Fall •2009 $4.00

“In the latter days, the sun shall rise from the west” • Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him)

Help People to Help Themselves CharityCharity

8 Ramadhan: The 15 Humanity 22 Islamic 26 Social Holy Month of First USA: Solution to Third Services : An act Fasting Making a World Debt of faith in Islam difference The Muslim Community

he Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a religious organization, international in its scope, with branches in 189 countries in TAfrica, North America, South America, Asia, Australasia, and Europe. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was established in 1889 by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas (1835-1908) in , a small and remote village in the Punjabi province of India. He claimed to be the expected reformer of the latter days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions (The and Messiah). The Movement he started is an embodiment of the benevolent message of Islam – peace, universal brotherhood, and submission to of God – in its pristine purity. Hadhrat Ahmadas proclaimed Islam as the religion of man: “The religion of the people of the right path” (98:6).The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was created under divine guidance with the objective to rejuvenate Islamic moral and spiritual values. It encourages interfaith dialogue, diligently defends Islam and tries to correct misunderstandings about Islam in the West. It advocates peace, tolerance, love and understanding among followers of different faiths. It firmly believes in and acts upon the Qur’anic teaching: “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:257). It strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason.

After the passing of its founder, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been headed by his elected successors. The present Head of the Community, Hadhrat , was elected in 2003. His official title is Khalifatul Masih V or Fifth Successor of the Promised Messiah. (1835-1908)

Editor Editor's Notes: Falahud Din Shams The Muslim Sunrise is published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA, 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905, Phone 301.879.0110, Fax 301.879.0115, under the auspices of Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar, Ameer and National Editorial Board President. The views and opinions expressed by individual contributers in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Imam Mubasher Ahmad Community, USA. Dr. Shanaz Butt Hasan Hakeem The Muslim Sunrise welcomes letters to the editor, questions and submissions. Email Amjad Mahmood Khan, Esq. us at [email protected] or go online to www.MuslimSunrise.com. Naveed Malik Library of Congress Call Number BP195.A5 M8

Mailing Address: The Muslim Sunrise, 2 S 510 Route 53, Glen Ellyn, IL Staff Editors 60137, Phone: (630) 790-4100, ext. 206, Fax: (630) 793-4100. Maham Khan Naser Shams Muslims follow the name of God’s prophets with the prayer alaehis salaam or ‘may peace be upon him,’ and for the Holy Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alaehi wasallam or ‘may peace and blessings of God be upon him.’ Companions Staff Writers of prophets and righteous personalities who have passed away are saluted by Saad Ahmad radhi-Allaho anhu/a or ‘may Allah be pleased with him/her.” While such salutations are not set out in the text for readability, we encourage readers to Arif Humayun offer these prayers as if set out in full. Dr. Zia H. Shah Shazia Sohail Dr. (1872-1957) was the first Ahmadiyya Muslim missionary to arrive in America. In 1921, he founded the Muslim Sunrise, which stands today as the longest running Muslim publication in America. The magazine seeks to open Hasan Hakeem, Design/Layout discussions on Islam and topics relating to religion in general. It highlights the role Naveed Malik, Circulation of Islam in an ever changing global society. It provides a platform for public Shuaib Shams, Circulation opinion on contemporary issues and presenting their solutions from an Islamic perspective.


2 MuslimSunrise In This Issue


8 Ramadhan The holy month of fasting

Fall 2 0 0 9 • Volume 89 • Issue 2 15 Humanity First USA Making a difference in the world today

22 Islamic Solution to Third World Debt

26 Social Services in Islam


5 Opening Commentary

7 Editorial

9 Friday Sermon Divine signs supporting the Promised Messiah

28 Poetry Corner Go Forth to the World, O Muslim Sunrise

17 Religion & Science Intelligent Design News, Views and Reviews

32 From the Archives 30 Press Publications 2nd Quarter 1954 Obama’s Cairo address & Bible burning

13 Q&A 31 Viewpoint Ahmadi differences & meaning of Promised Messiah Suicide bombs: a self-destructive spirituality

37 Perspectives 33 Book Review The spirit of giving The Crucifxion and the Qur’an

FALL 2009 3 From the Holy Qur'an Al-Baqarah 184-185

[2:184] O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become righteous.

[2:185] The prescribed fasting is for a fixed number of days, but whoso among you is sick or is on a journey shall fast the same number of other days; and for those who are able to fast only with great difficulty is an expiation — the feeding of a poor man. And whoso performs a good work with willing obedience, it is better for him. And fasting is good for you, if you only knew.

4 MuslimSunrise In the words of the Messiah...

The Holy truly exists, because we are not assured that God speaks to man. But through the advent of the Holy Qur’an Prophet, peace be upon him, all these stories became real. We now ow under heaven there realize not merely as a statement, is only one prophet and but as a matter of experience, what converse with the Divine means Nonly one book. The and how God's signs are mani- prophet is Muhammad, the cho- fested and how prayers are an- sen one, peace be upon him, who swered. All this we have discov- ered by following the Holy is higher and more exalted than Prophet, peace be upon him, and all prophets and is the most per- what other people relate as sto- fect of messengers and is the ries we have witnessed it all. We Khatam-ul-Anbiya (Seal of the Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) have attached ourselves to a prophet who manifests God to us. prophets), and the best of men by How shall we express our following whom we find God Al- ing of peace. We shall leave aside gratitude to God who bestowed mighty and all the veils of darkness any mention of the holy ones from upon us the good fortune to follow the prophet who is a sun for the souls are lifted and the signs of true sal- among those people whose circum- stances have not been described in of the righteous as there is a sun for vation are witnessed in this very life. detail in the Holy Qur’an. We shall the bodies. He appeared in a time of The book is the Holy Qur’an, express our view only with regard to darkness and illumined the world which comprises true and perfect the prophets who are mentioned in with his light. He was neither tired guidance and effectiveness, through the Qur’an like Moses, David, Jesus nor fatigued until he purified all parts which knowledge and understanding and other prophets, peace be upon of Arabia from associating partners of the Divine are obtained and the them. We affirm it on oath, calling with God. He is the proof of his own heart is purified of human weak- God to witness, that if the Holy truth for his light is present in every nesses, and being delivered from ig- Prophet, peace be upon him, had not age and true obedience to him puri- norance, heedlessness and doubts, a come into the world, and the Holy fies a person as the clear and trans- person arrives at the stage of com- Qur’an had not been revealed, and parent water of a river cleanses dirty plete certainty. (Braheen-e- we had not seen with our own eyes linen. Who has come to us with a sin- Ahmadiyyah, p. 467-468, sub-foot- the blessings that we have witnessed, cere heart and has not witnessed that note 3) the truth of all past prophets would light, and who has knocked honestly There have been millions of pure- have remained doubtful in our eyes. on that door for whom it has not natured people in the world and No reality can be gathered from been opened? But the pity is that there will be more in the future, but mere stories, for it is quite possible most people prefer the lower [mate- we have found the best of all of them that they may not be true and it is rial] life and do not desire that the and the highest man of God, whose also possible that the miracles that higher [spiritual] light should enter name is Muhammad, peace be upon are attributed to these prophets into them. [Chashma Marifat, him. Allah and His angels call down might be exaggerations, for no sign (Qadian, Anwar Ahmadiyyah Press, blessings on the Prophet and you of them is visible today. We cannot 1908); Now published in Ruhani believers [also] call down blessings even ascertain for certain from the Khazain (London, 1984), Vol. 23., on him and greet him with the greet- books revealed in the past that God p. 288-289].‹

FALL 2009 5 Bai’at

On December 1st, 1888 Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahamad (AS) published an announcement that God had ordained him that whomsoever seeks true faith and piety, should take Baiat, which is a pledge of allegiance to him so that Allah may shower His mercy and beneficence on them.

On January 12th, 1889 he published a pamphlet in which he laid down ten conditions of Baiat for initiation into the Jamaat [i.e. congregation]. In this pamphlet he made it known that anyone who wishes to enter into this covenant of allegiance should swear to perform the following from the core of his heart: 1. That until the last day of his life, he shall abstain from shirk (associating any partners with Allah);

2. That he shall keep away from falsehood, cruelty, adultery, dishonesty, disorder, rebellion and every kind of evil;

3. That he shall offer prayers (Salat) five times daily;

4. That he shall not inflict injury on any of Allah’s creatures;

5. That he would bear every hardship for the sake of Allah;

6. That he shall not follow vulgar customs and guard against evil inclinations;

7. That he shall discard pride and haughtiness, and live in humility & meekness;

8. That he shall hold his faith, dignity, and the welfare of Islam dearer than his own life, wealth and children;

9. That he shall have sympathy for all of God’s creatures, and devote his talents to their welfare; and

10. That he shall establish brotherhood with me (i.e.Ahmad), obeying me in all good things, and firmly adhere to these rules until the last breath of his life.

6 MuslimSunrise Editorial Afghan law hurts ll faiths promote son is not limited to other Muslims but must be extended to any needy Islam charity in various person regardless of his faith. It is forms. In addition rooted in humanity. The Muslim Sunrise A condemns the recent law to the intrinsic desire in human We have presented a few articles passed in Afghanistan that beings to help others, the in the current issue on topics relat- allows a husband to rewards in the hereafter by ing to charity. It is essential for us ‘starve’ his wife if she to realize our duties and obligations God are promised. Charity under the current financial crises refuses to have sex with provides us satisfaction and throughout the world. We need to him. a feeling of goodwill. look for ways and means to help our brothers and sisters who are part of Treating a woman in such a our human family for the love of our cruel and demeaning manner Islam has emphasized charity in Creator. The scope of our respon- is a blatant violation of a much more diversified manner. sibility depends on whether we are Islamic principles. It describes that there are rights a neighbor, a relative or a coworker due to God and rights due to His in need of help. The same applies It is a great shame and creation. We not only need to to the leaders of countries who can disgrace for Muslims across worship God in one form or an- provide assistance to the less for- the globe to tolerate such other, we must serve, love, help tunate ones because all of their citi- ignorance perpetrated in the and share our wealth with His cre- zens must be extended the dignity of name of their Faith. ation. Love of God without the humanity. love of humanity is baseless, The Holy Prophet SAW groundless and self-deceiving. The philosophy and teachings of Muhammad taught that charity in Islam is exemplified by women should be treated with Helping others in need must be the personal example of its founder, love and dignity, and lived up rooted in our love of God because the Holy Prophet MuhammadSAW, to what he preached. His very they are His creation. When we who gave everything he had in char- example condemns these kiss a friend’s child or give him a ity. In the month of Ramadhan, his Afghan practices for the gift on his graduation, it is a re- charity exceeded all bounds. cruelty and torture that they flection of our affection for a are. friend. Our love and affection We hope and pray that this time of with our friend intensifies when year when we are fasting in the We take this opportunity to he sees us showing our love for month of Ramadhan and enduring a strongly condemn the hard line his child. financial crisis, we would avail the Muslim clerics and extremists opportunity to give a helping hand who misrepresent Islam for The care for fellow human beings to those in need. We hope, as insig- their own personal gain. They in Islam is without any religious, nificant as it may be, to promote the are the main cause for the political, geographical, racial or instinctively inherent value of char- unrest and ignorance we see gender boundaries. A Muslim’s ity among our readers, and for that, in the Muslim world today. charity and help to a needy per- we pray God bless you all.‹

