Blisland Parish Council Meeting Thursday 13 November 2014

A Meeting of Parish Council was held in the Manor Suite Blisland Village Hall on Thursday 13 November 2014.

Councillors present Parish Council Chairman Councillor Fairman, Parish Council Vice-Chairman Councillor Mrs Webber, Councillor Bogle, Councillor Mrs Carey, Councillor Cross, Councillor Greenaway, Councillor Miss Meads, Councillor Montague, Councillor Mrs Pope and Councillor Runnalls.

In attendance Councillor Batters Parish clerk Mrs Sandra Harris



162/14 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Mrs Webber declared a non registerable interest in Agenda item 10 Mobile Infrastructure Project.


164/14 CORNWALL COUNCILLOR – REPORT Cornwall Councillor Batters updated Council on the following Highways issues:- Pentor Court – Further site meeting has been held regarding the on-going ditch and drainage issues. Delphi Bridge – works will start week commencing 8 December. Waterloo Bridge – drains at both ends of the bridge were cleared on 23 October. Potholes – the potholes between the Village Green and Tresarrett were tended on 23 October. A30 – the verge obscuring visibility on the Blisland exit has been trimmed. Keybridge – it has been reported that two drains flooded at Keybridge following South West Water works in Tregenna Road.

165/14 HIGHWAYS & FOOTPATHS Kerrow crossroads – the potholes are always full of water 2

Blocked drains – outside the main entrance to Trewardale (main route into the village) A30 - visibility is not only being impaired by the grass but also by the hedge vegetation growing out towards the road.

166/14 MINUTES It was proposed by Councillor Miss Meads and seconded by Councillor Greenaway that the minutes of 9 October 2014 are accepted, approved and signed by the Chairman. This proposal received the support of the Council.

167/14 PLANNING APPLICATIONS a) PA14/10320 Sunday School Blisland & PA14/10553Works to upgrade and restore the main institute building including repairs to defective pointing of south wall, repairs to window frames where rotted, taking off roof slates, repairing/replacing support timbers, relaying slates over a breathable membrane with insulation below, installing new lighting, heating and ventilation. Re-building WC extension to provide new accessible WC’s and archive storage. It was proposed by Councillor Fairman and seconded by Councillor Runnalls that the clerk is instructed to lodge the following Parish Council comment with .’ This planning application has been submitted by Blisland Parish Council to improve this village amenity.’ This proposal received the support of the Council. PA14/10404 Blisland Village Green Blisland Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area – Works to Ash, Beech, Elm and Horse Chestnut trees within Village Green The clerk read to Council the letter from Cornwall Council confirming that as the application is for works to trees in a Conservation Area it will be decided under delegated authority. b) To consider any planning applications received since publication of the agenda. None

168/14 PLANNING DECISIONS PA14/06763 Whitley Barns Tresarrett Blisland Conversion of barn to dwelling with single storey extension to the southwest and southeast elevations. - Approved

169/14 MOBILE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT – Land NE of Haulage Yard, The Chalet, Blisland Councillor Mrs Webber having previously declared a non-registerable interest left the meeting room. It was proposed by Councillor Bogle and seconded by Councillor Miss Meads that Blisland Parish Council wishes to express concern regarding the visual impact this proposal will have 3 on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the local tourism industry given the close proximity to the Camel Trail. The Parish Council considers that the proposed location could prove controversial and therefore wishes to suggest that the developer may wish to hold a public consultation event prior to the submission of a full planning application. This proposal received the support of the Council. Councillor Mrs Webber rejoined the meeting.

170/14 BLISLAND NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Councillor Fairman advised the Council that members of the working party met with two representatives from CRCC to discuss what is involved in preparing a neighbourhood plan and how to move things forward. CRCC services will cost £250 per day. The first step is to make an application to Cornwall Council to formalise the area on the Parish boundary. This will make the Parish of Blisland the ‘Neighbourhood Plan area’ and Blisland Parish Council as the administrative body. It was proposed by Councillor Fairman and seconded by Councillor Miss Meads that the clerk is instructed to apply to Cornwall Council on this basis. This proposal received the support of the Council. Councillor Fairman then explained that CRCC also suggested that it is useful to have further members on the working party who are not Parish Councillors. It was also suggested that the Village Shop could be the focal point for the consultation and that an ongoing display of the progress of the project in the shop may generate more responses. It was proposed by Councillor Bogle and seconded by Councillor Mrs Carey that in the interim an advert is put in the Village Magazine and Shop & Post Office asking for volunteers to join the working party. This proposal received the support of the Council.

171/14 BT CONSULTATION ON PHONE BOXES It was proposed by Councillor Runnalls and seconded by Councillor Cross that Blisland Parish Council agrees to the removal of phone box 01208 850486. The Parish Council does not wish to adopt this phone box or make any objection to the proposed removal. This proposal received the support of the Council.

172/14 PARISH COUNCIL BUDGET Council considered the first draft of the budget. The clerk was instructed to make provision for road sweeping, devolved services i.e. gritting roads and to reduce Section 137 provision to £1,000. Council decided to consider the budget further next month after the amendments have been made.

173/14 CHRISTMAS TREE & LIGHTS Councillor Runnalls offered to organise this year’s tree and his offer was gratefully accepted by Council. It was proposed by Councillor Runnalls and seconded by Councillor Greenaway that the Council should spend up to £100 on new Christmas lights for this year’s tree and for the Institute building. This proposal received the support of the Council. 4

Councillor Cross offered to purchase the lights and again his offer was gratefully accepted by the Council. It was decided that this year’s tree would be erected on Saturday 29 November.

174/14 ACCOUNTS & FINANCE The clerk reported the bank balances to council. It was proposed by Councillor Miss Meads and seconded by Councillor Mrs Carey that the cheques presented for payment totalling £871.67 are authorised for payment (App 1). This proposal received the support of the Council.

175/14 ACTION SHEET Internal checking procedures review – Council decided to defer this item to the December meeting. Annual review of Institute key holders – The clerk was instructed to arrange for the return of the Institute key from the Pub and from Mrs Miles prior to the commencement of building works. Review of the first draft of the budget – Please see minute reference 172/14 Organise annual electrical safety and portable fire equipment check – Council was advised that the annual portable fire equipment check has already been undertaken. It was decided that the usual electrical contractor would be asked to undertake the annual electrical safety check. Councillor check of bank statements – Councillor Fairman checked the bank statements to the reported balances and signed each statement sheet.


177/14 CORRESPONDENCE Cornwall Council Don’t waste your waste – Get composting this autumn Cornwall Council Affordable Housing bite size leaflets Cornwall Council Information Bulletin Monday 13 October 2014 Cornwall Council Big Energy Saving weekend Cornwall Council Preparing for the Care Act – Stakeholder event invite Cornwall Council Kresen Kernow Cornwall Council Fire Service Strike Briefing Cornwall Council Homelessness Strategy Cornwall Council Budget engagement papers 2014 Cornwall Council Airport master plan event CPRE Housing in Cornwall Part 2 CPRE Tir Teg CPRE Autumn Newsletter CAB Annual Performance & Impact Report 2013-14 CRCC Vital Venues newsletter Coastline Housing Coastline Chronicles 5

Peninsula Community Health Annual Review Young People Cornwall Cornwall Council budget Realise Futures Eco furniture Councillor Fairman advised the Council that at the recent Blisland Commoners AGM it was decided that the Commoners will clear the gorse around Jubilee Rock.

178/14 NOTICES None

179/14 ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Institute fund raiser

The meeting closed at 9.25pm

