishments. The media and politicians have further fueled fears among MYTH #4: Sharia is Against Women’s Rights TheThe mediamedia andand politicianspoliticians havehave further fueled fears among MYTHMYTH #4: #4: Sharia Sharia is is Against Against Women’s Women’s Rights Rights Westerners that Islam’s punishment under Sharia law is WesternersWesterners thatthat Islam’sIslam’s punishmentpunishment under Sharia lawlaw isis brutally savage. It does not help that the Islamic states do Many politicians claim that Islam, following Sharia law, “is brutallybrutally savage.savage. ItIt doesdoes notnot helphelp that the Islamic states dodo ManyMany politicians politicians claim claim that that Islam, Islam, following following Sharia Sharia law, law, “is “is routinelyroutinelyroutinely kill killkill innocents innocentsinnocents forforfor allallall sortssortssorts ofof perceivedperceived transgrestransgres-- inherentlyinherentlyinherently hostilehostile hostile toto to women”women” women” becausebecause because ofof of itsits its marriagemarriage marriage laws,laws, laws, sions,sions,sions, despitedespite despite the thethe Qur’an’s Qur’an’sQur’an’s prohibition prohibitionprohibition ofof wantonwanton violence:violence: ItIt amongamongamong otherother other reasons.reasons. reasons. ManyMany Many WesternersWesterners Westerners seesee see MuslimMuslim Muslim women’swomen’s women’s forbidsforbidsforbids attacksattacks attacks on onon civilians, civilians,civilians, property, property,property, houseshouses ofof worshipworship andandand headheadhead covercover cover asas as aa kindakind kind ofof of oppression.oppression. oppression. FormerFormer Former FrenchFrench French PrimePrime Prime eveneveneven animals.animals. animals. MinisterMinisterMinister ManuelManuel Manuel Valls Valls Valls endorsedendorsed endorsed hishis his country’scountry’s country’s e orte ort e ort toto to banban ban thethe the hijabhijabhijab onon on universityuniversity university campuses,campuses, campuses, callingcalling calling itit it aa asymbolsymbol symbol of ofof the thethe InInIn the thethe same samesame way wayway that thatthat thethethe KuKuKu KluxKluxKlux Klan’sKlan’sKlan’s tacticstactics areareare aaa poorpoorpoor “enslavement“enslavement“enslavement ofof of women.”women.” women.” ThereThere There isis is aa verseaverse verse inin in thethe the Qur’anQur’an Qur’an thatthat that representationrepresentationrepresentation ofof of ChristianChristian Christian practice practicepractice (despite (despite itsits claimsclaims tototo bebebe aa holdsholdsholds thatthat that menmen men areare are thethe the “protectors”“protectors” “protectors” ofof of women,women, women, andand and manymany many ChristianChristianChristian organization),organization), organization), the thethe Islamic IslamicIslamic StateState isis thethe worstworst placeplace toto contemporarycontemporarycontemporary MuslimMuslim Muslim scholarsscholars scholars disputedispute dispute thethe the notionnotion notion thatthat that thisthis this looklooklook toto to understandunderstand understand what whatwhat Sharia ShariaSharia says sayssays aboutaboutabout punishmentpunishment andandand suggestssuggestssuggests thatthat that womenwomen women mustmust must obeyobey obey menmen men oror or thatthat that womenwomen women areare are thethethe treatmenttreatment treatment ofof of innocentsinnocents innocents and andand prisoners. prisoners.prisoners. It’sIt’s truetrue thatthat ShariaShariaSharia inferior.inferior.inferior. permitspermitspermits harshharsh harsh corporalcorporal corporal punishment, punishment,punishment, includingincluding amputationamputation ofof limbs,limbs,limbs, butbut but FiqhFiqh Fiqh restrictsrestricts restricts its itsits application. application.application. WhileWhileWhile it’sit’s it’s truetrue true thatthat that manymany many majority-Muslimmajority-Muslim majority-Muslim societiessocieties societies havehave have lawslaws laws thatthatthat treattreat treat womenwomen women unfairly,unfairly, unfairly, manymany many ofof of thesethese these laws,laws, laws, likelike like SaudiSaudi Saudi Furthermore,Furthermore,Furthermore, while whilewhile the thethe punishment punishmentpunishment forfor certaincertain violationsviolations isis Arabia’sArabia’sArabia’s banban ban onon on femalefemale female drivers,drivers, drivers, havehave have nono no basisbasis basis inin in FiqhFiqh Fiqh (practical(practical (practical highlighted,highlighted,highlighted, those thosethose who whowho propagandizepropagandizepropagandize IslamicIslamic punishmentspunishments interpretation).interpretation).interpretation). InIn In instancesinstances instances wherewhere where therethere there isis is aa aFiqhFiqh Fiqh originorigin origin forfor for failfailfail to to to bring bring bring up up up the the the near-impossible near-impossible near-impossible level levellevel of of evidence evidence required requiredrequired modernmodernmodern legislation,legislation, legislation, thatthat that legislationlegislation legislation oftenoften often cherry-pickscherry-picks cherry-picks certaincertain certain References:References:References: tototo carrycarry carry out outout the thethe sentence. sentence.sentence. ForForFor someonesomeonesomeone toto bebe convictedconvicted ofof rules,rules,rules, includingincluding including moremore more woman-armingwoman-arming woman-arming interpretations.interpretations. interpretations. AndAnd And adultery,adultery,adultery, for for for example, example, example, there there there must mustmust be be four four witnesses witnesses toto thethe act, act, ononon aa range rangea range ofof of issues,issues, issues, IslamIslam Islam cancan can fairlyfairly fairly bebe be describeddescribed described asas as feminist.feminist. feminist. whichwhichwhich is isis rare.rare.rare. The TheThe Qur’anQur’anQur’an alsoalsoalso prescribesprescribes amputatingamputating thethe FiqhFiqhFiqh scholars,scholars, scholars, forfor for instance,instance, instance, havehave have concludedconcluded concluded thatthat that womenwomen women havehave have handshandshands of ofof thieves, thieves,thieves, but butbut what whatwhat oftenoftenoften goesgoes unmentionedunmentioned isis thatthat thethethe rightright right toto to ghtght ght inin in combatcombat combat (women(women (women foughtfought fought alongsidealongside alongside thethe the thethethe punishmentpunishment punishment isis is not notnot applied appliedapplied if ifif the thethe thiefthief hashas repented.repented. prophetprophetprophet MuhammadsaMuhammadsa Muhammadsa himself.)himself.) himself.) FiqhFiqh Fiqh cancan can alsoalso also bebe be interpretedinterpreted interpreted asas aspro-choice,pro-choice, pro-choice, withwith with certaincertain certain scholarsscholars scholars positingpositing positing thatthat that althoughalthough although OtherOtherOther ShariaSharia Sharia scholarsscholars scholars say saysay such suchsuch a aa punishment punishmentpunishment systemsystem cancan onlyonly abortionabortionabortion isis isforbidden,forbidden, forbidden, rst-trimester rst-trimesterrst-trimester abortions abortionsabortions areareare notnotnot bebebe institutedinstituted instituted inin in a aa society societysociety of ofof high highhigh moralmoral standardsstandards andand wherewhere punishable.punishable.punishable. everyone’severyone’severyone’s needsneeds needs areare are met metmet (thereby (thereby(thereby obviatingobviating thethe urgeurge toto stealsteal ororor commitcommit commit otherother other crimes).crimes). crimes). In InIn such suchsuch aa society,society, thethe thinkingthinking goes,goes, IslamicIslamicIslamic principlesprinciples principles havehave have held,held, held, fromfrom from thethe the adventadvent advent ofof of thethe the HolyHoly Holy corporalcorporalcorporal punishmentspunishments punishments would wouldwould rarely rarelyrarely bebe needed.needed. ThereThere is,is, howhow-- Prophetsa,Prophetsa,Prophetsa, thatthat that aa woman’sawoman’s woman’s property,property, property, heldheld held exclusivelyexclusively exclusively inin in herher her ever,ever,ever, growinggrowing growing evidenceevidence evidence that thatthat small smallsmall numbersnumbers ofof radicalradical militantmilitant name,name,name, cannotcannot cannot bebe be appropriatedappropriated appropriated byby by herher her husband,husband, husband, brotherbrother brother oror or groupsgroupsgroups havehave have usedused used corporal corporalcorporal punishments punishmentspunishments inin countriescountries suchsuch asas father.father.father. (For(For (For centuries,centuries, centuries, thisthis this stoodstood stood inin in starkstark stark contrastcontrast contrast withwith with thethe the Afghanistan,Afghanistan,Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia,Somalia, andandand Syria,Syria,Syria, andand governmentsgovernments inin Iran,Iran, propertypropertyproperty rightsrights rights ofof of womenwomen women inin in Europe.)Europe.) Europe.) MuslimMuslim Muslim women womenwomen in inin SaudiSaudiSaudi Arabia,Arabia, Arabia, thethe the AcehAceh Aceh state statestate in inin Indonesia IndonesiaIndonesia andand elsewhere.elsewhere. AmericaAmericaAmerica areare are sometimessometimes sometimes shockedshocked shocked toto to ndnd nd that,that, that, eveneven even thoughthough though theytheythey werewere were carefulcareful careful toto to listlist list theirtheir their assetsassets assets asas as separate,separate, separate, thosethose those cancan can bebe be consideredconsideredconsidered jointjoint joint assetsassets assets afterafter after marriage.marriage. marriage. To be accurate, there are patriarchal rules being practiced in ToTo bebe accurate,accurate, therethere areare patriarchalpatriarchal rulesrules beingbeing practicedpracticed inin some modern Muslim-majority countries. For example, somesome modernmodern Muslim-majorityMuslim-majority countries.countries. ForFor example,example, women in Iran cannot run for the post of the president or womenwomen inin IranIran cannotcannot runrun forfor thethe postpost ofof thethe presidentpresident oror attend men’s soccer matches. But these rules are human attendattend men’smen’s soccersoccer matches.matches. ButBut thesethese rulesrules areare humanhuman interpretations (Fiqh), not Sharia. On the other hand, some interpretationsinterpretations (Fiqh),(Fiqh), notnot Sharia.Sharia. OnOn thethe otherother hand,hand, somesome Muslim countries, such as Pakistan, Indonesia, and Bangla- MuslimMuslim countries,countries, suchsuch asas Pakistan,Pakistan, Indonesia,Indonesia, andand BanglaBangla-- desh have already elected a female Prime Minister, or head of deshdesh havehave alreadyalready electedelected aa femalefemale PrimePrime Minister,Minister, oror headhead ofof state, well ahead of Western countries, such as the United state,state, wellwell aheadahead ofof WesternWestern countries,countries, suchsuch asas thethe UnitedUnited

MUSLIMSUNRISE {22} MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE[2017] {22}{22} MUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE,SUNRISE, FALLFALL 20172017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MYTHMYTH #6:#6: ShariaSharia isis AboutAbout ConquestConquest limslims andand Islam.Islam. Furthermore,Furthermore, certaincertain IslamicIslamic countriescountries overover thethe MYTH #6: Sharia is About Conquest pastpastlims ten tenand years, years,Islam. have haveFurthermore, unjustlyunjustly certainimposedimposed Islamic ShariaSharia countries asas anan instrumentinstrument over the ofofpast powerpower ten andyears,and controlcontrol have unjustly whichwhich hashas imposed furtherfurther Sharia leadlead to toas Western Western an instrument nationsnations SomeSome politicianspoliticians suchsuch asas formerformer HouseHouse SpeakerSpeaker NewtNewt Gingrich,Gingrich, of power and control which has further lead to Western nations Some politicians such as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, scrutinizingscrutinizing andand magnifyingmagnifying thesethese actsacts andand equatingequating ShariaSharia havehave mademade commentscomments suchsuch as:as: “Stealth“Stealth jihadisjihadis useuse political,political, scrutinizing and magnifying these acts and equating Sharia have made comments such as: “Stealth jihadis use political, withwith terrorismterrorism andand nationalnational security.security. cultural,cultural, societal,societal, religious,religious, intellectualintellectual tools;tools; violentviolent jihadisjihadis useuse with terrorism and national security. violence.violence.cultural, .. . . They’re They’resocietal, bothboth religious, seekingseeking intellectual toto imposeimpose tools; thethe violent samesame endend jihadis state,state, use violence. . . They’re both seeking to impose the same end state, InIn actuality,actuality, ShariaSharia representsrepresents idealsideals ofof justice,justice, fairness,fairness, andand whichwhich is is to to replace replace Western Western civilization civilization with with a a radical radical imposition imposition In actuality, Sharia represents ideals of justice, fairness, and which is to replace Western civilization with a radical imposition livingliving aa healthyhealthy lifelife -- idealsideals thatthat AmericansAmericans holdhold dear.dear. AndAnd so,so, itit ofof sharia.”sharia.” (9)(9) HisHis remarksremarks re ectre ect aa widelywidely heldheld viewview thatthat MusMus-- living a healthy life - ideals that Americans hold dear. And so, it of sharia.” (9) His remarks re ect a widely held view that Mus- isis worthworth learninglearning moremore aboutabout Sharia.Sharia. Therefore,Therefore, thisthis isis anan arguargu-- limslims are are bound bound to to wage wage war war against against non-Muslims, non-Muslims, and and their their end end is worth learning more about Sharia. Therefore, this is an argu- lims are bound to wage war against non-Muslims, and their end mentment forfor thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates andand WesternWestern nations,nations, inin general,general, toto ment for the United States and Western nations, in general, to goalgoalgoal isis toto is conquer conquerto conquer andand and taketake take overover over Western Western Western society.society. society. acceptacceptaccept and andand eveneven encourageencourage ShariaSharia for forfor Muslim-majority Muslim-majorityMuslim-majority coun councoun- -- tries.tries.tries. Some SomeSome worldworldworld leaders,leaders, ofof non-Muslimnon-Muslim countries, countries,countries, have havehave also alsoalso ButBut But MuslimsMuslims Muslims holdhold hold nono no suchsuch such belief.belief. belief. The The The conceptconcept concept ofof of aa violentaviolent violent Jihad,Jihad, Jihad, becomebecomebecome awareawareaware ofof thethe benetsbenets ofof integratingintegratingintegrating and andand accepting acceptingaccepting hashas has alwaysalways always beenbeen been oneone one ofof theofthe the defensivedefensive defensive wars,wars, wars, butbut but thethe the timetime time forfor for thisthis this otherotherother peoples’ peoples’peoples’ wayway ofof life.life. BritishBritish Prime Prime Minister MinisterMinister David DavidDavid Cameron CameronCameron typetypetype ofof Jihad,ofJihad, Jihad, inin theinthe the majoritymajority majority ofof of Muslims’Muslims’ Muslims’ minds,minds, minds, nono no longerlonger longer stated:stated:stated: exists.exists.exists. TheThe The Qur’anQur’an Qur’an repeatedlyrepeatedly repeatedly commandscommands commands MuslimsMuslims Muslims to toto keep keepkeep promisespromisespromises andand and upholduphold uphold covenants.covenants. covenants. TheseThese These includeinclude include treatiestreaties treaties amongamong among “Family“Family“Family breakdown, breakdown,breakdown, drugs,drugs,drugs, crime,crime, and andand incivility incivilityincivility are areare part partpart of ofof the thethe nationsnationsnations andand and extendextend extend toto toindividualsindividuals individuals livingliving living underunder under aa anon-Muslimnon-Muslim non-Muslim normalnormalnormal experienceexperienceexperience ofof modernmodern Britain.Britain.Britain. ManyManyMany BritishBritishBritish Asians AsiansAsians rule.rule.rule. [British[British[British Asians AsiansAsians isis aa termterm thatthatthat includesincludes Muslims, Muslims,Muslims, Hindus, Hindus,Hindus, Sikhs, Sikhs,Sikhs, andandand EastEastEast Asians]Asians]Asians] seesee aa societysociety thatthatthat hardlyhardlyhardly inspires inspiresinspires them themthem to toto MuslimsMuslimsMuslims havehave have livedlived lived asas minoritiesasminorities minorities inin innon-Muslimnon-Muslim non-Muslim societiessocieties societies sincesince since integrate.integrate.integrate. Indeed, Indeed,Indeed, theythey seeseesee aspectsaspects of ofof modern modernmodern Britain BritainBritain which whichwhich are areare thethe the beginningbeginning beginning ofof Islam,ofIslam, Islam, fromfrom from ChristianChristian Christian AbyssiniaAbyssinia Abyssinia toto to imperialimperial imperial aaa threat threatthreat to toto the the valuesvalues theythey holdhold dear dear - - - values valuesvalues which whichwhich we wewe should shouldshould China.China.China. AndAnd And FiqhFiqh Fiqh scholarsscholars scholars havehave have alwaysalways always insistedinsisted insisted thatthat that MuslimsMuslims Muslims inin in allallall hold holdhold dear. dear.dear. AsianAsian familiesfamilies andand their their communities communitiescommunities are areare incredi incrediincredi- -- non-Muslimnon-Muslimnon-Muslim landslands lands mustmust must obeyobey obey thethe the lawslaws laws ofof of thosethose those landslands lands andand and dodo do nono no blyblybly strongstrong strong and and cohesivecohesive andand havehave a aa sense sensesense of ofof civic civiccivic responsibility responsibilityresponsibility harmharmharm withinwithin within theirtheir their hosthost host countries.countries. countries. IfIf thetheIf the locallocal local lawlaw law con ictscon icts con icts withwith with aa a whichwhichwhich puts putsputs thethe restrest ofof usus toto shame.shame. Not NotNot for forfor the thethe rst rstrst time, time,time, I found II foundfound Muslim’sMuslim’sMuslim’s References:ShariaSharia Sharia obligations,obligations, obligations, scholarsscholars scholars agreeagree agree thatthat that thethe the Muslim MuslimMuslim References:References: myselfmyselfmyself thinkingthinkingthinking thatthat itit isis mainstreammainstream Britain BritainBritain which whichwhich needs needsneeds to toto individualindividualindividual oror familyfamilyor family shouldshould should eithereither either emigrateemigrate emigrate toto to anotheranother another countrycountry country integrateintegrateintegrate more moremore withwith thethethe BritishBritish AsianAsianAsian way wayway of ofof life, life,life, not notnot the thethe other otherother oror abideabideor abide byby thebythe the lawslaws laws ofof theofthe the land.land. land. ButBut But nonenone none advocateadvocate advocate violenceviolence violence oror or waywayway around.” around.”around.” (10)(10) aa takeovertakeovera takeover ofof thoseofthose those governments.governments. governments. InIn In fact,fact, fact, MuslimsMuslims Muslims havehave have beenbeen been part of America since before it was founded, as many were partpart ofof AmericaAmerica sincesince beforebefore itit waswas founded,founded, asas manymany werewere There should thus be no opposition from any side of the politi- brought to this country as Muslim slaves. Therefore, American ThereThere shouldshould thusthus bebe nono oppositionopposition fromfrom anyany sideside ofof thethe politipoliti-- broughtbrought toto thisthis countrycountry asas MuslimMuslim slaves.slaves. Therefore,Therefore, AmericanAmerican cal spectrum in the United States or other Western countries to Muslims have for a long time practiced their religion freely calcal spectrumspectrum inin thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates oror otherother Western Western countriescountries toto MuslimsMuslims havehave forfor aa longlong timetime practicedpracticed theirtheir religionreligion freelyfreely the idea of another civilization applying its customary laws and without becoming in any way a threat to American democracy. thethe ideaidea ofof anotheranother civilizationcivilization applyingapplying itsits customarycustomary lawslaws andand withoutwithout becomingbecoming inin anyany wayway aa threatthreat toto AmericanAmerican democracy.democracy. values to itself and at the same time abiding and respecting the valuesvalues toto itselfitself andand atat thethe samesame timetime abidingabiding andand respectingrespecting thethe laws of the land in which they live. In Conclusion: lawslaws ofof thethe landland inin whichwhich theythey live.live. InIn Conclusion:Conclusion: It appears that the present trends in media and politics are ItIt appearsappearsbased on thatthat misinformation thethe presentpresent about trendstrends Sharia inin mediamedia law. In andand actuality, politicspolitics there areare is basedbasedunderlying onon misinformationmisinformation political motivation aboutabout ShariaSharia to spurn law.law. hate InIn actuality,actuality, and fear therethere of Mus isis - underlyingunderlying politicalpolitical motivationmotivation toto spurnspurn hatehate andand fearfear ofof MusMus--

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Steenland, Steenland, http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-Muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/. Sally, Sally, (March (March 8, 8, 2011) 2011) “Setting “Setting the the Record Record Straight Straight on on Sharia.” Sharia.” https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/religion/news/2011/03/08/9263/setting https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/religion/news/2011/03/08/9263/setting Retrieved: 15 August 2017 7. -the-record-straight-on-sharia/. -the-record-straight-on-sharia/. The Holy Qur’an (16: 91) Retrieved: Retrieved: 15 15 August August 2017 2017 6.6. 8. http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-Muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/. http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-Muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/. The Holy Qur’an (2: 257) Retrieved: Retrieved: 15 15 August August 2017 2017 7.7. 9. The The Holy Holy Shane, Qur’an Qur’an Scott, (16: (16: In Islamic91) 91) Law, Gingrich Sees a Mortal Threat to U.S. (December 21, 2011) 8.8. 10. The The Holy Holy Cameron, Qur’an Qur’an David, (2: (2: 257) 257) (May 13, 2007) “What I learnt from my stay with a Muslim family.” The Guardian 9.9. Shane, Shane, Scott, Scott, In In Islamic Islamic Law, Law, Gingrich Gingrich Sees Sees a a Mortal Mortal Threat Threat to to U.S. U.S. (December (December 21, 21, 2011) 2011) 10.10. Cameron, Cameron, David, David, (May (May 13, 13, 2007) 2007) “What “What I Ilearnt learnt from from my my stay stay with with a a Muslim Muslim family.” family.” The The Guardian Guardian SUNRISE {23} MUSLIM[2017] SUNRISESUNRISE {23}{23} MUSLIMMUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL 2017 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 Darul-Qadha'a during Dr Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Darul-Qadha'aDarul-Qadha'a during during Dr MuhammadDr Muhammad Zafar Zafar Iqbal Iqbal thethetheDarul-Qadha'a Rightly-Guided Rightly-Guided Rightly-Guided during Khulafa Khulafa Khulafa Dr Muhammad Zafar Iqbal the Rightly-Guided Khulafa ThroughoutThroughout known known human human history history lack lack of of justice justice has has HazratHazrat Umar Umar (ra) (ra) issued issued 'Farmans' 'Farmans' from from time time to to time time laying laying Throughoutbeen the root known cause human of decay history and degradation lack of justice of civiliza has - Hazratdown Umar the principles(ra) issued for'Farmans' the administration from time to timeof justice. laying In beenbeenThroughout the theroot root cause known cause of decay ofhuman decay and history anddegradation degradation lack of of justiceciviliza of civiliza -has -downHazratdown the Umar theprinciples principles (ra) issued for thefor 'Farmans' theadministration administration from time of to justice. timeof justice. laying In In tions.tions. No No society society can can make make any any progress progress without without preva preva- - oneone of of the the Farmans Farmans issued issued to to Judicial Judicial Ocers, Ocers, he he laid laid tions.lencebeen No of the society justice root cancause and make ofpeace. decay any Aprogressand common degradation without tenet ofpreva ofciviliza the- - onedowndown of thethe the followingFarmans principles issuedprinciples: for the to administrationJudicial Ocers, of justice.he laid In lencelencetions. of justice ofNo justicesociety and andcanpeace. makepeace. A any commonA progresscommon tenet without tenet of theprevaof the- downonedown the of followingthethe followingFarmans principles: principles:issued to Judicial Ocers, he laid missionsmissions of of all all messengers messengers of of God God has has been been to to create create a a missionsjustlence society. ofof all justiceIslamic messengers andteaching peace. of onGod justiceA hascommon been system totenet standscreate of outathe "Praisedown thebe to following God. Verily principles: justice is an important obligation just justmissionssociety. society. Islamic of Islamicall messengersteaching teaching on ofjustice on God justice systemhas systembeen stands to stands create out out a "Praise"Praise be to be God. to God. Verily Verily justice justice is an is important an important obligation obligation amongamong teachings teachings of of other other di erent di erent faiths. faiths. There There are are sever sever- - toto God God and and man. man. You You have have been been charged charged with with this this respon respon- - amongal justverses teachings society. of the Islamic ofHoly other teachingQur’an di erent as on well faiths.justice as There Asystem are stands severof Holy -out tosibility. God"Praise and Dischargebe man. to God. You the Verilyhave responsibility beenjustice charged is an importantso with that thisyou obligation respon may win- al versesalamong verses of teachings the of theHoly Holy ofQur’an other Qur’an asdi erent well as well as faiths. A as hadith A There hadith of are Holy of sever Holy - sibility.tosibility. God Discharge and Discharge man. the You theresponsibility have responsibility been charged so that so with that you this youmay respon may win win- ProphetProphet (sa) (sa) on on the the subject subject matter. matter. thethe approbation approbation of of God God and and the the goodwill goodwill of of the the people. people. Prophetal verses (sa) on of thethe subjectHoly Qur’an matter. as well as A hadith of Holy theTreatsibility. approbation the Discharge people of equally God the responsibilityand in yourthe goodwill presence, so that of in the youyour people. may compa win - Prophet (sa) on the subject matter. TreattheTreat the approbation peoplethe people equally of equally God in yourand in your thepresence, goodwillpresence, in yourof in the your compa people. compa- - HazratHazrat Abu Abu Bakr Bakr (ra) (ra) ny,ny, and and in inyour your decisions, decisions, so so that that the the weak weak despair despair not not of of HazratHazrat Abu Abu Bakr Bakr (ra) (ra) was very particular that due justice ny,justice Treatand inthe and your people the decisions, high-placed equally so in that your have the presence, no weak hope despair in of your your notcompa favor. of - Hazrat AbuAbu BakrBakr (ra)(ra) was very particular that due justice ny,justice and inand your the decisions, high-placed so that have the no weak hope despair of your not favor. of Hazratshould Abu be Bakr done (ra) to was all thevery members particular of that the due community justice justiceThe onus and ofthe proof high-placed lies on the have plainti . no hope He who of your denies favor. must shouldHazrat Abube done Bakr (ra)to allwas the very members particular of thatthe duecommunity justice justiceThe onus and of the proof high-placed lies on the have plainti . no hope He who of your denies favor. must shouldwithout be fear done or favorto all according the members to the of injunctions the community of Islam. Thedo onus so on of proofoath. liesCompromise on the plainti . is permissible, He who denies provided must it withoutshould be fear done or favor to allaccording the members to the injunctionsof the community of Islam. Thedo onusso on of oath.proof liesCompromise on the plainti . is permissible, He who denies provided must it withoutAt the fear time or favorof the according assumption to the of injunctions oce as ofCaliph Islam. he dodoes so onnot oath. turn theCompromise unlawful into is permissible, lawful, and the provided lawful intoit Atwithout the time fear orof favor the accordingassumption to theof injunctionsoce as Caliph of Islam. he dodoes so noton oath.turn the Compromise unlawful into is permissible,lawful, and the provided lawful intoit Atdeclared: the time of the assumption of oce as Caliph he doesunlawful. not turn Let the nothing unlawful prevent into lawful, you fromand the changing lawful into your declared:At the time of the assumption of oce as Caliph he doesunlawful. not turn Let the nothing unlawful prevent into lawful, you fromand the changing lawful into your declared: unlawful.previous Let decision nothing if afterprevent consideration you from youchanging feel that your the declared: unlawful.previous Letdecision nothing if after prevent consideration you from youchanging feel that your the "The weak among you shall be strong with me till God previousprevious decision decision if wasafter incorrect. consideration you feel that the "The weak among you shall be strong with me till God previousprevious decision decision if was after incorrect. consideration you feel that the "Thewilling weak his among rights youhave shall been be vindicated strong with and me the till strongGod previous decision was incorrect. willing"The weak his amongrights have you shallbeen be vindicated strong with and me the till strong God previous decision was incorrect. willingamong his you rights shall have be weak been with vindicated me till, andif the the Lord strong wills, I When you are in doubt on a question and nd nothing amongamongwilling you his youshall rights shall be weakbehave weak withbeen with me vindicated metill, iftill, the if and theLord theLord wills, strong wills, I I WhenWhen you youare arein doubt in doubt on aon question a question and andnd nd nothing nothing havehaveamong taken taken you what what shall is isduebe due weak from from withhim". him". me till, if the Lord wills, I aboutWhenabout ityou itin in theare the inQur’an Qur’andoubt or onor in inathe questionthe Sunnah Sunnah and of of ndthe the Prophet,nothing Prophet, have taken what is due from him". aboutthink it over in the the Qur’an question or overin the and Sunnah over again. of the Ponder Prophet, over have taken what is due from him". thinkaboutthink over itover the in thequestionthe Qur’anquestion over or over inand the andover Sunnah over again. again. of Ponder the Ponder Prophet, over over HazratHazrat Abu Abu Bakr Bakr (ra) (ra) strictly strictly followed followed this this policy policy and and thethinkthe precedents precedents over the questionand and analogous analogous over and cases, cases,over and again. and then then Ponder decide decide over by by Hazratadministered Abu Bakr evenhanded (ra) strictly justice.followed As this a resultpolicy ofand this theanalogy. precedents A term and should analogous be xed cases, for the and person then decide who wants by administeredadministeredHazrat Abu evenhanded Bakr evenhanded (ra) strictly justice. justice. followed As aAs result thisa result policyof thisof and this analogy.theanalogy. precedents A term A term should and should analogous be xed be xed for cases, the for personthe and person then who decide who wants wants by policy,policy,administered a societya society cameevenhanded came to to be be established establishedjustice. As in a inMedina, resultMedina, whichof which this toanalogy.to produce produce A termwitnesses. witnesses. should If be Ifhe xedhe proves proves for the his his personcase, case, get who get him wantshim his his policy,was practically a society came litigation to be free established (1). He followed in Medina, the example which toright. produce Otherwise, witnesses. the suitIf he should proves be his dismissed. case, get him his was waspolicy,practically practically a society litigation litigation came free to freebe(1). established (1).He followed He followed in the Medina, examplethe example which right.toright. produceOtherwise, Otherwise, witnesses. the suitthe suitshouldIf he should proves be dismissed. be his dismissed. case, get him his of wasthe practicallyHoly Prophet litigation Muhammad free (1). (sa) He followedand always the consult example- right. Otherwise, the suit should be dismissed. of theof theHoly Holy Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (sa) (sa)and andalways always consult consult- - edof the the companions Holy Prophet in Muhammadimportant matters. (sa) and always consult- All Muslims are reliable, except those who have been ed theed companionsthe companions in important in important matters. matters. All MuslimsAll Muslims are arereliable, reliable, except except those those who who have have been been ed the companions in important matters. punishedAll Muslims with are ogging, reliable, or except who have those borne who false have witness been punishedpunished with with ogging, ogging, or who or who have have borne borne false false witness witness orpunished are doubtful with inogging, integrity” or (2).who have borne false witness or areor doubtfulare doubtful in integrity” in integrity” (2). (2). Hazrat Umar bin al-Khattab (ra) or are doubtful in integrity” (2). HazratHazrat Umar Umar bin binal-Khattab al-Khattab (ra) (ra) HazratHazrat Umar Umar (ra) bin took al-Khattab particular (ra) pains to provide e ective History has preserved the names of some of the eminent HazratHazrat Umar Umar (ra) took(ra) took particular particular pains pains to provide to provide e ective e ective HistoryHistory has haspreserved preserved the thenames names of some of some of the of theeminent eminent andHazrat speedy Umar justice (ra) took for the particular people. pains He set to provideup an e ective e ective personsHistory haswho preserved held judicial the namesoce duringof some the of thecaliphate eminent of and andspeedy speedy justice justice for thefor thepeople. people. He setHe upset anup e ective an e ective personspersons who who held held judicial judicial oce oce during during the thecaliphate caliphate of of systemand speedy of judicial justice administration. for the people. Justice He set upwas an adminis e ective- Hazratpersons Umar who (ra): held judicial oce during the caliphate of systemsystem of judicialof judicial administration. administration. Justice Justice was wasadminis adminis- -HazratHazrat Umar Umar (ra): (ra): teredsystem according of judicial to the administration. principles of Islam.Justice Qadis was (judges)adminis - Hazrat Umar (ra): teredtered according according to the to theprinciples principles of Islam. of Islam. Qadis Qadis (judges) (judges) wereweretered appointed appointedaccording at to atall theall administrative administrativeprinciples of levels.Islam. levels. QadisHazrat Hazrat (judges) Umar Umar werewaswere appointed the appointed rst ruler at allin at history administrativeall administrative to separate levels. levels.judiciary Hazrat Hazrat from Umar Umar the was wasthe rstthe rstruler ruler in history in history to separate to separate judiciary judiciary from from the the Zaid bin Thabit : Qadi of Medina executive.was the rstThe rulerQadis in werehistory chosen to separate for their judiciary integrity from and the ZaidZaid bin Thabitbin Thabit : : Qadi Qadi of Medina of Medina executive.executive. The TheQadis Qadis were were chosen chosen for theirfor their integrity integrity and and Ka'b-b.Zaid bin Sur Thabit al-Azdi : : QadiQadi of BasraMedina knowledgeexecutive. of The Islamic Qadis law. were High chosen salaries for weretheir xedintegrity for theand Ka'b-b.Ka'b-b. Sur Sural-Azdi al-Azdi : :Qadi Qadi of Basra of Basra knowledgeknowledge of Islamic of Islamic law. law.High High salaries salaries were were xed xed for thefor the IbadaKa'b-b. b. Sur al-Samat al-Azdi : : QadiQadi of PalestineBasra Qadisknowledge so that of Islamicthere waslaw. Highno temptation salaries were for xed bribery. for the IbadaIbada b. al-Samat b. al-Samat : : Qadi Qadi of Palestine of Palestine QadisQadis so thatso that there there was wasno notemptation temptation for forbribery. bribery. AbdullahIbada b. al-Samat b. Masud : : QadiQadi of KufaPalestine WealthyQadis somen that of highthere socialwas nostatus temptation were appointed for bribery. as AbdullahAbdullah b. Masud b. Masud : Qadi: Qadi of Kufa of Kufa WealthyWealthy men men of highof high social social status status were were appointed appointed as as QadiAbdullah Shuraih: b. Masud : QadiQadi of Kufa QadisWealthy so that men they of mayhigh notsocial have status the temptationwere appointed to take as QadiQadi Shuraih: Shuraih: Qadi Qadi of Kufa of Kufa QadisQadis so that so that they they may may not nothave have the thetemptation temptation to take to take Qadi Shuraih: Qadi of Kufa bribes,bribes,Qadis or so or be that be inuenced inuenced they may by bynot the the havesocial social the position position temptation of of anybody. anybody. to take bribes,bribes, or be or inuenced be inuenced by the by thesocial social position position of anybody. of anybody. TheThe Qadis Qadis were were not not allowed allowed to to engage engage in intrade. trade. Judges Judges The TheQadis Qadis were were not notallowed allowed to engageto engage in trade.in trade. Judges Judges werewere appointed appointed in insucient sucient number, number, and and there there was was no no werewere appointed appointed in sucient in sucient number, number, and and there there was was no no DistrictDistrict which which did did not not have have one. one. DistrictDistrict which which did notdid nothave have one. one.

