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Mrs. M innie Nicholas Saba Morales Delia Williams Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearse

■ i ^Every Day Is Thanksgiving Day’ r! By Sue Roethele and StafT, give personal attention to each thankful I’m not in a wheelchair, and One patient, an elderly woman who Most people in the area mark Thanks- resident. despite all the sickne.ss we’ve had. I’m broke her hip and found private care givinK with varying amounts o f cheer, glad my husband is not an invalid. He’s impractical, smiles when she talks of her NOle plenty of turkey, and perhaps, bicarbo­ FO R T H E most part, Samaritan’s in pain, he’s uncomfortable, but he’s not "wonderful daughters who take care of MOP nate of soda. guests are happy people ... warm, toler­ an invalid.” me.” The tears, however, roll quietly lUit For many others, the day would seem ant, patient. Their days are spent in down her cheeks when she speaks of the Christine Nash, a 58-year-old native of a cheerless one, however brightened by quiet recreational activities, reading, home she once had and how she misses Canton. Miss., has been bedridden nearly the visit of a friend or relative, turkey chatting with their fellow guests — but it. 20 years. She has suffered from rheuma­ and trimmings on the menu, and, per­ mostly, remembering. toid arthritis since she was 14 and has haps, a tiny decoration on the table next One couple, who gave up a private res­ SOM EHOW, despite their pain, guests seldom been relieved of pain. to their beds. idence because of illness, shares a small like Mrs. Minnie Nicholas manage to room whose walls display pictures from concentrate on good things . . . visits from Those are the sick, the aging, the eld­ "I think every day is Thanksgiving by-gone days. old friends, a pretty keep-sake brought erly who live in nursing homes. In some Day,” she said. "I’m thankful that I can They are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearse. with them to remind them o f loved ones, cases, they are guests of the homes by feed myself and take care of me — and He is 78, his wife, Mary, is 86. Despite the kindness and goodness of people who choice. In others, because of necessity. the pain? .. . well, it’s led me to a better Pearse’s illness, due to recent surgery, find time to care about them. And in u few instances, residents because relationship with God. I have a .sense of and Mrs. Pearse’s painful arthritis, they o f family convenience. freedom ... even though I can’t walk. I’m One in particular, Saba Morales, 68, a are grateful and looked forward to free within myself. I’m glad to be alive.” large, deep-voiced, white-haired gentle­ D E N V E R Samaritan Nursing home in is Thanksgiving. man, speaks with his eyes as well as his ARCHDIOCESAN a large, rambling structure composed of The Pearse's look back on careers with D E L L A W ILLIAM S , a 54-year-old voice, of turkey. E D IT IO N several floors and extended wings. Con­ some o f the most famous circuses in the Dallas native, has been a resident of sisting of two stately mansions built be­ world, including the Ringling Brothers. Samaritan for four years. A humorous "Thanksgiving means turkey to me,” VOL. LXIl No. 16 fore the turn o f the century, and a long Mrs. Pearse, an aerialist since childhood, woman who smiles readily. Thanksgiving he says, and winks before walking down THURSDAY, NOV. 23, 1967 connecting wing, it is a bright, well-kept retired from the circus after 45 years Day this year will be marked by a prayer the corridor with the aid of his cane. home for older persons who need nursing above the sawdust. Her husband, a first- in gratitude for what she called "lovely Mae Williams, a gentle 82-year-old care. wagon ticket man, retired only a few and simple things ... what health I have, woman sums up the patient attitude of The 100 residents at Samaritan are years ago. the changing weather, pretty days, being most of the Samaritan guests. "I’m attended by a stafT of 60 nursing, medi­ taken care of, and cans of .Schlitz beer,” thankful most of all for what the Lord Protesting cal. and administrative personnel. Direc­ *'HONEY, Mrs. Pearse said, ”of (the latter added with a nudge and has spared me ... but I’d be thankful to tor is F. L. Dauthat, who, with his wife course I have a lot^to ^rajteful^ for. 1,’ip chuckle.) be home.” Priest Now Pope Addresses Throng ""New ’ Is Mark Classed. 1-A Ithaca, N.Y. - The Rev. David W. Vatican City — Pope Paul VI ap­ being favorable for a complete recovery.” Connor, assistant Catholic chaplain at peared at the window of his study Nov. Talking to the crowd Sunday, the Pope Cornell University, has been notified he 19 for the first time since undergoing a said; Of Bishops’ Meeting was reclassified "1-A Delinquent” — prostate operation earlier in November, "Beloved sons. available for immediate induction — by and blessed 20,000 well-wishers in St. "Here we are happy again to meet By David MUlon ments to "join earnestly in the search for his local draft board. Peter’s square. with you for our weekly prayer after our (Register Special) a just and lasting peace.” The 30-year-old priest and 15 Cornell While Congress was debating pros and The Pope’s voice was a bit weak, but health had undergone a trial. We thank students last month returned their Selec­ American Bishops are showing a ’new cons of the war on poverty on Capitol he seemed in good health as he talked the Lord, who in His bounty restores us tive Service cards to their draft boards in style’ in dealing with problems that face Hill, only a few blocks from where the about eight minutes to the crowd gath­ to our ministry, which with a bit o f pa­ protest against the Vietnam war and the the people of God in their jurisdictions. Catholic were assembled, the ered below. It was the first time since his tience we hope soon to take up regularly. "injustices of the draft.” That is the view of Bishop James P. Bishops published another resolution re­ operation Nov. 4 that he had been able "W e are under obligation to the very A spokesman for Father Connor’s Shannon of St. Paul-Minneapolis, assist­ commending "the immediate passage of to show himself at the window for his fine and very careful doctors who have board in Geneseo, N.Y., said that in re­ customary Sunday prayer and blessing. helped us in every way and with every ant chairman of the U.S. Catholic Confer­ strong and adequate legislation” support­ ence and a member of the press panel at classifying the priest the board was fol­ On the following day his doctors issued effort. And we are equally under obliga­ ing the poverty program. lowing standard Selective Service proce­ the recent meeting of the National Con­ a medical bulletin announcing the Pope tion to you and to all who have comfort­ They called on members o f the House dures in making available for service had completed successfully the post-oper­ ed us with their sympathy and their good ference of Catholic Bishops. of Representatives to demonstrate that anyone not having his draft card in his Impressed by a new mood of openness "our nation and its citizenry . . . keep ative period and that his recovery is wishes, persons o f great importance and possession. among members of the U.S. hierarchy, being watched carefully. the good common people. faith with the commitments already made Father Connor has 30 days to appear Bishop Shannon described this attitude as to the socially and economically handi­ before the local draft board for possible "Of your prayers we are particularly being "different from paternalism, differ­ THE B U L L E T IN said that the P o i»’s capped segments of our population.” induction or to appeal his reclassification mindful and we hope that you will con­ ent from directives, different from fiats.” "serene acceptance o f suffering and spirit tinue your filial assistance, for which we to 1-A from 4-D, the normal clerical clas­ o f trusting submission’’ contributed great­ In other statements, the Bishops have a paternal reciprocation in our af­ sification. He had made no decision as to ly to his recovery. "Convalescence has He said it is a style of answering issued policy statements on Catholic what action he will take but said he is fectionate prayers and in our humble suf­ schools and on clerical celibacy. They already begun and it will be watched the needs of people that is in con­ conferring with his attorney. ferings. Also, 70 years and the ailments formity with the guidelines laid down also approved a long "collective pas­ with careful prudence, with the outlook of this our life have made more aware to by the . toral" concerning the questions re­ (IN W ASH IN G TO N a spokesman for us and more warm the thought of you, of garding the nature of the Church and the Church and o f the world. the national Selective Service headquar­ Bishop John J. Wright o f Pittsburgh some of its immediate problems. ters said that to his knowledge no priest "And if on the one hand it leads one concurred with Bishop Shannon's view, The pastoral, which runs about 20.000 has ever been drafted into the armed Official to think more clearly of the precarious­ pointing out in a press conference that a words, was composed by a committee cho­ forces. He also said that the Geneseo ness and brevity of this life in time, it broad "consensus” among Bishops has de­ board’s action was part of its local prero­ Dear Family in Christ: veloped. He described it as a new mood of sen after the spring meeting of the U.S. also makes more acute the sense of duty hierarchy in Chicago. Members of the gative.) Once each year the faithful of the growth, openness, and free communica­ which all have to render the time fruitful committee, headed by Bishop Wright, Before turning in his draft card in ore given the opportunity tion. with good works, the time so precious were Archbishop Robert J. Dwyer of Port­ October. Father Connor spoke of his deci­ to participate in the maintenance and and so brief which is given to us to live, sion in a Sunday sermon at the universi­ The Bishops applied the "new mood” to land, Ore.; Auxiliary Bishop David M. expansion of the Catholic University of on the eve o f the eternal day which waits ty., “I‘ dm not doing this aS a Representa­ a broad range of topics during the annual Maloney of Denver; and Auxiliary Bishop America in Washington, D.C. us after death. tive of the , nor as a per­ meeting of the National Conference of John J. Dougherty of Newark. From its beginning in 1889, the Catho­ "W e must be good, pious and strong in son who believes this is the only attitude Catholic Bishops (NCCB). The committee prepared a summary of lic University has been a far-sighted and the service o f our brothers if we wish to the document for release now on the pas­ possible,” he said, "but as a man who consistent purveyor of papal teachings on impart a sense and worth to this our A long list of problems facing Cathol­ toral, which Bishop Wright described as must follow his conscience.” the Christian Social Order. Through its present existence. And thinking o f the ics in this country was brought up for an American commentary on the Consti­ After being notified of his reclassifica­ thousands of graduates, it has exerted agitated reports of the world we are even discussion, debate, and decisive action at tution on the Church in the Modern tion, the chaplain said he did not regret over the country a vitalizing influence of more persuaded that one has need of the week-long meeiing:. World, of the Second Vatican Council. his action. "To remain a good Catholic, a goodness, virtue and faith than of any­ good Catholic priest and a good member human and divine wisdom. Here in the Departing from their pre-arranged In their statement on Catholic schools, thing else. And it is to this that we are of the community, it was an action I }>er- Archdiocese of Denver we are direct bene­ agenda, the Catholic Bishops also spoke the Bishops pledged their continuing sup­ happy to contribute with the help of God, sonally had to take,” he said. ficiaries of this Pontifical University in their collective minds on such controver­ port to maintaining a separate Catholic whom now in prayer we invoke happily.” the hundreds o f priests, religious and sial issues as Vietnam and the war on school system despite spiraling costs and laymen who received their professional the increasing difficulty of recruiting The return of his draft card. Father poverty. Connor continued, was "a two-pronged training there and now work in our par­ teachers. ishes, schools and institutions. protest — both against the Vietnam war On Vietnam the Bishops issued a and against a E lective Service system Humanity’s present tragic hour makes The prelates said their statement Official Schedule resolution urging U.S. government that is unfair and continues to refuse the work of the University all the more was intended as "a message and hope ' leaders to step up their efforts for a men viable alternatives to the war.” urgent. There is more need now than negotiated peace. While praising past and reassurance to those for whom efforts on the part of the Johnson changes in the Church and contempo­ ever before to proclaim the truth taught HE SAID that "under the present sys­ administration to negotiate with Ha­ rary financial problems are particu­ by Christianity on the origin, nature, and tem. I could not in conscience serve in noi, the Bishops called for "even larly difficult — the laity, religious, destiny of man and his mission in socie­ the armed forces under any condition. As greater determination and action" in and clergy who are our colleagues in ty. The world has entered upon one of a chaplain, I could not inspire the sol­ the cause of peace. the apostolate of Catholic education." those periods o f unrest, of questioning, of diers in an action that I believe is con­ disorientation and o f conflict which has trary to the Gospels.” The Bishops emphasized, however, they The statement adds that the Bishops been well described as turning points of About 300 Cornell students attended a were not pleading for "peace at any are "confident that this statement, though history. Archbishop Casey rally Nov. 17 in support of Father Con- price” and called on other world govern- addressed largely to teachers, will serve The Catholic University needs to be Sunday. November 26, 9:00 a.m. — Im­ also to reinforce public confidence in sustained by the generous support o f all maculate Conception Cathedral, Den­ Catholic education, and to reassure our of our people in order that it may fulfill ver, Catholic Lawyers’ Guild Red people to whom we are profoundly grate­ more completely the aims defined in its . Pontifical Low Mass Official Appointments ful for their consistently generous moral statutes: Tuesday, November 28, 7:30 p.m. — St. and financial support o f Catholic educa- S e m m a /uj "To search out truth scientifically, to James’ Church, Denver. Confirmation, Rev. Robert V. Nevans, St. Mary’s tion.” • ‘ t 1 i » 1 1 • « J 1 -i. ( f 1 ; » t * I JL . safeguard it, and to apply it to the •Pontifical Low Mass • Church, Greeley, also to be Chaplain Turning to subject o f celibacy, the The Denver Archdiocesan Chancery molding and shaping of both private of Council No. 2160 o f the Knights of prelates reaffirmed the Church’s stand and public life . . . and to bring to Columbus, Greeley that Latin rite priests remain unmarried. reports a total o f $24.38 donated toward society an understanding and appre­ Rev. Owen J. McHugh, St. Peter’s The question of mandatory celibacy, ap­ seminary burses during the past week. ciation of the teachings of Jesus Church. Greeley, also to be Assistant parently not settled for many following Donations for the St. Jude Burse were Christ.” Chaplain of Council No. 2160 of the Pope Paul’s encyclical on the matter in received from Denver, A.R., $10; Denver, A collection for the support of the , Greeley June, was brought before the assembled Mrs. R.E.W.. $5; Littleton, H.E.. $1; Den­ University will be taken up in all o f our Rev. Robert E. Hehn, St. Catherine’s Bishops, as one explained, because ver. Mrs. J.G.O., $5; Sedgwick. Colo.. Our Churches of the Archdiocese on Sunday, "like Perry Como, we get letters." Lady of Fatima Circle, $3.38. i.iir “■‘■■y Church. Denver, also to be Denver November 26. May I ask that you be as Area Boy Scout Chaplain One of the letters reportedly came All offerings toward the various burses are used to educate young men for the generous as your means permit. Bishop Maloney Rev. Mario Vesga. S.F., Our Lady of from the National Association for Pastor­ Devotedly yours in Christ, Peace Church, Greeley, also to be As­ al Renewal, an unofficial priests’ group priesthood. They may be sent direct to Sunday, November 26, 4:00 p.m. — St. the Archdiocesan Chancery, 1536 Logan + James V. Casey Philomena’s Church, Oenver. Confir­ sistant Chaplain o f Council No. 2160 advocating a change in the rule of priest- street, Denver. Archbishop of Denver mation of the Knights of Columbus, Greeley (Turn to Page 2) Page Two THE REGISTER Thursday, November 23, 1967 State Announces Bishops W ill Issue Handicap Awards

John P. Holt, 41. of Mrs. Matilda Western, Collective Pastoral Grand Junction, was se­ 61, Evergreen; who has lected as the Handicapped been blind for 10 years, a Washin{;ton. for reform of seminary education, lay Coloradan of 1967, accord­ transcriber operator at structures, clerical life, Hnancing nro* The collective pastoral, called for by ing to Peter L. Dye, state Capitol Life Insurance. the Hierarchy over u year ago, has been grams, and others. chairman of the Governor's Mrs. Penny Powers, 30, prepared by a committee chaired by Bish­ Committee on Employment Golden, a double amputee The theological publication, coming out op John J. Wright of Pittsburgh. It is of the Handicapped. (both legs) who • operate.s approximately 20,000 words in length and of more than a year's study by the com­ Holt's injuries date from her own copying service. mittee under Bishop Wright, is intended is intended for study by clergy, religious, 1928. He and his brother Ronald Finnell, 31, Lit- to provide the doctrinal background and the students for the priesthood, and the were playing in an old car. tlet9n> paralyzed from the context of these and further structural laity generally. Holt threw a match into waist down by an auto ac­ reforms in program initiatives in the the gas tank, and the ex­ cident, manager o f an auto Pastoral in tone, it is a commentary American Church. plosion claimed both ears service company in Engle­ The study of the nature o f the Church, on current doctrinal trends and deve­ and one eye and left only wood. its modern inyigc and current problems, lopments in the American Church as the remnants of fingers. Mrs. Darlene Armstrong, begins with a review of the theology of seen against the background of the He also sufTered extensive 35, Denver, clerk-stenog­ the "mystery” of the Church. It relates documents of the Second Vatican disfiguring burns. rapher at Lowry who suf­ the "problem o f the Church" to the "prob­ Council. The principal document cho­ Despite the physical and fered polio at 2 but is now lem of Ood” and relates the Church as a sen for depth study and application to psychological handicaps, he ambulatory with metal community of faith, love, and service, the American scene is the Doctrinal attained a master’s degree, crutches. both to history and to eternity. Constitutional on the Nature of the with progress being made Rudolph Gonzalez, also The social and moral, as well as spirit­ Church. toward his doctorate. He employed at Lowry, has ual, implications of the community life of now is principal of the only limited use of his the Church and its influence on the tem­ Bishop Wright indicated that similar State Home and Training legs; he works in real es­ poral society, are considered. It is expect­ collective pastorals are currently being school in Grand Junction. tate management. Mrs. ed that the images under which the doc­ published on Council themes by Belgian, He has six children, rang­ Prentice Paulson, 47, 102nd X trine of the Church is explored will French, and other national Hierarchies. ing in age from 1 to 16, Englewood, who lost his with M The content of other national pastorals as provide themes for preaching, adult study three boys and three girls. complete right arm when a five gei clubs, and classroom work, as a result of well as the debates in the recent Synod Ten other Coloradans service connected disability and a ] the mass distribution of the document. of Bishops and in Vatican Council II it­ During NCCB Recess will receive citations for became malignant, a pain­ Loretto self are renecled in the teaching pa toral meritorious service because ter. the hoi o f the American Bishops. An extended .section on structures of their contributions to Rudolph Klitz, Loveland, mel pai The American document now being in the Church is devoted to the ques­ Auxilinry Bishop John L. May. left, of Chicago and Archbishop James a carpenter with only par­ V. Casey chat during a brief break in the week-long meeting of the Nation­ employment of the handi­ readied for national mass distribution tion of the physical "institutionar* capped, Dye said. tial vision. under the auspices of the Hierarchy is Church frequently discussed in cur­ al Conference of Catholic Bishops. The annual meeting closed Nov. 17 after- Agnes Bush o f Denver, issuing policy statements on numerous subjects and promising to promul­ They are: expected to bo followed in future years by rent controversy on ‘‘charismatic” Mrs. Ann Munn, Engle­ 30, a polio victim employed Prii similar official commentaries by the Hier­ versus organized “juridical” elements gate a “collective pastoral” statement on the nature of the Church within a as a bookkeeper. few' weeks. wood, remedial reading archy on other Council documents in dis­ of Church life. teacher in the Sheridan charge’ of the collegial teaching ofTice of schools who was stricken A point given major attention is the W e the Bishops in the Church. with polio in 1955, restrict­ relationship of the "local Church” to the French Bishops Conclude FOR MUTUAL FUNDS ing her movements to a PHONE universal Church, a problem discussed The collective pastoral, although wheelchair. JOE ALBI Colora this summer at the conference o f Euro­ doctrinal in its ow'n emphasis and Jerome Schropfer, 31, Cascade Investment Co. Rev. Ma pean Hierarchies. thrust, refers to the practical initiative ^Bold Revisions' Needed Denver, a paralyzed ac­ 7l8t7th Street Pueblo already taken by the American Hier­ 825-3452 presiden Lourdes. France — also to make the Church the laity, not only the lai­ countant at the C.U. Medi­ archy, notably the programs for im­ A major part of the document is Mutusi Fund Specisllsis' Conferei Awareness that "in numer­ present among human ty organized in Catholic cal center. plementation of liturgical reform, the concerned with the claims on teaching fare, su< ous areas o f human life, groups where it is still a Action, but also the laity major steps toward total reconstitu­ authority in the Church and the rela­ H. Welc the message of salvation stranger. that lives and acts outside tion of the United States Catholic tion of that authority to personal con­ does not direct men’s pro­ of official structures. organize Conference, the projects under way science. gress” makes “bold revi­ convent! sions of thought and ac­ “ IN THE course o f this THEY ALSO studied Fathe: tion” more urgent than plenary assembly, in the ways of "declericalizing” of Gath Bishops Ask Congress ever, the French Bishops light of the (Second Vati­ certain of these ofTicial Inc., for said in a joint statement can) Council, the Bishops structures. As a first step said aft issued here at the end of o f France have endeavored toward this goal, the Cath­ anticipa their plenary assembly. to investigate the concrete olic Committee Against presidei To Pass Poverty Bill The statement said this requirements of this mis­ Hunger, o f which Bishop tion w Washington calls for escalation of the poverty war. absence of the Gospel’s in­ sionary action, for them­ Jacques Menager of Meaux membei "Immediate passage o f strong and ade­ Representatives o f major religious fluence has been observ­ selves and for the priests was president, will now be artificia able for a long time among with whom they are unit­ quate legislation supjwrting the War on faiths gathered at the gymnasium of the headed by a layman. In more li workers, and is now be­ ed, for the laity and for Poverty” was unanimously recommended Catholic University of America for a rally the future the Bishop will *1 wi coming more noticeable in religious communities...” by the National Conference o f Catholic to support the War on Poverty. The rally simply be the committee’s force n rural areas and among Bishops meeting in Washington. was called hastily in the face o f congres­ spiritual adviser. of . the those who, “through The Bishops gave con­ A statement adopted by the U.S. Bish­ sional pressure to cut the poverty pro­ supporl thought, cultural effort, siderable attention to the ops urged "the House of Representatives gram. cause ] technology, the organiza­ role o f the laity in the life to defeat amendments which would des­ up to i Dr. Isaac Franck, executive secretary tion o f society, mold the o f the Church and to the GLASS troy the ability of our nation and its citi­ of the Inter-religious Committee on. Ra­ said. " new face o f man.” laity’s participation in its CO. zenry to keep faith with the commitments cial Relations o f the District o f Columbia, of the Saying that this develop­ missionary' effort. y o u r s f r e e cannot already made to the socially and economi­ said many Congressmen are o f the opi­ ment called for bold revi­ cally handicapped segment of our popula­ nion that poverty is the fault o f the poor sions of thought and ac­ They even considered the FOR early American Prescut snack plate when you join COI tion.” themselves, "instead of realizing that it is possibility of arranging MIRRORS tion, the Bishops said that our Christmas Club! Ail the beauty and charm of traditional abortic built into our society.” periodically a national "courageous efforts have S'cc* Our Kcautifuf Early American cut glassware is captured in this brilliant, sparkling most 1 Copies of the statement and a sup­ meeting between the Bish­ inch Prascut snack server. already been carried out. Netc /tome at at a c( porting resolution were sent by hand Charging that some "fear-ridden” Everywhere the Church is ops and representatives of Get yours when you open your 1968 Christmas Club account. Christ­ 690 Lawrence H2.S 5251 memtM to Capitol Hill, where they were de­ members of Congress do not want the at work. Numerous are the mas IS so much more fun when you plan for it with a Christmas Club account. Open yours now. Get your free snack plate, to keep or give as Taylor livered to Speaker of the House John poor to find their voice and upset the rigns of renewal. But the PIRSONALI/EO MONCMENIS AND MARKERS a Christmas gift! But hurry in. Supply's limited. man i W. McCormack, Rep. Gerald Ford. status quo, Dr. Franck said Congress immensity of the task re­ necolo Republican loader of the House, and should fear only “the loss of hope and quires of the whole people AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK others. ini< 4 Simil < / OriX'In banking / Frea In-bank parting of Col self-confidence” among the destitute of God a concerted and Attillatad w