FALL 2009 7 We welcome Ramadhan asting is a form of worship found in many The optional fasting is so well pro- moted that it becomes a part of the righ- religions. Although there teous Muslim's way of life. Although a F majority of Muslims do not go beyond the are vast differences regarding the month of obligatory fasting, some keep mode of fasting and the fasts now and then particularly when in trouble. As it is expected that the prayers conditions applied to it, the offered in fasting are more productive, some people keep extra fasts to ward off reason for fasting is the same. their problems, but some do it only for the sake of winning Allah's special favors. Where it is not mentioned clearly, There is no limit to this, except that the it is likely that it may gradually founder of Islam strongly discouraged those who had vowed to fast continuously have either been discontinued, or for their whole life. When the Holy and drink completely. It is not just physical Prophetsaw came to learn of one such case, have petered out through gradual hunger and thirst that constitute the Mus- he disapproved of the practice and cen- lim fast, but the nights prior to the begin- sured the man for attempting to achieve decay in practice. ning of the fast acquire a far more impor- liberation as if by forcing his will upon him- The case of Buddha is an interesting ex- tant character and play a central role in the self. He told the person concerned that: ample. He started his quest for truth with a institution of fasting. 'Just by putting yourself to trouble or dis- severe form of fasting, but later on it is said Muslims wake up many hours before comfort, not only will you be unable to that he abandoned this practice because it had dawn for individual prayer and the remem- please God, but you may even earn His adversely affected his health. In view of this brance of God. Also the Holy Qur’an is re- displeasure.' He pointed out that over-em- notion, one can understand why he discon- cited in every Muslim house much more phasis on austerity is likely to make one tinued, but this does not in any way indicate than in ordinary days. A greater part of the negligent towards one's wife and children, that he had ceased to believe in fasting. Per- night is thus spent in spiritual exercises kith and kin, friends etc. haps that is why some Buddhists, still observe which form the very essence of fasting. The Holy Prophetsaw reminded him spe- some form of fasting. During the day, apart from restraining cifically of his responsibilities in the area Fasting in Islam is a highly developed from food and water, Muslims are sup- of human relationships: 'Do your duty to concept, and needs to be studied in depth. posed to refrain from vain talk, quarrels and God as well as the creation of God equita- There are two types of injunctions with re- fights, or from any such occupation as is bly' was the advice. To some, after their gards to fasting. One relates to obligatory fast- below the dignity of a true believer. No in- insistent petulant begging, he permitted ing and the other to optional. dulgence in carnal pleasure is allowed; even optional fasts only in the style of Davidas. There is one full month in every year in husband and wife during the day lead sepa- The Holy Founder of Islam told them that which fasting is prescribed for Muslims all rate lives, except for the formal human rela- it was the practice of Davidas to fast one over the world. As the month is a lunar month, tionship common to all people. day and abstain from doing so the next. it keeps changing around the year in relation In Islam, alms-giving and care for the Throughout his life, after he made this vow, to the solar months. This creates a universal destitute is so highly emphasized that it he kept the fast on alternate days. So the balance for the worshippers. Sometimes the becomes part of a Muslim's daily life. How- Holy Prophetsaw said, 'I can only permit you fasting in winter months is easy as far as the ever when it comes to Ramadhan, Mus- that much and no more.' days go, in comparison to the long winter lims are required to double their efforts in The institution of fasting is extremely nights, while during the summer months the this field. It is reported of the Holy Prophet important because it cultivates the believer days become long and exacting. As the lunar saw, that spending in the cause of the poor in almost every area of his spiritual life. months keep rotating around the year, Mus- was a daily practice with him which has Among other things, he learns through lims in all parts of the world have some peri- been likened unto a breeze, never ceasing personal experience about what hunger, ods of easy fasting and some arduous fast- to bring comfort and solace to the needy. poverty, loneliness and discomforts mean ing. However during Ramadhan, the reporters to the less fortunate sections of society. The month of Ramadhan or fasting, be- of the Ahadith-the sayings of the Abstention from even such practices dur- gins everywhere at the first appearance of Prophetsaw remind us that the breeze ing the month of Ramadhan as are permis- dawn, and ends with sunset. During this pe- seemed to pick up speed and began to sible in everyday life plays a constructive riod one is expected to abstain from all food blow like strong winds. role in refining the human character.

8 MuslimSunrise Divine signs to distinguish the lofty station of the Promised Messiah

Summary of Friday Sermon delivered by have never appeared before will be evi- Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Head of dent’. The reference is of course to the the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, August solar and lunar eclipses. Huzur said while 7, 2009 the mention of the extraordinary signs here signifies the station of the Messiah NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsi- and Mahdi, the use of the term ‘our bility for any errors or miscommunication Mahdi’ by the Holy Prophet (peace and in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon blessings of Allah be on him) signifies Citing verse 16 of Surah Al Mu’min, the the love and high regard he had for him. translation of which reads: Huzur said he would now speak about ‘The Exalter of ranks, the Lord of the station of the Mahdi who was prom- ised to come and the signs which we ob- the Throne. He causes the spirit to serve in support of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam descend with His command to whom- Ahmad Qadiani. God had promised to ex- soever of His servants He pleases, hibit His signs of corroboration and to that He may give warning of the Day exalt the Mahdi. This promise was ful- of Meeting Him,’ (40:16) Huzur gave filled when the Promised Messiah (on a discourse on the Divine signs to whom be peace) made his claim and in- deed is still being fulfilled. Prophets of distinguish the lofty station of the God are always opposed and so was the Promised Messiah (on whom be Promised Messiah. His opposition con- peace). tinues to this day. He was granted a lofty Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad station by God then Who continues to he Rafi-ud-darajaat God exalt him to this day. God revealed to him: (Exalter of ranks), Who 07edition, p.883). Indeed God exalts ‘Mercy flows from thy lips, ‘O Ahmad. possesses all excellent whomsoever He wishes to, from among You are under Our care. Allah will exalt attributes declares that He His chosen people. As the Qur’an states thy name and perfect His bounty upon sends His chosen people to in Surah Al An’am: ‘…We exalt in degrees thee in this world and the hereafter.’ Trevive the spiritually ailing. Those of rank whomso We please. Thy Lord is (Tadhkirah, edition ’07, p. 72). Also, ‘Al- commissioned by Him inform people of the indeed Wise, All-Knowing’. (6:84). lah will support thee, Allah will help thee. transitory nature of this world and of the In order to carry out His spiritual sys- Allah has raised the argument of Islam. everlasting Hereafter. They tell people to tem God sends Prophets and saints. His There is the beauty of Allah. He it is Who do those works in this life that please knowledge determines who should be has purified you in every situation. The God. Just as God has sent His Prophets sent with the special message. In this age, mysteries of the friends of Allah are with- to each nation in each era, in the current The Wise, All-Knowing God sent Hadhrat out count.’ (Tadhkirah, edition ’07, p.127). age, He sent the Promised Messiah. This Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. His advent Huzur said, today, if one wishes to advent was in accordance with the has been cited in the Holy Qur’an with reach God, wishes to behold His beauty, prophecy of the Holy Prophet (peace and reference to latter days and ahadith then the way to do so is to adhere to the blessings of Allah be on him) and born speak of him as a significant sign for the true and ardent devotee of the Holy out of his ardent love for the Prophet. Ummah as they are urged to accept him. Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings Huzur said if the Muslims read this mes- on him). Could one, who [God forbid] of Allah be on him) had said that the sage with sincerity of heart there is no associated falsehood to God, have his Mahdi would be guided by God and will way they would not accept the Promised glory enhanced by being false? Certainly, come to put right the troubled world of Messiah (on whom be peace). Indeed, the up till now, one who associated false- Islam, guiding people to the straight path. Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of hood to God would have been disgraced. The Promised Messiah (on whom be Allah be on him) had said that whoever However, these are the words of God’s peace) received many revelations from lives in the age of the Mahdi should take true servant and this is the reason we God, among them two were the follow- my greetings to him. In one tradition re- observe that with each passing day his ing: ‘He sends down the Spirit on whom- lated by the grandson of Hadhrat Imam glory is enhanced further still. God states soever He wills from among His servants.’ Hussein, the Holy Prophet (peace and in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Al Inshirah: (Tadhkirah, 2007 edition, p.764); and, blessings of Allah be on him) said, ‘for ‘And removed from thee thy burden, ‘You are to Me like My Spirit.’ (Tadhkirah, our Mahdi two signs, the like of which Which had well nigh broken thy back,

FALL 2009 9 And We exalted thy name?’ (94:3-5). God revealed to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace): ‘O Servant of the One Who exalts, I shall raise thee towards Me. I shall bestow honor on thee. None can stop that which I bestow.’ (Tadhkirah, edi- tion ’07, p.159) and ‘I am with you, O Imam of high esteem.’ (Tadhkirah, edition ’07, p.624). Huzur said the purpose of mention- ing the revelations of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) here is that as God consoled him through these revelations, He also manifested earthly and heavenly signs of support. Each person of His Community, no matter where in the world he/she is, has come into the fold by virtue of his lofty sta- tion. God manifested countless signs to distinguish his lofty station and it is not possible to cite them all. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has mentioned a few of these signs in his book ‘Anjam e Atham’; a book that he wrote at the death of Abdullah Atham. His death was a sign of deter- rent and it made the splendour of Is- lam and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) evident to the world. Atham was a Christian priest and many religious scholars and ‘custodians of shrines’ did not accept his death as a sign of the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). He, therefore, gave them the challenge of a Mubahalah (spiritual/ prayer duel) and wrote two hundred pages, followed by an appendix and also a footnote. In the detailed foot- note he mentioned the Divine support and honor bestowed on him after the Mubahalah. He wrote that in accor- dance with the Quranic phrase ‘end is for the God-fearing’ (11:50) a number of aspects were the source of his honor. Firstly, the prophecy made about Abdullah Atham was literally fulfilled. This was a fulfilment of the prophecy published on page 241 of Baraheen e Ahmadiyya (Promised Messiah’s epic book) fifteen years before. Secondly, his collection of journals that he wrote in Arabic, including Anjam e Atham. If one wishes to reach God, wishes to behold His beauty, then None of these were responded by the the way to do so is to adhere to the true and ardent devotee opposing maulwis or the priests and of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). the world saw that the honor of the -- Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Arabic language was applicable to the

10 MuslimSunrise “Today the physical as well as the spiritual progeny of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is spread all over the world. God granted lofty station to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and showed signs of His support at every occasion. He grants honor to whomsoever He wishes. He is fulfilling His promises made to the Promised Messiah to this day.”

-- Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

FALL 2009 11 Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) spend their wealth in this cause. The Prom- on all. It was stated that it saved the day alone, whom they had the audacity to ised Messiah (on whom be peace) went for Islam. The Promised Messiah (on call a Kafir (a disbeliever). Their own on to mention a number of these sincere whom be peace) said how could God put ignorance of the Arabic language be- followers. He said it was with the sheer such sweetness and blessing into the came apparent. Thirdly, prior to the grace of God and although God had al- words of an [alleged] disbeliever? Thus Mubahalah, the Promised Messiah (on ways provided for the Promised Messiah, are the ten blessings as cited by the Prom- whom be peace) had merely three to four after the Mubahalah, extraordinary spiri- ised Messiah (on whom be peace) that hundred followers. Following the tual and physical bounties were bestowed God granted him after the Mubahalah. Mubahalah, the number ranged around upon him. Eighthly, the aspect to enhance Huzur said God has shown such signs eight thousand devotees. Pious spirited honor after the Mubahalah was the writ- on every occasion. He read out a few more people came rushing to the fold of Ah- ing of the book ‘Sat Bachan’. For the writ- extracts from the writings of the Promised madiyyat. A most touching acceptance ing of this book, God facilitated for the Messiah (on whom be peace) on the sub- followed the Mubahalah. He wrote that Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) ject of fulfilment of signs given to him. angels were putting spiritual light into what had not occurred to anyone for three hearts and the Mubahalah had been a hundred years. The book is about Baba Today the physical as well as the spiri- source of immense honor. Fourthly, as Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh reli- tual progeny of the Promised Messiah (on foretold for hundreds of years, the ad- gion and it proves that Baba Nanak was whom be peace) is spread all over the vent of the Messiah was to be accom- in fact a Muslim and believed in One God. world. God granted lofty station to the panied by solar and lunar eclipses in He had performed Hajj twice. The Prom- Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) the month of Ramadan. Never before ised Messiah (on whom be peace) dis- and showed signs of His support at ev- had any Messianic claimant granted closed that his relic cloak had the Kalima ery occasion. He grants honor to whom- such heavenly signs. The Promised and many Quranic verses inscribed on it. soever He wishes. He is fulfilling His Messiah (on whom be peace) wrote that Huzur said the cloak is now in the safe promises made to the Promised Messiah while people prayed for his disgrace possession of a Sikh family. A Bedi sahib to this day. Certainly, He will also fulfil God had made the heavens bow down of that family, who attended our Jalsa, had the promise that till the Day of Judgement in his verification. Fifthly, the aspect confirmed this. Ninthly, the aspect that He will grant triumph to his followers over that brought honor after the Mubahalah was a source of greater honour following others. Huzur said we should pray and was that the Promised Messiah (on the Mubahalah was that eight thousand ever try to stay connected to the Commu- whom be peace) invited all his famous people had entered into the fold of the nity. Time to time, our opponents demon- opponents to discuss the knowledge Community. As the Promised Messiah (on strate an outpouring of their malice. In and cognisance of the Holy Qur’an but whom be peace) was the centre of attrac- Pakistan such has been the general situa- none could respond to him. He had an- tion for all this humanity, this was a clear tion that in the name of Islam, yet in clear nounced that God had given him unique sign of an acceptance which can only be defiance of the teachings of Islam, they insight into the Qur’an; the silence of attained by God’s will. Their spirituality continue to persecute and oppress. As a others sealed their ignorance. was much enhanced and they offered their result the country is disgraced in the en- Sixthly, following the Mubahala, Prayers with perfect devotion. The Prom- tire world. While they have failed in their Abdul Haq had issued a leaflet maintain- ised Messiah (on whom be peace) went wicked attempts to stop the Ahmadis from ing that a son would be born to him. The on to mention the sincere Jama’ats that declaring their faith and worshipping God, Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) had established in the towns and cities the country is engulfed in disorder. Re- after being Divinely informed, also issued of Amritsar, Lahore, Sialkot, Kapurthala cently utter barbarity was committed in a leaflet stating that God would grant him and other Indian cities and cited their the name of Islam against some Christians. a son. With the grace of God a son named shining spirituality. Huzur said he wished There is a general state of lawlessness. Sharif Ahmad was born to the Promised to say to people who are associated to Ahmadis in general and Pakistani Ahma- Messiah (on whom be peace) who was these areas that they should always re- dis in particular should pray for the coun- nearly two years old at the time of writ- member the sincerity of their ancestors. try which is in dire straits. As the situa- ing. On the other hand, no son was born This will keep us connected to the Prom- tion there worsens and gets critical, Ah- to Abdul Haq. Seventhly, what proved to ised Messiah (on whom be peace) and madis, particularly Pakistani Ahmadis be a sign of honor after the Mubahalah bring us the beneficence that God has should pray, turn to God, seek His ref- was the fervour displayed by the follow- promised. Huzur added that today similar uge, make your actions purely for the sake ers of the Promised Messiah (on whom sincerity is being generated all over the of God, give alms enthusiastically. It is be peace) in serving him. He said he could world, be it Europe, Asia or Africa. God’s promise that He will grant us never thank God for the spiritual and Tenthly, the source of honor for the Prom- progress. May God keep each Ahmadi physical bounties that showered on him ised Messiah (on whom be peace), after safe from all evil and keep the Community following the Mubahalah. Among the the Mubahalah, was the ‘Conference of safe in Pakistan and other places. After material bounties, God pressed into the Great World Religions’ in Lahore. Here, the UK Jalsa, authorities in some Arab service of the Promised Messiah (on his treatise ‘Philosophy of the Teachings countries are also harassing the Ahma- whom be peace) sincere and devoted of Islam’ was read out. This was extremely dis. May God keep the faith of each Ah- people who considered it an honour to well-received and left a profound impact madi strong.‹