SUNRISE {24} MUSLIM[2017]SUNRISE {24} MUSLIMMUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE[2017] {24}{24} MUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL FALLFALL 20172017 2017 Hazrat Umar (ra) as a plainti : appointment saying, “How can a person, who can’t love HazratItIslam’s Hazratis related Umar Umar that (ra) (ra) asHazratResponse as a aplainti : plainti : Umar (ra) purchased to a horse on appointmentappointmenthis own children, saying, saying, love “How “How the can canpeople a person,a person, who who are who putcan’t can’t under love love his Itapproval, isIt relatedis related and that that gave Hazrat Hazrat it to Umar somebody Umar (ra) (ra) purchased purchasedto try it. The aa horsehorse ongot hishiscare?” ownown children, children, love love the the peopleAnser people Ahmad, who who are are Esq. put put under under his his approval, and gave it to somebody to try it. The horse got care?” approval,hurtMisconceptions in the and ride, gave and it toHazrat somebody Umar (ra)to about try wanted it. The to horse return got it, care?”Hazrat Umar (ra) always advised his governors in the hurt in the ride, and Hazrat Umar (ra) wanted to return it, Hazrat Umar (ra) always advised his governors in the hurtbut inthe the owner ride, refusedand Hazrat to take Umar it back.(ra) wanted In the todispute return that it, Hazratfollowing Umar manner: (ra) always advised his governors in the but the owner refused to take it back. In the dispute that following manner: butaroseSharia the as owner a consequence, refused Law to takeShuraih it back. was Inchosen the dispute as the thatarbi - following1) Do not manner: be discourteous to anyone whether he is a arose as a consequence, Shuraih was chosen as the arbi- 1) Do not be discourteous to anyone whether he is a arosetrator. as He a consequence, gave the verdict Shuraih that wasif the chosen horse as was the ridden arbi- 1)Muslim Do not or bea non- discourteous Muslim. to anyone whether he is a trator. He gave the verdict that if the horse was ridden MuslimAmerican or votersa non- andMuslim. lawmakers are so fearful of Islamic trator. He gave the verdict that if the horse was ridden Muslim or a non- Muslim. withwith the the permission permission ofof thethe ownerowner it couldcould bebe returned,returned, 2)practices2) Do Do not not to misuse proposemisuse your yoursuch oce bills.oce for foryour your own own bene t bene t or for or for withotherwiseotherwise the permission not. not. Hazrat Hazrat of UmartheUmar owner (ra)(ra) said it could thatthat waswasbe returned, thethe right right the2)the Do bene t bene t not misuseof of your your friendsyour friends oce and and relatives.for relatives. your own bene t or for otherwisedecisiondecision and not.and at Hazratat once once Umar appointedappointed (ra) said Shuraih that asaswas thethe the QadiQadi right of of 3)theGiven3) I haveIbene t have the not extensive not of appointed yourappointed misinformation friends you you and to treatto relatives. circulatingtreat people people harshly.what harshly. does You You decisionKufaKufa (2). (2). and at once appointed Shuraih as the Qadi of should3)andshould I havedoes do do notjustice justice constituteappointed to tothem them Sharia atyou allat toalltimes.law, treattimes. it is people imperative harshly. that You Kufa (2). shouldMuslims do and justice non-Muslims to them atalike all times.gain a clearer under- HereHere is is another another example example ofof HazratHazrat Umar’s (ra)(ra) respect respect for for standing of this subject. Outlined below are several Herejusticejustice is another and and his his convictionexample conviction of thatthat Hazrat allall are Umar’s equalequal (ra) beforebefore respect the the law. forlaw. misconceptions (or “myths”) about the Sharia law, and the justice and his conviction that all are equal before the law. proper explanations from an Islamic perspective. HazratHazrat Umar Umar (ra) (ra) as as a a defendant: defendant: HazratOnceOnce aUmar adispute dispute (ra) aroseasarose a defendant: betweenbetween Hazrat UmarUmar (ra)(ra) andand a a MYTH #1: Sharia is a set of laws practiced OnceMuslimMuslim a dispute called called UbayyaroseUbayy betweenbinbin Ka`abKa`ab Hazrat over somesomeUmar money. money.(ra) and The The a universally by all Muslims Muslimcasecase came camecalled before before Ubayy QadiQadi bin ZaidKa`abZaid for over hearing some who whomoney. orderedordered The caseHazratHazrat came Umar Umar before (ra) (ra) to toQadi appear appear Zaid beforebefore for hearing him toto pleadpleadwho his orderedhis case. case. Sharia means “a path to life-giving water,” and refers to a HazratInAsAs thethe the Umar West,parties parties (ra)Sharia arrived arrived to appearis inbeing in court,court, before portrayed Zaid, him out asto ofof aplead respect respectsource his for forof case. the the dened path upon which all God-fearing people are Asoppression,Khalifah, Khalifah,the parties invited invited violence, arrived Hazrat Hazrat and in court, tyranny. UmarUmar Zaid, (ra) This toout misconception sit of withwith respect him,him, forbut butof the he he advised to tread. It is grounded in the recognition of God’s Khalifah,Shariadeclineddeclined stems invited by by saying,from saying, Hazrat actions “This “This Umar isthat is youryour arise (ra) rst tofrom injustice. sit anwith out-of-con Allhim, All are are but equal equal- he existence. Sharia presupposes that there is a God. God textbefore reading the of court the Holyof law.” Qur’an He then and reliancewent and on sat inauthen along -side reveals His desire of how the man should shape his desti- declinedbefore the by saying,court of “This law.” is He your then rst went injustice. and sat All alongare equal side ticUbayy traditions bin Ka`ab.of the Holy Prophetsa of Islam. While some ny, and God’s will is manifested in the form of certain laws beforeUbayy the bin court Ka`ab. of law.” He then went and sat along side politiciansDuring theclaim hearing that European Ubayy was Muslims asked “want to produceto go by any or principles. These laws or principles constitute Sharia Ubayy bin Ka`ab. shariaDuringevidence law,” the forother hearing his politicalclaim Ubayy but leaders he was failed in asked theto do United toso. produceHazrat States, Umar any and are outlined in the Holy Qur’an. During the hearing Ubayy was asked to produce any suchevidence(ra) totallyas Congressmen for denied his claim that but JoeUbayy he Heck failed had (R-Nev.) any to doclaim so.and overHazrat Louie him. Umar At evidenceGohmert’s(ra)this totally Ubayy for (R-Texas),denied hisrequested claim that claim but the Ubayy hecourtthat failed had toMuslims get toany ado statement claim areso. Hazrattrying over on him. toUmar oath At The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa further elaborated and (ra)implementthisfrom totally Ubayy Hazrat denied shariarequested Umar law that (ra). in the Ubayythe Qadi court United Zaid had to States. hesitatedgetany aclaim statement(1) by over saying him. on that oath At illustrated these rules and principles through his deeds thisfromit Ubayywas Hazrat not requested proper Umar for(ra). the the Qadi court Khalifah Zaid to get tohesitated sign a statement such by a sayingstatement on oath that also called Sunnah (the practice of the Holy Prophetsa) fromMoreit was Hazrat disconcerting not proper Umar for(ra). than the Qadi the Khalifah politicalZaid hesitated to rhetoric, sign such by is sayingthea statement fact that and his words, referred to as Ahadith (sayings of the Holy but Hazrat Umar (ra) reprimanded the judge by saying, Hazrat Umar (ra) as an Arbitrator: itthatbut was nineHazrat not statesproper Umar in for America(ra) the reprimanded Khalifah have already to sign the passed such judge a statutes statement by saying, Prophetsa). As the Holy Qur’an, Sunnah, and Ahadith are “You can administer justice only if you remain impar- HazratHazrat Amr Umar bin Al-Aas’s(ra) as an(ra) Arbitrator: son hit a poor Egyptian for no butforbidding“You Hazrat can administertheUmar use (ra) of foreignreprimanded justice law, only and theif anotheryou judge remain thirteen by saying, impar - considered primary sources of Sharia by Muslim scholars. tial”(3). apparentHazratHazrat UmarAmr reason. bin (ra) Al-Aas’sHazrat as an Amr Arbitrator: (ra) binson Al-Aas hit a poor (ra) arrestedEgyptian the for no “Youstatestial”(3). can have administer such proposed justice bills only pending. if you Inremain 2010 andimpar - But in order of importance, the Holy Qur’an outranks EgyptianHazratSunnahapparent Amr and and reason. Ahadith.bin put Al-Aas’s him Hazrat into (ra) prisonAmr son bin hitso thataAl-Aas poor he Egyptiancould(ra) arrested not forgo nothe tial”(3).2011With more victories than in two battle elds dozen states the Muslim“considered empire measures expanded to restrict judges from consulting Sharia, or foreign and toapparentEgyptian Hazrat reason. Umarand put (ra) Hazrat him and into Amrcomplain. prison bin Al-Aas soShortly that (ra) he afterwards, arrestedcould not the go Withand victories Hazrat Umar in battle elds (ra) appointed the Muslim Qadis andempire governors expanded in religious laws more generally”. (2, 3) As of 2013, all but 16 whenEgyptianInto Islam, Hazrat the Sharia andpoor Umar put personcan him (ra)be wasdividedintoand released, prisoncomplain. into sove he that mainwentShortly he branches: straightcould afterwards, not to go Withall victoriesregions inand battle elds provinces thewho Muslim ruled empireaccording expanded to the statesand Hazrat have considered Umar (ra) such appointed a law. Qadis and governors in Hazratto“ibada”when Hazrat Umarthe(ritual Umarpoor (ra) worship), personand(ra) toldand “mu’amalat” was himcomplain. released, the whole(transactions Shortly he story.went afterwards, straight Hazratand to andteachings Hazrat Umar of Islam. (ra) Itappointed is related Qadisthat once and whilegovernors he was in all regions and provinces who ruled according to the Umarwhencontracts),Hazrat (ra)the Umar called “adab”poor (ra) personAmr(behavior, and bin wastold Al-Aas morals, released,him and andthe his manners),hewhole son went to story. Medina.“i’tiqastraight Hazrat- to all writingregions an and appointment provinces order who for ruled a person, according a child to came the Theteachings danger of with Islam. such It billsis related is the slipperythat once slope while e ect, he was WhenHazratdat”Umar (beliefs), they(ra)Umar calledarrived, (ra)and andAmr he“‘uqubat” toldbintold Al-Aas himthe (punishments). theEgyptian and whole his sonto story. take toIslam Medina. Hazrathis teachingsrunning ofto himIslam. and It satis onrelated his lap. that Hazrat once Umar while (ra) he began was wherewriting initially an appointment the goal may order be to forbidfor a person, the implementa a child came- revengeUmarprescribesWhen (ra) fromthey certaincalled Amr’sarrived, Amrlaws son. orbinhe The principles Al-Aastold Egyptian the and that hitEgyptian his governthe son boy toallto so Medina. vehardtake his writingtionto ofpat foreignan the appointment child rules with about one order marriage hand for while anda person, family he kept lawa child on issues writing came main branches. At its core, Sharia is intended to develop running to him and sat on his lap. Hazrat Umar (ra) began thatWhenrevenge he theywas from injured.arrived, Amr’s When son.he toldThehe nished, Egyptianthe Egyptian Hazrat hit the Umarto boy take so(ra) hard his runningbuttowith pat may the totheeventually him childother. and with lead satSeeing one onto prohibiting his handthis, lap. while Hazratthe everyday personhe Umar kept religious (ra)remarked,on beganwriting gaveand sustain him permission a moral and to just hit society.the Governor as well saying, “Ameer-ul-Momineen, the child seems to be enjoying revengethat he fromwas injured.Amr’s son. When The heEgyptian nished, hit Hazratthe boy Umar so hard (ra) topractices.with pat thethe In child another. early with draftSeeing one of hand thethis, Tennessee while the heperson bill kept (which onremarked, waswriting “Had he not been the son of a Governor, he would not your company. I have ten children and none of them dare thatgave he him was permission injured. When to hit he the nished, Governor Hazrat as well Umar saying, (ra) withsubsequently“Ameer-ul-Momineen, the other. rejected), Seeing itthe would this, child havethe seems beenperson toa felony beremarked, enjoying for haveThe humanhit you.” interpretation of sharia is called “Fiqh,” or come close to me while I am working.” gave“Had him he notpermission been the to sonhit theof aGovernor Governor, as he well would saying, not “Ameer-ul-Momineen,Muslimsyour company. to perform I have religious tenthe children child practices seems and such none to as be ofpraying, themenjoying dare Islamic rules of right action. Fiqh means “understanding,” performing ablution, giving to charity, or fasting because “Hadandhave refers he hit not you.”to howbeen the the Islamic son oflaws a areGovernor, to be interpreted. he would not yourcome company. close to Ime have while ten Ichildren am working.” and none of them dare Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas pleaded, “Sir, the oender has been theyHazrat would Umar be considered (ra) heard asthis banned and cancelled Sharia practices. the orders (4) of haveThe fact hit you.”that there are so many di erent schools of come close to me while I am working.” duly punished.” While this is unconstitutional because it violates the thoughtHazrat Amron Fiqh bin Al-Aasillustrates pleaded, that scholars “Sir, the oenderhave varying has been Hazrat Umar (ra) heard this and cancelled the orders of religious free exercise clause of the First Amendment and Hazratunderstandings Amr bin inAl-Aas the interpretation pleaded, “Sir, of the Sharia. oenderSUNRISE has been {25} duly punished.” MUSLIM[2017] Hazratis a violation Umar of(ra) equal heard protection this and laws, cancelled it is troubling the orders that of duly punished.” SUNRISE {25} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {25}{20} MUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL 2017 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 “What“What did did you you say?” say?” asked asked Hazrat Hazrat Umar Umar to to the the Egyptian. Egyptian. Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (ra) “What did you say?” asked Hazrat Umar to the Egyptian. Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (ra) TheThe Egyptian Egyptian said said that that he he had had already already taken taken revenge revenge from from Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (ra) The Egyptian said that he had already taken revenge from JudiciaryJudiciary andand administrativeadministrative setset upup becamebecame moremore thethe person person who who had had hit hit him him and and that that he he was was satis ed satis ed that that Judiciaryadvanced and during administrative the reign of set Hazrat up Alibecame (ra). When more Malik thethe justice person was who done. had hit Hazrat him and Umar that (ra) he acceptedwas satis ed the that plea advancedadvanced during during the the reign reign of ofHazrat Hazrat Ali Ali(ra). (ra). When When Malik Malik thethe justice justice was was done. done. Hazrat Hazrat Umar Umar (ra)(ra) acceptedaccepted the pleaplea AshtarAshtar was was appointed appointed as as the the Governor Governor of of Egypt, Egypt, Hazrat Hazrat Ali Ali ofof thethe EgyptianEgyptian andand thenthen admonishedadmonished hishis GovernorGovernor Ashtar(ra) instructed was appointed him as as follows: the Governor of Egypt, Hazrat Ali saying,of the “Every Egyptian person and is then born admonished free, you should his Governor not treat (ra)(ra) instructed instructed him him as as follows: follows: saying,saying, “Every “Every person person is is born born free,free, youyou shouldshould not treattreat himhim like like a a slave.” slave.” "O Malik let it be known to you that you have been him like a slave.” "O"O MalikMalik let let it itbe be known known to toyou you that that you you have have been been appointed to the governorship of Egypt….When appoint- appointedappointed to to the the governorship governorship of ofEgypt….When Egypt….When appoint appoint- - HazratHazrat Amr Amr bin bin Al-Aas Al-Aas was was so so ashamed ashamed at at his his conduct conduct and and Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas was so ashamed at his conduct and inginging Qadis, Qadis, Qadis, select select select holy holy holy and and and pious pious pious persons persons persons for for thefor the post.the post. post. They They They thatthatthat ofof of hishis his sonson son that thatthat he hehe sought soughtsought forgivenessforgiveness fromfrom Hazrat HazratHazrat should neither be greedy nor make errors in their judg- Umar (ra), which was duly granted (3). shouldshould neither neither be be greedy greedy nor nor make make errors errors in theirin their judg judg- - UmarUmar (ra), (ra), which which was was duly duly granted granted (3). (3). ments.ments.ments. In In Inno nono way wayway should shouldshould they theythey deviate deviatedeviate from fromfrom the the thetruth truthtruth deliberately….Givedeliberately….Give them them handsome handsome pay pay so that so that they they may may Majlis Shura (consultative body) was well established and deliberately….Give them handsome pay so that they may MajlisMajlis Shura Shura (consultative (consultative body) body) was was wellwell establishedestablished andand notnotnot be be be beguiled beguiled beguiled into into into monetary monetary monetary temptations” temptations” temptations” (5). (5).Similar(5). Similar Similar HazratHazrat Umar Umar consulted consulted companionscompanions onon all all important important mat mat- - Hazrat Umar consulted companions on all important mat- instructionsinstructionsinstructions were werewere sent sentsent to to toevery everyevery governor governorgovernor at the atat the thetime timetime of ofof tersters such such as as appointment appointment of governors, QadisQadis and and other other ters such as appointment of governors, Qadis and other appointment.appointment.appointment. Like Like Like earlier earlier earlier khulafa, khulafa, khulafa, Hazrat Hazrat Hazrat Ali Ali (ra)Ali (ra) (ra)was was wasalso also also governmentgovernment ocials ocials duringduring wars etc. government ocials during wars etc. ananan arbitrator. arbitrator. arbitrator.

HadratHadratHadrat Uthman Uthman Uthman bin bin bin A an A anA an (ra) (ra) HazratHazrat Ali Ali (ra) (ra) as asa Plainti a Plainti As more territories came under Muslim control judiciary Hazrat Ali (ra) as a Plainti AsAs more more territories territories came came under under Muslim Muslim control control judiciary judiciary AfterAfter the the Battle Battle of ofSin, Sin, Hazrat Hazrat Ali Ali(ra) (ra)lost losthis valuablehis valuable and administrative divisions of the government improved After the Battle of Sin, Hazrat Ali (ra) lost his valuable andand administrative administrative divisions divisions of of the the government government improved improved coatcoat of of mail mail and and saw saw it init thein the possession possession of a of Christian. a Christian. further during the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman (ra). coat of mail and saw it in the possession of a Christian. furtherfurther during during the the caliphate caliphate of of Hazrat Hazrat Uthman Uthman (ra). (ra). WhenWhen asked asked to toreturn return it, theit, the man man insisted insisted that that the thecoat coat When asked to return it, the man insisted that the coat belonged to him. Hazrat Ali (ra) led a suit in the court of Hazrat Uthman (ra) issued the following directive to the belongedbelonged to to him. him. Hazrat Hazrat Ali Ali (ra) (ra) led led a a suit suit in in the the court court of of HazratHazrat Uthman Uthman (ra) (ra) issued issued the the following following directive directive to to the the thethe Qadi Qadi of ofKufa. Kufa. The The Qadi Qadi asked asked him him to produce to produce witness witness- - personspersons responsible responsible forfor administrationadministration inin various various parts parts of of esthe in Qadisupport of Kufa.of his The claim. Qadi Hazrat asked Ali him(ra) could to produce produce witness his - personsthe dominions: responsible for administration in various parts of eses in in support support of of his his claim. claim. Hazrat Hazrat Ali Ali (ra) (ra) could could produce produce his his thethe dominions: dominions: sonson and and his his slave slave as aswitnesses. witnesses. The The Qadi Qadi held held that thathe he couldson and not accepthis slave such as evidence. witnesses. Hazrat The AliQadi (ra) appreciatheld that- he "After glorifying and oering all praise to God Almighty, it could not accept such evidence. Hazrat Ali (ra) appreciat- "After glorifying and oering all praise to God Almighty, it edcould the integritynot accept of the such Qadi. evidence. After the Hazrat judgment Ali (ra) the appreciat Chris- - "Aftermay glorifying beReferences: stated thatand Allahoering requires all praise the administrators to God Almighty, to be it ed the integrity of the Qadi. After the judgment the Chris- References:References: tianed thecame integrity to Hazrat of the Ali Qadi.and oered After the him judgment the coat sayingthe Chris - maymaythe be bewell stated stated wishers that that and Allah Allah protectors requires requires of the the the administrators administrators people... See that to to be bea tian came to Hazrat Ali and oered him the coat saying the well wishers and protectors of the people... See that a thattian it came in fact to belonged Hazrat Alito him.and Theoered man himwas sothe impressed coat saying theproper well wishers equation and is protectorsmaintained of between the people... the rights See that and a thatthatthat he it it inaccepted in fact fact belonged belonged Islam at to theto him. him. hands The The of man man Hazrat was was Ali so so (ra) impressed impressed who properproperduties equation equationof the people. isis maintainedmaintained Everybody between shouldbetween perform thethe rightsrights his duty, andand that he accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Ali (ra) who duties of the people. Everybody should perform his duty, presentedthat he accepted him the coatIslam of at mail the as hands well asof aHazrat horse…(6). Ali (ra) who dutiesand atof the the same people. time Everybody he should shouldbe assured perform that he his would duty, presentedpresented him him the the coat coat of of mail mail as as well well as as a a horse…(6). horse…(6). andandhave at at the whatthe same same is due time time to him…(4)”.he he should should be be assured assured that that he he would would havehave what what is is due due to to him…(4)”. him…(4)”.

References: References:References: 1. Khalifa Abu Bakr: “Political, Social, Economic and Military Organization”. http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KAB/15/2 2. Khalifa Umar bin al-Khattab: “Political and Governmental Actions - Judicial Administration” http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KUM/15/5 1.1. 3. Khalifa Khalifa Hadrat Abu Abu Umar Bakr: Bakr: Farooq “Political, “Political, (ra) by Social, Social, Rashid Economic Economic Ahmad Chaudhry and and Military Military https://www.alislam.org/library/books/Hazrat-Omer.pdf Organization”. Organization”. http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KAB/15/2 http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KAB/15/2 2.2. 4. Khalifa Khalifa Khalifa Umar Umar Uthman bin bin al-Khattab: binal-Khattab: Aan: “The “Political “Political Trial of and andUbaidullah Governmental Governmental bin Umar Actions Actions Directive - -Judicial Judicial to the Administration”administrators” Administration” http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KUM/15/5 http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KUM/15/5 3.3. Hadrat Hadrat http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KUT/9/8 Umar Umar Farooq Farooq (ra) (ra) by by Rashid Rashid Ahmad Ahmad Chaudhry Chaudhry https://www.alislam.org/library/books/Hazrat-Omer.pdf https://www.alislam.org/library/books/Hazrat-Omer.pdf 4.4. 5. Khalifa Khalifa Khalifa Uthman Uthman Ali bin binAbu bin Aan: Talib: Aan: “Administrative“The “The Trial Trial of of Ubaidullah Ubaidullah Instructions bin bin of Umar UmarAli Instructions Directive Directive to toto the Malik the administrators” administrators” Ashtar” http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KUT/9/8 http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KUT/9/8http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KAL/83/2 6. Khalifa Ali bin Abu Talib: “Judgments of Ali” 5.5. Khalifa Khalifa Ali Ali bin bin Abu Abu Talib: Talib: “Administrative “Administrative Instructions Instructions of of Ali Ali Instructions Instructions to to Malik Malik Ashtar” Ashtar” http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KAL/84/10 http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KAL/83/2http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KAL/83/2

6.6. Khalifa Khalifa Ali Ali bin bin Abu Abu Talib: Talib: “Judgments “Judgments of of Ali” Ali” http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KAL/84/10http://www.alim.org/library/biography/khalifa/content/KAL/84/10



Justice Administered Khalida Jamilah JusticeJustice Administered Administered KhalidaKhalida Jamilah Jamilah WithinJustice the Administered Ottoman Empire Khalida Jamilah WithinWithin the thethe Ottoman OttomanOttoman Empire EmpireEmpire In many Western histories of the Ottoman Empire, it political control of millions of non-Muslims. Since the Inis manyoftenIn many Westerndescribed WesternWestern histories as historieshistories a typical of the ofof European the theOttoman Ottoman Ottoman multi-cultur Empire, Empire, Empire, it - it it politicalQur’anpoliticalpolitical controltaught control control oftolerance of millions of millions millions of forof non-Muslims. of non-Muslims. fellownon-Muslims. monotheistic Since Since Since the the the isal often empireis often described whichdescribeddescribed wanted as a asas typical aa typicaltotypical promote European European European its multi-cultur own multi-cultur multi-cultur interest.- - - Qur’anreligionsQur’anQur’an taught taught(Jewstaught tolerance andtolerance tolerance Christians, for for forfellow fellow orfellow “People monotheistic monotheistic monotheistic of the alIn empire truth,al empire thewhich whichempirewhich wanted wantedwanted grew to to promote toto be promote promote one ofits theitsown its own mostown interest. interest. interest.pow - religionsBook”),religionsreligions but(Jews (Jews vacillated(Jews and and and Christians, onChristians, Christians,just how or thator “Peopleor “People tolerance“People of of theofwasthe the Inerful truth,In truth,states the the the empirein the empireempire world. grew grewgrew toThroughout beto to be onebe one one of theofits of the history themost most most pow from pow pow- - - Book”),toBook”), Book”),manifest, but but but vacillated vacillatedearly vacillated Arab on on justonconquerors just just how how how that that thatcombined tolerance tolerance tolerance wasboth was was erfultheerful 1300sstates states into the inthein the theworld. early world.world. Throughout1900s, Throughout Throughout the Ottoman its itshistory its history history Empire from from from tothe tomanifest,to manifest,teachings manifest, early early ofearly ArabIslam Arab Arab conquerors withconquerors conquerors the realities combined combined combined that both theyboth both thewas the1300s a 1300sstrongly to thetoto Muslimthe theearly earlyearly 1900s, state. 1900s,1900s, theIslamic the theOttoman Ottoman Ottomanlaw and Empire Empire ideasEmpire thefoundthe theteachings teachings teachingsthemselves of of Islamof in.Islam Islam Historically, with with with the the therealities mostrealities realities non-Muslim that that that they they they wasformedwas a strongly a thestrongly basis Muslim MuslimMuslimof society, state. state.state. Islamiclaw, IslamicIslamic and law government. lawlaw and andand ideas ideas ideas foundgroupsfoundfound themselves themselvesin themselves Muslim in. in.lands Historically,in. Historically, Historically, became most mostmarginalized most non-Muslim non-Muslim non-Muslim as formedOttomanformed the sultans the thebasis basisbasis sawof society,of ofthemselves society,society, law, law,law, asand the andand government. protectors government.government. of groupspeoplegroupsgroups ininevitably in Muslimin Muslim Muslim convertedlands lands lands became became becameto Islam marginalized marginalized marginalizedfor social andas as as OttomantheOttoman Muslim sultans world.sultans saw sawsaw themselves themselvesthemselves as theas as the theprotectors protectors protectors of of of peopleeconomicpeoplepeople inevitably inevitably inevitablyreasons converted (2). converted converted to to Islamto Islam Islam for for forsocial social social and and and the theMuslim Muslim world. world.world. economiceconomiceconomic reasons reasons reasons (2). (2). (2). The Ottoman Government – A Model Bureaucracy This marginalization of minorities was balanced by TheThe Ottoman Ottoman Government GovernmentGovernment – A – –Model A A Model Model Bureaucracy Bureaucracy Bureaucracy ThistheThisThis marginalizationtolerance marginalization marginalization taught of byof minoritiesof minoritiesthe minorities Qur’an was was andwas balanced balanced eventuallybalanced by by by The Ottoman bureaucracy, following the models of thedistilledthe thetolerance tolerance tolerance into taughtthe taught taught Pact by by thebyof the theUmar.Qur’an Qur’an Qur’an Muslim and and and eventually eventually traditioneventually TheearlierThe Ottoman IslamicOttoman bureaucracy, states, bureaucracy,bureaucracy, expected following following followingthe non-Muslim the the themodels models models com of -of of distilledstatesdistilleddistilled that into into theinto the Caliphthe thePact Pact PactUmar of of Umar. of ibnUmar. Umar. al-Khattab Muslim Muslim Muslim issuedtradition tradition tradition the earliermunitiesearlier Islamic Islamicto deal states, states, states,with expected their expectedexpected own the the internalthenon-Muslim non-Muslim non-Muslim a airs com andcom com- - - statespactstatesstates tothat thatthe that the theChristians theCaliph Caliph Caliph Umar Umarof Umar Jerusalem, ibn ibn ibnal-Khattab al-Khattab al-Khattab or alternatively issued issued issued the the the munitiesdelivermunities on to theirdealto dealdeal withtax with withobligations. their theirtheir own ownown internalThese internalinternal groups a airs a airs a airs wereand and and pactSyriapactpact to as to theto athe theChristianswhole, Christians Christians following of of Jerusalem,of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, its fall or toor alternatively or alternativelythe alternatively Muslim delivercalleddeliver milletson ontheir theirtheirand tax had taxtaxobligations. powersobligations.obligations. of These taxation These These groups groupsandgroups collec-were were were Syriaarmies.SyriaSyria as as Althoughaas awhole, awhole, whole, Westernfollowing following following scholars its its fallits fall have fallto to the to ascribedthe theMuslim Muslim Muslim the calledtivecalled representation millets millets and andand had before hadhad powers powerspowers the of Ottoman taxationof of taxation taxation andstate. and and collec- Millet collec- collec- armies.formulationarmies.armies. Although Although Although to the Western Western UmayyadWestern scholars scholars scholars caliph, have have Umarhave ascribed ascribed ascribed II, it themay the the tiveis ative representationseparate representation court ofbefore law beforebefore pertaining the the theOttoman OttomanOttoman to "personal state. state. state. Millet law"Millet Millet formulationbeformulationformulation that its nalto to theto formulationthe theUmayyad Umayyad Umayyad iscaliph, caliph,a caliph,composite Umar Umar Umar II, II,of it II, itmanymay itmay may isunder a isseparate a separate which court a courtcourt confessional of law ofof lawlaw pertaining pertaining pertaining community to "personalto to "personal "personal (a group law" law" law" bedi erentbe thatbe that that its its nalitsagreements nal nal formulation formulation formulation between is isa isacomposite acomposite compositeMuslims of of many ofmanyand many underabidingunder which bywhich thea confessional aalaws confessionalconfessional of Muslim community communitycommunity Sharia, (aChristian (agroup(a groupgroup di erentnon-Muslims.di erentdi erent agreements agreements agreementsIn its earliest between between andbetween most Muslims basicMuslimsMuslims formula and andand - abidingCanonabiding law,by bytheor Jewishthe thelaws lawslaws ofHalakha) ofMuslimof MuslimMuslim was Sharia, allowedSharia,Sharia, Christian ChristiantoChristian rule non-Muslims.tions,non-Muslims.non-Muslims. the pact In stipulatedInits In its earliestits earliest earliest that and and and inmost mostreturn most basic basic forbasic formulathe formula formula Mus--- - CanonitselfCanon under law, law, or its Jewish ororown JewishJewish laws Halakha) (1).Halakha)Halakha) was waswas allowed allowedallowed to to ruleto rule rule tions,lims’tions,tions, thepledges the thepact pact pact ofstipulated stipulatedsafe-conduct stipulated that that that in forin return in returntheir return forpersons for thefor the theMus Musand Mus- - - itselfitself under under its own itsits ownown laws lawslaws (1). (1).(1). lims’propertylims’lims’ pledges pledges pledges and of of safe-conductof safe-conduct non-interferencesafe-conduct for for fortheir their intheir persons anypersons persons internal and and and property and of non-interference in any internal Very often the groups were allowed to choose their propertyautonomyproperty and theand of non-Muslimnon-interferenceof non-interference would in agreeanyin any internal to internal the Very often the groups were allowed to choose their autonomy the non-Muslim would agree to the VeryleadersVery often oftenand the were thegroups largelygroups were dividedwere allowed allowed up toby choose civicto choose units their fortheir autonomyfollowing:autonomy the thenon-Muslim non-Muslim would would agree agree to tothe the leaders and were largely divided up by civic units for following: leaderstaxleaders and and judicial and were were purposes. largely largely divided In divided order up forbyup civicaby group civic units unitsto for be for following:following: tax and judicial purposes. In order for a group to be taxgranted taxand and judicial millet judicial purposes.status, purposes. it hadIn order Into order establish for afor group a itselfgroup to asbe to a be 1.) They would be subject to the political granted millet status, it had to establish itself as a 1.) They would be subject to the political grantedcohesivegranted millet religious millet status, status, community it had it had to establish torooted establish itselfin itselfhistory. as aas a 1.) authority They 1.) They would of would Islam. be subjectbe subject to the to thepolitical political cohesive religious community rooted in history. authority of Islam. cohesiveSecond,cohesive itreligious had religious to nominate community community leadership rooted rooted that in wouldhistory.in history. be authority authority of Islam. of Islam. Second, it had to nominate leadership that would be Second,responsibleSecond, it had it hadfor to nominate taxesto nominate and leadership communication leadership that that would wouldto bethe be 2.) They would not speak of the Prophet responsible for taxes and communication to the 2.) They would not speak of the Prophet responsibleOttomans.responsible Third,for fortaxes the taxes group and and hadcommunication communication to accept the to“Pact theto of the 2.) Muhammad, They 2.) They would would his not Book, notspeak speak or of his the of faith. theProphet Prophet Ottomans.Ottomans. Third, Third,Third, the the thegroup groupgroup had had had to acceptto to accept accept the the the“Pact “Pact “Pact of of of Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad, his his Book,his Book, Book, or or his or his faith.his faith. faith. Umar”.Umar”. Umar”.Umar”. 3.) They would refrain from committing forni- 3.) 3.) They 3.) They They would would would refrain refrain refrain from from from committing committing committing forni- forni- forni- TheThe “Pact “Pact of ofUmar” Umar” is ais seriesa series of of promises promises and and obliga obliga- - cation cation with with Muslim Muslim women. women. TheThe “Pact “Pact of Umar” of Umar” is a isseries a series of promises of promises and and obliga obliga- - cation cation with with Muslim Muslim women. women. tionstions between between Islamic Islamic states states and and their their non-Muslim non-Muslim a.a. This This was was extended extended to to include include mar-mar- tionstions between between Islamic Islamic states states and and their their non-Muslim non-Muslim a. Thisa. This was was extended extended to include to include mar- mar- citizenscitizens and and reects reects the the evolution evolution of of Islam Islam and and its its riage riage between between non-Muslim non-Muslim menmen andand citizenscitizens and and reects reects the theevolution evolution of Islamof Islam and and its its riage riage between between non-Muslim non-Muslim men men and and relationrelation to toits its sister sister monotheistic monotheistic religions. religions. To To fully fully MuslimMuslim women. women. relationrelation to itsto sisterits sister monotheistic monotheistic religions. religions. To fullyTo fully MuslimMuslim women. women. understandunderstand this this document, document, a basica basic understanding understanding of of b.b. Marriage Marriage between between Muslim Muslim menmen andand understandunderstand this this document, document, a basic a basic understanding understanding of of b. Marriageb. Marriage between between Muslim Muslim men men and and thethe history history of ofthe the expansion expansion of of Islam Islam is isneeded. needed. non-Muslim non-Muslim women women was was allowed, allowed, the thehistory history of theof theexpansion expansion of Islamof Islam is needed.is needed. non-Muslim non-Muslim women women was was allowed, allowed, BetweenBetween 632 632 C.E. C.E. and and 750 750 C.E. C.E. the the Muslims Muslims reached reached following following the the Prophet’s Prophet’s example, example, asas BetweenBetween 632 632 C.E. C.E. and and 750 750 C.E. C.E. the theMuslims Muslims reached reached following following the theProphet’s Prophet’s example, example, as as thethe borders borders of ofFrance France and and China. China. This This put put them them in in long long as as the the children children were were brought brought upup the borders of France and China. This put them in long as the children were brought up the borders of France and China. This put them in asas longMuslims. Muslims. as the children were brought up as Muslims.as Muslims. SUNRISE {27} MUSLIMMUSLIM[2017]SUNRISE {27} SUNRISE[2017]SUNRISE {27} {27} MUSLIMMUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL 2017 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALLFALL 20172017 c. c.But But non-Muslim non-Muslim wives wives of of Muslim Muslim men men were were c. But c. But non-Muslim non-Muslim wives wives of of Muslim Muslim men men were were free free to to worship worship according according to to their their own own faith. faith. free free to toworship worship according according to to their their own own faith. faith. 4.)4.) Non-Muslims Non-Muslims were were forbidden forbidden to to sell sell or or give give a a 4.) 4.)Non-Muslims Non-Muslims were were forbidden forbidden to to sell sell or or give give a a Muslim Muslim anything anything that that was was in in violation violation of of Islamic Islamic Muslim Muslim anything anything that that was was in in violation violation of of Islamic Islamic law, law, i.e. i.e. carrion, carrion, pork, pork, or or alcohol. alcohol. law, law, i.e. i.e. carrion, carrion, pork, pork, or or alcohol. alcohol. 5.)5.) The The display display of of crosses crosses or or ringing ringing of of bells bells in in 5.) The display of crosses or ringing of bells in public5.) public The was display was not not permitted,of permitted, crosses ornor nor ringing any any public public of bells in public proclamation public was was not not ofpermitted, “polytheistic”permitted, nor nor anybelief any public public to a proclamation proclamation of “polytheistic”of “polytheistic” belief belief to toa a Muslim. proclamation Muslim. This This included includedof “polytheistic” references references belief to to the tothe Trina Trin ty. ty. Muslim. Muslim. This This included included references references to to the the Trin Trin ty. ty. 6.)6.) No No new new churches churches or or synagogues synagogues could could be be 6.)built. 6.)No No new new churches churches or or synagogues synagogues could could be be built.built. built. 7.) Non-Muslims were made to wear the girdle 7.) 7.)Non-Muslims Non-Muslims were were made made to towear wear the the girdle girdle 7.) over Non-Muslims their cloaks were and weremade to to di erentiate wear the girdle them over over their their cloaks cloaks and and were were to todi erentiate di erentiate them them selves from Muslims by their headgear, mounts, selves over selves their from from cloaks Muslims Muslims and by were bytheir their to headgear, di erentiate headgear, mounts, mounts, them and saddles. and selves and saddles. fromsaddles. Muslims by their headgear, mounts, a. This was expanded later to prohibit and saddles.a. Thisa. This was was expanded expanded later later to toprohibit prohibit non-Muslims from riding either horses or non-Muslimsa. This non-Muslims was expanded from from riding riding later either eitherto prohibit horses horses or or camels, limiting them to mules and don- camels, non-Muslims camels, limiting limiting from them them riding to tomules either mules and horses and don- don- or keys. keys. camels,keys. limiting them to mules and don- MuslimMuslimMuslim population populationpopulation over over the the non-Muslims non-Muslims in inin any anyany public publicpublic b. Often local variations took root. In b.keys. Oftenb. Often local local variations variations took took root. root. In In spaceMuslimspacespace the thethe population communities communities over might mightthe non-Muslimsshare. share.share. The TheThe call call callin to anytoto prayer prayer prayerpublic Aleppo non-Muslims were to wear red Aleppob. Often Aleppo non-Muslims local non-Muslims variations were were took to towear root. wear red In red mightspacemightmight disturb disturbthedisturb communities a anon-Muslim’s non-Muslim’s might slumber, slumber, share. but butbutThe the the thecall ringing ringingringing to prayer of of of shoes. Aleppo shoes. shoes. In Innon-Muslims otherIn other other cities, cities, cities, they were they they were towere were wear to to towear wearred wear themightthethe church churchchurch disturb bells bellsbells aor non-Muslim’sor the the chants chants of of of slumber,the thethe non-believers non-believersnon-believers but the ringing should should should of only shoes. only only blue blue Inblue otheror or orblack black black cities, clothing. clothing. clothing. they were to wear notthenotnot inconvenience church inconvenienceinconvenience bells or a atheMuslim.” Muslim.” chants of the non-believers should c. onlyc. Everywhere,c. Everywhere, Everywhere, blue or black non-Muslims non-Muslims non-Muslims clothing. were were were to to to not inconvenience a Muslim.” refrain from using green, the Prophet’s Additionally, non-Muslims had to pay the jizya, but the References:References: References: refrainc. Everywhere, refrain from from using using non-Muslims green, green, the the Prophet’swere Prophet’s to Additionally,Additionally, non-Muslims non-Muslims had had to to pay pay the the jizya, jizya, but but thethe color. amount assessed in the Ottoman period was usually more References: color. refraincolor. from using green, the Prophet’s amountAdditionally,amount assessed assessed non-Muslims in in the the Ottoman Ottoman had periodto period pay was wasthe usually usuallyjizya, butmore more the color. symbolicamountsymbolicsymbolic thanassessed thanthan onerous onerous in the because because Ottoman the thethe period tax taxtax was waswas was calculated calculatedcalculated usually moreon on on 8.)8.) 8.)No No No non-Muslim non-Muslim non-Muslim could could could hold hold hold a aMuslim a Muslim Muslim as as asa a slave.a slave. slave. thesymbolicthethe man’s man’sman’s ability than abilityability onerous to to pay pay (4). because(4). Under UnderUnder the the thethe tax pact, pact,pact, was the the thecalculated Ottoman OttomanOttoman on 8.) No non-Muslim could hold a Muslim as a slave. allowedtheallowedallowed man’s millets milletsmillets ability to to establishto establish pay (4). and andUnder maintain maintainmaintain the pact, their theirtheir the own ownown Ottoman inter inter inter--- 9.) No public religious processions, such as those 9.) 9.)No No public public religious religious processions, processions, such such as asthose those nalallowednalnal legal legallegal structures. millets structures.structures. to Thisestablish This respect respect and for forfor maintain minority minorityminority theirgroup group group own auton auton auton inter---- traditionally held at Easter, were to be allowed. traditionally9.) traditionallyNo public held religious held at Easter,at Easter,processions, were were to tobe such be allowed. allowed. as those omynalomyomy legalwas waswas structures.so so great great that Thisthat Qadis respectQadis and andand for local minoritylocallocal ocials ocialsocials group would wouldwould auton - routinely enforce the orders of millet courts (5). References: traditionally held at Easter, were to be allowed. routinelyomyroutinely was enforce enforceso great the the ordersthat orders Qadis of of millet millet and courts courtslocal (5). ocials(5). would References:References:10.) Non-Muslim communities agree to pay the 10.)10.) Non-Muslim Non-Muslim communities communities agree agree to topay pay the the routinely enforce the orders of millet courts (5). References: jizya, or head tax on every non-Muslim male in Only when all parties agreed or when one of the parties jizya,10.) jizya, Non-Muslim or heador head tax tax oncommunities on every every non-Muslim non-Muslim agree to male pay male inthe in OnlyOnly when when all all parties parties agreed agreed or or when when one one of of the the parties parties Muslim Muslim land. land. was Muslim, would legal issues be heard before a qadi. Muslim jizya, or land. head tax on every non-Muslim male in wasOnlywas Muslim, Muslim,when allwould would parties legal legal agreed issues issues or be bewhen heard heard one before before of the a a qadi.partiesqadi. Non-MuslimsNon-Muslims had diculty achieving justicejustice there.there. ForFor Muslim land. Non-Muslimswas Muslim, hadwould diculty legal issues achieving be heard justice before there. a Forqadi. TheThe pact pact clearly clearly explainedexplained thatthat ifif aa groupgroup faithfullyfaithfully instance,instance, inin 18th18th century Aleppo,Aleppo, aa ChristianChristian chroniclerchronicler The pact clearly explained that if a group faithfully instance,Non-Muslims in 18th had century diculty Aleppo, achieving a Christian justice chronicler there. For followedfollowed its its structures, structures, the the state state would would largely largely notnot interinter-- describeddescribed the murder of a Christian merchant.merchant. AA MuslimMuslim followedThe pact its clearly structures, explained the state that would if a largely group not faithfully inter- describedinstance, thein 18thmurder century of a Christian Aleppo, merchant.a Christian A chroniclerMuslim ferefere in in their their internal internal administration. administration. AsAs such,such, decisionsdecisions contractcontract workerworker approached the merchantmerchant andand askedasked for for ferefollowed in their its structures,internal administration. the state would As largelysuch, decisions not inter - contractdescribed worker the murderapproached of a Christianthe merchant merchant. and asked A Muslim for mademade by by the the leadership leadership of of the the non-Muslim non-Muslim religious religious com com-- work.work. TheThe Christian merchant saidsaid thatthat hehe hadhad nonenone toto madefere in by their the leadershipinternal administration. of the non-Muslim As such,religious decisions com- work. The Christian merchant said that he had none to munitiesmunities in in regards regards to to personal personal status status lawlaw oror contractscontracts contracto ero er andand worker the Muslim approached contractor the merchantpulledpulled hishis and daggerdagger asked andand for munitiesmade by thein regards leadership to personal of the non-Muslim status law religious or contracts com - o er and the Muslim contractor pulled his dagger and unlessunless all all parties parties agreed agreed to to Muslim Muslim adjudication. adjudication. While While the the work.killedkilled theThethe Christianmerchant. merchant Since there said were werethat heonlyonly had ChristianChristian none to unlessmunities all partiesin regards agreed to topersonal Muslim statusadjudication. law or While contracts the killedo er theand merchant.the Muslim Since contractor there pulledwere only his daggerChristian and pactpactpact allows allows allows non-Muslims non-Muslims non-Muslims to to toretain retain retain their their their own ownown customary customarycustomary witnesses,witnesses,witnesses, no no charges charges against against the the murderer murderermurderer were were were brought. brought. brought. unlesspractices all parties in regards agreed to topersonal Muslim status adjudication. law, it established While the a killed the merchant. Since there were only Christian practicespractices in in regards regards to to personal personal status status law, law, it itestablished established a a ThisThisThis violated violatedviolated the the standard standard evidentiary evidentiary burden burdenburden outlined outlinedoutlined in in in pactpublic allows disdain non-Muslims for those to practicesretain their in ownthe eyescustomary of the witnesses, no charges against the murderer were brought. publicpublic disdain disdain for for those those practices practices in in the the eyes eyes of of the the shariashariasharia that thatthat required required two two adult adult male malemale Muslims MuslimsMuslims as asas witness witnesswitness practicesMuslim in legal regards scholars to personal and Qadis status (judges) law, it and,established by exten a - This violated the standard evidentiary burden outlined in MuslimMuslim legal legal scholars scholars and and Qadis Qadis (judges) (judges) and, and, by by exten exten- - againstagainstagainst a aMuslima Muslim on on a amurder murder charge. charge. publicsion, disdainthe state. for Critically, those “itpractices established in the primacyeyes of of the the sharia that required two adult male Muslims as witness sion,sion, the the state. state. Critically, Critically, “it “it established established the the primacy primacy of of the the Muslim legal scholars and Qadis (judges) and, by exten- against a Muslim on a murder charge. sion, the state. Critically, “it established the primacy of the MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {28}{28} MUSLIMSUNRISE[2017] {28} MUSLIM[2017][2017] SUNRISE {28} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 Minority groups would use the Ottoman courtMUSLIM system SUNRISE, sary. FALL Kanun 2017 was not to be changed willfully, however, Minorityto enforce groups their would own use internal the Ottoman decisions. court systemRecords sary.but Kanunonly in was accordance not to be with changed the spirit willfully, of impersonal however, to Minorityenforce groups their wouldown internaluse the Ottomandecisions. court Records system butsary. only Kanun in accordance was not to bewith changed the spirit willfully, of impersonal however, aboundto enforce of the their Patriarchs own ofinternal Constantinople decisions. condemn Records- butjustice only and in accordancedynastic honor with that the spiritinformed of impersonal the primal abounding corrupt of the Patriarchsor heretic of priests. Constantinople Local Qadis condemn or the- justicepromulgation. and dynastic Kanun honor not only that regulated informed the the structure primal ingabound corrupt of theor Patriarchsheretic priests. of Constantinople Local Qadis condemn or the - promulgation.justice and dynastic Kanun nothonor only that regulated informed the the structure primal centraling corrupt government or heretic satis ed priests. that Localthe dissidents Qadis or were the promulgation.of the Ottoman Kanun government, not only butregulated also dealt the structurewith gen - central government satis ed that the dissidents were of the Ottoman government, but also dealt with gen- properlycentral government tried under satis edthe rules that of thetheir dissidents group, would were oferal the matters Ottoman of provincialgovernment, military but also organization, dealt with genpenal- properly tried under the rules of their group, would eral matters of provincial military organization, penal thenproperly enforce tried the under groups the ruling.rules of Enforcement their group, bywould the eraljustice, matters taxation, of provincial and the positionmilitary organization,of certain minorities penal then enforce the groups ruling. Enforcement by the justice, taxation, and the position of certain minorities Ottomansthen enforce of thereligious groups minority ruling. Enforcementdecisions ran by the justice,within thetaxation, Empire. and the position of certain minorities Ottomans of religious minority decisions ran the within the Empire. gamutOttomans of removalof religious from minority oce to decisions executing ran those the within the Empire. gamut of removal from oce to executing those condemnedgamut of removal by their ownfrom groups.oce to executing those While Christians and Jews appeared frequently in the condemned by their own groups. While Christians and Jews appeared frequently in the condemned by their own groups. WhileMuslim Christians courts in and the Jews Arabic-speaking appeared frequently provinces in theand Muslim courts in the Arabic-speaking provinces and Some groups prevented their members from using Muslimapparently courts showed in the no Arabic-speaking hesitancy to press provinces cases involv and - SometheSome Ottoman groups groups preventedcourt prevented system. their their A residentmembers members English from from consulusing using - apparentlyapparentlying breach showed showedof contract no no hesitancy hesitancy against Muslims, to to press press casescasesthe recorders involvinvolv-- theatethe Ottoman in Ottoman Aleppo court courtclaimed system. system. that A Atheresident resident rabbis English Englishof his consulcity consul had- - ingingof breachtheir breach testimonies of of contract contract have against against left semioticMuslims, Muslims, evidence thethe recordersrecorders it was ateissuedate in inAleppo injunctionsAleppo claimed claimed forbidding that that the the anyrabbis rabbis of their of of his hiscommunity city city had had ofofnot their their on testimonies thetestimonies basis of have haveequality. left left semiotic semioticIndividual evidenceevidence Christians itit waswas and issuedfromissued injunctionsbearing injunctions testimony forbidding forbidding against any any of another of their their community communityJew in the notnotJews on on werethe the basis basisalways of of equality. equality.identi ed Individual Individual by their Christians Christiansreligion when andand fromMuslimfrom bearing bearing courts. testimony testimonyThis does, against againsthowever, another another contrast Jew Jew with in in the the JewsJewsentered were were into alwaysalways the records, identi edidenti ed an byindicationby theirtheir religionreligion that the whenwhen court MuslimJewishMuslim courts. population courts. This This does,of does, Jerusalem however, however, and contrast Damascus,contrast with with which the the enteredenteredscribes into intoconsidered the the records, records, “Muslim” an an indication indication to be thethatthat thenormthe courtcourt and JewishusedJewish thepopulation population Muslim courtsof of Jerusalem Jerusalem often toand and resolve Damascus, Damascus, their internalwhich which scribesscribesunnecessary consideredconsidered for notation “Muslim”“Muslim” (7). to toNon-Muslim bebe thethe normnorm men andandwere usedconicts.used the the Muslim Muslim courts courts often often to to resolve resolve their their internal internal unnecessaryunnecessaryfurther set apartfor for notation notation from Muslims (7).(7). Non-MuslimNon-Muslim by the scribes menmen in werewere both conicts.conicts. furtherfurtherAleppo set set and apart apart Damascus from from Muslims Muslims who recorded byby thethe their scribesscribes patronymic inin bothboth Ottoman Sources of Law – Sharia and Qanun AleppoAleppoas “walad,” and and Damascusfor Damascus example, who who Jirjis recorded recorded walad Tumatheir their patronymicpatronymic(George son OttomanTheOttoman Ottomans, Sources Sources being of of Law good Law – Sharia–Muslims, Sharia and and took Qanun Qanun the sharia as asasof “walad,” “walad,”Thomas), for for asexample, example, opposed Jirjis Jirjis to thewalad walad “ibn” Tuma Tuma reserved (George(George for sonMusson - ThetheThe Ottomans, basis Ottomans, of their being being jurisprudence. good good Muslims, Muslims, The took tookOttomans, the the sharia sharia being as as ofoflims. Thomas), Thomas), This makes as as opposed opposed sense to into the lightthe “ibn” “ibn” of the reservedreserved hierarchies forfor MusMus that-- thegoodthe basis basis Turks, of oftheir also their jurisprudence. relied jurisprudence. heavily onThe The their Ottomans, Ottomans, ancestral being being prac - lims.lims.exist This Thisin makesIslam, makes betweensense sense in in light menlight ofofand thethe women, hierarchieshierarchies believers thatthat goodtices,good Turks, which Turks, also sustainedalso relied relied heavily themheavily beforeon on their their Islam ancestral ancestral and helpedprac prac- - existexistand in non-believers,in Islam, Islam, betweenbetween saints menmen and andsinners.and women,women, believersbelievers tices,themtices, which towhich gain sustained sustainedtheir empire. them them Beingbefore before good Islam Islam administrators and and helped helped andand non-believers, non-believers, saints saints and and sinners. sinners. themasthem well, to togain thegain their Ottomanstheir empire. empire. adopted,Being Being good good merged, administrators administrators or even The testimony of a non-Muslim was accepted in court assometimes aswell, well, the the ignoredOttomans Ottomans these adopted, adopted,precedents merged, merged, over theor or courseeven even TheThewith testimony testimony the swearing of of a a non-Muslim non-Muslimof the appropriate was was acceptedaccepted oath, oninin court courteither sometimesofsometimes their empire. ignored ignored these these precedents precedents over over the the course course withwiththe Torahthe the swearing swearing or the Gospels. of of the the appropriate appropriateDespite the oath,oath,Qur’anic onon eithereitherinjunc - of oftheir their empire. empire. thethetion Torah Torah that or theor the the testimony Gospels. Gospels. Despite ofDespite two non-Muslim thethe Qur’anicQur’anic males, injuncinjunc -or- At its origins, Sharia gives rules for running a commu- tiontiontwo that thatMuslim the the testimony womentestimony for of of that twotwo matter, non-Muslimnon-Muslim was required males,males, oror to Atnity Atits its origins,of origins, like believers. Sharia Sharia gives givesThe rules Ottomans, rules for for running running however, a acommu commu ruled- a- twotwoequal Muslim Muslim that women ofwomen one for Muslimfor thatthat matter,matter,male, non-Muslims waswas requiredrequired andtoto nitymassivenity of oflike like empire believers. believers. of Thediverse The Ottomans, Ottomans, communities, however, however, thus ruled ruled they a a equalequalwomen thatthat testi ed ofof oneone against MuslimMuslim Muslim male,male, non-Muslimsmalesnon-Muslims on an equalandand massivebuiltmassive upon empire empire and ofadapted of diverse diverse the communities, communities, religious law. thus thusOttoman they they womenwomenbasis. There testi ed testi ed was against againsta dierence, MuslimMuslim however, malesmales on onbetween anan equalequal the builtsecularbuilt upon upon law and andwas adapted adaptedsteeped the thein religious religioustheir nomadic law. law. Ottoman Ottoman Turkish basis.basis.two Thereclasses There was wasof witnesses.a a dierence, dierence, Women however,however, of whatever betweenbetween thefaiththe secularorigins.secular law Whenlaw was was Mehmedsteeped steeped in IIin theirwas their consolidatingnomadic nomadic Turkish Turkish the twotwo classes classes ofof witnesses.witnesses. WomenWomen ofof whateverwhatever faithfaith origins.empireorigins. When afterWhen Mehmedhis Mehmed conquest II IIwas wasof consolidatingConstantinople, consolidating the thehe empire after his conquest of Constantinople, he empireissued aafter Kanunname. his conquest This ‘dynastic of Constantinople, law’ was a codi ca he - issued a Kanunname. This ‘dynastic law’ was a codi ca- issuedtion ofa Kanunname. customary Thispractice ‘dynastic with law’ commentary was a codi ca and- tion of customary practice with commentary and tioninstructions of customary for his practice successor with on commentaryhow to rule inand the instructions for his successor on how to rule in the instructions“Ottoman Way”.for his “Thatsuccessor portion on howof the to ruleConqueror’s in the “Ottoman Way”. “That portion of the Conqueror’s “Ottomaninstitutes Way”.dealing “That with portion the structure of the ofConqueror’s the central institutes dealing with the structure of the central institutesgovernment dealing ... which with formedthe structure the eective of the constitucentral - government ... which formed the eective constitu- governmenttion of the Empire,... which was formed thus athe mixture eective of description constitu- tion of the Empire, was thus a mixture of description tionof actual of the practice, Empire, acknowledgmentwas thus a mixture of ofprecedent, description and of actual practice, acknowledgment of precedent, and ofprescription actual practice, emanating acknowledgment from the ruler’s of precedent, discretionary and prescriptionprescription emanating emanating from from the the ruler’s ruler’s discretionary discretionary authority,authority, all all givengiven canonicalcanonical forceforce (6).(6). But Mehmed authority,also enjoined all given his successors canonical toforce amend (6). usage But Mehmed as neces - alsoalso enjoined enjoined his his successors successors to to amend amend usage usage as as neces neces- -

