The Alpine Guide

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The Alpine Guide The Alpine Guide Ball, John London, 1898 ETH-Bibliothek Zürich Shelf Mark: Rar 3095 Persistent Link: Section 8. Aiguilles d'Arves district. Die Plattform macht die in Schweizer Bibliotheken vorhandenen Drucke online verfügbar. Das Spektrum reicht von Büchern über Karten bis zu illustrierten Materialien – von den Anfängen des Buchdrucks bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. provides online access to rare books available in Swiss libraries. The holdings extend from books and maps to illustrated material – from the beginnings of printing to the 20th century. met en ligne des reproductions numériques d’imprimés conservés dans les bibliothèques de Suisse. L’éventail va des livres aux documents iconographiques en passant par les cartes – des débuts de l’imprimerie jusqu’au 20e siècle. mette a disposizione in rete le edizioni antiche conservate nelle biblioteche svizzere. 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Il tipo di licenza e le condizioni di utilizzo sono indicate nella notizia bibliografica del singolo documento. Per ulteriori informazioni vedi anche [Link] IIO DAUPHINE ALPS . (COTTIAN ALPS . II .) better as rock-climbers than as glacier no means perfect) as regards the guides, and the traveller is still Belledonne group. advised to insist on the usual pre¬ It has been stated that the earlier cautions being taken on ice and part of the summer should be pre¬ snow. In time, no doubt, the ferred for climbs in the Pelvoux dis¬ Dauphine cragsmen will acquire a trict, because snow then lies in gullies competent knowledge of snow craft. and on slopes which are scarcely A tariff for all the principal climbs accessible without its aid. But this has been published by the above- statement is only exact to a very mentioned S.T. D., which issues limited extent, though of course in licences to the guides and porters the height of the summer is whom it has there here, approved. as in other parts of the Alps, less In 1892 Mr. Coolidge and his col¬ snow than early in the season. leagues put It forth a thoroughly revised must not, however, be supposed that English edition of their book, under spring snow melts faster in the title of ‘ The Central Dauphine Alps of the than in portions of the Alpine chain Dauphiny ’(‘Climbers’Guides ’Series), further to the N., as this most certainly accompanied by a corrected edition is not the case. The district , however, of M. Duhamel’s maps. This book seems to rejoice should be consulted for in more steady fine further details weather than other districts, and than can be given in these pages as early visitors will be to all enchanted by climbs in the Pelvoux group, the richness and beauty of the flora, and also in the Aiguilles d’Arves especially in the neighbourhood of group between the Col du Galibier the Lautarct . and the Olle valley. The original French work (to which a supplement was issued in 1890) must, however, still be referred to for the old names of peaks and passes, quotations from old topographical authorities, and a complete list of books and maps re¬ SECTION 8. lating to the district . For the Alle- AIGUILLES D'ARVES DISTRICT . vard and Belledonne ranges Joanne ’s ‘ Alpes Dauphinoises,’ vol. i. (1890), Two streams unite at Briaru^on to will give all necessary information, form the Durance . One, the Clainti while Joanne ’s ‘ Dauphine ’ (1898) which is the main source of that river, contains a general account of the flows in from the N.W., having risen whole district. The valleys E. of the in the neighbourhood of the Durance Mont are included in Chapter II ., Thabor . The ridges which enclose §§ 3- 6, of the present work. For the it have been described in §6. Rtes. D Chartreuse, and its surroundings, and E. The other, the Guisanc^ Joanne is the best general book, runs in also from the N.W., but has its but may be supplemented by the origin further W., near the Lautaret local guide-books mentioned in § 10. and Rte. D. Galibier passes. These last-named passes form the S. and E. limits re¬ The Brianfon (No. 189) and St. spectively of the district Jean described in de Maurienne (No. 179) sheets the present Section. The valley of of the great French map in¬ the Arc on the N., and that of Graisi- clude most of the ranges described in vaudan on the W., are the other boun¬ this Chapter, with the Grenoble (No. daries. The ranges enclosed 178) and within Vizille (No. 188) sheets for these limits are really the most westerly some of the minor ridges. It is said outliers of the Cottian Alps, and that the j 50000 maP (Carte du Service indeed of the entire Alpine chain. Vicinal) is more accurate (though by But they' have no one centre, and are, in § 8. AIGUILLES D’ARVES DISTRICT in these pages, grouped together 3. W. of the Grandes Rousses, and simply for reasons of practical con¬ separated from them by the valley of venience. In olden days they formed the Olle, is a lofty, but much longer, the line of division between Dauphine ridge. This extends parallel to the course of the Isere on the W. from and Savoy, and the highest summits, many minor ones, are on the Vizille nearly to Aiguebelle, and its besides on the direction of the Savoy side of the watershed. Yet, as influence they are usually attacked from the valleys is seen in the bend which the Dauphine side, they may be included, Arc makes to the N., and the without confusing the reader , among Romanche to the S., before they the Dauphine Alps, which are the respectively join the Is&re. The Col subject of this Chapter. Many tra¬ de la Coche and the plateau of the vellers, too, approach the higher Sept Laux really subdivide this group peaks of Dauphine over the peaks into two distinct portions. That on of this group, which for the N. and E. may be roughly de¬ and passes as the mountains around want of a better name may take that scribed of its loftiest summits. Allevard , of which the highest sum¬ As has been pointed out already, mits are the Pity Gris (2,992 m., these ranges are made up of several 9,816 ft.) and the Rocher Blanc more or less independent clusters of (2,931m., 9,617 ft.), while the Pic du mountains. Three, or even four, may Frene (2,808 m., 9,213 ft.) is the last be distinguished. lofty peak at the N. end of the ridge. la Coche and W. 1. The most easterly ofvthese in¬ S.W. of the Col de cludes the ridges between the Col du of the middle bit of the Olle glen is Ualibier and the Col des Pres the tangled cluster of peaks cul¬ Nouveaux, or, in other words, between minating in Belledonne (2,981 m., the Valloirette and Arvan torrents. 9,781 ft.), which is also their best It includes the Aiguilles d’Arves, known summit. three rock pinnacles so extremely All these ranges are described in steep as to be nearly clear of snow, succession in the following Section— the Central (3,511 m., 11,520 ft. ) the Aiguilles d’Arves group in Rtes. B in and Southern (3,509 m., 11,513 ft. ) and C, that of the Grandes Rousses Allevard points being the highest summits de¬ Rtes. D and E , and the . They mountains in Rtes. F, G, and H , scribed in the present Section to Belle¬ lie nearly N. of La Grave, but are while Rte. I is devoted wholly on the Savoy side of the water¬ donne and its neighbours. It is also most convenient to include in this shed. From these points a high - ridge extends to the N. between the Section accounts of the Col du Lau Valloirette and Arvan torrents, of taret (Rte. A), its S. boundary, and which the Grande Chible (2,936 m., of the Col du Galibier (Rte. B), its 9*633 ft.) is the N. end. E. limit. The valley of the Arc Next comes the range of the (N. limit) is described in § 7. 2. Graisivaudan Grandes Rousses (3,473 m., 11,395 Rtes. A and B, and the ft-), which stretches in a long snow- (W. limit) in § 10. Rtes. B and C. clad ridge, with many glaciers, from § 9 is taken up with the main mass N- to S. between the Col des Pres of the high Dauphine peaks, which Nouveaux and the winding course of form a great mountain peninsula, Ihe Olle on the W. This range in¬ linked to the rest by the isthmus of cludes by far the most extensive snow the Col du Lautaret .
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