Liturgy becomesfirst subject for deliberation by council

'l'rventy-one VATICAN CITY - l'nthcrs o[ thc gcnelal council opened tlebate on tlle litulgy trt thc {ourth gcneral congregation.

Among those 1:articipating in the rliscussion rt thc closecl meeting (Oct. 22) rvere Cardinal , -.._-_ Archbishop o{ Ncrv York, and Archbishop Ilgidio Vag- nozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the .

The council prcss office said in a bulletin that the liiurgy rvas schedulcd as tlte first topic lte-

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Relared slory, Page 3


cause the work o{ the eorrncil is tlilccted primalily lorvartl tlte task of an intclnal renerval of tltr: The firsl order of business Church. was lhe reading of lhe names of ihc presenied Fathers elected lo posls on GOVERNOR BACKS CATHOLIC YOUTH WEEK--Governor Mallhew E. Welsh a letler of projecl sacled lit- Thc on the fhree commissions which had rndorsemenl lhis week noting the observrnce of Nafional Catholic Youth Week-Ocfober 28 through prcfnce rurgy consists of a and nol been rnnounced previously. - November i[-io Indianrpolis Dernery Youlh Council Presidenl Jerry Traub of Sl. Philip Neri , cight chapters. "to jly::_.:i-rNo raHa, o*Js ER 26,re62 rnd Frfher John Elford, Archdiocesrn CYO Direclor, In hir letler the Governor urges all assisl or,' "' staffpho'o - .t::::ll1jii'::-. ITJ:T::l""l :i i1'-::i1t.i9i { ) 'l '1. IltI CURAIV C'I?IS/S 'I'he A lVord l,'ronl i\rclI(IIOccsc Ar.r:hbish0p to obscrvc Catholicforeigtr affairs 'l'0 illll.; ('l,l';tt(i\'. Itlil,l(iIOUS ANfJ l,AI'l'\' OI,."l'lllrl Att('llDlOC[]Sll OF INDIAI\APOLI|; YouthWcck Thc lirst chrpier ends wif h GITEIL'I'IN(iS: paragrrphs concerning liturgi" lN EXPLAINING rvh1, thc 'l'lrousanrls crl life in lhe diocese and in thc experts pcoplc voice reaction ol' 5'ottttg itt cottneiI took up tlre liturgy Iirst, prrish and wilh wayr of pro- lhc .,\r'cltrlirrccsc u'ill .ioitt ncxt tltr: council l)rcss officc saitl: pasiora! "'l'lre rvcr'li irr lhc lllth irrrrrrral obsclr,- moting action. rvork of Ilcdenrptir)ll, I)re. ntissik irrstalllrtirrrrs ('alltolic BULLETIN tlirectetl ancc' ol Natiotral Youtlt annotrrrcetl b-r' tiotl in tlre Sacr.crl against the S0r'irt trnion und r.e. \1'cr:k. Spccial lcligiorrs. culturll Scliplulc antl fulfillcd b1. (tlrlist. "a anrl .social activitic.s at'c sr:ltctl- is corrtinuct[ in thc (thrrlclr r:lriclly fct'ttrl to this as r:orrstarrt irri- rult:tl in a nrrrnlrt:r u{ ritics. in- thlough tlre litrrrg-r., thlough lhc lanl l{) tlr(' t.S.S.R." ('ross clutIrrl{ lnrlranirpoli.s. llirhnrorrtl Sattificc of tlrc Pelpetually antl Llh-runringlon. t'cnewerl on lhe altar., llrrrxrglr thc 'l'hcnrc saertlncnts anrl tlrr.ough tlaily of tlre tralirlttal obsr'r'\'- Wc talte this occasion to thank "llevct'cnt It'ibutc of public pra1,cr.." attcc is Yotttlt---1,o1'al all tltose u'hr-ruolk uitlr ancl fol " 'l'lrr l,carlt'rs. pless offict"s lrullctirr 1'outh iri ilrc rr:rn.rcol' lhc (lhurclr, sairl 'l'lrc tltat litulgy roultl bc tlcfirred as trltctlrer irr thc ficld of educittion Ittrliatrapolis olrsq.r'r'iule,c "rvolslrip ruulclt'rl to (iorl hy ilrc atttl t'eligious irrstrrrctirtrrol irr tlrc rlill lrcgitr Surrrlal'. ()cl. :ti. \\'llon Chrrlch. It is lru{ orrlS' an erter.- less folnr;rl lxrI no lcss inrnortarrt 4{x} .1'ouths .(ather in tlrr' l,ittlc ttal antl settsibk: l)al.l ()f thc NOTING THAT Pr.csitlt'nt Xcu- J''lorvcl aurljtolitrrn lirr' :r Cout- fickls ot,;trllrrr';rl.sot'iirl, or irlhlctic rvolship ot' an ittstruclrr.c ct'rtr- tterll' lrntl calltd for. UN supt'r- nrtrnion Illclrkfast t() c{}nllllcll(}- recreatiou. All o{ tlrcse givc trrotrial; ncitlrcl t:an it I'r't'sitlont Kcnncrl.r' a tcleEt attt vrsion of orrr ('hrist llc con. lht' rlisuutnt ling of thc ratr the l,'cast of tlrc Iiing "tht' "I pcolrlc so trliulv ties lo lhc sirlcLcrl as n sinrpltr coiicction ot' strppoii ing ntcitsltrcs of t'rrhlrr installltious, he saitl: )'oung an(l Nati()nul Yrrullt (irrttrrtttttirrtr LJ.S.frishops giliut:rte Clturch grcat tltc larvs anrl pr.cccpt:; thlotrglr le soll.tlcfcusc" takcn b.v sugqest thal. a rvillirrgnt'ss to erntl coutributc irr Suttrli4'. AIass rrill be rclcblatt'd rt'ltitrlt llrt' ccclt'siaslieal hir:r- I\lt'. Kcnnr:tl1'. ilcccpt in t'xcll:rrrgt' a sinrilnl lneasure lo the etcln;rl salvatiorr in l,ittlc lflxvcr (-llrrrlr:lr itt 8:45 r'l at'chy guvelns lhc aels o[ rvor- supolvisr,d tlisnrantling of r\nrrr.i. ol tlteir souls. ; 'fhouglr ilssrgnc([ [0 slrigr. rtot combinirrtl cln nrissiL' bases ahronrl dilectetl We ltave iu orrr Alchtliocese il fine system of {jatlrnlic u,ithirr rlscl!' llrc rvllrlc irclir.ily of itt tlrt: Suvict llniorr n.oultl br.: thc -to grtn('l'ous lrarochiul aurl.s.ccondary st:hools, thtrnks the ilroughtfrrl- iiro t,llur'(.iI. lrturl-gy is tlrt- tirnt kin(i {}f cottccssion the floryl gllr:c lhll'[,';rlhor ttess erutl strcrificcs of our pricsts aul laity. We hariir rrlso 1y|1i.1, fkl11'5 anrl is sa1's nrusl bo rtrade coillmissions tltc telnrirrus lo rvlriclr irt lht' intoltst of a well establishcd Catholic \foutlr sorrls ar.e llclet:." Or.ganiiatiell to provirlc tlit'cctctl. " Jor tlte cxtrir-school nccrls of orrr youtlr. As rve ar.u iorrtirur- VA'l'lCr\N Cl'l'Y-'l'lrt' elcctiutts I''a{hcr l)unnr: sa irl ller.liu is "anothor .u'hcltr aily alxious lhal all chikh'cu shoirld havc tlre possibility o{i fol the l0 sllccializerl rvolkitrg t('Ilsiolt point attatttlirrg (lalholic sclrools, \t'cr ult'e also errrxious ilrerl l.hcir cornrrrissions of tlrc Secorrrl \/lti- Urrity c()nlnlission .r.lrllr\l'ous r,rrrrr.r'ssions ill.e p()s- ca!l llottncil gilve substanlial sihle." I)escribin{ tlrt' ti.S. po,si- out-of-school rrcctls shoultl bc fulfillcd thr.ough par.ticipation l,'alltot' (lt,ot'grr ll. l)ttttnc, S..f,, "irnlrossihlt' TUESDAY EVENING, (l(:tol)ct' rr'plcscntatiorr tu bislrops Il'onl lion tlrclc ls to irr thc progrilnls illl(l activilies of the t'\'O. Iror: this fcasorl assistattl fot' ittlt't'ttttlitrrt:rllffaits tlrc Uuitcrl Stntcs Canarla. given e(lutl slulus

u'as a stutly of ncighbotltootl as^ 1nnlmiiliiii[l scts antl liabilitics, assistetl lry thc leenoxrmATE NUMBER oF cHuRcHEs f)epaltment o1' Du- E rN u u.s. ;,;;;; = Sociokrgy (Fieurcr quesnc Llnivcrsity. ero by Metror::::r::.., The church itself can bc r = = resources to lhe neighborhood = & Synrgosuer ==CotholicOnly ! e{forl in mrny w.yr besides E Pittstrurgh ...... ,, t8o0 supFlying lerdership- soo = I Peoria gs5 2I = lt can cncour.'age physical irn- York . E L"t-- ...... s0o0 l0U0 = prlovemcrtts lry rno<[ct'niilittg and 3 St. Louis .. . 1100 2?S bcautifying its oln propetty, cau = =Boston.j.:...... ,.,ti00 S50 = r)IrLau up many o{ its facilitics lot' Ciiy. ! { ,. ?00 s0 = conttrtunity us(rr art(l sotuetimcs Oklahorna . can supply uroney. St. Leo and 3 .City s:to s0 = San .. gjo St. Sabina i'arisltcs iu (llticitgo E -I-r'ancisco t?0 = each supply scr,cral tltousand tlol' E Ptrrtland Indianapolis tnrs annually fol lhe lttulget of ! :i5o .g = tlre rencrval association in tltcir 3 Baltinrore ...... Bou tuo = ill'cn, the Organization of thc E rrubuque ?0 tl Southrvest (-lotn tttunit Y. = llany clrrtt'ch rlcnolttittations i'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillilililililliiliilliniliiulliiiiiiiililliiiiililnilF progratns hlvc lalge nlganizcrl of A grett deal is yet to be lear.netl par.t b1. . S:l?J,000li.or.d Iounda^ social selvice. adntinistelctl ou about the role of tho rreighborlrood tiort qt'ltt1. a city-rvitlc lcvcl. r\s trlattltcrv cltttrclt in urbRtt rlevelopntertt, Iulpoltrrrr('c.of thc elruLeh's Ahnurnn, cxectttive director of tlte role ls )tlmtltr''.(lttP Ir1'thc Nllional Catholie Confcronce for A C T I O N-Ilotrsing,Pittsbulgl's rvordsof Fa- lntcllacial Justice saitl rcccull.v: civic.agr:.c1' conccnrr.aril{ iiii,,,1,,,I'it,,ret*.o...,.l Itousittg ,ol, .ll,i,:iii:'.',',iiiii fj ,i,: "We and rene*'al. hi:.-,ii1..1,:: should givc morc serious ir.rii.:.,",r ncighberr.. rion.rcsoarclr project ,:::.1::;-:.ri: thought lo how lhese social rerv- i;;i;;t.;'),,irt,rlrr.glr. u.tro reccuus. scruitinizing a Cartrotic l].\i:..t11 ice programs can be used on a .l liii,i'^i' ,i .1,i,,,,,,,,,,,1. lllrurins: lJrolcsIanl clnrrch. anrl a .]ervish local neighborhood basis lo ,,When s]'nagogue, each in a tliifelcnt dilapidaied housing, meel lhe needs of on under. I'itlsbrrt'gh neighbor.hotrd. rrcirl lension, and unernplo!. problem-filled skilled, neighbor- 'l'lris on desptir and rpir' hood. People here nre nol project is sr.uking rir rlc. T"nJ rlual people ara held oriented foward downlown agen- tc't'nrirrc the fult potcntiil of the ,blight. beck.{rom salvafion' Then lhc cies, we rhould bring lhe pro- neiiiltholhootl ttrurctr iuL pi,iic' parish, church has a grerl rr' gra ms lo our pa rirh cenlers, iplttion in colrrrrrurity r,.,reri"l ni- sp0nsibility lo icf." and open lhem lo lhc iolal com- irlts, rvithirr the clrurch's rrrissirrrr. munily there," it.ttrl-is bt'ing calr.icrl r.rul lr1. l)r., L'liffold IIarn. lle cites lrru sttch l)r'ugratrls. When decay and disorder bc. "Clot'ktorvrt" Wm.Weber & Sons onc oporilling in lltt "lrtlrt:t'1.,611..s gin lo swallow up rn urban ot J.'itre lletrtst' palish of lfatlrcr (llenrcnt Kcltt itt neighborhood, churches frcc r Beech Grove, lndianr l)clloil: the olhel in I'lrila- queslion of survival and lhc sT 7.t391 rlrlphia's (iestt ['at'ish. llLcittlttl Iislt I'ortionri l'0r chrllenge of r new mission. Renewol Manager in lhe Homewood-Brushlon area of Pitlsburgh, 'l'lrlough conrtttrttri{1' pallicip;r- li'ish t'r.ics (,hurcrrcsrr,otare .our.l,l1,.,l.j i;:::i;.:li#:,ll"j'ff ,;:ll,ffii:il: :l#:,r[.i;"#:'X,J]. lion, cllulcltcs hat.e iln op[){il' arrd inraginative in nteeting trrrritl' to irtsrrle {lritt neigltbot'ltoorl borhood problems' chlnge. ale arlre tr-r serve rvell Irlannin( is