SUNRISE {29} MUSLIMSUNRISE[2017] {29} MUSLIMSUNRISE[2017] {29} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL 2017 2017 recorded in Aleppo that refer to extensive inter-Christian recordedlitigationrecorded in over Aleppoin Aleppothe fair that thatshare refer refer of to the toextensive extensivetax burden. inter-Christian inter-Christian The litiga - litigationtionlitigation revolved over over aroundthe the fair fair theshare share determination of ofthe the tax tax burden. ofburden. the appropriate The The litiga litiga- - tiontaxationtion revolved revolved method around around in the the thefacing determination determination of changing of of the demographics. the appropriate appropriate taxationtaxation method method in theBookin the facing facing Review, of ofchanging changing by Lubna demographics. demographics. R Malik In 1754, the GreekBook OrthodoxBook Review, Review, were by required by Lubna Lubna to R payR Malik Malik 46.7 Inpercent 1754,In 1754, theof the theGreek Greektotal Orthodox Orthodoxlevied againstwere were required requiredthe Christians; to to pay pay 46.7 46.7the percentMaronitespercent of 23.3ofthe the percent;total total levied thelevied Armenians against against the andthe Christians; Jacobites,Christians; each thethe Maronites15 Maronitespercent. 23.3 Two23.3 percent; percent;years thelater the Armenians theArmenians communities and and Jacobites, Jacobites, came each backeach 15and percent.15 arguedpercent. Two forTwo years the years laterfollowing later the the communities distribution:communities came Rum,came back back42.5 andpercent,and argued argued Maronites for forthe the31.5 following followingpercent, distribution: Armeniansdistribution: 16Rum, Rum, percent, 42.542.5 percent,Jacobitespercent, Maronites 10 Maronites percent. 31.5 31.5The percent, communitiespercent, Armenians Armenians decided 16 16 percent, thispercent, was Jacobites 10 percent. The communities decided this was were generally required to present two male witnesses as Jacobitesthe fairest 10 distribution percent. The based communities on ability decidedto pay. The this Qadis, was the fairest distribution based on ability to pay. The Qadis, wereto their generallywere identity, generally required while required non-Muslimto present to present two males maletwo weremale witnesses acceptedwitnesses as asthe tired fairest of litigation, distribution ruled based the subsequenton ability to yearpay. thatThe Qadis,tax on tired of litigation, ruled the subsequent year that tax on toon their theirto identity,their own identity, assurances.while while non-Muslim non-MuslimThe physical males males weredescriptions were accepted accepted of tired Christians of litigation, would beruled determined the subsequent to each yearchurch that on tax a basis on Christians would be determined to each church on a basis onnon-Muslim theiron theirown males ownassurances. wereassurances. sometimes The Thephysical recordedphysical descriptions asdescriptions an appar of - ofChristians of their numbers would be of determined membership. to eachIn contrast church the on Jewsa basis of of their numbers of membership. In contrast the Jews of non-Muslimnon-Muslim males males were weresometimes sometimes recorded recorded as an as appar an appar- -ofthe their Aleppo numbers simply of choosemembership. to be taxedIn contrast as one the group Jews and of ent identity check, however, as was often the case for the Aleppo simply choose to be taxed as one group and entslaves. identityent Such identity physicalcheck, check, however, descriptions however, as waswere as wasoften rarely, often theif ever, thecase added case for forthe thus Aleppo jointly simply shared choose the liability to be taxedfor the as jizya one assessedgroup and to slaves. Such physical descriptions were rarely, if ever, addedthus them.thus jointly jointly shared shared the the liability liability for for the the jizya jizya assessed assessed to to slaves.in the Such case physical of free descriptionsMuslim males. were Despite rarely, ifsuch ever, hints added of them. inpossible thein case the discrimination, ofcase free of Muslimfree “atMuslim leastmales. males.in Despitethe eyesDespite such of the such hints record hints of - ofthem. possibleing secretary,possible discrimination, discrimination,non-Muslim “at menleast “at andleastin the women in eyes the eyesof were the of frequentrecordthe record- - The Ottomans taxed foreigners dierently. Since they were ing secretary, non-Muslim men and women were frequentThe notThe Ottomans ruled Ottomans by thetaxed taxed Ottomans foreigners foreigners they dierently. dierently. were not Since Sincesubject they they towere were the ingvisitors secretary, to the non-Muslim Muslim courts.” men andBut, women as non-Muslims were frequent often not ruled by the Ottomans they were not subject to the visitorsreliedvisitors onto Muslimthe to Muslim the witnesses Muslim courts.” courts.”to But,win theirasBut, non-Muslims ascivil non-Muslims cases against often often not jizya. ruled However, by the since Ottomans they were they not were Ottoman not subject subjects, to the the relied on Muslim witnesses to win their civil cases againstjizya. Ottomansjizya. However, However, only since suered since they they their were were presence not not Ottoman Ottoman on Ottoman subjects, subjects, terms. the the reliedMuslims, on Muslim we can witnessesassume that to theywin theirunderstood civil cases the against e cacy Ottomans only suered their presence on Ottoman terms. Muslims,of havingMuslims, we Muslim can we assume can testimony assume that they thatto swaytheyunderstood understooda Muslim the judge e cacythe e cacy to Ottomans Following only the sueredstandard their Ottoman presence model, on Ottoman a foreigner’s terms. of having Muslim testimony to sway a Muslim judge toFollowing statusFollowing was the determined the standard standard byOttoman hisOttoman group model, model,membership. a aforeigner’s foreigner’s In the oftheir having side (8).Muslim testimony to sway a Muslim judge to status was determined by his group membership. In the their side (8). statuscase of was foreigners, determined that groupby his statusgroup was membership. determined In solely the their side (8). case of foreigners, that group status was determined solely caseby theof foreigners, foreigner’s that country group statusof origin was determinedand the current solely For the Ottomans taxation was a major governmental and by the foreigner’s country of origin and the current For the Ottomans taxation was a major governmental andby relationship the foreigner’s enjoyed country by that of stateorigin with and the the Ottomans. current Forpolitical the Ottomans concern taxationbut it was was also a majorone with governmental strong religious and relationship enjoyed by that state with the Ottomans. political concern but it was also one with strong religiousrelationship These trading enjoyed agreements by that state(capitulations) with the Ottomans.eventually politicalovertones. concern The Pactbut itof was Umar also required one with non-Muslim strong religious adult These trading agreements (capitulations) eventually overtones. The Pact of Umar required non-Muslim adultThese evolved trading in most agreements favored nation (capitulations) trading statuses eventually and overtones.males to pay The a Pacthead oftax Umar (jizya). required The tax non-Muslimwas determined adult in evolved in most favored nation trading statuses and males to pay a head tax (jizya). The tax was determined inevolved resembled in modernmost favored trading nation agreements. trading Besides statuses allowing and malesmany todierent pay a head ways. tax However, (jizya). Thepart tax of thewas Ottoman determined obses in - resembled modern trading agreements. Besides allowing many dierent ways. However, part of the Ottoman obses-resembledfor trade, the modern capitulations trading wouldagreements. often allow Besides a foreigner allowing to manysion withdierent justice ways. and However, governance part meantof the Ottomanthat the taxobses was- for trade, the capitulations would often allow a foreigner to sion with justice and governance meant that the tax wasfor be trade, taxed the at the capitulations same rate aswould a subject often Muslim. allow a foreigner to sionnot withespecially justice onerous. and governance Additionally meant the that Ottomans the tax werewas be taxed at the same rate as a subject Muslim. not especially onerous. Additionally the Ottomans werebe taxed at the same rate as a subject Muslim. notable especially ableenough enough onerous.administrators administrators Additionally to knowto knowthe that Ottomans that crushing crushing were the the ablepopulace enough with administrators taxes was not to a sustainableknow that crushingpractice. Theythe ForeignForeign businessmen businessmen and and governments governments needed needed agentsagents inin populace with taxes was not a sustainable practice. TheyForeign the Empire businessmen however, andwho governments had business needed connections agents and, in populacewere weresuch with suchgood taxes good taxmen, was taxmen, not that a that whensustainable when the theSpanish practice. Spanish expelled Theyexpelled the Empire however, who had business connections and, werethe suchJews goodfollowing taxmen, the that Reconquista, when the Spanish the Ottomansexpelled theeven evenEmpire more more however,importantly, importantly, who spoke spokehad businessthe the local local dialectsconnections dialects critical critical and, forfor the Jews following the Reconquista, the Ottomanseven the facilitationmore importantly, of trade. spoke Always the localeager dialects to foster critical taxable for thewelcomed Jewswelcomed followingthe Sephardic the Sephardic the JewsReconquista, Jews because because they the they recognized Ottomans recognized a a the facilitation of trade. Always eager to foster taxable welcomedchance for the income Sephardic creation Jews through because the they addition recognized of talent a - theactivity, activity,facilitation the the Ottomans Ottomansof trade. eventually Alwayseventually eager allowed allowed to foster thethe agents agentstaxable ofof chance for income creation through the addition of talent-activity,foreigners the to Ottomans take on the eventually status enjoyed allowed by thethe agentsforeigners. of chanceed newed for taxablenew income taxable subjects creation subjects (9). through (9). the addition of talent- foreigners to take on the status enjoyed by the foreigners. ed new taxable subjects (9). foreignersThisThis was was anto an takeextension extension on the of statusof the the generalenjoyed general Ottoman byOttoman the foreigners. a liationa liation Thisbased was political an extension system, of though the general it was Ottomannovel in thata liation it was The jizyaThe wasjizya taxedwas taxed to the to localthe local millet. millet. Since Since the theOttomans Ottomans based political system, though it was novel in that it was References:References: basednot based political on religious system, a liationthough it (10).was novel in that it was Theusually jizyausually onlywas taxedonlyrecognized recognized to the localthe the threemillet. three major Since major themillets Ottomansmillets of ofthe the not based on religious a liation (10). References: not based on religious a liation (10). usuallyGreekGreek Orthodox,only Orthodox, recognized the Armenians the theArmenians three and andmajorthe theJews, millets Jews, the thedierent of dierent the Guild Regulations Greekcommunities communitiesOrthodox, in thethem in Armenians them needed needed to and agree to the agree onJews, theon the theappropriate dierent appropriate Guild Regulations GuildAccording Regulations to the dictionary, guild means a medieval asso- communitiesproportions.proportions. inThis them Thisreected needed reected the to agreetheOttoman Ottoman on the belief appropriatebelief that that the the According to the dictionary, guild means a medieval asso- Accordingciation of tocraftsmen the dictionary, or merchants, guild means often a having medieval consider asso-- proportions.milletsmillets should shouldThis be reectedself be governing,self governing,the Ottoman but butin order inbelief order to that aideto aidethe the the ciation of craftsmen or merchants, often having consider- ciationable power. of craftsmen Muslims or and merchants, non-Muslims often worked having together consider in- milletscollectioncollection should of taxes, be of selftaxes, the governing, Ottomansthe Ottomans but would in would order conduct conduct to aide popula populathe - - able power. Muslims and non-Muslims worked together in ablemany power. of the Muslims trade guilds and non-Muslims and went as worked a collective together unit into collectiontion surveystion surveysof andtaxes, would and the would Ottomans enforce enforce the would agreementsthe agreements conduct of populathe of the local local- many of the trade guilds and went as a collective unit to manyvoice ofguild the concerns trade guilds before and the went court, as althougha collective the unit names to tionmillets. surveysmillets. In the and In end, wouldthe end,the enforce Ottomansthe Ottomans the agreements did didnot notcare of care thehow localhow the the voice guild concerns before the court, although the names voice guild concerns before the court, although the names millets.divisiondivision In was the made wasend, made theas long Ottomansas long as the as thetaxesdid taxesnot were care were paid. how paid. In the theIn the of ofMuslims Muslims were were always always listed listed rst rst in in such such depositions. depositions. IfIf divisionmid1600smid1600s was to made the to mid1700s the as mid1700slong asthere the there are taxes aare series werea series of paid. court of court In cases the cases of the Muslimsthe guild guild had were had partial partialalways Muslim Muslim listed membership, rstmembership, in such the depositions.the head head ofof thethe If mid1600s to the mid1700s there are a series of court cases the guild had partial Muslim membership, the head of the SUNRISESUNRISE {30}{30} MUSLIMMUSLIM[2017][2017] SUNRISE {30} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE,SUNRISE, FALLFALL 20172017 guild was invariably a Muslim, though his second in com- ed Ottoman suzerainty. As such, Christian men embraced guildguildmand was was would invariably invariably re ect a a theMuslim, Muslim, majority though though population. hishis secondsecond Not inin allcomcom the-- ededIslam OttomanOttoman as a way suzerainty.suzerainty. of getting As into such, the Christian military andmen out embraced of pover - mandmandguilds would wouldwere re ect religiouslyre ect thethe majorityintegrated.majority population.population. But guilds NotNot consisting allall thethe IslamIslamty. Christians asas aa wayway mightofof gettinggetting also into intoconvert thethe militaryto Islam and to take out advantageof pover- guildsguildsmostly were wereof Muslims religiouslyreligiously were integrated.integrated. usually low ButBut prestige guildsguilds jobs consistingconsisting such as ty.ty.of ChristiansChristians a qiuck mightdivorce.mightBook alsoalso Newly convert convertReview, converted to Islamby Lubna tomen take could advantageR Malik simply mostlymostlytanners of of or Muslims Muslims porters, were werethe membershipusually usually low low prestigeofprestige which jobs jobswas suchtypicallysuch asas ofofdivorce aa qiuckqiuck their divorce.divorce. wives.BookBook NewlyNewlyEven Review, Christian converted by women Lubna men could could R Malik obtain simply an tannerstannersof tribal or or origin porters, porters, (11). the the membership membership of of which which was was typicallytypically divorcedivorceeasy divorce theirtheir wives.wives. by converting EvenEven Christian to Islam, women since couldit was obtainillegal foran a ofof tribal tribal origin origin (11). (11). easyeasynon-Muslim divorcedivorce byby man convertingconverting to be married to Islam, to since a Muslim it was woman.illegal for The a non-Muslim man to be married to a Muslim woman. The Regulation of Religions non-Muslimmarriage was, man in to eect,be married annulled. to a MuslimAdditionally, woman. women The Regulation of Religions marriage was, in eect, annulled. Additionally, women RegulationIt is important of Religions to address how the Ottomans dealt with and marriagewould convert was, in in eect,order toannulled. “claim a portionAdditionally, of their women fathers’ It is important to address how the Ottomans dealt with and would convert in order to “claim a portion of their fathers’ Itregulated is important the to dierent address religions how the Ottomansin their empire. dealt withThe Ottoand - wouldand/or convert husbands’ in order estates. to “claim Non-Muslims a portion were of their free fathers’to leave regulated the dierent religions in their empire. The Otto- and/or husbands’ estates. Non-Muslims were free to leave regulatedmans rightly the dierent saw Islam religions as a methodin their empire.of controlling The Otto the- and/ortheir oldhusbands’ traditions estates. for newNon-Muslims ones. Christians were free could to leave join mans rightly saw Islam as a method of controlling the their old traditions for new ones. Christians could join manspopulace rightly because saw Islam Islam asis largely a method centered of controlling on orderly comthe - theirdierent old traditionsChristian sectsfor new or become ones. Christians Jews and couldJews couldjoin populace because Islam is largely centered on orderly com- dierent Christian sects or become Jews and Jews could populacemunity becauseliving. To Islam that is largelyend, the centered Ottomans on orderly “sought com to- dierentbecome Christian Christians. sects Complaints or become to the Jews Ottoman and Jews authorities could munity living. To that end, the Ottomans “sought to become Christians. Complaints to the Ottoman authorities munitypromote living. a state-sponsored To that end, versionthe Ottomans of Islam, “soughtpreached to by becomeof group Christians. members’ Complaints apostatizing to thelargely Ottoman went unansweredauthorities promote a state-sponsored version of Islam, preached by of group members’ apostatizing largely went unanswered promotemen who a werestate-sponsored graduates of version state-sponsored of Islam, preached madrasa andby ofby group qadis members’ who would apostatizing usually largely repeat went the unansweredteaching of men who were graduates of state-sponsored madrasa and by qadis who would usually repeat the teaching of menpaid who salaries were from graduates the sultans’ of state-sponsored coers. madrasa and byMuhammad qadis who that would unbelief usually is one repeat group (14)the teaching of paid salaries from the sultans’ coers. Muhammad that unbelief is one group (14) paidThese salaries men fromof religion the sultans’ formed coers. the core of what might be Muhammad that unbelief is one group (14) These men of religion formed the core of what might be Theseconsidered men of the religion empire’s formed Muslim the intelligentsia.core of what mightThey were be considered the empire’s Muslim intelligentsia. They were consideredits scientists, the historians, empire’s andMuslim poets, intelligentsia. as well as its They legal wereschol - its scientists, historians, and poets, as well as its legal schol- itsars. scientists, Their ethnic historians, and social and poets, origins as werewell as as its diverse legal schol as the- ars. Their ethnic and social origins were as diverse as the ars.empire Their itself. ethnic As and such, social we might origins expect were them as diverse to represent as the a empire itself. As such, we might expect them to represent a empirediversity itself. of outlooks.As such, we But might as a expectsocial and them intellectual to represent class, a diversity of outlooks. But as a social and intellectual class, diversitythey held of outlooks.remarkable But similar as a social world-views, and intellectual undoubtedly class, theythey heldheld remarkableremarkable similarsimilar world-views,world-views, undoubtedlyundoubtedly molded,molded, asas hopedhoped forfor byby thethe state’sstate’s bureaucrats,bureaucrats, byby their their molded, as hoped for by the state’s bureaucrats, by their sharedshared educationaleducational experienceexperience (12). (12). shared educational experience (12). References: References:References: ByBy ensuringensuring thatthat imams,imams, Qadis, Qadis, and and the the faculty faculty of of madrasa, madrasa, By ensuring that imams, Qadis, and the faculty of madrasa, werewere allall statestate trainedtrained andand appointed,appointed, thethe OttomansOttomans regu regu-- werelated all and state standardized trained and Islam, appointed, in furtherance the Ottomans of their goalregu -of 1. Aviv, Efrat. “Millet System in the Ottoman Empire”, 28 Nov. 2016. 1. Aviv, Efrat. “Millet System in the Ottoman Empire”, 28 Nov. 2016. lated and standardized Islam, in furtherance of their goal of 2. Friedman, David. “Legal Systems Very Dierent From Our Own” lated and standardized Islam, in furtherance of their goal of 1.2. Aviv, Friedman, Efrat. “MilletDavid. “LegalSystem Systems in the Ottoman Very Dierent Empire”, From 28 OurNov. Own” 2016. peace, justice and tax collection. 3. “Islam and the Jews: The Pact of Umar, 9th Century CE.” peace, justice and tax collection. 2.3. Friedman, “Islam and David. the Jews: “Legal The Systems Pact of VeryUmar, Dierent 9th Century From CE.” Our Own” peace, justice and tax collection. 4. Gerber, Haim. “The Making of the Ottoman Law: The Rise of the Kadi and the S 3.4. “Islam Gerber, and Haim. the “The Jews: Making The Pact of ofthe Umar, Ottoman 9th Century Law: The CE.” Rise of the Kadi and the S haria Court”. State University of New York Press. 4. Gerber, haria Court”. Haim. State “The UniversityMaking of of the New Ottoman York Press. Law: The Rise of the Kadi and the S The Ottoman approach to apostasy was determined case 5. Imber. Collin. “The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650: The Structure of Power The Ottoman approach to apostasy was determined case 5. haria Imber. Court”. Collin. State “The University Ottoman Empire,of New York1300-1650: Press. The Structure of Power (Taxation). Pagrave , McMillan, UK. 2002. Theby case.Ottoman What approach was controlling to apostasy in each was case determined was the original case 5. Imber. (Taxation). Collin. Pagrave “The Ottoman , McMillan, Empire, UK. 2002. 1300-1650: The Structure of Power by case. What was controlling in each case was the original 6. “Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; the 6. (Taxation). “Jerusalem Pagrave Studies ,in McMillan, Arabic and UK. Islam.” 2002. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; the byaliation case. What of thewas apostate. controlling It wasin each forbidden case was for the a Muslim original to Faculty of Humanities. Pg. 6 aliation of the apostate. It was forbidden for a Muslim to 6. “Jerusalem Faculty of Humanities. Studies in Arabic Pg. 6 and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; the 7. “Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The aliationabandon of Islam. the apostate. If he did, It wasboth forbidden he and thefor aperson Muslim who to 7. Faculty “Jerusalem of Humanities. Studies in Arabic Pg. 6 and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The abandon Islam. If he did, both he and the person who Faculty of Humanities. Pg. 8 7. “Jerusalem Faculty of Humanities. Studies in Arabic Pg. 8 and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The abandon Islam. If he did, both he and the person who 8. “Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; The convertedconverted himhim wouldwould bebe putput toto death.death. However,However, MuslimMuslim 8. Faculty “Jerusalem of Humanities. Studies in Arabic Pg. 8 and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; The Faculty of Humanities. Pg. 6 converted him would be put to death. However, Muslim 8. “Jerusalem Faculty of Humanities. Studies in Arabic Pg. 6 and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; The peasants could move between dierent sects of Islam, 9. “Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; The peasants could move between dierent sects of Islam, 9. Faculty “Jerusalem of Humanities. Studies in Arabic Pg. 6 and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; The peasants could move between dierent sects of Islam, Faculty of Humanities. Pg. 8 though a true Ottoman was a Sunni adherent to the Hana 9. “Jerusalem Faculty of Humanities. Studies in Arabic Pg. 8 and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; The though a true Ottoman was a Sunni adherent to the Hana 10. “Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; The thoughschool aof true thought. Ottoman The was Ottoman a Sunni authorities adherent to did the their Hana best 10. Faculty “Jerusalem of Humanities. Studies in Arabic Pg. 8 and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; The school of thought. The Ottoman authorities did their best 10. “Jerusalem Faculty Faculty of of Humanities. Studies Humanities. in Arabic Pg. Pg. 8 8and Islam.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; The school of thought. The Ottoman authorities did their best 11. Yakub. Mughul. “The Ottoman Policy Towards Non-Muslim Communities and toto controlcontrol allall IslamicIslamic institutionsinstitutions byby controllingcontrolling important important 11. Faculty Yakub. Mughul.of Humanities. “The Ottoman Pg. 8 Policy Towards Non-Muslim Communities and to control all Islamic institutions by controlling important 11. Yakub. Their Their Status Mughul. Status in in the “The the Ottoman OttomanOttoman Empire EmpirePolicy During Towards During the theNon-Muslim 15th 15th and and 16th Communities16th Centuries: Centuries: and religious,religious, legallegal andand educationaleducational appointments. appointments. Additional Additional-- Their Interactions Interactions Status in of ofthe Civilizations.” Civilizations.” Ottoman EmpirePg. Pg. 143 143 During the 15th and 16th Centuries: 12. Yakub. Mughul. “The Ottoman Policy Towards Non-Muslim Communities and religious,lyly thethe usualusual legal social socialand educational opprobriumopprobrium appointments. appliedapplied toto keep keepAdditional peoplepeople- 12. Interactions Yakub. Mughul. of Civilizations.” “The Ottoman Pg. Policy 143 Towards Non-Muslim Communities and 12. Yakub. Their Their Status Mughul. Status in in the “The the Ottoman OttomanOttoman Empire EmpirePolicy During Towards During the theNon-Muslim 15th 15th and and 16th Communities16th Centuries: Centuries: and lywithin the usual the traditions social opprobrium followed by applied their families to keep (13). people Interactions of Civilizations.” Pg. 150 withinReferences: the traditions followed by their families (13). Their Interactions Status in of the Civilizations.” Ottoman EmpirePg. 150 During the 15th and 16th Centuries: withinReferences: the traditions followed by their families (13). 13.13. Interactions Yakub. Yakub. Mughul. Mughul. of Civilizations.” “The “The Ottoman Ottoman Pg. Policy 150 Policy Towards Towards Non-Muslim Non-Muslim Communities Communities and and References: 13. Yakub. Their Their Status Mughul. Status in in the “The the Ottoman OttomanOttoman Empire EmpirePolicy During Towards During the theNon-Muslim 15th 15th and and 16th Communities16th Centuries: Centuries: and ConversionConversion toto IslamIslam waswas encouraged,encouraged, thoughthough therethere is is no no Their Interactions Interactions Status in of ofthe Civilizations.” Civilizations.” Ottoman Empire Pg. Pg. 156 156 During the 15th and 16th Centuries: Conversionevidence of to wide-scale Islam was forcedencouraged, conversions though with there the ispossi no - 14.14. Interactions Yakub. Yakub. Mughul. Mughul. of Civilizations.” “The “The Ottoman Ottoman Pg. Policy 156Policy Towards Towards Non-Muslim Non-Muslim Communities Communities and and evidence of wide-scale forced conversions with the possi- 14. Yakub. Their Their Status Mughul. Status in in the “The the Ottoman OttomanOttoman Empire EmpirePolicy During Towards During the theNon-Muslim 15th 15th and and 16th Communities16th Centuries: Centuries: and evidencebleble exceptionexception of wide-scale ofof thethe forcedAlbanians.Albanians. conversions Instead,Instead, with thethe theOttomansOttomans possi- Their Interactions Interactions Status in of ofthe Civilizations.” Civilizations.” Ottoman Empire Pg. Pg. 163 163 During the 15th and 16th Centuries: Interactions of Civilizations.” Pg. 163 bleprovidedprovided exception incentivesincentives of the toAlbanians.to convert.convert. Instead, ConversionConversion the Ottomans toto IslamIslam providedproceededproceeded incentives quicklyquickly ininto ChristianChristianconvert. AnaltoliaAnaltolia Conversion asas Greek Greekto Islam andand proceededArmenianArmenian ChristiansChristiansquickly in acceptedaccepted Christian thethe Analtolia faithfaith of of those thoseas Greek who who heldand held Armenianmilitarymilitary andand Christians politicalpolitical accepted power.power. One One the of offaith the the ofoldest oldest those career career who paths heldpaths militaryforfor men,men, and thethe political militarymilitary power. waswas One onlyonly of open openthe oldest toto Muslims,Muslims, career paths withwith forimportantimportant men, the exceptionsexceptions military forforwas some some only Balkan Balkan open groups groupsto Muslims, who who accept accept with- - important exceptions for some Balkan groups who accept-

SUNRISESUNRISE {31} MUSLIMMUSLIM[2017] {31} SUNRISE[2017] {31} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE,FALL FALL 2017 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE,FALL FALL 2017 2017 Dar-ul-QazaDar-ul-QazaDar-ul-Qaza MubarikMubarik Ahmad Ahmad Malik Malik ininin the the the Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya MubarikMubarik Ahmad Ahmad Malik Malik MuslimMuslimMuslim Community Community Community

Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Khalifatul HazratHazrat Mirza Mirza Bashiruddin Bashiruddin Mahmood Mahmood Ahmad, Ahmad, Khalifatul Khalifatul MasihMasih IIra IIra (second (second Khalifa Khalifa or or successor successor of of the the Hazrat Hazrat Mirza Mirza MasihGhulamMasih IIra (secondAhmadIIra (second ofKhalifa Qadian, Khalifa or successor Promisedor successor ofMessiah the of theHazrat and Hazrat MirzaMahdi Mirza - GhulamGhulam Ahmad Ahmad of Qadian, of Qadian, Promised Promised Messiah Messiah and and Mahdi Mahdi- - Ghulamas) during Ahmad his blessedof Qadian, tenure Promised of Khilafat, Messiah laid and the Mahdiground- - as) duringas) during his blessedhis blessed tenure tenure of Khilafat, of Khilafat, laid laid the theground ground- - as)work during for thehis administrativeblessed tenure structure of Khilafat, of Ahmadiyya laid the ground Muslim- workwork for the for administrative the administrative structure structure of Ahmadiyya of Ahmadiyya Muslim Muslim workCommunity. for the administrative The rst formal structure announcement of Ahmadiyya of this Muslim admin - Community.Community. The The rst rstformal formal announcement announcement of this of this admin admin- - Community.istrative structure The rst was formal published announcement in Daily Alfazal of this on admin January- istrativeistrative structure structure was waspublished published in Daily in Daily Alfazal Alfazal on Januaryon January istrative04, 1919. structure This announcement was published also in Daily included Alfazal the on establishJanuary - 04, 1919.04, 1919. This Thisannouncement announcement also also included included the theestablish establish- - 04,ment 1919. of ThisQaza. announcement Hazrat Khalifatul also Masih included IIra gave the establishthe follow- - mentment of Qaza. of Qaza. Hazrat Hazrat Khalifatul Khalifatul Masih Masih IIra IIragave gave the thefollow follow- - menting directive of Qaza. aboutHazrat the Khalifatul Qaza: “The Masih task IIra of gaveQazis the (the follow judges)- ing directiveing directive about about the Qaza:the Qaza: “The “The task task of Qazis of Qazis (the (the judges) judges) ingis directiveto render about decisions, the Qaza: and “The that task of of Qazi-al-Qazat Qazis (the judges) (Chief is tois render to render decisions, decisions, and andthat that of Qazi-al-Qazatof Qazi-al-Qazat (Chief (Chief Judge)Judge)Judge) is isto to ishear tohear hear the the appeals,the appeals, appeals, and and and decisions decisions decisions of of Qazi-al-Qa of Qazi-al-Qa Qazi-al-Qa- - - Judge)zat could is to be hear appealed the appeals, to the and Khalifa decisions of the oftime Qazi-al-Qa except for- zat couldzat could be appealed be appealed to the to theKhalifa Khalifa of the of thetime time except except for for casescasescases in in which whichin which the the Khalifathe Khalifa Khalifa of of the ofthe thetime time time is isa isaparty partya party himself. himself. himself. In In In casessuch in cases, which the the decision Khalifa ofof Qazi-al-Qazat the time is a partywill be himself. nal.” (1) In suchsuch cases, cases, the decisionthe decision of Qazi-al-Qazat of Qazi-al-Qazat will willbe nal.”be nal.” (1) (1)

HazratHazratHazrat Khalifatul Khalifatul Khalifatul Masih Masih Masih IIra IIra IIrain in his inhis addresshis address address on on theon the thesecond second second Hazratday of Khalifatul Masih (Annual IIra in hisConvention) address on in theMarch second 1919 day dayof Jalsa of Jalsa Salana Salana (Annual (Annual Convention) Convention) in Marchin March 1919 1919 explainedexplainedexplained the the aimsthe aims aims and and andobjectives objectives objectives of of Qaza. of Qaza. Qaza. He He said:He said: said: “When “When “When explainedour Jama’at the aimsmembers and objectives get embroiled of Qaza. in conictHe said: “Whenat some our Jama’atour Jama’at members members get getembroiled embroiled in conictin conict at someat some place,place, they they go go to tothe the courts courts which which is isan an insult insult to to the the place, they go to the courts which is an insult to the Jama’at.Jama’at. In Inthe the beginning, beginning, when when a aconict conict is isat at its its initial initial Jama’at. In the beginning, when a conict is at its initial stage,stage, they they do do not not come come to tothe the Jama’at Jama’at because because they they do do stage, they do not come to the Jama’at because they do notnot wish wish to tobother bother the the Jama’at Jama’at for for a smalla small matter. matter. But But when when not wish to bother the Jama’at for a small matter. But when thethe conict conict grows, grows, they they once once again again hesitate hesitate to to contact contact the the the conict grows, they once again hesitate to contact the Jama’atJama’at because because they they think think that that the the Jama’at Jama’at will will ask ask why why Jama’at because they think that the Jama’at will ask why theythey didn’t didn’t bring bring the the conict conict to to the the Jama’at’s Jama’at’s notice notice earlier. earlier. they didn’t bring the conict to the Jama’at’s notice earlier. Eventually,Eventually, the the conict conict grows grows to to such such an an extent extent that that even even if if Eventually, the conict grows to such an extent that even if wewe askwe ask them ask them them to to let tolet go let go of go of the ofthe conict,the conict, conict, they they they refuse refuse refuse and and and even even even- - - wetually asktually them leave leave to Ahmadiyyat. letAhmadiyyat. go of the This conict, This problem problem they arisesrefuse arises because and because even the -the tually leave Ahmadiyyat. This problem arises because the DepartmentDepartment of ofQaza Qaza has has not not yet yet been been established established every every- - thethethe caseload caseload caseload of of overburdened of overburdened overburdened courts courts courts and and and resolved resolved resolved people’s people’s people’s Department of Qaza has not yet been established every- the caseload of overburdened courts and resolved people’s where.where. If someIf some people people had had been been educated educated about about certain certain problemsproblemsproblems amicably. amicably. amicably. A A HinduA Hindu Hindu intellectual, intellectual, intellectual, Mahasha MahashaMahasha Khush KhushKhush where. If some people had been educated about certain problems amicably. A Hindu intellectual, Mahasha Khush issuesissues and and appointed appointed in invarious various places, places, then then this this problem problem HalHalHal Chand, Chand, Chand, editor editor editor of of theof the the Arya Arya Arya Gazette, Gazette, Gazette, in in inits its itsedition editionedition of of ofMay MayMay issues and appointed in various places, then this problem Hal Chand, editor of the Arya Gazette, in its edition of May wouldwould not not have have arisen. arisen. Now Now we we have have established established the the 19,19, 19,1921, 1921, 1921, wrote: wrote: wrote: “Ahmadis “Ahmadis “Ahmadis have have have their theirtheir courts, courts,courts, and andand none nonenone of of of would not have arisen. Now we have established the 19, 1921, wrote: “Ahmadis have their courts, and none of DepartmentDepartmentDepartment of of Qazi-al-Qazat ofQazi-al-Qazat Qazi-al-Qazat in in Qadian. inQadian. Qadian. In In the In the thefuture, future, future, some some some theirtheirtheir cases cases cases go go goto to ocialto ocial ocial courts.” courts.” courts.” Departmentmembersmembers should of should Qazi-al-Qazat be be educated educated in Qadian. about about Inrelevant therelevant future, issues issues some and and their cases go to ocial courts.” members should be educated about relevant issues and appointedappointed in invarious various Jama’ats Jama’ats so so they they can can adjudicate adjudicate local local HazratHazratHazrat Mirza Mirza Mirza Bashir Bashir Bashir Ahmadra Ahmadra Ahmadra while while while writing writing writing about about about the thethe Qaza QazaQaza appointed in various Jama’ats so they can adjudicate local Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra while writing about the Qaza disputesdisputes and and discords. discords. In Inthis this way, way, conicts conicts will will not not grow grow systemsystemsystem said: said: said: “The “The “The Qaza Qaza Qaza has has has created createdcreated an anan inexpensive, inexpensive,inexpensive, easy easyeasy disputes and discords. In this way, conicts will not grow system said: “The Qaza has created an inexpensive, easy andand cause cause disharmony. disharmony. Darul Darul Qaza Qaza in inQadian Qadian will will still still be be andandand ne ne ne method method method of of resolvingof resolving resolving internal internal internal conicts conictsconicts within withinwithin the thethe and cause disharmony. Darul Qaza in Qadian will still be and ne method of resolving internal conicts within the ableable to toentertain entertain appeals appeals from from such such local local decisions.(2 decisions.(2 ) ) Jama’at.Jama’at.Jama’at. This This This system systemsystem of of ofthe thethe Jama’at Jama’atJama’at has hashas two twotwo unique uniqueunique able to entertain appeals from such local decisions.(2 ) Jama’at. This system of the Jama’at has two unique features.features.features. First, First, First, all all allcases cases cases in in inthe thethe Qaza QazaQaza system systemsystem are areare decided decideddecided In addition to Central Qaza in Qadian, the system of the features.according First, to all Islamic cases inSharia. the Qaza Second, system not areonly decided are the InIn addition addition to to Central Central Qaza Qaza in in Qadian, Qadian, the the system system of of the the accordingaccording to to Islamic Islamic Sharia. Sharia. Second, Second, not not only only are are the the In additionQaza was to Centralalso established Qaza in Qadian, in various the systemJama’ats of atthe the accordingparties notto chargedIslamic Sharia.any fees, Second, but every not case only is decided are the for QazaQaza was was also also established established in in various various Jama’ats Jama’ats at at the the partiesparties not not charged charged any any fees, fees, but but every every case case is isdecided decided for for QazaNational was also level. established Some intellectuals in various of Jama’atsIndia admired at the this partiesfree notat thecharged expense any fees,of the but Jama’at every casebecause is decided this is for the NationalNational level. level. Some Some intellectuals intellectuals of of India India admired admired this this freefree at at the the expense expense of of the the Jama’at Jama’at because because this this is isthe the Nationalestablishment level. Some of theintellectuals system of ofQaza India because admired it lessened this freelong-standing at the expense Islamic of custom.”the Jama’at because this is the establishment of the system of Qaza because it lessened long-standinglong-standing Islamic Islamic custom.” custom.” establishment of the system of Qaza because it lessened long-standing Islamic custom.” SUNRISE {32} MUSLIMMUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE[2017] {32}{32} MUSLIMSUNRISE[2017][2017] {32} MUSLIM [2017] MUSLIMMUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL FALL 2017 2017 2017