12 MuslimSunrise latter days; however, Ahmadis do Since one of the names used not believe he would physically be for this reformer in the is the same JesusAS who appeared “Jesus son of Mary”, many two thousand years ago. Ahmadis simple minded Muslims started believe this second coming would believing that Jesus ChristAS him- be spiritual in nature just as JohnAS self will reappear in the latter the Baptist was the “second com- days of Islam. When Mirza ing” of ElijahAS. Ahmadis also be- Ghulam AhmadAS proclaimed in lieve that the Promised Messiah 1890 that he was the Messiah Basically, what are the would be called by other names, whose advent was promised in differences between Ahmadi but he would be one and the same the Hadith of the Holy Muslims and mainstream person. These other names include ProphetSAW, a majority of the Sunni Muslims? Krishna, Buddha, Mahdi, Jesus Muslims rejected his claim be- son of Mary and Ahmad. cause they were looking forward A. There are three basic dif- to the second coming of Jesus ferences of belief held by Ahmadi What is meant by the ChristSAW himself. In this respect Muslims which distinguishes “Promised Messiah”? these Muslims behaved like the them from mainstream Sunni Is- Jews of two thousand years ago lam. These three beliefs pertain A. In the Hadith of the Holy who rejected Jesus’ claim to to: Prophet MuhammadSAW, there are because they, too, numerous references to the coming were waiting for the second 1) The finality of of a latter day reformer who will coming of the prophet ElijahAS. Muhammad’s Prophethood: cleanse the religion of Islam of all However, JesusAS explained that Ahmadi Muslims believe that unsupported customs and supersti- JohnAS the Baptist came in ful- prophets can appear after the tions and restore its eminence and fillment of that prophecy. advent of the Holy ProphetSAW; glory which it used to enjoy in the however, such prophethood is early days. This reformer is re- After receiving many revela- subservient to the Law of the ferred to by various names and tions to this effect, Hadhrat Qur’an and will appear from titles in the Hadith such as: Mirza Ghulam AhmadAS declared within Islam. A new prophet in 1890 that he was the same cannot bring a religious law nor „ Mahdi Messiah and Mahdi whose ad- a new faith. „ Messiah vent had been foretold by the „ Jesus son of Mary Holy Prophet MuhammadSAW. 2) Jesus Christ’s ascension He declared that he was in com- to heaven: Ahmadis believe The advent of this reformer is so munion with God and constantly that Jesus ChristAS died a natu- vividly described in the Hadith lit- received His revelations and ral death and is buried in erature and commentaries that Mus- signs. Those revelations guided Srinagar, Kashmir, whereas lims of all sects and generations him to lay the foundation for the mainstream Sunni Muslims be- have been eagerly awaiting him. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community lieve that he ascended bodily The general scholarly consensus to dispel the myths about Islam, into heaven and someone else was that he would appear in the 14th promote interfaith harmony and was crucified in his stead. Islamic century, which interestingly establish the Unity of God. enough, corresponds to the Chris- 3) Identity of the Promised tian prediction that ChristAS would Messiah: Ahmadis and main- reappear in 1840 according to the Please submit your questions stream Sunnis both believe in the prophecies in the Book of Daniel. about Islam to the second coming of JesusAS in the It is now the 15th Islamic century. Muslim Sunrise.

FALL 2009 13 "I gain weight almost every year," he said. "It is even tougher during the Muslims Tahir said the Islamic summer months. I think I had a head- ache all month last year. The winter is preparing for faith is built around great, much easier." Shaikh, who worships at the Islamic doing physical acts to Center on Westfall Road, thinks self-denial of Ramadan and fasting in general can help cleanse your body. He said some Ramadan make you stronger spiri- people will fast from time to time throughout the year because they learn season tually. He said the acts to enjoy it. "You need to think of it as a good of five daily prayers or thing for one's health," he said. "It is Mitch Pritchard a good time to not multitask." Staff writer giving to charity all Muslims have come under close scrutiny and many times suffered r. Naseer Tahir has been prejudices since 9/11 and the wars in celebrating Ramadan his help you develop as a Afghanistan and Iraq. D whole life, but don't think Tahir said the peaceful celebration fasting during the day for a month ever person and a Muslim in of Ramadan has become even more im- gets any easier. portant during the troubled times. He "No! It is still hard every year," said God's eyes. believes the public view of Muslims is Tahir, 62, who is president of Baitun much better now, compared with the Naseer, an Ahmadiyya Muslim mosque years right after the terrorist attacks. on East Main Street, Rochester, NY, in air-conditioning all day, it isn't as But he is still bothered by radicals "It is about saving your life, tough." and terrorists who twist the Muslim be- though. There is a reward after not Tahir said the Islamic faith is built lief that physical acts lead to a stron- eating and drinking, it helps you with around doing physical acts to make you ger spirituality. For example, he cites your spiritual development." stronger spiritually. He said the acts of suicide bombers who are brainwashed Ramadan starts today and runs five daily prayers or giving to charity into believing the act will benefit them through Sept. 19. The celebration fol- all help you develop as a person and a in the afterlife. lows the lunar calendar, so it starts Muslim in God's eyes. "In our faith, you are held account- about 10 days earlier each year. Some All able-bodied Muslims must honor able for your actions when it comes years it is 29 days and others, 30. Ramadan. Those who are pregnant, sick time for judgment day," he said. "It During the month, Muslims fast or traveling do not have to fast during says right in the that those who from before dawn until after sunset. the celebration, but they must make the commit suicide are hellbound. But No eating, drinking or smoking, and days up later on. power corrupts and religious power Muslims must control their anger as "You see people on TV that are dy- helps some control people's minds and well during this time. ing of thirst but they won't take a drink their hearts. They lose rationality." "If you can't control your anger, because of Ramadan," Tahir said. "That Tahir, however, thinks that the pub- then it is useless to simply stay hun- is not the way it is supposed to be. Take lic now realizes that the radicals are a gry," said Tahir, who came to New York a drink to save your life." minority in the faith. from Pakistan in 1972, moved to Roch- Ramadan is also used as a time for "History shows that this isn't the ester in 1978 and now runs his own families and communities to slow down only time this has happened to a faith," pain treatment clinic in Brighton. "It their busy lives and spend time to- he said. is a month for self-discipline. If some- gether. "Hopefully over time, things will one stays hungry and thirsty, but Muslims are discouraged from drag- evolve and continue to get better."‹ can't control their vulgar talk, it does ging the fasting out too long each day. no good. It is about uplifting your Shortly before dawn and shortly after character." sunset, Muslims are encouraged to Sikandar Shaikh, 63, of Pittsford have a meal with their family. And on Reprinted with permission from the echoed Tahir's thoughts on fasting. the weekends, places such as Tahir's "The toughest part is if the people mosque have large gatherings to cel- around you are just having a jolly good ebrate the faith. time, it is not easy to fast," the native According to Tahir, fasting every of India said. "If you work 8 to 5 out- day for a month doesn't even add up to doors, it's especially hard. If you work a nice weight loss. Rochester, NY

14 MuslimSunrise Humanity First USA: Making a difference in the world today By Iftikhar Ahmed

he history: Humanity First versal Islamic values of justice and fair- (HF) was founded by Hadhrat ness, advocating the spirit of Ita’i Dhil- (rah) Qurba. Khalifatul Masih IV in 1994. In the United States, Humanity First It was conceived with the was formally incorporated in 2004, as a Tback drop of hunger crisis in Somalia in 501 c 3 nonprofit organization. As such, “It is not righteousness that you 1992 and the war in Bosnia. This was the it is governed by an independent board turn your faces to the East or the time when the Jama’at-e-Ahmadiyya tried of directors, and day to day operations West, but truly righteous is he who to help the victims of these crises, but are managed by a team of dedicated indi- faced difficulties in serving them directly viduals with a diverse professional back- believes in Allah and the Last Day because of being a religious organization. ground. The team works collaboratively and the angels and the Books and We were forced to hand over the food with Humanity First International and and supplies to the western agencies other country operations wherever there the Prophets, and spends his money working in those areas at the time. is a humanitarian need or crisis. This al- for love of Him, on the kindred and Hadhur was deeply touched by the lows Humanity First to pool its resources situation. He perceived the need and and focus on making a significant differ- the orphans and the needy and the opportunity for the Jama’at to establish ence in the lives of the impacted commu- wayfarer and those who ask for an independent charitable organization to nities. serve mankind, without any distinction The scope: Humanity First USA (HF- charity, and for ransoming the of faith, race, or ethnicity. Humanity First USA) has two major focus areas of ser- captives; and who observes Prayer was conceived and formally established vice; disaster relief and human develop- as a result of this vision. Hadhur further ment. By the grace of Allah, every time and pays the Zaka’at; and those advised the organizational leads that there is a need due to a natural disaster who fulfill their promise when they Humanity First should not limit itself to or HF appeals for help to pursue a com- engaging Ahmadis alone, but be munity development project anywhere in have made one, and the patient in inclusive of other noble souls as well. the world, our community members and poverty and afflictions and the Today, by the grace of Allah, Hu- other supporters rush to donate and vol- manity First is established in over 25 unteer their time and skills. steadfast in time of war; it is these countries in 6 continents of the world. It Over a short period of time since its who have proved truthful and it is has served deserving communities and inception, HF has provided humanitarian needy individuals in more than 35 coun- relief to victims of several significant di- these who are the God-fearing”. tries so far. Although Humanity First is a sasters around the world. These include “non-denominational” charity organiza- (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 178) major earthquakes in Turkey, Japan, Iran, tion, its entire basis is ground in the uni- Pakistan, India, and Peru. HF has also

FALL 2009 15 provided major relief services for the One of the most in the area of humanitarian services is Asian tsunami relief, Hurricane Katrina, far from over. Today, we live in a world Guyana floods, Hurricane Ike in the re- disturbing and where more than 9 million children born cent years. extraordinary aspects of alive die before their fifth birthday. In addition to the disaster relief pro- Most of these children live in develop- grams, HF-USA is also focused on pur- life in our country is the ing countries and die from a disease or a suing and expanding its human develop- persistence of hunger. combination of diseases that could be ment programs. These typically include easily prevented or treated -- antibiot- digging water wells in third world coun- More than 35 million US ics for pneumonia, for example, or a tries where lack of clean water can cause residents live in simple mix of salts and sugars for diar- major hardship and health risks for the rhoea. Malnutrition contributes to over communities (Banner program: “Water for households considered a third of these deaths. Life”). HF-USA has also helped rebuild to be facing a situation Today, we live in the United States and support several educational institu- of America, the most developed country tions in Indonesia, Guyana, and Liberia. called “food insecure. in the world. In this country, on any Domestically in the US, Humanity First given day, more than 800,000 people all is helping several primary schools in poor over the country are homeless; one neighborhoods in several parts of the disaster area. fourth of them are children. Similarly, country under its banner program of “Our HF-USA also engages in several non- more than 100 thousand patients, at any Kids, Our Future”. disaster related initiatives throughout given time, are struggling to survive as Humanity First operations: HF-USA is the year. These initiatives may come out they wait for an organ donation of some blessed with a great team of dedicated of a post disaster need for sustainable kind. volunteers who help run the day to day development, or address an ongoing One of the most disturbing and ex- activities of the organization. Similar to need in a local deserving community. For traordinary aspects of life in our coun- the MTA model, our volunteers may example, HF-USA has been actively in- try is the persistence of hunger. More bring professional expertise from their volved in providing clear drinking water than 35 million US residents live in work life, or they may be new to the type to communities in Pakistan, Indonesia, households considered to be facing a of work assigned, but absolutely have the and Africa. These projects typically in- situation called “food insecure”. People dedication to learn on the job and serve clude digging new wells, refurbishing that fall into this category have those in need. The major departments for existing water wells or setting up water struggled with having enough food for HF-USA include operations, fundraising filtration plants. their household. They often skip meals, and marketing, Information technology, All of these humanitarian initiatives eat less than what their bodies need, and and administration. Since most of the require a regular stream of donations this includes adults and children alike. team members are located in different coming in. Our Jama’at members are the Humanity First is always looking for parts of the country, most of the collabo- solid base of donors and volunteers, and ways to serve mankind facing these ration and information sharing happens this base is growing rapidly by the grace tough challenges and depends on vol- through conference calls. of Allah. HF-USA takes pride in the fact unteers and donors to support in this When a disaster strikes anywhere in that it keeps the overheads low by pur- worthy cause. May Allah enable us to the world, HF-USA’s disaster monitoring suing fundraising and awareness cam- consider our responsibilities, face these team fires up into action. This team liaises paigns through emails, Jamaat events, challenges, and always consider Ita’i with United Nations agencies and stays and very specific campaigns. HF-USA dhil Qurba when we serve those in need in touch through the initial phase of the organizes annual walks in various cities (Ameen). disaster with the field response team. Our around the US and they help raise funds pool of volunteers consists of dedicated for the major initiatives. There is also a About the author: Iftikhar Ahmed individuals from all walks of life who are recurring donation program where a do- has been part of the Humanity First willing to help out in whatever capacity nor can setup a fixed amount to be do- management team since its inception in they can. As one can imagine, a disaster nated on a regular basis. These recur- 2004. He has served in the capacity of response team needs people with a di- ring donors help the organization a lot marketing and IT director in the early verse skill set, including relief camp since there is a predictable flow of do- days of HF-USA, volunteered in the re- setup, communications, language skills, nations as a result of this, and it also lief operations in post-Asian tsunami and resourceful logistics management. helps keep the fundraising overheads rebuilding initiatives in Indonesia’s Our Ahmadi doctors are one of our key low. Aceh region, and currently serves as the resource strengths in these disaster re- The potential: There is no doubt that director of development for the organi- lief efforts. On several occasions, large the Ahmadiyya community’s record of zation. In his professional life, Iftikhar relief agencies such as Red Cross have humanitarian service is commendable. is a senior manager at a fortune 500 hi- end up supporting our volunteer physi- Especially considering that it is a com- tech company in San Francisco bay cians in the field as they provide medical munity that primarily comes from humble area in California, where he resides treatments to the affected residents in the background and resources. But, our work with his wife and two children.‹

