Mount Emerald Wind Farm, Herberton Range North Queensland Environmental Impact Statement Volume 3

Appendix 16 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report (R72444) Prepared by RPS

PR100246 / R72894; Volume 3 – Final November 2014

Mount Emerald Wind Farm

Flora Report

Prepared by: Prepared for:


T: +61 4031 1336 F: +61 4031 29142 T: +61 7 3214 36400 E: [email protected] F: +61 2 8913 9423 E: Client Manager: Mellissa Jess W: Report Number: PR100246-1 / R72444 Version / Date: Draft September 2013 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report


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Document Status

Version Purpose of Document Orig Review Review Date Draft Flora Report S Gleed M Jess / D Finney 20/09/2013 Final Flora report S Gleed M Jess 02/12/2013

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Name Signature Date

D Finney 02/12/2013

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GLOSSARY OF TERMS, TERMS & ACRONYMS ...... VIII EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 4 1.1 Overview ...... 4 1.2 Terms of Reference and Scope of Works ...... 4 1.3 Project Summary ...... 4 1.4 The Study Area - Project Site ...... 5 1.4.1 Overview of Landscape ...... 5 1.4.2 Geology...... 5 1.4.3 Queensland Land Zone Concept ...... 6 1.4.4 Natural Integrity and Specialist Habitats ...... 6 1.4.5 Past Disturbance and Land Use ...... 7 1.4.6 Landscape Condition ...... 7 1.4.7 Regional Significance ...... 8 1.4.8 Modified Habitats ...... 9 1.4.9 The Role of Cloud Stripping and Water Harvesting ...... 10 2.0 METHODOLOGY ...... 12 3.0 INFORMATION GAPS ...... 13 3.1 Seasonality of Flora Surveys & Detection of Cryptic Species ...... 13 3.2 Plant Succession in Tropical Montane Environments ...... 14 3.3 Population Viability Analysis ...... 15 3.4 Ramifications of Incomplete Data and Knowledge ...... 15 4.0 DESKTOP REVIEW ...... 16 4.1 Historical Vegetation Mapping ...... 1 6 4.2 Stanton and Stanton (2005) ...... 16 4.3 Regional Ecosystems (1999 - current) ...... 16 4.4 Aerial Photography Interpretation ...... 20 4.4.1 Development of Vegetation and Flora Survey Plan ...... 20 4.4.2 Identification of Habitats for R&Ts ...... 20 4.4.3 Identification of Conservation Significant Vegetation Types (REs) ...... 21 4.4.4 Identification of Significant Flora Diversity Areas ...... 21 4.5 Database Searches ...... 21 4.5.1 HERBRECS ...... 21 4.5.2 Naturalised ...... 22 4.5.3 Wildlife Online ...... 2 2 4.5.4 Protected Matters (EPBC) ...... 23 4.6 Review of Conservation Significant and Important Flora ...... 23

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4.7 Distribution of Conservation Significant Species ...... 24 4.7.1 Acacia purpureopetala ...... 24 4.7.2 glossadenia ...... 24 4.7.3 Homoranthus porteri ...... 24 4.7.4 Melaleuca uxorum ...... 25 4.8 Regional Endemic Species and Narrowly Distributed Plants ...... 25 4.9 Regional Surveys ...... 25 5.0 RESULTS ...... 27 5.1 Description of Vegetation Communities ...... 27 5.2 Flora Composition ...... 29 5.2.1 Naturalised Plants - Weeds ...... 29 5.3 Description of Specialist Habitats ...... 3 1 5.3.1 Rock Pavements ...... 31 5.3.2 Ridges ...... 32 5.4 Population Viability ...... 33 6.0 CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES ...... 36 6.1 Constraints - Vegetation and Flora ...... 36 6.2 Opportunities - Vegetation and Flora ...... 36 6.3 Constraints - Geological and Landform ...... 37 6.4 Opportunities - Geological and Landform ...... 37 6.5 Constraints and Opportunities Mapping ...... 37 7.0 ASSESSMENTS OF IMPACTS ...... 39 7.1 Project Description ...... 39 7.2 Impacting Processes ...... 39 7.2.1 Habitat Loss and Landform Modification ...... 39 7.2.2 Erosion and Sedimentation ...... 40 7.2.3 Weed Incursion ...... 40 7.2.4 Loss of Vegetation Integrity ...... 41 7.2.5 Slow Vegetation Succession ...... 41 7.2.6 Altered Fire Ecology ...... 41 7.3 Identification of Impacted Areas ...... 4 1 7.3.1 Description of Construction Zones ...... 41 7.3.2 Area of Impact ...... 42 7.4 Impacted Conservation Significant Plant Species & Habitats ...... 42 7.4.1 Known Species and Habitats to be Cleared ...... 42 7.4.2 Potentially Affected Habitats ...... 42 7.5 Impacts on Ecological Function ...... 42 7.5.1 Vegetation Integrity ...... 42 7.5.2 Connectivity ...... 4 3

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7.5.3 Refugia ...... 43 7.5.4 Critical Habitats ...... 4 4 7.5.5 Botanical Values ...... 44 7.6 Threatening Processes ...... 44 7.6.1 Phytophthora ...... 45 7.6.2 Myrtle Rust ...... 45 7.6.3 Surface Clearing and Scraping ...... 45 7.6.4 Inter-turbine Cabling ...... 47 7.7 Post-construction Environmental Responses ...... 47 7.7.1 Vegetation Recovery After Disturbance ...... 47 7.7.2 Impacts on Soil Formation ...... 49 7.7.3 EPBC Act Significant Impact Criteria ...... 51 7.7.4 Likelihood of Recovery after Disturbance ...... 52 8.0 MITIGATION OF IMPACTS ...... 53 8.1 Alternatives to the Proposed Layout ...... 53 8.2 Mitigation Measures ...... 53 8.2.1 Mitigation of Impacts on Vegetation Communities ...... 53 8.2.2 Mitigation of Impacts on Plant Species of Conservation Significance ...... 54 8.2.3 Mitigation of Impacts on Refugia and Critical Habitats ...... 54 8.3 Environmental Offsets ...... 55 8.3.1 The Need for Offsets ...... 55 8.3.2 Types of Offsets ...... 56 8.4 Concepts for Environmental Offsets and Conservation-based Initiatives ...... 56 8.4.1 Plant Translocation Plan ...... 56 8.4.2 Literature and Interpretive Material ...... 56 8.4.3 Revegetation ...... 57 8.4.4 Research Opportunities ...... 57 8.5 Monitoring of Impacts ...... 58 9.0 CONCLUSION ...... 60 10.0 REFERENCES ...... 62

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Table 1 Summary of Conservation significant plant species confirmed to occur in region (HERBRECS data). Bolded species are confirmed to occur on the site. Vine forest taxa are excluded...... 23 Table 2 Vegetation communities of the wind farm site ...... 27 Table 3 Naturalised plants recorded from the site (44 spp.) ...... 30 Table 4 Approximate population size and descriptions of conservation significant and narrow endemic plants ...... 34 Table 5 Significant impact criteria of the EPBC Act as it applies to the three most relevant species on or adjacent to the site ...... 51


Figure 1 Extract from the ATHERTON 1:250 000 geological map sheet (Donchak, et al., 1997) showing the limit of the Walsh Bluff Volcanics (Pb)...... 6 Figure 2 Queensland Herbarium HERBRECS search area (inside white line). The wind farm site is outlined in red...... 22


Plate 1 Ridges and rock pavements shape the preferred habitat for plants of conservation significance. (Melaleuca uxorum site)...... 7 Plate 2 The gentler and more uniform landscape of the northern half of the project site supports woodlands and notably fewer conservation significant plants. Here at Walsh Bluff, kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra) is the dominant species under a woodland of lemon-scented gum (Corymbia citriodora). .. 8 Plate 3 Weeds such as grader grass, stylo and Hyptis form dominant stands either side of the main access road into the site (Kippen Drive)...... 9 Plate 4 The weed Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) rapidly colonises skeletal soil and disturbed rocky ground...... 10 Plate 5 The cloud base over the south western portion of the site, which corresponds with the presence of tropical montane heath communities and several conservation significant plants as well as the primary habitat for many narrow endemic species. Photo taken in February 2013...... 11 Plate 6 The ground orchid Habenaria elongata was found in the grass layer below a ridge in the southwest of the project area...... 13 Plate 7 Humus rich soil associated with rock pavements is derived from mosses, lichens and decaying plant matter...... 31 Plate 8 Recently cleared track 3.5 m wide close to ridge country on western boundary of site. Track is estimated to have been cleared in 2012. Person on right of picture is standing 10 m from left-hand side of track, which represents the proposed clearing width of tracks between turbines. . 46 Plate 9 Regeneration of the wattle Acacia umbellata and the resultant allelopathic community following a severe fire event...... 47 Plate 10 The shrub Grevillea glossadenia regenerating from seed around the 70 m wind monitoring tower on the site...... 48 Plate 11 The resurrection plant Borya septentrionalis is an important contributor to the formation of skeletal peat-like soils on some rock pavements. Decaying root matter and spent blend with exfoliating rock particles to form the medium that is capable of retaining water on an otherwise impervious rock surface...... 49

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Plate 12 Mosses and lichens are crucial to the early development of a growing medium for higher order plants on rock pavements and subsequently are a key contribution to the montane heath environment...... 50 Plate 13 Woodland of Eucalyptus reducta is found on sheltered parts of the southern section of the site. These woodlands exhibit the best structural development of all vegetation types in the project area, and evidenced by the size classes of trees, may also be the oldest...... 50


Appendix A. Mt Emerald Wind Farm Project Layout (July 2012) Appendix B. Regional Ecosystem Mapping - Entire Site Appendix C. Regional Ecosystem Mapping - Wet Tropics Bioregion Section Appendix D. Regional Ecosystem Mapping - Einasleigh Uplands Bioregion Section Appendix E. High Altitude Significant (900m) Regional Biodiversity Value Habitats Appendix F. Rock Pavement and Outcrop Mapping - Wet Tropics Bioregion Section Appendix G. Description of Vegetation Communities Appendix H. Checklist of Flora (Provisional) Appendix H1. Checklist of Flora – Queensland Herbarium Validation Appendix I. Environmental Constraints - Vegetation, Flora, Watercourses

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Glossary of Terms, Terms & Acronyms

Term Definition ASL Above Sea Level Edaphic Referring to the qualities of the soil (e.g. drainage, fertility, structure). Endemic Restricted to a geographical area. Narrow endemic refers to plants with a very restricted distribution range and usually only found in a particular environment, rock or soil type (e.g. ridges, rock pavements and other niche habitats). EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMP Environmental Management Plan EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) Land zone Land zones are categories that describe the major geologies and associated landforms and geomorphic processes of the State of Queensland (Wilson and Taylor, 2012). Montane Referring to the mountain environment; and in this report, especially above 900 m ASL. NCA Nature Conservation Act 1992 (Queensland). Nomenclature The names of plants. Nomenclature for plants in this report follows Bostock and Holland (2010). RE Regional Ecosystem Regional ecosystem Vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a particular combination of geology, landform and soil (Sattler and Williams, 1999). Rhyolite A close grained, igneous, acid-volcanic rock. The primary geological unit of the site is described as the Walsh Bluff Volcanics. Rock outcrop A soil-less group of rocks exposed and pronounced beyond the surrounding ground surface. Rock pavement An area of continuous rock more or less in a near-horizontal plane. Can be exposed or obscured by a thin veneer soil and plant cover. May also be referred to in this report as rock plates or rock platforms. SEWPaC Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (Federal Government). Administers the EPBC Act. Skeletal Pertaining to the thin veneer of soil matter which develops on rocky landscapes, scoops on rock pavement surfaces and on rocky ridges. VMA Vegetation Management Act 1999 (Queensland).

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Executive Summary

The Mount Emerald Wind Farm project proposed by RAC (RATCH-Australia Corporation) intends to develop a wind farm comprising up to 70 turbines and associated power generation infrastructure on land located in the vicinity of Walkamin, north Queensland. The land is properly described as Lot 7 on SP235244 and occupies an area of 2422 ha.

This report details the findings relevant to the spot locations of the wind turbines and the potentially affected environment where the interconnecting access and cabling tracks are proposed. It also discusses vegetation and flora-related matters relevant to Kippen Drive - the main access road into the site.

The project is subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) because of the presence of matters of National Environmental Significance (NES). It has been determined by the administering Department of the Environment (DotE) that the appropriate level of assessment under the EPBC Act for the wind farm project is by Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The matters of NES discussed in this report are plants.

As a component of the EIS, investigations were completed of the project site and regional environs to characterise the vegetation and its flora, and to understand the landscape and biophysical attributes that underpin and constitute the habitats for plants of interest to conservation.

Numerous field surveys of the site and in environmentally relevant regional locations have been conducted from May 2010 to the most recent in May 2013. These surveys were performed to elucidate and describe the ecology of the vegetation and its flora, and to determine the level of impacts that could occur as a result of construction and operation of the wind farm. A strategic focus has been on the presence and dynamics of conservation significant and poorly known flora, with attention given to those species listed under the EPBC Act.

The Mount Emerald wind farm project area is characterised by elevated and dissected mountainous landforms on rhyolite geology with skeletal soils. The highest point is 1089 m ASL (above sea level) in the south of the project area; while Kippen Drive is the lowest point at 540 m ASL. Because of the combination of elevation, exposure and landform, unique and poorly represented vegetation communities are supported in some locations of the site.

Virtually the entire site, with the exception of cleared land along the existing access tracks and below the powerline is covered by remnant vegetation as defined under Queensland's Vegetation Management Act 1999 (VMA). Applicable under the VMA is the presence of two bioregions: the Wet Tropics and the Einasleigh Uplands, where the former is mapped at a scale of 1:50 000 and the latter at 1:100 000. Remnant vegetation across the site has a conservation status under the VMA of Least Concern and Of Concern. The Of Concern communities are only found in the Wet Tropics bioregion section. The entire Einasleigh Uplands section is shown on mapping to have a conservation status of Least Concern.

The boundary between the two bioregions is approximately demarcated by the route of the Chalumbin to Woree 275 kV electrical transmission line. The section between Woree and Springmount was completed in 1998. This bioregion boundary also broadly corresponds with the change in landform of dissected rhyolite ridges and precipitous slopes of the Wet Tropics bioregion, to the more gentler landform and different vegetation communities of the Einasleigh Uplands bioregion section. Within the project site, all the significant populations of conservation significant plants listed under the EPBC Act are found in the Wet Tropics bioregion section, while only a few isolated populations are found north of the transmission line in the Einasleigh Uplands.

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The Wet Tropics bioregion is also the location of the montane heath vegetation, which characterises the ridge country and rock pavements at elevations greater than 900 m ASL, where "cloud stripping" of moisture is a key determinant of its position in the landscape and its unique floristic composition. The montane heath community is equivalent to the subunit remnant vegetation type regional ecosystem (RE) 7.12.57c, which is listed under the VMA as Of Concern. This RE is the hosting community for at least two species of conservation significant plants listed under the EPBC Act: Grevillea glossadenia and Homoranthus porteri; whilst the unit also hosts other conservation significant plants including Melaleuca uxorum and Plectranthus amoenus (endangered and vulnerable respectively under Queensland's Nature Conservation Act 1992). Although not being listed under the EPBC Act, the highly restricted M. uxorum is considerably 'rarer' and at threat than the species cited here for the EPBC Act. Two populations of this shrub have been recorded from ridges in the SW of the site.

RE 7.12.57c is constrained to high elevation, exposed country in the southwest sector of the wind farm site. Consequently, the community is found at locations where a number of wind turbines are proposed to be constructed. Due to the width constraint of ridges, the montane heath community is at greatest risk of being impacted by construction pads and the interconnecting cabling tracks that link the turbine arrays. In some instances, the formation of tracks along ridges could result in an almost total loss of heath vegetation.

In contrast to the highly diverse Wet Tropics bioregion section of the site, all woodland communities in the Einasleigh Uplands bioregion section of the project site are listed as Least Concern under the VMA. Interestingly, this bioregion section also hosts the fewest plant species of conservation interest - both at the species level and the number of individuals present (i.e. population sizes are smallest). Two species of plants listed under the EPBC Act have been located in relation to proposed access tracks and turbine footprints of the wind farm in this section: Grevillea glossadenia and Homoranthus porteri. Another species, Plectranthus amoenus (vulnerable under the NCA) is also present on rock pavements in the vicinity of one turbine. Generally though, the north and east-facing sections of the project area are least constrained in terms of important vegetation communities and conservation significant plants.

Direct impacts such as vegetation clearing will result in the loss of hosting vegetation communities for conservation significant plants, and in some instances the possible total loss of individual populations. If the project were to proceed in the areas associated with narrow ridges south of the transmission line, the plant species populations most at risk are Homoranthus porteri (vulnerable under the EPBC Act); and Melaleuca uxorum (endangered under the NCA) and Plectranthus amoenus (vulnerable under the NCA).

Less conspicuous, but long-term impacts include the introduction of weeds adjacent to access tracks and cabling routes. A range of other impacts are associated with the establishment of weeds, and these include altered fire regimes, shifts in floristic composition; species replacement and displacement; and the introduction of pathogens. The potential for deleterious pathogens such as Phytophthora and more recently, myrtle rust is increased with the presence of vehicles, machinery and construction activities in formerly pathogen-free areas.

Following an assessment of the categories of impacts, a range of strategic mitigation measures are recommended. Given the unique qualities of large sections of the project area, these mitigation measures are focussed on site-specific characteristics and landscape situations. Included are measures and concepts regarding environmental offsets, identification and preservation of high value ecological zones within the project site, land rehabilitation, weed control, fire management and production of training material and interpretive media for construction workers, as well as project managers.

It is recognised that when the wind farm is operational and environmental controls have been put in place, there are additional opportunities for managing impacts. Fencing, property access constraints, the role of land caretakers and maintenance of the operational footprint are important strategies that will need to be considered if the ongoing nature of the project is to be sustainably managed with a commensurate level of

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environmental due diligence. Management of the project in this sense does not incur an environmental imposition, but has merits in cost-saving efficiencies (weed control for example) and sets the precedent and ethos for sustainable energy generation - the platform from which the wind farm is presented.

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Overview

RATCH-Australia Corporation Limited (RACL) is the proponent of the Mount Emerald Wind Farm project near Walkamin, north Queensland. A referral under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) was submitted to the administering Federal Government authority SEWPaC (Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities) for assessment. Subsequently, the project was deemed by SEWPaC to be a Controlled Action under the Act and designated to be further assessed through an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

RPS were commissioned on behalf of RAC to prepare selected components of the EIS, one of these being an account of the flora and the potential impacts.

The assessment of impacts discussed in this report are based on the design layout and concept provided by the proponent of the project and dated July 2012, with the amended plan from March 2013 (see Appendix A). This report does not account for new turbine layouts, construction designs or information provided after March 2013. Certain calculations (e.g. impacted areas) therefore, should be treated as provisional in light of new information or design changes being submitted.

1.2 Terms of Reference and Scope of Works

The Terms of Reference (ToR) for the EIS were developed by SEWPaC (2012) in accordance with the guidelines set out under the EPBC Act. RPS (Australia East Coast) were commissioned on behalf of RAC to prepare the EIS document. This report presents the information relating to plant species listed under the EPBC Act and other conservation significant matters, such as habitats for plants, special vegetation types, and narrowly restricted species with limited habitat ranges.

Part 5, and specifically section 5.9 and 5.10 of the EIS Guidelines (SEWPaC (DotE), 2012) outline the content for the EIS for assessing the wind farm proposal and its potential impacts. The EIS Guidelines provides the framework for the scope of this report, and is centred around providing information relating to the potential impacts to the existing environment and Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES), and a description of the proposed mitigation measures and strategies to reduce or eliminate such impacts.

1.3 Project Summary

RACL proposes to construct the "Mt Emerald Wind Farm" on elevated land located approximately 20 km SSW of the town of Mareeba on the Atherton Tablelands in north Queensland. The project site occupies a total area of 2422 ha.

The wind farm's electrical energy generation facility and infrastructure will comprise 63 wind turbines and associated tracks for underground cabling and access between the turbine arrays (Appendix A). An electricity substation is also proposed and will feed energy generated from the wind farm into the existing Chalumbin to Woree 275 kV transmission line. A conspicuous section of this transmission line more or less dissects the site and closely corresponds with bioregional boundaries.

The wind farm site occurs at the northern extent of the Herberton Range and includes the prominent landmark of Walsh Bluff at the most northern end. Mount Emerald (proper) is located off the site at the southern boundary. The undisturbed landform and vegetation is contiguous with Mt Emerald. Land to the north, east and west is characterised by agriculture and is generally cleared and modified.

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1.4 The Study Area - Project Site

1.4.1 Overview of Landscape

The Mount Emerald wind farm project site is situated over mountainous terrain coinciding with the northern extent of the Herberton Range. The site is characterised by acid igneous rhyolite geology forming windswept ridges and rock outcrops interspersed with rock pavements, which support skeletal soils. Between these prominent features are undulating valleys with sheltered aspects and with deeper, more improved soil.

Thin veneers of soil with low fertility, wind-shearing and exposure to extremes of temperature and solar radiation prevent the growth of tall vegetation on ridges and rock pavements. Soils developed from rhyolite parent rock are naturally low in important plant nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Exposure, depth, drainage, water availability and the nutrient status of soil are factors affecting the physiognomy of the vegetation (Groves, 1981). This is notably relevant to the heath-like vegetation which occurs as a mosaic along ridges and upper slopes. It is this landscape position where several turbines and connecting tracks are proposed to be established.

Specialist habitats for plants are afforded by the fireproof nature of rock outcrops and rock pavements. These habitats support heath, low woodland and shrublands, which are also the preferred habitats for plants of interest to conservation. The montane heath vegetation of the Herberton Range is known for its special qualities and important habitats for a range of conservation significant plants and narrow endemic species (Craven and Ford, 2004).

Generally within the site, taller woodlands found on lower slopes and in valleys with areas of deeper soil support fewer conservation significant plants; although poorly known terrestrial orchids exist in the grassy ground layer of these communities and include Habenaria elongata and possibly Diuris oporina.

The site is broadly divided in terms of the degree of surface relief. This has bearing on the landforms, vegetation types and ultimately, the constructability of the project. To the south of the Chalumbin to Woree 275 kV transmission line the land is conspicuously dissected, rugged and characterised by narrow, high ridges and in some instances, precipitous slopes. Heath vegetation and low, windswept sparse woodlands characterise this landform. This area falls into the Wet Tropics bioregion section of the site and corresponds with the highest level of biodiversity in terms of vegetation and conservation significant flora, as well as being the least disturbed. It is a contiguous tract of land with Mt Emerald on the southern boundary and holds exceptionally high levels of environmental integrity.

The land to the north of the transmission line exhibits less surface relief, dissected ridges and steep slopes become far less frequent, and the landform generally becomes more undulating. Consequently, different vegetation types are hosted; where woodlands are generally taller, more widely represented on a regional basis, and conspicuously fewer conservation significant plants are present. This part of the site corresponds with the Einasleigh Uplands bioregion section of the site, and holds the lower environmental values than the Wet Tropics section. From a constructability viewpoint, the Einasleigh Uplands section is least constrained and offers the most opportunities with the potential for notably reduced environmental impacts on important plant habitats and conservation significant plant species.

1.4.2 Geology

The primary geological unit described for the entire site is the Walsh Bluff Volcanics. The Walsh Bluff Volcanics (Pb) are included in the Early Permian, Koolmoon Volcanic Group and described as "Buff, greenish-grey or dark grey, welded rhyolitic ignimbrite; minor rhyolite lava, quartzose sandstone, volcanic breccia, tuff." (Donchack and Bultitude, 1998).

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Regionally, the Walsh Bluff Volcanics (Pb) unit is not represented elsewhere on the ATHERTON 1:250 000 geological series map sheet (Donchak, et al., 1997). The unit's northern limit is the landmark of Walsh Bluff. It extends southwards to incorporate Hoot Hill and Mount Emerald, east to Bones Knob, and includes parts of the ranges west of Atherton, and Rocky Bluff north of the Walsh River. The distribution of the unit is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Extract from the ATHERTON 1:250 000 geological map sheet (Donchak, et al., 1997) showing the limit of the Walsh Bluff Volcanics (Pb).

1.4.3 Queensland Land Zone Concept

Land zones are central to the concept and categorisation of Queensland's remnant vegetation communities and the regional ecosystem classification (RE) after Sattler and Williams (1999). Wilson and Taylor (2012) define land zones as major geologies and associated landforms. Queensland is classified into 12 land zones.

The site is mapped as land zone 12, which is broadly defined as older Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks. Another wide definition is given as "Metamorphosed Cretaceous and older igneous rocks" (Wilson and Taylor, 2012).

The detailed description of land zone 12 (Wilson and Taylor, 2012) is "Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks, forming ranges, hills and lowlands. Acid, intermediate and basic intrusive and volcanic rocks such as granites, granodiorites, gabbros, dolerites, andesites and rhyolites, as well as minor areas of associated interbedded sediments. Excludes serpentinites (Land Zone 11) and younger igneous rocks (Land Zone 8). Soils are mainly Tenosols on steeper slopes with Chromosols and Sodosols on lower slopes and gently undulating areas. Soils are typically of low to moderate fertility."

1.4.4 Natural Integrity and Specialist Habitats

The wind farm site holds high levels of natural landscape integrity. Highest integrity broadly coincides with the highest points and elevated land across the site, and notably in the southern portion of the site - south of the 275 kV transmission line in the Wet Tropics bioregion. The environmental qualities of the site are

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reported by Craven and Ford (2004) and Ford and Hardesty (2012), who note the environmental diversity of the western side of the Atherton Tableland, and furthermore summarise the unique and special habitat characteristics created by the interaction between altitude, climate and geology. The EIS compiled for the Chalumbin to Woree 275 kV transmission line (Kutt, et al., 1995) also records the very high biodiversity and environmental values associated with the Wet Tropics bioregion section of the site.

1.4.5 Past Disturbance and Land Use

The site is part of the former Springmount Cattle Station. The higher elevation sections of the site where the wind farm is proposed is not fenced, and it possible that some incursions by cattle may have been made several years ago. Evidence of grazing though is very limited and might account for at least one species of introduced pasture plant (Stylosanthes scabra).

Some sections of lower land on east facing slopes and areas north of the powerline shows signs of past disturbance: possibly from cattle grazing on the most fertile ground (protected, wetter and flatter sites). This disturbance is evidenced by moderate to heavy occurrences of the introduced grass Melinis minutiflora (molasses grass) and the pasture legume Stylosanthes scabra (shrubby stylo). The herbaceous Asteraceae weed Praxelis clematidea (Praxelis) is widespread across the site, with higher densities observed on rock pavements and around outcropping rock. This species is wind-dispersed; hence its broad distribution. It is possible that seed of Praxelis may also be carried on the fur of mammals, and definitely by machinery (CRC Weed Management, 2003).