JOHN E. ZOOK EARL G. COLCLAZIER G E R AR O R AWXJL 1S97 TeBOCKHORST. CPCU u •40 Insurance Exchange Bldg. Penrose Hospital Adding Thursday, November 23, 1967 THE REGISTER Page Three New Research Building stern, has Springs — Pen­ public campaign for funds, cardio-vascular diseases, ITS, a rose Cancer Hospital will although contributions are leukemia, the effects pro­ P at expand by erecting a being solicited from local duced by radiant energy on three-story cancer research and national foundations living organisms, the treat­ . 30. building, equipping it with and individuals interested ing of the structure and putee the medical world’s most in such programs by Sister functions of cells, the rates modern tools and stalTing Clara, associate adminis­ treatment of internal dis­ ». it with full-time research­ trator and director of deve­ eases by chemical reagents, Lit- ers in its efTort to find the lopment,” Sister Myra said. x-rays, gamma rays and I the causes of cancer and other The El Pomar Founda­ other forms of radiation. o ac- diseases and how to treat tion of Colorado Springs SPACE ALSO will be auto them. has pledged a grant o f provided for follow-up ra ngle- $750,000. largest contribu diologic and laboratory Sister Myra James, S.C., tion to date. studies. ronp, administrator, said the "W ere it not for such In addition to the three inofr- research building, for gifts we could not begin stories above ground level, Judge Finesilver Archbishop Casey Albert Zarlengo, Jr. suf- which ground will be bro­ the project this year,” Sis­ the building will have a now ken in December, will cost ter Myra said. "We are fourth level below ground letal an estimated $1.8 million extremely grateful to be for therapeutic radiology Red Mass Scheduled Sunday and be located between able to start the project, research and treatment which has long been in the also Penrose hospital and the activities. Judges, lawyers, and ^**91 Men’s Vested choir Red Mass is celebrated on has Margery Reed nurses resi­ planning stage.” The structure _ will pro­ civic leaders from through- will sing. behalf of "all” who are The research building his dence in the 2200 block of vide adequate * foundation out the area will assemble 'ru i? u rr** x* connected with justice and 102nd Milestone will have facilities for ad­ *u j 1 1- .L IHL RED Mass — a es- N. Cascade avenue. for future expansion to 12 at the Cathedral of the * j * r its administration,. vanced research and study .i„* /-> X- tradition that dates from floors as ne^s arise and Immaculate Conception .i . The Red Mass, which Mrs. Pauline Blasi, center, celebrated her not only of cancer but of 47. ’•THERE WILL be no additional superstructure Nov.xi«.. 26oc forr theJ.I. eighth • LxL tye l3th century and got takes its name from the 102nd birthday at a party given Nov. 20. Shown its start in La Sainte his with Mrs. Blasi, the eldest of a family spanning becomes necessary. annual Mass of the Holy color of the vestments, was en a Chappelle in Paris and flve generations, are her daughter, Mary Carbone, Bids will be let before Spirit — the Red Mass initiated as an annual ility Westminster in I^ondon — and a grand-niece. Sister Rosemary Fiori, S.L. of Laymen Get Equal Jan. 1. Construction is spon.sored by the Catholic event in the United States )ain* scheduled for completion in Lawyers Guild of Denver. asks the blessing of God in in 1928. Loretto Heights College. The party was given in on all who are involved in \ M * X X L . I * I I 1969, and use o f the The Mass at 9 a.m., will Leonard V. Carlin, presi­ the home of her son, Salvatore Blasi of Mt. Car­ the administration of jus­ and, ^ building is set for the fol­ be followed by the tradi­ dent of the Catholic Law­ mel . voice ar L^arnoiic u tice. par- lowing month. tional breakfast at the yers Guild, said the break­ The medical director of Brown Palace hotel. The Mass honors the fast following the Mass Washington. D.C. — faculty members last April memory of St. Thomas iver, Penrose Cancer hospital is District Judge Sherman would be served in the Government of the Catho­ when he refused to endorse More of England and St. >yed Dr. Juan A. del Regato. E. Finesilver of Denver ballroom of the Brown lic University of America the student boycott organ­ Ives, the patrons of the Priest Will Head Dr. Morgan Berthrong is will be the breakfast Palace West. Tickets may will be shared 50-50 by ized on behalf of controver­ legal profession. It tradi­ director of clinical labora­ speaker. Archbishop James be purchased at the break­ laymen and clergymen be­ sial theologian Father tionally was scheduled to tories, and Dr. James W. V. Casey will deliver the fast, at $3.75 per person. ginning next spring. Charles Curran. coincide with the begin­ McMullen is director of homily and celebrate the Welfare Workers The C.U.A. teard of trus­ Since then, he has re­ ning of the legal year — diagnostic radiology. Mass, at which the Cathe- tees, meeting Nov. 12-13, ceived only marginal sup­ the fall term of court. DINNER TONIGHT? Colorado Springs — The be accepted for abortions” voted to reorganize itself port from his own faculty. Albert Zarlengo, Jr., of Rev. Marvin Kapushion of PENROSE Cancer hos­ since the law was passed into a 30-member board, The board confirmed D. 101-Year-Old Denver is chairman of the M.OO Pueblo has been named pital is one of a dozen last spring. h alf of which would be C. Joseph Neusse as acting Red Mass this year. He president o f the Colorado "In 20 years we per- made up of laymen. Pre­ executive vice rector the such hospitals in this coun­ Hummel's 'Messenger' said invitations had been Delicatessen and Conference of Social Wel­ formed about five or six sently the board consists of highest post ever held by try. and operates with an sent to all members of the Sidewalk Cate fare, succeeding Dr. Henry open medical staff under a therapeutic abortions a 33 Cardinals and Archbish- a layman at C.U.A. bench and the bar in the Cherry Creek 322-4144 H. Welch of Denver at the private, non-profit organi­ Stops Printing year, but in the past six ops and only 11 laymen, area, emphasizing that the organization’s 77th annual and a half months we’ve The change is to become IN OTHER news con­ zational structure. Its ob­ New York — The De­ convention. done 22.” Taylor said. "I effective next April, at the cerning the university. jectives are attained cember issue of the Sa­ Father Kapushion, head supported modernization o f spring meeting of the trus- Father Walter J. Schmitz, through diagnosis, treat­ cred Heart Messenger of Catholic Social Service, the abortion laws, but not tees. S.S., dean of the school of ment, education and re­ will be the last for the Inc., for the Pueblo diocese, liberalization.” In parallel actions, 'the theology, announced an search. 101-year-old magazine. said after he took office he A state legislator who present board agreed to exchange of faculty for "The research facilities to The decision to discontin­ anticipated no problem as opposed the abortion law. place fiv e laymen on a graduate course o f theology improve techniques of ue publication of the mag­ president of an organiza­ Representative Anthony new, 10-man executive among C.U.A., Wesley treatment, as well as for azine, the circulation of tion with a majority of Mullen of Northglenn, told committee and to name j Theological sem inary the final solution of the which topped 100,000, was IRIS IS COUNTRY members who support the convention; "I don’t five other laymen "with (Methodist', and Virginia cancer problem, are an reached with difficulty, artificial birth control and fear the ramifications of expertise in financial mat Episcopal seminary. urgent necessity,” Dr. del said Fathers Emmet J. Regato said. more liberal abortion laws. the bill quite as much as ters” to a 10-man finance The agreement calls for Norton, S.J., national di­ 'I would, in no way, when I first oppxised it. group. an exchange of four facul­ The hospital is adminis­ rector of the Apostleship of Protect your car's finish from force my beliefs on those "W hat I feared most was ty members in the spring tered by the Sisters of Prayer, the magazine’s the ravages of destructive of the organization who that the state would turn T H E T R U S T E E S de- semester o f 1968, each Charity of Mt. St. Joseph, publisher, and Daniel F. X. support birth control be­ into an abortion mecca. ferred fin al action on a teaching a two-hour course O. Meenan, S.J., editor. road salts and cold weather cause I feel that should be But I’ve been pleased to suggestion from the gradu- to graduate students. up to individual choice,” he note that the state, as a ate school of arts and sci- Father Schmitz also an­ ahead. Restore th e original said. "I have always been general rule, hasn’t taken ences that Eu- nounced that Rabbi Eu­ Compkre Lirc of Rcliyiottt Afticlcx fof CKyreS ond Hem of the conviction that you a playboy attitude toward gene Kevane be replaced gene Lipman of Temple show-room shine with MING. cannot legislate morality.” this thing.” as dean o f the school o f Sinai. Washington, will join the C.U.A. faculty as n He emphasized, however, education, A. P. WAGNER a CO. COLORADO’S new he still opposes the liberal- Monsignor Kevane in- a lecturer on "The Thought MING— the world’s most durable car finish lal 1- abortion law, the nation’s ization. curred the wrath of fellow o f Judaism,” CHURCH GOODS most liberal, was discussed it- at a convention panel. One MING SERVICE CENIBl ib member. Dr. E. Stewart 1433 Tremont Place 825-8331 2014 CHAM PA ST. Taylor, professor and chair­ Priest Says Liturgy Faces HOURS 9 TO 5-SAT. 9 TO 4 FOR APPT. PHONE 534.4249 man of obstetrics and gy­ necology at the University of Colorado Medical center, Loss of Meaning for Man complained that the center "has been overburdened Dubuque. la. — The losing its meaning,” said Dr. Gerard Brauer, dean Get the with phone calls (from Midwest Ecumenical sym­ Father Cooke, "because o f the University of Chica­ women) asking if they can posium was attended by man today does not fear go Divinity School, spoke more than 100 Catholic, the universe as he did in o f the ministry o f the past Record Keeping Home Sought Protestant, and Orthodox the past.” Man does need a as being that of a general ecumenists in meetings liturgy, but perhaps mod­ practitioner. Now there are For Boy, 8 billed as preparatory to the ern man does not want a specialized ministries An Exclusive FIRST Banking World Council of Churches liturgy with mystery, he and the layman can be Off Your Back Catholic Charities is convocation next year in said. involved in the ministries Service for the seeking a foster home for Uppsala, Sweden. "Man himself.” main­ of counseling, proclaiming, music, art, and even some an 8-year-old boy who has The theme of the sympo­ tained Father Cooke, "is Rocky Mountain Region mystery enough for the aspects of worship. emotional problems which sium was the same as the worship of God, man in his Because of the changes are being resolved through announced theme for the For doctors, dentists, businessmen and experience of being human, in emphasis of the past 10 therapy. In order for his W e e meeting in 1968, individuals who want more meaningful and 'Behold, I Make All Things marriage, love, parenthood, years, Dr. Brauer suggest­ problems to be more com­ accurate record-keeping. suffering, rejection, and ed bringing clergy back to pletely resolved, he needs New." The Rev. Bernard Cooke, death.” school for reducation as a family setting. S.J., chairman of Mar­ other professions do. The type of family quette University’s theolo­ TH E V E R Y Rev. Leoni­ sought is' one in which gy department, said that das Contos, dean of Holy there are no children in talking to young people Cross Greek Orthodox RecordAccount younger than he and one there is evidence that the Theological School, treated which can provide the pa­ present symbolic liturgy is the Biblical and historical tience, understanding and meaningless, and that ded- appraisal of newness, and COMPLETE RECORD KEEPING THAT tolerance beyoml' -thot jm- “ Icated and ^ucated people concentrated on the renew- DOES THE JOB AS EASY AS 1-2-3 quired for a more emotion­ say the liturgy no longer al of man by the indwell­ ally normal child. speaks to them. ing of divinity spoken of ^ OUlCKLY Interested persons are by St. John and St. Peter. asked to contact Mrs. ”WE MUST discover The Orthodox idea of Q UNDERSTANDABLY Johnston at ' the Catholic . what life says to people man’s renewal in this spir­ Charities, 1665 Grant and then put it in our lit­ itual context is a renewal Q INEXPENSIVELY street. Denver, Colo. urgy. In the Catholic of the whole man, not just Preferred (80203) or call 222-3825. Church.’’ Father Cooke the spirit. "A ll (jod is,” he rates for A ll you do is write in pre-determjned code suggested, "the emerging said, "except His essence, customers numbers — furnished by you to The First — of Ruwart K of C Told To Back layman will snow us the we become in the union of on your checks and deposit slips. divine and human wills.” McKinnon Fair H ousing Bill way.” " If the liturgy simply Father Contos concluded Chevrolet. Inc. Leave the rest to The First. You’ll receive full Lansing, Mich. — The gives a psychological secu­ that this thinking is a it 33 y e a r s monthly and year-to-date reports of 60,000 Knights of Colum­ rity away from the difficul­ common heritage and must ’MetriMlitEn Leasing Inc. disbursements and receipts — bus in Michigan have been ties of the world, then it is be looked at as we go on JMSSMt^^eleriReBoilj^^^en^ in dollar amounts and percentages. ------in ecumenism. urged by the K. of C. From the system that never lets you down ... State Council to support a Newspaper reading is a offered by the Bank that never lets you down. "fair housing” bill now in habit and a part of people's daily routine. the state legislature. He cun help you ini est For Complete RecordAccount Information, Phone 266-2211 Extension 665 N I C H O L A S Another FIRST from the BANK Christm as Special THAT NEVER LETS YOU DOWN! F . T R U G L I O Nov. '67 thru JAN. '68 He i% a Rctfi^icrcd Kcpri'^vnutivc with Uie aod know ledge nt-rded lo help >oti mve*-i in COLD WAVES >iocks, bond^ and nuiiual fimd». Give him a call. Call fo r Appointment B o s w o i n n The First ...first MARTINDALE WEST COMPAINY. IINC. National Bank BEAUTY ACADEMY of Denver of all! 17th and W B LTO N 2 3 8 -6 4 1 9 270 So. P ie rc e a t W . A lam ed a