16 MuslimSunrise Religion and Science Section

Earth was produced by an ‘unidenti- fied intelligent cause.’ The Dover policy required students to hear a statement about intelligent design before ninth-grade biology lessons on evolution. The statement said Charles Darwin's theory is ‘not a fact’ and has inexplicable ‘gaps.’ It refers students to an ID textbook, ‘Of Pan- das and People,’ for more informa- tion. It seemed that the school board, under influence of ID, had failed to realize that the ‘unidentified intelli- gent cause,’ if it be God, cannot be observed at work in a scientific para- digm. To phrase it differently, ID seeks to fundamentally redefine sci- ence to accept supernatural explana- tions in addition to natural causes. ID is also bad religion as all the mono- theistic religions believe in a tran- scendent God that is beyond matter space and time. The school board and the ID proponents had once again confused the boundary be- tween science, religion and meta- physics. What they were proposing to teach in biology class could be taught in philosophy or religion class Intelligent Design but not in a class of science or biol- ogy. "The citizens of the Dover area Movement: A Branch were poorly served by the members of the Board who voted for the ID Policy," Jones wrote. The plaintiffs of Philosophy challenging the policy argued that intelligent design amounts to a secu- Zia H Shah MD lar repackaging of creationism, which trict Judge John E. Jones III ruled in 2005, the courts have already ruled cannot “Let no man out of weak conceit of sobri- ruling in one of the biggest courtroom be taught in public schools. The ety, or an ill-applied moderation, think clashes on evolution since the 1925 judge agreed. or maintain, that a man can search too Scopes trial. "We find that the secular pur- far or be too well-studied in the book The federal court in this case ruled poses claimed by the Board amount of God’s word, or in the book of God’s that ID was not clearly distinct from ‘cre- to a pretext for the Board's real pur- works; divinity or philosophy; but ationism’ and therefore should be ex- pose, which was to promote religion rather let men endeavor an endless cluded from the curriculum in public in the public school classroom," he progress or proficiency in both.” Sir schools on the basis of earlier decisions. wrote in his 139-page opinion. Charles Darwin The judge decided that the school dis- The dispute is the latest chapter Intelligent Design (ID) cannot be trict violated the Constitution when they in a long-running debate over the mentioned in biology classes in Dover, ordered that the schools biology curricu- teaching of evolution dating back to PA public school district, a U.S. Dis- lum must include the notion that life on the famous 1925 Scopes or Monkey

FALL 2009 17 Trial, in which Tennessee biology book Advancement of learning in the later clares that, if there be men on the other teacher John T. Scopes was fined $100 editions of Origin of Species to establish side of the earth, Christ must have for violating a state law that forbade the proper relationship between religion gone there and suffered a second time teaching evolution. The Tennessee and natural sciences: “Let no man out of to save them; and therefore, that there Supreme Court reversed his conviction weak conceit of sobriety, or an ill-applied must have been there, as necessary on a technicality, and the law was re- moderation, think or maintain, that a man preliminaries to his coming, a dupli- pealed in 1967. can search too far or be too well-studied cate Eden, Adam, Serpent, and Del- The Encyclopedia Britannica online in the book of God’s word, or in the book uge.” has the following to say about this of God’s works; divinity or philosophy; Similar thought processes had movement: “Intelligent de- led to the burning of the books sign was formulated in the of Ibn Rushd (Aver roes) by the 1990s, primarily in the United fundamentalists and in so doing States, as an explicit refuta- ID proponents fail to realize they had shut the Muslims from tion of the theory of biologi- that Allah always works scientific progress and ushered cal evolution advanced by several centuries of darkness. Charles Darwin (1809–82). through natural Europe was trying to recover Building on a version of the mechanisms, and not from its dark cloud but the vio- argument from design for the lence of the religious fundamen- existence of God advanced through super-natural talists had not yet completely by the Anglican clergyman miracles in violation of the abated in the 18th century. Jo- William Paley (1743–1805), seph Priestly was a chemist who supporters of intelligent de- natural laws. One of the had created a big name for him- sign observed that the func- attributes of Allah is the self for discovering oxygen and tional parts and systems of carbon dioxide. But he was as living organisms are ‘irre- Hidden or Al- Batin. The notorious in Europe as he was ducibly complex,’ in the sense attribute Al-Batin implies famous. He received his notori- that none of their component ety from writing a book: History parts can be removed with- that Allah does not reveal of the Corruptions of Christian- out causing the whole sys- himself directly and works ity originally published in 1782. tem to cease functioning. Priestley was besieged by mobs From this premise, they in- through the laws of nature. in Birmingham, England, and ferred that no such system having lost both his home and could have come about his laboratory to their fury, had through the gradual alteration of func- but rather let men endeavor an endless to retreat in 1791 to London. Similar tioning precursor systems by means of progress or proficiency in both.” hysteria can be created today in the random mutation and natural selection, To show what happens when reli- disguise of creationism or ID move- as the standard evolutionary account gion and science are inappropriately ment unless the moderates understand maintains; instead, living organisms mixed, let us review the doctrine of the the issues and realize what is at stake. must have been created all at once by spherical shape of the earth, and there- The fundamentalists have not given an intelligent designer.” fore the existence of the antipodes, was up in recent times. The present day As a prominent United States Su- bitterly attacked by theologians in the ‘evolution wars’ are a stark reminder preme Court justice once noted, your medieval times, who asked: 'Is there any- of the consequences of not acknowl- freedom to swing your arm stops where one so senseless as to believe that crops edging where the ‘nose’ of the other my nose begins; in the same vein, there and trees grow downwards? That the domain starts. are definite boundaries between reli- rains and snow fall upwards?’ Andrew For a thousand years before the gion, science and philosophy. How- Dickson White wrote in A History of the Renaissance, the Christian Church had ever, a certain amount of humility is in Warfare of Science with Theology in ruled Europe with an iron hand. Intol- order to comprehend the distinction Christendom, published in 1922, “The erance, prejudice, suspicion and su- between religion, science and meta- doctrine of the antidote continued to perstition had made scholarly learn- physics. This is what should be read have life, is shown by the fact that in the ing an impossibility. Suspicious of ev- in these words of Sir Charles Darwin, sixth century Procopius of Gaza attacks ery attempt at independent thinking, as he quoted Francis Bacon from his it with tremendous argument. He de- the Church violently suppressed all

18 MuslimSunrise Science is the study of matter, space and time. The God of Islam, Judaism and Christianity is viewed as a supreme, transcendent being, beyond matter, space and time. So no matter how you slice it, and how advanced science is, it cannot lead to God directly; only through inference. teaching that was not in direct confor- 6,100 acts of violence against abortion Paul Davies writes in the Mind of mity with its teachings. Religious tri- providers in the United States and God, “Modern philosophy has been bunals sentenced tens of thousands of Canada since 1977, and four doctors have strongly influenced by the work of Karl suspected witches and heretics to been killed. Religious zeal can inappro- Popper. ... When a new discovery is death by torture. Convicts were tied be- priately spill into science and politics and made, scientists tend to work back- tween horses and torn apart, disem- then blood begins to be spilled in the ward to construct hypotheses consis- boweled, hung or burnt at the stake. streets. tent with that discovery, and then go Strange things can happen when reli- Francis Collins who was head of the on to deduce other consequences of gion and politics are combined with sci- Human Genome Project and is nominee those hypotheses that can in turn be ence. Even the dead are not forgiven to lead the NIH now, wrote in his book experimentally tested. If anyone of in these circumstances. The famous the Language of God, “The primary util- these predictions turns out to be false, Archbishop Usher (1581–1656) had ity of a theory is not just to look back the theory has to be modified or aban- concluded from his study of the Bible but to look forward.” ID does not yield doned. The emphasis is thus on falsi- that the world began at 9 a.m., Sunday any new hypotheses that can be inves- fication, not verification. A powerful 23 October 4004 B.C. This was despite tigated by scientific process. Though theory is one that is highly vulnerable the fact that a long dead scientist, John some of the premises of ID are true but to falsification, and so can be tested Wycliffe, (1329-1384) had provided evi- it is not a scientific theory. It is a philo- in many detailed and specific ways. If dence based on fossils and geology sophical or metaphysical thought! The the theory passes those tests, our con- that the earth was at least some hun- proponents of ID seem to be invoking fidence in the theory is reinforced. A dred thousand years old. For this crime God for what is not known to the theory that is too vague or general, or and for translating the Bible into En- present day scientists. ID proponents makes predictions concerning only cir- glish, John Wycliffe books were burnt fail to realize that Allah always works cumstances beyond our ability to test, and after his body rested for nearly 50 through natural mechanisms, and not is of little value.” years in the grave, the Bishop of Lin- through super-natural miracles in vio- In the Dover trial Judge John E. coln ordered that his remains be ex- lation of the natural laws. One of the Jones III ruled that teaching intelligent humed and unceremoniously burned in attributes of Allah is the Hidden or Al- design in public-school science 1429. The ashes were dispatched with con- Batin. The attribute Al-Batin implies classes is an unconstitutional violation tempt into the local river. that Allah does not reveal himself di- of church and state. This case mirrored The ‘evolution wars,’ appear to be rectly and works through the laws of McLean v. Arkansas. In both trials, the legal and political issues only at the nature. presiding federal judges went further present time but they have the poten- than was necessary in making their rul- tial of evolving into more violent phe- What is science? ings. Not only did the jurists rule cre- nomena, if so permitted. Consider the ation science and ID as unconstitu- case of the abortion debate. Prior to Roe Science is the study of matter, space tional entanglements of government versus Wade, it was a legal issue. But and time. The God of Islam, Judaism and with religion, which would have been since that landmark decision in 1973, Christianity is viewed as a supreme, tran- sufficient to decide each case, (as the negotiation has hit a violent tone. scendent being, beyond matter, space Judge Jones admitted in his decision), Dr. George Tiller, one of the nation's and time. So no matter how you slice it, but they also labeled them as not sci- few providers of late-term abortions, and how advanced science is, it cannot ence. In doing so, they were forced to was killed in June of 2009, shot in a lead to God directly; only through infer- define science-something on which church where he was serving as an ence. However, this simple concept es- neither scientists nor philosophers usher. But this is only the tip of the capes many a proponents with different have been able to reach a consensus. iceberg. There have been more than agenda. In Arkansas, Judge William R.

