Liturgy becomesfirst subject for deliberation by council 'l'rventy-one VATICAN CITY - l'nthcrs o[ thc gcnelal council opened tlebate on tlle litulgy trt thc {ourth gcneral congregation. Among those 1:articipating in the rliscussion rt thc closecl meeting (Oct. 22) rvere Cardinal Francis Spellman, -.._-_ Archbishop o{ Ncrv York, and Archbishop Ilgidio Vag- nozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States. The council prcss office said in a bulletin that the liiurgy rvas schedulcd as tlte first topic lte- ililillililililililfi illillilililillilililmilililillilmllllllllll Relared slory, Page 3 illillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllililllillililllllllllllllllllllll cause the work o{ the eorrncil is tlilccted primalily lorvartl tlte task of an intclnal renerval of tltr: The firsl order of business Church. was lhe reading of lhe names of ihc presenied Fathers elected lo posls on GOVERNOR BACKS CATHOLIC YOUTH WEEK--Governor Mallhew E. Welsh a letler of projecl sacled lit- Thc on the fhree commissions which had rndorsemenl lhis week noting the observrnce of Nafional Catholic Youth Week-Ocfober 28 through prcfnce rurgy consists of a and nol been rnnounced previously. - November i[-io Indianrpolis Dernery Youlh Council Presidenl Jerry Traub of Sl. Philip Neri parish, cight chapters. "to jly::_.:i-rNo raHa, o*Js ER 26,re62 rnd Frfher John Elford, Archdiocesrn CYO Direclor, In hir letler the Governor urges all assisl or,' "' staffpho'o - .t::::ll1jii'::-. ITJ:T::l""l :i i1'-::i1t.i9i { ) 'l '1. IltI CURAIV C'I?IS/S 'I'he A lVord l,'ronl i\rclI(IIOccsc Ar.r:hbish0p to obscrvc Catholicforeigtr affairs 'l'0 illll.; ('l,l';tt(i\'. Itlil,l(iIOUS ANfJ l,AI'l'\' OI,."l'lllrl Att('llDlOC[]Sll OF INDIAI\APOLI|; YouthWcck Thc lirst chrpier ends wif h GITEIL'I'IN(iS: paragrrphs concerning liturgi" lN EXPLAINING rvh1, thc 'l'lrousanrls crl life in lhe diocese and in thc experts pcoplc voice reaction ol' 5'ottttg itt cottneiI took up tlre liturgy Iirst, prrish and wilh wayr of pro- lhc .,\r'cltrlirrccsc u'ill .ioitt ncxt tltr: council l)rcss officc saitl: pasiora! "'l'lre rvcr'li irr lhc lllth irrrrrrral obsclr,- moting action. rvork of Ilcdenrptir)ll, I)re. ntissik irrstalllrtirrrrs ('alltolic BULLETIN tlirectetl ancc' ol Natiotral Youtlt annotrrrcetl b-r' tiotl in tlre Sacr.crl against the S0r'irt trnion und r.e. \1'cr:k. Spccial lcligiorrs. culturll Scliplulc antl fulfillcd b1. (tlrlist. "a anrl .social activitic.s at'c sr:ltctl- is corrtinuct[ in thc (thrrlclr r:lriclly fct'ttrl to this as r:orrstarrt irri- rult:tl in a nrrrnlrt:r u{ ritics. in- thlough tlre litrrrg-r., thlough lhc lanl l{) tlr(' t.S.S.R." ('ross clutIrrl{ lnrlranirpoli.s. llirhnrorrtl Sattificc of tlrc Pelpetually antl Llh-runringlon. t'cnewerl on lhe altar., llrrrxrglr thc 'l'hcnrc saertlncnts anrl tlrr.ough tlaily of tlre tralirlttal obsr'r'\'- Wc talte this occasion to thank "llevct'cnt It'ibutc of public pra1,cr.." attcc is Yotttlt---1,o1'al all tltose u'hr-ruolk uitlr ancl fol " 'l'lrr l,carlt'rs. pless offict"s lrullctirr 1'outh iri ilrc rr:rn.rcol' lhc (lhurclr, sairl 'l'lrc tltat litulgy roultl bc tlcfirred as trltctlrer irr thc ficld of educittion Ittrliatrapolis olrsq.r'r'iule,c "rvolslrip ruulclt'rl to (iorl hy ilrc atttl t'eligious irrstrrrctirtrrol irr tlrc rlill lrcgitr Surrrlal'. ()cl. :ti. \\'llon Chrrlch. It is lru{ orrlS' an erter.