1.4.6 Landscape Condition

The rugged and remote south-west portion of the site is in a near-pristine state. This condition is evidenced by large-class trees of Eucalyptus reducta (white stringybark) forming well-structured woodlands, where weeds are absent. The ridge country in this section of the site is of exceptionally high natural value and is the principal habitat for many conservation significant and locally endemic plant species including Grevillea glossadenia, Homoranthus porteri, Melaleuca borealis, M. uxorum, Cryptandra debilis, and numerous other species reliant on the particular biophysical character created by geology, altitude and climate, as well as separation from coastal influences (Craven, et al., 2003; Craven and Ford, 2004).

The plants with very narrow distributions grow in a mosaic of outcropping rock and rock pavements with skeletal soils supporting heath and sparse low woodland vegetation (Plate 1). With the exception of G. glossadenia, they have a particularly restricted habitat range. Their distribution coincides with some of proposed turbine locations and the connecting tracks and cabling network in the southern sector of the project site.

Plate 1 Ridges and rock pavements shape the preferred habitat for plants of conservation significance. (Melaleuca uxorum site).

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In contrast to the Wet Tropics bioregion section, the northern sector of the site (mainly north of the 275 kV transmission line) supports far less plant species with narrow distribution. This land hosts significantly fewer plants of conservation interest; where for example, Homoranthus porteri is found only at two locations associated with rock pavements. Narrow endemic species such as Melaleuca borealis, Cryptandra debilis, Indigofera bancroftii, Hovea nana, Mirbelia speciosa subsp. ringrosei and M. pungens plus others occur much less frequently, and in the case of many species, do not occur at all or are represented by a few individuals found in micro-sites of suitable habitat and usually at elevations greater than 900 m ASL.

With the exception of the gorge associated with Granite Creek at the northern end of the site, plus a number of outlying rocky features and steeper slopes, the northern portion of the site has a more uniform surface, with fewer dissected features and rocky drop-offs. Because of the less dramatic landscape, gentler slopes and wider reaching zones of flat land found in relation to the plateau, different vegetation types are present on differently textured and slightly better quality soils.

The differences in vegetation in the northern section are both structural and floristic. Heath vegetation is only found in very small areas along the ridge and spur of land just north of the transmission line on the most western edge. Again, these patches of heath are found at elevations higher than 900 m ASL. Woodlands however, predominate even on higher parts of the site such as Walsh Bluff. These woodlands do not support the same component of flora with limited distributions and rarely support conservation significant plants (Plate 2).

Plate 2 The gentler and more uniform landscape of the northern half of the project site supports woodlands and notably fewer conservation significant plants. Here at Walsh Bluff, kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra) is the dominant species under a woodland of lemon-scented gum (Corymbia citriodora).

1.4.7 Regional Significance

Regionally, the site has physiographic affinities with the Baal Gammon-Watsonville landscape to the southwest. Although geologically different, there are many floristic similarities - notably in the ground flora - with the mountainous, dissected terrain that broadly follows the route of the existing Chalumbin to Woree 275 kV transmission line. The wind farm site is also located and forms the most northern extent of the Mount Emerald and Herberton Range mountain country, which subsequently corresponds with the distribution limit for many important populations of plant species.

Due to the high elevation vegetation affinities with Mt Emerald, the site is considered regionally significant for its montane heath vegetation and many plant species solely reliant on the specific mountain environment.

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These plants include Melaleuca uxorum, Homoranthus porteri and several narrow endemic species described elsewhere in this report.

1.4.8 Modified Plant Habitats

Landscape modification and alienation by weeds is prevalent along both sides of the unsealed entry road of Kippen Drive from where it enters the property from Springmount Road to the base of the ascent into the wind farm site. The length of this disturbance zone is approximately 4.5 km. Grader grass (Themeda quadrivalvis), shrubby stylo (Stylosanthes scabra) and Hyptis (Hyptis suaveolens) are dominant species forming exclusive stands, and are a legacy of intensive agricultural land use and road maintenance (Plate 3). Along Kippen Drive, vegetation integrity is at its lowest and it is only the riparian fringe of Granite Creek and at the major stream crossings where the situation improves because of vegetation shading and seasonal flood pulses that scour surface vegetation.

Plate 3 Weeds such as grader grass, stylo and Hyptis form dominant stands either side of the main access road into the site (Kippen Drive).

On the wind farm site proper (i.e. the mountain country of dissected landform above the farms and cropping lands of Walkamin and Arriga), anthropogenic disturbance is limited to an existing powerline easement and associated tracks providing access to towers; plus two tracks associated with the wind farm development.

Entry to the wind farm site is from the end of Kippen Drive, where a winding track of 3.98 km provides access to the powerline corridor. Initially, the track is steep as it enters the rocky, rhyolite landform that characterises the site at higher elevation. On this track weeds are conspicuously less evident in both abundance and the number of species. Isolated occurrences of thatch grass (Hyparrhenia rufa) are found on the climb into the site's interior, but the species is absent thereafter. Other notable incidences of weeds are found on the cleared land and track associated with the powerline corridor. Species include small populations of T. quadrivalvis, sparse to moderate populations of P. clematidea, and isolated incidences of Stylosanthes scabra (stylo)

The power line corridor coincides with the boundary between the Wet Tropics and Einasleigh Uplands bioregions and represents a linear clearing disturbance footprint of 2.96 km across the site in an approximate east-west orientation. Along this corridor and restricted to the land affected by the immediate influence of the vehicle track are weeds such as Lantana (Lantana camara), molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora) and pigeon grass (Setaria pumila). In May 2013, a small population of a tall rat's tail grass (Sporobolus sp.) was recorded from two powerline tower pads. It is most likely that this grass is introduced and poses a noteworthy environmental threat if allowed to spread.

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Lantana occurs as a small, isolated thicket at the base of a powerline tower; whilst a swath of pigeon grass (Setaria sp.) and molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora) has a more deleterious presence on the slope leading into the most eastern stream crossing along the main powerline maintenance track. After the stream crossings (heading west) weeds become less frequent, with common species such as red natal grass (Melinis repens), and Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) and the legacy of grazing - stylo (Stylosanthes scabra) mostly concentrated around bases of powerline towers. Weeds along the powerline corridor in the western sector of the project site are progressively replaced by native successional species: typically Acacia umbellata, which form thickets in response to maintenance clearing of the low open woodland of silver- ironbark (Eucalyptus shirleyi) below the powerline.

Praxelis is found even in remote areas of windswept ridges elsewhere on the site, but is less abundant in developed woodland where the native kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra) is dominant. Based on seasonal observations of Praxelis, the species readily responds to disturbed, rocky ground and the spoil of pushed-up track edges, and may have an effect on influencing the growth and reproduction of native species, particularly grasses and the low subshrubs that typically grow on undisturbed rocky ground with skeletal soil (Plate 4).

Plate 4 The weed Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) rapidly colonises skeletal soil and disturbed rocky ground.

Two unrelated tracks branch from the powerline corridor and give access to a wind monitoring tower on the south of the site, and another wind monitoring tower in the northern half. These tracks, when measured from their junctions with the powerline corridor, have a length of 0.81 km and 3.9 km respectively.

The main 80 m wind monitoring tower to the south of the powerline has the largest footprint and consequently, a higher level of associated ground disturbance. A suite of weeds have established in the construction pad soil-base mix imported into the site. These included sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) - a Class 2 declared plant under Queensland's Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 - and wynn cassia (Chamaecrista rotundifolia var. rotundifolia): both are leguminous species that can suppress native plant development. In contrast, the conservation significant native shrub Grevillea glossadenia has successfully colonised disturbed, rocky ground around the tower and subsequently constitutes one of the commonest woody plants in the ground and lower shrub layer.

1.4.9 The Role of Cloud Stripping and Water Harvesting

Much of the literature regarding cloud stripping concerns vine forest or closed forest vegetation (for example, McJannet, et al., 2011). Given the scarcity of information relating to montane sclerophyll heathlands in the

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Wet Tropics, some concepts underpinning the phenomenon of cloud stripping and water harvesting can be extrapolated to the montane environment of the Mt Emerald wind farm site.

Cloud stripping is reported to produce potentially up to 40% of the total water input for upland forests in the Wet Tropics (Laurance and Peres, 2006). Tracey (1982) provides an altitudinal scale of four zones in relation to the vegetation types which broadly correlates with the communities which occur within the Wet Tropics bioregion boundary. This scale describes the altitudinal zone of between 400-800 m ASL as the Uplands. A majority of the proposed locations for wind turbines intersects contours between 790 and 1040 m ASL. Tracey (1982) defines this zone as Highlands, and given the site's position on the western and drier fringe of the Wet Tropics bioregion where sclerophyll vegetation is considerably more dominant than vine forest (closed forests), it can be expected that the water budget available through cloud stripping is lower (i.e. there are greater sunlight hours and less rainfall than for example, on the Lamb Range).

Ford and Hardesty (2012) identify the cloud base in the vicinity of the Mt Emerald wind farm site as being approximately 900 m ASL; and further describe the role that cloud interception and moisture stripping has in relation to the distribution and presence of conservation significant plants and the heath community identified as being specific to the ridge country of that region. Personal observations (S. Gleed) of the cloud base over the site confirm the findings of Ford and Hardesty (2012) and the correlation between altitude, vegetation community, water harvesting from the local cloud base (Plate 5), and the occurrence of montane heath vegetation.

Plate 5 The cloud base over the south western portion of the site, which corresponds with the presence of tropical montane heath communities and several conservation significant plants as well as the primary habitat for many narrow endemic species. Photo taken in February 2013.

GPS tracking of the montane heath community south of the powerline determined that key plant indicator species of the community 'dropped out' at an elevation of approximately 900 m (± 30 m) and below. For example, characteristic plants of montane heath on the site include Cryptandra debilis, Homoranthus porteri, Mirbelia pungens, M. speciosa subsp. ringrosei, Melaleuca borealis and Plectranthus sp.

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2.0 Methodology

The extensive area of land to be covered and the difficulty and time constraints associated with accessing remote parts of mountainous terrain, necessitated several field surveys. These comprised walking surveys between proposed turbine locations (i.e. surveying the interconnecting track network), and point surveys of the proposed turbine construction area. Several turbine location revisions became apparent during the course of the fieldwork and this presented a number of spatial challenges in terms of identifying the correct survey site.

Interpretation of high resolution multi-spectral imagery and aerial photography informed the route planning and investigation areas for specialist habitats. Navigation on foot was primarily by handheld GPS with a stated accuracy of ±3 m.

Sample size for the heath community was derived from the minimal area recommended by Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg (1974), which is 10-25 m2. In reality this sampling area was considerably larger given the linear orientation of ridges where the community occurs, and the route of foot traverses which followed the line of the ridges and the proposed location of the interconnecting tracks.

Woodland communities were sampled with a view of investigating a minimum area of 500 m2 recommended by Neldner, et al. (2012). Again, due to a number of repeated surveys, a larger area was often investigated. This had the benefit of elucidating a wider range of species.

Surveys over three years were completed in February, March, April, May, June and August. Effectively this leaves a six-month gap in survey effort and this has been identified as a knowledge gap in the investigation process. Wannan (2009) advises that additional dry season surveys may be appropriate for the Herberton- Wairuna subregion of the Einasleigh Uplands bioregion; and therefore, ideally, surveys would have been completed during every month to account for seasonal changes and fluctuations.

As many of the turbine sites and interconnecting tracks were surveyed on foot. At each turbine location (several revisions), the entire vascular flora was recorded including the tree layers, shrub layers and ground layer. Particular attention was given to the ground layer component as this is generally considered to be the most diverse in woodland and sclerophyll communities.

Opportunities were also taken to participate in a number of CORVEG sites completed by botanists from the Queensland Herbarium. Improved vegetation mapping and descriptions were compiled during this time.

With the exception of common, easily identifiable species, all species were collected and photographed. A voucher collection extending back to May 2010 has been compiled and is awaiting formal submission and identification by the Queensland Herbarium.

Additional surveys were undertaken of regional areas for conservation significant plants to determine their preferred habitats and centres of distribution. The species targeted included: Acacia purpureopetala, Grevillea glossadenia, Homoranthus porteri, Prostanthera clotteniana and other Prostanthera species, Micromyrtus delicata, Zieria obovata and Melaleuca sylvana. A majority of these surveys were in the Herberton, Stannary Hills, Silver Valley, Mount Misery, Watsonville and Irvinebank areas to the south and south-west of the wind farm site.

A literature review was made of the most relevant information, published articles and some key texts.

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3.0 Information Gaps

3.1 Seasonality of Flora Surveys & Detection of Cryptic Species

In excess of 140 sites were investigated between May 2010 and May 2013 of vegetation and the presence of flora of interest to conservation, as well as locally endemic and restricted plant species. These surveys were performed over a range of months. On all occasions, new species occurrences were recorded. For survey completeness, flora surveys to detect ground layer plants would ideally take place each month of the year, and preferably with an overlap period extending into a second year to capture seasonal variation in flowering phenology.

Although nearly 250 species of vascular plants (including naturalised species) were recorded over the three- year period, concerns have been expressed regarding detection of transient plants (R. Jenson, J. Kemp, pers. comms.). Many of these types of plants have short periods of vegetative and flowering phenology and emerge after seasonal rain periods or pulses. Because of their diminutive size they are often obscured by taller growing grasses.

Highlighting this was the discovery of the ground orchid Habenaria elongata some 100 km south of its known southern distribution. Unfortunately, because of time and financial constraints, a voucher specimen was unable to be collected and the record therefore remains anecdotal and unconfirmed, although the photograph was sufficient for positive identification (Plate 6). The range extension of this orchid is considerable in terms of plant distribution, and further evidences the biodiversity importance of the Wet Tropics bioregion section of the project area.

Plate 6 The ground orchid Habenaria elongata was found in the grass layer below a ridge in the southwest of the project area.

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3.2 Plant Succession in Tropical Montane Environments

Little is known or documented about plant succession in montane environments in north Queensland. Some parallels and related information can be gained from literature documenting range of disturbances in alpine regions of southern Australia and also some areas of New South Wales. However, the effects of linear clearing in these types of environment are not fully understood.

The Springmount section of the Chalumbin-Woree 275 kV electrical transmission line was completed in 1998 (Powerlink, n.d.). The corridor of this transmission line passes through the project area and approximately forms the boundary between the Wet Tropics and Einasleigh Uplands bioregions. This is the only firsthand reference from which to gauge the responses to linear clearing and disturbance to the rhyolite landform of the project area. However, there are subtle, but nevertheless important differences between the soil composition, flora and vegetation attributes of the Einasleigh Uplands section to those of the Wet Tropics section.

For example, it is understood of the Einasleigh Uplands section that plant succession on cleared ground generally results in thickets of Acacia umbellata and a suite of weeds such as Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) establishing on silty clay soils which have accumulated after surface washing following heavier seasonal rainfall events.

Only a short section of track traverses a morphologically similar ridge found elsewhere in this bioregion section.

The Wet Tropics bioregion section of the project area has very high ecological and biodiversity value because of its isolation through rugged, inaccessible topography; altitude; and proximity and landscape connectivity to the Mt Emerald mountain region immediately to the south.

Floristically and in a vegetation sense, there are several examples that reinforce the regional significance of this zone in the project area; and include the presence of the exceptionally rare and endangered shrub Melaleuca uxorum, healthy populations of Homoranthus porteri and Grevillea glossadenia, pristine montane heath communities along high elevation ridges which host several narrow endemic plant species, contiguous landscape connectivity plus physical separation from areas susceptible to ecological modification (e.g. no edge effects, transformer weeds or surface alienation).

A more complete understanding of the effects and impacts associated with clearing narrow ridgelines is required. Appropriate methods for rehabilitation will need to be investigated because of the unique characteristics of this landform and the poorly represented heath communities that rely on ridges. As yet, there is limited evidence to suggest that heath communities will recover to the original floristic composition and structure. Moreover, there is reasonable evidence which supports the tendency for deflected climax (plagioclimax) communities to establish along track edges. These communities more or less stagnate and regenerate their own species composition, often precluding the regeneration of formerly-present climax species.

Observations of numerous disturbed sites indicate that the floristic component will become relatively stable once colonisers such as Acacia umbellata, A. calyculata and A. whitei have established thickets. In many situations the ground layer is also colonised by the heath-like plant Jacksonia thesioides. In virtually all situations where rocky ground is disturbed and turned over, the weed Praxelis clematidea colonises. Rarely however, do narrow endemic species restricted to ridge topography recuperate following disturbance. There is a concentration of these species in the southwest of the project area, which include: Cryptandra debilis, Boronia bipinnata, Homoranthus porteri, Hovea nana, Indigofera bancroftii, Mirbelia pungens, M. speciosa subsp. ringrosei, Sannantha angusta and others. These narrow endemics are a component of the original climax montane heath community and could be permanently displaced if the ground surface is disturbed.

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3.3 Population Viability Analysis

Statistical methods and rigorous scientific approaches to understanding the viability of populations of plants of interest to conservation have not been undertaken.

3.4 Ramifications of Incomplete Data and Knowledge

Due to the limited understanding of the successional traits of montane heath in the project area, robust and site-specific mitigation strategies cannot be proposed for the Wet Tropics section of the project area. Generic rehabilitation methods for re-establishing functional plant communities in this dissected country are unlikely to be successful for the heath environment, but may have better success for woodland communities on gentle slopes found elsewhere on the site, and more so north of the Chalumbin - Woree 275 kV transmission line.

Addressing the data gaps discussed above can be achieved by formulating a focussed research investigation into plant succession in montane heath communities. It is recommended in this report that a specific zone derived from the 900 m contour, which coincides with the mean height of the cloud base and subsequently, the presence of montane heath communities, is set aside and quarantined from track construction and earthworks.

Currently, there is insufficient knowledge and practical examples to support successful rehabilitation of high elevation ridges and the montane heath community. Although a local plant nursery has successfully propagated a number of species from the local region, and quite possibly from the wind farm site, these have been for maintained garden environments and not for rehabilitation of remote tracts of linear clearing. Large scale rehabilitation of dryland and sclerophyll communities cannot rely on tube stock plantings, and to date, has mostly depended on direct-seeding with varying rates of success.

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4.0 Desktop Review

Two sources of vegetation mapping were reviewed and are discussed.

4.1 Historical Vegetation Mapping

Earlier mapping and ecological accounts of vegetation are used under the RE framework as supplementary descriptions to the most current work. Tracey and Webb (1975) compiled the first detailed maps of vegetation of the wet tropics bioregion at a scale of 1:100,000.

Although the associated ecological descriptions of vegetation and bioregional perspective published by Tracey in 1982 focussed on vine forests due to its dominance in the region, useful accounts of sclerophyll communities within the mapping area were also given. These descriptions and mapping later formed the basis for Stanton and Stanton (2005).

4.2 Stanton and Stanton (2005)

Tracey and Webb's (1975) vegetation mapping was revised by Stanton and Stanton (2005) and produced with amendments at a scale of 1:50,000. This mapping provided finer resolution for the wet tropics bioregion and subsequently has greater effectiveness for environmental management and planning purposes. The descriptions, which are derived primarily from geology and floristic associations, forms a basis and broad floristic framework for the current regional ecosystem mapping concept and the vegetation descriptions for the Wet Tropics bioregion. Stanton and Stanton 2005 report on the high conservation value of the highland areas mainly extending southwards from the northern limit of the Herberton Range.

4.3 Regional Ecosystems (1999 - current)

Under Queensland's Vegetation Management Act 1999 (VMA), the State's remnant vegetation is classified, mapped and described as regional ecosystems (Sattler and Williams, 1999). Vegetation is broadly defined as remnant and non-remnant, after which it is more accurately classified and described according to three main criteria: the bioregion in which the unit occurs (Thackway and Cresswell, 1995); the associated land zone (Wilson and Taylor, 2012); and the structural formation (modified from Specht, 1970) and floristic composition of the community (plant nomenclature follows Bostock and Holland, 2010). A unique three- number code is used to signify this combination, and a site-specific example is given below for Regional ecosystem 7.12.57: where:

7 corresponds with the biogeographic region (bioregion) in which the ecosystem occurs (Wet Tropics) 12 corresponds with the land zone (hills and lowlands on granitic rocks); and 57 typifies the structural and floristic characteristics of the vegetation community (Shrubland and low woodland mosaic with Syncarpia glomulifera, Corymbia abergiana, Eucalyptus portuensis, Allocasuarina littoralis, and Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, on moist and dry uplands and highlands on granite and rhyolite).

The wind farm site is bisected by the boundary of two bioregions, where the Wet Tropics bioregion covers the southern half of the site, and the Einasleigh Uplands bioregion covers the approximate northern half of the site. Regional ecosystem (RE) mapping for the wet tropics bioregion is at a scale of 1:50,000; whereas the Einasleigh Uplands bioregion mapping scale is 1:100,000.

Effectively, the Wet Tropics bioregion is therefore mapped at approximately twice the resolution of Einasleigh Uplands. Consequently, this affects the number of vegetation communities mapped; their conservation status under the VMA; and the spatial accuracy of the mapping. The RE mapping covering the whole wind farm site is provided in Appendix B. The Wet Tropics and Einasleigh Uplands RE mapping is provided in Appendix C and Appendix D respectively.

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The following REs are mapped over the site:

Wet Tropics Bioregion Section (Appendix C)

7.12.30: Woodland to open forest mosaic with variable dominance, often including Eucalyptus cloeziana, Corymbia abergiana, C. citriodora, E. portuensis, E. reducta, E. lockyeri, C. leichhardtii, E. atrata, E. pachycalyx and E. shirleyi, on rhyolite and granite.

7.12.57: Shrubland and low woodland mosaic with Syncarpia glomulifera, Corymbia abergiana, Eucalyptus portuensis, Allocasuarina littoralis, and Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, on moist and dry uplands and highlands on granite and rhyolite.

Shrubland/low woodland mosaic with variable dominance, often including Eucalyptus cloeziana, Corymbia abergiana, E. portuensis, E. reducta, E. lockyeri, C. leichhardtii, E. atrata, E. pachycalyx, E. shirleyi and Homoranthus porteri, on rhyolite and granite

7.12.58: Eucalyptus reducta, E. granitica, Corymbia dimorpha, C. citriodora and Syncarpia glomulifera woodland, on granite and rhyolite.

7.12.65: Rock pavements or areas of skeletal soil, on granite and rhyolite, mostly of dry western or southern areas, often with shrublands to closed forests of Acacia spp. and/or Lophostemon suaveolens and/or Allocasuarina littoralis and/or Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta.

Einasleigh Uplands Bioregion Section (Appendix D)

9.12.4/9.12.2: (9.12.4) - Eucalyptus shirleyi or E. melanophloia with Corymbia peltata and/or C. leichhardtii low open woodland to low woodland on acid volcanic rocks. / (9.12.2) - Open forest commonly including Eucalyptus portuensis, E. crebra (sens. lat.), Corymbia clarksoniana, C. citriodora on steep hills and ranges on acid and intermediate volcanics close to Wet Tropics boundary.

9.12.30/9.12.20/9.12.4: (9.12.30) - Corymbia leichhardtii +/- Callitris intratropica +/- Eucalyptus shirleyi low woodland to low open woodland on rhyolite hills. / (9.12.20) - Eucalyptus pachycalyx and E. cloeziana woodland on acid volcanics. / (9.12.4) - Eucalyptus shirleyi or E. melanophloia with Corymbia peltata and/or C. leichhardtii low open woodland to low woodland on acid volcanic rocks.