FALL 2009 19 Overton relied mainly on the testimony ence and is a branch of philosophy and should shock the religious feelings of of philosopher Michael Ruse and de- more specifically of metaphysics. In the any one. It is satisfactory, as showing fined science as follows: three great monotheistic religions, Islam, how transient such impressions are, Christianity and Judaism, God is viewed to remember that the greatest discov- (1) It is guided by natural law; as a supreme, transcendent being, and yet ery ever made by man, namely, the law the foundation of all that meets our of the attraction of gravity, was also (2) It has to be explained by refer senses that is described in terms of mat- attacked by Leibnitz, ‘as subversive ence to natural law; ter, space, and time. That is the Al-Batin of natural, and inferentially of re- or the Hidden God of monotheism. The vealed, religion.’ A celebrated author (3) It is testable against the empiri transcendent being by definition is not and divine has written to me that ‘he cal world; amenable to human observation in a sci- has gradually learned to see that it is entific paradigm. So, the hypothesis that just as noble a conception of the De- (4) Its conclusions are tentative, God or some other intelligent entity cre- ity to believe that He created a few that is, are not necessarily ated the world, cannot be directly stud- original forms capable of self-devel- the final word; ied in a scientific paradigm, but it can opment into other and needful forms, certainly be inferred indirectly in a philo- as to believe that He required a fresh (5) It is falsifiable. sophical paradigm. Hence it is a subject act of creation to supply the voids that belongs in metaphysics classes and caused by the action of His laws.’ In religion the source of knowledge not in science or biology classes. Those who saw the movie, In- is revelation and not human observa- According to Francis Collins, they herit the Wind, showing Scopes or tion. are proposing a ‘God of the gaps’ theory. Monkey trial in 1925, about Creation- The truth of such knowledge can be They seem to be invoking God for what ism, may be ready for its sequel. To philosophically proven but not objec- is not known to the present day scien- further explore the religion and science tively demonstrated. What is science? tists. Collins also suggested that ID pro- behind ID, watch a PBS movie, Judg- More than simply a body of knowledge ponents have confused the unknown ment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial. But, or collection of facts, science is a with the unknowable. why is it so important to make the fine dis- means of inquiry. But what distin- tinctions between religion, science and phi- guishes scientific inquiry from other Epilogue losophy? This is examined in the Al-Islam ways we humans gain understanding eGazette of July 2009: “www.alislam.org/ of ourselves and the universe? Listen The concepts of ID in some respects egazette.”‹ in as seven scientists, philosophers, are similar to the Islamic teachings, but http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9432671/intelligent-de- and educators reflect on the essence there are some differences in the details. sign. of science, and why evolution qualifies The Islamic concept can be dubbed as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_design. while ID does not: "http:// Theistic Evolution (TE) that has been http://www.aclu.org/religion/schools/23137lgl20051220.html www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/id/ explained by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9432671/intelligent-de- sign. defining.html" Ahmadra in his book, Revelation, Ratio- Andrew Dickson White wrote in A History of the Warfare of nality, Knowledge and Truth. Some of the Science with Theology in Christendom, volume I. D Appleton and Company, 1922. Page 104. ID: A branch of metaphysics details of Theistic Evolution have also Francis S Collins. The language of God. Free Press, New York, been described in the issue of Novem- 2006. Page 187. Metaphysics is a term, which ber, 2007 Al-Islam eGazette. Francis Francis S Collins. The language of God. Free Press, New York, 2006. Page 193. means literally ‘what comes after phys- Collins’ book the Language of God, uses The Holy Quran. Al Hadid, 57:1-7. ics.’ So, it is a branch of philosophy the term TE and a synonym BioLogos and Paul Davies. The Mind of God. A Touchstone Book, 1992. that studies the ultimate structure and explains its merits over ID. The main dif- Page 28. constitution of reality, correlating reli- ference between TE and ID is that the Francis S Collins. The language of God. Free Press, New York, 2006. Page 193. gion and science. Metaphysics inves- former does not want to interfere with sci- The Holy Quran. Al Hadid, 57:1-7. tigates principles of reality transcend- ence and considers itself a part of phi- Francis S Collins. The language of God. Free Press, New York, ing those of any particular science, losophy rather than science. One can see 2006. Page 188. cosmology and ontology. It is con- the seeds of TE even in the writings of http://www.alislam.org/library/books/revelation/index.html cerned with explaining the fundamen- Sir Charles Darwin himself: http://www.alislam.org/egazette/ tal nature of being and the universe. "I see no good reasons why the views Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 6th edition. Available on the internet. Chapter 15 - Recapitulation and Conclusion. http:// As ID is not falsifiable, it is not sci- given in this volume (Origin of Species) www.literature.org/authors/darwin-charles/the-origin-of-species-6th- edition/

20 MuslimSunrise Sayings of the Holy ProphetSAW From Sahih Bukhari, the Book of Marriage:

Narrated Abu Huraira: The worst food is at a wedding banquet to which only the rich are invited and the poor are not invited. And he who refuses a mar- riage invitation disobeys Allah and His Apostle. (Hadith # 106)

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not harm his neighbor. And I advise you to take care of women, for they are created from a rib and the most crooked por- tion of the rib is its upper part; if you try to straighten it, it will break, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so I urge you to take care of the women.” (Hadith #114)

Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar: The Prophet said, “Everyone is a guardian and all of you are re- sponsible for your trusts. A ruler is a guardian and is responsible for his people; a man is a guardian of his family and is responsible for his family; a wife is a guardian of her husband’s home and she is responsible for it, a slave is a guardian of his master’s property and is responsible for it. Beware! All of you are guardians and will be held to account.” (Hadith # 116)

FALL 2009 21 Islamic Solution to Third World Debt By Sardar Anees Ahmad

Thomas Geoghegan recently penned an enlightening piece on the global economic recession’s cause in Harper’s Magazine. A former Congressional district candidate, Geoghegan argued that usury inherent in our economic system is to blame.

eoghegan argues that up to the 1970s, interest rates were capped to avoid Former economic policy maker capital leaving tangible industries (e.g. John Perkins explains that the manufacturing)G which engender Third World is often times competition and technological development. Without interest caps, tricked, even coerced, into taking finance became more lucrative. GM and out large developmental loans General Electric even created banks to remain competitive, these banks from financial institutions or generating more capital than governments. manufacturing. That is, finance began competing with manufacturing instead of facilitating it! Loss of real wage growth because of the lack of jobs meant loans went unpaid. Usury further encouraged bankers to lend to those more likely not to pay back the loan – the subprime demographic. Defaulting became profitable because banks could accrue more interest. Usury-based finance ultimately created infinite debt and the current economic crisis. But what does this have to do with the ‘Third World’? The ‘Third World’ (100+ countries), generally understood to be those countries with the lowest per capita income levels and human devel- opment indexes, has suffered and is neck- When the public cannot pay deep in debt precisely because of the same predatory financial practices. back the loan, the lending institution demands Debt – An Ideological Construct compensation: either through High school students learn in history the cheap use of the debtor’s class of the era of colonialism, where natural resources, or to European countries conquered Africa and Latin America, thereby stripping the support its political people of their natural resources and ambitions. rights. When conquering nations finally departed, they left their victims with a

22 MuslimSunrise ravaged country and an enormous debt parasitic lending practices essentially burden. spurred on the East Asian and Argentin- Today, developing countries’ debt is ian financial crises, as well as sub-Sa- largely due to the unjust transfer of debts haran Africa’s failed development.8 of the colonizing states. Referred to as Hon. El Hadji Guissé, a Senegalese odious debt, this form of colonialism has justice, issued a working paper to the the following characteristics: (1) a des- United Nations Economic and Social potic power incurred the debt;1 (2) the Council summarizing the situation. The loan was used in a manner that did not paper noted that debt has crippled the further the interests of the state; (3) the developing world’s economic, political, creditor had prior knowledge that the and social ambitions for fifty years and loans would run contrary to the interests continues to subjugate these nations of the nation2; and (4) the debt was in- despite the absence of colonial powers. curred without the consent of the Today, nearly 80% of the world suffers people.3 from this plight.9 Former economic policy maker John Perkins explains that the Third World is Where Do We Go From Here? often times tricked, even coerced, into taking out large developmental loans With odious debt the major culprit in from financial institutions or govern- Hon. El Hadji ensuring the Third World remains so, it ments. The problem is that these loans seems natural to cancel such debt out- are aimed at projects benefitting only a Guissé, a Senegalese right. We find a precedent for debt can- very elite section of the country (e.g. justice, issued a cellation from the likes of Aristotle who power plants, distribution systems, justified it in the following scenario: “a ports, industrial parks, etc.). While invest- working paper to the democracy tak[es] the place of an oligar- ments are privatized cost is subsidized United Nations chy or despotism. . . persons refuse ei- as the loans, pegged to usurious rates, ther to meet the contracts in hand on the cannot be paid and the public is forced Economic and Social ground that it was not the State, but the to foot the bill. When the public cannot Council summarizing despot who entered upon them, or to per- pay back the loan, the lending institu- form any similar obligation . . . .”10 Former tion demands compensation: either the situation. The US representative to the IMF, Karen through the cheap use of the debtor’s paper noted that debt Lissaker has also recognized the cancel- natural resources, or to support its po- lation of odious debt. Lissaker, an inter- litical ambitions. Perkins himself docu- has crippled the national economist, argued that if we ments his experience in the early 1970’s developing world’s were to apply the principles of odious while dictating Ecuador’s financial plan. debt, most of the Third World debt would Ninety percent of the loans Ecuador took economic, political, disappear.11 out would pay contracting companies and social ambitions Debt cancellation has been practically and infrastructure that benefited only the observed as well. Prophet MuhammadSAW wealthy. Today Ecuador sets aside more for fifty years and himself absolved everyone under his rule than 50% of its budget to debt payment.4 continues to of any usurious-based debt. During his World renowned intellectual Prof. final address to the Meccans in 631 C.E, Noam Chomsky cites Indonesia as an- subjugate these he declared, “Truly, the usury of the Era other example. Chomsky notes that as nations despite the of Ignorance (Jahiliyyah)has been laid late as 2000, Indonesia’s debt was ap- aside forever, and the first usury I begin proximately140 percent of its GDP – it absence of colonial with is that which is due to my father’s owed more than it produced! The debt powers. brother ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib.”12 was a result of the dictatorship’s cronies In recent years, when Cuba gained inde- borrowing from international banks. pendence from Spain in 1898, America en- Chomsky further points out that the forced Cuba’s debt cancellation as 1) most money owed to the lending institution, twice the level of recorded debt.6 These debt was hostile to Cuban independence; in this case the IMF, has been socialized and so many other countries7 are essen- 2) the debt ensured Spanish dominance; – meaning the public has to pay the bill. tially paying for their own repression. 3) the debt was imposed on Cuba without The debtors are protected from the risk, Joseph Stiglitz, 2001 Nobel Economic its consent; and 4) the Spanish knew that as are the lenders, because the public will Laureate and former Chief Economist of the loans were used for this purpose and always be forced to bail them out.5 Due the World Bank, notes that enormous should have been aware of the risks of to usurious rates attached to the loans, amounts of debt were generated due to non-repayment.13 The U.S. Constitution’s Indonesia, as of 2006, had already paid the IMF. Stiglitz points out that the IMF’s 14th Amendment also includes a war debt