InIn theIn the the beginning, beginning, beginning, the the the decision decision decision of of ofthe the the Qazi Qazi Qazi Awwal Awwal Awwal (Judge (Judge (Judge of of of FirstFirstFirst Level) Level) Level) was was was heard heard heard by by byan an anAppellate Appellate Appellate Board Board Board called called called Mura ’a Mura ’a Mura ’a AulaAulaAula (First (First (First Appellate Appellate Appellate Board) Board) Board) consisting consisting consisting of of ofonly only only two two two Qazis Qazis Qazis c.c. If If the the Second Second Appellate Appellate BoardBoard consistsconsists ! c. If the Second Appellate Board consists whichwhichwhich were were were appointed! appointed! appointed by by bythe the the Nazim Nazim Nazim (Administrator) (Administrator) (Administrator) Qaza. Qaza. Qaza. of of ve ve members members andand itsits decisiondecision isis Any appeal against the decision of this Appellate Board of ve members and its decision is AnyAny appeal appeal against against the the decision decision of of this this Appellate Appellate Board Board unanimous, unanimous, then then thisthis decisiondecision cannotcannot waswas heard heard by by Hazrat Hazrat Khalifatul Khalifatul Masih Masih IIra. IIra. On On October October 20, 20, unanimous, then this decision cannot was heard by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra. On October 20, be appealed to the Khalifa of the time. 1939,1939, Hazrat Hazrat Khalifatul Khalifatul Masih Masih II(ra) II(ra) establishedestablished Mura ’aMura ’a be be appealed appealed to to the the Khalifa Khalifa of of the the time. time. 1939, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra) established Mura ’a d. The formation of the Appellate Board SaniaSaniaSania which which which was was was a asecond asecond second Appellate Appellate Appellate Board Board Board to to tohear hear hear appeals appeals appeals d.d. The The formation formation of of the the Appellate Appellate Board Board against the decision of the Mura ’a Aula (First Appellate againstagainst the the decision decision of of the the Mura ’a Mura ’a Aula Aula (First (First Appellate Appellate will will will be be be made made made by by by the thethe President PresidentPresident of ofof Qaza QazaQaza Board). No appeal was allowed against the decision of the Board).Board). No No appeal appeal was was allowed allowed against against the the decision decision of of the the Board.Board. Second Appellate Board. Then on June 13, 1942, Hazrat Board. SecondSecond Appellate Appellate Board. Board. Then Then on on June June 13, 13, 1942, 1942, Hazrat Hazrat e. If the decision of the Appellate Board is Khalifatul Masih IIra permitted appeals against the e.e. If If the the decision decision of of the the Appellate Appellate Board Board is is KhalifatulKhalifatul MasihMasih IIraIIra permittedpermitted appealsappeals againstagainst thethe decision of Second Appellate Board under special circum- not not unanimous, unanimous, thenthen KhalifaKhalifa ofof thethe timetime decisiondecision of of Second Second Appellate Appellate Board Board under under special special circum circum- - not unanimous, then Khalifa of the time stances, and such appeals were to be heard by the Khalifa will learn about the arguments and stances,stances, and and such such appeals appeals were were to to be be heard heard by by the the Khalifa Khalifa will will learn learn about about the the arguments arguments and and himself. reasons for the dierence in the deci himself.himself. reasons reasons for for the the dierence dierence in in the the deci deci sion sion before before he he decides decides whetherwhether hehe willwill This procedure continued till the illness of Hazrat Khalifatul sion before he decides whether he will ThisThis procedure procedure continued continued till till the the illness illness of of Hazrat Hazrat Khalifatul Khalifatul hear the appeal or not. Masih II(ra). During his illness, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra hear hear the the appeal appeal or or not. not. MasihMasih II(ra). II(ra). During During his his illness, illness, Hazrat Hazrat Khalifatul Khalifatul Masih Masih IIra IIra f. This procedure will continue until a on November 28, 1955, directed that: “I am not able to hear f.f. This This procedure procedure will will continue continue until until a a onon November November 28, 28, 1955, 1955, directed directed that: that: “I “I am am not not able able to to hear hear the appeals. The decision of Second Appellate Board will Khalifa Khalifa changes changes it.it. thethe appeals. appeals. The The decision decision of of Second Second Appellate Appellate Board Board will will Khalifa changes it. be the nal decision. I am working on the commentary of bebe the the nal nal decision. decision. I amI am working working on on the the commentary commentary of of the Holy Qur’an. Neither have I time nor does my health If the decision of Highest Appellate Board is not unani- thethe Holy Holy Qur’an. Qur’an. Neither Neither have have I Itime time nor nor does does my my health health If Ifthe the decision decision of of Highest Highest Appellate Appellate Board Board is is not not unani unani- - allow it. If anyone has an objection, he can pursue his case mous, then the President of the Qaza Board will present an allowallow it. it. If Ifanyone anyone has has an an objection, objection, he he can can pursue pursue his his case case mous,mous, then then the the President President of of the the Qaza Qaza Board Board will will present present an an inin worldly worldly courts.” courts.” (3) (3) This This procedure procedure continued continued until until the the appealappeal against against this this decision decision to to the the Khalifa Khalifa of of the the time.time. ButBut ifif in worldly courts.” (3) This procedure continued until the appealthe decision against ofthis the decision Highest to Appellate the Khalifa Board of the is time.unanimous, But if deathdeath of of Hazrat Hazrat Khalifatul Khalifatul Masih Masih II(ra). II(ra). the decision of the Highest Appellate Board is unanimous, death of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II(ra). theand decision one of ofthe the party Highest requests Appellate a review Board of this is unanimous, decision, the andand one one of of the the party party requests requests a areview review of of this this decision, decision, the the Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh (third Khalifa in Ahmadiyya same Highest Appellate Board hears the appeal for review. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh (third Khalifa in Ahmadiyya samesame Highest Highest Appellate Appellate Board Board hears hears the the appeal appeal for for review. review. HazratMuslim Khalifatul Community) Masih onIIIrh April (third 30, Khalifa 1966, directed:in Ahmadiyya “Hazrat During the fourth and fth Khilafat of Ahmadiyya Muslim Muslim Community) on April 30, 1966, directed: “Hazrat DuringDuring the the fourth fourth and and fth fth Khilafat Khilafat of of Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya Muslim Muslim MuslimKhalifatul Community) Masih IIra on in hisApril last 30, few 1966, years directed: of Khilafat “Hazrat did not Community, the system of the Qaza has been established Khalifatul Masih IIra in his last few years of Khilafat did not Community,Community, the the system system of of the the Qaza Qaza has has been been established established Khalifatulhear appeals Masih dueIIra in to his his last illness. few yearsTherefore, of Khilafat the decision did not of and strengthened in many countries of the world, which hear appeals due to his illness. Therefore, the decision of andand strengthened strengthened in in many many countries countries of of the the world, world, which which hearSecond appeals Appellate due to hisBoard illness. was Therefore,the nal decision.the decision But nowof ful lls its responsibilities under the guidance of Khalifa of Second Appellate Board was the nal decision. But now ful lls its responsibilities under the guidance of Khalifa of Secondthe decisionAppellate of Board the Secondwas the Appellate nal decision. Board But can now be ful llsthe time.its responsibilities under the guidance of Khalifa of the decision of the Second Appellate Board can be the time. theappealed decision to ofme, the and Second I will decide Appellate on it myself.” Board (4 can) be the time. appealed to me, and I will decide on it myself.” (4 ) appealed to me, and I will decide on it myself.” (4 ) The current Khalifa of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, The current Khalifa of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, After the death of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III(rh), Hazrat TheHazrat current Khalifatul Khalifa Masih of Ahmadiyya Vaba; ( fth Muslim Khalifa inCommunity, Ahmadiyya After the death of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III(rh), Hazrat Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba; ( fth Khalifa in Ahmadiyya AfterKhalifatul the death Masih of IV(rh) Hazrat (fourth Khalifatul Khalifa Masih in Ahmadiyya III(rh), Hazrat Muslim HazratMuslim Khalifatul Community) Masih before Vaba; being( fth Khalifaelected in Khalifa, Ahmadiyya served Khalifatul Masih IV(rh) (fourth Khalifa in Ahmadiyya Muslim Muslim Community) before being elected Khalifa, served KhalifatulCommunity) Masih gaveIV(rh) the(fourth following Khalifa directives in Ahmadiyya regarding Muslim the Muslimas a Community)member of thebefore Central being Qazaelected Board Khalifa, in ,served Community) gave the following directives regarding the as a member of the Central Qaza Board in Rabwah, Community)Qaza Board: gave the following directives regarding the as Pakistan.a member After of being the electedCentral as Qaza Khalifa, Board he has in beenRabwah, guid - Qaza Board: Pakistan. After being elected as Khalifa, he has been guid- Qaza Board: Pakistan.ing the Aftersystem being of Qaza elected on many as Khalifa, issues he arising has been thereof, guid the- ing the system of Qaza on many issues arising thereof, the a. This is the right of the Khalifa of the ingfull the record system of ofwhich Qaza has on beenmany maintainedissues arising by thereof, the Grace the of a. This is the right of the Khalifa of the full record of which has been maintained by the Grace of a. This is the right of the Khalifa of the fullAllah. record Since of which the beginning has been ofmaintained his Khilafat by in the 2003, Grace Hazrat of time that he can hear appeals Allah. Since the beginning of his Khilafat in 2003, Hazrat time time that that he he can can hear hear appeals appeals Allah.Khalifatul Since Masihthe beginning Vaba has providedof his Khilafat guidance in 2003, in more Hazrat than against any decision of the Qaza Khalifatul Masih Vaba has provided guidance in more than against against any any decision decision of of the the Qaza Qaza Khalifatulsix hundred Masih cases Vaba after has obtaining provided reports.guidance in more than Board except in the cases in which six hundred cases after obtaining reports. Board Board except except in in the the cases cases in in which which six hundred cases after obtaining reports. he is a party himself. This will be a Currently, in addition to Rabwah, Pakistan and Qadian, he he is is a a party party himself. himself. This This will will be be a a Currently, in addition to Rabwah, Pakistan and Qadian, normal procedure. Currently,India, a regularin addition system to Rabwah,of Qaza hasPakistan been andestablished Qadian, in normal procedure. India, a regular system of Qaza has been established in b. normal If the procedure. rst Appellate Board consists India,United a regular Kingdom, system Germany, of Qaza Denmark, has been Holland, established Belgium, in b. If the rst Appellate Board consists United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, b. If the of three rst Appellate members, Board then theconsists UnitedUSA, Canada,Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Mauritius, Denmark, and Holland,Indonesia. Belgium, Whereas of three members, then the USA, Canada, Australia, Mauritius, and Indonesia. Whereas of Secondthree members, Appellate then Board the can hear USA,in African Canada, Countries, Australia, the Mauritius, work regarding and Indonesia. the establishment Whereas Second Appellate Board can hear inin African African Countries, Countries, the the work work regarding regarding the the establishment establishment Second the appeal Appellate against Board it, but can the hear Second of Qaza has also been started in Nigeria. the appeal against it, but the Second ofof Qaza Qaza has has also also been been started started in in Nigeria. Nigeria. the Appellate appeal against Board willit, but consist the Second of ve Appellate Board will consist of ve In countries other than India, there are only two stages in Appellate members Board now. will consist of ve InIn thecountries countries Qaza process: other other than thanthe India,Qazi India, Awwalthere there are andare only onlythe twoFirst two stages Appellatestages in in members members now. now. thethe Qaza Qaza process: process: the the Qazi Qazi Awwal Awwal and and the the First First Appellate Appellate SUNRISE {33} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {33}{33} MUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL 2017 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE, FALL 2017 Board.Board. After After this, this, the the appeal appeal is ismade made to to the the Highest Highest Appel Appel- - samesame order order in in which which it itis isreceived. received. This This process process is isstill still ongo ongo- - latelateBoard. Board Board After in in Central Centralthis, the Darul Darul appeal Qaza Qaza is at made at Rabwah, Rabwah, to the Pakistan. Pakistan.Highest In Appel In the the - ingingsame in in the theorder Central Central in which Darul Darul it Qaza. is Qaza. received. This process is still ongo- casecaselate of Boardof the the indecision decisionCentral ofDarul of Highest Highest Qaza atAppellate AppellateRabwah, BoardPakistan. Board is is Innot not the ing in the Central Darul Qaza. unanimous,case of the andecision appeal ofcan Highest be presented Appellate to theBoard Khalifa is not of We have access to the Holy Qur’an, directives of the Holy unanimous,! an! appeal can be presented to the Khalifa of We have access to the Holy Qur’an, directives of the Holy thetheunanimous, time. time. ! an appeal can be presented to the Khalifa of Prophetsa,Prophetsa,We have Hazrataccess Hazrat Masih to Masih the Mauoodas, Holy Mauoodas, Qur’an, and and directives that that of of the theof Khulafa the Khulafa Holy the time. ofof Prophetsa,Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya Hazrat Muslim Muslim Masih Community; Community;Mauoodas, andtherefore, therefore, that of thewe we Khulafahave have TheThe task task of of a Qazia Qazi (Judge) (Judge) is isvery very delicate delicate and and sensitive. sensitive. The The guidanceguidanceof Ahmadiyya on on the the mostMuslim most complicated complicated Community; issues issues therefore, from from Almighty Almightywe have directivesdirectivesThe task regarding of regarding a Qazi (Judge) justice justice inis in verythe the Holy delicate Holy Qur’an Qur’an and and sensitive. and Ahadith Ahadith The Allah.Allah.guidance on the most complicated issues from Almighty (plural(pluraldirectives of of Hadith: Hadith: regarding saying saying justice of of the the in Holy theHoly ProphetsaHoly Prophetsa Qur’an of ofand Islam) Islam) Ahadith are are Allah. soso(plural profound profound of Hadith: that that our sayingour soul soul oftrembles tremblesthe Holy with Prophetsawith fear. fear. That Thatof Islam) is iswhy why are (Taken(Taken from from Rahnamai Rahnamai Qaza, Qaza, Introduction Introduction of of Darul Darul Qaza, Qaza, somesomeso profound of of the the religious religiousthat our scholars soulscholars trembles were were so withso convinced convinced fear. That that thatis whyif if pagespages(Taken 1-5, 1-5, from issued issued Rahnamai by by Darul Darul QazaQaza, Qaza Rabwah, Introduction Rabwah, Pakistan. Pakistan. of Darul Translat Translat Qaza,- - oneonesome can can of keep thekeep religioushimself himself outscholars out of of the werethe task taskso ofconvinced of accepting accepting that a aif ededpages into into 1-5,English English issued by by by Mubarik DarulMubarik Qaza Ahmad Ahmad Rabwah, Malik, Malik, Pakistan. Nazim Nazim Translat Qaza Qaza - positionpositionone can for for Qazi,keep Qazi, hehimself he should should out do do so.of so. Butthe But the thetask Qazis Qazis of inaccepting in Ahmadi Ahmadi- -a Board,Board,ed into Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya English Muslimby Muslim Mubarik Community, Community, Ahmad USA). Malik,USA). Nazim Qaza yyayyaposition Muslim Muslim for Community’s Community’s Qazi, he should Darul Darul do Qaza so.Qaza But are are thelucky lucky Qazis recipients recipients in Ahmadi of of - Board, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA). Allah’sAllah’syya Muslim Blessings Blessings Community’s and and Mercy. Mercy. DarulAhmadiyya Ahmadiyya Qaza are Muslim Muslim lucky Communi- recipients Communi- of tyty Allah’shas has the theBlessings Holy Holy Qur’an Qur’an and Mercy.and and Ahadith AhadithAhmadiyya as as a aguide Muslim guide and andCommuni- abun abun- - dancedancety has of of theguidance guidance Holy Qur’an in in the the books and books Ahadith of of Hazrat Hazrat as Masih a Masih guide Mauoodas. Mauoodas. and abun - ThereTheredance is isofan anguidance ongoing ongoing in task thetask booksof of compiling compiling of Hazrat this Masihthis guidance guidance Mauoodas. in in Rabwah.Rabwah.There isAbove Abovean ongoing all, all, the the fulltask full support ofsupport compiling that that Ahmadi Ahmadithis guidance Muslims Muslims in cancanRabwah. rely rely on on isAbove isthat that ofall, of Khilafat. theKhilafat. full The support The real real need that need isAhmadi isthat that we weMuslims keep keep ononcan studying studying rely on the is the that guidance guidance of Khilafat. from from TheKhulafa Khulafa real (pluralneed (plural is of that of Khalifa). Khalifa). we keep A Aonformal formal studying record record the of guidance of directives directives from of ofKhulafa Khulafa Khulafa (plural of of Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyyaof Khalifa). MuslimMuslimA formal Community Community record ofhas hasdirectives been been maintained maintained of Khulafa since since of theAhmadiyya the incep incep- - tiontionMuslim of of the the Community Qaza Qaza system. system. has All beenAll directives directives maintained and and guidance sinceguidance the from incep from - thethetion Khulafa Khulafa of the are Qazaare collected, collected, system. and Alland alldirectives all Qazis Qazis are areand informed informed guidance about about from it.it. theThe The Khulafaguidance guidance are from collected,from Khulafa Khulafa and is isrecorded all recorded Qazis inare in a registerinformeda register in inabout the the it. The guidance from Khulafa is recorded in a register in the

References:References: References: 1.1. Daily Daily Al-Hakam, Al-Hakam, January January 07, 07, 1919, 1919, p. p. 5 5 1. Daily Al-Hakam, January 07, 1919, p. 5 2.2. Irfan-i-Illahi, Irfan-i-Illahi, December December 28, 28, 1919, 1919, p. p. 80 80 2. Irfan-i-Illahi, December 28, 1919, p. 80 3.3. Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya Muslim Muslim Community, Community, Rabwah, Rabwah, Pakistan, Pakistan, Register Register No. No. 3, 3, Page Page No. No. 1 1 3. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Rabwah, Pakistan, Register No. 3, Page No. 1 4.4. Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya Muslim Muslim Community, Community, Rabwah, Rabwah, Pakistan, Pakistan, Register Register No. No. 5, 5, Page Page No. No. 5 5 4. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Rabwah, Pakistan, Register No. 5, Page No. 5

SUNRISE {34} MUSLIMMUSLIMSUNRISE[2017] {34} [2017]SUNRISE {34} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALLFALL 2017 20172017 HumanHuman Rights,Rights, thethe JustJust LawLaw ZiaZia H H Shah Shah MD MD andand thethe IslamicIslamic LawLaw

TheThe Daily Daily Show Show began began with with a a criminal criminal act: act: his his birth. birth. Trevor Trevor waswas born born to to a a white white Swiss Swiss father father and and a a black black Xhosa Xhosa mother mother atat a a time time when when such such a a union union was was punishable punishable by by ve ve years years ininin prison. prison.prison. He HeHe described describeddescribed his hishis story storystory in inin a a arecent recentrecent best bestbest seller: seller:seller: BornBorn a a Crime: Crime: Stories Stories from from a a South South African African Childhood Childhood. .. HumanHuman rights rights have have been been de ned. de ned. Yes, Yes, they they were were de ned de ned veryvery precisely precisely and and agreed agreed upon upon in in 1948. 1948. These These have have been been TheThe Prohibition Prohibition of of Mixed Mixed Marriages Marriages Act, Act, Act Act No. No. 55 55 of of de nedde ned in in the the Universal Universal Declaration Declaration of of Human Human Rights. Rights. (1) (1) 1949,1949, was was an an apartheid apartheid law law in in South South Africa, Africa, which which prohib prohib- -- WeWe do do not not need need to to rede ne rede ne them them anymore anymore and and reinvent reinvent iteditedited marriages marriagesmarriages between betweenbetween "Europeans" "Europeans""Europeans" and andand "non-Europe "non-Europe"non-Europe- -- thethethe wheel-period! wheel-period!wheel-period! We WeWe can, can,can, however, however,however, attempt attemptattempt to toto gain gaingain a a a ans".ans". It It was was among among the the rst rst pieces pieces of of apartheid apartheid legislation legislation higherhigher understanding understanding of of human human rights rights and and discuss discuss and and tototo be bebe passed passedpassed following followingfollowing the thethe National NationalNational Party's Party'sParty's rise riserise to toto power powerpower reinterpretreinterpretreinterpret them, them,them, as asas the thethe human humanhuman condition conditioncondition evolves evolvesevolves over overover ininin 1948. 1948.1948. Subsequent SubsequentSubsequent legislation, legislation,legislation, especially especiallyespecially the thethe Population PopulationPopulation thethethe decades decadesdecades and andand centuries centuriescenturies to toto come. come.come. RegistrationRegistration and and Immorality Immorality Acts Acts of of 1950, 1950, facilitated facilitated its its implementationimplementationimplementation bybyby requiringrequiringrequiring allallall individualsindividualsindividuals livinglivingliving ininin TheThe Universal Universal Declaration Declaration of of Human Human Rights Rights is is a a milestone milestone SouthSouth Africa Africa to to register register as as a a member member of of one one of of four four ocial ocial- -- documentdocument in in the the history history of of the the human human race race and and its its rights. rights. lylyly de ned de nedde ned racial racialracial groups. groups.groups. It ItIt also alsoalso prohibited prohibitedprohibited extramarital extramaritalextramarital DraftedDrafted by by representatives representatives with with dierent dierent legal legal and and cultur cultur- -- sexualsexualsexual relationships relationshipsrelationships between betweenbetween people peoplepeople of ofof dierent dierentdierent races. races.races. alal backgrounds backgrounds from from all all regions regions of of the the world, world, the the Declara Declara- -- TheThe Prohibition Prohibition of of Mixed Mixed Marriages Marriages Amendment Amendment Act Act of of tiontiontion waswaswas proclaimedproclaimedproclaimed bybyby thethethe UnitedUnitedUnited NationsNationsNations GeneralGeneralGeneral 19681968 updated updated the the original original legislation legislation to to invalidate invalidate interra interra- -- AssemblyAssembly inin ParisParis onon DecemberDecember 10th,10th, 19481948 (General(General cialcialcial marriages marriagesmarriages involving involvinginvolving a a aSouth SouthSouth African AfricanAfrican citizen citizencitizen that thatthat were werewere AssemblyAssembly resolution resolution 217 217 A) A) as as a a common common standard standard of of contractedcontractedcontracted in inin other otherother countries. countries.countries. achievementsachievements for for all all peoples peoples and and all all nations. nations. It It sets sets out, out, for for thethethe rst rst rst time, time,time, fundamental fundamentalfundamental human humanhuman rights rightsrights to toto be bebe universally universallyuniversally LawLaw comes comes in in numerous numerous colors. colors. Capital Capital punishment, punishment, for for protectedprotected andand itit hashas beenbeen translatedtranslated intointo overover 500500 blasphemyblasphemy and and apostasy, apostasy, is is suggested suggested by by medieval medieval schol- schol- languages.languages.languages. (2) (2)(2) arsars of of Islam, Islam, as as part part of of how how they they describe describe ‘the ‘the Islamic Islamic Law.’ Law.’ ManyMany MuslimsMuslims sympathizesympathize withwith thisthis understandingunderstanding ofof ThisThis leads leads me me to to the the second second part part of of the the title title of of my my article, article, Islam,Islam,Islam, for forfor countless countlesscountless historic, historic,historic, social socialsocial and andand cultural culturalcultural reasons. reasons.reasons. I, I,I, ‘the‘the‘the Just JustJust Law.’ Law.’Law.’ however,however, would would rather rather be be guided guided by by justice justice and and rationali rationali- -- ty.ty.ty. I IIbelieve believebelieve that thatthat justice justicejustice is isis one oneone of ofof the thethe most mostmost fundamental fundamentalfundamental TrevorTrevor Noah Noah (born (born 20 20 February February 1984) 1984) is is a a South South African African guidingguiding principles principles of of Islam. Islam. Anything Anything unjust, unjust, at at any any level, level, televisiontelevisiontelevision and andand radio radioradio host, host,host, and andand comedian. comedian.comedian. He HeHe is isis known knownknown for forfor cannotcannotcannot be bebe Islamic IslamicIslamic - -no- nono matter mattermatter what whatwhat the thethe weight weightweight of ofof evidence evidenceevidence hishis role role as as host host of of The The Daily Daily Show Show on onon the thethe American AmericanAmerican televi televitelevi- -- onon the the other other side. side. This This is is the the litmus litmus test test that that I useI use to to decide decide sionsionsion network, network,network, Comedy ComedyComedy Central, Central,Central, since sincesince September SeptemberSeptember 2015. 2015.2015. His HisHis anythinganything Islamic Islamic or or otherwise. otherwise. There There are are at at least least 75 75 verses verses unlikelyunlikely path path from from apartheid apartheid South South Africa Africa to to the the desk desk of of ininin the thethe Holy HolyHoly Qur’an Qur’anQur’an telling tellingtelling us usus that thatthat Allah AllahAllah is isis just justjust and andand will willwill

SUNRISESUNRISE {35} MUSLIMSUNRISE {35}{35} MUSLIM[2017][2017][2017] MUSLIMMUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL FALL 2017 2017 2017 nevernevernever permit permit permit His His His creatures creatures creatures to to beto be besubjected subjected subjected to to evento even even an an aniota iota iota “Now,“Now,“Now, what what what is is the isthe the di erence di erence di erence between between between the the the two? two? two? How How How does does does ofof injustice.of injustice. injustice. He He Hewants wants wants us us usto to beto be beequally equally equally just just just to to ourto our our fellow fellow fellow oneoneone determine determine determine whether whether whether a alaw alaw law is is just isjust just or or unjust?or unjust? unjust? A A just Ajust just law law law is is is beings,beings,beings, in in ourin our our attempt attempt attempt to to acquireto acquire acquire His His His attributes attributes attributes within within within the the the a aman-made aman-made man-made code code code that that that squares squares squares with with with the the the moral moral moral law law law or or theor the the limitedlimitedlimited spheres spheres spheres of of ourof our our lives. lives. lives. (3 (3 ),(3 ),(4), ),(4), (4), (5), (5), (5), (6) (6) (6) lawlawlaw of of God.of God. God. An An Anunjust unjust unjust law law law is is a is acode acode code that that that is is out isout out of of harmonyof harmony harmony withwithwith the the the moral moral moral law. law. law. To To Toput put put it it in itin thein the the terms terms terms of of St.of St. St.Thomas Thomas Thomas HowHowHow do do doyou you you di erentiate di erentiate di erentiate a a just ajust just and and and an an anunjust unjust unjust law? law? law? To To To Aquinas:Aquinas:Aquinas: An An Anunjust unjust unjust law law law is is a is ahuman humana human law law law that that that is is not isnot not rooted rooted rooted in in in answeransweranswer this this this question, question, question, we we we go go goto to Martinto Martin Martin Luther Luther Luther King King King Jr., Jr., Jr.,as as heas he he eternaleternaleternal law law law and and and natural natural natural law. law. law. Any Any Any law law law that that that uplifts uplifts uplifts human human human beautifullybeautifullybeautifully addressed addressed addressed this this this question question question in in ain a letter aletter letter he he hewrote wrote wrote personalitypersonalitypersonality is is just. isjust. just. Any Any Any law law law that that that degrades degrades degrades human human human person person person- - - fromfromfrom an an anAmerican American American jail, jail, jail, during during during the the the Civil Civil Civil Rights’ Rights’ Rights’ Movement Movement Movement alityalityality is is unjust. isunjust. unjust. All All Allsegregation segregation segregation statutes statutes statutes are are are unjust unjust unjust because because because ofof theof the the 1960s. 1960s. 1960s. He He Hewrote: wrote: wrote: segregationsegregationsegregation distorts distorts distorts the the the soul soul soul and and and damages damages damages the the the personali personali personali- - - ty.ty. ty.It It gives Itgives gives the the the segregator segregator segregator a afalse afalse false sense sense sense of of superiorityof superiority superiority and and and thethethe segregated segregated segregated a afalse afalse false sense sense sense of of inferiority.of inferiority. inferiority. Segregation, Segregation, Segregation, to to to useuseuse the the the terminology terminology terminology of of ofthe the the Jewish Jewish Jewish philosopher philosopher philosopher Martin Martin Martin Buber,Buber,Buber, substitutes substitutes substitutes an an an“I “I it” “Iit” it”relationship relationship relationship for for foran an an“I “I thou” “Ithou” thou” relationshiprelationshiprelationship and and and ends ends ends up up uprelegating relegating relegating persons persons persons to to theto the the status status status ofof of things.things. things. HenceHence Hence segregationsegregation segregation isis isnotnot not onlyonly only politically,politically, politically, economicallyeconomicallyeconomically and and and sociologically sociologically sociologically unsound, unsound, unsound, it it is itis morally ismorally morally wrongwrongwrong and and and sinful. sinful. sinful. Paul Paul Paul Tillich Tillich Tillich has has has said said said that that that sin sin sinis is separa issepara separa- - - tion.tion.tion. Is Is not Isnot not segregation segregation segregation an an anexistential existential existential expression expression expression of of man’sof man’s man’s tragictragictragic separation, separation, separation, his his hisawful awful awful estrangement, estrangement, estrangement, his his histerrible terrible terrible sinfulness?sinfulness?sinfulness? Thus Thus Thus it it is itis that isthat that I canI can I can urge urge urge men men men to to obeyto obey obey the the the 1954 1954 1954 decisiondecisiondecision of of theof the the Supreme Supreme Supreme Court, Court, Court, for for forit it is itis morally ismorally morally right; right; right; and and and I I I cancancan urge urge urge them them them to to todisobey disobey disobey segregation segregation segregation ordinances, ordinances, ordinances, for for for theytheythey are are are morally morally morally wrong. wrong. wrong.

Let us consider a more concrete example of just and “Now,“Now, what what is isthe the di erence di erence between between the the two? two? How How does does LetLet us usconsider consider a morea more concrete concrete example example of ofjust just and and “Now, what is the di erence between the two? How does unjust laws. An unjust law is a code that a numerical or oneone determine determine whether whether a alaw law is isjust just or or unjust? unjust? A Ajust just law law is is unjustunjust laws. laws. An Anunjust unjust law law is ais code a code that that a numerical a numerical or or one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is power majority group compels a minority group to obey a aman-made aman-made man-made code code code that that that squares squares squares with with with the the the moral moral moral law law law or or theor the the powerpower majority majority group group compels compels a minority a minority group group to obeyto obey law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony butbutbut does does does not not not make make make binding binding binding on on onitself. itself. itself. This This This is is di erence isdi erence di erence lawlaw of God.of God. An Anunjust unjust law law is a is code a code that that is out is out of harmonyof harmony made legal. By the same token, a just law is a code that a withwithwith the the the moral moral moral law. law. law. To To Toput put put it it in itin thein the the terms terms terms of of St.of St. St.Thomas Thomas Thomas mademade legal. legal. By Bythe the same same token, token, a just a just law law is a is code a code that that a a Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in majoritymajoritymajority compels compels compels a aminority aminority minority to to followto follow follow and and and that that that it it is itis willing iswilling willing Aquinas:Aquinas: An Anunjust unjust law law is a is human a human law law that that is not is not rooted rooted in in to follow itself. This is sameness made legal. Let me give eternaleternaleternal law law law and and and natural natural natural law. law. law. Any Any Any law law law that that that uplifts uplifts uplifts human human human to followto follow itself. itself. This This is samenessis sameness made made legal. legal. Let Let me me give give personality is just. Any law that degrades human person- anotheranotheranother explanation. explanation. explanation. A A law Alaw law is is unjust isunjust unjust if ifit ifit is itis inicted isinicted inicted on on ona a a personalitypersonality is just. is just. Any Any law law that that degrades degrades human human person person- - minority that, as a result of being denied the right to vote, alityalityality is is unjust. isunjust. unjust. All All Allsegregation segregation segregation statutes statutes statutes are are are unjust unjust unjust because because because minorityminority that, that, as aas result a result of beingof being denied denied the the right right to vote,to vote, hadhad no no part part in in enacting enacting or or devising devising the the law. law. Who Who can can say say segregationsegregationsegregation distorts distorts distorts the the the soul soul soul and and and damages damages damages the the the personali personali personali- - - had no part in enacting or devising the law. Who can say thatthat the the legislature legislature of of Alabama Alabama which which set set up up that that state’s state’s ty.ty. ty.It It gives Itgives gives the the the segregator segregator segregator a afalse afalse false sense sense sense of of superiorityof superiority superiority and and and that the legislature of Alabama which set up that state’s segregationsegregation laws laws was was democratically democratically elected? elected? Through Through- - thethethe segregated segregated segregated a afalse afalse false sense sense sense of of inferiority.of inferiority. inferiority. Segregation, Segregation, Segregation, to to to segregation laws was democratically elected? Through- outout Alabama Alabama all all sorts sorts of of devious devious methods methods are are used used to to useuseuse the the the terminology terminology terminology of of ofthe the the Jewish Jewish Jewish philosopher philosopher philosopher Martin Martin Martin out Alabama all sorts of devious methods are used to preventprevent Negroes Negroes from from becoming becoming registered registered voters, voters, and and Buber,Buber,Buber, substitutes substitutes substitutes an an an“I “I it” “Iit” it”relationship relationship relationship for for foran an an“I “I thou” “Ithou” thou” prevent Negroes from becoming registered voters, and therethere are are some some counties counties in in which, which, even even though though Negroes Negroes relationshiprelationshiprelationship and and and ends ends ends up up uprelegating relegating relegating persons persons persons to to theto the the status status status there are some counties in which, even though Negroes constituteconstitute a amajority majority of of the the population, population, not not a asingle single Negro Negro ofof of things. things.things. Hence HenceHence segregationsegregation segregation isis isnotnot not onlyonly only politically,politically, politically, constitute a majority of the population, not a single Negro isis registered. registered. Can Can any any law law enacted enacted under under such such circum circum- - economicallyeconomicallyeconomically and and and sociologically sociologically sociologically unsound, unsound, unsound, it it is itis morally ismorally morally is registered. Can any law enacted under such circum- stancesstances be be considered considered democratically democratically structured? structured? wrongwrongwrong and and and sinful. sinful. sinful. Paul Paul Paul Tillich Tillich Tillich has has has said said said that that that sin sin sinis is separa issepara separa- - - stances be considered democratically structured? tion.tion.tion. Is Is not Isnot not segregation segregation segregation an an anexistential existential existential expression expression expression of of man’sof man’s man’s SometimesSometimes a alaw law is is just just on on its its face face and and unjust unjust in in its its appli appli- - tragictragictragic separation, separation, separation, his his hisawful awful awful estrangement, estrangement, estrangement, his his histerrible terrible terrible Sometimes a law is just on its face and unjust in its appli- cation.cation. For For instance, instance, I haveI have been been arrested arrested on on a acharge charge of of sinfulness?sinfulness?sinfulness? Thus Thus Thus it it is itis that isthat that I canI canI can urge urge urge men men men to to obeyto obey obey the the the 1954 1954 1954 cation. For instance, I have been arrested on a charge of paradingparading without without a apermit. permit. Now, Now, there there is is nothing nothing wrong wrong in in decisiondecisiondecision of of theof the the Supreme Supreme Supreme Court, Court, Court, for for forit it is itis morally ismorally morally right; right; right; and and and I I I parading without a permit. Now, there is nothing wrong in havinghaving an an ordinance ordinance which which requires requires a apermit permit for for a aparade. parade. cancancan urge urge urge them them them to to todisobey disobey disobey segregation segregation segregation ordinances, ordinances, ordinances, for for for having an ordinance which requires a permit for a parade. they are morally wrong. ButButBut such such such an an anordinance ordinance ordinance becomes becomes becomes unjust unjust unjust when when when it it is itis used isused used to to to theythey are are morally morally wrong. wrong. maintain segregation and to deny citizens the maintainmaintain segregation segregation and and to todeny deny citizens citizens the the Let us consider a more concrete example of just and First-AmendmentFirst-Amendment privilegeprivilege ofof peacefulpeaceful assemblyassembly andand LetLet us usconsider consider a morea more concrete concrete example example of ofjust just and and First-Amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and unjust laws. An unjust law is a code that a numerical or protest.protest. unjustunjust laws. laws. An Anunjust unjust law law is ais code a code that that a numerical a numerical or or protest.


I hope you are able to see the distinction I am trying to Likewise, if a law is unjust, it cannot be Islamic. The Mus- I hopeI hope you you are are able able to to see see the the distinction distinction I amI am trying trying to to Likewise,Likewise, if aif lawa law is isunjust, unjust, it itcannot cannot be be Islamic. Islamic. The The Mus Mus- - point out. In no sense do I advocate evading or defying lims would have no choice but to oppose it with wisdom. pointpoint out. out. In Inno no sense sense do do I advocateI advocate evading evading or or defying defying limslims would would have have no no choice choice but but to to oppose oppose it withit with wisdom. wisdom. the law, as would the rabid segregationist. That would In the history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, we thethe law, law, as as would would the the rabid rabid segregationist. segregationist. That That would would In Inthe the history history of of the the Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya Muslim Muslim Community, Community, we we lead to anarchy. One who breaks an unjust law must do so have similarly opposed the unjust laws enacted against us leadlead to to anarchy. anarchy. One One who who breaks breaks an an unjust unjust law law must must do do so so havehave similarly similarly opposed opposed the the unjust unjust laws laws enacted enacted against against us us openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the in Pakistan in 1974, and again, later, in 1984. openly,openly, lovingly, lovingly, and and with with a awillingness willingness to to accept accept the the in inPakistan Pakistan in in1974, 1974, and and again, again, later, later, in in1984. 1984. penalty. I submit that an individual who breaks a law that penalty.penalty. I submit I submit that that an an individual individual who who breaks breaks a lawa law that that conscience tells him is unjust and who willingly accepts Every law that is attributed to Islam should be closely conscienceconscience tells tells him him is isunjust unjust and and who who willingly willingly accepts accepts EveryEvery law law that that is isattributed attributed to to Islam Islam should should be be closely closely the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the examined on the touchstone of justice and bene t to thethe penalty penalty of of imprisonment imprisonment in inorder order to to arouse arouse the the examinedexamined on on the the touchstone touchstone of of justice justice and and bene t bene t to to conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality humanity at large. If some teaching or law is not just in the conscienceconscience of of the the community community over over its its injustice, injustice, is isin inreality reality humanityhumanity at atlarge. large. If someIf some teaching teaching or or law law is notis not just just in inthe the expressing the highest respect for law. context of the present, then, regardless of previous expressingexpressing the the highest highest respect respect for for law. law. contextcontext of of the the present, present, then, then, regardless regardless of of previous previous religious or other history, it cannot and should not be religiousreligious or or other other history, history, it itcannot cannot and and should should not not be be Of course, there is nothing new about this kind of civil attributed to Islam. This is the fair and balanced perspec- OfOf course, course, there there is isnothing nothing new new about about this this kind kind of of civil civil attributedattributed to to Islam. Islam. This This is isthe the fair fair and and balanced balanced perspec perspec- - disobedience. It was evidenced sublimely in the refusal of tive I want to leave you with today. disobedience.disobedience. It wasIt was evidenced evidenced sublimely sublimely in inthe the refusal refusal of of tivetive I want I want to to leave leave you you with with today. today. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to obey the laws of Shadrach,Shadrach, Meshach Meshach and and Abednego Abednego to to obey obey the the laws laws of of Nebuchadnezzar on the grounds that a higher moral law NebuchadnezzarNebuchadnezzar on on the the grounds grounds that that a highera higher moral moral law law was at stake. It was practiced superbly by the early Chris- waswas at atstake. stake. It Itwas was practiced practiced superbly superbly by by the the early early Chris Chris- - tians, who were willing to face hungry lions and the excru- tians,tians, who who were were willing willing to to face face hungry hungry lions lions and and the the excru excru- - ciating pain of chopping blocks rather than submit to ciatingciating pain pain of of chopping chopping blocks blocks rather rather than than submit submit to to certain unjust laws of the Roman Empire. To a degree, certaincertain unjust unjust laws laws of of the the Roman Roman Empire. Empire. To To a adegree, degree, academic freedom is a reality today because Socrates academicacademic freedom freedom is isa areality reality today today because because Socrates Socrates practiced civil disobedience. In our own nation, the practicedpracticed civil civil disobedience. disobedience. In Inour our own own nation, nation, the the Boston Tea Party represented a massive act of civil disobe- BostonBoston Tea Tea Party Party represented represented a massivea massive act act of of civil civil disobe disobe- - dience.” (7 ) (8 ) dience.”dience.” (7 (7) (8 ) (8) )

References: References:References:

1. 1. http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ 2.1. http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ 2. 2. http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ 3. 3. The The Holy Holy Qur’an, Qur’an, (4:125) (4:125) 4.3. https://themuslimtimes.info/2013/01/15/quran-verse-posted-at-us-harvard-varsity/ The Holy Qur’an, (4:125) 4. 4. https://themuslimtimes.info/2013/01/15/quran-verse-posted-at-us-harvard-varsity/https://themuslimtimes.info/2013/01/15/quran-verse-posted-at-us-harvard-varsity/ 5. 5. https://themuslimtimes.info/2016/08/31/the-bible-and-the-quran-are-pretty-similar-when-it-comes-to-justice/https://themuslimtimes.info/2016/08/31/the-bible-and-the-quran-are-pretty-similar-when-it-comes-to-justice/ 6.5. https://themuslimtimes.info/2017/06/21/justice-the-most-important-quranic-theme/https://themuslimtimes.info/2016/08/31/the-bible-and-the-quran-are-pretty-similar-when-it-comes-to-justice/ 6. 6. https://themuslimtimes.info/2017/06/21/justice-the-most-important-quranic-theme/https://themuslimtimes.info/2017/06/21/justice-the-most-important-quranic-theme/ 7. 7. https://themuslimtimes.info/2017/01/31/a-litmus-test-proposed-by-martin-luther-king-for-trumps-laws/https://themuslimtimes.info/2017/01/31/a-litmus-test-proposed-by-martin-luther-king-for-trumps-laws/ 8.7. https://themuslimtimes.info/2017/07/31/martin-luther-king-on-just-and-unjust-laws/https://themuslimtimes.info/2017/01/31/a-litmus-test-proposed-by-martin-luther-king-for-trumps-laws/ 8. 8. https://themuslimtimes.info/2017/07/31/martin-luther-king-on-just-and-unjust-laws/https://themuslimtimes.info/2017/07/31/martin-luther-king-on-just-and-unjust-laws/


“Islamic“Islamic“Islamic“Islamic LawLawLaw Law andandand and ShehlaShehlaShehla Ahmad Ahmad Ahmad Women’sWomen’sWomen’sWomen’s RightsRightsRights Rights Shehla Ahmad ofofofof Inheritance”Inheritance”Inheritance” Inheritance”

AtAtAt Atthethe the the adventadvent advent advent ofof of IslamofIslam Islam Islam 15001500 1500 1500 yearsyears years years ago,ago, ago, ago, womenwomen women women inin in thethein the the pre-Islamicpre-Islamicpre-Islamicpre-Islamic ArabiaArabia Arabia Arabia hadhad had had aa averyvery avery very lowlow low low status.status. status. status. WhenWhen When When thethe the the HolyHoly Holy Holy QuranQuranQuranQuran waswas was was revealedrevealed revealed revealed toto to the theto the the HolyHoly Holy Holy ProphetProphet Prophet Prophet (sa),(sa), (sa), (sa), womenwomen women women werewere were were consideredconsideredconsideredconsidered nono no morenomore more more thanthan than than anan an object.object.an object. object. TheyThey They They couldcould could could bebe be boughtboughtbe bought bought andandandand soldsold sold sold oror or evenevenor even even transferredtransferred transferred transferred asas as aaas apartpart apart part ofof of inheritance.inheritance.of inheritance. inheritance. In In In In suchsuchsuchsuch aa asocietysociety asociety society inin in Arabia,Arabia,in Arabia, Arabia, womenwomen women women hadhad had had nono no norespectrespect respect respect andand and and nono no no rights.rights.rights.rights. TheyThey They They couldcould could could notnot not not ownown own own anyany any any propertyproperty property property andand and and hadhad had had nono no sharenoshare share share ininin inheritance.inheritance.in inheritance. inheritance. NoNo No Nowonder,wonder, wonder, wonder, talkingtalking talking talking aboutabout about about rightsrights rights rights ofof of owner ownerof owner owner-- - - shipshipshipship oror or inheritanceinheritanceor inheritance inheritance hadhad had had toto to bebeto be abea afarfar afar farcrycry cry cryinin in aain asocietysociety asociety society wherewhere where where thethethethe birthbirth birth birth ofof of aa of adaughterdaughter daughtera daughter itselfitself itself itself waswas was was lookedlooked looked looked downdown down down uponupon upon upon asas as ifif as ifitit itif it waswaswaswas aa asourcesource sourcea source ofof of contempt contemptof contempt contempt oror or insult. insult.or insult. insult. WhereWhere Where Where littlelittle little little girlsgirls girls girls couldcould could could bebebe buriedbeburied buried buried alive,alive, alive, alive, whowho who who wouldwould would would talktalk talk talk ofof of theirtheir of their their rights?rights? rights? rights?