Wet Tropics Bioregion (1:50 000) Regional Ecosystem 7.12.30d 7.12.30d Open-woodland to open-forest (10-20m tall) mosaic with variable dominance, often including Eucalyptus cloeziana, C. citriodora, E. portuensis, E. lockyeri, C. leichhardtii, E. atrata, E. pachycalyx, E. reducta, C. intermedia and E. shirleyi. There is often a very sparse to mid-dense secondary tree layer of C. abergiana and/or C. stockeri. A very sparse to sparse tall shrub layer may be present and can include Acacia flavescens, falcata, Bursaria spinosa subsp. spinosa, Allocasuarina inophloia, Petalostigma Description pubescens and . A sparse to dense lower shrub layer may include Jacksonia thesioides, Acacia calyculata, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii and Grevillea glossadenia. The ground layer may be dominated by species such as Themeda triandra, Heteropogon triticeus, Mnesithea rottboellioides, Arundinella setosa, Cleistochloa subjuncea, Eriachne pallescens var. pallescens, Lepidosperma laterale and Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. Habitat for several locally restricted and disjunct species. Threatened species include Micromyrtus delicata, Melaleuca sylvana, Diuris oporina, Homoranthus porteri, Grevillea Special Values glossadenia, Prostanthera sp. (Dinden P.I.Forster+ PIF17342), Acacia purpureopetala, Corymbia rhodops and Prostanthera clotteniana. Other species of local significance are Eucalyptus lockyeri. VMA Status Least Concern Biodiversity Status No Concern at Present

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Regional Ecosystem 7.12.57c 7.12.57c Shrubland/low woodland (1.5-9m tall) mosaic with variable dominance, often including Eucalyptus cloeziana, Corymbia abergiana, E. portuensis, E. reducta, E. lockyeri, C. leichhardtii, Callitris intratropica, E. atrata, E. pachycalyx, E. shirleyi, E. drepanophylla and Homoranthus porteri, on rhyolite and granite. There is occasionally a very sparse to sparse secondary tree layer of C. abergiana and/or C. stockeri. A very sparse to sparse tall shrub layer may be present and can include , Exocarpos cupressiformis and Melaleuca viridiflora var. viridiflora. A sparse to dense lower shrub Description layer may include Jacksonia thesioides, Acacia calyculata, Pogonolobus reticulatus, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, Acacia humifusa, Dodonaea lanceolata var. subsessilifolia, subsp. dryandri, Grevillea glossadenia, Acacia umbellata and Ericaceae spp. The ground layer may be dominated by species such as Themeda triandra, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, Eriachne pallescens var. pallescens, Cleistochloa subjuncea, Borya septentrionalis, and Eriachne spp. Includes open rocky areas dominated by herbs and grasses. This RE includes areas of 7.12.65k (rocky areas with shrubby/herbaceous cover) which are too small to map. Habitat for several locally restricted and disjunct species. Threatened species include Micromyrtus delicata, Melaleuca sylvana, Melaleuca uxorum, Diuris oporina, Special Values Homoranthus porteri, Grevillea glossadenia, Prostanthera sp. (Dinden P.I.Forster+ PIF17342), Acacia purpureopetala, Corymbia rhodops and Prostanthera clotteniana. Other species of local significance are Eucalyptus lockyeri. VMA Status Of Concern Biodiversity Status Of Concern

Regional Ecosystem 7.12.58 7.12.58 Eucalyptus reducta (Queensland stringybark), E. granitica (granite ironbark), Corymbia Description dimorpha (yellow jacket), C. citriodora (lemon-scented gum) and Syncarpia glomulifera (turpentine) woodland to open-forest. Granite and rhyolite. (BVG1M: 9d) Special Values None listed. VMA Status Of Concern Biodiversity Status Of Concern

Regional Ecosystem 7.12.65k 7.12.65k Bare granite and rhyolite rock, of dry western areas, associated with shrublands to closed forests of Acacia spp. (wattles) and/or Lophostemon suaveolens (swamp mahogany) Description and/or Allocasuarina littoralis (black sheoak) and/or Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta. Dry western areas. Granite and rhyolite. (BVG1M: 28e). None listed; although habitat for several narrow endemic and threatened species Special Values including: Grevillea glossadenia, Homoranthus porteri, Melaleuca uxorum and Plectranthus amoenus. VMA Status Least Concern Biodiversity Status Of Concern

Einasleigh Uplands Bioregion (1:100 000)

Regional Ecosystem 9.12.4c/9.12.2 (mixed polygon) 9.12.4c Low woodland to low open-woodland of Callitris intratropica (cypress pine) and Eucalyptus shirleyi (silver-leaved ironbark) and/or E. melanophloia (silver-leaved ironbark) +/- Corymbia leichhardtii (yellowjacket). The sparse mid layer can include juvenile canopy species, Melaleuca spp., Dolichandrone heterophylla (lemonwood), Alphitonia Description pomaderroides, Petalostigma pubescens (quinine), Acacia bidwillii (corkwood wattle) and Grevillea spp. The dominants in the grassy ground can include Schizachyrium fragile (firegrass), Heteropogon contortus (black speargrass) or Themeda triandra (kangaroo grass). Occurs predominantly on sandy shallow soils derived from granite on rolling low hills to hills. (BVG1M: 20a). Special Values None listed VMA Status Least Concern Biodiversity Status No Concern at Present

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9.12.2 Mixed open-forest to occasionally low open-woodland including combinations of the species Eucalyptus portuensis (white mahogany), Corymbia citriodora (lemon-scented gum), E. granitica (granite ironbark) or E. crebra (narrow-leaved ironbark), C. intermedia (pink bloodwood) or C. clarksoniana (Clarkson's bloodwood) +/- E. cloeziana (Gympie messmate) +/- Corymbia spp. There is often an open to mid-dense sub-canopy containing canopy species +/- Melaleuca viridiflora (broad-leaved paperbark) +/- Lophostemon suaveolens (swamp mahogany) +/- C. leichhardtii (yellowjacket). The shrub layer varies Description from scattered shrubs to mid-dense and includes juvenile canopy species, Acacia flavescens (yellow wattle), Callitris intratropica (cypress pine), L. suaveolens, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii (grasstree) and Petalostigma pubescens (quinine). The dense grassy ground layer is generally dominated by Themeda triandra (kangaroo grass) +/- Heteropogon triticeus (giant speargrass) +/- Mnesithea rottboellioides (northern canegrass). In some areas, patches dominated by E. moluccana (gum-topped box) or E. cloeziana may occur. Occurs on rises, hill and ranges. (BVG1M: 9d). Old growth of this ecosystem is significant for a number of species including arboreal Special Values mammals. Habitat for vulnerable flora species including Corymbia rhodops. VMA Status Least Concern Biodiversity Status No Concern at Present

Regional Ecosystem 9.12.30a/9.12.20/9.12.4c (mixed polygon) 9.12.30a Woodland to open-forest of Corymbia leichhardtii (yellowjacket) and Eucalyptus cloeziana (Gympie messmate) +/- E. portuensis (white mahogany) +/- C. citriodora (lemon-scented gum) +/- E. cullenii (Cullen's ironbark) +/- Callitris intratropica (cypress pine). Some canopy species can occur as emergents. The sparse to mid-dense shrub layer is Description dominated by juvenile canopy species, Persoonia falcata, Grevillea glauca (bushman's clothes peg) and Allocasuarina inophloia (stringybark sheoak) and a lower shrub with Jacksonia thesioides and Xanthorrhoea johnsonii (grass-tree) can occur. The sparse to mid-dense ground layer is dominated by Themeda triandra (kangaroo grass). Rocky rhyolite hills to steep hills. (BVG1M: 13a) Special Values The vulnerable species Homoranthus porteri is associated with this regional ecosystem. VMA Status Least Concern Biodiversity Status No Concern at Present

9.12.20 Woodland to low woodland of Eucalyptus pachycalyx (pumpkin gum) +/- E. cloeziana (Gympie messmate) +/- Corymbia leichhardtii (yellowjacket) +/- Callitris intratropica (cypress pine) +/- E. portuensis (white mahogany) +/- E. cullenii (Cullen's ironbark) or E. Description atrata. The mid-dense shrub layer includes juvenile canopy species, Grevillea glauca (bushman's clothes peg), Persoonia falcata and Xanthorrhoea johnsonii (grass-tree). The medium to dense grassy ground layer is mostly dominated by Themeda triandra (kangaroo grass). Occurs on steep rugged hills on acid volcanics. (BVG1M: 13a) This regional ecosystem contains a number of vulnerable species including Corymbia Special Values rhodops, Grevillea glossadenia and Acacia purpureopetala. VMA Status Least Concern Biodiversity Status No Concern at Present

9.12.4c Low woodland to low open-woodland of Callitris intratropica (cypress pine) and Eucalyptus shirleyi (silver-leaved ironbark) and/or E. melanophloia (silver-leaved ironbark) +/- Corymbia leichhardtii (yellowjacket). The sparse mid layer can include juvenile canopy species, Melaleuca spp., Dolichandrone heterophylla (lemonwood), Alphitonia Description pomaderroides, Petalostigma pubescens (quinine), Acacia bidwillii (corkwood wattle) and Grevillea spp. The dominants in the grassy ground can include Schizachyrium fragile (firegrass), Heteropogon contortus (black speargrass) or Themeda triandra (kangaroo grass). Occurs predominantly on sandy shallow soils derived from granite on rolling low hills to hills. (BVG1M: 20a). Special Values None listed VMA Status Least Concern Biodiversity Status No Concern at Present

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4.4 Aerial Photography Interpretation

Prior to field surveys, the aerial photography of the site was reviewed to identify a range of structural categories of vegetation. A stereoscope and stereo pairs of photographs were used for this purpose and later confirmed using digital imagery used in combination with a number of environmental layers (Geographical Information System - GIS). High resolution multi-band spectral imagery was also interpreted.

4.4.1 Development of Vegetation and Flora Survey Plan

A review was made of aerial photography and other digital imagery and layers to assist with developing a structured plan for sampling the vegetation and habitats likely to be intercepted by the proposal. The main focus of field investigations was along ridges and at proposed turbine sites, given that it was considered that these areas would receive the highest level of direct impact.

LiDAR was flown over the site and the mean height ranges of vegetation were derived through GIS. The following height classes were assigned to structural categories of vegetation across the site: <1 m - Heathland with many areas of rock pavement and outcropping rock. Occurs above 900 m ASL and along exposed, windswept ridges. A majority of its representation is south of the transmission line. Characteristic species include: Grevillea glossadenia, G. dryandri, Jacksonia thesioides, Pultenaea millarii, Acacia aulacocarpa, Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta as isolated windswept specimens, Gompholobium nitidum, Schizachyrium fragile, Cleistochloa subjuncea, Tripogon loliiformis, Eriachne humilis, E. mucronata, Panicum simile, Borya septentrionalis (patches on scooped rock pavements), Melaleuca uxorum, Cryptandra debilis and Melaleuca borealis 1-2 m - Low woodland to shrubland with elements of heathland. Occurs primarily south of the transmission line and generally along ridges and exposed high points. Characteristic species include Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta and Corymbia abergiana as isolated windswept shrubs, Homoranthus porteri, Acacia aulacocarpa, Allocasuarina littoralis, Corymbia abergiana, Grevillea glossadenia and Arundinella setosa. 2- 10 m Low woodland and open woodland comprising trees, shrubs and a ground layer characterised by grasses, creepers, forbs and ferns. Many areas of exposed rock may be present, such as along ridges and rugged slopes. Also occurs on flatter land. Characteristic species include: Corymbia abergiana (ridge tops), Eucalyptus shirleyi (mostly on flat land), Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta, E. granitica, E. portuensis, Persoonia falcata, , Themeda triandra, Arundinella setosa, Hibbertia longifolia, Pseudopogonatherum contortum and Heteropogon triticeus. >10 m Mid-height woodland comprising trees, shrubs and a ground layer characterised by grasses, creepers, forbs and ferns. Exposed rocks may occur, but this category generally occurs on rolling hills, undulating land, gentle slopes and broad flay zones. Characteristic species include: Corymbia citriodora, C. leichhardtii, Eucalyptus cloeziana, E. drepanophylla, E. portuensis, E. reducta, Pogonolobus reticulatus, Themeda triandra, Lepidosperma laterale (wetter, well-developed woodlands), Allocasuarina torulosa, Eucalyptus pachycalyx (patchy distribution) and Heteropogon triticeus.

4.4.2 Identification of Habitats for R&Ts

Using the LiDAR described above, plus 8-band satellite imagery of the site, key habitats were identified on mapping. Given a majority of the habitats are associated with rocks, dissected ridges and high elevation areas, these habitats could be further assigned to the predicted presence of a number of conservation significant species, particularly Homoranthus porteri, Grevillea glossadenia and Melaleuca uxorum.

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4.4.3 Identification of Conservation Significant Vegetation Types (REs)

The conservation significant vegetation types are associated with regional ecosystems 7.12.57c and 7.12.58 - both listed as Of Concern under the Vegetation Management Act 1999. Both these communities occur in the Wet Tropics bioregion section of the site, south of the transmission line on rocky landscapes. They are also associated with the presence of rare and threatened plants and a number of regionally restricted plant species (narrow endemics).

4.4.4 Identification of Significant Flora Diversity Areas

A key factor affecting the presence of the constrained plant species (conservation significant and narrow endemics species) is an approximate altitudinal demarcation of land which occurs above 900 m ASL. This is due to the exposure of the ridges in these zones and their inception of moisture from the cloud base (Ford and Hardesty, 2012). By applying the 900 m contour to mapping, a majority of the key biodiversity habitats were identified (Appendix E).

Mapping of rock outcrops and pavements also assisted in the identification fire-proof niches (Appendix F).

4.5 Database Searches


HERBRECS is the Queensland Herbarium's (Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts) herbarium records management database. The herbarium is the repository for voucher collections of the Queensland flora. Records maintained in the HERBRECS data provide solid evidence of the presence of a species of plant at a particular location and at a given point in time. HERBRECS data and the specimen label information is therefore essential for mapping and predictive distribution modelling of plants of conservation interest and narrow endemic species. The HERBRECS data discussed in this report relates to voucher specimens of plants collected from within the area indicated in Figure 2 and defined by the following coordinates (AMG Zone 55): Northwest corner: 307633 E, 8103872 S (480 m ASL) - approximately 8.5 km east of Dimbulah. Northeast corner: 341270 E, 8111535 S (504 m ASL) - approximately 10.5 km northeast of Walkamin, lower western slopes of Lamb Range. Southwest corner: 307945 E, 8070669 S (807 m ASL) - approximately 2 km southwest of Irvinebank. Southeast corner: 349529 E, 8073787 S (751 m ASL) - approximately 2.5 km northwest of Tarzali.

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Figure 2 Queensland Herbarium HERBRECS search area (inside white line). The wind farm site is outlined in red.

A large proportion of the HERBRECS search area primarily east of the Kennedy Highway captures landforms supporting vine forest and mesic vegetation. The floristic composition of these communities is therefore of limited relevance to the sclerophyll woodlands and montane heathlands of the project site west of Walkamin. The broad zone of land and its rugged topography extending roughly southwest from the project site has noteworthy relevance however, and coincides with the geographical region encompassing the recognised floristically diverse areas of Baal Gammon, Stannary Hills, Irvinebank and Herberton. This region is a refuge for a large number of narrow endemic and conservation significant plants which are discussed in this report.

4.5.2 Naturalised Plants

The Queensland Herbarium defines naturalised plants as "non-native species that have successfully established and are reproducing without human intervention." In broad terms these are often considered to be weeds. Some species of naturalised plants have significant deleterious effects on the environment; whereas others can be relatively benign.

An examination of the Queensland Herbarium's current HERBRECS data indicates that 287 species of naturalised plants have been collected from region extending to south of Herberton, east to the Lamb Range and north to approximately Mareeba.

4.5.3 Wildlife Online

The Wildlife Online searches and discussion of species is given in RPS' report of 2011"Fauna, Vegetation & Flora Assessment - Proposed Mt Emerald Wind Farm" (RPS, 2011).

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4.5.4 Protected Matters (EPBC)

The Protected Matters report of the EPBC Act 1999 and discussion of species is given in RPS' report of 2011"Fauna, Vegetation & Flora Assessment - Proposed Mt Emerald Wind Farm" (RPS, 2011).

4.6 Review of Conservation Significant and Important Flora

The following species of conservation significant plants were identified in searches of the EPBC Act's Protected Matters database, the Wildlife Online database and the Queensland's Herbarium database - HERBRECS. Because HERBRECS is based on validated and formally identified plants specimens held in the herbarium collection at Brisbane (BRI), they are considered the accurate and reliable account of what conservation significant plants are likely or do occur on the wind farm site. The species are summarised in Table 1.

Table 1 Summary of Conservation significant plant species confirmed to occur in region (HERBRECS data). Bolded species are confirmed to occur on the site. Vine forest taxa are excluded.

Family Status Locality Glossocardia orthochaeta Asteraceae E STANNARY HILLS (F.Muell.) Veldkamp GREAT DIVIDING RANGE, C. 1.5KM NNW OF Peripleura scabra (DC.) Asteraceae N WALSH BLUFF, OFF CHANEL ROAD - G.L.Nesom SPRINGMOUNT ROAD. Peripleura sericea (N.T.Burb.) Asteraceae N STANNARY HILLS G.L.Nesom MUTCHILBA 17KM FROM RD TO IRVINEBANK Cycadaceae V Cycas platyphylla K.D.Hill VIA STANNARY HILLS Euphorbiaceae V Euphorbia carissoides F.M.Bailey STANNARY HILLS Cajanus mareebensis Fabaceae E PARADA NR DIMBULAH (S.T.Reynolds & Pedley) Maesen GREAT DIVIDING RANGE, C. 200M NE OF Goodeniaceae V Goodenia stirlingii F.M.Bailey WALSH BLUFF. V Plectranthus amoenus EX MT SPIDER TOP NR MAREEBA CULT THE Lamiaceae (NCA) P.I.Forst. GAP BRISBANE Prostanthera clotteniana NEAR BOUNDARY OF MT BALDY SF, WESTERN Lamiaceae E (F.M.Bailey) A.R.Bean LOGGING AREA TRIBUTARY OF OAKY CREEK OFF Prostanthera sp. (Dinden Lamiaceae E LEMONGRASS DRIVE C. 2KM WSW OF MT P.I.Forster+ PIF17342) EMERALD SPRINGMOUNT ROAD, CA 2.3KM FROM Mimosaceae V Acacia guymeri Tindale CHISARI ROAD TOWARDS MAREEBA- DIMBULAH ROAD Mimosaceae N Acacia longipedunculata Pedley STANNARY HILLS NR MT EMERALD SW OF WALKAMIN (GPS 17 11 Mimosaceae V Acacia purpureopetala F.M.Bailey 30 145 22 55) Corymbia rhodops (D.J.Carr & Myrtaceae V S.G.M.Carr) K.D.Hill & STANNARY HILLS, WNW OF HERBERTON L.A.S.Johnson Homoranthus porteri HERBERTON RANGE, NORTH-WEST OF Myrtaceae V (C.T.White) Craven & S.R.Jones TOLGA. Melaleuca sylvana Craven & HERBERTON RANGE, UPPER SLOPE OF Myrtaceae E A.J.Ford MOUNT EMERALD, WEST OF TOLGA. E Melaleuca uxorum Craven, HERBERTON RANGE, NEAR TOPO '967', Myrtaceae (NCA) G.Holmes & Sankowsky NORTH-WEST OF TOLGA. Myrtaceae E Micromyrtus delicata A.R.Bean BAAL GAMMON MINING LEASE N Diuris oporina D.L.Jones W OF HERBERTON WALSH BLUFF ON HEADWATERS OF GRANITE V Grevillea glossadenia McGill. CK CA 4KM SSW OF WALKAMIN Zieria obovata (C.T.White) Rutaceae V STANNARY HILLS J.A.Armstr. Solanaceae E Solanum angustum Domin STANNARY HILLS

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4.7 Distribution of Conservation Significant Species

4.7.1 Acacia purpureopetala

A single collection has been made of this species on the south-western boundary of the project area. This collection represents the most northern and north-eastern distribution limit for Acacia purpureopetala. The population ‘centres’ (e.g. represented by the number of voucher specimens held in herbaria and plotted on mapping) are in the Irvinebank, Stannary Hills and the Silver Valley region to the south-west of the project area. A significant population has been confirmed on the scree slopes of Toy Creek (S. Gleed, pers. obs.). The species was not found during field surveys of the project area.

4.7.2 Grevillea glossadenia

Several collections and numerous sightings have been made from the project area of this distinctive species. It is also recorded from the Mt Emerald area immediately to the south of the project boundary. The species was frequently observed in the project area and across a range of habitats, including disturbed sites and vehicle track edges. In virtually all cases, it occurs on rocky ground. Grevillea glossadenia is the commonest occurring conservation significant species in the project area.

A single collection of G. glossadenia was taken from Abattoir Swamp between Mount Molloy and Julatten. This record represents the most northern distribution for the species and appears to be an outlier when plotted on mapping (i.e. mapping shows an obvious cluster of collections from the Irvinebank – Silver Valley region to the south the project area). Further, this is a single collection and details regarding the population size in this area are not known.

The most southern distribution of the species is from Ben Lomond mining lease west of the Harvey Range and west of Townsville. This collection also appears as an outlier and details regarding the population size are unknown.

4.7.3 Homoranthus porteri

This species was recorded at a number of sites within the project area growing directly on rock pavements in fissures, or on skeletal soils associated with shallow deposits on rock pavements. Occasionally it is found at the periphery of the rock pavement where rock gives way to deeper soils of a different landform. Where H. porteri grows in the project area, it forms monotypic thickets, but over a limited and relatively small area. The largest population observed on the site on the southwest ridge, formed a thicket approximately 6 x 6 m. Occasionally it is observed as scattered seedlings growing in rock crevices, and primarily in otherwise harsh environments in less than favourable growing conditions.

These observations are supported by a number of herbarium records from immediately south of the project area (Mt Emerald and surrounding slopes and ridges) where the same geology and similar vegetation formations are present.

A conspicuous population cluster appears on the mapping and from herbarium data to be around the Tumoulin-Archer Creek-Kaban region northwest of Ravenshoe.

A number of collections representing a population concentration have been made from the Baal Gammon Mine area between Watsonville and Herberton, and the species has been observed growing in association with Acacia purpureopetala on scree slopes above Toy Creek north of Baal Gammon.

The most northern distribution of the species is from the Mt Windsor region, assumed to be from ‘dry’ sclerophyll vegetation and from granite or rhyolite geology. This collection is represented by one herbarium specimen and the population size is not known.

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The most southern distribution of the species is Puzzle Creek, Mt Zero – northwest of Townsville. This is represented by a single collection and no details are known regarding the population size in this area.

4.7.4 Melaleuca uxorum

Two populations are confirmed on the site. Listed as endangered under NCA, but not under EPBC Act. This species is considerably rare and at threat given the population centres are on the site and immediately south on Mt Emerald. It is a low-growing, scale-leaved shrub found on rocky ground in exposed, windswept situations along the southern ridge. One population had approximately 40-50 individuals, and the other at slightly lower elevation supported approximately 50 individuals. The species is confined to heath vegetation.

Populations of the species outside of the site are all found only a few hundred metres away on Mount Emerald. An outlier population occurs in the Silver Valley region.

4.8 Regional Endemic Species and Narrowly Distributed Plants

The following Queensland endemic plants (after Blake, 1954; Burbidge, 1960) have been recorded from the wind farm site (60 species):

Acacia bidwillii, Acacia calyculata, Acacia flavescens, Acacia leptoloba, Acacia leptostachya, Acacia nesophila, Acacia whitei, Acrothamnus spathaceus, Astrotricha pterocarpa, Boronia bipinnata, Borya septentrionalis, Bursaria tenuifolia, Cajanus confertiflorus?, Capparis canescens, Cleistochloa subjuncea, Corymbia abergiana, Corymbia erythrophloia, Corymbia leichhardtii, Cryptandra debilis, Eriachne humilis, Eucalyptus cloeziana, Eucalyptus drepanophylla, Eucalyptus granitica, Eucalyptus lockyeri, Eucalyptus platyphylla, Eucalyptus portuensis, Eucalyptus reducta, Eucalyptus shirleyi, Gompholobium nitidum, Grevillea glossadenia, persiehana, Hakea plurinervia, Helichrysum newcastlianum, Helichrysum rupicola, Heliotropium tabuliplagae, Hibbertia longifolia, Hibbertia melhanioides, Homalium brachybotrys, Homoranthus porteri, Hovea nana, Indigofera bancroftii, Keraudrenia lanceolata, Larsenaikia ochreata, Leptospermum neglectum, Melaleuca borealis, Melaleuca monantha, Melaleuca uxorum, Notelaea punctata, Phyllanthus dallachyanus?, Phyllanthus simplex var. filicaulis, Pimelea sericostachya, Platysace valida, Plectranthus amoenus, Pseudanthus ligulatus, Pultenaea millarii, Stylidium confertum?, Stylidium eriorhizum, Trachymene bivestita, Velleia pubescens?, scottianum.

Of the species listed above, the following have a particular habitat preference and are confined to ridges and rock pavements or a narrow band of fringing vegetation adjacent to this type of exposed, rocky topography on the site (23 species): Acacia whitei, Astrotricha pterocarpa, Boronia bipinnata, Borya septentrionalis, Cleistochloa subjuncea, Corymbia abergiana, Cryptandra debilis, Eriachne humilis, Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta, Grevillea glossadenia, Heliotropium tabuliplagae?, Homoranthus porteri, Hovea nana, Indigofera bancroftii, Leptospermum neglectum, Melaleuca borealis, Melaleuca uxorum, Notelaea punctata?, Phyllanthus dallachyanus?, Plectranthus amoenus, Pseudanthus ligulatus, Pultenaea millarii, Stylidium eriorhizum.

Other species found on the site but not listed by Blake (1954) and Burbridge (1960) due to new species developments and taxonomic work could be present.

4.9 Regional Surveys

Ground surveys were completed of regional areas to gather information relating to the size of populations, their health and particular ecological characteristics that may be determinants of species presence on a certain landform or habitat type. Initially, surveys were completed of locations where the species are known to occur, and from where confirmed voucher collections have been made (e.g. herbarium records). Subsequently, surveys were carried out in habitats with similar physical attributes and characteristics as known sites, but where voucher collections have not been previously made.

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Reference was made to population size estimates given in the SPRATS profiles for species where this data is available. In some instances, particularly Acacia purpureopetala, significant increases in population size (i.e. number of individuals) were recorded in the Silver Valley region south of Irvinebank (S. Gleed & S. De Ridder, pers. obs.). The Silver Valley populations of A. purpureopetala represent the most southern distribution of the species; and based on field observations in August 2012, one of the largest and most productive series of sub-populations.

Observations of several hundred seedlings of A. purpureopetala in skeletal, gravelly soils of granitic origin (Elizabeth Creek Granite) and with evidence of fire in the form of charcoal may indicate that the species responds to germination in a post-fire landscape.

A notable refuge and 'centre' for conservation significant plants, especially A. purpureopetala, was identified in a regional survey of Toy Creek, just north of the existing Baal Gammon mining lease near Watsonville.

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5.0 Results

5.1 Description of Vegetation Communities

Eight vegetation communities were identified across the site. These are summarised below in Table 2, and profiles of each community provided in Appendix G.

Table 2 Vegetation communities of the wind farm site

Community Description

Rustyjacket Woodland

Woodland to open woodland of Corymbia leichhardtii, Callitris intratropica with Eucalyptus shirleyi and Eucalyptus granitica to 8 - 12 m.

Occurs mainly the centre of the site in the EU bioregion section.

Silver-leaf Ironbark Woodland

Woodland to low open woodland of Eucalyptus shirleyi to 4 m with emergent Callitris intratropica (12 m).

Best representation is near the centre of the site close in the EU and WT bioregion sections.

Yellow Stringybark Woodland

Grassy woodland of Eucalyptus portuensis with Corymbia citriodora to 7-12 m.

Occurs on slopes of WT and EU bioregion sections.

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Community Description

White Stringybark Woodland

Tall, grassy woodland of Eucalyptus reducta with Eucalyptus portuensis and occasional Corymbia citriodora and Eucalyptus drepanophylla (sens. lat.) to 12-18 m.

Occurs mainly in the WT bioregion section on slopes.

Range Bloodwood Woodland and Shrubland

Low, windswept woodland to open woodland and shrubland of Corymbia abergiana to 4 m on exposed ridges.

Mainly occurs in the WT bioregion section close to ridge tops and edges.

Montane Heathland

Low heathland with scattered shrubs or isolated, wind-sheared and stunted trees of Corymbia abergiana and Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta. Includes patches of rock pavements and outcropping rock.

Occurs above 900 m in the WT bioregion section.

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Community Description

Narrow-leaf Ironbark and Lemon-scented Gum Woodland

Woodland of Eucalyptus drepanophylla (sens. lat.) and Corymbia citriodora to 15 m.

Occurs in northern aspects of the site mainly in the EU bioregion section.

Dead Finish Woodland

Grassy woodland to 8-10 m of Eucalyptus cloeziana, Corymbia citriodora and E. portuensis.

Occurs mainly around the boundary junction of the WT and EU bioregion sections.

WT - Wet Tropics, EU - Einasleigh Uplands

5.2 Flora Composition

Over the period of study of the wind farm and investigations of more than 140 sites since May 2010, a voucher collection, photographic records and observations of the flora have been compiled. The checklist of vascular plants currently represents 279 species (see Appendix H) and has been validated by the Queensland Herbarium (Appendix H1).

The key findings of the flora surveys are the confirmed presence of the following conservation significant plants on the site: Grevillea glossadenia, Homoranthus porteri, Plectranthus amoenus and Melaleuca uxorum.

The cumulative checklist still has gaps given that surveys have not been completed every month of the year, and certain taxonomic groups are underrepresented (for example, ephemeral, short-lived taxa and herbs that may only be present during a particular month and under special climatic conditions.

5.2.1 Naturalised Plants - Weeds

From the HERBRECS data and observations, 43 weed species have been identified on the site, with a majority occurring along Kippen Drive (see Table 3).

