■Ws- do. ish dad the :on- spi- > to huj) <. •> Mrs. M innie Nicholas Saba Morales Delia Williams Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearse ■ i ^Every Day Is Thanksgiving Day’ r! By Sue Roethele and StafT, give personal attention to each thankful I’m not in a wheelchair, and One patient, an elderly woman who Most people in the area mark Thanks- resident. despite all the sickne.ss we’ve had. I’m broke her hip and found private care givinK with varying amounts o f cheer, glad my husband is not an invalid. He’s impractical, smiles when she talks of her NOle plenty of turkey, and perhaps, bicarbo­ FO R T H E most part, Samaritan’s in pain, he’s uncomfortable, but he’s not "wonderful daughters who take care of MOP nate of soda. guests are happy people ... warm, toler­ an invalid.” me.” The tears, however, roll quietly lUit For many others, the day would seem ant, patient. Their days are spent in down her cheeks when she speaks of the Christine Nash, a 58-year-old native of a cheerless one, however brightened by quiet recreational activities, reading, home she once had and how she misses Canton. Miss., has been bedridden nearly the visit of a friend or relative, turkey chatting with their fellow guests — but it. 20 years. She has suffered from rheuma­ and trimmings on the menu, and, per­ mostly, remembering. toid arthritis since she was 14 and has haps, a tiny decoration on the table next One couple, who gave up a private res­ SOM EHOW, despite their pain, guests seldom been relieved of pain. to their beds. idence because of illness, shares a small like Mrs. Minnie Nicholas manage to room whose walls display pictures from concentrate on good things . visits from Those are the sick, the aging, the eld­ "I think every day is Thanksgiving by-gone days. old friends, a pretty keep-sake brought erly who live in nursing homes. In some Day,” she said. "I’m thankful that I can They are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearse. with them to remind them o f loved ones, cases, they are guests of the homes by feed myself and take care of me — and He is 78, his wife, Mary, is 86. Despite the kindness and goodness of people who choice. In others, because of necessity. the pain? .. well, it’s led me to a better Pearse’s illness, due to recent surgery, find time to care about them. And in u few instances, residents because relationship with God. I have a .sense of and Mrs. Pearse’s painful arthritis, they o f family convenience. freedom ... even though I can’t walk. I’m One in particular, Saba Morales, 68, a are grateful and looked forward to free within myself. I’m glad to be alive.” large, deep-voiced, white-haired gentle­ D E N V E R Samaritan Nursing home in Denver is Thanksgiving. man, speaks with his eyes as well as his ARCHDIOCESAN a large, rambling structure composed of The Pearse's look back on careers with D E L L A W ILLIAM S , a 54-year-old voice, of turkey. E D IT IO N several floors and extended wings. Con­ some o f the most famous circuses in the Dallas native, has been a resident of sisting of two stately mansions built be­ world, including the Ringling Brothers. Samaritan for four years. A humorous "Thanksgiving means turkey to me,” VOL. LXIl No. 16 fore the turn o f the century, and a long Mrs. Pearse, an aerialist since childhood, woman who smiles readily. Thanksgiving he says, and winks before walking down THURSDAY, NOV. 23, 1967 connecting wing, it is a bright, well-kept retired from the circus after 45 years Day this year will be marked by a prayer the corridor with the aid of his cane. home for older persons who need nursing above the sawdust. Her husband, a first- in gratitude for what she called "lovely Mae Williams, a gentle 82-year-old care. wagon ticket man, retired only a few and simple things ... what health I have, woman sums up the patient attitude of The 100 residents at Samaritan are years ago. the changing weather, pretty days, being most of the Samaritan guests. "I’m attended by a stafT of 60 nursing, medi­ taken care of, and cans of .Schlitz beer,” thankful most of all for what the Lord Protesting cal. and administrative personnel. Direc­ *'HONEY, Mrs. Pearse said, ”of (the latter added with a nudge and has spared me ... but I’d be thankful to tor is F. L. Dauthat, who, with his wife course I have a lot^to ^rajteful^ for. 1,’ip chuckle.) be home.” Priest Now Pope Addresses Throng ""New Style’ Is Mark Classed. 