^-1 Page Four THE REGISTER Thursday, November 23, 1967 I

The CardinaVs Statem ent tain sclerosis of soul and body might set (In the past 10 days there has arisen And so modern man, especially when casion. I must now allow myself to be led material assistance to the lepers. And so I in. The spur must be used to get out o f tvidespread comment, pro and con, con­ he lives in an affluent society and when by the hand of the Lord. am leaving for Africa. I am happy to set the rut. It is so easy to become installed cerning the decision o f Cardinal Paul he has all the means necessary to accom­ As an invisible power continued to out on this last stage of my earthly jour­ in comfortable habits after having exer­ Emile Lef^er to vacate his Montreal See plish his plans, finds it almost impossible make itself felt more strongly on my con­ ney to a continent which has welcomed cised authority for a long time, especially fo r an African leprosarium. Because we to open his heart to God. For these rea­ science. I consulted prudent persons and, so warmly those who wish to devote their in a diocese where Catholics comprise the best to its inhabitants. feel his decision was monumental, "The sons. the rejection of God and irreligion acting on their advice, I outlined the large m^ority. flegiJi/er” this week publishes the Cardi­ are found today on all sides. whole situation to the Holy Father. But in making my decision, I have The confrontation with paganism may not thought only o f Africa. It is for the nal’s complete statement.) The collapse of faith among young The Pope advised me to continue to stimulate faith. Furthermore, it is good to people, the indifference of a great number pray, to reflect and consult again, in or­ greater good of the Church of Montreal that I have become a simple missionary return to the practice of obedience after The decision which 1 have taken must of Christians toward the Church, the dis­ der to discern the origin and the nature having been placed in authority. be seen within the context of faith and of enchantment and disaffection, not to say of this call which I felt to the missions. in the midst o f the poorest o f the citizens of the Third world. life. the aggressiveness of certain classes of On the la.st day of the synod, the Holy I will have, I hope, the chance of Faith is before everything else the The Church is a mystery. She is the society when presented with the religious Father accepted my resignation and ac­ seeing you again before I leave, at witness of a life. Those who may not great sign lifted above all nations to pro­ problem, are all aspects of our Christiani­ ceded to my request. My decision has, least before the time for goody-bys in understand my words may be touched by claim the fact that God exists, and she is ty in spite of a reasonably high Sunday therefore, been approved by authority and the middle of December. Until that my decision. Youth loves sincerity and the most effective means of showing us practice. taken in a spirit of obedience. time, I will continue to direct the Some may ask. and with reason, why I genuineness. the will of God. Even this nature rebels at the diocese as Apostolic Administrator. Established by Our Lord Jesus, the am leaving the ship at the moment when thought of leaving so many friends Church has the task of giving to all men the storm is breaking. Yet, in the final So I ask you all to set out on the The priests of the diocese should begin and so many memories. 1 have experi­ narrow highroad of faith, and to the message of salvation which God has analysis, it is just this religious crisis to pray for my successor. In the plan o f . enced a great peace. For peace is the answer the call of God by a devotion revealed to the world. which has led me to give up the position God, he is already their shepherd and of command to become a simple mission­ fruit of unity and 1 know now that I to poverty which , from a purely human will speak with due sincerity of the their father. The Church, therefore, is essential­ ary priest. point of view, may often seem useless. problems which cause so much an- The glass of water freely given is still ly a missionary body. The day when gui.sh to the human conscience. As for me, I w ill carry to A frica a she ceases to go toward those who It was at the synod, (the recent today the most convincing proof for memory without blemish or bitterness of have not yet received the (Jospel, she synod of Bishops at the Vatican) dur­ the existence of God, Who is present You know these problems; On the one the devotion and the support of the cler­ will have turned in on herself, she ing the discussions on faith and in the fevered face of a poor man. hand hunger in the world; underdevelop­ gy of Montreal. I want to express to all will have become a ghetto, and will atheism that - my future became a ment, illiteracy; the silent suffering of my priests my gratitude and admiration. have been unfaithful to her mission. question of conscience for me. It be­ I will become again as they are, a simple came clear to me that Our Lord was thousands o f lepers — on the other hand, Finally, 1 must admit it is to be sin­ a technocratic, efficient, automated, and cere with myself that I have asked the priest who will ofTer his services to an But is the Gospel must be proclaimed asking me lor deed as well as words. African bishop. to all men, it is directed first of all to sophisticated civilization. Holy Father to allow me the privilege of leaving for a missionary country in the For the future, I would ask all of you the humble, to the poor in spirit for During the 17 years I have been with The time has come to go from words Third World. who have loved me, to pray for him who whom our Lord always showed a particu­ you. I have spoken a great deal — nearly to actions. I wish to dedicate the few years allotted me to giving spiritual and I have reached that age where a cer­ will never forget you. lar concern. 5.000 speeches given in every sort o f oc­ • Viewpoint Hindsight The Source of Fulfillment W as Fear A M otive? By Rev. L. Marvin Read Important to all of us is fulfillment, matter of fact, there was no fulfillment, becomes a mature, self-confident, self-ac­ not enrich and he cannot be enriched by Denver propierty owners • crushed a that feeling-of-fact that we have got what is also legion. cepting being — a whole person. love. $32.5 million school construction bond it is we set out for, that we have accom- In a word, human love is the primary The unloving and loveless person, who issue last week. pli.shed something important. F U L F IL L M E N T — in its only gen­ source of personal fulfillment. is therefore personally inadequate, is All seek fulfillment in their own way, uine sense — is equated with personal unfulfilled and immature. Maturity, after Since the result became known, a my­ by acquiring riches, by personal commit­ adequacy; the yearning for fulfillment is IF IT IS love that constitutes this ful­ all, is personal adequacy in action — the riad of sources — informed and otherwise ment to altruistic causes; some seek ful­ a stretching to be a whole person, psycho­ fillment, it is important to distinguish exercizing of what it means to be what — have put forth reasons for it. Most fillment through drugs or alcohol, or logically complete. Things — money, sex, between love and those things that are we are — as human, as adult. analyses have been in economic terms, through creative expression, or through thrill, drugs, status and the like — can­ related to but are not identified with A few people seek fulfillment in the leading generally to a conclusion that the status, or even through simple thrill. not measure up to the task of fulfillment. love: Affection and the expression of love. right places — in personal relationships vote was simple refusal to agree to pay more taxes, especially to finance a con­ It is the common and collective experi­ It takes more — much more — than Love, in a definitional consideration, is — but in the wrong way. Incapable of troversial innovation in educational struc­ ence of mankind, however, that fulfill­ all the things and acquisitions in the a going-out-to-other because of the "good” loving, they seek affection th a t has ture. ment is found to no meaningful and sa­ world can ever provide; it takes love. value placed in that person; further, it is no relationship to love — an affection tisfactory degree in these things; there Fulfillment necessarily and only comes that manifests sexual or social roots, but a desiring o f good for the beloved simply But during the campaign, another is­ may be amusement, diversion and escape, from warm, interpersonal relationships in for the sake of the beloved. nothing else. In a real sense, these love­ but certainly there is no fulfillment. which a person loves and is loved by less few would draw from other people, sue came up again and again — a shad­ In some ways, the yen for fulfillment those people who really count in his or While afTection is not itself love, it is never giving, but devouring and possess­ owy, unpleasant issue that still faces the is like a deep-running thirst: It won’t her life. The more satisfactory — love irrevocably a part of love’s presence — an ing and obligating. They have made city, its suburbs, and every other metro­ quit until it is satisfied. But unlike filled — those relationships are, the more affective component of it. Finally, the things-to-be-used of people, and *as a re­ politan area in the United States. The thirst, whose satisfaction is found simply the individual feels as though he has communication of one’s care i^ a manifes­ sult, they fail to fulfill or be fulfilled. issue is that o f school segregation — iso­ in drinking water, fulfillment’s satisfac­ accomplished the one thing that matters tation and demonstration of affection, In all instances wherein the human lation of children based on race as an tion is not always easily identified. We in life. The more poorly those relation­ while a demonstration of feeling that person seeks to be a whole and real per­ accepted feature o f an educational system. crave for fulfillment, and often we don’t ships work out, the emptier the indi­ does not arise from love is not afTection. son and yet avoids or is incapable of the We do not pretend to analyze motives know what it will take to end that vidual feels; the more he kids himself How empty, then, the person who has deep person-to-person involvement of love, of property owners who voted either for craving. into substituting things for personal rap- lived a life wherein he has neither loved there will be only the perpetual disap­ or against the bond issue, or to judge the Indeed, the number of people is legion F>ort, the more he will be frustrated in an nor been loved; he is emptied of his pointment of non-f^ulfillment. As one runs merits of that specfic proposal. There is that restlessly skip from one diversion or absolute sense. humanity and personality and can only away from or is unable to bear the risk plenty of evidence, however, to justify the pseudo-satisfaction to another, hoping Just as the child who is privileged twist potential love relationships into of loving, he incurs only the numbing conclusion that at least some of the oppo­ always that this occupation or acquisition with warm parental-filial relationships is selfish achievement or possessivenesa. He pain of frustration and loneliness. will fulfill; the number of people who a happy child, so the adult who manages is empty, and therefore has nothing of sition was based on fear of integration. The more one thinks about it, the more That fear, or prejudice is a cancer threat­ remain painfully frustrated because, as a cordial and responsive bonds with others himself to give; he cannot love. He can- worth it the risk of love is. ening the entire community. Comment for Today AS D E N V E R was deciding the school bond proposal, an item of "religious news” was attracting national attention. The Rev. Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Minister A Priest Looks at Himself General of the Society of Jesus, had is­ sued a strongly-worded directive to Je­ By Paul H. Hallett suits in the United States, ordering them When a notorious book by the "ex- PETER W H IF F IN frankly recognized me say at the outset that I am being in that real stature steadily diminished, to an all-out attack on racial discrimina­ priest” -lames •). Kavanaugh. appeared that the whole truth in this imbroglio fiuenced — by a selfish motive Writing while just as steadily my brooding bitter­ tion. under the pretentious title: A M odern could not be told until he had told the it, 1 hope, may help me to live a little ness increased Trying to place the blame Father Arrupe’s letter was directed to Priest Looks at His Outdated Church, truth about himself He was not altogelh- less hatefully with m.seif. even if it ac for my misfortunes on everyone and every­ members of the order, but his message the name seemed similar to the caption ei' wiong in his crilicism.s. and today complishes nothing else. So here goes. thing save on myself and my shortcom­ should be taken to heart by all White of an article written long ago about a there Ls so much latitude given to the "Some years ago I cut quite a figure ings became my favorite pastime. And at Catholics. The fact that the directives similar subject. I went back 30 years to fault finder in the Church that he would among the priests of a certain Religious last I succeeded in convincing myself that the pages of the now defunct Forum (a probably not have had to u.se a pseudo congregation I thought 1 did. anyhow, the real reason for my 'ruination’ was also were applied specifically to the famous magazine in its day) to read it nym. Unlike -lames Kavanaugh. Whiffin especially when as a young priest I was due to the fact that my Superiors had plight of Spanish-Americans and Indians, again. It was called A Priest Warns the was not heretical and attacked no point chosen to raise funds for a new founda given me a job of money chasing. Sure, as well as to Negroes, makes them parti­ Church, by Peter Whiffin. of moral doctrine. His fault lay in exag­ tion; and I had apocalyptic visions of that was it! Had not the worst woes of cularly significant in this archdiocese. I'(*ler Whifilh was the pseudonym of a gerations and half-truths The frank way doing great things and of becoming a big the Church and the priesthood always j'oiigious (M'der priest who in the April in which he admitted them tells us that man. 1 failed, however to make either of come from the money evil? And was 1 not "The riots and bloodshed accompanying l!i37. issue of the Forum wrote a bitter racial strife in the United States have 30 years ago Catholic cohesion was much these pleasant dreams a reality, through just another innocent victim who had given us grim forewarning of the danger article about the alleged wealth of the better than it is today; otherwise this nobody’s fault but my own. Indeed, my been spoiled by this unholy business of Church and churchmen and the consc- priest would never have felt impelled to financial ventures went so ridiculously commercializing religion?” lurking in the land unless effective meas­ ures are taken, quickly and sincerely, to (|uence I'eter Whiffin saw in this, the write as he did awry that 1 became an object of pity And so this priest o f 30 years ago estrangement of the clergy from the poor. "A striking proof that we human eradicate racial injustice and grinding rather than of envy. Instead of being went on in a masterpiece of honesty and poverty,” Father Arrupe wrote.. This attack raised no small stir in its beings must be descended from a primary looked up to as a big man 1 became more humility. Change the circumstances a lit­ day. and it was answered in the May couple such as^ Adam and Eve.” Peter and more regarded as rather petty. .. tle. and 1 think Peter Whiffin’s story This danger alone, however, was not number by Michael Williams, the found Whiffin begaji. "lies in the fact that we could be rehearsed in the careers of the comp)elling reason for the list o f or­ ing editor o f the then rather conservative resemble them so markedly in their out­ "F O R A W H IL E I sulked and pouted Charles Davis. James Kavanaugh. and ders Father Arrupe issued. He quoted Commonweal, in a reply called "The standing trait of trying to dodge responsi­ in an inferior job. but suddenly I decided other priests who have recently gone off Pope Paul V I and the Second Vatican Church Warns a Priest.” In the June issue bility for wrongdoing ... 1 tried the stunt that I had nevei* been truly appreciated the deep end. But today, when all the Council for this, including the following a paid advertisement appeared in the recently in an article ... in which 1 at by my congregation and that I must go blame is put on the "institutionalized from the D eclaration on the Relation­ Forum entitled "I’eter Whiffin Tells the tempted to put the blame for my own elsewhere in the riesthood to attain my Church." we are not likely to see any ship of the Church to Non-Christian Whole 'fruth.” by I’eter Whiffin himself. priestly shortcomings on the Church at real stature With the passing of years thing like his candid self examination. All three articles are worth reading today lai’ge and on my fellow priests in particu ­ Religions: for the light they throw on criticism and lar .. . . And if anyone thinKS that I am free speech in the Church, being 'influenced’ to write this article, let ". . .The Church rejects as foreign to the mind o f Christ, any discrimination against men or harrassment of them be­ THE President ...... • ...... Most Rev. James V. Casey. D.D. VIEWS cause of their race, color, condition o f life or religion.” Editor ...... Rev. Daniel J. Flaherty president of CBS Radio, speaking at a General Manager ...... Frank Schiro Catholic Communicators dinner of the Catholic Apostolate of Managing Editor...... Miles F. Porter Should Aid Welfare Work IF N O T A L L o f Father Arrupe’s specific Denver News Editor...... Jack Bacon Radio, Television and Advertising. directives to Jesuits in the conduct of Associate Editors ...... Rev. L. Marvin Read, Communications workers should feel a • their ministry apply to all Catholics, the Chris Hemon, William Slevin, Tom Officer, James Sena, Linus special responsibility to share in commu­ following words from the conclusion of his Riordan, Paul H. Hallett, James R. Walsh, Ernest Sanchez, Jack nity welfare work, especially in promot­ English-Speaking Catholics letter certainly do. McKenna, Kim Larsen, David Millon. ing better human relations. " . . . Who is May Be Singing More Soon better equipped to make people under­ "I recognize that some will have to re­ ... Most of the English-language stand one another than communicators? Bishops maintained that it (the demon­ examine their racial attitudes and bring Published Weekly by When good ideas are developed, who has them into conformity with the teachings THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY. (INC.) stration Mass offered recently in the Sis- the expertise and the skills to bring these tine Chapel of the Vatican) had too much of the Church,” he said. "I realize further 938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. 60204 ideas to all people than you who have that the apostolate I have outlined may Telephone, 825-1145 P.O. Box 1620 singing and so was unrealistic as a norm spent your lives in the communication of or model for the average parish. But who arouse adverse reactions in some quarters ideas?" There is so much to be done and knows? Even the English-speaking Cath­ outside the society. . . . " ... it can be done by generous and Subscription: $6.00 a year. olics may be singing before the turn of Canada, $6.50 a year per subscription. devoted volunteers — volunteers who give the century.” It was unfortunate that it "Courage of a supernatural order will Foreign countries, including Philippines. $7.00 a year. their time and their special abilities and was caustically termed the "mini-Mass" be indispensable for the sacrifices we Second Class Postage Paid at Denver, Colorado. skills to help others. And in so many by a critic. " If this was a 'mini-Mass,’ must make in realigning our manpower cases, volunteers can be so much more what will a 'Maxi’ be like? The Mini took and resources to meet the crying needs o f effective than paid workers ... When you 45 minutes. I suppose the disgruntled our brothers in Christ who languish in are on the outside volunteer work ap-1 critic felt lonely for the Gloria, the silent racial degradation and inhuman poverty.” pears to be a self-sacrificing effort. But’ Offertory prayers, and the three silent after you are in it you find it more a Rt. Rev. Matthew J. Smith, Ph.D., Founding Elditor, prayers before Communion. I was pro­ No place is given to fear of men in the OCNVCR self-satisfying effort, so much that you. ARCHDtOCESAN Register System of Catholic Newspapers 1913-1960 ~ ] foundly moved and impressed.” — Arch­ practice of Christianity. Its existence in COITION feel you are receiving more than you are bishop Denis Hurley, of Dur­ giving.” — Arthur Hull Hayes, former our community is evidence of a gap in ban, South Africa. that practice. Thursday, November 23, 1967 THE REGISTER _ P « y j^ ^ h je 1 COMMUNICATIONS Spanish Worker-Priest Plan Growing Despite Opposition Welcomes Reviews Madrid — More than 50 priests who divide their more freedom to mingle ferent reasons. Many of priests have joined the Editor: time between Church and with the people and under­ the more liberal Catholics ranks of labor in Spain, ofTice or classroom, this take pastoral works. I am pleased to note in the issue of Nov. 9 Father feel that the priest-worker taking such manual jobs as new wave of priests prefers The Bishops’ attitude is Maginnis is again reviewing the Denver Symphony con­ way of reaching the mass­ taxi drivers, bricklayers, to do manual labor in spite understandable under the es has been outdated by certs. His write-up, as usual, was knowledgeable, dis­ miners, factory workers, of the many hardships in­ present tensions in the so­ cerning, and provocative. the renewed call for the and masons. volved. cial and political life of I hope that he will review the Friends o f Chamber lay apostolatc. According to NC Service "Catholic Spain,” says Spain. Many Bishops fear "W e can do that very Music concerts which are scheduled for 1968. The musi­ Correspondent Manuel one, "is really a mission that their priests will be­ cians and the audience appreciate a review which does well.” u militant Catholic Mira, the priests share the country in this respect: come involved in the fre­ critical Justice to a given performance. leader says. "W e have a life of the workers and of­ Thousands of workers are quent disturbances in marvelous potential to go Mr. and Mrs. Otto Saborsky fer Mass every day. entirely alienated from the streets and factories into the workers’ world.” Littleton Avoiding publicity when­ Church. We know it. ’ throughout much of the Another opinion on this ever possible, while He did not mean that nation. point comes from Monsi­ trying to carry out their meeting these workers is a LAST October police gnor .Jo.se Maria A.scriva Defends Monsignor purpose of bringing Christ hostile experience. launched a wave of arre.sts de Balaguer. founder of to the unbelievers and the "That’s no trouble. There before and during the na­ Opus Dei. an apostolic as­ Editor: indifferent, these priest- is not outright rejection of tionwide demonstrations. sociation of priests. This is in reply to the lad y who wrote in the Oct. 2S! workers were national the priest: on the contrary, Over 400 people were put "I feel that the priest­ issue of the R egister that she was disgusted by seeing news when at least 10 of most workers welcome us in jail, among them hood. fully exercised, is Mayor Buys Seals a Rt. Rev. Monsignor stopping in to see a sick lady them were arrested during as brothers.” prie.sts, perhaps 10 or 12. suffleient to bring among while wearing a sweatshirt. She asks the question does student and labor demon­ In Oviedo, Archbishop Even if released, or kept workers the presence of Mayor Tom Currigan receives Christmas Seals she have a right to be disgusted. strations in October. Vincente Enrique y Taran- under house arrest these the man-priest in una­ from Janetta Wheels and Teresa Mack, mascot I suggest that if she were to ask the sick lady who More and more priests in con has given official re­ priests will be brought to dorned. effective form. No children for the Tuberculosis and Respiratory was visited by the Monsignor how she felt, she would Madrid, Bilbao, Barcelona, cognition to the group by. court and hence into the more is needed for the Disease association of Denver and Tri-County, as receive a reply somewhat like this: and in industrial centers setting up a diocesan cen­ limelight of public atten­ task of communicating Mrs. Bertha Held, president, looks on. The cam­ ‘T did not see the gray sweatshirt, bi:t rather I saw a in A.sturias, Galicia, and ter. tion. For some of the Bish­ with the workers and shar­ paign was launched Nov. 1.3. Christlike priest o f God, who thought enough of a suf­ Andalusia . are becoming IN MANY instances, ops, according to their ing their lot and problems. fering fellow Christian, to take time out o f his busy day full-time "obreros” outright opposition from view of Church-State rela­ "I believe that the lay­ scococos>Qoso9oece< to visit me. The whistle was not offensive either, be­ (workers). It is too early to management and busines.s tions. this situation is man — at the desk or the cause I knew it was an overflow of the joy that was in speak of a "movement” of to workers’ demands on embarrassing. shop — when exercising a his heart and that whistle brought joy to my heart, too.” priest-workers. such as wages and working condi­ Others will say they ■prie.sthood of the apo.sto- NOW IN STOCK Sister Agnes Ann Gardt, S.C. took place in post-World tions also included warn­ knew nothing of the late.’ responds much better COMPLETE LINE OF South Holland, 111. War II France. ings against alleged "in­ priests’; labor involvement. to the doctrine and direc­ The priest-workers are terference of priests.” To be sure, all will try to tives of the Second Vatican “ t joined by many .semina­ In some areas, the priest- rescue their "strayed boys. ’ Council.” RELIGIOUS RECORDS rians during their vacation workers conduct their ac­ Even stronger opposition Many Get ‘Lost’ or week-ends. tivities under a special to the priest-workers comes Family Theater CHURCH GOODS T H E S PAN ISH Bishops understanding with the from tho.se lay Catholics in Bob Hope will host Fa­ RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Editor: are keeping a close check Bishop: They do not tell positions of power — eco­ ther Patrick Peyton’s F*am- In answer to Paul V. Worland ("Doesn’t Feel Cheat­ on the trend. The Spanish the Bishop, and the Bishop nomic, social, or political. ily Theater presentation of ed,” Register, Nov. 16): Bishops* Conference iNov. acts as if he "does not The Spanish upper class "Thinking .Makes It .So.” . There are many more parishioners getting "lost” in 21-28) has before it a draft know” of their activities. has too much at stake to starring Richard Denning allow social ferment — or Nov. 26. 9 p.m., on KOSI today’s modern Mass than previously. Some read too of statutes • under which Pressures and embarrass­ nn:HH!HM ii*j loud, too fast, too slow, incorrect words, all of which is priest-workers may contin­ ment are avoided on both any "pious” encouragement Radio. Denver. sides, and the priest has of it. Most middle-class distracting. Because of this, half the congregation does ue and expand their minis­ W ILLIAM BROWN'S not read at all! intellectuals also resent try. Some Bishops have Tb LOCK] F L O R A l ■|633 Tremont 534-82331 Also, the confusion caused by this does not create a already established dioce­ the action of the priest-' workers. Call I s For All COOCOCCOOOSOSOCOCfSiOOOOOC^ devout atmosphere. san committees of worker- V o n r Floral \rctls TH E R E IS another im­ HOURS: Let us not be influenced by other religions. priesUs. 5040 E . Colfax Fern McDaniels Unlike the hundreds of portant sector opposing the Mon. Thru Fri. 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 355-3509 venture, although for dif­ Sat. 9:00 A.M . to 4 1>.M. Catholic Schools Help Hold Integration Line the^aW N railroad Washington — There is such as Negroes and Span­ "IT IS intriguing to note "mounting evidence” that ish-speaking people begin that 20 per cent of the parochial schools slow to move into an area,’ some Negroes in the Catholic down the flight of Whites White parents o f Catholic elementary schools in from changing neighbor­ school children refuse to are not Catho­ paid the salaries hoods and act as a stabiliz­ panic and to move,” he lic,” Msgr. Dononue said. Crusmkr •»> ing force to achieve school said. The priest cited the N a­ integration. "Perhaps they value tivity school, a Catholic Francis K. Schuckardt The Rt. Rev. Monsignor} Catholic education very elementary school in the of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, James C. Donohue, director highly and fear that they Bedford-Stuyvesant section will be the featured ol 264 Colorado I- o f the Department o f Edu­ will be unable to get their of Brooklyn, which has 766 speaker at the retreat cation, United States Cath­ children into another Cath­ pupils o f whom 441 are seminar for crusader olic Conference, made his olic school if they move. Negro and Spanish-speak­ formation of the Blue report at the U.S. Civil "The local public school ing and 325 are White. He Army at El Pomar Re­ Rights Commission confer­ soon becomes almost com­ said the 325 White pupils treat house, Colorado school teachers'" ence here. pletely . non-White, while are bussed from 31 White Springs, Nov. 24-26. "A close examination of the parochial school starts neighborhoods into the in­ Schuckardt, internation­ changing neighborhoods . becoming integrated. This tegrated school in the Bed­ al secretary and Pacific seems to reveal that the has already happened in ford-Stuyvesant ghetto. division director for the has greater Washington. D.C., and it "The obvious motivation Blue Army, recently last year "holding power” for Whites now seems to be happening of the parents is a desire completed a European than does the public in the city of New York,” for Catholic education for lecture tour on the Mes­ school, and has a special Monsignor Donohue assert­ their children,” Monsignor sage of Fatima. The sem­ role to play in integra­ ed. Donohue stated. "They are inar begins at 7 p.m. tion,” Monsignor Donohue He said that a recent willing to bus little Nov. 24 ami will deal said. survey of Catholic elemen­ children into an integrated with theology of Fatima, "W H E N minority groups tary schools in Manhattan school in order to get it.” Mariology, "forces of and the Bronx revealed a error,” ecclesiology, rep­ aration, morality, and Newest higher percentage of racial The newspaper is an integration in the Catholic adverti.sing medium that consecration to the Kohler Bathroom elementary schools than in is wanted — it is sought Immaculate Heart. Re­ the public school sy.stem, and paid for and adver­ servations may be made Fixtures . . . and added that the Catho­ tising in it is not an in­ by contacting the retreat lic elementary school en­ truder in the home. house. rollment in Manhattan was 46 per cent N egro and Spanish-speaking. CARPETS Room Size and Smaller RUGS LargtsI «»leclion» nU MOSS OF CNItST hJl minf 0"« of Wk-ru n titictf tor Furniture"w tji the houne ------I fM IS 3 FtIKIUII —■ .1 I r ilh t r te K ilH to la r A icli»f aoosWilo, •"ciu4>k| Call sotvice to rogtk Come - for remodeling! *nd l0lk>w Me' Write tor LOU TEZAK ; ^ ill»$traied Vockures to E.M.W. I ffiVocitioa Director. Dp ». FfM- where cash talks > 'l4«tuai IrollMn it tie HoIt • Counter-top Cr iii )t« t Mias. RteeMO* 2141 So. Broadway Van Schaack & Co. lavatory HI IIM I SHerman 4-2754 17M Wedsworth - Otc. 397.sm