- less folnr;rl lxrI no lcss inrnortarrt 4{x} .1'ouths .(ather in tlrr' l,ittlc ttal antl settsibk: l)al.l ()f thc tln.inc NOTING THAT Pr.csitlt'nt Xcu- J''lorvcl aurljtolitrrn lirr' :r Cout- fickls ot,;trllrrr';rl.sot'iirl, or irlhlctic rvolship ot' an ittstruclrr.c ct'rtr- tterll' lrntl calltd for. UN supt'r- nrtrnion Illclrkfast t() c{}nllllcll(}- recreatiou. All o{ tlrcse givc trrotrial; ncitlrcl t:an it I'r't'sitlont Kcnncrl.r' a tcleEt attt vrsion of orrr ('hrist llc con. lht' rlisuutnt ling of thc ratr the l,'cast of tlrc Iiing "tht' "I pcolrlc so trliulv ties lo lhc sirlcLcrl as n sinrpltr coiicction ot' strppoii ing ntcitsltrcs of t'rrhlrr installltious, he saitl: )'oung an(l Nati()nul Yrrullt (irrttrrtttttirrtr LJ.S.frishops giliut:rte Clturch grcat tltc larvs anrl pr.cccpt:; thlotrglr le soll.tlcfcusc" takcn b.v sugqest thal. a rvillirrgnt'ss to erntl coutributc irr Suttrli4'. AIass rrill be rclcblatt'd rt'ltitrlt llrt' ccclt'siaslieal hir:r- I\lt'. Kcnnr:tl1'. ilcccpt in t'xcll:rrrgt' a sinrilnl lneasure lo the etcln;rl salvatiorr in l,ittlc lflxvcr (-llrrrlr:lr itt 8:45 r'l at'chy guvelns lhc aels o[ rvor- supolvisr,d tlisnrantling of r\nrrr.i. ol tlteir souls. ;1.nl. 'fhouglr ilssrgnc([ [0 slrigr. rtot combinirrtl cln nrissiL' bases ahronrl dilectetl We ltave iu orrr Alchtliocese il fine system of {jatlrnlic u,ithirr rlscl!' llrc rvllrlc irclir.ily of itt tlrt: Suvict llniorr n.oultl br.: thc -to grtn('l'ous lrarochiul aurl.s.ccondary st:hools, thtrnks the ilroughtfrrl- iiro t,llur'(.iI. lrturl-gy is tlrt- tirnt kin(i {}f cottccssion the floryl gllr:c lhll'[,';rlhor ttess erutl strcrificcs of our pricsts aul laity. We hariir rrlso 1y|1i.1, fkl11'5 anrl is sa1's nrusl bo rtrade coillmissions tltc telnrirrus lo rvlriclr irt lht' intoltst of a well establishcd Catholic \foutlr sorrls ar.e llclet:." Or.ganiiatiell to provirlc tlit'cctctl. " Jor tlte cxtrir-school nccrls of orrr youtlr. As rve ar.u iorrtirur- VA'l'lCr\N Cl'l'Y-'l'lrt' elcctiutts I''a{hcr l)unnr: sa irl ller.liu is "anothor .u'hcltr aily alxious lhal all chikh'cu shoirld havc tlre possibility o{i fol the l0 sllccializerl rvolkitrg t('Ilsiolt point attatttlirrg (lalholic sclrools, \t'cr ult'e also errrxious ilrerl l.hcir cornrrrissions of tlrc Secorrrl \/lti- Urrity c()nlnlission .r.lrllr\l'ous r,rrrrr.r'ssions ill.e p()s- ca!l llottncil gilve substanlial sihle." I)escribin{ tlrt' ti.S. po,si- out-of-school rrcctls shoultl bc fulfillcd thr.ough par.ticipation l,'alltot' (lt,ot'grr ll. l)ttttnc, S..f,, "irnlrossihlt' TUESDAY EVENING, (l(:tol)ct' rr'plcscntatiorr tu bislrops Il'onl lion tlrclc ls to irr thc progrilnls illl(l activilies of the t'\'O. Iror: this fcasorl assistattl fot' ittlt't'ttttlitrrt:rllffaits tlrc Uuitcrl