FALL 2009 23 exception with respect to the debts the Con- sumers basically buy items with capital. Money remains private property federate States incurred to finance their re- debt! As many debt-holders default so long as it is being circulated amongst bellion.14 In the Tinoco Arbitration of 1923, on their loans, the system eventually the public; otherwise you are violating Costa Rica gained independence from Great gridlocks and the innocent suffer – the notion of ‘community.’ During eco- Britain.15 Creditors who maintain war debt, as the current crisis bears witness to. nomic crises when production suffers, defined as “creditors who lend money for the In this system you privatize profit the lender cannot benefit from the debtor purpose of carrying on a war, or when a war is while spreading cost. sitting on his loan. This allows for more ‘notoriously imminent,’ are investing in a Mainstream economists such as flexibility in completing projects. In this doubtful security.”16 War debt, consequently, John Keynes opine that usury can in- system you privatize cost while spread- has also been cancelled. One example is dur- directly spur on long-term inflation. ing profit. ing the annexation of the Boer Republics in Keynes argued that the money sup- In sum, the crisis the Third World 1900 and the World War I peace treaties of ply is the main reason for inflation. suffers from today is the product of 1919.17 The same principle is being explored The economic consequences are usury-based finance which has created regarding Iraq today.18 clear – the more money that exists, an immoral economic order. To absolve Despite the precedent, one cannot simply the less valuable it is, and the higher the Third World of debt, the world needs cancel odious debt. If countries with corrupt the price of goods. In this environ- a holistic solution – an Islamic solution. regimes have their debt cancelled, the regime ment, loans become more desirable, has no incentive to curb its behavior – a phe- deepening the cycle. Reducing pur- Footnotes: nomenon referred to as ‘moral hazard.’ More- chasing power, usury slows indus- 1 Sack, supra note 19, at 157–58; Ochoa, Christiana. “From Odious over, no progress can be made if the entire tries and shuts down economies. Debt to Odious Finance: Avoiding the Externalities of a Functional world economy does not insist on observing Long-term projects and investments Odious Debt Doctrine” Harvard International Law Journal / Vol. 49/#1 Winter 2008 pp. 109-59 the same policy regarding a despot regime are discouraged because money’s 2Adams, Odious Debts, supra note 16, at 165 (citing Sack, supra (e.g. Sudan and Myanmar finding clients in value is suspect. Inflation eventually note 19, at 157) China and Russia).19 Furthermore, debt can- means tangible goods are hoarded 3 Sack, supra note 19, at 159 (citing Moore, supra note 19, at 359) cellation alone absolves the lending institu- because money becomes worthless. 4 Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hitman. 2004 5 tion of any wrongdoing. The socio-moral consequences Barsamian, David Propaganda and the Public Mind, p. 125; “Talking ‘Anarchy’ With Chomsky”, The Nation Apr. 2000 Therefore, many economists and legal may be less apparent. When preda- 6 Mandel, Steve. “Odious Lending: Debt Relief as if Morals 20 scholars, such as Steve Mandel, Omri Ben- tory lending habits pervade interna- Mattered”, New Economics Foundation Shahar, Mitu Gulati, 21 Christiana Ochoa,22 tional finance, nations eventually 7Abbasi, Kamran. “Free the Slaves: Debt Relief for the World’s Tom Ginsburg, Thomas S. Ulen, and Larry default on the loans and war ensues. Poorest is Feasible but May Not Happen” BMJ. 1999 June 12; Backer,23 have argued for a shift from a con- No sense of community or sacrifice 318(7198): 1568–1569 8 Stiglitz, Joseph. Globalization and its Discontents. 2002 cept of odious debt to odious lending. As the exists. This is what the Qur’an (2:280) 9Guissé, El Hadji. “Effects of debt on human rights” UN Sub majority of these loans were knowingly given refers to when declaring those who Commission on Human Rights (E/CN.4/Sub.2/2004/27) to corrupt and unaccountable regimes, the engage in usury are at war with God. 10Aristotle’s Politics, p. 162 (W.E. Bolland trans., Longmans, loaning institutions should be held account- In essence, your behavior conflicts Green & Co. 1877) 11 able for sustaining a criminal regime. Lending with the natural order. Barsamian, David Propaganda and the Public Mind, p. 125; “Talking ‘Anarchy’ With Chomsky”, The Nation Apr. 2000 institutions such as the IMF and the World In place of the present economic 12 Ibn Ishaq. “Muhammad’s Farewell Address” Sirat Rasulallah, Bank currently lack accountability and gov- order, Islam presents a virtue-based Guillaume’s translation, p. 651 ernment oversight, reaching decisions with- financial model. Instead of usury, Is- 13O’Connell, Law of State Succession, supra note 14, at 188–89 out public debate, beyond the reach of inter- lam promotes joint-business ven- 14U.S. Const. Amend. XIV, § 4 15 national law. tures, share-holding and taxes to cir- Tinoco, supra note 26, at 148 16O’Connell, Law of State Succession, supra note 14, at 189. Still, for those emerging from corrupt re- culate capital. Money is not subject 17 Ibid, p. 190-191 gimes, truly odious debt must be cancelled. to hyperinflation, so the innocent are 18Ochoa, Christiana. “From Odious Debt to Odious Finance: Furthermore, to curb odious lending loaning immune from the reckless behavior of Avoiding the Externalities of a Functional Odious Debt Doctrine” institutions must be forced to pay restitution others. No incentive exists to defraud Harvard International Law Journal / Vol. 49/#1 Winter 2008 pp. to the aggrieved nations.24 anyone because everyone is equally 109-59 19 Albert Choi and Eric Posner, A Critique of the Odious Debt In addition, in Islam revamping the eco- liable. Risk, unlike at present, does Doctrine (U. Chi. L. & Econ., Olin Working Paper No. 323, 2007) nomic system is a part of a larger socio-moral not remain underpriced. The lender 20 Mandel, Steve. “Odious Lending: Debt Relief as if Morals issue. Usury-based finance fosters a parasitic will only profit from a successful Mattered”, New Economics Foundation culture that rewards impatience, greed, de- business venture because a loan de- 21Omri Ben-Shahar & Mitu Gulati, Partially Odious Debts?: A ception, and failure. A consumer culture is faulting means he has lost his invest- Framework for an Optimal Liability Regime, 71 L AW & Contemp. Probs. (2007) born whereby individuals are empowered to ment. In turn, only the honest sur- 22Ochoa, Christiana. “From Odious Debt to Odious Finance: spend far beyond their means to indulge in vive – a benign ‘survival of the fit- Avoiding the Externalities of a Functional Odious Debt Doctrine” luxuries otherwise inaccessible to them. When test’ if there ever was one. Also, Harvard International Law Journal / Vol. 49/#1 Winter 2008 pp. this culture pervades those in charge of un- weaker nations are not exploited and 109-59 23 stable regimes, borrowing from the country's a few parties cannot amass a major- Tom Ginsburg & Thomas S. Ulen, “Odious Debt, Odious Credit, Economic Development and Democratization” (Univ. of Ill. Law future creates a spending of unrealized earn- ity of the wealth because unlike capi- & Econ. Research Paper No. LE07-014, 2007) ings, trying to pay off unending debt, and talism, an Islamic economy taxes idle 24 David Gray, Devilry, Complicity and Greed: Transitional ultimately destroying the economy. Con- Justice and Odious Debt, 71 Law & Contemp. Probs. (2007)

24 MuslimSunrise financial model. Instead of usury, Islam promotes joint- business ventures, share- holding and taxes to circulate capital.

An Ansar asked the Holy ProphetSAW: “Do I owe a duty to my parents after their death?” The Holy ProphetSAW said, “Indeed yes, in four respects: that you should pray for Allah’s forgiveness for them and call down His blessings upon them, that you should carry out whatever they undertook to do, that you should honor their friends and that you should strengthen the ties of kinship with those who are related to you through them. This is what you owe them after their death.”

FALL 2009 25 Social Services in Islam... Mubasher Ahmad, M.A., LL.B. brotherhood on equal footing that social services need to be among people belonging to all performed not only by he Holy Qur’an ethnicities, languages, individuals, but also by establishes two types geographical territories and collective community efforts. TTT of fundamental cultures. Serving others out of Individuals are asked to serve rights: Haqooq-ul-Allah (rights selfless love, compassion and others in accordance with their of God), and Haqooq-ul- sympathy is merited with natural ties with those who are Ibaad, (rights of God’s highest spiritual rewards in this close to them – parents, servants). Social services fall life and in Hereafter. Social spouses, children, relatives, under the Quranic category of services are, according to the friends and neighbors. In Haqooq-ul-Ibaad -- duties Holy Qur’an, an essential part addition, the Holy Qur’an discharging the rights of fellow of God’s worship and a encourages formation of human beings. The ultimate tremendous source of winning organizations for charitable goal of the Qur’an is to God’s love. acts, promotion of education, establish a universal The Holy Qur’an teaches community counseling and

26 MuslimSunrise settlement of disputes at national and is derived from zaka, meaning purification and provincial and central locations (15). He international levels (1). Anyone without a progress attained by Divine blessing. In the also ordered the first census in the his- source of income, including orphans, Holy Qur’an, paying Zakaat is commanded tory of Islam to ensure that no one was widows and refugees, are the responsibility almost thirty times along with the offering of without the basic necessities of food, of the community to be helped in their financial prayer (13). Zakaat is not like a tax which is drink, and shelter as these were identi- needs. The Muslim community is required to levied by the government on the earning fied by the Holy Qur’an (16). Implementa- serve others collectively by removing poverty, hands and paid by the people reluctantly. It is tion of strict justice (17) was the corner- illiteracy, crime, and disease. The Holy Qur’an an act of spiritual purification offered with the stone of the early Islamic State. The persuades the believers to promote good and sentiments of love and sympathy for the less- ProphetSAW had said, “Nations have come to refrain committing malicious and hurtful acts fortunate. It is levied for general welfare at a to a bad end for showing favors to highly towards others (2). “Let there be from among uniform rate of two and one half percent out placed persons while pressing hard on you a party whose business be to invite to of an individual’s savings, that is, out of the the common people” (18). Therefore, the goodness, to enjoin equity and to forbid evil. accumulated wealth which is not in circula- welfare of the public on the basis of jus- It is they who shall prosper” (3). “You are the tion. Those farmers who may possess num- tice was enforced at all possible levels. best people for you have been raised for the ber of cattle are required to give some animals The Holy Qur’an claims God to be the benefit of mankind” (4). in Zakaat. Creator of all (19), and the Prophet An individual can perform social service For the welfare of the people, the Holy MuhammadSAW is given the title Mercy through the use of his or her talent, time and Qur’an teaches that such functionaries should for all Mankind (20). He was the Holy money. Depriving people of even small ben- be elected who are honest, trustworthy and Qur’an personified. He upheld the rights efits is condemned by the Holy Qur’an (5). Giv- able to deliver the needed services (14). It is of the poor, the orphans, the widows, the ing sadaqah (voluntary charity) is enjoined the duty of the elected or appointed adminis- sick, the slaves and the neighbors. His by the Holy Qur’an, and its recipients are trators to provide food, shelter, clothes, jobs, Companions RA exerted their utmost to put clearly identified: “The sadaqah are only for traveling facilities, justice, and other basic the Quranic principles and the the poor and the needy, and those (officials) human needs in general. Based on the be- (i.e. traditions) of the Prophet SAW into employed (for its collection and disbursement), nevolent principles laid down by the Holy practice, and in fact they discharged and for those whose hearts are to be recon- Qur’an, an elaborate welfare system was de- Haqooq-ul Ibaad to the fullest possible ciled, and for the freeing of slaves, and for veloped early on in Islam’s history. In addi- extent, and thus a matchless welfare sys- those in debt, and for the cause of Allah, and tion to the collection and disbursement of tem was created to discharge all vitally for the wayfarer – an ordinance from Allah. Sadaqah and Zakaat, land revenue (Kharaj), important social services. And Allah is All-knowing, Wise” (6). The Holy import duty (‘Ushur), and spoils of war (Mal- Qur’an directs giving of alms for purification e-ghanimat) were also administered to uplift (1). 4:115. (7) of hearts as well . Moreover, during the Hajj the economical condition of the needy and (2). 31:18. (i.e. Pilgrimage) sadaqah is an obligatory ex- the deserving. The non-Muslim subjects, who (3). 3:105. piation for physical inability to perform some were religiously not obliged to partake in pay- of the religious practices (8). Feeding of the ing Sadaqah and Zakaat, were required to pay (4). 3:111. poor is expiation for those who may not find it a tax called Jizya instead. Agricultural prod- (5). 9:103 easy to fast in the month of Ramadhaan (9). ucts were also acceptable in place of cash (6). 9:60 The rich are urged to be moderate in personal money. In conquered countries, the non-Mus- consumption of food and drink so that they lim occupants of agricultural lands were not (7) 107:8 may save money, and spend it on the less for- disposed of their lands, and thus a major cause (8). 2:197 tunate (10). Sadaqah is also encouraged on of poverty was avoided. To eliminate poverty, (9). 2:185 various occasions during life -- to celebrate agricultural productivity was increased by happy events and other ceremonies, or to bringing the uncultivated lands under culti- (10). 7:32 avoid suffering. Also, charitable funds are vation. (11). 2:4 collected and distributed among the deserv- In the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (12). 2:111 ing at the celebration of both the Eids, namely, SAW all revenues collected by the state Sadaqah al-Fitr or Zakaat al-Fitr. were forthwith distributed among the (13). e.g., 2:44; 2:84; 2:111; 2:278; 4:78; 5:13; 9:11; 9:18; 31:5; 73:21; 98:6. Giving benevolently is fundamental in Is- deserving people. Hadhrat Abu Bakr RA lam, and its significance can be ascertained maintained the same policy in his era of (14). 4:59. by the fact that at the very beginning of the Khilafat. However, during the Khilafat of (15). Al-Farooq, Life of Umar the Great by Shibli Numani. Holy Qur’an it is mentioned as the hallmark of Hadhrat ‘Umar ibn al-KhattabRA the Arab (16) (20:119-120). those who wish to achieve success in life (11). expansion was tremendously increased Zakaat is collected from Muslims for the wel- including Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, (17). 4:136 fare of the community at large. It is an orga- Iran and Turkey. This territorial growth (18). Bukhari, Kitab al-Hadud. nized institution and a pillar of Islam. “And factor caused a rapid increase in state (19). 1:3 observe Prayer and pay the Zakaat; and what- revenues. Hadhrat ‘Umar RA, with consul- ever good you send on before you for your- tation of other eminent companions of (20). 21:108 selves, you shall find it with Allah; surely Al- the ProphetSAW established Public Trea- lah sees all that you do” (12). The term Zakaat suries (Bait-ul-Mal) in Medina and other

FALL 2009 27 Go forth to the world, Muslim Sunrise! With thy message of grace, to mankind Speed on the broad highway of Allah, Thy ‘pinions, wide spread to the wind. Fly high over highways and byways, Rivers, roads winding out and then in, And scatter thy beams, Muslim Sunrise, Tender, loving, sympathy win. Ah, well art thou named Muslim Sunrise, For the sun rises high in the East And flings wide, its life giving radiance And gorgeous spectacular feast. Bright warm rays of the Muslim Sunrise In this wonderful spiritual age Will take life and hope to the weary, From despair their souls disengage. Awaken the spiritual forces That in so many dormant lay, For Sunrise to all, bears this message- Awaken, ‘tis the dawn of a new day.

E. Maudling (Ummesalaam) (Muslim Sunrise 1922 II)

28 MuslimSunrise FALL 2009 29 News, Views and Reviews Press Publications

Originally printed in the 6/5/09 edition of the New York Times

“Listening to Obama’s Message in Cairo”

By Sardar Anees Ahmad Waterloo, New York

To the Editor: As extremists inherently pit Islam against the West and Westerners often espouse progressive ideals to the Muslim world in a nonprogressive manner, I doubted if any public figure could offer concrete ideas to promote peace. President Obama’s Cairo address, however, dispelled those Egyptians listen to President Barack Obama’s Cairo speech doubts.