• Wall hung closet WE START W ITH B IG IDEAS... • New, extra roomy bath A good and successful citizen like the Rio Grande Railroad ✓ HEFTY INTEREST ON SAVINGS Of first quality only, Koh­ makes a major contribution to its home state . . . ler fixtures and fittings / FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS SERVICE are available in sizes and million in property taxes last year, 70% going to our schools. styles to fit every budget. ✓ CONVENIENT AUTO LOANS Let us help you plan your Enough to pay the annual salaries of more than 250 teachers. new bathroom or wash­ ✓ SPEEDY BANK-BY-MAIL roo m . Come in today or Or build a new school. Or buy something like call us for our free esti­ ✓ INEXPENSIVE CHECKING ACCOUNTS mate, no obligation. 50,000 desks. The Grande's $25 million payroll gives Specializing in • ✓ EASY DRIVE-IN BANKING business a boost throughout the region. And Colorado Quality Plumbing ✓ PERSONALIZED INSTALLMENT LOANS and Heating Repairs stockholders profit, too, from the railroad's strong financial SLATTERY position. With its fellow citizens, taxpayers all, the Rio A N D L I V E U P T O T H E M ! Grande is a proud participant in the growth of this great state.

& COMPANY •Based upon average annual income of S6,625 Plumbing and Heating Contractors 181 VALLEJO ST. National Bank ^ ~ R io *744-8311 JOHN J. CONNOR. Pr*»M«nl 5901 East Colfax at Ivy • Denver, Colorado 80220 • Phone 388-5957 RoMrt R. Connor, Viet Prttidtnt Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Page Six THE REGISTER Thursday, November 23, 1M7 p £ | | | B o O t c l Woman's Homily Sets Precedent M e e t in g s Ixmdon — The 64-year- old director of Christian Aid became the first wom­ S c h e d u le d an to deliver a sermon The South Denver dis­ from the pulpit of famed, trict of the Archdiocesan centuries-old St. Paul’s Council o f Catholic Women cathedral in the heart of will hold their Fall Board lx>ndon. Meeting at St. Mary’s aca­ Janet liacey,’ who s|>oke demy, in the Coral Room to the Anglican congrega­ of the new high school tion on world poverty, was building at 4545 S. U n i­ one of a series of speakers versity boulevard. Nov. to mark the 21st anniver­ 28. sary of the inter-denomi- Mass will be celebrated nationai Christian Action at 9 a.m., followed by the meeting. organization. Section meetings will be She admitted nervous­ held in which the following ness while delivering her S p e aker subjects, pertaining to af­ sermon. filiates’ work, will be dis­ "B u t I felt I had some­ Sister Philomcne cussed: 1. Most unusual thing to say and was more Schiller, S.L., linguistics activity; 2. Most difficult concerned that my voice professor ut Loretto problems; 3. How can the should be heard than with Heights college and ACCW help affiliates with Golden Wedding being the first woman in president of the Colora­ future activities and prob­ do Language Arts socie­ lems. the pulpit for so many Mr. and Mrs. David L. Heinickc will celebrate ty, spoke at the annual A "buzz” session will fol­ years.” she said. their 50th w edding anniversary Nov. 26 at an meeting of the National Planning Fall Meeting low the section meetings at The present St. Paul’s, a open house in Holy Cross hall, Thornton. They Council of Teachers of which a general consensus Wren masterpiece, was w ere married Nov. 28, 1917, at Liainc. Kans.. and English Nov. 20-25 in Thf Family Affairs commission of the South Denver District ACCW are Mrs. DeFrancis, director completed in 1710. but it moved to Colorado in 1920. He was employed by Honolulu, Hawaii. plannin^t the Fall Board Meeting. Left to right: Mrs. Thomas McManus, of the Children’s Division, the Denver Tramway company until 1950, then stands on a site where a chairman; Mrs. Samuel Duvall, Jr.; Mrs. Robert Logan; Mrs. Nikola Jura* of the American Humane worked with the U.S. Reclamation bureau in church dedicated to St. society will speak on the sic; and Mrs. Alden Dclarm. North Dakota until retiring in 1964. The couple Paul has stood since the subject: "American Hu­ now lives at 11324 Corona drive, Northglenn.. year 605. Miss Lacey is mane Association ’ Th ey have three children — James L., Paul E., believed to be the first Activities to Prevent the Archbishop's and Mrs. Catherine Markiewicz — eight grand­ woman to speak from the Calendar Abuse, Neglect, and Ex- pulpit in all that time. - ploitation of Children."______children, and three great-grandchildren. Paramount Club Marie Therese, O.P., supe­ Guild H R . DRY > ^ ■ Members of f.be Para­ rior. will address the group Tabernacle Party mount club w ill attend on her recent trip to Ire­ The entertainment com­ CLEANING mittee of the Archbishop’s Mass on Nov. 26 at 10 land. NecKlIework Guild is Guild has announced the a.m. at Cure d’Ars church. seeking assistance. Persons DAY LAUNDRY may call Mrs. Mary annual Guild Mass will be Scheduled Dec. 1 Breakfa.st will follow. celebrated by Archbishop Hughes, 455-6296. When the Tabernacle. the.se articles will be dis- RADIO PICK-UP James Casey at St. Francis Society of Denver meets in Catholic Daughters played at the meeting. DISPATCH & DELIVERY Press W om en De Sales’ church Dec. 10 the home of Mrs. Ella M. Funds for these materials Mary I,x)ui.se Riede will St, Rita’s Court o f the at 9 a.m. Weekbaugh Dec. 1. at 1:30 are provided by member­ Following the Mass, the ARVADA* he the guest .speaker at Catholic Daughters of p.m.. Archbishop James V. ship dues, and the collec­ Christmas breakfast will 9535 VW. 58th A V E . # 424 7723 the 1 p.m. lunchc'on meet­ America will meet Dec. 14, Casey will be the honored tion and selling of old gold be served at 10:30 a.m. at ing of the Colorado Catholic 7:45 p.m., in the clubhouse guest. and silver, cut glass, gold WESTMINSTER Women’s Press Club on of the group, for a small the Cathedral high school For many years, the cafeteria. Tickets for these dentures, metal eyeglass 2895 W. 72ND A V E . • 428.5097 Nov. 25 in the tearoom of gift exchange. Christmas meeting tradi­ events may be purchased frames and old coins. the Denver. Re.servations tionally, has been in Mrs. THORNTON at $1.85 and reservations may be made by calling Pantry Shower Weekbaugh’s home at 1701 810 E . 88TH A V E . • 287 5586 must be made by Dec. 4. BIG DISCOUNT PRICES Frances McCarthy, 244- Members are asked to con­ E. Cedar avenue. Her GUITARS 5697. For Dominican daughter. Miss Eleanor WHEATRIDGE tact the committee for fur­ DRUMS 7393 W 44TH AVE. *422 1438 ther information at 233- Weekbaugh. will be the ACCORDIONS hostess. Third Order Sisters Set 6306 or 424-4920. ORGANS DENVER The annual pantry show­ Mrs. John J. Sullivan Dominicans ' 929 I5TH ST • 244 4493 er for the Dominican Sis­ A Day of Recollection will sing a group of Christ­ PRIVATE 2915SPEER BLVO. *433 6259 The Third Order of St. ters of the Sick Poor will will be sponsored by the mas carols. The president, LESSONS ____ Dominic will meet Nov. 26 he given at the Corpus Guild Nov. 26, at St. Fran­ Mrs. L. E. Waters, invites $ 2 . 0 0 WILL FORT COLLINS at 2:30 p.m. in St. Domin­ Christi Convent, 2501 Gay­ cis De Sales’ high school. all Catholic women of the From 2215 SO. C O L L E G E • 482 0996 ic’s church, Denver. No­ The conferences will begin Denver archdiocese to be (Christ The King Parish) lord street the evening o f LEE O'CONNOR vices will meet at 2 p.m. Nov. 28. at 1 p.m. and conclude guests at this meeting, to HADLEY MUSIC CO. in the rectory reading with the celebration of become acquainted with 5924 E. COLFAX Member: Sis. Peter & Paul Staples, canned goods or 355-9746 355-3947 Parish room. any type of food are accept­ Mass by the Rt. Rev, Mon­ the work of the Tabernacle able as well as cash dona­ signor Gregory Smith, society. Dominican Aid tions. V.G., at 5 p.m. The society is now in its This shower, given year­ 56th year of continuous Society ly by the Dominican Sis­ Pine and bayberry scent­ Guild Moss Set service to the Archdiocese ,» n' Members o f the Domini­ ters of the Sick Poor Aid ed candles and a "Touch of of Denver. Its purpose is to Midas” (key chain, rain hat TRAIN can Sisters o f the Sick society, helps care for the Toni Bruno, left, and Virginia Gleason, enter­ supply linens, altar vessels and coin purse) are the I’oor Aid Society will meet personal needs of the Sis­ and vestments to the mis­ current projects of the tainment chairmen of the Archbishop’s Guild, dis­ Nov. 28 at the convent, ters wht) give tirelessly cuss the annual Guild Mass and Christmas break­ sion churches and new par­ 2501 tlaylord. Benediction Ways and Means commit­ and unselfishly for the sick fast scheduled Dec. 10. Archbishop James V. Cas- ishes in the archdiocese, w ill be at 1:15 p.m. A tee. Orders for the candles and needy of all faiths. ey will be guest of honor.______which are in need of them. brief conference with the are to be placed by Nov. Vestments and linens are chaplain. Father W. ,1. 27 and for the key chains made by the members of Benedictine by Dec. 1. Circle presidents ACCW District Schedules Meet Heavey, will follow. Sister the sewing group. Some of and other interested per­ North Denver women Teacher association of the THE HOLY FATHER'S MISSION AID TO THE ORIENTAL CHURCH Sisters Hold sons are asked to contact will meet in the a.ssembly North Denver affiliates, MILE-HI the committee at 288-3161 hall of SLs. Peter and Paul with their commission PORTRAITS For Christmas, keep in mind the penniless CLEANING SERVICE Renewal Meet or 428-1370. rectory 3900 Pierce street, chairmen, are to be the IN young man who needs your help to become a zealous priest. Help him now and you’ll have Rugs and Upholstery Benedictine Sisters of Wheat Ridge, at II) a.m. invited guests. LIVING COLOR Expertly Cleaned Benet Hill priory, Colorado Circle meetings sched­ Nov. 28 for the district The Wheat Ridge women first place in every Mass he offers. . . . We’ll send you his name immediately, tell you where In Your Home or i Springs, will hold the sec­ uled are: Nov. 29, Queen board meeting of the Den­ will serve coffee and rolls. • Qujiliy Wtrk at' ond of a series of meetings of Heaven, Jean Gerrity; ver Archdiocesan Council he's studying, and he will write to you. By mail Nov. 30, St. James, Dinner DeCsecE DO he'll be a member of your family...... How can moderate prices. for religious renewal at the of Catholic Women. HUNT CLEANERS » Insured Protection mothorhouse in Colorado at Gold Room; St. Thomas Scheduled as an informa­ IT you help him? All he needs (for food, clothing, with Bifelow's Springs Nov. 24. Aquinas, Clare Hoffman; tive gathering, the meeting Straiiiio FOR lodging and books) is $8.50 a month, for costs Famous Korpet-Kore CHRISTM AS overseas are low. Please God, six years from Method. Guest speaker for the Dec. 1, Morning Star, Flor­ will offer an exchange of ServKing SI J4met • SI Therp«e'i Pholofiraphy by meeting will be the Rev. ence Choquette, Dec. 7, ideas between parish offi­ «no CliriH in« King PaHsnot K dutirtl A . n r l ’rtKe now he'll invite you to his O rdination.. . . Mean­ Ca ll - 744-3139 Mother Cabrini, Pot Luck, cers on how the work of I HOUM SKtVICe ON CLtANIMG Sfaster o f Photography while, will you let us hear from you? He needs Henry Lacerte. O.S.B., 7NI 6. DM AVC. • llS-Vm 44SS E . Colfax Avo. M8-4353 310 W. Ave. prior of Holy Cross Abbey, Peg. Piccola.______the five commissions is At Dahlia your prayers, your encouragement— and the Canon City. Father Henry Handi apped Nun progressing in their areas. cost of his training ($8.50 a month, $100 a Now Many Wear will discuss "Vatican II St. Paul. Nlinn. — Gover­ The president and vice- year, $600 all together) you may take care of at Renewal of Religious Life.” nor Harold LeVander pre­ president of each Altar and your own convenience. The fact is he needs you, FALSE TEETH sented a trophy to Sister Rosary society, the Parent NOW! and so does God. We hope you’ll write today. Anna Marie. C.S.J.. as the INTRODUCING With More Comfort "Handicap|K?d Minnesotan "Call the Man To ovrrcomr dlsromforr u-hen REGISTER drmurpo slip, htlde or Uki-ch. just o f the Year.” From Van Schaack'* Our 21 cloistered Carmelite nuns in Bethlehem sprmklo a imlo FASTEETH on vour COLOR phiU>. FA.STEETH hoUl.> cl.umirrs pray every day for the readers of this column. nrnicr. You pat hprtor. fcrl more W ANT ADS ANNABEL'S PRAYERS, We’ll send them your special intentions, if you coijifortnhlp. FASTEETH iilkalliip TV-STEREO -Won’t Hour. Hoipschock platcodor. TINI FASHIONS DOLLS. wish. . . . Also in Bethlehem, the 50 little girls Denturp.s Him nt arc c.sspmml to houltii. Spp your driitlst rcKUlnrly. THE FULL LINE GAMES at the Pontifical Mission Orphanage hope Santa Oct F'ASTEFmi Ht all dru« counicfs. GET RESULTS will put dolls ($2 each) and games ($1 each) in Custom Made Chlldrtn't Woar Buiionholts VALUE PRICED! their Christmas stockings. Like to be Santa? CLOSED WEDNESDAYS List Now!_ Classified Ads 825-1145 42 W 11 A v...... 244*9430 5708 E a st Colfax Bill Molitor HELP WANTED Phone 333-1571 Res. 757*3020 Office 297*5448 MANAGER W AN TED tor develop ; THE Finish your Christmas shopping in the next ten men! ollice of Catholic Indian school i "This Ad is Worth Money To You minutes by using our Christmas Gift Cards. supported by mail fund raising. Duties : Van Schaack &Co. include personnel direction, handling : For It Pays For Your S o u t h - E a s t Ofc. They combine your Christmas greetings with a of bulk mailings, record keeping and • First Month's Tuition R ealtor Insuror BLARNEY gift to the missions (tax-deductible in the U.S.) assistance wiih correspondence. Typ. • AT In the name of the person you designate. Sim­ ing ability essential. Located on in- I 275 University 3lvd. TIP ply select a gift from the list below, send us the dian reservation near wonderful rec- I Denver, Colo. reation areas. Salary plus meats, MARTINDALE WEST SHOP FOR person's name and address with your donation lodging, laundry, insurance. Excellent '! CHRISTMAS opportunity tor ambitious young man — we do all the rest. We'll send that person a or recently retired man. Write, givirig ! BEAUTY ACADEMY SHOPPERS Gift Card saying what you have done. . . . Mass lull details or experience, references, : kit ($100), altar ($75). medical kit ($75), chal­ family sfalus. Box R, lajo. The Regis- • NAycMtMfMD amsTtm se/ns hop m tn s ter, Denver. Colorado. B0201. ice ($40), ciborium ($ 40 ), monstrance ($40), MISCELLANEOUS tabernacle ($25), family membership In this I ] REGISTER BEFORE JAN. Association ($100 for life, $10 for a year), one IMPORTED CHRISTMAS CARDS' month’s food for a refugee family ($ 10 ), sanc­ From Austria; Designed and printed ;::i: LEARN A PROFITABLE & ENJOYABLE by the Benedictine Nuns of Nonnberg tuary bell ($5). Abbey m Saliburg,- 4 designs. 16 i:;: CAREER AS A BEAUTiCIAN cards lor $1 00. Order now from: Sis 270 So. Pierce at W. Alameda | ters of Social Service. 440 Linwood i| Avenue. Buifalo. N Y. t4?0T. Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ „ '•GOD'S PRAIRIE FLO W ER S ' need Monsignor Nolan: vour help. These Sioux Indian boys and girls are America's forgotten Rocky Mountain children. Isolated, forsaken, left m a Please land so poor no one else wanted it. 1 return coupon have SOO each year. Kindergarten Deluxe All Season through high school. They are inteil; with your gent, talented. So I beg for them, offering Trading stamps, cancelled stamps WILD BIRD SEED with Sunflower Seeds and, ot course, morsev Your help THE CATHOLIC WEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION needed rsow. Accredited teachers will F or Our ing to volunteer one or two years, please write Father Edwards. S J.. SMALL FEATHERED Red Cloud Indian School. Pine Ridge. FRIENDS South Dakota ilJIO N E A R E A S T 50 Lbs. 4.00 OF INTEREST TO WOMbN MISSIONS EAR N UP to S?.00 Hour Lacirig Bab- 100 Lbs. 7.50 FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN. President Mocs. Cutiei. Warsaw 70. Indiana MSGR..J0HN G. NOLAN, National Secretary 4aseo. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Write: C a t h o l ic N ea r E a s t W e l f a r e Assoc. S7S.O0 THOUSAND. Home Addreksmg) 330 Madison Avenue-New York, N.Y. 10017 Longhand, Typewriter, information, Sd u c r Telephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840 .send stamped self addressed envelope. SEED CO. Brewster. Box ISJSYF. Clearwater, 1321 15th St. Denver, Colo. Florida 33S17. Thursday^ November 23, 1967 THE REGISTER Page Seven 1 Sisters' R e n e w a / N ot Superior Explains A Western S h o w d o w n Order's Position By Fallon Evans Sisters are a Papal Institu­ basis of these documents, (Register Special) agreements (between the (Register Special) tion and they responded to and called another chapter — One year diocese and the communi­ that exhortation with an meeting for the summer of ty) eaitnot be reached, we Los Angeles — Popular alacrity and an opx*nness of preparation has pro­ 1968 to evaluate the exper­ will be forced to withdraw news media have not been that have long been a duced a decree of moderni- iments. Sister Anita (I)as- from such schooLs rather exactly accurate in report­ mark of their apwstoiate. Zittion for the Sisters of pery, IHM, enplaned for than perform a disservice ing on the experiments in Within six weeks, Pop>e the Immaculate Heart of Rome with copies of the to their students.” Paul’s request had been Mary iIHM) that has style of living that the Sis­ chapter documents and "Ought not Sisters,” ters of the Immaculate promulgated to the entire stirred up a hornets’ nest there, I am told, received (juei’ied the Superior, "like Heart of Mary have ini­ community and a number of controversy in Ix>s An­ warm encouragement. other women in today’s tiated in . of commissions were ap- geles. Now everybody knows world, he permitted to pxjinted to study carefully that they proclaim a belief The dispute between the Perhaps nonplussed by devise a way of life which all asp>ects of their reli­ community, headed hy Sis­ phrases like "continuing in Christ through their fosters diversity instead of gious life. queer dress and odd mas­ ter Anita Caspary. and Christ’s Redemptive work uniformity, initiative in­ These commissions on culine names, but if they Citrdinal James McIntyre, in the world." they first stead o f accjuiescence, such aspects as life of drop these for a year, Los A.ngeles Ordinary, nuiy tended to report the story shared responsibility in­ prayer, communal Tife, won’t they be better able see some 200 members of of their experiments in stead of unquestioning teaching apx)stolate. heal­ to tell whether it is in fact the order leave their posts terms of a California West­ compliance?” ern. with good guys and ing apK)stolate, met regu­ their loving service that as teachers in 28 elemen­ bad guys, and the hint of larly over the next nine manifests Christ’s presence tary and 8 high schoiTls in a show-down at the OK months. Through meetings in our midst? the archdiocese. THIS MAN IS Seeking New Members and discussions, and ques­ Early reports on the Corral lurking in the pur­ OF THEIR apostolic tionnaires. and in-depth Cardinal Mclntyre-Immac- ple dusk of their prose. works the Sisters wrote Mrs. Mack Switzer, right, president of the Regis college women’s club. interviews, the commis­ ulate Heart controver.sv When it became too diffi­ that, faithful to the WANTED Friends of the Library, discusses the organization’s current membership sions attempted to see how concerned an alleged "fir­ cult to pin down the good promptings of Vatican 11. drive with Mrs. Robert Close, left; the Rev. Robert R. Bovie, S.J., chaplain; they could relate their ing” of the .Sisters from guys and the bad guys, the they will strive: and fcarl Tannenbaum, moderator. Mr.s. Close, drive chairman, said the communal life to the archdiocesan schools, hut a press switched to spert.s 1) To determine the most group azotes its support to projects benefiting the college’s Dayton Me- Church and the world in a pre.ss conference given by metaphor, so that one. urgent, social, economic, morial library, and meets quarterly to hear speakers discuss literary top* manner which would be the community’s superior ICS. spelling his way through intellectual, and spiritual deeply religious and fully an account of a "new style needs of the family of denied tin* terminology’s human. u.se. She Siiid that, in oi(ier of communal living,” was man: to fulfill better the commu­ liable to call in to ask for WHEN THE elected 2) To satisfy these needs Study Says More the point-spread and the chapter members met last insofar as they are within nity’s obligation and com­ Cardinal current odds. July they had before them the aims and the spiritual mitment to teaching, .some the results of this inten­ and material resources of of the Si.sters should he re- sive commission work. lea.sfd for further educa­ j Y thousands of washing Catholics Accept TH E SISTERS found the community; and machine owners all ever I Deplores that repjorters’ interest Throughout the long Cali­ 3) To provide the oppor­ tion and experience. Denver because he is cour­ flagged suddenly when fornia summer the chapter tunity for each Sister to However. Sister Anita teous, honest and efficient. they began: ”Pop>e Paul VI worked over these commis­ said, "Where such mutual His name is B IL L W AD E. He I Publicity experience her own fulfill­ was formerly employed by Contraception issued a Motu Proprio dat­ sion repwrts. producing at ment as a person by ade­ G .E. Now Bill has opened his ed Sept. 2. 1966.” But last, like the Vatican Los Angeles — Cardinal quate preparation and con­ own repair business servicing Ann Arbor, Mich. — cent expect to start using that’s where it all began; Council itself, not a series all makes of Appliances. James Francis McIntyre tinued education to meet American Catholic women, birth control in the future. and it is with that docu­ of edicts, but a number of You can benefit by his 15 called it "unfortunate” that these needs. years experience. particularly the college- WesthofT and Ryder said ment that I would like to eloquent documents. Eigitl Storas educated, have sharply in­ their findings revealed a negotiations between him The first thing that these ta batter WASHING MACHINES begin this account. The documents are five proposals question is serve you. REFRIGERATORS creased their acceptance of parallel rise in the number and the Immaculate Heart DISHWASHERS in number; Our Apostolic whether "the most urgent birth control within the of Catholic women who Sisters of California have That Motu Proprio ex­ Works, Person in Commu­ DRYERS needs o f the family of man” ELECTRIC RANGES past five years, according hold a favorable attitude "become a topic of public horted all religious to nity, Authority and discussion.” is the sustaining of upper- to two sociologists who toward fertility control in examine and renew their Government in our Com­ In a public statement middle class parish schools 4 6 6 -0 0 4 4 have studied American general, rather than ex­ way of life and, toward munity, Our Life of Pray­ M C WHO o r pressing an exclusive en­ issued in Los Angeles in American parishes. This birth control practices for this end, to engage in er. and Preparation for CARES . . 