THE BISHOP snitl his lurrrr. lontl iuulicnce rvith tlrtr l'opc 'nls "socill botlt anrl set'iotts." lk, "urotr statetl that I'opc John is r';rtcrl ottl!' b.v rhrtrp lovr: llrrl furr- ( llrangr: le(l t:r,Lrtirt ltis lrctlt" irr his lttlrnuts lx.r'rnil Lr-r lcach nott'Callrolics. "lIis itt r:lrarrtt:rlMuss Itttutblc siurplicitl is .srrclr tlrat il lrirles ltis grcnt sclrol;rr'- ('orsoo ('olo. ,-'l'ht' slrip." 13islrolt also saitl. I'i:ri:lll,( t. l)ior,est' "lrc lntl is irs placticirl as hc is ol l'tttlllo hlts lutetr givln;rlt'- sincclc--fully arvrlc of the nruny tttirisiou l11,llre llrilv licr' lrr have atrrl gleat ollslaclrs to Clrlistiln tltc llpistle or l,cssrrr) i, {l th(! unily," (lospcl pltrt'lirirnctl in l,)ngrish iur, tttttdiatell' altcl tlrcil lccilaliorr THE SISHOP snirl that n'hcn itt l,atin r,lrrlirrg surrg Illsst:s. lrr outlitrcd the scopc nnrl plob, 'l'lrr: Slclcrl ('ortgr.r';1ll iort of Icrrrs ol lhc l\kl'kl Slutlrrrrlis{. (-'outtcil, llites. irr lr lcsr:r'ipt

{nulnnnntunlnnnuunnlnmnmmnnllnltrttltttttttttttttttllnllnnmnmlumnmnuuTHE CHURCH AND THE WORLD l|||||||||l|l|l|l|||||l|||||l||||||||ll|lll||t||||||||||||||||||||||||lt|t||||l|||||l||||||||||||||||||||ll||||ll||||[ilE "f *issiorts- Holy - = Growth Seeaids tN Puris strike = (,]hicago The Vatican pcr ccnI ol thc polrulation tiutt of a trcrv ltitual ilt both llun- in t$ti0 n'as Catholic rlhilc ,1t.4 gat'iun anrl Latin in all Cat.holic 'l'his pcr ccnt of tht subrtt'llan popula. lralislrcs of ilrrngary. tvill lion tlatholic. be the filst tinre that thc vcr. nacrrlaL u'ill ltc us, in llaptisnr, Abroad mnn'ilgc. luncral autl othcl litcs.

I r\lllDHLl,lN. eoloutbia - .\ I'repalcd b,v a sprcial crllll nlis- siou appointt'tl bt tlrc llungar.iarr Colonrbian r\r'chlrishop ltas tlccitl- liishops iu lSir8, thc ncrr' 3l{'pagt. ed to give his inhelitance atttl tlre trse' of lris lrorrse I'ol the bencf it of rvorkcrs ancl the poor'. At'ch- bislrop 1\rlio lloteto Salazal of i\letlt'llin said llrat his f:rnrily in- Itttilatrcc is not srr lar'ge as sortre git'e Grinrteiner tltiuk, Irrrl {lrl{ lrc s'ill it FuneralHome "to all, thc IasI cen[. keeping Established 1854 none at all" Iol hinrsel[. The GEORGEN. GRINSTEINER HAROLDD. UNGER At'chllisltop ha.s tlcciderl to t'cni a MElrose 2.5374 160l East St. tnorlest house to scfve as a resl. rlence. maliing the alchiepiscopal 'l'inrt

I Heclth, Educalion and Wel- 'i;JrJiill' fare Secrelrry Anlhony J. Cele. sll||rt'l' ll0l,,l-,s $66.94 brerrc rrid here he lhinks Assorled Colors lo Choosc Federal aid lo grcde (50SO. YDS, AND UNDFR) From. (Additionrl Charge rnd high rchoolr would be un. for Preprring Floors if conrlilulional. Colebrerre add. Necessary. ed, however, lhrl he frvorr ) T**r"fu',t private Fcdercl rid fo colleges lN ANOTHER cxantple, lleslr rnd univerrities, including lhose in the tninrls of the bishops be- conducted by religious groupr, /'az lattse the nerv vctsion wns au- by I'opc,lolrn only lasl O I'rcl;irlent Kcnnetl.v has signetl At A RealSavings for Youl .lanuary, plicsls havc llccn di irrlo larv a bill lcrnovinlt ln anli- lected to cxplain lhc r,ar.ious Iubvelsivt nlfirlavit lerlrrilcd oI blcssings ol' consccratirrns 0f lclchcls attrl shrrlcnts rvho Reg.$6.95 to $9.95 gl'iurt('(l chtu'ches, allals, ('cnl0lclics artrl arc l,'crk:r'll frrnds. I'rc. tltc likc in a kinrl of pastolal viottsll' thtsc rccipitlttts of tJ.S. prcpa la tion. aitl, eithel tlrrough loans unrlcl tlrc lf)58 National l)r.lirnst: !.ltltrca. tl the bislrrrps rue lcl,y accclelatc {ion Act ol'gllnts frll lesoarclr l.his plan of litrrlgieal r.cnerval frour (lre National Scicncc l,'oun- lhcy u,ill lrave accontplishcd 'l'hey rliltion. rvrlrr rcrlrrilt'tl tu sign an much. can haldly get dorvn afl'ir!;rvit staling tlrr:y rlirl noI to tlctails of J.r'n5'cl texts nt ile'licve in, bclong [(] ol sul)Jnr[ illass, the grcattlt' valir:Ly rn Ve'll ltoll It Out! an1' olganiztliott intortl on ()ver'. I{CL'TKAMP ELEC'I'RTC Upistlos and Gospcls at t\[ass that SERVICE lh|orv 0f tho tl.S. grlvoItrnrent by St. Louis 25, Mo., Evaosvlllc. tnd., has bccn so oftcll suggcstOd, et(:. 'l'he See lYlmt l'ou lluv! Centralia, lll [orcc or illcgal nrcthutl. ncu' Mrs. Clara Reynolds Itul lhey can open thc rloot's to las, substitutcs n yl'ovision nrak' srrch rlesirable progress, to stintrr, Decoralor Counselor rng it illcgal Iol artl'one to appl-v late llrc faith and pict.1' of all the l'ol erlucatiottal airl if lte is a nrcrnbcrs of thc Clrurch. Worry FreeApartment Living (:()iltlltillllst. \ All llris has a special nrcanirrg Nc DownPayment - Up to 60 Monthsto Pay E{ficiency, I and 2 bedroom apart- in view of the I'ope's rlesil.s th.1 I tIIIICACO---(lalhulir' populalion lhe inncl rcnewal oI fllrrrrclr lifr: in tlre Clticaro alchrlioecsr. t,ill lsr PAYMENT lN DECEMBER ments in SS, Peter and Paul Parish. * - gAY should a go u1l b1' onr. rrtillion pr'fs(lrs l))' ACCOUNTS Also close to in other be first stcp in nraking FL[l[lR 30-60-90 lhe Church bettcr rrntlerstood lff8ir. attrl u'ill slrilt nraIkt'illt' pa|ts of the cil,y. Rental rates to suil and adrnircd b1' tlrose scpalatcd l'r'urrr Irortr tho crl) l() llro srrbtrr'bs. l'lrc OPEN MONDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY 9 fo ? your needs. Stttp ln foi' listings at it. Olthodos antl Protestnnl olr- (latholic pol)ulittl{)n no\r' :itatt{ls itt 9 to 5:30 'l'hts TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY 850 N. Penn., or call l\'lElrose 4-555b :t-rrvcrs at the eouncil ale vclv :l.l{i:i.:i80. is lhc surnrilat',r' CtlVERINE ' any day, including Sunday. much in the minds of all, anrl il of rcsealch tlonc lt.r' tltc fllticagu | * INC' Brand New Fronl'Door Parking is clear nothing tt [.'onst't'r'at ion (]otttr. that can nrake r\ rt:hrliot:esa 37OI N. SHADELAND "Your the Church mofc eornprchensiblc ril. chalactclizctl lt5' tltt rlit'r'r:lor. Ll 7-3414 FfoorCovering Store" ;rnd in fact tnore attractive tlran llsgr.,lr,)lrn.l, l') lllc Itrsl One'Stop a ronerycrl rrrrl rital life of ('atho- oJ its kirrrl tlont in ;rtt1 [.S. tltu' 'l'ltl jlfl lir: wo.lship {:csl.. l t'ltrrtl slllrv> {llll

Tge cnlrERtoN, ocroBER 26, rg6i PAGE FIVE . THE YARDSTICK . VHAT Ofr'THE DAY A matter 0f viewpoint Liberal 'imbalance'

By REV. ANDREWGREELEY thll. tlre tlttestionittg of sorrre ol' By REV. JOHN DORAN its clicltes is takctr by a corrsidcr- able nuurbtr of people to lre a pcrsonal af{rout. Last spliug I journe)'cd rvith trvo non-Catholic sociological colleagucs to a Cath- olie cducational mccting to re- port rvhat u'c hatl lcamctl abolrt eatholic collcgcs in a hrge la- tional survcl. a

lilillililllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllilllliiillllllllllliliilllllllliiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii['Council Iloryetel', our f ittdittiqs wr)l'r! bitterly atlirelierl ironr the lloor. Fathers'defined It u'as poiutr.d ouI horv Irot'rilllt: '-council \ri\'['[(]'\N CI'lY-*'l'lrr: tclnr Fathcl.s" thiugs uere iu (latholic (:oll(:gcs, ur drs- Iuru' tiifficult il uas to rrrtrirrtaiu lratclres aboul tlre ecunrenical eount-'il is rlciined in council lcgula- "tltc acarlcrnic lreetlorrr, lrorv lltilnl' Iirrns as llislrops urrrl otltt't's r:rtllctl to llre rrouncil." anti.intcllcctuals \\'r.rc ctilfugc 'l'lris rlrr-rrrlr irrcludt's all t:ltt'rlittals, lrirtlialclrs. arclrltislrops. resr, prcsidcttts, antl Irorv urrintclcslerl tlt'ttti:tl llislurl)s {r'\L'rr tl}()tlgh tllc}'ltart'ttu[.tct bectt ool)scefittcd), antl unintcrcsting tllt sturlcrrts Irt'urls of intlelrendcnt rbhe.vs and plclatulcs, altbo{s prinrltc, rbbots tl'ef e. Protes l an ts arc) urged rylttr at'e silIt:r'i0ts ()l' llloilirili(' (''('gilti(tns alttl sttllct'iors g(:nctal I r'as not .^speeialll',tl 0l' ()x0lllpl tl()nlll'0liitti0ll\ of llt'ligirttts. r\lsrt iltclttdctl in th0 lttrll b1' this outburst. but nr1, col. lour oliirrg thc louttcil l'rr't' rittxiliat'1' llishops. leagtrus tiere sorrrerlhlt tnkcn al)acii. One uf lherrt rcrrralkcr[ to to analyztr 0wn Iaults "l\'hal rtrr.:later, rrrakes f ho-sc gul's NnW tltink tlrey hrvc n rnonopol.v orr YOIiK*A traiholic la,r- a nti-int cl lcctr ral isnr'l'' ttrlr:i \\'l'i1i11g in a national ruaga. So'esst'ttli:rl rs tlre gloornl r'ilrv zinc ltas urged Proler;tilnts to be of thc statr, of lhc r\nre ric;rrr as t'r:arl1' to induli{e in self-criti- L.ltttrch that onr is rorlrrilcrl to cisur as irr eriticisur of Catholics. conrplairr about lit.tle things that l)anit'l ('allahnn. art-- llarJ arrrl igrrorc nrirjol tr.cntts associaic rtli 'l'hrrs tlrat arr: goorl. onc tt t'itt'r. il1ililiiiiiiiiiiiiii1iiiiiiii1i111ii111i111i111iiiiiiiiiiiii1iifiiiiiiii|||iii1ifiirlol of ('onrrrronu o:tl nrlgazirre lell. contpellr:rf lo lrcrrroatr tltc -c:l(l irlr(l a foullrlf tcatrhing lellol in stirle l[ ilrrl]' \itlrtc ( 6ltlltttlttir'tt liotnrn Citthoiic stutlics iu ihe lrleakfa:sts antl ignoru flrc I'o- lllrr artl l)ivinitl' School. srirl ntr|kablt' grontlt of first rattl [,u,Lr,ncl!,tlri'ue 500 "as lcclure fotrrnrs in nran.r' pali-slrt's. fo, ['roit'starrts shorrld be rlrrick r\ttotlrtt' fclt chcltctl ltcclrrsc !o lorrk canrlirlll' at tlrenrselves: hc hatl lto sir)' ls l.u rrlretlret' his tu obst'fve their orvn uses of tlattghtcr s'as to s'e al a sclrool lrcme rnission Lllt'kers poliiictl porver'. theil os'n failtrres rtilif{rtlil trl' ilot, Ilt0rtl'lt 0ttc is lo rnisc a proplretic uoit.c in srr. " rularritre of an1. plivatc schuol irr \\',\Slll\(i'l'{t^v --- Plllls f{)f ll u ilh r wceh of olictttation rtu cit'ty. tlrr-' countly tha{ t:ontctfus sut:h lr canrpirigl l{} r'(!(.tuit irtttt in5'peopltr August 23. ltl03. part-.rrts t'i11ht to tlrc of its pupil-s- {o st,t'r'e itt llrer r\rrrclicart ltottttr IItr said tltat trrrla.v tltcte lle Auotltcl I't,peatctl tlrc absolrrtcly trrissions in ll)1;:i rvet'e disclosctl sourc 180 [.]xtertsintt [,41' 1',,,,,tt- intlispensable clichc al:out parislr Itct'c hy f lrc tlit'r:ctol of tltc Ilx. tecls {r'our 51} U.S. Sccs rvot'kittg siztr ittter'fcrirrg rvith tlx: pastol tensiorr [,a.y \;ohrntccls. in ti5 palishcs antl institutions in "'l'his litto*'ing the namcs ul all his is nol a pfogllllr Ior' l.ouisilna, ll'cxas, [Iissouri. \1.t'- lteoplc. dcspitc tlrc facl, ilrat rvclli (lalltolics." saitl l,'atlrcr' onring, \t'blaska, Iilrtsas,,\r'liatt- $IHOtIC palishes tttany surall alc tornbs .lohtt ,t. Srrllivarr of (lhica(o, s;rs. Oltlulrrrrnit. (blot'arlo antl Ne** "'l'lrr'rc a:i faf as tltc apostolalt llrrr,s itnrl is to trrrlu in tltt' I,ixtcn- Ncxir:o. llt: arkletl tltal scr'ttt:tl sourc hrgt: ltal'islrcs alc llrrsl.lirrg siott l,it]' \'oltutit'cls lirl cscaltisls ulhcr st;rtes and l)ttut'irr ltieo rvill eetrtrrfs of activitl', SATVAGE u'lto alt' t'ttrrnirtrl ;rri':t1 l:rrtrr tlrc lrl ltltkrrl irt tltt: ll)Gil l)rlrSrilIll. 'l'lrt, a olrlir.{:ttiottsol' tlrr,it' :1;rlr: irr lilt.." 'l'ltr: rlit't,r'tor sitirl lltc t'rtltltttt:tt's Sr.r s:tct'r,rl ltittr lltq scll..ct.itrt.:rl rlilcr:Itrl oi tlrr' [)f(]l.irl r]r ilt(' itssir.llt(,(l(ltilv l{l lrUlltr' Ittis- ('ullrolic r:or\.s lret'oru(,. lllilt onc $uslxr('1s slxrttsrrt'r'rllt) tht' t'lrtrlClr siotts tt'ltot0 lttcitl ptts,rttnt'I ir ttol. Arr:lrdio('ese r)lxrns BUREAU y, t lt:tt tltr:1' halc ltcr'ornt' pirl't ol ['jstt'ttsirrtt S,rt'it't]' lriclt llrs allilalllc to lill spcciiic rtceti-s. ('lticlgu '['ho1' tlttr llrtsrrltillilv stl'ur.1ilt'(.rrl' lr llrit' Itt'rirlqttatlr't's itt :uirl tlrc alr stttvitr!l us tt'aclrt'ts rtr ()t:uliort lltnrtlr{'t' of. ploplr,. tltttl. tlrt'1- ltr.r' itt{l'r'olttttlt,t't': {l;tl rrrttst llr' ttrr,l t,lctlr,trll.r'1 ;rtttl hiqh st'lltxrlr, i1e \ cnntplii{u lo lilrrrrllirrrl lr':rilrrrit. in. lrr Ittirl \lutr'lr. lllriii,sr) tltitl rl('li Ir,n\ils illl{l catt'rht'tirlirl ttrtt'lit't's. NEEDS ilie tcrl Ll r,uriorrs relil.{iorrs rr lru trilc lrtilttt' ltriisirllt ltssi{llnlr'nts ttrtLscs itt llolilr' nti-.rloil r.'Jittics ItaLt' lrt,r,tt srtlrslittrtt, Ilrllrr,r' lil t'utt lrt' ('(|lllifln(,{l ll1 .}rrnc I, lttttl palisltcs. Nt:wtttlrtt (']ult ot' YOUR lrt'r.siu {lrt'ir lirts. 11:rttittlts itt,\t)ctllAf t'olh'rit's lrtttl FATHER SULLIVAN spolil irl Scll,t'riticistrt ttlr5' tltrr. lrc r-ioorl ;r\ \r)('iirl rltrtlit'r's itt tlru rltlltttd' llrr' (';rtlrrrlir' I trilclsill r)l .'\ntil'. iltcrirpl lot rlisltrtlrr,rl :ouls lttl r:ltiklt'r'lr fir,kl. SUPPORT itnrl icit ltct'c lrr'lirlt' l nrt't'l irrll ol rro orre slroukl ltt'jjt'rtrllc Ilrcrtr l)l t(,rls \\'lt(| lilrUr' lrct,tt ltssi{ltr'(l sttclt tlrct'ap5. llouuvor. it is trr ttt lltt,il t'{'slror'tit t itlt.lrrliot.r,.r,s lrtr ltoUt'tl tltitl tlrt' rtrut't, ittsi;.llttlrrl iltlrl rliorr,:r,: it! llrr r oltrllltr,r' lrnrl ul{}t(,llrrlirrrct'rl of IlrC s|ll, {Ill ('r'lrIl'\. t:rilics uill h;rrr,rlrtrc rri{h Llrl 'l'lrt' pt'o;;r'ant tlillr'1or' ('t)tl)ll;l v.itrtltrrills utrtl ltrlr llrt'ir xt':rlrolrs rizt'rl tltill (,nlJ rluulifir'tl {1r5,. r)tl tllc t'r,rrl rr t,itlittr.rsr.s ol I lrt. l){'il})l(. \\'lt() rrrIt't s I t.i tt'rt 1 colleilt, tlt'rlrt.c ir ttot .\ttrt't'ilrur ('lrrrlt'lr. ol rrlrillr 1lrr.t.r, \('r'{.'{,ilil1:.1r'r'rlrrit'r.urt,rtls \ill lrt: to tgrrnlitf its rt litl i. still a plctrlil'rrl;rrppl1. il('r'('l)| {'( l. bul urltkrtl tltill lt{} pr'r ''Our' tlrrrr' \cl'\'lllX I ll(, 'l'\/ \ {}luillo(,f\ llllt\l lrl solirl. t lrrrst' slltlt'rl Ir:rilutr.r:tl (.'lrllrolir.:." ht' siritl, l)r'(fgl'iun " l'lrt,.r' tilttrl lrt, rr illitr.: lr) ijt\ r, Why call olher agencico llrt,trl'-rr.lvt,slrrlll fol lrI learl ;r (knrrrril as your orrVnlir:lrr .r0aL. lt,rtring tlrr,iI llilttr('s. I ltIir fostphint, io long owt: lutrtilit'. attrl llrr,it lirrirnr.iirl o;.r needr your help? \l,l\1' \'()lil(-.-'l'lrc Slt'orrd Vlli. llrlt'tlltttti(,. trr qirt. llrr,trtsclt.r's cln ('ouncil.,r'ill lrc Ir'ulrrtttl irr t,ttli|t,lr- lo ('lilisl. ln t'(,lur'il. i.llPi' Dorrtr fonqsr ,rn \tl(' \crrs spccilrl lilrrrorl irr l'r.c('i\{' r)il1\'(,lrotr{ll lo litr, ott.- HELP U5 roIot aL tlttr Vttieatr arttl in liorrrt :rnrl llrt' sirli'ltrr,tiorr 0f litrorvittll rhr Witdenrnnnts! l(l btr lclcvist,rl trlliorrlrlll ori tllll llrr.r' lrt rkrirl.l sorrrt,llrirrll 'l'trt,srll.r, '' ()r,1. il{1. llorrr ll):ll{) lo sillttil'ir.;rrrl lirl llrt'rr ('lurlrlr HELP OTHERS! I I p,rir. Nnpoleon Ilr.,sirlcs tlrc trltlrtitt.t ol Ilrr: PhoneME 2-3155 ('orrrrril 1tlr.t. ltt irr St. I,clcr's llasilir:lr. sotttrd"filtn t'anrt:r'ts nill 1111111111111111111111111111ilil1ilililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1ii1i1i1iiiiiir 149E, Wrsh. IndirnrPolis roset tlrt, gt,nclal st,tlingl in llrrrrt, anti thc Vat it'ltt, btlti ttrl",rrtrcs 'Bones' at:titilils. :rnrl lltc lt't'iritl of llrt neededfor vocation [,'ll ltrls ol t hc ( ]lr ttr:il lttrl o[l i r:ial rkrk'r1;r{r's-obsll'r'r't's t'{'pf(t sctttitril' l'fol{')tirttt t:lrttt'r'lt Ixrtlir:s. '['lrc plog-1r':rrtrllstr rlill (::n'r] u]. lUlonsignorGoossens Says: tclvicrvs n'itlr (.'alltolic bislrrrps llt(l ()lll;tl'\'crs.