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Table 3 Naturalised plants recorded from the site (44 spp.) Family Name Botanical Name Asteraceae Ageratum conyzoides L. subsp. conyzoides Asteraceae Bidens bipinnata L. Asteraceae Bidens pilosa L. Asteraceae Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S.Moore Asteraceae Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. Asteraceae Praxelis clematidea R.M.King & H.Rob. Asteraceae Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. Asteraceae Tridax procumbens L. Caesalpiniaceae Chamaecrista rotundifolia (Pers.) Greene var. rotundifolia Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Caesalpiniaceae Senna pendula var. glabrata (Vogel) H.S.Irwin & Barneby Convolvulaceae Ipomoea hederifolia L. Fabaceae Centrosema molle Mart. ex Benth. Fabaceae Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. Fabaceae Macroptilium atropurpureum (DC.) Urb. Fabaceae Stylosanthes humilis Kunth Fabaceae Stylosanthes scabra Vogel Lamiaceae Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. Malvaceae Sida cordifolia L. Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia L. Malvaceae Urena lobata L. Mimosaceae Mimosa pudica var. unijuga (Walp. & Duchass.) Griseb. Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida L. Poaceae Chloris virgata Sw. Poaceae Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. dactylon Poaceae Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd. Poaceae Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Poaceae Hyparrhenia rufa subsp. altissima (Stapf) B.K.Simon Poaceae Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K.Simon & S.W.L.Jacobs var. maximus Poaceae Melinis minutiflora P.Beauv. Poaceae Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka Poaceae Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. subsp. pumila Poaceae Sporobolus jacquemontii Kunth Poaceae Sporobolus pyramidalis P.Beauv. Poaceae Themeda quadrivalvis (L.) Kuntze Poaceae Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R.D.Webster Polygalaceae Polygala paniculata L. Rubiaceae Mitracarpus hirtus (L.) DC. Rubiaceae Richardia brasiliensis Gomes Sparrmanniaceae Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Verbenaceae Lantana camara L. Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta australis Moldenke Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl

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5.3 Description of Specialist Habitats

The flora of the rock pavements and ridges within the wind farm site have special and unique qualities. Many of the plant species found in these harsh montane environments do not occur in other habitats and are almost entirely restricted to ridges and rocky ground with skeletal soil.

The simplest expression of plant niche utilisation can be determined from basic presence/absence observations, where for example, the conservation significant shrub Homoranthus porteri is rarely, if ever, encountered in woodlands where a grass layer of Themeda triandra is present, but is always found on rock pavements, ledges or rocky ridges with the barest of soil cover.

Repeated field surveys, plant collections and species mapping confirm that the rock-dominant habitat outlined here is the unique environment in which a majority of the conservation significant and narrow endemic species are found.

5.3.1 Rock Pavements

Description: These features are characterised by an expanse of rhyolite in a near horizontal plain. The surface is relatively unbroken (cf. ridges). They are variously referred to as rock plates, rock platforms and rock shelves.

The florisitics structure and composition of vegetation of rock pavements is sparse and typically supports relatively few species of plants. A reason for this is the absence or very limited development of soil and growth media, which congregates in fissures, crevices, settles in hollows or is captured by woody debris and in surface irregularities.

Soil: Soil formation is slow and dependent in the early stages on the presence of foliose lichens, mosses and small plants that are able to establish in rock cracks and fissures. The soil veneer is thin but can have a very high organic content which is subsequently rich in humus. When not integrated with sand or clay, it has a loamy, peat-like structure with good water-holding capacity. These peaty soils (Plate 6) are derived from foliose and crustose lichens, mosses, and decomposing leaf litter from shrubs with microphyll leaves such as Homoranthus porteri, Polycarpaea spirostylis and Borya septemtrionalis. The roots of herbaceous plants and grasses and the rock ferns Cheilanthes nitida and C. nudiuscula play an important soil-contributing role, where the fronds die-back in the driest times, remaining dormant through underground rhizomes until new foliage regenerates during more favourable growing periods.

Plate 7 Humus rich soil associated with rock pavements is derived from mosses, lichens and decaying plant matter.

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Floristic composition: Acacia humifusa, Polycarpaea corymbosa, Pseudanthus ligulatus subsp. ligulatus, Borya septentrionalis, Tripogon loliiformis, Eriachne humilis, E. mucronata, Schizachyrium fragile, Aristida superpendens, Sedopsis sp. (Bulimba Station P.I.Forster+ PIF14742), Cheilanthes nitida, C. nudiuscula. Stunted trees and shrubs are infrequent, and are usually widely spaced and grow in crevices or between larger rocks and can include Acacia aulacocarpa (forming dominant thickets), Maytenus disperma, Homoranthus porteri, Grevillea glossadenia and Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta, and occasionally Corymbia abergiana. Representatives of the genus Plectranthus are usually represented on rock pavements and includes the species P. amoenus and P. graveolens.

In some instances, wattles (Acacia spp.) dominate a rock pavement, where they form tangled thickets typically comprising a single species. For example, Acacia aulacocarpa forms dense, woody thickets to 1.8 m tall on high altitude rock pavements in the southwest of the site. At slightly lower elevation, and often in association with surrounding low open woodland of Eucalyptus shirleyi, A. humifusa forms a layer to 40 cm on more fractured rock pavements. Acacia umbellata may also form dominant stands in this zone. North of the transmission line A. leptostachya grows as a dense shrubland to 3 m usually at the periphery of the rock pavement. Where the rock pavement grades into the ridge (see below), two species of wattle become more frequent: A. calyculata and A. whitei.

Ecological values: Rock pavements and their perimeters are the unique habitat environment for conservation significant plants including Homoranthus porteri, Melaleuca uxorum and Plectranthus amoenus. These species rely on the soil-deficient surfaces and are not found in adjacent woodlands where soil conditions are improved.

Because of the near-absence of flammable plant material on rock pavements, fires are more or less excluded; and hence this habitat has refugial qualities because of the fire-proof niche.

When disturbed, rock pavements are prone to invasion by wind dispersed Asteraceae weeds (daisies); particularly the environmental weed Praxelis clematidea.

Distribution: The most floristically diverse rock pavements occur south of the transmission line at elevations above 900 m, where cloud stripping for moisture is a driver of montane heath vegetation communities. Less diverse features are found north of the transmission line and support significantly fewer regionally restricted species.

5.3.2 Ridges

Description: Ridges and large areas of outcropping rhyolite are separate as a topographical unit from the more uniform surfaces of rock pavements. Stony ridges are characterised by sections of outcropping rock and large angular boulders. Some of these ridges give way abruptly to precipitous drop-offs, the faces of which are sometimes broken by a series of rock shelves and narrow terraces. Some sections of the ridges south of the transmission line are narrow and not much wider than 20 m.

The presence of taller woodlands usually comprising E. reducta and E. drepanophylla with Allocasuarina torulosa in the lower tree layer on west-facing slopes or sheltered valleys signifies a change in landform and the presence of improved soil conditions and more sheltered aspects.

Floristic composition: Typical trees on ridges include E. lockyeri subsp. exuta, Corymbia abergiana, C. intermedia and Maytenus disperma. Allocasuarina littoralis and E. portuensis may also be present. Shrubs include Homoranthus porteri (south of transmission line), Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, A. calyculata and A. whitei. A secondary shrub layer can be dominated by Jacksonia thesioides, Gompholobium nitidum, Grevillea dryandri subsp. dryandri, as well as younger generation plants of G. glossadenia. Less frequently low heath- type plants are present including Boronia bipinnata, Zieria minutiflora, Cryptandra debilis, Pultenaea millarii,

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Mirbelia pungens, M. speciosa subsp. ringrosei, Sannantha angusta, Melaleuca borealis and Jacksonia thesioides. The grasses Cleistochloa subjuncea, Arundinella setosa, Eriachne mucronata and Themeda triandra are relatively common.

Ecological values: Ridges south of the transmission line are narrow and accordingly host narrowly distributed plant communities. They are also key habitat for Homoranthus porteri and Grevillea glossadenia, as well as the narrow endemic species similarly found on rock pavements. One of the populations of Melaleuca uxorum found on the site, occurs on a windswept ridge.

Because of the narrow definition of ridges, they act as important conduits and pathways for genetic flow between plants that are restricted to them.

Above 900 m ASL and south of the transmission line, ridges are the main environment of the montane heath vegetation type.

Distribution: The most floristically diverse ridges occur south of the transmission line. North of the transmission line, ridges become wider and less dissected and rocky. Here, more widespread woodland types occupy ridges and notably fewer conservation significant plants are found.

5.4 Population Viability

Population viability refers to a species' capacity to retain a persistent and viable local population in the wild (i.e. within the location and habitat where each population occurs). A definition of viable in reference to population viability analysis and conservation planning is given by Akçakaya and Sjögren-Gulve (2000) as: "Viability of a species in a given geographic region is often expressed as its risk of extinction or decline, expected time to extinction, or chance of recovery."

The viability of a plant population relies on a number of factors, including but not limited to: population size (number of individuals); specificity of habitat (reliance on certain habitat attributes); and area and ordination of habitat (linear features are prone to change and external influence).

Negative consequences for the viability of a population of plants can occur as a result of habitat fragmentation and isolation (Klank, et al. 2010). These effects are obviously more profound for species of plants that grow in spatially constrained environments (e.g. ridges, rock pavements, fringes of wetlands).

Plant populations on the wind farm site of species such as Homoranthus porteri and Melaleuca uxorum, which both grow in specific, poorly represented habitats associated with ridges and rock pavements could be adversely threatened by clearing for tracks and the turbine footprint (assuming the respective species grows within the disturbance footprint). Falk (1991) suggests that these types of species could be considered as edaphic specialists: relying on a particular geology and soil environment and consequently may be prone to population demise at the micro-scale.

Grevillea glossadenia exhibits greater plasticity in its preference for habitat, and is found in a variety of environments ranging from ridges, to track edges and infrequently, in woodland adjoining ridges. Given this species' propensity for greater habitat tolerance, plus its capability of forming significantly larger and spatially diffuse populations, it is likely to be more resilient to the effects of habitat modification. This shrub is often encountered as seed-derived plants growing in rock spoil and even in stockpiled road base material. It is also one of the descendants of the horticultural Grevillea 'Orange Marmalade' - recognised by the nursery trade and growers alike to be an exceptionally hardy plant resilient to even errant encounters with lawnmowers.

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The approximate population sizes for conservation significant plants are summarised in Table 4, and are based on observations made during walking traverses of ridges and the proposed routes of the access and cabling tracks linking each turbine.

Table 4 Approximate population size and descriptions of conservation significant and narrow endemic plants

Species Habitat Notes Status Distribution - site within Distribution - regional Population estimate site overall - Population estimate impacted zone - Restricted to ridges and Narrow - rocky ground found in Confined to dominated by heath rocky rocky vegetation, but country substrates, occasionally in sparse extending ridges and more Narrow Cryptandra open woodland. SW through <200 exposed - ? endemic to debilis Greatest representation Baal individuals situations. region. in Wet Tropics Gammon to Found in bioregion, with isolated Silver Valley montane heath individuals found on and along and sparse open ridge approaching Herberton woodland. Walsh Bluff. Range. Most common on exposed ridges, but also found on track edges and very With Found in Widespread in rocky well-lit Grevillea Herberton habitat of the Wet woodlands close dryandri, this Range and Tropics bioregion to ridges and species is south to Grevillea section of site. almost exclusive the V Ravenshoe. >500 300-400 glossadenia Relatively common to Wet Tropics commonest Mt Garnet along ridges above 900 bioregion Grevillea on Road, Silver m, but rarely found section of site. the site in the Valley, under woodland cover. Responds to southern Irvinebank. ground portion. disturbance of rocky sites and will regenerate in rock spoil. When mature, Can be forms thickets common in More or less confined on rock patches on to SW ridges of the Wet pavements or exposed Tropics bioregion Homoranthus their edges, and ridges and V section, with isolated ? >400 300-350 porteri along exposed frequently on populations (x2) in rocky ridges. rock Einasleigh Uplands Not found in pavements bioregion section. woodland on or their slopes. edges. Generally found south of the transmission line Edges of Narrow Hovea nana - on woodland edges but ? ? <100 woodlands and endemic to in association with along ridges. region. surface rocks. In the Primarily south of the Rocky ground Irvinebank- Narrow Indigofera transmission line and on ridges and - Herberton- ? <100 endemic to bancroftii along ridges at altitude edges of Watsonville region. ~ above 850 m. woodlands. region.

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Species Habitat Notes Status Distribution - site within Distribution - regional Population estimate site overall - Population estimate impacted zone - Highly restricted Restricted and to Mt Very limited and narrow exceptionally Emerald, Very restricted distribution on southern rare - only the site and on windswept Melaleuca part of ridge in SW two E an outlier ~120+ <120 east-facing rock uxorum portion of site. Two populations population pavement/ridge separate populations found in site, in the Silver complex. confirmed. although Valley extreme SW region. corner not surveyed. Narrow - on Narrow Very uncommon plant exposed ridge endemic to found only along with outcropping region. Mirbelia - windswept ridge of SW ? <100 <100 rock and small Restricted to pungens portion of site in one rock pavements exposed location. - with Corymbia ridges in SW abergiana. sector of site. Narrow - on Narrow exposed ridge endemic to Mirbelia Uncommon plant found Irvinebank, with outcropping region. speciosa only along windswept - Watsonville <200 <100 rock and small Restricted to subsp. ridge of SW portion of region. rock pavements exposed ringrosei site in one location. - with Corymbia ridges in SW abergiana. sector of site. Difficult taxon Confined to rock to identify in pavements with Recorded from near field, but no tree cover on Turbine 66, but possibly Plectranthus ridges or found on rock favours rock pavements at pavements of SW pavements Plectranthus lower elevation V portion of site. Species ? ? <50 and very amoenus interspersed in identification difficult rocky woodland with and may intergrade ground. Callitris with other species of Rarely found intratropica and Plectranthus. under Corymbia woodland leichhardtii. cover.

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6.0 Constraints and Opportunities

An assessment of the environmental constraints and opportunities relative to the wind farm project area can help inform decisions on the positioning of turbines and access tracks. This section identifies and describes the environmental limitations and prospects for practical options aimed at precluding and restricting impacts to environmentally sensitive matters such as conservation significant plants and unique vegetation types.

6.1 Constraints - Vegetation and Flora

The south-west section of the project area and a majority of the land south of the 275 kV transmission line possesses the highest status in regard to the landscape condition, vegetation integrity, floristic composition of conservation significant and restricted plant species, and near-absence of weeds.

The elevation increase to 900 m and greater, plus the degree to which the land is dissected by ravines, rocky bluffs, rock shelves and narrow ridges gives rise to unusual and poorly represented montane heath vegetation along the southwest ridge of the project site. Proposed turbines (as shown in Appendix A) 35 to 42 are situated in this area. Other turbines located above outliers of the 900 m contour include 43, 44, 45, and 46.

6.2 Opportunities - Vegetation and Flora

The least constrained aspects of the project area are found to the north of the 275 kV transmission line and across the east-facing slopes of the eastern section of the property. With the exception of the most south- eastern section of the site (i.e. the land that approaches Mt Emerald), these zones have lower diversity in relation to the presence of plants of interest to conservation, and also support less diverse vegetation types.

Across the broad areas of the site described above, mixed woodlands occur. These typically comprise combinations of trees such as lemon-scented gum (Corymbia citriodora), rusty jacket (C. leichhardtii), Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta (no common name), narrow-leaf ironbark (E. drepanophylla sens. lat.), granite ironbark (E. granitica), yellow stringybark (E. portuensis) silver-leaved ironbark (Eucalyptus shirleyi) and cypress pine (Callitris intratropica). The ground layer of these woodlands is nearly always dominated by kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra) and broombush (Jacksonia thesioides).

The dominance of kangaroo grass is an indicator of better soil conditions; whereas, the presence of the tufted grass Cleistochloa subjuncea usually indicates harder, less fertile ground conditions. Kangaroo grass, when the dominant species, is generally found on wetter, gentle slopes, valleys and flat areas. It is also found on ridges, where it is noticeably less abundant and generally replaced by C. subjuncea.

Two plant species of interest to conservation were observed in low abundance in the woodlands described above: Grevillea glossadenia and the ground orchid Habenaria elongata. The latter species was observed in a sheltered valley in the centre of the southern portion of the site and represent a new southern distribution limit of some 100 km from its previously known southern limit. It is not listed under conservation legislation; however, the record highlights the significance of the southern portion of the site. Given its presence in a valley, the population of this orchid is unlikely to be affected by the proposal.

Weedy grasses also feature more prominently north of the 275 kV transmission line and in the eastern sector of the site. Molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora) forms dense patches on wet, eastern slopes closer to the Kennedy Highway side of the site. A number of these high points which are suited to turbine placement are topographically constrained by steep gradients and longer access approaches. They nevertheless, hold the lowest vegetation-ground layer floristic integrity because of the presence of modifying weedy grasses. Unfortunately, strategic repositioning of turbines from this area (as shown on early project layouts) because

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of visual amenity may result in significant impacts to environmental values in other areas of the site where biodiversity integrity is highest.

The comparatively lower vegetation and flora values associated with the land described above provide the best opportunities for limiting and greatly decreasing the level of impact on matters of National Environmental Significance, as well as reducing the impact on the unique montane heath vegetation community, which commensurately supports the highest numbers and most significant populations of conservation significant plants.

6.3 Constraints - Geological and Landform

Although a detailed geological investigation is not included in the scope of this report, rock type and characterisation and the position in the landscape are important determinants of unique vegetation communities, notably the montane heath vegetation which is restricted to windswept, exposed ridges above 900 m ASL.

The series of ridges south of the 275 kV transmission line are narrowest, and in some instances not much wider than 15 m with eastern-facing precipitous drop-offs. The ridge tops between proposed turbines 36 and 41 (and possibly 42, which has not been investigated) form the niche environment for montane heath communities and the specific habitat for the most significant populations of Homoranthus porteri, plus two critically important populations of the endangered Melaleuca uxorum.

Sections of ridge between proposed turbines 43 and 48 are also narrow with steep sides. Between this section though, conservation significant plant species are less abundant, but include populations of Homoranthus porteri and more commonly, Grevillea glossadenia.

Access tracks and cabling to a constructed cleared width of 10 m, and 20 m wide (minimum) at turbine pads will effectively remove major components of populations of Homoranthus porteri, with the greatest impact expected along the narrowest ridges between proposed turbines 36 and 42 (see Appendix A). More concerning, would be the loss of one of only two populations of the endangered Melaleuca uxorum found in the vicinity of turbine 38. Another population of M. uxorum is encountered between turbine 37 and 38

The population density of conservation significant plants, and the presence of a noteworthy number of narrow endemic plant species between proposed turbines 36 and 42 render this section of the project site highly constrained.

6.4 Opportunities - Geological and Landform

The undulating and more moderate landform characteristic of the northern section of the project area beyond the 275 kV transmission line affords a number of construction and turbine placement opportunities. These include greatly improved access; less rugged terrain; comparatively low abundance of conservation significant plants; limited availability of niche habitats for narrow endemic and rare and threatened plants; a majority of the land is below the crucial 900 m contour associated with unique and important vegetation types; and the land has a higher level of pre-disturbance than the land south of the transmission line.

6.5 Constraints and Opportunities Mapping

Mapping showing the environmentally constrained zones of the project area is provided in Appendix I. The mapping shows environmentally sensitive features such as watercourses; highlights the importance of the land south of the 275 kV transmission line; delineates key plant habitat areas; identifies pre-existing disturbance zones such as tracks; shows the proposed turbine footprints and interconnecting tracks; and demarcates quarantine areas of high ecological significance.

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The mapping is based on the confirmed presence of significant environmental features that are not found elsewhere in the project area, and in some instances, are poorly represented at a regional scale. It is derived from a combination of a range of results gathered from field investigations over three years, plus observations made of ex situ populations of plants.

The balance of the project area shown on the mapping (i.e. land not included in the mapping as constrained) is considered to be relatively unconstrained. On the condition that the highest level of impact avoidance and mitigation is practiced during the construction and operation of the wind farm, losses to environmental values could be manageable.

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7.0 Assessments of Impacts

The assessment of impacts is based on the layout provided by the proponent in July 2012 and further more June 2013. Classifying and determining the severity of potential impacts is important in order to formulate the most appropriate mitigation strategies, measures and site specific management practices to preclude or offset the impacts.

This report has described and highlighted the significant ecological zones of the project site, with an emphasis on identifying priority vegetation and flora areas. The report also identifies parts of the site with lower environmental values and fewer constraints. A key part of the assessment is to determine what areas are likely to be prone to irreversible or difficult to manage impacts. Avoidance of the impact is the first line of sustainable environmental practice, and because of the sensitivity of certain parts of the site, this report strongly recommends that avoidance is practiced as the foremost priority.

Construction of the wind farm however, will result in a range of unavoidable impacts. These will range in severity from low to relatively high. Direct impacts will occur primarily as a result of vegetation cover clearing and consequently from disturbance and alteration of the soil and ground features.

Less prominent, indirect impacts could become evident over time after the project's construction and when the frequency of machinery and surface disturbance reduces or is finalised. Due to the unknown nature and subtlety of these indirect impacts, a number of predictions have been made and based on the most landscape-relevant information available. Some of these predictions were derived from regional surveys of similar landforms with floristic affinities to the project site; and where these surveys did not yield sufficient information, some predictions were derived from an interpretation of pertinent literature.

7.1 Project Description

The project proposes to establish 63 wind turbines each with a construction pad measuring a minimum of 40 x 30 m. In real terms (i.e. the area of land modified beyond its natural condition) this equates to 6 ha of land being cleared, levelled and prepared with a range of imported or introduced materials including road base, concrete, sand and other construction materials. Areas given in this report are minimum, and it is expected that larger areas of clearing will be required for certain construction aspects of the project.

Based on the project layout supplied by the proponent (Appendix A), the network of tracks that will be created between each turbine for access and underground cabling will a proposed construction width of 10 m. This network of tracks will require 51 ha of land to be cleared and modified as described above, with the main modification being trenching to accommodate underground cabling. The depth of the trenching is unknown.

Other clearing and construction modifications that could impact on the environmental values of the site include the construction of the associated substation, and the separately proposed concept of the Asia Pacific Energy Innovation Centre (APEIC), which is understood to be planned at the northern end of the project site.

7.2 Impacting Processes

7.2.1 Habitat Loss and Landform Modification

Loss of rock pavements south of the transmission line could have a higher level of impact significance, given that these features are represented by small areas, and that access tracks are likely to traverse or intersect

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them. Therefore the probability of direct impacts to specific plant habitats represented as rock pavements is reasonably high.

7.2.2 Erosion and Sedimentation

Following track and pad construction, an increased potential for soil erosion will be present. Different sections of the site have different soil textures and structures, and therefore, the potential for erosion is varied. Slope and rainfall intensity will also affect the rate and severity of soil erosion.

No sodic soils have been observed on the site, and therefore, deep erosion comprising tunnelling and gullies is not expected on moderately inclined landforms. The track ascending into the site however, is steeply inclined, and it is expected that erosion and soil movement will be at its greatest along this section of the track. Interconnecting sections of track between turbines will also be affected differently by erosion - again, dependent on the degree of slope and severity of rainfall events.

7.2.3 Weed Incursion

Weeds pose a great threat to the integrity and function of the vegetation of all aspects of the wind farm site. Some weeds have established in the site in recent times, and most probably as a result of construction of transmission line and its associated track network.

Some zones of the site have probably suffered longer term weed incursions possibly as a result of grazing at lower elevation. The most significant manifestation of weed invasion can be seen adjacent to both sides of the main access road into the site along Kippen Drive. In this section, loss of native woodlands through prior land clearing, plus road verge maintenance have resulted in large areas being infested and dominated by weedy grasses and shrubs including grader grass (Themeda quadrivalvis), stylo (Stylosanthes scabra and other species), Hyptis (Hyptis suaveolens) and stinking passion flower (Passiflora foetida).

Higher on the site, where traffic and human movement is lower and less frequent, weed presence is found wherever land has been cleared and modified. Weeds observed on the site at higher elevation include Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea), molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora), guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus var. maximus), thatch grass (Hyparrhenia rufa) and pigeon grass (Setaria pumila). Isolated occurrences of a tall rat's tail grass (Sporobolus sp.) and Lantana (Lantana camara) can be found around transmission line tower pads.

Weed incursion results in loss of vegetation and landscape integrity. Weeds affect vegetation function, alter the floristic composition, impede or stop natural regeneration and can have a profound effect on the fire ecology of a region.

Species of weeds that have a high potential to enter the site through construction will be those found along the access road edges; those which are already present at higher elevation; and a range of other deleterious species generally found in drier landscapes. An indicative list is provided below, but is by no means exhaustive. Grasses: Rat's tail grasses (Sporobolus pyramidalis, S. natalensis, S. jacquemontii), thatch grass (Hyparrhenia rufa and H. hirta), graders grass (Themeda quadrivalvis), pigeon grasses (Setaria pumila and other weedy Setaria species), fountain grasses (Pennisetum setaceum and other weedy Pennisetum species), molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora), guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus), red natal grass (Melinis repens), signal grass (Urochloa decumbens). Potential other species: gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus), buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris).

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Vines: scarlet morning glory (Ipomoea hederifolia), black-eyed Susan (Thunbergia alata), rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora), siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum), stinking passion flower (Passiflora foetida), glycine (Neonotonia wightii), climbing Asparagus (Asparagus plumosus) Creepers/ground layer forbs - Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea), blue top (Ageratum conyzoides), thickhead (Crassocephalum crepidioides), cobbler's pegs (Bidens pilosa and B. bipinnata), Tridax daisy (Tridax procumbens), snakeweed (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, S. cayennensis), wynn cassia (Chamaecrista rotundifolia), Singapore daisy (Sphagneticola trilobata), white eye (Mitracarpus hirtus), Mexican clover (Richardia brasiliensis). Succulents: sisal and century plant (Agave sisalana and A. vivipara), mother-of-millions (Bryophyllum species). Potential other species: Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus), cactus (horticultural species and others). Shrubs: Hyptis (Hyptis suaveolens), stylo (Stylosanthes scabra and other species), Japanese sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia), Cinderella weed (Synedrella nodiflora), Lantana (Lantana camara), sicklepods (Senna spp.), Urena burr (Urena lobata), flannel weed (Sida cordifolia)

7.2.4 Loss of Vegetation Integrity

Loss of species and structural integrity of the original vegetation cover will occur as a result of land clearing. Large-class trees are generally found on sheltered slopes and in valleys, and rarely along ridges and high points. Nevertheless, larger trees form the framework of woodlands and also provide numerous habitat niches for fauna.

Vegetation integrity of the shrub layer and ground layer of heath and shrublands along ridges is at most risk of being impacted. These communities are unlikely to recover to their original floristic or structural composition, and the most likely scenario is a species poor community dominated by wattles (Acacia spp), and the heath plant Jacksonia thesioides.

The introduction and potential replacement of native floristic elements by weeds is a probability. The daisy weed Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) will invade disturbed rocky areas and could preclude the establishment of native species.

7.2.5 Slow Vegetation Succession

Colonisation of cleared track edges by native plants could be slow and result in disclimax communities of wattles or grasses, with limited representation of the original floristic component. This could be further exacerbated by opportunistic weed establishment.

7.2.6 Altered Fire Ecology

The introduction of weedy grasses with tall growth habits and bulk dry material could promote unnatural fire dynamics, which has many follow-on negative effects for both flora and fauna ecology.

7.3 Identification of Impacted Areas

7.3.1 Description of Construction Zones

Based on the current information available, construction zones for the wind farm project are understood to comprise two main features: turbine construction pads and interconnecting tracks, which will also serve as the routes for underground electrical cabling. An electrical substation will also need to be incorporated into the project.