9 3 5 -0 9 8 3 the past 10 years. dorsement of rhythm. while the Cardinal was in is something to be ex­ wide-ranging experimenta­ Life in our Community. plored. and isn’t it possible CALLS ALL AREAS SERVICED Dr. Charles K. Westhoff "In the most general Washington, he deplored tion. The chapter authorized the publicity "since it con­ that the poorly educated, of Princeton university and terms,” they said in their The Immaculate Heart experimentation on the cerns a matter which inti­ non-credentialled Sister, Dr. Norman B. Ryder of rejxirt. "the fact of being ^JOOOCOOOOOCOOCOOCCOCvSCOOOOCOO.COCOCOCiOOOO(f the University of Wiscon­ Catholic is becoming le.ss mately afiects the private supported by no fulltime sin announced their latest significant as a factor in spiritual life of so many principal, deprived of ade­ WEISS BAKERY findings of their study on shaping attitudes toward devoted Religious.” FrieneJs of Carmel quate teaching materials, the final day of a three- fertility control and in the and surrounded by inade­ OLD-FASHIONED SALT day conference on "Fertili­ practice of contraception "The Mother General of quately paid lay teachers, RISING BREAD-EVERY TUESDAY ty and Family Planning: A itself.” the Sisters has been quot­ Encding Campaign is doing a disservice to the Three Stores to Serve You S ed in the newspaper as Catholic pupil? World View” at the Un­ The sociologists also re­ b 4024 Tennyson ...... 4.5,5-1937 8 ported an increasingly saying that the central T H IS IS the area that iversity o f Michigan. The Archbishop’s Guild cent report on tabulations, St 5850n a n n wW. 38th Q a . u Ave. A .424-1366 8 favorable attitude towards issue in the discussion is conducted each Monday the Immaculate Heart Sis­ They reported the propor­ the initiation of experimen­ is winding up its annual 1480 C a rr St. ••237-1604 S birth control among Negro evening at the St. Francis ters want to explore. Give tion of college-educated Friends of Carmel member­ ccccoccosccccccccoccccceccc^. women. They said the rise tation with a new mode of de Sales’ rectory, 301 S. us a year, they would Catholic women who re­ was particularly notable in religious life,” he said. ship campaign. Member­ seem to say, to show what ships provide suppjort for Sherman street, indicated port having used contra­ the South where, in 1960 1967 returns would exceed adequately prepared teach­ ORDER NOW — FOR THE HOLIDAYS ception — including the the percentage o f Negro "The nature and struc­ the Carmel of the Holy ers, supported by full-time ture of religious life is a Spirit in Littleton. $3,700. Memberships are rhythm method — increased women using birth control still available. administrators, and sur­ from 62 per cent in 1955 subject which has profound rounded by adequately was only half that of The campaign is directed Persons interested in to 67 per cent in 1960 to roots in canon law. as well paid lay teachers, can ac­ FRESH TURKEYS Southern whites. By 1965 by Catherine Maloney and joining Friends of Carmel 81 per cent in 1965. They as dogmatic, pastoral and complish. They we can talk (NOT FROZEN) the proportion had risen to Bernita Hauptman, chair­ may use the coupon below said an additional 10 per ascetical theology. It is about Catholic education in 75 per cent, they said. men of the Guild’s cate­ to sign up and make their questionable whether such the future. chetical committee. A re­ contributions. DUCKS — GEESE — CAPONS a subject can be compe­ Some of the experiments FRESH EASTERN OYSTERS Mothers Club Slates Meet tently discussed in the will not pan out, of course, public forum, or resolved but my experience with Cutting Only USDA Choice The Foothills Adoptive give a talk and film on the by some form of popular FR ENDS OF THE CARMEL the Immaculate Heart Sis­ Mothers club will meet problems of teenage girls. vote.” 301 S. Sherman ters leads me to believe Steer Beef — Aged to Perfection Nov. 27 at the Lakewood The club has recently Denver, Colo. 80209 that they, rather than We Make Our Own room of the Rocky Moun­ elected a new slate of offi­ Number of Nuns anyone else, will be best ITALIAN SAUSAGE - GERMAN SAUSAGE tain Bank at 14th and cers including: Betty Mel­ Declines in France Please find enclosed $...... as my annual member- prepared to make the final CORNED BEEF Carr at 8 p.m. Sister Mary ton, president: Gayle ship in the Society of the Friends of Carmel. assay. Victor of the Good Shep­ Vaughn, first vice presi­ Lourdes, France — The (Editor’s note: Dr. Fallon herd home for girls, 1401 dent: Betty Bachman, sec­ total number of women re­ Evans is professor of En­ PAUL'S FINE MEATS S. Colorado boulevard, will ond vice president; Donna ligious in France has glish at Immaculate Heart Opperman, secretary: Rose dropped 8 per cent since A ddress . college in Los Angeles: he • “ Where Wheatridge Meats” Woman Named Mary Grubin, treasurer; 1959, Bishop Armand Le is also managing editor of S Free Delivery Jan Coates, corresponding Bourgeois, C.J.M., of Au- Twentieth Century Liter­ 8 3855 W adsworth 424-1445 Mayor Tom Currigan has secretary; and Louise Har­ tun told the plenary as­ ature, a scholarly journal.) appointed Mrs. Doris din. historian. .A ll mothers sembly o f the French Bish­ NORTH Banks to the Commission with one or more adopted ops here. DENVER on Community Relations to children are invited to at­ WLDDINGS complete the term of Mino­ tend. For more information OPTICAL SOUTHWEST STATE BANK'S CHRISTMAS CLUB ru Yasui, who resigned persons may call Betty GANOIDS Senrinc North Denver 22 Years from the commission to Melton. 233-6886. In either Color or Black WILL HELP YOU FEEL AS AS THE SEASON and White become trea­ Complete Festive serve as its director. sured heirlooms when tak­ Optical Service The commission of 15 BAKERIES en by OPTICIAN members works to foster EV E L Y N ’S DRAPERIES mutual self respect and Highest Quality Work Home o f Fine Pastries RORK D E W A Y N E understanding among ra­ and Materials 66 So. Broadway PHOTOGRSPHERS t IN GR AM cial. religious, and ethnic 1619 So. C o lo ra d o Blvd. y Dick Bettinger \ ^ 477-5759 Make Christmas a truly 1501 South Pearl St. 1053 So Gaylotd Pit 733 6016 groups. Tel 744 6439 1550 C o lo ra d o Blvd. 4022 "happy time" . . . Join our 2410 East 3rd Ave. TENNYSON ST Theresion Aide - 6 ^ 1968 C h ris tm a s C lu b now. A PRACTICAL GIFT Pueblo — Bishop Gerald By planning ahead now, you EZE MOP AND BUT THESE CHILDREN FREE L. Frey of Savannah, Ga., can receive a most welcome has agreed to serve as DON’T EVEN HAVE episcopal adviser to the CONE WRINGER All Christmas Club Christmas Club check next Naids never toHcli STOCKINGS!! g o c - Theresians of America, an water K counts opened with an ini- November. Have cash on organization of 6,000 Cath­ werks like a charm. olic women dedicated to Sanltary-Ntt til tkt 4lrtr WOULD YOU HELP 8 tial deposit of $5.00 or hand and find that Christ­ nrk lir jrti. Cm Wrlifir fostering vocations to sis­ stiai iiti trdiurir tail, Inti g more by December 31st mas shopping can be a true terhoods. ttr |urt. THESE CHILDREN IN C2E HOP AM LimiME g will receive on e ( I ) ceram­ joy. Join the crowd . . . Join CONE WimCEl OUR CARMELITE a Christmas Club. Yes, you VOCATIONS $ ^ 8 9 Piit ic Christmas bank free. SiHtlKtiM iitriittri MISSIONS OF SICUANI. PERU? too can wear a happy face tr Mtei ktek Set yicn new $S o r $10 w o uld help a lo t !!! next November. Life with 8 new Fm CItT Dellvtnf meaning. ph. m-MM God has been good to you, show your Be 8 mlttlonary. Hell OrOtn Flllid _ gratitude by being good to God’s peo­ It Is challenge, AM ISc Ur A TWIST OF THE HANM.E ple less fortunate than you rself fulfillment In PitUft WRINGS THE E2E MOP Christ. EZE HOP CO. 1»T L ITU Aft. 00211 Write to: Oihf Stan It its kIM li Oatvtr I.CJI. HluieeMy Sistm CltJilif Sifflr SaeciaKsts Ni II Till Us Tter Pnkitws MEMBER FDIC Alkstf. Ntv Tilt ISM Dear Father Mario: 1380 South Federal Boulevard In gratitude to God, I Christmas Club want to share my gckod For The Finest Cleaning .No. fortune with God’s poor. Please do not write above this line And Repairing Enclosed is $ ...... Here is my application card with my first payment in the club checked. ORIENTAL and DOMESTIC RUGS Name ...... $!□ $20 $3D $5D $10D Street ...... $60.00 $100.00 $150.00 $250.00 $500.00 NEW RUGS and CARPETS C i t y ...... MR. MRS. MISS ...... State ...... Zip . , . Please Print S T R E E T ...... ! ...... Father Mario, O.Carm. CITY ...... ZO NE ...... STATE 333-8840 or 322-8361 Carmelite Missions Also Wall to Wall Cleaning in the Home Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 S IG N A ’TURE ...... DATE ■ Page Eight THE REGISTER Thursday, November 23, 1967 Loretto "Messiah' Hailed Mile High Gilman’s well-done alto By Sue Roethele W. Greene, whose perform­ 'For from Modeling Crowd' ances marked the high­ reciutive. Her voice, an­ Loretto Heights college lights of the orchestral other one of lovely tone, is Entertainment must be commended for its accompaniment. capable of powerful expres­ efforts to continue to bring 1 Near o Film Mosterpiece By Tom Officer A strong chorus, number­ sion and extraordinary - 1 to the Denver community ing nearly 200 well- feeling. too many times to excite for his patience. Gabriel is outstanding works in mu­ Despite the fact that have n By Tom Officer Classical music fans had something special to be matched voices from the 1 the viewer. But the han- the one man who really sic and drama. Handel, knowing that he interes' thankful for during this holdiday season — the return college and the academy, bowi g "A woman like you does dling of the story is some- understood Bathsheba; Nov. 1 to a classical music format in the daylight broad­ The college’s recent pres­ highlighted the strong, would be personally re­ the an conceivably more harm thing else. Boldwood never understood casting hours by KDEN-FM. entation, in cooperation- sponsible for the first per­ balanced presentation. that W than she can imagine.” St. Screen adapter Frederic her, and Troy never tried, The classical music listeners responded overwhelming­ with the United States Air formance of the work, and • Among the soloists, best do had Frank Troy (Terence Raphael takes hi^'—Ltme in using his charm instead to ly to the stations new "Friends of Music” club. Charter Force Academy, of Han­ therefore unfortunately performance was given by Sugar Stamp) tells Bathsheba developing the action. But obtain what he wanted — members of the club will receive numbered membership del’s classic Messiah cer­ baritone Larry Day whose omitted in his score de­ tainly was one of the fin­ bowls 1 Everdene (Julie Christie) once the action lines are money. cards that will entitle them to purchase classical records powerful stage presence is tailed instructions for those est performances co-spon- e> The in the early days of their drawn, the film moves at a And a fourth asset is the at a discount and to attend Denver concerts, recitals, matched by a superior who would interpret the sored by the two schools came v courtship in Far From the fast pace to the tragic end- musical score of Richard and plays at a similar discount. voice. His seemingly effort­ Messiah in the years fol­ thus far. w getting Madding Crowd, a re­ ing. True, Hardy and Ra- Rodney Bennett that cap- The evening hours* programming will remain basical­ less performance won full lowing the initial p>erform- Max DiJulio and James V tigious served-seat attraction from phael have the lovers unit- tures the mood and spirit ly the same. In the evening. KDEN-FM has included approval of the receptive ance, it is a continual Roger Boyd, resp)ectively tra v a g E Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer. ed at the end — but it is of the countryside and ac- both classical and lighter music in its .schedule. And the audience. wonder that groups per­ directors of the Loretto will m The comment proves at a price of two deaths. tion. opera buffs will appreciate the fortnightly presentations The exceedingly difficult form the work not only Chorus and the Academy univers most prophetic — the self- The second asset is the Just missing being an — on alternate Thursdays. tenor recitative was well well but for the most part; Chorale, did much to assist Eddi. centered and beautiful color photographhy that asset to the film is the It is nice to have KDEN-FM back in the classical handled by Dennis John­ flawlessly. • ^ field after several months on the popular music range. an occasionally faulty or­ faloe.s Bathsheba causes the captures the D orset performance of Miss Chris- son. Again, commendations to chestra. A Bluebo death of two men, Troy (Wessex as Hardy called it) tie in the central role of Although Mary Ann those responsible for the One of America's most-maligned profe.ssions — law Both men, true profesion- ton D and W illiam Boldwood countryside. And there are Bathsheba. In the first half Wilkins, an alto soloist, program, and especially to enforcement — gets a careful study in "The Thin Blue als, demonstrated remark­ still-to- (Peter Finch), before find- some individual scenes o f the film, she makes seemed to have a little dif­ Sister Katherine Therese, Line.” an hour-long Wolper Award special to be present­ able facility of interpreta­ west G ing happiness with her that stand out; Gabriel’s Bathsheba a self-centered ficulty because of an ill- general chairman of the ed at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 29 on KBTV, Channel 9, Denver. tion of the 18th century Perhi first suitor. Gabriel Oak dog driving sheep over a creature whom one does timed orchestra, her voice Loretto-Air Force produc­ Authorities have declared the crime epidemic in the masterpiece. berest 1 (Alan Bates). clifT; St. Troy’s display of not easily like. Her mar- . |.( United States is growing six times faster than the popu- has a lovely tone which tion. Sugar Far From the Madding sw ordsm anship fo r riage to Troy seems to be Special note must be ’. tion. "The Thin Blue Line” studies the epidemic and shows great promise. G)wpol Bathsheba; and the storm a "nice” mating of tw j o f a given to the concertmaster, Crowd (rated A-2 — mor­ how four cities (New York, Rochester. N.Y., Chicago, Janet Connelly, a superb liad a scene and G abriel’s at- kind. Wendell Browning, former LA NEW ; . 1 ally unobjectionable for and Los Angeles) take steps to halt it. soprano. demonstrated fans tempt to save the harvest- .Then just before the in- first violinist of the Chica­ youths and adults — by Viewers will see how California State Narcotics bu­ impressive range and a POBLANA asX)ut ed crops. termission. the mood go Symphony; lead trumpe- the National Catholic Of­ reau agents build a case against a heroin peddler. Hid­ full-bodied, confident deli­ are. Th changes when the beauty teer Ed Lenicheck, formerly CAFE fice for Motion Pictures) is den cameras show an actual purchase of heroin and the very. Another soprano. lelp b A third asset, and a realizes that she has made of the Denver Symphony; considered the novel by arrest of the peddler. Kathryn Passera, made her questio most important one, is and harpsichordist Allen 4054 TEJON ST. Thomas Hardy that is best a bad bargain in her mar­ "The Thin Blue Line” also will present the pros and debut in the oratorio, is a some fine acting by both adaptable to a screen riage. From then on, she cons of pxilice powers in an attempt to determine if cur-, singer whose voice is well THA treatment. This treatment Finch and Bates. Finch, in builds some character as ft rent investigative, arrest, and interrogative methods are Priest's Film worth hearing. M E X IC A N right from England must be rat- particular, should be consi- she tries to avoid outright too severe — or too lax. The value of civilian review Another highlight of the FOOD Poyste ed as a flawed masterpiece, dered for an Academ y rejection of Boldwood, her performance was Virginia boards will be reviewed, and search and seizure laws Wins Venice OUR squeeze Despite the flaws, the Award nomination for his most persistent suitor. will be defined. of thei] technicolor production has Boldwood, a country gen- The main flaws in the SPECIALTY The program will conclude with an inside look of Festival Prize L U N C H ? « *• State many assets to compensate tleman whose passions are production are performance what it’s like to be a policeman in a large city Arizoni the viewer’s time and set afire by Bathsheba. by Stamp and the editing (Rochester). The program will be narrated by Van Hef­ Kyoto, Japan — Six from 85c up * * in thei money. First, there is the hate he has for Troy in the second half of the lin. People — Ten Le^s, story ORDERS TO GO day, : story itself. Like all of stands out in his eyes film. Stamp does not pro- This program will merit watching by everyone of a crippled school boy H u m m e l's CALL Unlver Hardy’s major works. Far when he learns Troy and ject the type soldier who who has been critical of his ow*n police department. and his five companions, Deiicaresscn and LSU F ro m th e M a d d in g Bathsheba have eloped, could charm a woman in It will give viewers something to think about before has been awarded the Lion Sidewalk Cafe V with t Crowd takes a pessimistic And he shows true shock the mid-1800s. And he is criticizing the police so quickly the next time that of St. Mark Award from Cherry Creek 322-4)44 477-9919 1 slated look at life and advocates and agony when he has supposed to charm TW O they are angry. the XIX Children Film 1 Tulane that man must battle the killed Troy and realizes women, Festival of Venice. fates — and usually lose. that Bathsheba still loved He keeps his Troy on a Pot Poiirri The motion picture was MKXirAX and ITAIJAX FIHMI « The principal theme, the the worthless soldier, one-note level — and the produced by Father James Baci STAGE: Romero and Company will return to the loves of Bathsheba, may be big scene, where he admits F. Hyatt. M.M.. director of Cl a bit "old hat” by now. Bates, on the other hand. his love for his former Third Eye theater, 238 Broadway, Denver, for a four- the Good Shepherd move­ The story of a self-centered has a less demanding role mistress at her coffin, is week engagement starting Nov. 29. The dance group’s ment in Kyoto. program is called Festival Flamenco. ^ A beauty who can invariably — the rejected suitor who out of character with all Fe.stival officials, in an­ MEXICAN RESTAURANTS pick the wrong men to stays around to h elp that had gone before, par- nouncing the award, ap­ * RADIO: An all-Wagner program, including Act I of love while ignoring the Bathsheba in her hours of ticularly when he had plauded the picture as "a FAMILY DINING die Walkuere will be presented by the Boston Sympho­ right men has been told need and who is rewarded stormed away from her story which stimulated a 3 Locations ------when she was late for ny at 1 p.m. Nov. 25 . . . The Chicago Symphony at 3 spirit of solidarity among 9655 Montview p.m. the same day will have Mendelssohn’s Sym phony A u ro ra their wedding date. young people.” No. 4 and Lalo’s Cello Concerto as major 1104 8 S. F e d e ra l t* The editing appears a bit works . . . The Cleveland Symphony’s principal offering Father H yatt’s Good ' Mississippi weak in two death scenes at 2 p.m. Nov. 26 will be Brahm’s Symphony No. 1. Shepherd movement pro­ 174 4 E. E van s — Fanny Robin (Prunella All the symphony broadcasts will be on KFML-FM. duces radio and television Ransome), Troy’s mistress, Tito Gobbi will be heard in the title role in Verdi’s shows and literature. and the execution of Bold­ Falstaff at 12 noon Nov. 30 on KFML-FM. Sopranos wood for murdering Troy. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf and Anna Moffo head the sup­ Since IS78 ITA LIA N And there may be some porting cast. FOOD viewers who may dislike the length of the film. Dining Room Sorvico Perhaps, the intermission Parish Council Open ( e e k '6 r might have been moved to To Non-Catholics where Troy informs Bold­ TAKE Home Made SpegheftI — Ravioli— Lasagne Pizza wood of the marriage — Wilmington, Del. — St. OUT I but the film could not Matthew’s parish council SERVICE, CALL FOR CARRY OUT SERVICE stand too much ed itin g here w ill permit non- 744-3591 without harming its over­ Catholics to serve on it all effect. The two death with full rights and privi­ scenes which appear to ^ 2076 leges, the 15-member or­ \A/m w w m G So. University Blvd have been edited are proof ganizing committee an­ of this. nounced here. Nevertheless, Far From the Madding Crowd The 1,500-family parish remains a movie worth the will elect 12 members from viewer’s time and money. nominees Dec. 17. The s Trio at Loretto It will rate some compari­ council includes the pastor. Ta son to Gone With the Monsignor Eugene J. Big­ 'I’he Lettermen will make their first Denver Wind, and that is unfortu­ gins, his two assistants, the closest appearance at 8 p.m. Dec. 7. at Loretto Heights nate. Both arc now being the school principal, and college, sponsored by the Student (Jovernment shown on reserved-seat three lay appointees. association. 'I'he top Capitol recording stars are, basis. And both are highly AMEI left to right, -Jim Pike, Tony Butnla, and Bob romantic. But the movies Kngemann. I'icket information w’ill be obtained by deserve to be considered on DRIVE IN LIQUORS thing to calling »22-41(>I. their own merits. With that in mind, the viewer Complete selection of Wines, Liquors and Beer will enjoy the Hardy movie Open 9 A.M. to 12 Midnight Selection Draws Fire and appreciate it as a 1100 So. Colorado Blvd. 756-7524 near-perfect piece o f film Harry McCarthy home! Toledo - The fathers’ gram. The film earned a art. club of a Toledo Jesuit "C” rating by the Motion high .school which opposed Picture Office when it first (Far From the Maddirif' the use of a condemned appeared in the U.S. seven Crowd is playing at the film in an adult film-study years ago, Cooper Theater, Denver.) program was rebuked by the head of the National Catholic Office for Motion BREWED WITH Picutres. Announcing the Nevertheless, the film P U R E R O C K Y will not be shown hecEiuse easiest, fastest way of the "misunderstanding” MOUNTAIN surrounding-the issue. The Dad’s club o f St. to mimeograph! John High School objected SPRING WATER. when the Cinema Study Club — a 258-memher Now you can print your everyday and special group guided by a priest mimeograph jobs easier and faster than you ever could and a Jesuit scholastic — before. Here's how it’s done: scheduled Michelangelo 1. New Stencil Maker Antonioni’s L’ Avventura The new A. B. Otek SBO Stencil as part of its season’s pro- Maker automatically makc5 ilencili that include reproduc­ tions of halftones, drawings, r primer’s t>pc, paste-ups and newspaper and magaame clip­ \1 Just Published pings. Nnw, making good, clear \ sietKili it^as easy as pushing a button. You may never have to type, write or draw on a stencil How 88,648 again. - 2. New Stencil Printer Heavy Smokers ■/ u Then, run 200 copies per min­ ^ ute on the new A B. Dick S50 Stopped Smoking Stencil Brinier. It's easy to load and easy to operate — prints NEW YORK - The Anti-Tobac­ copies automalirallY. co Center of America has just published a booklet which ex­ Call your A. B. Dick man for a 'emonstration ... better for 'TAKE-OUT' too! plains how 88.648 heavy .smokers of one or both soon. (of whom many are physicians) have .sioppLKi smoking without straining their will power. This 880 FEDERAL booklet IS avialable tree of '€ o € U - charge to smokers All yoo need do. to obtain it. is to send your 255-0481 name and address to The Anti- McDonalfd’si Tobacco Center o( America. Look For The Golden A rch e s- Where Quality Starts Fresh...Every Day Dept A-I94-.N. .166 F'iflh Avenue. Copying/Duplicating New York I. New York. Products This offer is open while the .sup- A B DICK East Colfax at Pennsylvania ply of these booklets lasts. ^ V. Profile Thursday, November 23, 1967 THE REGISTER Page Nine Looking at Sports Sass Heads Athletic Buffs W in FAL Title

