Blisland Parish Council Meeting Thursday 13 February 2014

A Meeting of Parish Council was held in the Manor Suite Blisland Village Hall on Thursday 13 February 2014.

Councillors present Parish Council Vice-Chairman Mrs Webber Councillor Bogle, Councillor Mrs Carey, Councillor Fairman, Councillor Greenaway, Councillor Miss Meads, Councillor Mrs Pope & Councillor Runnalls

In attendance Councillor Batters Parish Clerk Mrs Harris


190/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Cross.

191/13 RESIGNATION OF PARISH COUNCILLOR LUDGATE It was proposed by Councillor Greenaway and seconded by Councillor Runnalls that Blisland Parish Council accepts the resignation of Councillor Ludgate. This proposal received the support of the Council. The clerk was instructed to forward a letter to Mr Ludgate to thank him for his leadership of the Council, his momentum in driving issues forward and his contribution to the village of Blisland.

192/13 ELECTION OF PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMAN It was proposed by Councillor Runnalls and seconded by Councillor Mrs Carey that Councillor Fairman is elected Chairman of Blisland Parish Council until the Annual Meeting in May. This proposal received the support of the Council.

193/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Mrs Webber declared a non-registerable interest in Village Green grass cutting. Councillor Greenaway and Councillor Mrs Pope declared registerable interests as members of the Fun Day Committee.

194/13 COMMUNITY POLICE REPORT The clerk read to Council the farewell email from PCSO Paynter and was instructed to reply to confirm that the Council will remember his service to the Parish of Blisland favourably and to wish him well for the future in his new post.


195/13 CORNWALL COUNCILLOR REPORT Cornwall Councillor Batters reported on the horrendous conditions faced by due to the flooding & Cornwall Councillor Batters was asked to consider the gully at the end of Church Bridge as it blocks frequently and widening the pipe would help to alleviate the problem. Cornwall Councillor Batters confirmed that the A30 project continues to progress.



198/13 MINUTES It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Carey and seconded by Councillor Miss Meads that the minutes of Thursday 9 January 2014 and Thursday 30 January 2014 are accepted, approved and duly signed by the Chairman. This proposal received the support of the Council.

199/13 INSURANCE The clerk circulated to Council details of the level of cover. It was proposed by Councillor Greenaway and seconded by Councillor Bogle that the insurance is renewed at a cost of £908.78. This proposal received the support of the Council. The clerk was instructed to ensure that the insurance company is notified when building works commence on the Institute building, at this time the Council may wish to add ‘Contractors disputes cover’ to the policy.

200/13 WORLD WAR ONE COMMEMORATIONS The Council considered the minutes from the World War One Commemorations working party (App 2). It was proposed by Councillor Runnalls and seconded by Councillor Mrs Pope that the Council accepts the recommendations of the working party. This proposal received the support of the Council. It was also proposed by Councillor Bogle and seconded by Councillor Mrs Webber that the Council does not apply for a War Memorial Grant. This proposal also received the support of the Council.

201/13 ST BREWARD PARISH COUNCIL – Road from St Breward – Racecourse Downs It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Webber and seconded by Councillor Bogle that Blisland Parish Council agrees to sign St Breward Parish Council’s letter regarding the poor state of repair of the road. This proposal received the support of the Council. Cornwall Councillor Batters offered, as representative for both Blisland & Helland, to arrange an onsite meeting between Cormac Engineers and representatives of the three Parish Councils involved. Cornwall Councillor Batters was thanked for this suggestion and the clerk was instructed to advise St Breward Parish Council.

202/13 BLISLAND PARISH COUNCIL The Council was advised that the website is now up and running. Parish Council Chairman Councillor Fairman advised that there is currently no information on the Hall hiring page. Councillor Bogle offered to prepare a schedule for the hire fees and contact details for the Village Hall and the clerk was instructed to 3 check with the booking clerk for the Village Institute if she would agree to her contact details being displayed on the Council’s website.

203/13 BLISLAND FUN DAY The clerk advised the meeting that a written request for funding has not been received. The clerk was instructed to make this an agenda item for next month.

204/13 BLISLAND VILLAGE GREEN SEATS It was proposed by Councillor Greenaway and seconded by Councillor Runnalls that the Councils obtains some estimates for the repair of the seats for the March meeting and that in the interim Councillors Greenway and Runnalls are authorised to remove the damaged seats from the Green and to store them at Tregenna Farm until repaired. This proposal received the support of the Council.