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The turbine construction pads are proposed to be of a minimum area of 40 x 30 m, with the longest side orientated with the direction of the ridge (if applicable).

The interconnecting tracks are proposed to be cleared to an initial minimum width of 10 m; however, wider tracks will need to be constructed to allow for long, heavy machinery and trailers to negotiate bends and switchbacks when bringing the infrastructure into the site from lower elevations.

The depth of cabling (trenching) to be installed in the approximate centre of the interconnecting tracks is not known, but is expected to be a minimum of 1 m below the finished ground surface for safety reasons.

A number of vehicle (trucks and heavy machinery) turnaround areas will need to be incorporated into the "disturbance footprint". The location and size of these is not known.

The substation will occupy an area 200m x 200m and is situated along the current transmission line (Appendix A).

Other zones of potential impact which will be required include workers and site management facilities and depots; concrete batching plant/s, and possibly sources of roadbase and other construction materials. It is not known where or what size these facilities will be.

7.3.2 Area of Impact

The areas identified to be directly impacted by construction of the wind farm are shown on the mapping in Appendix A Site layout. Impacted land shown on the mapping is only applicable to the known construction zones outlined above.

From the current information available the total area of new impacts (i.e. new tracks and construction pads) is estimated to be 51 ha.

7.4 Impacted Conservation Significant Plant Species & Habitats

7.4.1 Known Species and Habitats to be Cleared

The conservation significant plant species that will be impacted by construction of the wind farm are Grevillea glossadenia, Homoranthus porteri and Plectranthus amoenus - all of which occur along ridges and on rock pavements.

It is not possible to calculate the exact numbers of individuals that will be impacted due to the uncertainties surrounding the precise turbine construction zones and the configuration of the interconnecting track network.

7.4.2 Potentially Affected Habitats

Habitats most at risk are those which are restricted to ridges. South of the transmission line is where the greatest representation of key habitats for montane heath communities and conservation significant plants occur. More precisely, the critical habitat zone is above the 900 m contour.

7.5 Impacts on Ecological Function

7.5.1 Vegetation Integrity

The integrity of the composition and structure of vegetation is likely to be compromised wherever vegetation clearing and surface disturbance will occur. One of the drivers of these changes will be the plant community

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that replaces the original community. Shifts in integrity can be structural and / or floristic. For example, wattles (Acacia spp.) are recognised as a group, for their capacity to recolonise and reshape the floristic composition of plant communities that they succeed. Examples of this can be seen across a range of edge- affected woodland types on the site. The shrubby wattle Acacia umbellata for example, readily forms mono- specific thickets over cleared tracks edges adjacent to existing transmission line access tracks (S. Gleed, pers. obs.).

Acacia- dominated thickets have no structural or floristic resemblance to the original woodland, which in the example given above, was characterised by a tree layer to 6 m of Corymbia leichhardtii with scattered Callitris intratropica. The ground layer originally comprised the grass Themeda triandra with the heath Jacksonia thesioides, overtopped by a secondary shrub layer of the grass tree Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. Effectively, thickets of A. umbellata preclude the regeneration of the original floristic composition; and therefore the integrity of the vegetation is compromised, and may never attain the original status and composition prior to its clearing. This type of scenario has implications for plant communities which possess high numbers of endemic and conservation significant species.

7.5.2 Connectivity

Linear clearing for tracks that are required between the turbine arrays will contribute to breaks and disjunctions of vegetation connectivity. Vegetation connectivity with high levels of structural and floristic integrity (described above) is important for the gene flow and the persistence of vegetation communities; and populations of plants - particularly those species which are narrow endemics; have limited distribution and habitat tolerance; and/or are important to conservation. The importance of connectivity therefore becomes even more crucial for species and communities that exhibit contracted habitat and edaphic ranges: plants with limited tolerance for differentiation in their growth environment.

Removal of the surface soil medium from ridges has the potential to have the most deleterious impacts, since plants that grow in this spatially narrow environment tend to be highly constrained to the particular depauperate soil qualities. Montane heath communities along narrow and exposed ridges will be most at risk because of the limited surface area available as habitat.

Woodland vegetation with taller stature, higher structural characteristics, and greater regional representation, is by contrast to the ridge-top vegetation, less prone to long-term and irreversible impacts. The configuration of this structural unit across slopes, valleys and undulating land renders it less susceptible to adverse impacts associated with breaks in connectivity and displacement of gene flow. This is one of the primary reasons why the section of the project site north of the 275 kV transmission line is least constrained in terms of environmental impacts associated with vegetation and flora species of interest to conservation, because of the decrease in presence of ridges and narrowly defined plant communities.

7.5.3 Refugia

Refugia could be defined as special habitats: niches and protected places where plants and discrete vegetation communities can survive and persist beyond the perturbations of extreme environmental events such as fire, flood, desiccation, drought or even predation.

A range of refugial plant habitats are present within the project site and include riparian fringes affording longer-term moisture and denser vegetation; rock outcrops with deep fissures and pockets of peat-like soils which retain moisture to sustain plant growth in otherwise desiccated environments; rock pavements , with naturally fireproof or fire-protecting qualities because of the minimalist presence of flammable material and low fire-bearing vegetation; ridges which by virtue of their steeply inclined sides have narrow surface area and support special plant communities.

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The limited spatial representation of refugia adds to their conservation significance (for example, heath communities above 900 m). The most profound impacts that could be expected to these specialist habitats are likely to be associated with clearing of ridges for interconnecting tracks and the turbine construction pads in these areas. Due to the narrowness of ridges, notably south of the 275 kV transmission line, there are limited opportunities to avoid the impact of clearing, except on the widest ridge crests.

7.5.4 Critical Habitats

Critical habitats are mostly associated with the presence of conservation significant plants - notably those species found in narrowly represented habitats found south of the transmission line and mostly above the 900 m contour. These habitats support the montane heath community where species such as Homoranthus porteri, Grevillea glossadenia and Melaleuca uxorum are found. Several narrow endemic, and regionally restricted plants are also found in this high elevation, exposed plant communities.

Given that these critical habitats occur primarily south of the 275 kV transmission line, construction of turbines and access tracks along the ridges in this part could have significant impacts on populations of conservation significant plants. In some cases, surface modification of the ridge top will result in loss of complete habitat niches, and particularly disrupt connectivity and the capacity for these populations to regenerate.

Significant habitat and populations of conservation significant plants are present at and between turbines 38 to 42. Turbines 43 to 46 also occur in areas of significant high quality habitat (as shown in Appendix A).

7.5.5 Botanical Values

Parts of the project site associated with habitats between 36 and 46 have significant botanical values. The concentration of conservation significant and narrow endemic species in this region renders their populations sensitive to disturbance.

The primary disturbance factors are ridge clearing and surface modification, loss of soil and a growth medium, and colonisation by weeds. The introduced daisy Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) has been observed to quickly colonise disturbed rocky sites south of the transmission line between turbines 48 and 49 at the 80 m wind monitoring tower. This weed exhibits allelopathic traits which preclude or retard the establishment and recovery of land by native species.

Mapping showing the core botanical zone and corresponding habitats is given in Appendix E.

7.6 Threatening Processes

A number of threatening processes, impacts and landscape modifications will result from construction and maintenance of the proposed wind farm. Some of these impacts will be direct and require immediate mitigation. Others will be more subtle and indirect and may occur over a period of time - possibly months or even years after the project has been constructed.

Direct impacts include vegetation clearing and surface levelling for road and turbine construction. Whilst this is considered to be the largest impact requiring a commensurate level of mitigation, the area impacted represents approximately 2.1% of the site.

Indirect impacts include the introduction of weeds and pathogens into once weed-free and healthy vegetation zones.

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7.6.1 Phytophthora

One of the insidious and potentially harmful indirect impacts could be the introduction of the Phytophthora plant pathogen (Phytophthora cinnamomi). The negative effects this disease has had on discrete plant communities in Western Australia is documented by Barrett (2000), where it is was identified that P. cinnamomi was the most serious threat to montane heath vegetation above 900 m ASL in the Stirling Ranges. At the taxon level Barrett (1996) reports the disease P. cinnamomi significantly impacts Proteaceous and Epacrid plants. Therefore, there is potential for the disease, if introduced to the wind farm site to affect conservation significant species such as Grevillea glossadenia (Proteaceae) plus a number of regionally restricted endemic species in the family Ericaceae (formerly referred to Epacridaceae). Phytophthora is a soil borne pathogen and would need to be managed through rigorous attention to equipment and machinery cleanliness (i.e. wash downs guarantees of no imported soil or plant material from diseased areas).

7.6.2 Myrtle Rust

Another recently described fungal plant pathogen myrtle rust (Puccinia psidii syn. Uredo rangelii) also poses a threat to plants in the family Myrtaceae. Myrtle rust spreads by microscopic spores and is readily dispersed by wind. It can also be spread by any vector that is able to carry the spores; therefore, vehicle movements, water, soil, on equipment and machinery and even plant nursery stock imported into the site have the potential to mobilise the pathogen.

Because of the significance of the Myrtaceae in the Australian environment (i.e. eucalypts, bloodwoods, bottlebrushes, tea-trees and paperbarks, etc), myrtle rust has been identified as a high to extreme risk biosecurity threat (Pegg, et al., 2012).

7.6.3 Surface Clearing and Scraping

Ground surface clearing and increased levels of substrate disturbance will occur as a result of establishing a series of tracks and construction pads for wind turbines. Due to the topography and the preferred location for wind turbines on the highest elevation points on the site, clearing will mostly affect the ridges connecting these high points.

Ridges and rock pavements form the geomorphologic habitat basis for montane heath vegetation (Ford and Hardesty, 2012). Slopes falling away from the ridges generally support a taller woodland of different physiognomic structure and floristic composition (S. Gleed, pers. obs., J. Kemp, unpublished data) and are unlikely to receive similar levels of disturbance as the ridges.

Clearing of vegetation and modification of the ground layer along ridges for the construction of tracks (proposed initial width of 10 m) and turbine pads (proposed minimum width of 30 m) is predicted to result in the following impacts: Transportation and relocation of the upper soil horizon. Modification of the underlying geology and edaphic conditions. Relocation and re-stratification of the soil seed bank. Potential exposure and desiccation of plant propagules including roots, rhizomes and seed. Alteration of soil drainage, water retention and rates of evaporation. Complete removal of vegetation cover and loss of habitat-obligated species. Initiate plant succession with the potential for species replacement and exclusion (e.g. Acacia replacing habitat specific plants such as Homoranthus porteri, Melaleuca uxorum, Cryptandra debilis and many

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others). Potential introduction of weeds and pathogens.

Observations were made on the site's western boundary of a recently cleared 3.5 m wide track through similar country as what is found on higher ridges (Plate 8). The track passes over the same rhyolite-derived soil and geology to that found along ridges south of the 275 kV transmission line. Plant regeneration at this site on road spoil was primarily by the wattle Acacia leptostachya, forming low, species-limited thickets.

Plate 8 Recently cleared track 3.5 m wide close to ridge country on western boundary of site. Track is estimated to have been cleared in 2012. Person on right of picture is standing 10 m from left-hand side of track, which represents the proposed clearing width of tracks between turbines.

Following Clarke (2002), parallels could be drawn between the effects of fire on species composition in heathlands and the capacity for regeneration of floristic components of the original montane heath flora following disturbance. For example, if fire is seen to be a significant disturbance factor and determinant of floristic composition of vegetation on ridges and rock pavements (Clarke, 2002), then species composition after disturbance such as clearing could be influenced by the ratio of obligate seeders (species that are killed by fire) and sprouters (species that resprout after fire) present in the original flora (Clarke, 2002; Bond and Midgley, 2001; Ford and Hardesty, 2012).

For species that recuperate by reshooting after disturbance (sprouters), there must be at the very least some functional primary root matter or vegetative propagule for the plant to recover. Track clearing and trenching will remove roots and stems of shallow-rooted shrubby species, and any successional vegetation will probably comprise mainly obligate seeders (i.e. species able to germinate from the soil seed bank). Obligate seeders are only able to recuperate if there is some semblance of the original seed carrying soil remaining in situ, such as in rock crevices. Therefore, increased or deeper removal of soil and substrate will result in lower species recovery rates and potential reduced species diversity.

Williams et al. (2005) identified that 97% of the montane heath species found on Bishop's Peak in the Wet Tropics bioregion are sprouters, with only one species being an obligate seeder ( plagiocarpa). Based on these figures specifically relating to montane heath vegetation in the Wet Tropics bioregion, it is reasonable to expect that the floristic composition of ridges and rock pavements will significantly change following construction work.

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7.6.4 Inter-turbine Cabling

Inter-turbine cabling is expected to be underground and buried to a depth that meets Australian Standards and any Queensland standards for safety. At a minimum, it is expected that cabling will need to be buried to a depth below the formed ground surface of 1 m. Based on the design provided by the proponent (Appendix A), the route for this cabling is assumed to follow the access tracks and aligned with the centre of these tracks.

Construction of the cabling trenches will require methods that employ the use of heavy earth-moving and trenching machinery. Additionally, it is possible that explosive blasting of solid rock substrates will be necessary in some areas. Solid rock is associated with many sections and linear stretches along ridges - sometimes in excess of 400 m. Fracturing of this geological landform may result in the total loss or significant modification of vegetation communities constrained to ridge formations.

7.7 Post-construction Environmental Responses

7.7.1 Vegetation Recovery After Disturbance

Fire has had a profound effect on the survival of certain plant species and the species that have recovered over the site. Ford and Hardesty (2012) record a fire event in the Mount Emerald location as taking place in late December 2007. Initial observations of the vegetation for the wind farm project began in May 2010. During this time access was gained to the most easterly ridges and the southwest and western ridges. Vegetation had been particularly affected in some locations, whereas some zones, mostly ridges and rock pavements, had remained relatively unscathed - reinforcing the fire-proof niche concept of these features (Clarke, 2002). Elsewhere, trees such as Callitris intratropica have not since recovered. By 2013, some eucalypts and bloodwoods showed some signs of recovery through the development of epicormic shoots. Judging by observations of vegetation recovery over successive field visits, it appears that the ridge vegetation recovers from gross disturbance and modifying events very slowly. Taller woodlands on slopes and in valleys on the other hand show signs of more rapid recovery.

The wattle Acacia umbellata is one of the commonest shrubs to regenerate after fire. This species forms monotonous low thickets, sometimes interspersed with a secondary shrub layer of grass trees (Xanthorrhoea johnsonii) and a low, uniform layer of the heath-like shrub Jacksonia thesioides (Plate 9 ). In places (mainly woodlands), the hemi-parasitic Exocarpos cupressiformis has emerged as a response to fire. The presence of these post-disturbance species, plus the suite of successional plants established in the existing powerline corridor give an insight into the possible species composition that could develop following construction of the tracks and turbine pads.

Plate 9 Regeneration of the wattle Acacia umbellata and the resultant allelopathic community following a severe fire event.

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Observations of the floristic composition of various successional stages of plant communities on the site confirm that wattles (Acacia spp.) are the predominant group to take effect on disturbed ground. Few species of wattle tolerate fire and generally recover from germination of seed stored in the soil. The commonest species of Acacia occupying rocky ground and amongst rock pavement mosaics include A. aulacocarpa (rock pavements), A. calyculata (ridges), A. humifusa (ridges and rock pavements), A. umbellata (ridges, rock pavements and edge of tracks - Plate 8) and A. whitei (ridges).

The ability for some conservation significant species and narrow endemics to re-establish after track clearing may be limited - possibly because of displacement and allelopathic soil conditions created by wattles. As a group, narrow endemic plants are reported to have a reduced capacity for colonization than widespread congeners (Lavergne et al. 2004). This further explains why a majority of the conservation significant plants (with the exception of Grevillea glossadenia), plus a great proportion of the narrow endemic species encountered, are restricted to a poorly represented habitat unit of montane heath found along ridges (see also Thompson et al. 2005).

Interestingly, the conservation significant shrub Grevillea glossadenia, despite being a narrow endemic, favours disturbance and appears to be an obligate seeder. Evidence of this species' capacity to regenerate en masse following ground perturbation can be seen around the 80 m wind monitoring tower between proposed turbines 48 and 49 (Plate 10). The shrub also survives healthily on and around stockpiled road base material near the Stannary Hills turnoff road to the south-west of the site (S. Gleed, pers.obs.).

Plate 10 The shrub Grevillea glossadenia regenerating from seed around the 70 m wind monitoring tower on the site.

For obligate seeders, if the soil seed bank is displaced, translocated or physically altered beyond a state whereby its regenerative germination capacity is diminished there is likely to be a corresponding decrease in the number of species represented in the original floristic complement consequently surviving. Similarly, for those species that are sprouters, complete loss of their vegetative parts will result in a loss of individuals from the disturbance footprint. This is particularly important to a number of locally endemic plants with contracted distribution ranges, including the shrubs Melaleuca uxorum (endangered), Cryptandra debilis, Melaleuca borealis and Hovea nana, Indigofera bancroftii plus others that are not found in woodlands on slopes, but are restricted to ridge environments on the site. Other examples of niche-specific plants that could be affected by clearing include Borya septentrionalis, Mirbelia pungens, M. speciosa subsp. ringrosei, Sannantha angusta and at least two species of unidentified orchid lithophytes.

The species described above exhibit minimal tolerance for habitat types and are constrained to depauperate rocky surfaces. Ford and Hardesty (2012) recorded their regeneration capacity as resprouting from the base

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of stems and from epicormic buds on branches and stems; and therefore, the probability that this group of plants will recover to form viable populations following major ground modification is low, unless they can be replanted or successfully propagated.

However, pads around turbines will be a mixture of scalped and pushed rock debris, which if respread in close proximity to its origin should have some capacity to supply surrogate habitats. Some regeneration of the original floristic component may occur from the soil seed bank, remains of roots, corms, rhizomes and tubers. Given the predicted limited success rate of tube stock planting as a rehabilitation method for the wind farm site, long-term observations and records of regeneration provide a sound opportunity for an ongoing research project.

7.7.2 Impacts on Soil Formation

The formation of soil on the surfaces of rock pavements and along skeletal zones of ridges is slow and results in the barest of growing medium in which higher order plants can later establish. Soil development from rhyolite is reliant on basic seral stages in vegetation succession, where a bare impervious surface is gradually colonised by lower order plants: foliose and crustose lichens, mosses and later by ferns (Cheilanthes spp.) and then by sparsely distributed short grasses such as Eriachne humilis and Tripogon loliiformis. The so-called resurrection plant Borya septentrionalis forms a patchwork cover over some rock pavement surfaces: usually in hollows and scoops, attaining a thickness of 15 cm; where the vestiges of roots and decomposing foliage provide the main constituent of the underlying humus rich, peat-like soil medium (Plate 11).

Plate 11 The resurrection plant Borya septentrionalis is an important contributor to the formation of skeletal peat-like soils on some rock pavements. Decaying root matter and spent leaves blend with exfoliating rock particles to form the medium that is capable of retaining water on an otherwise impervious rock surface.

Ramsey and Cairns (2004) recognise the importance of lower order plants, particularly bryophytes (mosses), in the development of soil and other physiological factors such as water harvesting, storage and slow release on rock pavements (Plate 12). Due to the depauperate nature of rock-derived lithosols, the retention and development of lower order plants in the primary successional phases as well as later stages is critical. These types of montane soils are uniquely associated with rock pavement floristics and are intrinsically linked to the presence of montane heath vegetation.

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Plate 12 Mosses and lichens are crucial to the early development of a growing medium for higher order plants on rock pavements and subsequently are a key contribution to the montane heath environment.

Woodlands on the site are found mainly on deeper, more well-developed soils and grow almost exclusively on the slopes and in valleys between ridges. The depth, structure and profiles of the soils supporting taller vegetation types in markedly different from the skeletal soils of ridges and associated rock pavements. Greater soil depth and improved structure contribute to vegetation of different stature and physiognomy, where for example, the tallest and most developed woodlands occur on the west-facing slopes in the south- western quadrant of the site. Here, large-class trees of Eucalyptus reducta over a lower tree layer of Allocasuarina torulosa reach their best development (Plate 13). Many trees have significant hollows giving evidence to their age and longevity in the landscape. The ground layer is markedly different from the ridges, where there are fewer shrubs and sub-shrubs, and the ubiquitous kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra) is invariably dominant.

Plate 13 Woodland of Eucalyptus reducta is found on sheltered parts of the southern section of the site. These woodlands exhibit the best structural development of all vegetation types in the project area, and evidenced by the size classes of trees, may also be the oldest.

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7.7.3 EPBC Act Significant Impact Criteria The significant impact criteria of the EPBC Act is applied to the three EPBC Act listed species known to occur on the site and in very close proximity (Acacia purpureopetala), and summarised in Table 5.

Table 5 Significant impact criteria of the EPBC Act as it applies to the three most relevant species on or adjacent to the site Acacia purpureopetala Grevillea glossadenia Homoranthus porteri EPBC Significant Impact Criteria Presence not confirmed Confirmed presence in Confirmed presence in project in project area project area area

Unlikely – most collections Possible if not managed Lead to a long-term of the species are from Unlikely due to relative appropriately – need to identify decrease in the size Irvinebank and Stannary high abundance and ability important sub-populations within the of an important hills – possible limited to tolerate a wide range of site and conserve areas of rock population of a habitat on south-western ecological conditions. pavement south of transmission species boundary of project area. line.

Unlikely – most records of the species are from Unlikely – a widespread Irvinebank/Stannary Hills Reduce the area of species across the Possible given that the species region to the south-west of occupancy of an southern half of the project occupies a naturally small niche the project area. One important area. Disturbance triggers around rock pavements and on collection from the south- population growth responses/seed rocky ridges. west of the project area. germination. Major population in Toy Creek (off-site). Fragment an Unlikely, as the species is existing important Unlikely – see comments Unlikely due to evenness represented elsewhere on the site population into two above. of distribution. where wind turbines are not or more populations proposed to be constructed. Unlikely – more significant populations mapped over the Irvinebank/Stannary Hills region –lower rainfall Unlikely due to wide Adversely affect Some possibility - the species has a and possibly more tolerance by the species of habitat critical to the comparatively narrow ecological preferential habitat. habitat types –even on survival of a species tolerance. Evidence indicates that the disturbed land. species is adapted to disturbed environments (road edges, mine sites). Disrupt the breeding Unlikely due to capacity for Unlikely – important cycle of an mass germination – Low probability if turbines are population not identified on important assuming soil seed bank is appropriately micro-sited. the site. population left intact. Modify, destroy, Yes – see comments below for remove or isolate or Unlikely – drier, and weeds. Also, rock pavements, decrease the Unlikely – habit for the possibly more preferential which are the preferred habitat for availability or quality species is well represented habitat in the this species, occupy small areas of habitat to the across the southern half of Irvinebank/Stannary Hills mostly associated with ridges and extent that the the project area. region. points of highest or exposed species is likely to elevation. decline Possible – introduction of Possible – introduction of Result in invasive deleterious weeds such as deleterious weeds such as species that are sicklepod, grader grass, molasses sicklepod, grader grass, harmful to a grass, and a range of other Unlikely - important molasses grass, and a vulnerable species naturalised plants that could populations not identified range of other naturalised becoming outcompete the species and on the site. plants that could established in the preclude successful regeneration. outcompete the species vulnerable species’ The weed Praxelis clematidea and preclude successful habitat poses a threat to disturbed rocky regeneration. ground.

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Acacia purpureopetala Grevillea glossadenia Homoranthus porteri EPBC Significant Impact Criteria Presence not confirmed Confirmed presence in Confirmed presence in project in project area project area area Possible if appropriate weed hygiene and other Possible if appropriate weed protocols for the hygiene and other protocols for the Introduce disease Unlikely - important management of pathogens management of pathogens are not that may cause the populations not identified are not implemented and implemented and maintained species to decline, on the site. maintained throughout the throughout the duration of the wind or duration of the wind farm. farm. Myrtle Rust and Phytophthora could be Phytophthora could be deleterious. deleterious. Interfere substantially with There is no recovery plan There is no recovery plan There is no recovery plan in place the recovery of the in place for this species. in place for this species. for this species. species.

7.7.4 Likelihood of Recovery after Disturbance

In the event that a particular site and corresponding habitat is modified or drastically changed from its natural state, the following notes have been compiled regarding the predicted (but not guaranteed) potential for a particular EPBC listed plant species to recover at the site. The notes are based on observations and label data (i.e. HERBRECS) of the responses of the species to modified environments in other areas with similar geological and broad vegetation characteristics. Acacia purpureopetala – likely, but not able to quantify. Evidence of regeneration at mine sites on benches where no other plants are able to establish. Known recovery and observations of regeneration on scraped road verges at the Stannary Hills road turnoff near Irvinebank (S. Gleed, pers. obs.) Grevillea glossadenia – highly probable this species will recover and populations will not be adversely impacted. Observational evidence at several sites within the project area of recovery following ground disturbance and modification of habitat. Mass germination of seed following fire events (note: recent fires may have destroyed these new populations before they had time to mature and set seed. The species appears to have a wide tolerance of a range of edaphic conditions – providing the base geology is rhyolite. Homoranthus porteri – little evidence of recovery after disturbance because habitats have yet to be grossly modified. Possible resilience to fire, but not fully understood. The species has been observed to have survived in patches where ridge trees have otherwise been affected by fire. The species is thicket- forming and is likely to set high quantities of seed. Seed is probably small (not observed). This species has a relatively small ecological tolerance, and is strongly reliant on rock-pavement surfaces and the skeletal soil environment of rocky ridges.

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8.0 Mitigation of Impacts

8.1 Alternatives to the Proposed Layout

A notable reduction in impacts can be gained by careful locating of each turbine with stringent consideration given to avoiding key habitats, zones of high concentrations of conservation significant plants, and essential habitat areas. In this regard, the most significant area of the project sites is south of the 275 kV transmission line. The primary habitat for important populations of many narrow endemic plants is found in this area. By not establishing tracks and turbine footprints in this zone, a considerable proportion of high value environment could be preserved. This zone is shown in Appendix I.

8.2 Mitigation Measures

A range of mitigation measures will need to be negotiated with the proponent, designed and implemented prior to construction. Some of these measures will be required throughout the operation of the wind farm.

8.2.1 Mitigation of Impacts on Vegetation Communities

The aims of the mitigation strategies are to maintain to the highest level the following vegetation-related matters: ecological function, vegetation integrity, connectivity, refugia and critical habitats.

The most prudent mitigation measure with respect to maintaining integrity to vegetation communities is to not clear the vegetation or modify the landscape beyond the current condition; the exception to this being the control and management of weeds that have existed on the site prior to the wind farm development. Based on this principle, any clearing should be undertaken according to a prescribed route and clearly defined turbine footprints, and kept to the absolute minimum necessary. Therefore, the layout of the turbine arrays and track network should be carefully and thoughtfully designed and clearly articulated on survey accurate plans.

Mechanical clearing of sensitive communities should be avoided as the only means of establishing the turbine construction pads and track network. Selective hand clearing of vegetation is preferred, and with qualified environmental advisors on hand to provide guidance to the least impacting methods of site preparation.