Presenting a vast overlap of Islamic life. He reminded the Muslim world By incorporating Islam into the and American ideals, the president’s of America’s support for Islam dating equation rather than rejecting it, address gave the Muslim world hope, back to John Adams’s presidency, President Obama presented the most and extremists’ angst. The president to its defense of the hijab, or head conciliatory message for global peace referred to the Koran and history to scarf, to the fact that so many in recent memory: swords may bend show that Islam advocates for Muslims have succeeded in so many heads, but only ideas bend minds. pluralism, education and sanctity of ways in America.

Originally printed in the 5/28/09 bears sad testimony to the edition of the New Haven Register intolerant land of Kabul, but not to the Quran, which states, “There is no compulsion in “Don’t Burn Bibles, matters of faith.” Thirdly, the Build Bridges” Prophet of Islam Muhammad during his lifetime 1500 years ago By Sohail Husain went so far as to advise his New Haven, Connecticut followers that to rebuild the churches of a certain Christian As a Muslim, I was perplexed to delegation would constitute an act read that US officials in of benevolence. Based on the Afghanistan were prompted to burn teachings of the Quran and the several copies of a local translation Quran reveres the Bible as Prophet, this Muslim keeps a of the Bible after rumors spread guidance from God. Secondly, the Bible respectfully perched in his that US soldiers might proselytize fact that there is a real fear of library, not for the burning, but Christianity by distributing them. violence resulting from preaching for building common bridges of Firstly, the Muslim holy book the Christianity in troubled Afghanistan understanding. 30 MuslimSunrise News, Views and Reviews Viewpoints “Suicide Bombing a National, Not a Religious, Trait”

Originally published in The Fingers Lakes Times (New York), July 24, 2009 First, suicide bombing is not solely, nor tion and ordered his followers to never long predominantly, a Muslim phenomenon. In the for death (Bukhari). Once, following a battle, a By Sardar Anees Ahmad modern era, suicide bombing gained promi- Muslim was lauding the efforts of a man had nence with efforts of the predominantly Hindu fought most bravely for the Muslims. On hear- ‘Tamil Tiger’ Liberation movement in Sri Lanka. ing this, Muhammad replied, “Indeed, he is The Washington Times Prof. Robert Pape of Chicago University, an amongst the people of the (Hell) Fire.” It was recently reported that the authority on terrorism, considers the Tigers later discovered that the brave man was the “leading instigator” of suicide terrorism. wounded in battle and drove his sword into Taliban are buying children, In his book Dying to Win, Pape notes that his chest, taking his own life (Bukhari). Muslims are guilty for less than half of all sui- Still, why do well educated, affluent Mus- as young as 7 years of age cide attacks. Furthermore, 30% of Muslim sui- lims become suicide bombers if Islam categori- cide attacks are secularly motivated. Pape con- cally forbids such behavior? In the respected and at prices ranging from cludes that it is not religion, but nationalism conservative mouthpiece Policy Review, an $7,000- $14,000, to serve which spurs this last resort effort to liberate enlightening piece entitled “Religion and Eco- one’s country: “every suicide terrorist cam- nomic Development” argues that economic as suicide bombers. paign since 1980 has had as its central objec- instability provides fertile ground for the birth tive to compel a democratic state to withdraw of suicide terrorists. Today, despite its grip on Suicide attacks, as combat forces from territory that the terror- oil, the Muslim World’s combined GDP is less ists’ prize … Absent (foreign occupation), we than that of Germany. Coupled with a largely shocking and horrifying as rarely see suicide terrorism.” Indeed, the Tamil non-existent political process, suicide terror- they are, become an even Tigers are a nationalist, not a religious, terror- ism is the last resort to annihilate a system the ist outfit. Lawrence Wright, author of the terrorist feels alienated from. more warped phenomenon Pulitzer Prize winning book on 9/11 The Loom- But if Islam condemns suicide terrorism, ing Tower, agrees with Pape’s core argument. how can terrorists carry out suicide attacks in when religion is Still, however few, Muslims are guilty of the name of Islam? The inspiration for the too many suicide attacks. The argument that modern day suicide terrorist is Ayman al- used for their justification. Muslim suicide terrorists are uneducated is a Zawahiri, the #2 man for Al-Qaeda. As How can Islam, a religion myth – the majority is well educated. Pape Lawrence Wright notes, Zawahiri argues that notes that religion, while not the primary fac- the Muslim world’s situation is so precarious which literally bears the tor in motivating terrorism, is still a factor. The that exceptions regarding suicide must be occupied party oftentimes exploits religious made. Zawahiri has also misquoted and dis- name ‘peace’, condone differences with that of the occupier to legiti- torted certain instances of early Muslims in mize its cause. So does Islam condone suicide battle to validate suicide attacks. With mis- suicide terrorism? terrorism? No. guided dreams of rewards that await martyrs The Qur’an clearly states “and cast not in the afterlife, Wright observes that the sui- yourselves into ruin with your own hands” cide terrorist’s mentality is not to kill, but to (2:196); “And kill not your own selves” (4:30). die. It is as Friedrich Nietzsche observed, Prophet Muhammad declared that intention- “Madness is the exception in individuals but ally killing oneself is tantamount to damna- the rule in groups.”

FALL 2009 31 Muslim Sunrise Archives 2nd Quarter, 1954

May Day: A Christian Holiday

Under the headline, “Pope Backs May Day as Christian Holiday”, the New York Times (May 3, 1 953) reports that: “In a May Day speech he delivered to 4,000 workers gathered in the Vatican from many parts of Italy, the Pope endorsed the celebrations of the day as a Christian holiday for labor.” The Times then quotes the Pope saying concerning May Day: “Who better than the true Christian can give it a profound significance?” It is interesting in this connection to trace the origin of May Day in the past history. The Funk And Wagnall’s New Standard Encyclo- pedia says: "This festival was celebrated by all classes and represented continuance of an ancient pagan ceremony. It is possibly a survival of rites originally offered to the Roman Goddess Maia, who was worshipped as the principle cause of fertility". One wonders how many of the present day Christian doctrines and ceremonies may have been borrowed from the ancient custom ritu- als and later established as genuine Christian institutions.

Christian Hope being, born of a woman, though unwillingly ….I have yet many things to say unto you, The Second Assembly of the World Coun- as far as the authority of the New Testament but ye cannot bear them now. cil of Churches meets during August 1954 in goes, gave his life and thus carried our sins. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is Evanston for two weeks. It is reported that for It seems most appropriate to us to look for come, he will guide you into all truth; for he the first week the main theme will center an answer to this very important and essen- shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he around one subject: Christian hope. There may tial question in the words of Jesusas himself. shall hear, that shall he speak, and he will shew be quite a divergence of opinion among the None other could give a better answer as to you things to come. (John 16: 7-13) Christian churches, including both the invited what could be the Christian hope. The New The message of hope, as explained by and non-invited denominations, on this sub- Testament says that when Jesusas was depart- Jesus as was the coming of the Comforter to ject. The task is not an easy one. There are ing from his disciples he left one message of reprove the world of sin, righteousness and some who think of the Christian hope in terms hope with them. He clearly said: judgment. It was the glad tidings of the com- of some earthly success. Others may be think- “It is expedient for you that I go away: for ing of the Spirit of Truth to guide the world ing solely with reference to another world or if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto all truth. The World Council of Churches another epoch beyond the present one. There unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto will do a great service if they focus the atten- are some who declare that man’s hope lies in you. tion of the Christian world to these words of rejection of this present world and escape from And when he is come, he will reprove the Jesusas and then look for the Comforter, the it. There are still others who think that Chris- world of sin, and of righteousness, and of Holy Prophet Muhammad saw. tian hope lies only in professing that a human judgment.

32 MuslimSunrise News, Views and Reviews Book Review

Book Review: The Crucifixion and the Quran: A Study in the History of Muslim Thought, by Todd Lawson

2009 One World Publications, 279pp

By Tahir Ijaz, M.D San Diego, California

“And for their saying ‘we did slay the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah’, whereas they slew him not (wa ma qatalahu), nor did they bring about his death on the cross (wa ma salabuhu), but was made to appear to them like so (wa lakin shubbiha lahum); and those who differ therein are certainly in doubt about it; they have no knowl- edge thereof, but only pursue a con- jecture; and they did not arrive at a certainty concerning it. On the con- trary, Allah exalted him (rafaa) to Himself. And Allah is Mighty, Wise (4:158). The above verse forms one of the pillars of Islamic Christology, the only Quranic verse referring directly to the crucifixion of Jesus Christas. One of the ironies is that the conjec- ture and uncertainty mentioned in the verse that befell the Jews of Jesus’as day, also befell the Muslims who themselves started to con- jecture and differ as to the exact circumstances of what had occurred to Jesus as. This is partly exacerbated by the fact that the the hadith, the recorded oral traditions of the Holy Prophetsaw, do not shed any light directly on the crucifixion itself with reference to the above verse.

FALL 2009 33 In most Islamic circles, the crucifixion of Jesusas was denied alto- gether. Rather, Allah miraculously transformed someone into a physical image of Jesusas, and the Jews crucified that person, thinking him to be Jesusas. This has come to be known as the substitution theory. Jesusas, having been saved from such suffering and death, ascended to God in Heaven. It is this substitution theory that figures prominently in the tafsir literature.

The book The Crucifixion and the Quran Qur'anic terms relating to is thorough. Start- lifting an object physically or Divine exalta- by Todd Lawson, is an excellent attempt to ing with 5:117 and 3:55, on the word tion and elevating the rank of a person. encapsulate and summarize some 1300 years mutawaffika, ‘to take’, Lawson favors the in- Lawson notes many exegetes took the term of Islamic exegetical history and scholarship terpretation of biologic death of Jesusas, the ‘anthropomorphically’, i.e. bodily ascension on the meaning of the aforesaid verse. The root ‘w-f-y’ connoting physical death, refer- despite the obvious difficulty that Allah is author is an Associate Professor at the De- encing other portions of the Qur'an. placeless - only to be challenged by other partment of Near and Middle Eastern Civiliza- The term salabuhu (s-l-b), means ‘to cru- exegetes on theological and terminological tions, University of Toronto, Canada. cify’ and its roots also occur in several places grounds. After discussing the lexical aspects of the in the Holy Qur'an, listed by the author. The majority of the book is focused on verse, Lawson references mufassirun (Quran Lawson does not, however, clarify or expand references from the various exegetical tradi- commentators) from three eras: pre at-Tabari, on the issue of what it means not to be cruci- tions. Lawson notes two basic versions of i.e. pre 923 A.D, classical exegetical traditions fied. Does it mean not to be nailed to the the substitution theory. A volunteer substi- 923-1505 A.D, and finally modern interpreta- cross or does it mean not to die on the cross tute (the predominant hypothesis) and the tions, including a very brief mention of Ah- without denial of being nailed? Analysis of punishment substitute for Jesus (as), where madiyya. the root (s-l-b) in the Qur'an itself shows it someone was forced to take his place. In most Islamic circles, the crucifixion of relates to bones, such as the backbone, with Muslim scholar at-Tabari (c 923 A.D) is Jesusas was denied altogether. Rather, Allah the classic dictionaries stating the term con- an important source of information about be- miraculously transformed someone into a notes breaking bones. The phrase ‘wa ma liefs current in his day and beliefs in centu- physical image of Jesusas, and the Jews cru- salabuhu’ would mean ‘did not kill him by ries prior, as older commentaries are referred cified that person, thinking him to be Jesusas. crucifixion in so far as they did not break his to in his work, from the 8th century A.D. The This has come to be known as the substitu- bones’. This finds credence from the Qur'an most popular versions of the substitution tion theory. Jesusas, having been saved from 12:42, regarding Joseph’sas fellow prisoner, legend are told on the authority of Wahb (c such suffering and death, ascended to God stating ‘he will be crucified (salaba) so the 732 A.D), a Yemeni Jewish convert, quoted in Heaven. It is this substitution theory that birds (i.e. vultures) will eat from his head’. by at-Tabari. Some scholars however con- figures prominently in the tafsir literature. Salabuhu thus means death by crucifixion, tend he was born a Muslim, but was influ- Lawson postulates this belief entered Is- with the negation ma salabuhu indicating not enced by biblical traditions due to interac- lamic thought from the influence of dying from the process of crucifixion, with tions with Jews and Christians in his native Docetism, espoused by many Christian sects no denial Jesusas was nailed on the cross. city of Dhimar. This lead to Israiliyyat or an at the dawn of the advent of Islam. Docetism Lawson defers to Lane’s lexicon of the incorporation of stories called ‘People of was a philosophy describing matter and spirit Arabic language regarding interpretation of Book’ into his exegetical works. One form of to be antagonistic; matter was considered shubbiha lahum, in addition to noting the the story is that Jesusas was in a house with evil, and spirit considered good or holy. roots (sh-b-h) found in other Qur'anic pas- seven disciples when the Jews surrounded Docetism, as practiced by many Gnostic sages. The phrase connotes semblance to them. When the Jews entered, God miracu- Christian sects of the 2nd and 3rd centuries something else, a likeness, and ambiguous, lously changed all of the disciples to look A.D, proposed Jesus as was a spirit and only dubious or obscure situation. According to like Jesusas. The Jews demanded to know who ‘appeared’ to have a real human body, and the author the substitution theory is not sup- the real Jesusas was, threatening to kill them his suffering and death on the cross was illu- ported or rejected by this phrase, and does all if there was no response. Jesusas) pro- sory. It was either an illusion that a crucifix- note that the substitution theory would ‘seem posed, ‘who would purchase himself para- ion actually occurred (i.e. historicity of the to quite a reach’ based on the dictionary dise today?’ One of the disciples volunteered, crucifixion denied) or if it did occur, someone meanings. One thing is certainly clear: no and the Jews crucified him in Jesus’as place. else substituted for Jesusas. Docetism had its person is explicitly mentioned as a substi- In another version, a disciple offered to roots in the confusion some felt, in the no- tute for Jesusas, even though commentators, tell the Jews the whereabouts of Jesusas who tion of the Incarnation of God in the person not addressing the grammatical issues, took was in hiding. Jesusas had previously fore- of Jesusas – how could the Son of God (spirit) the verse to mean someone else took his told that one disciple would betray him for be subject to suffering and death? place. money, obviously drawn on from the Gospel Lawson’s detailed lexical analysis of The term rafaa (to rise up) denotes both story of Judas. However, Divine retribution