TheCriterion {)l l ttktL Nr.iii'.i1rtt1rr:t'ol {irrr 11n;ltriior:csr;of ltrdiaiiulrolts Hello,Everyhody! .|74 llllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllilillililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliilililllillll 12{ W. Georgia,P.O. Box Indianapolis6, Ind. MElrose5'4531 1\'e rt attt llcrrrbr:r',\trdit lhis cortter rfrtr tJul'eiiu0[ Otle of lhe (fllil;) (-ri|culatirrrrs \II7 lleurl:el Cltholrc USHER Pless Association F'uneral Seruice "Ihe F'i,nest Possible ADear6st(|)issions6 Al, Lousesl I'ossihle Cost I trANctt cAtotNAt tp:ttltAN, ?rrrtdrrr I IT. J..r..l t. rrT. ltal trc'; I I tl.l'f IIOLIC'i?l?,it" lI ISS|ONS !m{ ttl rcrrnleotlrrr fr: USHERII'IORTUARY c liiejianar:'olis6' lnd' ., -cAtHoilc NEAR tAS? WEt FAt: AStO€tA?lON 3l East Ohio Streef o 'f80 pr,onl,',.l;irll"," Lrxington Av.. ot 46rh $, XovVi* iZ,-N, y, 2313W. Washington5t. MElrore2'9352 -PAGE SIX THE CRITERION,OCTOBER 26, 1962

l||ll||||||||l|||||||||l|l|l||||||i|||||||||||l||||||lll|||l|ll|t|||ll{tl|lll|l||||l||||||||tlll|l|||li|||lltt||t|||t|l||i|[l|[||[||[ulnl Sc:nres rnd Standings

will (:rown lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllillllllrlllllllnlillilliIllliilillllltiiit$iiii1i1iii1[ in kickball

St. .lrxru oi Arc. l)ivisiorr I chanr;lions, u'r'appctl up tlrc Edifed by the Cleric Seminarians of West Baden College I tttlii'.ittt pol is l)ea nct'.y u^utlet Yorr hat'c sr-t'tt tltis *all ci,'r kickbirtl clianrpion.ship rvitlr ll'he u;u!,t lrl ln golf r(!{llst,s. lltt'atet.s, llrts il cr)nvitxrillg ll2-{} trirrrtrph stal i{}r}s. anri sr',itnntitlg pools. lt orrcr N:rtivity, Division III By JQHN R. CR.OWLEY, 5.J. title ltoklels. irr tltr-r f iual slrlits iolt seckt't l illlo [\\'o un- gt'tltllls. {t sr.ts rilf (tltc f('- gallte. I{is borlS' lorn rr ilh liciorrs r(luiil 'l'hc sirk'ntial lttr:t ILottt ;tttotltet'. It ntachinc gttn n ourrrls. lhr- l ourrg charnpiorrs brrlrl.r' etlgt'tl a rtl ltnst'al:thltl to sontc tttltn l:rt' r'rtttttirlr'rt iill{l l})r};tuin! hi.s lrtor l'iithting St- Iloch's tcarn, {t to S, st't'kin; ('l)lfallct' lo t't'l'' Jttst ltcl'lrrrl ltr; orrtstrlclrerl riillrl ciit,:r'ns lrr Lr.'aclrthe finirls. rr,lrile Nativity tli]l ort;lnizatirltts :rrltl arttr la1'tlrc qolil th:rl lrr lrurl 11111[1 11i't clropperl St. itrta's,20-ti. in {hcil' It ltits Ir'ctt taisetl ganrc. ntissctl ltl' so liltlt iho u:rll. laii"t'tltlii)11I. scrnifinal it: lrt'iri.l i11 r11111'r'l1r's llatl ltc sc;illrl it. lr't,rrrlotl;rtrrl irt llre consolatinir till lirl llriltl lifc s'orrld lrrr c r',.r.lclrncrl hirrr YoU KNOW tltc rt'trll I ltlcatt. Place, St. lioch s rk'lr.ult'rl St. jittt lre lr;rrl flrlorl. rls slrarlcr'.r. imri Il is llre t,.ull rlf t'ltt'tltl rlist'ritttt' Iiita-s. itl| l,l. ttnrr,'r:nvrfcrl htnt iilit a rltt,,rri. 'l'his 'l'hc rrirliort lrttilt fr{}tl1 l}l('}llock lrl' rnnlkt'tl llrc Iilst tinrr thlt rrall harl nrlilc lirnr e sllvr': lllirtrlitr' ;tttrl tttol'tlttt'tl 10{, thcl' Nutir ill antl Sl . llit:r's, botlt in a fp$'t.nlllillr'.c Il lrt'i,rtrlllt lri; rrrlll tffitliotrll lt;r1r';ilttl [cal. rorrn{ rntl plurnising tcaurs, havc rlc:rt h. ('{rtt{:ltlsl(}t}. lcut:hrrl tlrr plllo{f lounrl, 'l'hit' I ilt'l,ri rto lllill(c ni} h,illltr'n(-it lr",\ tncttltnt rr r!ri,r'ill I tttt't'r']-r' :rsk \\'ltcn a llt,lttrrltilc, lhe clratrrlrionsltiJt t.eeks ,ago rtt thc fariing riuls r'I lltt',lttnior (:Y() rr';rll riit'clir-r'lr. lttilrtisttns ttlill' {atrrrt itt loflgue surnltcr'. llttl il:r ttrtnror'f is slill lr;r:t lrr,t'n rorl:; oi Atlicrit'ittt t'l!lzctls, ll()\\' sci lirt:1t.rrt. Sttntlay ''llte {rt'sh anrl ils rnr,lnirtg lrlain.'I'h;rt {.iln \\(, tl;ritii l,r lir l;rtrtl of ltl ;r srtr: $lrit'h $';rs r)r)t )'et an. (ltllrg f;('tnrair, a t'0rr1rlt' ' I .irrst Ihr' ftt'r' noLttlcctl at J) tiltrc. IIoly ', 1'ears olrlcr l lr;rt't 1u. tlit'rl in ;r Narnr' *'rll f;rcr llrc rrrnrtcr=of tltc desperate ntleurl)t et frledrrri III ('irlrst llrr Iiur* [,rttlc l.'Io u,c I' \ras t){} riiffolt'nt lhatt vou or l, Grirl ,l'tt'r'<'ttsl :lll rrrr'. fol illi.\ afttl'- llc loverl dancirrg anri flntl.r;rli 11o()n. lrflrl;t1', flr.'1, lifl. anrl car-s. llc glrrlcrl tlre sanrl tltings ft'ont lrfc thal 1\r' (lo: lo\'{,. free

lack of it, is to bc lovctl antl prizeti. tJ. ls (-'flirlolicisrrr rr sirnple, eos11. TlrEsosfEw oFsAf NrCotj{r"" to-rr.nderslcltl religion? No, on thc contrary, !t is a deep and crrnplicatcd religion, *:.i;{:.E lvhy is it conty;Iicated'? Q. 'i,,$'';""1i',,*\,l""lili,il Catholicism is colnplicatctl ba. I Ir\-/ II\-/\-/\L,a l\rl I\-/II, - ",i.1 = the needfor relisionE causc it is conrplete answer to who put m. hce? r life-and lifc, as every lYlit rm = \J - = atlull, !!pN.d lo do sith my lir.? krrols, is a vcry cornplicaterl rt. = = 'atr.

tl. If Cutltolicistn i.s tltc otrlv -ir;;;;i;r conplatcly tlrre r.cligiorr, ftrrro, rs Do not p.opld moans rhi': whr rF.chfty, cmctty rnd hsk€d i' torhby.lhouldh..luddstrlvdi;' Q. mony rolos it tllati so lrolg Caiholies leatl euil In4irroir ,dl ii,ii;;i v;il i i;;d ;i rh. wo.b? Nq .cinre wr!l_ noyer ofrcr In r vord, rclens k uneqnjpped d6r rlc, louc xo rc.d lizras? psbl€m! to ol aretisiol? Jiiiii'-iJiircr, rili"i,"iiiiii aij e. tyhat k nednt by thc pror. mluiioil to th€so lour to r{miih tle fin!: rnlve.s Catholics sin in spiie of ilreir "" miu riiii,itiii"'i', ui;.ftB r€'; oI d.arlr bec.uce it c$nol sci.nce It the lirel-problem!. ilany poopk' adopt rhir lrri rcligion. As they thernselves r, scief,& onxol goud€-lx. rnd miiforruncr of evor! concoivi The probten of nrerns dtrdy d elents in thls sorld onlr. Q. tude, $hich k sn a(tnbsion ttul would bc thc first to admit, they penetril., $il d petna rbl€ bre conllnuauv ifilict tha thls: SornadayI rnr Soing to dici lt c!trtro( inlo lhe sGld un.r. Jint llay arc nor iilerc{cd in vhcru do evil nol by follorving the teach- d srictdctory rolrrion ro rrcs, h;;,;;;;. ;;i;;r;;.,;rdiii,"'li "rr d'etr ;jil hFpt.n ro na? berond rhe sr{.. rhe sclcnce oI rh€y crnE fros! .r *n"* iii"v ings of thc'ir faith lrut by ^tamplc, probl0r$? bctrav- ;iiiffi':-;;"' i; ;il;;i A,ii. wilt I bccomc nortiins? or sill ailmnomy, Ior mhy rolr Jorr soltrg, or whxr hunr0n tire i"s in..: tlrem. (on- crn tu( o lrusrtc]orv ,&; i!, how dren. ev;n ro .hNc sho htrrc led I otrlinue to exiil? Ard il I us shut tha unlvars6 it b 4 Ps$on rll rbout. Q. If o pel'son slslrect.s tlrot d.wloped. tolutlon lo ho$ tour (-'atftolicisrrt fGtb\ rffi whore $itl t Ie? organired, .nd hov-lt Problemi \rll /' sood tivs? vtBr i! tho resson llruo lo. cxist, e. Do d,e Dov diircprr rc. lrall tlell be thc orrc, ffi,ffi i"ii,ri,""".i"*i "'oii"g"an f rttc rcligion a-rhof is lre o[rligcd ,",t;Hll:.ffiiiij"l#: lo do? rili:tuiirtflid.i'11","";,'#I$"ji_y.m$liifl${t.:r: iTi"df",jiJ1;;,t$s"""..irx*,',r,:r' I{e is obligerl to investigate the ro" *c.useu,r.!. a now. babvcomei inro thc risronis . broid, 'urncrusiv. ntatter 3;I3lili"il"l'tflL''?iflljl *il,i",l'i, o'dtr rn"t 6 *rr and scttle his snspicittrr """wss irorrd,whrc it'rived ueiire-iii vriv or tru meanineand purposa Fe!&rv olro \\iay , ril!.iiiri'ii iiuiiiiuiiJii ,ii ;;;; ii,il dJ;"1;it ,-l9" ue so nr'nv dirlcr€trt rc- or the othcr. strnnerut? ro rne* qnui.n" tli iil", n" tnn, rnd how it 8rc; ln"i". "r m."r |il.. x_;phini, 01 al IJ, after ccre.frrl plobing, M';fi?$)u^"'* $ron( and mean and iNre rr prrr. ii?U;;i.;i1;;;''iii'riii1i'.ri"ii'".i.iii""i"'r*i,lecingsutitcm.."""u:i."wnyirer*hiostoerlrili,9g;''oli.li8i0n$: lo soirc rt its owD $xv rl'ia .son t'crrrflirrsd trncortoirttted thc{ rruct tcii-m; il ht. a"iiiiv iiro "l* le (.'al.frolici.snl snd unju$ thin., ro me: wh) mcrnrnsrcs'. erisre at ail. si; lns is tfue, utotrkl hc i".il"^il".'ii;ri,rJno*gy""irQ'WijJci.lfcxolnPllPs.Inn|obiictricstf|liswhl[hap!on5;lustdotor!chi|i!dcs|in'.ll rte ttct'tftcle.\c bc rrr:;tccf cd to odopl ir? e.qually Lru,e'! ['tttlirrly not, II a pcrson is No, all these rcligiorls IN THIT WHOLE CIIRIST' cilnn()t nrrt r,onrpletely con.r'inccd thlt be equally tmc, bccausc c'neh lc- Catholicism is thc only true re- ligiou contratlicts. in ccrtairr rlc- ligiort ht' uoultl nol be cxpectqrl tals at least, anotlrer'; anrl tlrcrc to cntcr it. In fact he rvoukl not cantrot bc trvo contrarlictoLv tlru: bc rllorved [o euter it. soltttions to the sanre pt'ol;lenr. in the role of the Master Q. I/ a pdlsol, i{:er(: nor, (:on. Iesus Q. dnlol0 nll thcsc lelirTiorrs, t:irrcad tlrat Cirtlrolicislr i.s Lrrre is iltelc one uhiclt. r:fcirns to bc buf trer.,elllrclr:ss prctcrttlcd l,ltnl By ABP. EMILE GUERRY It scerurtl Iillcd rvith rvisdotn. In the oine.yard tlrc only conlplel,el!! truc t'