ItIt It waswas Itwas was aa agreatgreat greata great blessingblessing blessing blessing ofof of Islam Islamof Islam Islam onon on theonthe the the womenwomen women women ofof of all allof all timestimesall times times tototo comecometo come come andand and and humanityhumanity humanity humanity inin in general generalin general general thatthat that that IslamIslam Islam Islam restoredrestored restored restored thethe the the rightfulrightfulrightfulrightful placeplace place place ofof of women womenof women women inin in their theirin their their variousvarious various various rolesroles roles roles inin in society societyin society society atat at at largelargelargelarge andand and and withinwithin within within thethe the the fourfour four four wallswalls walls walls ofof of theirtheir of their their ownown own own home.home. home. home.

RightsRightsRightsRights ofof of inheritanceinheritanceof inheritance inheritance grantedgranted granted granted toto to womenwomento women women inin in IslamIslamin Islam Islam areare are are notnot not not onlyonlyonlyonly uniqueunique unique unique inin in termstermsin terms terms ofof of beingbeingof being being mostmost most most comprehensivecomprehensive comprehensive comprehensive andand and and just,just,just,just, thesethese these these lawslaws laws laws ensureensure ensure ensure farfar far farmoremore more more rightsrights rights rights forfor for forwomenwomen women women thanthan than than grantedgrantedgrantedgranted inin in anyanyin any any otherother other other religiousreligious religious religious teachings.teachings. teachings. teachings. TheThe The The factfact fact fact thatthat that that hishishis hisparentsparents parents parents bebe be hisbehis his hisheirs,heirs, heirs, heirs, thenthen then then hishis his hismothermother mother mother shallshall shall shall havehave have have aa athird;third; third;a third; ProphetProphetProphetProphet MuhammadMuhammad Muhammad Muhammad (sa)(sa) (sa) (sa) stoodstood stood stood upup up asupas as a aas achampionchampion championa champion ofof of womwom of wom wom-- - - andandandand ifif ifhehe ifhe havehehave have have brothersbrothers brothers brothers andand and and sisters,sisters, sisters, sisters, thenthen then then hishis his hismothermother mother mother shallshall shall shall en’sen’sen’sen’s rightsrights rights rights atat at that thatat that that timetime time time inin in a ain asocietysociety asociety society wherewhere where where womenwomen women women hadhad had had nono no no havehavehavehave aa asixth,sixth, asixth, sixth, afterafter after after thethe the the paymentpayment payment payment ofof of anyanyof any any bequestsbequests bequests bequests hehe he hemaymay may may voicevoicevoicevoice ofof of theirtheir of their their own,own, own, own, makesmakes makes makes itit it trulytruly ittruly truly remarkable.remarkable. remarkable. remarkable. havehavehavehave bequeathed bequeathedbequeathed bequeathed or oror orof ofof ofdebt. debt.debt. debt. YourYour Your Your fathers fathersfathers fathers and andand and your youryour your children,children,children,children, youyou you you knowknow know know notnot not not whichwhich which which ofof of them themof them them isis is nearestnearest isnearest nearest toto to you youto you you inin in in IslamIslamIslamIslam hashas has has prescribedprescribed prescribed prescribed aa ashareshare ashare share inin in inheritanceinheritancein inheritance inheritance forfor for forwomenwomen women women inin in in bene t.bene t.bene t.bene t. ThisThis This This xing xing xing xing ofof of portionsportions of portions portions isis is fromfrom isfrom from Allah.Allah. Allah. Allah. Surely,Surely, Surely, Surely, AllahAllah Allah Allah isis is is herherherher variousvarious various various rolerole role role andand and and capacities.capacities. capacities. capacities. InIn In thethe In the the pre-Islamicpre-Islamic pre-Islamic pre-Islamic ArabiaArabia Arabia Arabia aa a a All-All-All-All- Knowing,Knowing, Knowing, Knowing, WiseWise Wise Wise (1).”(1).” (1).” (1).” daughterdaughterdaughterdaughter diddid did did notnot not not getget get get anyany any any shareshare share share inin in inheritanceinheritancein inheritance inheritance fromfrom from from herher her her parents.parents.parents.parents. ToTo To compensatecompensateTo compensate compensate forfor for forthisthis this this imbalance,imbalance, imbalance, imbalance, ifif ifparentsparents ifparents parents everever ever ever InInIn thetheIn the the PrePre Pre Pre IslamicIslamic Islamic Islamic Arabia,Arabia, Arabia, Arabia, thethe the the plightplight plight plight ofof of womenwomenof women women diddid did did notnot not not triedtriedtriedtried toto to gift giftto gift gift theirtheir their their daughters,daughters, daughters, daughters, inin in thatthat in that that malemale male male dominantdominant dominant dominant societysociety society society changechangechangechange forfor for forbetterbetter better better eveneven even even afterafter after after herher her her marriage.marriage. marriage. marriage. SheShe She She waswas was was notnot not not itit it waswas itwas was notnot not not tolerated.tolerated. tolerated. tolerated. TheThe The The HolyHoly Holy Holy QuranQuran Quran Quran onon on theonthe the the otherother other other handhand hand hand hashas has has entitledentitledentitledentitled toto to anyanyto any any shareshare share share ofof of inheritance inheritanceof inheritance inheritance inin in the thein the the propertyproperty property property ofof of her herof her her prescribedprescribedprescribedprescribed thatthat that that daughtersdaughters daughters daughters justjust just just likelike like like sonssons sons sons mustmust must must inheritinherit inherit inherit aa a a husband.husband.husband.husband. However,However, However, However, IslamIslam Islam Islam hashas has has grantedgranted granted granted marriedmarried married married womenwomen women women duedue due due shareshareshareshare fromfrom from from thethe the the propertyproperty property property ofof of theirtheir of their their parents.parents. parents. parents. Similarly,Similarly, Similarly, Similarly, thethe the the HolyHoly Holy Holy rightsrightsrightsrights andand andand honorablehonorable honorablehonorable status.status. status.status. The TheThe The HolyHoly HolyHoly Qur’anQur’an Qur’anQur’an hashas hashas Qur’anQur’anQur’anQur’an hashas has has prescribedprescribed prescribed prescribed aa ashareshare ashare share forfor for forthethe the the mothermother mother mother whichwhich which which waswas was was prescribedprescribedprescribedprescribed aa ade nitede nite de nitea de nite shareshare share share forfor for forwifewife wife wife inin in casecase in case case ofof of death deathof death death ofof of her herof her her denieddenieddenieddenied toto to herher to her her beforebefore before before IslamIslam Islam Islam ifif ifherher herif her deceaseddeceased deceased deceased sonson son son hadhad had had hishis his ownhisown own own husbandhusbandhusbandhusband whetherwhether whether whether oror or notnot or not not therethere there there werewere were were anyany any any children.children. children. children. IslamIslam Islam Islam hashas has has children.children.children.children. alsoalsoalsoalso mademade made made itit it clearclear itclear clear thatthat that that womenwomen women women cancan can can ownown own own propertyproperty property property andand and and thatthat that that sheshesheshe willwill will will havehave have have completecomplete complete complete controlcontrol control control overover over over herher her her propertyproperty property property andand and and herher her her InInIn theInthe the the HolyHoly Holy Holy Quran,Quran, Quran, Quran, itit it isis it is stated,stated, isstated, stated, “Allah“Allah “Allah “Allah commandscommands commands commands youyou you you husbandhusbandhusbandhusband cannotcannot cannot cannot useuse use use herher her her propertyproperty property property withoutwithout without without herher her her consent.consent. consent. consent. concerningconcerningconcerningconcerning youryour your your children:children: children: children: aa amalemale malea male shallshall shall shall havehave have have asas as muchmuch as much much asas as thethe as the the Similarly,Similarly,Similarly,Similarly, womenwomen women women areare are are grantedgranted granted granted rightsrights rights rights inin in inheritanceinheritancein inheritance inheritance asas as aasa a a shareshareshareshare ofof of twotwo of two two females;females; females; females; butbut but but ifif iftherethere thereif there bebe be femalesfemalesbe females females only,only, only, only, numbernumber number number-- - - nextnextnextnext ofof of kin.kin. of kin. kin. inginging ing moremore more more thanthan than than two,two, two, two, thenthen then then theythey they they shallshall shall shall havehave have have two-thirdstwo-thirds two-thirds two-thirds ofof of whatwhat of what what thethethethe deceaseddeceased deceased deceased leaves;leaves; leaves; leaves; andand and and ifif iftherethere thereif there bebe be one,one,be one, one, sheshe she she shallshall shall shall havehave have have thethe the the TheTheTheThe HolyHoly Holy Holy Qur’anQur’an Qur’an Qur’an states,states, states, states, “….And“….And “….And “….And theythey they they shallshall shall shall havehave have have aa afourthfourth fourtha fourth ofof of of half.half.half.half. AndAnd And And hishis his hisparentsparents parents parents shallshall shall shall havehave have have eacheach each each ofof of themthem of them them aa asixthsixth sixtha sixth ofof of thethe of the the thatthatthatthat whichwhich which which youyou you you leave,leave, leave, leave, ifif ifyouyou youif you havehave have have nono no child;nochild; child; child; butbut but but ifif ifyouyou youif you havehave have have aa a a inheritance,inheritance,inheritance,inheritance, ifif ifhehe ifhe havehehave have have aa achild;child; achild; child; butbut but but ifif ifhehe ifhe havehehave have have nono no childnochild child child andand and and

MUSLIMMUSLIMMUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISESUNRISESUNRISE {38}{38}{38}{38} MUSLIM[2017][2017][2017][2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE, MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, FALL FALL FALL 2017 2017 2017 child,child,child, then then then they they they shall shall shall have have have an an aneighth eighth eighth of of ofthat that that which which which you you you thatthatthat of of womanof woman woman because because because that that that man man man has has has to to useto use use that that that share share share for for for leave…(2)”leave…(2)”leave…(2)” hishishis wife, wife, wife, children children children and and and other other other dependents dependents dependents whereas whereas whereas the the the wife’s wife’s wife’s shareshareshare is isfor is for forherself herself herself only. only. only. Her Her Her husband husband husband is isstill is still still responsible responsible responsible for for for TheTheThe Holy Holy Holy Qur’an Qur’an Qur’an further further further states, states, states, “…And “…And “…And if ifthere ifthere there be be bea aman aman man or or or herherher look look look after after after even even even if ifshe ifshe she has has has her her her own own own property. property. property. a awoman awoman woman whose whose whose heritage heritage heritage is isto is to beto be bedivided divided divided and and and he he heor or sheor she she has has has neitherneitherneither parent parent parent nor nor nor child, child, child, and and and he he heor or sheor she she has has has a abrother abrother brother or or aor a a InIn thisIn this this context, context, context, it itis it isimportant is important important to to examineto examine examine some some some references references references sister,sister,sister, then then then each each each one one one of of themof them them shall shall shall have have have a asixth. asixth. sixth. But But But if ifthey ifthey they fromfromfrom the the the teachings teachings teachings of of otherof other other faiths. faiths. faiths. bebe bemore more more than than than that, that, that, then then then they they they shall shall shall be be beequal equal equal sharers sharers sharers in in in one-third..(3)”one-third..(3)”one-third..(3)” InIn Inthe the the Biblical Biblical Biblical law, law, law, it it isit is stated,is stated, stated, "And "And "And the the the Lord Lord Lord spoke spoke spoke to to to Moses,Moses,Moses, saying: saying: saying: "The "The "The daughters daughters daughters of of Zelophehadof Zelophehad Zelophehad speak speak speak what what what OnceOnceOnce a acompanion acompanion companion of of theof the the Holy Holy Holy Prophet Prophet Prophet (sa) (sa) (sa) passed passed passed away away away is isright;is right; right; you you you shall shall shall surely surely surely give give give them them them a apossession apossession possession of of inheriof inheri inheri- - - leavingleavingleaving a a widow awidow widow and and and two two two daughters. daughters. daughters. The The The widow widow widow com com com- - - tancetancetance among among among their their their father's father's father's brothers, brothers, brothers, and and and cause cause cause the the the inheri inheri inheri- - - plainedplainedplained to to tothe the the Holy Holy Holy Prophet Prophet Prophet (sa) (sa) (sa) that that that the the the uncle uncle uncle of of ofher her her tancetancetance of of theirof their their father father father to to passto pass pass to to them.to them. them. And And And you you you shall shall shall speak speak speak daughtersdaughtersdaughters took took took away away away all all allthe the the property property property of of ofthe the the deceased. deceased. deceased. toto theto the the children children children of of Israel,of Israel, Israel, saying: saying: saying: 'If 'If a'If aman aman man dies dies dies and and and has has has no no no Subsequently,Subsequently,Subsequently, a averse averse verse of of theof the the Holy Holy Holy Quran Quran Quran was was was revealed revealed revealed in in in son,son,son, then then then you you you shall shall shall cause cause cause his his his inheritance inheritance inheritance to to topass pass pass to to tohis his his thethethe light light light of of whichof which which the the the Holy Holy Holy Prophet Prophet Prophet (sa) (sa) (sa) advised advised advised the the the uncle uncle uncle daughter.daughter.daughter. If If he Ifhe hehas has has no no nodaughter, daughter, daughter, then then then you you you shall shall shall give give give his his his (brother(brother(brother of of theof the the deceased) deceased) deceased) to to giveto give give two two two thirds thirds thirds of of theof the the proper- proper- proper- inheritanceinheritanceinheritance to to histo his his brothers. brothers. brothers. If Ifhe Ifhe hehas has has no no nobrothers, brothers, brothers, then then then you you you tyty toty to theto the the two two two daughters daughters daughters and and and give give give one one one eighth eighth eighth to to theto the the widow widow widow shallshallshall give give give his his his inheritance inheritance inheritance to to histo his his father's father's father's brothers. brothers. brothers. And And And if ifhis ifhis his andandand only only only the the the rest rest rest could could could go go goto to him.to him. him. (Tirmidhi (Tirmidhi (Tirmidhi and and and Dawud) Dawud) Dawud) fatherfatherfather has has has no no nobrothers, brothers, brothers, then then then you you you shall shall shall give give give his his his inheritance inheritance inheritance toto tothe the the relative relative relative closest closest closest to to tohim him him in in hisin his his family, family, family, and and and he he heshall shall shall OnOnOn one oneone occasion, occasion,occasion, the thethe Holy HolyHoly Prophet ProphetProphet (sa) (sa)(sa) admonished admonishedadmonished possesspossesspossess it it(5)." it (5)." (5)." womenwomenwomen that that that they they they should should should also also also spend spend spend in in charityin charity charity out out out of of theirof their their ownownown means. means. means. Later Later Later on on ontwo two two women women women came came came to to theto the the Prophet Prophet Prophet (sa) (sa) (sa) It’sIt’s It’sclear clear clear from from from the the the above above above quotation quotation quotation that that that widow widow widow was was was not not not andandand told told told him him him that that that their their their respective respective respective husbands husbands husbands had had had limited limited limited entitledentitledentitled to to inheritanceto inheritance inheritance if ifthe ifthe the couple couple couple had had had children children children when when when the the the means,means,means, but but but that that that the the the women women women themselves themselves themselves were were were compara compara compara- - - fatherfatherfather deceased. deceased. deceased. Daughters Daughters Daughters could could could get get get inheritance inheritance inheritance only only only if if if tivelytivelytively better better better o . o . o . They They They enquired enquired enquired from from from the the the Holy Holy Holy Prophet Prophet Prophet (sa) (sa) (sa) theretherethere was was was no no noson. son. son. No No No mention mention mention of of shareof share share in in thein the the inheritance inheritance inheritance thatthatthat would would would it it beit be bean an anact act act of of spiritualof spiritual spiritual merit merit merit if if they ifthey they were were were to to to forfor forthe the the mother mother mother or or otheror other other female female female next next next of of kinof kin kin has has has been been been men men men- - - assistassistassist their their their husbands husbands husbands out out out of of oftheir their their own own own means? means? means? The The The Holy Holy Holy tionedtionedtioned therein. therein. therein. ProphetProphetProphet (sa) (sa) (sa) gave gave gave them them them the the the glad glad glad tidings tidings tidings that that that their their their spend spend spend- - - inginging on on ontheir their their husbands husbands husbands would would would double double double their their their rewards, rewards, rewards, as as asit it it “And“And“And every every every daughter, daughter, daughter, that that that possesseth possesseth possesseth an an aninheritance inheritance inheritance in in any in any any wouldwouldwould be be beregarded regarded regarded as as anas an anact act act of of charityof charity charity and and and of of graciousnessof graciousness graciousness tribetribetribe of of theof the the children children children of of Israel,of Israel, Israel, shall shall shall be be bewife wife wife unto unto unto one one one of of theof the the towardstowards kindred kindred (4). (4). familyfamily of of the the tribe tribe of of her her father...(6)” father...(6)” This This quote quote made made it it towards kindred (4). family of the tribe of Theher father...(6)”old well This quote made it mandatorymandatorymandatory for for forthe the the daughter daughter daughterTheThe old to oldto welltomarry marry wellmarry within within within the the the tribe tribe tribe to to to ThisThisThis is isworth is worth worth noting noting noting that that that Islam Islam Islam had had had granted granted granted women women women all all allof of of safeguardsafeguardsafeguard her her her inheritance inheritance inheritance share. share. share. herherher rights rights rights in in ininheritance inheritance inheritance 1500 1500 1500 years years years ago ago ago which which which most most most womenwomenwomen outside outside outside Islam Islam Islam got got got only only only within within within last last last 200 200 200 years. years. years. How How How- - - ThisThisThis brief brief brief comparison comparison comparison makes makes makes it itquite it quite quite clear clear clear that that that Islamic Islamic Islamic laws laws laws ever,ever,ever, one one one of of theof the the most most most common common common allegations allegations allegations raised raised raised against against against ofof inheritanceof inheritance inheritance as as introducedas introduced introduced 1500 1500 1500 years years years ago ago ago favor favor favor women women women IslamicIslamicIslamic laws laws laws of of ofinheritance inheritance inheritance is is onis on onthe the the prescribed prescribed prescribed ratios ratios ratios andandand protect protect protect women women women in in herin her her di erent di erent di erent roles roles roles and and and capacities. capacities. capacities. betweenbetweenbetween male male male and and and female female female heirs. heirs. heirs. However, However, However, it it isit is easieris easier easier to to to understandunderstandunderstand the the the deep deep deep wisdom wisdom wisdom behind behind behind Islamic Islamic Islamic inheritance inheritance inheritance formulaformulaformula if if one ifone one rst rst rst understands understands understands the the the overall overall overall structure structure structure of of of IslamicIslamic society society proposed proposed by by Islam. Islam. Islam’s Islam’s concept concept of of Islamic society proposed by Islam. Islam’s concept of References:References:References: equalityequality between between men men and and women women means means equitable equitable equality between men and women means equitable 1. The Holy Qur’an (4:12) rights for genders as teachings of Islam are based on 1. 1. The TheHoly Holy Qur’an Qur’an (4:12) (4:12) rightsrights for forgenders genders as asteachings teachings of ofIslam Islam are are based based on on 2. The Holy Qur’an (4:13) 2. 2. The TheHoly Holy Qur’an Qur’an (4:13) (4:13) principles of justice for all. The shares prescribed in the 3. The Holy Qur’an (4:13) principlesprinciples of ofjustice justice for forall. all.The The shares shares prescribed prescribed in thein the 3. 3. The TheHoly Holy Qur’an Qur’an (4:13) (4:13) 4. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Woman in Islam, pp.24 (Edition 2008), UK QuranQuran should should not not be be seen seen in in isolation isolation rather rather they they should should 4. 4. Muhammad Muhammad Zafrulla Zafrulla Khan, Khan, Woman Woman in Islam, in Islam, pp.24 pp.24 (Edition (Edition 2008), 2008), UK UK Quran should not be seen in isolation rather they should 5. Numbers [27:6-11] be considered within the context of overall system of 5. 5. Numbers Numbers [27:6-11] [27:6-11] be beconsidered considered within within the the context context of ofoverall overall system system of of 6. Numbers [36] 6. 6. Numbers Numbers [36] [36] rightsrightsrights and and and responsibilities. responsibilities. responsibilities. Islam Islam Islam puts puts puts complete complete complete burden burden burden for for for lookinglookinglooking after after after the the the needs needs needs of of offamily family family including including including wife wife wife and and and childrenchildrenchildren on on onthe the the husband. husband. husband. Wife Wife Wife is isgranted is granted granted hundred hundred hundred percent percent percent ownershipownershipownership and and and control control control over over over her her her own own own property property property and and and she she she is is is notnotnot obliged obliged obliged to to shareto share share her her her property property property with with with anyone. anyone. anyone. It Itis It iswith is with with thisthisthis philosophy philosophy philosophy that that that the the the man man man is is givenis given given twice twice twice the the the share share share to to to

SUNRISE {39} MUSLIMMUSLIMSUNRISE[2017]SUNRISE {39}{39} MUSLIM[2017][2017] !"#$%!&#"'(%#)*&+,$$&-./0!"#$%!&#"'(%#)*&+,$$&-./0 !"#$%!&#"'(%#)*&+,$$&-./0!"#$%!&#"'(%#)*&+,$$&-./0

religiousreligiousreligiousreligious liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.

However,However,However,However, a part a a parta ofpart part Shariah of of of Shariah Shariah Shariah is about is isabout publicabout publicpublic law,public including law, law, law, including including including MustafaMustafaMustafaMustafa Akyol Akyol Akyol Akyol JULY JULY JULY JULY13, 13, 13,2017 13,2017 2017 2017 the thepenalthethe penal penalpenal code. code. code. code.And AndthereAnd And therethere arethere clear are are clearconicts clear conictsconicts conicts here here withhere here with with with modernmodernmodernmodern standards standards standardsstandards of human ofof of humanhuman human rights. rights. rights.First, First,First,Shariah First, ShariahShariah Shariah lays lays lays lays outout corporaloutout corporal corporal corporal punishments, punishments, punishments, punishments, such suchas such chopping as as choppingchopping chopping o hands, o o ohands, hands, hands, Shariah’sShariah’sShariah’sShariah’s Winding Winding Winding Winding Path Path PathPath stoning,stoning,stoning,stoning, ogging ogging ogging ogging and andbeheading. and and beheading.beheading. beheading. The Islamic TheThe The IslamicIslamic Islamiclegal legal codelegal legal code code code alsoalso alsoproscribesalso proscribes proscribesproscribes crimes crimescrimes crimes like apostasy,likelike like apostasy, apostasy, blasphemy blasphemyblasphemy blasphemy and andand and IntoIntoIntoInto ModernityModernity Modernity Modernity extramaritalextramaritalextramaritalextramarital sex —sex sex sex none — — — none none of none which ofof of which canwhich be cancan acan crimebe be be a a crime crime aat crime all atin at all at all inall in in anyany liberalanyany liberal liberal liberal society. society. society. society. In June,InIn June, June, Americans Americans Americans in about inin aboutabout In June, Americans in about For ForthoseForFor those thosethose on theon on on thesidethe the sidesideof side human ofof of human human rights, rights,rights, rights,there there thereis there some is is some is some some twotwo twodozen dozendozen cities citiescities joined joinedjoined a a two dozen cities joined a goodgoodgoodgood news: news: news: news: Medieval Medieval Medieval Medieval Islamic IslamicIslamic Islamic scholars scholars scholars drew drew drewa distinctiondrew a a distinction distinctiona distinction “March“March“March Against Against Against Sharia.” Sharia.”Sharia.” For Forbetween between personal personal observance, observance, or ibadat, or ibadat, and andpublic public “March Against Sharia.” For betweenbetween personal personal observance, observance, or or ibadat, ibadat, and and public public thesethesethese protesters, protesters, protesters, the Arabic thethe Arabic law, orlaw, muamalat. or muamalat. And Andthey theygranted granted that thatthe latterthe latter is is these protesters, the Arabic law,law, or or muamalat. muamalat. And And they they granted granted that that the the latter latter is is termterm termis a iscode is a a code code word wordword for the forfor themore more exible. exible. Moreover, Moreover, in the in past the twopast centuries, two centuries, mod -mod- term is a code word for the moremore exible. exible. Moreover, Moreover, in in the the past past two two centuries, centuries, mod mod- - oppressionoppressionoppression of women ofof womenwomen and andernization ernization in most in most parts parts of the of Muslim the Muslim world, world, beginning beginning oppression of women and ernizationernization in in most most parts parts of of the the Muslim Muslim world, world, beginning beginning menmen menin the in in namethe the name name of God ofof God— —with withthe Ottoman the Ottoman Empire, Empire, rendered rendered much much of the of mua the -mua- horrorsmenhorrors in like the namelikestoning stoning of Godand —and withwith the the Ottoman Ottoman Empire, Empire, rendered rendered much much of of the the mua mua- - horrors like stoning andmalat malat obsolete obsolete and replacedand replaced it with it withsecular secular laws. laws. That Thatis is beheading.horrorsbeheading. like Since stoningSince such and such malatmalat obsolete obsolete and and replaced replaced it itwith with secular secular laws. laws. That That is is beheading. Since suchwhy whilewhy while there there are some are some 50 Muslim-majority 50 Muslim-majority countries, countries, brutalitiesbeheading.brutalities do Sincedoindeed indeedsuch whywhy while while there there are are some some 50 50 Muslim-majority Muslim-majority countries, countries, brutalities do indeeda criminala criminal code code based based on Shariah on Shariah is implemented is implemented in in brutalities do indeed onlya onlyaboutacriminal criminal about a dozen. code acode dozen. based based on on Shariah Shariah is isimplemented implemented in in happenhappen in the in namethe name of Shariah, of Shariah, they theymay mayhave havehad ahad a onlyonly about about a dozen.a dozen. point.happenhappenpoint. But in there in Butthe the there werename name were also of of pointsShariah,also Shariah, points that they theythat may theymissed.may have missed. have had had a a But there’sBut there’s also alsobad badnews. news. Across Across the Muslimthe Muslim world world point.point. But But there there were were also also points points that that they they missed. missed. thereButthereBut are there’s there’s ideologicalare ideologicalalso also bad movementsbad news.movements news. Across thatAcross thatwant the the want Muslimto Muslim bring to bring world world In Arabic,In Arabic, “Shariah” “Shariah” literally literally means means “the “theway.” way.”More More backthere backthereShariah, are Shariah,are ideological withideological withall its allmovements movements harsh,its harsh, coercive, that coercive,that want illiberalwant toilliberal to bring bring speci cally,InIn Arabic, speci cally,Arabic, “Shariah”it “Shariah”refers it refers to literally theliterally to bodythe means body meansof Islamic of“the “theIslamic rulesway.” way.” rulesthat More More that elements,backelements,back Shariah, naïvelyShariah, naïvely hoping with with hoping thatall all its itthatits willharsh, itharsh, revivewill revivecoercive, thecoercive, Islamic the Islamicilliberal illiberal Muslimsspeci cally,speci cally,Muslims see asit see itrefersGod’s refersas God’s willto to the— willthe based body— body based either of of Islamiceither Islamicon the on rules Quran rulesthe Quranthat that world’selements,world’selements, medieval medieval naïvely naïvely glory. glory.hoping Typically, hoping Typically, that thatthese it itthesewill movementswill revive movementsrevive the theare Islamic Islamic are orMuslimsMuslims onor the on see Prophetseethe as asProphet God’s God’s Muhammad’s will Muhammad’swill — — based based reported either eitherreported onwords on the wordsthe andQuran Quran and calledworld’scalledworld’s Islamist. Islamist.medieval medieval While While mostglory. glory. most Islamists Typically, Typically, Islamists are these nonviolentthese are nonviolentmovements movements and and are are deeds.oror on deeds.on theIt theis ProphetIt conceptuallyProphet is conceptually Muhammad’s Muhammad’s impossible, impossible, reported reportedtherefore, therefore, words words for aandfor and a wantcalledwant calledto advance Islamist.to Islamist. advance their While While theirideology most ideology most throughIslamists Islamists through political are are politicalnonviolent nonviolent means means and and Muslimdeeds.deeds.Muslim whoIt Itis whoisconceptually seriousconceptually is serious about about impossible,his impossible, faith his faithto condemn therefore,to therefore, condemn Shari for Shari-for a a- likewant winninglikewant winningto to advance elections,advance elections, their theirothers ideology othersideology are violent. are through through violent. (The political political (TheIslamic Islamic means means ah.MuslimMuslim Butah. thewhoBut who implementation the is isserious implementation serious about about of his Shariah, his offaith faith Shariah, to which to condemn condemn which is called isShari Sharicalled - - StatelikeState likeis winningthe winning is mostthe mostelections, extreme. elections, extreme. Tellingly,others others Tellingly, are oneare violent. ofviolent.one its of slogans (Theits (The slogans Islamic Islamic “ qh,”“ qh,” or jurisprudence, or jurisprudence, is open is open to interpretation to interpretation and and ah.ah. But But the the implementation implementation of of Shariah, Shariah, which which is iscalled called reads,Statereads,State “Shariah is “Shariah isthe the can most most only can extreme. onlybeextreme. established be establishedTellingly, Tellingly, by weapons.”)one byone weapons.”)of of its its slogans slogans discussion.discussion. “ qh,”“ qh,” or or jurisprudence, jurisprudence, is isopen open to to interpretation interpretation and and reads,reads, “Shariah “Shariah can can only only be be established established by by weapons.”) weapons.”) discussion.discussion. WouldWould the Islamiststhe Islamists like tolike impose to impose Shariah Shariah across across the the MuchMuch of Shariah of Shariah is about is about personal personal observance: observance: A good A good world,world, even even in the in Westthe West — even — even in, say, in, Oklahoma,say, Oklahoma, WouldWould the the Islamists Islamists like like to to impose impose Shariah Shariah across across the the MuslimMuslim should should pray pray ve vetimes times a day a daywhile while turned turned AlabamaAlabama or South or South Dakota, Dakota, all of all which of which have havein recent in recent MuchMuch of of Shariah Shariah is isabout about personal personal observance: observance: A Agood good world, even in the West — even in, say, Oklahoma, towardtoward Mecca, Mecca, for example,for example, or shouldor should fast fastdaily daily yearsworld,years passed passedeven laws in lawsintending the intending West to — ban toeven Shariah?ban in,Shariah? say, The Oklahoma, mostThe most MuslimMuslim should should pray pray ve ve times times a aday day while while turned turned Alabama or South Dakota, all of which have in recent throughoutthroughout Ramadan. Ramadan. Of course, Of course, there there is no is problem no problem radicalAlabamaradical Islamists, Islamists, or Southin their in Dakota, theirwildest wildest alldreams, of dreams,which may have mayhope inhope to recent to toward Mecca, for example, or should fast daily years passed laws intending to ban Shariah? The most withtoward withthese Mecca,these acts actsoffor personal ofexample, personal piety pietyor — shouldunless — unless theyfast theyaredaily are do that.yearsdo that.But passed their But their mainlaws main battleintending battle is within isto within ban the MuslimShariah? the Muslim world The world most throughout Ramadan. Of course, there is no problem radical Islamists, in their wildest dreams, may hope to coerced.throughoutcoerced. They Ramadan.They should should be Of welcome becourse, welcome inthere any in societyisany no society problem with with — andradical— evenand Islamists, even there there they in theyare their not are wildest making not making dreams, much much headway. may headway. hope to withwith these these acts acts of of personal personal piety piety — — unless unless they they are are dodo that. that. But But their their main main battle battle is iswithin within the the Muslim Muslim world world MUSLIMMUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE coerced.coerced. They They should should be be welcome welcome in in any any society society with with{40} {40} —— and and even even there there they they are are not not making making[2017] much much[2017] headway. headway. MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {40}{40} MUSLIM[2017][2017] NEWS,NEWS, VIEWS VIEWS & & REVIEWS REVIEWS

Moreover,Moreover,Moreover, polls pollspolls show showshow thatthat that mostmost most MuslimsMuslims Muslims living living in in the the onon Religious Religious Power Power andand and Judaism,”Judaism,” Judaism,” areare are remarkablyremarkably remarkably similar similar similar West,West,West, especiallyespecially especially thethe the UnitedUnited United States,States, States, areare are happy happy with with liber liber- - toto the the arguments arguments byby by MuslimMuslim Muslim reformistsreformists reformists today.today. today. (In(In (In otherother other alalal laws lawslaws and andand norms. norms.norms. Some SomeSome conservatives conservativesconservatives among among them them words,words, the the Jewish Jewish Enlightenment,Enlightenment, Enlightenment, notnot not MartinMartin Martin Luther’sLuther’s Luther’s maymaymay wantwantwant voluntaryvoluntaryvoluntary ShariahShariahShariah courtscourtscourts toto arbitratearbitrate onon ProtestantProtestant Reformation, Reformation, isis is thethe the rightright right analogyanalogy analogy forfor for thethe the issuesissuesissues likelike like marriage,marriage, marriage, divorcedivorce divorce andand and inheritance,inheritance, inheritance, but but even even reformreform needed needed inin in contemporarycontemporary contemporary Islam.)Islam.) Islam.) thatthatthat modestmodestmodest demanddemanddemand shouldshouldshould notnotnot bebebe confusedconfusedconfused withwith makingmakingmaking Shariah’sShariah’s Shariah’s harshharsh harsh penalpenal penal codecode code thethe the law law of of the the land. land. ItIt is is also also worth worth notingnoting noting thatthat that atat at thethe the time,time, time, somesome some WesternWestern Western AllAllAll of ofof this thisthis may maymay appall appallappall some somesome in inin the thethe West. West. Why, Why, they they liberalsliberals viewed viewed thethe the JewishJewish Jewish EnlightenmentEnlightenment Enlightenment asas as aa afutilefutile futile wonder,wonder,wonder, is isis Islam IslamIslam so soso obsessed obsessedobsessed with withwith law? law? This This has has led led attemptattempt to to transmute transmute aa ahopelesslyhopelessly hopelessly legalistlegalist legalist religion.religion. religion. One One One somesomesome criticscritics critics toto to assertassert assert thatthat that “Islam“Islam “Islam isis is notnot not even even a areligion” religion” ofof them them was was the the German German philosopherphilosopher philosopher ImmanuelImmanuel Immanuel Kant,Kant, Kant, butbutbut rather rather rather “a “a “a politicalpolitical political system.”system.” system.” whowho depicted depicted Judaism Judaism asas as “not“not “not aa areligionreligion religion atat at all,all, all, butbut but aa a politicalpolitical constitution.” constitution.” JewsJews Jews wouldwould would nevernever never becomebecome become truetrue true TheTheThe reasonreasonreason forforfor thisthisthis misunderstandingmisunderstandingmisunderstanding isis thatthat manymany Europeans,Europeans, KantKant added,added,added, unlessunlessunless they theythey accepted acceptedaccepted “the“the “the Westerners’Westerners’Westerners’ ideas ideasideas about aboutabout religion religionreligion areare are based based mainly mainly on on religionreligion of of Jesus” Jesus” andand and aa a“euthanasia“euthanasia “euthanasia ofof of Judaism”Judaism” Judaism” tooktook took Christianity,Christianity,Christianity, whosewhose whose veryvery very SaviorSavior Savior reportedlyreportedly reportedly gave gave up up the the place.place. This This anti-Semitic anti-Semitic view viewview from fromfrom the thethe 18th 18th18th century centurycentury willwillwill to to to legislatelegislate legislate “the “the “the kingdomkingdom kingdom ofof of thisthis this world.”world.” world.” soundssounds remarkably remarkably similarsimilar similar toto to somesome some fashionablefashionable fashionable anti-Isanti-Is anti-Is-- - However,However,However, there therethere is isis another anotheranother Abrahamic AbrahamicAbrahamic religion religion that that is is lamiclamic views views ofof of today.today. today. muchmuchmuch more moremore similarsimilar similar toto to IslamIslam Islam onon on thisthis this matter,matter, matter, and and it it may may o ero ero er some some some perspective: perspective: perspective: Judaism.Judaism. Judaism. TheThe The Jewish Jewish tradition tradition of of Islam,Islam, in in other other words,words, words, isis is notnot not thethe the exceptionalexceptional exceptional religion religion religion that that that divinedivinedivine law, law, law, Halakha,Halakha, Halakha, whichwhich which alsoalso also meansmeans means “the “the way,” way,” is is what what bothboth its its believers believers and and criticscritics critics oftenoften often thinkthink think itit it is.is. is. It It Itis is israther rather rather a a a ShariahShariahShariah isis is modeledmodeled modeled on.on. on. LikeLike Like Shariah,Shariah, Shariah, Halakha Halakha has has many many branchbranch of of the the old old Abrahamic Abrahamic treetree tree andand and isis is goinggoing going throughthrough through rulesrulesrules on on on mattersmatters matters ofof of personalpersonal personal observanceobservance observance —— — what what to to eat, eat, thethe challenges challenges thatthat that otherother other branchesbranches branches havehave have gonegone gone through.through. through. whatwhatwhat to toto wear wearwear —— — thatthat that OrthodoxOrthodox Orthodox JewsJews Jews still still follow. follow. But But it it IslamIslam also also hashas has thethe the seedsseeds seeds ofof of reformreform reform withinwithin within itself.itself. itself. On On On Shari Shari Shari-- - alsoalsoalso hashashas harshharshharsh punishments,punishments,punishments, includingincludingincluding stoningstoning andand ah,ah, here here is is a asilver silver lining:lining: lining: SomeSome Some medievalmedieval medieval IslamicIslamic Islamic scholschol schol-- - eveneveneven burning burning burning toto to death,death, death, forfor for crimescrimes crimes suchsuch such as as adultery, adultery, blas blas- - ars,ars, like like Imam Imam Abu Abu IshaqIshaq Ishaq al-Shatibial-Shatibi al-Shatibi ofof of Granada,Granada, Granada, lookedlooked looked phemyphemyphemy andand andReferences:References:References: idolatry.idolatry. idolatry. beyondbeyond the the letter letter of of thethe the lawlaw law andand and mappedmapped mapped outout out thethe the divine divine divine “intentions”“intentions” behind behind Shariah.Shariah. Shariah. TheThe The latterlatter latter turnedturned turned outout out toto to bebe be TheTheThe big bigbig di erence di erencedi erence betweenbetween between JudaismJudaism Judaism and and Islam Islam here here is is thethe protection protection ofof of veve ve fundamentalfundamental fundamental values:values: values: religion,religion, religion, life,life, life, thatthatthat the thethe former formerformer lostlost lost politicalpolitical political powerpower power nearlynearly nearly 2,000 2,000 years years property,property, reason reason and and lineage.lineage. lineage. ago,ago,ago, at atat which whichwhich time timetime the thethe Halakha’s Halakha’sHalakha’s penalpenal penal code code became became ine ective.ine ective.ine ective. Rabbis,Rabbis,Rabbis, asasas leadersleadersleaders ofofof oftenoftenoften persecutedpersecutedpersecuted TodayToday Muslim Muslim reformists reformists pointpoint point outout out thatthat that thesethese these valuesvalues values are are are minorities,minorities,minorities, accepted acceptedaccepted the thethe laws lawslaws of ofof theirtheir their host host countries, countries, muchmuch better better protected protected inin in WesternWestern Western democraciesdemocracies democracies thanthan than inin in declaring,declaring,declaring, “the“the “the law lawlaw of ofof the thethe kingdom kingdomkingdom is is the the law.” law.” Today, Today, “Islamic”“Islamic” states. states. TheyThey They addadd add thatthat that thethe the passionpassion passion forfor for ShariahShariah Shariah mostmostmost MuslimMuslim Muslim scholarsscholars scholars givegive give thethe the samesame same advice advice to to Muslims Muslims shouldshould be be translated translated intointo into aa adoctrinedoctrine doctrine ofof of thethe the inalienableinalienable inalienable livinglivingliving inin in thethe the West,West, West, whereaswhereas whereas IslamistsIslamists Islamists don’tdon’t don’t wantwant want to to give give rightsrights of of all all people people —— — aa avisionvision vision thatthat that isis is desperatelydesperately desperately lacking lacking lacking upupup the thethe ideal idealideal of ofof theocracy. theocracy.theocracy. (The(The (The modernmodern modern state state of of Israel Israel inin today’s today’s MiddleMiddle Middle East,East, East, wherewhere where thethe the alternativealternative alternative toto to archaicarchaic archaic waswaswas born bornborn as asas mainly mainlymainly a a a secular secularsecular entity, entity,entity, and and those those who who literalistliteralist Shariah Shariah isis is oftenoften often onlyonly only secularsecular secular butbut but despoticdespotic despotic rule. rule. rule. wouldwouldwould like likelike to toto see seesee a a a state statestate run runrun according accordingaccording to to Halakha Halakha constitute a small minority.) constituteconstitute a asmall small minority.) minority.) Yet a lack of power wasn’t the only thing that led Jews to YetYet a alack lack of of power power wasn’t wasn’t the the only only thing thing that that led led Jews Jews to to abandon the constraints of Halakha, there was also the abandonabandon the the constraints constraints of of Halakha, Halakha, there there was was also also the the Enlightenment — more specically the “Jewish Enlight- EnlightenmentEnlightenment — — more more specically specically the the “Jewish “Jewish Enlight Enlight- - enment.” Its proponents, like the 18th-century philoso- enment.”enment.” Its Its proponents, proponents, like like the the 18th-century 18th-century philoso philoso- - pher Moses Mendelssohn, reinterpreted Judaism in the pherpher Moses Moses Mendelssohn, Mendelssohn, reinterpreted reinterpreted Judaism Judaism in in the the light of modern values like secular knowledge, rationali- lightlight of of modern modern values values like like secular secular knowledge, knowledge, rationali rationali- - ty and freedom of conscience. The arguments Mendels- tyty and and freedom freedom of of conscience. conscience. The The arguments arguments Mendels Mendels- - sohn articulated in his 1783 masterpiece, “Jerusalem, or sohnsohn articulated articulated in in his his 1783 1783 masterpiece, masterpiece, “Jerusalem, “Jerusalem, or or

