Dungarvan Ceader
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MARIO'S MOTOR FACTORS MARY ST., DUNGARVAN HORNIBROOKS L(3WORE Q,, CAR STEREOS Dungarvan Ceader From £29.95 and SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT FOR 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE Circulating throughout the County and City of Waterford, South Tipperary and South-East Cork TEL. 058/42417, anytime Vol. 50. No. 2581. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1988. ^GKTERED AT THE GENERAL PRICE Wnfinr VATI POST OFFICE AS A NEWSPAPER RHIUT *INCT VA 1 > TOYOTA PENSMAN TAKES YOU Call For More Information MOLONEYS On Tenant Purchase Scheme FURNITURE SHOP ARTHRITIS WEEK 88 owned by fohn Walsh in the 1st Anniversary Thlils week, uinrtffi Sunday next, eariy years of the present cen- Several members of Water- •Perhaps," Mr. Hurley added, WAY AHEAD tance to anyone seeking it so September 18, has been desig- tury, the town also had a third ford Co. Council stated at, the "after this discussion on the as to push the scheme as much Council's monthly meeting ln matter more tenants will come The Co. Manager again re- nated "Arthritis Week 88' by hotel known as Moore's Hotel as possible. Dungarvan last Monday that forward and we will only be peated that, the Council were Discussion ended with the the Arthritis Foundation of which was located across the an amount of confusion existed delighted to facilitate all who doing all they could in regard County Secretary stressing that Ireland. Arthritis is still an street from where Uniacke's among tenants concerning the do " to the scheme. "In fact." he if applications were not In by enonmious problem here in Ire- Tenant. Purchase Scheme, intro- Cllr. James A. Walsh thought added, "we are way ahead of the end of December they were newsagency and supermarket duced earlier thi year by the other counties where the kind wiith more than half a s there woula be a far greater re- "a dead duck" as this was laid now stands. Cappoquin must Department, of the Environ- sponse If tenants were told the scheme is concerned and offi- down most specifically by the million men, women and certainly have been on the ment. cers of the Council's housing SALE exact figure for which they Department. section will give every assis- dhlildiren suffering firom tihe crest of a wave in those days. Before the meeting was a could makp a purchase. disease in one or more of its letter from the County Secre- tary. Mr. B. J. McNally which one hundred different types. It But to again return to the 1902 notice concerning the stated that, in mid-April last, STARTS THIS FRIDAY, SEPT. 16 iis to be regretted that' there all eligible tenants In the stfili is no cure for antibmltns but take-over of the Morrissey county were notified of the over the recent past great Hotel, it stated that carriages terms of the scheme and a re- and waggonettes were always minder was issued on June 24. strides have been made through It was proposed to issue a fur- GREAT BARCAINS research. available on the premises while ther reminder in late October/ Traffic Problems In "porters attend all trains and early November. In Ireland today there are steamers." The latter reference "To date." the letter added, TO BE HAD! many myths about tihe disease, intrigued us until we learned "125 from the 750 eligible ten- At. the monthly meeting of ants have applied and it is pro- Dungarvan Urban Council last one of the mo9t common being that these steamers came up posed to put approximately 100 Monday night, CUr. Mary Dixon FOR EXAMPLE: t'hait artihritis is only a condition river from Youghal bringing on purchase from October 8." again raised the matter of in- of the ekteriy. Thiils is entirely hundred's of visitors to the The letter then listed the stalling traffic lights on the * Beds from £49 town side of the Abbeyside Dungarvan untrue as unfortunately, many town during the tourist season number of applications from the various collection areas bridge at the Courthouse and * Wardrobes from £69 dhiildren and young adults each year and landing them at and for the Western side of the was informed by the Town En- was incorrect as there never Commenting on the letter, * 3-piece Suites from £195 j suffer from arthritis and indeed a point beyond the old railway county these were: Kilmactho- gineer. Mr. Denis McCarthy had been a question of placing Cllr. R. Walsh said that other many ellderly people wiho suffer bridge on the Tourin road still mas Stradbally/Leamybrlen 17; that, the cost, of erecting traffic restrictions on the south side business people and traders in * Tables and Chairs from £135 lights at the point would be where cars