1-A Ithaca, N.Y. - The Rev. David W. Vatican City — Pope Paul VI ap­ being favorable for a complete recovery.” Connor, assistant Catholic chaplain at peared at the window of his study Nov. Talking to the crowd Sunday, the Pope Cornell University, has been notified he 19 for the first time since undergoing a said; Of Bishops’ Meeting was reclassified "1-A Delinquent” — prostate operation earlier in November, "Beloved sons. available for immediate induction — by and blessed 20,000 well-wishers in St. "Here we are happy again to meet By David MUlon ments to "join earnestly in the search for his local draft board. Peter’s square. with you for our weekly prayer after our (Register Special) a just and lasting peace.” The 30-year-old priest and 15 Cornell While Congress was debating pros and The Pope’s voice was a bit weak, but health had undergone a trial. We thank students last month returned their Selec­ American Bishops are showing a ’new cons of the war on poverty on Capitol he seemed in good health as he talked the Lord, who in His bounty restores us tive Service cards to their draft boards in style’ in dealing with problems that face Hill, only a few blocks from where the about eight minutes to the crowd gath­ to our ministry, which with a bit o f pa­ protest against the Vietnam war and the the people of God in their jurisdictions. Catholic prelates were assembled, the ered below. It was the first time since his tience we hope soon to take up regularly. "injustices of the draft.” That is the view of Bishop James P. Bishops published another resolution re­ operation Nov. 4 that he had been able "W e are under obligation to the very A spokesman for Father Connor’s Shannon of St. Paul-Minneapolis, assist­ commending "the immediate passage of to show himself at the window for his fine and very careful doctors who have board in Geneseo, N.Y., said that in re­ customary Sunday prayer and blessing. helped us in every way and with every ant chairman of the U.S. Catholic Confer­ strong and adequate legislation” support­ ence and a member of the press panel at classifying the priest the board was fol­ On the following day his doctors issued effort. And we are equally under obliga­ ing the poverty program. lowing standard Selective Service proce­ the recent meeting of the National Con­ a medical bulletin announcing the Pope tion to you and to all who have comfort­ They called on members o f the House dures in making available for service had completed successfully the post-oper­ ed us with their sympathy and their good ference of Catholic Bishops. of Representatives to demonstrate that anyone not having his draft card in his Impressed by a new mood of openness "our nation and its citizenry . keep ative period and that his recovery is wishes, persons o f great importance and possession. among members of the U.S. hierarchy, being watched carefully. the good common people. faith with the commitments already made Father Connor has 30 days to appear Bishop Shannon described this attitude as to the socially and economically handi­ before the local draft board for possible "Of your prayers we are particularly being "different from paternalism, differ­ THE B U L L E T IN said that the P o i»’s capped segments of our population.” induction or to appeal his reclassification mindful and we hope that you will con­ ent from directives, different from fiats.” "serene acceptance o f suffering and spirit tinue your filial assistance, for which we to 1-A from 4-D, the normal clerical clas­ o f trusting submission’’ contributed great­ In other statements, the Bishops have a paternal reciprocation in our af­ sification. He had made no decision as to ly to his recovery. "Convalescence has He said it is a style of answering issued policy statements on Catholic what action he will take but said he is fectionate prayers and in our humble suf­ schools and on clerical celibacy. They already begun and it will be watched the needs of people that is in con­ conferring with his attorney. ferings. Also, 70 years and the ailments formity with the guidelines laid down also approved a long "collective pas­ with careful prudence, with the outlook of this our life have made more aware to by the Second Vatican Council. toral" concerning the questions re­ (IN W ASH IN G TO N a spokesman for us and more warm the thought of you, of garding the nature of the Church and the Church and o f the world. the national Selective Service headquar­ Bishop John J. Wright o f Pittsburgh some of its immediate problems.
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