At\t AS'l ()IVL\-IJIAG rtIOVIfr: ,::i'l:1 . BAOKS OIT TITE TTAUR 'The .1.:I j Miracle Worker' Trv' bookt fo' cl*ubters 'fhornas a s1'ntht.sizes liis orrrr ar., t5: arr clanrintrtiorr ul llte 1lt'cstrnt gumcnts ultiruatcl5' l11' sui11;tst. st;rte of dialogLrt,on tllr: llroofs iniJ rltaI tll thc lr'ive (lurl's \\-ar.s ar.e lor' c\iilr,ll({,. a rlisr:trssirrtt lmpact really (.)ne \f tt3. ilrr ar.grlrrtrrt tremendous iil' tltt' r'xislcnti:rlis1 has elfur:r rrpotr t- froril contingcnt. to necessilt.y nri.rtlrltr tlrirrliiug alrurrt (iorl, intl lleittg. irhiclr llc('r'ssury ljt.irrg itt) r'\iilnit)illifitt 8y JAMES W. ARNoLo pxttcfsrill soi|ee in a e iass Nitlt nrtx'iugly lol the urind rtntl spirit, of tititl iil tht nrust be self-srrlrsisicnt, pelft,ct. lirirl ol. kirrdergarten pattl'.cake, r\nnic's courpassiott is nrrt sult: forget thitt lrlrlrk'fll nr.tthulogl. "'l'he eternal, irrfinite, illtil t)nc: illat bou{ 'l'hat there rrre so nluch of tltc siruggle shc *'ill not stop. halfs'ay still (lorl, \\-lrt'r'e ljr. Siilt,rn is .igor.tirrsll, ;toni-.lritrg: is, of corrrse. its lrrlitl\.t,r': irr is phl'sical shouid not bc uris" thlortgh, rvhen l{t'lcn has bcconre, a gr()nt rttrnrber plrilosophicul eatholicisnr utrtk,r'stirntl :ril(l (|f theulogielil ierr' of it of people llinr. leading. At stake u'as tltc frpr- tolerably, a iantctl anirnal. \fith rilto irr lris i.r.. "tlisitttcr 1it.r'sr,nti,liorr. ll'r\r*c.r. elega ntl)' a i 0lllarlii(ble soul, hcld paticnce, she nriglit this tlorrbt thc very St.'l'lrrrnrrrs explnins r.h.v lre 'J'he doru of illitliLts gl'r'il1 irrrrl t'lle0titt ttsr of uirtt. the scnses it Iutruan soul aw;tkctt ltct' to t'iistrnce of iook his frnnr .\r.istollr,. clptive rro1.rrnl-v b1' . lrrtrrrfs liit,r;tr'.r, rrr;rlt'r'ials. nrrt(irrq troru letnrirling rlnes a t:r.rrtsciuttsttcss of ltel' iuttttoLtlI tiorl. t'nrpltasizr.s thc r,tlc ol t)riln's laeketl bui b.v tltc I(ocsl lt't' lo I lo|lii11s ..trt,1 ltc possr.ssetl. nilturrr. Arguine rnintl irr ronring to l

POl.- l.u urent:e'Ilu rti n-Orunge Co's Vote for rtld SttPPor I ROBERTW.GORDON JlfulC. CORDES R+Ptrbliertt C.rrrdid.rfe for \f ltilc thc l)ut,{u.tnilt{frr ol ^\[iss Denrocratic Carrdidrlc lor llttkc, *lrose rrlll\. Ill\\.is lrcr.iirl, CIRCUITJUDGE-_FAYETTE COUNTY rntrctrl a!{o Jnt. Representalive--Fayette Co.'s fd Iolrfir.l \1' TAWRENCET. COLGAil, JR. { ll){)u1 l:: ). is ur}lilir, & Franklin t) [u 0rr-'t' ]ir' t{r,lll}al.(,(i uillr Democralic Candidatc lor anl'tlring clstt irr tlro Ill(:itt(.j.. tll{, Vole RtPtrblit atr sltort''s cnrlilr'irr:t Llilt is lltr,rli:i. ELECT JOINTSTATE SENATOR .jo\.1') tlf lhe sl;tlrrrr_. rt{ \1i.. liiinclofl. u'lrlse villlil.r' tnti Ir.r,sli gCllitls llXl t: sutlrllror\. hi,t,I trrr - JEANC. IOYD Lawrence, Martin and Orange Counties l r)t' t r'\(,t\':tl n'il. r,irll llt'. I lr,r. Political llut'l httlotrn'u'oo. rlirunrt'rJ lr) .r'r'ars ol slrtpitl l.irslrt 'l ol:in t(,tn{'\. l,l. t; I1l(r;ir}1. ltf! FAYETTECOUNTY CLERK IIelc is a tt'rot'it of -iiI{rtiIit::utrtr, l,ottisr'\'rllr l.l, ti:;tjill llt'ittrtuing rvillt lnurror., lxrr_rlt.J. i)r)\{'cl' alrrl itrtc1'Jt.it1., ltr (,r}(! nrujot' cit1. il htts alr.carlr. lrlr.rr PLAN PITCH-IN (rltt-l'un. CARLOSS. FOLGER stI wt'r'lis to ullt,, ll) 'l'lrr. "'l'lurl 'lirrrclr t\lll.\\ \l,r)t_ls .\.-,, VOTE for BEN - Lorrrenceo0. (Jltt Derrrocrrlic Candidrlc for Politiml of .\lirrli." is t'irtlt': ol Sl .lrr.r'1rlrrrill lrolrl;r tllovc(l lo trro|u llr:rrr 'l'lrc ltilv urr11r,t. l)rlr'llili rlitilrIr ort :'Un{iit\. (,1.1. BARTHOLOMEWCO. ASSESSOR ht trtaliztrl roul is n{) l{,lr{r,,. i?ll:r1.rp rrr.itt Ilrr,(';rtlrlrjr,ullliltlr VOTING MACHINE NO. 238 BTNHTNRY ;rble J. r'r-ett lrr clrUos0 tlrr, lic,{ I St'lturrl ( illr,1(,lir, Illri \ ]lct.. tt itlt tiltct't'itrg tirtr il errrlrr.irr'r.c irii:rtr Sl lirrrtlrtr. .itirrrr'- Democralic Cnrldidale for' tlre shorl,l], DONALDFISH atul t.(,s('r.\'{,s lur. ('.:i.('.. t. ilt'tiii't;rl1]1.lrll. lirr, Irtrautl,, irr ;\11'il, tLc lili.stlvicr: Oenrocralic Crndide tc for F IRST DlSf . r.itrrup ..\ll nrltrtlrr,tr itil(l ll ,, rlf a tlrrln'/c (Legion COUNTYRECORDER stairrr,{1r,. of l,! {' tr}t'ntl}r'l) ;rr'r,ltrr ilr,rl lo r.ttnr: LYNNP. BARKHIMER FAYETTE LAWRENCECOUNTY COMMISSIONER De

IVAI{IVITTI AIIA ROBERTC.WITSON tundry l!lryirion I l:3/.t l.r . ..C','iltr'li ri; . ., Republican Candidalc for j.turd.y PROSECUTOR CO. ,a:)) p... -Lrrci ...... of BARTHOLOMEW VOTING MACHINE NO. 16A Irdio Proq.rnr RE.E L ECT RUSSEL(BUD) iundry 6:iO t,::r.--A, r.. .'.ii:rrr' lijur 8:.15 a.,i..- i,cL: ci 5', i,c.'. , MAXINE l:Ji 0.,.r.'i.:'tr ,!.'.: .. . DUI{CAN trl u rdry ELECT J:0: r.'.-L'..6t -n,.,.. F.rq. .. RICHARDSOiI Democralic Candidate for MIDI!OH ATtA l.dio_Sundry Candidale ;rl; r'r'r\..' -i S.. i.r,l DORAH$J. CARSON Dernocraf tort[ YrprioL A[tA (0. lrdi;-jp611y '.... AUDITORof FaYette SHERIFF I i:t:.i f. ir -J ; i l:f,:] t:.''.-.5;:'tt iji:'i . . \iitii'r'l ).ri..! :icl'\ ttt:: l"it't! I t'i ll; \\ \''rllt' CTERKof BARTHOtOiltW C0. j;"'r raw il.rAxY AtfA .\lvr .\t';r,"l \' Ir11r';'1 \:;' lrl:rir icn ^.lundrt of MonrseCcunty -- VOTING -. (rutl?otrs Dedicaletl ll,i--rr,'. 'i,',:i,::r: .... MACHINE NO. I9B Erpcrianccd { il r ',', i !: r. t: r''. 'r\r ., THE CRITERION,OCTOBER 1962 26, 'Week PAGE NI'{E fo ohserve Youth - (Continued from page l) Catholic youth. Foliowing the Political sftelby co. Tic Tacker Brief reports will be given by recollection conferences. new Paul G. Pitz, CYO board presi- Deanery officers u,ill be lormally dent; Jerry Traub, deanery youth installed, They include: Kenny council president; !'ather John S_axon, Rushville, president; NAMES lN THE NEWS-If you could not reach lhese pcrsons Rob Elford and William S. Sahm, Kime, St. Illary, Riehmond. vice. rluring this past rvcek thcl'rvelc atten(ling national convcntions: C.THOfiIAS president; pardo, LII{VILLE executive director snd secretary Itlary Belle St, Folher Charles Kosler, sL'cfctary of the illatrinronial.I.ribunal, and for of the Archdiocesan CYO, respec- Andrew. Riehmond, secretary; Fether Charles Ross, pas{or.of St. pius X parirh, Indianapolis, rvcrc tively. and Jean Spade, St. Irlary, Ric-h- SHELBY COUNTY TREASURER in l)ctroit at llrc National (tr'alher Canon Larr' Society nteetings. Between ?00 and 800 youngsters mond, treasurer. Democralic Tickel hostcl is nalional rice plesitlcnt of tlre group.) Msgr, Jrmct p. pd. Arv. are expected to assist in the A turkey rlinner, "Rosary will be sen ad Galvin. School Srrperintcnrlenl, rvas in \lrashington, D.C, yes, he tvns radio on the Air" pro- that evening at i p.m. in the attcnding a nreeting of school supcr.intcnrlents.... gram Wednesday, Oct. 31, et ?:4S Mrgr, Jrmcr YMI building on South 5th Strect, Mcfilahon, p.m. The program will be broad- an artrr.\' chaplain. has rcturnctl to the Staics frorn Ger- with Father Johu Elfortt. Arch- cast on WIRE Radio from lhe many rvhcle lrt' rr,as Chief of Iluropean nrilitary chaplains. His mnil diocesan CYO Director, as grrest PHIIIIPW. BROWN l\lsgr. Downey Knights of Colum- norv reachcs hinr at: Iloadcyuar.ter.s. (lonrhat f)evelopmcnt Command, $peaker. Bill lloeh. St. Anrlrew Democral f,or bus Clubhouse, Thompson Road CYO president, l"t. Ilelyoir'. \'a. (llt'*.as in lndianapolis this past rveek to attcntl will be masrer- and U.S. 31, South. of.ceremonies. A SHELBY COUNTY PROSECUTOR lhe,\t. rlleinlatl Alurnni gathcling af the i\larott llotel and said he mixe r dance , Lay teachers rolt: from 6 until p.m.. yi\II tt,ortLl visit his lronre I in the ?d. ?olltltel tdv. to*'n. i'cn'c [lautc, lrrfor.e relurning to Virginia.) ,,D" Hall will eonclude ilre Ilay , intliartapolis (latholic ta]-ntan, Robert J. Alerding, rvho dcliveletl observance. iu sehools t:iteil lhc kc1'notc arlrlrcss torlat at the Njnth (.)ulnquennial (,-ongress of the 'I'hit'd St. Oldt'r'of l'rancis ln [)elloil rvas a sulrstitute for.n pl'onlinent TULSA, Okla..-l{cs-t !:11,'tcrtl.,. NORMANG.THEOBATD nrenrhcr of lhe Ilicrarchl' rvho rvas oliginalll' scheduled-Cardinal et's in Oklnhonra Cntholic schools Democratic Candidole lor iiicltalrl (irrshing. Arclrlrislrop of Iloston. Frlher C. O. Borhr, think pnrochial schools should pastor 0llrefitus of St, Andrew'r parish. Rie hrnond. has special r.eason alrt'ays lrnvc lay pcoplc on their. SHELBYCOUNTY AUDITOR lo be protrd rvhcn Mr, rnd Mru. Max Bryant of Holy Namr plrish, faculties tlcspitt- thc availability of rcligious tcachcrs. Ht'ech Clore, obscrr.e thetl.S{ltll ll'edrling Annilersal.y in a ferv days. l"athcl Boslcl harl instntctcrl the r,orrple and received thcm into lhe According to a strrvcy contluct. ed by Sis(er i\lary Agatha Ilurkc, O.S.R., principal of r\llrquette parirli. lndianapolis. Sisier Mrry Gregory, S,P,, journalism in. CHAPMINTON structol at St. llaf,1',of,lhe-\Yoocls Oollege, attendcd the llth annual Hf cHLrcHr Candidale on thE Democrrtic Ticket for (irnfcrence or thr-,,roon,ing-lll'1.:.i''llHJ, iil;l',,'l]..t",,ili llidlcst on Asian Affairs last rveek in St. I-ouis. She is ton g'ill u.S.bishops 6b5s11'snce be a Coi' in ilre school, the l;iv' teaclrcr SHELBYCOUNTY COMMISSIONER ri.orking fol hu' dnctorat.c in cornparative literattrre rvith porate a nrinor in Conlmunion anrl Breakfast gir.cs prrpils a better hnlunt.ctl (NORTH olsrRlcr) Asian s[rrdics anr{ *ill introc{ucc ( ('{)ntinucd page to be thc nc*'ar.ea of study at lhe college. fr'orl I ) held at St. Charles Bolro- r'icrv tif his orln placc in tlrc |d. porr:rradv. of lhe nur.trlter of r oles cast for meo pa-rish on Sunday, Oct. 28. Church. CONGRATULATIONS-I]csI rrishes to Mr. and Mrr. Hernrn F. Ihenl afe: Young Catholic rdults at Intliana Sister Iicllow. nrentl)ers of Agailra.s s.r\.cy \\.irs co', 5t. Joan of Arc parish, Indianapolis. rrho uill lJniversitylJniversity_ join ,.Thc will in the event taincd in obscrr'e i''ttrcsis,-'1p.311.-1, stalus of their ti{}lh Werlding i\nnrver.sar..v on Octobrr 2{t. Tho Commission on lhe Sacred rvithtvltn menrl)ersmentbers 'll,rrhr-r .11 Ofo{ thc Junior CY(),Cy(}. thpthc l,;11, l,;tr, irr (,rrlrntinClf lrolic JACKT. SMAtt Liturgy-,-Alclrbisluip l'aul,l. Ilal- The l\lass rvill begin g:30 BROOKVILLE PEACE CORPS? - I'r()lf y soon there rvrll he e nough at schools'in dklalrorna.'. rr.lriclr slre Candidrle on lhe Irnan of Allanta anrl llisholl Al, Denrocrotic Ticket for ('or'1.r511rr.rr Bt'eakfast I'cat'e Iront 5t. Michael's parish, llr.onkville. lo desi(nate a speaker at Bloonr- subnrittcrl to rcccivc hcr nrastcr. bt llus ;\lar'1irr of Nicolt't, Que. "Brookt ('uurrl.r.-routh ington will be lYilliam.l. of at'ts rlegree in etlucltion spot.ial rllc secl lon." r\ llrir.rl l,'r.anklin has inined lVhalcn. frorn RECORDERof SHELBYCOUNTY (iorps. assistent professor of Englislr rrrc ('ntho[ic tlnivcrsity tlre .lrnr ( r'arrritl of ncar Iiloonring (ir.or.r', lnrl.. 1fl62 l.'ranklin ai of Aurc]. pd. politic.l Purdue Adv. ('otttttl ('lrrh Universit.v, a rccognizer: lirrlal Yorrlh [)l'(,-r(l{.n1.ha" ent'olk'tl at tht' tinir ersity -clrris- of llassarhrrst,lls l{) boIin a l\r'o.monlh studl in plopar.ation fol assign- L:ltilill,:_l .comparative FREE TUtTtON *,*u"iir,r strT... 'ttt" ('r(Lttr\r\s-('r(lslcl's nrenl lo lhe t in of \rqr.r'. l.-rcnclr 11'r'stAfr.ica. prcceded scflancescrlancel1:":':.1'ifoll.oo,il':,tull': \\lll ll?!il":,i" ..Criirii.i-ii,i..Catlrolies xuu,rrll?E,r[V]fi,X[,,_".iu\t'rll IIe n'ns in _rvill openoPen !To!Yo daysoays tlisllis topiitopic rvill be: end . DATTERSON ( 5t't;t't nii ht.eakht-eaktltis ycnr in thc clc'ct'c- GARNETTS. lhc orps b-v Emily Clevenger lnrl Crrylou Siodlins, both Mrrirn cnllt',0nnn Octnhnr'lti0ctobor'2ti, uriilru'itlt nn,rld.nI old. ii"^r^ii^"_,]."il,r,-ri;i.tiiiiit.i ri, vcnr What We sha'e and rringrlivisiorr of Loyola Univer.sily College glarlualcs rvho art' nou' toachinI in'fhailand. faslrionerlfaslrioned Ilallorveenllallorveen Ilarnllarn Dancel)ance lVhere rvhar- Weu,^ Differ."ni!.^_ ,, Democrrlic Candidate for hele. Pcrsolrs $l-, or ovcr rvill in the lllmer Toschlos".Barnnt B.eakrast"-it' he SHELBYCOUNTY wcsi ilain strcetnnd tirr."t. ma1,'st.rienr.s'be oh. ll,ii,i.;.,r"i'1"'ii'iii,i"rllt"l-lli"i.,ll: COMMISSIONER r.inoo $t. l.u. (:osrs,jJt.. tsourH or TtllRD DlsTRlcr) .sl]i:.b^Yj':'i,l:llig nnry{ccs antl lextborrk pd.porirrcrr *,111;'T,|t.,$;;.,T::,1 i.riiiJi.-ccnter or ar the st. Ral,nronrrr,. lvilre rtirecror,an. adv.

