Literary Agency - Spring 2021 Rights Guide - London United Kingdom Bari Italy
[email protected] ((ampimargini)) ampi margini Literary Agency SILVIA CASSIOLI (Tuscany, 1971) works as a fiction editor. She made her debut with two books of poetry, El gran magnùn de la Finanza (Manni), a poem in an invented language; and the collection of Unghie, plantari, gambe di legno e altri ex voto fantastici (d’if). Her works in both prose and poetry have appeared in various magazines, including L’immagiatura, il Verri and Semicerchio. Of 2019 is her first novel, Il figliolo della Terrora (Exorma). Cassioli has recently edited and and translated Cécile by Benjamin Constant, whose publication is forthcoming. She lives in the province of Siena. Wilma April 1953, Torvaianica beach. A workman finds the body of a young woman on the seashore. No signs of violence. The police close the investigation even before starting it: it is an accident. But is it really an accident? Journalists are not convinced, people in Rome are talking: this is the beginning of the Montesi case. A case apparently like many others but one that in the Italian media landscape of those years raises an unprecedented outcry. It ends up involving men of power, the son of a minister, top figures from the Christian Democrat and Communist party, Jesuits and moralizers who in turn end up under accusation, some against the others, police against Carabinieri, in a crescendo that with the passing of the months increasingly resembles a theatre of the absurd. Around the drowned young woman swarm the curious, a good magistrate, a corrupt fixer, an introverted musician loved by women, an affectionate uncle, the famous actress and the stars who want to make movies, the coroners, a profusion of experts and super experts, the artistic undergrowth that populates the bars of the Roman dolce vita, the paparazzi of course, speculating businessmen and a CIA agent.