MUSLIMSUNRISE {41} MUSLIM[2017]SUNRISESUNRISE {41}{41} MUSLIM [2017][2017] NEWS, VIEWS & REVIEWS NEWS,NEWS, VIEWS VIEWS & &REVIEWS REVIEWS NEWS, VIEWS & REVIEWSinto a sprawling mini village. Large white marquees were dottedintointo a aaroundsprawling sprawling the minisite, mini whichvillage. village. had Large Largeseparate white white areas marquees marquees for men were andwere intowomen.dotteddotted a sprawlingaround These around tents the themini site, were site, village. which usedwhich forhadLarge had prayer separate separatewhite or lectures; marqueesareas areas for somefor menwere men were and and dottedusedwomen.women. to around house These These theatents large tents site, were bazaarwerewhich used used hadselling for forseparate prayer prayereverything or areas or lectures; lectures; forfrom men some fresh some and werefood were women.tousedused books to to Thesehouse houseto clothing. tents a largea large were bazaarThere bazaarused forsellingwere selling prayer also everything everythingor tents lectures; to from showcase somefrom fresh werefresh food the food usedworktoto books tobooks of house Ahmadiyya to to clothing. a clothing.large bazaarhumanitarian There There selling were were everything charities,also also tents tents fromwhile to to showcase fresh othersshowcase food were the the to books to clothing. There were also tents to showcase the usedworkwork forof of Ahmadiyyasleeping Ahmadiyya and humanitarian servinghumanitarian meals. charities, charities, while while others others were were work of Ahmadiyya humanitarian charities, while others were usedused for for sleeping sleeping and and serving serving meals. meals. used for sleeping and serving meals. Among the most charming displays was an exhibition of rare QuransAmong from the allmost over charming the world, displays in a wasvariety an exhibitionof scripts ofand rare Among thethe most most charming charming displays displays was was an anexhibition exhibition of rare of rare from all over the world, in a variety of scripts and Quransdesigns. from fromThe allcollectionall over over the the was world, world, expertly in ina varietyaexplained variety of ofscriptsto scriptsme andby and the curator’sdesigns. 12-year-old The collection daughter. was expertlyAcross the explained marquee to from me her,by thea Rina Wolfson August 3, 2017 designs. TheThe collectioncollection was was expertly expertly explained explained to meto meby theby the hugecurator’scurator’s replica 12-year-old 12-year-old of the Turin daughter. daughter. Shroud Across wasAcross displayed, the the marquee marquee and from I fromspoke her, her, to a a RinaRina Wolfson Wolfson August August 3, 3,2017 2017 curator’s 12-year-old daughter. Across the marquee from her, a Rina Wolfson August 3, 2017 hugeonehuge of replicareplica the replica exhibit’s of of theof the the Turin organizers,Turin Turin Shroud Shroud Shroud Barriewas was wasdisplayed, Schwortz.displayed, displayed, and and I andspoke I spoke I spoke to to to Humbled by a oneone ofof ofthe the the exhibit’s exhibit’s exhibit’s organizers, organizers, organizers, Barrie Barrie Barrie Schwortz. Schwortz. Schwortz. Humbled by a “I was very nervous the rst time I was invited here,” he told me. HumbledHumbled by by a a “I“I’m waswas“I wasa veryJewishvery very nervous nervous nervousAmerican. the the therst rst What rst time time timewas I was I was II doingwasinvited invited invited at here,” a here,” Muslim here,” he toldhe he toldconven me. told me. me.- Muslim gathering “I’mtion?“I’m aa But Jewish Jewisha Jewish I’ve American. beenAmerican. American. back What Whatevery What was wasyear wasI doing I since.”doing I doing at Schwortzaat Muslim ata Muslima Muslim convenwas conven oneconven- of- - MuslimMuslimMuslim gathering gatheringgathering tion?thetion? original ButBut But I’ve I’ve I’vephotographers been been been back back back every every every of year the year year since.”Turin since.” since.” ShroudSchwortz Schwortz Schwortz when was was itone was was one of one rst of of thescienticallythe originaloriginal original photographers photographers investigated photographers of in of the of the1978. Turinthe Turin Turin InitiallyShroud Shroud Shroud whena whensceptic, when it was it wasit rsthe was rsthas rst Imagine if 40,000 Muslims gathered together in the south of scienticallycomescientically to believe investigatedinvestigated investigated “almost 100in in 1978. inper1978. 1978. cent” Initially Initially Initiallythat a the sceptic,a asceptic,shroud sceptic, he washehas he hasthe has Imagine if 40,000 Muslims gathered together in the south of ImagineEnglandImagine ifto if40,000 swear40,000 Muslimsa Muslimspledge gathered ofgathered allegiance together together to Isis. in in theEvery the south southmajor of of comeonecome used to tobelieve tobelieve wrap “almost “almost Jesus’s 100 100bodyper cent”per after cent” that the thatthe crucixion. shroud the shroud was Ahmadi the was the England to swear a pledge of allegiance to Isis. Every major come to believe “almost 100 per cent” that the shroud was the EnglandnewsEngland outlet to to swearin swear the worlda apledge pledge would of of allegiancedescend allegiance on to theto Isis. Isis.gathering Every Every major majorand oneMuslimsone used used believe to towrap wrap that Jesus’s JesusJesus’s body was body aafter prophet, after the crucixion.the that crucixion. he was Ahmadi crucied, Ahmadi news outlet in the world would descend on the gathering and one used to wrap Jesus’s body after the crucixion. Ahmadi newsreportnews outlet that outlet story.in inthe the Now world world imagine would would descendwhat descend would on on the happen the gathering gathering if 40,000 and and MuslimsMuslims believe believe that that Jesus Jesus was wasa prophet, a prophet, that hethat was he crucied, was crucied, report that story. Now imagine what would happen if 40,000 butMuslims that believehe survived that Jesusfor four was hours a prophet, on the that cross he after was whichcrucied, he reportMuslimsreport that gatheredthat story. story. Nowto Now pledge imagine imagine allegiance what what would to would a creed happen happen of peace if if40,000 to40,000 all but that he survived for four hours on the cross after which he Muslims gathered to pledge allegiance to a creed of peace to all wasbutbut thatrevived that he he survived from survived a swoonfor for four four in hours thehours tomb.on on the the They cross cross believe after after which thatwhich he he andMuslims hatred gathered to none, towhile pledge they allegiance denounced to aviolence creed of and peace raised to all was revived from a swoon in the tomb. They believe that he Muslimsand hatred gathered to none, to pledge while allegiancethey denounced to a creed violence of peace and raised to all laterwaswas revivedmade revived his from fromway a to aswoon Kashmirswoon in in thewhere the tomb. tomb. he diedThey They seeking believe believe thethat that Lost he he theand ag hatred of the to UK. none, How while many they journalists denounced would violence report and that? raised I later made his way to Kashmir where he died seeking the Lost andthe hatred ag toof none,the UK. while How they many denounced journalists violencewould report and raisedthat? I Tribeslaterlater made ofmade Israel. his his way way to to Kashmir Kashmir where where he he died died seeking seeking the the Lost Lost the ag of the UK. How many journalists would report that? I Tribes of Israel. thecan cantell ag youtell of you thethe the UK.answer, answer, How and many and it isn’tit journalistsisn’t many. many. I know Iwould know this, this, report because because that? asas I TribesTribes of of Israel. Israel. I satcan in tell the you Press the and answer, Media and tent it isn’t at just many. such I know a gathering, this, because I was as can Itell sat you in the the Press answer, and andMedia it isn’t tent many. at just I suchknow a this,gathering, because I was as II satsat withwith aa group group of of over over 200 200 Muslim Muslim women women while while Schwortz Schwortz completelyI sat in the on Press my own.and Media tent at just such a gathering, I was I satcompletely in the Press on and my own.Media tent at just such a gathering, I was explainedI satI sat with with the athe groupa history grouphistory of ofof overof the over the shroud200 shroud200 Muslim Muslimto tothem. them. women women It was It was whilea somewhatwhile a somewhat Schwortz Schwortz completely on my own. completely on my own. surrealexplainedexplained experience experience the the history history to to watch watchof of the theas asshroud Hijabi shroud Hijabi women to women to them. them. listened Itlistened wasIt was attentive a somewhata attentive somewhat- - The Theassignment assignment was was rather rather unusual. unusual. I wasI was sent sent to to interview interview a lylysurreal surrealtoto thisthis experience bearded beardedexperience Jewish Jewish to to watch watchman man asas as as Hijabihe Hijabihe described described women women his listened his40-yearlistened 40-year attentive fasci attentive fasci- - - The assignment was rather unusual. I was sent to interview a TheJewish Jewishassignment man man about aboutwas a rather Christiana Christian unusual. relic relic atI wasat a aMuslim sentMuslim to convention.interviewconvention. a nationly lyto to this withthiswith bearded beardeda a Christian Christian Jewish Jewish icon. icon. man man as as he he described described his his 40-year 40-year fasci fasci- - Jewish man about a Christian relic at a Muslim convention. JewishWhatWhat I manexperienced I experienced about a was Christian was nothing nothing relic short shortat aof Muslimof extraordinary. extraordinary. convention. TheThe nationnation with with a Christiana Christian icon. icon. WhatJalsaWhatJalsa SalanaI experiencedI Salanaexperienced convention, convention, was was nownothing nownothing in inits itsshort 51st short51st year,of year, of extraordinary. isextraordinary. is a a gathering gathering The ofTheof JalsaAhmadiJalsaAhmadi Salana Salana Muslims. Muslims.convention, convention, The The Ahmadiyya now Ahmadiyyanow in inits its 51stare 51stare year,the year,the islargestlargest isa gatheringa gathering growinggrowing of of AhmadiMuslimAhmadiMuslim denominationMuslims. Muslims.denomination The The inAhmadiyya intheAhmadiyya the world. world. Foundedare Foundedare the the inlargest in largest1889 1889 by growingby growing MirzaMirza MuslimGhulamMuslimGhulam denominationAhmad, denomination Ahmad, who who isin revered isinthe reveredthe world. world. as as aFounded aMessiah Founded Messiah inby by in1889 his 1889his followers, followers,by by Mirza Mirza GhulamtheGhulam thegroup group Ahmad, hasAhmad, has expanded whoexpanded who is isrevered to revered tomore more as than as thana Messiaha 200 Messiah 200 countries, countries, by by his his followers,and and followers, isis ledled today by its Caliph, Mirza Masroor Ahmad. thetodaythe group groupby its has Caliph,has expanded expanded Mirza toMasroor to more more than Ahmad. than 200 200 countries, countries, and and is isled led todaytoday by by its its Caliph, Caliph, Mirza Mirza Masroor Masroor Ahmad. Ahmad. For more than 100 years, they have been leading a peaceful For more than 100 years, they have been leading a peaceful revival of Islam, what they call the “true Islam”, and in the UK are revivalFor more of Islam, than what 100 they years, call they the “truehave Islam”,been leadingand in the a peacefulUK are For responsiblemore than for100 building years, theythe rst have London been mosque, leading ina Putneypeaceful in revival of Islam, what they call the “true Islam”, and in the UK are revivalresponsible1926, of andIslam, for the buildingwhat largest they in the callwestern rst the London “true Europe, Islam”, mosque,in Morden. and inin the Putney UK are in responsible1926,responsibleThe and Ahmadiyya the for largestfor building building are in not western the withoutthe rst rst Europe, London theirLondon critics. in mosque, Morden.mosque, Many in Muslims inPutney Putney doin in 1926,The1926, notAhmadiyya and considerand the the largest largestaretheir not inteachings, in westernwithout western particularly Europe,their Europe, critics. in inMorden.those Morden.Many in Muslimsrelation to do a ThenotThe secondconsiderAhmadiyya Ahmadiyya Messiah, their are areteachings, notcompatible not without without particularly withtheir their the critics. critics. Quran.those Many Many inIn relation Pakistan,Muslims Muslims to dofor ado notsecondnot example,consider consider Messiah, ittheir istheir illegalcompatible teachings, teachings, for Ahmadiyya particularlywith particularly the to Quran. call those those themselves Inin inPakistan,relation relation Muslim, to for to a a secondexample,secondand theMessiah, itMessiah, isSaudi illegal compatibleauthorities compatible for Ahmadiyya do with notwith the letto the Ahmadi callQuran. Quran. themselves MuslimsIn InPakistan, Pakistan, Muslim,perform for for example,andexample,the the Haj Saudi it toitis Mecca.isillegal authorities illegal Manyfor for Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyyahavedo not experienced let to Ahmadi to call call themselvespersecution. themselves Muslims performMuslim, Muslim, andtheand Hajthe the to Saudi Mecca.Saudi authorities authorities Many have do do experiencednot not let let Ahmadi Ahmadi persecution. Muslims Muslims perform perform thethe ButHaj Haj thereto to Mecca. Mecca. was noMany Many sense have have of thatexperienced experienced at the Jalsa persecution. persecution.convention. A huge But sitethere in wasAlton, no Hampshire, sense of that had at been the transformedJalsa convention. for three A huge days But there was no sense of that at the Jalsa convention. A huge Butsite therein Alton, was Hampshire, no sense of had that been at the transformed Jalsa convention. for three A hugedays MUSLIMSUNRISE site in Alton, Hampshire, had been transformed for three days{42} [2017] site in Alton, Hampshire, had been transformed for three days SUNRISE {42} MUSLIM [2017] MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {42}{42} MUSLIM [2017][2017] NEWS, VIEWS & REVIEWS

NEWS,NEWS,NEWS,NEWS, VIEWSVIEWSVIEWS VIEWS & &REVIEWS REVIEWS NEWS, VIEWS &men REVIEWS around him held on to his ngers, and those behind them held on to their shoulders. Each man held on to the man in menmen aroundaround around him him him held held held on on toon to his tohis ngers,his ngers, ngers, and and andthose those those behind behind behind them them them menfront, around to form him unbroken held on lines to his of humanngers, contact,and those stretching behind themfrom menheldheld aroundonon on toto totheir theirhim their heldshoulders.shoulders. shoulders. on to hisEach Each ngers,Each man man man andheld held thoseheld on on to onbehindto the tothe manthe themman manin in in heldthe Caliph on to out their into shoulders. the crowd. Each man held on to the man in heldfront,front, on toto toformformto formtheir unbroken unbroken unbrokenshoulders. lines lines lines Eachof of human ofhuman man human contact,held contact, contact, on stretching to stretching the stretching man from fromin from front, toto formform unbroken unbroken lines lines of of human human contact, contact, stretching stretching from from thethe CaliphCaliph Caliph outout out into into into the the the crowd. crowd. crowd. theThe Caliph Caliph outout read into into out the the the crowd. crowd. pledge of allegiance, line by line, in a variety of languages, and the gathered crowd repeated after TheThe CaliphCaliph Caliph readread read out out out the the the pledge pledge pledge of of allegiance, ofallegiance, allegiance, line line byline by line, byline, inline, ina ain a Thehim. Caliph My guide readread pointedout out the the pledgeout pledge that of ofthe allegiance, allegiance, men closest line line by to by line,the line, Caliphin ain a variety ofof languages,languages, and and the the gathered gathered crowd crowd repeated repeated after after varietyvariety ofof oflanguages,languages, languages, and and and the the thegathered gathered gathered crowd crowd crowd repeated repeated repeated after after after him.included MyMy guide guidethose pointed pointedwho had out out mostthat that the recentlythe men men closestconverted. closest to to the theHe Caliph Caliphadded him.him. My My guideguide guide pointedpointed pointed out out outthat that that the the themen men men closest closest closest to tothe tothe Caliph the Caliph Caliph includedthat he had thosethose attended whowho had thehad mostconvention most recently recently for converted. 23 converted. years and He Hehad added added never includedincluded thosethose those whowho who had had had most most most recently recently recently converted. converted. converted. He He added He added added thatmanaged hehe hadhad to attended attended get this the closethe convention convention to His Holiness. for for 23 23 years Hisyears wordsand and had hadreminded never never thatmanagedthat he he hadhad hadto attended attendedget attended this closethe the the convention conventionto convention His Holiness. for for 23 for 23 Hisyears 23 years words years and and hadremindedand had never had never never memanaged of the mixtureto get this of aweclose and to Hislove Holiness. that Chasidic His words followers reminded often managedmemanaged of the mixturetoto gettoget get this this of this aweclose close close and to to His love toHis Holiness.His thatHoliness. Holiness. Chasidic His His words His followers words words reminded reminded oftenreminded feelme offor the their mixture Rebbe. of awe and love that Chasidic followers often mefeelme offor ofthethe their the mixturemixture Rebbe.mixture of of awe ofawe awe and and and love love love that that that Chasidic Chasidic Chasidic followers followers followers often often often feel for their Rebbe. feelAfterfeel for the for theirtheir theirpledge, Rebbe. Rebbe. Rebbe. which included a commitment to spreading After the pledge, which included a commitment to spreading peaceAfter the to pledge,all and whichhatred included to none, a thecommitment men bowed to spreadingin prayer. AfterpeaceAfter the to the pledge,allpledge, pledge,and which hatredwhich which included toincluded includednone, a the acommitment commitmenta mencommitment bowed to tospreadingin to spreadingprayer. spreading Slowly,peace tosome all andbegan hatred to cry. to Then none, sob. the The men sound bowed of grown in prayer. men peaceSlowly,cryingpeace totoreverberatedsome toallall all andbeganand and hatredhatred to hatredaround cry. to toThen none, tothenone, none,sob. huge the theThe themenmarque. mensound men bowed bowed of Itbowed grownwas in inprayer.astound inmenprayer. prayer. - Slowly, somesome began began to to cry. cry. Then Then sob. sob. The The sound sound of of grown grown men men There were people attending the convention from over 100 Slowly,cryinging.Slowly, And reverberated some rather some began humbling.began around to tocry. cry. theThen Then huge sob. sob. marque. The The sound sound It was of ofgrownastound grown men- men There were people attending the convention from over 100 crying reverberated around the huge marque. It was astound- countries. As I walked around the site with my guide, a trainee cryinging.crying And reverberatedreverberated ratherreverberated humbling. around around around the the thehuge huge huge marque. marque. marque. It wasIt wasIt astoundwas astound astound- - - ThereTherecountries.There were werewere Aspeople peoplepeople I walked attending attending around thethe thethe siteconvention conventionconvention with my guide,fromfrom from over overa overtrainee 100 100 ing. AndAnd ratherrather humbling. humbling. ThereImam werefrom Calgary,people attendingI was introduced the convention to guests from from overPakistan, 100 ing.Then,ing. And justAnd rather as rather quickly humbling. humbling. as he had arrived, the Caliph left, and the countries.countries.Imamcountries. from As As As ICalgary, walked II walkedwalked Iaround wasaround introduced the thethe site sitesite with withto with guests my my my guide, guide, guide,from aPakistan,a traineeatrainee trainee Then, just as quickly as he had arrived, the Caliph left, and the countries.Ghana, Canada As I walked and Brazil. around Many the were site wearingwith my traditional guide, a trainee cloth- crowds began to disperse to other areas of the huge site. Before ImamImamGhana,Imam from from from Canada Calgary, Calgary,Calgary, and I Brazil. wasI was introduced Manyintroducedintroduced were towearing to to guests guests guests traditional fromfrom from Pakistan,Pakistan, Pakistan, cloth- Then,crowds justjust began asas quicklyquickly to disperse as as he he to had hadother arrived, arrived, areas theof the the Caliph Caliph huge left, site. left, and Before and the the Imaming; bright from Calgary,African Ifabrics, was introduced intricate Indianto guests headdresses from Pakistan, and Then,I left,Then, I justwas just asintroduced asquickly quickly as to ashe the he had leader had arrived, arrived, of the the Ahmadi the Caliph Caliph Youth left, left, and Organ and the the- Ghana,Ghana,ing;Ghana, brightCanada Canada Canada African and andand Brazil. Brazil.fabrics, Many Many intricate were werewere wearing wearing Indianwearing headdressestraditional traditional traditional clothcloth clothand- - crowdsI left, I was beganbegan introduced to to disperse disperse to the to to leaderother other areas of areas the of Ahmadiof the the huge huge Youth site. site. Organ Before Before- Ghana,stunning Canada Asian and silks. Brazil. At the Many centre were of wearingthe site, traditionala display of cloth over- crowdsisationcrowds inbegan thebegan UK. to to disperseAs disperse he described to toother other the areas areas structure of ofthe the huge and huge activities site. site. Before Before of ing;ing;stunninging; bright brightbright AsianAfrican AfricanAfrican silks. fabrics, fabrics,At the intricate centreintricateintricate of Indian theIndianIndian site, headdresses headdressesaheaddresses display of overandand and Iisation left, II waswas in the introduced introduced UK. As he to todescribed the the leader leader the of of thestructure the Ahmadi Ahmadi and Youth activitiesYouth Organ Organ of- - ing;100stunning brightnational AfricanAsian ags silks. uttered fabrics, At the inintricate centre the strong of Indian the breeze. site, headdresses a display In the centre,of overand Ihis left,I left,organisation, I was I was introduced introduced I was tostruck tothe the leader by leader how of similar ofthe the Ahmadi Ahmadi it was Youth to Youth Tribe, Organ Organ RSY- - stunningstunning100 national Asian Asian agssilks. silks. uttered At At the the centre incentre the of strong of the the site, breeze. site, a displaya displayIn the ofcentre, of over over isationhis organisation, inin thethe UK. UK. IAs Aswas he he struck described described by how the the similarstructure structure it was and and to activities Tribe,activities RSY of of stunningon 100a raised national Asian platform, silks. ags utteredAt the the ag centre inof thethe of strongAhmadiyya the site, breeze. a display ew In thealongside of centre, over isationorisation any inother inthe the UK.Jewish UK. As As he youth he described described organisation. the the structure structure And howand and activitiesmany activities core of of 100100on national anational raised agsplatform, ags uttered uttered the ag in in theof the the strong strong Ahmadiyya breeze. breeze. ew In In the alongsidethe centre, centre, hisor anyorganisation, other Jewish I Iwas was youth struck struck organisation. by by how how similar similar And it itwashow was to many to Tribe, Tribe, core RSY RSY 100thetheon nationalUnion a Union raised Jack, ags Jack,platform, both utteredboth guardedthe guarded agin the of by bythestrong four four Ahmadiyya men. breeze.men. “The “The ewIn platformtheplatform alongside centre, is hissimilaritieshis organisation, organisation, our communities I was I was struck struck byshare. by how how Itsimilar wassimilar ait remarkable,wasit was to toTribe, Tribe, andRSY RSY onon a araised raised platform, platform, the the ag ag of of the the Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya ew ew alongside alongside orsimilarities any otherother our JewishJewish communities youth youth organisation. organisation. share. It was And Anda remarkable,how how many many coreand core onguarded,” aguarded,”the raised Union said platform, saidJack, my my bothguide, theguide, guarded ag “to “to of show theshow by Ahmadiyyafourthat that men. wewe are “Theare ew preparedprepared platformalongside tois orsimilaritieshumbling, orany any other other experience.our Jewish communitiesJewish youth youth organisation.share. organisation. It was Anda remarkable,And how how many many and core core thethe Union Union Jack, Jack, both both guarded guarded by by four four men. men. “The “The platform platform is is humbling,similarities experience. our communities share. It was a remarkable, and thedefenddefendguarded,” Union our ourJack, beliefssaid beliefs both my and and guide,guarded our our country,“to country, byshow four wherever whereverthat men. we “Thewe arewe live. live.preparedplatform TheThe twotwo tois similaritieshumbling,similarities experience. our our communities communities share. share. It Itwas was a remarkable,a remarkable, and and guarded,”guarded,” said said my my guide, guide, “to “to show show that that we we are are prepared prepared to to humbling, experience. guarded,”godefend godefendtogether.” together.” our saidour beliefs beliefsmy andguide, and our our “to country, country, show whereverthat wherever we arewe we live.preparedlive. TheThe two to humbling,Ashumbling, I returnedreturned experience. experience. mymy press press pass pass to to the the still-deserted still-deserted media media tent, tent, I I defenddefendgo together.” our our beliefs beliefs and and our our country, country, wherever wherever we we live. live. The The two two go together.” Asonce I returnedreturned againagain felt felt mymy how how press press skewed skewed pass pass our to ourto themedia themedia still-deserted still-deserted can can be be in inregard media regard media to tent, tofaith tent, faith I I goThego together.” hospitalitytogether.” of my hosts was extraordinary. Heavy rain had As I returned my press pass to the still-deserted media tent, I The hospitality of my hosts was extraordinary. Heavy rain had Asoncecommunity I returned againagain feltfelt relations.relations. my how how press skewed skewed And And pass proud proudour our to media tothemedia to have havestill-deserted can can played beplayed be in inregarda smallregarda mediasmall topart to faithpart tent, faithin in I producedTheproducedThe hospitality hospitality Glastonburyesque Glastonburyesque of of my my hosts hosts was wasareas areas extraordinary. extraordinary. of of mudmud whichwhich HeavyHeavy mymy rainrain imsy imsy had oncecommunityredressingonce again again thethe feltrelations. feltimbalance. imbalance.how how skewed And skewed proud our our tomedia havemedia canplayed can be be ina small inregard regard part to toinfaith faith Theproduced hospitality Glastonburyesque of my hosts was areas extraordinary. of mud which Heavy my rain imsy had community relations. And proud to have played a small part in Theshoesproducedshoes hospitality were were Glastonburyesque not not of prepared myprepared hosts for. for.was Noareas No extraordinary. matter. matter. of mud Within Within which Heavy minutes minutes my rain imsyofof had mymy communityredressingcommunity the relations. imbalance.relations. And And proud proud to tohave have played played a smalla small part part in in producedshoes were Glastonburyesque not prepared for. Noareas matter. of mudWithin which minutes my of imsy my redressing the imbalance. producedarrivalshoesarrival werea pair aGlastonburyesque pair not of of bootsprepared boots had had for.been been areasNo found matter.found of in mudin Withinexactly exactly which minutes my my my size.size. imsyof II was wasmy redressingredressing the the imbalance. imbalance. shoesarrival were a pair not of bootsprepared had for.been No found matter. in exactlyWithin myminutes size. I ofwas my shoesconstantlyarrivalconstantly were a pair askednot askedof preparedboots if Iif was I washad hungry, for. hungry, been No foundthirsty,matter. thirsty, in or Withinor exactly needed needed minutes my to to size.sit. sit. BeforeBeforeof I wasmy arrivalIconstantly knew a Ipair needed asked of boots anything,if I was had hungry, beenit was thirsty,found provided. orin neededexactly This, said tomy sit. mysize. Before host, I was arrivalIconstantly knew a Ipair needed asked of boots anything,if I was had hungry, been it was found thirsty, provided. in or exactly needed This, mysaid to size.sit. my Before Ihost, was constantlywasI knew all Ipart needed asked of the ifanything, I Ahmadiwas hungry, it commitment was thirsty, provided. or to needed This, hospitality said to my sit. to host,Before the constantlywasI knew all Ipart needed asked of the ifanything, I wasAhmadi hungry, it commitment was thirsty, provided. or neededto This, hospitality said to sit. my Beforeto host, the I stranger.wasknew all I partneeded of the anything, Ahmadi it commitment was provided. to hospitalityThis, said my to thehost, I stranger.wasknew all I partneeded of the anything, Ahmadi it commitmentwas provided. to This, hospitality said my to host, the wasstranger. all part of the Ahmadi commitment to hospitality to the wasstranger. all part of the Ahmadi commitment to hospitality to the stranger.Thestranger.The convention convention lasts lasts for for three three days days and and is is entirely entirely volunteer volunteer led. The convention lasts for three days and is entirely volunteer led. EverybodyEverybody pitches pitches in, in, from from the the youngyoung menmen manningmanning the Thecarparks,Everybody convention to pitches the lasts teenagers for in, three from dayspeeling the and young potatoes is entirely men for volunteermanning nine hours led.the Thecarparks,The convention convention to the lasts laststeenagers for for three three peeling days days and andpotatoes is entirelyis entirely for volunteer volunteernine hours led. led. Everybodystraight,carparks, andpitchesto thethe teenagersyoungin, from children peelingthe young on potatoes litter men duty. formanning nineI spoke hours the to Everybodystraight,Everybody and pitches pitchesthe youngin, in, from fromchildren the the young onyoung litter men menduty. manning manningI spoke the tothe carparks,Sameerastraight, to andwho the thehas teenagers beenyoung coming childrenpeeling to theonpotatoes litterJalsana duty. for all hernineI spoke life. hours She to Sameeracarparks, who to hasthe beenteenagers coming peeling to the potatoesJalsana all for her nine life. Shehours carparks,straight,toldSameera me toand that whothe the the hasteenagers youngonly been year comingchildren peelingshe didn’t to on thepotatoes volunteerlitter Jalsana duty. for all was nineherI whenspoke life. hours She herto toldstraight, me that and the the only young year shechildren didn’t onvolunteer litter duty. was whenI spoke her to straight,Sameerababytold me wasand who that six the has themonths young beenonly old. yearcoming children She she didn’t didn’tto onthe enjoy volunteerlitterJalsana doingduty. all was nothingherI spokewhen life. Sheand herto babySameera was six who months has been old. comingShe didn’t to enjoythe Jalsana doing allnothing her life. and She Sameeratoldhasbaby me volunteered waswhothat six thehas months only beenevery year old. comingyear sheShe since. didn’tdidn’tto the volunteerenjoy Jalsana doing all was hernothing when life. Sheandher toldhasbabytoldhas volunteeredme was mevolunteered that thatsix the months the everyonly everyonly year old.year year She shesince. since.she didn’tdidn’t didn’t enjoyvolunteer volunteer doing was nothingwas when when andher her baby was six months old. She didn’t enjoy doing nothing and babyhasI volunteeredarrived was six on months the every nal old. year day, She since. indidn’t time enjoy to witness doing anothing remarkable and hasI hasarrivedmoment.I volunteeredarrived volunteered on Ason the people theevery nalevery nal gatheredyear day, yearday, since. in since.in intime timethe hugeto to witnesswitness central marquee,aa remarkableremarkable with moment.I arrivedthousandsmoment. Ason As people morethe people nal outside gathered gathered day, watching in in in timethe the hugeevents hugeto witness central centralon screens, marquee, marquee,a remarkable the Caliph withwith I thousandsmoment.arrivedI arrived.thousandsarrived on As He moreon people the morekneeled the outsidenal outside nalgathered onday, watching day,the watching in ground in intime the time events eventshuge andto towitness put centralon onwitness screens, outscreens, marquee,ahis aremarkable hands.the theremarkable CaliphCaliph with The moment.arrived.thousandsmoment.arrived. He As He moreAs kneeledpeople kneeledpeople outside gathered on gatheredon the watchingthe ground inground inthe the events hugeand and huge put central puton central outscreens, out marquee,his his marquee, hands. hands.the Caliph with TheThe with SUNRISE thousandsarrived.thousands He more kneeled more outside outside on thewatching watching ground events andevents put on on screens,out screens, his hands. the the Caliph Caliph The{43} MUSLIM [2017] MUSLIMMUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE arrived.arrived. He He kneeled kneeled on on the the ground ground and and put put out out his his hands. hands. The The{43}{43} [2017][2017] SUNRISE {43} MUSLIM [2017] MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {43}{43} MUSLIM [2017][2017] NEWS, VIEWS & REVIEWS NEWS, VIEWSVIEWS && REVIEWSREVIEWS that the community belongs to particular areas of Myanmar, thatthat the the community community belongs belongs to to particular particular areas areas of of Myanmar, Myanmar, a troublesome prospective for hard-line Buddhist nationalist aa troublesome troublesome prospective prospective for for hard-line hard-line Buddhist Buddhist nationalist nationalist who want to redene the state increasingly as a Buddhist whowho wantwant toto redene redene the the state state increasingly increasingly as as a aBuddhist Buddhist nation. The term Bengali on the other hand identies them as nation.nation. The The term term Bengali Bengali on on the the other other hand hand identies identies them them as as foreigners in the land of the Burmese. It makes it easier to foreignersforeigners in in the the land land of of the the Burmese. Burmese. It Itmakes makes it iteasier easier to to disenfranchise them and remove them from this Buddhist disenfranchisedisenfranchise them them and and remove remove them them from from this this Buddhist Buddhist From Myanmar’s Rohingyas land. FromFrom Myanmar’s Myanmar’s RohingyasRohingyas land.land. to Pakistan’s Ahmadis Slum razing toto Pakistan’s Pakistan’s AhmadisAhmadis SlumSlum razing razing The political connotations of certain titles and names are TheThe politicalpolitical connotationsconnotations of of certain certain titles titles and and names names are are By, Haroon Khalid something that is exploited by nation-states all across the By,By, Haroon Haroon Khalid Khalid somethingsomething thatthat is is exploited exploited by by nation-states nation-states all all across across the the world for their advantage, in their attempt to construct a worldworld forfor theirtheir advantage, advantage, in in their their attempt attempt to to construct construct a a national identity. Another example comes from another holy nationalnational identity. identity. Another Another example example comes comes from from another another holy holy land that too wants to dene itself solely on the basis of one landland that that too too wants wants to to dene dene itself itself solely solely on on the the basis basis of ofone one There was much hope associated with Aung San Suu Kyi. A mild dominant religion, much like Myanmar. Last year, the Capital ThereThere was was much much hope hope associated associated with with AungAung San Suu Kyi. AA mildmild dominantdominant religion, religion, much much like like Myanmar. Myanmar. Last Last year, year, the the Capital Capital looking woman taking on the Myanmarese military establish- Development Authority of Islamabad decided to raze a katchi lookinglooking woman woman taking taking on on thethe MyanmareseMyanmarese militarymilitary establishestablish-- Development Authority of Islamabad decided to raze a katchi ment, determined to restore democracy in her country. With Developmentabadi from the Authority city which of Islamabad it alleged todecided be an “illegal”to raze a commu katchi - ment,ment, determined determined to to restorerestore democracydemocracy in her country. WithWith abadi from the city which it alleged to be an “illegal” commu- her emphasis on non-violent political philosophy she was seen abadinity fromharboring the city “terrorists”. which it allegedOver the to becourse an “illegal” of a single commu day- herher emphasis emphasis on on non-violent non-violent political political philosophyphilosophy she was seenseen nity harboring “terrorists”. Over the course of a single day as a reincarnation of Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr and nityabout harboring 5,000 houses “terrorists”. were Overdestroyed the coursedisplacing of a thousands single day of asas a areincarnation reincarnation of of Nelson Nelson Mandela, Mandela, MartinMartin Luther King JrJr andand about 5,000 houses were destroyed displacing thousands of Mahatma Gandhi. But then she came to power and the idealism aboutits residents. 5,000 houses To control were the destroyed public narrativedisplacing the thousands government of MahatmaMahatma Gandhi. Gandhi. But But then then she she came came toto powerpower and the idealism its residents. To control the public narrative the government constructed around her began to evaporate. itsauthorities residents. Tonamed control the the katchi public abadi narrative “Afghan the governmentColony”. The constructedconstructed around around her her began began to to evaporate.evaporate. authorities named the katchi abadi “Afghan Colony”. The authoritiesabadi had namedrst been the established katchi abadi by Afghan“Afghan refugees Colony”. of The the abadiabadi hadhad rst rst been been established established by by Afghan Afghan refugees refugees of ofthe the In October 20132013 whenwhen sheshe was was pressed pressed on on her her silence silence on on the the 1979 war but since then had been occupied by the displaced In October 2013 when she was pressed on her silence on the 19791979 war war but but since since then then had had been been occupied occupied by by the the displaced displaced Rohingya issueissue inin Myanmar Myanmar by by the the BBC BBC journalist journalist Mishal Mishal Husain, Husain, Pathan families from the tribal areas, a ected by the war on Rohingya issue in Myanmar by the BBC journalist Mishal Husain, Pathan families from the tribal areas, a ected by the war on she is believed toto havehave mutteredmuttered o -air, o -air, “No “No one one told told me me I wasI was Pathanterror. familiesThere were from only the tribala handful areas, of a ected Afghan by houses the war in onthe she is believed to have muttered o -air, “No one told me I was terror. There were only a handful of Afghan houses in the going to bebe interviewedinterviewed byby aa Muslim.”Muslim.” She She caused caused another another terror.entire There community were only yet the a handful name stuck. of Afghan houses in the going to be interviewed by a Muslim.” She caused another entire community yet the name stuck. controversy aa fewfew weeksweeks agoago whenwhen the the Foreign Foreign Ministry Ministry of of entire community yet the name stuck. controversyMyanmar, of a whichfew weeks she is in-charge,ago when requested the Foreign the internationalMinistry of Myanmar, of which she is in-charge, requested the international AsAs ocials ocials were were grilled grilled on onnational national channels channels about about their their Myanmar,community of which to not she refer is in-charge, to the persecuted requested Muslim the international minority of community to not refer to the persecuted Muslim minority of abruptAsabrupt ocials actions actions were they they grilled stuck stuck toon tothe national the epithet epithet channelscreating creating anabout impresan impres their- - community to not refer to the persecuted Muslim minority of the country asas Rohingya.Rohingya. sionabruptsion that that actions the the colony colony they houses stuck houses Afghanto Afghanthe epithet refugees. refugees. creating In a In post-Pesha a anpost-Pesha impres- - - the country as Rohingya. warsionwar attack that attack the environment, environment,colony houses there there Afghan was was not refugees. not much much Insympathy a sympathypost-Pesha for for- thewarthe Afghanattack Afghan environment,refugees refugees making makingthere itwas easierit noteasier muchfor forthe sympathythe Pakistani Pakistani for governmentthegovernment Afghan to refugees toimplement implement making its itsplan plan itwithout easierwithout much for much thehue hue andPakistani and cry cry fromgovernmentfrom the the general general to implement population. population. its plan without much hue and cry from the general population.