205/13 BLISLAND VILLAGE GREEN SWINGS It was decided that one of the swings would be removed by Councillors Greenaway and Runnalls until the fixings could be checked or replaced. Councillors Greenaway and Runnalls advised that they would update the March meeting.

206/13 RoSPA It was proposed by Councillor Fairman and seconded by Councillor Mrs Carey that the clerk is authorised to instruct an inspection of the play equipment by RoSPA. This proposal received the support of the Council.

207/13 BLISLAND INSTITUTE Councillor Runnalls circulated copies of the draft specification that he has prepared for the Institute. Councillor Runnalls further advised that the Council may wish to consider accepting Mr Cross’s offer to provide drawing of the Institute building free of charge to incorporate into the tender package. Councillors were asked to consider the package prepared in advance of the March meeting.

208/13 BLISLAND INSTITUTE – DONATION It was proposed by Councillor Runnalls and seconded by Councillor Mrs Pope that a letter of thanks is sent to Tina Gallagher for the two donations received and the clerk is instructed to advise Ms Gallagher thanking her for her contribution and the contribution of the Nelder family. This proposal received the support of the Council.

209/13 LITTER PICK It was proposed by Councillor Fairman and seconded by Councillor Miss Meads that the Parish Council organises a Litter Pick as part of Clean Cornwall week on Saturday 15 March at 10.30am followed by coffee in the shop. This proposal received the support of the Council.

210/13 CIC – TO UPDATE COUNCIL It was proposed by Councillor Fairman and seconded by Councillor Greenaway that the Council has to be realistic in what it can achieve in the next 12 months and trying to set up a Community Interest Company may be a step too far. This proposal received the support of the Council.


Councillor Miss Meads presented the first draft to Council and after discussion Councillor Miss Meads was thanked for the work undertaken and the excellent document prepared. It was agreed that a second draft should be discussed at the March meeting.

212/13 ACCOUNTS & FINANCE The clerk reported the bank balances to Council. It was proposed by Councillor Fairman and seconded by Councillor Bogle that the cheques totalling £1651.44 and the account transfer of £1600 are authorised for payment (App 1). This proposal received the support of the Council.

213/13 ACTION SHEET Councillor Mrs Webber having previously declared a non registerable interest left the meeting room. Discuss terms of Village Green grass cutting contract and invite tenders It was proposed by Councillor Fairman and seconded by Councillor Mrs Pope that the clerk is instructed to request a price per cut for the 2014 season from the Council’s existing contractor. This proposal received the support of the Council. Councillor Mrs Webber rejoined the meeting. Request annual safety inspection of swings Please see minute reference 206/13 Review insurance policy and levels of cover Please see minute reference 199/13

214/13 HIGHWAYS The clerk advised the Council that the blocked drains at Down Park have been reported to the Neighbourhood Steward who will take the appropriate action. Road into Waterloo has been inspected and any dangerous pot holes (larger than 40mm) will be repaired. Cornwall Council will arrange for the bank slippage on the road from Sandy Way to Pendrift to be cleared Regarding the Moorland routes, Cornwall Council wish to be notified if there are any specific areas of reoccurring flooding, the Moorland routes are not for maintenance for another 10 weeks. The road between Tresarrett and Keybridge will be inspected and the pot holes repaired as necessary The clerk was instructed to report the following:- There are potholes at Bradford 300yards west of the Phone box - the edge of road fallen away/collapsed leaving a very deep gully. (100yards east and west of same phone box there are further potholes.) On a route regularly used by Blisland residents there are deep potholes - outside Penhale Farm just up from Wenford.

215/13 REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES Councillor Fairman reported on the Moor Network Meeting and in particular the presentation by Councillor Watson from St Cleer who explained how St Cleer has been able to draw up their Neighbourhood Plan cheaply and simply. More information is available at www.bodminmoorplans.net.

216/13 CORRESPONDENCE Cornwall Council Cornwall Home choice Survey Monkey Mobile Library consultation Home to school transport consultation 5

Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document Town & Parish Council Information Bulletin Management structure Litter pick on Cornish beaches Cornwall AONB Booking form for Annual Forum & Delivery plan & calendars

217/13 NOTICES AONB Annual Forum Sat 22 March Duchy College Stoke Climsland

218/13 ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA Staffing committee Questionnaire

The meeting closed at 9.10pm