By BUI Slevin the Cowboys the game, place tie. The conference Program at M t. Carmel Area football fans will based solely on records, a sends its w inner to the have more than a passing closer study of LSU’s sea­ Cotton Bowl, leaving the Heading up the athletic program at Mt. Carmel high In High-Scoring Tilt interest in the upcoming son is in order. No. 2 bowl eligible to face school is Frank Sass who took over as athletic director bowi games — thanks to The Bengal Tigers’ three ■ Colorado. and head football coach in 1966. In addition, he coaches By Bill Skinner This Saturday the Fresh­ the Buffs to roll-up a 26-0 men will play the season lead. the announcement Monday losses were by a total of The Buffs, when at full junior high school basketball and supervises the school’s The Buffs, coached by climaxing position round of that Wyoming and Colora­ six points — 17-15 to strength, have the man­ weight program. Bill Henniger, blitzed the Quarterback Frank Mar­ Orediggers 38-20, Nov. 18 games that have become a do had accepted bids to the Miami of Florida; by three power to complete with any The 29-year-old Sass re­ tinez sparked the Wolve­ at Crestmoor Park to fin­ tradition with the league. Sugar and Bluebonnet points to second-ranked team in the nation and ceived his bachelor of science rines to the win over Mul­ bowls respectively. Tennessee and to Alabama. should give a good account degree from East Central ish of the Freshmen Ath­ A pair of doubleheaders len. This win insured the The undefeated Cowboys 7-6. They played a 13-13 of themselves no matter State college, Ada. Oklaho­ letic League regular season will be played at both the Wolverines a second crack came up with the jewel in tie with Mississippi. who they face in Houston. ma, in 1963 and his master’s as the league champion Mullen and Regis Sta­ at the league winning getting invited to the pres­ and the only undefeated Buffs in the position-round Which indicates the T i­ degree this year from Colora­ diums. The 9 o’clock games tigious New Orleans ex­ team in the league. games to be played this It was long in coming, do State university. will match the Orediggers travaganza in which they gers lack one essential of a In other final week Saturday. successful team these days but the Broncos finally and Mullen at Mullen, and will meet Louisiana State Prior to taking over hia scores; the W olverines the Phantoms and Wildcats The Buffs handed the — a good kicker. De- pulled one out of the fire university on Jan. 1. duties at Mt. Carmel he held remained in second place at Regis. In the 10:45 a.m. Wolverines their only loss Poyster could well be the with that 21-20 win over Eddie Crowder’s Buf­ coaching positions at Sulphur by downing Mullen. 20-7; of the season. 16-14, back Buffalo last Sunday. They feature games, it will be faloes will be seen in the difference, as he has been high school in Sulphur, Regis maintained atop of on Oct. 14, and the Wolve­ reverted to their old ways the Buffs meeting the Bluebonnet Bowl in Hous­ so often during his career. Okla., as varisty football line the second half and in fifth rines are looking forward of gaining an early lead. Wolverines at Mullen, and ton Dec. 23 against a coach and head junior varsi­ place by drubbing the to the upcoming game. The prestige of the West­ But this time the outcome Regis hosting Machebeuf atill-to-be selected South­ Wildcats, 34-13; and Mach- ern Athletic Conference, in was much more pleasant. ty coach, at Mead Junior at Regis. west Conference team. ebeuf stayed one game fact the whole Rocky Instead of losing the lead — , _ high school, Longmont, Colo., Perhaps the greatest in­ Frank Base gg head coach in football, behind Regis as they Mountain area will be rid­ they held it, although IN T H E game o f the terest locally will be in the basketball and track, and at Colorado State university bounced the Phantoms 34- ing on the shoulders of the barely, thanks to a couple week between the Buffs Sat. Nov. Sugar Bowl. While the and Poudre District while a graduate assistant at CSU. 19. Cowboys from Laramie. It breaks. But regardless of and Orediggers last Satur­ C')wpokes of Lloyd Eaton will give them the oppor­ At CSU he served as defensive line and secondary coach The final standings of day, the Buffs all but ran how they won, the impxir- and first assistant o f the freshman team. He also supe­ the league were unique in had a 10-0 record some tunity to show eastern tant thing is they did, and the Orediggers out of the fans have reservations rvised the varsity winter workout program. He also that each team in the park early in the game as 25th skeptics that a pretty fair at a very good time. It akX)ut just how good they coached grade school basketball in Fort Collins. standings lost to all teams they scored four times and brand of football is played should help the players’ "ON THE SCENE" are. The LSU game should Sasj. a six-year A ir Force veteran, did not play col­ above them, and beat each controlled the ball on all in these parts. morale for the last three help tons'*'"*" comp of the lege football, but did play while in the service in Wichi­ of the teams below them. but 10 of the first 31 But it won’t be easy. games, all toughies — San Capsule questions. ta Falls. Tex., and in France. Final Standings are: plays. This complete domi­ They play rugged football Diego, New York and His greatest sports thrill, he says, was his association Buffs (7-0), Wolverines (6- nation of the game allowed in the southeast. And the Kansas City. T H A N K S to the talented Tigers will be playing in with Colorado State university. 1), Orediggers (5-2), Mul­ Reports right foot o f Jerry De- their own backyard before Sass teaches math, mechanical drawing and physical len (4-3), Regis (3-4). of the Poyster, the Cowboys their own fans. Coed Gets education at Mt. Carmel. Machebeuf (2-5), Phantoms squeezed through in three The Cowboys have their A native of Chicago, Sass has lived in North Caroli­ (1-6), and Wildcats (0-7). Wheatridge of their games — Colorado work cut out for them, to na, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Connecticut. State university, 13-10; say the least. Committee Hs and his wife, Sandra Kay, of Sulphur, Okla., and Regis Ends First Arizona State, 15-13, and two daughters, Debra Ann, 12, and Mary Jane, nine, reside in Longmont. Look into Thomas in their final game Satur­ Soccer Season a Volkswagen at day, 21-19 over Texas COLORADO’S Buffaloes Position University at El Paso. won’t know their Bluebon-« Regis high school's soccer Jefferson Mary Ann Schartz, junior VERN HAGESTAD LSU has a 5-3-1 record net Bowl opponents until team completed its inaugu­ at Loretto Heights college, Students Explain with their season windup after Thursday when Texas ral season with a convinc­ MOTOR CO. slated Saturday against plays Texas A&M in their was elected to the national ing. 3-0, win over Silver Football Tulane. But before giving annual Thanksgiving Day executive committee by Springs Baptist. Nov. 15. i.rrairr 7)<-nirr’< (.luahli/ Racial Problems .Xulhiiritrd Volk^uiiten Dralrr bloodletting. Texas A&M delegates attending the After a shaky start, due National College Young Jim Stanton. Waltham, 7800 W. Colfax Action p* currently leads the South­ Boston — Three teams of mainly to inexperience, the Phone 237-9501 Bacon & Schramm west Conference with a 5-1 Democratic association Boston college students are Mass., senior who discusses Raiders finished the year mark while Texas (4-2), convention Nov. 10-13 in traveling from city to city the educational problem, with a 5-3-1 record. © Composition Roofing Boston. » Tile Roofing Texas Tech (4-2) and Texas in an attempt to explain to said the question-and- The coaches were Mr. Miss Schartz, daughter of answer periods that follow Roof Repairing Christian (3-2) remain al­ fellow students the true Mark Paulter, S.J. (vice- KQXI * 4020 B righton Blvd. ive for a four-way first Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Scharz nature of America’s racial each presentation disclose president of the Colorado <> 244-656.3 of Great Bend, Kans., will conflict — that it is a many myths and fallacies High School Soccer Coach­ 1550 K .C . represent the West at na­ still exist. AUTO White problem, caused by es association) and Mr. Men's Clothing tional executive committee Whites and maintained by "Some White students Vernon Heinsz, S.J. Pre-Game meetings, one of which will express a basic fear that LIABILITY 4 Men's Tailoring Whites. Outstanding players -SeJuuxeut- be held in February in The teams of student Negroes are naturally infe­ were Ewald Tuchsherer. Show MR. FlUNZ OF LAKESIDE Washington. Her first ma­ speakers aim their presen­ rior to Whites,” he said. the leading scorer with ANY CAR King Soopers M all at jor task will be to organize tations at high school stu­ ALTERNATIVE grew out eight goals, and Jim 10/20/5 LaXotIdt Shopping Center ! a western regional meeting of the Boston College Stu­ Chamberlain who has been dents — an "attempt to 'C/us.slAl this winter. dent Speakers’ program asked to play for Regis col­ 1:00 attack attitudes and preju­ M arried, Miss Schartz, president inaugurated by Dr. John lege next year. dices before they build up.’’ If you qualify^ UUMY PERRY of the Loretto Heights Col­ The students call the H. Lawton, chairman of Regis is the first paro­ P.M. lege Young Democrats, re­ the Jesuit university’s chial and Skyline League RIALTY program "ALTERNATIVE,” NO POLICY FEE Interviews with presented Loretto Heights, explaining that it seeks to speech department. high school to field a soc­ Coaches of the Colorado State college. offer a course for relaxing Cities in which the cer team. Teams ... Comments 4995 Southern Colorado State Ltmll Btvd. racial tensions before they teams appeared during the Every issue of every new.*A*«**dn CALI 237-1911