Maintaining the structure of the vegetation by not entirely clearing all trees and altering the architecture and framework of the community is important. Therefore, larger-class trees, hollow-bearing trees and shrubs should not be cleared if not necessary. Notwithstanding that, the highest representation of large-class trees tends to be in sheltered valleys, gorges and in the south of the site on west-facing slopes; and such specimens should be protected. Trees with a stem diameter at breast height of 30 cm or greater fit into this category.

Maintaining the floristic integrity of the ground layer is equally as important, as this stratum is the most diverse in terms of flora species in sclerophyll communities. This is particularly pertinent for any vegetation communities occurring along narrow ridges or bands of land where the community is not widespread.

Heath vegetation on ridges south of the transmission line will be prone to loss of floristic and structural integrity if cleared; therefore, it is critical that turbine construction pads are carefully planned and situated in the least susceptible vegetation types. Vegetation and track clearing will need to be constrained to the absolute minimum in these circumstances; and in some situations avoided altogether (see Appendix I for proposed conservation area).

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Linear and broad-scale clearing are notable impacts that affect ecological function. With clearing, the potential for weed invasion is substantially increased - another major contributing factor to the disruption of ecological function.

Sensitive zones of vegetation (riparian, heath vegetation and key habitats for rare and threatened plants) should be defined and clearly marked on the ground. These areas should be quarantined from machinery activity, materials storage and other potentially impacting factors.

The management and control of weeds is critical and of the highest importance. A dedicated weed management plan will need to be prepared and implemented prior to construction. Any new incidences of weeds in formerly "clean" areas should be dealt with immediately, and a record kept of the incidence for future reference and monitoring.

Weeds, pathogens, machinery and land modification are all interrelated. Therefore an integrated approach to construction is essential. Machinery and vehicles should pass through a washdown bay and be regularly cleaned at a designated point outside of the wind farm project construction zone (i.e. in the vicinity of Kippen Drive).

Unplanned fires and burn-offs should be avoided. A dedicated and strategic fire management plan should be developed and integrated into an overarching Environmental Management Plan. Therefore, burning as a means of clearing and cleaning-up a site should not be permitted. Similarly, burning windrowed vegetation should not occur.

8.2.2 Mitigation of Impacts on Plant Species of Conservation Significance

All plants of conservation significance should be clearly identified prior to clearing and construction activities progressing. Important populations of such species should be protected from impacts and identified on mapping. On the ground, these populations should be marked with fluorescent flagging tape, and where practicable, be allocated a buffer zone of at least 10 m in which no vegetation disturbance should occur.

Protection of supporting habitat for rare and threatened plants should be afforded where identified on mapping and in a similar fashion to that described above for vegetation communities. Again, weed management and control, is critical.

To assist with identification, plant guides, which describe important species and have good photographs of their characteristics should be compiled and issued to contractors.

Plants of interest to conservation that are to be cleared or damaged (i.e. in the construction footprint) will need to be recorded: noting the numbers to be cleared, the health of the population and other relevant information. Advice should be sought from a botanist prior to contractors undertaking work where rare and threatened plants are located.

A translocation plan will need to be developed in accordance with the EPBC Act guidelines and following the associated technical advice reported in Vallee, et al. (2004). Suitable recipient translocation sites should be identified and opportunities for relocating the conservation plants to these sites undertaken.

8.2.3 Mitigation of Impacts on Refugia and Critical Habitats

Refugial, protected zones for plants are often expressed in sheltered places: amongst larger rock outcrops, remote rock pavements, riparian niches and fireproof habitats, with minimal soil development, sparse vegetation and usually a dominance of rock on the surface. On the site these refugia area found adjacent to streams and ephemeral drainage lines, along ridges, in gorges, and in the remote section of the site south of the transmission line - particularly in the region of the most western ridge.

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The mapping in Appendix I shows the section of the site with the highest proportion of important plant habitats and consequently, refugia. Also, the rock pavement and outcrop mapping in Appendix F provides a spatial indication of micro-habitats for plants and could assist with the design of construction and placement of roads and turbine pads.

All key refugia should be identified and clearly demarcated prior to construction.

The refugial habitats summarised above should not be modified or have the vegetation cleared. This is most relevant to the ridge and heath vegetation found south of the transmission line.

Preservation of the ground surface is an important mitigation strategy in these sensitive habitats and notably for the heath vegetation. Here, any soil removal should be kept to an absolute minimum. Soil and rock spoil should be stockpiled immediately adjacent to where it will be excavated. It should then be returned and respread over the disturbed site as soon as possible.

Under no circumstances should weed-infested soil be introduced into these environments. Any imported road base and fill material will need to be sourced from local supplies and be certified weed-free.

For riparian niches, minimal clearing can be achieved by using existing tracks and stream crossings. Upgrading and installing culverts where necessary is advised. Weed control is required at some stream crossings.

8.3 Environmental Offsets

A number of impacts will occur as a result of construction of the wind farm. Some of these impacts may not be able to be avoided in their entirety, and therefore, the application of environmental offsets will be required. The main triggers for initiating offsets include: Clearing remnant vegetation listed as Of Concern under the Vegetation Management Act 1999; Clearing of species of plants listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; and Clearing of species of plants listed under the Nature Conservation Act 1992

Other matters that can trigger interest with respect to environmental offsets include the loss of habitat that is critical to sustaining populations of plants listed under the EPBC Act and the NCA.

8.3.1 The Need for Offsets

If impacts cannot be avoided, then consideration might be given to providing conservation area offsets – this process is complex and the preferred option is clearly to avoid the impact by repositioning turbine construction pads and re-routing tracks.

In real terms, environmental offsets are the least preferred option for impact mitigation. It is far more ecologically sustainable to avoid creating the impact rather than environmental trade-offs such as land swaps, rehabilitation, monetary offsets and so on. Nevertheless, where the impact is unavoidable, such as in situations where plants of conservation significance occur in the disturbance/clearing footprint, then environmental offsets to supplement practical mitigation measures will need to be negotiated with respective government departments and administering authorities.

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8.3.2 Types of Offsets

This report does not outline the range of environmental offsets in practice in Australia. This aspect should be considered as a separate component to this report, and focus on strategic approaches which could incorporate: Rehabilitation initiatives: for example, identifying ex situ land with an important landscape position, where the conservation values could be enhanced and improved through a long-term rehabilitation programme. Land swaps and purchases: acquisition of land with important values (similar to above), with the intention of maintaining the land in perpetuity as a conservation area. Designating in situ conservation zones: the land to the south of the transmission line is identified as having significant conservation value. This land could be considered as a key conservation zone (see mapping in Appendix I). Financial offsets: a complex area; nevertheless, monetary negotiations should be directed at achieving a net conservation benefit. Instigating research initiatives: research initiatives and concepts are discussed in the following section in this report, and could be supported through grants or bursaries issued by the proponent.

8.4 Concepts for Environmental Offsets and Conservation-based Initiatives

8.4.1 Plant Translocation Plan

There is a requirement under the EPBC Act to identify and confirm opportunities for the translocation of wild plants if they are to be cleared from the construction footprint. A translocation plan based on the criteria and guidelines detailed in Vallee, et al. (2004) should be developed with site specific objectives clearly outlined.

Recipient and target translocation sites across the project area should be described and mapped and integrated into the plan accordingly.

8.4.2 Literature and Interpretive Material

Affiliated with offsets could be a series of interpretive literature and associated material which describes and recognises the importance of the project site from a range of perspectives. For example, the northern Quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus), noted for its conservation status, is relatively widespread in the project area and worthy of documenting. Such documentation would include photographs of the species including infra-red photographs taken during the population survey of the species in the project area; as well as its habitat requirements, feeding needs and notes on its natural history. Similar short communications could be developed for other species of fauna of interest to conservation.

The rare and threatened plants found in the project area lend themselves to interpretation both through literature and as design elements in an arboretum for example, and in revegetation. Given the static nature of plants they are readily photographed and described. The ecology of plant species can also be easily interpreted. Interestingly, the flora of the project area is poorly represented in the current literature, apart from occasional taxonomic work (Craven, et al. 2003; Craven and Ford, 2004; Ford and Hardesty, 2012). These forms of documentation generally have a narrow audience, and arguably have limited effect in informing wider, more generalist audiences; therefore, there are reasonable opportunities to interpret the local flora and unique vegetation types in the form of plant guides, booklets and so on.

Of importance in this regard, is the need for contractors and managers to be able to identify the plants that are the subject of this report, and which form a basis for the site's distinctive environmental qualities. Accordingly, a plant guide should be developed as a matter of course.

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8.4.3 Revegetation

Rehabilitation and replacement of weeds with native plants along both sides of the existing road verges from the Granite Creek crossing to the base of the project area is essential, and would increase visual amenity into the site, and more importantly will increase the capacity to slow down the establishment of invasive weeds such as grader grass and molasses grass amongst many others. This section of the road poses a significant risk to weed invasion higher into the project area.

Other revegetation activities should be undertaken around and in the vicinity of each turbine. These sites also afford opportunities to study the effects of weed establishment and native plant regeneration in rocky landscapes.

8.4.4 Research Opportunities

Several areas have been identified where information gaps in relation to the project's construction and operation exist. The summaries below do not constitute a comprehensive assessment of the information gaps; however, research into these areas would greatly benefit an understanding of the special environmental qualities of the project site. Vegetation succession: Comparatively limited understanding of how mountain vegetation (montane heath) responds and recovers after disturbance and clearing. Weeds: Unknown effects of potential ecological "modifier" weeds such as Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) as well as others - particularly tall grass weeds such as thatch grass (Hyparrhenia rufa). Early observations indicate that P. clematidea hinders the establishment and possibly precludes secondary and climax phase montane heath plants. Fire ecology: Insufficient understanding of fire ecology and its role or impact on montane heath communities. This important facet of ecology is critical to understand in greater depth given that it may have bearing on vegetation succession and the ability for populations of conservation significant plants to survive and perpetuate future, viable generations that maintain the current level of genetic diversity. Similarly, maintenance of the level of high endemism could be influenced by the local fire ecology. Floristic inventory: Over 140 sites have been surveyed to elucidate the flora of the project site. Ground surveys are moderated by the degree of accessibility, availability of time and resources, and obvious safety factors. The final survey that was undertaken on the site located the exceptionally uncommon (endangered) shrub Melaleuca uxorum along the southern-most ridge. Opportunistic sightings of the ground orchid Habenaria elongata confirmed a new southern distribution limit of approximately 100 km from its previously known location in southern . One-off sightings and chance encounters such as these highlight the need to undertake monthly flora monitoring and recording surveys to compile a more complete and seasonal floristic inventory. Plant endemism: The site sits at the northern end and terminus of the Herberton Range. This geographical feature at this location holds a concentration of narrow endemic plant species and species with restricted distribution ranges. The determinants of this endemic focus for the montane heath flora is not fully understood and is poorly represented in the scientific and taxonomic literature. Population viability: The population viability of key conservation significant plants could not be ascertained because of time and resource constraints to complete detailed studies. The results of a Population Viability Analysis investigation would be beneficial to inform a range of mitigation measures for clearing vegetation along ridges, and also to determine acceptable levels of clearing in order not to adversely affect the population dynamics of certain plant species, mainly Homoranthus porteri and Melaleuca uxorum. Landscape rehabilitation: The wet tropics region is well regarded for its attention to tropical restoration and rehabilitation. These efforts however, have primarily focussed on rain forest (vine forest) vegetation

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types and land that formerly supported vegetation communities dominated by mesic plant species. Broad methods, typically tube-stock planting and direct-seeding have been used with varying levels of success; nevertheless, very little is known or has been practiced in sclerophyll-dominant vegetation other than mine site rehabilitation and direct-seeding efforts associated with recovering borrow pits and road verges. Horticulture of specialist plants: A rehabilitation programme and strategy for the Mt Emerald Wind Farm project could include the use of plants sourced from the horticulture industry (plant nurseries). As with many aspects of tropical montane heath vegetation, which is common along the ridges of the southern half of the project area, there is a small body of information pertaining to the propagation of the plants that typify this community. Generally much is understood regarding the nursery production of eucalypts and bloodwoods (Eucalyptus and Corymbia spp.), as well as a range of common northern woodland plants such as wattles (Acacia spp.); the heath plants however, are not so well recognised in horticulture. There are a number of species which are found in the project site which have been propagated by a local, commercial plant nursery with some success, and include Homoranthus porteri and "Baeckea sp. Herberton Range", which could refer to Sannantha angusta - a local endemic. Given the high proportion of endemic plants and the uniqueness of the site's flora, any plant stock used in rehabilitation should be derived from material whose provenance is from the site or the immediate region from the same rhyolite geology and vegetation type. More information is required about the species hardiness and resilience to being transplanted into the natural environment with no post-human intervention or assistance. Soil-seed bank dynamics: The soil-seed bank of the montane heath community is not completely understood and research could consider transplanting sub-sets of topsoil from different site locations and monitoring germination. Research efforts would ideally be performed in a controlled plant nursery setting. Basic data to collect would include species, categorising plant functional groups, species names and number of individuals germinating per unit area. Seedlings germinated from the trials could be used in site-specific rehabilitation and landscaping.

8.5 Monitoring of Impacts

A strategic approach to monitoring environmental impacts in relation to flora is required. A monitoring programme should be developed and be integrated into an overarching Environmental Management Plan for the project. The result of the monitoring may have to be submitted to SEWPaC for compliance.

The purpose of the monitoring programme will be to record and document the impacts to conservation significant plant species and their habitats. The monitoring should not be limited to those species listed under the EPBC Act, as there are considerably rarer and more poorly represented species present on the site that require an increased level of conservation in order to maintain viable populations.

The monitoring programme must be designed with the intent of recording and measuring the impacts (predicted and non-predicted), and should include the following information: Impacts to ecosystems and specialist vegetation types: changes in floristic composition, structure and integrity. To be recorded twice each year according to most marked seasonal changes (i.e. wet and dry season). Reproductive phenology: flowering and fruiting times, events and frequency; production of viable seed or propagules, and germination / recruitment of new individuals (seedlings). Baseline data required (i.e. flowering and fruiting phenology). Possible recording period of each month. Stability of plant populations (conservation significant): reductions or increases in population size - number of individuals. To be recorded according to baseline data. Probable recording period of once each year per taxon.

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Strategic monitoring component for rehabilitation and any associated environmental offsets that may have been negotiated. The level (severity) of effect caused by predicted and actual impacts and a categorisation of these impacts. Weed monitoring: records of new weed incidences; new weed species; dates of establishment; proposed control measures; efficacy of control; follow-up weed management practices and events.

Concurrent with the monitoring programme, a series of key performance indicators will need to be developed. These may include predetermined rates of vegetation succession, measures of abundance; records of species composition; ratios of pioneer/successional communities to original vegetation composition/type; spatial measurements of land recovery/vegetation establishment - particularly adjacent to tracks and turbine construction pads.

Information gained from the monitoring programme will be used to gauge and assess the effectiveness of the mitigation measures proposed; and also inform new or adapted mitigation strategies that may develop as the project progresses. For example, unforeseen impacts may become evident when the wind farm is operational.

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9.0 Conclusion

The Mt Emerald wind farm site is a unique area, hosting interesting vegetation types and habitats - some of which are poorly represented on a regional scale because of the mountainous topography.

The project site, located at the northern end of the Herberton Range, a mountainous feature of rhyolite geology, takes in sections of the Wet Tropics and the Einasleigh Uplands bioregions. The Wet Tropics bioregion section is characterised by rugged and broken topography of narrow ridges and steep slopes. The Einasleigh Uplands section has gentler landforms of less dissected character and also takes in the prominent landscape feature of Walsh Bluff at the most northern end. The southern section of the site comprises undisturbed land which is contiguous with Mount Emerald (proper).

Sixty three wind turbines are proposed to be constructed across the project site on cleared and levelled pads, each measuring a minimum of 30 x 40 m. Wind turbines are to be interconnected by an unsealed track which will also incorporate the underground electrical cabling network. These tracks are proposed to be cleared to an initial width of 10 m. In places the tracks will necessitate wider clearing to allow for bends and machinery manoeuvring space.

Four plant species of conservation interest have been positively confirmed to occur in the wind farm project site, and in areas identified to be impacted (cleared) for turbine construction pads or tracks. These are Homoranthus porteri (listed as vulnerable under the EPBC Act and NCA), Grevillea glossadenia (listed as vulnerable under the EPBC Act and NCA), Plectranthus amoenus (listed as vulnerable under the NCA) and Melaleuca uxorum (listed as endangered under the NCA).

In order of rarity (number of individuals observed on the site, plus comparison with regional populations), Melaleuca uxorum is exceptionally rare and only occurs in two isolated populations on the site with a total of approximately 100 individuals in the Wet Tropics bioregion section.

Plectranthus amoenus is poorly represented on rock pavements in the Wet Tropics and Einasleigh Uplands sections (total numbers unknown).

Homoranthus porteri populations are centred in the Wet Tropic bioregion section only high elevation ridges, with two outlier populations in the Einasleigh Uplands section. The number of individuals could not be accurately determined; however, the species is confined mostly to exposed, narrow ridges. The wind farm site represents an important population centre for the species because of its relatively narrow habitat tolerance and the possible northern distribution limit of significant populations.

The most frequently occurring of the conservation significant species is Grevillea glossadenia, which is widespread in the Wet Tropics section with individuals also found on disturbed track edges in the Einasleigh Uplands section. Of the conservation significant plants described here, this species has the widest habitat tolerance and appears to favour disturbance to some extent (disturbed rock spoil may trigger germination of seed). The numbers of individuals of this species extend into the hundreds.

The montane heath community, reliant on elevation separation and cloud stripping of moisture above 900 m, is a rare and narrowly defined vegetation type, which hosts a major proportion of conservation significant plants and narrow endemic species. This community is largely confined to the Wet Tropics bioregion section of the project site. It supports considerable floristic diversity, which on a regional scale is only found locally and is an extension of the Mount Emerald environment.

Floristic diversity and structural uniqueness (vegetation) decrease in the northern half of the site, which coincides with the Einasleigh Upland bioregion section. The landform here is markedly less rugged and

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dissected and a majority of it sits lower than 900 m ASL. Because of this, vegetation types are more broadly represented on a regional scale, and hold less intrinsic value. Most areas are however, in very good condition with few signs of modification and weed incursion. Nevertheless, conservation significant plants are rarely found in the northern section, even on the most rocky, exposed ridges or points.

The key impacts identified which will influence the recovery of the landscape post-construction are those associated with clearing and removing the thin veneer of rocky soil. Along narrow ridges in the Wet Tropics section, a return of the vegetation to its natural floristic composition is unlikely within approximately 15 years, when compared with disturbance events on similar landforms (e.g. existing tracks). This is evidenced by the cleared tracks associated with the transmission line infrastructure, which was commissioned in 2002. The most probable scenario for plant succession is colonisation by low, shrubby wattles. Grevillea glossadenia will probably respond in some areas favourably by germinating en masse in rocky spoil adjacent to tracks. No evidence was found to indicate that Homoranthus porteri will respond to disturbance in a similar, positive manner. Melaleuca uxorum is by virtue of its rarity and exceptionally limited distribution on a regional scale, a montane heath specialist species that is at risk of decline if the populations are disturbed or influenced by edaphic changes and altered hydrological regimes (runoff and drainage). Plectranthus amoenus is restricted to rock pavements and it is not understood from observations how this species will respond to disturbance. The genus is however, known to be easily propagated in horticulture.

Weed colonisation will be inevitable after ground disturbance of the site. Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) poses a risk to communities on rocky ground such as along ridges, and it is expected that this species will be one of the first to establish on newly cleared land. Later incursions by weedy grasses such as thatch grass (Hyparrhenia rufa), grader grass (Themeda quadrivalvis) and signal grass (Urochloa decumbens) are possible if stringent, long-term weed control protocols are not followed. Other weeds noted for their 'roadside' colonisation traits include Hyptis (Hyptis suaveolens), Sida (Sida spp.) and stinking passionflower (Passiflora foetida). The list is not inclusive, and the project site is considered vulnerable to the deleterious effects of weeds. Of concern would be the import of a range of introduced legumes in construction material, such as sicklepods (Senna spp.), Wynn cassia (Chamaecrista rotundifolia), sensitive weeds (Mimosa spp.), siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum), rattlepods (Crotalaria spp.) and many other species.

Because of the sensitive nature of the environment of the project site, impact mitigation strategies and measures will need to be carefully thought out and be focussed on the unique qualities and challenges posed by the elevated, mountainous aspect. This report recommends demarcating specific zones of the site and quarantining them from construction and disturbance activities. Of special relevance in this context is the rugged country to the south of the transmission line in the Wet Tropics section. This land clearly holds the highest and most significant environmental values and modification of the landform will most probably result in irreversible changes to rare and unique vegetation communities, floristic composition and ecological function.

The best construction opportunities for the wind farm are to be found in the Einasleigh Uplands section north of the transmission line. The more undulating and level landform holds lower environmental value, does not support poorly represented vegetation communities, and conservation significant plants are found is considerably lower abundance. From a feasibility perspective, the limited presence of precipitous drop-offs and steeply inclined slopes in the northern section offers easier construction prospects, whereby environmental impacts to the landscape values appear, at this stage, to be more practicably manageable and reversible.

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Mueller-Dombois, D. and Ellenberg, H. (1974). Aims and Methods of Vegetation Ecology. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York.

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 Page 64 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Neldner, V.J., Wilson, B.A., Thompson, E.J. and Dillewaard, H.A. (2012). Methodology for Survey and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in Queensland. Version 3.2. Updated August 2012. Queensland Herbarium, Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts, Brisbane. 124 pp.

Pedley, L. (1978). A revision of Acacia Mill. in Queensland. Austrobaileya 1(2): 75-234.

Pegg, G., Perry, S., Carnegie, A., Ireland, K. and Giblin, F. (2012). Understanding myrtle rust epidemiology and host specificity to determine disease impact in Australia. Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity, ACT.

Peterson, A. Townsend; Soberon, Jorge; Pearson, Richard G.; Anderson, Robert P.; Martinez-meyer, Enrique (2011). Ecological Niches and Geographic Distributions. Princeton University Press, Princeton.

Pickering, C. and Hill, W. (2007). Impacts of recreation and tourism on plants in protected areas in Australia. Sustainable Tourism CRC.

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Powerlink (n.d.). Powerlink Annual Report 2001/02. Powerlink Queensland, Brisbane.

Queensland Herbarium (2013a). Regional Ecosystem Description Database (REDD). Version 6.1 (February 2013). Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts, Brisbane.

Queensland Herbarium (2013b). Regional Ecosystem Description Database (REDD). Version 7.1 (February 2013). Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts, Brisbane.

Ramsay, H.P. and Cairns, A. (2004). Habitat, distribution and the phytogeographical affinities of mosses in the Wet Tropics bioregion, north–east Queensland, Australia. Cunninghamia 8(3): 371–408.

Rhind, P.M. (2010). Queenslandian Endemic Plants. Available from the Terrestrial Biozones site: Accessed 5 March 2013.

Rhind, P.M. (2010). Classification of the Biosphere. http://www.terrestrial- Accessed 5 March 2013.

RPS (2011). Fauna, Vegetation & Flora Assessment - Proposed Mt Emerald Wind Farm. RPS Australia East Pty Ltd, Cairns.

Sattler, P.S. & Williams, R.D. (eds.) (1999). The Conservation Status of Queensland’s Bioregional Ecosystems. Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane.

SEWPaC (2012). Final Guidelines for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Mt Emerald Wind Farm, Herberton Range Approximately 50 km West/South-West of Cairns, Queensland. RATCH Australia Corporation Limited (EPBC 2011/6228). Australian Government, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra.

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 Page 65 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Specht, R.L. (1970). ‘Vegetation’, in G.W. Leeper (ed.). The Australian Environment. 4th edition. CSIRO and Melbourne University Press, pp. 44–67.

Specht, R. L. (1979). Heathlands and related shrublands of the world. In Ecosystems of the World. Vol. 9A. Heathlands and Related Shrublands. Descriptive Studies. (Ed. R. L. Specht.) pp. 1-19. (Elsevier: Amsterdam.)

Specht, R.L. (1981). Responses to fires of heathlands and related shrublands. In A.M. Gill, R.H. Groves and I.R. Noble (eds), Fire and the Australian biota, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra.

Specht R.L. (1994) Heathlands. In: Australian Vegetation (ed. R.H. Groves) pp. 321–344. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Stanton. J.P. and Stanton, D.J. (2005) Vegetation of the Wet Tropics of Queensland Bioregion (version 1.1). Reports to the Wet Tropics Management Authority, Cairns.

Thackway, R. and Cresswell, I.D. (eds.) (1995). An Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia: a framework for establishing the national system of reserves. Version 4.0. Australian Nature Conservation Agency, Canberra.