This is an oldold demanddemand of of the the hard-line hard-line Buddhist Buddhist nationalists nationalists Thisof the is an country old demand whowho instead instead of the would wouldhard-line want want Buddhist to to call call them them nationalists Bengali. Bengali. ofIn the fact country inin 20142014 who censuscensus instead the the community wouldcommunity want against againstto call itsthem its wishes wishes Bengali. was was Inforced fact in toto 2014 bebe identiedidentied census the as as Bengali. communityBengali. Harmless Harmless against as as the its the wishessuggestion suggestion was forcedmight to sound be identied itsits aimaim is is as to to Bengali. disenfranchise disenfranchise Harmless a acommunity, ascommunity, the suggestion which which mightwould sound have its farfar aim reachingreaching is to disenfranchise politicalpolitical consequences. consequences. a community, The The which term term wouldRohingya have suggestssuggests far reaching thatthat thesethesepolitical are are consequences.residents residents of of the the The Rakhine Rakhine term RohingyaState of Myanmar.Myanmar.suggests ThethatThe acceptanceacceptancethese are residentsof of the the term term of wouldthe would Rakhine imply imply State of Myanmar. The acceptance of the term would imply

SUNRISESUNRISE {44}{44} MUSLIMMUSLIM[2017][2017] SUNRISE {44} MUSLIM [2017] NEWS, VIEWS & REVIEWS NEWS,NEWS, VIEWS VIEWS & & REVIEWS REVIEWS The Ahmadis in Pakistan face a similar fate to the Rohingya tion of the Rohingya community and rightly so. Religious politi- The TheAhmadis Ahmadis in Pakistanin Pakistan face face a similara similar fate fate to to the the Rohingya Rohingya tiontion of of the the RohingyaRohingya community and and rightly rightly so. so. Religious Religious politi politi- - communitycommunitycommunity in in Myanmar. inMyanmar. Myanmar. The The The community community community lost lost lost its itsits spiritual spiritual head headhead- -- calcalcal parties parties parties havehave have particularly particularly exploitedexploited exploited the the the situation situation situation to to highlight to highlight highlight quartersquartersquarters to to the tothe thearbitrariness arbitrariness arbitrariness of of ofthe the the Radcli e Radcli eRadcli e Award, Award,Award, so so after afterafter thethethe international international international oppression oppression ofof ofthe the the Muslims, Muslims, Muslims, yet yet yet it itis it isthe isthe thesame same same PartitionPartitionPartition they they they chose chose chose the the the town town town of of ofRabwah Rabwah Rabwah as asas their theirtheir centre. centre. The TheThe religiousreligiousreligious parties partiesparties who who continuecontinue continue toto to exploitexploit exploit the the the situation situation situation for for for wordwordword Rabwah Rabwah Rabwah is ismentioned ismentioned mentioned in in thein the the Quran Quran Quran and and and means meansmeans an an elevat elevat- -- similarsimilarsimilar vulnerablevulnerable vulnerable groups groups inin in theirtheir their own own own society. society. society. They They They curse curse curse the the the eded place. edplace. place. In In 1974, In1974, 1974, the the the Parliament Parliament Parliament of of ofPakistan Pakistan Pakistan declared declareddeclared Ahmadis Ahmadis hard-linehard-linehard-line BuddhistBuddhistBuddhist nationalistsnationalists in in in Myanmar, Myanmar,Myanmar, while whilewhile those thosethose toto be tobe non-Muslims.be non-Muslims. non-Muslims. Amendments Amendments Amendments to to tothe thethe constitution constitutionconstitution in in 1984 19841984 BuddhistBuddhistBuddhist nationalistnationalist nationalist use use thethe the spectrespectre spectre of of ofglobal global global Islamic Islamic Islamic threat threat threat barredbarredbarred the the theAhmadis Ahmadis Ahmadis from from from “posing” “posing” “posing” as as asMuslims, Muslims, Muslims, making makingmaking it itillegal illegal representedrepresentedrepresented byby by such such religiousreligious religious partiesparties parties in in inPakistan Pakistan Pakistan to to massacreto massacre massacre forfor themfor them them to to declareto declare declare themselves themselves themselves Muslims, Muslims,Muslims, call callcall their theirtheir place place of ofof innocentinnocentinnocent people.people. people. Both Both ofof of themthem them see see see the the the other other other as as enemyas enemy enemy yet yet yetit isit itis is worshipworshipworship a amosque mosquea mosque or or even or even even use use use the the the traditional traditional traditional Muslim MuslimMuslim greeting. greeting. thethethe same samesame guregure gure of of a abigotbigot bigot religio-nationalistreligio-nationalist religio-nationalist that that that stands stands stands on on on bothbothboth sides sides sides ofof of the the mirror. mirror. ForFor someFor some some time, time, time, the the the name name name Rabwah Rabwah Rabwah went went went unnoticed unnoticedunnoticed but but then then in inin 199819981998 the the thePunjab Punjab Punjab Parliament Parliament Parliament changed changed changed the the the name namename of of the the town town to toto Nawan Qadian and then to Chenab Nagar in 1999. This was yet NawanNawan Qadian Qadian and and then then to to Chenab Chenab Nagar Nagar in in 1999. 1999. This This was was yet yet another example of how a state attempts to appropriate certain anotheranother example example of of how how a astate state attempts attempts to to appropriate appropriate certain certain titlestitles for for its its own own political political narratives. narratives. TheThe wordword Rabwah hadhad titlesIslamic for its origins own sopolitical its continued narratives. use by The the word Ahmadis Rabwah threatened had IslamicIslamic origins origins so so its its continued continued use use by by the the Ahmadis Ahmadis threatened threatened Frustrated with your spouse? thethe state state narrative, narrative, which which isis hell-boundhell-bound onon strippingstripping thethe FrustratedFrustrated with with your your spouse? spouse? the Ahmadisstate narrative, of all its which Islamic is credentials hell-bound – similaron stripping to what the the Ahmadis of all its Islamic credentials – similar to what the These scientists suggest a AhmadisBuddhist of allstate its in Islamic Mynamar credentials wants to do – withsimilar the toRohingyas. what the TheseThese scientists scientists suggest suggest a a BuddhistBuddhist state state in in Mynamar Mynamar wants wants to to do do with with the the Rohingyas. Rohingyas. speci c kind of prayer speci cspeci c kind kind of of prayer prayer By Thomas Burnett, ByBy Thomas Thomas Burnett, Burnett,

Does prayer a ect our intimate relationships? Frank Fincham at DoesFloridaDoes prayer prayer State a ect a ectUniversity’s our our intimate intimate Family relationships? relationships?Institute, along Frank Frank with Fincham Finchamseveral at at Floridacollaborators,Florida State State University’s hasUniversity’s conducted Family Family a series Institute, Institute, of empirical along along with studieswith several several of collaborators,howcollaborators, prayer can has hasimpact conducted conducted romantic a a seriescouples. series of of Finchamempirical empirical wanted studies studies to of of howlearnhow prayer whetherprayer can can petitionary impact impact romantic romanticprayer—a couples. couples.prayer whereFincham Fincham you wanted requestwanted to to learnsomething—forlearn whether whether petitionary petitionarysomeone’s prayer—a partner prayer—a has prayer anyprayer objectively where where you you measur request request- able e ects on couples. After numerousBy Thomas studies that Burnett, spanned something—forsomething—for someone’s someone’s partner partner has has any any objectively objectively measur measur- - two decades and published in top journals like “Psychological ableable e ects e ects on on couples. couples. After After numerousBy numerousBy Thomas Thomas studies studies that Burnett,that Burnett, spanned spanned Fighting the Communists Science,” the answer appears to be yes. twotwo decades decades and and published published in in top top journals journals like like “Psychological “Psychological FightingIn 1967, the when Communists the Pakistan Peoples Party was founded by Science,” the answer appears to be yes. Fighting the Communists Science,”Praying dailythe answer for one’s appears partner to hasbe yes. been linked to numerous In Zulqar1967, when Ali Bhutto the togetherPakistan with Peoples members Party of thewas Left, founded the Party by In 1967,declared when Islamic the PakistanSocialism Peoplesas its credo. Party Thiswas wasfounded a unique by positive outcomes: increased relationship satisfaction, greater Zulqar Ali Bhutto together with members of the Left, the Party Praying daily for one’s partner has been linked to numerous Zulqarmoment Ali Bhutto in Pakistan’s together history, with givenmembers that ofthe the under Left, the the military Party Prayingtrust, cooperation, daily for one’s forgiveness partner and has marital been commitment.linked to numerous Many declared Islamic Socialism as its credo. This was a unique positive outcomes: increased relationship satisfaction, greater declareddictator Islamic Ayub SocialismKhan the Pakistanias its credo. state Thishad alignedwas a withunique the positiveof these outcomes: benets apply increased both to relationship the prayer assatisfaction, well as the greater one trust, cooperation, forgiveness and marital commitment. Many momentmomentAmericans in in Pakistan’s Pakistan’s against history,the history, “godless” given given Communists. that that the the under under In 1953, the the militaryafter military the trust,being cooperation, prayed for. forgiveness and marital commitment. Many dictatordictatorRawalpindi Ayub Ayub KhanConspiracy, Khan the the Pakistani Pakistaniwhich was state state an hadalleged had aligned aligned attempt with with by the thethe ofof these these benets benets apply apply both both to to the the prayer prayer as as well well as as the the one one AmericansAmericansCommunist against against Party the the of “godless” Pakistan “godless” to Communists. Communists.overthrow the In In government,1953, 1953, after after the thethe beingButbeing to prayed experience prayed for. for. these benets, not just any kind of prayer will RawalpindiRawalpindiparty had Conspiracy, Conspiracy, been banned. which which In wasthe was followingan an alleged alleged years, attempt attempt Communism by by the the do—it has to be praying specically for one’s partner. Of course, CommunistCommunistwas projected Party Party ofto of Pakistan be Pakistan satanic to to godlessoverthrow overthrow creed the the that government, government, threatened the thethe ButprayerBut to to experience canexperience take many these these forms: benets, benets, ritual, not not petitionary, just just any any kind kindcolloquial of of prayer prayer and will will partypartyIslamic had had been societybeen banned. banned. of Pakistan. In In the the Awarefollowing following of theseyears, years, prejudices,Communism Communism the do—itmeditative,do—it has has to amongto be be praying praying others. specically specicallyThe form studiedfor for one’s one’s by partner. thepartner. researchers Of Of course, course, waswas foundersprojected projected of to PPPto be be tacitlysatanic satanic attached godless godless the creed creed word that that Islamic threatened threatened with Social the the - prayerwasprayer petitionary, can can take take many makingmany forms: forms: specic ritual, ritual, requests petitionary, petitionary, during colloquial prayer.colloquial The and and IslamicIslamicism. society Insociety this way, of of Pakistan.a Pakistan.godless, Awaresatanic Aware ideologyof of these these becameprejudices, prejudices, halal, the andthe meditative,focusmeditative, of these among among prayers others. others. was The Thefor form one’sform studied studiedpartner, by byspecically the the researchers researchers for foundersfounderstherefore of of PPP palatablePPP tacitly tacitly to attached aattached religiously the the inclinedword word Islamic Islamicsociety. with with Social Social- - wasdivinewas petitionary, petitionary, love, well-being making making and specic specic blessings. requests requests (Disclosure: during during Theprayer. prayer. John The The ism.ism. In In this this way, way, a agodless, godless, satanic satanic ideology ideology became became halal, halal, and and focusTempletonfocus of of these these Foundation, prayers prayers was wherewas for for I one’s work,one’s partner, haspartner, funded specically specically some of for for thereforethereforeIn Pakistan, palatable palatable there to tois a muchareligiously religiously criticism inclined inclined about society. Myanmar’ssociety. persecu- divineFincham’sdivine love, love, studies.) well-being well-being and and blessings. blessings. (Disclosure: (Disclosure: The The John John TempletonTempleton Foundation, Foundation, where where I Iwork, work, has has funded funded some some of of InIn Pakistan, Pakistan, there there is ismuch much criticism criticism about about Myanmar’s Myanmar’s persecu persecu- - Fincham’sFincham’s studies.) studies.) SUNRISE {45} MUSLIM [2017]

MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {45}{45} MUSLIM [2017][2017] NEWS, VIEWS & REVIEWS NEWS,NEWS, VIEWS VIEWS & & REVIEWS REVIEWS The positive e ect of prayer was measured both in undergradu- powerful activity. TheThe positive positive e ect e ect of of prayer prayer was measured both both in in undergradu undergradu- - powerfulpowerful activity. activity. ate, mostly white students in exclusive relationships, as well as ate,ate, mostly mostly white white students students inin exclusive relationships,relationships, as as well well as as AfricanAfrican American AmericanAmerican couples couplescouples whowho who have have beenbeen been marriedmarried married for for for many many many Yet Yet Yethow how how exactly exactly exactly does does does prayer prayer prayer improve improve improve relationships relationships relationships in so in manyin so so many many years.years. To ToTo be bebe condent condentcondent thatthat that their their ndings ndings wouldwould would be be be accurate, accurate, accurate, ways? ways?ways? None None None of ofthese of these these studies studies studies presumed presumed presumed that that thethat prayersthe the prayers prayers were were were researchersresearchers carefullycarefullycarefully designeddesigneddesigned experimentsexperiments by by by randomly randomlyrandomly being beingbeing answered answered answered by bya bydivine a adivine divine being. being. being. Setting Setting Setting aside aside asidethe possibilitythe the possibility possibility assigningassigning their theirtheir participants participantsparticipants to to treatment treatment andand and controlcontrol control groups. groups. groups. of of supernaturalof supernatural supernatural intervention, intervention, intervention, research research research suggests suggests suggests that thatpartner-fo that partner-fo partner-fo- - - Di erencesDi erences between betweenbetween the the the twotwo two groups groups couldcould could thereby thereby thereby be be beattribut attribut attribut- - -cusedcusedcused prayer prayer prayer increases increases increases seless seless seless love love lovetowards towards towards one’s one’s one’spartner. partner. partner. It It It eded to to the thethe e ects e ectse ects of of of partner-focused partner-focused partner-focused prayer prayer ratherrather rather than than than to to otherto other other could couldcould also also also help help help reorient reorient reorient a couplea acouple couple toward toward toward long-term long-term long-term shared shared shared factors.factors. The TheThe control controlcontrol groups groupsgroups engaged engaged inin in otherother other activitiesactivities activities that that that goals, goals,goals, and and and away away away from from from short-term, short-term, short-term, adversarial adversarial adversarial behavior behavior behavior focused focused focused couldcould theoretically theoreticallytheoretically improveimprove improve relationships, relationships, suchsuch such as as asself-focused self-focused self-focused on on “winning”on “winning” “winning” conicts. conicts. conicts. prayer,prayer, self-help self-helpself-help books, books,books, marriagemarriage marriage enrichment enrichment programsprograms programs and and and positivepositive social socialsocial interactions interactionsinteractions with with one’s one’s partner.partner. partner. ComparedCompared Compared to to to Partner-focused Partner-focusedPartner-focused petitionary petitionary petitionary prayer prayer prayer could could could play play aplay role a arolein role conict in in conict conict thesethese control controlcontrol groups, groups,groups, those thosethose who who prayedprayed prayed forfor for theirtheir their partnerspartners partners resolution resolutionresolution and and andmarital marital marital counseling. counseling. counseling. While While While not notall not counselors all all counselors counselors will will will consistentlyconsistently saw sawsaw the the the greatestgreatest greatest positive positive impactimpact impact on on on their their their relation relation relation- - -feelfeelfeel comfortable comfortable comfortable assigning assigning assigning prayer prayer prayer to clients, to to clients, clients, professionals professionals professionals could could could ship. certainly partner with congregations and clergy who are com- ship.ship. certainlycertainly partner partner with with congregations congregations and and clergy clergy who who are are com com- - mitted to fostering healthy relationships. mittedmitted to to fostering fostering healthy healthy relationships. relationships. In addition to these randomized control trials, Fincham and his InIn addition addition to to these these randomized randomized control control trials, trials, Fincham Fincham and and his his collaborators added another feature to strengthen their At this point, Fincham’s ndings can’t be applied to all couples. collaboratorscollaborators addedadded anotheranother featurefeature toto strengthenstrengthen theirtheir AtAt this this point, point, Fincham’s Fincham’s ndings ndings can’t can’t be be applied applied to to all all couples. couples. ndings. SocialSocial sciencescience research research often often relies relies on on self-reporting, self-reporting, The The research research needs needs additional additional cross-cultural cross-cultural studies. studies. And, these And, these ndings.in which Social participants science respond research to oftensurveys relies after on engaging self-reporting, in an studiesThe research were limited needs to additional those who cross-cultural already engage studies. in prayer And, to these in which participants respond to surveys after engaging in an studies were limited to those who already engage in prayer to inactivity. which participantsBut what if respondthe participants to surveys are after mistaken engaging or don’t in an somestudies degree. were Further limited research to those could who reveal already whether engage prayer in prayer also to activity. But what if the participants are mistaken or don’t some degree. Further research could reveal whether prayer also activity.answer Buttruthfully? what Toif controlthe participants for these factors, are mistaken Fincham orinclud don’t- enhancessome degree. the relationships Further research of couples could revealwho do whether not normally prayer also answeranswered third-party truthfully? truthfully? observers To To control control to watch for for these thesethe behaviorfactors, factors, Fincham of Fincham participants includ includ - -pray.enhancesenhances the the relationships relationships of of couples couples who who do do not not normally normally ededbefore third-party third-party and after observers observers testing. toThe to watch watchobservers the the behavior foundbehavior that of of participantsthose participants who pray.pray. beforebeforeprayed and andregularly after after testing. testing.for Thetheir The observers observersspouses found experiencedfound that that those thosebetter who who Fincham’s empirical research, spanning 20 years, appearing in prayedprayedoutcomes. regularlyregularly forfor theirtheir spousesspouses experiencedexperienced betterbetter some Fincham’sFincham’s of the mostempirical empirical prestigious research, research, psychology spanning spanning journals, 20 20 years, years, has appearingresulted appearing in in outcomes.outcomes. insome asome consistently of of the the most reproduciblemost prestigious prestigious nding: psychology psychology prayer improves journals, journals, marriag has has resulted resulted- Praying for one’s partner is linked to numerous positive quali- es.in Forin a aconsistently those consistently who might reproducible reproducible be curious nding: nding: to try prayerit prayer out for improves improves themselves, marriag marriag - - PrayingPrayingties. For for example,for one’s one’s partner forpartner couples is islinked linked to thrive, to to numerous numerousboth partners positive positive must quali qualibe - -theyes.es. couldFor For those thosestart who with who mightthe might daily be be one curious curious given to toto try thetry it studyitout out for subjects:for themselves, themselves, ties.ties.willing For For example,to example, make occasional for for couples couples sacrices. to to thrive, thrive, If theseboth both sacricespartners partners mustlead must to be be theythey could could start start with with the the daily daily one one given given to to the the study study subjects: subjects: willingwillingresentment, to to make make the occasional relationshipoccasional sacrices. sacrices.erodes. However, If Ifthese these partner-focusedsacrices sacrices lead lead to to resentment,resentment,prayer caused the the participants relationship relationship to erodes.be erodes. more However, satised However, with partner-focused partner-focused the sacric- prayerprayeres they caused caused made. participants participants to to be be more more satised satised with with the the sacric sacric- - Dear Lord, thank you for all the eses they they made. made. Another set of ve studies indicates that partner-focused prayer thingsDearDear thatLord, Lord, are thank thank going you you well for for in all myall the the shifts people toward greater cooperation and forgiveness amid AnotherAnother set set of of ve ve studies studies indicates indicates that that partner-focused partner-focused prayer prayer things that are going well in my conict. Forgiveness is not only essential for one’s relationships, lifethings and that in aremy going relationship. well in my shiftsshifts people people toward toward greater greater cooperation cooperation and and forgiveness forgiveness amid amid but it associated with better physical health, too, so the benet life and in my relationship. conict.conict. Forgiveness Forgiveness is isnot not only only essential essential for for one’s one’s relationships, relationships, Pleaselife andcontinue in myto protectrelationship. and butis amplied. it associated Fincham’s with better other physical studies health,found thattoo, sopartner-fo the benet- butcused it associated prayer was with associated better physical with greater health, overall too, commitmentso the benet Please continue to protect and is amplied. Fincham’s other studies found that partner-fo- guidePlease my continue partner, to protectproviding and is toamplied. one’s marriage. Fincham’s This traitother was studies observed found both that in thepartner-fo person - cused prayer was associated with greater overall commitment cusedwho prayerwas regularly was associated praying andwith the greater partner overall who commitment was being strengthguideguide myandmy partner,partner,direction providingprovidingevery to one’s marriage. This trait was observed both in the person toprayed one’s for.marriage. This trait was observed both in the person day.strength I know youand are directionthe source ofevery whowho was was regularly regularly praying praying and and the the partner partner who who was was being being strength and direction every prayedprayedThe power for. for. of petitionary prayer applies not only to romantic allday.day. good I Iknow know things. you you are arePlease the the source sourcebring of of partners but to close friends as well. For instance, in experi- TheThements power power with of undergraduates,of petitionary petitionary prayer prayer researchers applies applies found not not only thatonly tothose to romantic romantic who thoseallall good goodgood thingsthings.things. to PleasemyPlease partner bringbring partnerspartnershad been but butassigned to to close close to prayfriends friends regularly as as well. well. with For Fora close instance, instance, friend in showedin experi experi - - andthose make good me thingsa blessing to my in partnermy mentsmentsgreater with with levels undergraduates, undergraduates, of trust, compared researchers researchers to control found found groups. that that those Multiplethose who who those good things to my partner hadhadstudies been been suggest assigned assigned a tocausal to pray pray regularlyrelationship, regularly with with not a aclose justclose friendcorrelational. friend showed showed partner’sandand make make life. me Amen.me a a blessing blessing in in my my greatergreaterPartner-focused levels levels of of prayertrust, trust, compared apparentlycompared to causesto control control people groups. groups. to become Multiple Multiple studiesstudiesmore satised suggest suggest with a a causaltheir causal marriages. relationship, relationship, If that not isnot the just justcase, correlational. correlational.then it is a partner’spartner’s life. life. Amen. Amen. Partner-focusedPartner-focused prayer prayer apparently apparently causes causes people people to to become become more satised with their marriages. If that is the case, then it is a more satised with their marriages. If that is the case, then it is a SUNRISE {46} MUSLIM [2017]


YOUYOU DO DO MEME ME NONO NO HARMHARM HARM By Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian By Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian By HazratThe MirzaPromised Ghulam Messiah Ahmad and of Mahdi Qadian (as) The Promised MessiahMessiah andand MahdiMahdi (as)(as)

With your low and mean tricks, you do me no harm With your low and mean tricks, you do me no harm With yourIndeed low andyou meanwould tricks, do very you well do tome remember no harm Indeed you would do very well to remember Indeed you would do very well to remember

ThatThat my personmy person and andmy life, my arelife, of are the of kind the kind ThatThat even my personif it were and thrown my life, into are a ofwell the of kind liquid ames That even if it were thrownthrown intointo aa wellwell ofof liquidliquid ames ames

I shallI shall come come out safeout safeand andsound, sound, in limb in limb and life!and life! I shallIf you come think out the safe religion and sound, you follow in limb has and any life! value If you think thethe religionreligion youyou followfollow hashas anyany valuevalue

Let meLet seeme thatsee thatyou youcan change,can change, in the in verythe veryleast least Let me Isee truly that declare you can that change, great honor in the shall very comeleast I truly declare thatthat greatgreat honorhonor shallshall comecome

To descendTo descend on me; on me;on you, on you,nothing nothing but blame!but blame! To descend onYou me; have on made you, nothing very tall but claims blame! You have mademade veryvery talltall claimsclaims You Youhave have spoken spoken with with a great a great deal dealof insolence of insolence YouAnd have you spoken have done with your a great level deal best of to insolence hide the truth And you have done youryour levellevel bestbest toto hidehide thethe truthtruth But youBut youmust must remember remember that thatone oneof these of these days days You shallBut youhave must to face remember a deep humiliation, that one of theseand a dayswithering shame! You shall have to face a deep humiliation,humiliation, andand aa witheringwithering shame!shame!

TranslationTranslation by Sufi by A.Sufi Q. A. Niaz Q. Niaz Translation by Sufi A. Q. Niaz

SUNRISE {47} MUSLIMMUSLIMSUNRISE[2016] {47} [2016]SUNRISE {47} MUSLIM [2016] MUSLIM SUNRISE, SUMMER 2014 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE, S UMSUMMERMER 2014 2014 FROMFROM THETHETHEARCHIVESARCHIVESARCHIVES The Muslim Sunrise, Vol XLI, Spring 1974 TheThe Muslim Muslim Sunrise, Sunrise, Vol Vol XLI, XLI, Spring Spring 1974 1974

A Message of Peace and A Word of Warning AA Message Message of of Peace Peace and and A A Word Word of of Warning Warning By Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam) ByBy Hazrat Hazrat Mirza Mirza Nasir Nasir Ahmad Ahmad (Head (Head of of the the Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya Movement Movement in in Islam) Islam) (Address delivered by Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad on 28th (Address(AddressJuly, 1967, delivered delivered at the Wandsworth by by Hazrat Hazrat Mirza Mirza Town Nasir NasirHall, Ahmad London, Ahmad on onS.W.) 28th 28th July,July, 1967, 1967, at at the the Wandsworth Wandsworth Town Town Hall, Hall, London, London, S.W.) S.W.) As head of the Ahmadiyya Movement I have the honor to AsAsoccupy head head of aof spiritualthe the Ahmadiyya Ahmadiyya o ce. In Movement thatMovement capacity, I Ihave haveI am the chargedthe honor honor with to to occupyoccupyresponsibilities a aspiritual spiritual which o ce. o ce. I amIn In that notthat capacity,permitted capacity, I Itoam am lay charged charged aside at with withany responsibilitiesresponsibilitiestime till I draw which mywhich last I amIbreath. am not not Thesepermitted permitted responsibilities to to lay lay aside aside embrace at at any any timetimeall tillmy till I fellowdrawI draw my beings,my last last breath. breath.every Theseone These of responsibilities responsibilitieswhom because embrace embrace of that allallfraternal my my fellow fellow bond, beings, beings, is dear every toevery me. one one of of whom whom because because of of that that fraternalfraternal bond, bond, is is dear dear to to me. me. Gentlemen, mankind nds itself at this moment at the brink of Gentlemen,Gentlemen,disaster. In mankind mankindthat context nds nds itselfI itselfam at theat this this bearer moment moment of ata at themomentous the brink brink of of disaster.disaster.message In In forthat that you context andcontext for Iall Iam myam the brethren.the bearer bearer Having of of a a momentous regardmomentous to the messagemessageoccasion for for I shallyou you andendeavor and for for all all tomy my make brethren. brethren. it brief. Having Having regard regard to to the the occasionoccasion I shallI shall endeavor endeavor to to make make it it brief. brief. My message is of peace and harmony and of hope for man- Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahhmad Khlaliful Masih III (rh) Mykind. message I earnestly is of hope peace that and you harmony will listen and carefully of hope to for what man I- My message is of peace and harmony and of hope for man- Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahhmad Khlaliful Masih III (rh) kind.kind.have I Iearnestlyto earnestly say and hope hopeto ponder that that you youit with will will listenan listen open carefully carefully and enlightened to to what what I I theyHazrat were Mirza not competent Nasir Ahhmad enough Khlaliful to impart Masih even III rudimenta (rh) - havemind. to say and to ponder it with an open and enlightened have to say and to ponder it with an open and enlightened theyrythey instruction were were not not incompetent competent the meaning enough enough and spiritualto to impart impart profundities even even rudimenta rudimenta of the- - mind. Holy Book. They also gave him elementary instruction in mind. ryry instruction instruction in in the the meaning meaning and and spiritual spiritual profundities profundities of of the the The year 1835 occupies a place of pride in the human calen- Arabic and Persian. He learnt to read the two languages but HolyHoly Book. Book. They They also also gave gave him him elementary elementary instruction instruction in in Thedar. yearIn that 1835 year occupies a child was a place born ofin prideQadian, in anthe obscure human village calen- did not acquire any prociency in them. He read some books The year 1835 occupies a place of pride in the human calen- ArabicArabic and and Persian. Persian. He He learnt learnt to to read read the the two two languages languages but but dar.in the In thatnorth year of India.a child For was generations born in Qadian, his forbearers an obscure had village ruled on the indigenous systems of medicine under the guidance of dar. In that year a child was born in Qadian, an obscure village diddid not not acquire acquire any any prociency prociency in in them. them. He He read read some some books books inthe the area north around of India. Qadian For generationswith great distinction. his forbearers But hadthe greatruled his father who was a renowned physician. This was the sum in the north of India. For generations his forbearers had ruled onon the the indigenous indigenous systems systems of of medicine medicine under under the the guidance guidance of of thehouse area had around fallen Qadian on lean with days great and lost distinction. much of Butits glory. the great The total of his formal education. True, he was fond of books and the area around Qadian with great distinction. But the great hishis father father who who was was a arenowned renowned physician. physician. This This was was the the sum sum housechild that had was fallen born on waslean no days ordinary and lost child. much He wasof its destined glory. The to was usually occupied with reading them in his father’s library. house had fallen on lean days and lost much of its glory. The totaltotal of of his his formal formal education. education. True, True, he he was was fond fond of of books books and and childbring that about was a born great was revolution no ordinary not child.only in He the was realm destined of the to But as learning and scholarship were not much esteemed at child that was born was no ordinary child. He was destined to waswas usually usually occupied occupied with with reading reading them them in in his his father’s father’s library. library. bringspirit aboutbut also a ingreat the revolutionrealm of matter. not only He wasin the named realm Ghulam of the the time, his father wanted him to assist him in managing his bring about a great revolution not only in the realm of the ButBut as as learning learning and and scholarship scholarship were were not not much much esteemed esteemed at at spiritAhmad but by also his inparents the realm and oflater matter. became He knownwas named to the Ghulam world mundane aairs and to interest himself in them and win social spirit but also in the realm of matter. He was named Ghulam thethe time, time, his his father father wanted wanted him him to to assist assist him him in in managing managing his his Ahmadas Hazrat by Mirza his parents Ghulam and Ahmad later Qadiani. became He known was appointed to the world by esteem and popularity. Hence his father tried to dissuade him Ahmad by his parents and later became known to the world mundanemundane aairs aairs and and to to interest interest himself himself in in them them and and win win social social asGod, Hazrat as the Mirza Messiah Ghulam and Ahmad the Mahdi. Qadiani. He was appointed by from his studies and warned him against becoming a book- as Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. He was appointed by esteemesteem and and popularity. popularity. Hence Hence his his father father tried tried to to dissuade dissuade him him God, as the Messiah and the Mahdi. worm. God,Family as the records Messiah indicate and the that Mahdi. he was born on February 13, fromfrom his his studies studies and and warned warned him him against against becoming becoming a abook book- - 1835. It was an age of ignorance. Not many people in that part worm.worm. Family records indicate that he was born on February 13, It is clear that with such elementary education he could not Familyof India records were indicatefond of learning.that he wasHardly born a fewon couldFebruary read 13, or 1835. It was an age of ignorance. Not many people in that part have carried out the stupendous task entrusted to him by 1835.write. It wasOften an a age letter of wouldignorance. remain Not unread many peoplefor want in of that a reader. part ItIt is is clear clear that that with with such such elementary elementary education education he he could could not not of India were fond of learning. Hardly a few could read or Allah. Therefore, Allah himself became his guide and teacher of TheIndia tutors were engaged fond of for learning. the instruction Hardly aof few this couldchild wereread notor havehave carried carried out out the the stupendous stupendous task task entrusted entrusted to to him him by by write. Often a letter would remain unread for want of a reader. and taught him the meaning of the Holy Quran, and the write.very Often learned. a letter They would taught remain him to unread read thefor wantHoly ofQuran. a reader. But Allah.Allah. Therefore, Therefore, Allah Allah himself himself became became his his guide guide and and teacher teacher TheThe tutors tutors engaged engaged for for the the instruction instruction of of this this child child were were not not and taught him the meaning of the Holy Quran, and the and taught him the meaning of the Holy Quran,SUNRISE and the veryvery learned. learned. They They taught taught him him to to read read the the Holy Holy Quran. Quran. But But {48} MUSLIM[2017]

MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {48}{48} MUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE,FALL 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE,FALLFALL 2017 2017 secrets of the spirit and of life. He illumined his mind with His and thus manifested to the whole world that the God of secretssecrets of the of thespirit spirit and and of life. of life. He Heillumined illumined his his mind mind with with His His andand thus thus manifested manifested to to the the whole whole world world that that the the God God of of own light and blessed him with the mastery of the pen, and Muhammad (on whom be His peace and blessings) is all-pow- ownown light light and and blessed blessed him him with with the the mastery mastery of theof the pen, pen, and and MuhammadMuhammad (on (on whom whom be be His His peace peace and and blessings) blessings) is is all-pow all-pow- - withwithwith beauty beauty beauty and and and sweetness sweetness sweetness of of expressionof expression expression and and and helped helped helped him him him erfulerfulerful and and and Supreme. Supreme. Supreme. He HeHe showed showedshowed this thisthis sign sign not not once once but but twice, twice, writewritewrite scores scores scores of of books of books books of of unsurpassed of unsurpassed unsurpassed brilliance brilliance brilliance and and and to to deliverto deliver deliver forforfor it it wasit waswas repeated repeatedrepeated the thethe following followingfollowing year yearyear in in the the western western hemi hemihemi- -- discoursesdiscoursesdiscourses which which which are are arerich rich rich repositories repositories repositories of of learning of learning learning and and and spiritual spiritual spiritual sphere.sphere.sphere. The The The two twotwo eclipses eclipseseclipses occurred occurredoccurred in inin the the precise precise month month and andand knowledge.knowledge.knowledge. ononon precise preciseprecise dates datesdates so soso that thatthat the thethe people peoplepeople of of the the orient orient and and the thethe occident,occident,occident, of of ofthe the the new new new world world world and andand the thethe old, old, should should bear bear witness witness to toto TheTheThe time time time of of his of his birthhis birth birth had had had been been been foretold foretold foretold by by earlierby earlier earlier Prophets Prophets Prophets and and and thethethe supreme supreme supreme glory glory glory and and and power power power of ofof God GodGod and andand the the truth truth of of the the Holy HolyHoly foundfoundfound prominent prominent prominent mention mention mention in in theirin their their sayings sayings sayings and and and scriptures. scriptures. scriptures. I I I ProphetProphetProphet Muhammad MuhammadMuhammad and andand his hishis spiritual spiritualspiritual son son Hazrat Hazrat MirzaMirza wouldwouldwould here here here mention mention mention only only only one one one such such such prophecy, prophecy, prophecy, by by bythe the the Holy Holy Holy GhulamGhulamGhulam Ahmad. Ahmad.Ahmad. Great GreatGreat is isisthe thethe Holy HolyHoly Prophet Prophet who who made made this thisthis ProphetProphetProphet Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad, chief chief chief of of ofthe the the Prophets Prophets Prophets (on (on (on whom whom whom be bebe prophecyprophecyprophecy on onon the thethe basis basisbasis of ofof Divine DivineDivine knowledge knowledgeknowledge and and great great is is his hishis peace).peace).peace). He He Hehad had had prophesied prophesied prophesied about about about the the the Mahdi Mahdi Mahdi more moremore than thanthan spiritualspiritualspiritual son son son in in inwhose whose whose person personperson it ititwas waswas fullled. fullled. thirteenthirteenthirteen hundred hundred hundred years years years before before before that that that a anumber anumber number of of offalse false false claim claim claim- -- antsantsants to to the to the theoce oce oce of of the of the the Promised Promised Promised Messiah Messiah Messiah and and and Mahdi Mahdi Mahdi would would would FromFromFrom Muhammad MuhammadMuhammad (on (on(on whom whomwhom be bebe peace peace and and blessings) blessings) to toto arisearisearise among among among the the theMuslims. Muslims. Muslims. None None None of of themof them them would would would be be bethe the the true true true HazratHazratHazrat Mirza MirzaMirza Ghulam GhulamGhulam Ahmad, Ahmad,Ahmad, in inin the the course course of of thirteenthirteen Mahdi,Mahdi,Mahdi, except except except one, one, one, who who who will will will be be bea atrue atrue true follower follower follower of of ofthe the the Holy Holy Holy hundredhundredhundred years, years, years, quite quite quite a afewa fewfew persons personspersons claimed claimed to to be be Mahdis but butbut ProphetProphetProphet and and and to to establish to establish establish the the the truth truth truth of of his of his hisclaim claim claim two two two great great great heav heav heav- --thethethe sun sun sun and andand the thethe moon moonmoon did diddid not notnot bear bearbear witness witness to to the the truth truthtruth of ofof enlyenlyenly signs signs signs will will willappear. appear. appear. These These These signs signs signs will will will be be bethe the the solar solar solar and and and lunar lunar lunar anyoneanyoneanyone except exceptexcept in in inthe thethe case casecase of ofof Hazrat HazratHazrat Mirza Mirza Ghulam Ghulam Ahmad. Ahmad. eclipseseclipseseclipses which which which shall shall shall take take take place place place in in thein the the same same same month month month of of ofRama Rama Rama- --ThisThisThis alone alone alone should should should be be be enough enough enough to toto make makemake you you to to consider consider , dispas , dispas- -- dan.dan.dan. The The The lunar lunar lunar eclipse eclipse eclipse would would would occur occur occur of of theof the the rst rst rst of of theof the the possible possible possible sionatelysionatelysionately and and and earnestly, earnestly, earnestly, and andand ponder ponderponder the the claim claim of of this this claimant claimant nightsnightsnights of of such ofsuch such eclipses eclipses eclipses i.e. i.e. i.e.the the the 13th. 13th. 13th. The The The solar solar solar eclipse eclipse eclipse would would would whosewhosewhose message messagemessage I IhaveI havehave the thethe honor honorhonor to to convey convey to to you you this thisthis occuroccuroccur on on theon the thesecond second second possible possible possible days days days of of suchof such such eclipses eclipses eclipses i.e. i.e. i.e. the the the eveningeveningevening and andand by byby whose whosewhose side sideside the thethe sun sunsun and and the the moon moon stood stood as asas 28th.28th.28th. eagereagereager witnesses witnesses witnesses to to to his his his truth truthtruth and andand veracity. veracity.veracity. SoSo far far about about thethe sunsun andand thethe moon;moon; let us now turn towards TheThe xing xing of of the the month month of of Ramadan Ramadan out out of of all all the the months months of of So far about the sun and the moon; let us now turn towards The xing of the month of Ramadan out of all the months of thethe earth earth and and hear hear what what itit says.says. WithWith thethe coming of the Prom-Prom- thethe year year and and again again the the xing xing of of denite denite dates dates of of the the eclipses eclipses the earth and hear what it says. With the coming of the Prom- the year and again the xing of denite dates of the eclipses isedised Messiah Messiah and and Mahdi Mahdi strangestrange andand extraordinaryextraordinary upheavalsupheavals waswas a mightya mighty prophecy prophecy indeed. indeed. To To foretell foretell such such a aconjunction conjunction ised Messiah and Mahdi strange and extraordinary upheavals was a mighty prophecy indeed. To foretell such a conjunction andand revolutionary revolutionary changes,changes, bothboth physicalphysical and spiritual, werewere of ofevents events was was to to transcend transcend beyond beyond the the limits limits ofof humanhuman and revolutionary changes, both physical and spiritual, were of events was to transcend beyond the limits of human bound to take place. In fact all the various revolutions and knowledge. In fact when the time came the claimant actually boundbound to to take take place. place. In In fact fact all all the the various various revolutions revolutions and and knowledge.knowledge. In In fact fact when when the the time time came came the the claimant claimant actually actually major historical changes are di erent dimensions of the same appeared and declared himself to be the Mahdi and this was majormajor historical historical changes changes are are di erent di erent dimensions dimensions of of the the same same appearedappeared and and declared declared himself himself to to be be the the Mahdi Mahdi and and this this was was revolutionary process which was initiated with his advent as followed by the two heavenly signs – the two eclipses – as revolutionaryrevolutionary process process which which was was initiated initiated with with his his advent advent as as followedfollowed by by the the two two heavenly heavenly signs signs – –the the two two eclipses eclipses – –as as Mahdi and Messiah and bear witness to his truth. What is foretold with precision and exactitude. Most certainly this MahdiMahdi and and Messiah Messiah and and bear bear witness witness to to his his truth. truth. What What is is foretoldforetold with with precision precision and and exactitude. exactitude. Most Most certainly certainly this this more, these upheavals are taking place as predicted by the prophetic utterance of the Holy Prophet, as events some more,more, these these upheavals upheavals are are taking taking place place as as predicted predicted by by the the propheticprophetic utterance utterance of of the the Holy Holy Prophet, Prophet, as as events events some some Holy Prophet and by the Promised Messiah. Let me cite some thirteen hundred years later proved, was truly divinely HolyHoly Prophet Prophet and and by by the the Promised Promised Messiah. Messiah. Let Let me me cite cite some some thirteenthirteen hundredhundred yearsyears laterlater proved,proved, waswas trulytruly divinelydivinely examples. inspired and of superhuman origin. The Prophecy was fullled examples.examples. inspiredinspired and and of of superhuman superhuman origin. origin. The The Prophecy Prophecy was was fullled fullled in this manner. The child who was born in 1835, declared in inin this this manner. manner. The The child child who who was was born born in in 1835, 1835, declared declared in in During the early days of the mission of the Promised Messiah 1891 that he was the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. In support During the early days of the mission of the Promised Messiah 1891 that he was the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. In support Duringthere the was early no eastern days of country the mission that could of the rival Promised the might Messiah of the 1891of that his heclaim was he the advanced Promised numerous Messiah and arguments Mahdi. In and support cited a there was no eastern country that could rival the might of the of his claim he advanced numerous arguments and cited a therecivilized was no and eastern powerful country nations that of couldthe West. rival Then the mightin 1904 of it the was of hislarge claim number he advanced of heavenly numerous signs; andarguments also presented and cited to athe civilized and powerful nations of the West. Then in 1904 it was large number of heavenly signs; and also presented to the civilizedrevealed and to powerful him that nations soon ofcertain the West. eastern Then innations 1904 itwould was largeworld number a number of heavenly of his own signs; prophecies and also somepresented of which to the were revealed to him that soon certain eastern nations would world a number of his own prophecies some of which were revealedemerge to as importanthim that soonworld certainpowers challengingeastern nations the suprema would - worldfullled a number in his of own his timeown prophecieswhile the fullment some of ofwhich others were took emerge as important world powers challenging the suprema- fullled in his own time while the fullment of others took emergecy of theas important West. Soon world after powers Japan defeatedchallenging Russia the supremaand estab- - fullledplace in later his andown continues time while to thisthe day.fullment The contemporary of others took theo - cy of the West. Soon after Japan defeated Russia and estab- place later and continues to this day. The contemporary theo- cy lishedof the its West. claim Soon as an after eastern Japan world defeated power. Russia Then, andafter estab the fall- placelogians later andrejected continues his claim. to this One day. of the The reasons contemporary for this rejection theo- lished its claim as an eastern world power. Then, after the fall logians rejected his claim. One of the reasons for this rejection lishedof Japan its claim in World as an Wareastern II China world emerged power. Then, as a greatafter theoriental fall logiansput forwardrejected by his them claim. was One that of thethe Prophecy reasons for of thisthe Holyrejection Proph - of Japan in World War II China emerged as a great oriental put forward by them was that the Prophecy of the Holy Proph- of power.Japan Thein World rise of War these II twoChina nations emerged as world as a powers great orientalchanged put et,forward namely, by themthe one was about that thethe Prophecysolar and oflunar the eclipsesHoly Proph which- power. The rise of these two nations as world powers changed et, namely, the one about the solar and lunar eclipses which power.the course The rise of of history these andtwo asnations the years as world go by powers their impact changed will et, namely,were to takethe oneplace about in a certain the solar month and and lunar on eclipsescertain dates which and the course of history and as the years go by their impact will were to take place in a certain month and on certain dates and thebe course felt on of an history even vaster and as scale. the years go by their impact will werewhich to take was place to be in a a sign certain of the month truth and of such on certain a claimant, dates had and not be felt on an even vaster scale. which was to be a sign of the truth of such a claimant, had not be felt on an even vaster scale. whichyet was been to fullled. be a sign Therefore, of the truth according of such toa claimant, them, he had could not not yet been fullled. Therefore, according to them, he could not All this has happened in conformity with the Divine Will as yet bebeen the fullled. true Mahdi. Therefore, But the according Omnipotent to them, and he Almighty could not God All this has happened in conformity with the Divine Will as be the true Mahdi. But the Omnipotent and Almighty God Allrevealed this has to happened the Promised in conformity Messiah. with the Divine Will as be thealways true keeps Mahdi. His promisesBut the Omnipotent and treats His and sincere Almighty servants God with revealed to the Promised Messiah. always keeps His promises and treats His sincere servants with revealed to the Promised Messiah. alwayslove keeps and Hisconstancy. promises In and keeping treats Hiswith sincere His promise servants and with the love and constancy. In keeping with His promise and the Another important event of this age which profoundly inu- loveprophecy and constancy. of the HolyIn keeping Prophet, with the Hissolar promise and lunar and eclipses the AnotherAnotherenced importantthe important whole eventworld event ofis of thethis this liquidation age age which which ofprofoundly profoundlythe Czar and inu inu his- - prophecyprophecytook place of of the inthe theHoly Holy exact Prophet, Prophet, month the andthe solar onsolar the and and exact lunar lunar dates eclipses eclipses in 1894 encedenced the the whole whole world world is isthe the liquidation liquidation of of the the Czar Czar and and his his tooktook place place in in the the exact exact month month and and on on the the exact exact dates dates in in 1894 1894 MUSLIMSUNRISE {49} SUNRISE[2017] {49} MUSLIMSUNRISE {49} MUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIM SUNRISE,FALL 2017 MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE,FALLFALL 2017 2017 imperialist regime and the triumph of communism. The The Promised Messiah also prophesied that a third world war imperialistimperialist regime regime and and the the triumph triumph of of communism. communism. The The TheThe Promised Promised Messiah Messiah also also prophesied prophesied thatthat a third world war Russian revolution which seems to have changed the course of even bigger dimensions would follow the second. The two RussianRussian revolution revolution which which seems seems to to have have changed changed the the course course ofof even even bigger bigger dimensions dimensions wouldwould followfollow thethe second. The two ofof ofthe the the history history history took took took place place place exactly exactly exactly in inin keeping keepingkeeping with with the the prophetic prophetic opposingopposingopposing camps campscamps will willwill clash clash clash withwith with suchsuch such suddennesssuddenness suddenness that that every every- - utterancesutterancesutterances of of ofthe thethe Promised PromisedPromised Messiah. Messiah.Messiah. It It Itwas waswas in in 1905 1905 that that he he oneoneone will willwill be bebe caught caughtcaught unawares. unawares. unawares. DeathDeath Death andand and destructiondestruction destruction will will rain rain prophesied,prophesied,prophesied, on on on the the the basis basis basis of of of Divine DivineDivine revelation, revelation,revelation, that that the the Czar Czar of of fromfromfrom the thethe sky skysky and andand erce erce erce ames ames ames shallshall shall engulfengulf engulf thethe the earth.earth. earth. RussiaRussiaRussia and and and his his his family family family and andand their theirtheir system systemsystem of ofof government government would would facefaceface dire dire dire distress distress distress and and and be be be destroyed. destroyed. destroyed. It It Itis is isa aastrange strangestrange coincidence coincidence TheTheThe colossus colossuscolossus of of of modern modern modern civilization civilization civilization willwill will tumbletumble tumble to to the the ground. ground. thatthatthat within within within months months months of of of this this this prophetic prophetic prophetic announcement announcementannouncement the the foun foun- -- BothBothBoth the thethe communist communistcommunist and andand the thethe opposingopposing opposing blocksblocks blocks will will perish perish in in dationdationdation of of ofa a politicala political political party party party was was was laid laidlaid which, which,which, some somesome 12 12 or or 13 13 years years thethethe process. process.process. Russia RussiaRussia and and and its its its satellitessatellites satellites onon on thethe the oneone one hand hand and and the the later,later,later, destroyed destroyeddestroyed the thethe monarchy monarchymonarchy and andand the thethe royal royalroyal house house of of the the U.S.U.S.U.S. and andand its itsits allies alliesallies on on on the the the other, other, other, shallshall shall bebe be destroyed,destroyed, destroyed, their their might might Czars.Czars.Czars. The The The eventual eventual eventual rise riserise of ofof communism communismcommunism and andand its its vast vast rami ca rami ca- -- broken,broken,broken, their theirtheir civilization civilizationcivilization ruined ruinedruined andand and theirtheir their systemssystems systems shattered. shattered. tionstionstions are are are too too too well-known well-known well-known to to to need needneed elaboration. elaboration.elaboration. Suce Suce it it to to say say TheTheThe survivors survivorssurvivors shall shallshall stand standstand aghastaghast aghast andand and amazedamazed amazed at at the the tragedy. tragedy. thatthatthat the the the overthrow overthrow overthrow of ofof the thethe Czarist CzaristCzarist regime regimeregime and andand the the triumph triumph of of RussiaRussiaRussia will willwill recover recoverrecover sooner soonersooner from fromfrom thethe the calamitycalamity calamity than than the the West. West. communismcommunismcommunism in in inRussia RussiaRussia and andand elsewhere elsewhereelsewhere is is isa atragic tragic chapter chapter of of TheTheThe prophecy prophecyprophecy is is is clear clear clear that that that the the the Russian Russian Russian populationpopulation population will will recover recover humanhumanhuman history history history which which which makes makes makes painful painful painful reading readingreading but but which which can can on on andandand multiply multiplymultiply rapidly. rapidly.rapidly. They They They willwill will bebe be reconciledreconciled reconciled to to their their Creator Creator nonono account account account be bebe ignored. ignored.ignored. No NoNo country countrycountry in inin the thethe world, world, including including andandand will willwill accept acceptaccept Islam IslamIslam and and and the the the HolyHoly Holy ProphetProphet Prophet ofof of Islam. Islam. A A people people youryouryour own, own, own, has has has been beenbeen immune immuneimmune against againstagainst its itsits impact. impact. But But we we are are whowhowho are areare seeking seekingseeking to to to wipe wipe wipe out out out thethe the namename name ofof of GodGod God from from the the earth earth neitherneitherneither surprised surprised surprised nor nornor upset upsetupset at atat the thethe way wayway events eventsevents have have moves. moves. andandand to toto drive drivedrive him himhim out outout of of of thethe the skiesskies skies willwill will realizerealize realize the the folly folly of of their their TheirTheirTheir intensity, intensity, intensity, speed speedspeed and andand direction directiondirection were werewere all all foretold foretold by by the the wayswaysways and andand at atat long long long last last last submit submit submit to to to Him Him Him asas as staunchstaunch staunch believers believers in in His His PromisedPromisedPromised Messiah MessiahMessiah and andand will willwill be bebe found foundfound in inin due due time time to to have have UnityUnityUnity and andand Oneness. Oneness.Oneness. contributedcontributedcontributed materially materiallymaterially to toto the thethe consummation consummationconsummation of of the the Divine Divine scheme.scheme.scheme. It It hadIt had had been been been predicted predicted predicted and and and the thethe prediction predictionprediction was was graphic graphic YouYouYou may maymay consider considerconsider this thisthis a a a fantasy. fantasy.fantasy. ButBut But thosethose those who who survive survive the the andandand detailed detaileddetailed that thatthat in in inthe thethe days daysdays of ofof the thethe Mahdi MahdiMahdi and and Promised Promised thirdthirdthird World WorldWorld War WarWar will willwill witness witnesswitness andand and bearbear bear outout out thethe the truthtruth truth of of what what I I Messiah,Messiah,Messiah, two twotwo great greatgreat powers powerspowers would wouldwould emerge emergeemerge and and the the world world havehavehave said. said.said. These These These are are are the the the words words words ofof of GodGod God Almighty.Almighty. Almighty. They They shall shall be be wouldwouldwould split split split into into into two two two hostile hostile hostile camps. camps.camps. No NoNo other otherother power power would would be be ful lled.ful lled.ful lled. No NoNo one oneone can can can avert avert avert His His His decree. decree. decree. strongstrongstrong enough enoughenough to toto challenge challengechallenge their theirtheir supremacy. supremacy.supremacy. They They would would eventuallyeventuallyeventually clash clashclash and andand ght ght ght each eacheach other otherother and and perish perish in in thethe TheTheThe end endend of ofof the thethe third thirdthird World World World WarWar War willwill will bebe be thethe the beginning beginning of of the the process.process.process. This, This, This, however, however, however, is is isnot notnot the thethe only onlyonly war warwar against against which which the the triumphtriumphtriumph of ofof Islam. Islam.Islam. People People People will will will accept accept accept itsits its truthtruth truth inin in largelarge large numbers numbers PromisedPromisedPromised Messiah Messiah Messiah and and and the the the Mahdi MahdiMahdi warned. warned.warned. He He prophesied prophesied ve ve andandand will willwill realize realizerealize that thatthat Islam IslamIslam alonealone alone isis is thethe the truetrue true religion religion and and that that majormajormajor catastrophes catastrophes catastrophes of of of world world world dimensions. dimensions.dimensions. thethethe emancipation emancipationemancipation of ofof man manman isis is toto to bebe be wonwon won throughthrough through the the message message ofofof Muhammad MuhammadMuhammad alone alone alone (on (on (on whom whom whom bebe be peace).peace). peace). AboutAboutAbout the the the rst rst rst World World World War, War, War, he hehe declared declareddeclared that thatthat it it would would overtake overtake the world suddenly. The world would be shocked. Travelers All these events are important landmarks in the history of thethe world world suddenly. suddenly. The The world world would would be be shocked. shocked. Travelers Travelers AllAll these these events events are are important important landmarks landmarks in in the the history history of of would be faced with great trouble. Rivers would turn red with man. The emergence of Japan and later China as world wouldwould be be faced faced with with great great trouble. trouble. Rivers Rivers would would turn turn red red with with man.man. The The emergence emergence of of Japan Japan and and later later China China as as world world blood. The young would be shocked into senility. Mountains powers on the oriental horizon, the complete annihilation of blood.blood. The The young young would would be be shocked shocked into into senility. senility. Mountains Mountains powerspowers on on the the oriental oriental horizon, horizon, the the complete complete annihilation annihilation of of would explode. The horror of war would make people mad. It Czarist Russia, the triumph of communism and its growing wouldwould explode. explode. The The horror horror of of war war would would make make people people mad. mad. It It CzaristCzarist Russia, Russia, the the triumph triumph of of communism communism and and its its growing growing would be the time of the Czar’s destruction. The seed of world inuence in the world at large, the rst great war that wouldwould be be the the time time of of the the Czar’s Czar’s destruction. destruction. The The seed seed of of world world inuenceinuence inin thethe worldworld atat large,large, thethe rst rst greatgreat warwar thatthat communism would be sown. Fleets would be kept at combat changed the map of the world and the second world war that communismcommunism would would be be sown. sown. Fleets Fleets would would be be kept kept at at combat combat changedchanged the the map map of of the the world world and and the the second second world world war war that that ready. Great naval battles would be fought. Empires would be brought about a cataclysmic upheaval in the world, are no ready.ready. Great Great naval naval battles battles would would be be fought. fought. Empires Empires would would be be broughtbrought about about a acataclysmic cataclysmic upheaval upheaval in in the the world, world, are are no no overthrown and cities would turn into graveyards. ordinary events. They happened as had been prophesied. We overthrownoverthrown and and cities cities would would turn turn into into graveyards. graveyards. ordinaryordinary events. events. They They happened happened as as had had been been prophesied. prophesied. We We must remember that the Promised Messiah ful lled his mustmust rememberremember thatthat thethe PromisedPromised MessiahMessiah ful lledful lled hishis ThisThis holocaust holocaust waswas toto bebe followedfollowed byby anotheranother world war of missionmission andand passedpassed into into the the mercy mercy of of Allah Allah on on May May 26, 26, 1908. 1908. Thiseven holocaust vaster dimensions was to be andfollowed deadlier by consequences.another world Thiswar wasof missionAll these and prophecies passed into had the been mercy given of Allah wide on publicityMay 26, 1908.long eveneven vaster vaster dimensions dimensions and and deadlier deadlier consequences. consequences. This This was was AllAll these these prophecies prophecies had had been been given given wide wide publicity publicity long long toto change change the the map map of of the the worldworld andand reshapereshape the destinies of before.before. to thechange nations. the Communismmap of the world was toand appear reshape as a the world destinies force and of before. the nations. Communism was to appear as a world force and thebegin nations. dictating Communism terms. Vast was areas to appear were asto afall world under force its sway.and It is certain, therefore, that the revelations and prophecies begin dictating terms. Vast areas were to fall under its sway. It is certain, therefore, that the revelations and prophecies beginThat dictating is exactly terms. what Vasthappened areas wereafter tothe fall second under World its sway. War. Itabout is certain, the ultimate therefore, and that universal the revelations triumph of and Islam prophecies will also That is exactly what happened after the second World War. about the ultimate and universal triumph of Islam will also ThatMany is exactly countries what of Eastern happened Europe after turned the second communist World and War. 700 aboutcome theto pass ultimate in their and own universal good time, triumph for they of areIslam links will of also the Many countries of Eastern Europe turned communist and 700 come to pass in their own good time, for they are links of the Manymillion countries people of of Eastern China Europe followed. turned The communistemerging nations and 700 of comesame to chain. pass Thein their signs own of goodrevival time, of Islam for they are alreadyare links visible. of the million people of China followed. The emerging nations of same chain. The signs of revival of Islam are already visible. millionAfrica people and Asia of areChina greatly followed. inuenced The emerging by communism. nations Theof sameThey chain.may not The be signs very clearof revival yet but of they Islam are are easily already discernable. visible. Africa and Asia are greatly inuenced by communism. The They may not be very clear yet but they are easily discernable. Africaworld and is dividedAsia are into greatly two hostileinuenced camps, by eachcommunism. armed to The the TheyThe sunmay of not Islam be verywill nally clear yetrise but in its they full aresplendor easily anddiscernable. illumine world is divided into two hostile camps, each armed to the The sun of Islam will nally rise in its full splendor and illumine worldteeth is withdivided the into latest two sophisticated hostile camps, weapons each armed ready toto thehurl Thethe sun world. of Islam But beforewill nally that rise happens in its full the splendor world mustand illumine experi- teethteethmankind with with intothe the alatest latestburning sophisticated sophisticated hell of death weapons weaponsand destruction. ready ready to to hurl hurl theencethe world. world. another But But warbefore before – a that bloodthat happens happens bath – thatthe the world willworld leave must must mankind experi experi- - mankindmankind into into a aburning burning hell hell of of death death and and destruction. destruction. enceence another another war war – –a ablood blood bath bath – –that that will will leave leave mankind mankind SUNRISE {50} MUSLIM[2017] MUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE {50}{50} MUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE,FALLFALL 2017 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE,FALL 2017 shaken and chastened. shaken and chastened. A Aword word of of explanation, explanation, however, however, before before I proceedI proceed further. further. shaken and chastened. A word of explanation, however, before I proceed further. IslamIslam teaches teaches and and we we all all Muslims Muslims sincerely sincerely believe, believe, that that Jesus Jesus But,But, gentlemen, gentlemen, let let us us not not forget forget that that this this prophecy, prophecy, like like all all Islam teaches and we all Muslims sincerely believe, that Jesus But, gentlemen, let us not forget that this prophecy, like all ChristChrist was was a arighteous righteous Prophet Prophet of of God God and and that that his his mother mother prophecies,prophecies, is isa awarning warning and and its its fulllment fulllment can can be be delayed delayed or or Christwas awas model a righteous of virtue. Prophet Both areof God spoken and ofthat in histhe mother Quran as evenprophecies, averted is aprovided warning manand its turns fulllment to his canLord, be repents delayed andor was a model ofof virtue.virtue. BothBoth areare spokenspoken of of in in the the Quran Quran as as eveneven averted averted provided provided man man turns turns to to his his Lord,Lord, repentsrepents andand worthyworthy of of veneration; veneration; indeed indeed Mary Mary is ismentioned mentioned in in the the Quran Quran mendsmends his his ways. ways. He He can can yet yet avert avert Divine Divine wrath wrath if ifhe he stops stops worthyas an ofexample veneration; of purity indeed and Mary is isreferred mentioned to more in the reverently Quran worshippingmends his ways. the falseHe can deities yet avertof wealth, Divine power wrath and if he prestige. stops as an example ofof puritypurity andand isis referredreferred to to more more reverently reverently worshippingworshipping the the false false deities deities of of wealth, wealth, power power andand prestige.prestige. therethere than than in in the the Gospels. Gospels. The The Quran, Quran, however, however, condemns condemns AreAre they they willing willing to to shake shake o o this this state state of of inebriation? inebriation? Are Are they they therewith thanthe utmost in the severity,Gospels. theirThe Quran,exaltation however, into divinities condemns by the Are they willing to shake o this state of inebriation? Are they with the utmost severity,severity, their their exaltation exaltation into into divinities divinities by by the the eagereager for for spiritual spiritual bliss bliss and and happiness? happiness? Church. That, and the refusal of the Church to accept the Holy eager for spiritual bliss and happiness? Church. That, andand thethe refusalrefusal of of the the Church Church to to accept accept the the Holy Holy Prophet Muhammad (on whom be the peace) have become If not, Divine wrath is bound to descend. If they do not give up Prophet Muhammad (on(on whomwhom be be the the peace) peace) have have become become If not,If not, Divine Divine wrath wrath is isbound bound to to descend. descend. If If they they do do not not give give upup the sharp dividing lines between the Church, Christianity and their evil ways and persist in their arrogance, no power and no thethe sharp dividing lineslines between between the the Church, Church, Christianity Christianity and and theirtheir evil evil ways ways and and persist persist in in their their arrogance, arrogance, no no power power and and nono Islam. false gods shall avail them aught against the promised chas- Islam.Islam. falsefalse gods gods shall shall avail avail them them aught aught against against the the promised promised chaschas-- tisement. tisement.tisement. TheThe Promised Promised MessiahMessiah Messiah hashas has said: said: said: II amamI am constantly constantly cogitatingcogitating cogitating overover over thethe the possibility possibility possibility of of aof adecision adecision decision BeBeBe kind, kind,kind, therefore, therefore, to toto your youryour own ownown selves selvesselves and and and to to to youryour your children!children! children! between us and Church Christianity. My heart bleeds over the Listen to the voice of your Lord, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful. between us and ChurchChurch Christianity. Christianity. My My heart heart bleeds bleeds over over the the ListenListen to to the the voice voice of of your your Lord, Lord, Most Most Gracious, Gracious, Ever Ever Merciful.Merciful. errorserrors of of worshipping worshipping the the the dead. dead. dead. For, For, For, what what what could could could be be morebe more more pain pain pain- - - MayMayMay He He smile smile on on you you with withwith compassion compassioncompassion and andand grantgrant grant youyou you thethe the ful than that a humble human being should be worshipped as strength and the opportunity to accept and to prot from the fulful than that aa humblehumble human human being being should should be be worshipped worshipped as as strengthstrength and and the the opportunity opportunity to to accept accept and and to to prot prot from from thethe GodGod and and a merea mere handful handful of ofdust dust be beproclaimed proclaimed as theas the Lord Lord of of truth. God and a mere handful of dust be proclaimed as the Lord of truth.truth. allall the the worlds. worlds. II would wouldI would havehave have dieddied died of of ofgrief grief grief long long long before before before if ifGod, ifGod, God, whowho is ismy my Lord Lord andand and Master,Master, Master, hadhad had not not not comforted comforted comforted me me me that that that the the the NowNow a word about the spiritualspiritual revolution revolution which which Hazrat Hazrat Mirza Mirza Now a word about the spiritual revolution which Hazrat Mirza unityunity of of Allah Allah willwill will triumphtriumph triumph inin in thethe the end;end; end; all all allother other other deities deities deities will will will GhulamGhulam Ahmad, the greatgreat spiritualspiritual sonson of of the the Holy Holy prophet prophet Ghulam Ahmad, the great spiritual son of the Holy prophet perish;perish; false false gods gods willwill will bebe be stripped stripped stripped of of theirof their their alleged alleged alleged divinity; divinity; divinity; the the the (on(on whomwhom be the peacepeace andand blessingsblessings of of Allah) Allah) was was destined destined (on whom be the peace and blessings of Allah) was destined periodperiod of of Mary Mary beingbeing being worshippedworshipped worshipped as as motheras mother mother of of godof god god will will will come come come toto tobring bringbring about. about. We We must mustmust recall recallrecall that thatthat at at at the the the time time time of of of hishis his adventadvent advent toto an an end; end; and and the the doctrine doctrine of ofthe the divinity divinity of herof her son son too too will will thethe worldworld of Islam waswas passingpassing throughthrough a a period period of of extreme extreme to an end; and the doctrine of the divinity of her son too will the world of Islam was passing through a period of extreme die.die. God God Almighty Almighty sayssays says (in (in (in the the the Quran): Quran): Quran): If If I IfIso so I will,so will, will, Mary Mary Mary and and and her her her helplessnesshelplessnesshelplessness and and decadence. decadence. Muslims MuslimsMuslims were werewere poorpoor poor andand and ignoigno igno-- - sonson Jesus Jesus and and all all who who inhabit inhabit the the earth earth shall shall perish. perish. Now, Now, He He rant.rant. IndustriallyIndustrially they werewere backwardbackward and and had had lost lost their their initia initia- - son Jesus and all who inhabit the earth shall perish. Now, He rant. Industrially they were backward and had lost their initia- hashas willed willed that that thethe the falsefalse false divinity divinity divinity of of bothof both both of of themof them them should should should su er su er su er tivetivetive in in incommerce commerce and andand business. business.business. Political PoliticalPolitical power power power had had had deserteddeserted deserted death.death. The The two two divinities, divinities, therefore, therefore, must must die. die. No Noone one can can save save them.them. NowhereNowhere in thethe worldworld they they enjoyed enjoyed real real independence. independence. death. The two divinities, therefore, must die. No one can save them. Nowhere in the world they enjoyed real independence. them.them.them. With With themthem them shallshall shall diedie die allall all thosethose those propensitiespropensities propensities which which which MorallyMorally they were bankrupt andand were were su ering su ering from from an an acute acute prompted obedience to false gods. There will be a new Morally they were bankrupt and were su ering from an acute promptedprompted obedience obedience to to false false gods. gods. There There will will be be a anew new sensesense of frustration. TheyThey hadhad lost lost even even the the will will to to rise rise and and join join heaven and a new earth. The days are near when the sun of sense of frustration. They had lost even the will to rise and join heavenheaven and and a anew new earth. earth. The The days days are are near near when when the the sun sun of of thethe livingliving nations ofof thethe world.world. Islam Islam was was being being attacked attacked on on all all truth shall rise in the West and Europe shall come to know the the living nations of the world. Islam was being attacked on all truthtruth shall shall rise rise in in the the West West and and Europe Europe shall shall come come to to know know the the sidessides and there was nono oneone toto defenddefend it. it. Christianity Christianity was was the the true God. Thereafter the door of repentance shall close. For, sides and there was no one to defend it. Christianity was the truetrue God. God. Thereafter Thereafter the the door door of of repentance repentance shall shall close. close. For, For, mostmost bitter and the mostmost activeactive of of its its enemies. enemies. Its Its missionaries missionaries those who desired to enter will have entered with eagerness. most bitter and the most active of its enemies. Its missionaries thosethose who who desired desired to to enter enter will will have have entered entered with with eagerness. eagerness. hadhad gone out to allall partsparts ofof thethe world,world, leadingleading a abitter bitter Only those will remain without whose hearts are sealed by hadonslaught gone out against to all Islam. parts Christian of the money world, and leading political a powerbitter OnlyOnly those those will will remain remain without without whose whose hearts hearts are are sealed sealed by by onslaughtonslaught against against Islam. Islam. Christian Christian money money and and political political power power nature,nature, who who love love not not light light but but darkness. darkness. All Allfaiths faiths shall shall perish perish werewere ready and eager toto help.help. TheirTheir main main target target was was always always nature,except Islamwho loveand allnot weapons light but shall darkness. break except All faiths the shall heavenly perish wereIslam. ready Christianity and eager was to so help. condent Their of main its victory target that was its always advo- exceptexcept Islam Islam and and all all weapons weapons shall shall break break except except the the heavenly heavenly Islam.Islam. Christianity Christianity was was so so condent condent of of its its victory victory that that its its advo advo- - weaponweapon of of Islam Islam which which shall shall neither neither break break nor nor be beblunted blunted catescates had triumphantly declared:declared: weaponuntil it smashes of Islam the which forces shall of darknessneither breakinto bits. nor The be timeblunted is cates had triumphantly declared: untiluntil it itsmashes smashes the the forces forces of of darkness darkness into into bits. bits. The The time time is is closeclose at at hand hand when when the the pure pure unity unity of Godof God that that even even dwellers dwellers 1) The continent of Africa was in their pocket. closeof deserts at hand who when are ignorant the pure of allunity faiths, of Godfeel in that their even hearts, dwellers will 1)1) The The continent continent of of Africa Africa was was in in their their pocket. pocket. of deserts who are ignorant of all faiths, feel in their hearts, will 2) There would not be a single Muslim left in India. ofspread deserts throughout. who are ignorant On that ofday all no faiths, false feel redemption in their hearts, or false will 2)2) There There would would not not be be a singlea single Muslim Muslim left left in in India. India. spread throughout. On that day no false redemption or false 3) The time had come to hoist the ag of Christianity spreadgod shall throughout. survive. One On blow that ofday the no divine false handredemption will nullify or false all 3)3) The The time time had had come come to to hoist hoist the the ag ag of of Christianity Christianity god shall survive. One blow of the divine hand will nullify all over Mecca. godmachinations shall survive. of disbelief, One blow but of not the with divine the handsword will or thenullify gun all over over Mecca. Mecca. machinations of disbelief, but not with the sword or the gun machinationsbut by means of disbelief,enlightening but anot number with theof souls sword with or thedivine gun As against all this Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was alone butlightbut by andby means means by imbuing of of enlightening enlightening pious hearts a anumber number with ofdivine of souls souls e ulgence. with with divine divine AsAsexcept against against for all a allfew this this penniless Hazrat Hazrat Mirza Muslims Mirza Ghulam Ghulam who had Ahmad Ahmad gathered was was around alone alone light and by imbuing pious hearts with divine e ulgence. except for a few penniless Muslims who had gathered around lightOnly thenand bywill imbuing you understand pious hearts what Iwith say.” (Tabligh-i-Risalat:divine e ulgence. excepthim. Hefor had a few no penniless power, no Muslims money and who no had political gathered backing. around But OnlyVol.Only vi then pp then 8-9) will will you you understand understand what what I say.”I say.” (Tabligh-i-Risalat: (Tabligh-i-Risalat: him.him.He Hewho He had hadis Lordno no power, andpower, Master no no money money of all andwas and nohis no politicalHelper. political It backing. was backing. he who But But Vol. vi pp 8-9) He who is Lord and Master of all was his Helper. It was he who Vol. vi pp 8-9) Hecommissioned who is Lord and him Master to proclaim of all was to the his worldHelper. that It was the he days who of Since these prophetic utterances were made the world of commissionedcommissionedrevival of Islam him him were to to proclaim at proclaim hand, toand to the thethat world world the thatday that thewas the daysnot days farof of Since these prophetic utterances were made the world of revival of Islam were at hand, and that the day was not far Sincereligion these has beenprophetic completely utterances transformed. were madeThe vast the continent world of revivalwhen of Islam Islam would were triumphat hand, over and all that other the faithsday was through not farits religionofreligion Africa has instead has been been of completely joiningcompletely the transformed. ranks transformed. of Christianity The The vast vast is continent gather continent- whenwhenspiritual Islam Islam power. would would triumph triumph over over all all other other faiths faiths through through its its of Africa instead of joining the ranks of Christianity is gather- spiritual power. of Africa instead of joining the ranks of Christianity is gather- spiritual power. SUNRISE {51} MUSLIM[2017] SUNRISE {51} MUSLIMSUNRISE {51} MUSLIM[2017][2017] MUSLIMMUSLIM SUNRISE, SUNRISE,FALLFALL 2017 2017 MUSLIM SUNRISE,FALL 2017 inging under under the the banner banner of of Islam. Islam. In In India, India, the the Christian Christian mission mission- - hardship.hardship. O O Europe, Europe, you you are are not not safe safe and and O O Asia, Asia, you you too, too, are are ing under the banner of Islam. In India, the Christian mission- hardship. O Europe, you are not safe and O Asia, you too, are ariesaries ght ght shy shy of of facing facing even even inexperienced inexperienced young young Ahmadis. Ahmadis. notnot immune. immune. And And O O dwellers dwellers of of Islands, Islands, no no false false God God shall shall aries ght shy of facing even inexperienced young Ahmadis. not immune. And O dwellers of Islands, no false God shall TheThe wish wish of of hoisting hoisting the the Christian Christian ag ag over over Mecca Mecca remains remains comecome to to your your rescue. rescue. I Isee see cities cities fall fall and and settlements settlements laid laid andThe shall wish remain of hoisting a vain the desire. Christian ag over Mecca remains comewaste. to The your One rescue. and the I onlysee Godcities kept fall silentand settlements for long. Heinous laid andand shall shall remain remain a vaina vain desire. desire. waste.waste. The The One One and and the the only only God God keptkept silentsilent for long. Heinous deedsdeeds were were done done before before His His eyes eyes and and He He said said nothing. nothing. But But The signs of the ful lment of the prophecies about the victory deedsnow He were shall done reveal before His face His in eyes majesty and Heand said awe. nothing. Let him Butwho TheThe signs signs of ofthe the ful lment ful lment of of the the prophecies prophecies about about the the victory victory nownow He He shall shall reveal reveal His His face face inin majestymajesty andand awe.awe. Let him who of Islam are becoming more and more evident. I have just has ears hear that the time is not far. I have done my best to of ofIslam Islam are are becoming becoming more more and and more more evident. evident. I Ihave have just just hashas ears ears hear hear that that the the time time isis notnot far.far. II havehave done my best to discussed the prophecy about the third world war after which bring all under the protection of God but it was destined that discusseddiscussed the the prophecy prophecy about about the the third third world world war war after after which which bringbring all all under under the the protection protection ofof GodGod butbut itit waswas destined that Islam will triumphantly emerge in its full glory and I have also what was written should come to pass. Truly do I say, that the IslamIslam will will triumphantly triumphantly emerge emerge in in its its full full glory glory and and I haveI have also also whatwhat was was written written should should come come toto pass.pass. TrulyTruly do I say, that the pointed out that this catastrophe can be averted through turn of this land, too, is approaching fast. The times of Noah pointedpointed out out that that this this catastrophe catastrophe can can be be averted averted through through turnturn of of this this land, land, too, too, isis approachingapproaching fast.fast. TheThe timestimes of Noah sincere contrition and by treading the path of virtue as taught shall reappear before your eyes and your own eyes will be sinceresincere contrition contrition and and by by treading treading the the path path of of virtue virtue as as taught taught shallshall reappear reappear beforebefore youryour eyeseyes andand youryour ownown eyes will be by Islam. It is for you to choose and save yourselves and your witnesses to the calamity that overtook the cities of Lot. But byby Islam. Islam. It isIt foris for you you to to choose choose and and save save yourselves yourselves and and your your witnesseswitnesses to to the the calamity calamity thatthat overtookovertook thethe cities of Lot. But children by establishing a true relationship with God based on God is slow in His wrath. Repent that you may be shown childrenchildren by by establishing establishing a truea true relationship relationship with with God God based based on on GodGod is is slowslow inin HisHis wrath.wrath. RepentRepent thatthat youyou may be shown certaintycertaintycertainty and andand conviction convictionconviction or oror to toto doom doomdoom yourselves yourselvesyourselves and and your your mercy!mercy! He HeHe who whowho does does does not not not fear fear fear Him Him Him isis is deaddead dead notnot not alive.” alive.” (Haqiqatul (Haqiqatul progenyprogenyprogeny to to tototal totaltotal annihilation annihilationannihilation by byby opting optingopting for for paths paths that that lead lead WahyWahy pp pppp 256-257) 256-257)256-257) awayawayaway from fromfrom Him. Him.Him. The TheThe divine divinedivine warner warnerwarner has hashas warned warned you you in in the the namenamename of of ofGod God God and andand his hishis messenger messengermessenger the thethe Holy HolyHoly Prophet Prophet Muham Muham- -- OurOur last lastlast word wordword is is is that that that all all all praise praise praise belongs belongs belongs toto to Allah,Allah, Allah, the the Lord Lord of of the the madmadmad (peace (peace (peace and and and blessings blessings blessings of of of God GodGod be bebe on onon him). him).him). He He has has done done his his worlds.worlds. duty.duty.duty. It It isIt is myis my my prayer prayer prayer that that that God God God grant grant grant you youyou the thethe strength strength and and cour cour- -- ageageage to to todo do do your your your duty. duty. duty. Let Let Let me me me conclude concludeconclude in inin his hishis own own words: words: “Remember,“Remember,“Remember, God God God has has has informed informed informed me meme of ofof many manymany earthquakes. earthquakes.earthquakes. Rest Rest assured,assured,assured, therefore, therefore, therefore, that that that as asas earthquakes earthquakesearthquakes have havehave shaken shaken America America andandand Europe Europe Europe so so so will will will they they they shake shake shake Asia. Asia.Asia. Some SomeSome of of them them will will resem resem- -- blebleble the the the Day Day Day of of ofDoom. Doom. Doom. So So So many many many people peoplepeople shall shallshall die die that that rivulets rivulets of of bloodbloodblood shall shallshall ow. ow.ow. Even EvenEven the thethe birds birdsbirds and andand the thethe beast beast will will not not be be immuneimmuneimmune against against against this this this death. death. death. A A Ahavoc havoc havoc shall shallshall sweep sweepsweep the the surface surface of ofof thethethe earth earth earth which which which shall shall shall be bebe the thethe greatest greatestgreatest since sincesince the thethe birth birth of of man. man. HabitationsHabitationsHabitations shall shall shall be be be demolished demolished demolished as asas if ififno nono one oneone had had ever ever lived lived in in them.them.them. This This This will will will be be be accompanied accompanied accompanied by by by many manymany other otherother terrible terrible calami calami- -- tiestiesties which which which the the the earth earth earth and and and the thethe heavens heavensheavens will willwill send sendsend forth, forth, till till their their extraordinaryextraordinaryextraordinary nature nature nature will will will become become become evident evidentevident to to every every reasonable reasonable man.man.man. All All All the the the literature literature literature of ofof science sciencescience and andand philosophy philosophyphilosophy shall shall fail fail to to showshowshow their theirtheir like. like.like. Then ThenThen mankind mankindmankind will willwill be bebe sore soresore distressed distressed and and wonderwonderwonder what whatwhat is is isgoing goinggoing to toto happen. happen.happen. Many ManyMany shall shall escape escape and and manymanymany perish. perish. perish. The The The days days days are are are near, near, near, in inin fact, fact,fact, I can II cancan see see them them close close at at hand,hand,hand, when when when the the the world world world shall shallshall witness witnesswitness a aaterrible terribleterrible sight. sight. Not Not only only earthquakesearthquakesearthquakes but but but also also also many many many fearsome fearsome fearsome calamities calamitiescalamities shall shall overtake overtake man,man,man, some some some from from from the the the skies skiesskies and andand some somesome from fromfrom the the earth. earth. This This will will happenhappenhappen because becausebecause mankind mankindmankind have havehave stopped stoppedstopped worshipping worshipping their their truetruetrue God God God and and and have have have become become become lost lost lost in inin the thethe aairs aairsaairs of ofof the the world world with with allall alltheir their their heart heart heart and andand their theirtheir eort eorteort and andand their theirtheir intent. intent. If IfI Ihad had not not comecomecome these these these aictions aictionsaictions would wouldwould perhaps perhapsperhaps have havehave been been delayed delayed a a little.little.little. But But But with with with my my my coming coming coming the thethe secret secretsecret purpose purposepurpose of ofof an an aronted aronted GodGodGod which which which were were were hidden hiddenhidden so soso far, far,far, became becamebecame manifest. manifest.manifest. Says Says God: God: “We never punish unless we send a messenger.” “We“We never never punish punish unless unless we we send send a amessenger.” messenger.” Those who repent shall nd security and those who fear ThoseThose who who repent repent shall shall nd nd security security and and those those who who fear fear before calamity overtakes them shall be shown mercy. Do you beforebefore calamity calamity overtakes overtakes them them shall shall be be shown shown mercy. mercy. Do Do you you think you will be immune from these calamities? Or can you thinkthink you you will will be be immune immune from from these these calamities? calamities? Or Or can can you you save yourselves through eort or design? Indeed not. That savesave yourselves yourselves through through eort eort or or design? design? Indeed Indeed not. not. That That day all human schemes shall fail. Think not that earthquakes dayday all all human human schemes schemes shall shall fail. fail. Think Think not not that that earthquakes earthquakes visitedvisited America America and and other other continents continents butbut thatthat your own coun-- visitedtry shall America remain and secure. other Indeed, continents you butmay that experience your own a greatercoun- trytry shall shall remain remain secure. secure. Indeed, Indeed, you you may may experience experience a agreater greater


Questions & Answers

What is the State of Man after Death?

The state of man after death is not a new state, only his ties of this world are not hidden from us and we are famil- condition in this life is made manifest more clearly in the iar with milk, pomegranates and grapes, etc. which we eat next life. Whatever the true condition of a person with here. This shows that the bounties of the next life are respect to his beliefs and actions, righteous or otherwise, something else and have nothing in common with the in this life, remain hidden inside him and its and its poison bounties of this life, except the name. He who conceives of or its antidotes e ects his being covertly. In the life after the conditions of paradise in the terms of the conditions of death it will not be so; everything will manifest itself this life has not the least understanding of the Holy


MUSLIM SUNRISE, WINTER 2014 openly. One experiences a specimen of it in a dream. The Qur’an. MUSLIM SUNRISE, WINTER 2014 prevailing condition of the body of the sleeper makes Questions &QuestionsQuestions Answers itself manifest in his dream. When he is heading towards (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of &Qadianas: AnswersAnswers “The Philoso- high fever he is apt to see re and ames in his dream, and phyWhat of the is the Teachings State of ofMan Islam.” after pp Death? 137-138, Islam Interna- WhatWhat is is the the State State of of Man Man afterafter Death? if he is stricken due to inuenza or a severe cold he is apt tionalThe state Publications,of man after death is not aLtd., new state, 2010) only his ties of this world are not hidden from us and we are famil- condition in this life is made manifest more clearly in the iar with milk, pomegranates and grapes, etc. which we eat The state of man after death is not a new state, only his ties of this world are not hidden from us and we are famil- nextThe life. state Whatever of man theafter true death condition is not a newof a state,person only with his here.ties of This this worldshows are that not thehidden bounties from us of and the we next are famil-life are condition in this life is made manifest more clearly in the iar with milk, pomegranates and grapes, etc. which we eat respectcondition to his in beliefs this life and is made actions, manifest righteous more or clearly otherwise, in the somethingiar with milk, else pomegranates and have andnothing grapes, in etc.common which wewith eat the nextnext life. life. Whatever Whatever the the true true condition condition of of a a person person withwith here. This showsshows thatthat thethe bounties bounties of of the the next next life life are are to nd himself oating about in water. Thus, whatever the in this life, remain hidden inside him and its and its poison bounties of this life, except the name. He who conceives of respectrespect to histo his beliefs beliefs and and actions, actions, righteous righteous or or otherwise, otherwise, something elseelse andand havehave nothing nothing in in common common with with the the or its antidotes e ects his being covertly. In the life after the conditions of paradise in the terms of the conditions of in thisin this life, life, remain remain hidden hidden inside inside him him and and its its and and its its poison poison bounties ofof thisthis life, life, except except the the name. name. He He who who conceives conceives of of death it will not be so; everything will manifest itself this life has not the least understanding of the Holy or itsor itsantidotes antidotes e ects e ects his his being being covertly. covertly. In In the the life life afterafter the conditions of of paradise paradise in in the the terms terms of of the the conditions conditions of of openly. One experiences a specimen of it in a dream. The Qur’an. deathdeath it willit will not not be be so; so; everything everything will will manifestmanifest itselfitself this life hashas notnot thethe leastleast understanding understanding of ofthe the Holy Holy prevailing condition of the body of the sleeper makes body is heading for becomes visible in a dream. So one openly.openly. One One experiences experiences a specimena specimen of of it it in in a a dream. dream. The The Qur’an. itself manifest in his dream. When he is heading towards (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadianas: “The Philoso- prevailingprevailing condition condition of ofthe the body body of of the the sleeper sleeper makesmakes high fever he is apt to see re and ames in his dream, and phy of the Teachings of Islam.” pp 137-138, Islam Interna- itselfitself manifest manifest in inhis his dream. dream. When When he he is is heading heading towards towards (Hazrat(Hazrat MirzaMirza GhulamGhulam Ahmad Ahmad of of Qadianas: Qadianas: “The “The Philoso Philoso- - if he is stricken due to inuenza or a severe cold he is apt tional Publications, Ltd., 2010) highhigh fever fever he heis apt is apt to tosee see re re and and ames ames in in his his dream, dream, and and phy of the TeachingsTeachings of of Islam.” Islam.” pp pp 137-138, 137-138, Islam Islam Interna Interna- - to nd himself oating about in water. Thus, whatever the can understand that the same is the way of God with if heif heis stricken is stricken due due to toinuenza inuenza or or a asevere severe cold cold he he isis aptapt tional Publications, Ltd., Ltd., 2010) 2010) bodyto ndis heading himself oatingfor becomes about visible in water. in Thus, a dream. whatever So one the to nd himself oating about in water. Thus, whatever the canbody understand is heading that for thebecomes same visibleis the inway a dream. of God So with one body is heading for becomes visible in a dream. So one regardcan tounderstand the afterlife. that As the a dream same transmutesis the way ourof God spiritual with can understand that the same is the way of God with conditionregard tointo the a afterlife.physical Asform, a dream the same transmutes will happen our spiritual in the regard to the afterlife. As a dream transmutes our spiritual regard to the afterlife. As a dream transmutes our spiritual nextcondition life. Our into action a physical and their form, consequences the same will willhappen be mani in the- condition into a physical form, the same will happen in the festednext physically life. Our action in the and next their life, consequences and whatever will we be manicarry- next life. Our action and their consequences will be mani- hiddenfested within physically us from in thethis next life will life, all and be whatever displayed we openly carry fested physically in the next life, and whatever we carry on hiddenour countenances within us from in the this next life will life. all As be a persondisplayed observes openly hidden within us from this life will all be displayed openly condition into a physical form, the same will happen in the diverseon our type countenances of manifestations, in the next and life. dreams As a person them observesas reali- on our countenances in the next life. As a person observes ties,diverse the same type willof manifestations, happen in the and next dreams life. Through them as suchreali- diverse type of manifestations, and dreams them as reali- manifestations,ties, the same God will happenwill display in the a nextnew life.power, Through a power such ties,manifestations, the same will Godhappen will indisplay the next a new life. power, Through a power such which is perfect, complete and absolute as He is All Power- manifestations,which is perfect, God complete will display and absolute a new aspower, He is Alla powerPower- ful. I we were not to call the conditions of the next life next life. Our action and their consequences will be mani- whichful. isI weperfect, were completenot to call and the absolute conditions as Heof isthe All next Power life- manifestations and were to say that they would be a new ful. manifestationsI we were not and to werecall the to say conditions that they ofwould the benext a newlife creation by Divine power, that would be perfectly correct. manifestationscreation by Divine and were power, to thatsay thatwould they be wouldperfectly be correct. a new creation by Divine power, that would be perfectly correct. fested physically in the next life, and whatever we carry GodGod had had said, said, “And “And no no soul soul knows knows what what joy joy of of the the eyes eyes isis kept hidden for them.” (The Holy Qur’an, 32:18) That is, no Godkept had hidden said, “And for them.” no soul (The knows Holy Qur’an,what joy 32:18) of the That eyes is, no is virtuous one knows what bliss is kept hidden from him, as keptvirtuous hidden one for knowsthem.” what(The blissHoly is Qur’an, kept hidden 32:18) from That him, is, no as a rewarda reward for for that that which which he he used used to to do. do. Thus Thus GodGod hashas virtuous one knows what bliss is kept hidden from him, as describeddescribed all allthose those bounties bounties as as hidden, hidden, the the like like of of which which isis a reward for that which he used to do. Thus God has hidden within us from this life will all be displayed openly notnot to beto befound found in inthis this world. world. It Itis isobvious obvious that that the the boun boun-- described all those bounties as hidden, the like of which is

not to be found in this world. It is obvious that the boun- {53}{53} MUSLIMMUSLIMSUNRISESUNRISE on our countenances in the next life. As a person observes {53} MUSLIMSUNRISE diverse type of manifestations, and dreams them as reali- ties, the same will happen in the next life. Through such manifestations, God will display a new power, a power which is perfect, complete and absolute as He is All Power- ful. I we were not to call the conditions of the next life manifestations and were to say that they would be a new creation by Divine power, that would be perfectly correct.

God had said, “And no soul knows what joy of the eyes is kept hidden for them.” (The Holy Qur’an, 32:18) That is, no virtuous one knows what bliss is kept hidden from him, as a reward for that which he used to do. Thus God has described all those bounties as hidden, the like of which is not to be found in this world. It is obvious that the boun-

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