Commirsion lor the Orienlrl ntfln, VOTE FOR ('olpolrta (-lonrmunion Churches--l klninran lir{r-. .{r'ch- A nnd hisltop Blcakfast rvill be hekl Sunday, - Doeatur (-,'o. 'l'his Amlrlose Senvshvn of Pofitiml & Jenuirrg:s UNICEF TIME AGAIN llttllorvoen, as in pflst .!,par. luiul.v I'hiladelphra anrl Ilishop []r.varr {)ct. 28, in St. It{ary's school hall, ROBERTD.EILISON 'lrrek'r'tr.ealing ){)ilngsters lhrl}t|qll{)rrflhc AIchrliocese rvrll be for ,1. illc[,)nlt-ga|t of 13t'ookll'n. 1'he blcakfast will lollorv thc {l 'l'ht'ponnres. {-\l('U1"." a.rn. trlass. Grrest speakel will , Republican Candidale for nir.kels anrl diurcs that 1'otr contrillrrtt w.ill be Fatlrer ,lohn LaRauve, a Di- hclp provide nri'tircal unrl rru{rilronal calc [or.nrillions.f r:hil


Rcpublicrn Crndidate for As Strong RECORDERof DECATURCOUNTY t Qualitied and Tough as Pd. politicel Ady You Know What . o E,rpet'it:naed r V,/ho !,,aqqeri llis For Honorly lnd Economy in Governmenl, Elect fi1id!{rnilrer{rnilIer lliqllls Pilot, l,,lothrr, VOTE GRADV'S rdcr 5ha 5rid, GEORGED.ROBERTS Rrpublicrn Cendidrte for THIRD OtST. RobertE. (Bob) ASPHATT DECATURCOUNTY COMMISSIONER (ilatl,,, \Y, ,1. R. B. Gr.ady MARSHAtt Aslthalt ltoacis,l}'ivr:s, Street Construction of Iroarroil 'r'ar.,rinrrrtsificrt 'for' 6lll"i:i[T: 11{.Anlliers tio!'i,, R E.gL ECT IIIARYITIARGARET TIIIIIITR PROSECUTOR Republican Candidate for In l"lrlod'V Drdgofls, Voydrl. lo lhc 8ot. CLERKof DECATURCOUNTY of ShelbyCounty Y/onderlul !!orld ol lhr 'll Iltf ()apabk: g"'l'ops Eury You. Ilottcst, icicnl, ,t^rrrt:tcr crASt A-5rclt0N rl

Motrlly fot Adullr rnd Adolrrianla Atldilti5, lllc tort Conlinenl, Ailliqont, 6dlllr Al 8t00dy Bcdcll, Eollr Sonrnrrr!, :":: vfltFil{ tHtlll C0 flAIlVl Sa. Chrislopherns Brr,arc ol fl)ildref,, B.yo'4 All tirnilt, Sig For Full Time Public Servlcc t,lo'le/, Birdnr40 of Al(dlrdf,8ld(k Iiqhts, ,i J Slua Nawoii, Sr.rinwasllcd, thr Eridqe, JESSIE 5335 W. l6th 5t., Spoedway Io tha Sun, 8ro*err t anrl, 8ru5hlir., Beail, ELECT Wilch, Surn, BurnioO iliUlrri, Billy 8ud. I tal 0urQldr, Colossus of Fhodls, the (ow aild l, Oe,rr to l|c VJorld. Fdnny, Fedr llo l,,lor?, fin0rr i Fiv. Itcr(i5a, O'BRIEJ\ 6[oYDT. Flighl ol lhe tost Bdlloon, floerer DruDr Sorg, Annual (or follo& lhdt &1.0, ffanlir. Turkey BakedHam) {rrils ot Dd/knct5. Dcmocrat Candidala for Fldnd of Oedth, lldnds of r 5trdoaer, li!ll li For llero!!, Ihr ttelliotrs. Dinner JudqnreDt At llurenJb?rg, LfNvlttE Ld!l L!!lelS"." A,,r"'a, Irrt. Ionoly Arr lhr Brdvc, Igil Sdll0lion, lr'. Ir0il, Republican Cendidate for l'lodison Avenua, f,isqic 5\!ord, lrldrr In lhf RECORDER ( Alr Certe Servingr Availcble) l.1oon, Llan t',/ho 0iad l!;rcr, f,anrr ?/lro Sirol tib!rt,,/ Vdl,!n.r. Ai.,n fldnri.l, fitigl'lv UIu'., l,liid'tlc r'lorkrf. l,1a!l \ty'orted fldn, l,1y CONGRESS SET cf DecaturCo. Gar\hn. l,ldltef ol !,l,ro. (0. Prrdler ot Blood Rrver Clerlr l,,rt.0'8r,.n al Shelby is v;tll lno*n i! opf!dfor Repticve, lhl Riih, Fofinrtl - $ Irralurcr, O'Brian'9 PrOduCt, a bU!rnfs5 starlcd 30 Rcq,r,rnr lor a l{a,}vy}aiqhl. suilDAY, !!dfs abo by f'!r,0'Btrf,r r,tsJ r\ t0d d't' o in (irrnntrtnily iliiairs NoV.4 ,\ctrrc S4fdr S.rrliii.q! 5r'ra,n of Ir ar, Sllrtl rbl?d. l,1rs. O'8rirn, r,0rhtr ot tivc (h,l' at ild'i.:r. o l':rlnrnr{, Ck'r'ical a'rd Btlsi- Serving 0erc 5'r Bltlk lio'scs, Si,tta ta!r, d'!n, iS I ntrmber Ol 51, llnry't Cal!,Jl,c Slrrtr rf Noon Adultr Srlcrrl ot lre r. $0.,i., pte!. f.ta q o 11,25,Children 60c 5db Sr,ord oi tha (hurch, Gctnrburgi ol 5r . ness llar:k::t'ottrtrl Never Be' (or,^,r'o' Atr I n?otrrr of 91 [a,,,rrtrar Aur, l,rtt Sottglrt I'ttblic Orrice' tC {rrre !J i,t:l Strlrt, lt c' a'.'rr: Il,rora of lh.6u! tnd Proi. \,,0n'tr's (','r. lircC Ir.crrli firr Ir.e T...c lIl.t! lo frrl!- r?,rq fl. fclili(.1 Adr. V.,!nl r'. cl Fr, r R'rf lij0l, i1.n.!n H;nt, \.,orid In tcr\rt. PAGE TEN friii' Ciiif Eni6ru, OCToBER 26, le62

AROUNDTHE ARCHDIOCESE Jllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllttlllllllttl'FARMER'S VIEW tnttunmtnnnnuntlnnnnnltr S,:hulte lViothersslate = The feeirl dollar = 8y DANA C, JENNtNc$ l\laybe it rloesn'|. pae k ilre porrnds on quite as fast. fiut me. Erownsburg Hardware thinks, because of its lorver carcl shorv cost. and Furniture home-mixcd pay. jn €o. Party, feed more 5P[_ED-QUt[N Afpt|ANLES 'l'DltltB the rno llAUl'lt. tnd.-"IIoli- r:hurch ltall. Dinners rt'ill be end. Big-scale fcetlers antl custom feed yards Glidden Painrs rlal'for liasltiorts" is the theme lt0rrt nootl to 7 tl,tll, don't buv rcady-mix; thel' !r: sERVlct for tlro Schultc llotltct's Club slylc mix their on ri. t n t a. *?l*.*.11 lrosnrburq lf you've shorv and cald party to be heltl had experience rvith uL 2-4s8' 'Ihu|sday, boih fancy on Nov. I, at 8:30 fccds and home. in lhe gymnasium al Schulic mixed, drop me a llote c/o yonr paper. lligh Schttol. Atlractivc indivirlual arvalds as I have a theory thrit God hclps rvell as nranl' olhct' gi{ts will bc those tvho hclp thernselves. I ;lresenlcd during the cvcning. think rve're paying too nruch to IIonte tnade candies and soft too many people to d