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PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 Page 66 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Appendix A Mt Emerald Wind Farm Project Layout (July 2012)

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 ±


7 8 1 3




A E S P 23 18 71 C

SP 2 D 31 SP 2 87 23 1 18 1 (!!( 71

2 3 (!!(

4 3 (!!(

5 4 !((! 62 63 !(

6 7 5 !( 71 62 !( (! !( 61 !( 65 8 6 (! 70 (! 63 (!!( !( (! 7 61 (! !( 9 70 (! 60 66 !( 1 !( 12 !( (!!( (! 64 (! 69 60 !( 8 10 (!!( 64 69 59 67 !((! !( !( (! 68 (!59 (! 65 14 14 68 !( 11 !((! !( !( (! 66 (! 9 13 13 !( 58 58 ! 11 12 ( 41 !( (! 28 (!39 !( !( !( 67 10 (! (! 54 52 15 57 57 (!!( !( 27 74 (!!( (!!( 16 15 75 53 (!!( 29 (! 51 56 56 (!!( 26 (!73 (!!( !( 17 55 53 (!37 52 !( 55 !( 50 (!!( ( 16 (! 54 (!!( 40 25 (!72 30 (!!( !( 18 51 17 (!!( 49 (!!( 24 (!23 38 !( !( (! 31 50 19 !( 18 !( (! 24 (! 48 23 (!!( 49 !( 20 32 27 47 19 (!!( 25 (!!( (! 22 (!!( 28 48 46 21 33 (!!( !( 20 (!!( 26 (! !( 29 47 !( !( 22 (! 34 45 21 (!!( 30 (! !( 46 37 !( (! 35 (! 44 31 (! !( 33 45 36 !( !( (! 32 !( 38 44 (! !( 43 34 40 !( ! (! 43 ( !( 39 35 (! !( 42 41 !( ! 36 ( !( 3 6 4 6 42 0 Legend 9 (! P R

B !( Turbine Locations 13-7-2011

(! Turbine Locations 12-9-2013

Site Boundary

Existing Access Tracks

Project Manager Client M. Jess 0 250 500 750 1,000 Compiled by RATCH Australia Corporation Limited N.Watts Meters (A3) Map Projection Title MGAz55 DIGITAL CADASTRAL DATA BASE - BOUNDARY INFORMATION. DERM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. Map Datum Appendix A: Project Layout Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) 2010. In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, GDA94 liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws. File Reference

The aerial photography used in this plan has not been rectified. The image has been overlaid as a best fit on the boundaries shown and position is approximate only. PR100246-147.mxd

Date of Capture: August 2006. Sheet Number SCALE (A3) DATE DRAWING NO. ISSUE Draft SP248138 - area to be opened as road of 1:25,000 (DERM ref 2011/006477) 1 1 20-9-2013 PR100246-147 1 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Appendix B Regional Ecosystem Mapping - Entire Site

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 4 185 905 SP101515 186 SP167294 SP167294 9 CP896501 9 6 866 5 G NR5315 141 NR2017 H SP123888 A ± 6 SP101513

407 1 NR4480 14 RP720656 288 SP103361 NR1956 568 N157284 289 142 NR7038 SP123888

1 1 7 RP719462 292 8 1 SP219087 3 2

P 6 S 1 A 1 SP235244 142 RP717403 RP718431 E SP123888 S P2 2 3 291 18 RP718431 2 71 SP219087 1 RP718431 1 RP717402 C RP718431 SP 2 D 31 SP 1 87 1 23 1 18 291 1 SP231871 71 252 SP219087 CP884920 251 SP220735 SP220735 13 SP103361 2 2 SP231871 2 RP718432 3 20 HG737 3 RP717402

4 62 3 SP231871 6 5 RP708315 61 6 63 70

5 7 RP708315 60 12 69 64

8 5 14 SP196700 68 59 65 13 9 66 11 58 28 67 10 52 27 57

15 29 51 26 56

53 32 16 50 55 54 SP134773 121 25 RP903075 30

17 49 24 31 18 48 23

32 47 6 19 SP198648 22 7 33 46 SP198648 20

34 45 21 5 SP198648 35 19 37 44 RP867001 20 Legend 36 RP867001 4 SP198648 211 38 SP219083 9 Turbines SP198648 40 43 8 31 SP198648 SP134773 10 Existing Access Tracks SP198648 39

41 Proposed Access Tracks 11

SP198648 3 6 4 6 42 Subject Area 0 9 P 21 R SP210202 B 12Wet Tropics Bioregion SP198648 13 SP198648 Regional Ecosystems 22 14 25 SP210202 SP198648 SP134215 Least Concern 15 16 SP198648 SP198648 20 SP210202 Of Concern 17 SP193113 19 SP210202 Project Manager Client 0 250 500 750 1,000 M. Jess Ratch Australia Compiled by Meters (A3) RMS Corporation Limited DIGITAL CADASTRAL DATA BASE - BOUNDARY INFORMATION. REGIONAL ECOSYSTEM VERSION 6 DATA Map Projection DERM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. Title Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) 2010. In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you MGAz55 acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to Map Datum any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

Regional ecosystem linework compiled at scale greater than 1:100,000, except in designated areas, GDA94 where a compilation scale of 1:50,000 is available. Linework should be used as a guide only. Regional Ecosystem Mapping The positional accuracy of RE data mapped at a scale of 1:100,000 is +/-100 metres. File Reference

The aerial photography used in this plan has not been rectified. The image has been overlaid as a best fit on the boundaries shown and position is approximate only. PR100246-141.mxd Date of Capture: August 2006. Sheet Number SCALE (A3) DATE DRAWING NO. ISSUE Draft SP248138 - area to be opened as road of (DERM ref 2011/006477) 1 1 1:25,000 18/07/2013 PR100246-141 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Appendix C Regional Ecosystem Mapping - Wet Tropics Bioregion Section

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 9.12.4c/9.12.2

61 63 ± 70


69 64 3 SP231871


68 59 65


58 28 67

7.12.57c 52 57 7.12.30d 27 7.12.30d 7.12.30d

7.12.58 7.12.57c 7.12.57c 51 56 7.12.58 26 7.12.57c 7.12.30d 7.12.30d 7.12.57c 53 7.12.57c

7.12.57c 50 7.12.57c 55 54 7.12.30d 25

7.12.30d 7.12.57c 7.12.58 7.12.30d 7.12.30d 7.12.30d 49

9.12.4c/9.12.2 7.12.57c 7.12.58 24 31 7.12.57c 7.12.30d 32 48 7.12.58 SP134773 7.12.30d 23 7.12.58 7.12.58 9.12.4c/9.12.2 7.12.58 7.12.57c 32 47 7.12.58 22

7.12.57c 7.12.30d 46 33 7.12.30d 20 7.12.30d 7.12.30d 7.12.30d 7.12.57c 7.12.58 7.12.30d

34 7.12.30d 9.12.4c/9.12.2 7.12.57c 45 7.12.30d 7 21 SP198648 7.12.57c 7.12.58 7.12.30d 35 7.12.57c 9.12.4c/9.12.2 37 44 7.12.30d

7.12.30d 36 7.12.30d 8 7.12.58 7.12.65k SP198648 7.12.30d 7.12.57c 7.12.30d 38 7.12.57c 7.12.58 43 7.12.30d 31 Legend 7.12.57c 40 7.12.30d SP134773 7.12.30d 7.12.58 7.12.58 7.12.65k 7.12.57c 7.12.58 7.12.58 Turbines 7.12.57c

7.12.65k 7.12.58 7.12.57c 7.12.30d Existing Access Tracks 39 7.12.65k 7.12.30d 7.12.58 41 Proposed Access Tracks 7.12.30d 21 3 6 SP210202 7.12.58 4 Subject Area 7.12.30d 7.12.30d 6 7.12.57c 0 9 42 P R Wet Tropics Bioregion

B Regional Ecosystems

22 25 Least Concern SP210202 SP134215

Of Concern

20 SP210202 Project Manager Client 0 150 300 450 600 M. Jess Ratch Australia Compiled by Meters (A3) RMS Corporation Limited DIGITAL CADASTRAL DATA BASE - BOUNDARY INFORMATION. REGIONAL ECOSYSTEM VERSION 6 DATA Map Projection DERM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. Title Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) 2010. In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you MGAz55 acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to Map Datum any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws. Regional Ecosystem Mapping

Regional ecosystem linework compiled at scale greater than 1:100,000, except in designated areas, GDA94 where a compilation scale of 1:50,000 is available. Linework should be used as a guide only. The positional accuracy of RE data mapped at a scale of 1:100,000 is +/-100 metres. File Reference Wet Tropics Area The aerial photography used in this plan has not been rectified. The image has been overlaid as a best fit on the boundaries shown and position is approximate only. PR100246-139.mxd Date of Capture: August 2006. Sheet Number SCALE (A3) DATE DRAWING NO. ISSUE Draft SP248138 - area to be opened as road of (DERM ref 2011/006477) 1 1 1:15,000 5/07/2013 PR100246-139 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Appendix D Regional Ecosystem Mapping - Einasleigh Uplands Bioregion Section

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 E S 1 P2 142 RP719462 31 SP123888 87 20 1 HG737 ± 9.12.30a/9.12.20/9.12.4c 6 SP235244 C S P2 D 31 S 87 P 1 1 23 1 18 SP231871 71

2 2 SP231871

13 SP103361


4 62

5 6 61 63 70

7 60

12 69 64

9.12.30a/9.12.20/9.12.4c 8 14 68 59 9.12.4c/9.12.2 65

13 5 9 66 SP196700

11 58 28 67

10 7.12.57c

57 27 7.12.30d 7.12.30d

15 29 7.12.57c 7.12.57c 56 7.12.58 26 7.12.57c

16 7.12.57c 121 54 7.12.30d RP903075 55 25 9.12.30a/9.12.20/9.12.4c 30


17 7.12.30d 49 24 7.12.58 31 7.12.57c

18 48 Legend 23 7.12.58 9.12.4c/9.12.2 7.12.58 Turbines 32 19 Existing Access Tracks 22

6 SP198648 7 7.12.57c Proposed Access TracksSP198648 7.12.30d 33 20 7.12.30d 7.12.30d 7.12.57c 7.12.58 Subject Area


Wet Tropics Bioregion 9.12.4c/9.12.2 21 Regional Ecosystems 7.12.57c

7.12.30d 35 Least Concern 37 7.12.30d 9.12.4c/9.12.2 8 5 SP198648 7.12.30d SP198648 Of Concern 21 9 SP210202 SP198648 36 7.12.58 Project Manager Client 0 150 300 450 600 M. Jess Ratch Australia Compiled by Meters (A3) RMS Corporation Limited DIGITAL CADASTRAL DATA BASE - BOUNDARY INFORMATION. REGIONAL ECOSYSTEM VERSION 6 DATA Map Projection DERM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. Title Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) 2010. In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you MGAz55 acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to Map Datum any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws. Regional Ecosystem Mapping

Regional ecosystem linework compiled at scale greater than 1:100,000, except in designated areas, GDA94 where a compilation scale of 1:50,000 is available. Linework should be used as a guide only. The positional accuracy of RE data mapped at a scale of 1:100,000 is +/-100 metres. File Reference Einasleigh Uplands The aerial photography used in this plan has not been rectified. The image has been overlaid as a best fit on the boundaries shown and position is approximate only. PR100246-138.mxd Date of Capture: August 2006. Sheet Number SCALE (A3) DATE DRAWING NO. ISSUE Draft SP248138 - area to be opened as road of (DERM ref 2011/006477) 1 1 1:15,000 5/07/2013 PR100246-138 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Appendix E High Altitude Significant (900 m) Regional Biodiversity Value Habitats

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 > 58 0 75 > ± Mt Emerald Wind Farm Site 52

> 0 6 0 0 0 5 0

57 7 > 8

6 5 > 0 > >51 > >56 8 > 5 > 0 > > > > > > > > > > >53 > 50 > > > > > > > > >55 >54 > > > > > > > >

7 > > 0 > > > 0 > > > > > > > 49 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >31 > > > > 9 > 0 > 0 48 > 8 > 6 5 5 0 0 > 0 > 5 > 8 > >

9 > 0 8 0 00

>32 8 0 00 0 >47 7 >

>33 850 >46

8 0 0 8 5 9 0 0 0 >34 0 0 45 9 > 8 5 0

9 >35 0 0 >37 >44

9 5 0 >36 1000


1 9 0 0 >43 0 5 40 0 >

8 1 0 0 0 5 0


0 0 9 10 50 >41

1 000 900 1 Legend 0 1 >42 1 1000 5 0 00 0 0 1 0 00 0 0 1050 Proposed Turbine Locations (20/07/12) 9 0 50 000 95 > 0 1000 9 95 1 5 5 0 1 0 000 9 50 10 9 900 950 00 105 90 0 0 Arriga Boundary 0 0 900 9 850 900 900 0 0 85 0 85 85 Contours - 50m 0 9 800 0 0 0 800 8 5 0 850 9 800 750 750 8 0 High Altitude Significant Regional Biodiversity Value Habitats 1 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 5 7 750 10 6 9

5 5 9 1 0 50 0 Existing Access Tracks 700 0 1 70 0 1 1 0 0 000 0 5 0 0 0 1 05 1 1

Project Manager Client 0 160 320 480 640 M. JESS Compiled by RATCH AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Meters (A3) J. MIDDLETON Map Projection Title UTM 55S Map Datum High Altitude Significant WGS84 Regional Biodiversity Value Habitats File Reference PR100246-137.mxd Sheet Number SCALE (A3) DATE DRAWING NO. ISSUE 1 of 1 1:12,074 06/05/2013 PR100246-137 1 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Appendix F Rock Pavement and Outcrop Mapping - Wet Tropics Bioregion Section

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 61 ± 70 66

3 69 59 SP231871 67




54 57

53 56

37 52 55 32 SP134773






27 49


28 48

29 47 22

30 33 19 8 RP867001 SP198648 45

20 RP867001 31

211 SP219083 32

43 31 SP134773


36 Legend


21 Existing Access TracksSP210202

Proposed Access Tracks

RPS Rock Pavement

22 25 SP210202 Regional Ecosystems Rock Pavement SP134215

Subject Area

Wet Tropics Bioregion

Project Manager 0 100 200 300 400 500 Client D. Finney Ratch Australia Compiled by Meters (A3) RMS Corporation Limited DIGITAL CADASTRAL DATA BASE - BOUNDARY INFORMATION. REGIONAL ECOSYSTEM VERSION 6 DATA DERM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. Map Projection Title Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) 2010. In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you MGAz55 acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, Map Datum liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to Rock Pavement Mapping any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

Regional ecosystem linework compiled at scale greater than 1:100,000, except in designated areas, GDA94 where a compilation scale of 1:50,000 is available. Linework should be used as a guide only. The positional accuracy of RE data mapped at a scale of 1:100,000 is +/-100 metres. File Reference

The aerial photography used in this plan has not been rectified. The image has been overlaid as a best fit on the boundaries shown and position is approximate only. PR100246-132.mxd Date of Capture: August 2006. Sheet Number SCALE (A3) DATE DRAWING NO. ISSUE Draft SP248138 - area to be opened as road of (DERM ref 2011/006477) 1 1 1:15,000 18/4/2013 PR100246-132 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Appendix G Description of Vegetation Communities

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013

Description of Vegetation Communities

Rustyjacket Woodland

Woodland to open woodland of Corymbia leichhardtii, Callitris intratropica with Eucalyptus shirleyi and Eucalyptus granitica to 8 - 12 m.

This community is widespread across the northern section of the site and concentrated on flat to undulating landforms north of the transmission line. It occurs of finely textured soils derived from rhyolite, usually with a high clay content. Rock plates occasionally break the grass layer.


T1 Corymbia leichhardtii, Callitris intratropica.

T2 Eucalyptus granitica, Corymbia leichhardtii, Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta, (Eucalyptus portuensis).

T3 Eucalyptus shirleyi, (Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta), Corymbia leichhardtii. Melaleuca viridiflora

S1 Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, Eucalyptus shirleyi, Melaleuca viridiflora, Exocarpos cupressiformis, Bursaria incana.

S2 Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, Acacia umbellata.

G Themeda triandra, Alloteropsis semialata, Arundinella setosa, Acacia umbellata, A. calyculata, Schizachyrium fragile, Hypericum gramineum, Jacksonia thesioides, Lomandra multiflora, Vellea pubescens, Pseudopogonatherum contortum, Thysanotus tuberosus, Thecanthes cornucopiae, Melaleuca viridiflora, Hibbertia stirlingii.

Conservation values: By comparison with other vegetation types on the project site, this community hosts virtually no conservation significant species. Two outlying specimens of Grevillea glossadenia were observed at its margin and junction with woodland on rockier soils. The presence of grass trees (Xanthorrhoea johnsonii) and bloodwoods (Corymbia leichhardtii) provide habitat and food sources for gliders and arboreal mammals.

Weeds: The main species of weeds that have been observed to establish in or at the edges of cleared zones in this vegetation type include: Megathyrsus maximus, Themeda quadrivalvis, Praxelis clematidea, Bidens bipinnata, Sporobolus pyramidalis and Hyparrhenia rufa. Silver-leaf Ironbark Woodland

Woodland to low open woodland of Eucalyptus shirleyi to 4 m with emergent Callitris intratropica (12 m).

This community occurs on flat land in the centre of the site and is common around the transmission line where it crosses the project area.


T1 Eucalyptus shirleyi, (Corymbia leichhardtii), Callitris intratropica (E)

T2 Eucalyptus shirleyi.

T3 Not present

S1 Exocarpos cupressiformis, Melaleuca viridiflora, Eucalyptus shirleyi, Grevillea mimosoides, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii.

S2 Not present

G Schizachyrium fragile, Arundinella setosa, Eriachne humilis, Pseudopogonatherum contortum, Themeda triandra, Acacia humifusa, Thysanotus tuberosus, Vellea pubescens, Drosera petiolaris, Utricularia chrysantha.

Conservation Values: No plants of conservation interest have been observed in this community. The ground in wetter zones supports a number of interesting species such as Drosera and Utricularia.

Weeds: Very few weed species were observed in this community. Scattered occurrences of Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea).

Yellow Stringybark Woodland

Grassy woodland of Eucalyptus portuensis with Corymbia citriodora to 7-12 m.

This community is relatively widespread across many sections of the site on rocky slopes and more rugged hills.


T1 Eucalyptus portuensis, Corymbia citriodora.

T2 Eucalyptus portuensis

T3 Not clearly defined, but can include Eucalyptus portuensis and Corymbia abergiana.

S1 Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, Pogonolobus reticulatus

S2 Xanthorrhoea johnsonii

G Themeda triandra, Arundinella setosa (more rockier soils), Mnesithea rottboellioides, Heteropogon triticeus, Galactia tenuiflora, Hibiscus meraukensis, Grevillea dryandri, Hibbertia longifolia, Acacia calyculata, A. whitei, A. humifusa

Conservation Values: May host narrow endemic species such as Hovea nana and Indigofera bancroftii on drier, rocky slopes and short ridge sections. Occasional occurrences of Grevillea glossadenia at the edge of the community where it meets exposed ridges.

Weeds: Few weeds are encountered in this type, except for incidences of Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) on more rockier ground and Red Natal Grass (Melinis repens). At more easterly aspects of the site (e.g. slopes facing Walkamin), Molasses Grass (Melinis minutiflora) becomes more evident and forms dense swards across marginally moister slopes and in valleys.

White Stringybark Woodland

Tall, grassy woodland of Eucalyptus reducta with Eucalyptus portuensis and occasional Corymbia citriodora and Eucalyptus drepanophylla (sens. lat.) to 12-18 m.

This community occurs primarily on more protected western facing slopes with rocky soils, with the main representation south of the transmission line. It reaches its best structural development in the most remote aspects of the site closer to Mt Emerald.


T1 Eucalyptus reducta

T2 Eucalyptus portuensis, E. drepanophylla (sens. lat.), Corymbia citriodora.

T3 Allocasuarina torulosa, Corymbia citriodora, Eucalyptus portuensis, Acacia flavescens.

S1 Acacia falciformis, Hakea plurinervia, Pimelea linearis, Allocasuarina torulosa, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii

S2 Not present

G Themeda triandra, Jacksonia thesioides, Pimelea linifolia, Galactia tenuiflora, Desmodium rhytidophyllum, Lepidosperma laterale, Crotalaria montana, C. medicaginea.

Conservation Values: Areas of this woodland with significant structural and floristic integrity occur in the SW of the site. Although no conservation significant plant species were recorded from this community, the narrowly represented and endangered Melaleuca uxorum occurs on ridges in close proximity. This type is possibly the most well-developed woodland community in the project area. Large, hollow-bearing trees are present at the western and southern sections of the site and form impressive stands on west-facing slopes. Potential for well-protected, high value fauna habitats.

Weeds: Virtually weed free with the exception of isolated occurrences of Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea).

Range Bloodwood Woodland and Shrubland

Low, windswept woodland to open woodland and shrubland of Corymbia abergiana to 4 m on exposed ridges.

Restricted to exposed ridges and their edges primarily south of the transmission line and along eastern ridges near the centre of the site in the Wet Tropics section.


T1 Corymbia abergiana, Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta, (Corymbia citriodora), Allocasuarina littoralis

T2 Merges with T1.

T3 Not present

S1 Acacia aulacocarpa, Persoonia falcata, Allocasuarina littoralis, Corymbia abergiana, Grevillea glossadenia, Homoranthus porteri, Pultenaea millarii

S2 Generally not present; but sometimes formed by wide thickets of Acacia umbellata.

G Grevillea dryandri, Jacksonia thesioides, Schizachyrium fragile, Eriachne mucronata, E. humilis, Tripogon loliiformis, Melaleuca borealis, Pultenaea millarii, Mirbelia speciosa subsp. ringrosei, Hovea nana, Mirbelia pungens, Acacia whitei, Acacia calyculata, Hibbertia longifolia, Grevillea glossadenia, Sannantha angusta, Cleistochloa subjuncea, Panicum simile, Panicum sp.

Conservation Values

Key habitat for a number of conservation significant plants and narrowly restricted, endemic plants including: Homoranthus porteri, Grevillea glossadenia, Melaleuca uxorum, M. borealis, Hovea nana, Cryptandra debilis, Mirbelia speciosa subsp. ringrosei and Indigofera bancroftii.


Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea), Bidens bipinnata and Melinis repens were observed to take hold in this community. Montane Heathland

Low heathland with scattered shrubs or isolated, wind-sheared and stunted trees of Corymbia abergiana and Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta. Includes patches of rock pavements and outcropping rock.

Occupies a very constricted niche above 900 m in the cloud base zone. Occurs only in the Wet Tropics bioregion section of the site south of the transmission line.


T1 Not present

T2 Not present

T3 Not present

S1 (Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta), (Corymbia abergiana), Homoranthus porteri, Grevillea glossadenia, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, Acacia aulacocarpa.

S2 Not usually present; however, sometimes formed by a combination of Jacksonia thesioides, Gompholobium nitidum and Grevillea dryandri

G Tripogon loliiformis, Eriachne humilis, E. mucronata, Cleistochloa subjuncea, Jacksonia thesioides, Grevillea dryandri, G. glossadenia, Pseudanthus ligulatus, Melaleuca uxorum, M. borealis, Themeda triandra, Zieria minutiflora subsp. trichocarpa, Panicum simile, Coronidium newcastlianum, Melichrus urceolatus and other Epacrids.

Conservation Values: Very high conservation values because of the limited habitat area available for numerous conservation significant plant species and highly restricted endemics, including Homoranthus porteri, Grevillea glossadenia, Melaleuca uxorum, M. borealis, Cryptandra debilis, Borya septemtrionalis,

Weeds: Virtually weed free. Very isolated incidences of Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea). The community is susceptible to invasion by this species if disturbed.

Narrow-leaf Ironbark and Lemon-scented Gum Woodland

Woodland of Eucalyptus drepanophylla (sens. lat.) and Corymbia citriodora to 15 m.

The main component occurs at the northern end of the site on flat to undulating land and gentle slopes and rises with stony soils.


T1 Eucalyptus drepanophylla (sens. lat), Corymbia citriodora.

T2 Corymbia citriodora

T3 Not present

S1 Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, Persoonia falcata, Bursaria incana

S2 Xanthorrhoea johnsonii

G Themeda triandra, Dichanthium sericeum, Galactia tenuifolia, Crotalaria medicaginea, Bursaria incana

Conservation Values: No conservation significant plants observed in this community. A comparatively simple vegetation type which exhibits limited diversity. Possibility of restricted species such as Indigofera bancroftii.

Weeds: More or less weed free. Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) is encountered infrequently.

Dead Finish Woodland

Grassy woodland to 8-10 m of Eucalyptus cloeziana, Corymbia citriodora and E. portuensis.

Found on gentle slopes and rises with stony to rocky soil mainly to the north of the transmission line, but patchily distributed in discrete locations elsewhere.


T1 Eucalyptus cloeziana, Corymbia citriodora, (E. portuensis), (E. pachycalyx)

T2 (Eucalyptus portuensis), Corymbia citriodora, (E. pachycalyx)

T3 Corymbia citriodora.

S1 Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, Indigofera pratensis, Pogonolobus reticulatus, Persoonia falcata, Bursaria incana, Eucalyptus portuensis, Bursaria incana

S2 Xanthorrhoea johnsonii

G Themeda triandra, Dichanthium sericeum, Grevillea dryandri, Galactia tenuiflora, Cartonema spicatum, Arundinella setosa, Themeda triandra, Schizachyrium fragile, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, Lomandra multiflora, Jacksonia thesioides, Bursaria incana, Hibbertia longifolia, Pogonolobus reticulatus, Coronidium newcastlianum, Lomandra longifolia, Pultenaea millarii, Eucalyptus portuensis, Crotalaria montana, Grewia mesomischa, Phyllanthus simplex, Pimelea sericostachya, Aeschynomene micranthos, Indigofera bancroftii.

Conservation Values: No conservation significant species were observed in this community; although Grevillea glossadenia occurs at its fringes along the access track into the site. The locally endemic Indigofera bancroftii was found in this type. The restricted tree Eucalyptus pachycalyx (Pumpkin gum) occurs in this community.

Weeds: The commonest weed encountered in this type is Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea) and occasionally, Bidens bipinnata.

Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Appendix H Checklist of Flora (Provisional)

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 Provisional Checklist of Plant Species - Mt Emerald Wind Farm1

1 Voucher collection to be confirmed by Queensland Herbarium.

Nomenclature follows: Bostock, P.D. & Holland, A.E. (eds) (2010). Census of the Queensland Flora 2010. Queensland Herbarium, Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane.