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Pioneer Battler for Race IN THE PROBATE COURT IN THE PROBATE COURT In and for the City In and lor the City and Counly of Donver and Counly of Denvar and Stala of Colorado and Slate of Colorado No. P-4SI2i No. P-4S324 Justice Dies in New York NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Richard August Sanders Estate of A R T H U R F . KO C H a/k/B R. A. Sanders, a/k/a Richard A. ( Deceased) New York — The first could live and achieve in sharp as those of the body Sanders, (Deceased) No. P-45224 No. P-4S236 All persons having claims against great lay leader in the peace and harmony.” grew dim .. . for they per­ All persons having claims against the above named estate are required At a reception in his mit me to see through the the above named estate are required to file them tor allowance In the Pro­ Catholic interracial move­ to file them for allowance in the Pro­ honor in April marking dark storm clouds of today bate Court of the City and County of bate Court ol the CItv and County ot ment died here at the age Denver, Colorado, on or before the 6th Denver, Colorado, on or before the of 79. George K. Hunton the publication of his auto­ ... a proximate tomorrow day of May, 1968, or said claims shall 24th day ot April, 1968. or said claims biography, A ll o f Which I in which we in the United be forever barred. shall be forever barred. was the co-founder in 1934 Richard K. Sanders ANDREW WYSOWATCKY with the late Father John Saw, Part of Which I States . .. will have com­ Executor ADMINISTRATOR pleted the dream of a Robert F. Fiorl (Published In the LaFarge, S.J., of the Cath­ Was, Mr. Hunton said: AHorney for the estate Denver Catholic Register) "Only if all of us... Negro, world of justice in the 234 Columbine St., Suite 200 First Publication: Ol I. 26. 1967 olic Interracial Council of Denver, Colo. 80206 Last Publication; Nov. 23, 1967______New York, the parent White, Protestant, Catholic, harmony of an interracial Telephone 399-2872 and Jew ... work together society.” (Published in the IN THE PROBATE COURT group of some 50 similar Denver Catholic Register) In and for the City lay-directed units that can we hope to carry the Dr. Sterling W. Brown, First Publication: Nov. 9, 1967 and County of Denver interracial cause to its full president of the National Last Publication: Nov. 30, 1967 and State of Colorado have been approved in 150 NO. P-43603 fruition. Conference of Christians IN THE PROBATE COURT NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Catholic dioceses across the Re-Elected In and for the City and Jews, called Mr. Hun­ Estate Of HOMER HUFFMAN country. Ed Porter, vice-pressi and County of Denver (Deceased) "TH E R E should be no ton "one o f the great pio­ and Stata of Colorado No. P 43002 In 1958, Mr. Hunton was dent of Rockmont Sates No. P-4S043 Notice is hereby given that I have division of Black leader­ neers of interracial justice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS co-chairman of the national company, division of filed my final report in the County ship and White leadership. This was long bef^ore it Estate of D ONNA R. M U R R A Y Court of the City and County of Den­ planning board of the first Pakwell Paper Indus­ (Deceased) ver, Colorado, and that any person There must be no Black was a public issue.” No, P-45043 desiring to ob|ect to the same shall National Catholic Confer­ tries, Inc., was re-elected All persons having claims against file written objection with the said', ence for Interracial Justice, front, no White front .. . "The American Jewish for a third consecutive the above named estate are required court on or before December 18. 19/7. only an interracial front. Congress,” said Will Mas- to file them for allowance in the Pro­ HOMER R. HUFFMAN. Jr. the country-wide clearing term to the board of bate Court of the City and County of Administrator C TA house for all Catholic In­ What we must do is work low, executive director, "re­ directors of the Paper, Denver, Colorado, on or before the Harold Godfrey Martin together in full harmony 30th day of April, 1968, or said claims Attorney lor the estate terracial Councils. grets the loss of a valiant Stationery and .Tablet shall be forever barred. 245 West 12th Avenue for the perfection and pres­ fighter for social justice in Manufacturers associa­ William C. Murray Denver, Colorado 80204 Colt Executor Phone 534 8015 A C T IV E in the munici­ ervation of American de­ the passing of George K. tion during a meeting in William C. Murray, Jr. (Pub'ished in the eratioi mocracy. Hunton. We will miss this Attorney for the estate Denver Catholic Register) a pict pal commission on human Montreal. 730 Symes Bldg. First Publication: Nov. 16, 1967 relations to the superin­ In his autobiography Mr. valuable colleague in our Denver. Colorado Last Publication: Dec. 7, 1967 airp or Joy of Faith Sacred Heart Telephone 623-1215 tendent of schools, Mr. Hunton stated: "It is one contuning effort to elimi­ (Published in the of the blessings of age that nate racial and religious "Personality and Preju­ Denver Catholic Register) IN THE PROBATE COURT First grader Dennis Cunningham has no trou­ Hunton also worked for First Publication: Nov, 2, 1967 In and for the City and the eyes of the mind grew prejudice from the minds dice” will be the subject of County of Denver and ble conveying the joy of the "good news” as he fair employment and hous­ Last Publication: Nov. 23, 1967 of men.” an address by the Rev. State of Colorado takes part in a special class conducted Nov. 9 to ing legislation on a local IN THE PROBATE COURT No. P-43866 Mr. Hunton, a bachelor, Wm. Barnaby Faherty, In and for tha City IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE demonstrate to parents the new methods of reli­ and federal level. OF JOHN JOSEPH POPISH, De­ Priest's was buried from his home S.J., on the Sacred Heart and County ol Denver gious education at St. Francis de Sales’ school. He was a director of the and State of Colorado ceased. parish in Brooklyn, Nov. program Nov. 26, 7:15 NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION Sisters at St. Francis’ reported enthusiastic re­ National Association for No. P-4S4S5 FOR DETERMINATION OF a.m., on KBTV, Channel 9. NOTICE TO CREDITORS HEIRSHIP sponse from parents who watched the demonstra­ the Advancement of Col­ M o th e r 15. Estate of RONALD JAMES MC­ DONALD, aka RONALD J. MC­ THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF tion classes — for primary, intermediate, and ored People and a former DONALD and R. J. MCDONALD. COLORADO; upper grades. The demonstration classes, each president of the Brooklyn (Deceased) To all persons interested, G R E E T ­ B u rie d No. P-454SS ING: completely typical of regular sessions, featured Catholic Social Action Con­ All persons having claims against T A K E NOTICE that there has been discussion, Scripture Lessons, singing, and active ference. May They Rest the above named estate are required filed in the above-named estate a peti­ Requiem Mass was of­ to file them for allowance in the Pro­ tion asking tor a judicial ascertain­ interpretation of the themes presented. Mr. Hunton retired from fered Nov. 20 in St. Cathe­ bate Court of the City and County ot ment and determination ot the heirs the post of executive secre­ Denver, Colorado, on or before the 15 of such decedent, and setting forth rine’s church, Denver, for day of May. 1968, or said claims shall that the names, addresses and rela­ tary of the New York CIC Mrs. Mary M. Laner, be forever barred. tionships to decedent of al persons in 1962 after 28 years in In Peace ANDREW WYSOWATCKY who are or claim to be heirs ot said Human Rights Year mother of the Rev. Lean- ADMINISTRATOR decedent, so tar as known to the peti­ that position. The present der A. Laner, O.F.M., of BRONCUCIA. Jerry, 8910 KLEIDOSTY. Frank A.. 2135 (Published in the tioner, are as follows, to wit: executive director, Arthur Mariposa streeL Solemn Mass, Denver Catholic Register) Agnes Rita Grommet, 2262 Jasmine Oakland, Calif. Tremont place. Requiem Mass, First Publication: Nov. 23, 1967 Street, Denver, Colorado 80207, Sister. Assumption church, Welby, Nov. Church of the Holy Ghost, Nov. Wright, cited Mr. Hunton Mrs. Laner, 81, died Last Publication: Dec. 21, 1967 Frank Bernard Popish, 3742 Delgany Subject of Meet for his "relentless cam­ 16. Interment, ML OllveL Bou­ 22. IntermenL FL Logan. Street, Denver. Colorado 80216, Nov. 16 in Wheatridge levard mortuaries. IN THE PROBATE COURT - Brother. paign againt all forms of In and for the City ■ Mary Elizabeth Grebenc, 4778 Clay- Manor Nursing Home. KOVAC, Mary B. (Mame), and County of Denver ration of Human Rights by BUSSE, Mrs. Shirley McBride, Ion Street, Denver, Colorado 80216, A day-long planning con­ racial and religious preju­ She was born Jan. 2, 4795^ Pearl streeL Requiem and State of Colorado Sister. the United Nations, and 465 S. Washington. Requiem Mass, Holy Rosary church, Nou. No. P-4S326 ference for the observance dice.” 1886, in Tyrol, Austria, (Children of Gennie Mayerle, de­ Mass, St. Francis de Sales’ 18. IntermenL ML OliveL Bou­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS ceased sister:) the conference will assist "For him,” Mr. Wright Estate Nellie Mae Bailey, a/k/a in 1968 of "Human Rights came to the United States church, Nov. 22. IntermenL ML Of Paul Mayerle, 5200 East 35th Ave­ various organizations in levard mortuaries. Nellie M. Baliey, a/k/a Nellie Bailey said, "Black power was in 1907 and was married OliveL Olinger mortuaries. nue, Denver, Colorado 80207, Nephew. Year” will be held Dec. 9 planning special observ­ (Ward) Terese A. Hawk, 2831 South Depew meaningful only in so far the following year in Cen­ LUCERO, Charles, Sr., 1444 No. P-45326 Street, Denver, Colorado 80214, Niece. at the International House, ance programs. as it merged with White CASAGRANDA, Thomas Bar­ Emerson streeL Requiem Mass, All persons having claims against (Child of Teresa Charles, deceased tral City to Daniel Laner. tholomew, IS S. Bannock streeL SL Patrick’s -church, Nov. 18. the above named estate are required sister:} -1600 Logan, Invitations have been power to make this a de­ to file them for allowance in the Pro­ They moved to Oregpn af­ Requiem Mass, Mt. Carmel Interment, ML OliveL Olinger John E. Charles, Jr., 11042 Grant ■ by the Hu- sent to civic, social, educa­ bate Court of the City and County of Drive, North Glenn. Colorado 80233, cent land in which all ter their marriage and church, Nov. 25. IntermenL ML mortuaries. Denver, Colorado, on or before the Iman Rights tional and religious groups, Nephew. Laner died in 1934. OliveL Olinger mortuaries. 15th day of May, 1968, or said claims (Child of Helen Veronica Arthurs, ■committee of and it is open to the public MAHLER. Agnes. Rte. 3. Gold­ shall be forever barred. a/k/a Nellie Arthurs, deceased sister:) Mrs. Laner had lived in Leola A. Jordan Donald F. Arthurs, 5591 East 70th |the Mile Hi by reservation, according Requiem for CAVANAUGH, John J., M.D., en, Colo. Requiem Mass, SL Conservatrix Denver since 1950 and was Avenue, Commerce City, Colorado 5091 S. Boston streeL Engle­ Bernadette’s church. Nov. 21. Richard L. Ott 80022, Nephew. chapter. of to conference chairman Ott & Caskins a member of the St. Cathe­ wood, Colo. Requiem Mass, You are hereby notified to appear UAN, USA- Sister Esther Marie Good- Mrs. Robin Most Precious Blood church, Attorneys for the estate rine’s Altar and Rosary MERLINO, Amelia M., .529 1818 Western Federal Building and answer the petition within twenty ^ UNESCO. row, S.L., of Loretto Requiem Mass was of­ days after service of this notice on society and Gold Star Nov. 20. IntermenL FL Logan. Lowell boulevard. Requiem Denver, Colorado 80202 Boulevard mortuaries. Mass. Presentation church, Nov. Telephone 244-8047 you (If served by publication, within H u m a n Heights college. Those in­ fered Nov. 21 in St. Louis twenty days after the last publication Mothers. 20. IntermenL ML OliveL (Published in the |Rights Year terested in attending may church, Englewood, for Denver Catholic Register) of this notice) and in default of an Surviving are three CINEA. Vincenzo (Clno), 3330 answer or appearance the Court will v ill m ark call 534-5813. Bertha Lee Robin, mother First Publication: Nov. 23, 1967 daughters, Mrs. Mary L. Shoshone. Requiem Mass, SL MONTOYA. Virginia. 3340 Last Publication: pec. 14, 1967 proceed to receive and hear proofs- "the 20th an­ In place o f a keynote of Brother Raphael Robbin Patrick’s church, Nov. 22. Inter­ Josephine street. Requiem concerning the heirs of such decedent Sr. Eathor Johnson and Frances H. and enter a decree determining who niversary of address, a panel will dis­ of the Trappist Monastery, menL m l OliveL Mass, Annunciation church, Laner, both of Denver, and IN THE PROBATE COURT are the heirs of such deceased person. the adoption of the Decla- cuss "Current Problems in Conyers, Ga. Nov. 22. IntermenL ML OliveL In and for the City and Dated at Denver, Colorado, this 19th T Mrs. Ruth M. Thomas of CRANDALL. G. WUllsm, 2128 County of Denver and day of September, 1967. International Human She is also survived by State of Colorado o f I S. Clarkson. Mass, Our Lady of PACHECO. George. 7940 Hol­ D. M. R O W LEY Springfield, Ore.; another No. P-43617 Clerk of the Probate Court land Rights” with Dr. Edward her other children, Mrs. K. Lourdes church. Nov. 22. Inter­ lywood, Commerce City, Colo. son, Richard R. Laner of IN T H E M A T T E R OF TH E E S TA TE By M. F. Finnerty tern Miles, professor of interna­ P. Sandberg, Englewood; ment, Ft. Logan. Boulevard Requiem Mass, SL Cajetan’s OF JUSTIN DAVENPORT, also Deputy Clerk Los Angeles, Calif.; a mortuaries. church. Nov. 22. IntermenL ML known as JA Y DAVENPORT, De­ OTT 8. CASKINS tional relations at the Samuel Robin, Brookhaven, ceased brother, a sister, 15 grand­ OliveL By Richard L. Ott University of Denver, as Miss.; Mrs. W. T. Gossage, NOTICE OF HEARING Attorney DURAN. Henry Raymond, OF PETITION TO SELL Port Arthur, Tex.; Mrs. C. children and 11 great­ 1818 Western Federal Building moderator. He w ill be Route 1, Henderson, Colo. Son PACINO. Josephine. 62 W. REAL ESTATE Denver, Colorado 80202 ' E. Wardf, Belleview, 111.; a grandchildren. The People of the State ol Colorado. HOMES joined on the panel by of Henry C. Duran. Requiem Bayaud avenue, Denver. Re­ To Robert B. Davenport; Justine E. Telephone 244-8047 Mrs. Bernard Rosenberg sister; 16 grandchildren Mass, SL Catherine’s church. quiem Mass. Church of the Rohrer: Betty Ann Sealy. and Jessie (Published in the ' , Denver Catholic Register) and Sidney Strange, gradu­ and 22 great-grandchil­ Requiem Said Commerce City, Nov. 22. Rice Assumption, Pueblo. Colo. Inter­ Irene Ehlers, persons in inlerest in funeral chapel. Brighton, Colo. said estate, First Publication; Nov. 2. 1967 FOR SALE ate students of the DU dren. For Nun's Sister menL Pueblo, Colo. GREETING: Last Publication: Nov. 23. 1967______You are hereby notified that on this International Relations ENGLISH, Helene L., formerly RINNE, Adolph I... 2245 30th day of October, A.D. 1967, An­ Requiem Mass was of­ of Chicago, III. Requiem Mass, cust streeL Requiem Mass, SL drew Wysowalcky, Administrator of School. Requiem for said estate, presented to and filed in Newspaper circulation Dr. Ved P. Nanda, assist­ fered Nov. 18 in Holy SL Mary’s church. Littleton, James* church, Nov. 18. Inter­ said court his petition for the sale of Trinity church, Westmin­ Nov. 18. Nickels-Hill mortuary. menL Ml OliveL Olinger mor­ certain real estate belonging to said is known and is com­ ant professor of law at the Viet Victim tuaries. estate and situate in the City and paratively unaffected by ster for Catherine M. County of Denver and Gilpin County, I University of Denver, will ESPINOZA. Sevedeo Mike. Requiem Mass was of­ State ot Colorado, more fully de­ daily or seasonal change Kuhn, sister of Sister B arr Lake, Colo. Mass, St. RUPP, John A.. 886 S. High be the luncheon speaker. fered Nov. 21 in Sacred scribed In said petition, reference to — there’s no ’’summer Seminar leaders will in­ Mary Magdalene of the Catherine’s church, Nov. 22. streeL Requiem Mass, SL Vin­ which is hereby made. ibJ Heart church for Staff Sgt. cent de Paul church, Nov. 20. You are further notified to appear slump.” WANT TO clude Faye Gruber and Ursuline convent in Paola, and answer or otherwise plead to said Jacob Ortiz, a Colorado Kans. HARRIS, Gertrude S.. 2237 IntermenL Mt. OliveL Boulevard petition in writing on or before the Helena Morgan, members native who was killed in Franklin streeL Requiem Mass, mortuaries. IBlh day ot December. A.D. 1967, the SELL of the Human Rights She is also survived by Loyola church, Nov. 16. Inter­ day set lor the hearing thereof, or on action near Cu Chi, Viet- or before the day to which such hear­ her mother, Magdalina ment, Ml OliveL Kirk mortuary. SALAZAR, Fidila, 2350 Lafay­ committee. ing may be adlourned. or said petition Brighton Kuhn of Denver; two ette StreeL Requiem Mass, Sa­ will be taken for confessed. YOUR HOME? Born June 29, 1941, he brothers, John Kuhn, Jr., HEAR'TZ, Mary, formerly of cred Heart church. Nov. 20. In­ Given under my hand and the seal 4860 Fenton, Wheat Ridge. Colo. terment, ML OliveL Olinger of said court at Denver, in the City was graduated from West and County ol Denver and State of and Frank Kuhn, of Den­ Requiem Mass, Holy Trinity mortuaries. Why not try our porish section in high school, Denver. Colorado, this 30lh day ot October, RICE FUNERAL CHAPEL tlw Register. The cost is low end ver; a sister, Mary Noon­ church, Nov. 20. Boulevard A.D. 1967. the quick results will surprise He served in Korea and ing of Denver; and another mortuaries. SANCHEZ, Bemabe, 2541 W. D. M. ROW LEY Equipped lo Fulfill Your Needs yowl The eds are listed under par­ Germany before volunteer­ Holden place. Requiem Mass, Clerk ot the Probate Court ish subheadings. sister, Anne Heubert of By Thomas DIFrancesca 24 Hour Ambulance Service ing for duty in Vietnam. HILBURGER, Mary M.. 400 SL Cajetan’s church, Nov. 17. Deputy Clerk Port Orchard, Wash. Phone 659-2321 He was awarded the M ilwaukee street. Requiem IntermenL FL Logan. (Published in the Mass, SL John the Evangelist Denver Cathc-iic Register) Ken Raynie, Jim Arthur IT'S EASY TO PLACE A W A N T AD Bronze Star with V for First Publication: Nov. 16, 1967 BRIGHTON. COLORADO church, Nov. 16. IntermenL ML SCHMITT. Gary W., 3058 Last Publication: Dec. 14, 1967 - J U S T CALL valor and the Purple Sister Gertrude OliveL Ames. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M 82S-IMS Heart. Requiem Mass was of­ D. SchmitL Denver. Requiem on 3 SAY "CHARGE IT" Survivors include his fered Nov. 20 in the Mul­ JENNINGS. Mariam Ethel, Mass. SL Mary Magdalene’s People read newspaper Kinf 16150 Golden Road. Requiem church, Nov. 10. IntermenL ML Mik< The things you now c/ux>se| mother, Mrs. Virginia len Home for Sister Ger­ Mass, SL Bernadette’s church, OliveL Boulevard mortuaries. ads when they are ready together are the things you Thompson of Downey, Cal­ trude de Michel of the Nov. 20. IntermenL ML OliveL to make a decision and will always cherish most, k if.; his father, Jake Ortiz home. Rosary was recited Olinger mortuaries. SULLIVAN, Frances Patricia, to act — when they’re REGISTER of Los Angeles, Calif.; and Nov. 19. 601 S. University boulevard. "Kor Those Who Ca M O N U M E N T S j A KELZER, Fred A.. 3459 AlcotL Requiem Mass, SL Vincent de ready to buy. Ph. 659-3113 601 S. 4th Ave. BRIGHTON. COLORADO ^ or Distinction D istin ction ^ a sister, Miss Debra Anda- She is survived by a sis­ Requiem Mass, SL Patrick’s Paul church, Nov. 20. Inter­ W ANT ADS ^VSINCES S IN C E 1902^1902^^ sola, Downey, Calif. ter, Bridget McDonough of church, Nov. 18. IntermenL ML menL Ml OliveL Boulevard Ireland. OliveL Day-Noonan mortuary. mortuaries. Fast Action! 11930 W. 44th AVE. Independent Schools I./OW Cost! <24-7984 O P E N D A IL Y Meeting Scheduled Colorado Springs J The second annual Rocky Mountain Conference on X Foundations of Education CONVALESCENT CENTER & EXTENDED CARE FACILITY w ill be held Dec. 1-2 at ^ A b d L fiha/unaaf. „ MOTOR the Phipps Memorial Con­ SWIGERT BROS. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST J's HOTEL ference center of the Un­ 802 N. Weber iversity of Denver with AND RESTAURANT OPTOMETRISTS ME. 3-2069 Stay with "Jay” Professor Frank Kerins of C»la. Springs, Cala. 820 N. Nevada Devoted To Your Complete Vision Care Loretto Heights college and Professor Philip Perdew as Harry W. Swigert, O.D. OPTICIAN co-chairmen. J. D. CROUCH C. D. O’BRIEN Donlad E. Gooldy, O.D. Fred Sinaldone LOETSCHER^S Jerry R.Pederson, O.D FOR PATIENTS REQUIRING; i Cheiry Creek JERRY BREEN ■ Poet-Operative Routines - ■ Convalescent Procedures SUPER MARKET 1550 Califotnia SI. Florist 231 Detioir-St. COMPLETE ■ Physical Therapy & Full-time Activities ^ 534-5819 355-7042 1521 Champa Director QUALirr MtATS 266-Sm NURSING ■ Oxygen Therapy—Including Po». we Pressure 8 PRODUCE SERVICE ■ Tray Service, Special and Geriatrics Diets. Intravenous S t Gavage Feedings Quality Apparel NaHonall/ Advertised I General Medical Techniques IN COLORADO SPRINGS Brands of Groceries S IN C E 1872 524 W. Colorado Ave. coHscientious care I Pharmacy on Premises ■ Fireproof—NO-STEP Construction Kiowa and Tejon Streets