Morrisfown, Indiono

.lcsusT (('ontiilued horn pagr T) t'c[)(]ats a lcsson tarrght lx' otlrt.r' HARPER's rloctols. IIc is a l)x)phcl who I CHlfilploil ilunouncos tlic rlt'signs ol Ciorl. (qr Nerv {l'lar:irur tlearr 'l'hc nrultilutlo ollen conti'r, this i :;;, oirs_ (llatl.. lillu rrn Ilirn XXI. ll lnd DRUG STORE j rnr-eorNrotL will be sl)eilker ,i*,**i" 4ti). co. i\s;r Jlastcr'. IIc lcat'hcs lr.rrtlt 21{ E, Mcin 5t. Phonc T6 lPhone 6/5 MAD|SON. tNO. Srstcr Jlat'.t' Kalen. ncrv sirttpll antl opcnll . rlillrout pro- rlcan ol llnrian (lollei{e. rvill he lixitl rtl olasi()ns, ncithr.r- ntrnr, "l,cl thc principal speakel at the an- nrizirrg ltol' sottt:ninr1 il : nual llarian r\ssociatcs dinnct' on l otu' sllt't't,h bc: \'t'a. \'t';r I l.'o. ')7). trlondal', Or:1. 29, in thc (.'larc hall No." (JIillt.. \;. dining foonl. lle is a l,t'arlr.t, Wlrrr dtntantls Siste r Karcn urll tell thc nlr.m" lltal llrt slrotrkl lrr' IolLru.t'il. and bcls ol thc colldge suppori group I l)itt I ltrrsc rvhu rlo s() shotrltl of rcccnt rlcvclopnrcnts and of a{taclr thcrtrst'lvt's Io llis l'1'1'51yn, plans ftrr thc futurc at l\lalian, slrorrlrl lclr,t' all lirirrgs. nntl SAVF]'I'III FI Sr\t.'BI,Y and rvill gilc rletails of such sltorrl

DAUBY'$ DEPT.STOKE I llork< 0i ttoin "Cttlort:cl lr hll Clty (:()uncilrt'p0r'ls !nsrrre ancl Be Srre TheEger Studio Lutgring Bros.,In{. SheelsIns. Agency "Porfroils - Weddingls"' Crusl'rcJ Stone ' ijxcrrvolinll I'aPPodlry Ilishop ?,1!l lllnln 3t. Ph. .38t 739 Slrt,r:rr "Br: Moin St. Aqrirullurr Limc Seiclihle PhoneKl, 7-4881 Il(,llt':--.,\uxtlrlll llr.rlrop l,'rrl r r':lcrl rn I'r,lct. ll socnls lo lott ,1, Sltectr of Nr,rv Yor'li Jritr' {'r'ntol ittr)\illrl I]i:lro1r,l0lrrr anrl iHailltrtl [o spr:lk orlred sorrre ol llre higlrly {.{rl{}l'('(l llrslxrp .lanrcs. lrollr of rvltorrr lraql Patnmixe Wesfern Auio nr\\'s leporls al)r)ul tlrr' {'('u itlt'catl1, sorrghl, lhlorrgh t..rlr.rrral Patreniae nlcllical cottnctl irt;r sn'nron lu tttflttcttcc, lo llo {}n;r lcvcl ryitlr Associqte Store atDofIbre:rkfnsl nelvsltrcn t'ovrrt'ttr1.1it, lhr'I'0pr ot cvoD lrr sttpet.cetle Our MAlY KAREN H[ArrNd i Our "lvrtvllringr ,.._- _l_isl!* llishop Slrccn lold l r,onl.;t'cgu- hrrtt- ll is rIr'rr lirtou rr tlurl llrcir. lrronrrj l;or flrr Aulo" ()rrl lton of n{'\t'st}l('n al St. lt cs rrrotlrcr had I{onc io l,olrl to AdUeftiSefS :lit{l-ilirl I TELL CITY A CANNELTON clrrrlr,h ltclc lhal ortc ncwslll:tn hin'(.trrsl anrl sr'corrtl 1tl;rt'r's itr Aduertisc,rs (:llurch Itatl loltl lrinr tlr;rt lris lross rvantcrl lho itrslcarl ol l'r'tcr'." "polit Ititn to l)ul ,n()t'e rt:al .jazz" tnto his rlispalcht's {}n Ih(f (,ortncil. Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home lVhat tvoukl lrluc hcr:lr lhc tcsttll. aslicrl tlto llishop. if lhe -. Ambulance Service --- tirsl t'outrcil of llrc (llrrtlch ht'lrl in ,ft-'r'rrsllcnt h.! thc Aposllcs KI 7-25I; TELL CITY, IND. lltcrlsolr. r's lrarl llt'cn rvlttttn Ito:n lhrs ;r1'rltloaeh'.' Ullrich Drug Store Pahonize lltshou llrcrr olljrlctl his Irstcucls Iiclitious sanrplcs lrorrr nllitglnill'1, nc\vsl)al)t, lii As lhc 0ur Itonrarr'l'inrls, lhc ;\nlirrr,h Ilcr. altl, atrtl llrr,lr,r'usalcrrr l,)r'cnirrg - 'l'r'attsc l0l 2nd litrcot Adverlisers lipt. Onc such sarnplc lt'arl lilic tlris: "A rvcll htrorr'n arrllror.ily has lolcalcrl lhill lll(,ro is a Jlrnrvinll l(' papal ag!lror.ilv irr SavageAppliances JOE CHRISMAN 1lppll.11lrtt I'our Grnrr ol Schar'pt:r.'lo sptxrlr fhctric Doolar 216 f,trln tt. Ph. J09.n IUTOIA, INDIAHA PhoneWH.4-2285 nt N(iCW f)tr.lcv ll!t. dnd Moln Strccfr Op*r Errnlnrr br lrtt!dlhtmrrl WnSltlN(;'l'()N... I'hilrp !ilrar.p. et. atr crli{ot' arttl Itertueut lct,. Iurcr on rcligiorrs strhiccts. rlill sllclrk irl tlrc firsl nlirir)1.s(,ssi{}n ol thc Nationul (louncil of (l:rth- olic \\rorncrr's cont'ctttion n(]xl. nronth. Scharpcr'. ctlitor of Shecrl anrl lVarrl, lxrblisht:r's in Ncrl' \,ork, THF BISHOP olfo'crl "(lhrisli;rrr ilrlr.t, r'r." rvill spcak trn l,carkrl flcctions lo thc nsscnrblctl norvs. ship in tlrc Arrrtrir,arr Secnc" al tr rnr:n. l,'rrstl1,, hc pointctl oul lltirl. gcncral civit: rrrcctinll on "lhe the crrn. qunlity ol llu: soul of a iour. vcrrtior)'s I'ilsl. rlal', Nolcrnllct ll. rrllist, lris tillrrts nrrrl ltis rire,s. NC(jW hearlquartcrs hcle said (lcteflnlno to n g|oat cxtent lhc that 'l'lrc abuut 10,00() llcrsorrs ar(, r)r. kinrl ol ncu,s lru rvill l.cpoll. pcctetl at. tlrc i]lst tratiorral r:on. ink u,hiclr f lorvs oul ul his ncrr ventiort rvlriclr 'l'he tr'ill cnrl orr Novun. conrcs lrrrr!! his htar.t. tr.ritlr- bcr ?. I\lcr:tings rvill bc hcld in [ul nran rvr.itcs tr.uthlul ncrvs_" Dctroit's nrunicipal r,orrvcnlion Srrr:onrllv, he tvnrncrl lhat_ iorrr.- ccntcr, Collrr IIall. rrrrlists u'ill nol un(lelstan(l tlrc Scharpcr', a rratit,e of Balti- u'olkings rrf the r;ourrcil @REfD if thcv tlo -=zurenutlome nrorc, is a forrner associate trli. nrll havc thc spilil ol Clrlist: ..No Also 25lh 51. Shopping Cenfcr tor of Conrrnonuoal rnagazinc. one cAn rrndcrstanrl (lotl antl lhe IO2FIFTH STREET dranra rcvicrver for thc Critic lhings ol Gotl rrnlc.sshe lras (iod's maglrzine atrrl onc tinrc assistent spiril. rvlriclr is the lloly Glrosi." Patronize professor (o. of llnglislr at liirrtlham l,aslll'. Ilishop Slrecn notcd that Patronize Ihe Stanger "thcfc Uniucrsitly, Ncrv l'ork. is a finality altorrt wortls," Men and Younq Men's 0ur anrl so rrgctl his hearer.s [o Lc. 0ur rncnrbcr CLOTHING "na- SXOeS MAJOR PROJECT that not only thc clcs of Aduertisers lhe u'lrole rr'or-ltl ar.e rr.nlchinl thc Adaertisers 132 E. Mrrkrt, New AlbenY, lnd. i ll4 Wert Nrl'l Ave, Ph. 16076 plcss, llut also thosc of (iotl. "Your' ('hurch. \'oul. t.'arttr. -tottr conscicncc, .\,ouf 1l.o{c:siort 'l'he asks orrll, onc thrng f ronr 'Airn .r.orr*-= Kllrlt"'I' Ridrlell National Bank first at rvinnin{ Gotl's ap. CARPEIITER'SREIILT DRUG STSRES plor':rl. as a worknran,_t trb I WAttllNOtON tt, - r7r? CtHtlll rY|, HOME 0f Brazil, Indiana doe"n'l nccd to [re aslranrcrl ol lrr-s FUNERAL rvot'k, olt: rvlto kttnr.,s h6rr., lrr Phonc PhotoSuppllft-Sundrb-Oilrr Phonr Sincc 1885 Sincc 1856 NEW ALBANY, INO rtlrmbrr FDIC hanrlle lhe clarrus of tlrrrlr lrkc a 319'4121 hlcriptionr-Drugr-€orartio 372'7til I(ti. E. SPRING 'l'rtrr. lilirslcl' t l2 2. l:r !." THE CRITERION. OCTOBER 26, 1967

arlo flE5f""tlllll ro rg.' Controversy I'M PRACTICNI MEMBER I{OW ( Corrl inucrl .l) BUDDYI MY FIRST AID/ I r.orn 1ragr, WE LEARNED TO STOP Leo's doclrine by pius Xl was WI{AT ARE YOU BLEEDING WITH A.-- nol loo cleerly underslood cven - DOTNG!t{ TOUtril lQUElr? by some of our leading com. nrenhlor!,


IndianapolisParish Shoppirg List _ .lJuch rvatcr has gorre over ilre O O rlaru. since tlrose pionecr. da1,s. ,\liilions of rvorrls havc bcen irt_ teretl antl thousands oI vohrnres of all kintls, scholally, scienlifir: popular'. and lrave claaretl lhe atnrosphere of its cloutl.v conrelt.