ANGIOSPERMS (Status: * Naturalised; E - Endangered; V - Vulnerable; NT - Near Threatened) Family Name Status Botanical Name Acanthaceae Brunoniella australis (Cav.) Bremek. Acanthaceae Pseuderanthemum variabile (R.Br.) Radlk. Acanthaceae Rostellularia adscendens (R.Br.) R.M.Barker Anacardiaceae Euroschinus falcatus var. angustifolius Benth. Apiaceae Platysace valida (F.Muell.) F.Muell. Apocynaceae Alyxia spicata R.Br. Apocynaceae Hoya australis R.Br. ex Traill subsp. australis Apocynaceae Sarcostemma viminale subsp. brunonianum (Wight & Arn.) P.I.Forst. Araliaceae Astrotricha pterocarpa Benth. Araliaceae Trachymene bivestita (Domin) L.A.S.Johnson var. bivestita Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia thozetii F.Muell. Asparagaceae Asparagus racemosus Willd. Asteraceae * Ageratum conyzoides L. subsp. conyzoides Asteraceae * Bidens bipinnata L. Asteraceae * Bidens pilosa L. Asteraceae Coronidium newcastlianum (Domin) Paul G.Wilson Asteraceae Coronidium rupicola (DC.) Paul G.Wilson Asteraceae * Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S.Moore Asteraceae Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob. Asteraceae * Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. Asteraceae Peripleura diffusa (N.T.Burb.) G.L.Nesom Asteraceae * Praxelis clematidea R.M.King & H.Rob. Asteraceae Pterocaulon serrulatum (Montrouz.) Guillaumin var. serrulatum Asteraceae * Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. Asteraceae * Tridax procumbens L. Asteraceae Wedelia spilanthoides F.Muell. Asteraceae Xerochrysum bracteatum (Vent.) Tzvelev Bignoniaceae Pandorea linearis (F.M.Bailey) Guymer Boraginaceae Heliotropium tabuliplagae Craven Boryaceae Borya septentrionalis F.Muell. Burseraceae Canarium australianum var. glabrum Leenh. Byblidaceae Byblis liniflora Salisb. Byttneriaceae Keraudrenia lanceolata (Steetz) Benth. Byttneriaceae Waltheria indica L. Caesalpiniaceae Chamaecrista absus (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby var. absus Caesalpiniaceae Chamaecrista nomame (Siebold) H.Ohashi var. nomame Caesalpiniaceae * Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Caesalpiniaceae * Senna pendula var. glabrata (Vogel) H.S.Irwin & Barneby Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia caryophylloides P.J.Sm. Capparaceae Capparis canescens Banks ex DC. Caryophyllaceae Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina inophloia (F.Muell. & F.M.Bailey) L.A.S.Johnson Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina littoralis (Salisb.) L.A.S.Johnson Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina torulosa (Aiton) L.A.S.Johnson Casuarinaceae Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq. subsp. cunninghamiana Celastraceae Denhamia cunninghamii (Hook.) M.P.Simmons Celastraceae Denhamia disperma (F.Muell.) M.P.Simmons Clusiaceae Hypericum gramineum G.Forst. Colchicaceae Iphigenia indica (L.) Kunth Commelinaceae Cartonema spicatum R.Br. Commelinaceae Commelina ensifolia R.Br. Commelinaceae Commelina lanceolata R.Br. Commelinaceae Murdannia graminea (R.Br.) G.Brueckn. Convolvulaceae Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L. 1

ANGIOSPERMS (Status: * Naturalised; E - Endangered; V - Vulnerable; NT - Near Threatened) Family Name Status Botanical Name Convolvulaceae Ipomoea gracilis R.Br. Convolvulaceae * Ipomoea hederifolia L. Convolvulaceae Ipomoea polpha R.W.Johnson subsp. polpha Convolvulaceae Xenostegia tridentata (L.) D.F.Austin & Staples Cyperaceae Gahnia aspera (R.Br.) Spreng. Cyperaceae Lepidosperma laterale R.Br. Cyperaceae Rhynchospora subtenuifolia Kuek. Cyperaceae Scleria brownii Kunth Dilleniaceae Hibbertia longifolia F.Muell. Dilleniaceae Hibbertia melhanioides F.Muell. Droseraceae Drosera burmanni Vahl Droseraceae Drosera indica L. Droseraceae Drosera petiolaris R.Br. ex DC. Ericaceae Acrothamnus spathaceus (Pedley) Quinn Ericaceae Melichrus adpressus A.Cunn. ex DC. Ericaceae Melichrus urceolatus R.Br. Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon Fabaceae Cajanus confertiflorus F.Muell. Fabaceae Crotalaria brevis Domin Fabaceae Crotalaria medicaginea Lam. var. medicaginea Fabaceae Crotalaria montana var. angustifolia (Gagnep.) Niyomdham Fabaceae Desmodium rhytidophyllum F.Muell. ex Benth. Fabaceae Flemingia parviflora Benth. Fabaceae Galactia tenuiflora (Spreng.) Willd. ex Wight & Arn. Fabaceae Gastrolobium grandiflorum F.Muell. Fabaceae Gompholobium nitidum Sol. ex Benth. Fabaceae Hovea nana I.Thomps. & J.H.Ross Fabaceae Indigofera bancroftii Peter G.Wilson Fabaceae Indigofera hirsuta L. Fabaceae Indigofera pratensis F.Muell. Fabaceae Jacksonia thesioides A.Cunn. ex Benth. Fabaceae Mirbelia pungens A.Cunn. ex G.Don Fabaceae Mirbelia speciosa subsp. ringrosei (F.M.Bailey) Pedley Fabaceae Pultenaea millarii F.M.Bailey Fabaceae Tephrosia juncea Benth. Fabaceae Zornia Fabaceae Zornia prostrata S.T.Reynolds & A.E.Holland var. prostrata Flacourtiaceae Homalium brachybotrys (F.Muell.) F.Muell. Goodeniaceae Goodenia Goodeniaceae Velleia spathulata R.Br. Haemodoraceae Haemodorum coccineum R.Br. Haloragaceae Gonocarpus acanthocarpus (Brongn.) Orchard Hemerocallidaceae Dianella caerulea var. vannata R.J.F.Hend. Hypoxidaceae Curculigo ensifolia R.Br. var. ensifolia Johnsoniaceae Tricoryne anceps subsp. pterocaulon (Baker) Thongp. Johnsoniaceae Tricoryne elatior R.Br. Lamiaceae Clerodendrum longiflorum var. glabrum Munir Lamiaceae V Plectranthus amoenus P.I.Forst. Lamiaceae Plectranthus sp. Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis L. Laxmanniaceae Eustrephus latifolius R.Br. ex Ker Gawl. Laxmanniaceae Lomandra longifolia Labill. Laxmanniaceae Lomandra multiflora (R.Br.) Britten subsp. multiflora Laxmanniaceae Thysanotus tuberosus R.Br. subsp. tuberosus Lentibulariaceae Utricularia chrysantha R.Br. Loranthaceae Dendrophthoe glabrescens (Blakely) Barlow Malvaceae Hibiscus meraukensis Hochr. Malvaceae * Sida cordifolia L. Malvaceae * Sida rhombifolia L. Malvaceae * Urena lobata L.


ANGIOSPERMS (Status: * Naturalised; E - Endangered; V - Vulnerable; NT - Near Threatened) Family Name Status Botanical Name Menyanthaceae Nymphoides crenata (F.Muell.) Kuntze Mimosaceae Acacia aulacocarpa A.Cunn. ex Benth. Mimosaceae Acacia calyculata A.Cunn. ex Benth. Mimosaceae Acacia falciformis DC. Mimosaceae Acacia flavescens A.Cunn. ex Benth. Mimosaceae Acacia holosericea A.Cunn. ex G.Don Mimosaceae Acacia humifusa A.Cunn. ex Benth. Mimosaceae Acacia leptoloba Pedley Mimosaceae Acacia leptostachya Benth. Mimosaceae Acacia multisiliqua (Benth.) Maconochie Mimosaceae Acacia nesophila Pedley Mimosaceae Acacia simsii A.Cunn. ex Benth. Mimosaceae Acacia umbellata A.Cunn. ex Benth. Mimosaceae Acacia whitei Maiden Mimosaceae Vachellia bidwillii (Benth.) Kodela Moraceae Ficus obliqua G.Forst. Moraceae Ficus opposita Miq. Myrtaceae Corymbia abergiana (F.Muell.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson Myrtaceae Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson subsp. citriodora Myrtaceae Corymbia clarksoniana (D.J.Carr & S.G.M.Carr) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson Myrtaceae Corymbia erythrophloia (Blakely) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson Myrtaceae Corymbia intermedia (R.T.Baker) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson Myrtaceae Corymbia leichhardtii (F.M.Bailey) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson Myrtaceae Eucalyptus cloeziana F.Muell. Myrtaceae Eucalyptus crebra F.Muell. Myrtaceae Eucalyptus granitica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill Myrtaceae Eucalyptus leptophleba F.Muell. Myrtaceae Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta Brooker & Kleinig Myrtaceae Eucalyptus pachycalyx Maiden & Blakely subsp. pachycalyx Myrtaceae Eucalyptus platyphylla F.Muell. Myrtaceae Eucalyptus portuensis K.D.Hill Myrtaceae Eucalyptus reducta L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill Myrtaceae Eucalyptus shirleyi Maiden Myrtaceae Leptospermum neglectum Joy Thomps. Myrtaceae Lophostemon grandiflorus subsp. riparius (Domin) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. Myrtaceae Lophostemon suaveolens (Sol. ex Gaertn.) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. Myrtaceae Melaleuca borealis Craven Myrtaceae Melaleuca monantha (Barlow) Craven Myrtaceae Melaleuca nervosa (Lindl.) Cheel Myrtaceae E Melaleuca uxorum Craven, G.Holmes & Sankowsky Myrtaceae Melaleuca viridiflora Sol. ex Gaertn. var. viridiflora Myrtaceae Melaleuca viridiflora var. attenuata Byrnes Myrtaceae V Homoranthus porteri (C.T.White) Craven & S.R.Jones Myrtaceae Sannantha angusta (A.R.Bean) Peter G.Wilson Myrtaceae Syncarpia glomulifera (Sm.) Nied. subsp. glomulifera Oleaceae Notelaea sp. Orchidaceae borealis D.L.Jones Orchidaceae Dendrobium canaliculatum R.Br. Orchidaceae Dockrillia calamiformis (Lodd.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones Orchidaceae Habenaria elongata R.Br. Orchidaceae Thelymitra fragrans D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. Passifloraceae * Passiflora foetida L. Phyllanthaceae Breynia oblongifolia (Muell.Arg.) Muell.Arg. Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus dallachyanus Benth. Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus fuernrohrii F.Muell. Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus virgatus G.Forst. Phyllanthaceae Poranthera microphylla Brongn. Picrodendraceae Petalostigma banksii Britten & S.Moore Picrodendraceae Petalostigma pubescens Domin Picrodendraceae Pseudanthus ligulatus Halford & R.J.F.Hend. subsp. ligulatus


ANGIOSPERMS (Status: * Naturalised; E - Endangered; V - Vulnerable; NT - Near Threatened) Family Name Status Botanical Name Poaceae Aristida superpendens Domin Poaceae Aristida utilis F.M.Bailey var. utilis Poaceae Arundinella setosa Trin. Poaceae Capillipedium parviflorum (R.Br.) Stapf Poaceae * Chloris virgata Sw. Poaceae Chrysopogon fallax S.T.Blake Poaceae Cleistochloa subjuncea C.E.Hubb. Poaceae Cymbopogon bombycinus (R.Br.) Domin Poaceae Cymbopogon obtectus S.T.Blake Poaceae * Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. dactylon Poaceae * Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd. Poaceae Dichanthium sericeum (R.Br.) A.Camus subsp. sericeum Poaceae Ectrosia confusa C.E.Hubb. Poaceae * Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Poaceae Eragrostis cumingii Steud. Poaceae Eriachne humilis W.Hartley Poaceae Eriachne mucronata forma (Alpha C.E.Hubbard 7882) Poaceae Heteropogon contortus (L.) P.Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult. Poaceae Heteropogon triticeus (R.Br.) Stapf Poaceae * Hyparrhenia rufa subsp. altissima (Stapf) B.K.Simon Poaceae * Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K.Simon & S.W.L.Jacobs var. maximus Poaceae * Melinis minutiflora P.Beauv. Poaceae * Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka Poaceae Mnesithea formosa (R.Br.) de Koning & Sosef Poaceae Mnesithea rottboellioides (R.Br.) de Koning & Sosef Poaceae Panicum simile Domin Poaceae Perotis rara R.Br. Poaceae Pseudopogonatherum contortum (Brongn.) A.Camus Poaceae Sarga plumosum (R.Br.) Spangler Poaceae Schizachyrium sp. Poaceae Schizachyrium fragile (R.Br.) A.Camus Poaceae * Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. subsp. pumila Poaceae Setaria surgens Stapf Poaceae * Sporobolus jacquemontii Kunth Poaceae * Sporobolus pyramidalis P.Beauv. Poaceae Thaumastochloa major S.T.Blake Poaceae Themeda arguens (L.) Hack. Poaceae * Themeda quadrivalvis (L.) Kuntze Poaceae Themeda triandra Forssk. Poaceae Tripogon loliiformis (F.Muell.) C.E.Hubb. Poaceae * Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R.D.Webster Poaceae Vacoparis laxiflorum (F.M.Bailey) Spangler Polygalaceae * Polygala paniculata L. Portulacaceae Portulaca bicolor F.Muell. Portulacaceae Sedopsis sp. (Bulimba Station P.I.Forster+ PIF14742) Proteaceae Grevillea dryandri R.Br. subsp. dryandri Proteaceae Grevillea glauca Banks & Sol. ex Knight Proteaceae V Grevillea glossadenia McGill. Proteaceae Grevillea mimosoides R.Br. Proteaceae Knight Proteaceae (R.Br.) R.Br. subsp. lorea Proteaceae Hakea persiehana F.Muell. Proteaceae Hakea plurinervia F.Muell. ex Benth. Proteaceae Persoonia falcata R.Br. Proteaceae Xylomelum scottianum (F.Muell.) F.Muell. Rhamnaceae Alphitonia excelsa (Fenzl) Benth. Rhamnaceae Cryptandra debilis A.R.Bean Rubiaceae Larsenaikia ochreata (F.Muell.) Tirveng. Rubiaceae * Mitracarpus hirtus (L.) DC. Rubiaceae Oldenlandia laceyi (Halford) Halford


ANGIOSPERMS (Status: * Naturalised; E - Endangered; V - Vulnerable; NT - Near Threatened) Family Name Status Botanical Name Rubiaceae Psydrax attenuata (Benth.) S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend. Rubiaceae * Richardia brasiliensis Gomes Rutaceae Boronia bipinnata Lindl. Rutaceae Zieria minutiflora subsp. trichocarpa J.A.Armstr. Santalaceae Exocarpos cupressiformis Labill. Santalaceae Exocarpos latifolius R.Br. Santalaceae Santalum lanceolatum R.Br. Sapindaceae Dodonaea lanceolata var. subsessilifolia J.G.West Sapindaceae Dodonaea malvacea (Domin) M.G.Harr. Sapotaceae Sersalisia sericea (Aiton) R.Br. Scrophulariaceae Buchnera gracilis R.Br. Scrophulariaceae Centranthera cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. Scrophulariaceae Striga curviflora (R.Br.) Benth. Sparrmanniaceae Grewia mesomischa Burret Sparrmanniaceae Grewia retusifolia Kurz Sparrmanniaceae * Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Stackhousiaceae Stackhousia intermedia F.M.Bailey Sterculiaceae Brachychiton diversifolius subsp. orientalis Guymer Stylidiaceae Stylidium eriorhizum R.Br. Stylidiaceae Stylidium graminifolium Sw. Taccaceae Tacca leontopetaloides (L.) Kuntze Thymelaeaceae Pimelea linifolia Sm. Thymelaeaceae Pimelea sericostachya F.Muell. Thymelaeaceae Thecanthes cornucopiae (Vahl) Wikstr. Thymelaeaceae Wikstroemia indica (L.) C.A.Mey. Verbenaceae * Lantana camara L. Verbenaceae * Stachytarpheta australis Moldenke Verbenaceae * Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl Verbenaceae * Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl Violaceae Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F.Muell. Vitaceae Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin Vitaceae Clematicissus opaca (F.Muell.) Jackes & Rossetto Xanthorrhoeaceae Xanthorrhoea johnsonii A.T.Lee Xyridaceae Xyris complanata R.Br.

GYMNOSPERMS Family Name Status Botanical Name Cupressaceae Callitris intratropica R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm. Cycadaceae Cycas media subsp. banksii K.D.Hill

PTERIDOPHYTES Family Name Status Botanical Name Adiantaceae Cheilanthes brownii (Kuhn) Domin Adiantaceae Cheilanthes nitida (R.Br.) P.S.Green Adiantaceae Cheilanthes nudiuscula (R.Br.) T.Moore Adiantaceae Paraceterach muelleri (Hook.) Copel. Davalliaceae Davallia denticulata (Burm.f.) Mett. var. denticulata Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium esculentum (G.Forst.) Cockayne Ophioglossaceae Ophioglossum gramineum Willd. Polypodiaceae Drynaria rigidula (Sw.) Bedd. Thelypteridaceae Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy


Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Appendix H1 Checklist of Flora – Queensland Herbarium Validation

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013

Queensland Herbarium Department of Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha Toowong 4066 Queensland Australia Science, Information Technology, Telephone +61 7 3896 9326 Facsimile +61 7 3896 9624 Innovation and the Arts e-mail [email protected]

Enquiries Nigel Fechner/Lorna Ngugi/Jian Wang Telephone 07 3896 9318 Your reference Our reference NF/LN/JW:196/14

16 April 2014

Simon Gleed RPS Australia PO Box 1949 CAIRNS Qld 4870 Amended copy Dear Simon

The botanical specimens received by the Queensland Herbarium on 17 March 2014 have been identified as:

SG 500 #Velleia pubescens SG 501 Cymbopogon bombycinus SG 502 Eriachne mucronata, confirmed SG 503A Notelaea sp. Specimen sterile. SG 503B Eriachne ciliata SG 504 Gonocarpus acanthocarpus SG 505A Cryptandra debilis, confirmed SG 505B Melaleuca borealis, confirmed SG 506 #Waltheria indica SG 507 Polycarpaea spirostylis subsp. spirostylis SG 508 Phyllanthus collinus SG 509 #Plectranthus mirus SG 512 #Hibiscus meraukensis SG 513 Hibbertia longifolia SG 514 #Homoranthus porteri, confirmed SG 515 #Grevillea glossadenia SG 516 #Cryptandra debilis, confirmed SG 517 Pseudopogonatherum contortum, confirmed SG 518 Panicum seminudum var. cairnsianum SG 519 Xenostegia tridentata SG 520 Crotalaria montana var. exserta SG 521 #Thecanthes cornucopiae SG 522 #Aristida perniciosa SG 523 #Poranthera microphylla

Centre for botanical research and information on the Queensland flora

SG 526 Dodonaea dodecandra SG 527 Tephrosia juncea SG 528A Indigofera sp., infertile material SG 528B Chamaecrista nomame SG 529 Pterocaulon redolens SG 531 #Dodonaea lanceolata var. subsessilifolia SG 532 Stackhousia intermedia SG 533 Trachymene tenuifolium SG 534 Buchnera gracilis SG 536 Melaleuca borealis, confirmed SG 537 Eragrostis schultzii SG 538 #Rhynchospora heterochaeta SG 539 Setaria surgens, confirmed SG 540 *Melinis repens, confirmed SG 542 Thelymitra fragrans, confirmed SG 543 Evolvulus alsinoides var. decumbens SG 545 *Crassocephalum crepidioides, confirmed SG 546 #Bulbostylis densa SG 547 Panicum simile, confirmed SG 548 Eriachne obtusa SG 549 #Schizachyrium pachyarthron SG 550 Eriachne obtusa SG 551 #Phyllanthus virgatus SG 552 Eragrostis schultzii SG 554 #Phyllanthus collinus SG 557 Cyanthillium cinereum SG 558 Eriachne obtusa SG 559 Melichrus urceolatus SG 561 Hovea nana SG 562 Galactia tenuiflora SG 563 Crotalaria medicaginea var. medicaginea SG 564 #Spermacoce brachystema SG 565 Clematicissus opaca SG 567 #Cleistochloa subjuncea SG 568 Rostellularia adscendens SG 569 Crotalaria montana var. exserta SG 570 #Hypericum gramineum, confirmed SG 571 #Thecanthes cornucopiae SG 572 Acacia whitei, confirmed SG 573 Zieria minutiflora subsp. trichocarpa SG 574 #Zieria whitei SG 575 #Leptospermum neglectum SG 576 Coronidium newcastlianum, confirmed SG 577 Acacia whitei, confirmed SG 578 Gompholobium nitidum SG 579 Peripleura diffusa SG 580 Apowollastonia spilanthoides SG 581 Clerodendrum floribundum var. ovatum SG 582 #Euphorbia mitchelliana var. mitchelliana SG 583 #Drosera peltata SG 584 Tripogon loliiformis

SG 585 #Dianella nervosa SG 586 Cajanus acutifolius SG 587 Hibbertia longifolia SG 588 #Plectranthus amoenus SG 589 #Heliotropium tabuliplagae SG 590 #Heliotropium peninsulare SG 591 Clematicissus opaca SG 592 #Cheilanthes nitida SG 593 Cheilanthes brownii, confirmed SG 594 Melichrus urceolatus SG 595 Eriachne obtusa SG 596 #Melaleuca monantha, confirmed, kept as refset only SG 597 #Pultenaea millarii var. millarii SG 598 Homalium brachybotrys SG 599 #Sannantha angusta, confirmed SG 600 #Aristida sp. SG 601 #Jacksonia thesioides SG 602 Boronia occidentalis SG 603 #Mirbelia pungens SG 604 #Homoranthus porteri, confirmed SG 605 Panicum simile, confirmed SG 606 #Stylidium graminifolium SG 607 #Mirbelia speciosa subsp. ringrosei SG 608 Grevillea dryandri subsp. dryandri SG 609 #Commelina diffusa SG 610 Acacia multisiliqua, confirmed SG 611 #Coronidium newcastlianum, confirmed SG 612 Alphitonia excelsa, confirmed SG 613 #Zieria whitei SG 614 #Larsenaikia ochreata SG 615 Hybanthus enneaspermus SG 616 #Melaleuca uxorum, confirmed. This species is listed as Endangered under Queensland's Nature Conservation Act 1992. SG 617 #Buchnera gracilis SG 618 #Centranthera cochinchinensis SG 619 Thecanthes cornucopiae, confirmed SG 620 Glossocardia refracta SG 621 #Acacia aulacocarpa, confirmed SG 622 #Cenchrus polystachios SG 623 Sannantha angusta, confirmed SG 624 Urochloa holosericea SG 625 Wahlenbergia queenslandica SG 626 Xenostegia tridentata SG 627 #Cymbopogon bombycinus SG 628 #Cheilanthes caudata SG 629 #Cheilanthes nudiuscula SG 630 Setaria surgens SG 631 Rhynchospora heterochaeta SG 632 #Pimelea sericostachya subsp. sericostachya SG 633 Cajanus marmoratus SG 634 Crotalaria montana var. angustifolia

SG 635 Melichrus urceolatus SG 636 #Thaumastochloa rariflora SG 637 #Cartonema brachyantherum SG 638 #Pandorea linearis SG 639 Melaleuca monantha, confirmed SG 640 Polycarpaea spirostylis subsp. spirostylis SG 641 Tephrosia filipes forma vestita SG 642 *Sporobolus jacquemontii. This species is declared a Class 2 weed under the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002. SG 643 #*Setaria pumila subsp. subtesselata SG 644 #*Sporobolus natalensis confirmed. This species is declared a Class 2 weed under the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002. SG 645 Eragrostis schultzii SG 646 *Hyparrhenia rufa subsp. rufa SG 647 *Dactyloctenium aegyptium SG 648 #*Mitracarpus hirtus SG 649 #*Richardia scabra SG 650 #Melaleuca uxorum, confirmed. This species is listed as Endangered under Queensland's Nature Conservation Act 1992. SG 651 probably Melaleuca sylvana, but fertile material required SG 652 Velleia pubescens SG 653 #Pimelea linifolia SG 654 Crotalaria montana SG 657 #Leptospermum amboinense SG 658 Cryptandra debilis, confirmed SG 659 #Hybanthus monopetalus SG 660 #Cladia muelleri previously Heterodea muelleri SG 661 Phyllanthus collinus SG 662 #Fimbristylis simplex SG 663 #Borya septentrionalis SG 664 Zornia muriculata SG 665 Zornia muelleriana SG 666 Fimbristylis dichotoma SG 667 Eragrostis schultzii SG 668 Urochloa holosericea SG 669 #Platysace valida SG 670 #Hibbertia bicarpellata SG 671A Boronia bipinnata SG 671B Sannantha angusta SG 672 #Hakea plurinervia SG 673 #Plectranthus parviflorus SG 674 Acacia falciformis, confirmed SG 675 Setaria surgens, confirmed SG 676 Arundinella setosa SG 678 #Alloteropsis semialata SG 679 #*Conyza sumatrensis SG 680 *Bidens pilosa, confirmed SG 681 Indigofera pratensis SG 682 #Hypericum gramineum, confirmed SG 683 #Eriachne obtusa

SG 684 Bothriochloa bladhii subsp. bladhii SG 685 Gonocarpus acanthocarpus SG 686 Hovea nana SG 687 Tricoryne anceps subsp. pterocaulon SG 688 Murdannia graminea, confirmed SG 689 Notelaea sp., possibly N. microcarpa- sterile SG 690 Crotalaria montana SG 691 Melaleuca borealis, confirmed SG 692 #Cleistochloa subjuncea SG 693 Grevillea glossadenia SG 694 Tephrosia juncea SG 695 Crotalaria medicaginea var. medicaginea SG 696 Phyllanthus collinus SG 697 Rhynchospora heterochaeta SG 698 Mnesithea formosa SG 699 #Cajanus acutifolius SG 700 #Eriachne sp. (Dugald River) SG 701 #Fimbristylis pterigosperma SG 702 Heliotropium tabuliplagae SG 703 #Ectrosia confusa, confirmed SG 704 Eragrostis schultzii SG 705 #Eriachne pallescens SG 706 Psydrax sp., sterile SG 707 Gompholobium nitidum SG 708 Dodonaea lanceolata var. subsessilifolia SG 709 Pimelea sericostachya subsp. sericostachya SG 710 Cyanthillium cinereum SG 711 Melichrus urceolatus SG 712 #Isotropis filicaulis SG 713 Apowollastonia spilanthoides SG 714 Hibbertia longifolia SG 715 Scleria brownii SG 716 Grevillea glossadenia SG 717 Galactia tenuiflora SG 718 #Hybanthus stellarioides SG 719 Buchnera gracilis SG 720 Aristida superpendens, confirmed SG 721 Glossocardia refracta SG 722 Cryptandra debilis, confirmed SG 723 #Eriachne pallescens SG 724 Hibiscus meraukensis SG 725 #Pandorea linearis SG 726 Apowollastonia spilanthoides SG 727 #Melaleuca borealis, confirmed SG 728 Fimbristylis simplex SG 729 Cyanthillium cinereum SG 730 #Wahlenbergia queenslandica SG 731 Crotalaria montana var. angustifolia SG 732 Tephrosia filipes forma vestita SG 733 #Hypericum gramineum, confirmed SG 734 Waltheria indica

SG 735 #Plectranthus mirus SG 736 Heliotropium tabuliplagae

* Naturalised, non-native species

# These specimens have been retained for incorporation into the Herbarium collection, with thanks.

There is a charge of $1975.80 (18.5 hrs @ $106.80 per hr incl GST) for these identifications and a tax invoice and receipt are enclosed.

Yours sincerely

G.P.Guymer Director

Mount Emerald Wind Farm Flora Report

Appendix I Environmental Constraints - Vegetation, Flora, Watercourses

PR100246-1 / R72444; Draft September 2013 9 9 6 G H A ±

1 7 8 1 3 2




E SP 23 18 71 C

SP 2 D 31 SP 1 87 23 1 18 71



4 62

5 61 6 63 70

7 60 12 69 64

8 14 68 59 65 13 9 66 11 58 28 67 10 52 27 57

15 29 51 26 56

53 16 50 55 54 25 30

17 49 24 31 18 48 23

32 19 47 22

33 46 20

34 45 21

35 37 44


38 Legend 40 43

39 Turbines 41

Existing Access Tracks 3 6 4 6 42 0 9

RP Proposed Access Tracks B


Key Conservation Zone (~285 ha)

Conservation Zone B (~116 ha)

Project Boundary

Project Manager Client 02505007501,000 M. Jess Ratch Australia Compiled by Meters (A3) RMS Corporation Limited DIGITAL CADASTRAL DATA BASE - BOUNDARY INFORMATION. REGIONAL ECOSYSTEM VERSION 6 DATA Map Projection DERM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. Title Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) 2010. In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you MGAz55 acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, Environmental Constraints liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to Map Datum any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

Regional ecosystem linework compiled at scale greater than 1:100,000, except in designated areas, GDA94 where a compilation scale of 1:50,000 is available. Linework should be used as a guide only. Vegetation, Flora & Watercourses The positional accuracy of RE data mapped at a scale of 1:100,000 is +/-100 metres. File Reference

The aerial photography used in this plan has not been rectified. The image has been overlaid as a best fit on the boundaries shown and position is approximate only. PR100246-140.mxd Date of Capture: August 2006. Sheet Number SCALE (A3) DATE DRAWING NO. ISSUE Draft SP248138 - area to be opened as road of (DERM ref 2011/006477) 1 1 1:25,000 30/07/2013 PR100246-140