34 MuslimSunrise for this treachery made this disciple look like Jesusas, and Jews crucified him instead. Later The work by Professor Jesusas met his mother and disciples, and as- Lawson is an sured them he was with God now, before as- interesting addition cending. to the literature for Ibn Ishaq (c 767 A.D) sources quote un- those scholars named Christian converts that the person interested in who substituted for Jesusas, apparently vol- analyzing untarily, was a man named Serjes, a 13th dis- developments in ciple. Other commentators such as al Balkhi Islamic Christology (c 767 A.D) stated the likeness of Jesusas was over the centuries cast on a guard the Jews had placed over and studying how a Jesusas. belief starts, evolves Lawson also quotes from the tafsir attrib- and transforms, uted to Ibn Abbas (c 687 A.D), the oldest based on the known tafsir. However works attributed to religious and socio- early figures of Islamic history have always cultural milieu at the carried some questions of authenticity. Mod- time the various ern scholarship now considers this commen- exegetical works were tary to be from the 10th century A.D, attrib- composed. uted to Ibn Abbas. According to this com- mentary, God foiled the plan of the Jews by raising Jesusas to Himself and miraculously forcibly transforming a man named Tityanus to resemble Jesusas. The stories relating to voluntary substi- pher, theologian and jurist. His work is con- example can be found in the Arabic litera- tution may have arisen to counter a problem sidered monumental, with a style and orga- ture otherwise, is meaningless, since this associated with the idea of substitution: why nization and clarity unmatched according to was the only incident of this kind in hu- would God force an innocent person to suf- most scholars of Islamic literature. In the end, man history. The word maut or 'death' was fer and die to save another? In yet another he remained an agnostic of sort, finding seri- not used for Jesusas, instead only version quoted by Al Thalabi (c 1035 AD), it ous difficulties with the substitution legends, mutawaffika, which connotes 'taking is related a certain Jew consciously pretended and concluding only Allah knew best. away', a euphemism for death. Moreover, to be Jesusas. When his miracles failed, he In the modern era, half dozen commen- his contention is, since the authentic tra- was crucified by the angry crowd, who took taries are discussed, including Mawdudi’s ditions speak of the descent of Jesusas son him for Jesusas. Al Thalabi also mentions an- works, Tafsir al Manar by Muhammad of Mary in the future, it is reasonable to other tradition that Pilate, the Roman official Abduh and Rashid Rida, Sayyid Ahmad assume he did not die. mentioned in the Gospels, was made to look Khan and in a footnote, about the Ah- One modern commentary missed by like Jesusas. madiyya view without much comment. Lawson, and which is very popular in the Some versions of the substitution The Ahmadiyya view has greatly influ- Muslim communities around the world is by theory even state God cast the likeness of enced Muslim thinking in this century. Muhammad Asad (1900-1992), a Jewish con- Jesusas on the man’s face only and not the According to the Ahmadiyya interpreta- vert to Islam. Asad vigorously contends in body. Thus the people were confused as to tion, Jesusas was nailed on the cross but The Message of the Quran, that the substi- the identity of the man killed. This was added did not die on it. However some sort of tution theory is a fanciful legend concocted to explain the rest of the verse which states confusion ensued; his enemies were not by stories brought in by the classical com- those who differed concerning him followed certain what transpired, and were not cer- mentators without the slightest support from only their conjecture. tain he actually died; it only appeared to the Qur'an or authentic traditions. He dis- All in all, Lawson briefly reviews the them he was crucified to death. He recov- misses the entire crucifixion story as mythi- works of some thirty mufassirun from the ered from his injuries. The intent of the cal. He takes the word rafaa to mean as 'exal- early period of Islam to the classic and medi- enemies, to apply the Deuteronomy verse tation', not physical ascension, in the same eval period. Though most uphold some kind that 'he that is nailed to death is accursed' way Prophet Idrisas is described in the of substitution story, the details are widely was foiled, and instead Allah exalted Qur'an. different with no source going back to the Jesusas to Himself. The work by Professor Lawson is an in- Holy Prophetsaw. One scholar, Al Razi (c Lawson notes the thrust of teresting addition to the literature for those 1200 A.D) in his grand commentary entitled Mawdudi’s works is to counter scholars interested in analyzing develop- Mafatih al ghayb, (‘Key to the Unseen’), was Ahmadiyya claims on the lexical analysis ments in Islamic Christology over the centu- skeptical of the substitution legends handed of words in various verses pertaining to ries and studying how a belief starts, evolves down, and critical of the idea that Jesusass) Jesusas. For instance, Mawdudi opines and transforms, based on the religious and physically ascended to God, since God was that the Ahmadiyya argument that socio-cultural milieu at the time the various not located somewhere. He was a philoso- mutawaffika only means death since no exegetical works were composed.‹

FALL 2009 35 Sayings of the Holy ProphetSAW From Sahih Bukhari, the Book of Marriage:

Narrated Abu Burda’s father: Allah’s Apostle said, “Any man who has a slave girl who he educates properly, teaches good manners, manumits and marries her, will get a double reward. In addition, if anyone from the People of the Book (i.e. Christians & Jews) believes in his own prophet and then believes in me, then he will get a double reward. Also, any slave who fulfills his duty to his master and to his Lord, will get a double reward.” (Hadith # 20)

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “A woman is married for four things, i.e., her wealth, family status, beauty and her piety. You should marry the virtuous woman or else you will be unfortunate.” (Hadith # 27)

36 MuslimSunrise The spirit of giving in the way of God Islam encourages the Muslim to spend from his money for Allah’s sake whenever he is capable of doing so, and it stresses on the great virtues of giving a charity. The ProphetSAW said, ‘The upper hand is better than the lower hand. The upper hand is the one that gives, and the lower hand is the one that takes’.

ethro and Stu were sittin’ on a Perspectives is that, like Stu, we don’t share porch shaving wood and trying Falahud Din Shams what we already have. We are Jto have a conversation. In the unusually generous in our desire back woods country, meaningful to give away the big things we conversation is hard to come by. don’t have. Stu is not willing to Jethro: If you had two million dol- give one of his hogs to Jethro lars, would you give me a million of it? but he would give him a million Stu: Why would you even ask dollars if he were to get hold of me a question like that? You know two million dollars. you are my friend. I love you like We do not give our proper a brother. Absolutely, certainly if amount of contribution for the I had two million dollars I would sake of God but are willing to give you a million of it. build a mosque if we were to Jethro: If you had two man- win the lottery. The fact is that sions, would you give me one of we are creatures of habit – if them? we don’t share what we have Stu: I told you I love you like a now, it’s unlikely we would brother. I’ll do anything for you. change if we had more. Certainly and surely if I had two It is self-deception to think mansions, I would give you one of we can better manage wealth in them in an instant. the event we had more. Over Jethro: How about if you had two dream and pray (mind you very sin- fifty percent of lottery winners file cars, would you give me one of cerely) that if we win the lottery, we bankruptcy or get in serious trouble them? will build a mosque or do other great including suicide! They all thought Stu: Certainly yes. Quit asking me charitable things. Maybe that’s our they could handle winning the lottery. these kinds of questions. I have told way of bribing God to answer our Giving in the way of God doesn’t you if I come to get two of anything, prayers? have much to do with how much a I would surely give you one of them. Maybe that’s our way of appeas- person has. When the Holy Prophet Jethro: What about if you had two ing our conscience and convincing MuhammadSAW made an appeal, his hogs, would you give me one of ourselves that we are good people? closest friend Hadhrat Abu BakrRA them? We simply don’t have the opportu- gave everything he possessed for the Stu: You know that ain’t fair. You nity to do big things. Maybe that’s cause of Islam. At the same time know I’ve got two hogs. our way to buy dreams for a week Hadhrat OmarRA (who later on be- You’ve probably heard one ver- by getting a lotto ticket for a dollar? came the 2nd Caliph) sacrificed half sion or another of the above joke. We A week’s worth of dreams for a buck of all of his possessions. In the Eyes are always trying to give away some- is sensational. of God and of the Holy ProphetSAW, thing we don’t have. Many of us The problem with this phenomena the rank of Abu Bakr RA was much

FALL 2009 37 greater than that of OmarRA. It his dream. Consider the fact that themselves, their wealth and pos- didn’t matter whether or not all of there could be another way to ful- sessions. Our fathers and grand- the wealth of Abu Bakr RA was less fill his dream or dismiss it alto- fathers set up the example in the than half of Omar’s. It was the gether as a false alarm. He could early days when they sacrificed spirit of sacrifice that mattered, not have responded like the Jews who for the founder of our community, the amount. repeatedly asked questions about the Promised MessiahAS. Look at The rich have a problem getting the dun cow that the Lord asked the list of contributions that the into heaven because they desire to them to sacrifice. Asking the Lord Promised MessiahAS has recorded multiply their wealth. It is a never- the color, shape and age of the cow in some of his books. The major- ending dream. The saying of Jesus can buy a lot of valuable time. ity of the contributions are small is famous: “It is easier for a amounts. Some are not camel to go through the eye even in rupees, but in of a needle than for a rich change. Then you look man to get into heaven.” at the praise and the This illustrates how chal- The Holy Prophet SAW kind words the he used lenging it is to overcome the for them because he desire of becoming wealthier explained the fate of knew that they offered at every stage of our lives the rich in simple what they had. It had and risking entry into nothing to do with the heaven. words. Hadhrat amount. The Holy ProphetSAW ex- UsamahRA relates that It had to do with two plained the fate of the rich things. They offered in simple words. Hadhrat the Holy Prophet what they had regard- UsamahRA relates that the MuhammadSAW said, “I less of how little it was. Holy Prophet Muhammad And they offered at the SAW said, “I stood at the gate stood at the gate of time it was needed and of Paradise and observed asked for. that the majority of those who Paradise and observed We have great ex- entered were the lowly. The that the majority of amples to follow of sac- wealthy had been held back rifices for the sake of from it.” those who entered God. We don’t need to There is another psycho- were the lowly. The look at the example of logical angle to give what Jethro and Stu. After we don’t have. We keep on wealthy had been held all, they’re just a putting off giving things to back from it.” couple of country boys the future. The proper time with dreams of their to give is now, not next own…and dreams week, next month, next year won’t go too far with- or the uncertain time we out action. wake up as millionaires Speaking of our two (Yeah right! Keep dream- friends, Jethro and Stu ing..). were still sitting on the Prophet AbrahamAS porch when a priest arose as the epitome of sacrifice AbrahamAS was ready to sacri- passed by who had a cast on his at the time he was asked. He would fice now, not tomorrow, next week arm. Jethro said “hullo” to the not wait until he was ready and or next month. His spirit of sacri- priest and asked him how his arm willing in the future. He interpreted fice was so great that Allah pre- got broken. The priest said that he his dream as the Lord asking him served his example until the Judg- fell in the bathtub, and he kept on to literally sacrifice his son. He did ment Day through the Holy going on his way. There was si- not take time to sort things out. He ProphetSAW. Muslims all over the lence for a while until Jethro spoke did not say to the Lord, “Let me world celebrate that spirit of sac- up. talk this over with my son and I will rifice once a year on Eid-ul Jethro: Hey Stu, what is a bath- get back to you.” Analyze what he Adhiya. tub anyhow? could have considered; possibly We don’t have to go to ancient Stu: How would I know, Jethro, you consider different interpretations of history to see how people offered know I ain’t no Catholic!‹ 38 MuslimSunrise Muslim Sunrise Staff

FALL 2009 39 Bait-ul-Futuh at Night Love For All. Hatred For None. Four quarterly issues of the Muslim Sunrise for just $15 subscribe now muslimsunrise.com For information on Islam: www.alislam.org

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