1\'e sinrpl.v ale not living in 1891, nor 1931. nor even in 1tt.ll. Thc uteaning of Socialisnr, boilr histolical anrl cur.rcnt, is uruclr rttot'e .cleally secn. I'he clranges both irr thc tkictlinair.e antt ilrc pt'itctit:al lspects of tr.arli{ional Sot:ialisnr halc lttcn Irerncnrlous. Culenclar' - sr4'0t31 L, , , ,"','-'--Ji,l* LadyofLourdes *lr.-4.. lrtost'ctrr "r*ojll$l".ili." I llflliil[il'1"**"o,*.. --c"ffi|---'ill "**"^".* "^l:Jl@"-' **,:'ii,ii':r:'tir,T"i,""ilr;'-,,ri lf.,"hii:" 'i' iTi:j "":1 ,tlll$ :::l;i_#'' lA- ,iffi:_ i -- The Salurday *'i*iffiiiitlll St. Rita,s Socirl at llrrlv - -;,#lr;.xi.:,rr"",#;,. Social lrcqi.s.t *o$..#:..,,?3,?,:ro" - ,S'{fi*l ti:li' ":i:::,",1;*";;,,*.*;;l p.rrr. ;;i"6.'-Gr in tlrtr gralish Ct'oss begins at tiil]0 i:r-*-"-:H,*,. l9-*::;,1'l;:*'lP hall, lt)lh a1d in tho E5'.R:,"J"Y:"'" .\t'scual. it#;;;'ffii 1,.,*::T':hi$:+rd ;3,1""lG'.]l;;*.{r";'";:'1.$:lipar.ish hirll. ll.t \, Orir,ntal St. rl.1,Tri,ii,i.*'l";;;;;;;;;,;;- l@ orrurl @a"."",i;'#p-" ..;;ln,lffii,,,_ii_-_=t=:=,r,i :*:,=,:"",*"i*,,,rru,6*,,,.rlu,,rn*::1H,1*"-##. t**]ff iHosrrir.rr i"'_;i''tr;6i' -"- "''l - *-""i',".. *"*-*"-" I i 6 j us ii. I ...."".....,:u:t:l*^':o:::t'.."....",.i5l;.g;;1;;1,|ili-i""q.n",".r _ *ch'l''t|*K's*j'.'H:,r.1f;|,:l"':,''T'"i*[l"'fl'$:.*"'','.,.'*]*St'Francis*|"|ll1lgiiji'.li3tlj#t,.* 'll.]-;,]j:ii:',"i:::',..l.l.,J"1j'."]':"*.o.:l,"'KGyrlonc,!tei|Marke'|no*.*o.'PHARMAcY:*5."'..|--;;:;*:_I'li]:::Tl- ;i:,li#.".-".*"*'':'.;';f,l.":f:fi1]''j'rH"il""?,1?li'J3llil.ftIiT' r"irri-=tl BffrscHorr I EInUB| i* N"tr"'rtv *i".,;;;,r;;";.";;"1-nEu'i'iEcd :Ul'1,'i'l1i"ii:;;ii"iil: .--'l';j".m."t,l.''.'iji::'.:#:'":j:':,':.::::-.l...;ocVcleliii.tiic.-'|aufo**" "..".*,,i ,orrffrro.. l;"=;Gi;F-*unoi;1,,.::r**,*r1l*d,i.:tfi!r,,,,,,,,",i * ;dT1;Ti;::,- .", | I'i1iir"i:r*,,1',iii, ii,.":'lliill c ' ticot'gc (lafortr.or, Qudtitt frNlti a!id Veitqldhie5 Reol Estote --_-. WORTH'5MARKET J t urhr $oxyrAul St" James rilr.l.s/00i SOU'I'HAUDUBON MKT. ''rtru'-i-rN REAL ESTATE, 0ili? U.S. Cc.cd6r ihoire 8rr, 1 . BenrclrbvthenrBUYING or SELLING I,londry.Ilrlndry, ::,'JI,.T',:,"T"I.,T': 9 t{, s*dH*t dll!1ij,,,"-,-,,i1-'lr.m. 6 l* *l- ll ll Rcrl Eslrte REI.ITS,INSURANCE CALL Thomrs A. Welch Co. JOSEPHR. * Holvspirii*; curzwrL..*" 801Inlrnd Blds. r"'Ji#"'"ililiffi'f;". "",. ARGUS liE 8.656{ Lr"r"Fr"". *1 lffi 11,,.,,:l,ll;^"" Inquira -r;-;:;;;;;;JlG**,*"**,,**,,,r* rboul our horneflsde' Holy Name A\ GALLGER'S,-f?r. lL'*"-:- in phn, "n""o'*p sor'r--;;;5',,E. 'l \W ?;;:' $) o"- l'::'-::iY-]l - T-:\::::l* st.Ptu' x uoDERNLrvrNG ffit,, ,-,, scrvicrsrarii)n ,.!,'ditil|:,i,tt9.. r------:::::::; ..,,,,... ffig _ | BRowN,sHARDwARE *{A | ,I N,'\'ll.iHr\1, SIITI'ING

I MARY MIIFFHY, r:, Sr ,\r), ,.\' , ,l,t 19 { .r,,,,t. ''i,".Li.1"iilfll' rlr,,ry r f. s r. I 15 i '.-.".":, '"xE" ""rl* sr'clthqine * . #jli;iiiitu;"." l" 'iT'H'.i:'i* . """"*.,,r" .or""* I -iiirij;'fl"fiii.;Ijj,:,ilr SHERIDANGARAGE ,I,,m'I TEACHEROF PIANO "Hartford" I HotDonutr,,"e - "'dliliri. our Dtoporr L ,u,, ***, ".,, ,,. ""' ""-'1";"1i1",,,..,, l:T..-?"i'L._i ifr'i'iiri.,iff''^.llii'i. *" or r*ril .i.,, , The ,,,"" .\ t e r'1 speciitl llonre lor thc ,?.,: vr-'r) spcci:rI l,'lutil;". Courplcln- lf scllill'ilt(' qrtit't zone rvith |*St.Mark*illlll*l:',"'t''3i*i.,"';,]"'il'lijl'l.--_i-|-l.:;;:''.lij'''l.'t'lj',.i'''':',.i'j''''ji,''..:i "Ilo1'-sizcrl" -l t-l llerlt'rns.,\ r't:nll1' lalite I.iving tl{}olll wilh sli(ling "*"'"'* st'Roch *l ', (lnss rhrtrls ln tltc I)lt{io. On ir CHURff-SCHOOI-H0It{t-illAlNIENAl{GIURCH.sCH00[.H0It[E'frilAlNTENANCEll,,,,T;ffi,:j:.:ll'Q":,,,,|#l iwJr:1,**,',,,,,,,r,r, Rolling lot 11i1ir fi11rr rltulttrrt 'l\'eas. l!||vlr\|t-J!llvvlrflvil|E.|ltAl|llENANLEl|..;;;;":'.'^;;;.;:":.,|-l.d;:i:-lfiii;"..."'.,"'".''li i'AlRlCK [10lilAIfY, 0rJkt l* --J3.t5 frlADrSoN St, contraclors- _. a uattji',ju*,t",,,1'rrrotr,ieivicr-'" 3843 CENTRAL - su_ppliers Electricians.- Carpenters-' Minimum Down F.H.A. |Contraaors_Supp|ierl_E|eclricians-CarpenterrIl"tTifjl,;rf.'I#Ti$i,la".'r"|.,.:i:'.-T['li::.|".1l1,''"'T:jl:'lL"}:;;'.|r:..]ltl L," _ ,,.r,sqi;$lrr- ._ " I :jiriii"i Down Plumberserumu.,,-iii'r"*^-- Plasterers- Painrersprinrerr-reiciif- Fencing -- -";;;;-::,;,.;** -l "';r'"ll'1'xirl''ii;;il;$400 No Down. V.A- I T";i:'";;lt'l,ltlff;: li'rll;;; ?::'ff: i l#i't lill #.;,;#;- | I t)rtr: trory lrousc is lcnrl.v, Desit'e A.J,Lrk!r6ndson!||_-1|Jos.G.ct|ARP|E|mentotlt.lrrelrulcxer|'.",ii,.i:'']1''*"l?:|J;'i'i''ii:.'r:iiI"^,,.|F|RELossUP Inrlianrrpolis tllilities ' ootrs'{rNNhil' rluick salc [or gt:].l]r]t). (51.1.?t]0 anrl il'rltlsptrt'tnl iott rviecvice' ;;;;l li'lJr\ al)plilisll.) lfout' trvin-sirc .,..jiiiiii,:,"j-r,. lllffit-- li l',"i.",,"""' ,,,1':,i;illl;ii}.:,1-riii,ii:,,,,llil SEli If iloDi\\i ','"'..,|;';;i,#1.t:*',l'''.''l|Il{iiji.1"'&.p||""..ii$f'J11Yiiji,.,,"i-'Jr.itth"l1iiy:.:||-rl he rlf(rorl s Owner '"' 0pctt Dlilf i to $ L'.'ll sil' .{..1ri60 W"'ry AT 3,5038 ('0fi IIIELLOW AIR Fufil.c. I - ,f,;1r,,ii't,:r,rhid!1", llOll D llUll,l)l,r-.(i l'. T*r';ffi:a'i"t^'llV:aW"'{"ff&*i'tlltl'l';',',"*"t;:,,^1-tt,,.ll- ll1lt ilil=**m**ln:flffi:ffiiflh'*ll ^"'*',*u"rE'tirti''"'0,* l::runl$-f*$:T:l ! llfrj,ili[,tl]','rffi.' aircondilioninsco..rnc.ll **'t'ttttfwes-ormll ..--.:i:jii'8'?ttaffi *.* la.driitiilirtrliillliitil,l,,:ln"rll tt llr:"^*'$:']I'* -- ="m'$;i -.-* l-ll_.*. [lti}i,ti:t.,:t-*rift{.ii*'frpi l-**- SourhrownVacuum Sates I (IIPIT(IIGLISS ":v"@ I'iL;(-u0 ald t t)cllvctv a I l'l'l t, Soulherr tt 7.2409 '. 6.4337^/^f Tl'o"iTil'o"lll{ coilPA]tY,iltc. i , ",Wm'***:;.,,I iil'Jxl: I f f ?lifi.liTj llwlil a Storo Fronlr * S-.lVlt.h-t . * ;f."J::"-"':;l||ffi|!|.,,,,,nulalaar|t*St.Michae|*F'';;th,:ltil| r Furnllurc ?opr I I \ tBt t.tBori. I I Window Glqss Safeway Quality Foods I o tlirrorr rro!{ lvr -. rarl'rrrr bh I r Alsynlte Flbre Glon r Bolley Glosr Slldlng Dooru

r thermoponr Pl,Atllc lYAl.l lltt I 1rh"{th"-le Esch I Ylith lulll(icnt Llltic rnd lrim i l6l0li ( Rd. MI 6.792!l Acro$s frori Bud Cntca I "trcrllv LEADEDGLASS 0o Firltj li i?'riltr|" I ] (L STAINEDGLASS I 560t N lllln0i! 5.Jt0l St. Monica -1 |lord]oirtrd Snxfol Drrlgnr trtodr For Church \rVfadcn'r Advertising ror TENDERS SANDERS rl I BROTHERS i I rrrn lrby tiir*i I Clrurth ttlndorr lcaalrel AUTOSUPPLIES | !'rrrtlon rnd Alrlrrnitv lttvir I 132 3. f,tirourl nl,3.lt0l *orr.'D^Y-wlrt 6016 Pays | I Indionlgollr N. MichiganRd, I sr 6{t46 I cL 3.3{89 PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION,OCTOBER 26,1962' T}TESSACETO WOR[,I) Caucusing complicates Council Fathers urge council commission vote By JAiAES C. O'NEILL Other lists had meanrvhile been prepared by Asian and African VATICAN CITY-There was no "straight bishops as well as by the heads tieket" jn the election of religious orders. of the 160 on the work- Thus justice ing commissions rvhen thr: council Fathers peaceesocial of the ecumeni- assembletl peter's cal council and voting was no in St. to vote given easy task. they wcre lists of candi- general s€cr€- nation under Heaven, carry in Thc corrncil's dates rvhich indicated which ol When the Fathers of the coun- tarl', Archbishop Pericle Felici, our hearts the anxieties of all the national episcopal confslgnss5 cil met (Oct. f6) to vote on the aftcl reading the names of Fa- peoples entnrsted to us, the had tlrarvn them un, 160 posts lor the 10 commissions. thers electctl to seven of the 10 anxieties of body and soul, sor- 1'lrat u'as the only guidance. presented then read rows, desires and hopes." they were wilh sevcrai 'l'he conucil conmissions, indivirlual bishop had to fill printed lists shorving the the mcssage, rvhich harl been ehoices out The rnessage affirmed the his orvn ballot, Each council of a numher of national or re- ploposed by the Council Presi. Father was requested print council's conr::n and interest in gional groups to in the apProval of IIis of bishops. tsut denc)' rvith poor and block lctters each ol the f60 the weak and said: that was about as much Iloliness PoPe John XXIII' help as canditlatcs "We he selected, antl to Are eonstantly attentiye they got. indicate the full name of the dio- to those who, deprived of the Intense sturly, comparison and cesc of origin of lhe candidate, assistanee, have not