Celebrating 60 Years NEW TITLES SPRING 2020 Get in touch... +44 (0)1392 790650
[email protected] www.davidandcharles.com catalogue_jacket2020.indd 1 30/01/2020 14:41 CONTENTS Frontlist ..........................................04 Art ............................................06 Knit & Crochet .............................12 Cross Stitch ................................18 Quilting & Sewing ........................20 Other Craft .................................30 Assisted Publishing ...........................36 Recently Published ...........................38 Dover .............................................50 Backlist ..........................................56 How to get in touch ..........................86 www.davidandcharles.com Catalogue.indd 1 29/01/2020 14:01 Catalogue.indd 2 29/01/2020 14:01 Our Autumn 2019 catalogue was incredibly well received and we’re excited to follow that up with our new titles for Spring 2020. This Spring, we have a great balance of perennially successful subjects alongside books that feature new ideas and trends. Long-standing D&C authors, Pam and Nicky Lintott, bring us Jelly Roll Quilts: The Classic Collection and we make a return to bag making with The Complete Bag Making Masterclass. Books such as Crochet Hacking, Macraweave and Dried Flowers pick up on the latest trends, while Cross Stitch for the Soul celebrates the strong link between crafting and mindfulness. Cat Knits is a fantastic book for the many million cat-loving knitters out there and I reserve a special mention for Magical Woodland Knits, a truly exquisite book with incredible projects and brilliant photography. The list sees us building on our success in practical art. 3000 Colour Mixing Recipes is a cornerstone book for all watercolour artists and DIY Watercolor Jungle is a follow up to our brilliantly successful 2019 book, DIY Watercolor Flowers. We’ve been overwhelmed by the support and encouragement for new David and Charles.