I ATTENDING CATHOUC CHAPLAIN makes Moward Service distinctive REALTY CALL OR VISIT PARK AVENUE MORTUARY MAY INSURANCE CO. HOWARD BERKELEY PARK MORTUARY MAGDALENE GARDENS INC. 73B NO. TEJOM H A M P D E N tA E M O R IA L E S T A T E S C E M E T E R Y • 222-1851 3131 S O U TH f e d e r a l BLVD. •ENGLEWOOD. COLO. 761-0260 Phone 633-7731 Colorado Springs Thursday, November 23, 1967 THE REGISTER Page Eleven Denver Girl Gets CYO Office; City Gets Convention Site

Miami Beach, Fla. — In addition, the federa­ president of the Denver Linda Lowry, St. Xx)uis, Seventeen-year-old Kenna tion selected Denver as the Cathedral CYO and former vice president; and Francis site of its 1969 convention. Van Etten of Denver was Spiritual committee chair­ Kardes, Wilmington, Del., elected to a two-year term The meeting, expected to man for the Archdiocesan treasurer. as secretary of the Nation­ attract 5,000 to 7,000 CYO CYO council, was elected Miss Van Etten was al Catholic Youth Organi­ members and their advis­ at the national convention nominated for national of­ zation federation (CYO) at ers, is scheduled in the as- of the organization. fice by Colorado’s 50 dele­ its biennial convention yet-incomplete Denver gates, who flew to the con­ here. Other officers named in­ Convention center. vention in a chartered cluded Michael McGowan, plane. Miss Van Etten, past Nederland, Tex., president; As a national officer, she f Scout News i:i will meet with the nation­ al CYO council twice a year to help formulate A d Altare Dei Retreats Slated programs. Review The Colorado delegation • was led by archdiocesan t Charles R. Shugarts and For Teen-Agers officers Michael Franklin, James P. Sullivan. Jr., Marsha King, and Mary chairman and vice chair­ Colorado Springs — The recollection for high school Lou Zeman. The Rev. Rob­ t Delegates Arrive at Destination man of the Scout Sunday Rev. Harry Allagree, and college students. At ert Syrianey, archdiocesan ceremoiiies. request that C.PP.S., will conduct high present he is full-time Colorado’s delegates to the National CYO fed­ priest and adult lay advisers, made the trip in a youth director, and Lex all Scouts working on their school student retreats chaplain and instructor in eration convention in Miami Beach, Fla., pose for plane chartered in copjunction with Wyoming Mulligan, CYO executive Ad Altare Dei keep in Dec. 1-3 and Dec. 8-11 at theology at Sacred Heart a picture after arriving at Miami International delegates — a group of 87 in all. Wyoming dele­ secretary, headed the mind the review to be held E l P om ar college. Wichita, Kans. airport Nov. 15. The Colorado delegates, with gates are not shown. • priests and lay advisers Dec. 10, 3 p.m.. at Cathed- retreat house. To make reservations or * These re- to request information con­ who accompanied the dele­ al high school. Details will gates. be mailed to unit leaders. . treats will be tact Mrs. Raymond Mutz, Pope Paul V I sent the Scouts in non-church spon­ d i alo g u e s - general chairman, Denver convention a message and sored units, who are work­ I with recollec­ area, 366-9858; chairman Vice President Hubert H. ing on this award and who tion periods of north district, Denver, Humphrey urged delegates need information should between dis- Mrs. Joseph Schohn, 466- to "take a hand in build­ contact the Denver Area Icussions. The 2778; chairman of east ing a better America’’ by Council office or any mem­ :hedule of Denver area, Mrs. Robert becoming involved in the ber of the Catholic Scout­ j activities in- Appel, 366-6489; chairman war against poverty. ing committee. _ elude spiritu- of south Denver area, Mrs. Pr.AU.ir.. al talL, a R. Joseph Ottero, 781-3550; Bible service, evening chairman of Colorado Bishop Paul F. Tanner, Scouting Mass, and benediction. Springs area, Mrs. Flor­ general secretary of the Committee Father Allagree is a ence Campbell, 473-0265; National Conference of member o f the Society of or Sister registrar at El Catholic Bishops, told Col. William J. Allen Jr., the Precious Blood in the Pomar, 632-2451. them: "Somehow or other requests that all committee Kansas City province. For Retreats begin Friday you are different from the members attend a break­ the past three years he with dinner at 6 p.m., and youth that walk in and out fast meeting Dec. 9, 8 has conducted retreats, closes Sunday afternoon of the sensational head­ a.m., at Grampy’s Pancake workshops, and days of after benediction at 3 p.m. lines of today’s paper,’’ House, 865 S. Colorado boulevard, to receive in­ structions on the "Consul- tor’s Program.’’ St. Vincent At a Court of Honor held at St. Vincent de Paul par­ NOW ish, the following Scouts received advancement awards: second class — Joseph Donegan. Steven Donegan, Regis Donavon, AVAILABLE Daniel Jesse, Francis Jesse, Dennis Kraeraer, Paul Miller, Keith Weber, Ste­ phen Whittington; first class — Terry Rees. Music merit badge, Terry Rees. 1967-68 Congratulations OKered Delegote ANNUAL EDITION OF Tim Rev. Robert Syrianey offers his congratulations to Kenna Van Etten CYO of Denver, new secretary, and President-elect Mike McGowan of Neder­ Frank McGlone, chair­ land, Tex., of the National C YO federation. The new officers serve two-year man of Colorado’s voting THE OFFICIAL CATHOLIC DIRECTORY delegation of seven at ACTIVITIES term s — until the next biennial convention, in Denver in 1969. Shown be­ I I the CYO convention, hind Father Syrianey is Colorado delegate Kevin Fonk. Blessed Sacrament takes the microphone to AND TELEPHONE GUIDE cast a unit ballot. Detective John Gray of the Intelligence division of the Denver Police depart­ m ent w ill speak at a Youth special public meeting ARCHDIOCESE Chartered sponsored by the Blessed OF DENVER The Borromeo Civics Sac r am ent Club of St. Charles’ school, CYO at 7:30 HOT Stratton, received its offi­ p.m., Nov. cial charter from the com­ 24, in Mache- mission on American Citi­ b eu f high zenship in Washington. 1school. OFF The charter formally Jeha Oray Gray w ill recognizes affiliation of the discuss Denver’s current local unit with the nation­ problem of control of ille­ al organization at the gal traffic and use of nar­ Catholic University of cotics. THE America. Finalist All Saints Panel Discussion Leaders A student at Cathedral All Saints CYO is spon­ Members of the Colorado CYO delegation presented a panel discussion high school is among 1,028 soring a dance in the PRESS on youth leadership. Shown during the discussion are, from left, Marsha finalists nationwide in the school hall from 8 to 11 King, Trevethan, the Rev. Robert Syrianey. (moderator), panel chairman National Achievement p.m. Nov. 25. Music will Mike Franklin, Mary Lou Zeman, and D’Nell Hovorka. Scholarship Program for be by the Radio Free Eu­ outstanding Negro stu­ rope group. Cost is $1 with dents, Sister Benedict,' a membership card and principal, announced. $1.25 otherwise. WHAT’ S IN THE DIRECTORY? Listing of The finalist, Alexis Mc- Christ the King Luster, remains in compe­ • All pastors« assiftants.'^. ' tition for more than 250 Christ the King CYO • All Catholic school principals. four-year achievement will hold a meeting for all • All Suporiors of Catholic Ctfnvanfs, hospitals, scholarships ranging in ninth through 12th graders colleges, high schools, and Imtitutlofis. value from $1,000 to $6,- of the parish on Nov. 26 in • Dotailed information ‘on ovory. parish and 000. the parish hall at 7:30 mission in tho Archdiocosa — addrossos, tima p.m. Plans for a Christmas of Masses, rectory and convent phono numbers. The newspaper is convenient; it dance, ski trips, inter-faith may be consulted at a time most convenient to every member of the discussions and other ac­ family. tivities will be discussed. No matter what you're looking for . . . you'll find it in this annual edition of the official directory of the Arch­ diocese of Denver. SOME PEOPLE WILL .4LL TIIKV ; HAVE TO THEIR RELATIVES. Their hard-earned j money is sometimes spent very freely. ORDER DIRECTORY DEPARTMENT I WISE PEOPLE WANT TO LEAVE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER THEIR LOVED O.N’ES .MORE THAN MERE P.O. Box 1620 THINGS. They leave a spiritual inheritance through TODAY I Him from Whom all blessings flow. Denver/ Colorado 80201 As soon as published, send copy BE WISE. Aside from a Will for your loved ones, (copies) of THE CATHOLIC DIRECTO­ I Uke out an ANNUITY. Your funds will bring you R Y for the Archdiocese of Denver for generous returns as long as you live, and will keep $200 1967-68 to; • on supporting God’s work and will draw endless blessings for you and your dear ones. Postpaid ‘ (Name) SOCIEH'Y OF THE D IVIN E WORD V ery Rev. Joseph Francis. S.V.D. Ills Wilihire Blvd., Los Angeles. Calif. 90017 (Address) Colorado Caucus Please send me information on yotir Annuity Plan. My I age is and I am considering an Annuity of $______■ '(C ity)'...... ’ Four members of Colorado’s CYO delegation discuss their next voting I Name ...... Please Find Enclosed $ ...... move. Shown, left to right, are Tim Nusse, Joanie O’Riglio, Patty Nichols, I Address ...... Check □ M.O. □ Cash □ and Frank McGlone Boys w ear colorful ski cap that constituted the dele­ I City ...... S ta te ...... Zip . . . R gation’s ’’uniform.” Boys and girl in background wear the black cowboy hats that distinguished the Wyoming delegation. (Photos by Glenn Ellis) i Page Twelve THE REGISTER Thursday, November 23, 1967 r I YEAR OF FAITH t MISSION i BY THE FRANCISCAN FATHERS t


N O V. 2 7 DEC. 1ST

DAILY The Pope has asked fo r . o great act of I " 8:00 a.m . faith throughout the

MASS Church ... Our request SERMON is both simple and great

. . . We wish to offer to

12:15 p. ju the blessed Apostles a of MASS th I SERMON simple profession of faith: one that is individual 5:15 p and collective, free and 4- MASS deliberate, internal and SERMON external, humble and

fra n k."

7:30 p.m. ... Pope Paul VI frii by cor MASS ust SERMON ser a I to sor US€ the ent lea few

un< Ho chi ins Great Martyrs for the Faith reh

STS. PETER and PAUL F>er the par stre sior aroi CONFESSIONS: add A wa^ war BEFORE - DURING - and AFTER - ALL SERVICES teni

1 Fini lies .situ out also ST. ELIZABETH'S CHURCH sons the

F keej 11th and Curtis St. viev Run she hea , i thal wou of c I repl I ^The Monastery of the Franciscan rule Th Fathers and Brothers’’ cles upor chos p>ersi blan the Take Bus No. 50 to Church Door his I itani