were normally park- t'oday probably developed it in known to older residents of the Ardmore/Dungarvan 11- Lis- the street, had pointed out to more/Tallow 17: Cappoquin/ in the region of £30,000. ed for funerals going into the him that all the free car park- * Plus Lots, Lots More! early life. district as "steamer's quay." Parish Church. Clonmel 22. The Co. Manager. Mr. Dan ing facilities in the street were Throughout this week the Opening discussion on the Hurley said that the traffic On the suggestion of the Co. at the downside of the town Arteritis Foundation wlhic h Perhaps all this can conjure subject. Cllr. W. McDonnell said Manager, Mr. Hurley, it was and there was very little off- count, at the place had been agreed to get the matter clari- 'has been described as am up a picture of what Cappoquin that there was an amount of completed and when it had street, parking available at the confusion about the scheme fied by the Garda authorities. O'Connell Street end. MOLONEY'S FURNITURE SHOP organisation working towards must have been like in those been evaluated he would make times when the century was among tenants and as the a case to the Department on The Co. Manager said that its own obsolescence, has been scheme was a great one he felt REQUEST FOR DISC Western Terrace, Dungarvan young, sixty or seventy years the matter. this was fair comment but he ihiglhilig'hting the problems that every help should be af- PARKING EXTENSION added that, he had sought some (REAR OF VG) ago- forded tenants wishing to pur- land for car parking In the Telephone 058/43381 caused by arthritis in this coun- chase their own homes. He sug- PARKING AT MITCHEL In the course ot a letter to STREET area recently and "what was try and pointing to the need for SHAM AMATEUR GAMES gested that the Council should the Town Clerk, four traders asked for it would buy O'Con- Late Opening Friday 7.30 — Free Delivery Service more research into this crip- employ a person to call on ten- of O'Connell Street. (Mary Lee, nell Street. Dublin." ants and explain the situation A report, by the Town Engin- Helen Barron. John L. Walsh pling disease. The brouhaha which has eer in regard to parking at Mr. Hurley said that it might to them and he felt that this Mitchel Street stated that, ac- and another whose signature be as well for the Council to gone on in recent weeks about would increase the number of cording to the Parking Regula- was illegible) requested the also seek the opinion of the MORRISSEY'S HOTEL. the huge sums of money re- applicants enormously, "A fig- tions approved in 1986. restric- Council "as a matter of Traffic authority on the latter CAPPOQUIN ceived by leading athletes, ure of 17 from the Lismore-Tal- tions were in operation on the urgency to extend disc parking before making any decision on low area is crazy when there south side for 90 metres from approximately 100 metres fur- the matter and this was agreed. amongst them many of our are so many people who want ther westwards as the present Last week we sent out a the Western Terrace junction. own, for mere appearances at to purchase their own houses." In 1987 a recommendation that situation is having a detrimen- APPOINTMENT query about the whereabouts in track meetings, not to mention he said. restrictions ln front of private tal effect on our business." Cappoquin of Morrisseys houses from O'Donnell's shoo to Carroll Motors Ltd the endorsements received Clir. Jackie Fahey. T D. the corner of Western Terraca The letter added that, this On the proposal of the Chair- j i] Hotel as referred to in an ofd from sporting goods manufac- agreed that Deople wer<> lacking be discontinued nad txrrn -W^s due- to (hp fact that busin- man Cllr. Ha.llalia.n_ congratu- DUNGARVAN. Phone 058/41994 or 4Z2.07 newspaper dated 1902 when it in information about the enn proplc. jtt.nO and residents lations were extended to Ray- turers for using their gear, scheme and he felt the Council agreed to by the Garda Chief In the disc Darkins area were mond Moloney on his appoint- MITSUBISHI - VOLVO — SUZUKI was taken over by one, John shows what a nuge sham the should do more to explain the Superintendent. No request was leaving their cars outside the ment. as Assis-tant, Staff Officer Walsh- Well, first off, we would made at the time to have the subscriber's properties all day to replace Mr. Ml. Flynn. who I 1987 Mitsubishi Galant 1983 Fiat 127 Comfort Olympic Games and particul- situation to them. .The tenants restriction on the south side recently retired. Cllr. D. Goode like to extend our thanks to the should bp written to setting out thereby eliminating any oppor- Turbo Diesel 1983 Ford Fiesta St.