Stntcs Canarla. given e(lutl slulus <lt'fcnd rrrrlitalill' and difficult to tu'en'ish (iYO :l(|. llrolc llrall lli)(t lrrrrlhs rvill ;rl. antl prt'sirlettt ol (;o()rg('t()\\'n to sec trctir,c urrils of tlrc in evcr..!.pirri.slr,antl to thc politicalll'," tcll(l {lrc l{}{ll iulnunl (j\'(} 1tilil. itrstill' hc arltlt'rl: elely tcerr-agct' 'llrc Iirrivelsit]', Wasltittgtorr. saitl "\\'illrorrl iul uclivc rncrlbcl of suc:h urrits. lf ilris lJntlcl rcgulaiions arrrrorrnt:ctl \/A'l'l(:AN ('l'l'\, ,-" alrantloninq the prrople rluct at Scecirra,\lcrrrolitrl llil{lr sccr.o- jrtstilictr- rt'islr rvere fulfilletl today u'e u'oulrl h1' llis llolincss I'ope ,lolrrr XXIII lht'r'c'cnrr hc lto trtornl bc n'ell assttr.ed o[ ar:tive Sclrool. prt'strrlerl lat'iat. lor Plurrroiing (lhrisliarr of \\'cst llt'r'lin thclc ar.c possihltr Au'altls lo bo wilt' t)tl nl0lttl)er'$0l in Scpterubct'. eirt:h of Ilrc l{} corn- lion for' :rll-ottl nttclcitr sttlrttirrns uttt' lrirIisltcs Ionr0r'r't.rrr'. n'ill incltttlr tho St,.lolrrr lloscc llttitl, 11;1.5boolr gllrrrtcrl ;r positiorr rvlriclr llrlic into nccount nrissions is conrposrrl plt'si. lrtrpttlatiott etrttct's. ilc sititl hc Arvaltl, (lt'olgc of a ol' rornplclt cqullill' uitlr thc l{} lltt' lraltl lr'trlilics. \\'c hur.c not thc Sl . ]ltrllrl anrl is ttot tvltat l)i'csitlt'ttt i\lorcovcr', llt;rt 1hc people r_rl'apirr.ish rnir1.apllly 'l'lrt,sc tlettl appoitttcrl ll1' lhc I'{)l)r!, lt; Iurpcs llris ht'cn rvillittrt pr'qr1lpss ,),otnlg lltc Sl . Attnt' llcrlal. rvill eottttcil errnttttissirlrs. "l'apal lo thcnt," thenrscllcs 'l'ltis licnttt'rlv lrirrl ir, tttittrl itt ltis ntrt'tt' leacltiug oppttsr:s lllock- to lhcil orgarrizatiorr :rnrl actir;itics u.il.h'car:tittil grr tttcrttlrt'Ls clected lll' thc l'allrcls lctiorr n'ill lo irrlrrlls rvlro grrirlr' \ilt'i')ils hllc thrt'r' t'orr- irtg itnrl lhc ing to tltc Soviet Iittion. Ilc alstr arhs u'hich ainr at stat't llt'sairl it soul<l litkc I stutos- tlrought, \1'c t'ocol)llltcnrl that u lrar.ish Youilr Corrncil, ;rs glotrlls of cotrtrcil, antl ciglrt otlrcr' s(t(lucltc(!s: tlrc sct'r.r'taliat. itsolf ".,ircilt -r'orrlh anrl lrr,lililics. o{hcr. (i.S, lo bc rt'tttll fur tlt'nrrrralizing peoplt bttt it rlttcs tttalt of ('\'O ttrculllct's narncrl b1' tlrc I'opc, ufllc(l tho coufAgt' antl lcilrl. desct'illcrl irr lltc Arclrrlioccslur Ilarrttllook, ltc orgarrizcd arlrrlt volurrttrcrs tvill lrt: r.t'cog. rtill 1n'cscn[ its proptrsals in tlrc 'l'lic lllll{}tiirliotls itttrl t'ottt'cssirttts itl not {}l)l}0so it }rktr'liatlc l)fo\r'lltiilll Ct'sltip" l() l)ut'su(' lltc kinrl of irt eaclr purislr. tirutrglrtl'rrlncssof lhis gr.oulr ttizctl also. cottncil asscrrrllll': thc pLoposlls is sir.orr{lv THE FIRST ballotittrl t'c.u't.' st't'liing n pt'ar:t'[ttl soltt{iott ttr tltc llrtr shillpirrtt uf ol'fr'ttsivc atttilt- l)()ll('l llt'!l('(l b1 I'opt' .lohu, Srrclr assurcrl il l.lrc.vopu'trtc jrrrlge It'ill llc tliscrrssctl. arrrl c<literl, accorclirrg to tlrc <.'bscr.vi', tinil \\'ot'c ilnn{}un(:crl ( Oe t.
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